Itt Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Five-Star All-American Newspaper Delaware 26 and a National Pacemaker Geared up for a Del. state 7 primus album This ain't football page 81

FREE FRIDAY Student hospitalized with meningitis More than 80 people seek treatment at Student Health Services after possible exposure to virus Saturday

By Stacey Bernstein Wilmington Hospital and was throat discharges of an infected Delucia is Delaware's ninth quarters during the incubation Assistant Fratu~ Editor declared to be in intensive care as person during its incubation case of meningitis since the period. After complaining of chills, a of Wednesday night. Siebold said. period from one to 10 days, most beginning of 1993, as compared In addition, parties and other fever, a headache and a rash, a However, he said, Delucia is commonly being less than four, to two cases in 1992, Siebold social gatherings involved in university student was transferred continuing to improve each day. Siebold said. said. These cases are not related, close personal contact like sharing to Wilmington Hospital and Approximately 80 students, People who should be he said. of beverage glasses may also diagnosed with meningitis who were either at the 271 Towne concerned are those who have However, he said, it is spread the disease. Monday night, officials said. Court party or were in direct come in direct contact with the impossible to know exactly how Siebold said It is hard, Kevin Deluci'a (BE JR), who contact with Delucia, have infected individual, Siebold said. Delucia contracted meningitis or however, to contract bacterial was at a Towne Court party already been checked and were Meningitis, which is literally an if he will suffer any long term meningitis unless one was kissed, Saturday, went to the Student given the antibiotic, rifampin, as a inflammation of the covering effects because "it's still too early directly coughed on when one's Health Services Monday with precautionary measure, Siebold around the brain and the spinal in his treatment." mouth was open or has come into symptoms of meningitis, said said. cord, tends to occur more In a memo to the university contact with the infected saliva Joseph Siebold, director of Meningitis, a rare bacterial frequently in infants and young community, Siebold said direct while sharing the same glass. Student Health Services. infection, is transmitted through adults, although cases have contact is classified as living with Students, faculty and staff He was then transferred to the direct contact from nose and ranged from age 1 to 34. an infected person in close seeMENINCrTIS P"Be AS Students lobby in Washington Support campagn finance reform bill

By Clare Lyons Rep. Michael N. Castle and Sen. N-. FN!Ures Editcx William V. Roth from blocking it. WASHINGTON, D.C.- Two Campaign reform legislation, Bielen university students took their conunon said, should give every candidate an cause to Washington Wednesday to equal chance in an electoral race. influence the powers that be in the "Unless you have something very Senate and Congress. peculiar about you. if you're a non­ Alan Reuter (AS SR) and Adam incumbent Demoaat. you can't raise Scheinback (AS SR), members of the money," Biden said Delaware chapter of the national non­ "You can be an idiot and a partisan lobbying group Common Republican in Delaware and drive up Cause, discussed campaign finance to 12 driveways and raise $10,000." reform with other state Common Campaign reform centers on four Cause members and Delaware points: bundling, the adding together CongreSsional and Senalaialleaders. of private donations to make one large Reuter said Common Cause works contribution; Political Action toward government structural reforms, Committees (PACs), special interest many similar to those suggested by groups which fund candidates; soft fooner presidential candidate R Ross money, contributions to parties rather Perot, in order to create a "level than directly to individuals; and public playing field for citizens in the fmancing. political JXOCCSS." Biden came closest to representing The group's sttategy Wednesday in Conunon Cause's goals. three separate sessions with state "If you said to ml there's only one government officials was to express law to change, the single thing I would support for reform and make an change is the way we finance THE REVIEW twllter M. Eberz impression on them before they vote campaigns," Biden said. Elections for the Delaware Undergraduate Student Congress (DUSO have been postponed because the student 10 card machine on a bill which should be put forth this Biden was the first to propose a which prevents students from voting twice broke Thursday. Wednesday's results were invalidated because of the malfunction and month. reform bill, which called for total new elections will be held Tuesday April 27 in Smith Hall and Perkins Student Center between 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and in the Rodney The group intended to encourage public financing and subsequently was and Pencader Dining Halls during lunch and dinner. Sen. Joseph R. Bielen (D-Del.) to stick not passed. with his reform bill, and to dissuade see COMMON CAUSE pi18e AS

,.----INDEX-----, Debating in Dover News analysis ...... A2 Groups Campus Briefs ...... A2 UD Democrats, Republicans gather at Wesley Classifieds ...... 88 Comics ...... B9 College to discuss plan for multi-national army Police Report ...... A2 gather Review and Opinion ...... A6 By jim Miller Biden's proposal also includes a Sports ...... BS Lunatic Ringe ...... AJ !iUIH~ provision for adding members from for open The university's College DeJOOCrats Japan and India to the Security and College Republicans went to bat CouOOI. ---Also itrSide: --- against Wesley College students in The debate was conducted by the Dover Wednesday in a debate about a Rhet.oricans, a noo-profit, non-partisan Delaware Dialogues ...... AJ forum recent proposal by Sen. Joseph Bielen educational group operating in the Earth Day Conference ...... A4 (D-DE). Delaware and Washington, D.C. areas. Cancer research ...... A3 By Qaham Segroves Biden recently proposed that the The Rhetoricans were founded in ~iilf~ Tlif REVIEW I M.uimillion Greltdl should support a United March 1988 to conduct and promote Last year, Joshua Greene (AS SR), Two members of the Young Americans for Freedom listen as Nations multinational standing army to public formal debates on vital then president of the Black Student another student group expresses its views during the Open Forum. handle such world aises as the present dollK:Slic and inlemalional issues. Union, .proposed a meeting of student situation in Bosnia. The debate included three groups to discuss diversity and cultural The proposal calls for each nation university students, and was sponsored issues. Moderated by The Review editor in the National Association for the of the U.N. Security Council to in part by the Young Republican's Although the meeting never took chief, Doug Donovan (AS SR), 11 Advancement of Colored People delegate 5,000 lroopS to lhe army, with Club of Wesley College and the place, the idea for an Open Forum in student groups attended the Open (NAACP) and the BSU supported the United States maintaining a power College Democrats and College which student groups could share their Forum. strengthening the requirement for the of veto over its use. see STUDENTS DEBATE page AS ideas on imp

l. a I A2 • THE REVIEW. April 23, 1993 News Analysis Clinton plans federal funding for abortions

By E. Janene Nolan Force has expressed fear of losing Professors moonlight are to perform for and then rewrite Wlleporlrr support. Clinton's liberal stance on the songs for particular people in As President Clinton tries to tum his abortion made the addition to the plan as duo to raise money the group. campaign pledges into effective reform somewhat Jredictable. for homeless "This is a way of involving the programs, the nation awaits the fmal Abortion foes, media sources have audience and creating a of word on the health care reform reported recently, say if the health Neither of them lcnows exactly surprise and laughter," Beasley legislation now taking shape in reform package includes abortion, how they came together; perhaps it said. Washington. Capitol Hill should expect a battle. was fate. During their two-hour concert, Although the fmal legislation has Terry Schooley, director of Public "It wasn't by conscious choice. the duo will be accompanied by yet to be drafted, the proposed Affairs for Planned Parenthood of It was partly genetic, partly both of their backup band. The Younger comprehensive health care plan will Delaware, said the recent reversal of us were seeking to recreate our Set. as well as the university's a guarantee medical coverage for all abortion restrictions were a complete adolescence, wandering capella group, the Golden Blues, Americans. reversal of the past 12 years. nostalgically into memory lane," Calhoun said. Abortion, one of the most Schooley said because abortion in said Tom Calhoun, the elder half Because their corporate sponsor. controversial issues the nation has this country is a legal option, "you of the Elderly Brothers. Writers, Inc., is covering the faced, was introduced last week as a should not discriminate against people The Elderly Brothers are publicity expenses. all proceeds component of the plan. who cannot afford it." university English professors Jerry from ticket and T-shirt sales will With abortion coverage included in If abortion coverage is included in Beasley and Calhoun, who sing, be donated to the Emmaus House, the program. women unable to afford the plan, she said, "it will be dance and play musical an emergency shelter for homeless the procedure in the past will be tremendous help for low-income instruments when not in the families in Newark, Beasley said. guaranteed coverage through the women to have an abortion." classroom. The Elderly Brothers, who hope nation's health care plan. Michael DeAscanis (EG SR), This is not as odd as it sounds. to raise $4,500 at the concert, were Providing abortion coverage is president of Students for Life, said he Beasley admits it is incongruous named "Best Oldies Duo" by consistent with the Clinton hopes Congress does not pass any that a couple of middle-aged Delaware Today in the 1992 Best administration's actions eliminating all health care reform legislation that English professors play rock'n'roll, of Delaware Competition. federally-mandated restrictions against includes abortion. but he said: "There is a coMection. However, Beasley said, "We're abortion. "CCinton is going to tum around and We love words, we spend our lives sort of poised on the threshold Ointon already poposed removing use our tax money to fund sonx:thing with words. We love to play with between amateurism and abortion coverage bans in federal we consider murder," DeAscanis said. the words of these songs. professionalism." employee health insurance plans when Sources for the funding of the new "They may be very simple, Calhoun added. "We're trying he announced his first budget during health care reform have not been maybe even simpleminded at not to tip too far either way." THE REVIEW/Maxlmllllan Gre!Kh his early weeks in office. decided, but speculative sources for the times, but there is a real Calhoun said they hope to Safe at third! Kevin Blackhurst falls off third base during the During these weeks, the president federal money include raised taxes or genuineness offeeling." attract more students because they sildh inning of the Blue Hens' 26·7 bashing of DeiState. removed the "gag rule" restricting higher premiums. The Elderlv Brothers will hold "feel they are culturally deprived abortion counseling in federally-funded Barbara Hearn, a spokeswoman for their Secood Annual Farewell because they haven't heard this stipulated by two national "We lack qualitative surveys clinics, and also overturned abortion Blue Cross and Blue Shield, said the Cmcert to benefit the Emmaus music before. accrediting organizations. done over a period of Ume." restrictions in U.S. hospitals overseas. money will come from a valuo-added House on Saturday, May 8, at 7:30 "'nce they do hear it, we think The effort to obtain Because accreditation is The Health Care Reform Task tax. or a hidden merchants tax. p.m in Newark Hall. they'll really like it." he said. accreditation, dubbed the Quality voluntary, only 64 student health Force, headed by First Lady Hillary No matter where the mooey comes Beasley and Calhoun said they Beasley added, "But there's also Improvement program. was centers in the country are Rodlwn Clinton. is hoping to meet its from. Americans everywhere will have got their naJre when a student a part of us that sort of cringes at created to prepare for the registered with either the May 3 deadline. Mrs. Clinton is to give up aomethina to fund this looked at the bald and graying the thought of our students coming accrediting committee, Siebold Accreditation Association for presently campaigning in Nebraska project. middl~aged men and said: to see us do this." said. Ambulatory Health Care or the and Montana. using simplicity to sell If the plan Includes abortion "You're not Phil and Don Everly. He said the accrediting Joint Commission on Accreditation the already compliCJted idea to the coverage and is funded by taxpayers You're the Elderly Brothers!" University health committee will come in and of Healthcare organizations. nation. money, many anti-abortion advocates "It was a stroke of genius. We perform different inspections and Siebold said Student Health The committee's game plan is to will be contributing, by paying taxes, never would have been clever center to be accredited equipment checks. Services will decide which make the reform program appear user­ to a cause they do not agree with. This enough to think of that name." he within three years Siebold explained the program organization it will seek friendly and personal in hopes of controversy will not be settled easily. said. is not currently accredited because accreditation from after examining gaining approval from the public and · The duo, who got together in The university health center the process is long and·requires each one's guidelines. the press. l9n. use their creativity and wit to plans to be accredited by 1996, intense preparation. But the addition of abortion rewrite lyrics from popular 50s and said E.F. Siebold, director of "It takes several years to get -Compiled by Trad Manu, coverage to the plan is bound to make 60s songs, Beasley said. Student Health Services. In order charting and documentation Meredith Glazar,Sandy Ormsbee one time supporters of the plan change He said they usually try to get to gain accreditation, a health together and lay the groundwork and Deena Git.aitis their minds. acquainted with the audience they program must adhere to guidelines before inviting a team in," he said. Though the word in Washington is that the Health Care Reform Task

The Ringleaders Suggest. .. ABrilliant Proposal. She' s wonderful, unique, special. She's a woman who deserves nothing but the best ... A Ringleader Diamond mounted in a setting to release all it's matchless fire Police Reports and beauty. It will be the most brilliant proposal you 'll ever make. GB1) 112Ct.T.W. $1495. 0urPrice$895. GB3) 1/2Ct.T.W. w/pearcenter$1850. 3/4 Ct. T.W. $2825. Our Price $1695. Our Price $1095. 1 Ct. T.W. $4995. Our Price $2995. 3/4 Ct. T.W. w/pear center $3350. Sporting equipment The car is valued at $4,250, Our Price $1995. police said. GB2) 1/2 Ct. T.W. w/marquisecenter$1850. 1 Ct. T.W. w/pear center $53:25 stolen from Newark Our Price $1095. Our Price $3195. · 3/4 Ct. T.W. w/marquise center $3350. High School Motorcycle stolen Our Price $1995. 824 MARKET STREET 1C t. T.W. w/marquise center $5325. ONTHEIIIALL Our Prlce;$31 95. OPEN liON. THRUSAUAIITOSPII Track and field equipment 655-6253 A 1990 Harley-Davidson valued at $3,150 was stolen motorcycle was stolen from 43n KRIKWOOD PLAZA BRANMAR PLAZA from Newark High School's KIRKWOOD HIGHWAY MARSH A SILVI!RSIDE ROS. the 100 block of E. Main St. OPEN liON. THRU SAT. 10 All TO 8:30 Pll OPEN liON. THRU SAT. 10 All TD 8:00 P11 track sometime between 999-9901 475-3101 Tuesday evening, Newark Sunday and Tuesday, Newark Police said. Police said. The black motorcycle is Twenty sets of hurdles, a valued at $4,000, police said. high jump and bar and six starting blocks were taken, police said. Cassette player stolen from· car Car burglarized and damaged An AM1FM cassette player was stolen from a 1984 Toyota parked on Peach Road The dashboard of a 1992 sometime between Apri113 Ford Taurus on East Cleveland and April 20, Newarlc Police Avenue was damaged and a said. • All undergraduate students, regardless of major, can compact disc player was stolen Police said the cassette eAU courses carry University of Delaware panldpate. sometime between Sunday and player is worth $300. credit. • Cost minimal- includes regular Unlvenity of Delaware Wednesday, Newark Police • Some courses fulfill college group require­ tuition and a program fft covering alrfill'e, houaing, said. ments. ~locted group excuraioos, co~ret.Wd octivities, Damages totaled $800, and and some meals in some programs. the disc player is valued at Five cars damaged at $700, police said. ENGLAND/LONDON CRMN ~Pnd l Oni/Writ~n Expression (Cennan) Pencader Faculty Durctor. Professor john E. Kushman CRMN 30a.Contemponry German II Department of Textiles Design & Consumer Economics CRMN 406- Advaaad German Lansuage • (302)831-8535/8711 ARTH »,._Art It Ardtilocture of ~ntnl Euml'* (Cermany) Bumper stolen from Windows were broken on ,.. Courses are aU in English. CRMN 35S..Speclal Topla In Cerm•n ll~nture or Cuilure five different cars parked on CRMN 45S..Selec:tod Cerm•n Authon, Worb It Themes car Pencader Way and Cul-de-sac ARTH 30a.Mndem Ardtlt«

For odllitiart#Jl infor,.Hon •..t IIJ1Piiclll ionl amt.ct lltt offia of~ SIJM1ia, lntmYtiDNI P"'''-Com,, 4 K1111 Woy, (302) 83 1·2852

• .j ....; April23, 1993. THE REVIEW. AJ

Lunatic Chickens aid in cancer research· UD professor strives to uncover origin of disease causing virus and create vaccine

By Karen Klopp Petry yreo~,r.... t.othf e FMunocrtaianona•sl-:,7-:,W-:-:-e-s-:t:-;-i 1:-:1-d':""o_n_o_t-::k-n_o_w_e_x_a_ct---=ly---=h-o_w_chic~en-raising is a day-old chicks for experi ments. RinPe they look at how the virus '- Senior swr ~~epGtter P ~- heavtly concentrated Patients with Hodgkins' Analysis of Marek's ••• or why our current vaccines Industry. reaches the gene cells. disease might find a cure through Disease Virus. k , Despite the use of the They try to find out if the Episode Ten: Power is groups of chickens huddled in Very young chicks WOr • vaccine for MDV, the mutants get into the spleen, how with MDV develop the & poultry industry in the they grow, if they give protection Townsend Hall. R0 b · M · 0 f Being A Skate Guard at Cancer In chickens is closely disease by breathing in - In organ, assoctate protessor United States still has and if they cause tumors. related to Hodgkins' disease in the virus from dust that animal science millions of dollars of Citing the importance of the University Skating humans, a malignant disease of settles on the floors of broiler losses annually, Morgan's research to cancer, Dr. the lymphoid system. said Robin broiler houses. department of veterinary she said, not counting the Lemuel Herrera, chief of surgical Rink .•. Morgan, conductor of the The virus then reproduces in medicine at the Royal Hungarian additional expense through oncology at the Medical Center experiments. the cells of their lymphatic School in Budapest, proved that losses of eggs produced by of Delaware, said such viruses She glided up to me and asked in a soft. Morgan's goals are not only to systems, quickly traveling a cancer of the lymphoid system laying hens. usually produce structural innocent voice, "Do you have a glrlfriendr discover how the virus causes the through their bloodstnlalllS. in chickens was caused by a In animal oncology, changes in genes. I was embarrassed and shocked at her cancer, known as Marek's The virus reproduces In skin virus. researchers make mutations in With the identification of the boldness. 11 1n • · A vaccine for the disease was production of proteins by the Disease Virus (MDV), but also ce s. caus g tumors tn a Vll'lety introduced in 1970. Since that viral genomes, ending up with a "My friend wants to lcnow," she said as sbe to develop a vaccine against of organs and tissues. Including parent strain and a mutant strain. altered abnormality, Herrera began blushing. It was an ego boost for a MDV and other poultry diseases the spleen, kidneys, liver and time, one-day-old chicks have (The sum total of the genetic said, comes "the ability to use freshman guy, even though the girl was only and to research a link with heart. The disease begins all over been vaccinated for MDV in material of an organism is the this knowledge for diagnostic about 11 years old and had pictures of Mickey humans. again as the virus Is shed onto hatcheries worldwide. genome of that organism) purposes, and possibly Mouse on her skates. The search for a possible link the floor. Morgan. an associate "The mutations are done one therapeutic purposes in some "Ben, you just got asked out by a between the cancer in birds and The chickens ultimately die professor in the department of gene at a time,'' Morgan said. instances." prepubescent girl," one skate guard shouted human viruses is being fmanced from the disease or are Animal Science and Agricultural "Then the genes are put into Morgan said: "We still do not across the rink. "What are you going to do by a two-year grant of $164,000 condemned and dispos~ d of Biochemistry, said it is unlikely animals and the researchers wait know exactly how the virus nextr from the American Cancer when they reach commfrcial current vaccines will always be to see what happens." causes cancer, or even how or 'Tm going to Disney World!" I shouted Society. processing plants, Morgan said. effective against MDV • Morgan works with one why our current vaccines work. back, thinking I was funny. An additional grant of In 1968, Jozsef M ek, a especially in areas such as the research assistant and four "However, realizing there is a I was ooe of a small team of skate guards at $86,000 is available for a third professor and head f the Delmarva peninsula where graduate students. Using one- possibility of helping formulate a the university ice rink. We thought we were bad asses. The skaters surrounded you every night. asking you questions about how to skate, fight and how to get rid of chronic acne. Everyme there looked up to the skate guards, wishing that one day they could ~Y wear Delaware tbe same polyester yellow uniform. You may be unclear about what a skate guard is exactly. If you're like me, you may think it is tbe guy who guards your skates while you run out to the car to rub more Dialogues playboy air freshener oo your neck and chest. Well, it's noL It's like a life guard. except the water is harder and you don't get a tan. Next question: Why do you need a skate guard? Well, when most people get on the ice, decipher they look as if they're standing oo the shoulder of highway, trying to wave down a

Humans generally don•t get free speech along too well with ice. Ice By Ashwani Chowdary is only good for a few Stilff Rrportrr Students should not have to pay for something they things, like when you get do not believe in, said a student panelist Monday night in the second annual Delaware Dialogues program for punched in the lip. faculty and students. The purpose of Monday's dialogue was to "provide an opponunity for students to consider issues of Intense passing flailing, with a face that car, arms says debate and concern," said James Jones, a psychology frustration. professor who moderated the discussion. Humans generally don't get along too well The event featured two faculty speakers and five with Ice. Ice is only good for a few things, like panelists, one representing each of the following when you get punched in the lip. It keeps student groups: The Black Student Union, Hillel, The organs refreshingly cool during transpcx1 Review, Queer Campus, Young Americans for Freedom between donor and recipient. Ice ~ one of the (YAF). few things in poetry that rhymes with rice, The topic of funding speakers was one of many Spice (as in the channel) and lice. Other than .issues discussed in the dialogue held In 120 Smith Hall tha1. people have known ever since the last Ice which was attended by approximately 25 faculty and Age that ice is bad. students. Back when we guarded the ice, there was at Heath Buzin (AS JR), a member of YAF, said the at ooe casualty a night. but that didn't stop university should discontinue funding all political the kids from standing in line to trade their Air agenda groups with the mandatory student Jordana for rental skates that would be quite THE REVIEW I J. Hollada comprehensive fee. comfmable ifyouloppedoffyourbig toe. A member of the Alpha Phi sorority scales the fence across from the Perkins Student Center to Buzin cited a recent California Supreme Court hang the banner in support of their candidate for the Greek Goddess contest. The kiddies would swarm around the decision which decided that mandatory student fees at entrance to the rink. anlcles bowing outward, public universities can be unconstitutional if they are waiting for the zarnboni to finish its ftnal laps. given to student organizations which use the funds for The ke guards would then skate aruo the ice political activities. and indicate which direction the DUblic skaters were 10 go. !DIS unponant oects{c)n-WOWG "We. have the right to decide for ourselves what take as long as five minutes to ensure people speech 1s worthless and what speech is valuable," Buzin were aware of the ice guards' power. said. "Making you pay for something you don't believe in is absolutely ridiculous." may The ice guards would point and blow their Student Center fee rise whistles ... and BANG! They were out of the However, Nicole Jackson (AS SR), student panelist blocks. Two huodred little kids racing around and member of Queer Campus, said this method would Upperclassmen question paying for a builiding they will never use take away from the students. the rinlc. totally out of control, each with a set of knives attached to their tiny feeL It was like Because the money from the mandatory student fee is used by student groups to sponsor speakers, some By Stephanie Staats $200,000 worth of Perkins But, afficials said, it was the starx1ing in a giant food pocessor and the SWf~portrr Student Center renovations. quickest. "grown-ups" were the fresh meat. panelists had concern about some of the speakers sponsored by certain groups. Julie Krause (AS JR) might He said the university's first Sharkey said three options Young boys, most of which played on local not be in school when the commitment was to the were considered for funding new hockey teams. raced around with their jackets Suzannah Richmond (AS JR), a member of Hillel said she believes campus groups should consider how ~ construction of the new student renovation of the Perkins Student student center construction: state lifted behind them by the wind they created, center is finished. Center so students attending funds, private contributions and like a bizarre mating dance used to gain tbe po~nti~ s~er will af~ect other students on campus. I thmlt 11 has to do wtth social decorum and creating But, despite the fact she'll school now can see where their having students pay for bonds auentioo of the young girls practicing figure never use the new $21 million money is going. that would be sold to raise eights in the center of the rink. a ~ommunity in which we all want to live," Richmond Sllld. facility, she may have to help He said they began at S 1 0 capital. Some guys would pull out all the stops by pay for it. John Brook, vice president for wearing their actual game jersey, complete She referred to speeches given by Dr. Leonard Jeffries and Kwame Ture, two famous black speakers On May 12, the university•s government relations, said the with the accumulated odor of an entire hockey Board of Trustees will vote to university did not ask the state season. This ploy, for obvious reasons. rarely who some have claimed are anti-Semitic. "Why not spend the A BSU representative said those speakers which double the comprehensive fee for money because traditionally worked and in many~ created quite a were co-sponsored by his group were not brought to from $50 to $100 for all full­ student centers are funded from fuss, time students whether or not they money on renovating. other sources. Ironically, the best.way to show off campus to be anti-Semetic, but to speak on topics relevant to black students. will be around to use it. · the Perkins Student Brook said, "We try to focus CIOIJ1)lete competence on the ice was not the Three years ago. when the on kinds of projects that the <aling, but the stopping. The way you First amendment rights concerning hate speech were Center further ••• " also discussed at the forum. decision to build the center was people of the state ou&ht 10 &topped is what indicated your level of made, the board raised semester support, and generally those tend <aling. A good skater transfers the body James Magee, political science and international -Julia Krause (AS jR) relations professor, said if "hate speech" cause fees for full-time students by $10 to be buildings associated with weight off me foot. ooto the other while and then approved another $15 the academic program." tumin8 the body. The result is a cloud of snow intimidation, then it should not be considered free speech. increase, said Stuart Sharkey, Sharkey said the po~ i bility of and a quick stop. vice president for student life. because that seemed right for the · soliciting private donations was ' The next level of skaters go for the However, Magee said people legally have the r!sht to offensive speech under the First Amendment. But increased costs in the new amount the university exp~ctod also discussed. "p'etaad-~just-slow-down-until-they "But, when it is wgeted at Individuals, I think the student ceo ter has forced the to spend. . · "We figured it would talc~ so ewutua!ly-stop" stop. This is subtle, but you ~dministration to request an Russell Porter (AS SR) many years to raise that much have the same chances of ltopping wheze you un!vers!ty has the resources to act," he said, such as the uruverstty judicial board. 10crease. president of the Delaware money, that we really couldn't want as a roulette bell. . Another student panelist. Doug Donovan (AS SR), Regardless, Krause and other Undergraduate Student Congre,s wait that long," Sharkey said. Many people just go for the lcamilcaze plan. students still think the increase is (DUSC), said feedback from ~tted ~example of a "dangerous precedent of protest," Instead the university will be This is when tbe skater simply stops by too much money for students to students revealed they wouldn't selling long term bonds, which crashing into walls, friends or the person they tn whtch someone cut up 100 copies of The Delaware Spectator, the campus newsletter of YAF and mailed it pay. mind contributing money for a students will pay off with the think is cute enough to be used as a "Why not spend money on new student center, even if they fee, Sharkey said. cmvenienllanding pad. back to the staff. "You're throwing away someone else's free speech renovating the [Perkins Student graduated before it was built. Hollowell said $7 million of "Watch where you're going. tunS ba111" the Center] further instead of Sharkey added student the new center will be funded by victim yells as she gets up and skates away. just because you don't agree with It," said Donovan editor-in-chief of The Revuw. ' building a whole new center." feedback was researched through Dining Services and the "' think she likes you." a cocky guard Jackson added ripping down Queer Campus posters Mary Landolt (ED SR) agreed. people attending DUSC meetings University Bookstore. comznem. As a · commuter student, and from the architect's survey. David Hollowell, senior vice I hung up the skates about four years ago is also a violation of free speech. "If you don't agree with something and you want to Landolt said she rarely goes into Porter said, "DUSC supported president for administration and did not return to the rink until last the Perkins Student Center and is increasing student fees as the said, potential co r poral ~ Priday's pubUc skating session. It's diffaatt be heard," she said, "you have to let other people be beard as well." "disillusioned" with university potential was greater for the donations and approximately $3 now. The guards' uniforms are no longer officials. . people to be using the building." million of the university's money polyester (their loss). The young kids there The group also discussed political correctness on campus. "They seem to want to build to But, for students like Krause. are also anticipated for a don't seem to be all oo the same team impress potential out-of-state the increase offers no increase i.n program in the new center aimed anymore. It's as if none d them know each Buzin pointed to the tom copies of Tbe Spectator and said, "This is political correctness in action." students,'' Landolt said. services while they attend the at the hotel/restaurant Olber. Victoria Kemp (AS JR) posed university. man!lgement pr9gram. However, I did notice IOrmhing about tbe Donovan and Judith Roof, the other auest soeaker debated the use of masculine words. She said using a similar question. K·rause said that because she The program, Hollowell said, guards when everybody was waiting to get on mucullne pronouns such as be or his when speaking in "I would rather have a choice doesn't spend much time in the will include a small test kitchen tbe Ice. They took their sweet time deciding general terms was archaic. since I won't get to use the new student center she won't see her and restaurant. which way the skalen would go. I could ICDie Donovan disagreed and said, "But if I want to use he student center," Kemp said. $100 put to work. He added that a $6 million tbey felt the power. or his, I should have the right without beina punished." However, according to However, officials said an parking lot, not included in the - Bmjamin R. Rilfae Jones interrupted what wu becoming a tangent to the Sharkey, most of the student fees increase in the student fee was estimated $21 million cost will main argument and said the debate was proof that times collected so far have been used not the only option open to the be suppor ted with parking are ch1nging and that rules are barcl to define. to pay debt on approximately university. revenues. ·------..------A4 • THE RMEW. April 23, 1993 Former U.S. Senate candidate to speak in Wilmington Lynn Yeakel to discuss 'The Year of the Woman' at the Women's Democrat Club of Delaware Monday

By Laura Fasbach Delaware in Wilmington. the interrogation of Anita Hill recalling a national publication In October during a radio won," she says. Con1tibuti111 Edilor "There's no going back," says during the Clarence Thomas which described her haircut as a debate, Specter repeated that "We went from 1 percent name For some skeptics, the Year of Yeakel, who went from a private hearings. "Perky Dorothy Hamill wedge." Yeakel's husband belonged to a recognition to 2.2 million votes the Woman was a passing trend of to public citizen virtually Specter was one of nine male "I kept wondering 'how are they country club that had no black and raised $4.5 million from 1992. overnight after an upset victory senators who questioned Hill. going to describe Specter's members and that her pastor made 52,000 contributors." For Lynn Yeakel, it is a way of against Lt. Gov. Mark S. Singe! in Although Yeakel set out to haircut?'" degrading remarks about the Currently, six of the 100 Senate life. last year's primary. voice overlooked issues such as During the race for the Senate, Israeli Government. seats and 47 of the 435 House of Yeakel, 's 1992 "I'm committed to stay out in sexual harassment. education and critics say Specter attacked Yeakel "Woman have to stick together Representatives seats are held by Democratic nominee for the U.S. the public and speak out about health care, she says being a more than his past opponents. if we're going to break through the women. Senate, continues to play an active what people should be aware of." woman was often an obstacle Specter's criticism of his opponent glass ceiling," she says. Yeakel is optimistic that by the role in citizen participation despite Within the past three months, during her campaign. followed a pattern which Yeakel Election night was a big year 2025, the United States will her defeat against Republican she has spoken in 10 states and at "There is · a subconscious says has gone on throughout disappointment for the president have elected a woman president. incumbent in more than 20 college campuses. In attitude that we have to change," history. and founder of Women's Way. As for her own career, Yeakel is November. March, Yeakel's political says Yeakel referring to society's "He defined me in relation to Yeakel lost by a narrow margin of not certain which political office , On Monday, Yeakel will speak commentary concerning women in treatment of women. the men in my life. We have 3 percent. She does not, however, she will pursue in the future. about "Lessons Learned In The politics appeared in USA TODAY. Yeakel says the media is always been someone's daughter, feel completely defeated. She is determined, however,. Year of the Woman" at the Yeakel's decision to run for somewhat responsible for somebody's sister and somebody's "Even though I'm not in the that the next time will be different. Women's Democrat Club of office was triggered by watching perpetuating double standards, wife." U.S. Senate, in many ways we "I'm going to win." Earth Day conference meets to discuss U.S. Clean Air Act John S. Seitz, director of the assistant to Lt. Gov. Ruth Ann ~!~.~z~ Editor Office of Air Quality Planning and Miner, elaborated on the Clean Air With Earth week in full gear, Standards, said, "The legislation Acts. scientists and industry officials must be passed or Delaware could He said three stages were attended a conference Monday to risk losing federal highway money," developed as bench marks to discuss an issue at the heart of the which is the penalty for not measure a state's progression environmental movement. confonning with the federal act. according to the act. The 1993 Air Quality The conference also featured Delaware met the first stage in Conference, sponsored by the other speakers. 1992, he said, through a state Delaware Nature Society at the Suzanne C. Moore, representing implementation program outlining Ashland Nature Center, focused on the New Castle County Chamber of the state's pollution problem and its the current state of Delaware's air Commerce, spoke out for small solution. and the impact of the Clean Air Act business owners. Benefield said the stages set for Amendments. "The acts will have a profound next year and 1996 will force The federal Act, which was effect on small business," she said. Delaware to prove a reduction in passed in the spring of 1990, "The majority include printers, dry emissions has occurred. pressured states to tighten their cleaners and paint shops." Betsy Frey, an environmental policies on emissions from cars, gas Moore added that gas stations scientist for the Division of Air and stations and small businesses. will be hit the hardest because Waste Management, commented on , THE REVIEW I Walter M. Eben Chtldren attending the Allison Hall Laboratory Presch9ol march down Academy Street According to the act, Delaware stations will be forced to purchase the current status of the quality of air Wednesday in a parade to promote environmental awareness for Earth Day. must show a dramatic reduction of pumps which capture escaping gas in Delaware. emissions in the air by 1996. fumes. "The state has a real ozone Sen. David McBride, chair of the Dr. John Goodill, a specialist in problem in the summer months," she state Senate Natural Resources and pulmonary medicine, said Delaware said. University celebrates Earth Week Environmental Control Committee, should be concerned with the toxins She added the Philadelphia area is said the state must pass upcoming in the air and the effect it has on a ranked as one of the 10 worst in the mntinued from page A1 "DNREC has been working goes directly toward rainforest legislation to conform with the person's lungs. country. Earth Day efforts on a fo_r mo!lths matching people up preservation. . Clean Air Act. He said Delaware has some of the But she concluded with a positive . t' f t , With different areas of the the Greenpeace has tssued a He said to avoid penalties, worst health statistics in the nation. outlook. con tmua 10n o 1as year s · E · · · Christina River Clean-U . n ver. verythlng must be rep or~ on <;:hnton:s first 100 Delaware must set up new vehicle "We have to pay attention to the "I think Delaware is definitely inspection programs and penalize air toxins," he said. M th 800 1 P t carefully orchestrated," days m off1ce entitled "Earth making an improvement for the ore an vo un eers Mahaffie said. Day Report Card On Clinton's the state's largest polluters. Michael Benefield, special future." ~h!oudghout the sl~at_te haver Although Mahaffie said Environmental Promises." JOtne a coa 1 1on o .. h b · overnment CIVIC and t ~ aSJcs of the Greenpeace spokeswoman gb . d' . N C envtronmental outlet are out Deborah Rephan said· "We're usmess 1ea ers tn ew ast1 e h .. h · · · ·. · Count that is workin to ~. er~, e s~1d there are a not gomg to ~~ ve h~m h1gh organii'e the event. g m,Ynad of th1~gs. P.eople can grades. We're d1sappotnted." Tree fungus aids in cancer research DNREC spokesman Mike do .. t~ help o~t md1v1~ually. _the new mntinued from page A1 ?nly for ovarian c~c~r and is still Sciences, said the discovery and Mahaffie said the ultimate It ~ the h_ttle.. thmgs that a~mlmstratton's fi~St 100 days . • . . . m the process obtammg approval use of taxol is not significant as a goal is to turn the clean-u count, he s~ld. If ev~ryo?e did . no~ sausfy the Amen.can Cancer Soc1ety IS from the Food and Drug new medical treatment but project over to communit p does somethmg small It Will orgamzatiOn, Greenpeace opp~slng a lot of the land Administration for its effects because it will be offered t~ more leaders in efforts to "facilitat~ help the l~ge! movement.". believes change can and will clearmg. . against breast cancer. people a artnershi with volunteers The. Wlldh~e Conservation occur. Four prospective. drug makers . Taxol, which was originally "It's a matter of availability if T6en we cin step back and Club IS ho!dtng a. raff~e for "The Clinton administration are now , co~petmg for the discovered 20 years ago, was put anything," Smith said. take a secondar role in the Ear~h Da.y m contmuatlon. of may have started off on a bad manufactunng ngh~s of ~ol from on the back burner because Christine Carey (AS SO) a project Y thetr ramforest protection note but we advocate change Montana Stat~ Umversaty, where researchers did not think it would medical technology major, said: · project. Every dollar raised for the future," Rephan said. the d~g ~as discovered. have any substantial effects, "Hopefully lots of research will Chr1st1ne Mo~y of the. Cancer Moody said. come out of this discovery. As Research Institute saad the David Smith, associate long as there's hope, a cure will government has approved taxol professor of Life and Health soon be found."

WHEN YOU RIDE DRUNK. ONE MORE FOR THE ROAD CAJI HAVE r- , AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MUNING. Summer In Israel ------Spend three weeks as a student volunteer I Business I Accounting Students I w_orking and living at an anny base. S1x month open return ticket! I Job Opportunities I • Alc~ h o l ~ui ckl ~ affects your judgment, balance, and coordination. When these fac ulties are t ~prured , ndmg becomes more than difficult. It becomes dangerous. Don't drink • and nde. Or your last drink might be your last drink. MOTORCYCLE S&Fm FOUIDATIDII I I I Gain Valuable Experience INCLUDES ROUNDTRIP AIRFARE I ROOM & BOARD & TOURS I Eai1.1.9BJ ~.1.9BJ Departing from New York 5f23, 5/29, 5/30, 5/31, 6!l, 6/5, 1993 The Review UD General Accounting I Call for farther dates and nces Hourly Pay Approved Work Study Contact: Hope to see you soon I Business Manager I • We can help you find money for college National I .~, l ...... _ .. /) ' General Office Clerk Office Manager • Every student is eligible for Financial Aid Student Uvt,/$1~ I Coordinator 330 WEST 42ND STREET Billing Clerk I SUITE 1218 I NEW YORK, NY 10036 Gal/Sandy I 212-643·6845 Call Karen FAX 212 643-4855 I 831 ·1397 831-2175 I L - ..I second annual ------Douglas F. Carpentier Memorial You are cordially invited to join us in honoring sophomores who have acheived a GPA of 3.3 or "ATTENTION" softball tournament higher.. friday, may 7 & saturday, may 8 PERKINS/NDSIJ (raindate 14 & 15) Golden Key at C.S:B.- Frazier Field AND NURSING LOAN $60.1111 per team National Honor Society this is a two-day tournament for men's, women's, and RECIPIENTS coed te~ms. This tou":lam~nt is h~ld in honor of Doug Carpentier, a 1991 Un1verstty Semor, who was an avid Sophomore Recognition participant in the Intramural Softball Program. The Ir you will not be returlng to the University or Delaware legacy Doug left to the game is one of spirit, enthusiasm for the ran Hmester, you are required to attend an Exit and sportsmanship. It is hoped that through this Interview during the week or May 3, 1993. Ir you have tournament this spirit will be preserved on campus. not been contacted regarding the dates and tlmea or the Sunday, April 25, 1993, 3pm May Exit lnter:vlew meetlnga, please contact the Student Proceeds from the tournament go to the Douglas F. Loan ornce, 2208 Hulllhen Hall, Phone 831-210!118184. Carpentier Memorial Fund. Rodney Room, Student Center Dress is casual. Refreshments will be served. •stafford Loan Rec:lplentl must attend a separate registration : april12 • aprii2B in room 101 CSB meeting conducted by the Flnaclal Aid Omce • Call Any further questions, contact Nancy Kirk at 831-17701 Stafford Loan Omce tor dates and times. call 831-8600 831-6125, MWF 8:30am -11:30am Open forum promotes interaction oontinued from page A1 indoctrination or the Western Also addressed was the problem or he said. "Schools should be focusing perspective," Trent said. campus verbal harassment and the oo the basics." "(Complaining about the multicultural recent lack of a speech code Buzin supported diversity in requirement) is a bunch of bull." prohibiting offensive language. education but said it was dangerous Gary Geise (CE ND). representing Because of a Supreme Court when that diversity rejected the the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Student decision which terminated a Minneso1a importance of the Western world. Union (LGBSU), said the multicultural law limiting hate crimes, the university Buzin was supported by the College requirement has been "ineffective" in revoked its speech code in December. Republicans, whose spokesman Drew reducing "intolerance." which had prohibited certain forms of Kabakoff (BE FR) said a mandatory "Any teaching of humanities verbal harassment class could "create animosity towards involves some amount of Geise said the university's speech other groups." indoctrination," Geise said in rebuttal code had merit, despite the court ''We believe that multiculturalism is to YAF's argument that multicultural ruling, because it applied to speech desirable, but when it's forced on courses should not be required. directed at another person. people. it can be counterproductive to The use of the comprehensive ''Stop being so easily offended." he the educational process," Kabakoff student fee to help bring speakers to said. "and stop saying things that will said. campus and to partially fund student so easily offend." Horace Trent (AS SR), interim groups was also discussed at the Other groups in attendance were the vice-president for the collegiate forum. College Democrats, Hillel, the Arab chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., said the Buzin said while he supported American Student Association, the nrulticultural requirement is necessary organizations' rights to host speakers, Interfraternity Council, the College to balance the Western perspective of he did not think students should have Nurses Organization, the Black THE REVIEW I Mill STJ;?OTJ-U;::RS SPOJ&:AC6J""0L The Blue Chickens SOT?li?b:NDb:l:?? OR .•• (i)l)JT. You see, down in Dover there's a big Basketball was bad enough. Football ol' bug that won't leave him alone. It would be, from an image standpoint, TE:QJ:? GAG INTo ~IS LIVING, flies around his head, whispers sweet disastrous. Tubby Raymond not the top ROOM? nothings into his ear and even takes college football mind in the state? li me to call him a coward. Never. That bug is a Delaware State College Even with basketball, things aren't as Hornet. secure as they may seem. If you haven't Ever since Johnson's fust day in the figured it out yet, Johnson does not big chair nearly nine years ago, he's want the rivalry to go on, and would been hounded by questions about why use any excuse to end it. Delaware won't play Del. State in any This year's basketball game at Del. john Otllnpr revenue-earning sports, namely State, an easy Hen victory, was ended football, basketball and, to a lesser early when a fight in the stands broke extent, baseball. out. Under much media pressure the Boy, that'll make a great reason to A funny thing happened at the Forum schools signed a two-year basketball cancel the series, wouldn't it? contract two years ago, and the teams Can you say: E-X-C-U-S-E? Ubrary WQrker, but honesUy, be did make the Who knows, maybe a 26-7 baseball If one phrase could describe Tuesday night's have each won a game. Open Forum, it is "Please Understand Me." best points): score is another good reason? We The baseball squads met for the first Representatives from the student who 1. Stop getting offended so easily. wouldn't want that kind of rout to groups time yesterday, and the result was a 26- attended each in their own way asked for more ! Commentary 2. Stop doing things thai so easily offend. 7 Hen rout at Delaware Diamond. happen again, would we? understanding of who they are, what they In other words, be quick to listen, slow to So that's good, right? The teams Yes, we would. Delaware should speak, slow to anger. Don't jump to played, and everyone is happy. play Delaware State in everything - believe and what they've been through. : By Rich Campbell Most groups at one time or another conclusions. Walk a mile in someone else's Well, not exactly. from golf to football, track to hoops. disagreed with someone else in the room. At shoes. And "Do unto others as you would haw Simply put, Johnson will not even Johnson's pathetic excuses boarder on limes tension filled the air. them do unto you." consider playing Del. State in football. just plain cowardice, and it's about time · But as one of the College Republicans Mennonite. Southern Baptist. Roman' Catholic, Do you hate being stereotyped, not listened His weak reasoning is usually based UD got some cujones (that's balls in present said (I apologize I do not have to, pre-judged? Then don't do the same to Spanish). · Jewish viewpoints ~ well). around schedule problems - a garbage names), others, ifs, ands or buts. It's a great gate draw, and there's no everyone's the university environment Most everyone agrees some professors of no excuse that prompted Sports Dlustrated is not meant to be completely comfortable. When it came to discussing harassment, to respond: "Are the Blue Hens doubt both teams will make a load of multicultural courses are lousy and/or quite We didn't have to worry about that with biased (i.e. indoctrination) in their )X'CSCiltation. most groups present knew what it was like to be chicken? Cluck. Cluck." money. Young Americans for Freedom, Hillel, the stereotyped and put down, sometimes worse. From a political standpoint, The ball, no matter what the sport, is I must say one of the IFC guys made an Black Student Union, the LGBSU and NAACP YAF brought along a bag of shredded Delaware has nothing to gain. The Hens in Johnson's court. excellent point He knew people who have had in the same room. Spectator's someone had kindly mailed to them. are the First State's first sports love. -J.P. multicultural training ad nauseum and showed Did the groups agree on anything? Most felt no change in attitudes. (Working at The Revi4w, I can sympathize.) the multicultural requirerrent as it now stands Education in and of itself won't change They said this was political correctness at worlc. does not work. The reasons varied, though, anything unless it comes from within. Like a to which LGBSU responded it probably wasn't F·BI acted too late in Waco from classes being springboards for political wise man once said, "All education does is the p.c. crowd who tore down LOBSU's ideologies, hate indoctrination and west bashing make man a more clever devil." posters. A tragedy occurred Monday in With cull groups like this where to they don't go far enough in promoting It was probably the people who put up Waco, Tex., as members of the Branch members have pledged complete Most everyone dislikes student fees paying alternatives to western culture. for political speakers under the guise of jewelry and magazine ad posters. Davidian sect set fire to their allegience to live and die at the word The Arab-American Student Associatio.n Actually, as much as the groups at times compound, killing 86 people, including of one person, normal "wait and see" supposedly non-political groups. Religion and asked why there was no class describing the politics aren't limited to slricUy religious and vehemenUy disagree, I doubt anyone who cares, children. tactics do not work. diversity of the Arab world. Good question. enough to involve themselves are not the ones Questions have been raised as to the Sadly, but predictably for anyone politiC!!~ groups. . . . . Hillel said Jewish studies classes do not Now the "I wish it were always true but ... " · to tear down posters or Jtlone in death threats appropriateness of the FBI's actions. familiar with similar groups, the fulfill the multicultural requirement. Why don't (which members of groups ranging from Queer After a standoff of seven weeks, the method of confrontation played right award goes to the BSU, one of whom said, "AU they? . people have a brain and they're allowed to thinlt Campus to YAF have received). People like FBI. decided to go in to the compound. into the hands of cult members who The best suggestion came from BSU. The · that are slaves to their own hatred and violence, Unfortunately, the FBI and other believed in an imminent violent for themselves." Unfortunately, Newark has no university should have a "World Cultures" shortage of the cranially challenged. or self-centered or drunk people who have law enforcement agencies involved let Armageddon at the hands of outside survey course, similar to world religions, which nothing better to do or those who for their own the situation go on far too long. There forces. Thanks to the woman from the Student would offer an overview of most major cultures Nurses Fellowship for some thought.provoking purposes thrive on stirring up stru:e and discord., were several instances to arrest David The government should have acted of the world (lct's face it - all cultures would Anyhow, don't let it stop you from Koresh before he imprisoned himself comments and staying out of the fray. faster and smarter. take a lifetime). Explain how Asian, African, in the group's house. Gary Geise representing LGBSU made the continuing the dialogue. Hispanic cultures view life. (While you're at it, best two points of the evening (Gary just throw in Scottish, Irish, French, Czech, happens to be a fellow Revi4w staffer and Rich Campbell is the editorial ecfttor oflhe Review.

Celebrate freedom - Tipper Gore has left the PMRC

Let this be a day of joyous celebration - The PMRC attacked everyone from AC/DC told her to keep her big, fat mouth shut. organization puts out full-page ads in puke forth your Scroungeburgers. to Frank Zappa, claiming rock music was In Novemeber, we elected and newspapers, demanding that Hollywood clean Tippy Gore, the self-righteous, bigheaded corrupting our children. It was something out his buddy AI. Tippy became a first-lady in up its act. wife of ersatz common man Vice President AI of the 1950s, only this time Tippy and her pals wailing and every rock and roll star from Records are just a drop in the bucket, Gore, has left the Parents Music Resource were planning to burn the performers instead Fleetwood Mac to Michael Jackson performed though. It's not just Ozzy Osbourne and Joey ;... Center. of their records. at the inaugural ball. Ramone under attack. All of us are potential ~ ~ The PMRC was founded in 1985, by Gore Now you might wonder, what's the big It's kind of ironic- rock and rollers lining targets. ~ ~ and her equally overbearing friend Susan deal? Tippy didn't want to censor records, she up to be associated with a woman who wanted There are many smali minds out there who ..... ~ Baker. The two were offended at rock lyrics only wanted to label them. Isn't there a would like to see norrr•al everyday speech ~ \.... to see her brand of morality stamped on every ~ and set out to label records they deemed difference? record label. regulated. Have certain words eliminated ;: 0 explicit. Record labeling might not be censorship, Rock and roll was always about freedom of because they're potentially damaging to tender ;: ~ The two had also demanded all song lyrics but it is a step in that direction. By labeling expression. By attempting to label records and ears. \.... be printed on album covers and "offensive" records "offensive" or "explicit," we set them remove offensive album covers, old Tippy Grind it down, slap a label on it, say this, 0 album covers be removed from display. apart from other works - "good" works. demonstrated major disdain for the First not that, do this, buy that, watch this, don't go d :::...... It was a classic example of a small minority Once you label something as bad or harmful, Amendment. see that. ~ trying to set the moral tone for the majority. it becomes a lot easier to censor it. Quite simply, America has very little need It's all the same jargon. These two small-minded women didn't like What Tippy . did was downright dangerous. for people who think they're somehow capable Done for the same, big-hearted reason - to certain kinds of music - ergo, it was bad for She thought she could tell America what was of judging what is good and what is bad. "help" people make the right choice. EVERYONE. good and bad. Good riddance to you, Tippy. What made Done by the same self-righteous people. Tippy got the idea for the PMRC after she What's worse, she thought she had all the you think you were qualified to tell me what's Who have no idea that it's wrong to dictate discovered her daughter listening to Darlin right in the world to do so. offensive and what's not? to anyone else a series of behaviors or moral Nikki, a Prince song. Gore claimed her Tippy continued with the PMRC up through Let's hope the PMRC just fades away. standards. daughter learned about masturbation from t11e the presidential election, but on the campaign Still, the fight for free expression is not Because there's only one response to song. trail, she didn't say word one about the group over. This particular Hydra has many lteads. something you don't like- get rid of it. Her daughter was 15 years old at the time. or its antics. Tippy Gore is gone, but the Reverend One must wonder what color the sky is in the When her husband got on the presidential Donald Wildmon and his American Family Cre8 Orlando is an editorial columnist for The fantasyland Tippy calls her reality. ticket, someone must've taken her aside and Association has taken up the slack. This Rev1ew.

Letters to the editor L.A. trial travesty of justice criminal could not read his own testimony. Court or Park Place to. investigate the parties Animal research beneficial Greek Party for everyone? He's illiterate, but now he's an illiterate and the noise ml the alcohol there. This may millionaire. Only in America. Only in America can four men be tried come as a big shock, but there are other Karen Levinson's column (April 13). I hope and pray I'm proven wrong on twice for the same charges. Our country has In agreement with Rebecca Tollen's April people on campus besides Greeks who enjoy 16 commentary, yes this is what America has presented a very limited view of animal Friday, but I have an ugly prediction about bowed to the threats of riots and barbarianism loud Il'llSic and drink beer. You just seemed to research. Although I agree cosmetics testing Greek come to. DUSC elections. I'm scared that the in convicting two of the four L.A. police focus on the biggest target and make all of us is not a legitimate use of research animals, I party will win. Frightened not because they officers. Greeks look bed because you thought we were Marty Fmocchiaro (CEND) disagree with Ms. Levinson's attempt to are Greek. but or how they might win. What has happened here? People across being insensitive. downplay the importance of animals in Does it seem odd to anyone else that a the nation now feel justice has been served. Growing 'Wherry' of Review But this isn•t the only major flaw in your biomedical research. Today, more people are · group which professes to be concerned for all Has it? Is justice being done when men are c~ntary. I also read you helped write the living healthier, longer lives thanks to animal students, not just Gnleks, has not one member tried twice for the same charges just to please Sigma Nu article. Where were you when you who is not Greek? Well, Rob Wherry, chalk one up for you research. the troublemakers of America? wrote it? Did you even remember insening Contrary to the opinions of many .:tivists, Furthermore. if they ·are so representative, These are the police officers you expect to and Jeff Pearlman, because you've done it Dean (of Students Timothy] Brooks' again (column, April 20). You have added research animals are not "abused." The care why call themselves the Greek Party? protect you. But when they do their job, you statements about the situation? Well, let me and usc of research animals are strictly another blemish to the already diminishing Because It ensures students who would put them on trial ! refresh your memory. Dean Brooks said the regulated to ensure animals are treated probably not vote otherwise will vote because People across America say they fear the Greek system. Way to go. drug charges will be handled on an individual After reading your commentary · in humanely and are not used indiscriminately. or the Greek affiliation. And please do not police. But if you' ve done nothing wrong you basis, but, more importantly, he said the To answer Ms. Levinson's claim that Tuesday's Review, I felt compelled to open insult my intelliaence by suggesting this will have nothing to fear. The police are there to incident will "ot effect the 11a11u of the animal research constitutes "exploitation: I not happen. my mouth and speak out fratemity or the Greelr. system os a whole. protect us, so why can' t they protect would point out advances made in human I wish everyone did wtc and vote fore the themselves too? It seerm you stated in your colurm that you Now do you remember? medicine have also improved the Jives of drinking best person. It angers me that we still have And let' s not overlook this- Rodney too once enjoyed a beer at a fraternity Remember this: The next time you see a countless animals, both domestic IDd wild. party and in your own wools thought "it was tbis sort of juvenile behavior at an institution King is a criminal. He drove at high speeds bunch of Greeks enjoying themselves and Humans are not the only ones wbo ltiDd to peat" Well, Rob, that's what everyone at Sig of higher leamina. If problems arise next while intoxicated and resisted arrest and promoting unity, keep your jealousy to beneflt from animal research. ,e., I bopc everyone who voted rememben detention. Whatever happened to these Ep and KA and Towne Court and Park Place yourself and give the system a break. thought this 'Melcend, who they chose before complalning. charges? Dropped! probably s-t too. Sarah Schroer (AS OR) You see, you never walked by Towne This criminal is now a millionaire. This Laura M. Smith (AS SR) Briln Mann (ED OR) April23, 1993. THE RMEW•A7

32 )3 Cartoon Corner 14 J4 INSIDe THE WACO C.OMPOOND 18


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TOLL FREE Cllbln Counaelor ·Activity lnatructor. Live with campers, and l-800-423-USAF teach a camp activity such as sailing or waterskiing. All positions include room and board. June 10 ·August 28 ...... ---- :.,- !> For details or an application: ==~~-=-= ~ Call Jim Reilly at Camp Tockwogh (302) 571-6956 = FORCE Plan NOW For Your Summer April23, 1993. THE RMEW A8 . ourse: Phil2071nductive logic and Scientific method MWr 11 :15-12:05

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Arts I Entertainment I Trends People I Lifestyles

People think white water rafting is simple recreational fun and games. WARNING: Leave the kids home Wet

By Michael Regan coast megalopolis slowly melted these mighty waterways. Ciry N"ws Ediror away revealing the natural Billy, a pretty mild-mannered NEW RIVER, WEST scenery of the Appalachian fellow by his own admission, - There is a thin mountains through the windows sometimes "gets a little nasty" in line between getting back to of two university vans. the rougher rapids. Barking out nature, and allowing nature to Rain clouds cast dramatic paddling orders like "all get back at you. This thought shadows on the first of the forward!" or "left back!" Billy was on the mind of at least one Shenandoahs, which slowly keeps the eight person boat away university student as wet snow aged into plateaus, making it from the most brutal rapids which and sleet woke a handful of more and more apparent that the no guide could stop from flipping them just before dawn in West chilling waters of the New River the boat and scattering the Virginia. would not be refreshing but occupants into the roar of the As they slithered out of their oppressive. white water. sleeping bags and scrambled for Although the skies were clear Early in the trip, before any of shelter in tents with the rest of above the Mountain State the rapids, Billy asks if anyone the 20 or so people who were on Campgrounds Friday night, has any medical problems he the trip, it did not seem like the Saturday morning was so cold should know about. best day to be going white-water and nasty that New Gauley "Do psychiatric illnesses rafting. Expeditions rented wet suits at a count?" the Review guy asks. For sophomore Rob discount to the Delaware group "Oh, they're required" says McHenry, one of four students and the rest of the 100 or so Billy, not spreading too much on the trip who would be getting people who would make the confidence over the boat full of a grade for their recreation trip. novices. leadership class, it was just Along with the suits, rafters There would be a lot of "big another day at the office. donned yellow and green life water" today, Billy says. The "I was kind of used to it," jackets, helmets and paddles, level of the river is ten feet above McHenry, an experienced and shoved off in into the river normal, as the Army Core of camper said. "When you're in rubber boats piloted by Engineers has been opening the sleeping outside, 30 degrees is licensed boat guides employed dam, some 50 miles north, in an warm." by New-Gauley Expeditions. attempt to lower the pool there, The precipitation was no The guide of the boat which has swelled from the surprise or deterrent for this carrying the Delaware students, spring rains and runoff from the group either; it had rained on Billy, like many people in this "Blizzard of '93." TH£ RfVI£W /Michael Rega" this parade before it had left area is employed between April Although the water level has You may be in an inflatable raft, but the river rarely hesitates from joining its riders for a stroll down Delaware the day before (some and October guiding the more risen as high as 30 feet above the water. Lifejackets are most definitely required. 8 to 13 hours away, depending than 90,000 tourists who come normal this year, guides say on your navigation skills). to the New and Gauley rivers commercial rafting is illegal at 13 from Delaware to frolic in its rafting, but they couldn't hours and 15 miles later all the As the hours of the trip wore each season to test their feet above normal, only about presence. remember if amnesia often rapids, which raft guides over on, the symptoms of the east gumption in the presence of three feet higher than it was on "That was a class one," occurred. the years have given colorful Saturday. shouted Billy to the boat, So the rafts continued down but seemingly meaningless The high water level would freshly drenched in the icy the river like boxes full of names like "Greyhound," mean a faster current. Although water. Four classes higher than fragile China on an out-of­ "Double Z" and "Teacher's Billy's fear of the water today this? the university control conveyor belt. The most Pet," were over. may have been exaggerated, the disclaimer sheet came to mind, severe rapids, class four and After the rafts drifted threat of the freezing water was informing the students of the five, contained what Billy underneath the New River real. hazards of white water rafting; called hydraulics, when the Bridge, famous in local lore for "We don't want to have to do hypothermia, death by various river churns in on itself, and having a pickup truck bungee­ any swimming today," Billy says ways including drowning and waves travel upriver making the dropped from it in a TV with a tone of sincerity in his smashing one's head against raft shake like a mechanical bull commercial, the group from voice. rocks. Maybe it was time to bail on full speed. Delaware left the New River The group would be facing out. In between the rapids, Billy and said good-bye to their rapids rated as difficult as five, Sophomore Suzette Schmidt explained the best ways to avoid guides. on a scale of one to six. Rapids was in the most vulnerable seat, injury if one should find Surprisingly, later that night are judged by the National White the front, absorbing the brunt of themself suddenly discharged two guides wandered onto the Water Rafting Association for the the river's assault on the raft. from the raft. This involved Mountain State Campgrounds, volume and speed of the water However when all the rafts keeping your feet in front of willing to reveal all the secrets and any obstructions or stopped about halfway through you, so as to absorb the shock of the river in exchange for a undertows which will make the the trip, to allow rafters to of any rocks that might get in few beers. Alas this was a water more treacherous. relieve themselves of their own your way, and letting the river university sponsored trip, and The first rapid shook the boat internal rapids, Schmidt still carry you to calmer water or no beer was brought. like an auto wreck, indicating wanted the same seat. another raft. The majority of the river's THE REVI£W / Jimmv Mitchell that the river was not impressed The guides had assured that Luckily no one needed this secrets would have to remain The reporter is all smiles, but secretly scared for his life. · that this group came all the way nobody has died recently while advice on Saturday. About four secret. From rock climbing to canoeing, the Go in ' Camping Outing Club goes all out, all the way

By Chiara DiRenzo sound, they entail more than most friend in sleeping bags to get her in his sock and 11n1se droppings in his C~fDtot . people would think. warm and re-gain her normal body boot. Showering with hot, running Water, "Aside from the fun we have, there temperature. Consequently, his friend But outing club members say the using toilet paper along with a is a lot of planning, education and didn't suffer any majoc complications. rewards are too great to let minor flushable toilet and brushing with safety precautions that we have to Aside from the serious problems, inconveniences keep them home. clean water and Colgate Winterfresh take,'' he says. there's always more comical Eleazar says he wouldn't change a Gel seems like nothing out of the As this Spring Break's group situalions. thing about the club's trips. Not only ordinary to JOOSt university students. lehy: the club are educated in fU'St-aid, map Vaillancourt says. for your whole life." ''Come play with us, and we'D show reading and CO!J1>3SS reading. No matter how disgusting that Vaillancourt agrees the trips are a you the world in a different light" "A lot can be learned from may seem, club president Gladys boOOing time because everyone needs Rock climbing, canoeing, cross­ everyme who goes on the trips." Basila (HR SR) says this shouldn't to depeoo on each other. country skiing. caving and white­ Not all mishaps can be avoided. discourage anyone from camping. "You have to do stuff that you water rafting are just some of the The club's voyages can get people Vaillancourt says going to the don't want to do like crossing 33 activities the club has enjoyed over into many hairy situalims. bathroom in the woods isn't that bad degree waist-high rivers and hanging this past year. During last year's trip, his friend "I just don't go that much." all of your food from trees so that The club recently returned from feU in a freezing river. To help save For those who think they might animals don't eat it overnight when all one of its favorite excursions - her from getting severe hypothermia, need help in this aspect, Jmas Eleazar you want to do is sleep, but you get "BackJB:kin'.'' when body temperature falls below (AS SR), the club's information through it together." During Spring Break. 14 members the oorm. he had to tell her to take all officer, recommends the book "How But coming home is the saddest headed for the Great Smokey of her clothes off. to Shit in the Wools." pan. Mountains National Park, the second "And there she was, standing there Eleazar says the book has a "You can see it on people's faces," highest peak east of the Rocky naked, freezing cold. We tried not to humorous outlook on how to deal Basila says. "Nobody feels like going Mountains, located on the look. rut we had to." with everyday functions, which may home." 'Ning trips especially test yoor deep snow drifts and eating beans greater her c~ became for getting friend who poked her in the eye with a frierxlship; because you really see all every night was at the top of their severe hypothermia slick, leaving her to "suck it up" as a the good and bOO points of a person." agenda. Vaillancourt says he was relieved l1lina ~enience of backpacking. Basilasays. Dave Vaillancoort (AS SR) says no he knew what pecautims to take. Vatllancourt had his share of "One thing is for sure, I'D never matter how zany the club's trips may Because of his previous ftrSt-aid mishaps, as well. He once woke up marry someone unless I go across experiences, he knew to wrap his two days in a row with a salamander country with him fust." :·Entertain in Thou hts ... Apri123, 1993. THE RMEW. 82 Aerobics don't stack up to the all-over miracle workout of shelving books seconds (sadly, however, in situations To preface this wort - Sisyphus was Once !here, I sign the log sheet (very Lift and stack. Push and pull. Sign in, sign out. Tote that barge and lift that like these. my mind has a mind of its own a King wbo was made lO roll a large rock Entertaining beneficial for the hand muscles) and read - the result being decidely unbookish up a large bill. Everytime he'd roll the the job assignment sheet lO fmd out my bale. thoughts), but it's only fleeting. Thoughts The books! The books! They're closing rock up the bill, Bam! it'd roll right back itinerary for the day. I have come in possession of a st.range On any given day, I could be expected in on~! down. By Greg sense of calm. Collapsing book shelves to unload books, put them back on On any given day, I'll shelve a do not faze me. I am bothered by neither My friend Liz is an aerobics Orlando shelves. take the books on shelves and gazillion books, suck in more dust (some time nor tide. Politics is like some distant move them lO another pan of the library of the books from 1970 have yet to be insuuctor. 1bis means that if you ask her, haze. she will impress you with her ability flexin', squattin, thrustin', liftin, pullin', and ••• checked out - ever) than a Hoover All there is is the book. Although I clean out her earwax with her big toe. mind-ruinatin' fimess. In other words, I lift a lot. bend a lot, vacuum, climb enough steps to reach the fear the book, I must be the book The 34th floor of so~thing and generally all She's very into that Step stuff, with A typical day for me turns out thusly: grunt a lot and look at books a lot. book is my friend. seems horribly absurd to me. There are 9:30 a.m.- Curse my existence. H it sounds like my job is boring, then around tone every pan of my body. So like good King Sisyphus, I've got plenty of steps to be climbed all over 9:33 a.m.- Cheez Doodles. I'm probably not doing a good job of Except my brain. I learned the call my brain in neutral, my feet straining campus, but she seems determined to 9:38 a.m- Wake up from 3.5 minute describing iL number system in third grade and, within against the hill's footing and my arms step up and down on only one them. Talk dream involving drowning in a pool Don't get me wrong, I love my job. It two hours of my first day on the job agairtst the cold stone of a huge boulder. about your Sysiphean efforts. filled with thousands of dust-clogged enables me lO eat and sometimes pretend mastered the an of putting books back on But gee, don't my deltoids (that's Now, Liz is very nice and all, but books, being chased by killer librarian like I'm a responsible member of the the shelves in their proper order. Australian for beer, mate) look really she's got it all wrong. Aerobics are good, and wobbly book-stacking cans. community. Besides trying lO calculate my wages cool while I'm stretching to put books on but take it from me, there's only one real 9:39 - Shower, dress, assorted It also makes me feel a lot like old for the week, I really don't think too the top shelf? way to get a holistic (that means very grooming and sheep herding. Sisyphus. much on the job. good in Swahili) workout. 9:41 - Walk to the Morris Library, My labor is lO clean up other people's Oh sure, sometimes a cute girl will Greg Orlando is an entertainment editor Stack books at the Morris Library. my home for physical (but not mental) untidiness. Every day there's a new mess come up to me, ask where a certain book for The Review. If you see him, please do not make any sudden movements. There's nothing like it for bendin', fimess. and every day I clean it up. is and my brain will snap to life for a few

Friday, April23 100WolfHal,2:15 ard 8:15p.m. Bl;rl Al1s Festival Newark ~is$3. HaD Auditorium, 6 p.m .. lt.ecml: SAl Mt5icak. lou:lis Redtal Hall, BusT~: Phil~ Game. Bus 1vrrt E. ci1 Port Music Buildi'l:. 8 p.m. Sunday, April 25 depar1s Pertcins Student Cenler p;wicing lot PTTP lheabe: •Romeo and Juliet • lnlenYiionil Flm Series: •ABriefHisaory 1111 :45 a.m. HartshJm Gym, 7:30p.m. For tickets, call of Time." 140Smilh Hal, 7:30p.m. 831-2204. Monday, Apri126 Junior AedQJ: Nalal'le SlreaYig soprano. E-521bealre: "All E\eli~ of Magic J: LoW is Recital Hall, Nrly E. du PmtMusic Sign-up for bus b:ip: To New YOlk City on 100 Wolf Hall, 8:15 p.m. Admi!OOn is $3. Buildi'l:.2 p.m. May 8. Begins in 1 07 Perkins Student Center from 8:30a.m. 104 p.m. Full-time Saturday, April24 LGBSU: Mart:h on Washifl~Pl for Lestian IJ'lderwaduares pay $20 with ooivetsity 10. Girt B6exual and T~ndered ~for OherS pay $25 with uniYersity 10. One Bus Trip: New York City from 8 a.m. 108 infonnation, C311831.ao66. paying guest per 10. p.m. Open ilineraJY. PTTP 1bealre: "As You Uke It• Hartshan Seminar: •from Backpad< to Briebie.w Recital: Urstil Opper6, pianist Newark Gym, 12:30p.rn. Fortid

Top five movies for the This Boy's Life (R) - OeNiro and Cop and a Half (PG) - Burt weekend of April 9 • 11, Ellen Barkin in a glorified soap Reynolds in a do-it-yourself opera. Showtimes: 1:05, 3:40, liposuction video. Showtimes: 1993 7:15,9:45. 1:30, 3:45, 7, 9:15 1) Indecent Proposal ($18.4 Point of No Return (R) - Or, La The Sandlot (PG) - Quicksand ,-, million) Femme Bridgita. Showtimes: 1 :20, would have been a better 2) The Sandlot ($4.9 million) 4:20,7:49, 10:10. playground for these ballplaying 3) Cop and a Half ($4.5 million) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ill tykes. Showtimes: 2, 4:30, 7:30, 4) Huck Finn ($4.4 million) (PG) - Oh, the horror of it all! 9:40. 5) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Showtimes: 12:30, 2:35, 5:05, Ill ($3.2 million) 7:20,9:35. Benny & Joon (PG)- Oepp and The Crush (R) - Or, Scrotal Recall Masterson and some kinda mental meets Fellatal Attraction. problems Showtimes: 2, 4:30, Concord Mall Showtlmes: 12:50, 3, 5, 7:45, 7:30, 9:45. Concorde Mall-Route 202 (478-5579) 9:55. Indian Summer (PG-13)­ Strictly Ballroom (PG) - Isn't it a Who's the Man (R) - Vo MlV Showtimes: 1:45, 4, 7, 9:20. little soon for tacky 80s retro? rappers get in on the Rodney King Showtimes: Fri 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. action. Showtlmes: 12:45, 2:45, Newark Cinema Center Sat 1, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. 4:45, 7:25, 1 0 .. Newark Shopping Center (737·37201 Like Water for Chocolate (R) - A Boiling Point (R) - Wesley Snipes synonym for "boiling point/ but performs chemistry experiments. The Dark Half (R) - Showtimes: don't let it confuse you. Showtimes: 12:35, 2:40, 4 :55, Fri 5:30, 8, 10:30. Sat 1:30, 5:30, Showtimes: Fri 5, 7:45, 10:15. Sat 7:30, 10:05. 8, 10:30. Sun 1:30, 5:30, 8. 2, 5, 7:45, 10:15. Sun 2, 5:15,8. The Adventures of Huckleberry This Boy's Life (R) - Showtimes: Cinemark Movies 10 Finn (PG) -Tiresome and clich~d Fri 5:45, 8:15, 10:45. Sat 2, 5:45, rendering of Mark Twain classic. 8:15, 10:45. Sun 2, 5:45, 8:15. First S~le Plaza Shopping Center (994-70751 Showtimes: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, The Dark Half (R) - Check out 7:30, 9:45. Boiling Point (R) - Showtimes: the two halves of a review, on page Scent of a Woman (R) - AI Pacino Fri & Sat 10. Sun 9:15. B3. Showtimes: 1:10, 4, 7:35, in an Oscared role. Showtimes: 7, 10:10. The Adventures of Huckleberry 10:05. Finn (PG)- Showtimes: Fri 5, Groundhog Day (PG)- Bill 7:30. Sat 1:45 5, 7:30. Sun 1:45, Murray has a lot of bad days. Christiana Mall 4:45, 7. Showtimes: 12:50, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 1-95 and Route 7 (368-96001 9:40. squJf1qATEM q~f?EsNS Indecent Proposal (R) - Make it Aladdin (G) - Disney's coolest two mill, Sundance, and you got a :_cary Geise I villain since Malificent. Showtimes: deal. Showtimes: 1:15,4:15, 7:15, 12:40, 2:45, 4 :50. 10

CAMPUS· "Enough! Enough. I say, l'U hear no their choioe. fMft! In its cntilety. All this traipsing around in Philly STYLE One cannot judge by what has gone Loudly. assumes that you're not going to attend before. Wllh feeling. the hoppinest event of the season, the 1he marrioge will go ctfwithout a hitch. And with all the wools righL Man:h on Washlngtoa for Lesbian, LIVING [Aside/ No wonder Daddy says she's Contestants will be judged on their Gay, Bland Transgeuder Equal Right~ such a biJch. " accuracy, enthusiasm, originality and and Llberatloa. The March itself - Juliet to Lady Capulet in a scene rwsicianWp. All cmtestants wbo happens on Sunday and is expected to excised from Romeo and Juliet by the up am sing will be awarded some srm11 draw a million queer people and auttu bef

THl: 9lAOK AN" WHfTl: OF 'THl: "A~K RAlF' . I ~eVlt!W ~NTt!ftTAlNMt!NT STAFf' COt!S 50150 ON ADA1'TATlON OF KlNC'S NOV~l

The Dark Half c) having a few loud noises concerning Thad. Rooker gives a George A. Romero emanating from their vocal chords; convincing performance as a man Orion Pictures who, despite the physical Grade: A - all on account of how many impossibilities, can't deny evidence scares and horrors there are in this linking Thad to the slayings. By Brandon NBeaumont• Jamison movie. Amy Madigan plays Thad's wife, Entertainment Edit& of Goodness & Light But I'll let my acquaintance Liz, but, unfortunately, she really You probably don't have enough below, Stark, give you the story on doesn't get to do much in a basic, fmgers and toes to count how many that. throwaway role. times a Stephen King book has been First and foremost, this is an Oh, and there's some birds. Lots brought to the screen and failed extremely well-made movie, horror of them. Like thousands. You can miserably. or not. George A. Romero does a bet the filming crew wore baseball Remember Graveyard Shirt? superb job with the film; there is caps and carried umbrellas for those How about Maximum Overdrive? never a dull moment. From within scenes. Regardless, the birds are Or maybe Christine? Salem's Lot? the first five minutes to the very last used masterfully and you 'II be Surely you recall The Lawnmower camera shot, you'll wind up blinking scraping gum from the floor with Man? about twice. your chin when you see them. On the other hand, there are about Timothy Hutton plays Thad Getting bored with my review? I as many good cinematic renditions Beaumont, a writer with a dark half don't blame you, nobody reads me of King works as there are fans of known as George Stark. 'Nuff said much anyway. Now, if I were to Fox's epic Get A Life. there. As for Hutton. he is superb in write the same movie review in So everyone will be excused for a dual role that easily ranks as his someone else's style ... say, there's feeling apprehensive as they enter best performance to date. His an idea. · · the theater to see The Dark Half. portrayal of Stark (not a very nice I'd like you you to meet my They will also be excused for: guy) leaves the viewer in friend, Greg "Stark" Orlando. He's a a) Spilled popcorn and I or drink simultaneous terror and awe of his movie critic, too. He's kind of crude on their clothes; character. and not a very nice guy. But he's got b) clenching their fists so tight Michael Rooker plays Sheriff a way of writing that might appeal to that they leave indentations in their Alan Pangborn, the policeman you. palms; investigating a series of murders To your darker half. THE RfVIEW /File Thad Beaumont (Timothy Hutton) looks over one of his pseudonym-written books in "The Dark Half." . The Dark Half writes novels about "yuppies and there is: bfood, gore, mindlqss George A. Romero faggots." But, Beaumont's got this violence and snappy dialogue Orion Pictures darker side, what he calls George comes from Stark. 1 Grade: B Stark. The whole movie's set up •so Beaumont tries to off Stark and nothing don't move less Stttrk By Greg "Stark" Orlando Stark tries to return the favor. makes it move. Beaumont's a bekh Dark fnrerrainment Lord Don't bother none with the plot. on the screen. ' My weaker self up there needs You could drive Stark's pitch-black Romero knows he's got litkte two things: a clue and a little Stark Toronado through the holes what's going in the way of scary, so !he treatment. in this plot. goes full speed on this grdss Like an Avon Lady, he'll try to C'mon, you really gorma believe business. Lots of blood, lots lof sell you some fluff and perfume out the police got some guy • s shots of people b_leeding. lots ,of of some fancied-up catalogue. Tell fingerprints at a murder site and shots of guys makmg people blfled you how this movie has wonderful they ain ' t gonna take him a lot of blood. cinematography and uses camera downtown and book 'em - just The only thing what really bi~es angles to isolate the characters and 'cause he's got an alibi? is the film's ending. Verbatim: it all that crap pinhead film Naah. was plucked from King's novel. : professors like to spout off about. So forget the plot. The Dark This King he copped out when But don't you buy it. The Dark Half is best when the blood is he wrote The Dark Half. Tttis Half is a stripped-down. hi-octane flying . Romero took King's cop-out apd gorefest that grabs by the cojones, This guy Tim Hutton he plays put it in the movie. • shakes, stirs, blends and purees both Stark and Beaumont, but you You want an emotional reaction? until there ain't no more, folks. might as well go out and get some Go see some pansy Swedish art Credit this punk George Romero popcorn or tap the vein or even flick. i for making an average Stephen shake down some old f#!k for a You want to see a good shdw King story into a film worth few bucks whilst he's on screen as that'll make you wish you w

Get A Grip The tiUe trll:k, Get A Grip, is ooe of those IOOre could you want?) Aei'OQTlith songs that is feared more than the ever­ The fmal track, Boogie Man, is different: ' Geffen Records rm:Uctable power ballad (in this case the soog lyricless, calm and Orris Isaac-sey. Grade: B Cry in' ). Get A Grip makes absolutely no sense What the band (or Geffen producers, take ; verbally . But then, that is the beauty of your pick) don't seem to realize is that they II"C 4 Aerosmilh and bands like lhem- they've been much more aweaJing to the ear when they sticlc : · ~Cdita arolll¥i so loog, do we really care if they make to being funny, which they are quite good at, ; If the veteran rock band Aerosmith had an sense? instead of trying to be serious and save the : alter ego, it would be an over-sexed comedian. Helping out on the new album are ex-Eagles world, as they do on the album's first single ; Their la!est release, Get A Grip, is more dnuruner Don Henley and Lenny "I'm not a release, Living on the Edge. Let Paul Simon 1 of the same from the band, which just had hippie-guru, but I sure do look like one" save the plareL Aerosmith should exrress what ; "Aerosmith Day" proclaimed for them in Kravitz. Kravitz adds his talent to line Up , they do best - sex, drugs (so what if they've ; BostononAIXiJ13. which sounds iocredibly like a high school team been clean for three years now), rock and roll ; To 8p!X"CCiate Aerosmith, in particular this football cheer. and just plain fun. album, their fJrSt p-oduction since Pump, you Rahrahrah. Perhaps the quintessence of this theory on : need to have a sense of humor. These guys are Next comes Crazy, a song written in that Aerosmith cernes alive in the album's turning ! not meant to be taken seriously. tra:litiooal R(X)Uefm style- fun, quite bluesy, poinL (oc climax, if you will), namely Flesh. : The album opem with fronnnan Steve Tyler but very cheesy. It's the same old song and The song revives Aerosmith's tongue in · rapping, juxtaposed with a sample of Walk This dance--girl leaves boy, boy writes song with cheek humoc when it comes to sex and saves : Way. (This is the third time this song has been which to drown his lDTOWS in. the album from the fate of a "'The NJCe Price" ; used; didn't they think we'd notice?) And sorry to say it, Steve, but the most sticker in later ye

Primus tim us: (Latin for bizarre funk) I I Forget Sprite. Throw away Coke. No need for Pepsi. Pork Soda is clearly the way to goi Pork Soda Say this for Primus, they offer in. Primus some of the strangest, most hilarious Meanwhile, Alexander beats his lnterscope Records lyrics you're ever going to read. In set with a swooning style reminiscent Grade:B+ Nature Boy, Claypool whines, "I pull of Pink Floyd's Nick Mason. the blinds I then I take my clothes off LaLonde backs the pounding rhythm By Brandon Jamison I Dance around the house like nature section with an endless series of ' Entettainment Editor boy I My genitalia and pectoral screeching wah-wahs and feedback Quick, without thinking, rattle off muscles aren't quite what I would effects, balancing his playing on the as many good bass guitar players as like them to be." precarious ledge of soloing and you can in 10 seconds. Or check out DMV: "I've been to playing riffs. Stuck? The bass has never been hell ... I spell it DMV. Anyone who's Pork Chop's Little Ditty, featured that widely recognized by the been there knows precisely what I as both the first and 14th track, average listener, and many of the mean I ... When I need relief I spell it breaks away from the Primus pattern, greatest players in music spend their THC I I sit back and smoke away but in the band's own unique way time in the depths of obscurity, huge chunks of memory. As I slowly consists only of a and a living in the shadows of guitarists inflict upon myself a full lobotomy." mandolin plucking away for about and drummers. But this band is more than just five seconds. Nice to see the band A prime example (make that a literarily creative. They are BAD expanding their horizons like that. Primus example) is Les Claypool, (this being bad as in good, rather But unfortunately, this song and one of the funkiest and freakiest bass than bad as in bad). Their music puts Hail Santa aren't really songs at all, players around. Primus into the category of non­ but rather just conglomerations of On Pork Soda, Claypool, along categorical. noise. Depending on your perception with drummer Tim "Herb" Alexander All the songs sound rclati vely of music, it may be tough for you to and guitarist Larry LaLonde, rip off a similar, consisting of Claypool differentiate between the two on series of slamming, if not bizarre, tapping out a heretofore unheard of most of Pork Soda. rendition of with enough funk series of bass pluckings while In a nutshell, Primus sounds great, to make George Clinton blush. wrapping his vocal cords the wrong but they also sound as if they inhaled (Mind you. that's George Clinton, way around any given word. In fact, about five quarts of freon before erstwhile funkmaster of the 70s. not Claypool's playing may be a tad too recording this album. You may want THE REVIEW I File P'­ your dear good-ol'-boy President much; it comes off in some instances to try some substance abuse yourself Primus' Tim Alexander, Larry Lalonde and the legendary Les Claypool sing about the Department Bill). as showing off rather than blending when giving it a listen. of Motor Vehicles, pork chops and other non-kosher topics on Pork Soda. Jl4 • THE RMEW. April 23, 1993 Zen's Durant traces Newark roots to success "People dis on Newark while "1 enjoy singing on stage. I enjoy they're here. They don't realize how the art of singing, and these are the Jood they have it until it's not there words I use to sing. I like the accents I f!Ymore." use, and the syllables .. . I enjoy , So says Marcus Durant, lead singer syllables more than I enjoy words." Or Zen Guerrilla. recalling how he had Marcus takes little note of the ~ than his own share of gripes with audience in performance. The band ~e town and the university when he attempts to create a separate world on Hvedhere. stage, riding their own grooves. "I've : Now, with the benefit of some come close to passing out, it's gotten ~tance - specifically the depressed so intense." squalor of the ghetto in North Zen's shows are certainly that. So Philadelphia - Marcus can appreciate much so that the group was ~is roots: "Newark's a wonderful blackballed from campus after a ~wn . It's the reason why I'm doing performance in the Bacchus Theater in hat I'm doing. I learned so much that 1991 got a little ... rowdy. rdidn't realize I'd learned until I got What's wrong with rowdy? Marcus away from it ponders the ideal creation of the stage­ 1 "It's a great town to be frustrated world: "Basement shows are the best. in." Anything goes, so long as you're not ' It is midnight on campus, and hurting anyone. There's a lot of ~ is in his discuss rrode. Placid energy. You can transfonn a basement and soft-spoken, he is the living into anything you want." antonym of his manic, hollering stage He describes the audience's presence. The voice that chums out reaction in similar terms, calling Zen's acid and angst over Zen's wall of show "a palette for whatever you want sound is, here and now, nothing short to use it for." of beautiful. Alas, the basements get little action ; Marcus grew up in Newark, from this band anymore (although an THE RfVIEW /len Podes attended the university and started argument could be made for the Zen Guerilla lead singer Marcus Durant, seen here without his infamous bullhorn and in dire need of a hair cut, bellows away in Oaugh~rty Hall. making art and music and a private Khyber Pass Pub having a ~tage-world in Newark. His move to fundamental basementality about it.) fhilly was a sacrifice for the band, in Zen is playing bars and halls all over order to raise the money needed to the country. This summer the boys release the current Zen disk. will be touring the West Coast for a Punk is dead, but Zen is now . "I needed about $3000 to make this month. from Seattle to Tijuana. record, and I couldn't do it in Newark, Zen is also working on their next where you have to pay an outrageous record, to be released sometime this So they're uninterpretable? Guerilla's new album hits hard fall, and on a two-song seven-inch amount of money to live. Zen Guerrilla in All Rock Music,' beating up : "I had to trade off a lot of comfort. slated to appear at the end of June. lyrics are for the most part every Zen's songs are well-made, Zen Guerrilla his skins. There is funkmaster bit as undecipherable as they are sturdy and relatively simple in The frustration involved in the "We just recorded five new songs. Compulsiv We're always writing, always trying Carl bouncing to his bass, and live. In fact, one wonders why ZG design. While they aren't immune ~acrifice was a powerful tool in my Grade: 8 Rich (Rude-D) Millman grooving writing." out new things. We jam on grooves, has chosen to print the words that to the occasional borrow job - : Marcus discusses how he was pick from them We slowly orchestrate on guitar. And until recently there they ostensibly have always the denouement of Platinum Kat By Gary Geise was Sloth, on noise, fidgeting sought to obscure. recreates the chord progression at atrected by the experience of moving the groove, create parts, drop parts." Jlssisranr Enrenainment Editor "an urban setting, when I'd always On the creative process, Marcus way back there behind the cloud So now we know what's been the end of Yes's Starship tO Listening to a recording of Zen of smoke. And there is the lived in a rural area. To be surrounded waxes sentimental about the passing going through Monster Durant's Trooper, in the same key and to Guerrillla is like reading a audience, vibrating rapturously. ~y asphalt was totally new. [The song] from the band last fall of the head all this time. the same big theatrical effect - noisemaster, Sloth. description of an Andy Warhol Such elements of live Zen your The boys were feeling solid the songs do sound fresh enough. ~rawl was very much about this ... it exhibit. was a new thing, having a "He was a great influence ... he $900-the-pair Bose just can't enough to include two quick The playing is generally tight, Conversation with a homeless person. I taught us to embrace sound and noise, Well, maybe that's not exactly reproduce. tunes in complex rhythms - and although Duvall relaxes his beat Rlade some wonderful relationships ... to redefine boundaries or get rid of true. To be perfectly honest, it's What, then, has ZG offered do them well. Friction in five, by a tiny margin on some of the with people who live on the streets. them. We were writing these crazy like reading a Robert their fans on their first full-length and Crawl, which alternates more straightforward drumming Rauschenberg with your hands­ release? sevens and eights. Both songs on the album, presumably : "I want to try to express the way noise pieces, absolute chaos. But we braille style. they feel through my songs." needed that recklessness to get to LYRICS. kick. because he was worn out from all • Well, good enough. assuming you where we are now. We'll probably Zen Guerrilla needs to be seen You know, words. Those Above all is the distortion. the tricky stuff. performing live to be fully ~an take away a bit of the songs' need it again. He was a great things you have often suspected The sounds on this disk are all The final effect, though, is one musician." appreciated. Theirs is not a Marcus of forming onstage but wrought. Little escaped the of focused intensity, not to be intended meaning. This implies stagnant art; too much motion and comprehension of Marcus's lyrics, Marcus is modest about his own could never prove. Well, here studios without it had been spoilt by a momentary lapse of energy exist on and around they are. something Zen's listeners may well musicianship. He suggests that "some reverbed, bent, fed back, flanged, precision. the Zen stage that simply does not "Pint slide lovely I grueling on tweaked, twisted, spun, wrung, The Zen boys have amassed have given up on. But the current people have made more of a big thing" translate into pure audio. a telease includes a lyric sheet, a of Zen Guerrilla than is deserved. me I icy water I something I hold sent out for repairs, stolen in the wall of manipulated sound that eoncept Marcus likes. ''We're just four guys playing music. At the forefront is lead agitator me down." works, bought for trinkets, passed somehow gets in your face, even Marcus Durant jumping, • "I've never had an opportunity to "A lot of our music's for ourselves. Hmmm. from generation to generation, without Marcus Durant and his thrashing, outgribing, bellowing ~resent my writing before. People We enjoy writing music and listening Elsewhere: "See my planets made into a TV movie, added to bullhorn to help it. to the music we create .. .luckily other buttholishly through a bullhorn drifting I slip inside the beat I so the menu at McDonalds, and have wanted to know what the words into a mike. One last note. Zen Guerrilla were ... I'm really happy [to include people have enjoyed it along with us." open and so simple man I it's purchased back by the band for made the CD in one track, no There is drumster Andy milky way unique." them] -Gary Geise $1.29, with coupon. (Cash value indexing. That, friends, is punk Duvall, a.k .a. 'the Busiest Person Don't misunderstand. The 1120 of one cent). rock. !Travelling sales students go door-to-door out West Ambitious sal~s-people-to~be hit the pavement, the_beac;hes and th~ m_ountains $effing books In such exotic places as Colorado, California and ... Michigan?

By Lisa Goodman JOin the ranks of ambitious subjects and help kids with day-to­ dispersing into assigned areas. good experience, but says less than before training began. ~affReportl!f' entrepreneurs selling educational day assignments in all areas of The labor each student exerts is one percent of the total student ''The whole thing was talked up : Some students spend their books to families. studies," he says. "1bey're more like not physically exhausting, he says, population has the actual stamina to so much I became pretty $ummer at the beach. The Southwestern Company, 'how-to' books." but mentally tiring. handle the job. suspicious," she says. "If I wanted to • Others go home to work at their headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., is Singer says the average student The first week of the summer is Students must possess the ability work that many hours and make that Perennial job at the mall. a member of the Direct Selling works about 10 hours a day and five spent down in Nashville for an to accept rejection and communicate much money in one summer, I might : There are those who stay at the Association (DSA) and markets to six days a week, but it didn't stop intense week of training in with people of all types and as well do it at home near my ~niversity, trying to catch up on educational reference books. him from having fun . Southwestern's sales school, says backgrounds, he says. friends and family." credits. Andy Singer (BE JR) and Bob "Sunday was our day of rest, so former university student Pete "I just don't think the average Most students are attracted by the : And then there's a small breed of Moses (BE JR) are both embarking we took off our work hats and put Wittman. university student has the money they might make, but O'Dea $tudents that go out west to sell upon their third summer with the on our tourist hats," he says. "During this week, the mornings exceptional skills required for this says they have no idea of the ~ks door-t

The Review, Volume 119, Number 52 April 23, 1993 • 85

Megan's Mutterings First State Rout By Megan McDermott Pros bring Hens t(lke sting out of Hornets more than just games Delaware rolls up 26 runs vs. While Single A minor league baseball seldom makes national news, and most Americans can't hapless Hornets name many professional soccer players, the Wilmington Blue By Jeff Pearlman Rocks baseball team and Spotts Editor Delaware Wizards soccer are still The long-awaited first meeting important to Delaware. between Delaware and Delaware The clubs can bring a lot to State fmally took place Tuesday, and Delawareans that higher-profile the hype was just that. teams can not - or do not - No thrills, just hype. offer to their communities. The Hens won in a 26-7 rout as The Wizards draw most of sophomore running back Daryl their players from this area. The Brown burned the Hornets for 155 organization could not exist yards rushing (what?) and without members of the quarterback (quarterback?) Bill community voluntarily helping Vergantino threw for 210 yards and run things. two touchdowns. Consequentially, giving back Touchdowns? to the community is going to be a Oh, sorry for the confusion. The major goal of the club, said game was baseball, but after the Hens Wizards general manager David (15-10, 8-6 North Atlantic Fischer. Conference) battered DelState starter "I'm trying to give back to the Rob Heisler for nine second-inning sport as much as I got from it," runs at Delaware Diamond, Hornets · · said Wizards forward Tim Jones. Coach Harry VanSant would have "!Soccer has] given me a real been better off with a group of sense of discipline. It helped me gridders. to mature faster." "We were really tired, but I guess The purpose and direction that that's not a really good excuse," said sports can give to people's lives VanSant, whose team was coming off has increasingly been recognized. a second-place finish in that More and more teams are being weekend's Mid-Eastern Athletic established in cities to keep kids Conference Tournament. "We were off the streets, and there are flat. Still Delaware hit the ball real steady efforts to make well. I mean, that team can hit." playgrounds safe for children And the Hornets sure could miss. again. Led by first baseman Randy Professional athletes Archambault's two fumbles, uh, frequently say that it was their errors, DelState (15-17) committed dedication to their sport that kept six official miscues - and that was them out of trouble, motivated with an extremely kind scorer. Balls them to do well and gave them a were continuously misplayed in the goal in life. outfield, and at times centerfielder This is not to say that every Mike Jefferson played more like potential hoodlum will change George, wrongly reacting to normally his ways after seeing a Wizards easy outs. game, but at least they are a "I've never seen us play such bad positive influence. THE REVIEW I Maximillian Gretsch defense," said VanSant. ''There's no The Blue Rocks sold out well Delaware second baseman Deron Brown looks to complete the double play in Tuesday's 26-7 win over Delaware State at Delaware excuse." in advance of their first game, Diamond. The Hens exploded for nine second-inning runs en route to their highest run output in two years. Well, one excuse. The Delaware and the Wizards already sold offense was on fire. Second baseman 2200 of about 4000 available Deron Brown (5-for-6 with five RBI), seats for their opener. Both teams right fielder Bill Dilenno (4-for-7, one obviously have the interest of the home run, seven RBI) and winning community, and if this continues, pitcher Matt Schmidt (4-for-7, two kids could really get to know home runs) led the hit parade as the them and see that this is Hens followed their massive second something they can strive for. inning with 11 runs in the next four. It is also refreshing to see "You get up by so many runs and honestly dedicated athletes. you kind of know the outcome," said Sports are no longer above the Dilenno. "But you can't feel sorry for problems of violence, racism and the other team when that happens. drugs that are prevalent in the We've taken our lumps too." rest of society. As for historic significance, forget Big-time professionals don't about it. Even though this was the have team loyalty. Instead first time the Hens battled their they're into showing off Dover-based rivals on the diamond, themselves and going where few seemed to care. they'll make the most money. There was the standard, non-vocal They hold out for million­ crowd of 150 or so, and tr.:J:;t were the dollar contracts, as if the money same ol' collection of parents, friends is more important than the sport ana seruor cmzens wno go to every - which it may be to them. home contest. While the Hen-Hornets This is far from the situation inaugural basketball game was a Field on the Wizards. House sellout, this was just another ball game. All of the players work Hen pitcher another job or are going to "People talk about the in-state Matt Schmidt rivalry, but to me it's no big deal," school. Their salary is used raw power determined purely as a portion of said Delaware Coach Bob Hannah. to keep the "We should've been playing 20 the gate receipts. Hornets out of This dedication to the sport is years ago, but because of policy we the lead. didn't. Obviously it makes sense to reassuring. , Photo by Mulmill!.n ".ll • s something I really felt Gmach. play." :ould do a lot of good in the Yea," said Fischer. "Delaware has been longing for something they could call Young dreamer watches grand ol' pastime :heir own," he added. This state pride is something .he Blue Rocks also can provide. Delaware residents no longer Delaware baseball gets support from fans of all ages tave to go to Philadelphia or ~ 3alti'more for the closest By Jeff Pearlman Delaware baseball team 14-year old Newark resident throwin'." uofessional baseball. Sports Editor pounded Delaware State 26-7 in who puts aside school, friends By the fourth inning the Hens A trip to Wilmington can be a In the wonderful world of the ultimate yawner, and the and girls for a day at the park. are enjoying a 12-run lead and ·eturn to the good old days of artsy sports writing, where 150 or so fans who originally "Delaware is the team I follow." the heat is at a comfortable 70- Jaseball with cheap tickets and a crusty, veteran scribes like Red filled the bleachers filed down Alexander is the kid in degrees. For most it's great ·eal grass field. Smith and Jack Curry love to to about 35 by the top of the Mudville who watches Casey spring weather, but John So, maybe you're not an avid spin out articles about a ~ather seventh. strike out. His Philadelphia Lobaugh looks reaUy ;occer fan. Maybe you'd rather and his son's day at the ballpark lf the great Smith was still Phillies cap, two sizes too big, uncomfortable. 'ollow the Phillies than some with popcorn and dogs, baseball alive, he would've taken off rests on his dirty-blond hair, and His white, sweat-filled .ninor league team. But there is is life . himself. This game was all the metal braces bolted to his Haines T-shirt is tested to the no doubt that these teams can One-run, bottom of the ninth Alfred E. Neumann. tee th reveal a boy in that brink by a sagging gut one Bud only have a positive influence on nailbiters are the things legend But to young boys and old awkward stage before puberty. past fat and two inches away the state. is made of, and nothing beats men who either dream of future But looks come second to from being the size of an Pro sports have been a long the thrill of a monstrous, 400- ballpark greatness or think of it 'The Game.' extremely pregnant woman. time coming to Delaware, and foot wallop. in a past tense, baseball can "C'mon ump!" Shawn shouts "I'm down in Newark on hopefully they will be a long Simply put, it's Americana. never be dull. on a close strike call against the vacation, and .. ." THE RlVIEW I Moairro111an Crnch Shawn Alexander, 14·year-old Newark time staying. But Tuesday at Delaware "I rode home on the school Hens' Kevin Blackhurst. "This No you're not. Diamond, the thing greatness is bus and my rna drove me up pitcher don't look too good. "Yeah, lam." resident, studies techniques at the Megan McDermott is a sports made of was at its worst. The here," says Shawn Alexander. a He's aiming the ball, not see FANS page 86 Hens-Hornets game Monday. writer for The Review. 86. THE REVIEW. April 23, 1993 First State lax success keys young start (WLA), in getting ldds involved. By Ron Porter WLA gives the youth of the state a chance to learn Aulst.n1 Sporu Editor the fundamentals of lacrosse and more importantly, When a relationship gets started, time is the biggest gives them game e!Lperience. factor in determining its success. "I wanted to provide an opportunity for the youth in Such is the case with Delaware and its involvement middle schools to learn about the sport and have a with lacrosse. chance to play,'' said Spiker. The sport has ~n active in the First State for over The main reason for the WLA, said Spiker, was to two decades but has sprouted few collegiate players give the kids who had no real interest in baseball or over the green fields of the nation. teMis a chance to learn something new and profit from But like all relationships, there are many questions it- a theory she said has been very successful. that need to be answered before the couple can let its "It's really cool. I can go to almost any high school children into the hard-checking real world. game in the state and see someone play that has been in In the college ranks there are few players who come the program," said Spiker. from Delaware programs. The university roster only Many athletes have profited from the program, yet boasts two players from Delaware and they are many have not gone past the high school level. brothers. Shillinglaw said the main reason is that programs are Many state high school coaches agree that the main just getting started and have not yet established reason for the lack of natives playing Division I is traditions. limited opportunity. "Five years ago college kids would coach the teams "In Delaware it' s a matter of getting tougher and leave after the seasons were over," said Shillinglaw competition," said John Stapleford, vice president of "But now the programs are starting to take off and the Delaware Lacrosse Association and head lacrosse coaches are beginning to start traditions." coach of St. Mark's High School in Wilmington. "That Stapleford said the thing keeping Delaware players way the players are ell posed to higher levels of play." off the fields of Division I schools has nothing to do Stapleford, whose team won Delaware's unofficial with determination or heart, but with getting the chance state championship last year (the organization that to play. grants state championship games said there was not "It's not a question of capability," said Stapleford, enough interest to fund an official state championship), "but of opportunity." said his team purposely scheduled out-of-state games to THE REVIEW I Maximillian Gretsch Hen midfielders Chris Crotty and Bill Crotty are the only Delaware natives on the Hen roster Delaware With various programs across the state and high gain more e~Lpe rience . school programs that are developing a tradition of St apleford's team played against New York and lacrosse Coach Bob Shillinglaw said with Improved prep programs it could change. wiMing, one day there could be as many athletes going Maryland teams, where youths start competing in grade to big schools for lacrosse as there are for football. school. And that, Stapleford says. is the difference. college at Navy and Army. Delaware Men's Lacrosse Coach Bob Shillinglaw is "In years down the road, don't be surprised to see "Getting e~Lperience in game situations is the But don't think Delaware's relationship with the involved in instructional programs with area grade more players from Delaware on the college rosters," difference between Delaware players and other states," sport is one-sided. Youth leagues have been started and school children and has joined Carol Spiker, the said Stapleford, who had two players go on to play in progress is being made. originator of the Westover Lacrosse Association said Shillinglaw. Softball takes two Delaware Tennis grabs Tigers by the tail By Mary Desmond game, back in to finish the Assistant Sports Editor second. Net men defeat Towson 7-2 in last regular season match A storm hit the Delaware 'Tm really pleased with softball field Wednesday. Chris's [Etherington] Although gray skies and performance," said Delaware By l.any Maurer varioos forehand smashes and well-ploced persistent rain covered the field, Coach BJ. Ferguson. "She can 51a!fll.rpotter drop shots en route to picking up the nell! only Drexel (12-19. 0-4 NAC) really shut down a team." While banling thm!gh a severe ca-;e d six gam:s and an 8-5 victay. was affec ted by the fierce storm The Hens took early tennis elbow, Delaware nrn's tennis senioc "Jeff's the kiOO d guy you want to play during a double header. advantage of Dragon freshman co-captain Jeff Harrison gave a gutsy for," said Paul, "and when you play well pitcher Chris Nally and didn't It rolled in after Hen first performance on Wednesday to help tum you feel that you did it foc yoorself and foc slow down when starter Wendy baseman Allison Gladwell' s hit back Towsm State 7-2 in tre Hens' fmal him If you play bad you feel that you've let came over second base drove in Kari Colby back in the fourth. regular seasoo ma!Ch. him down." In that frame, Gladwell put M:>.nlove and ended a nine­ Harrisoo (11-1), the team's No.1 singles Also corrpeting in his last regular seac;oo inning ftrSt-game stalemate for a Delaware up 5-3 when she poked player, was scheduled mly roc doubles, but match ~as Delaware senior Andrew 1-0 Delaware win. a bases-loaded line drive past the before the match decided it would be Dierdorf who battled through a three set It was the Hens' first victory shortstop. The shot scored possible to do both. war to win 6-0, 4-6, 6-2 over the Tigers' Manlove again and fueled a over the Dragons since 1987. "I was walking around all nnning just Jamie Petenm. "I was definitely pumped," Hens' rally. pacing and waiting for this match," said Dierdod (1~2, 27-6 career) often used Tied at six in the bottom of said Manlove. "After the first Harrison. "I really wanted to play because several different lobs and spins to frustrate the sixth, both teams struggled game, I went up to bat ready to this was my ilm home maiCh arxl the elbow Peterson and bee him to change his style with help from a steady hit." was feeling a bit better." of play. In the third set he used a power Manlove turned the drizzle downpour. A wild pitch missed Harrisoo (48-11 career) used his veteran game to p11 the malch away. into a downpour. by the Drexel catcher was C~Lperiax:e to figure out the CJq>losive serve DierdOO expressed relief that the regular In the first inning of converted into another run for of Tigers' Mike Miller. By sending Miller's seac;on would be corning to an end because Delaware's second-game 8-6 Delaware when freshman serve deep, Harrison bottled up his the North Atlantic Conference win, Manlove smacked the ball outfielder Erin Eisenhower stole owonent am took an easy 6-4, 6-1 victory. championships team-oriented and the over the center fielder's head and home. are "I usually go into the garre with a game only way to advance in the tournament is to the fence. Three Delaware Energized by the score, the plan but today everything was up in lhe air foc the wmle team to win runners scored and Manlove Hen bench cheered "Wojo" as because of the weather," said Harrison "I'm glad the regular season is over reached third standing up. sophomore catcher Lisa whose team improved to 11-2, "so I just Wojciechowicz approached the with," said Dierdolf, ''because now we get Leading 3-0 and riding a went in there kxlay arxl saw what I IW fli'St momentum high, a Hen victory plate. A shot right down the frrst­ to the team co!Jllelitim and that is what we arxllhen went from tlx:re." have here, a team corx.:ept." seemed guaranteed. base line landed Wojciechowic Harrison then teamed up with But with the help of a triple at third and brought shortstop Freslunan Kyle Binnington said, "The soptornore Dave Paul to extend the duo's team's going to be hurting with by first baseman Pam Fetz, the Michelle Rittenhouse home. nell! year doubles recxrd to 10.1 for the sea

continued from page 85 zits. At the ballpark, however, things No. don't exactly work that way. "Yup," says Lobaugh, 71. "I'm "Who do ya think is gonna win from Rymersburgh, Pa. and I'm the NL East?" the kid asks in a visiting my friend Bill. Y'know. scratchy voice to a group of !hose Delaware uniforms really unassuming writers at the press tmpress me. They' re much nicer table. than those DelState ones." "The Mets," one answers Bill looks a heck of a lot like his without hardly a flinch. buddy. The 51-year-old Newark "Nah," Bill spits out to John. resident's gut is a little smaller, "Them Pirates are supposed to be courtesy of his wife's insistance on pretty good. They've won it the lite beer instead of the real last three years." McCoy, but it ruptures his blue A man in his late 40s wearing a shirt just fine, thank you. tie and dress shirt who has been "Ni.ce afternoon," he says. "I silent the whole game is finally can thmk of better things to do but prompted to throw in his two or it's fun." ' three cents worth. The three sit near each other, "I remember when I pitched in but the kid is not familiar with the high school," he says. "I could two adults. He's never met them throw ... pretty hard, too. THE REVIEW I Muimill ian Grrtsch Catcher Lisa Wojciechowicz catches a foul ball Wednesday before, and their usual talk of work "But that was a long time ago." and wives wouldn't interest But it's baseball - an eternal Shawn' s battles with books and fountain of youth.


Seventh lnnin9 Stretch Blue Hen Box Scores Competitive Correspondence: Answers in oppos1te corner The Review's Sports Mailbox Q: What is Nolan Ryan's real first Baseball name? I thought it was spring! sports- especially men's lacrosse. Delaware 26 Delaware 11 However, there doesn't seem to be Q: What other tradition of futility DeiState 7 West Chester 0 I am a subscriber to The Review. I much coverage on it this season. So a1 was a student at the University of my request do you think it's possible did the Boston Red Sox beat to w1n Delaware and gradualed last May, and Tuesday Wednesday to do more articles on men's lacrosse. their last World Series title, in 19181 DEUiTATE (15-17) DELAWARE (15-10) DElAWARE (16-10) WEST CHESTER (11-n wanted to keep abreast of what's Thanks so 111l1Ch. I'll look forward ..,rhbl abrhbl abrhbl abrhbl happening. Jefre""" d 3 0 1 0 Brown 2b 6 5 5 5 to reading my next Review. Brown 2b 6 1 2 0 McNelly" 3 000 What I was roost forward Ham,.,, .. 5 111 Ni5aak" 0 000 looking ~~~ltlb~ ~n ~~"'fb"~ ~~ ~ Oilenno rf 5 0 11 Oleszak 1b 4 0 0 0 to was reading about the spring CaroUoe Budner Dille 4 23 2 Dilennorf 7 44 7 Lafferty If 4 2 3 3 Zona 3b 4 0 I 0 Blue Hen Results Hannah lb 3 0 0 0 Price dh 4 0 1 0 =~~ ~ ~~ g ~::r: n~ ~ 1 Mollohan2b5 1 0 I Hannah 1 b 6 2 2 6 r~h d ~ ~~~ =~If: g~g Brathwtedh 4 1 0 1 Schmidt dh 7 4 4 4 Schmidt dh 5 2 3 I Zwilkwis d 4 0 1 0 Equestrian Club ilian" 4 0 2 1 Bladhul'lld3 2 2 1 Woodruff c 4 0 2 2 Calamia rf 3 0 2 0 Jrld 2 11 0 Brum . 3b 4121 Mahoneyc3 010 About Competitive Correspondence Woodruffc 5 2 4 2 Total• 41111610 Total• 30 D 9 0 Zone Finals O'Neal c 1 00 0 his space is reserved for opinions, complaints and other Saturday, 4/17 Bruunc 0 00 0 DElAWARE- 010210241-11 responses to The Review's sports section. LeHers should Brumbau3b 5 3 2 0 WEST CHESTER- DOD ODD DOD-O at Stony Brook, NY Totals 40 7 11 7 Totah 52 26 29 25 Novisc ~yjpigo include the author's name, classification, and phone natc~jpwal Tffi\ 1:C:!f:rl OEUiTATE- 100400002-7 E-Franzini, McNelly, Oleszek Zanoo, number, and should be addressed to: Sports Desk, The Nic Bonelli, 6 p e DElAWARE- 194142 3211-26 1Gine.DP-Oelaware:2, West Chsler:l. LOB­ Delaware:10,West Chester:9.HR-Lafferty (4). Review, 8·1 Student Center, Newark, DE, 19716. Or fax Ad~ftre'S~::Ce •-Chrls6y Hopps and Ann Shetbourne qualified fi;:.~;;,~~~B~~~~~~~R- Brown, your leHer to us at (302) 831-1396. 1 (O< the natioN) finals to be hosted by Lake Erie Dilenno, Hannah, Sd!mldt 2. 58--Jeffe....,. II'HRERBBSO nat =!j~\'%~i~'!ri!t:rl College In Painesville, Ohio on ~ 1st & 2nd. Cs-lllian. SF-Brown. DElAWARE 1P H R ER 88 50 Franz ini (W,2-H 6 0 0 2 DElAWARE Wilson 3 0 D 0 Schmldt(W,I-1) 5 3 4 WEST CHESTER Men's Club Lacrosse Luzon S 2 2 0 Kaiser 2 0 0 DEUiTATE Kane 6 4 1 ABOUT REVIEW SPORTS BY THE NUMBERS Heisler (L, 3-3) 16 15 15 2 Fritz 8 7 3 This is the !)lace for university sports results. If we have Delaware 7 Delaware 15 Snarslty 11 9 4 2 Minner 2 2 2 0 T-2:00A-75 missed something or you have something rou would like us Hopkins 3 UMBCS to include, just call us at (302) 831· 277 , or write to us Aprll9 April10 Softball at the address listed above. DElAWARE (2·1) -1 3 2 1-7 DEIAWARE(l-1)-3 4 3 5-15 johna Hopl.-10 LaSalle, Delaware at Newark Country Club 6-1 ; 2. Buell (D) def Barnes m6-3,6-4 ; 3. Paul Goals-Delaware: Rinnander 6, Hadley 3, Teamsmres--Oelaware384, Drexel 416. (D) Fein 6-2, 6-3; 4. Mils LU5tig Team Scores-Delaware 408, LaSalle 434, def. m mdef . Tropp 2, Scanlon 2, Frieman 2, Daddona, Lear, Lafayette 437. 6 Tobin-Fraser; West Chester: Baker 4, Harris 2, ~~1 ; :·~~~,n~I.P~i.-~~':;.'6~6~2 . !qp-Sjx Finishers Delaware Doubles-I . Harrison-Paul (D) def. Miller­ Mac~~~\:~~'1.:~.:..ty.3, Scholz 2, Gary Cecchett-72 Peterson, 8-5; 2.BueU-Dierdorf (D) def. Fein­ hadley, Tobin-Fraser, Scanlon, Daddona, Delaware Chns Dernilio-73 ~~~~~: Bames m8-4 ; 3.Mills-Behm mdef . Artz­ Michalsl

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from Backpack to Briefcase Monday, Aprlll6tb, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Ewioe Room, Student Center New alumni talk about their transition from UD to the working world. Me. Joan Odell Co·sponsored by the Career Plannioe & Placement• 01fice and the Assistant to the Office of Women's Affairs. University Secretary---" Your Money. Your Cboice! 132 Hullihen Hall 1\Jesday, April 27th, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Collins Room, Student Center A representative from Diamond State Financial Group will share helpful by May 14, --. 1993 hints about money manapmeot witb new araduates. ·------• flassifieds Aprll23, 1993. THE RMEW. 88

Claulfleds deadlines are Tuesdays at 3 Rob 368-3908. anci!P'UI price. For mora Woo 453-1214. Rlgdll Nlllheci731H1107. AYallln.-J. WllldiOUIIorKAPPADELTAI W.'N~ ~l£:i ":~~~promollon . PRilE ~II AJRBANDI p.m. for Friday Issues and Fridays at 3 Technics dOuble cassette deck lor aale, Newartc Opera House Apll. Comer Main & Ooean cay Maryllnd lllnw!W...... , • 3 bclrm p.m. b Tuesday ls5ues. The first 10 words GREEKS & CWBS RAISE A COOl. $1000 IN Academy. The newesi,IIIOIIIIICUnl, & towniiOuee- Bayllde. (410)378-5610. ~~b~R~~ fd~~~ condition. $50 :=:~~'='=A DELTA'S M! S2 for atudenb with ID and 30 cents JUST ONE WEEKI PLUS $1000 FOR THE c:loMstlo ca~~ Newark. Bea&allul 3 MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obllgallon. No :l:c\n ~r word thereafter. First 10 words are $5 cost. And a FREE IGLOO COOLER H you =~~,:~, pa.::,:;=..,. :=:':.:Uu~~~onMadllon. Oon1 you ..,. lomllll ci*IIUieel .. long • for non~nts and 30 cents per word quallly. Catl1-800.932·0529, Ext. 65. ~':s~0=- ~e~~~OO::: ~~- atrium. 2 min. walk lo U ol 0. $650- Wrtglefl ~ oum? AI<. BH, M & L) Oan 837·1885. $695/mOnlh. Call Mr. Baly. 731·2110. Ext. Parfl P*le 1 bclr. Apl.lor Sublel from .b18 1 • f diereater. WORD PROCESSING $1 .50 per word. 731· 3. Aug31 . 1311Mno. + IIIII. Cal2112.01881or KAPPA DELTA AIRBAND IS AWESOMEIII 1338. '82 Honda Accord, 2 Dr. Hlllctbac:k, IntO. GOOOWCKIII aulomalle, 62K, excellent cond. Call Now. J ...NOUNCEMENTS The GYN Department at Student Heallh 737·527t . ~~~'!'~~~~,:.~~~~~~ · 4 bedroom townhouseee .val June 1, J1n I IIIII been a wonderful alii monltll. I SBMce oHers pregnancy lesllng wtlh opllons Maclson Dillie. $800 + Ull 454-8888 belora Thrillor alwilyl being U.... II.OYe You : Appllcallons .,. now avalable lor positions In 1992 Rock Hopper, 20", Deore LX Groupo, Madison Dr. Townhouse lor rent. 3 Bdnn. IIP.M. Vwy Much. • The cal. 1 OUSC. Pick one up In room 307 Student ~;:~~~.~~~;~ Green, $350. 454 ·t946. $850.00/monlh + uiiKies. Available 6/t.93. 1 oenler. Deadlne: Aprl30. (41 0)398-4843. 3 bedroom Cheny Hlltownfloule: new ASA·(D&P 2) ThenkiiO rniCtl to al yow I ~=~~~~::'& ,;;:n~~::/,C:~~~~ by Slereo Equipment. Dah:rclsl DOM·9 ~· washer/dryer; $880 + utlllel; oal 52&- aupport. You mean alai to me ••• "Thai wNcll Day Is oornng with lhe Greal Train assured. TIRED OF RENTING? BUY WHILE c1oe1 1101 kll me makea me STRONGERif' 1ry and lhe Caullelds. May 2nd on the ~.!:~~.o~~~~~ ~~~~.''*" c + INTEREST RATES ARE LOW $3,500 Love, Antjla. • hMa1112·5. Roommate Malchlng Service. We pul people Yamaha A·t 000 lnl. Amp. Yamaha G E • 3 seltlemenl hap available, Townhouse In Pian ahead... Rentthls neat, clean, 3 bdrm. SII equalizer. Yanalla P • 500 labia. $1575.00 lownhouee on Madllon Dr. today! Furnished Jen Owsald Got an "A"In Acoounllngl You ~ore~=ll':r~N~ ~~~tsouroes . ~~.~~:Us:)'· 3 bdr, 1 t/2 b, $78,9000, :1 ll,llerest 1\oteeellna ol Wlccan Student Union complele. Go Glrfl I Aprl 29, 7 P.M.,l

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Wanted: Gu~ars and Beatie Mamorsblla· ~~~.~~~~~~~':~~~ t A second election will be held on cash paid. (410)398-1475. AIRHITCH r (reglst8Aid trademark atgn). ~=~:.m~~c::.~~ :~:,.w~ :.,~~world, only olive Pagans, Wlccans, Druids Panthelllla, ~;~J~~s:~~~~ Goadels 101<, Galla Groupees, UNITE I Aplll 29 7P.M. Kirkwood Rm., SIUdenl caner. Tuesday, April 27th, following the =F~~~:;:t;l.1299 H- you .ver -'*I lor aulclde (balora 8:30 P.M.) p-Illion? Have you _, atteqlted 1 or 21emale housemates r.eded to shara aulclde? H you would lila to talk lbOUI your ClaYeland Ave. house. Cheap renll Call fm• location and time schedules 3702. ~=~= .~~ INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT· make A"'one who has a lamltf member with $2,000+Imonth leaching bulc conversational Alzhlerners and would Ike to be lnlervllewad English abroad. Japan & Talwml. No ~l:,':- oontact Staoey Gil II 831·2n1 or fm· listed below. ~:=~~~~~~'!xt~'r""' LOOking lor Students with Seasonal AlledNe PERSONALS DISolder (SAD). Cal Sara at~. GOOD VIBRATIONS DISC JOCKEY Good Luck Sigma Kappa and ATO • G1118k Games'93. ~~~~Ill the~~.::.- 181819110111. Cal Y!:."3Kutch II (302)455- An EXPRESSION of Style- Alpha XI Dalla­ 0938. 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. Smith Hall and Student Center lonlghl at Air Band! Bring your racyctlng mug ot Delaware Day on ALPHA XI DELTA Is READY to hlllhe Beacho Lunch and Dinner Rodney and Pencader Dining Halls G1118k Garnes '931 ~~=.~,.';~=~~~~::.. StUdents I'IIMideclto Ill posftlons on =~::r~g~~S::,.meoJ.:~fm· comrnllt-olthe Fac:uly Senale and Boanl 3664. ~Jc:=~~ up an applcallon In 307 ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA: Steal the Show Tonight AI Alrbandll ~£,~ ':;~=:~:cw::, ~ReYiew Angle Farinas and Angela Pensabene: Great about I? Pleaee cal Sara at~ or Job II l...ove The SISiers lo ASAII Karanat83t·2n1. ANONYMITY GUARANTEED. ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA: Kick Some Bun Tomorrow AI G1118k Gamesll lnc:raue Female Sex Orlvell Prollen, natural, easy-to loiOw plan. Send $2.00 lor more 1n1o ~rr.:=ai~rone Good Luck Tomorrow or $t0.00 lor 00fl1llele plan to I.S.D.AID; P .0. Box 9576, Newark, DE 19714-9576. Dlec:tele, We apologize to all those contrc..lal, Guaranteed! involved in the election. ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED

1 Holding tool CR E E .F AS RO BIN 6 Legend r• L E AN .A L E EV ADE 10 Tot's early e• AN T S UN A. GA LES word •r 14 Gun pointer S T EIW s• MO TO R L ESS 15 Legal paper S E NA T E .R AK ES 16 Spirit OR SA •••SAW 17 A facial •r s• r• ••01 SH ON ES TY .R OTE expression /AS K E R U K E 18 Holding back o• E. LTS 20 01 a body S L 10 •o V E RA NO OUT part HE N. AM su ED 22 Container •s L I CE•• .K E E •••NER 23 Detectives: ••co MP E T EN SN ORE slang r• 24 Annoying ON AI R. AD AM VAN R E L E PE .N•• ETE problem T• co 25 Laud DR E S s• E R ST .G LOW 28 Actor Paul - 29 Weapon 30 Gave DOWN 31 Korean 35 Long- soldier 36 Soup 1 House: Sp. 32 Binge 37 European coin 2 Tree part 33 He was: Lat. 38 Bowling teat 3 Central to 34 Refuse 41 Sad sound 4 Tuneful 36 Siblings of 43 Weaving 5 Aasumption sis apparatus 6 Posh 39 Hard workers 44 Attractive 7 Wall hanging 40 Heavy drinker 45 Altercations 8- scout 41 Exam markers 48 Weight unit 9 Swallowed up 42 Of eye parte 50 Childlike 10 Get off at 44 Synonym lor 51 Recently the station 59 across married man 11 Other name 45 Affronts 55 Not straight· 12 Italian poet 46 Light craft forward 13 Rile 47 Jockey, e.g. 57 Madrid month 19 Movie 48 Small change 58 S. African sequence 49 Mountain 59 Before: prel. 21 Dessert range 60 Scarcer 24 Horse's tooth 51 Curse 61 Pulpit talks: 25 Local map 52 Wax abbr. 26 Fashion 53 Conifer, 62 Confusion 27 Shortly perhaps 63 Mushy snow 28 Dish out 54 Variety 30 Formal 56 Meat

ll"'t 10Gn 1 lf"lt...t ~•• ,,., 0 Q,lfttt..... ••• )' I ...... Comics April23, 1993. THE RMEW• 89

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