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History Newsletter, 2014-2015

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of History

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Have you seen us? LOS DESAPARECIDOS he Department of History has asked to believe that she has “voluntarily” appointed to such an esteemed position. been badly shaken by the sudden stepped down so that she might become This is a unique opportunity to work and mysterious disappearances of a Fulbright College’s associate dean for fine closely with innovative and dedicated Tnumber of key faculty members. In June, arts and humanities. She will appear to faculty members, staff and students across four simply vanished from their offices serve as administrative liaison between the Fulbright College, and I look forward to in Old Main, and there seems to be little Dean’s Office and assorted departments, promoting Senator Fulbright’s legacy prospect of their quick return. programs and research centers, promote of peace through education.” But look The disappearances of Kathryn Sloan, research and interdisciplinary programs, for unusual blinking or hand gestures Linda Coon, Tricia Starks, and Benjamin oversee faculty awards and fellowships, that might signal their attempts to Grob-Fitzgibbon have been “explained” in and supervise the academic integrity communicate with the outside world. various manners, none entirely plausible. process. So far, Coon and Sloan’s captors are We assume our chair, la jefa maxima, You can bet when Coon and Sloan keeping their stories straight. Departing Kathy Sloan, and her predecessor, reappear they will be exhibiting bad provost Sharon Gabor stated upon Abbess emerita Lynda Coon, are political cases of the Stockholm Syndrome. Coon Coon’s “appointment”: “I am confident prisoners. But a “friendly” administration will recite woodenly: “I am honored to be that Lynda Coon will be an excellent insists that it instead spirited them selected as the second dean of the Honors dean. She is more than qualified as a away so that they might be “trained” to College. There are many reasons for my teacher, researcher and administrator assume “higher” responsibilities. Coon, enthusiasm: the team, both internal and to lead the Honors College. More, she the official version goes, is replacing external to the college, the extraordinary has a strong vision of what the Honors History’s Bob McMath as dean of the U students, the solid foundation that College can and should become.” The of A’s sparkling Honors College. Sloan has has already been built, and the new Honors College’s associate dean, Carol served as History’s chair since 2013, and directions ahead.” Sloan will chime in, Gattis, displayed similar “enthusiasm”: was routinely described by colleagues as but in an oddly detached monotone: “I “She is U of A-centric, and cares about “the nice Claire Underwood.” But we are am honored and excited to have been students and the college. She is going

Page 1 to take us to the next level.” For his part, The four disappearances raise the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and Fulbright College dean Todd Shields deftly question most immediately of who has been active in college and university spinned Sloan’s deposal: “We’re happy to will teach our exploding numbers of committees. White has been repeatedly have Dr. Sloan join the Fulbright College undergraduates. Adjuncts and graduate honored for his work with students and administrative team. The associate dean students? With our tradition of faculty colleagues, having won Fulbright College’s of fine arts and humanities is crucial to commitment to the classroom? No way. Outstanding Advisor Award and John E. the work we do every day. Her experience Free the hostages. King Award for Outstanding Service and, with interdisciplinary studies programs most recently, one of the U of A’s most will be invaluable to our students and prestigious distinctions, the Dr. John and faculty.” The media has played along Mrs. Lois Imhoff Award for Teaching and with the official explanations of the Student Mentoring. disappearances. The Arkansas Traveler In short, a department no longer celebrated Coon’s “elevation” to Honors The Reformation famous for its fashion sense will be College dean in a front-page article that, wearing White after Labor Day. among other things, reported, “Her career began in administration where she ran a After seven years of abbess infallibility, disciplinary program.” Spank us, Kitten! the veneration of saints, the favoring of Trish Starks, our associate chair certain monastic orders and the stern and chair of graduate studies, is a third suppression of others, and the selling candidate for the milk carton. The U of A of indulgences, the Department is The having become a “tobacco free” campus, experiencing a bracing dose of Calvinism. she has been driven from among us for On August 1, Associate Professor Calvin Reinforcements the next two and a half years. Starks White, Jr., succeeded the vanished Kathryn will join the little knots of smokers who Sloan [see related story] as History’s chair. congregate on nearby sidestreets, so that He doesn’t promise salvation (that has Arrive she might complete her book Cigarettes already been decided). But we expect our and Soviets: The Culture of Tobacco parties to be just as fun, only with less Use in Modern Russia. That she won an incense and brocade. You would think, with all the faculty incredibly huge $121,250 grant from the When la jefa maxima disappeared disappearances and most of our graduate National Institutes of Health to prove in July, a grassroots consensus quickly students enduring the Duncan captivity, that nicotine slaves are all the same (at emerged to bring Evan Bukey out of that we’d have office space to spare in Old a petting party or a poker game), might retirement. “He’s tanned, rested, and Main. Nope. We’re still stuffed to the gills. fool some into imagining that this is not ready to chair!” we chorused in unison. The department has hired a trio of tenure- another straightforward case of political When it became clear that no precedent track professors—two to replace verifiably exile. But not us, puppetmasters. existed for drafting anemeritus to lead the departed colleagues and one to fill a new The explanation for Benjamin Grob- Department, the faculty quickly settled on position in colonial Latin America. Fitzgibbon’s “departure” is perhaps the its predestined alternative. The creation of this new position least persuasive of all. They say he has Calvin White came to the department is particularly fortunate, considering joined the U.S. Department of State as in 2007, having earned a doctorate at the our sole Latin Americanist heretofore, a Foreign Service officer. Yeah, right— University of Mississippi and already Kathy Sloan, has vanished, a casualty of somebody with that accent representing established himself as an authority Fulbright College’s “dirty wars” [see related this nation. That would confuse the on the Church of God in Christ, the story]. Dr. Shawn Austin, who has been folks in Mogadishu something awful. large and influential black Pentecostal teaching at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Surely, his captors can’t expect it to have denomination. The University of Arkansas Dame, Indiana, promises to take our escaped our notice that the English Press published White’s first book, The Latin American curriculum way south of born and bred BGF is a dyed in the Rise to Respectability: Race, Religion, and the border, as he is a specialist in colonial Northumbrian wool monarchist. And, the Church of God in Christ, in 2012. Paraguay. He has two books on the surely, the Foreign Service has developed It will issue a paperback edition this subject in the offing, a monograph titled means of assuring that the republic is autumn. White is now embarked on a Beyond the Missions: The Guaraní and not “represented” abroad by adherents of badly needed study of Oscar DePriest. By the Encomienda Community in Colonial subversive doctrines. And, besides, why 1928, the Great Migration had brought Paraguay and an edited volume, Native would Ben chose to leave? He’s only been enough African Americans to Chicago’s Peoples of the Colonial Rio de Plata. Now here since 2007, was quickly promoted South Side to make DePriest America’s that we’ve lost our jefa maxima, maybe to associate professor and director of the first black congressman elected from a Dr. Austin will be our Colonel Trunk. International Studies programs, and has northern state. He holds a B.A. in history from Brigham been lavished with such honors as the White teaches like a preacher and Young University-Idaho. He earned his Alumni Association’s “Rising Star Award,” writes like an angel but also has all the master’s and a doctorate with distinction Fulbright College’s master teacher award, seasoning required to chair a boisterous from the University of New . This and election to the Teaching Academy. department. Since 2011, White has autumn, he will be teaching a survey of We knew Ben Grob-Fitzgibbon when he been overseeing the U of A’s burgeoning colonial Latin America and World Civ. I. didn’t have no shoes. Now we’re supposed African and African American Studies Most of us historians are more likely to to think that he’s front-page news? program. He serves on the board of the do our business with Smith Coronas than

Page 2 Smith & Wessons, but Todd Cleveland, hell on the shins). A seasoned teacher, Dr. Islam in China and Central Asia, and our new man in Sub-Saharan Africa, Cleveland has served as assistant professor Japanese imperialism and the Pacific War. can tell tales of research derring-do even of history at Augustana College in Rock “Her focus on the complex relationship more hair-raising than Jeannie Whayne’s Island, Illinois, since 2008. He holds a between Chinese nationalists, Japanese stories of snakes slithering through the BA and MA from the University of New imperialists and Chinese Muslims in an Mississippi County tax records. Cleveland Hampshire and a doctorate from the intensive era of nation-building and war didn’t confine himself to the archives, it University of Minnesota. He will offer is captivating,” Kathy Sloan said shortly seems, in researching his two books on “History of Sub-Saharan Africa” this fall. before she herself was taken captive. Dr. the African diamond trade, Stones of Dr. Kelly Hammond has arrived Hammond has been serving as a research Contention: A History of Africa’s Diamonds to fill our post in East Asian history fellow at the Georgetown School of and the forthcoming Diamonds in the but will add, too, to the Department’s Foreign Service in Qatar, and, as a result, Rough: Corporate Paternalism and African strength in the Islamic world. As the title can teach you a thing or two about rum- Professionalism in the Mines of Colonial of her dissertation, “The Conundrum running. She earned her BA at Bishop’s Angola, 1917-75. We trust his recent of Collaboration: Japanese Involvement University in Quebec, her MA at Simon work on the transnational experience of with Muslims in North China, 1931- Fraser University in British Columbia, soccer players in Lusophone Africa is less 1945,” suggests, her research interests and her PhD from Georgetown. Being immediately life-threatening (though still include late imperial and modern China, Canadian, she has already endured the third degree from Dan Sutherland concerning her hockey loyalties. This fall, Dr. Hammond will be teaching “Modern Department Does the Freddy China” and World Civ. II.

Only those few as aged as the newsletter editor might recall “The Freddie,” the shortest-lived and most problematic dance craze of the British Invasion (it’s on YouTube if you don’t believe us). Incredibly, students—inspired by the Department’s new expert in Early Modern Europe—are once again dancing the 45th Annual Freddie in the halls of Old Main (it’s on YouTube if you don’t believe us). Assistant Professor Freddy Dominguez teaches a more fully clothed version of old staples Awards such as “Tudor-Stuart England” and “Renaissance and Reformation” than many TV-addled students come to class expecting. But his decidedly catholic interests have encouraged Dominguez to cross curricular boundaries, ranging farther and Ceremony digging deeper than those traditional offerings have typically allowed. The result has been a wealth of things to set students dancing—seminars, special topics courses, and senior capstone courses, covering such topics as Machiavelli’s The and Gorefest Prince and regicide and propaganda. Dominguez was mentored by Princeton University’s Peter Lake and Master of Ceremonies herr doctor Hare Anthony Grafton, which might give you an idea of where all this comes from. decided the theme of this year’s History His dissertation examined the activities of Elizabethan-era English Catholic exiles awards program and Phi Alpha Theta in , Rome, and France, and he’s beginning a project on the “Nun of Lisbon,” initiation would be zombies. Don’t ask a late 16th-century miracle-worker who probably inspired dance crazes of her us why. It turns out that Laurence made own. From his office in Wolf Hall, Dominguez writes: “Broadly, I’m interested a major mistake in inviting the walking in the relationship between politics and religion, and the tools used by people dead. They feed on brains, see? When it to manipulate their positions within these spheres. I’m interested in studying was all over, only the newsletter editor was people who are at once in the center and the margins of their societies—so exiles left alive to tell the tale—and to spend the who, though not home, have access to the ears and purses of some of the most uncollected prize money. He bought a powerful men in Europe (kings and popes), or a nun who becomes enormously couple of bottles of Templeton’s, a carton famous for her peculiar claims to sanctity. I’m also interested in how particulars of Luckies, and some cufflinks. (individuals, events) give us a sense of more general trends, how tiny stories can The first to go were the brainiest have big implications. These interests spill over into the classroom where I’m graduate students. Had they lived, the developing a series of classes that think about religion and politics, including following awards would have been one coming up this fall, ‘Church and State: From Constantine to the French bestowed: Diane D. Blair Fellowship Revolution,’ which will focus on a series of case studies that will explore the to support doctoral research in the history tension between the two. Though I tend to think in transnational ways, I am of the U.S. South: Michael Powers, David also developing courses that deal with national topics, including Tudor-Stuart Schieffler, and John Treat; George England and, in the near future a new course on Golden Age Spain.” Billingsley Award for the best paper on Finding that the first year on the tenure track was just not hectic enough to a Middle Eastern or Asian topic: Baris suit him, Dominguez has also embarked on fatherhood—with the vital assistance Basturk; Gordon McNeil Graduate of Mary Beth Long, visiting assistant professor in U of A’s Department of English. Paper Award for an outstanding paper Their daughter, Laura María Dominguez, was born on the last winter solstice— by a graduate student: Timothy Anglea; December 21, 2014. James J. Hudson Research Fellowship for a graduate student researching a

Page 3 military history topic: Madeleine Forrest; Scholarship for African American history: Jake Golden, Anna Guinee, Caitlin Jesse Taylor, Jr. Endowed Scholarship: Margaret Watermann; Stokely-McAdoo Halpin, Elizabeth Harrison, Krisenda Lauren Dean, Misti Harper, Mitchell Family International Study Scholarship to Henderson, Tucker Henderson, Luis Lohr, Alexander Marino, Jared Pack, pursue research and study opportunities Hernandez-Mercado, Emma Hernon, Eric Totten, Arley Ward, and Chase internationally: Caroline Potts. Emily Hilton, Braden Hinkle, Ryan Whittington; Mary Hudgins Endowed In the end, the zombies made a more Hollis, Kimberly Hosey, Daniel Ince, Scholarship for support of students of sumptuous meal of History than they Kathleen Jolly, Christopher Kennedy, Arkansas history: Chelsea Hodge, David could have with any other department, Jennifer Kohnkewald, Andrew Lawson, Schieffler, and John Treat; Mary Hudgins given the alarmingly huge number of Nathan LeMaster, William Loder, Arkansas History Research Fund to support undergraduates awarded Certificates of Mitchell Lohr, Thomas Low, London students of Arkansas history: Edward Academic Excellence for maintaining Lundstrum, Sara Marlow, Christina Andrus, Frankc Berlanga-Medina, and GPAs of 3.5 or higher. The menu Martinez, Thomas McMahon, Mason Misti Harper; Matthew B. Kirkpatrick included: John Grant Addison, Jillian McNeill, Taylor Merrow, Marina Meyer, Prize for Excellence in Graduate Teaching: Akers, Michael Anthony, Sally Averitt- Nathanael Mickelson, Andrew Myers, Bianca Rowlett; Oscar Fendler Award for Hubbard, Jordan Balmer, William Vianny Nolasco, Kevin Olson, Tabitha the best paper on Arkansas or Southern Barr, Caitlin Beasley, Kate Beasley, Orr, John Parker, Allison Peck, Jordan history: Jama Grove; Walter Lee Brown Natalie Bell, Nicole Benedict, Candace Peden, David Perrin, Quinn Peters, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Scholarship: Bolte, Sean Bryant, Jenifer Chadbourne, Skye Peters, John Ashton Pickell, Sarah Michele “Scout” Johnson; Willard B. Kerry Cole, Samantha Conner, Kathleen Plavcan, Caroline Potts, Michael Powell, Gatewood Graduate Fellowship: Louise Connery, Stephen Cook, Michael Diego Quinones, Jessica Ramirez, Hancox and Darren Swagerty; Willard Crafton, Joshua Depner, Andrew Dixon, Sarah Rickman, Deborah Robertson, B. Gatewood History Graduate Fellowship: Conner Doyle, Tyler Dunn, Anna Eaton, Christopher Robles, Amy Rogers, Clio Sanket Desai and Saxton Wyeth. Annie Everett, Kyle Ferguson, Rachel Rom, Taylor Scriber, Julianne Seykora, More of our undergraduate honorees Feurtado, William Finkelstein, Carter Sarah Sloan, Mitchell Smith, Katelyn survived the zombies, because they didn’t Fox, Amelia Freeman, Laura Freeman, Snavely, Corbin Stinnett, McKinsey deign to appear at the ceremony in the Philip Gardner, Zoe Gastineau, Stokes, Michael Tapee, Austin Taylor, first place, apparently expecting their certificates and prize money to be delivered to their dorm rooms on silver platters by liveried servants (instead of being converted, as noted, into Templeton’s, Homegrown Honors Luckies, and cufflinks). The following awards went to undergraduates, dead No wonder they always put historians in charge of the Honors College. and alive: David W. Edwards Scholarship We know how to raise up undergraduates real good. This year’s crop for an outstanding undergraduate in the produced the following theses: Sean Bryant, “Arkansas Aviators in the First study of history: Jared Devore, Louis World War” (advisor: Laurence Hare); Annie Everett, “The Genesis of the Lopez, Tabitha Orr, Diego Quinones, Sonderweg” (advisor: Laurence Hare); Rachel Feurtado, “Dhouda, Heloise, Greyson Teague, and Madison Wieters; and Catherine: How Women’s Written Work Progresses from the Early to George W. Ray Memorial Award for a the Late Middle Ages” (advisor: Lynda Coon); Amelia Freeman, “Ideology of History major interested in the study of Crisis: Apocalyptic Rhetoric in Nazi Politics and War, 1925-1945” (advisor: western civilization: Corbin Stinnett; Laurence Hare); Zoe Gastineau, “How Women in Heian Japan Reflect and Georgia V. G. Saunders Award for an Alter Ancient China’s Ideal Woman: The Warriors of Virtue” (advisor: Elizabeth outstanding student who is a veteran or Markham); William Loder, “Vienna’s Altes Burgtheater: Cultural Representation child of a veteran: Sean Bryant; Gordon through Digital Visualization” (advisor: Laurence Hare); London Lundstrum, McNeil Award in European History for the “Provencal Pestilence: Marseilles, Provence, and the Last Outbreak of Plague best paper on European history: Annie in Western Europe” (advisor: Richard Sonn); and Forrest Walker Roth, “Creek Everett; J. Margaret Roberts Endowed Running Dry: Illicit Alcohol in Northwest Arkansas” (advisor: Elliott West). Award to provide financial assistance to a If you believe it’s just us who think history majors are the most, you’re nuts. History student on the basis of academic Grant Addison won the nationally competitive Truman Scholarship from the excellence: John Grant Addison; J. Harry S. Truman Foundation. The Arkansas Alumni Association named Sean William Fulbright Award for a senior Bryant a Senior of Significance. Tabitha Orr won the Prize for Distinction in the History major with the highest GPA: Sally Liberal Arts and the J. Harry and Catherine H. Wood Scholarship from Fulbright Averitt-Hubbard, Amelia Freeman, Zoe College, as well as the Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship. Annie Everett Gastineau, and Sarah Plavcan; James and Margaret Watermann (who was also a finalist for Homecoming Queen) J. Hudson Award for Military History: won SURF grants from the state to fund their thesis research, supervised by Kerry Cole; Mary Hudgins Arkansas Laurence Hare and Michael Pierce respectively. And Zoe Gastineau is off to South History Research Fund: Tabitha Orr; Phi Korea, having been awarded an English Teaching Assistant Grant by the State Alpha Theta Undergraduate Paper Award Department. for an outstanding paper: Sally Averitt- This May, Phi Beta Kappa initiated historians Kerry Cole, Annie Everett, Hubbard; Robert E. Reeser Classical Rachel Feurtado, Amelia Freeman, Zoe Gastineau, and Thomas McMahon into Studies Award for an outstanding paper: the mysteries of the order. Nathan LeMaster; Sidney Moncrief

Page 4 DeMarco Taylor, Greyson Teague, and modern German and Scandinavian Jamey Voorhees, Colin Walker, Jonathan identity. Three Books: Warner, Chrisopher Warren, Margaret But, since Officer Hare has been Watermann, James Watson, Robert suitably Mirandized, let’s let him speak West, Amanda White, Lyndsey Williams, for himself: “The purpose of Excavating Gigantino Justin Williford, Jared Wilson, Dylan Nations is to assess the powerful Wright, and Trenton Yeakley. relationships between archaeology and Slaves Away We rely on honors societies to breed modern nationalism in the German- up the next generation of brains. Had Danish borderlands. It is the first study to Hare not set off the apocalypse, these trace the connections between the past and Most professors would make chairing young folk would have been inducted into the present over the course of the entire the U of A’s Traffic Appeals Court a Alpha Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta: Omar modern border dispute and the first to use full-time job, what with the careful Anderson, Timothy Anglea, Samantha these connections to reassess the region’s calibration of nearby, sunlit, and bird- Connor, Andrew Dixon, Amelia broader importance in European history. littered parking spaces, the meting out of Freeman, Kathleen Jolly, Allison Peck, The book begins with the emergence of pardons and pounds of flesh, the soliciting Bethany Rosenbaum, Shannon Rowe, popular antiquarianism and the founding of “contributions” to favorite “charities.” Meghan Shrewsbury, Jesse Sims, Jake of the first regional museums in the early James J. Gigantino II may have done all Spangler, Corbin Stinnett, Eric Totten, nineteenth century, when German- and that, but in the past year also found time to Jared Wilson, and Timothy Wilson. All Danish-speakers shared a new vision of publish as many books as most professors that the following wanted out of life was to the ancient past. Later, it explores how produce across entire careers—and to get be sworn into Pi Gamma Mu, the honors regional antiquity became implicated in married and be promoted to boot. The society for social sciences: Lauren Bonds, the conflicts over the border in the late three works run the gamut: a monograph Sean Bryant, Kadeesia Crutchfield, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with an important press; an edited volume Andrew Dixon, Matthew Fey, Amelia and reveals the close ties between the of scholarly essays; and a rich collection of Freeman, Ryan Grant, William Loder, growth of nationalism and the emergence primary sources. Kosuke Morikawa, Taylor Naumann, of professional archaeology and modern Even teachers who are supposed Jared Pack, Shannon Rowe, and museums. Finally, it considers the region’s to know stuff can, in discussing the Timothy Wilson. role in the Nazi use of Nordic antiquity Missouri Compromise or the Wilmot With these catastrophic losses, it will and the impact of archaeology on the Proviso, blithely chatter about “free” and apparently be up to the newsletter editor transformation of the borderlands in the “slave” states. But in recent years Jim to organize next year’s awards ceremonies. period after the Second World War.” Gigantino has made a signal contribution He’s bringing back the banquet and But if artifacts were “employed to the growing realization that slavery cocktails. as symbolic imagery, used to justify and freedom were not so cleanly territorial claims, or disputed as national sectionalized—South vs. North—even property,” the study of northern European late in the antebellum era. In The Ragged prehistory was, nevertheless, the Road to Abolition: Slavery and Freedom collaborative endeavor of a remarkable in , 1775-1865, published Hare Raising “cross-border network of scholars, both this past autumn by the University of antiquarian enthusiasts and professional Pennsylvania Press, he shows slavery’s Questions about archaeologists. . . . They visited one decisive presence in parts of the North another’s collections, participated in into the 1850s. Rather than the Revolution cooperative excavations, inducted inspiring emancipation in northern states, Archaeology foreign colleagues into their own national as popularly imagined, slavery grew in societies, and even shared their precious New Jersey in its aftermath, such that artefacts.” there were 11,500 slaves there by 1790. Laurence Hare has certainly earned While the artifacts could not accurately The Garden State’s gradual abolition law his donuts this year. He’s been elected be termed either German or Danish in any of 1804, the last such passed by a northern to the U of A’s Teaching Academy, been modern sense, Hare examines the passion state, was, Gigantino says, inspired not by promoted to associate professor and both nations invested in such things as Revolutionary ideals but by the partisan director of International Studies, and a fourth-century boat and an eighth- interests of dueling Federalists and published a book with a distinguished century wall. Democratic Republicans. The law induced press. Excavating Nations: Archaeology, The newsletter editor, who attended no new birth of freedom, but simply freed Museums, and the German-Danish high school in what was perhaps the least those born after July 4, 1804 and only after Borderlands, part of the University of Scandinavian district in the nation—at they had served their mother’s masters for Toronto’s German and European Studies least north of the Rio Grande Valley two decades or more (“slaves for a term” Series, examines scholars who went right and south of the South Bronx—now Gigantino calls these unfortunates). to the source and called it Norse. Hare understands why its football team was Thousands of those born before 1804 illuminates the role that the study of nonetheless called the Vikings. remained in bondage, while “slaves for a prehistory in the contested Schleswig- term” could be “bought, sold, whipped, Holstein region of northern worked, and separated from their families and southern Denmark played in the just like slaves before them.” Even in the development of professional archaeology

Page 5 New Jersey: Where the Battlefront Meets the Home Front, published by Rutgers University Press this past spring. Nine Michael O’Brien, 1948-2015 scholars—William Kidder, Gregory Walsh, Eleanor McConnell, Todd Michael O’Brien did not spend too many years on the Department faculty Braisted, Robert Selig, Michael Adelberg, before moving on to Miami University and then back to Cambridge, all in Bruce Bendler, Donald Sherblom, and the course of establishing himself as one of the planet’s leading authorities on Gigantino himself—explore a state badly American intellectual history. But these years in Fayetteville (1980-87) were rent by war. New Jersey was dangerously evidently important to him, as they surely were to his colleagues and those who positioned between the British stronghold studied with him. As David Sloan wrote shortly after O’Brien’s death on May 6, of New York and the patriot stronghold “During his time on our faculty, Michael O’Brien published both All Clever Men, of Philadelphia, and occupied by English Who Make Their Way (1982) and A Character of troops in 1776, which only exacerbated Hugh Legaré (1985), two studies of antebellum divisions within its population. Indeed, thought in the American South that not only at least as many New Jerseyans seem to established him as one of the most authoritative have served with the British Army as scholars in the field, but also pointed the with the American. The volume’s first way toward his two-volume Bancroft Prize part addresses the experience of war masterwork, Conjectures of Order: Intellectual both at home and within the armies, with Life in the American South, 1810-1860 (2004). essays covering militia service, illegal Michael and his delightful wife, Tricia, also trade, iron and salt production, and civil became socially indispensable during those conflict. The second part deals with the years, hosting Friday evening gatherings that Revolution’s legacy: essays consider its were often dangerously hilarious, certainly impact on propertyholding, slavery and never dull. . . . Michael O’Brien combined abolition, and loyalist households. As with intellectual independence, analytical brilliance, The Ragged Road to Abolition, Gigantino and felicity of expression. He was truly one is careful to place his state within larger of a kind.” For his part, O’Brien recalled our national and international settings and Department as “a world inhabited by a very, elucidate the meaning of its experience very odd collection of people.” Michael O’Brien for our understanding of American Michael O’Brien was born in Plymouth, history more generally: “The book,” he Devon, and educated at Cambridge, where he earned his PhD. Of his work on emphasizes, “focuses on how average southern intellectual history, the Guardian wrote: “Michael took seriously the idea Americans experienced the Revolution.” that the region had had intellectuals, and had discerned in their long-neglected You’d figure that the third of this year’s writings an attempt to gain control, if only in their imagination, of a shifting and books would be about New Jersey, too. fragile social world. . . .Southern intellectuals of the [antebellum] period, it turned Nope. In a sign that Gigantino is finally out, were not unthinkingly conservative. . . . They were not isolated provincials, going native (we heard him muttering but participants in a cosmopolitan dialogue with Europe. Most of all they were “The horror! The horror!” just the other not throwbacks to a pre-modern plantation culture, but deeply implicated in the day), the University of Arkansas Press has tendencies of modernity.” recently released his Slavery and Secession In recent years, O’Brien had also published several books about these in Arkansas: A Documentary History. In intellectuals’ opposite numbers—the Adams family, including the Pulitzer finalist chronicling Arkansas’s move toward Mrs. Adams in Winter: A Journey in the Last Days of Napoleon (2010). He edited disunion in 1860-61, Gigantino doesn’t a collection of C. Vann Woodward’s correspondence, as well. cherry-pick his evidence but instead offers Michael O’Brien returned to Fayetteville last year to deliver the 2014 Timothy readers the entire tree, with incomparably P. Donovan lecture, “The Adams Family and the Classical Tradition.” He was generous excerpts of speeches, debate, working on a general history of American intellectual life at the time of his death. newspaper commentary, and private reflection. Few—especially those with the sort of education the U of A affords— will be surprised that slavery was at the 1830s, at least a quarter of New Jersey’s New Jerseyeans’ posture toward sectional center of discussion. But they might find African-American population was bound conflict and toward the free and fugitive it instructive that what seemed most to in some manner. The state’s slaveholders blacks in their midst. concern many Arkansas secessionists sold slaves out of state into the 1850s, and, If Gigantino’s New Jersey offers a was defending their federally guaranteed at the dawn of the Civil War, New Jersey necessary corrective to the received right to the return of their fugitive slaves still harbored eighteen “apprentices” for wisdom about slavery and freedom, it against “nullification” by northern states. life and “probably hundreds” of “slaves can also tell us a lot about the American So much for states’ rights. for a term.” Members of a single black Revolution. More fighting probably We did the math and find that at his family could exist in “multiple gradations occurred there than in any other state 2014-2015 rate Jim Gigantino will have of freedom: some could be free, some (everyone, it seems, got themselves a published 100 books by the time he is old slave, and some slave for a term.” And gun). To tell this story, Gigantino has enough to retire. slavery’s continued presence shaped white edited The American Revolution in

Page 6 Historical Quarterly for two years, and to Fayetteville once he realized that trying New PhDs gave countless conference presentations to surf the Ozarks couldn’t be any worse and public talks on aspects of slavery than trying to surf the Gulf of Mexico. He in Arkansas, quickly becoming well has accepted a tenure-track position at Take Wing known around the state for her expertise. Missouri State University-West Plains. Her publications are spreading that Providing further proof that opposites The Department has a bad case of the reputation farther. They include articles attract, Bianca Rowlett chose the often empty nest syndrome. It’s not just those in the Arkansas Historical Quarterly and frightening and always hardboiled Jeane disappearances among our faculty— Agricultural History and chapters in Race Kirkpatrick as the subject of both her Coon, Sloan, Starks, Grob-Fitzgibbon, and Ethnicity in Arkansas, ed. John Kirk master’s and doctoral research (she and, doubtless, more to come. A number (University of Arkansas Press, 2014) had earlier earned a BS in biology from of our most talented and highly esteemed and Arkansas Women: Their Lives and Arkansas Tech). In “Jeane Kirkpatrick graduate students have sprouted wings in Times, forthcoming from the University and Neoconservatism: The Intellectual the past year. With fresh doctorates firmly of Georgia Press. Jones earned her BA Evolution of a Liberal,” directed by Randall in beak, they are taking to the sky. You at UALR and MA from the University Woods, Dr. Rowlett uses Ronald Reagan’s couldn’t call them birdbrains, though. of North Texas, and, in academic year UN ambassador to trace the complicated Rob Bauer flew the coop some years 2014-2015, served as visiting professor of course of American politics since 1945 back, actually. Indeed, he’s been teaching history and African-American studies at (though a darling of the right, Kirkpatrick at Flathead Valley Community College the University of Central Arkansas. Not seems never to have repented of the New in Montana long enough to have earned every talented young PhD gets what they Deal portion of her liberalism). She shows tenure there. Oddly unenthusiastic deserve, but Dr. Jones has. She has been how the United States struggled to find its about perpetuating this distinctive appointed assistant professor of history at way in a changing world, particularly as status of tenured ABD, Bauer returned Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Kirkpatrick tried to match developments to Fayetteville this June to defend his Tennessee. in Latin America, the Middle East, dissertation, “Outside the Lines of Most people who engage in Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa Gilded Age Baseball: Profits, Beer, and “transnational” study just happen to to a worldview born of the Cold War. the Origins of the Brotherhood War,” choose places where rum is the basic Rowlett also grapples with gender, given directed by Elliott West. It’s longer than ingredient of cocktails or olive oil is that Kirkpatrick was the first woman to baseball’s postseason has become, but indispensable to regional cuisine. Jason hold so influential a position in America’s not because Bauer spends an inordinate McCollum, God bless him, instead diplomatic corps. Over her graduate amount of time fiddling with his batting chose the Great White North for his career, Bianca Rowlett became one of gloves. Instead, he gives a comprehensive study of agrarian politics, yielding our Department’s most experienced and accounting of labor-management “Political Harvests: Transnational highly regarded instructors. She has relations, physical training, the rise and Farmers’ Movement in North Dakota taught multiple sections of the U.S. history fall of would-be major leagues, players’ and Saskatchewan, 1905-1950,” directed and world civilization surveys, as well as bad habits, and unfortunate encounters by professor, dean, and Alliance lecturer senior “capstone” courses on modern U.S. with monkeys, and frequently hapless emeritus Bob McMath. Pathetically history and, more recently, upper-level mascots, as well as statistics galore. Dr. grateful, as always, for Americans’ courses in Russian and Soviet history. Bauer earned his BA at Washington State interest, the Canadian Embassy helped She has been honored by the University of and an MA at the University of Montana. fund McCollum’s research, as did a $5000 Arkansas both for excellence in teaching He will continue on at FVCC, where he dissertation research award from Fulbright and as an outstanding mentor, attesting to is chair and sole member of the history College. McCollom has written essays for her talent with students. The Department department. Bauer says department the Arkansas Historical Quarterly and a is therefore fortunate to have secured meetings, as a result, usually run smoothly forthcoming volume from Texas A&M Dr. Rowlett’s services for the coming and factionalism only occasionally occurs. University Press, Farming across Borders: academic year. Kelly Houston Jones showed up in Selections on Transnational Agricultural Fayetteville in 2008, announcing that History in the North American West (ed. she intended to write a general history Sterling Evans), as well as essays for The of slavery in Arkansas. Maybe, certain New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture faculty members found this ambition and The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History a bit—shall we say—lofty. Nothing had and Culture. He has taught just about Our Decorated entirely replaced Orville Taylor’s Negro every survey course the Department Slavery in Arkansas, well over fifty years offers, and also “Modern Latin America” Department old, but, still, to comprehend slavery in all and a senior capstone course, “The its dimensions in a doctoral dissertation American-Canadian West,” and has won Most departments don’t even open seemed quite a task. But, sure enough, the Department’s Matthew Kirkpatrick for business on the days that college and Kelly did it, defending “The Peculiar Teaching Award and recognition as university honors and awards are handed Institution on the Periphery: Slavery in an outstanding faculty member from out. They know the sticky-fingered Arkansas,” directed by Jeannie Whayne, the Residents’ Interhall Congress and Department of History will make off last autumn. She also developed an Associated Student Government. Jason’s with most of them. 2014-2015 proved no enviable reputation as a teacher, served BA and MA are from Texas A&M exception. A member of our faculty has expertly as assistant editor of the Arkansas University-Corpus Christi, but he moved

Page 7 won Fulbright College’s Master Teacher contact she has with the student.” Caree Award in each of the past six years—and Banton was also honored as a teacher and “Adioses” in ten of the last fourteen. A History mentor, with the OMNI Center for Peace, by Pablo Neruda graduate student took the J. Hillman Justice, and Ecology Faculty Award. The (submitted by La Jefa from an Yowell Award for Outstanding Teaching announcement commended Banton as for the third year in a row—making six “an excellent role model for young African Undisclosed Location) wins in the past eight years (this year, American students,” whose teaching it’s Elizabeth Kiszonas). And our staff, “speaks to the promotion of a culture of Goodbye, goodbye, to one place or collectively and individually, continues peace and nonviolence.” another, to be recognized for its expertise. You But listen, mac. If you think History To every mouth, to every sorrow, sometimes have to wonder why those faculty are teaching, mentoring, serving, To the insolent moon, to weeks Which wound in the days and other departments even bother. and role modeling at the expense of disappeared, Calvin White, Jr. paved the way research, just look around this newsletter. Goodbye to this voice and that one for his ascension to Department chair Or remind yourself that Charles Muntz is stained by scoring one of the university’s most the third historian in a row to spend a year With amaranth, and goodbye prestigious honors, the Dr. John and at Cambridge University on the Wolfson To the usual bed and plate, Mrs. Lois Imhoff Award for Outstanding Fellowship. Scoring a perfect Oxbridge, To the twilit setting of all goodbyes, Teaching and Student Mentorship. This he bagged a book contract from Oxford To the chair that is part of the same award recognizes consistent excellence in University Press during his sojourn there. twilight, the teaching of introductory courses and Of course, no one would ever know To the way made by my shoes. the mentoring of undergraduates. At the how smart historians are, or how hard they same ceremony last December, Laurence work, if the Department’s crack staff— I spread myself, no question; Hare became the ninth member of our Jeanne Short, Brenda Foster, and Melinda I turned over whole lives, faculty in the past ten years to be inducted Adams—did not make sure they showed Changed skin, lamps, and hates, into the U of A Teaching Academy. At up at the right place at the right time to It was something I had to do, sixteen, History has more inductees in the teach the right students or research the Not by law or whim, Academy than any other department at the right stuff. The trio won the staff senate’s More of a chain reaction; entire U of A. This year’s Master Teacher Outstanding Team Award in 2011, and, Each new journey enchained me; is Jim Gigantino, who, as you’ll read in 2012, Jeanne was named University of I took pleasure in places, in all places. elsewhere, also managed to be tenured, Arkansas Employee of the Year. This year, get married, and publish three books in Brenda Foster took top honors as the And, newly arrived, I promptly said the same twelve months—while keeping university’s Employee of the Year. As the goodbye his office neat all the while. As early as last Department’s Ministrix of Information With still newborn tenderness As if the bread were to open and fall, an extraordinarily prescient Honors affirmed, “Not only does she handle suddenly College presented its dean-to-be, Lynda course scheduling and book requests, a Flee from the world of the table. Coon, with its Distinguished Faculty myriad of bureaucratic forms (time sheets, So I left behind all languages, Award. conflict of interest forms, etc.), graduate Repeated goodbyes like an old door, For the third year in a row, the and employment applications, Brenda also Changed cinemas, reasons, and tombs, Alumni Association invaded a historian’s moves offices, assembles and disassembles Left everywhere for somewhere else; classroom with balloons and one hell of a furniture, handles technology issues, and I went on being, and being always big check. This year’s victim wasJeannie occasionally serves as therapist for the 72+ Half undone with joy, Whayne, honored with the association’s members of the History Department.” This A bridegroom among sadnesses, Faculty Distinguished Award for Service. last task is particularly onerous. Historians Never knowing how or when, Whayne’s contributions to the college, the are partial to the talking cure. Ready to return, never returning. university, and the profession are legion. We could begin to recite them now and It’s well known that he who returns not be finished before Thanksgiving. never left, Beth Barton Schweiger has been So I traced and retraced my life, repeatedly celebrated for both her teaching Changing clothes and planets, and mentoring. This year, she won the Growing used to the company, Nolan Faculty Award, recognizing, in To the great whirl of exile, particular, her work in preparing graduate To the great solitude of bells tolling. students to enter the profession. The award announcement noted that Schweiger’s [Sloan adds the following about the abrupt “qualities as an unparalleled proponent end of her service as chair:] It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. of graduate education shine most in her I’m really gonna miss you all. This text personal and professional relationships really doesn’t matter, since it’s going to get with graduate students. [She] begins covered up anyway. Isn’t it awesome! See mentoring from the very first email or you later, suckahs! Page 8 to submerge it and wash it away. But the itself, but always looked on it as an Comgradstud rock stands unshakable. Wherein lies its essential link for facilitating the victory strength? Not only in the fact that our of historians of the whole world over profession rests on an alliance of students ignorance and superstition. Comrade Bulletin and professors, that it embodies a union Starks knew that this alone could fire of free ideas, and that its students go on the hearts of the people of the whole For three years, Comrade Starks to become pillars of the field themselves world with determination to fight the tended our graduate studies program, in the completion of the dissertation. decisive battles for their emancipation watching as it became the most highly The following Heroes of Historical Labor through history. The following members steeled graduate program in the college. successfully defended their dissertations of our commune were recognized at the The blows of the Blackboard crashes, in the past year: college and national level – their awards a the fury of rival programs, and the Rob Bauer, “Outside the Lines of testament to the strength of our cause and weather challenges of nature herself – Gilded Age Baseball: Profits, Beer, and the shining beacon that our students have all these scorpions constantly plagued the Origins of the Brotherhood War” become: our department, but it stood firm as a (supervisor: Elliott West) Jason Dean, doctoral student, was rock, repelling the countless assaults of Kelly Houston Jones, “The Peculiar elected a member of the Grolier Club in its enemies and leading its students ever Institution on the Periphery: Slavery in 2015. forward, to victory. Arkansas” (supervisor: Jeannie Whayne) Misti Harper, ABD, received the Jason McCollom, “Political Harvests: award for the Best Graduate Paper DEPARTING FROM US, COMRADE Transnational Farmers’ Movements in Presentation at the Arkansas Association STARKS ENJOINED US TO GUARD North Dakota and Saskatchewan, 1905- of College History Teachers Conference in THE UNITY OF OUR PROGRAM AS 1950” (supervisor: Dean emeritus Bob October 2014. THE APPLE OF OUR EYE. WE VOW McMath) M. Scout Johnson, doctoral student, TO YOU, COMRADE STARKS, THAT Bianca Rowlett, “Jeane Kirkpatrick was elected Chair of the Southcentral THIS BEHEST WE SHALL FULFIL and Neoconservatism: The Intellectual Region of the National Association of WITH HONOR! Evolution of a Liberal” (supervisor: Graduate-Professional Students in fall Randall Woods) 2014. Burdensome and intolerable has The workers and peasants of the Elizabeth Kiszonas, ABD, was been the lot of the graduate class; painful whole world want to preserve the selected for the Fulbright College Yowell and grievous their sufferings. But the Republic of History as an arrow shot by Graduate Teaching Award in 2015. following students have succeeded in the sure hand of Comrade Starks into the Matthew Parnell, ABD, won the throwing off the rule of the landlords and camp of the enemy, as the pillar of their James J. Hudson Doctoral Prize in the capitalists, and replacing it by the rule of hopes of deliverance from oppression Humanities in 2014. the Master’s Thesis: and exploitation, as a reliable beacon Michael Powers, ABD, was named Manuel Salvador Rivera Espinoza, pointing the path to their emancipation. a “Midlo Center Visiting Scholar” “The Sacrality of the Mountain: An They want to preserve it, and therein lies (University of New Orleans) in November Exploration on the Understanding of our strength. Therein lies the strength of 2014. the Mountain as a ‘Sacred Space’ in Early the working historians of all countries. Bethany Henry Rosenbaum was China” (supervisor: Rembrandt Wolpert) The following hero students have gone awarded a $100,000 SREB doctoral Alexander Marino, “America’s War in out to join the ranks of the eternal, fellowship. (FA 2014) Angola, 1961-1976” (supervisor: Randall global historical community in pursuit of Woods) continuing revolution: DEPARTING FROM US, COMRADE The dictatorship of historians was Kelly Jones has accepted a tenure- STARKS ENJOINED US TO REMAIN established on the basis of an alliance track position in history at Austin Peay FAITHFUL TO THE PRINCIPLES OF between the graduate students and State University in Tennessee for Fall THE HISTORIANS INTERNATIONAL. professors. They could not have defeated 2015. WE VOW TO YOU, COMRADE ignorance without such a communal Jason McCollom has accepted a STARKS THAT WE SHALL NOT labor. We now recognize the alliance of tenure track position at Missouri State SPARE OUR LIVES TO STRENGTHEN professor and student in the cooperation University – West Plains for Fall 2015. AND EXTEND THE UNION OF THE between the two on the successful Jared Phillips has accepted the WORKING HISTORIANS OF THE completion of the comprehensive exams: position of Program Manager for Feed WHOLE WORLD! Ali Capar, Adam Carson, Nate Conley, Communities’ partnership with UAMS- Dan Elkin, Madeleine Forrest, Louise NW on a $2.99 million grant from the Hancox, Michael Powers, and John Treat. CDC to address health disparities in NW Like a huge rock, our profession and ARK by providing healthy foods through department stand out amid an ocean of sustainable local food networks. smaller pursuits by lesser men. Wave Comrade Starks never regarded after waves dashes against it, threatening the Republic of History as an end in

Page 9 the 70th anniversary of the Fulbright College’s associate dean for fine arts The Talk program and trying to explain what and humanities before she was arrested. American liberal internationalism truly She was also an external reviewer for is. The year also featured a book chapter the University of Tennessee’s history of the Gown (on the Eurocommunists, of course), and department and presented a paper, the acceptance of two forthcoming articles “Scripting Dark Age Jesus,” on a panel Nikolay Antov, assistant professor, on those old comrades, but, surprisingly entitled “Dark Age Deity,” held at the passed this way last autumn—or, at least, this time also the Pope, Italian Catholics, International Medieval Congress in a guy that looked a lot like him did. and peace initiatives during the Vietnam Michigan last May. From her cell, she We expect we’ll see him again this fall War. And the paperback edition of my has continued to serve as director of the since he’s scheduled to teach “Islamic Confronting America came out just around Religious Studies Program in Fulbright Civilization,” “Ottoman Empire, 1300- Christmas Day. Course adoptions please? College, for which she organized a highly 1923,” and a graduate seminar in early Consistent with my exploration of US successful—if a tad volatile—symposium: Islamic history. foreign relations seen from both sides of “Teaching Religion at the University of Caree Banton, assistant professor, the Atlantic, I joined the Transatlantic Arkansas.” Finally, Coon has signed a has won the Lapidus Center Fellowship Studies Association, presenting a paper contract to write a chapter for the Oxford from the Schomburg Center for Research at their annual conference, which was Handbook of the Merovingian World. in Black Culture. The $30,000 award also the launching pad of the Fulbright Freddy Dominguez, assistant provides six-month residency for work initiative. And, on a fine spring day, professor, says this of his rookie year: in the archives of the New York Public I hosted and chaperoned Prof. Geir “apart from starting to build my course Library system. Banton will devote this Lundestad, introducing him to a sizeable rotation (including a brand new time to her book project, More Auspicious local audience. He is the longtime director seminar that focuses exclusively on Shores: Post-Emancipation Barbadian of the Nobel Peace Institute of Oslo, where Machiavelli’s Prince), the most noticeable Emigrants in Pursuit of Freedom, 1834- I once ‘served.’ He entertained us with accomplishment has been figuring out 1912. Banton is also this year’s winner of stories of Nobel laureates we otherwise how to read and write with a new baby the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice, and would never have heard. Still too many in arms [that’s Laura María Dominguez, Ecology Faculty Award. reviews of esteemed colleagues’ books, born December 21]. Summer research Alessandro Brogi, professor, says reviews that are too long perhaps, because has brought me to Rome where I’ve he’ll be brief this year—brief for him, he the web allows it. Last but not least, poked around the Vatican Library, the means. “The highlights for this year were: shockingly to many colleagues in the Vatican’s Secret Archive, and perhaps 1) of course, some academic (dolce) department, I have turned into a genuine most ominously, the Archive of the vita in Rome, accompanying 65 U of A morning person. This has been thanks Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, students to our famed Rome Center, to my 11-year-old Sam who came to live or what used to be known as the teaching two courses there, and even with me (and wants to be in school no Inquisition. It has been a crazy, infernally taking them to two sessions of the Italian later than 7:30 am!), and who is bringing hot summer here. Research this year is to Parliament, to show them how a ‘genuine’ me the joys of full -time fatherhood.” finish up a project on English Catholic democracy, with many, many MPs and Robert Brubaker, lecturer, has exiles at the end of the sixteenth century political parties, works. No comment on finally managed to coax his recalcitrant and the strategies they used to defeat other excursions… with the exception monograph, Vijayanagara: Warfare and the Elizabethan regime with the aid of of a ‘reunion’ with high schoolmate the Archaeology of Defence (Manohar), Catholic allies across Europe, and it’s also Count Niccolò Capponi, who offered his into publication. Buoyed by this meant to start building the groundwork services to tour our students through the success, he is busily working away on a for a project on the so-called ‘Nun of streets of Florence, ending at the family related article for an edited volume on Lisbon,’ who in the late 16th century archives and treasures – last but not least fortifications in the Deccan region of gained pan-European fame for her including a log of signatures of actors and Central/South India. miracles, predictions, and communions filmmakers who used the Capponi Palace Evan B. Bukey, professor emeritus, with God. She eventually confessed to for the shooting of the gothic movie has, over the past year, spent a month being a fraud.” Dominguez received a Hannibal. 2) Preparation for a conference, immersed in Austrian archives, attended $5000 seed grant from the Office of the J. William Fulbright in International the Ring Cycle at the Vienna State Opera, Vice Provost for Research and Economic Perspective: Liberal Internationalism and spoke on “New Aspects of the Holocaust” Development to fund work on this latter U.S. Global Influence, sponsored by the at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, project next summer in Spain. Blair Center of Southern Politics and and published reviews in Contemporary Robert Finlay, professor emeritus, Society. The conference will take place Austrian Studies and the Journal of has cracked the China market. A this coming September. We thought it Modern History. Bukey calls this “slowing translation of his book, The Pilgrim Art, was about time to show how perhaps the down.” It would be speeding up for many has recently been published by Hainan most cosmopolitan of US foreign policy of us. Publishing House. initiatives originated in Arkansas. Our Lynda Coon, professor and “dean of James Gigantino, associate professor aim is also to produce a book celebrating the Honors College,” served as Fulbright and associate chair, began this past year

Page 10 by traveling to Ghana, co-leading, with of a chapter of his in the collection as chief consultant for an NEH funded Calvin White, a three-week study abroad Quakers and their Allies in the Abolitionist documentary on Nasser that is currently program sponsored by the African & Cause, 1754-1808 from Pickering and under production by filmmaker Michal African American Studies Program. Chatto. As you’ll read elsewhere, there’s Goldman. Gordon also participated in a They, along with fourteen students, yet another book, Slavery and Secession in number of panels and symposia, including covered more than 2,000 miles in the West Arkansas (University of Arkansas Press), one with King Fahd Center colleagues African country, from Cape Three Points that’s only just appeared. considering the worst summer ever in on the Atlantic Coast to the northern Thomas Goldstein, visiting assistant Middle East history [the Mongols turned border with Burkina Faso, combating a professor, completed a chapter entitled “A up during the winter, it seems], another, wide range of student health issues and Tenuous Peace: Anti-Nuclear Activism “Egypt’s Failed Democratic Tradition,” roadside bandits along the way. After within the East German Writers Union in sponsored by the Joseph Korbel School the group safely returned to the United the 1980s,” for Accidental Armageddons: of International Studies at Denver States, Gigantino saw the publication The Nuclear Crisis and the Culture of the University, and a third addressing the of his article, “The Whole North is Not Cold War in the 1980s (ed. Eckart Konze, racial politics of Ebola that also featured Abolitionized: Slavery’s Slow Death in Martin Klimke, and Jeremy Varon), Calvin White, Caree Banton, and Ben New Jersey” in the Journal of the Early which is forthcoming from Cambridge. Grob-Fitzgibbon. Last November, he Republic in August. During the fall He continues to work on revisions of his presented a talk, “Sleepless Nights/ semester, he again taught the now one- book, Writing in Red: The Writers Union Wasted Time: Seeking Islam in Egypt’s year-old University Perspectives class and the Role of Literary Intellectuals in the Hollywood,” at the University of Kentucky, for first-year students and premiered his German Democratic Republic, 1971-1990, and, at the 2014 MESA annual meeting self-paced online HIST 2013 course and a which is under contract with Camden in Washington, DC, he chaired a panel, “Dressing and Undressing for the Nation semester-based African American History House. Hungry for more immediate in the Post-World War I Middle East,” to 1877 online course. He made a quick adulation, he gave a paper at the 2014 which was organized by alum Ahmet jaunt to Memphis to present at the annual German Studies Association conference in Akturk, currently assistant professor of conference of the Association for the Study Kansas City, co-organized, with Laurence history at Georgia Southern University. of African American Life and History in Hare, an artifact exhibition on World Gordon sits on the review panel for the September and then, in October, saw War I, as well as a lecture series, “Society and Culture in the Era of the Great War,” NEH Bridging Cultures through Film his book, The Ragged Road to Abolition: and commented on the panel “Ideology program, the board of governors of Slavery and Freedom in New Jersey, 1775- and Experience in the World Wars” at the Center for Arabic Study Abroad, 1865, published by the University of the Phi Alpha Theta Arkansas Regional and the outside advisory board for the Pennsylvania Press. He presented on a Conference. Not quite sated even then, Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz Chair for roundtable at the New Jersey Forum, the Goldstein taught a class on World War Historical and Civilization Studies at King state’s annual state history conference, II at Willowbrook Elementary School in Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. about the book in November. 2015 Bentonville. In the past year, he peer reviewed 3 article brought a presentation at the American Rocio Gomez, visiting assistant and 2 book manuscripts for academic Historical Association’s annual meeting in professor, has been teaching journals and presses and reviewed grant New York and a book tour sponsored by environmental history as well as handling proposals for the Institute for Advanced the New Jersey Historical Commission to classes left leaderless when Kathy Sloan Study and the Israel Science Foundation. promote Ragged Road among audiences and Trish Starks disappeared. She also ably Gordon’s press appearances ran the gamut in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He assisted in the Department’s successful from discussing the old Egyptian national also embarked on research leave to begin search for a historian of colonial Latin anthem with a Guardian reporter to being writing his next book project, William America. Gomez holds a doctorate from interviewed by KNWA TV about a local Livingston’s American Revolution, which the University of Arizona. Her research mayor who posted off-color anti-Muslim explores the impact of the Revolution on explores the environmental history (and Hindu) jokes on his official website. New Jersey and the Middle States through of modern Mexico, focusing on silver Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon, the eyes of the state’s first governor. The mining’s effects on water and public health associate professor, has joined the French spring also saw publication of his edited in Zacatecas. Foreign Legion. volume, The American Revolution in New Joel Gordon, professor, published J. Laurence Hare, associate professor, Jersey: Where the Battlefront Meets the several essays this past year: “Stuck published his monograph, Excavating Home Front by Rutgers University Press, with Him: Bassem Youssef and the Nations: Archaeology, Museums, and the which contained a chapter written by him. Egyptian Revolution’s Last Laugh,” in German-Danish Borderlands, in March He was keynote speaker at a conference, the Review of Middle East Studies and 2015 as part of the University of Toronto held in late May to launch the book. In “Piety, Youth and Egyptian Cinema: Still Press’s German and European Studies March, the Board of Trustees approved Seeking Islamic Space,” in Islamism and Series. The preceding month, an article his promotion and tenure, and in April, Cultural Expression in the Arab World, he cowrote with Jack Wells, “Promising Fulbright College awarded him the Master ed. Abir Hamdar and Lindsey Moore the World: Surveys, Curricula, and the Teacher Award. May saw the publication (Routledge, 2015). He continues to serve Challenge of Global History,” appeared in

Page 11 The History Teacher. Hare also completed publishing contract. I have also presented Oral History of the Mexican American work on two book chapters, the first co- some of the fruits of my academic labors Community of Saginaw, Michigan, 1920- written with Fabian Link, “Pseudoscience to members of both Wolfson College 1980” in its fall 2014 issue, and he has a Reconsidered: SS Research and the and the Cambridge Faculty of Classics chapter titled “The Right to Bear Arms: Archaeology of Haithabu,” which will to general acclaim. And I have taken Enlisting Chicanos into the U.S. Military, appear as a chapter in The Nazi Soul advantage of my proximity to Europe to 1940-1980” forthcoming in The Routledge between Science and Religion: Revisiting examine some of the great collections of History of Race in the American Military. the Occult in the Third Reich (ed. Eric classical antiquities acquired by dynasties Rosales presented a paper at the annual Kurlander and Monica Black), which is such as the Habsburgs, Wittelsbachs, and meeting of the Latin American Studies forthcoming from Camden House. The Bourbons. Nor has it been all work across Association in May and guest lectured second was a solo piece, “Paths Forward: the pond. During my tenure here I have, (“Macho Nation? Chicano Soldiering, In Defense of the History of Disciplines,” among other things, seen The Marriage Sexuality, and Manhood during the which is slated to appear in German of Figaro in the same Prague opera house Vietnam War”) for the U of A’s Gender History in Transatlantic Perspective, where Mozart once conducted it, climbed Studies Program last November. He ed. Michael Meng and Adam Seipp into the Amsterdam attic where Anne serves on the steering committees for (Berghahn Press). Hare completed his Frank hid, and hiked up to the fairy-tale both Gender Studies and Latin American third and final year as book review editor castle that inspired Walt Disney. All things Studies. And he really serves, too—having for International Social Science Review, must end, however, and I look forward been promoted to Lieutenant (O-3) in the in which he also published a review of to rejoining my colleagues in Arkansas U.S. Naval Reserve. He has responsibilities Thomas Kohut’s A German Generation: later this summer.” The publishing at a reserve center in Tulsa, OK, and at An Experiential History of the Twentieth contract Charlie refers to—for Diodorus Naval Station Millington (TN). Century. On the teaching front, Hare Siculus and the World of the Late Roman Beth Barton Schweiger, associate was inducted into the Teaching Academy Republic—is with the mighty Oxford professor, was invited to read four papers and received a Teaching Improvement University Press. during the past year: at the Institute for Grant from the Teaching and Faculty Michael Pierce, associate professor, the Study of Religion & American Culture Support Center to complete a project has got no loud talk or bad talk for you at Indiana University-Purdue University entitled “Preparing Students for Major this year. He spent the first half of 2015 Indianapolis; the Southern Intellectual Success: Integrating Perspectives Core finishing up the research phase of his book History Circle meeting in Edgefield, and Departmental Curricular Goals.” project—Blacks, Unions, and the Making SC; the Porter Fortune Symposium at Hare also served as faculty advisor for of Walmart America: The Rise and Fall the University of Mississippi, which Phi Alpha Theta, the Pi Gamma Mu social of New Deal Liberalism in Arkansas. He honored Charles Reagan Wilson on his science honor society, and the Society of traveled to Searcy to look at the George retirement; and a conference to honor European Historians. In this capacity, he Benson Papers, Conway to go through the Anglo-American intellectual historian organized a lecture and exhibition series, the Ben Laney Papers, and Little Rock James Turner on his retirement from the “Society and Culture in the Great War to root around the Arkansas History University of Notre Dame. This August, Era,” commemorating the centennial of Commission and the Arkansas Studies she serves on a review panel for the 2015 the beginning of the First World War. In Institute. In all, he has worked in 23 National Endowment for the Humanities the spring, Hare organized the Arkansas different depositories in 10 different states. Faculty Fellowships in Washington, D.C. Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference, Pierce hopes to start the writing phase this She won the Nolan Faculty Award from which brought sixty participants from fall. He also presented a paper at the Labor the college for contributions to graduate across the state to the U of A. This July, and Working-Class History Association education, and with four students who are Hare, newly tenured and promoted meeting at Georgetown University in May. ABD and a fifth who will soon join them, to associate professor, hung up his Charles Robinson, professor and vice she says, “I’d better get cracking on editing undergraduate director’s hat and took chancellor for diversity and community, is those drafts.” up his new role as Direcor of Fulbright serving as U of A’s interim vice provost for Kathryn Sloan, associate professor College’s International Studies program. student affairs. and deposed jefa máxima, has received Elizabeth Markham, professor, has Steven Rosales, assistant professor, a contract from the impossibly been visiting fellow at Lucy Cavendish as part of his continuing study of how distinguished University of California College, Cambridge University. masculinity is “performed” in America, Press for her book Modern Death and Charles Muntz, assistant professor, hosted the Department’s first Fight Night Suicide in Mexico: A Cultural and Social writes us from abroad: “This past year last May. He has received an advance History. With Gramsci, Bloch, and I have been enjoying the fruits of two contract from the University of Arizona Braudel as her models, she doesn’t expect fellowships while living and working Press for his manuscript, tentatively imprisonment to deter her in her work. at Wolfson College at the University of titled Soldados Razos: Chicano Politics, In Sloan’s last months of freedom, the Cambridge. Inspired by the beauty of Identity, and Masculinity in the U.S. Journal of Urban History published her English gardens and quality of English Military, 1940-1975. The Michigan essay, “Death in the City: Female Public port, I have made great progress on my Historical Review published his article, Suicide and Meaningful Public Space in monograph and stand on the cusp of a “‘This Street is Essentially Mexican’: An Modern Mexico City,” and she was able

Page 12 to travel to Tucson to present her research month’s worth of research, bookending frontier at the University of Oklahoma in at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin Moscow with presentations in Oxford. For March. Minding his overseas fans, West American Studies. She also chaired and the fall, she was on sabbatical and camped delivered the lead-off lecture, “The Great commented on a panel on urban life and out beyond the Urals before heading off Coincidence: The California Gold Rush spectacle at the Urban History Association to Paris for another paper presentation in and Its Consequences,” at a conference meeting in Philadelphia in October 2014. January. From coded messages sent from on Gold Rush Imperialism at Rothemere Elizabeth P. Smith, visiting assistant her hideout, we gather that she is filling American Institute, Oxford University, in professor, spent a month in New Orleans her time with investigations of the history April. last summer doing further research of addiction therapy and the ongoing Jeannie M. Whayne has been toward book revisions (only in New research on tobacco use in Russia. An promoted to University Professor, the Orleans, she says, do public libraries NIH/NLM Grant for Scholarly Works first woman in the history of Fulbright host marching band practice), and has in Biomedicine and Health promises to College to receive that title. This year, submitted a proposal to the University see her in full fugitive mode for the next she saw her presidential address to the of North Carolina Press. Last September, two and a half years while she completes Agricultural History Society—delivered she returned to Chapel Hill to present at a work on her monograph—Cigarettes and in Provo, UT, in June 2014—published symposium honoring Jacquelyn Hall, her Soviets: The Culture of Tobacco Use in in the Winter 2015 issue of the society’s dissertation advisor, on the occasion of Twentieth Century Russia. journal, Agricultural History, as “The Hall’s retirement. She’s currently working Daniel E. Sutherland, distinguished Incidental Environmentalists: Dale on an invited book chapter that’s an professor, says of the past year: “Simply Bumpers, George Templeton, and the overview of black and white women in the put, my world revolved (and still does) Origins of the Rosen Alternative Pest South during Reconstruction for a book around Whistler. He deserves the Control Center at the University of edited by Judith Giesberg and Randall M. thanks for anything worthwhile that I Arkansas.” She co-edited a special issue Miller and tentatively entitled Women and accomplished.” Having published Whistler: of that journal that appeared in July 2015 the American Civil War. In February, she A Life for Art’s Sake last year, Sutherland and consisted of three papers presented at commented at a panel on religion in early appeared in the PBS documentary the Rural Women’s Studies Conference in US history at the Arkansas Regional Phi Whistler: The Pursuit of Beauty. He gave Canada in 2013. She delivered a paper, “A Alpha Theta conference. talks on the artist in Detroit, Washington, Faustian Bargain? The Portfolio Plantation Richard Sonn, professor, continued DC, London, Lincoln (that would be in in the Age of Scientific Agriculture,” at his research project on immigrant Jewish England), and Pasadena (that would be in the World Congress on Environmental artists in Paris, 1905-1940. In the fall of California, not the one in Texas with the History in Guimarães, Portugal, in July 2014, he presented a paper, “The Jewish mechanical bull) and will be journeying 2014 and gave the Greenfield Lecture Artists of Paris during World War I,” as to Santiago, Chile, this summer with the at Arkansas State University in October part of the Department’s fall series on same object. He also traveled to Dublin (as 2014 (“Delta Empire: Lee Wilson and Art and Culture during the Great War, in Ireland) last March “but that was about the Transformation of Agriculture in the and another, “The Visual Representation guerrillas.” Sutherland is now working New South”). A paper she delivered at a of Music in 1920s Montparnasse,” at on a prequel of sorts—a biography of Duke University conference on Race and the Western Society for French History Whistler’s mother. His essay on Anna Rurality in the Global Economy in March conference in San Antonio. This spring, McNeil Whistler’s “extraordinary life” 2015 will be published in the proceedings his article “Jewish Modernism: Immigrant appears in and has of that conference. Entitled “Race in Artists of Montparnasse, 1905-1914” been picked up by Newsweek. the Reconstruction of Rural Society appeared in an edited volume titled Elliott West, Alumni Distinguished in the Twentieth Century U.S. South,” Foreign Artists and Communities in Professor, received the Alumni Award for it examines the situation confronting Modern Paris, 1870-1914: Strangers in Distinguished Research at a ceremony African Americans in the rural South, Paradise, published by Ashgate. Sonn last October. So it’s pretty clear what the comparing their situation in the early 20th once again team-taught an honors alumni think of him. He continues to century to that of the early 21st century. colloquium on Darwin and evolution, tour on a Springsteen scale. West was Whayne participated in a roundtable and this spring offered the Department’s one of four faculty for a five-week NEH with Jay Barth, Hal Bass, and Kay Goss new course on the Holocaust, HIST 4203, seminar for university faculty treating on “The Life and Legacy of Wilbur and played a role in getting a new minor the role of the federal government in the Mills” at the Arkansas Political Science in Jewish Studies approved. To help West. He delivered the annual Carl Becker Association conference at Hendrix promote the program, he participated Lecture at Iowa State in September, a College in February 2015. She is currently in “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on lecture commemorating the University preparing a paper for the European Rural Jewish Diversity” in October, in which he of Denver’s sesquicentennial in October, History Organization in Girona, Spain discussed his research on Jewish artists in the annual Bierman Lecture at Whitman in September: “The Remaking of Rural Paris. College in March, and the annual Society in the Twentieth Century South: Trish Starks, associate professor, has Preston Lecture at Hotchkiss School in Communities and the Environment in spent the year on the lam. In the summer, Lakeview, CT. He also participated in a the Lower Mississippi River Valley.” She she went to the mother country for a “Teach-In” conference on the American continues research on a book project

Page 13 on Memphis as “Cotton’s Metropolis,” in Tennessee. She also welcomed the everyone (“just buy the dang thing, a social, economic, and environmental opportunity to toast/roast Tom DeBlack, please”). Additionally, he received the history focusing particularly on the who won a Lifetime Achievement Award campus-wide 2014 Dr. John and Lois relationship between the city and from the Arkansas Historical Association. Imhoff Award for Outstanding Teaching the cotton-producing counties on its Calvin White, Jr., associate professor and Student Mentorship. Home life in periphery. Whayne is completing a three- and chair, writes that he “still finds himself Fayetteville continues to be enjoyable for year term as co-director of the university’s gainfully employed at the University White as his wife, Shatara, and daughter, Teaching and Faculty Support Center and of Arkansas after recently completing Monroe, become increasingly more also serves on the executive board of the his eighth year,” but presumably he involved in the community. If you are Southern Historical Association. She is enjoying a new chair’s expected ever on campus, you can find him stowed says she is particularly pleased that her honeymoon. White also directs the away in Old Main 416, pondering life, student, Kelly Houston Jones, completed African and African American Studies religion, and how to make the Keurig an excellent dissertation on slavery in program and is conducting research for coffee machine work. Arkansas in December 2014, that won the his second project, Oscar Stanton DePriest: Patrick G. Williams, professor, will Arkansas Historical Association’s Foster/ A Black Congressman Amongst White can the stale razzmatazz just this once so Beason Award, and secured a tenure-track Segregationists, which promises to be a that he can thank the colleagues (faculty position at Austin Peay State University most welcomed addition to bookshelves and staff) who engineered his promotion and everybody else who makes this about the best job a fellow could hold. He continues to edit the Arkansas Historical Quarterly, but ever more slowly. Rembrandt Wolpert, professor, has during this past year been senior research associate at Peterhouse College, Cambridge. He claims not to be reading email but will occasionally take to the internet to taunt the newsletter editor. The beer is always better and the sausage always tastier where Rembrandt is and the editor isn’t. Randall B. Woods, distinguished professor, must have had a splendid year, since it’s been the fiftieth anniversary of all sorts of stuff he knows a lot about. In April, for instance, he delivered a keynote address at a commemoration the National Park Service hosted at the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Randall Baines and Rhoda Bird Woods try on LBJ’s Lincoln for size. Park to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Randall and Rhoda—History’s first couple—even got to tool around the ranch in LBJ’s Lincoln Continental convertible (not the amphibious one). Woods has completed an appropriately Brobdingnagian study of the Great Society (we’ve seen it with our own eyes) and is getting set to take on John Quincy Adams. What do you bet Randall wins?

Page 14 Library this year and received the Urban watching Fox News and CNN. I live at Alumni History Association’s Sage-JUH Award home with my mom, dad, brother, and for Best Graduate Student Paper for “Gay two dogs in West Memphis, AR, and Liberation and the State: Space, Fair I expect to be an uncle by the end of Round-Up Housing, and the Making of Queer Left- May. One dog is a Boykin Spaniel that

Liberal Politics in Greater Los Angeles eats Science Diet, retrieves, sits, stays for Tom Aiello (PhD 2007) has been during the Long 1970s.” three to five seconds, and lives outside. tenured and promoted to associate Bob Besom (MA 1973; PhA 1975) The other dog is a Beagle that does not professor of history and African American writes, “I don’t have any new news. There’s eat Science Diet, is a little overweight, and Studies at Valdosta State University, and a whole lot of sameness in my life these barks at his masters.” it’s no wonder. His book Jim Crow’s Last days. I try to ride somewhere each day on Jennifer Lease Butts (BA 1995) Stand: Nonunanimous Criminal Jury the growing Fayetteville bike path, work in is currently assistant vice-provost for Verdicts in Louisiana came out from the yard doing battle with invasive plants, enrichment and director of the honors LSU Press in May, while another, Model which is a big city focus now, and work on program at the University of Connecticut. Airplanes Are Decadent and Depraved: some aspect of the archival material I’m Matthew A. Byron (PhD 2008) is The Glue-Sniffing Epidemic of the 1960s, donating to the U of A Special Collections. assistant professor of history at Young appeared at the end of June from Northern Patty and I spend a fun month each year Harris College and has a chapter, “A Illinois University Press. Still a third, The traveling to Seattle to visit our daughter, Dishonorable Death: The Stuart-Bennett Battle for the Souls of Black Folk: W. E. B. Lela. Arthur McEnany, who was a fellow Duel,” in a forthcoming book A Matter Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, and the graduate student in history in the early of Honor (University of South Carolina Debate that Shaped the Course of Civil 1970s, returned for a visit last summer. Press). He also presented “Dueling Rights, will be published by Praeger next He had not been back for many years and in the Age of Jackson” at the Florida year. Whew! it was such fun catching up with him and Historical Society annual conference in Barry Allen (BA 1969; MD 1973) of showing off how things had changed in his St. Augustine. He will be serving as the Rogers is a pediatrician at Community absence.” Faculty Senate president in the coming Clinic of Northwest Arkansas. Heather Walters Bettinardi (BA year. Lindsay Amos (BA 2012; MEd 2014) 2004; MA Ed 2013) teaches social studies Tammy K. Byron (PhD 2008) was teaches social studies and enjoys reading at Little Rock’s J. A. Fair High School, is recently promoted to associate professor and tennis. She lives in Bentonville. currently working towards taking National of history at Dalton State College, Dalton, E. Taylor Atkins (BA 1989; PhD 1997 Boards, and was admitted to Phi Kappa GA. [Univ. of Illinois]) is Presidential Teaching Phi in 2014. She has three sons: Tyler, Jon David Cash (BA 1979; MA Professor of History at Northern Illinois 20, is a junior at UCA, majoring in history 1983; PhD 1995 [Univ. of Oregon]) University. Last September, when he with a minor in political science; Gage, 18, had his article, “Chris Von der Ahe, the was profiled in the American Historical is a freshman at Memphis College of Art; American Association versus National Association’s AHA Today blog, he paid the youngest, 16, is a junior at Arkansas League Cultural War, and the Rise of tribute to the Department. “My teachers at Virtual Academy. She is a Model UN Major League Baseball,” published in the University of Arkansas—Henry Tsai, team sponsor and baseball team “booster.” the October 2014 issue of the Missouri David Edwards, Elliott West, Elizabeth David Boling (BA 1987; JD Historical Review. Payne, Tim Donovan—inspired me to 1991) recently joined the US Trade Cortney Rakestraw Coker (BA 1998) be a historian.” He said of the study of Representative’s Office as Deputy Assistant is busy with two businesses—Isuba Valley history; “I value the shared purpose of USTR for Japan and is working on trade Fence and Concrete and Isuba Valley approaching our past with honesty and a negotiations with Japan as part of the Horse Park—and is expecting her first desire only to know as much truth as is Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. child. possible to know. The past is so casually Thomas Hill Brewer (BA 2002), who Douglas Edwin Coleman (BA 1980; and readily manipulated by people with got his M. Div. in May 2012 from Golden MA 1983) lives in New Market, MD, narrow—sometimes nefarious –agendas. Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, and is an analyst for the US Department I like being in the camp that discovers teaches math and chemistry at Northwest of Defense. He recently moved out of evidence and calmly speaks truth amidst Arkansas Classical Academy. He says management and back to a technical role. such disingenuous bluster.” he enjoys reading classical literature, He still manages to have a lot of indirect Russell P. Baker (BA 1967; MA watching Netflix, and spending time with influence and enjoys helping others as 1984 [UALR]) of Mabelvale is retired his family, which has expanded as of late. they begin their careers. He also enjoys but remains editor of Arkansas Family His third child, and first son, Ezra Keane, gardening, exercising, spending time Historian, published by the Arkansas was born in late April 2015. with his wife of 25 years, home repairs, Genealogical Society. Miles Bryant (BA 2011) writes, and especially being out of doors. “When Ian Baldwin (MA 2010) is completing “Currently, I work in a hub for United I was a small boy, I wanted to be a forest his dissertation at the University of Parcel Service as a package handler. I ranger.” Nevada, Las Vegas. He had a three- spend my down time reading, writing, Ellen Compton (MA 1963), retired month fellowship at the Huntington watching Fox News and CNN, but mostly archivist at the UA Libraries, spends her

Page 15

time reading, working out, watching Michael A. Davis (PhD 2005), the Susannah DeBlack Award at the same movies, and serving on the board of the associate professor of history at Liberty AHA meeting that feted her father. Along Washington County Historical Society. University, published his first book with all this, DeBlack continues to manage Her granddaughter, Sarah Anne Shipley, in late 2014: Politics as Usual: Thomas four dogs, four cats, and a rabbit. Alums graduated with the Fayetteville High Dewey, Franklin Roosevelt, and the should feel free to send strays to Tom. Class of 2015. Sarah’s brother, Harrison Wartime Presidential Campaign of 1944 Tom Dillard (MA 1975) was Shipley, is a junior at FHS and he loves his (Northern Illinois University Press). He is recently elected president of Friends of American History classes. She also has a researching a new book about Elvis Presley the Malvern-Hot Spring County Public new grandson, Braden Compton Shipley, and television. In 2014, he received Library and continues to write a weekly born to her son David Curtis Shipley (BA the President’s Award for Excellence in column on Arkansas history for the 1985) and his wife Jamie (MA-English- Teaching at Liberty University, and he Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. He says he’s UA). Their other son, Rhys Shipley, is five, recently celebrated 20 years of marriage retired but evidently not from gardening, and they live in Little Rock. to his wife, Holly. They spent two weeks which he works at full time. He and Mary Harold Coogan (BSE 1961; MA in Rome, Athens, and the Greek Islands in have a cat named Hillary that they fear is 1966) describes himself as a “retired the Aegean Sea. a Republican because she will not answer know it all history teacher,” but as with John Kyle Day (BA 1997; MA 1999; to her name. similar claims made in earlier years, the PhD 2006 [Univ. of Missouri]) writes, “I Basil Dmytryshyn (BA 1950; retirement part is hard to square with am currently serving as Chair of the Board MA 1951; PhD 1955 [UC Berkeley]), the fact that he is still an adjunct faculty of Directors of the Arkansas Humanities professor emeritus of history-Portland member at Rich Mountain Community Council. I was elected in the past year State University, Oregon, writes, “On June College (RMCC). He also serves on the to serve on the Board of Trustees of the 1, 2014, our only grandchild, Elizabeth local quorum court as an elected justice Arkansas Historical Association, among Fetherston, married her fellow University of the peace. To his surprise, the RMCC the great honors of my life. I also just of Oregon graduate, Kehl van Winkle. In Library recently dedicated the Harold received news that my book, The Southern August 2015, Elizabeth will receive her Coogan Special Collections Room, and Manifesto: Massive Resistance and the MAT from Lewis and Clark College in it’s an entirely fitting thing. Mr. Coogan Fight to Preserve Segregation (Jackson: Portland, where Kehl will start his second has donated considerable historical University Press of Mississippi, 2014), year of law school. On December 6, 2014, material to the library, most importantly just made it into paperback. Huzzah! I gave an invited lecture on ‘Russian a complete bound run of the Mena Star, My better half, Rena Orujova Day (MA Activities in the Greater North Pacific 1896-2007, that he rescued and preserved 2002) is a financial advisor for Edward Region, 1700-1867’ to history students at after the 2009 tornado. Jones Investments and just bought her Corban University, Salem, Oregon. On Phil Cook (BA 1997) was elected to own building for her business. Our January 14, 2015 I celebrated my 90th his first term as county assessor of Kitsap daughter, Sabina Harper Day, age 10, birthday. Never expected to reach that County, Washington, in November 2014. performs dance and plays softball. Our mark! On April 10, 2015, a hemorrhage Thomas Michael Cupples, Jr. (BA son, John Ragib Day, age 2, is now talking, occurred in one of my eyes, causing a total 1998) is a banker in Little Rock. He lists in addition to destroying the household loss of vision in that eye. Fortunately the his activities as “family.” on a daily basis.” other eye is still OK! On May 5, 2015, Terry Dake (BA 1966) is a retired Mike Deaderick (BA 1964; MA two representatives of the J. William four-star general in the US Marine Corps 1966) may call himself a retired history Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, and served as assistant commandant of instructor and businessman, but that Blake B. Rickman and James L. Harris, the USMC from 1998 to 2000. He holds didn’t stop him from receiving the visited me in my independent retirement an honorary doctorate from College of the Arkansas Historical Association’s 2015 living complex in Keizer, Oregon. We Ozarks. Charles O. Durnett Award for his talked about current developments at U Erik P. Danielson (BA 2001; JD 2004) essay, “Civil War Combat in Northeast of A and reminisced about those of 1948- lives in Fayetteville and is licensed to Arkansas.” 51. My Arkansas-born wife, Virginia, practice law in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Thomas A. DeBlack (PhD 1995) was unfortunately not present for the Texas. He was included in the Northwest is professor of history at Arkansas Tech discussion, because on that day she had Arkansas Business Journal’s 40 under 40 and now has 20 years there under his another commitment.” for 2014. He owns Danielson Law Firm, belt. He has been elected to the board Ann Engeler (BA 1963), a retired PLLC, where his mother works as an of the Arkansas Humanities Council public school teacher and professor attorney. His father is Associate Justice and received the Arkansas Historical of English at Northwest Arkansas of the Arkansas Supreme Court. When Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award Community College, enjoys reading, he’s not doing the lawyer thing, Erik can at its 2015 meeting in West Memphis, writing, hiking, some drawing, and some be found playing tennis or golf. You where he also gave a presentation. His photography, usually monochromatic. She might also find him at one of the three wife, Susan, just completed a term as continues her support of animal shelters other businesses he owns: Walton Blvd. president of the Arkansas Optometric and humane treatment of all animals; she’s Wine and Spirits, Danielson Farms, or Association, and his daughter, Susannah, an advocate of spay-neuter programs and Danielson Entertainment Group, LLC. has finished the 5th grade. She presented humane care (spay-neuter-release) of

Page 16 (Denver) on the weekends and during the summer.” Gretchen Gearhart (BA 1983) still Can You Help? lives in Fayetteville and reports that she is well and happy. Our alumni and friends have been very generous, but we continue to need Rita Geiger (BA 1966), retired, has your support to maintain our tradition of excellence. Your unrestricted gift been selected as one of Alpha Chi Omega’s (University of Arkansas Foundation-History Department, account 2780) 2015 Real. Strong. Women. of Distinction, will allow the Department the greatest flexibility in allocating money where and will be featured in this summer’s need is greatest, whether to support teaching, public programs, graduate issue of The Lyre, Alpha Chi Omega’s publication. She is also completing her assistantships, or student and faculty research, or to recognize and aid second term on the Arkansas Alumni outstanding students. Of course, we would be most grateful, too, for larger Association National Board of Directors. gifts to endow scholarships, fellowships, chairs, and lectureships. James R. Goff, Jr. (PhD 1987), There are a number of other funds that may be of particular interest to professor of history at Appalachian our alumni: 1) The David W. Edwards Scholarship Fund, 2) The Timothy State University, was named chair of the Donovan Lectureship, 3) The James J. Hudson Graduate Fellowship, 4) The department in 2014. Robert E. Reeser Award, 5) The Willard B. Gatewood Graduate Fellowship, Richard Gray (BA 1989) is “still 6) The Walter L. Brown Scholarship in Arkansas History, 7) The George plugging along in St. Louis” and is an V. Ray Memorial Award, 8) The Gordon McNeil Scholarship Fund, 9) The attorney at the Schindler Law Firm in Ralph V. Turner Fund, 10) The J. Margaret Roberts Endowed Award Fund, Clayton, MO. He and his wife, Tara 11) The Oscar Fendler Award Fund, 12) The George Billingsley Award Fund, Jensen, an attorney at Jensen and Gray, 13) The Jesse Taylor Jr. Scholarship Fund, 14) The Stokely-McAdoo Family P.C., have two kids: a son, Avery, 15, who International Study Scholarship, 15) The Walter L. Brown Endowment in just got his driver’s license and is going History. into the 10th grade, and a daughter, The Mary Hudgins Award funds research and internships for students Olivia, 13, who is going into the 8th grade. working in Arkansas history. Patrick D. Hagge (BA 2005), Gifts to the Department should be sent to: Dr. Calvin White, Chair, assistant professor of geography at History Department, Old Main 416, 1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Arkansas Tech University, and his wife, 72701, with checks made out to: University of Arkansas Foundation History Trisha Noble Hagge (UA graduate with Department, account 2780. BSE Communication Disorders, 2005) Gifts to theGatewood Fellowship may be sent to: 325 Administration welcomed the birth of their son Mark Building, 1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701, while checks to the Patrick Hagge in July 2014. James J. Hudson Fellowship should be forwarded to: Dean of the Graduate Michael D. Hammond (PhD School, 340 N. Campus Dr., Ozark Hall 213, 1 University of Arkansas, 2009) has been appointed academic Fayetteville 72701. Gifts to the Walter L. Brown Endowment should be dean of the School of Humanities, Arts, directed to the Fulbright College Development Office, 525 Old Main, 1 and Biblical Studies, and professor of University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. history at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, after six years at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, where feral cats. She published a comic strip, Parker EvaMarie, age four, and Wyatt he was department chair and associate “Fitzgerald, PhD,” about Frances “Frankie” Scott, age two. professor of history. He is chapter Fitzgerald, English professor, for NWACC Ed French (BA 1977) reports that he editor and contributor for Chapter 30, for a few semesters. [See p. 18] She retired is “still an active member of the human “The Recent Past,” The American Yawp: her this past semester. race.” A Free Online, Collaboratively Built Jami Forrester (PhD 2011) has Emily Poole Fuller (BS 2001 [Math/ American History Textbook, http://www. been promoted to associate professor of History]; MAT 2012) is a secondary He helped initiate a history at NWACC, and is president of the mathematics teacher for Denver public semester abroad program in El Salvador, Arkansas Association of College History schools, where she was hired to co- including teaching an intensive Latin Teachers, a board member of Arkansas write mathematics curriculum for American History and Culture course in Council of Social Studies, and District 10 McAuliffe International School. She San Salvador. He is also currently serving Coordinator of History Day. Dr. Forrester previously spent a year teaching abroad as editor of the blog, Religion in American was named the 2014 national History in Maracaibo, Venezuela. “We bought a History ( Channel Educator of the Year and was cabin at 10,200 ft. outside of Leadville, CO Phillip A. Harrington (BA 2014) ACSS University Educator of the Year. She in December of 2014. It was our ‘first/ is a community support specialist at the still found time to enjoy scuba diving in second home’—we were first-time home Sunshine School. He received the Above Maui and Bonaire this past year with her buyers but bought a ‘vacation home’ in and Beyond Award for Fayetteville Public husband Greg. They have two children, the mountains to escape from the city Schools given by the Fayetteville Chamber

Page 17 of Commerce. Of his activities, he reports, [University of New Mexico]), professor of the sweet beagle, survived a scare with “Well, Daddy and I went fishing after the history and Service Learning Coordinator her kidneys over the winter holidays but big rain. 16 Crappie and 6 Bream. The at Northwest Arkansas Community has recovered and is spunky again. Luna, mulberries produced a lot of fruit this College, writes, “I’m working diligently on the baby panther, is a dark as some of the year. Hopefully, the muscadine produces. a manuscript, Pea Ridge: Civil War Battle, characters in Pedraza’s works.” [Huggard’s No family yet. I have a wonderful partner: Collective Memory, and the Making of a wife, Kay Pritchett, a professor in U of a 6 year old Doberman named Perseus.” National Park, which is an environmental A’s Department of World Languages, Derrick Hartberger (BA 2013) analysis of the battle, a history of the Literatures & Cultures has just completed married Emily Buckingham on March commemoration and efforts to get the her seventh book, Dark Assemblages, an 26, 2015. He worked for the National national military park established, and a examination of Pilar Pedraza’s Gothic/ Park Service last summer and is currently history of the management of Pea Ridge Vampire works]. a full-time administrator in the Walton National Military Park. I also have given Lyman A. Hussey (MA 1964; College of Business Dean’s Office. He is presentations on the topic recently at the PhD 1969 [University of Georgia]) also on the WCOB Staff Council and is a Arkansas Association of College History is “semi-retired” but continues to UA Staff Senator. Teachers and the Missouri Conference on teach undergraduate courses for the Paul D. Haynie (PhD 1988), History. I’m pleased to report that more University of Phoenix and doctoral professor of history at Harding University, than 300 NWACC students completed courses for Argosy University. He has was recently recognized for 25 years more than 7,000 hours of service learning been appointed to the board of trustees of service and, as its senior member, in 2014-2015, highlighted by the Native of the St. Petersburg [FL] Museum of is “dean” of his department. Lately, he American, Sustainability, Veterans, History, home of the world’s largest signed has attended the National Conference Syria, Haiti, and Interfaith Symposia baseball collection and site of the world’s of Presidential Sites and Libraries at the projects among many others. NWACC’s first commercial airplane flight. Clinton Presidential Library, visited the history faculty have grown to seven Ben Johnson (PhD 1991) is John tomb of Ponce de Leon in Puerto Rico members, which makes for a very fruitful G. Ragsdale, Jr. and Dora J. Ragsdale and Mayan ruins on Cozumel Island, and department. I’m currently serving on the Professor of Arkansas Studies at Southern published some reviews and some articles Nominating Committee for the Mining Arkansas University. In 2015-2016, he will in the Encyclopedia of Arkansas History History Association and as a referee for be serving as SAU’s interim provost and and Culture. the Michael P. Malone prize for best essay vice president of academic affairs, and Bill Horton (BA 1997; JD 2001), an biennially on the American West for the hopes to get the Spudnut corporate brand attorney with Nolan, Caddell & Reynolds Western History Association. Tuppie, all over campus (e.g., Spudnut Mulerider in Rogers, was inducted into the Multi- Million Dollar Advocates Forum, graduated from Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College, was one of NTLA’s Top 100 Arkansas Attorneys, and was named a 2015 Super Lawyer. His spare time is filled with Razorback athletics, travel, reading biographies, and getting ready for his August 2015 wedding to Jenn Cairns in Barbados. Nathan Howard (PhD 2005), associate professor of history at University of Tennessee-Martin, presented a paper at the UTM Spring Faculty Colloquium: “Sacred Spectacle in the Biographies of Gorgonia and Macrina.” He will also be presenting it at the International Patristics Conference at Oxford (UK) in August 2015. He participated in a Late Antiquity regional workshop, “Religion in Late Antique Culture and Society,” at Vanderbilt University last October, and has received funding to enlarge UTM library’s Late Antiquity collection. He also just completed his eighth year as volunteer assistant coach of the university’s cross country/track team. Chris Huggard (MA 1987, PhD 1994 Ann Engeler (BA 1963)

Page 18 Stadium, the Spudnut Institute for Seminar in African Studies, William Manager at the Shiloh Museum of Ozark Carbohydrate Studies in the Department Hamlin and Mary Quaife Tuttle Graduate History in Springdale. He says he enjoys of Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation). Scholarship in European History, and outdoor sports, water skiing, antique cars Johnson was a University Honor Professor the Richard C. Todd Phi Alpha Theta and firearms, working with Girl Scouts, in 2014-2015 and served as vice chair Scholarship. Plus, he was 2014 president and children’s robotics competitions. of the State Review Board for Historic of the Lambda-Eta Chapter of Phi Alpha Morris has two daughters and a Labrador Preservation. Theta. retriever. Kimberly Marie Chenault Jones (BA Mark H. Lamberth (BA 1971; MA John Howard Morris (BA 1959; MA 2001; MAT 2008 [Marshall Univ.]) writes 1974) of Batesville is president of Atlas 1969) lives in Corpus Christi, TX. He “[I’m] Enrollment Services Coordinator Asphalt, Inc., elected chairman of the has made a $160,000 gift to the U of A to at Oregon Coast Community College. Association of Racing Commissioners establish the John Howard Morris Piano Note this is a promotion and I oversee International, and a member of the Scholarship to aid music students. admissions, registration, and financial Arkansas Racing Commission. John G. “Chip” Mula (MA 1969), a aid. My hair is gray. My true profession Kathy Lease (BSE 1971 with a double retired educator who lives in Edmond, is smart ass, but the pay is bad.” Anyone major in English and history) is retired OK, has been “keeping busy with the who recalls Kimberly’s stint on the History and lives in Texarkana, AR. winter home in Galveston. Maureen, the Department staff will surely find the Oscar Grady McDougald (BA 1972) wife of 47 years, is preparing to retire from “smart ass” part hard to believe. She lists lives in Lexington, MS, and is a retired Edmond Public Schools, and will make her activities as “admissions, registration, merchant and high school teacher. He a happier man out of me with her great financial aid. Admissions, registration, enjoys hunting, fishing, gardening, cooking when we are on the island.” financial aid. Walk on beach. Parenting writing, and travel. April Louise Brown Najjaj (BA 1989; (is trying to keep boys, ages 9 and 10, Collin Miller (BA 1992), consultant MA 1989; PhD 2005 [Boston Univ.]) from killing themselves or each other in the oil and gas industry, is married is finishing up her second and last year parenting?).” [The assistant editor believes with three kids, one age 19 and 9-year- teaching history at Gulf University for that, yes, it qualifies as parenting. It also old twins. Science and Technology in Kuwait. “I sometimes qualifies as crisis negotiating.] James Paul Moore (BA 1981; PhD have appreciated the opportunity to work When asked to list her recent honors, 1992) is a retired psychologist and full- abroad, but Kuwait has proven to be a awards, or offices she says there are “none, time jazz musician. As a member since challenging place for a foreign woman and now I feel like an underachiever.” She 2013 of the longstanding Junkyard alone. I am currently on the job market still lives on the beautiful Oregon coast Jazz Band of Lawrence he was recently and returning to the U.S. in early June. I with her two children Liam (age 10 going inducted into the Kansas Music Hall of will be spending some time this summer on 20) and Eli (age 9) and her dog, Penny Fame. He handles jazz guitar and violin staying with family near Fort Smith and (3). Last year, the four traveled to Crater with the band, which plays a dinner always have to come for a walk around Lake and the Redwoods. dance every Thursday evening at the campus whenever I can.” She has been Mildred Martin Jones (BA 1963) American Legion in Lawrence. His wife, actively writing and publishing. She gave lives in Holiday Island, AR, and is a Louella Moore, a professor of accounting a paper entitled, “Water Management homemaker. at Washburn University in Topeka, is also and the Alhambra: A Late Medieval Scott Jones (PhD 1998) teaches active in the local music scene. Moore Study” at a conference entitled, “Regadío, church history and directs the MA writes: “I always look back on my days Sociedad, Territorio, Homenaje a Thomas program at Sacred Heart Seminary and in the Department of History with fond F. Glick,” in Valencia, Spain, September School of Theology in Hales Corner, WI. recollections. Those were some of the 25, 2014. The paper is being published in Nathaniel King (BA 2013) is a best times of my life. I suppose that one the forthcoming conference proceedings. master’s candidate in East Carolina of the greatest gifts I received from my Another paper, “Portrayals of Arabs University’s program in Maritime Studies. education in that grand old department is in American Popular Fiction: A Case His research has allowed him to add some that professors like Tim Donovan, Gordon Study,” presented at the al-Qurain Cultural stamps in his passport: he conducted McNeil, and Evan Bukey taught me to Festival sponsored by the Ministry of underwater archaeological surveys of think. I have been privileged to rekindle Culture of Kuwait, January 18, 2015, HMS Brunswick (1805) and the Dutch my friendship with Evan Bukey in recent has been published in the conference East Indiaman Bato (1806) in Simon’s Bay, years. As fellow cancer survivors, we enjoy proceedings in both English and Arabic. South Africa, terrestrial archaeological sharing our journeys and bolstering each A third, “Collective Memory and the survey of S.S. Thomas T. Tucker (1942) in other with hope.” Moore urges alums to Alhambra, Two Differing Perspectives,” Cape Point, South Africa, and underwater “Keep Swinging!” appeared in the spring 2015 issue of The excavation of the Pillar Dollar wreck (ca. Waddy W. Moore (BSE 1953; MA Levantine Review. 1700s) near Key Largo, FL.. This fall, he 1955) is a retired history professor at the Lester Niblock (BA 1981) has retired will be conducting theses research at University of Central Arkansas. He says from the Marine Corps and is a consultant the Vasa Museum in Stockholm. He’s his activities have been limited since he with CGI Federal. He writes, “Following also raking in the awards: Best Graduate fell and broke his hip in October 2014. my transition from the Marine Corps, Presentation at the Southeastern Regional Curtis Morris (BA 1998) is Exhibits I officially moved my residence from

Page 19 Arkansas to Virginia – a bittersweet March 2015 to Conakry, Guinea, to begin Rogers Airport Commission. He is active moment for me, I had to give up my a new position with the Peace Corps as the in the William B. Putman Inn of Court Arkansas Driver’s License. That said, I’m Director of Management and Operations and was its president in 2006. Judge Scott happy to report that my son, Walt, will for their country office. has served on the Board of Directors graduate from Colonial Forge High School Bethany Henry Rosenbaum (MA of the Arkansas Judicial Council and in June and will report for matriculation 2014) is a doctoral student in history at the currently sits on the Arkansas Supreme at the University of Arkansas this fall. U of A, where she recently won an SREB Court Child Support Committee. He Debbie and I look forward to returning Doctoral Fellowship. She was married in and his wife, Representative Sue Scott, to campus more frequently than we have October 2014, and she and her husband have four children and six grandchildren. in the past. Go Hogs!” enjoy riding bikes and jogging on the new They are active in St. Theodore’s Episcopal David B. Offutt(BA 1970), retired Razorback Greenway. This summer she Church and many community activities. high school history teacher/adult heads to Haiti on a mission trip. Donna J. Smith (BS 1976), a director education teacher, lives in El Dorado, AR, Frances Mitchell Ross (BA 1961; of marketing and communications in in the house he inherited from his father. MA 1963) taught in the U of A history Houston, says she’s surviving another He still has the same phone number he department in 1962-63 and then at Little downturn in the oil patch. Her daughter was born with. He enjoys camping trips Rock University (later UALR). She retired is finishing her junior year in high school. and driving around the country in his in 2013. Her oldest two grandchildren, Theodore Somach (BA 2011) is 1994 Nissan pickup. He keeps his hand both young women, will be attending owner and primary shareholder of TWS in history and current events by writing a the U of A in the fall of 2015—one as a Holdings, LLC ( and monthly blog on his website: davidoffutt. sophomore, one as a freshman. They are Entertainment Distribution Group, Inc. not declared history majors yet. Ross is He is currently living in Limassol, Cyprus Krista Oldham (BA 2005; MA general editor of United States District and has large-scale operations in New 2012) has earned an MA in Information Courts and Judges of Arkansas, 1836- Rochelle, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and five Sciences at the University of Tennessee 1960, a collection of judicial biographies locations internationally. and is college archivist and records by several authors that will be published Geoffrey Stark (MA 2004; ABD) manager at Haverford College in by the U of A Press in the spring of 2016. is reading room supervisor at U of Pennsylvania. She is active in the Society Cody Salley (BA 2013) has the A Library’s Special Collections. He of American Archivists and is community coolest job ever—ski patrol, Beaver Creek, reports that he has discovered original representative for Pennsylvania in the Colorado. correspondence of Bram Stoker at the U Digital Public Library of America. Joel Scott (BA 2009) is assistant of A and also materials related to Heinrich Carolyn Blanks Park (AB 1953; MA manager of the Walmart Neighborhood Krueger, a Nazi criminal and one-time U 1955) returned to Fayetteville after the Market in Springdale. He enjoys reading, of A student. Stark has proven a treasure death of her husband, James M. Park (BA learning Spanish, and playing with his to researchers using Special Collections. 1953), in 2011, to be near family members. daughter, Lillian, who is 3. He was acknowledged in Dr. Adam Laats’s “My, how NW Arkansas has changed!” she John R. Scott (BA 1973; JD 1977), The Other School Reformers: Conservative writes. Circuit Judge, 19th West Judicial Activism in American Education (Harvard Todd J. Pfannestiel (BA 1988; PhD Circuit, Division IV, was honored by University Press, 2015), Abby Burnett’s 2001 [William & Mary College]) is dean of the Arkansas Bar Association this year Gone to the Grave: Burial Customs of the the College of Arts, Education & Sciences with its Outstanding Jurist Award. The Arkansas Ozarks, 1850-1950 (University at Clarion University in Pennsylvania. He Outstanding Jurist Award is given Press of Mississippi, 2014), and Charles says, “While directing a college keeps me periodically to honor an active federal Witsell’s Architects of Little Rock rather busy, I still find time to keep up with or state judge who exhibits exceptional (University of Arkansas Press, 2014). He all of my favorite sports teams, pretend to competency, efficiency, and exemplary is a Golden Key member. play golf, explore America for the latest service to the administration of justice. Chris Stevens (BA 2006) is a full-time microbrews, and read my Dr. Elliott West The award praised Scott as “firm but doctoral student at McMaster Divinity library.” He serves on the Pennsylvania fair, holding even the newest members College and associate pastor at Covenant Humanities Council’s board of directors of the Bar to the same high standards Reformed Church in Toronto. He and his and Phi Alpha Theta’s National Council. as other practitioners in his courtroom. wife, Megan, are enjoying raising their He got married in November 2013, and Judge Scott is a formidable jurist, and new son Phineas Alexander Stevens (b. his wife just earned her PhD in Healthcare his attention to detail, his sense of duty, June 2014). Some of Chris’s work has Ethics from Duquesne University. “Not a and his considerable thoughtfulness are been and is being published in assorted day goes by that I don’t think of my days indeed traits of a truly honorable judge books, dictionaries, and journals. He has in the History Dept. at the U of A. And and attorney.” Scott is a member of the also received academic scholarships and I still use a typewriter a la Dr. Timothy Arkansas Bar Association, member and awards. Donovan and Dr. David Edwards!” [It’s past president of the Benton County Bar Scott Tarnowieckyi (PhD 2009), true—his information form was neat but Association, member and past president of associate professor of history at very obviously typewritten.] the Rogers Kiwanis Club, and previously Weatherford College in Weatherford, Jessica Rogers (BA 2006) moved in served as chairman and member of the TX, writes, “Last spring I was elected to

Page 20 chair our Social Sciences Department (12 British historical novelist who wrote the International Baccalaureate on May 30, full-time faculty members and over 20 Shardlake series (Henry VIII’s reign). He 2015 and will attend the U of A in fall part-time and dual-credit spread out over also likes Bill Bryson, an American writer. 2015. four campuses, multiple high schools, and Scott Tucker (BA 1984) is an attorney Charles G. Williams (MA 1969) of five counties). It is like herding cats. The in Little Rock who says he has nothing Denton, TX, retired from college teaching time commitment to do that required new to report. last December, shortly after his 75th me to step down as chair of the college’s John Unger (BA 2003) is dean of birthday. His wife, Dr. Stacey Williams, Curriculum and Academic Standards students, athletic director, and boys’ teaches at the University of North Texas, committee and sponsorship of the local basketball coach at Decatur High as does his daughter, Courtney Welch, Phi Theta Kappa chapter. I am also a School in Decatur, AR. The senior who has a PhD in history. He lists his key developer and coordinator for a pilot boys’ basketball team recently won activities as “watching my grandchildren block scheduling program for students the 2015 district championship—their growing up to be Americans of worth to that we are beginning in the fall known. third straight district title. Unger is themselves and the world.” I have a chapter in a collection titled currently working on his principal and Border Wars (Kent State University Press) superintendent certification. He has a that is currently scheduled to come out in new daughter, Lena Joan, born November Deaths November and an article, “‘Branded by the 2014. Lincolnites as Guerillas’: Adam Rankin Jerry Vervack (MA 1977; PhD Jane Richart Brown, the widow of Johnson, Guerilla Identity, and Irregular 1990) is dean at Northwest Arkansas Dr. Walter L. Brown, died in Fayetteville Warfare in the Lower Green River Valley,” Community College. on May 23, 2015, at the age of 88. She in the Register of the Kentucky Historical Dennis M. Wagemann (BA 2003) attended Mary Washington College and Society. It will appear either later this year lives in Bentonville and works in Texas State College for Women and then or early next in a special issue devoted transportation/logistics. We suspect he went to work for the Pampa (TX) School to the history of Henderson County, still roots for the Cubs. District. She married Walter Brown in KY. Besides being elected chair of the Mary Floyd Ward (BA 2005; MAT 1950. Four years later, the couple moved department, I was nominated for and 2006) graduated in May 2015 with to Fayetteville, where they raised two sons, received the NISOD Excellence Award. a JD from UALR William H. Bowen Michael and Phillip. Mrs. Brown enjoyed I am still not too sure what it is, but it School of Law. Her note, “Arkansas’s gardening and photography, raised and is always nice to be appreciated. My Human Trafficking Laws: Steps in the trained collies, and was a fixture in the wife, Mimi, and I bought a house on Right Direction or a False Sense of front rows at Razorback basketball games. the outskirts of Fort Worth, we adopted Accomplishment?,” was published in She was also a seventy-year member of a third cat in October (Freya adopted the fall 2014 issue of the University of Philanthropic Educational Organization us, actually), and we are expecting our Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review. (PEO). Jane Brown is survived by her sons first child (a little girl named Ella Rose Elizabeth Salisbury Warren (BA and seven grandchildren. Tarnowieckyi) in August. I miss the 1994) is a healthcare attorney in Nashville, Kay Trumbo Havens (BA 1956, MA hills and trees of the Ozarks, the lovely Tennessee. She writes, “My husband and 1963) died in Fayetteville on April 30, community of Fayetteville, Old Main, and I have two wonderful boys (ages 11 and 2015. Born in Norman, OK, on March attending Razorback football games in the 9) who love to read, so still working on 3, 1934, she dazzled the U of A, where fall.” their budding love of history. I have she would earn high honors in History, C. James Taylor (MA 1969) is Editor- discovered an elementary school-level win election to Phi Beta Kappa, and be in-Chief of The Adams Papers project at history magazine called Cobblestone that rated a Razorback Beauty. She also served the Massachusetts Historical Society but they enjoy reading (I enjoy it, too) and as president of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. will retire from full-time status this year. sharing with their social studies teachers Kay taught at Leverett Elementary and He will continue to work on a project when they are done.” She thinks too many Woodland Junior High in Fayetteville, with the Adams Papers staff to complete of her old History professors have retired. before returning to the U of A in 1984 a digital edition of John Quincy Adams’ We think so, too. as assistant to the dean of the College of diary. His most recent publications are A A. Scott White (BA 1985; MBA Business. In 1988, she became Director Traveled First Lady (Harvard University 1986) is a financial planner in Ft. Myers, of Special Events, responsible for Press, 2014), Papers of John Adams, vol. FL, and lists his leisure-time activities as coordinating commencement ceremonies 17 (Harvard University Press, 2014); and fishing, beaching, and sitting by the pool. and board of trustees meetings, among Adams Family Correspondence, vol. 12 He was named to the 2015 Raymond other things. Kay retired in 2000, but (Harvard University Press, 2015). James Financial Services Executive remained a principal in Fayetteville’s Tommy R. Thompson (MA Council. The annual award is presented to most subtly influential circle of citizens, 1965; PhD 1973 [Univ. of Maryland]), financial advisors who have demonstrated the Modern Literature Club. professor emeritus at University of the highest level of commitment to Adam Kreuter (BA 1936), for many Nebraska-Omaha, enjoys spending clients through personal service and years the Newsletter’s oldest reporting his time traveling and working in the professional integrity. His son, Jonathan alumnus, died on August 1, 2014, the day garden. He recommends C. J. Sansom, a White, graduated Ft. Myers High School after his 99th birthday. Kreuter was born

Page 21 in Park Ridge, IL. After earning a BA at the U of A and a law degree from the Kent School of Law in Chicago, he worked as an 2014-2015 attorney in family law in Cedar Rapids, IA. He and his wife, Jane, whom he married History Department Benefactors in 1943, retired to Sturgeon Bay, WI, in 1980. Adam Kreuter is survived by a son, a daughter, five grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Ms. Lori Aylett Ms. Rhea King James A. Wooten (MA 1950) died Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bercher Mrs. Denyse Killgore in Shreveport on June 12, 2014. Born in Ione, AR, on January 25, 1925, Wooten Bob and Pat Besom Mr. And Mrs. Mark H. Lamberth served in the Marines during World War Mr. David Boling and Dr. Matthew B. Lohse Two. He became a special agent for the FBI and participated in the investigations Ms. Mine Sasaguri Dr. Bobby L. Lovett of John F. Kennedy’s assassination and Mr. Jeff Broadwater Jr. Mrs. Dorothy M. Maguire the murders of James Chaney, Andrew Mr. Jon Lee Brown Dr. Louis E. Mire and Family Goodman, and Michael Schwerner in Mississippi during “Freedom Summer.” Dr. and Mrs. Evan B. Bukey Dr. and Mrs. James Modisette Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carter Dr. R. Terry Mount and Dr. and Mrs. James Jay Carney Dr. Joan McFerran Mount Ms. Rita Caver Mrs. Mary Bess Mulhollan Hot Off the Press Dr. James Chase Mr. and Mrs. Ben N. Onukwube The latest volume of the Ozark Conoco Phillips Mr. William C. Peters Historical Review is now available Dr. Lynda Coon and Mr. Eric Coon Dr. Bobby Roberts online at the Department’s website. Published in the Spring semester by Mrs. Nancy D. Davis and Family Richard and Janet Roessler the Department of History, the Ozark Mrs. Margaret B. Davison Budd and Nancy Saunders Historical Review offers the University Basil and Virginia R. Dmytryshyn Dr. Heather Schneller of Arkansas’s top history students at both the graduate and undergraduate Mrs. Eugenia T. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Short levels a chance to showcase their Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Donovan Dr. and Mrs. John A. Simpson original research and historiographic Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dougherty Dr. Mitchell and Barbara Singleton investigations. Here are its latest offerings: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dougherty Dr. David Sloan “The Age of the Sporting, Soaplocks, Mr. Timothy Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smart and Separate Spheres” by Mitchell Lohr. Mrs. Ellis Gatewood Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Sydney H. Smith “‘The One Bright Spot Where All Else is Dark and Hopeless:’ Images of Mr. Wooten Epes, Jr. Dr. Thomas Stearns Class, Race, and Culture in Britain’s Mr. and Mrs. David E. Finch Mr. Albert K. Taylor Imperial Education System During the Ms. Frances S. Fendler Brenda and Thomas Tirrell Nineteenth Century,” by Jeff Grooms. “Reagan, Thatcher, and the Mr. and Mrs. Brady L. Gadberry Jr. Drs. William and Janet Tucker Diplomacy of SDI,’’ by Tim Anglea. Ms. Jeanie Galletty Dr. Ralph V. Turner “Performing Piety, Commerce, and Community in the Medieval Italian Ms. Joan M. Gardner Mr. Robert E. Wahlman Town,” by John D. Treat. Mrs. Becky Glover Kevin and Elizabeth Warren Read these and the past seven Mrs. Emily Ruth Hall Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weathers seasons’ worth at: Any queries or submissions should be Ms. Tracy L. Henderson Dr. Jeannie Whayne directed to the editor, Prof. Rembrandt Dr. Nathan Howard Dr. Patrick Williams and Wolpert at: [email protected]. Ms. Karen Hudson Ms. Beth Juhl Dr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson Ms. Emily Elisabeth Wood Dr. Tom and Mary Lynn Kennedy Mr. James R. Zimmerman Jr.

Page 22 The NEWSLETTERHistory

We would like to thank Jeanne Short, Brenda Foster, Lynda Coon, Tricia Starks, and Kathy Sloan, for their assistance. Patrick Williams Melinda Adams Editor Assistant Editor

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