TANUARYl{{rr*EErINc & old TheJanuary Meeting will be 7:30pmTuesday 20 Januarv1998 at the Central/Clemsonbranch of the PickensCounty Library. Our Speakerwill be an lrishman.Marty Flynn,who will speakon Genealogyand Ireland.

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME I2 NO. 1 JANUARY 1998 published:January, February, March, April, May, June,September, OclqlsLNeYernlel


PRESIDENT:Robert G. Dodson .....86'l-859-20t1 ..Jim,, \-r6E-pRESTDENT:James B. i;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::...... E6{-2{6-r r 2s SECRETARY:Kenneth D. \Iorgan...... t6{-65{-91t0 TRE \sL'RER:\Iargarette B' Sn'ank"""' """"'t6+l-L95-3 P[ Bl-l(-.{TIO\ DTRECTOR:Doris S. Foster...... ' ...... --t6l-tt:-t:-9 SOCL{L DIR.ECTOR:C1'tnr "Trud;-" Gerner...... tG1-tt24l0- PI_'BLICITYDIRECTOR: Keith llerck...... t64-2-l-1353 STATE DIRECTOR:William C. WhittenJr...... t6{-65{-32t3 CLAYTON ROONICURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... E6't-639-63E7 NEWSLETTEREDITOR: Linda G.Cheek,247Cross Hill Road,Easley, SC 296.10-8857 E-Mail: [email protected]


NOTICE TO MEMBERS Karen Dillard, a student at Clemson University (SC) is conducting a researchstudl' and will be sendinga random sampleof membersa shotr questionairearound February 1998.She would appreciateeveryone's cooperation. This is a project for her graduation. If you receivedone of these,please complete and send back to Karen. DUES IHTS TTILL BE THE LAST ISSUEFOR NON-PAYNIENTOF DUES:SEE BACK PAGE FOR I\FOR}I.\TION. WELCOMENEW MEMBERS

\l Ien County Publ ic Library, tsox 2270, Fort Wayne' IN 46801-2270

Peggy Atchison,6133 Freckles Road, Lakewood, CA 90713 Ph: 562-425-99?6 E-Mail: [email protected] BROOKS' SUTTLFIS' HOt,LUY, BANKS. DENDY. MORGAN.LINDSEY

Carlyle R. Bryant is joining his wife Bea, in fami ty membership.

R. Bruce Ford, 5124 Westwind Way, Anderson, SC 29626 Ph: 864-225-7 461 I.'ORD

Richard D. Hamly, ?655 Hooes Road, SPringfield, vA 22152-3701 Ph: 703-866-9527 E-Mail : dickhamly€Aol.com LLOYD/LOYD/LOYED, HENDRI X/HENDRI CKS.

Arbutus Hughes, 209 Edwards Mi I I Road, Taylors, SC 29687 SMITH, AIKEN/AKIN

Janis Mahaffey, 120 Treaty St., Seneca, SC 29678 E-Mail: [email protected] Janis has Pickens County and Pendleton District. SC on SCGENWEBlocated under USGENWEBor E-nail Janis.

Charles H. Murphree, t522 Planters Ridge' Alpharet ta' GA 30004 Ph: 77O-569-9297 E-tai l: Crurphre€bel lsouth.net RIIODES,MURPHREE, TUnIEl,.

W.E. Palner, 2610 Elkhart Dr., Little Rock, AR 72204-3410 Ph: 501-225-2361 E-tlail: DCRP33Aeprodigy.con PILGR'AX' HENSOIi

Charles R & Vivian Carroll Parkman, 308 Riverbend Dr., Beech lsland' SC 29842 Ph: 803-827-1539 E-Mail: CPVPGAol.com BEARDEN,CARROLL, JAYNES' lrfr\lT DlDralf ^lJ rrttccEiw 'r|tr r laAN MrN'ltEID ttlTFfrrf aN ItrII lIDc lfrlDr:lN tnvvltt ahllruAt!t uvrrosrt llLLrnnrrt rnlrrrLr!t rlvt rrtinrtt rrvurf,uut rnvrtvnr!.

Beverly Dean Peoples, 4010 Glen Laurel Dr., Raleigh. NC 27612 Ph: 919-787-8946 E-Iai l: bpeoples€rindspring.cor DEAli. BOLT, HO{IARD, R.A.TPY.GIEGER, BAILES, LEXIS, HAYES, CRdBIE. CLARXE.

Sharon Sri tb Sberry, 5213 fetervier Lene, Gtrlend. TX 75043-{239 Ph: 972-226-0?10 BfBGBSS, c038, SIITU, SFEllI.

qJEr r Es

!!,! I ine loodv Bestel l. 117? River loed. Stonevi I le. liC 2?0{l Does anyone knor enything about the lerily ol Jessie I. PnICE (rbo ras in the Civi I War) l. Eleanor KELLEY d/o Benjarin (dec'd in 1860) and Ii I I ie SPEARIIANKELLEY.

Charles H. Busha. 112 Sunit Dr.. Libertv. SC 2965? Seeking infonation about ilackey BROI{Nrho ived at Long Creek in Pickens District, SC rho noved his farily to Georg e about 1830. He tas the father of Joseph Emerson BROI{N(1821-1894), the C vil War Governor ol Georgia who w&s born in SC.

Hazel K. Chapman. 243 Fuller Dr.. Easlev. SC 29640-6751 Need info on the family of Jacob Hewey CHAPMAN,his son lllilliam "Willie" C. CH.A,PMANis buried somewhere in Central, SC. Also Sarah Jane QUARLESm. Denus CARPENTERwho is buried at Mt Zion, Central, SC.

Doris Jean RiEsins Dalrymple. 2250 Butterfield Rd f9. Yakina. WA 98901-106-9 l I am interested in corresponding and sharing my information with anyone who has information to share on the ancestors ot descendants of Seaborn, Josiah or Anci I Ben jamin VANN. \.8. VANN b. SC. In 1830 census of Wal ion Co.. CA he was heatl of hi.s {)$r} irousehold and uarried. In 1840 census of Camptrell Co.,, CA' he and wtf e hari chi ldren 2 sons and 2 daughters.

In 1829 AnsiI/Ansell (Ben A.) had Iand transactions in Walton Co.' GA rn 1831 and in Ca-npbelI Co., GA. Other names on these deeds were Seaborn, Seaborn J., Jenes O., and Martha VANN. In 1833 Seaborn VANN with Jemes WARD sold land in Co., GA to Snmuel HALE of Richmond Co.' GA. In 1835 Joseph VANN sold land in Coweta Co., GA. In 1835 David VANN sold land in CampbelI Co., GA. In 1836 Rhubin V.A,NNsold land in Coweta Co., CA. [n 1837 Seaborn J. VANN sold land in Cherokee Co., GA to Uriah POPE of Co., GA. in 1838 Seaborn J. VANN sold the above piece of property, again' this time to Oliver COWARD,Ansell B. VANN witnessed this transction. He also witnessed the land transactions for Seaborn VANN.

Ansell, Josiah and Seaborn J. and wife Tabitha VANN are next found in 1850 census, l{ashington Co., FL. In Ancil's household were: Ancil b. 1803 SC' Josiah b. 1808 GA, Seaborn J. b. 1839 GA, Tabitha A. b. 1840 GA, Susan b. 1846 FL and Louis C. b. 1848 FL. Not shown was William J. VANN b. 1835. Next door rvas Seaborn J. b. 1805 GA and wi f e Tabi tha b. 1817 GA.

Who was Marthe VANN, David VANN, Ja-nes O. VANN, Rhubin VANN, Wi I I iam May VANN and Joseph VANN. Who were their ancesotors and descendants? Are they related?

Lila Niemann Garner. 211 N F Street. Route 1. Mildrod NE. 68405-9600 tr{inervia HILLSMAN HOUSTON/HOUGHSTON/HUSTONnarried Jefferson Wesley RUNYAN in Tal ladega County, AL 8 August 1850. Unknorn whether she was Miss HOUSTOI'I or widow HOUSTONnee HILLSMAN. She state in 1880 that her lather (!{r HOUSTO\ or Ilr HILLSHAN?) was born in SC. l{ho ras hen father? trbutus Hurbes. 209 Edrerds IiII Roed. Tavlors. SC 23687 Seeking inlo on Elizabeth SXITII r. Joseph SIITH s/o Job SIITn. Does anyone knor il Elizabeth ras an AIKEN?AKIN before narriage? In 180? during the so- cal led Walton (GA) lilar Joseph SI{ITH was next to Ezekiel and John AXIN'S nnnes on a petition to the G.A,Legislature, so they were near neighbors at the time Ezekiels daughter Elizabeth would be married.

Robert H. Hason. 2502 Six Mile Hwy., Central. SC 29630 Searching for descendants of Thomas DAVIS b. ca 1817 Anderson or Pickens District, SC and his rife CARY b. ca 1820 Pickens Co., SC. Thomas DAVTS died between 1860 and 1870 leaving his wife and children: Mary Jane, Licena A., Willian H., Nancy A.C., Bernice A., and John T.L. DAVIS. At various times this f a-nily I ived in Pickens Co. , SC and in the Pendleton Township of Anderson Co., SC. I believe that Bernice was married to S.T. CAPELL of the Pelzer area of Anderson Co., SC and Nancy was m. to Isaac BARNETTof Anderson Co., SC. In 1880 Charlotte CARY DAVIS was living with son, James in the Dacusville area of Pickens Co., SC according to the census. Any infornation rill be appreciated.

Joyce M. Posev. 313 Old Buncombe Road. Traverlers Rest. SC 29690-1817 Need help on my f ami ly of POSEY'S. Alvin POSEY'S grandf ather ' Wi I I ia-q R. POSEY and grandmother, Janie StlITH. Wi I I ian R. POSEY'S f ather ' Henson POSEYb. 1800 and mother, Martha J. SI{ITH b. 1834.

In 1870 Anderson Co., SC Census Henson POSEYage ?0, b. SC' Martha J. age 36, ltlargaret 18, Savanna 13, Hartha 8, William R. 7, Wilkey or Wilbey 3.

In 18?0 Henson POSEYwas 70 years old and married to Martha J. SMITH age 36. Did Henson POSEY have a first wife and childen? Please if anyone out there can send me any records I will gladly pay for them.

_j -l-r'8ii EAa-a est!--Prather. f09 nebecca Need info on Clarin

Uriah HODENb. 1795 n. Rhoda ?. Need names of all their children and grandchildren. I have so much conflicting info, some say he is a twin son of Jane HOLDENarrd Reuben RACKLEY, another source says they were the sons of Richard HOLDEN. I have a book "Rackley-A Southern Colonial Family" which states that Jane and her son Uriah moved to Georgia with a brother of Reuben. Another book "Faucets of Fannin Co., GA" states that Uriah and Rhoda and their first three children moved to Fannin Co and had 6 or 7 children. Uriah's twin brother was Ozias HOLDEN. Can anyone help on this?

Thomas M. PRATHERb. Pendleton District, SC m. Hannah SMITH drlo Enoch and Hattie ROBINSONSHITH. Was Thomas s/o Isaac PRATHER?

Frances Reese. PO Box 80?. Hendersonville. NC 28793 Need proof of parents of Enoch REESE b. ca 1794 SC d. ca 1888 NC m. Sophia GALLOWA,Y.A srandson, Henry said Rose REESE was Enoch's father?

Need proof of parents of Clinton H. MOOREb. 28 July 1810 NC d. 18 Feb 1905 Transylvania Co. , NC n. Sal ly SHIPT{ANd/o Hezekiah SHIPIIAN.

Jean Cobb Smith. 119?5 US Hwv 411. Odenville. AL 35120 Seeking info on Frances "Frankie" SMITH wife of Rev. John COBB. We have our COBB line back to 1324, County Kent, England, proven and well documented.

Also need help with: Samuel D. SMITH b. I8O3/4 SC d. 18 Oct 1871 Blount Co., AL m. Winny THOIT{PSONb. 1802 SC d. 24 July 1887 Blount Co., AL.

Also need help w th: Miles BASWELL/BOSWELLb. 1814 Spartanburg District' SC d. 11 Feb 1911 S Clair Co., AL m. Sarah COOPERb. l8l2/12 SC d. Marietta, GA. My GGF was W lliam Fillmore BASWELLb. l5 Jan 1843 where? d. 12 Sept 1918 in St Clair Co., AL m. Carolina Mae Anna WALDROPb. lZ July 1841 SC d. 12 June 1918 St Clair Co., AL.

Beth Sumpter. 22 Clarendon Ave.. Avondale Estates. GA 30002 E-Mai l: Beth SumpterGEmor-v.Ors ttilliau KELLEY b. ca 180? n. Sarah "Sallie" FRAZIER probably in the 1820's. By the 1850's they had moved to Franklin Co., GA. They had the following children as of 1850: Sanlord 19, John 17, Martha 14, Mary 12' William 10' Thomas 8, Sarah 6, Jales 4, Henry 7r Albert 2.

Sanford m. Nancy DOwIS/DO'WES/DOWNESon 14 July 1853 in Franklin Co., GA. I think that Nancy's fality ras from South Carolina. There is a John and a William DOWIS in the area in 1840. If anyone has any info on the KELLEY'S' FRA,ZIERSof DOWES/DOWIS/DOfiNESfamilies, please contact me.

BITS AND PIECE'S by Linda G. Cheek

BIBLE-LUCIS ROSS E.A,TON-J.B.Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia 1859 BIRTHS: Luciss (Lewis) Ross Eaton b. 19 July 1849--Annie Clayton lt{ullikin b. 8 Nov 1862--Vera Eaton b. 20 Oct 1883--Jo Eaton b. 9 May 1894--Ivy Mauldin b. 29 Aug 1903--Samuel C. Campbell b. 4 July 1901 DEATIIS: Jo Eaton d. 31 July 1895--Luciue Ross Eaton d. 2 Nov 1909 Submitted by Robert Miller' Westminster, SC Bible in Clayton Room, Central, SC. l.-STA'|E--(IEORGES. SMITII: Tlris cop) 'vas f ound mrxed ln ri th ottrrc papr.i:r .i;.j '.u orrt uf sort. I t'ound only part of this Estatc: I tiave nr-rt trc'en rtbl.' : r;.: the nest u,f estate in any of the files at Pickens CounLy. SC Ct-rurth,,r.,' ".\nnex." Writtel or) side of this cop; is: Ceorge S. Smith b. 5.\ug 1305 tl. 1il6{,/5 t-,r his son George lfashington Sui th: YlZ2 i nsuf f i c r ent f or payoent of debts. That the real estate cons js ted of .l tract of land contarning 158 acres more Llr less on waters of Little Brrrstr; Creek i11 this County bounding lands of Alexander Orr arld others. That the heirs at law of said Intestate ate the widow Elizabeth Snith and the followilg named children to wit, Mary Elien Spencer wife of Lane Spettccr. Zaney F. Dickinson wife of John Dickinson, William Snith. Linda llammond wif-" of Hoke Hammond. Lucinda Sears wife

From Book: Smith Wills. Deed and Family Histories Vol 1 by Linda G. Cheek George S. Sni th b. 5 Aug 1805 t{arried on Thursday 16 Oct 1834 by WilLiam Magee, Mr George S. Smith to Miss Elizabeth Hunt d/o Mr William Hunt, both of Anderson District SC. Pendleton Messenger Issue: 29 Oct 1834

Widow Elizabeth Snith applied for adm on his estate I July 1863 in Anderson Co SC--His son George W. Smith filed for adur 14 Dec 1866

Will of George S. Snith 26 Aug 1862 prob/adm. 1 July 1863 Wife Elizabeth To hold all estate until my youngest child Timothy Tolen Smi th comes oi age 'then to be sold and equal ly div;.dcd Among rni' lawf ul heirs with the exception of my son-in-law John Dickisorr and Zaney Dickison his wife they to have t1.00. Exor: wife Elizabeth and son Smith Wi t: J.D. King--R.R. King Sg: George Smi th X Issue: over 14 years--Eugen r McAlister formerly Eugenia Smith--Elizabeth R. Smith--under 14 years--Timothy T. Smith no date.

Petition for sale of land by George W. Snith 24 Aug 1872. Heirs at Law--Elizabeth Snith widow X--Mary Ellen Spencer wife of S.A. Spencer X--Zaney F. Dickison wife of John Dickison X--William B. Snith--Malinda Hannond wife of Hoke Hammsnd--Lucinda Sears wife of George Sears of Oconee Co SC--Susan Pilgram wife of Elfred Pilgram--Joseph Leonard Smi th--Eugenia Srith McAlister-- Elizabeth R. Smith--Timothy T. Snith-- Lenora J. Sui th wi f e of Wi I I iam R. Sni th I ives in Dekalb AL. Anderson Co SC XiIIs Pk 2 Bundle 59 No 2305

George S. Sni th b. 5 Aug 1805 d. 1863 f rom Fami ly Bible El izabeth (Beth) Hunt b. 1817 f rom f amily Bible was d,/o 1{illiam Jeremiah and Zaney Massey Hunt ol Anderson Co SC.

El i zabeth Smith 1824 (no dates--probably birth date) wife of G.W. Smith and mother of W.B. Smith. Trinity Methodist--Anderson Co SC

Issue of George S. and Elizabeth Hunt Snith

a. Mary Ellen Snith b. 1836 m. Samuel A. Spencer b. George Washington Sni th b. 12 Dec 1837 d. 24 May 1906 Pelzer SC o. Ena E. Garrett b. 29 Aug 1848 d. 24 Dec 1922 c. Zana F. Sni th b. 1839 n. John Dickison d. Lucinda Snith b. 1841 m. George Sears to Oconee Co SC e. William B. Snith b. 4 Aug 1844 d. 19 May 1902 Anderson Co SC rn. !{artha Anna Cartee b. 16 Feb 1846 Anderson d. 3 Aug 1931 both buried Trinitl' -.{.nder.qog ram F. and Sarah Cartee (l ine of Thomas Vethgdi;t. Co SC d/o Vli I I Smlth of LettoLr \C) f . Val inda Smi th b. 1845 m. rloke [l.rmrnond $. Srrsannah Sroith b. 1848 m. Elfred Pilgram h. Joseph Leonard Sni th b. 18{9 i. Leonora J. Snith b. 1855 m. William R. Smith to DeKatb AL j. Eugenia Smith b. 1856 m. McAlister k. Elizabeth RacheI b. 1857 l. Timothy Tolen Snith b. 1862 to AL Thi s I ine Researched and Submi t t ed by: Thomas Sni th

WILL: ALEXANDER OLIVER: Pendleton District. I Alexander Oliver being rn a low state of health etc. This 28 liov 1821--to my beloved wife Mary Oliver my house I live in and aII the house hold furniture and kitchen furniture and a comfortable support off my plantation during her life also a negroe woman namsd Lett and hir increase during hir life--to my son John Oliver one dollar--to my daughter Gome White one dollar--to my son Samuel Oliver one dollar--to my daughter Jnmima Casin one dollar--a negroe girle named Charlotte also another girle named Ann to my son James Oliver--to my daughter Mary Oliver one dollar--to my daughter Susannah Oliver one dollar-- to ny son Andrew Oliver all my plantation with the exception of the above reservation to his mother--all tooIs. stock, cattle, horses, hogs' waggon and blacksmith tools, and the folloring negroes to wit: Old Srmr Ben, Candis, Leah, and the negroe woman Lett and her increase above mentioned at just the death of my wife and son Andrew pay the above legacies and my debts and collect what debts are due me. Erori son Andrew Oliver. Sg: Alexander Ol i ver . Wi t : R.M. Cann X, Susannah llcMahon X. Doc i as King X. Prov and Rec. 16 Aug 1830. Anderson Co SC Will Bk A Pg {19. (NOTE: S"rrr.l Oliver was in Colunbia Co GA in 1791--James Ol iver In. Martha who d. 2 July f8?? Anderson Co SC their daughter Prudence E. Oliver b. 1822/3 married Jonathan Harvey Snith b. 26 Jan 1821 d. 1l June 1850 age 29 buried Slabtown. Prudence E. Oliver Snith m. 2nd William Smith Pickt:trs

NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHIJRCHHISTORY: Oconee Co., SC Early records now lost wene: the Church Book turned over to the Church 25 July 1835 by Henry Cobb and the Historical Account of the Church written by Mart in Moss in June 1840. The first recorded conference ras 25 July 1835 but New Hope was organizc'd befone the nineteenth century began. The Head of Enoree in Greenville Co., SC was organized about 1?89 then in 1827 changed its name to Reedy River. This church began keeping records in 1799 and states at the first conference: A report was rade of the constitution of the Keowee and I,ittle River brethern, named Shoal Church. This church was constituted with thirteen Charter nembers: George Tubb, Solouon Raber, Jacob Waldon. William Taber, Genies William Taber, Mary Tubb, Susanah Taber, Sarah Tubb, Elizabeth Tubb, Mary Taber, Anne Reed, Lyda Shepperd, Anne Flor, Isaiah Stephens became a member in 1800 and Iater pastor. In 1811 E{en Winpey ras a delegate, Morgan Morgan and Henry Head delegated in 1814 and Benjamin Laurence in 1815. In 1818 the name of Shoal Creek Church in Oconee Co was changed to NEW HOPE. In I82l Robert Kell was delegate. The first church stood near the Isaiah Hemmepdhome place on the east side of Little River near Robinson shoals on the road leading from Otd Pickens to the Jarrett bridge on Tugaloo River. James Morgan owned the Iand where the church stood. Other members named: Rev. A.A. Cobb, John S. Cobb who was given a le ter of dismission 12 Sept 1835, Henry Cobb and his wif e Abigai I r{ere given etters of dismission ? Nov 1835. George Head and wife Angelina letters of d s. 26 Nov 1836 because he was going to travel. Henry Head and wife Mary and daughter Sarah removed 24 Dec 1836. Eden Wimpey, Benjamin Laurence, Robert Kell and Benjamin Head all removed before 1835. Morgan Morgan was a messenger to the association in 1814. He died 14 Jan 1836. Thomas Morgan was nessenger in 1825. ,Ioseph Brewer and Ez.ekiel Hrrnnicrrtt wetr: i-rrdairtcd 1[.-..1r-r-rtr] rIr l8:.r. Other names i n church records: R.M. Morgan. R. [loud, ..\. Jackson. John Mc-dliste:r, Jr-rhtr Bearden. R. R.rllit-'i:;{.)Il. B. Carrett. Wiliiarn l{oocl. John Fringe, Robert WiIson' Il .rrl. I{unnicutt' .J.8. Crcpshaw. Jgseptr Dawson and J.E. Ilunnicutt, E.tI . Kenrtemur was pastor from lB52-1851. 12 Sept 1835 there were 12 colored female uembers and 6 <:olored male Chartttte. Del i lah, Jane. Vine, Hannair. Hannah, .Iane. Mary, Patsy. Drilla. \{i I ley, Binah--\{ose, .ddam. Glasgo who belonged to Joseph Cresham was baptized in 1835 with his master, Matt, Abram, George. J:rck.

W5i te nembers: Vrrrgan Morgan, Jeremiah Hubbard. Jaures Carrttcttt' Wi I I i aur Cobb' Hatkins r Joseph Brewer, Ezekiel Hunnicutt, Patrick Hubbard, Henry James S. Horton, Hiram Wooten, Milton Reese llunnicutt, Martin Moss, Joseph Cnesham. Leland Clanahan, J.R. Hunnicutt. Benjamin Sego. El izabeth Morgan' Mary Cannon, Ruby Swafford, Abigail Cobb, Sarah Clanaham. Elenor Hunnicutt' Jntheberry'Hunnicutt, Belinda Ann Horton, Jane Snith, Aney Hunnicutt. Dicey Brewer. Susannah Massengi I l, Susannah Kel ley, Mourning Barton, Elizabe th Brewer. El izabeth BuIlard, Rebecca Moss, Harriett N. Clanahan, Sarah Ann Clayton. El izabeth O'Briant, Lydia House.

James R. Smith was choosen as pastor in Jan 1836. Elijah Collins was given exhortation to use his Sift 25 Mar 1837 John Garrett Turner and Stephen Snith were liscensed to preach in 1841 Brother Thomas Dawson was pastor in 1839 Lewis Fendley was elected to serve in 1841 Dan i e I But I er was Pas tor in 1857 John Owens began his second term as pastor in 1860.

Also listed: Brether Gresham submitted a statement of the Arm of the Church at Pickens Court IIouse. IIe rras informed on the 18 June 1834 Sister I.ltlta ilughey was received by letter: i Aug 1834 Colored Sister Sarah Curiis 'las received by letter:21 June 1835 Colored Sister Jane, belonging to Ma.1or Keith, by letter: 19 July 1835 Colored Sister Mary belonging to Tarleton Lewis by experience: 16 Aug 1835 Frances Foster by letter, Sarah Ann Clayton and Elizabeth O'Briant by experience, Colored Jack belonging to S. Reid' Colored Hannah belonging to A. Craig, Colored Pricilla belonging to Bro. S,pg5tremi 6 Sept Patsey belonging to Col. Morton, Hannah belonging to Mr Reid and Milley belonging to Bro Greshem were received. AII by experience were bapt i zed i n Keowee Ri ver . Very interesting Church History, much to large to name everyone listed-

OBITUARY--JAMESSTUART SR: Killed on Tuesday morning 16th inst. by a waggon wheel, passing over his body, loaded with a heavy stock of timber, which he was carrying to a sawmill. He survived the accident only a few hours. He *as qpwards of 80 years of age and buried by the side of his father. who when he

OBITUARY--MRSJANE RICE: died at her residence near this village on the 26th inst. after an illness of three days, Mrs Jane Rice, relect of Mr Hezekiah Rice Jr deceased, in the 40th years of her age. A member of the Presbyterian Church. A little more than eleven years ago after becoming the mothen of five interesting children she was bereft of a kind husband by the hand of death and had the care of a young and helpless family. Anderson Gazette Issue: 30 April 184?.

PE\DLETON ISBEL--Pickens Co SC Probate Court Box I No. 7 South Carolina Pickens District Dated 25 May 182g--The condition that is the said Pendleton IsbeI adminstrator of Pendleton IsbeI Sr. farmer. dec d to make a true and perfect inventory of all the goods credits etc. of said deceased. Sg: Pendleton Isbel Jr. Wi t: Francis Burt ' S i las Ki rkse"r . Con't on Lewis Redmond Submitted by Jerry H':ghes


he means NorLll or South Lo this SLaLe IiL's unclear if quiLe young' Xy falher was old and Carolinal when I HaG idden ' I lrave had Lo te ke inr irm. and mv moLher r^rasb'adr sir;Lers ' one oi whom Nas a care of them and of several r'riLhoLlL the aid ot- crutches' crippLe and could not move and now twentv-r-hree vears of age since I was a child ' I am Iive ' 24L11 of next' OcLober--if I uiII be Lbrentv-four on Lhe Lhc' c3trture me for the sake of The revenue officers wanL Lo for me--iL is easier for rewards which ha'"e been offered it' Lhat waY Lhan bv working for them to make their monev in his Iife' as did alI the "Mv father owned a still alI

farmersaoouchere,beforetherevenuelawswerePassed;and do very l"Je were verv ccor and he could I r^rorked it f or him ' at' farm aIi iav and aL Lhe stili liLt-le- I trorked on the dav us' I ha''e of::n worked all nigi-,t Lo make a li''';ing for niqnL until breakfasL ' ploughing and then run Lhe stiil ail --:rai Cav I ha're gone Lo 3ie-?e I would be so r:irad Lh-'nexl'- ini:l.recorn]-owbecweanLheplo,-tgh_handlesandwake'lD:n-l ;:'is '-:e cf :^e t-r-1r* )'"j' ff i,;,:i-. lle r"har- 1r, m(: Jer./ hard. allL he alone and :eein'l I lool d

rest:ing on Lhe roadside. "Af t-er Lhe f uneral I sti l l kepL out of Lhe r^rayand as my sist-ers were alone and helpless. i h.rd Lo doa i nLed on l-he revenue f orce . Lr ied I.o 9eL f rom Caq,: . ''"rortI1 refused to leL him have i1:. Ducl

cni ldhr:r>o. anci we knew each oLht:r weI I - ile r/.ras'Jc('/ b igoL,:d

,tn(i r{,15 ,:ir,vave bragginq and dotn', ,-ash lliilr';e - lle rode one ' ,l,t), 5v h is own qranCf ;:l-her : i'lotl::c. wi-,,:r': i.'1,vr': Aa:a l

Con't i3) F'ElALE IATE

cr.i;ll--- iiody Adams Feb )r. I Q-i:i '^-t-,- ') ') _ Jud,., ?Lj-bbyi i'lorrj-s Nlar I ill- ---feS . -,.: Enma Dodd Aug )r i 875 l,'lary E. Cleveland (onF 5 , LEf5 ---9 - -.:1. lJ - UUrl Eliza Alexander L,'ec t') I Qttr lf.lrc:ael? lrown ?Darev. \1.arev? \1afL.l-ll tec 1') -t-Oq --1 r.rrpq Isabel Mcrluffin lrec 23 i afi ..nirew .l.ic r s i'1ary ?Kearlis? Q lt75 l Q.;a. --ames llassey Mary F-r1cks rlOll L/ F John Crarg CaLharine Goodin .'la ! ltil6 id'*ard Harbert Allis Hill 'd! :i lef a) -r2nF ltn PlYorc 'LO Susan Durham I -rt;al t,'3Jl l,emuel O'Kelley Jemima Simmons 'dL )a- , James Hul1 lularbhaButler ,\pr -3 r !t lr:, ')'l '.:) M: L. M. hrhibe r-^ rol- [?aaorf - u\i r ,1i: 'Pl;- Rev. E.L. Sink Fanny Phillips LrcL Thornas ? Ellzabeth Hobbs Oct. ),.) 1a-A ')') 'O-l/: David Pitts Cynbhia Marr.in l.lov f,'r:nkl in Do:n Icnlnrod) \evtvrgv/ Harrret Pew Dec -'1 Allen Pew (colored) Susan Oglesby LeC '.311 Samuel Oqlesby (colored) Jane Edmonson ,lan ;, ?Ebrar? Addis Eliza ?Kitstias? ian --l 1 ()'i- Warren Duke Bennicia Clarada L'eb , iEfi William DeGundercourt Eliza Knight u ua,r , rf]f i l{.M. Davrs M.C. Poteete CcL 1 t)?-l Lawrence Baker Harriebb Alexander I-lec l-l , -' , , !r . L. Dobbins i\{attia King Iiucla Sanders i\iancy Arrn Bai-ienger - ai, 'Kelley t-- P.J. A1l-en t^eny O JOtl 4.1 E.W. Pierce L,eothaO'Kelley JAil L-1 , T-'. J.C.H. Flanagan EllioLt Davis LJAI( L t , !L / J -l .\. L. l,,lt!) Logan P.M. MaLhason ''t--r\rtr t t aU /U iames R. Bi.ggs Nancy Sutherland (onf 21, I 878 '. i I I i -- A r r/^1 1,-.. ',r Ia rAtt \J ngf lgy )1 I ltta ?Emma?Ballenger OcL L I I I9 1t) Thomas )') r Q?o ?Killorn? Anna Ballenger Dec LL ' TU / LI iiern Collins Martha Graharrr Jan )-7 l Af O ;iilliarn I-1. Mr rr 1 t 1n?o Cobb LL Hannan M. ? ' ioei Smrth Nancy Dodd May ? ti?o ^L-P1^^ \.1 1r..1 11 uilof i8S .'.1l IVI l Ie Vina ?Murphy? QanF 28, lB79

Balrs !16uffrn Anna Elrod lEL 4, iB79 iij-lliam jaynes )1 ttlla Mary Bearden Dec cL, ^t - F' Nr.i ^l-^^- 1 1C.r- Jarnes Adams uaar y ML[b(JtI ian - (colored) ?1 I iJ tdward }lorton EmmaBenson Jan ) L t rJU! John C. ?Timb, Srms? LW L') J\J Rebecca Mgelin Hembree i'eb ' 1a O.M. Curtis C.A. Collins Feb aJ | !LUL '.J-- John (T. Anr lj] or i. 0'KelLey L\J ) Josephine Dodd I Jo1ly YcGuffin Sal1y A. Hampton a- tr: James Brrghl Manda R. Busby July 14, w.w. aKI11urn/ M. (,1. or T. ) eattenger Senl- )G J.A. Perkins H.J. Ballenger Oct Jr r -a lr- Fr, l -^^1,,i - Q i:: ?Milfon? GarreLt L'lqlj/ n. UVUuwlll Dec ^e^^F ^1^,.^r --r i rnl nrori ) urEsrl ui-cvgJ_dilu \ __-__ __ , Julra Maxwell Dec _rJ James Addams Nancy M. Brown Dec

Williams Adams Va roa ref Mr-{irrf Fi 11 .i at I '; Eli Tannery \- | | 1/ Httr^hf 16 | d ian :. i ,i ri (1)

,\ir\LE f LL\I/\L]- DATiI

)1arshaI l-,-r,bi:oLt Mary ? fe Jan 25, lB8l, Doren L. Adciis Susan T'odd Feb 17, iBBl ilyley )1oore Roseli.ne Turner July 6, iBBl James i\. Chambers i'{.J . Hobson Aug 28, LBBi Robert ),rorris M.E. Glanagan Nov 7, 1BB1 John Adams Marbha l'Ic{luft-rir Dec 4, lBBl John Burdet Susan A Addrs Dec 21, lBBl JOnn H. r!1rson L_llZaDeLn ijrlver Dec 22, iBBi W. Alexander SalJ-y M. Maretb Jan 12, 1BB2 ,lohn P. ?Deaton? V; rrr: rel-. ?l-l: rl^e rt Or- ljerberL? Jan 29, lBB2 John A. Norrrs \li n-\/ F Ll> rr;oiz Feb 2, LBBZ Henry J. Hiss ? Smith Feb 14, IBB2 'l Ilon rrr W i qnn ( cn 1 nrod ) tl- Darrrr \ uv!v! ev / r. ! s4!_I l4ay 2, lBB2 Ervin Pelfrey Rohanis King July 30. IBB2 A.E. Abbotb !1.L. Cobb Nov 19, lBB2 S.K. Thompson 11.L. Burnside ttec 24, lBB2 T.W. McCuffin I{.T. }loore Dec 26, IBB2 James l'{. Page Martha \orris l'lar 7, lBB3 l{i11iams Adams Cora Drckson Apr B, 1BB3 Turner Taylor Lt-zzy Price Apr 15, l8B3

_'_-\1: rv eh,ami'rcrs Caleb Oakley f Sepb, 16, l883 ?Oscar? Roach Selena Duncan Oct 11, lfl83 r!1IIrdm Hunslnger Susan Alexander Oct 25, lBB3 Willram VirgiI ?Sencley? )1ary EIoisa Sn',rLh Nov 6, l3E3 j^.a>rtt1 ar rorrrr\i;6113.) L,oursa Acdis Nov 1.1 , .3,43 irrlliam T. Head Florence Dic

John Blair Matilda Land '.)IL - i | -,Jt

Luther ?Herron? Et.La ;',oclbr r.ght. - =! -, L')t)1 ...- .- 5.U. r ao I LOllUlg!I Cella I. ::orrrs .',J-. , I t Ie Oa ',4 P.T. Johnson : anny 'Jrcsblr -:e:t , l8B'1 jof],'.t L. -;encley ?loiona? lurra::, ,ct ',2, LBB4 Al f reci -- . lobb Sophie lrensna; lec 4, L8B4 John :uban

I ^rn6 | 1 I Jrl-6 Wrllram ?Gladen? rq ,.tee Mar ll, 1BB7 John Abner ?Adair? )larLha Turner Itec 11, iBBT Robert Pitts Ilary C. Pitts Dec 30, 1BB7 R.P. Carver Sarah tsroom Sept 9, 1BBB William Goss M.E. WiLbanks Oct 7, 1BBB John Dunlap Sal1y Adams Mar 20, 1BB9 Trmoc (nannar Lula Adams Mar 3i, 1BB9 |/vll.tlam y,jnlte L€na Butler i"1ay5 , 1BB9 Roni:m'i n Cr:no Martha ?Bratcet? June 16, 1BB9 WIIl-lAM BULICT Betty Beacham Dec 5, lBB9 Newton Adams Lula Cox Feb 24, 1890 John O'Kel1ey Bessie Hancock Apr 6, lB90 Elias ?Homer? Lucy Stone l4ay 25, 1890 Isaac Richards Jimmie ?Kelley or Kilby? June I 1, lB90 C.F. Ansley Rachel Pitts July 14, iB90 W. P. McGuffin Anna Woolbright Feb 22, 189l /=\.

' ,_r - I r':: -, FEii.\LE

. . ^'-iler UarLha Jane )1 : Ilay':, -UijI _. ,J' / -: r_i , - oi,. . \laggie Smith iune 7, l89L r"l,^.r A.E. ?Moser? June 7, i991 ,,1.^-tai:l :ilarc Mary Freernan lune 2B, 189I

1U Cr({J Nancy Smith \urf 3C, \B9I .. . - .; ^.-:! J : dllgL or caneL? IJulda Pi tts .'tPL _ ',;, ::- cl -1na Ll-Len irrx Jan ill9: ' \'nrriq \l-r '-lr1) , Ida Bubler ,l --'.1^r ', r q y rv! Ella Taylor Ilar 2l , J':2 ',i92 n.,-. ilttl

\I--^,, ^L-^L^^^ H20f | /l i\arrLy \-rrdJUcsrl Dec 23, 1394 lVi11 iam ? Amy ?Boggs? tpc 23 , 'l'- ]

Evie Carver ai. Jane uorl-lns 1;Q=' EmmaMartin , 1895 'i,895 E.C. Broom Betty Reach Sepb 25 , IJl II KCACN Lena Turner Oct 17, 1896 Thomas RaLhel ?Curry? Newell Nov 29, 1896 Wade Jenkins Manda Adams Sept 26, 1897 Henry Harbin Ebta Dunlap Feb 6, 1B9B


THE END t- \ a \ t^ - g v PN i@ 6 R ? ;383! I \J\ :f-F-F'!' F-= U;- ilx -:s=+ o \9< 3 fl:ESSaFS?o i '-==T $ F l!p-c +vd i Ln- i ; -(z g "!!bEEgF€cE^ieo#{ | c) l-- lu =63=qi oo.ro 3f,e $ f'- z 4 bJgbU9oE= F F (y f!s!-;,1 rEo'): F-

= c-:iF- ct \ u.^ x 22 ne = ..s1 3 = =t =.1 z Trr n =- N -== N F-- @ Nq == a @o ,r i t tX rn -- >3 \F ti U Ul irl c.i d b; v>\R; ; OJ xv x o C- = (t9 .Ft c= y E =., ;; .t .=x- - ="l -o < F- 5z> -J) =^; ; >4= () ^-- o_vv !; -cx x v ?z = o xo= x = m-7 f Eocrg(oo)-<')rcro TX ,-. 6|r)rf)rr)rr)lr)(o(o(()r- -- + r.- F F.- ft- lt* F- f'- F F- z? 4e 0r'- oE ; c i^r = o= q TS =f I -9 rlorr-q, t I E>S OJ -No)t o (o

r.- r- r.- Q F- fi J,FF-.'-rls9 c.. ^ C o \ E(E wu- fi E,>. - 9 c.l EA F r- E ; 6C o F )g = z ; tY (\ (O A = cE \/\sv Ea : OI $q)= 3 n ei (!U) i ?-c 9ett) +J ggHE I; A aa c ggE .) FE z EEPSEE€S€E r) CJ l,U z q v, q lu co ul a 3 t! o = oi z = u) g.- E c F€$sE e o-=€bs E =S F€;'.5'EEEC: g: EE? oi :lG'*lll - = ru c,E n-e=*i=g : E=; d g i{ :9HH;EEq E 3?q, E gg gfiei$EgeE qs* .=; = E=*E P'i3 r8 ,J-- <(, f:: 63 od :pF u;v== x-;r\ 9=Y ;E eEl= o-rl-t= IL 916 3 ros ; E 99 @t-'+(oto){ -- -{ O(O@F*@@@- - SF O - q I e q s: ;8? - @(O t NF :i-g(! ul se q N. EP9,; d ud E! Bi?:

(J rr O s z i€pF:= s2\ 6 -: ;E I 3s o v .^"- E;; EE"# s= .9 il;F o =J( o ;* (tr !/ O- -c.Y TO.A O(L o c ;i;i g o E356 E rF-l-re@r'==;i'i' z^o EppEEndi= E o d* E thit .o-E ^l = q -o-o=A dg R{s!r,(Oe (O E 8 eq5e 3E=p :CL e F [9:e ;* ?='i E : E1:' e-e: e; sIH; 3 ,^s o R ;FEE q ss EF fi=*5 E E HE ;;E3T,A q 5--F, : eEi.o € H E?:: Hfr ffifr ul d E q.oa" E ?E€EEf€afEE6E ppsE z sess&fEf iEEis q E HgEEE FSHE z o uJ z g q o q ut LIJ vl ul J fl o = (-l z - = J a)

.(! ,N ce -^tr !n0)x- tr @ =.: 0) !cu eO ; ^>ftt F fiJ r-^ H€#.E FEE=bi F ; =9 ;f;gq!-;Y==i; s q ; = =: # 33- Ul -c a'. , = > a ; P5 c-^th rE- E = o !o €fis:=F g 9 5 F E9 o:--=oE ; 9tg E 3 5 5s ==EEi3 6 :.:t;;a ; ?;;€i* z Ecr?E*{oE =oc F- j?:F€:Fi ;oz ra\ = qd v, 2E.:^6e:ql 3X;i tJ- 5 tJ- tr o-t! U) .n O- # =::i3^E= *;b f ^; f t@ th NN ^- i @ co c{$ v z 33 ;=E=ssCg;!;: oP tu t' =s o^E o 9?$l 6 ?i-c = = 2= x=E= .3 O cdtd F3$ "-6 E.o E5 o -coco =,^ lo) -)_* i==e EfiJ I = of,-o !s r^t l- rii o ;EEEEEaE!*iE.rro9o.lF=9 b;=6 x11 C € =U >= I @- N X- (! - G.= E >rt E =: &,i .: v G. Lll >.o=F EIEEEEq: ; s:3 I E or: a qECt E=s: e,E 6<='4.rc $EiF fl q,4 fi lrl r3E

r:f lJi I r'l{:frll F'l lt lFi.t:'Al I ltlt'1tl '/'.1 Arrrlrr'.-l-tt:: F:l I i ''.,-,rt Aclr": v i evJ l- lll-tr ': tl rn,-'l- I ist.r,l I)i,:ql: .-[ttrtcl :'.'iI t':Jl]l [-rr,rri;.tl : [.'rri r

(!,,:,1. :1 pr.rcte ;el I lr;'ma.r l{;r I I trm tlm i t lr Aqe: 85 /€tc1Ys , 7-.2 !J ::''tview t) i '.rrJ: lll': t tittr,-:r- I t t'J:lll [-rr-rrial : "l Agle: E;i l'1r:i. ttrtttltlia "f. l)aY' l) i r:cl: fl':'vr:?mtl.:r I 'j t t'"J:l'.1 Errrri.-rl : [:airvi.ewr Arrcler q;':tttl-.:fi. r Sl:.:

A. S, ii;.rtl,:rwaY Aqe t 6':i YE?;1r!3 Sgrrinos (r'rr:rt IistetJ t lriecJ: l'1aY i' ,'l:i"+ Brrrial: ll,:,iLy

l'1rs-,.El i::atrettr [1-1,1[, r,,r':1t-t lr A-qe: U;? : Erl':tr1 tl:trt"trclr I) j t:tl : I'l.rY ;il:l t l'13.1 Erttr ial '3',1 rr,/,rr. t, [];1c-le )

Jt) Alt':'n AjIerr AoeI l'li:''',f'1t, tirc,'/e l) i rrrl: .It-tircl3(-rr t l:l + Urltrlal: t !', ,1 . lt , []aclE? 7[J.1

r i-:;r;tt. .) El iar; DaY Age: 8f1 ,13.,1 j. : t)aY [. e:me:tL'r y t) j ecJ: Jrrrre ll(_rI , Ftrr al t Virl . .tj, par=te ii€l)

5 i.tilrely l.l,:,warci Jcirrels; Aee ! ,15 l:-iri f f lrr Etaflt lst l-:l1t-tr'':11 l) i e-,cl: Ar-rrjt-tgt 7, l':Jl?"-l F-{r-rri;rl t .1.1 r.\',:rl . 1.| [:tatle .t ''i5 l'lrsi. I-rrrrttra B. Siw.eyttgtramei Aqc-l: AraJal L:lrltr'-:lr l)iereJAttQttsit l;lr ,?:j'l f-iltri'-tl: ll:ht-trq: h !le:t-..ui,: e .1t f:'ar l': llt r er:t Baglt l st (V':'1 paqe 1'l3 l (!,Ji.fr?,:,f Jttl.i.rrr r-:. Swaytrqtrame.) ' J,

76 Em,:'ry l--tawref1(:e t .Jlfre:; Ac_le?: tl r r:r!; q3 li: rr a cJs; l) i er'l: At-.lcttltst ,::Br 1'13"1 Etltr ial: (\,t,:,1 . tr tla(-le l'j(-'.1 F,tl I ntrtt l ,:rtl Vatr': F Ga I I ':'w.-rY Age: V i ew l^les, l'l' tr'' I'lar r:lt ';15 I :J:15 Br.trtal : f:'i,:llert:; l) i ect : r '8.t ll lrtrv'. lr (.Vr:rl. ;: r tl .

'llr:rrl. rVi:'I . .lr p. 1f',t t.::. l,',it.l,:lt AQCr: 7(,t j : F:':rr::l,: Str r rt !l g l.)ilcJ: Allril tt ,':,:l:r lll.tr i. .rl

5 /r /

F'flF tlt(il:rrl r tll.lF:trnl- | ll:ll'lt-,

t.lr r:. r_l ;rr r-tnt i rre,. f:,eers;e Aclr:: tl6 y...nr.!i I)i.:tJ: l)r,:,:.rmll"?r..,.:(.:,t t':Jll'.i lJr_rrlal: t_lr:,;,1.,11orrr l-re:c:l t\/,;il . ll', Ji. JU.,1"tl . lir' f'l'-'v. J.8.1':)")

t.li t t iam [im':iry Tr,lttar Aqerl t rl;ry DjerrJ: Jantrary ;:.1, 1'33f; Ilr-rrjal: l^Jesitvjr:'..r -- t \,r'rl . il , p. :i;l "tr. ;:t:l .Iarr. 1'136 cJ. ::(:, .Jarr. t li-l(:," t

t-lrar I i e [i:r-.rcjDay Aqe: .18 l)iecl: t'lar,::h .1.::, t'i3e: I-rr.rriel: Err,.'rrt.[rr,r r':lr '15.t t.V':il.. I, f).

['lr:;. fl:r,rtr]'F'. El I i c,:'n Acler: t I Diecl: April I"f, I'fllfi fir-tr i.r I : F .r t lv i ew rrrirt I is;ted t

Tamcli Lr-r':ir:n llenciricl,s Aoe: 7E) Dir-'cJ: Jrrne l'1 , t'--J3C: Br-rrial: [^J,:rgt'ziew t it,:.'J.. i:l, lr . 5U t

f'lr--. F',:,r,;rll,",rayncllr;rrn Aoe: 5'J l)is'rJ! Ar.tctttst i8, l':13F, Fttr ial ! Flat [-',:,,:lf-lrr-trclr rr,r,:'1. t, l). t38t

I'lr--. Itr,:ille tfailcrway Aqet 19 I)icrrl: (1,:t,:,ber i'/, t'l:l(; Fr-trial: l'lartirtts llrover tV':'l l, ll . ,l(-l(-t- "Martjrrts; lfrove Il"J

to be conrt


-i CO\lP['TER.{ND ON-LINECLASS by HermanGeschwind

Lart msnth rre clr ered GEDCOII import. or how to add information from a GED file to a ne$ or existing Familr Origins Database. This step is simple and rather straighfforward.

To erporr rlata from a Familr Origins Database doeshal'e a number of options that need to be considered. \\ hen tht E\PO RT feature is inr okcd. the first screenhas three setsof options:

The tgpm6st panel dealsnith the tlpe of GED to be created(l) General,(2) Ancestral File and (J) Temple Rcarlr. Thc dcfault is Generalnhich is.justright for normal GEDCOM file erchange. The other two formats har e to do n ith rpecialrequirements of the LDS Church.

The boftom panel has options to include notes ass

The middle panel has some real interesting options as to which individuals should be exported. The default settingis,.EntireDatabase",*hichistheeasiesttohandle.Theotheroptionisto"Selectlndiriduals".nhichis a ver]' powerful feature with which we deal later.

The GEDCOM File to Create menu has some powerful options which are not quite obvious. The normal choice for transmitting a GEDCOM file as an E-mail attachment is to specify a directorv and file name on the hard disk. such as C:\AOL\upload\Smith. Family Origins will automatically add the correct file extensionto the file name. Now. assuming that you want to mail diskctteswith vour database. Here the path nill be: A:\Smith. The nice thing about the GEDCOM standard is that if the Databaseto be exported happens to be larger than what one diskette will hold. then the program will fill the first diskette to capacit;-and then prompt for a second diskette.etc.. untit the entirc selectionhas beenwritten to diskette. When 1'ouspecifl diskette outp ut. ,iu st m ake sure that the disketteshave been formaited crror-frce and are propcrlr labcled. Another consideratir-rnir that the output to diskette is not cornpre3sed,so that when the databasecontains sereral thousand records, quite a number of tliskettesn'ill be required [to put the 125,000record OPD Databaseon diskettestould require 2{ disks -ouchl.

Here is Quite often the intent is not to export the Entire Database put only specific famil-r-lines or individuals. where Famill' Origins does provide some unique features. Invoke the option "Select People to Export". When thisischecked.theFamilvOriginsbrowsewindowcomesup.Typeinthenameofthestartingpersonsuchas SMITHJoe and then double click on his name. The next choice is to mark either all the descendants or ancestors of the selecterlperson. So, if ]'ou want to exchange the entire SMITH family line, find the oldest SMITH in the database and then select "His/[Ier Descendants". Normally with this option you should also check ,'Include Spousesof Individuals". Family Origins will ruminate for a while doing the marking and then invoking "OK" *ill get the file creation started.

The revers option would be to select a given SMITH and then mark "His/Her Ancestors", again including spouses.

Another feature of Export Selected Individuals which I believe is unique to Family Origins is that with the to our SNIITH selection window up, !'ou can click on any individual to have her/him included in the file. Back example. We want to erport ALL the Smitbs in our Database. Some are the descendantsof SMITHZachariah but we have a number of others which may tle descendants but are as yet unlinked. Here the steps are to select and mark Zachariah and all his descendants. The selection window will show all the SMITHs that have been automatically marked by a little "x" to the left of the name. Now we can go back and manuall] mark all the others SMITHS b-'-highlighting and double clicking the unmarked names.

The ability to Select Individuals also comes in handy when vou receive a GEDCOM that contains several famill lines and you want to examine and even merge only-specific groups of individuals. Assuming that 1ou receir ed a file that contains Mercks, Evans, Gaines and Smith and ]'ou want to work with the Smith line onl1. Here 1ou can use the Export SelectedIndividuals to mark only'the descendantsof a given individual. then create a mini- GEDCOM which can be re-imported into J'our main databaseand then merged and linked. A handl and powerful feature which witl save a lot of keystrokes and eliminate possible transcription error. ConfederateSoldiers of PickensDistrict, SC: An OngoingResearch Project SeekingAdditional InformafionAbout the FollorvingilIen Who Fouehtin the CiYiI\Yar, 1861-1865

F']ease hel n to preserve a record; of ',he life and service of your ancestor and relative who fought in the Civil ,var. If you have addj-tional infor- mation about any of these Confederate soidiers, you are r-rrged to send lt io: Dr. Charles i{" Busha LLz SulImdt Drive Liberty, SC 29657

-TI€ved_G.i,. D. Edens (dtea tn L927) ls be- have been a Confederate soldier, but he has not been positively identj.fied as sucho

WiIIiam J. Edens served in Co" B. ffi(Moorers Regt")r'and he di-ed of battle wounds in VA; he was a son of W1lliarn and Mary Edens of the 0olenoy sectlon"

Charl es serveci as a --,h cpl. SC Rifl-es (lloorets)o

tselrloL9llgnbure served 1n Co" F, zznd 5U iegiment and resided in !{urricane Townshlp of the easterrr dlrlslon of Pickens Distrlcto Francis l4arioL EllenburE (f836-1895) was a son of Martln and Rebecca Robert Canady King (b. ca 1834 - d" L862 !]fgn!urg; -he served in Co. F, CompanyE, Ist SC Rifles (0rr?s Regt.) Z?nd SC Infantryr Volunteers. He dieC f'ror,r wounds recej-ved Dec, L2, 1862, during the Battle of Fredericksbur Gegrqe=EJLeLbureserved in Coo H, 2nd SC Rifles; Was this GeorgeWo El_lenburg who marrled Winny A" John Alrde3sonEllenbr:rE (1842-1913) was BoJ-dingon May 12, 1860? ebecca Ellenburg; W" he served in Coo F, 22nd SC Regiment H" ElLenburg was born about I8l+7' and resi-ded in the Pumpkintown areao ffi Co" K, lst SC State (Is Troops" this the H. w. Ellen- Marcus Lafayette Ellenburg (1844-1921) burg who was buried at Carmel Pres- was listed on the 1899 Ciyil V/ar byterlan Church 1n Pickens Corrnty?) pension list in Plckens County. Joe Berrv Ellenbure served in Co. H, l{artin Ellenbure (LBZZ?-L862) aied @s wife was l4inda Eiienburg (1843-1916), @1 Wari he left a'rridow who was CONTII{TIEDON I{EXT PAGE buried at SeconaBaptist, Churcho cONFEDEi;T: SCLJ!:R.S Jr FICaJIiS DiSTR.ICT, SC (Continued ) (L845-L892) served in ano six crliCren. In f888 hls 8l+- --1]_-"Mo Ho Eltison .rear-oic ','rj-fe','ras the recipient of f,7nilsc CavaIrY and was Easley City Cemetery. i C:-vi- l,'ar wicow?s Pensiono burj-ed in the (firq! in 1899 N3';:lan Greene Eilenburg served in Co. EIIison name unknown); te widow, ; he dieci Oct" of a in 2', ;)-9. In L923 his widow-r-Martha, was the reciPient Pension ',','asa :ecipient o-f a Civil War Oconee CountY" ',ii:ow I s pension. She oied abt 1827, Andrew Washington Elrod (I8l*5-I928) Taimetto SharP- f:'"a:: .-.ardv Elliott,enllatcd ln Coo f,, served rn uo" D, llarY J. ---:. Sl Tolunteers at Falr Playr SCr shooters: he married (rg4l-I9ob). TheY were 14, 186I; one sollrce- noted' Quailes ::r .:.pr:I Chr'rrch --:a-- ne received a medical discharge buried at Friendship Baptist f:on the Conf ederate Arnry, but he in Oconee CountY. ir'as listed in another source es in.Co"-.Dr 4th.SC kill-ed at Spotsylvania, Vi-rginia. E. L" Elrod served ffis (Sloanrs). Note: A soldier named Elrod i" P.o EIIIs served in Co. Gr ]st SC Confederate s Regt.); he attended (first name unknwrrn) was killed freffirrf the warl '"he reunion of Orrts Riflesr or died of disease during 44th her second which was held at Seneca ln 1916" his w-idow re-married anC husband wad k1l1ed durlng the latter war. She had a daughter Gideon Ellis, Jro (1824-1905) was a- part of the who nrarrled ffiGideon Ellis (1786- named.Annie E1rod, father of VIlIIlam f85O) and Lucy Easley Ellis (1786- Joseph Flndley, Fickens S9 his wife was Adline Mc- EIbei"t Findley-of , " ^?t' IS55); in:-crna--:cn j i ',Vhorf,er Ellis (I824-I905 ) . anyone provide more ser"red :i Jesse i{o 8111s (18I7-19OI) was a El1as Franklln .nFrank-t!-Elrod \ loants). ffid.eon Ellis, Jr. (sec vvg Y, +vr^ he attended a above) his name was included on the on uaf IOr L922, I for WlIIiam Mauldint 1899 list of Civil War pensioners i-n memorial 6ervlce veteranr at' Pj.ckens County. another Confederate Easley Methodist Church" Co. E, 2nd SC John W. Ellls served in Con- Regto) and was " S..P"- H".EIweIl was a one-armed ffiets who once served wounded at CamPbellts Stationl he rederace vetEran of Grace Methodist Ch' lost a limb as a result of woundso as mihister in Pickens. He lost his arm as a result of a battle woundo He has Hueh A. Ellison {.l-829-L9Q5) served in nthe Flerd Artilrery;.hls been d.escribed as true oIC @ 'He tYPe: a br:r::::g wife was Lucretla Young Elllsono fashioned Methodist the unsaved ani a shcu--:ng was buried at St. Paul Methodist hell for Church south of EasleYr SC" congregationorr Co. I, ---h S: Elllson was born abt 1838 J. A. served in iarnes Monroe trnt oorq 1i F, 2nd sc cavarr (Sloants); he resl'cec ffi. dlvision of i:cke:s lis--. John Westfield; he was a eastern uncer Capt. 'l EllisontD'l J ^^- ercther of Archibald Henson was bom a:ou" Lt32i Confederate Edward N. Emerson xho also served in the Enerscn a::i .lrrri nc +h.e ffi Robert qq 4116 vll CiVil Waf o .-.-.--V Ntathr:rza Norton Enerson. .-a:es ririson EIIison, Jro was a son Joe Emerson serveC 1n Co. E, 2:c SC , Sro and F-gr<61: -lfT6-Is this e'osepa h'lo Y;:y rPoIIYn Cox of Anderson @ounty. follorring an acclcen'- a-- lbs. l-.e :ar:ied Lucretla Ann DaY daughter dled r t s l'1i-- Ln LEg2? DaY (I806-f870) Hunnicut cf Sracwell " 'fi.xres FEBRUARY1998 MEETING A

O@Nee old endleton Di triet The FebruaryMeeting will be 7:30pmTuesday 17th 1998at the CentraVClemsonbranch of the PickensCounty Library. s.c. Our Speakerwill be Matthew Priewe,Political Collections t^^J.*on, 3r ClemsonUniversity. He will Archivist of SpecialCollections, 6eor9t4 be telting/showingwhat this "Collection" has to offer researchers.

Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual S20.00 Associate$15.00 Familv $25.00

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME 12 NO.2 FEBRUARY1998 Pubtished:January, February,March, April, MaY, June,September, October, November


pRESIDENT Robert G. Dodson ...... t61-t-ql20tl vrcE-pRESTDENT:James ..rim" ;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::...... 16r-2{5-rr2s SECRETARY: Kenneth D. Morgan...."...... t6{-55+92t0 TREASURER: Margarette B. Swank...... t6+370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. Foster... .864-EE2-t279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudy" Garner...... 864-882-6{07 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith Merck...... 864-271-1353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... 864-654-3283 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... 864-639-6387 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Linda G.Cheek,247 CrossHill Road,Easley, SC 29640-8857 E-Mail: [email protected]



One of our family members,Dell and Judy Millar's son-in-law,Russell D. Hinson,does a wonderful job on photography restoration.Judy brought a sample product, beforeand after, with her to the last meetingand it n as beautiful.Write or call for information: RussellD. Hinson,394 Micasa Drive, Pendleton,SC 29670 Phone:l-864-646-5640 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

Terri M. Allen, PO Box 116, Dewey, AZ 86327 Ph: 520-632_77 42 FLINKINGSHELT. ALLEN. HOWARD.

Hope Whitmire Ayo, 2339 Barbara Lane, Smyrna, GA 30080-2543 Ph: ?70-436-9835 E-Mail: hopeayo0mindspring.com HOLDEN, WHITMIRE. BILLINGSLEY, WATERS/WALTERS.

Rachel S. Brown' 141 Springdale Road, Elberton, GA 30635 Ph: 706-213-8945 E-Mail: Racbrow0Aol.com BROWN,DICKINSON. ROBERTSON'KEYS' PHILLIPS, RAMPY/R,AMPEY,WADDELL, EVANS, McCURLEY, SKELTON, LaFOY' ATKINS'

Jinmy J. Cheek, 12010 Rockcliff Drive, Huntsville, AL 35810 Ph: 205-851-8309 E-lt{ai l: JCheek6063GAol . com CHEEK. ROACH, TURNER, SUTTLES. ROBERSON. ELROD.

Sharon Dance, 1907 Shadow Forest Dr.. Katy, TX 77494 Ph: 281-392-1223 E-Mail: Sadance€emoco.com BURDETTE. JOHNSON,McLESKEY.

Ann Major Doggett, 83 Satulah Falls Rd., Highlands, NC 28741 Ph: 704-526-8009 E-Mail : Doggett0dnet.net KELLEY/KELLY. HAJOR. DEAN. REEVES. JAMES. BLACKERLY. SULLMN, PATRICK, WATT, LIDDELL/LIDLE. McGREGER, HOLLAND, CHANDLER.

Jane M. Dotson. 615 McSpadden Ci rcle. Centre. AL 35960 Ph: 205-927-5953 E-Mai l: jdotlp€peop. tdsnet.con FROST. BELL. ODELL. BOGGS' WILSON, PRICE, BOT${AN,COTHRAN, ANDERSOIi.CROOK, HANNAH, GREER. II{AYSON.

Peggy E. Duncan, 5001 South Oak Ave., Broken Arrow, OK ?4001-4246 Ph: 9f8-451-7O42 E-Mail: BeiselZGAol.com BOYD, COOPER,HARRISON' McJUNKIN' WRIGHT, SANDERS, HOOPBR, CLtsVBLAND, BROWN.

Betty ^A,tkinson Harris, 333 West Lehow Ave #2, Englewood. CO 80110 Ph: 303-347-1758 E-Mai I : BJAtkinson€juno. con ATKINSON. BRETT. COBB. WATSON, TEAGUE. STARKE.

Charles E. Haynie. 294I Atlantic. Concord. CA 94518 E-Mail: Chaynie€Pacbell.net HAYNIE.

Charles G. Henderson, Jr., 2622 Glenwood Road, Florence. SC 29505 Ph: 803-669-644? E-Mail : CGHenderson€Aol.com HENDERSOIi, DAVIS. ROPER. PATTON.

Sherrie Heyse, 8524 St. Ives Place, Cincinnati' OH 45255 Ph: 513-474-1514 E-Mai l: FHHEYSEOAOL.COM SMITH. FOl{LER. BASwEl.L, BEACHAM,WEBBER, COX, HEYSE, EBNER, WINTER, LAVINDER, YOUNG, McGHEE.

Randy HolIiday, 1136 Zion School Rd., Easley, SC 29642-9773 Ph: 864-855-2290 E-Mai l: Hol I idayRGDayzim. com HOLLIDAY, CARROL, ADCOX, SHERRIF.

S. Mark Hunter, 4567 Nature's Waye Roadr Blacksburg' VA 24060 Ph: 540-552-9003 E-Mail : mark.hunterevt.edu HUNTER, MASSEY, DUNCAN, TROTTER, HAMBY, LEE, WHITWORTH. TERRY, CARITHERS, LEE, GIBERT, TODD.

Charles, W. Hutson, 1585 Henry Scott Road, Ball Ground, GA 30107 Ph: 770-7ZO-TO82 E-Mai I : HutsonGNetworkmt: . com HUTSON

Margaret J. Kirkwood, 303 Creek Bend Drive, Woodstock' GA 30188 Ph: 770-926-0903 E-Mail: Mkirkw9Sl2OAol.com KING, BURNS, II,IASON. Donald J. Mabry, 206 Hirassee Drive, Starkville, MS 39759 Ph: 601-323-6852 MABRY, DICKSON/DIXON, CLEVELAND. ISBELL, LEDBETTER' PETTIGREW, VERNER/VARNER.

Wanda Mccuen, 265 Hunts Bridge Road, Easley, SC 29640 Ph: 864-855-3288 E-Mail: WMCcuen999€Aol.com DAVIS, ELLENBURG,HARVEY, KIRBY, McCUEN, PAGE, SMITH, STALLINGS, STARNES. THOil{PSON.

Paula McGee, 816 El Redondo Ave., Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Ph: 310-374-1793 OWSLEY, GARRETT, WEST, HARRIS. JOHNSON.KELLY, CARGILE, WATTS, DERRICK, QUARLES, GILLESPIE.

Laurie McKenna, 174O7 Buehler Road, Olney, MD 20832 Ph: 301-7?4-9192 E-lt{ail: mckenna?Oex.netcom. com STRIBLING. VERNER' HICKS, LAMANCE, ENNIS, MILNER, CARDEN.

George D. Newton, 203 Dogwood Lane, EasIey, SC 29642-1215 Ph: 864-859-1042 E-Mail: Pendads€Aol.com NEWTON(SC' NC. VA, Eng. )


John H. Riggins Jr, 3263 Clarimont North,,Atlanta, GA 30329 Ph: 404-633-9364 E-Mai l: JRi9963746OAol. com RIGGINS

Ruth Roberts, 6080 Prince Drive, San Jose, CA 95129 (African-American) Ph: 408-253-0327 E-Mail : r744€mindspring.com DUKE. BARNES.

Gladys Ann See, 408 S. tfashington Street. Kinmundl . IL 6285{-2150 Ph: 618-547-7?31 E-Mail: See0accessus.net BISHOP. BOSTOIi. DANIEL. JACXIAIi. PENTER/PAINTER, McGRAW,QUICK, WRIGHT, LOOI{EY. XULUA\l'. IOODS. HOLBROOX.

Paul TumIin, 2085 Clairmeade Valley Road' Atlanta. GA 30329-1013 TUMLIN

John P. Woodard, 22O Chateau Drive, Fort tlorth. TX 76134-4605 Ph: 817-293-?105 E-Mai I : WoodardpGSWBell.net WINCHESTER,DILLARD' HOLDER, VA,N, WOODARD, FEATHERSTONE, THOMPSON, GAI NES.

Homer E. Young, 2133 Robin Hill Road, Oneonta, AL 35121 Ph: 205-274-7496 YOUNG


PeEEy Chapman. 1503 47th. Lubbock. TX 79412-2323 E-Mail:pbchapman€door.net Seeking parents of Mary COTHRANTOLLISON (1846-1927). Stre and her husband, E.T. TOLLISON (CSA 1845-1933), were buried Belton Baptist Church Cemeter;'. Anderson Co., SC.

Pendleton Messenger (SC) issue of 19 Aug 1818 reportedly ran a notice that the appointment of Wi I I ian COCKERHAMas Captain f or 18th Regiment trad been repealed. Can anyone furnish the exact reference for this item? Will pay copy and postage expenses.

Was there a family relationship between Mathias ROBERTS' H.E. COOLEYand heirs of Allen C. COTHRAN?Allen C. COTHRANdied 1880 Anderson, Co., SC. Allen C. COTHRANwas the son of Daniel COTHRAN/COCKRLIMand Elizabeth ROBERTS of Greenville District. SC. Elizabeth was the d/o Rev. Soldier Samuel Roberts of Greenville District and his wife Sarah COOLBY, d/o Jacob COOLEI'. Jr. of Greenville District' SC.

Anderson Co, SC Deed Bk D-3 pp 105-106. 15 Sept 1888: James A. COTHRAN.Jene COTHRAN& John R. COTHRANdeeded Worth S. SEABORN50 acres on NE side of Honea path Township adjoining land of Joel M. HARPER' Elisha CooLEY and Bart ACKER being tract #1 of the estate of Allen COTHRAN,dec'd, at the suit of H.E. COOLEYvs M. ROBERTS, et al, and deeded by the Master to Jane COTHRAIi.

Jane was the widow of Allen COTHRAN, Jemes A. and John R. COTHRANwere her sons., James A.llen COTHRAN& John R. COTHRANI ived in Greenville Co., SC in 1900. James Allen CoTHR.A.Ndied July 1926 Greenville co.. sc. 1850 census Anderson District, SC pg 266 Mathias ROBERTS. 37, Matilda ROBERTSage 36 and children. Living with ROBERTSwas Martha COOLEY68 & J-ames POOR 19. Martha COOLEYwas probably Pasty COOLEY, d/o Jacob COOLEY' Jr. of Greenville Co. ' SC.

Linda G. Cheek. 24? Cross Hill Road. Easlev. SC 29640-8857 Need info on WiIIiam A. REED (35 Shoemaker) a1d familv from Old Pendl eton, SC to Greene Co TN by 1850 living beside Adam ELLENBURG(age 37 ) both b. SC.

Wanda Mccuen. 265 Hunts Bridse Road. Easlev. SC 29640 E-Mai I :WMCcuen999OAoI . com Need info on Thomas Philip ELLENBURGwho m. Mary Frances HARPERand had 7 children. He took his family from Pickens Co.. SC to Salisbury' NC. Some of his sons came back to Pickens Co., SC, George ELLENBURGwent to AL and Thomas ELLENBURGstayed and was buried in Salisbury. NC.

Richard Dana HamIv. ?655 Hooes Road. Sprinsfi led. VA 22152-3701 E-Mai I: dickhamlY€Aol 'com Looking for the ancestry of Larkin HENDRIX/HENDRICKSand liellie McKINNEY m. about 1830 Pickens District, SC.

Looking for the origin and ancestry of Joseph LI.OYD who married Jannie HENDRIX near Florence, SC in 1848. He mal'have beelt from Pickens District, SC or that general region.

John H. Rissins Jr. 3263 Clarilront North. At lanta. GA 30329 E-Mai l: JRigg63?46€Aol . cotr Searching for info on Andrer RIG'GINS born about 1800-1802 Perrdleton District, SC moved to Cherokee Co.. GA ca 1830. has tre a son of Powell RIGGINS who died in 1845?

paul TumIin. 2085 ClairEeade VaIle.v Road. Atlanta. GA 30329-1013 Researching the TUMLIN Fami ly. I am current ly working in Georgia. specifically Hall, Lumpkin and Gwinnett Counties. I have rrot made a definite contact with our South Carolina heritage but I believe it could be a John TUMLIN listed as head of the household in the 1790 SC csnsus for Edgefield Co. However there is a James TOMLIN in the same county, so I am not sure- There is a John TUMBLIN in the 1810 SC census of Pendleton District arrd a John TOMBELINGin the 1820 census of Pendleton District. I hope to correspond with someone who may be able to "shed some light" on my family. A couplication is the spelling of the name: TUMBLIN' TUMBLING' TOMLIN etc.


NEW: "ASSOCIATION OF SMITH FAMILIES 96th DISTRICT. SOUTHCAROLINA" ffiPresident,24308KakaeDrive,DnmaScuSrMD20872-2||z Menbership $10.00 annual. Meeting to be held in coniunction with an annual meeting of one of the SCGS Chapters or the annual SCGSmeeting in Columbia- A quarterly publication is planned. It is also necessary that material be provided to the president or editor. NOTICE-COBB: Mike Cobb,6116 Kary Lynn South, Fort Worth, TX 76148 Mike is starting to compile a seperate database on all Cobb/s and related ancestors that served in the "War Between the States", both Union and Confederate. I believe this roster could be a valuable tool for research, and I emphasize the VET does not have to be named COBB to be included..just related to a COBB by blood or marriage. Anyone who wishes to contribute should have something in hand..more than just family heresay to verity their ancestor served in the WBTS. Either E- mail at [email protected] snail mail at address above. Need if possible which major COBB line their VET was related to such as AI{BROSEor HENRY etc. Need Regiment, where enlisted, whether died or suryived the war. Please put niilDe and address on each page submitted.

REQUEST: Elaine Copenhaven, 303 Heath Rd., Hurricane. wl'A 25526 I1 would be great if you could publ ish some "Fami l-r- Grave;'ards" that are ttot listed in any books. It would also be nice if you could publish in your newsletter minutes,/notes from your speaker! For us long distant cousins, we sure miss being able to benefit from your featured speakers.

LETTER OF THANKS FROM: Patsey Stephens McCall, ?490 Brompton Rd, Apt 399, Houston, TX 77025 30 November 1997: Dear Friends, There's more to the story printed in the October 199? Newsletter from Helen M. Wallr r€w member from Houston, Texas. My husband and I have temporarily moved to Houston (hopefully for about eight months) to be near M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, where he is being treated. When my Old Pendleton District Newsletter arrived, I read HeIen's letter with interest and one night several weeks &S€r decided to call her. We had a good telephone visit, I discovered she works at M.D. Anderson. To make a Iong story short, she called later to invite my husband and me to have Thanksgiving dinner wi th her. He was in ttre hospi tal hav ing hi s f our" th rotrrtd of chemotherapy and doing well. I'm happy' to report. but he ins: isted I go. iier frien

BITS AND PIECE'S by Linda G. Cheek

THOMAS& DUDLDYPATTERSON: Pickens Co Probate Court Box 3 No. 23 South Carolina Pickens District, Whereas Thomas Pattersoli late of this district dec'd lately intestate having whilst he lived divers goods rights and credits etc. by means whereof the full administration of all goods, rights and credits unto John Davis and Y. Clavy Patterson to make an inventory before the first Monday of Feb. 13 Dec 1830.

Franklin Co., GA: 1 Aug 1837 between Dudly R. Patterson of the State and County aforesaid of the one part and William Robinson of South Carolirra Pickens District of the other part in consideration of the surl of orte hundred and twenty five dollars for one sixth part of a tract of larrd whereon Nicholas Hunt lived and died on the waters of Peters Creek adj. Martin Whitmire, Thomas Singleton, Joseph Robinson, Earl R.S.C. Foster. Sg: Dudley Patterson and Synthia Patterson X. wit: Edward H. Edgar' Chesley' Cawthorn JP.

WILL AMS: Abel Williams of Pendleton Co., SC to Howet Williams of Meck enburg Co., VA for $250 current money of VA 50 acres of land in Meck enburg Co VA being on the west side of the great branch known to be the waters of Grassey Creek beginning at James Culbreaths line adj. Henry Hesters corner, county line, John Pulliam. Dated and Rec. 8 Dec 1806. Mecklenburg Co V,A,Deed Bk 13 pg 143 JOHN PRATER: Pickens Co., SC Probate Court Box 3 No. 24 Whereas John Prater late of the State of Alabama dec'd lately died intestete having whilst he Iived and at the time of his death divers goods, rigtrts raj credits etc. Administration applied for 4 Oct 1831 and granted to John Couch of the state and district aforesaid dated ? Nov 1831. The Estate of John Prater dec'd Dec 1830 amount paid Robert Couch for going to Columbia ZB days paid Thouas Montgomery for traveling to Columbia and back

MARRIED: On the l?th inst, by the Rev. Mr Douthit, Mr Thomas Bowen of Pickens to Miss Mary H. M'Greg'ory of this District. Greenville Mountaineer Issue: 28 Nov 1835.

ABEL HILL: Pickens Co SC Probate Court Box 2 No. 18 19 Dec 1824: The petition of Kisiah HiII sheweth that the land belonging to her dec'd husbands estate is subject to Ievy by tlre Sheriff of Pickens and bond given to Jesse Rackley by her deceased husband' Abel Hill and James Findley and she is unable to pa; the Iast claims against the estate without selling the said land and therefore prayeth a division to sale of the lands of seventy five acres adj. Joel Jones. Sg: Kesiah Hill X.

5 July 18301 State of SC to: Corsey Hill. Ashworth Hill, Huldey Hill, Lewis HilI, Elizabeth Hill and Keturah Hill Iegal heirs of Abel IIitl who died intestate: you are requested to appear on the 3rd Morrday on this instant to shew cause if any wtry the real estate of Abel Hi I I dec'd situate irr this district on the waters of Saluda River containing one tract bounded by lands belonging to Joe Jones and others containing sevent;,' f ive acres. should rrot be divided or sold alotting too the said leavy in equal properties and the remaining two thirds: Huldy Hill, Lewis Hill. Elizabeth Hill and Ketura Hill. Dated 5 July 1830. Sg: James H. Dendy

29 Aug 1830: Samuel Patterson stated that the estate of Abel Hill dec'd of said district stands indebted to him in the sum of two

9 Sept 1830: Pickens District, Appeared David Conberr before rue the subscribing Justice and made oath that the Estate of Abel Hill dec'd rs justly indebted to him in the sum of one dollar fur hlri.skt'5.

2 Oct 1832: Pickens C. House: We certif'' ttrat Xeziah Hill. nidon of Al.rel Hill dec'd did on the 19 June 1831 pay on the old b<-rrrdgiven b.r'her trusband, ten dollars and that she has given her obligatiorr to Jesse Rackley for the balance due on said bond for thirty three dollars which when paid can file a just claim on her husbands real estate of I;ort1-three dollars.

Petition of James Findley adm of Abel Hill now sheweth that his property is not subject to be sold for a debt recovered in the Court of Commorr Pleas against him as security for Abel Hill dec'd that he is thelefort: under the nessesity of composing to sale a part of the estate aforesaid consisting of Cattle and hogs and some household furniture he wishes to sell the 2I and 22 of this inst. until the first of September. Dated 3 May 1830 Sg: Janes Findley Jr. This was granted.

STEPHENYOUNG--WILL: Pickens Co SC Probate Court Box 1 No. 6 I Stephen Young of District of Pickens being weak in body but of sound mind etc. I will all my effects that I am in possession of both real and personal to my wife Rebecca to be at her good will and pleasure for the support of my dear children and to be divided amongst them as she can and wishes to spare it. To Gibson Porter the use of that part of my land that I have counted off to hin which ny wife Rebecca is acquainted so long as he conducts well and agreeable with his mother and the rest of my children. I wish in my last will that my wife Rebecca sell to the best advantage such property as-she with the advibe and counsel of my friends and Exorsr' besides, be best aparred and settle all my just debts wittr that of my funeral expenses and of committing my body decently to the grave if their should be any. Exors: dear wife and Bailey Barton. 27 July 1829. Wit: Ambrose Petty, Wiley Petty, Jas Porter. Sg: Stephen Young X. Prov. and Rec. ? Sept 1829. Rebecca granted adm. ? Sept 1829

McDANIEL: James McDaniel of Pendleton Co.. SC appoints Joseph Hobson of Halifax Co., VA for the special purpose to make a sale or title to any land which I may have or hold. Dated 26 March 1796 Sg: Jas McDanieI Wit: William Hobson, Wm Hawkins and Janes Easley. Rec. 27 June 1796 Halifax Co VA Deed Bk 16 pC 631

James McDaniel of Pendleton Co., SC to John Baird and Company of Prince George Co. , VA land in Hal if ax Co on the hi I ls of Ma;'o Creek ad j I ine of Baird and Company, Byrds order line. Sg: James McDaniel by Joseph Hobson. Dated 24 April 1797 Rec. 24 Aprit 1797.

James McDaniel of Pendleton Co., SC to Jesse Adkinson of Halifax Co., VA 47 acres in Halifax Co adj. Byrds old order Iine, Iand of John Baird and Company. Dated 23 Oct 1797 Rec. 23 Oct 1?9?. Halifax Co VA Deed Bk li pg 320

CARSON: Thomas Carson of Pendleton Co., SC to John Lawson of Halifax Co., VA for 120 VA money 103 acres of land on the waters of Byrds Creek adj. Lawson, Oldham. John Lawson, Joseph Kerby, John Moore and Adam Blout. Wit: Adam Blout, Jesse Chavis? Samuel Wilson, Benja Hobson, Francis Lawson. Dated 24 Aug 1?91 Rec. 27 Feb 1793. Halifax Co., VA Deed Bk 15 pC 267

Thomas Carson of Pendleton Co., SC to Owen Blout of Halifax Co., VA for Lg money 15 acres in IIal if ax Co it being said Thomas Carsoris f ul I part of a tract formerly occupied by'Tlromas Carson de<;'d adj. John La*sorr. flisha Dodson, and John Moore. Wit: Jesse Davis, Adam Davis, Hennary l\all, Joseph Kerby. Dated ZS Aug 1?91 Rec. 25 Aug 1791. Hal if ax Cc,., \'A Deed Bk l6 pg 100

WILLIAM CAPE--BENJAMIN SMITH Pickens District, SC I William Cape of the State and District aforesaid for the s'm of five hundred and sixty six dollars paid by Benjamin Smith of Abbeville District SC alI that tract of land on Bartons Creek bounded by lands belonging to Wi I I ian Cape, Harvy Davis and Jesse Loderr contairring f i ve hundred arrd sixty five acres. For Ilrore particulare description to the said land refer to plat made by J.H. Leroy DS. Dated 2A Nov 1854 Sg: William 63u" X. Wit: J.H. Leroy, Harvy Davis. Prov.29 Nov 1854. State of SC Pickens District, I Edward Hughes one of ttie Magistrates f or tlrr district certify that Elizabeth Cape wife of within named released dower. Oconee Co SC Deed Bk 6 pg 31

CHURCH: BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN,Walhalla, Oconee Co., SC Founded in 1805! Pastors: Andrew Brown, Ben D. DuPre, Joseph HiIlhouse, J.I-. Kennedy, Wm McWhorter, W.H. Singletary, David HumphreJ''s, A.W. Ross, J.B. Adger, D.C. Boggs, F.P. Mullally, W.P. Crady, S.S. Gaillard, Hugh McLess, D. McNeil Turner, E.F. Hyde, John G. Law, J.R. Riley, Hugti Strong, H.D. Spurlin, J.E. Fogartie, G.G. Mayes, R.L. Rogers. Elders: Andrew Pickens, Nathan Lusk, L.B. Johnson, John Sparp, Robert White, James George, John McWhorter, J.N. George, John Todd, W.R. White, Joseph Burnett, Mason Duncan, A.D. Gaillard, J.A. Bell, S.R. McFall, J.$. Holleman. J.D. Gai I lard, M.C. Todd, Elan Sharp, T.M. Kel ley. Deacons: David Duncan, S.V. Massey, J.M. CaIhoun, J.B. Castles, S.T. Cowan. J.E. Kelley, J.D. Cowan. Committee: T.M. Kel ley, J.W. Hol leman, W.K. Sharp, J.F. Nevi I le

DIED: in Pickens District on the 22nd ult, Col. John A. Easley Jr in the 35th year of life. Southern Issue: 4 March 1858 COMPUTER AND ON-LINE CLASS by Herman Geschwind A Matter of Style One of the benefitsof using a computerand a genealogyprogram is the eary-way with which family histones,group sheetsand chartscan be produced. How accomplishedand professional the output will look is determinedvery much on how the informationwas enteredin the first place. It truly is "a matter of style". Following are somethoughts on the subject.

Last Namesur CapitalLetters? There is no compellingreason why Last Namesneed to be enteredrn all capital letters. My personal preferenceis to usenormal upper and lower casefor the following reasons:(l ) Many programswill automaticallybold face all last names. Now, a combinationof all capital lettersplus bold facingjust is a bit much. (2) Somelast namessuch as MCCLANNAI-LAM, etc., are hard to read rn all capital letters.(3) Last, but not least,names in all capital letterstake up quite a bit of additionalspace. Severalhundred names can quickly addup and generateadditional pages which will only run up the printing cost.Whatever vour personalpreference may be, one thing that doeslook ugly is to have somenames in all capital lettersand somein mixed case I lere the best thrng to do is go back and edit one or the other to have a consistents$le ofpresentation.

UnknownLast or First Names:Fields for lastname or ltrst nameshould not be skippedor lcli blank Entcrplace holders such as: ??, --. Unknownor Unknwn. Thenice part of usinga proprirmto producevour book is thatusualh rt u'rll alsoautomattcallv index all nalnes. Whathappens when the lastname field is left blankand Maggie is enteredas a llrst namcan.i last narnc- skrpped. then Maggre mav showup as a last namein the index. 'l'her Nicknames:Firstly my personalpreference is to be spanngu rth thc uscol'nrckname s Jo scn c a pwposes henthere \\'ere two personswith the samefirst andmiddle name livrng at lhc samctrme ln thc samcc(rrrrmunln ( )nc s asknoun bv all as"Red" andthe other as"Stoop".Insuchacase,thenicknamemrptrtevcnbc-shorrnrnthcti.rtuan Just,j..nit.rcrdothcnrcknames That\{an'Illzabethu'as calledeither"Betty"or"Lizzs''oru'hateverisgrcatbutlocntsrnrcknamcsli-rincanJaiirs.tustabttmuch Second.il'anrcknamcrstohc shoun.it shouldbe enteredfollou ing lirst andlast namc Thc rea*n lirr thrsagaln ls thc rndcr sonlng Il' a nicknamcrs encit)sed rn quotatronmarks, it will sortlirst amongthc hrst namcsIcramplc Bem \lan I:lrzatcth iioulJ sorl aheadol'Ada. Agncs. ctc . ctc ] .,\nothcrmatteris"babvnicknames"Somc'folkssrll bcembarrasscdtr.maJicltkJirr\u-rt,.ticuorl,lthatthevgcrccallcd"l-cctcc a. ttildlcrs 'Irtlcs I'-ortwratelvFamihC)ngrnsfor\\'rndosshasnvc'rliclds.TrtlcPrelhanJTrtlcSutlirtohandlethisproblempropcrlr Ilerearcthc slllc consrderationsThc TrtlePrefix tlcl,l should be usedtbr mrirtanrank ICol . Capt.BngGcncral] acadcmic titles [Dr.. Prot.,] and "r'on". ''de", predrcatesof nobrlq [the German theFrench etc]..or religiousran]i [Rer . Brshop.ctc ] The Title Suffrxlleld is for quahiiers suchas Jr., Sr.,III, 2nd,etc. The goodreason for beingpartrcular about using the proper ficlds again is to makesure that the name will sort in the proper ordcr. MaidenNames: They usually are not a problemexcept in somecases where a windor.r'remarrics I Inlbrtunateh'somc obituaries or even tomb stoneswill showthe married name of theprevious marriage rather than the proper mardcn namc s hich canlcad to a lot o1'conlusron TalieMary Gallowaywho was a Reevesand remarried a Burdine. In sucha cascu'hat trr avord rs thc Ilur,Ine hcingmamcd to a Nlrs Galloway.Thc properwav wasto entera first marriagerecord lbr the Stoncto an lJnknoun(iallorvar an.l a scconJmarr:agc rccorJ tt, thc Burdine. PlaceNames-States:ThesuggestionhereistousetheoffrcialabbreviationforStatcNamesrathcrthanharcthcrnspcilcJ'ru', ()ncrcrs{'rl againis theextra space that something like " HumcancTovvnship, Pickens Coun$, SouthCarohna" s'rll takcul lt li ls rr-ncaicJanr nurni'c'r '. of timesin a book. Whate'"'ervour prefercncemight bc, tn to be consistentTo haveSouth Carolina vanouslr shour as :outl ( er,'ilna "Sou Carolina"."SC" "S C ", or "Sou.Car.'' all in the samebook does not look vervprol'essional

PlaceNames - Counties:Mv preferenceis to usecounties where they serve a usefulpurpose either rn rdcntrhrngsmaiicr corrrrrrunltrcs ()r placeswith identicalnames but difl'erentcounties. To me adding"Cook County"to "Chicago" doesnot ser-rc a usc'tulpurposr' and rl' repeatedoften enough just addsbulk but no addedinformation. Whatever yow preference,do usea conslslentsn lc lbr abbrerratrngcounn A mix of "Coun!v".,"Co.", "Cnq'" or whateterdoes not look veryprofessional.

PlaceNames - Length:There are two goodreasons for usingjudicious abbreviations for placenames. An obvtousonc rs thatsomethrng hke :"CrossRoads Baptist Church Cemetery, Pickens County, South Carolina" when repeated often enough tn a lamtlr hrston htxrkrvrll adda lot of bulk. Secondly,many genealog,ypro€rams allow only a limited spacefor placenames and whatever exceeds the hmrt s'ill be cut otl l'he rule of thumb is to limit placenames to no more than forty charactersto be on the safeside.

PlaceNames - Birth Place:Here the suggestedstyle is to showthe nameof the town, countywhere appropnateand statc The lact that the little darling was born at the GreenvilleGeneral Hospital or At Home, 124 EastAlice Mill Road in Easley,Pickens Countr', South Carolina is greatinformation and shouldbest be shownin a historynote attachedto the brth entr_v.The birth place still shouldread: Greenville,SC., or Easley.Pickens Co., SC. Again what we are striving for is a consistentmanner of presentation.

Dates:It is best to staywith the commonlyaccepted ways of showinguncertain dates: b [for before],c [for crca or about], and a [for after]. Avoidnon-standardwayssuchas"Aroundl8l0","Betweenl840-1850"or"1810?",etc.Ifthecompletedateisnotknown,itisbestnotto entera fragnent suchas " l 8 Mar" [if the year is not know, best leavedate field blank andmake a cornmentrn a tustorynote.] Twins, Tnplets, etc.: This informationshould be shownin a note. Do not attacha notationsuch as (Twin) to any of the namefields. The reasonagain is that this will causeproblems when sortingnames. Con't on Lewis Redmond


against the wall of a ( oicLure of Gen- washington hanging \ room.andheShoLseveralballsintoiLthroughtheopen doororwindowfromwherehesatonhishorse.Theholes now' mav be seen in the Picture and waII ma, buL ,,people told me what he had Lhreatened againet Ionlysaid,,surelYhehasbettersenseLhantof-rYtoLal

' you give oLher men. He Lhen went to his horse Lo get his pisLoIs. "I knew what he h,as going for as soon as he sLarted. His horse was several steps from him and I could have killed him before he got hold of Lhem. I did not want to kiII him. however, although I knew thaL he had threatened repeatedly to kill me or take me- I said to him Lhat I had not come 'That prepared to f ight him brrt he only replied. didn't mal

a,,^- I J=>. 'Lcok ,'Ducl(wort,h,3 pist:I ,,.ias aimeo 3L me. ani I Saio. ,jraw pistol on me-' here. Alfred, I tlon't wal'll- any man Lo a 'Get ' t-cld ile said, ouL of that wagon - I him again to PUL 'I you to up his pistol and saici , hatre given no occasion drawNeaponsOnfi€,andIwan,"noftlss.'Hethendropped his p ist-o I f rom mv f ace io mv breast- ' "I was sitti.ng in :ne ,lagon whiLtIinS a stick ' I had

no weapon DtlL mv di-:-ver ir3,i a ;iSt-tll. a Derringer, belOnging killed a Lo: me, ano wnich I had ,li'Yen him Lo ca'r'r"/ - I had rabbit r^riLh it as we came on. t^Jhen I bade Duckworth a 'Alfred' want eecond Lime Lo put up his weapon. I said' I you to understand thaL I want no Lrouble with You.' '5 poc " I t he n dr optr--d m\,/ ha nd i nto Ll-re waqanel- ket a nd

took Ll're pistol and cocked it. and said again Lhe third 'A1f r_ime. red. I want no luss with /ou. I ulant only a 'O'lll rfsnttl:man': i:hance.' He ;;'pli.:ri. 'fuL ')f LlraL wagonl' j-med '-'j;i:N iirs c t.3Lo I t.J.ls ,.:ockeLhPE Atier Lhe death of Ouckwo,-Lh itr t.i''e F.ll I of La76 - J '$20O reward was of fered in Nt>i-Lh(iai-o L ina ror lri: ':api-rlr-i,'.

To be con't Dear Linda

Here is a list of the donations to the Faith Clayton Room at SouthernWesleyan University

Recollection and Reminiscences186l-J,865 through llorld Wqr I by the SC Division United Daughters of the Confederacy. Volume Seven. Donated by Julia Woodson

The Frontier Hendricks by Jotrn Scott Davanport. Volume I and Volume II. Donated by Herbert Hendricks.

The Pickens Baptist Ckrch. Organized 1891. Rules of Decorum, Rolls, Minutes. and Treasurers Reports. Copiedfrom microfilm records.May l89l to August l941 . Donatedby' John & Alice Diliard, 512 Hickory Road, SW, Bessemer,AL35023

Cross Road Baptist Church. Organized 1797. . Rules of Decorum, Rolls. Minutes, and Treasurers Reports. Copiedfrom microfilm records.Decernber 18, 1839to June 1977 Donatedbr John& Alice Dillard,512 Hickory Road,SW, Bessemer.AL 35013

The following were copiedand given tot he ClaytonRoan \ Pat Quarles.l0 Hcrmiuge Rmd. Greenville,SC 29607. 8&-244-75'7| Reid-QuarlesFam i ly tree Hamilton Lineage Barton Bulletin 1963 Histor.vof Fourth Regiment (Nd all pages) 1860 Diary of l,ernuel Reid Atrbwille Dsnict. SC Genealogyand Descendans The Hamiltwr Family My Family by Mary FrancesScruggs Truluck Brooks and Kindred Families by Ida Brooks Kellam A Moore Family by William P. McMahan, 145 Valley Road.Greenwood. SC 29646 Hard Labor Section. Written in 1923

BiCentennialMountain Grove BaptistChurch 179'l-1997. Updatedbooklet. (Donatedby Blanche Hannah)

Keilh Family of SC. 526.50+ $2.50 Postage.F. B. Publications,PO Box77742, Tucson, A285703- 7742. This book is abut a Keith Family'in Fairfield Counry,SC. Sarah(Shedd) Keith, b. 1795and her threesons, James Keith. GeorgeWashington Keith. and ThomasJefferson Keith. There are 339 family picrures. Also a history of the keith name in Scotlandand before. This Keith family doesmigrate to the PickensDistrict.

Will Abstractsi,789-1825 Anderson County by Carl G. Ellison, 500 ConcordRoad A-2, Anderson,SC 29621 $14.00. Each will is listedand pertinentinformation taken from the will. Example: Peter Corben. Wife: Elizabeth Corben. Sons: Samuel Corbsn, John Corben, William Corben, Elijah Corben, David Corben, JasperCorben, JamesCorben. Daughten: Judy Corban, Sarah Corben, Elizabeth Corben. Exors: Trusty Friends, John McClure and Charles Bowen. DateT Jun 1794. Probate:not given. Source:Bk C p. 37, Roll 109,Rec. June 1795. AndersonCo., SC. n^"-,/Ljr con't Robinson Funeral Home, Easley, sc submitted by: Judy Barrard

..:.-i.i)/i'lL:,.!::<:|:\.:,:.1Y'.4'!,::1,:1,1,/':/.!..,::.:!:.1:4,:4'.\:l:|,...4:4:/tx:4r::4:4:(:4:4XYy.:4':t,Yy,...':4, t:r'[r I t.tg;[tltl, [Jltt:l::nl. llOt.tt: t t.il)I vI t)tJAL l tl-.tiri llr'.;. ll;rbtln tl. l)ay f-tlg1 lt lgtZ tflahbln Twlttyt Actr.: 6t_t F,:lrtlt t3o,:rt!llsl lf i f r' '''l latei l-.'rwrt:n':,-rtl. l):ry. lllrr:rrl{.r,1 ltr tam;lap llll lstl,:,r,::,Ltrtll t "rtrtl.!, l-i.':'rltle l'trhr ttilry ,l', l'lf'6. Ftrr I al ln Fc,,:ft S;rr lnrls f_:hLtr,:lrr [:;1:;l'y, 5t.:. l:'arentr;l llr. ;rrrtl l'lrs. Vl,.:t,:,r lultty

!.'l:rrlrtl.rrrtrlrLny ! l.lrs;. Al t er.rr F.or"relI ,:rf Rallresvl l l pl t-!,_,rf.tf a .- fil''-'f|1'y'e .!. l. t',r{tty. 1'am;r.1) Fl_-. tV,-,1 . ):'t fr;lttrr .l I "tl. 3 l-eh, l'_tfrG")


f.rttltr:r ll. t.:,:,rtr:lr F-tlp fl lH.ti Ft':,rrr: - nuoue;t ?, lttFjtt lrl,:l.:trttg f:or I 5r: l)ls:tfr Agrrll e,I l,l.f, - Hcfr? c,I zl ^ at Ea:r I ey Fir._: l;rtfrpr: . 1 .lante-.rn. [;,;i11,;.fg l'l.rt ltt,r I E.mnrdf:c,ttc lr l.l I f er: l'lr si. [_lt:r:s I ry f-:lar r. { c: l,: f-:r;,1-lr';f1

r- n11c:3r ,:rf tJeatlr! t.':elrt.trral lltrornbnsilE l, A. g. ll. D. flrrrr I ;:rI : tlr?t:,r Oe t q; t- r t.,stl,

f lr r 1111aL- i,:.rrt l;:r:t I I tltl ,:.':rrrs;trttct lcrlt f (rrt5nretl iltttl f armer ,--rf Re,:,rde's I r'c?srl,:.

lt.rr r i agte lf ll L-llrn latlrern ti:crilqht:tlf hrl S? ytrirrb i{!1,:r.r f l.ll-1- l.:1q1' ll:.i! fie:;q;Ie r,.'larrI,::lr

ll.-rrrolr t or ri! I'lrs;, ll,:'vfr, f l-c,rl !.llprr) l_onfrbr - tjlrLrbrrvJllel Sr-.: l'lr s. l.l;rr r -- v I rr l;:rrth I .1,.:,lrtrb,.rtr liasl ey1'sr: St.:: l'lrsr. Iuwlti rlfef 1l lJond - Brtsbrlvillsi

FlrilIfr*rs! ll'rrmarr | . r::,.:,r-t,.:f1- EAeIUyI br.:: n. lJaver I y l-:,:itrrlr -- F_a:;lUy; !lr_: !jlql;er-s;! ('-:. l'frr;. tl. tV.llllp) lt.ay t3rFerrvlllet !jr:: l,lrs. tarllsle. r.l)a;rhetratattel t:bly _'E:a:;ley1 Sf:

t \,fi;' | . l.i, lt aqrr t 75 rl. ll Alrrll l'ra6t r::fil]t t,tsit]t.tF-tJhfEF:At_. IfUl.tE


li'rltrr?r:r.:;r l--+er Swnynglram F-tlp $18,.t,4 [t':iy.: A;ry i | ;::8, l.3e:,,1 i.lr F-reJ.t m*.t 1 Gast,:rrr [:r:,. , Nr_: l)ierd: Alrril (,, l,){l(l

l-:at-ts€?,:,f rJeratlt: lly,;rert,:rrtir de[ydrat lc.rr .tr cfilchett l],:r:4

l--athc:r-: !lilllam F."rrrl i:.vrayrrqlltamp V. F, r-:a-.;sells; tjrrltetJ $trres; t'ltfther : li:trs;s3ieLiiIIe:;;rie

E{trrial: t:irtrenlawlr Hermtr-ial F,arl,:1 E;r:;lr:y, Sr-:

llr '-itlrer : t,riI t ianr f:'ar.tl Sw:ry.rrolramt .lr. , ,:,f ilre lrome. !jisit-r:rs;: ,frry,::r: l.l;rr l;r llwaynolraml e,l ArrcJers.:,rr f_:,;,1 tg1e61 Str i r l ey .lr llway.rrrlhaml q,f ilrn lr,:,me

l'laterrri,rl c-lr;r'clm.:,ilterr: l.lrs3, tJ. f . Bl I lesirrler r_errtral r Slr_. [-';rtt'-vttal tlv atrtJlrarprrtsi: i,ate llerrry l, Ltl I ie r]othran s,..r.rynoham.

',:,.".:,:ri:,1 ,i:4:/:)(:4:4:/,r::/,!:,1,:'.i:t:,1 ,/.,1 ,,.,:..../.u.y."-r?ryyyyy.4.

l.l,rr i;lr;r tll a t^latq,:,rr .t,:,6€_,s s I B.ls -/t l)ierl: Agrri I -- ,?e,6 [ilor;rs,:irrvlrltsp Breerrvlllp r_:o.r s[: F,'t'rrrr r ,!anr_r;rr y I , t Btl,t Arrcle:r s,:rll lltr:,. l !lt-:

lh.rs:band: tli I I iam [,rerv y J,:,rrr:s

[';rtf rr-:r: l.JlI I i am Nerwt,:,n [Jat r;,:,rr l'l':'t hpr : l-1.:rrt lra r_:. tl.rr r el; f-t.-rrt.:r,? ti f rJet;rtlt: l.-:Vn ltrrv ial: ulril':rlr l'lelth':,cJis:tr-:lrtrrqrr 1 slmpsc,rrvlLlFt Brl: l1;rrr iecl : t'lll

':l;i:.| 1.1r,1,gq,;t,:i [!.ari l. r.y r g]t_.:J rr , .


Copiedand Submitted by NancyFlesch


The Churchof Christat PetersCreek was constituted December the lgth 1825By the following presbetryIsaac P or L ernmons,Benjamin Neighbors, Allin Robinson.


Male members

JosephRobinson dismissedby letter ElbertHagood excluded JamesHitl dismissedby letter LewisFendley dismissedby letter ThomasTurner excluded JeremiahWhitmire dismissedby letter Abel Lesley dismissedby letter HenryThompson dismissedby letter JesseAlton dismissedby letter GravBarker excluded_(cannot read) \\'eslevFreeman ercluded_ ( cannotread) ClemN{itchel dismissedby letter NlosesFendley excluded JamesHagood dismissedby letter RubanRoper dismissedby letter ThomasHill dismissedby letter WesleyFreeman restored JamesRobinson restored dismissedby letter RobertS. Benson(?) dismissedby letter WileyCantril dismissedby letter WileyHill dismissedby letter JohnHitt dismissedby letter RichardGoodlett excommunicated WesleyFreeman excommunicated JamesM. Crawford dismissedby letter JohnHitt dismissedby letter JesseLesley dec'd (thisname is crossedout) SolomonLooper dismissedby letter AbnerF honey receivedby letter dismissedby letter the abovename is crossesout asis "receivedby letter" JohnSmith receivedby letter DavidBlvth receivedby letter JeremiahCovington receivedby letter then)dismissed by letter WalkerCom?_ton dismissedby letter Alvy Griffin AndrewMedlin dead WilliamRoper dismissedby letter WilliamJewlin dismissedby letter Mad _ Griflin dismissedby letter JosephLooper dismissedby letter SolomonLooper NoahR. Smith dismissedby letter WilliamEdene? receivedby letter WilliamJustin? receivedby letter WilliamSingleton receivedby letter dismissedbv letter ClemMitchel receivedby letter dismissedbv letter JosephLeagin? dismissedbv letter JoabLangford dismissedb1' letter JohnPrichard dismissedbv letter SamuelPatton dismissedbv letter \\'ilsonJones ZachariahSmith dismissedbr' letter Lervis_aP receivedb.v experience dismissed bv letter Mary Whitmire dismissedby letter(entire line crossed out) MichaelWhitmire JohnA? Robinson GrayBarker dismissedby letter WeslevFreeman restoreddismissed br' letter Elihe_ Ho*'ard dismissedbv letter ThomasHester dead \\'esler'Ilunt ercluded RichardGoodlett restored dismissedbv letter Jamesl{en'Er' dismissedb1'letter \\'illifordJohnson dismissedbv letter Rer BenjaminNeighbors dead ThomasTurner restoredand dismissed br'letter \losesFendlel' restoredand dismissed br'letter VannJones dismissedbv letter GriffrnTrotter dismissedby letter Wm Singleton dismissedby letter JeremiahRobinson receivedby experience FosterSmith? receivedby experience Wm. Lin _ receivedby experience GeorgeSingleton receivedby experience Gurlin? Jones receivedby experience

To be con't ConfederateSoldiers of PickensDistrict, SC: An OngoingResearch Project SeekingAdditional Information About the Following Men Who Foughtin the U.S. Civil War, 1861-1865

Please help to preserve'a record of Jeptha Ho Emerson was born about 1843 the li-fe and service of your ancestor ffio. I, 4th SC Volunteerr and relative who for:ght in the Civil he was a son of Robert Emerson (b. ca War. If you have additional lnfor- 1802) and Thursa Emerson (b. ca I8l2), mation about any of these Confederate solCiers, you are urged to send it WiIIiam E. Emory (or Emery) (1846-1930) to: Dr. Charles Ho Brsha Ilzabeth LLz Sunmit Drive Emory of the Tanassee-OconeeCreek Liberty, SC 29657 section of Pickens Dist. After the Civil War, he moved to Ohio, where he lived until hls death. James I{arshall Entrekln (1818-1911) C Regiment; his name was on the 1899 pension 1i-st for Confederate veterans in Pickens County. WiIIiam Lafavgtt_e Entlekin (I846-f9O6) was a son of .ianes iiarshall Enirekin (see above) and I'Iary I'tartin Entrekin. He was buried at Praters Creek Baptist Church in Pickens CountY.

^ n-i rri 1 A.-F. j_pps was the recipient of cl L,:L V f- . I6A th txvv ar pension in Pickens County LLL L9 / / E (!v'ast. I his nameA. F. or A. To Spps?)a \

--ffiW. W. Erskine (1824-1906) served in the Army, as his second w'ife, Mary Ann Erskine, was the recipient of a widowts pension in OconeeCounty in the early I93Os" John B. Er+rln (or Ervin) was born about H' 4th SC Volunteers (Sloants Regt.) He was a son of John and Nancy Erwin who lived on Town Creek in Pickens Cor:nty"

--ffisJacob Eskeroserved in Co" K, 4th SC (sloants Regt.) John Sherlff (fgzg - f864) Wo--TtrlF-lMoore Mo Evan$ served in Co. C, 2nd SC Killed July lO, 1864, durlng the Battle I was taken prater Virginia" s Regt. ) and of the at Petersburg, prisoner by Union troopso This drawing was based on a photograph taken during the Clvil Waro CONTINIIEDON NEXT PAGE (Continued) CONFEDERATESOLDIERS OF PICKENSDISTRICT, SC

served in Co. E, Bo Farr enlisted in Co" B, 37th Bn. EdmonF. Evett, ?td -E;g-inia Greenville SC ffiore t s Regiment).i.Itg Cavalry at t ' was uounded and caPtured aE wilrs on-iune fO, L863" was a brother of Thos. Valleyo He Vl E. nvbtt, another Confederateo -ffionJ. D. Farr enllEted 1n-Q9. B1 lTtn Aug. 2, L862, at Oreen- agtton Thomas E. Evett was born about 1844 rrff f e," SC. H6 wai ktLled ln ffi co, Er 2nd sc Rifres. A[-ordtown'i'iD, on eug' 3r' 1864' He was a son of Jar6d Evett (b. ca Gaines Evett William. E. FiTrq]gY Years of age 1801) and Margaret Y?".?2 Ist (b. Note: Namemight have wnen ne enristed in Co. C, i8O5). (Orrrs ' He died of been Evatt,. Rifles Regto) disease at Richmond, Virginia. (1836-1902) was a son of --qundJeyAdam Evatt. in Dacusvillet Evatt and served in Co" D, William Finley resided in Co. Fr 2nd SC l"a 5c'nift"" (Moorets Regt.) ffied cr't}"fw (Harnptonts). He was wounded dr:ring the Civj'l Waro James F. So Evatt served i-n vuo J-lt in Virllinia fi Ist ffiI-Orrfs) and LLL vv. vt (1829-1S62 (Iloorets); died l{illiam Frederick FenCIev ) SC Rif1es he Jro and a hospital in Virginiao was a son ol-I'1ffiE?1ey, Lucj.nca Whitnire ieniLeyo i{e died --he war, Ieaving-a ricow, I'iart Bird, (or Bud) Evatt served in Co' Dr Crt:-,tg under capt. 1.1.Fendl-ey, and one childo He was a ffiPS anc John he was dischargqq at Uiotner oi'David !i. Fencley faniel Grice; ';Jesley both of whon lvere Spartanburg,'SC on APril 9, L865' lenCleY, also Confederate soldiers. (or Fain) served in James H. Faines a as a result Ps. J" D:. F.endI.E lost lirnb 01' a oalr,re wound during the Civil a voucher served in Co" Cr Viar; ln 1902 he recei-ved Columbus M. Fant artificial and died of disease for the Purchase of an @ that time he resided in at Richmond, Virginia. Iimb. At OconeeCountY. about 1840r Edward W. Fant was born (181+5-1911)ran away ffies R. Fant (b" ca I79o) Janes H. Finlev Fant (b" ca 1798)" He ffi ioined the confecierace ."d-Annie a broken arm and-a served in Co. K, 4th SC Voh:'nteers" Arrny; he suffeied ;;;ii to""a auring the waro In 1866 and theY served in Co. C, Pahnetto he mirried MarY A" Harris, Wo A. Fant CountYo SarFsllooters; he aglended the l9th Ilved in Oconee iott of 0rr ?s Rifles in 190I at "",rt SC' Findlev (first name unknovrn); in 1888 Sandy Springs, near Pendleton, onfederace of a Fant served to rank of Znd veteranr was the reciPient W"--t, F. M. pension'in Pickens County, :SC" ffin coo cr 4th sc cavarry at Bentonville, ind was discharged G" Fennell was born in l8lr5r NC, in 1865. Fredqrick and ne servffio. I, Palmetto a son of Sfrarpstrooters o He was a brother of Ben.iamin Horace Egrmgf was G' armerl he llilliam G. Fennell and Tillman whornwere also Co. E, lst SC Rlfles" Fennell, both of served in soldiers. He was wounded at Gaines ![lIIr -91d Confederate ai"a of in Novo L862" il; Ptt"utonia 11. sro o822-L896) ry39-- -{9, P" Fennelr (l.837' Josl Served 1n rhe husDand@ ers; he was lgl'z) TheY w€re burted at Rock gBrlnge" Church ln Oconee wound6d near Petersburgr .V4r ?nd Methodlet died shortly thereafter (1864). Cbuntyr SC. WII,L ABSTRACT 1789--1825


Thesewills were abstractedfrom, WILL RECORDS OF OLD PENDLETON DISTRICT ANDERSON COUNT WILL BOOK VolumesI and 2. Thesevolumes are locatedin the AndersonCounty Library.

Thesewills were typed in 1933and there are numerousmistakes in them. When compared with the presentindex two thingswill be noticed.l- Many of the wills do not occur in the presentprobate index. 2- the datesare not alwaysthe samewhen the witls do occur in the index. The datesfrom the typed copy are usedin theseabstracts.

I was amazedto find so many Biblical names.The samenames occurred in many families. Most familieshad one son namedafter the father and in order to help keepthem separated I haveadded "Jr." floweverrsome of the wills added"Sr." and "Jr."

Theseabstracts include three (3) primary things: NAME, RELATIONSHIP and LOCATION which are the thingssought after: therefore the settlementof propertvis not included.The namesare asthey are in the will booksand someof them do not seemto be correct.

Abstractedand Submittedbv: Carl G. Ellison 500 Concord Rd. A-2 Anderson,SC 29621

Thesewills will be run in the Newsletteruntil completed. I

John Adair. Wife: Jean Adair. Sons: Samuel Adair, Walter Adair, Thomas B. Adair, John Alexander Adair, Edward Adair, James Adair, William Henry Adair, Charles D. Adair, Elbert Earle Adair, Benjamin Franklin Adair. Daughters: Charlotte Adair, Margaret Adair, Jean Adair, Mary Ann Adair. "I give one-third of all my debts due me in the Cherokee Nation." Land: on Cane Creek...200 acres on flat shoals of Little River...on Conerose" Exors: JosephReid, SamuelBoydston, Capt. David Sloan. Wits: Joseph Reid, Samuel Boydston, Thomas Lamar. Date: 4 November 1815. Probate 4 December1815. Bk. A p. 176, Roll 03.

David Alexander. Wife: Margaret Alexander. Sons:David Alexander, JamesAlexander, John Alexander. William Alexander, Morrison Alexander, Alexander Alexander. Daughters:Ann Gotcher,Jane Moore, Margaret Davis, Catherine Bro*'n. Ellener Read, Elizabeth Woods. Land Location: Reedl' River. Exors: John Read. Alexander Snell, Martha Snell(H & W). Date:25 Aug. 1795.Probate:22 Sept. 1795. Source: Bk. C p.77, Roll 1194,Rec. 22Sept. 1795,roll 1194.Anderson Co. SC

John Anderson. Wife: not named. Sons:James Anderson. Samuel Anderson. David Anderson, Daughters: Nancl' Gibbons. I\Iary Dickson. Rosannah Anderson. Rebecca Cunningham, I\{artha Dickson. Exors: Samuel Anderson. lf itnesses:John Hamilton, Frederick Brown. Date: 16 Sept. 1805. Probate: 3l Oct. 1E05. Bk. A p. 65, Roll 8. (Original will not in probate files). AndersonCo, SC.

George Anderson Wife: Molley. Sons:David L. Anderson.James Anderson, William Anderson, Saxon Anderson. Daughters: l\largaret Burnsides. Judl' \1'esar?. Polll' Anderson, Sally Anderson. Exors:: Wife, Mollel' Anderson, sons; David L. Anderson. brother; Lewis SexonAnderson. Wit: l,ewis Sherrill, John Dickson,James Dickson. Date: 13 July 1807.Probate: 4 July 1808.Bk. A p. 96, roll 02.AndersonCo, SC.

GeneralRobert Anderson:lVife: not named.Sons: not named.Daughters: eldest l\Iarl' Carreth, Ann Anderson l\taxr,r'ell,Jane dec'd u'/o lVilliam Shore, Esqr., Anne Hunter. ElizabethMaverick. Grandchildren: Anne AndersonI\{axwell, .Iohn Max*'ell, Elizabeth l\{axrvell,Louisa Carreth, John Hunter, Robert Anderson Hunte:r,Mary Hunter, lf illiam Hunter, SamuelAugustus Maverick, Mary ElizabethMaverick, Martha Anderson, Anne Anderson,Mary Simmonsw/o Robert Simmons(relationship not stated),I{enry Dobson "youngestson of my deceasedwife." Dr. Edwin Reese.Land: on KeoweeRiver. Exors: son Robert Anderson, George Reese,Joseph Whitner, Ezekiel Pickens. Wit: Jonathan Harris, Rachel Harris, Daniel Mason, Robert A. Maxwell. Date: 25 Jan 1810.Probate: 9 January l8l3.Bk. A p. 144,Roll Ol.AndersonCo, SC.

John Armstrong. Wife: not mentioned.Sons: John Armstrong, Charles Armstrong. Daughters:Mary Armstrong,Isabella Armstrong, Sarah Armstrong. Exors: Jacob This material starting below is taken from my book, Smith WiIls Deeds and pamily Histories Vol.1 (submitted by different indiviuals which is noted in the material) with some additional new material added. Being a Snith Researcher for the past 25 years years I know how valuable Snith material can be to any researcher. Smith's, bless them, are so plentiful and they had to marry someone! So if you have not found your ancestors, check Snith Records. Linda G. Cheek



26 June 1?4O-John Snith made oath that he imported himself, Margaret his wife, Abraham, Henry, Daniel, John and Joseph Smith and Robert McDowel as his own charges from Ireland to Philadelphia and from thence into this colony and that this is the first time of his proving his and their rights in order to obtain land. Orange Co Virginia Order Book II Circuit Court 1740 pc 205

Captain John Snith b. 1698 (*tZOl Ireland aged 65 in 1766 ) Errglarrd d. 1776 Rockingham Co VA m. in Ireland 1719, Margaret Harrington b. ca 1700 in Ireland d. Rockingham Co VA 7774. Henrrings Statutes--Orange Co VA Records The Lof land Fami ly by Crow--Virginia Mag. of Hist. arrd Biog - Smi th Fami ly of Augusta and Rockingham Co VA by Boogher

John Smith, an Englishman, who cartre to Philidelphia from Ulster, Norttterrr Ireland in 1?30 and settled in Augusta, Co., V,4,which Iater lrecame Botetourt irr 1??0. He lived for a wtrile in Bucks Co PA then moved to Augu,sta Co \.\.

John Smith b. ca 1698 d. 17?6 Off icer British Army from Ireland to Augusta Co., VA ca 1?30. Capt VA Militia 1742-60 served in Col. George hashirrgtoti's Regt in at Ft Vause whi ch was captured b,r' Frelrclr 1756 and sent to France as a prisoner of war 1756-58 m. in Irelarrd 1?19 Margarct. Immigrant Ancestors by Frederick A. Virkus Pc 61

26 June 1742 John Snith Sr qualified at Orange County Courthouse as Captarrr of Augusta County MiIitia, Company No 1. He was present at Braddock's disastrous defeat in 1?55, went on the abortive expedition to BiS Saridl ilr 1?56, was prisoner of the French and Indians for two years follonirrg the fall of Fort Vause in 1756, promoted to the rank of Colorrel in Augusta County Militia in 1?58 and continued to fiSht Indians on the frr.rrtticr uritil 1?63. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he applied for a commissiorr in Virginia's Armed Forces, but he was rejected because of his advanced:rge. Life Under Four Flags by Mays--Virginia Colonial Soldiers by Bocks tru<:k-- History of Augusta Co Virginia by Peyton

Captain John Smith made petition 4 April 1757--IZ Aprit 1758--that he tlas taken prisoner in June 1?56 at Vaulx's Fort in Augusta VA taketr bf' the who killed his eldest son John Snith before his eJes and he r+as sent to Quebec to England--he lost three sons and a great part of his fortune in the service dated 3 April 1758.

Captain John Snith died at the residence of his sorr Daniel Smi th two ui Ies north of Harrisonburg af ter the beginning of the Revolut ionar-l War. Annual s of Augusta Co VA by Waddell PC 15 1. JOHN SMITH Captain John (abstract) Will---signed ? May 1753 Of Augusta Co Virginia being very sick in body etc. To Margaret my well belived wife, all stock, household goods and alL m)' moveables. She shall make a choice of any one tract of land that I have which she is to have during her life and at her death the said land to fall to my daughter Louisa. Exoi: Daniel Harrison--Silas Hart and my son Abraham Snith. It is my will they sell alI my land excepting the above tracts as will pay my debts etc. Remainder to be equalll'divided between my sons wi I iam--Joseph--David--Jonathan and James Jordon. My executors to Pay frve shi lings each to my sons Abraham--Henry--Daniel and John. Wit: Jaues Patton--Robert Renick and Hrlmphrey Madison. Staunton VA--Augusta Co Wills Box 3--not 111 file but found in: Settlers by the Long Gray Trail by Harrisort Early Virginia Emigrants by Green

Issue of Captain John Snith and Margaret Snith

1. Abraham Smith b. 1722 Ulsten Ireland d. \ov 1782 Augusta Co VA m. Sarah Caldwell. Captain of Militia in Augus'ta C<.rVA 1756. In 1757 he Has a prisoner in the French dominiorrs. In 1?58 lre ras court-martialed. but acquitted, his accuser being punished. In 1776 tre f,as colottel of Militia' in 1??8 one of the f irst justices of Rockrngtrar Co \C arrd coutrt-r lieutcnant. He owned a large landed estate at the foot of \orth Yountain about two miles from North River which decended to his son Henrl. Historl'of Rockinghanr Co VA by John W. Wayland NEh': I ssue: 1-a. Henry Smith b. 1758 Augusta Co VA n. lst 2 April 1792 in Augusta Co VA to Margaret Cravens and had issue: Benjamin Smittr, ltilliam Smith and Abraham Smith--Henry Snith n. 2nd l,lartha McDowell (Reed) n. 3rd Charlotte Gambill.

2-a. John Snith b. 16 Dec 1?75 n. Mary Jane Robertson and had issue: Abraham Sni th, Joseph Smith, Silas H. Sni th, Nancy Srnith ru. Wi l l iam Crawf ord.

John Snith Jr. m. Mary Jane Robertson of Culpeper Cc.rVA, xidow of Si las Hart who died without children. Father of the late Abraham Snith of Rockingham and of Si las It. Snith of Augusta and Nanc)' who marr i ed h i I I iam Cranf ord. Annals of Augusta Co VA by WaddelI

2. Daniel Snith b. 1724 Ulster Ireland d. Nov. 1781 (S or 11 Aug 1779) Rockingham Co VA Will proved 26 Nov 1781 rD. 1751 VA Jane llarrison tr. 1735 Augusta Co VA d. 1?96 Rockingham Co VA sister of Benjamin llarrisort--FamiIr Bible in possession of James Smith of St Paul 'MN Issue: Jane Harrison Smith b. 19 Jull'1?65 Augusta Co VA d. ca 1840/50 Todd Co KY m. 20 July 1791 Augusta Co VA, Smith Lofland b. Sussex Co DE ca 1764 d. ca 1840/50 Christian Co KY. Lofland Fanily by Crow pS 2-45-57 arrd 59

Daniel Smith b. 7724 Ireland d. 1781 Rockingham Co VA {s/o John attd Margaret Snith of Ireland, PA and Orange Co, VA) m. ca 1751 Jane Iiarrisott d/o Daniel and Margaret Cravens Harrison. Jane b. 1758 d, 1796. Daniel served as Col. in the Rev War--resided in Augusta and Rockingham Co VA. Smiths of VA by Wul feck

Dani el Sni th, a younger brother of Abraham, r{as captain of ni I i t ia in I776 ' and in 17?8 was one of the first justices of Rockingham being presidirrg justice at the time of his death in 1781. He lived at Smithland' two miles below Harrisonburg and the first sessions of the county court were held at his house. His wife was Jane Harrison. He had been a justice in z. To Be Con't 49.

PICKENS DISTRICT SOUTHCAROLINA DEED BOOK A-1 Vol. 1 pages 1-261 year 1828-1831

Page 25I-252. HENRY SHELL--JOSHUA ROBERTSON South Carolina Pickens District I Henry Shell for the good will and affection whictr I have towards my son in law, Joshua Robertson of the same state and district, a certain tract of land corrtairring three hundred and forty six acres. Dated 15 Dec 1829. Sg: Henry Shell X. Wit: Rezen Sprigg and Thomas Fullerton. Prov 4 May 1830 Rec. 8 Marctr 1830.

Page 252-253. MATTHBW,A,BBOTT--LEWIS EATOIi State of SC, Pendleton District. I Matthew Abbott of state and district aforesaid for the sun of one hundred and fifty dollars paid by Lewis Eaton of same, a plantation or tract of larrd in Pendletorr District lying on both sides of Eastetoe containing three hundred twelve and l/2 acres the same including two surveys known by the name of No I and No 2 one containing one hundred and ninety eight acres the other containing one hundred arrd fourteen and l/2 acres making together three hundred tnelve and 1/2 acres granted to him the said Matthew Abbott by his Excellency, Richard I. Manning, Governor the 2B Nov 1825. Dated 10 Jan l826 Sg: Matthew Abbott Wit: John Knox and FeIix Mays. Prov 10 Jan 1826 Rec. 5 March 1830.

Pase 253-254. JOSIIUAROBINSON--JAMES EDDIN State of SC, Pickens District. I Joshua Roberson of state and district af oresaid f or the sun of two hundred arrd f if tv dol lars paid b-r Jaures Ilrldin of same. all that tract of land whercorr i thc said Joslrua rror. I ives otr Mi lt Creek waters of Chauga ad j. Doctor Spencer containirrg three hutrdred atrd forty'six acres being all the land conveyed to said R<-,bersorrb1 deed of eift from Henry Shell dated 15 Dec 1829. Dated 1 Feb 1830 Sg: John Robinsorr Wi t : Jabez Jones, James R. Wyl ey. Dower released by Eva Robinson wife of said Joshua Robinson 2 Feb 1830. Sg: Eve Roberson X. Wit: Wm Barton. Prov 6 March 1830 Rec. 8 Mar 1830.

Page 254-255. AMOS L,4.DD--JOIINLADD State of SC, Pendleton District. I Amos Ladd of state and district aforesaid for the sum of six hundred dollars paid by John Ladd of same, alI that tract of land lying on both sides of the Oolonoy Creek part of tlre land first granted to Janes Martin the balance was granted to Patrick I\{oorc which will show more fully by having referencc to the plats of the samt:. Ad. Mundess of the Still House Creek to where it eurpties into ttre Ooleno;', up the nanders of the Ool enoy to the mouttr <;f the School llouse branch. agreeruent line between Lic Light? now dec'd and Huglt M

Page 255-256. JOIIN CARROLL--ABRAMM. NALLEY SC Pendleton District. I John Carroll of the state of North Calolina and Buncomb County f or the sum of two hundred dollars paid br Abram M. \-al Ie-r of the state and district aforesaid a tract of land contailiirrg twr.. hurrdred acres Iying on the south trranch of Eighteen Mile Creek, Waters of Savannal^ River. Dated 20 Sept 7827 Sg: John Carrol I Wi t: Tlromas Marrn and Le v i Mann. Prov Zg Dec 18ZB Pickens District Rec. 9 March 1830.

Con' t t 2,.Nels MARCH I998MEETTNG &

o dclee ord l"heMarch Meetingrvill be 7:30pmTuesday lTth 1998at t' the Central/fllemsonbranch of the PickensCounty Library. Orrr Speakerwill he PenealopeCansler from the South CarolinaRoonr. (lreenville County Library. Shewill be 6 €o/g'A "KJl speakirrgon "The ForgottenCensus."

()lclPcndleton Chapter Dues: Indiviual $20.00 Associate$l5.00 h'amilv $25.00

OLD PENDI.,ETONDISTRICT' NEWSLETTER VOLUMT] I2 NO. 3 MARCH 1998 Pu b I i!,b e d :,f an u a ry, IreblfBfv: U I nlh A-Ud: l!.l_n-,!tt lg,

l99n ot.t t( I.RS

PRf SIDf fT RobcrrG. Dodson ...... t64-t5e-20t1 \ ICE-PRESIDENT:James "Jim" B. Granger...... 86{-2{6-l l2S S[CRET.-\R\':Kenneth D. I\{organ.... .86{-65{-92E0 TRE.{SLRER: NlargaretteB. Swank.. .864-370-9573 Pt'BLIc ATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. !'oster...... s64-BB2-82i9 SOCIAI, DIREC'TOR:Cytru "Trudy" Garner..... 86.1-882-6407 PI'BLICII'IYDIREC'I'OR: Keith Merck...... 864-271-1353 S I'\'tE DIRECTOR:William (1.Whitten .Ir...... "...... 864-65{-3283 ('I..{\'TON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... 86I-6J9-6387 \ E\\ SLETTER EDITOR: Linda G.Cheek,247 (lross Itill Road"E:rsley. SC 29640-8857 t--\l ail: LGCheek@)Aol.com



I n t he hooklist you will seea new bookoffered hv tlreSocit'tv: f iei,*rrs I he l owrrrrnd I he I irst Banti:t('hruch I EaI - I qqt by JaneE. Morris.

\lso notethe 'NEW PROJBCT" pug*. WELCO}{E I{EI{ I,TEI.{BERS

Royce E. Addis, PO Box 279, Norris SC 29667-0279 Ph: 864-639-2329 LOLIIE, HICKS, STEGALL, SHERIFF, l{cALISTER, COUCH' -0533 Hi ldred Brewer , PO Box 533 , L,iF-rerty, SC 29657 BRET{ER,BURGESS, HANNAH, BHLL, PATTERSON,FISHER, ELROD, CALVERT, BRACKEN, KEILEY, T{IGINGTON,FIEIBORN.

Thomas G. Brown, PO Box 2I7, Eastanolle, GA 30538 ph: ?06-886-3306 E-l{ai1: tbrownGhartcom.net TIl,tl.ts, BROWN,ltASON, FLEI{ING, BLACK, PINSON, EDGAR, SKET,TON, SLAYTON, BYRUI{, CAUTHEN, BOBO.

Donna H. Burg, I08 West Lynne Drive, Hartinez, GA 30907 Ph: ?06-860-2690 E-l.tail : Burgmeistr€Aol . com HEAD, ELLENBURG.

Biltie Hamilton DeVane, Fo Box l-76, Garland, HC 2844L Ph:910-529-404I E-t'taiI : bdevane€int rstar . net HAIiI LTON, DuBOSE, HAI'{PTON, SPINKS.

Karen DiIIard, 468 oId ShirIeY Road, Central , sc 29630-0458 Ph: 864-539-2319 E-Hail: Kadil I a€Cl emson. edu DILLARD, HERRON,COX, KING, GOTSHAT{, BUTTS, BOINE.

Richard Greene, Po Box I7 92, Cartersvi I I e, cA 30r20-1580 Ph: 77O_382- 3458 TUCKER, IIYDE, AIIDERSOII,GREEII, T{EIT}{IRE, EARRIS, HORRISON, GRAY.

RacheI Perkins, L282 Ruhamah Rd ' , Liberty, SC 2965'l PERKINS

Not a new member but wanted her l,ist run in NL June Rampy Ponder , 226 I r-'octrran Rd., Clemson, SC 2963L ph: 864-654-I434 E-l{aiI: JrponSclemson. edu RN{PY, HHITWORTH, NI}'{l'{ONS, BURGESS, ADDINGTON, THOHAS, PUTNAH, ELLIS, SHETTLESI{ORTH,BLAIR, FRANKS, HYDE.

Cassandra A. BreYer StmPson, I05 Tanner Lane, Seneca, sc 29678 E-HaiI : CasSimpson€Aol . com BRHTER, PIERCE, EDHOIIDS, LYLES, DRAKE, EARVEY, JOHNSOT{/JOHT{STOTI .

AngeIa E. Wilderman, 8904 SaHdust TraiI, Chesterfield, VA 23838-5277 E-iail: angenatree€Aol.com I{eb Page: Angie's Home Page KIRKSEY

Thank you: The two issues of the newsletter arrived. They are fulI of interesting items. t{hen you see Lib (Elizabeth Griffin) tell her thank you for suggesting that I become a member.


CoRRECTION:Subnultted__bti_ B-g'!-ert-Mason, 2502 Six l'tile Hwv, central. sc 29630 - 9002 ffewslettEi Vot. 10 No 3 llarch 1996 Ancestor Chart--Frances I. Carey: Should read--Daniel H. Cochran's place of death given as Anderson Co., SC should be carnesville, GA. His birth date should be 4 Feb 1788.

qimrnv J. cheek. -I2-QtQ-Bqsts-!-iJ!- Drivg ' tluntsvi 1l e. AL 35810 ptr,: 205-85I-8309 E-t'tai I : JCheek60S3GAoI. com Need info on Jerry ROACHb. 1849: Benson TURNERb. 1810 and Issa SUTTLESb. 1823 alI in Oconee and Pickens Districts of SC. Any information would be of great help to me in mY research. Fred E. crtrnp. r0r crescent circle, Fountain rnn. sc 296_44-1524 e- f,eed info ou Redford/Rutherford BRAI.{LETTborn ca 1800 m. ca I82l to Frances-. Chi I dren: Lewis b. ca L824, Martin b. ca 1828, l.targaret b. ca 1,832, Sarab b. ca 1834, Narcissa b. ca 1936 SC. levrs Lrr:,ed ca l8{8 l{ar)' Thompson YOUNG.

3'a 1850 census Pickens Co., SC, Lewis age 25, Mary age 35, Robert yOUNGage :5, llrtrlde IOttlG age 12, James YOUNGage 6, Susan F. BRAMLETTage 2, John : - lll|{r.tl? rgc I . t rt o lt70 cQnsus Laurens Co., SC with J. Thomas BRAMTETTage 2I, Sarah f9. 19, ltrrt .9e L7. Did Lewis die in the war? Where is he buried? John ttcrs BR.II{LETTm. ca J-872 in Laurens Co., SC to Nancy E. cENTRy b. I ?eb lt53 Lrurens District, SC daughter of Presly and Ariannah Byrd ADAIR Glnll, Llurens Co. SC.

Louirc Devis Currv, PO Box 40. Snow, OK ?4567 rfbo res the second wife of Rev. Gideon ELLIS Sr. (b. Feb 1786 Chatham Co., lC d. lov 1859 Pickens District, SC)? Lucy EASLEYwas the mother of all his chlldren, but died in 1855. His estate papers show a widow, Susan-ELLIS, who accepted S1,000 in Dec 1859 and agreed not to make ant further claim on Gideon's estate. l{ho was Susan, and when did she and Gideon marry?

Susannah TEAGUEm. J-777WiIliam SUMNERSof Newberry Co., SC and they had 9 cbildren. Hho were Susannah's parents and siblings? Would Iike to correspond rith descendants of this couple.

Job-nH' t{EiGEBORSb. ca 1803 Sc, married ca 1828 tllnlfred ELLIS cf p:ckeas Drgtrlct, SC. ?hey leter ooved to Bcntos/Calhoun Co., AL. tfbo rere Jobn's prrents and siblings? ffould Iike to correspond with descendants of this coupl e.

Barbara L. Eades. 3914 AIma Ave.. Reddinq. CA 96002 Seeking parents of Levi TAYLORb. l8O7 SC, including atl marriages either parent may have had. seeking parents/siblings of Nathaniel sMrTH b. 2 oct 1789 and his wife sarah AARON.They married 18 Feb 1813. He was probably married 2nd time also. They died in GA possibly in or around HalI Co., GA.

Seeking parents/siblings of I'{ary Jane MooRE b. 21 t{ay 1840 oH, married 13 Sept 1860 Henry H. LAMB. Mary Jane d. 4 Jan L922. Have not been able to obtain death cert. She may have had a brother named George who was Iisted in household in an Iowa State Census.

Seeking parents/siblings Delany JACKSONb. ca 1800 SC and d. 1967. She married A. Clark HALLUI,Ison of Richard HALLUMand nlizabeth eATE. Delany JACKSONand A. Clark HALLulr grandparents of Prof. Richard T. HALLUM(sr).

Hariivn Harkow, 1701 Sro Mavs J201. Round Rock. TX 2g664-6234 I am at a blank wall with oRR surname. IIas anyone ever heard of James cunnagin oRR? He died 1857 in Lafayette co., r'{s. His oldest son was named John Alexander oRR. could James be related to Alexander oRR who owned property in Pendleton District, SC? WilI exchange info.

Anqela E. Wilderuraa.8904 Sawdust TraiL Chesterfield vA 23838-5277 Seeking the parents and siblings of Gideon KIRKSEY born 1801 SC married Nancy KIRKSEYin 1830 Butts Co. , GA. Bal larc --Easley, submitted by : Judy F:lll t t.l$inl.tI' t.JltEt;:At.ttnt'lE sc

}i}irii{)/:)/iti../i}::4}iXx};:/::/i}i:/i:4:4)4:/::/i:4:4:/::4y::4:4xX'./.YY:t,:(y:4}i:/':4:/,:/.X:(:(:(:4:4,:4:l, l'li t;s l'li rrtrI e l);ry tl t 856 '/'r.l llr,r rr : F as l ey, gl. r-:. ytlar ei iq':r ';!.'), f)ietl: AgrriI l':lC',6 l:lrcr:rttviIIe1 !3t-: l-atlrer : Al,:rrli{r [:l t i':itt l)ay l l',,tlrr.rr : Arrrr tl,il t l)ay ' tiis;ters: l'lvs. .l . r-:. l)av'it; -- rirtrerrvlllFr 5t l'lr t;. .t. F-rarrfr llsll t:'-'rtt 8r ee.'trv t I I rr, Sl-' tlt'itttary tr' tre irr l--ireerrville lJeus.

l?rrri;rl: l-'r iday at flc'stvle',r l-enetery.

-- r'"',:,1. 3, ltao11 ..n h. l.t l)r:,:. l886t


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t r:t lll- Brrr l;rl : l:it'a,::ert;-rnrl l-:e:tnq:tr'rt-YrltJret:ttvl I 1l p1 St' l'l;rl;,:rrr ll,::,tt,:itlltnllt ':r(l!lerlli:llJ n' [' M' I Greetrvi

F-,rtltttr: l4ar':t-ts; f-. t-l;rl tr::'uilY l'l':rt f reir t hlatr': y l'l'::l-:n I I

tlis;t(?rs: t'lr$. F:. E. f't';t-atI 7 t''larltltta' !lr:: I'lr sl. li:':itltrrt J. St ewar t 1 lltltrget t !lr-:

(/. !1':,lr$: .Iamq?q; ti;l I I r:'uilY Il I irr':ri:i li:,:rtrert Gat l.':'frily, t'31:rSher ltlarr F':ad1 tJetrtretll;t1

12 Con't on Lewis Redmond Submitted by Jerry Hughes


He continued to take care of sisters and moved his operations in the whiskey business to the northern part of Pic!

They rushed in, covered them with their double-barreled shoLguns, made them surrender and tied them. Barton, we are informed. sLruck and kicked Redmond, after he rras tied which made him very angry. This action on the ParL of Barton ' it is thought by some, was the prime cause of the terrible vengence, Redmond subsequently wreaked upon his captors. t^Jatching fiis opportuniLy, he gave a leap into the uoods, and disappeared quicklx in the darkness of the nisht. Managing to untie himself and procuring heapons, he soon returned and fired into the Partv, wounding Barton and Hendricks' Earton was wounded in the risht arm and thish with buck shot, painfully, but not dangerouslv- Mr Hendricks Nas shot in t he hip, thigh and ls and whi:lle:,.:nd Lo;:rr'est Redmond:nd carrv him Lo ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICKENS COUNTY/ HUGHES 14 jail, but we do not knot^twhere they got Lhe risht to take his pocket-book and $1.96- Perhaps. though, they r^rere justif ied by the law. Barton, uuo are inf ormed, did not knock and kick Redmond, when he arrested him, as we had been informed, and staLed last week." During Mr C McKinIev's interview urith Redmond, some eighteen months after these two incidents. Redmond tells his side urith more details of what happened that cold nisht in January. Redmond's words. "Among others r"rith whom I used to trade was a man named Van Hendricks. I meL him one day and he told me that he wanted Lo buy a quanLit)' . l"Jef inal Iy agreed to meet aL a certain house that night where I was to deliver Lhe r,.rhiskey and receive the money. He wanted it on crediL, but I could not afford to IeL him have iL, so he promised to come and b;ing the money - l'te Nas to meet me at I o'cloci< tha! niSht,and,rfter dark I di-er,roif r^rhat he L.rant-ed. I l-rad Lo mal

To be con't 50.


Pase 256'257. ANANIS TILLISON--ABNER CROSBY State of SC Pickens District, I Ananis Tillison of state aforesaid. I{hereas I the said Anania Tiltison by a certain bond or obligation bearing date the 15 Sept 1828 stand firmly bound unto Abner Crosby of same for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three notes of hand Ist due I Sept 1829 the 2nd for one hundred dollars due the I Sept 1830 the 3rd for one hundred dollars due I Sept 1831 as in and by the said notes. I Ananis in consideration of the said debt and sum of money for the better securing the payment thereof to the said Abner Crosby a tract of Iand estimated on both sides of Chauga Creek granted to William Henson in the year 1813 containing one thousand acres known by Pitts Gunfactory bounded by land of John Reder, some from Shead and others dated 16 Sept 1828 Sg: Anania Tillison X. Wit: l{m Simpson, Candis Cain. Prov 4 }tar 1830 Rec. 9l.lar 1830.

Page 257-258. ABNERCROSBY--ANANIAS TILLISoN State of SC Pickens District, I Abner Crosby of said district for the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars paid by Annanias Tiltison a tract of land containing one thousand acres granted unto Wil iam Henson in the year of 1813 situated on both sides of Chauga Cho Creek waters of Toogalo River bounded by lands of Tompson Shead and others. Dated 15 Sept 1828 Sg: Abner Crosby t{it: I{m Simpson, Canday Cain X. Prov. 4 t{arch 1830 Rec. 9 Harch 1830

Page 258-259. SOLOHONSI|ITH--JEREI{IAII ELLICE. SC Pendleton District, I Solomon Smith of the said district for the sum of fifty dollars paid by Jeremiah EIIice of same a tri.ct of land in Pendleton District on the North side of t{olf Creek of Twelve }lile River adj. Bensons line, containing twenty acres. 9 ApriI 1807. Sg: Solomon Smith Wit: tewis Gilstrap and John Smith. Prov 12 April 1815 Rec. l0 l,tarch 1830.

Page 259-260. LEVI MURPHREE--DANIELDURHN{. SC Pendleton District, I Levi Hurphree of the said district for the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars paid by Daniel Durham of same all that parcel of land lying in Pendleton District on t{orth side of Wolf Creek containing forty three acres. 12 April 1823 Sg: Levi l{urphree Wit: Thomas Brown and Carter Cannon. Prov 22 April 1823 Rec. 10 March l'|30.

Page 260-261. CHARTESDURHAI,i--DANIEL DURHAI'{. State of SC Pendleton District, I Charles Durham of said district for the sum of one hundred dollars paid,by Daniel Durham of same aII that tract of land lying on l{olf Creek containing on: hundred acres. Dated 31 Dec 1827. Sg: Charles Durham X. Wit: JoeI Moody, and John Mastin. Prov 18 JuIy 1828 Rev. 10 l,tarch 1830.

Pase 26I. PHILEI,|ONPARTAIN--DANIEL DURHAI{. SC Pendleton District, I Philemon Partain of said district for the sum of one hundred dollars paid by Daniel Durham of same land being part of a tract of two thousand seven hundred and eighty two acres granted to said Fe:-denand Hopkins the 2 Jam L792 on waters of Toxey Creek adj. Isaac l.titters eorner, John Morton and Wesley Paterson. 12 Dec 1818 Sg: Philemon Partain Wit: John Sargeant, Thomas Moore. Prov 5 ApriI 1823 Rec. I0 ltarch 1830. =eE; g=r.e' Ffr-:; e ff :gFiEg:sEEiFE FEiE IEEgS:igIEg E€;9€EE€FfIfiEH€ .a o Egg:IFfi;ieE;e*E (J 0) J1 ;E E5E;H;gEfi:€Eg E rrl g OJ :; EIag:cEitga?;e +J +J .F{ fEEEEgesFfiE€gEaEE a I ieEeEe;EEH;E=g*-E I I .a o EFEE; s :E:EifrE*E;iE;iF iS E= f =o == Efi EC a t{ SEiE EfEEiqgsgfiEEsE .E ; Eeg;g;f;Eg;*.EciEa:

+J c EEig Egf,Ete#EHEEEgE EFtEF$EfEEFE$EFSfrF o c c)e ot E ,F- q 8, -B = o uigE5E L3= o) bPFI gg g tE6E i ,-r, {sEg EE E lrf .i=e= 26 E 5 a'l\C O O LI X SBEEE E.9 E E F o o :858 # cfr = E (D oroc!(') u .Y r(rl.c)$C)n(! io I o -orororor=(f) = €Y : ur o ,-rr E::::=P -c o .tl 6'rrN l< -o o (\| @ @ c{t =o A P o = 6 9b -> Z g .Oa q4 --q : '- trp (! diis= + 96 E -o F I Nbqa \ .o 3 c o@ lo q) gtu = c.) tr f; E !- u : Pg E = =$E ='= o r.o3 6p = c) q.:i Et" > Y EO$ EE S E eA S=) 3 If J Zt:sG.$. (! :E b s$se i5= c-o OE O E ol gH fr = !q Gn (U H 9E*EE.€ee8.8 € g 2 EE6E6EgBg =fr s E HsEHHssHHz ol z ul qu o q lr| l,rJ (a r! J F 3 ! o E = (, z Io .,E Y'(D- ,EPo YEc (!3'c .e-ogg A --Eo Q, F 9 +Pb g 6h.= 9Ez <€ .s '= trlY o) = o - s ; AF* ro5 g8 = g a u'.,19 .gg)d go: E€ s 4 X qEEi1?q) H e.HE'eE rq),Fb 3 E eE>o> e+> gE U

3e :(! CU6 2 X< x a k F o I r*F-I f So Fo(0 ..1-o :5 € .;9E3p93'3 .#> o O:O*U:-F- t= o b ES F H 9.F ; F =; 9E 3= g6 (f)= (I' > $SSFESFFFc'= -c (o @ (0 Crl .cf r O) r'(frOF(OO @ \A\\\\ =i er -f=NO)-@ -ScrlNrloO- ;E *# d b:bb>=qRN .9or Fal g rK re Yi- zE ;- d b crctt g } E€ € s 83 xx ;e _eE JF tr xxxx.xxx :: 8E ia FFiFFF*ilil :Y.= () c .qI ooooooo :r :-o oOX d'" E- F9. {gi Es ??^:^?E??ss:F pf; f;96 Ei Aqqqqas,Es{); E; -g; o= r5E 55 8833.g3s858E 8-l E 9€ f 5 s*$EBEsH; Oo ;Q oo d= _ e igSgSifII J:l 7O ",F UF gfg E CD(D (U c € af i= HsN==SE;$: (o -E - SHasg# 3 t Eq $s$EE EE E5 EFii (/, < a- Fg EiItE Q) s SH}S#E .HS:Pg *pE E E -o=a E=F o E: eE =-g mH EstF=-frH =ur Efi$EEo,^q5geEEdsEq:fi o'fi io drdE8flH '!EHB gHfrg g =qigEEf=s 5; F8 2fr HHIg il5d9 .E ^= rc 5b, $cf 3 5 E_5 g9:* rr EgE* ,..,c5 oU) $; or 6s?s 9iu v luJl o x: g >E'.E 39" tt -E

€r ;e z 2= 1(l

:f o) F m= s; 3: B5 a= -b >? cr gP EF r.rri = = o.;: 61 :: ;€ 3E ilFE -X cFY x Iil 39; --oo tr ;^ qbi 39.* 3 33 t==eEE oEO o FE o-g2 :Pg t Etr sbo Ehe o.a -E FF.o.cg h>.9 oFi FE 5-? € E EE 3E REE F * E z% zt Pe €s; : ^E' E => q dci =38 - _oto 6 Oj NN 6ot! E €> z 6_Hs 6t ;j;j ZP,F Lo.,sls! og q xEE Egg #EEE := 8:3ss aFi531 b+Jd €= eg96e ti={ Fq E;=EE ., ec{ -3:E: 66 >b:o< E- a3* fl Hfft ffifft E* Hi€ HgErIEgg*iE HEg tEB sfir 1 el Ate cHrr cnt rt.l =lil H ?l nd2 b Starting over with the Anderson (Pendleton District) WilI abstracts by: Carl- c. Etlison. He has added over 100 more wills.


.Iohn Adair. Wife: JeanAdair. Sons:Samuel Adair. WalterAdair, Thomas B. Adair.John AlexanderAdair. Edrvard Adair. James Adair. William HenryAdair, Charles D. Adair.Elbert Earle z\dair,Benjanrin Franklin Adair. Daughters: Charlotte Adair. Margaret Adair, Jean Adair, Mary Ann Adair."I giveone-third of all my debtsdue me in theCherokee Nation." [,and: on CaneCreek...200 acreson flat shoalsof I.ittle River...onConerose." Exors: Joseph Reid, Samuel Bovdston, Capt. David Sloan.Wits: .losephReid. SamuelBoydston, Thomas Lamar. Date: 4 November1815. Probate4 December1815. Bk. A p. 176,Roll 03. Anderson Co' SC.

DavirlAlexander. Wife: MargaretAlexander. Sons: David Alexander, James Alexander, John Alexander.William Alexander,Morrison Alexander.Alexander Alexander. Daughters: Ann Gotcher,Jane Moore. MargaretDavis, Catherine Brorvne. Ellener Read, Elizabeth Woods. Land p31s; Loctrtion:Reedy River. Exors: .lohn Read. Alexander Snell. Martha Snell (tl & W) /-5Aug. 1795.t,robate:22 Sept. 1795. Source: Bk. C p.77. Roll 1194,Re,:. 22 Sept.1795. roll 1194. AnclersonCo. SC.

GeorgeAntlerson. Wife: Molley Anderson. Sons: David [.. Anderson,James Anderson, William Anderson,Saxon Anderson. Daughters: Margaret Burnsides, Judy Wesar?, Polll'Anderson, Sally Anderson.Exors:: Wife. Molley Anderson,sons; f)avid L. Anderson,brother; l-ewis Sexon Anderson.Wit: LewisShenill. John Dickson John. James Dickson. Date: l3 July 1807.Probate: 4 .lulv1808. Bk. A p. 96.roll 02.AndersonCo. SCl.

.Iohn Anderson.Wife: not named.Sons: James Anderson, Samuel Anderson, David Anderson, Daughters:Nancv Gibbons, Mary Dickson.Rosannah Anderson. Rebecca Cunningham. Martha I)ickson.F.xors: Samuel Anderson. Witnesses: John [{amilton. Frederick Brorvn. Date: l6 Sept. 180-5.Probate: 3l Oct.1805. Bk. A p.65.Roll 8. (Original will notin probatefiles). Anderson Co. SC

GeneralRobert Anderson: Wife: not named.Sons: not nanred.Daughters: eldest Mary Caneth. Ann AndersonMaxwell, Jane Anderson, dec'd w/o William Shore,Esqr., Anne l{unter. Elizabeth IVlaverick.Grandchildren: Anne AndersonMaxwell, John Maxwell, Elizabeth Maxwell. I-ouisa ('arreth..lohn [{unter. Robert Anderson Hunter. Mary Hunter,William Hunter,Samuel Augustus Maverick,Mary ElizabethMaverick. Martha Anderson, Anne Anderson.Mary Simmonsw/o Robert Simmons(relationship not stated),Ilenry Dobson"youngest son of my deceasedwife." Dr. Edwin Reese.[,and: on Keowee River. Exors: son RobertAnderson, George Reese, Joseph Whitner. EzekielPickens. Wit: JonathanHarris, Rachel Flanis, Daniel Mason, Robert A. Maxwell. Date:25 .lan1810. Probate: 9 Januaryl8l3.Bk. A p. 144,Roll 0l.Anderson Clo, SC.

John Armstrong. Wife: not mentioned.Sons: John Armstrong, Charles Armstrong. Daughters: lv{aryArnrstrong, Isabella Armstrong, Sarah Armstrong. Exors: Jacob Mauldin, John Borven. Wit: JamesFuming. Andrew Hughs. Date 6 March1808. Probate: I August1808. Bk. A p.98.Roll6. AndersonCo. SC. WILL ABSTRACTSOF ANDERSONCO., SC. 1789-.1839

SeasorAugustus. Wife: tlolley Augustus.Son: John Augustus. Daughters: Patsey Augustus. PeggyAugusta. Janey Augustus. Exors: not named.Witnesses: Joab Lewis, Joseph Woods, James F{ughes.Date: 5 Dec.1804. Probate: ll Mar. 1805.Bk. A p.60, Roll 5.

.Iohn Bailey. Wife: Mary Bailey.Son. Watt Bailey.Daughters: Frances Fleming. Martha (iarrison.Other heir: ElizabethKnox. GranddaughterMary Bailey d/o Wiatt and PeggyBailey. Exors: Wiatt Bailey.son-in-law John Fleming.Wits: [-evi Ganison,John P. Knox. FranceB. Flenring.Date: 3l .luly1818. Probate: 4 October1819. Bk. Ap.240, Roll 70.AndersonCo, SC.

SamuelBarr. Wife: Mary Barr. Sons:James Sidney Brlrry. Andrew Leroy Barr, JohnMilton Ban, Felix Barr (youngest).Daughters: Ellena Barr, Polly AddalandBarr. Exors:wife Mary Ban. AndrewWarnock, Jr. Wits: Charles Wilson, Rosey O'Briant. Date: l9Nov. 1813.Probate: 4 March 1816.Bk. A p. l9l. Roll25. Anderson Co, SC.

RichardBarry- Wife:not mentioned. Sons: none named: Daughters: none named. f{eirs: sister: SarahGaudy. Elinder Davis. Brothers:George Barry, Hugh Barry, John Barry, William Barry. JosephStewart Barry. Exors: .lohn Kilpatrick. James Wood, Sarah Gaudy. Wit: William Millsap, JohnShannon. Joseph Glenn. Date: 8 Sept.1806. Probate: 28 October1806. Bk. A p.74. Anderson Co.SC.

William Barry. Wife: NancyBarry. Sons: "Bartley Bany my only son."Daug[ters: Catherine Barry my eldest."-lo my youngestdaughter." not named."My childrenshall be supportedand educated."(onlytwo werenamed). Exors: B.C. Barry,John Barry, Nancy Barry. Wits: Jonathan Reader.William Brown.Date: 29 August1818. Probate:2 March 1819. Bk. A p.235,Roll 71. AndersonCo. SC

Benjamin Barton. Wife: DarkusBarton. Sons: two youngestsons Benjamin Barton and James MatisonBarton, Joshua Barton (eldest), Baley Barton,Thomas Barton. Daughters: Sela Kannon (eldest),Jean Brown, Vashti l{enkay, Averillah Griffin, DarkeyBarton, Eliza Barton.Sarah Barton (youngest).Exors: son Baley Barton,Sergin Griffin. Wits: JacobGuyton, William Baker,Richard Baker.Date: 8 February.Probate: 24 March 1818.Bk. Ap.223, Roll 69.Anderson Co, SC.

JosephBarton. Wife: nonenamed. Sons: James Barton. Daughters: Rebecca Barton, Cassey Bafton,Pheby Barton. Exors: wife not named,Megan Morgan. Wits: Henry Cobb, JacobChamblee. Date:25 March1816. Probate: l8 April 1817. Bk. A p.213,Roll 62. AndersonCo, SC

.lack Baskins.Wife: not named.Son: Davy Baskins.Daughter: Ginny Baskins.Other Heirs: " to my formeryoung master Robert McKinley Baskins.... to my boundboy, Hamilton."Exor: friend J.H.Baskins. Wits: John Milford, ThomasMcCollough, J.H. Baskins. Date: 5 March 183l. Probate: l3 Feb.1833. Bk. Ap.473,Roll 56.Anderson Co, SC ConfederateSoldiers of PickensDistrict, SC: An OngoingResearch Project SeekingAdditional InformationAbout the FollowingMen Who Foughtin theU.S. Civil War, 1861-1865

Please help to preservs a record of served in Coo G, 22nd SC Regiment and '"he life and service of yor:r ancestor died during the Civil Waro and relatj-ve who fought in the Ci.vil War. If you have additional infor- Abner Fefgqeqn served in Co" Fr Ist SC mation about any of these Confederate @in co. K of the iame regi- soldiers, you are urged to send 1t ment, His wife was Mary Melissa Fer- to: Dr. Charles Ho R:sha guson, who died tn L9?b. This Con- l.l.2 Summit Drive federate veteran died in 1904 and was Liberty, SC 29657 buried at Oolenoy Baptist Church in Pickens County, SC. TiIIman Gqrner FennielL enlisted in Co. and served in Afterby W. Fersuson (1842-L87") served ir- that unit until the end of the war, @unteers (Sloants Regt" He was discharged at Appomattox, VA Hls vrife was Sara Jane Ferguson (b. ca 1845), and hls parents were James Thomp William M. tr'ennell (f833-I861+) was a son F6rguson (1801+-1859) and Annle Dear: Ferguson (1804-1889) This Confederate @ennell (f8o5,-f8g9) " and Mahalia Garner Fennelll he veteran and his wife were the parents c two chj-Idren, John and Anno

The Poole Brothers -- Sons of Clayborn Poole and Frances Poole the western division of Pickens District " (tett to right)

Baylus EarlPoolc (L826-t852)

James T.Poolc (1837-1911+ )

Stephen Mac PooLe (18&2-r905)

Drawing based on a photo taken during the Civil War CONFEDERATESOLDIERS. 0F PICI{EN$ DISTRI'CT, S . C. (Continued )

Ausustus FerEuson 0847-L936) served David Field (Fields) served in Co" H. ffiC Rifles (Orr's); ers Regt" ). Wa5 Hls wife was Nancy Catherine Keith this John D. Fietds? (see below) Ferguson (I8l+2-1930) . John D. Fields was a son of Jeremlah Euffetl_Fefeug_q4 served i-n Co. H' ffine Scales Fields, who @ and he was kllted owned about 5r0O0 acres of land in ln battle at Fraserts F'arm, VA. Pickens District, SC. Before the war, he was a member of a home guard unit formed La north- Isaac Do rrlketr Fincannon served in Co" ern Pickens County at Pumpkintowtlo InfantrYo He' resided in OconeeCounty, SC, in I9t5r nf$ha l. fereuson enlisted at Pick- and he attended the 44th reunion of ens Court House on the Keowee on Orrrs Rifles, held at Seneca in 1916. April 1l+r 1861; he was wounded at the First Battle of BuIl Run and Jbhn N. Fincher was born about 1838. dled from his wounds at Culpeper ffi years of age, Fincher Court House, VA. HLs wife was jolned Co" E, lst SC Rlfles (Orrts)" Mary Catherine Richardson Fergusont He was a son of Aaron Fincher (b. ca who later married James Franklin 1800) and Mary Fincher (b" ca 1810) Hendricks, a Confederate veterano " Timothy W. Fincher was born about L839t -demgg_FefgUgqn served in Co. K r Ist ffin N. Fincher (see SC Cavalry and was wounded at above). He served in Orrfs Rifles Stevensburg, VAr during the waro and was kil-Ied at Chancellorsville, When the conflict ended, he was VA, on lr{ay 3 I L862, discharged at Raleighr I{C* -lGffierGo D. Fisher (1837-1878) was buried at -Jobp Ferguson (f84I-1906) joined a Baptist Church in oconee Cavalrt cohpaay that was part of County, SC" Brooks Troops, HamptonLegion, and four years the wsrr served Coo C, 2nd SC served al} of #Chestey Fishe:r in He was a son of Judge Grimkee Fer- ffirs Regiment) and was (1807-f886) guson and Jane Mansell wounded at Spotsylvani-a, Virginia " Ferguson (1811+-1863). He survived the Civil War. He married a Davl-s, and they lived near Joseph D. FerEuson was a member of the Tugaloo River in Oconee Corinty" @unteers and co" r of the same unit. His wife was --EE;?Tffi-(b.James Fisher married Manr Elizabeth Louisa E. McWhorter Ferguson (I831- L5 .lun rEl53) on Nov" L7t 1906), who obtained a divorce from 1868o In 1886, the Fishers resided her husband and married R. Ao at Jocassee i-n Oconee Countyr SC. In Cochran (1828-1900). L922, Fisherts widow was the recipi-ent of a Civil War pension. Judge Harrison Fersuson (1843-1861+) SC Cavalry; he !{illiam Crayton llEber enlisted ln Co. was a son of John Harison Ferguson tate TrooPs?) (1798-1856) and Delilah Cooper Fer- under Capt. GLover on Aug. 12, 1994. guson (1806-18671. This soldier He was discharged on April lfr 1865t was killed in Virginia in 1864" at Greensboro, NC.

William J. M. Ferguson enlisted at ThornasWilliam Fitaeerald (1829-1892) , il 14r rQ61, was a son offfirald (d. 18,t+9) and was discharged Dec. 23t 1861, and Margaret Adalr Fitzgerald (b. ca on a surgeonrs certlflc&t€r He 1800 - d. 186l-). He rose to the re-entered the Confederate army rank of capbain in the Confederate on March 29, L862, and served in Arrnv and was wounded at Chancellors- Coo I, Palmetbo Sharpshooters" ville on May 2, 1863. Con't on Peters Creek Church Submitted by: Nancy Flesch

Elvir Roberts dbl Theloma Brazeal dbl Elizabeth BIakJ.ey excluded Mary Barker? dbl Sarah Barker db] Latha Hitt dbl (rb] May 1834) Dulsabella? Crawford dbf (rbl Jan 1835) Letha Hitt dbl Elizabeth Fendley dbl Peggy Hlghtower dbl Sarah Hawkins excluded (unable to read) dbl Nancy Smith?? dbl (rbl May or Jun 1840) Rebecca Blythe Dead (rbl May or Jun 1840) Elizabeth Griffin dbl Compton dbl Elizabeth Smith dbl (rbe Apr IB42) Mary C. Rackly dbf Nan_ Looper now Robinson dbl Elizabeth M? t dbl Margaret Criffin dbf (rbe Apr 1843) Nancy Hitts dbl (rbe Apr 1843) Milly Looper dbf (rbe Apr 1843) Eliz. Dupree clbl (rbe Sep 7842) (Elizabeth V'lilliams rbe Sep IB42) Judah? Looper dbf (rbe Sep IB42l Nancy Singleton rbl dis. by letter Rachel Richards dbf Rel-ecca Smith dbl (rbe Jun 1843) Sarah Cox (words crossed out) (dbl May 1844) Mary Edens rbl Rachael Griffin Trotter dbl (Griffin is crossed out) Obedienh Looper (rbe May 1844) Mary Ann Singleton rbl dbl Nancy Btyt rbe Mary Patton dbl (rbe Dec 1845) Carol ine Looper clbl ( rbe Nov 184 6 ) Mary Robinson wife of Jas. Robinson dbl Jane Jones Adaline Jones dbl Deniza Jones dead Juliet a colored woman Elizabeth League dbl Mary Compton dbl (Baptized Feb 1847) Di ia Gilliand dbl Mary Robinson wife of .l A. Robinson dbl Elizabeth Smith rbl Jane Jewel by experience dbl Mary Whitmire Ellzabeth M. Freeman dbl (rbe Oct 1847) Genrnovvv! tr" Rohinson rbe Yv dbl Augrustus Jones rbe dead Butter Jones rbe Revend Thos Looper rbl mk? a col-ored man rbe Vi I es Si nofeton rbe

Peter's Creek Church - Female members Mary Hitt db1 Elizabeth Fendley dbl (rb] Jul IB29) DeIila Hagood dbr Elizabeth Hagood dbl Elizabeth Turner dbl Martha Hitt dbl Margaret Lesley dbl Susannah Morgan dbl (rbl Mar lB21) (MargareL Morgan rbl Mar 7821 ) Margaret Fendley dead (rbl Mar 7821) Pcoov a hl ack woman dead (rbI May LB2ll T.oafhrr Trrrnor dbl (F IB32) (rb] 13 oct IB21) Susannah Turner cieacl ( rbl 13 Oct IB21 ) Polly Hitt db I (rbl- B Nov IB21 ) Sarah Hitt dbl Easter a black woman dead AlIy Williams clbl F.:drr a hl ar-k woman Efeanor Freemon dbl (rb1 May IB29) Elizabeth Fendley dead Charity Mil-cheI clb I Nancy Roberts dbr Susannah Hitt now RoPer db1 Flourintine Ellett dbI Cinthy Roper dbl Cinthy Hitt dbl Jane Hitt dbl Lucinda Hitt dbl (rbe MaY IB32) Anna Whitmire dbl (rbe MaY 1832) Charlotty a black woman dbl Margaret Hagood dbl Cinthy Hunt dbl (rbe Jul IB32) Mary Braswell dbt (rbe Jul 1e32) Huldah Hitt dbl (rbe SeP 1832) Matilda Cantril dbl Martha Benson dbf Mary Kelty dbr died before joining another church Ann Goodlett dbl (rbe Oct 1832) penninah Looper dead Died Aug l-6 (1857) (rbl May 1833) Elizabeth Fowler dbl Rachel Medlin (rbe MaY 1833) Malinda Mann dbl (rbe JUI 1833)


Con' t Augusta Co and had held the office of sheriff in that county. When the troops returned from Yorktown, in the fall of 1781, he was colonel of militia, and was thrown from his horse and fatally injured in the grand review held in Rockingham to celebrate the victory. See WaddelI's Annals of Augusta pg 150-152. History of Rockingham Co VA by John W. Wayland pg 54

Daniel Smith b. L724 Augusta Co VA (Ireland) d. 24 Sept I78I Rockingham Co VA m. 17 feb 175t Au9\sta Co VA Jane Harrison b. 1735 Augusta Co VA d. L796 Rockingham Co VA. Daniel Smith, CoI. at Battle of Yorktown. Resided in Augusta Co VA. Issue of Daniel Smith:

John Smith b. 30 Nov L752 (* m. L776 l{argaret Davis) d. I Dec 1781 and had issue: Daniel Smith b. 12 March L779 d. B Nov 1850 m.I0 June 1809 Frances Strother Duff b. 11 Feb L792 d. 4 Oct 1849, l-Iargaret Reed smith b. 23 April L777 m. 1793 Alexander Herring.

Daniel Smith Jr. b. 25 June L754

Joseph Smith b. 9 Feb 1756

Robert Smith b. 28 Nov J-757 unmarried d. ab L782 Augusta Co VA

Margaret Smith b. 27 Oct 1759

Benjamin Smith b. 25 ltay 176I d. 1812 (* ab. L7B2 Elizabeth Craven) b. L762 d. 22 Feb 1837 and had issue: John Smith b. I?83--Nancy Smith b. 1784-- Robert Smith b. I7B5--Daniel Smith b. L787--l{argaret Smith b. L792-' Elizabeth Smith b. 1795--Benjamin Harrison Smith b. 31 Oct L797--James Harrison Smith b. 1798--Jane Harrison Smith b. ab 1800.

Ann Smith b. 9 (6) Sept 1763

Jane Harrison Smith b. 19 July 1755 m. 20 July l79t Smith Lofland

Sarah Smith b. 13 Oct L767

Abraham Smith b. 23 July L77O unmarried

WiIliam Smith b. 20 Aug 1775 d. 6 Oct 1806 (m. 19 Dec L797 Diana McDonough b. 19 Sept L776 d. 22 Jan 1842-*lived in his fathers home called "Smithland". Issue: Edward Harrison Smith b. 1 JuIy 1799 d. 24 April 1852 m. JuIia Harrison b. 1806 d. 1883--Jane H, Smith b. 18 Dec 1800 m. l.tichael Harris--James Smith b. 7 JuIy 1802 d. I8 Oct L827--l{ary Smith b. 1804 m. WilIiam B. Yancey--William Smith b. I806.

James Smith b. 7l{arch L779 d. in Ohio thrown from his horse(* m. 1804 Rebecca Enunett b. Augusta Co VA--to Ohio)--fssue: Jane Harrison Smith b. tB Nov 1805 m. 25 Sept 1823 Mt Vernon, Ohio Charles Sagar--Diana Smith b. 1808--Benjamin F. Smith b. 1811 m. 1830 Julia Stilly--James Smith b. 1815 d.

1882 m. 1848 Elizabeth L. l{orton--Vespasian Smith b. 2L Oct 1818 d. 9 oct 1897 m. 1846 Charlotte Neely b. 1824 PA d. 1899--Adeline T. Smith b. 31

3. JuIy 1821 m. 25 June 1850 A.A. Davis--Henrietta Clay Smith b. 1824 d. 1847 m. 1846 Charles Lybrand. Roster Texas DAR--*SettIers by the tong Grey Trail by Harrison

3. Henery Smith b. ca L726-28 Ulster Ireland d. L792 York Co SC m. ab 1747 Amelia (Amy/Emi) Hampton. Came to SC to what is now known as Smith Ford, York Co SC. SEE TATER

4. (Lt.) John Smith (Jr.) died 25 June 1756, killed at Fort Vause will dated 22 Jan 1756 probated 18 Aug 1756 to brothers Abraham, Henry and Daniel and to John Smith son of my brother Daniel Smith. Henings VA Statutes petition of Daniel Smith whose late brother John Smith was a Lt in a comPany of Rangers until his death at Vaulx's Fort in Augusta Co--Daniel Smith as adm of his said brother who never received any pay in his lifetime and said Daniel has received but 10.0.0. since his death dated 3 May L757. VA Colonial Soldiers Pg 163 by Loyd DeWitt Brockstruck

5. Joseph Smith b. L734 was not mentioned in his brother Lt. John Smith's will of 25 June I?56, probably dec'd by this time. (*a. 1756)

6. James Jordan Smith b. ab 1745 *Youngest child born in Botetourt Co VA ttoved with his famiiy after the Revolutionary War to Newberry Co., SC. His children later moved to AL, l,1Sand TX. Researching this line: Name unknown but address is PO Box l-774 l'fidlothian, VA 23113

7. Louisa l'largaret Smith *Bap. 5 Oct l?45 next to youngest child m. Hugh Rees Bowen b. L742 Rockingham Co VA d. 7 Oct 1789 Battle at Kings ltt.--lived at Maiden Spring in Tazewe1I Co.

8. Jonathan Smith *Bap. 22 JuIy L744 Tinkling Spring Church.

9. william Smith b. ab 1738

*May have been another son possibly named Patrick who d. 1756

I0. David Smith *Bap. 19 July L74I Tinkling Spring Church, Augtusta Co VA. Life Under Four Flags by C.E. l.lays. Augusta Co VA Historical Bulletin VoI 14 Spring IB78 No. 1 by: Gordon Aronhime

Con't 3. Henery Smith Will---York Co SC l1 July 1790 Prov 7 Feb L792. t{eak in body and much distressed by pain etc. Beloved wife, hold and possess all my estate real and personal during her life or widowhood and then dispose of i; the following manner: My eldest sor. Abraham my second volum of Pools Anotations. Son David the plantation where on I live to hold the same in case he die without heirs to rest of my children. Son John fifty acres of Iand. Son Henry one hundred acres which they are already possessed of, negro--one half of the fishery j.n his brother Johns division. Son Jonathan-- ttugro wench named Rose-forty pounds to be paid by him to his brother William for her first child and if she has any to my daughter Sarah Ramey. Grandchild Henry JoIley a mare--two milch cows to his mother to be paid by my executors. Remainder of estate to be divicled amoungst my daughters married and single. Exor: Wife: and two sons John and WilIiam. Wit: t{athan Guyton X--Nicholas Corney (Corry). York Co Se Will Bk A-12 Pg 55

con't BITS AND PIECE'S by Linda G. Cheek

BOGGS:Fle regret to announce the death of Mrs Alice J. Boggs, the beloved wife of Mr Hamilton Boggs Jr., which took place at her husband's home at Slabtown, in this county on the 31st ult, in the 25th year of her &9€, after a short illness from typhoid fever. Only a few short months ago she was led to the altar a happy bride and life with aII its beautiful prospects lay invitingly before the happy pair and this makes the sadness of her death deeper but her devoted husband and other relatives have the unspeakable comfort of knowing that she was a child of the covenant, having been a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church all her 1ife, She was a l{iss Gaston of Spartanburg County, SC and came from a long line of "Scotch lrish Presbyterian Ancestory." The Peoples Advocate Issue Sept I894.

COCHRAN-BURRISS:Married on Sunday Sept 2nd at the residence of the bride's f ather, l{r Zera Burris, },lr James Cochran and lliss AIice Burriss, Rev. J.B. Early officiating. The Peoples Advocate Issue: l0 Sept 1894

KNIGHT-GENTRY:l,larried on the 4th inst, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr W.lf. Knight, near Central, SC by Rev. D. E. Frierson, DD, l{r Lewis W. Gentry, €ln elder in the l-tidway Church and Miss Camilla Knight. We tender them our best wishes. The groom we have know for years as an old neighbor and the bride we have know all our lives . The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894.

WIGINGTON: l.lr EIihu Wigington, one of the oldest and staunchest citizens of Brushy Creek Township, died at his home there on the 3rd inst in about the 75th year of his age.He had been in declining health for a long time. The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894

NORRIS: A telegram was recieved here yesterday by the family of Capt. P.K. Norris announcing the sad news of the death of l.lrs EIIa Norris, the wife of Mr T.W. Norris, which occurred in Spartanburg at 4 a.m. that day. She had been in declining health for nearly two years from that dread disease, consumption and for the last year she had been an invalid at the home of her brother in Spartanburg, SC whither she had gone on her return trip to the mountains. She was about 32 years of age and leaves a sorely bereft husband and five Iittle children behind her. Her interment takes place at Spartanburg today. The Peoples Journal Issue: l0 Sept 1894

HARRIS: It is with sorrow we announce today the death of that venerable patriarch so weII known to many people in this city and the Fork, l'1r Benjamin B. Harris, which took place at the residence of his son, l-lr Oscar Harris, near Townville, last Friday morning in the B4th year of his d9€, after a few days illness from asthma. Mr Harrj-s was one of the oldest landmarks of the county, having been born and reared in its borders and having spent the whole of his long life in this county and oeonee Co., SC. He was a man who was upright in his walk and conversation before his people, having been a faithful member of the Presbyterian church during his entire life and for about sixty years of that time an elder in the church. He was one of the fathers of Nazareth (Beaverdam) Church, which some years ago was merged in the Townville Church. He loved the church of his father and was faithful in his attendance upon her courts and upon the preaching of the word and it was an impressive sight. to see this venerable pilgram with his whitened locks sitting in his pe!r. His wife had prededed.him to the grave many years ago and by her side his remains were places to rest in the cemetery of the Presbyterian Church at Townville last Satruday. Rev. T.C. Ligon, his pastor, corrducting the funeral in the presence of a large assemblage of his friend and relatives. He was the father of eight children, three sons and five daughters: John C. and oscar Harris of Townville, and Bonneau Harris of Pendleton, Mrs Todd of this city (Anderson), Mrs Dickson of Pelzer, Mrs Johnson of greenville and Mrs Burns and l{rs HalI of Texas, alI of whom are living. The Peoples Advocate fssue: 10 Sept 1894 SION COOPER--WiI1 Pickens Co.. Probate Court SC Box 3 No. 29 I Sion Cooper being weak in body but sound and perfect in mind etc. Al1 just debts paid, to my son Ancel one dollar 25 cents, to my daughter Nancy one dollar 25 cents, to my daughter PoIley one dollar 25 cents, son Lew:-s one dollar 25 cents, son Elexander one dollar 25 cents, daughter Elizabeth one cow and calf, daughter Rabah one doller 25 cents, son Vincent one dollar 25 cents, daughter Delile orle colt, daughter Sale one dollar 25 cents. As to aIl the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate to my beloved wife polley whom I have hereby appointed sold executrix of my last wil1. Dated 23 Feb 1831 Sg: Sion Cooper X. Wit: Micajah Hughes, John Field Sf., John Ferguson. Prov. 7 Nov 1831 Rec. 7 Nov 183I. personally appeared L.N. Robins and Samuel Reid and made oath in due form of law, that the real estate of Zion Cooper is noL worth one thousand dollars. Dated Aug 1854. Land ordered to be sold 5 Dec 1854. Real Estate Book pg 193

State of SC Pickens District 27 Nov 1854: To Rahab Fields, Wai:rerr Cooper, Davis Cooper, Nancy Cooper, Hannah Cooper, l,latilda Cooper, Elizabeth Starky, Robert F. l,lorgan, all Iegal heirs of Zion Cooper dec'd are required to appear at the Court of Ordianry 4 Dec next to shew cause why the real estate oi-Zion Cooper should not be so1d. Land on the waters of Caw Creek adj. Iand of Jacob Schroder and others containing one hundred and thirty two acres.

The following are the heirs: Nancy Smith, heirs of Ansel Cooper dec'd Robert F. l'lorgan, heirs of Alexander Cooper dec'd, James Kilby and wife l{ary, heirs of Vicerrt Cooper dec'd, Rahab FieId, Atia Nix, Lewi-s Cooper and John Ferguson. Real Estate Book ps L92

Received of W..1. Parsons , Ordinary f or Pickens ten dol I ars and 90 cerrts itr fuil of my distributive share of the real estate of Sion Cooper dec'd dated 26 ApriI 1856 Sg: Rehab Fields X. 'sf Same as above: receivecl len dollars and 90 cents in full of the share I,{ary Kilby former}y },1ary Cocper cf the real estate of Si.on Cooper'. i1 Sept 1856 Ss: J.T. KiIby

Same as above: Received two dollars and 18/100 dollars in ful1 share of the real estate of my grandf athe r Zion Cooper . 1I l,[arch 1857 Sg: Davis Cooper X.

Same as above: Received two dollars and 18/100 in full share of real estate of Si-on Cooper I0 Aprit 1857 Sg: Russell S. Porter

Same as above: received Len dollars and 90 cents of our share cf the real estate of 9ion cooper dec'd. 26 April 1855 Sale smith arrd Nancy smittr

pHENO|{ENON:l,1r Earle (nev. J.R. Earle of ShiIoh) relate'l arr interesting account of witnessing a strange and unexplained phenomenon. He said he was si+-ting on his verandah one very warm day in June when there was nc'* a cLoud t.o be seerr anywhere. His attention was suddenly attracted eastward by the rioise of a sharp and powerf ul explosion, equal to the heaviest thunde::. Immediately he noticed a smoke rise abcve the top of the lrees in the forest. It seemed to stand with perfect composure for a few seconds and ttrer; passed cff wir-h the current r:f ttre wj-nd, He;a:l he rattrer hastened to the s""ne of strange t.liings and on arrival found that vegetable rnatter off every kind in the *ak* of ttiis mysti--ricus;',.:nCer was scorched Lo a crisp and could be mashed into crumbl es unde:: ttre l ightest pressure. l{r EarI e expressed himself as never being able t-a account for Lhis abnormal phenomenon. The ::::l:: i1:::::: :::::i ::-TiI1',:i - HUNNICUTT--BRADY:Married on the 4th insl by Rev. W.P. HoIland, aL his residence, l'1r J.W. Hunnicut and Miss Ef f ie Brady, al l of this city (Anderson). The Peoples Advocate Issue 10 Sept I894 NEW PROJECT'S

Folks we neednew materialto get out on the areaof Old Pendleton. We needeveryone's help to get this going.

Sendto. Old PendletonChapter 247 CrossHill Road Easley,SC 29640-8857

ttfjn-marked t. Tohave a bookon Grave soit you know where someoneis buried andthey haveno tombstone,send it in. EXAMPLE: JohnSmith b. ca l8l0 NC d. 6 Feb 1842Pickens District, SC buriedMt CarmelBaptist, Pickens Co SC his wife: etc.

z rohaveabook on "GENEALOGIES OF OLD PENDLETON IISIRICL SOUTH CAROLINA l-2 PAGES on eachperson. Submit only typed copies.(Forthose that do not type any attorney'soffice will type this for you). This will be indexed.So get busy andget the materialsent in. This would makea wonderful genealogicaltool. No deadline for this at present.Will wait to seewhat the results are beforepresenting a dead-line.

3.This project ismy personal project: Collecting marriage records for Old Pendleton District, SC. I plan to put this in book form. SgLinda G cheek APRIL 1998MEETING A | ?i.Rrts old The April Meetingwill be 7:30pmTuesday 21st 1998at the Central/Clemsonbranch of the PickensCounty Library. Our Speakerwill be Lillie Blue from the World of Energy, tv^l*soet speakingon "The History of Lake Keowee." 6eorgi4

Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual $20.00 Associate$15.00 Family $25.00

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME 12 NO. 4 APRIL 1998 Published:January, February, March, April, May, June' September,October, Nqyqntlql

1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Robert G. Dodson ...... 864-859-20E1 VICE-PRESIDENT:James "Jim" B. Granger...... 864-246-1125 SECRETARY: Kenneth D. Morgan.... .864-654-9280 TREASURER: Margarette B. Swank...... 864-370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. Foster...... 864-882-8279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudy" Garner..... 864-8E2'6407 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith Merck...... 864-271-1353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... 864-654-32t3 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... 864-639-6387 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Linda G.Cheek,247 CrossHill Road, Easley,SC 29640-8857 E-Mail: [email protected] Pleasesend RENEWAL DUES. NEW MEMBERSHIP. LINAGE CHART. OUERIES. ADDRESS CHANGE AND OTHER INQUIRIES TO EDITOR: 247 CROSSHILL ROAD. EASLEY. SC 29640-8857.E-MAIL: [email protected] NOTICE Our StatePresident, Mike Becknell,visited with us at our last meeting.We really enjoyedhis presence and wish to thank him for taking an interestin the indiviual chapters.He is, to my knowledge,the first officer of the state to visit with us.

Dot Jackson,a member of Old Pendletonand writer for the EasleyProgress Newspaper, will be attending the April meetingto make picturesand to write an article on Old PendletonDistrict Chapter for the Easley Progress.

I have had great responseto the " Genealogiesof Old Pendleton"so this will be our proiect for 1998. Sendin your Genealogiesas soonas possible.At least2 or 3 familieseach--2 to 4 pageseach. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

Kevin C. Adams, 314 N. PopIar Street, Seneca, SC 29678 Ph: 864-882-8684 ADAMS, TALLEY, LITTLETON, WALDT.


Patr icia Banks, 896 North 9f 0 East, Orem, tlT 8409? PH: 801-226-1392 E-Mail: [email protected] BLACK, PILGRAM, BURKE, CASON, WATKINS, PRINCE, DAVIDSON, BI,ACKERBY, ROUITT, GOSS, CAMP, STEPHENS.

Roger Lee Belcher, 920 Rutgers Court, Allerr, TX ?5002 Ph: 972-390-9698 E-Mai l: [email protected] tsl:LCHER, BOSWELL, ADDINCTON, SPENCI.IR,MILLER, McKINNFIY, COMPTON, BRADLEY, POOLE, N ICOLL, BARTON, WILSON.

Evedene Bennett, 1525 Broadway St SW, Albany, OR 97321 Ph: 541-928-8501 BENNETT, LANGSTON,MILLS, NEWTON, JASpER, SANDERS.

Rosemary Bowie, 835 West Znd North Street, Morr.istown, TN 37814 Ph: 423-581-1258 E-Mail: KLBowie€usit.net TODD, McMAHAN, TAYLOR. LOFTIS.

Lana Broussand, 12603 Jarvis Road, Cypr.ess, TX 77429 Ph: 281-890-9387 E-Mai l: [email protected] CLAYTON, GARVIN, KIRKSEY.

Penelope Cans I er , PO Box 5182, Greenv i I t e, SC 29606 Ph: 864-242-5000 Ex. 269

Alice Snith Cox, PO Box 238, Fair Play, SC 29643 SMITtI, COX

H.R. Ilendrix, 100 N.E. Court St., Marion, SC 2957l-3010 Ph: 803_423-9730 HENDRIX. STAFF.ORD.

Tom llolrndahl, 46 Siwash Creek Road, Tonasket, WA 98855 PH: 509-486-4925 Fl-Mai I : holmdahl€televav.com SWAN. BROWN

Gai I Lewis, 31 1 Talbot Street, Ocens Ci ty, MD 2IB4Z Ph: 410-213-0325 TURNER, LOOPER, EDENS, MAYFIEI.D, BURNS.

J.E. Loveless, 2130 Sul Ross St., San .A.ng1elo,TX 76904 Ph: 915-949-4391 E-Mai I : JeIovel3QJuno.com LOVELESS, II{ANNING,REEVES, HANKS.

lloward Mi tchel I, 1239 Downer Dr. n Charleston, SC 29412-9306 Ph: 803-795-0682 E-Mai I : 104742,[email protected] MITCHBLL, BAILEY.

Marcy Monter, 1250 Baird Ave SE, Par.is, OH 44669 Ph: 330-862-2672 E-Mail : mmonterOmalone.edu DENNIS, ADAIR, KEE/KEY.

Sharon Peel, 8609 Cr 1103-8, Grandview, TX 76050 Ph: 254-854-2252 E-Mai I : Speel€htcoup.net HONBA/IIONEY.

Gina Pelfrey, 104 B Sunningdale Court, F)asley, SC 29642 Ph: 864-859_3603 MERCK, PELFREY, SWORDS,ROGERS, GAINES. O'SHEII,DS.

Rachet Whitaker Perkins, 1282 Ruhamah Road, Liberty, SC 2965? Ph: 864-843-6469 WILSON, RIiID, WHITAKER, HOLCOMBF:.

Dr. Kay Phillips, PO Box 43068, Loui:rville, KY 40253*0068 KAY, ROGBRS, WILLINCIIAM, DAVIS, ELLISON, DUCKWORTII,JOHNSON, CREENLEE, CAINES. Thomas E. Snith, 1915 Three Lakes Dr., Shelby, NC 28150 Ph: ?04-48?-14?3 SMITH, BROWN'ELLIOTT' MADDEN,WILLINGHAM' MERRITT.


Dorothy Hamilton Turner, 1049 Benn Higgins Rd.' Dahlonega' cA 30533-5265 Ph:706-864-0949 TUCKER, HYDE, HARBIN, HAMILTON' WOODRUFF' LINDSEY, SPARKS.


Donna H. Burg, 108 West Lynne Dr., Martinez, GA 3090? E-Mai l: BurgmeistrGAol . com Seeking info on families of Jack C. ELLBNBURGand Celia BUTLER. Also any information on John W. HEAD and Willian H. HEAD. Does anyone out there know where Crete SC is? John's death certificate listed him as a minister there' but he is buried at Bethel Baptist Church in Pickens' SC.

Barbara L. Eades, 3914 Alma Ave., Redding, CA 96002 Seeking info on Martha MILLER and husband John WILSON. A daughter Sarah WILSON married Thomas ORR. Do not know how many other children Martha MILLER and John WILSON had or nay names. Sarah Ann ORR I of 12 children of Thonas ORR and Sarah WILSON married Thomas Franklin RANKIN and lived in the Anderson Co.. SC area;

H.R. Hendrix, 100 N.E. Court St., Marion, SC 2957 1-3010 John T. HENDRIX b. 180? Pendelton District, SC married Catherine STAFFORDca 1830 Monroe Co., TN. They moved to Franklin Co., TN by 1845' Died Franklin Co., TN 1867. Who were his parents?

Howard Mitchell, 1239 Downer Dr., Charleston, SC 29412-9306 Searching for the parents of Joseph MITCHELL Sr. b. 1802 SC m. lst 25 Nov 1823 in Bibb Co., AL to Nancy OI{ENS b. 1805 SC. Joseph m- 2nd 8 July 1858 Bibb Co., AL to Ruth TUNE b. 1838 d. 1914. Joseph and Nancy had a daughter Mary Margaret MITCHELL b' 3 May 1831 Bibb Co., AL m. 10 Jan 1850 Bibb Co AL, Barnabas Turner BAILEY b. 18 May 1820 Pendelton District (Anderson) SC.

Vivian Carroll Parkman, 308 Riverbend Drive, Beech Islarrd' SC 29842 Ph: 803-827- 1539 E-Mai I: cpvpGAol. com I am looking for records of marriages performed by a Mr SHELDON--JusIice of Peace who I think was in the Oconee/Pickens areas of SC or could have been from the Anderson SC area--who performed the ceremony of my grandnother: Cora JAYNES to Winfield Tillman CARROLLon 19 Feb 1912. I only have her Bible record listing a ltlr Sheldon as the Justice of Peace and she listed her witnesses: Kedron Heller, Louis Heller, Rosa Lee HelIer' and Ben Simpson. The Hellers were relatives of my grandfather, Tillman CARROLL. Ben Simpson would have been the future husband of Rosa Lee Heller.

Was able to Iocate a marriage record of my great-grandfather W.C. "Babe" JAYNES and Mary E. BEARDEN through the marriages records performed by Rev. Andrew McGuffin.

AlIyne M. Poole, Rt ? Box 546' GiImer, TX ?5644 Need name of the father of Obedience "Biddy, Beedy, Beade" WOOD. She married James COGBURN/COCKBURN.They lived in Hall Co., GA. Moved to Forsyth Co., GA early 1830. Census lists her from SC.

Who was the father of Richard GAINES married Mary ?. Will probated 1832. Had sons named James and Ruben GAINES. John MULLINIX married Alsey GAINES. Who was her father? U 5 , Pende l ton. SC 2l_6?_q I have a couple mentioned in the Emmala Reed Journals (Anderson, SC 1865-6?) whom I cannot find anywhere. They are Junius ancl Anna JONES (with a foster son named Willie) and Emmala refers to them as "Aunt Anna" and "Urrclc Jurre." They are obviously adults when she writes about them in 1865, and mentions Uncle June's Civil War service. Anna JONES may havc beerr a HAMMONDbefort: marriage, and I have a feeling they lived over the border in Georgia, but I can't pin them down.

NOTICE: The Lusk Reunion will be held at Salem Cnmmunity Center , Salem, SC at l1:30am to 1:30pm. A Gravc Stone Dedi cat ion to Ilerrry Lusk at thc I.usk Family Cemetery Whitewater Fal ls Road Rt 135, Salem, SC lry the Sorrs of the American Revolutions at 2 pm. Atl taking place 23 May 1998.

BITS AND PIECE'S by Linda G. Cheek

ESTATE of RUSSELL CANNON: WiII of RusselI Canrron, Clerk of Court Pickens Co., SC Pack 99 Whereas Russell Cannon of Pendleton District, SC being but poorly'in heatth but of sound mind and memory, calling to mind the certany of deatli, and the uncertainty of life have appointed this my will and testament revoking ald disannullin all other will or wills before me made this only to be my Iast Will and Testament, in manner form following: First I commit nry soul to God who gave it' me and my body to be decently buried at the discl'etion of my Executors hereinafter named at funeral charging and all other wordly debts to be paid. I give and bequeath to my wifc Jr:an Cannon negro Simeon for her own proper use to dispose of as she sees proper', iind Iikcwisc Rose WiIIis and Kate during her natural life time, arrd at hrr dt'ct,ase, to be sold and equal ly divided amongst my lawf ul I heirs, and I ikt:wi:;c f ur trr;.'wi f c Je arr Cannon to have two head of horses, Ten head of Cattle her choice of my'stock at my decease, and likewise all my stock of hogs, I sharll posess at the time of my decease and Iikewise aII my personal property that I lrave not previous ly di sposed of to my chi ldrcn VIZ2 I gi ve arrd be<1ut'th to rny daughter Harriett Duke negro Ann to trer and theirs of hcr'body forever. All my other property either real or personal not disposed of at ny de<:ease to be sold and equally divided amongst my children. I appoint my wife Jean Cannorr and my son Elijah to act and soo the accomplislinent of tlris rIry last Will and Testament according to the true intent and mearring thereof. Dated 10 July 1824 Sg: Russell Cannon X wit: James llunter, Jamer; E. IIart,

Proven in Anderson District, SC I Herbert Hammond, Ordinary of Andersorr District hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true c()py of the last Will and Testament of Russell Cannon orr file irr my office and recorded in Will Book A page 296 and admitted to probate on oath of Jarues E. Hart on 6 Sept 1824 before John Harlis, Esq Ordirral'; irld ou same day qualified Eli jah Cannon as Executor. Dated l5 June 1855. Pi<:kens; Co, SC Equi ty Pack 99

State of South Carol ina, Pendleton District i Know al I merl lr3 thesc presents that I RusselI Cannon of said state and district do hereby give unto ury son Ransom Cannon a tract of land to be his own right and propert;,at mine and his mothers death. lying on the south side of Wolf Creek tlre waters of Twelve Mile River adj. Waggon Road, Iong Branch Bridgc, Berrsons line, containing ten acres. Datcd ? July L824 Sg: Russell Canriori X. Wit: Sheriff Haines X, James E. Ileard. Proven 28 Jan 1826 in Pendletcri District, SC Rec. 30 March 1827. Anderson District, SC by Eli jah Webb, Clr-.rk of Court of Common Pleas and Register of Mesncs Conveyance and by law keepcr of the Rer:oi'rls of Pendleton District recorded in Bk S ps 8t dated 25 June 1857. Equity, Pickens Co., SC Pack 99

Atrraham Duke artd his wif e llarrie I Duke and Rarrson Duke :;heuetlr that Russel I Cannon dec'd who at the t ime of hi s death was of ttrat por t ion of Pendleton District which has sinct: been laid off and established as Pickens District. who being the father of the said Harriet Duke was in his Iife time and at the time of his death owned a certain piece of land containing 300 acres lying on both sides of WoIf Creek and now adjoining lands of Willian Gilstrap, Mary IIaynes, Reese Bowen, G.W. Davenport and others. Russell Cannon died about the year 1824 leaving a will. IIis wife Jean Cannon has recently departed this life. His son Elijah Cannon left this State many years since. His heirs were his wife Jean Cannon and children: Ilarriet wife of Abraham Duke, Ranson Cannon, Elijah Cannon, Martha Cannorr who afterwards married William Brown, Willianr Cannorr, Carter Cannon, James Cannolt, Margaret Marchbanks wife of Cyrus Marchbanks and Judy or Judith Kendricks. Since RusselI Cannons death, Ransom Cantron has departed this Iifc leaving no children but leaving a wife Malinda who has since intermarried with Joseph Dolleson. William Cannon is also dead leaving childrenl Beniamin Cannon and Washingtorr Cannon and perhaps one or more ottier.s whose names al'e unknown. Cyrus Marchbanks the husband of Margaret Marshbanks tras also died. That_Kendricks husband of Judy or Judith Kendrick is also dead. Jean Cannon the widow of RusselI Cannon is also dead. RussclI Cannon bequeathed to Jean his wife, 3 negroes to wit: Rose, Willis, and Kate for and during the term of her natural I if e and at her death to be sold and divided amorlg her children. EIijah Cannon about the year 1844 did wrongfully sell one of the said rregroes a boy named WiIIis for $525.00. Joseph Dolleson and his wife Malinda reside in Georgia, Benjanin Cannon, Washington Cannon and the other heirs of Willian Cannon dec'd reside in I{ississippi' Carter Cannon resided i1 Texas, Margaret Marshbanks resides in Texas, James Cannon reside:; in Mississippi, Elijah Cannon and Martha Brown reside in Texas, Judy or Judith Kendrick resides without the linits of this State in parts unknowrr. Dated 17 March 185?. Equity, clerk of court, Pickens co., sc Pk 99

Gideon Roper swore: I live near Mrs Dukes, Andy a negro boy was four or five years old when he went there, which was near 8 years ago. It was worth $40.00 a year to provide f or and maintain him. I ktrew Kate her condi tion was bad' one fourth of her time she was helpless. She was taken care of and fed which was worth i40.00 also a year. I{annah was hired part of ttre time. She stayed at Mrs Dukes one year. During this time stre was sick f or 3 months. It was worth $2.00 a week to take care of her. Mrs Janc Cantrort l,tas at Mrs Dukes for 8 years, her condition was very bad. She was old and as helpless as a child most of the time. It was worth $400.00 a year to take care of her. Mrs Cannon was at El i jah Cannons bef ore she went to Mrs Dukes. [Ier condi t iorr at first was lot so bad as afterwards. Kate the rregro wolnan waij ortly sick at times. The boy Andy was worth his borad for the three or four lasI yeal's;. Kate when well would have hired for $4.00 permontlr. Hatrrialr $as sick about 3 months in the year. She ryas when f trl ly grown worth $40.00 il year. Mrs Cannon died 8 March 1855. Equity, Pickens Co., SC Pack 99

Elijah Cannon to Reese Bowen: I Elijah Cannon of Grayson County State of Texas have appointed Reese Bowen, Esq in the District of Pickens State of South Carolina my Iawful attorney to ask and recoyer my portion or share in the Estate of Russell Cannon dec'd of Pickens District, SC. The said Russell Cannon was my father and I am entitled to a distritrutive share of said Estate. My attorney is authorized to sell or dispose as he ma;" see f it. Dated 23 Dec 1858 Sg: Elijah Cannon Wit: S. Bostick' James Galloway. Proven by James H. Snith an acting Justice of the Peacc of Ct'ayson Co, TX 23 Dec 1B58. Benjamin W. Bradley, Clerk of the District Court of Grayson Co., TX do certify that James H. Smith is an acting Justice of the Peace fcr the County of Grayson 23 Dec 1858. Equity, Pickens Co., SC Pack 99

OBITT]ARY--MRS SARAH J. BRANYAN di ed at the residence of Wi I I iam Jol ly' in Pickens Distnict r on the 2nd u t, Mrs Sarah J. Branyan. consort of the late Thomas Branyan, of Abbeville D stlict aged 63 years. Stre had gone to visit her daughter, Mrs Jolly and wh le there experienccd arl attack of billious f ever . Anderson Gazt:t te I ssue I I Oct 1846 Died 30 March after 5 days illness of pneumonia Mrs Ann Stewart wife of John Stewart Sr of Anderson Dist., SC aged about sixty. Due West Telescope Issue 11 April 1856. The Christian Magazine of the South by Lowry Ware

Departed this life on the 29 March 1856 at her residence in Anderson, SC, Martha Snith, aged 80 years or upwards. A member of the Associated Reformed church at Concord during a period of some 45-50 years having united it is believed under the Ministry of Rev. Robert Irwin. Due West Telescope Issuel 11 Apr 1856 . The Chr i s t i an lt{agazine of the South by Lowry Ware

NORWOOD:Mr C.M. Norwood, a carpenter, who was working on the new stores on Granite Row was suddenly stricken with paralysis last Wednesday while at work. He was carried to his home where he lingered until yesterday afternoon when death came. He was taken to Honea Path for burial today. The Peoples Journal Issue: Sept 1894

HARRIS-WATT: Married at the residence of the brider on Sept 6th, by Rev. W.R.Earle, Mr James W. Harris and Mrs Eliza Watt, all of this county. The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894

PRESSELY: Judge B.C. Pressley, who was formerly a Judge of the first circut, died at his home in Summeryille, SC on the sth irrst. in the B0th years of his age. He was the author of Pressley's Law of Magistrates and was also a prominent member of the Baptist Church: The Peoples Advocate Issue: l0 Sept 1894.

KEY-WADE: Mr A.W. Kay of the firm of Kay and Baker was married in Baltimore last Thursday to Miss Cora Wade, who has been corrnected with the millinery depantment of Jones and Seybt for some time and who has many friends here. The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894.

MARTIN: Little Jessie Martin, the 11 years old daughter of Mr J.J. Martin, of Rock Mills' died last Thursday at her father's home something like an enlargement of the heart after an illness of several weeks and was buried the next day at Providence Church. The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894.

DUGAN-ACKER:Mr James P. Dugan, formerly with C.A. Reed of this city, was married on the 6th inst. to Miss Semer Acker, of Greenville County, a daughter of E.H. Acker, Rev. R.J. Williams officiating. The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894.

GARRISON-HUTCHINSON3Married on Wednesday evening, 5 Sept at the resident of the brides f ather by Rev. H.B. Fant, Mr Louie C. Garrison to l{iss E. Corrie Hutchison, oldest daughter of Mr James H. Hutchingson, all of this county. The Peoples Advocate Issue: 10 Sept 1894

JONES: The Methodist brethren especially and many others among our readers will regret to learn of the death of Rev. S.B. Jones DD, which took place in Spartanburg last Saturday morning. Many years ago he resided in this community and taught in the old Presbyterian Seminary under the presidency of the late Ebenezer Pressely DD, and at the time taught a private school for boys during the half day in the groye which then stood where Mr W, A. Watson now lives at which this writer was a pupil. His first wife was a daughter of Bishop Capers who then lived where Mr E.A. Bell now lives and his second wife, who survives him, was a Miss Power of Abbeville. The :::11::_iil:::::_:::::: _1 :_ ::::_1 ::I _ _ _ _ SHERIFF'S SALE: By a writ too me directed will be sold before the Court House in Pickens on the first Monday and Tuesday in Sept next I tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres whereson the defendant now lives adi. lands of Eli Shepherd and others, levied on as the property of E.D. Rutledge at the suit of 8.8., E.M. and T.J. Keith. Keowee Courier, Saturday 5 Sept 1857 con't on. snith Family compiled by: Linda G. snith cheek estate, by Abraham what appears to be the final auditing of Henry Smith's and John Smith adm. York co sc Minute Bk B--? Feb 1792' he moved from Aug:usta Henry snith lived in Mecklenburg co NC in 1?6? after Co VA after 1?64. Stephen of Frederick co 27 Sept 1?64 Henry Snith, farmer and Amelia to Adam June l?56 on South Fork of North 1?0 acres conveyed to Henry by Silas Hart I River of Shanandoe Augusta Co VA'

Issue of Henry and Amy/Eni Smith of York Co Sc as done bv Rev A. ABRAHAMSIf,ITH Baptised 2 oct 1?48 according to Baptismals Presbyterian jonn Craig of the Old Stone Church later called the Augusta d/o Joseph and church d. 31 May 1g0g union co sc (m. Ir{ary "Molley" Guytonl Hannah Whitaker GuYton prov 14 June 1806-- Will of Abraham Smith of Union District Sc 31 May 1806 To my son John Snith Being in a low state of health and weak of body etc' part of the tract where two hundred acres of land joining clanton land being Polly Hrrmphries I he now liveth and what ro.,.y he oweth ne. To ny daughter place whereon she will and bequeath one hundrld acres of land it being the she received of me now liveth also negro. To daughter Hannah Alexander negro girl' To my grand named Winneg. To my grand child Polly Alexander a negro Henry Smith the child Abrahnm Alexander my young mare or filly. To my son Ford one hundred old survey whereon he now liveth in York District at the including the acres also the land adj. to hin formely granted to Bridges pt"". granted to his grand father wheron Joseph Luck (Lusk) lived--negroes upon Thickety To my son Joseph Smith the remainder of that tract of land Creel formely called Stocketits land adi. below his brother John--negro' or I live on To my son Daniel Snith a part of the land whereon _adi. _to.that School beginning upon Youngs line' east side of the Creek, where Muipheys Sally house stood--upper Kelleys old field--Morgans Iand--negro. To daughter sister Snith negroes-llea--funiture and a proportionable to what her married remainder of has already received. To my well beloved wife Molly Snith the or my land whlreon I now live for her natural rite during her life To son widowhood, negros--to raise and educate my two youngest children. death lf,oses Smith the renainder of my land whereon I now live at his mothers of or marriage--negroes when he of fult age. executors to sell the remainder the my land *it. divided among my chi ldren as she thinks best and "tra my unnammed Merchantable product ready made to be equally divided amongst Smith children. Exors: wife Molley Smith and son Joseph Smith. Sg: Abraham Wills Vol 1 X. Wit: Nicholas Corry--H.n"y Good--Spencer Morgan. Union Co SC Bk A ps 2lO-211 of John 1 March 1809 Exors (Mary and Joseph Smith) of Abram Smith vs adm. said Abram Martin and others. Case deals with Abram Snith buying land--the did not Smith was an illeterate man and not skilled in the law and as such cincuit Equity know the difference between a Joint and Several Bond. western Journal, SC pg l8 (May be different Abram Snith)

Issue of Abraham and Mary "MoIIie" Guyton Smith 1830 York A-a. Henry Smith (need proof s/o Abraham) b. ? Aug 1??8 d. 28 June 13 Feb 18?4 Co SC m. 1804 Annie Jefferies b. I Dec l?85 Spartanburg Co SC d. york co SC d/o John Steen and Rachel Barnett Jefferies. J. !{ill---26 June_1830 pnov-JoFn--AEra[ii--Rachel tS AuE 1930 Wife--not named Issuba Morgan--Henry--Nathaniel--James B. Snith b. 2t Nov L822 d. 22 Dec 1868 York Co Sc n. Mary B. Snith b. IZ Jan L822 d. 16 Feb 1852 SC and had Charles H. Snith b. 4 March 1848 d. ZZ Nov 1869 SC--Nelly--Sarah and Cynthia. Exors: son Abraham Smith--David Snith Esq---James and William Jefferies. Wit! Samuel Wright--John Smith Jr and Sarah Barnet Suith. York co sc will Bk G pg 3s2 case 6 File Ls Henry Smith was a Rev Soldier Account No: Q-3-?3 State Pensioner.

Issue of Henry and Annie Jefferies Snith A-a-l. Abraham Jefferies Snith b. 15 March 1806 Spartanburg Co SC m. lgsg Marshall Co- MISS, Minerva Ann Coons b. 28 Jan 1842 in Waterford, MISS d. 15 May 1869 MISS

A-b. Joseph L. Snith

A-c. Daniel Smith b. 25 Sept l??g york co sc d. 10 July 1g31 m. Sarah Jefferies b. 1l Sept l?90 d. zo Dec 18?3 york co SC d,/o John Steen and Rachel Barnett Jefferies and had issue: Rachel Jefferies Snith b.3 April 1810 York Co SC d. 12 July 1895 Noxubee Co MISS m. Richard Wesley Featherstone b. 31 July 1821 York Co SC d. l2 July 1862 in Noxubee Co MISS and had Winfield Lewis Featherstone b. 12 Aug 185b Noxubee MISS d. 4 Dec 1937 Macon MISS m. Mary Ida Dillard.

A-d. Sarah "salIie" Smith b. 1?90 d. 1g40 n. Robert Foster b. 1785 vA d. 1845 Ninety Six District SC.

A-e. Moses Snith under age

A-h. John Snith lived on Thickety Creek

A-i. Mary "Polly" Smith m. Charles Hunphries of York Co SC who left a wiII proven 24 Oct 1837 in York Co Sc (naming his 2nd wife Elizabeth whose will proven was 20 April 1848 York Co SC with no children)--and issue! polly w/o Christopher Young--Sarah dec'd v/o Jared Young--Wm Humphries and dtr Mary--Abraham Smith Humphries--Patsey Gregory-*Elizabeth Johnson--Thomas Humphr i es--Char lot te Humphr i es

B. JOHN SMITH b. Feb 1748 Augusta (Botetourt) Co VA Baptised ZT Aprile 1?4g according to Baptismals as done by Rev John Craig of the old Stone Church, later called the Augusta Presbyterian Church, d. 31 Dec 1834 york Co SC in his 8?th year' m. Sarah Guyton b. 29 Oct 1?63 d. lT August 1800 in her g?th year (d/o Joseph and Hannah Whitaker Guyton) both buried fanily Cemetery near Snith Ford, York Co, SC.

25 July 1777 John Moore of Craven Co SC to John Snith, planter, of same for 56 acres part of a grant of 800 acres to Guyton Moore by Gov. Gabriel Johnston of NC 3 April 1752 then deemed in Anson Co NC on main Broad River which fell to John Moore, heir at law of Guytan Moore and a part conveyed to John Snith on the bank of River against an Island. Wit: Daniel Snith--Gideon Snith and James Steen. Craven Co SC Deeds pg f13-136

James Steen and wife Elenor of Berkley Co SC 6 Dec 1774 prov lZ July l?g6 to John Lindsay s/o Abraham Lindsay of the settlement of Enoree of County and province aforesaid for L300r 300 acres on south sideof Enoree River bounded on Wm Cannon--originally granted 19 Aug 1?69. Wit: Peter Brooks, Wm Moore and John Steen. Laurens Co SC Deed Bk A pS Zg4 6. To be con't GENEATOGYBIRDS submitted by: Margargtte.swank SAp SEEKER: This bird is aJtJiminea t6 trac6 his linage Tlii l,p.ouDCRESTI]D lack--of back to some imo"= historlcal figure, in spite of an overvrhelming He consistently craims des"oni tr'om Geo. Washington or QueenErLza- e.riclence. nest beth I, in spite of the fact that both of them died without issue. His is built of old rusted coats of arms that h.epicks up wherever he finds ih";;-;iaimlng them for his owrl. It is drafty and full of hol-es. NAIIECOLIECTOR(comrnonly known as the copycat bird): An ambi- T.I€ GII{LET-EYTD every tious fel-fow, he is most often found in l-iUraries, reading anq copying bit of informaiion having to do with the names of his lines. He accepts.and as truth everythf.tg rre-rinas. He does not bother to verify the infor- records con- t.iio". He is concerned' wiTn quantityr oot quarity' His nest is loosery charis and family group sheets, hel-d together by one Jtr""t"a"or-ora-fedigree gen'r,lest or two sl-ender threads of evidence. It is- alw:yi d.estroyed by the breeze of truth, feaving the bird homeless' WAILER: His song is fa-niriar to everyone-I can't'I can't' TIE ILAI\'D-WRINGING to He is-a very sad tirO a.,E tiresome to those who have to ]isten I can,t. anvthing aboutt him. He is aware of hi6 respo.rsibilities but is unwilling to do j-t. buiirei's irim. his rrrst few attempts were unsuccessful-, so iils ccnscience bird up ni" mind that traci-ng ancestors is an impossible task.This ;;,r;; hoping does not build a nest. He flies around.looking forlbrn and' unhaPPV, some other bird. will build it for him' and TilE 1,!DIEPATm ROA|RUI'INER:Thisbird wants to do everything by.himself , be doing the go al-l directions at once. He is aware that others might iries to already been done vrori,.but he cannot be bothered to pause to see what has sane often missing im- ..e runs madly hither and yoD, working oi-iir lines at once, Whenhe compi'les a reasonably good-- r;o.r.iantvr wb.. information because of his sfeed. I most of reccro and submits it to' the archives, he- generatly finds si.-e far,i1lr busy tO rl:e wori: has al5eaoy Deen done by someone else. He thi-rl-ks he is too burid a nest and is so intent upln i'ris task thai he never rests. This species is short l-ived., usilalll' succombing from exhaustion ' and Tl-iEBUCK-PASSING STALLER:Probably the mosi con'unonof birds, he is seen to heard everywh"r". He i-s a brothei to Hand I'iringing l'Jailer-it is hard distinguish Uetween their songs. If one"he l-istens c1osely, however'it becomes easy to hear this bird. singin[,"I don't have time. And anyway,cousin Gertrude is Aoing it."He tries to rik"-up for his lack of interest by keeping.busy in other *Iys. But no matter how m-a:ryother things he does, h€ can't quite excuse himself. So l-ike his close relative,he bores ine other birqs with his constant nest is of generally good construction, but it l-acks architectu- excuses. His -t,he ral quality because he his not uied 'l-l- material-s necessary for an eternal- dwel1ing. TrE RECORD-CLUTCHINGTIGHTWAD: This bird is unique among genealogy birds. He has snent ^ lifetime and many dollars collectirig a vast amount of genealogy' H' has i; his nossession priceless record.s.Errt this unfortunate bird is busy-guar' ing his rec^orOs so thai he can never fIy to thg heights.He is a very-lonely. bird.l{e does not have e song,but insteah a stridentiraucous call:"This is mine j'ou can get your or^rn!"His ndst is an impregnable fortress.Ornithologists fear tuhat this Uird is heading for self-destluction, because he will not come out cf his nest, nor l-et others in. Ti{E HAFJ-}EADED FACT FTNDER:This birc is a ca:-rtious'sl-ow-moving creature'His rarely heard so.rS is a soft,melodious, "Stud;,',search & pr?y."Hg- sings ^9n1y-1h91 he nai something-io-oi"other sing about,yet he is a gregarious iellovr.lie is often founcl ;;";t-f1;;k; bfrds but- is hard to laentiry because he looks so much like the rest of them. Thi-s bird must see for hinself & never goes on assump- tion or hearsaT.He is happy to share vrhat he has with all who.are interested' watcher: His nesi is laige & strongiy built to vrithstand the worst l"tpgst.Bird are . \$a *\'J (HaX a cl 6).: \) ;fr q)g .S Fs ;aEeq?ei sF v? rJeA br (> (h2- EE tg4 L :E,iEI EE rj*o is aF u l, hn \ q1 F' cn=o L \ {E€EAE !J_ a !J V r'\ E o.) r- \-./ ^ c U X 6) !1v,; *E U E! (L)CJtr a) .i

A;-:'6'E; vts SJ r; 7 ttl F hP o) A'-tV oF) 9+rts -Cg \) gE 'J: L.{ tr$ t- 8 H r\ X'= !2 tr,t) 7:a -A 9rlV bi Ff FI 27,4 cb0 E;€ E E ;i t< A +-I P >, r"i I 63 l< ,\ hnv \) L kL ,\) gl ^. ,J) .\) \J ;F;gE;5 ;F :s !- JT\ b c\ .S I o\J ao* gEEEH DA *A o) F) ET3T {T si v r'.'\ H.r \-) F v?'- o.l .J: ^) H ,: +j s( \J g; ) (a (.) .YX rJ R r\ 0) - (-) \) [;;*l !: Ei eF \JVti \-) FJ F= .h li rh s gg:EE '5n i== En v9v \) q.qtL)7)E raX FI (5 {EHeo, () !J' d t/^) .|-) | - 3€ \ frE N li$ (< ct X-f, v@

ti{ v I H tn- ,;i -l (1 a.=qE ?-) 51d E .q !EEc) =.9 F 6.= = d g'E C)() i^ "l'1 r il) E.q € :6 i tr -'TgOHL z3?; 9c) fF-. u) h, 'j U'H !€ 5& U 9 RoV +i !2 - Ei o'o E E d h? .3 6Ea ,s u)diE=-* =13 I lq (.) \ Pr -c:8 tvN .=-c cc";- i= =xq) d n. N V)e.A..Ad 'F \) -A tio tr )5..v\; f € Z 5,F F rt) E -=C,L ? 5 Hq ' I H E 8" E ;- A =C!A \3 o g .H \) \J e, &, 8. aE : orF FI g a $ ;S H H_ gD a \ r ; ; iHi jE E€ * EP':^=Lr i,; : 2 e FI E C) q) s Jj9* = Ft (h 2Lq9^!.v Li\- b; HE} tA'AV =d 9 ..rs\io\: (>, FhgHd - bo ,{ X .4p A

Itlarren@was born ea Please help to pr€serv+ a record of . F, lst SC the life aird seiviee of your ancestor ntfie* (0rrte). He dled ofdisease and relative, who fought ln the Civil at Rlchmond, VA. He was a bro' of War. If you have additional lnfor- ThomasWi1llam Fltzgeraldr who also mation about any of these Confederate served ln the Confederate Arnry. soldlers, you are urged to send lt to: Dr. Charles Ho Eusha Abram Fletcher came to Walhalla from l,LZ Sunmit Drive @ork on the construction Llberty, SC 29657 of the Blue Ridge Railroad. He was a Confederate soldier durlng the warr havlng served in Co" C, 2nd SC Rifles (Moorets Regiment)' Fltzeerald (first name unkryolm) f a Con- federabe veteran, was the recipient of a Clvll War Pension ln 19O2o

i!. D. (or H, T,) FIo was listed on rosters of OconeeCounty, SC.

James A. Floyd (1830-1903) served in Co. @fres (Moorers Regiment) ; he was woundedat Wills VaIIey, Tenn.

Andrew VJilson Ford was born tn 18411 ffill1lam Harrtson l'orct (1SI8-I877) and Mary' Martin Ford, and he dLed during the Civil War, having served ln Co. K, l+th SC Volunteers.

Wllliam Walker Ford (I8l+7-L932) was a ffiWilson Ford (see above). In L922 he was the reciplent of a Civil V{ar Pension. At that tlme, he resided in EasIeYr SC'

Jo E. Forrest enlisted in Co" B, )7th IFginia Cavalry on Jano lr 1863, at Plckens Court House on the Keoweq

Wade Forrester served in Co' F, 22nd SC William HendrickHolcombe @ (1847-1887) Captnln,lst SouthCnrollna Rllles Wll-Itam Hendrlck Holcombe was a son (0rr's Regimeni) of R. E. Holcomber foundnr of liasl-ey. ConfedereteStates ArmY COI,ITINIIEDON NNXT PAGE CoNFEDERATESoLDIERS OF PTCI(ENSDISTRICT, S. C. (Continued )

Ta{rdv.I'ortner served ln Fergusonf g P. A. Foster was sent to Artlllery the front end dled during the war. TTfrEfiiTa in t86t; he reslcled ln the Three and Twenty Conrnunl- vras a ty of PLckens Dlstrlct, S, C. member of Cr Rtfles; he was kllled at Ri.chmond,Vlrglnla. R. B. A. Foster (LBU6-L932'| served sc staCe-'iroop" Wtl].taln A.. Fortner (1839-1921) @ and was was dlscharged at Spartanburs. SC. ffirifi-ftcJuntrnurre rlusoanq oI Daran ylciJunl(Ln Fortner (1846-lg2}l, on Aprl1 9 r L865, ln I9o2, iie wae ana ne served the recl-pient of a Ctvtl pen- ln Coo H' 2nd SC Rlf1es. Wir He and slon. At that tlne, he hls wlfe were burled at pleasant residbd ln the Marl etta/Dacusvllle 8r€Bc Grove Baptlst Church in pickens Co. James Forlrlaln was born WllllgJn T. Fortner (Could thls man about 1843, De tne same as the above soldler?) @son L, F'ouniafn-i6-.' ca 1812), He dled at Rlchrnond.-VA. Zlgn Fortner (1841l'-1909) whlle servJ-ng Ln Co. F, tst SC E. served Rlfles (Orrf ln f'ergusonrs Artill€ryr s). His wife was ltary and he Abbott Fountaln. survived the war. He wds marled twlce; one wlfe was Laura (?) and Coleman CarIyIe Fowler was. born ea the second wlfe was llallnda ( ? ) Hp was buried at Cedar " ro"il" (b. Rock Baptlst ea L77b) . He served " Church ln Plckens County, S. C: in Co. C, 2nd SC Rlf1es (Moorets) and died of dlsease at Rlchmond, ner (flrst nameunknown); ln f888 Vlrglnia" al Fortner was Davld S. F,ow]er served the reelplent of a Clvt1 War in Co. K, l2th- survtved the iai.- wldowrs pensl_on, She reslded in @e the Table Rock Communlty. Gegrge W. Foy^rler (1846-I9IL) served Holbert Foriune served @C Volunteers: hts in Co. H, 2ncl wlfe was Mary C. F'owler (tS5Z- @.A:- 1904). They were buried in NevlIIe Cemetery (OconeeCounty, S. C"). Colurnbus_I,afgvette Foster (1848-1929) nfff..J-t"' -TiltT'iffi-TTrrL. D. Fowler was killed in battle at wes e son of Robert Foster,-brrried Jr" and Alzera in vtrglnia while Foster. He was carrylng hls ln Westminster East View Cemeiery. reglmentts colors. He was a member.o.f,Co, C, 2nd SC RtfIes (Moorets). EdIr.{ served in Co. D, Z?,nd uu volunteers.I'osger He resl_dedin John Fox (1836-f916) served OconeeCounty ln 19151 but hls name in Co. was not on the Clvil War penslon C, 5th Tennessee Cavalryl he was roll at that tlme. burl-ed at Falrvlew Methodtst Ch. Ln Oconee Countyr iouth Carollna. Joe Fogter (1846-1940) reslded E. on Wl1llam Frqdf| was one of the two a t'arm ln the Peter r s Creek area of men eastern wlth the same neme who served in Piekens Dlstrict. He was pickens a memberof Co. the Confederate Arnry from 81 ,7tn Battallon Dtst. Vlrglnla Cavalry ind was wouhded Thls one was a member of Co. C, 4th SC Cavalry; he survlved the at I,lberty MiIIs. After the war, he becamea well-known mlnlster of Clvtl War" the gospel and conducted numerous Wllllam weddlnge and funerals. Fradv, tbe second man wlth this same name, was kllled at John Foster recelved Gettysburg, PA, I{e servecl in Co" a Clvl1 War G, Lzth SC Penslon ln 1899 in Infantry, ln whleh he QconeeCounty. was e prLvate. Contt on Peters Creek Baptist Church Submitted by: Nancy Flesch

Rebecca Wiltiams dead Mary Freeman dead Jincy Howard dbr Elizabeth Hunt Sarah Barton dbl Matilda Langfor dbr Mary Hester dbr Mariam RoPer dbr Moriah a black woman rec'd Sep 1848) Nancy Pritchet dbl Lucinda Fortner dbr Elander Corban db] Mahala Robinson dead died Oct 6 1856 Mary Kelley dead Mary Jane PhiIIiPs Tamson Compton dbl Mary M. ComPton dbl Stucy HerveY dbr Hannah Hendrick (joined Feb 1852) Sarah Hendrick dbI Elia Hughs (now MedIin dec'd?) Nancy FuIler dbl (Feb 1853 recrd APr 1852) Caroline Fortner dbr Elander Corban El-izabeth W_iams (doesn't look like Williams) Nancy Singleton exc luded Jane Griffin Rachel Trotter dbr (Jul Mary _ley rbI 1854) now dead Berniccesa Cantriel rbl (Mar 1Bs6) dbr Caroline Chapma rbI Marium Looper returned on Ietter Ann Lin rbe Gracy Jones rbe Martha Robinson? rbe Adeline Jones dbl Elvira Robinson dbl Evaline Hunt dbr Elisers a black woman Heneritta Hood rbl (Jun 1860) Nancy Hughes dbl Ann Brown? rbl (Aug 1-860)dbr (Jun 1865) Mary ,Jane 'Jones rbe (Sep 1863) Susan Hunt rbe (Sep 1863 Adaline Jones rbl (oct 1859 & 63) Catherine C. Singleton by experience EIvira? Looper rbl Lewrany? Smith rb1 Margaret Looper rbI (Frances) Singleton rbl (1st name might be read on microfi Im) Jane Skelton rbe (Sep 1864) Nancy a black woman rectd by exp. (Sep 1864)

(Then follows a page of church Acts and Resorutions)

(Note: spelling and capitalization as written. )

13 Jan L821 church met in conference 1st opened her doors for the reception of members in to her body ,Jesse Alton came forward and joined by letter. 2nd rnquired for felrowship arl was peace an brotherly Iove appointed Bro. .leremiah Whitmire clerk of church

10 Feb IB21 church met in conference lst opened doors for the reception of members none came forward. .4th choose Bro. Henrv Tompson moderator.

10 Mar 182"7 Margaret Findley was rec'd by letter & Marqaret & susan Morqan

12 May lB21 Peggy a black woman came forward and was rec'd by ret.ter Bro. James Hitt our deacon .chose Rev. Altin Robinson for our supply. took up the case of brother Jesse Alton for mis? he could not give satisfaction on acount of contradictinq himself for which he was excl_uded.

21 Oct 1821 Leatha & Susannah Turner came forward

B Nov IB21 Sarah Hitt came forward and was rec'd by experience Mary Hitt was rbl

B Dec 7821 Henry Tompson dismised by letter

B Jan 1,828 Jesse Alton came forward and made open and humble confession of his former conduct it appeared to give satisfaction the church restored him to fellowship.

8 Mar L828 Gray Barker, Mary Barker, sarah Barker and Arby?? lllilliams arI came forward and was rbl.

10 May 1.828

To be contt l::rltltt.tilflt.lF'lJl.lEFrAl.- lltlt'lE Submitted by: Judy Ballard

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To be conrt Compiled and Submitted by: CarI Ellison


,fohn Beaty,Sr. Wife: not named.Sons: William Beaty,.lohn Beaty. Jr.. Samuel W. Beatv. I)auglrters:Margaret Beaty. Mary McCarley.Exors: bro William Beaty.bro-l'hornas Beatv. son SanruelW. Beaty.Wits: Thomas Reid. William Beaty. Sr.. Thomas Beaty. Date: l9.lan. 1816. Probate:30Sept. 1816.Bk.Ap. 199.Roll 51. AndersonCo.SC

Elisha Bennett,Sr. Wife: not named.Sons: John Bennett, Archibald Bennett. Stephen Bennett. Adanr Bennett.Daughter: Jinny BennettProperty to be "equallydivided amongthe rest of my' children."Exors: William Majer,son Archibald Bennett. Wits: James Majar. John Vandiver. Robert Brorvn.Date: l7 Sept.1833. Probate: 3l Oct.1833. Bk. A p.493,Roll 18.Anderson Co. SC

William Bennett.Wife: Abegal.Bennett Sons: Cooper Bennett. Hardeman Bennett. Daughter: Delilah.lohnson.Other heirs: James M. Posey.Exors: William McGreger. Wits: Beniamin Dicksorr. JeremiahD. Gee.Samuel Gee. Date: l9 Nov. 1826.Probate: 4 Dec.1826. Bk. A. p.341,Roll 45. AndersonCo. SC.

David L. Boyd. Wife: not named.Sons: none named. Daughters: Amey Boyd."Collect off of UriahBeaton bought two hundredDollars the purchase of a tractof landsold un Union Districtand 'I'homas getmy daughterAmey to makea title untosaid Beaton bought." Exors: friend. Townsend andwife ElizabethBoyd. Wits: J.C. Griffin, Major Wilbanks.Reuben Cason. Date: I I July 1825. Probate:I August 1825. Bk. A p.306,Roll 73. AndersonCo, SC.

AlexanderBoyse. Wife: Jane.Sons: William Boyse.Marlen McClan Boyse.Alexander Boyse. GeorgeBoyse. Thompson Boyse (youngest son). Daughters: Jane Boyse McCluskey. Agness Boyse. [-andLocation: Flunicane Creek, Beaverdam Creek. Exors: John Cocluan, and son, William Boyse. Date:I 4 Jan.1806. Probate 3 Feb 1806.Bk. A p. 69, Roll 49. AndersonCo. SC.

BenjaminBrimer Wife: RebeccaBrimer. Sons: not mentioned.Daughters: not mentioned.Other I leirs:Jerry Brimer, Nancy Maus, Betty Leonard, Cathy Gaber. Rebecca Brimer the child of Samuel Brimer. William Brimer,Polly Henry.Jr., James Brimer, William Leonard.Exors: not named. Witnesses:LL. Brock.Jonathan Watson. Date: l3 June1803. Probate: 30 Sept.1803. Bk. A p.38. Roll 53.Anderson Co, SC.

Willibought Broughton. Wife: JoannaBroughton. Sons: not mentioned.Daughters: Catherine I{alkam(oldest), Winfred Davis (youngest). Other Heirs: Frederick Johnson sil, Elijah Smith(step son),Jeffee Broughton's heirs, Job Broughton.Exors: wife JoannaBroughton. Frederick Johnson. JamesGan'in. Witnesses: Thomas Garvin, JamesGarvin. Date: 28 Oct. | 804.Probate: 5 Nov. 1804. Bk. A p. 55,Roll 74.Anderson Co, SC.

David Brown. Wife: JeanBrown. Sons:John Brown, Jol;ephBrown. Daughters:Jean Brown. ElizabethBrown. Exors: wife, JeanBrown, brother, Joseph Brown. Witnesses: John Reid, William WILL ABSTRACTSOF ANDERSONCO., SC. 1789..T839

Brice.William Reid. Date: 7 June1796. Probate:26 June 1797. Source: Bk. C p. I14, Roll 37. Rec. 26 June1797,roll3T.Anderson Co, SC.

JosephBrown. Wife: Mary Brown. Sons:David Brown.James Brown. William Brou'n.Hugh Brown. JosephBrown. GeorgeBrown. Daughters:Fanny Brown w/o Moses Lister, Margaret Brown.rv/o BenjaminStaritte, Violet Brown w/o William Reed,Elizabeth Brown w/o JamesReese. Mary Brown w/o JamesDufI, JaneBrown w/o John Hall. GranddaughterMary Brown d/o Joseph Brown. "l have been at great expensein the educationof my son George Brown." Land: Plantation...whereonI now live...onBroadmouth Creek,..in Pendleton District...400 acres... 40 acres ib southfork of BroadmouthCreek."Exors: sons Hugh Brown and David Brown. RobertTelford. Wits:Aaron Broyles, Benjamin Bowen, James Harkins. Date: l7 Jan 1810.Probate: not given. Bk. A p 167,Roll 77.Anderson Co, SC.

Sarah Brown. Widow. Sons:Joseph Brown, Andrew I. Brown.Daughters: Ann Brown Hughes. SarahBrown Hughes,dil SarahBrown w/o Andrew I. Brown. gd. Ann Brown, d/o Andrew I. Brown. Exors:John Hughes.Wits: John McWhorter,Benjamin Hughes. Date:20 Feb. 1821. Probate:6 April I 821. Bk. A p. 261, Roll 19.Anderson Co, SC.

SpencerBrown. Wife: CatherineBrown. Sons: Robert M..Brown. Daughters: none named. Childrennot namedbut he left propertyto "my childrenat thedeath of my wife." Exors:not named. Wits: RichardT. Hardin.William Gurt,John C. Aderhold.Date: Aug. 1830.Probate: 4 April 1832. Bk.A p.428,Roll 14.Anderson Co, SC

William Brown. Wife: HannahBrown. Sonsnot mentioned.Daughters: not mentioned.Other F{eirs:Will Brown sonof AlexanderBrown. Exors: Wife, HannahBrown. Witnesses: John Reeves. AbrahamCremin, Benjamin Busybee, Jacob Fannin. Date:31 Aug 1792.Probate:24 Jan. 1797. Source:Bk. C p. 103,Roll 41, Rec.24 Jan.l797.Anderson Co, SC.

James Bruce, Sr. Wife: Mary Bruce. No children mentioned.Exors: StephenAdams, William Bruce.Wits: JohnPopham, Gabriel Sisk. Date: 13 February.1818. Probate: 10 Feb. 1819.Bk. A p. 233,Roll 59. AndersonCo, SC.

John Bruster, Sr. Wife: not mentioned.Sons: William Bruster,Hugh Bruster,John Bruster,Jr., Sheriff Bruster,James Bruster (dec'd), Henry Bruster(dec'd). Daughters: Jenny Gray, PeggyCamp. Betsy Flinneken.Other Heirs: gs. John Dunlap Brusteryoungest s/o SamuelBruster, gd Harriett Bruster."children of my son SamuelBruster, dec'd." "Peggy Bruster w/o o f SamuelBruster." Exors: son William Bruster,friend William On. Wits: AlexanderMoorhead, James Moorhead, Jonathan Smith.Date: I June1813. Probate: 4 March1816. Bk, A p. 189.Anderson Co, SC.(Original not in the ProbateFiles).


CHILDREN Name: RACI{EL G, ROPER Born: Sepember21,l82E Name: REBECCAROPER Born: lE32 Died: 1892 in: EASTLAND CO. TX. Spouse:DAVID LEWIS Name: ANNA MADISON ROPER Born: lE34 Died: lE60 in: PICKENSCO. S.C. Spouse:ABRAHAM B. SATTERFIELD Name: JESSIEE. ROPER Born: January17, 1835 Died: August27,1903 Spouses:L.A ROPE& SUSANROPER Name: REV. SAfVIUELROPER Born: April27,1837 in: SOUTH CAROLINA Died: IEET in: DAWSON CO. GA Spouse:LOUISA CHARLOTTECASSELL


Name: AI\4OSROPER Born: 1846 Married: December31, 1868 Spouse:MARY E, KEITH

Name: MARY OBEDIENCE ROPER Born: lE48 Name: VASIIIROPER Born: lE53 Manied: July 26, 1875 in: AT HOME Spouse:JOEL R. JONES

PreparcdBv:Elaine Gray 591 Gray Road Canton, GA 3011 4 Conrt on Lewis Redmond Submitted by: Jerry Hughes


could and Amos Ladd said, 'I surrender.' I said nothing and turned over to set my pistol from under my pillow and saw that Hendricks had run around behind me and had my pistol within a few inches of my head. Several of them jumped upon me at once and held me down and pinned my arms and then they t.urned me over on my bacl< and Earton and Gary tied my wrists close together. It was all done in a moment but when l-hey jumped on me I thought to myself, 'if there were only two of you, how quick I could turn you under.' It I had done SO, however, they would have riddled me with buckshot and balIs so I thought I would wait. "Nhen they were tying me they used a small st.rong rope and they pulled mighty lrard on it. I had a 'rising' on one wrist and they hurt me prettt badlyi they broke the rising ' and cured it - 'Here is the rent nou.r. he said , laughi ng - But if they had torn my arm off I would.n't have said a word. t^JhenI was tied, Bai-ton asked me if I was Major Redmond? I said yes I le sai.d. "res, G-d d--n you, you are theman who uranted io !(iIl me.' I replied, 'I have not wanted Lo kiII -you; I could easily have done so if I had wanted.' "i1e ordered me to get up, but pulled so hai-d on the end of the rope he had me tied urith that I couldn't get up. It is no easy thins to rise when you are on you back with your hands tied. I tried to do so, but couldn't get up guick enought to please him and t.hen he kicked at fil€, his boot grazing my side I If he had kict eO me squarely he would have hurt me. Though f don't tlrink he could have hurt me much, that night, whatever he did, but that hlas enough. I felt Iike I ws as strong as three men, and sprang up I don't know how. "f kept quiet, however, and Ehey held me and Barton ran his hand into my pocket and took out my pocketbook. I had one hundr ad and eishty-six dollarc . He asl(ed me if it was mine. I eaid. "/es, put it bacl< in my poctr's housr:- I Non'L Lell his name buL whrrn I noL there the soles of mv stoclling uterE ctJL Lo Piecee bv ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICKENS COUNIY / HUGHES t7

the ice and the legs were clinging around my ankles. "I knocked and he let me in, and I told him those'hell fired devils'had captured me and my driver and r intended to take him away from them. He gave m€ a hat and coat and shoes and a gun and ammunition. I then went back to the road, which I knew they would have to travel, and waited for them. I heard them gettins ready to start with Amos and aII were talking and shouting together. They had captured a hish strung black mare of mine, and when they hitched her to the wagon to start one of them whipped her, and she b.gan to kick things to pieces generallx. "Barton was anxious to Set away, so Amos told me afterwards, and stood by t^lith his gun aiming at every noise he heard in Lhe bushes. They got started finally; the bay mare did all Lhe puling, as the black mare Nas mad; and I heard them coming up the road. Amos was crying: he uJas nothing but. a boy, then. and f can't teII you hor,rI feIt.. "I just deemed to sxelL, I felt so big, but I couldn't help from crying myself. I kneurmy oun wagon by the black 'rnare, which I could see against the snohJbank. Their's was a one-horse concern and was in front, and just as soon as it came within reach I levelled my gun and fired! I heard some one holler. 'Run! runl run! ' and heard Barton s:ty, 't^Jhat's the matt,er?' I thought to myself. you wait a minute and I wiII show you what's the matter. Then €ome one in the fo*emost wagon fired at me two or three times and they aII feII out of the wagon, and as t.hey ran up the snow bank into the bushes I f ired again. My gun Nas loaded r^rith buckshot, and then I heard some one groaning and I thought, 'I have got meat this time.' I shot six more times, but the banks were so high that I overshot them and didn't geL anybody. "one of them, Charley t^,llrite. had caught a shot in his riiigh, and as Amos. wlro Nas Lirerr do,itine behind Ehe barrele, told me afterwards, tr ied his be::i t.o aer- under ()r into Amoo 'L) for prot-cct ion. Amos toIJ irim ;ei otrt and Lake hie Old PendletonDatabase Project by: Herman Geschwind

Hereis goodnews for memberswith Internetaccounts [CompuServe, Prodiry, or otherInternet Service Providers]: A GEDCOM file of the Old PendletonDatabase is nowavailable for downloadat thefollowing address: http ://www.web4free. com/loope r/OldPend.zip

Dependingon your connectspeed and network congestion,the FTP [InternetFile TransferProtocol] downloadshould take around30 minutes. If the network is congestedand FTP indicatesthat the downloadwill take longer than 30 minutes,cancel and try again at a different time.

The file is compressedas a standardZlP file and requiresPKLJNZIP.EXE or a similar unZipper. If you do not have PKUNZIP searchthe Internetfor a sharewarecopy and instructionson how to usePKUNZIP.

Systemrequirements. The Old PendletonDatabase by now is a big file. The compressedFEB07.ZlP is slightly larger than 5 megabytes.30 megabytesof free hard disk spacewill be requiredto Unzip or extractthe GEDCOM from the compressedfile. To import all of it into Family Origins or a similar GEDCOM compatibleprogram requires an additional 70 to 90 megabytesof - free hard disk space.[Once the GEDCOM import succeeds,theZIP file and the GEDCOM can be deleted but ample free disk spaccis a mustl. A Pentiumclass system will be a big help but evenwith that, the GEDCOM import into a genealogyprogram can take anlu'here from as lirtle as'onehour to as long as severalhours, so be patient,there is a lot of information to be processed.Note: All this appliesto PC compatiblecomputers only, we cannotassure that this servicewill work for Maclntosh users.

As we receiveadditions and updates to the DatabaseProject. nerv versions rvill be postedto the aboveWEB site on a monthly basrs,usually around the lOth of a month.

Membcrs who are subscribersto America On Line [AOL]will continueto receivetheir monthly updatesas a file attachmentto an Email message.If you are an AOL subscriberand would prefer to receivea copy via AOL, pleasepost a messagoto my attentionat: [email protected],and you will be addedto the distribution list.

As of February'1998, the Old PendletonDatabase now containsinformation on 150,000individuals and 51,000 families with roots in the Old Pendletonarea, principally PickensCounty, but Oconee,Greenville and AndersonCounties are also coveredto someextent.

To recapwhat the Databaseis and is not, hereis a brief summary:For individualsthe Databasewill show namesand datesand placeswhere born, married and died and buned. Therewill be links to spouses,children, parents and siblings. Many family lines are reasonablycomplete and will cover many generationsand decades.To conservespace, we cannotinclude source citations and lengthy text files.

The data for the file camefrom membercontributions and many other sources.While we do our best to assureprogram consistencyand integrity, we cannot verift the information submittedto us by others. For that reasonthe Databaseshould be viewed as a researchtool and readyreference and as a guideto further researchand genealogicalproof.

This is very much of an ungoingproject and as new informationbecomes available, not only will individual and family records be added,but information containedin existing recordsmay change. So, as new versionsare posted, the old version should be deletedand the new one usedfor reference.

Additions and correctionsare alwaysmost welcomeand shouldbe addressedto: [email protected] files are preferredbut Email messagesor text files are also welcome. This is a giant puzzleand every little bit helps! Our sincerethanks to all the memberswho contributedto the project. ---l

MAY 1998MEETING A I li.Nets old The May Meetingwill be 7:30pmTuesday 19th 1998at the Rickman Library, Faith Clayton Room, Southern er WesleyanUniversity. Located on Hwy 93 at Central, SC. This is a work sessionto help Anne Sheriff, Curator, 6eorgi4 file material and seewhat the Clavton Room has to offer.

l Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual $20.00 Associate$15.00 Family $25.00

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME 12 NO. 5 MAY 1998 Published:January, February, March, April, May, June, September,October, November

1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT RobertG. Dodson ...... 864-859-2081 VICE-PRESIDENT: James'6Jim" B. Granger...... E-Mail:JBGranger@,Aol.com...... 864-246-1125 SECRETARY: Kenneth D. Morgan.... .864-654-9280 TREASURER: Margarette B. Swank...... 864-370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. Foster...... 864-882-8279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudy" Garner..... 864-882-6407 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith Merck...... E-Mail: [email protected]...... 864-271-1353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... 864-654-3283 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... 864-639-63E7 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Linda G. Cheek.. E-Mail: [email protected] Pleasesend RENEWAL DUES. NEW MEMBERSHIP,LINAGE CHART, OUERIES. ADDRESSCHANGE AN R: 247CR HILL ROAD. EASLEY,SC 29640-8857. E-MAIL: [email protected] NOTICE

I have had great responseto the " Genealogiesof Old Pendleton."Send in your Genealogiesas soonas possible.At least2 or 3 familieseach--2 to 4 pageseach. Deadline 30 September1998.

Also material is coming in on un-marked gravesand cemeteriesthat have not beenmarked. So if you know where your ancestorsare buried without markers,or a cemeterythat did not make the cemetery books,please send this to me. We will try to compiletwo booksin 1998or early 1999.

We havea new bookin our BookList, MountainGrove Baptist Church., Pickens Co.,SC. WELCOMENEW MEMBERS

Connie BarcIay, 262I B. Garnet Ave., Mesa, LZ 85204 Ph: 602-545-8346 E-Mai l: [email protected]. com MORGAN,THOMAS

Betty Gillespie Barker, 114 hlartindale Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29681 Ph: 864*963-5048 BOGGS, FENDLEY, KNOX, CRAIG, cILLESPIE, PITTS, WHITMIRE.

Tempe T. Berggren, 13895 SW Rock Cr. Rd., Sheridan, OR 97378-9?35 Ph: 503-843-24O7 E-Mail: [email protected] HILL, SAMMONS,WILLIAMS, RICE, T,{YLOR, McCAIN , McAL I STER, GREEN.

Peggy Looper Clardy, 47 Briarglen Place, Greenville, SC 29615 Ph: 864-242-5496 Fl-Mai l: PegClardyGAol. com LOOPER, MANSELL, TROTTER, PERRY. BROWN.

James W. Collins,3320 Louis I)rive, Plano, TX 75023 Ph: 972-509-6661 E-Mail: [email protected] COX, MAYFIELD, DENTON, FRAZIER, LAIRD. SALTER.

Peter M. Dowds, Jr., 11112 N. Ann Arbor Aye., Oklahoma City, OK ?3f62 Ph: 405-721-2660 E-Mai I: pmdowds€Aol.<:om KEYS, LEltlIS, MOORHEAD,DUNN.

Shirley Evans, 2 Compo Verde Circle, San Pablo, CA 94806-3669 Ph: 510-236-4149 E-Mai l: SAEVANS4€juno.com WILLIAMS, EVANS, ROW(E), F'RAZIER. MICKENS. TIEATH.

Joy Herron, Rt I Box 7, Glendora, lr{S 38928 Ph: 601-375-8524 WII,LIS, GILI,ESPIE, CAMERON,BI.ACKBURN. HERRON.

Sonja Alexander Hoffman, 409 Hall Drive, Winnsboro, TX ?5494-2417 Ph:903-342-6832 E-lt{ai l: Son [email protected] cAINES, GARVIN, CLAYTON, CHANDLBR, WI LKERSON, ALEXANDI'II, ARKI.]BAUER, PEREBOOM, BRAKENHOFF, ECKHOFF.

Dennis Earle Skel ton, 151 Enoch Lane, St. George, SC 29477-8619 Ph: 843-563-2532 U-Mai I : LSKELTON€i nf oave. net SKELTON, II{ARTIN, LYNCH, WINCHESTER, CANTRIILL, HOWARD,WILSON, WAGERS, BANKS, MASTERS, McJUNKIN, ASHLEY, CARY.

Dorothy Dilt Wainwright, 25315 Cottage Hill Lane, Spring, TX TT373 Ph: 2Bl-355-1692 E-Mail: DI.llVGl4GAol.com FIELDS, BUSBY, McILWAIN, DILL.


Tempe T, Berss_t€nr 13895 Sl{_Beck_Q. Rd.r*Sheridan, OR 9?378-9?35 Ph: 503-843-2407 E-Mai I : TennpeBl205OAol. com

I am interested in the Henry P. HILL listed on the 1B80 census for Central, SC--the younges t son, Herber t , was my grandf ather . My grandmother It[inni e or Minna Lee SAMMONSmarrir:d Herbert HILL in 1904 and lived in Greenville, SC; her brother, Tom, lived in Pickens Co SC and was a Jailer, I believe- married Eula WILLIAIT'ISin 1902. On my husband's maternal side: RICE (may be decended from Henry RICE who lived in the area atrout mid-1700's and son Daniel may have been born there). Daniel's son Lewis is probably the Lewis RICE who is my husband's ggrandfather, born in TN 1?9?, trut I need to find the appropriate link.

I am deseended from TAYLOR and McCAIN on my Dad's side, McALISTER and GREEN on my Mother's side--all settled very early in the area. Need help.

J_ShrLDj I t_qrd, 51z__U_ic_kqry _B_dS.W,-,__-Bs_gsslq.9_rj-_ AL_35q23 Ph: 205-424-5390 Need info on Rebecca BOWEN,d/a Willian BOIIIEN.Rebecca was b, 180? and in 1826 m. a DILLARD. I would Iike to know his first name and who his Dad was? This DILLARD died around 1844-1850. Rebecca and ? DILLARD'S children were in the 1850 census: Rebecca 43, lt{ary J. 24, B.F, 2O, Elizabeth A. 15' Robert H.12, llartha F. 9, Catherine H. 6. The H in Robert H. Dillard could be Robent Harrison DILLA,RD or Robert Harris DILLARD. lt,L. Reese. PO Box 1688. Vero Beach. FL 32961-1688 Ph: 561-56?-3308 Cal I Col lect E-Mai I : MLREESEIOAoI. com Looking for information on a Jeptha REESE who ioined the Confederate army 1864 in Pickens District, SF age 24. Married a Hiss V. WILSON about the same time. He is reported buried in the Salem Baptist Church Cemetery in 1902. Any help would be appreciated. llost of ny information came from old newspaper clippings.

J. Paul Woodard. 220 Chatuea Drive. Ft t{orth. TX 76123-'1605 E-Mai l: woood.ardpGswbel l.net Need info on the folloring: Ben HOLDERb. in Pendleton District, SC in 1825. I think he married Malinda FURGUSONand both are apparently buried in the Secona Baptist Church Ceneter according to the cenetery survey printed by Old Pendleton Chapter. I am trying to confirm that Ben and Malinda had a daughter that married George McDuf f ie THOIIIPSON,soon af ter the Civi I War. I found the family located at Clayton Mill on the 1860 census. He is 36' Efeline 28, Rebecca 2, and Anna It{. 1. I know that he was a Baptist Preacher and that he served several Churches in the Pickens Area.

In l8?0 George THOITIPSONand Sallie are listed in their own household with a one year old son, Harrison. In an excert from the Keowee Courier the couple had lost a 15 month old son born about 1866. My grandfather' Harrison' was less than seven when his mother died after giving birth to a daughter born 10 April 18?5. The children were too young to remember their mothers name. Thus, I arn looking for a Sallie or Sarah that married George M. THOIIIPSON about 1865. Anyone that can hlep ne rill be most appreciated.

THANK YOU: I spoke rith the Old Pendleton District Chapter of the SC Genealogical Society back in the winter of 199? about conducting a survey for a class at Clemson University. I sent out 200 questionnaires to selected folks from the nembership list. I have completed my research and my paPer from the results. I would like to thank you all for your help, the former President, Dr Willian Whitten, for his permission to do this research, and all the members rho responded to my questionnaire. I was pleased to see so many of the 200 sent back completed. This made my project easier. Also I would like to thank the respondents who noticed my typing error on the second page and figured out what I really meant. Thank You: Karen DilIard, Senior, Parks, Recreation and Tourisn Managementr Clemson University.

BITS AND PIECE'S by Linda G. Cheek

ESTATE SALE: there will be sold at the late residence of William Boggs deceased on Twelve Mile River on Thursday the 3rd day of December next a portion of the personal estate of the said deceased. Keowee Courier Saturday 7 Nov 185?

DIED: Died in the Village of Pendleton SC on the 18th inst. in the 26th year of his ag€r ltr John C. Ackley, a native of Hartford, Connecticutr but for several years past a resident of Rochester, NY, leaving: a wife and one child to nourn their irreparable loss. Greenville Mountaineer Issue: 26 ltiay 1843.

ROBERTSON:South Carolina Pickens Distnict, Whereas Willian Alexander hath made application to me for letters of adm of the residue of the estate of Thonas Robertson late of this district, deceased. These therefore are to cite and adnonish alI and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear at Pickens Court House in the court of Ordinary to be holden on the thind Monday of the Instant to show cause if any you can why the said adm. should not be granted 5 Aug 1835. Ss: James H. Dendy Janes Robertson account curnent with the estate of Thomas Robertson dec'd. 5 Oct 1835: To 1 note of hand on James Robertson that is myself for three hundned dollars dated 16 oct 1830 payable the 16 oct 1832 To I note on Jesse McKinny for sixty four dollars payable the 25 Dec 1831, BorrowedbyWiIliamAlexanderTwentydollarS-inoldmanslifetime. I certify on oath I have taken the above is a just account of what is due to the estate of Thomas Robertson dec'd 5 Oct 1835. Sgt James Robertson Pickens SC Probate Court Box 6 No 68

DILLARD BIBLE: No dates or front cover! Harris P. Dillard b. 10 May 1836\?--Hattie A. Dillard b. 16 Jan 1859--Balaus S. Dillard b. 15 Dec 1861--Willie Lee Dillard b. 20 Sept 1866--Sarah B. Dillard b. 23 May 1868--ilary ltlartha Dillard b. 6 Sept l8?O--Thomas Lawrence b. l8 Oct l87z--John Hanilton b.1? Nov 18?5--Sarah A. Dillard b. 25 Sept 1844--Balus T. Dillard b. 4 Sept 1839--and another place states: Sarah A. Dillard b. Zs Sept 1845 and Balus T. Dillard b. 4 Sept 1839

DEATHS: Bailus Smith Dillard b. 22 Feb 1864 son of Harris and Margaret Dillard aged 3 years 2 months and ? days--Sarah A. Dillard d. 6 July l8?5 Thornrell Dillard b. 14 Nov 1892--llany Ovilene Dillard b. 1 May 1894--Jessie Eugene Dillard b. 2 Aug 1895--willie Jones Dillard b. 1 oct l89?--Cornell Dillard b. I Aug 1900

MARRIAGES: Thomas A. Dillard n. 5 Feb 1869 ?----PIeasant Harison Di I lard m. 4 l{arch 1858 ? does not say to whom.

T.A. Dillard aged 85 well known railroad man and intimate friend of Capt Phil tcRae died at his hime in Chisholm, Sunday afternood after arl illness of four days--Mr Dillard was born in Pendleton District, SC 5 Oct 1839 an

OLMR| South Carolina Pickens District By James H. Dendy, Ordinary. Whereas Edward Hughs hath applied to me for letters of adm on the goods, chattels and credits of Jilson Oliver late of Pickens District deceased. These therefore are to cite all singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Count House on Monday the 9 March to shew cause if any why this said adj. should not be granted. Dated 2 March 1835 Sg: James H. Dendy

This day we the undersigned having met in the Ordianry Office and on a review of the matter of controversy in regard to the personal estate for Gilson Oliver dec'd and have agreed and do hereby bind ourselves to perform as follows: I Edward Hughs adm. of said estate do hereby bind myself to deliver up to Sarah Oliver, Widow of said Gilson Oliver her note of hand payable to him as adm for nineteen dollars 92/100 and I Sarah Oliver widow as aforesaid do hereby bind myself ny heirs to take said note in full satisfaction for all claims I demand in respect to the personal estate fo my deceased husband' Gilson Oliver. Dated 4 Oct 1835 Sg: Edward Hughs, Sarah Oliver X. Wit: Thomas Collins. Pickens Co Probate Court Box 6 No 6?.

BIBLE-JOSEPH EATON-I82? H. & E. Phinney's Stereotype Edition, Cooperstown NY BIRTHS: Joseph.C. Eaton b. 1 March 1804: Jane Mariah Eaton b. 1 April 1805: Joseph Samuel Hamilton Eaton b. l0 Aug 1829! Mary Ann Berniece Eaton b. 13 April 18323 Easther Jane Eaton b. 3 Jan 18343 Lucinda Catharine Eaton b. 7 Nov 1835: Enily caroline Eaton b. 25 oct 183?l Lucina oustellr Eaton b. 16 March 1839: Eapbrign Zeries Eaton b. 19 June 1841: Joseph John Eaton b. 27 June 1843: Eaton b. Sept 1845: Alether Jew? Eaton b. 4 Sept 1847: Eaton b. 1848: Roswell G. Eaton b. 24 Oct 1852: - Eaton b. 1854

MARRIAGES: Joseph C. Eaton and Jane Mariah Robinson m. 24 July 1828--Wn H. NeIson and Amanda C. Eaton m. ? Dec 1852--Edward C. Welborn and Esther,A,. Eaton m. 2I Feby 1854--John S.T. Ritchey and Lucinda T. Eaton m. 17 June 1855

DEATHS: Joseph Samuel Harrison Eaton d. 1 May 1830--William Silas Eaton d. 30 March 183?--Mary Ann Berniece Eaton d. 5 April 1837--Emily Carolirre Eaton d. 14 June 1838--Es ther Jane Caniel Welborn d. 1 .{ug 1855---Eaton d. 11 March ?--Enily Carolina Eaton ?--Jarre Moriah Eaton d. 22 March 1874--Joseph Carrol Eaton d. ? April 1877--Alletha [,owuise Davis d/o J.C. Eaton d. 22 April 1875--Roswell G. Eaton d. 17 Dec 1894 Submi tted by Robert Mi I ler--.Atlarrta, GA. Bible in Clayton Room, Central, SC.

STEGALL-MONTGOMERY:Pet i t ion for rel i ef as Guardian: Wi 1 l iam M. Stegal I vs John T. Montgomery and others: Personally appeared R.E. Holcombe and Spencer StegalI before me and being duly sworrr says on oath that they are personally acquainted with the Petitioner and that R.E. Holcombe was at the sale of the property of Thomas Montgomery dec'd th..t at said sale he bought a negro womar) f or the sum of twelve hundred an.l eighty dol lars that said negro was sold by him to Mrs Montgomery who was administratrix of the Estate of said Thomas Montgomery dec'd and she because payer to the estate and sub.squently the said Mary A. Montgomery was appointed guardian for her two minor children, John T. and Mary E. and settled her administratrix by turning over to hcrself as Guardian the amount due her said children and that upon her marriage with William M. Stegall the letters of Guardianstrip granted to her were revoked and Letters granted to the said William M. Stegall.

That the Guardianship of Mrs Montgomery was settled irr the same way by s iurply crcdi t ing hersel f wi th the amount and charging ttre same by Wi I I iam M. Stegall in his return as so much recd from Mary A. former Guardian where in fact not one dollar in money was ever paidr applicants futher say that there were four other negroes sold at the said sale of Thomas lt{ontgomery dec'd estate which also went into the hands of the therein administratrix and they is fully satisfied from their krrowledge of the affaris of said estate that at lcast three fourths of the said estate was negroes but by the widow which wer'e Iost to t:r by emancipation. Dated 4 Oct 1869 Sg: R.E. IIoIcombe, Spen<--erStegall. Wit: J.Il. Hagood

Mary A. Stegall formerly Montgomery guardian made rr-'turn 16 Aug 1866.

Mary A. Stegall, John T. and Mary E. Montgomery and R.E. Holcombe- notice that WiIIiam M. StegalI Guardian for John T. and Mary E. Montgomery has filed tris petition praying to be allowed tc resign his said guardianship and has nomminated J.D.A. Couch as a suitab!e person to become the guardian of said mirrors and also praying that an account ma) be had between himself and liis said wards. Ilated 23 Sept 1869. Pickens Co SC Probate Court Box 5 No 90

BIBLE-SMITH 1826: William Earl Smith b. 16 .Ian 1895: John McCay Snith b. 29 Oct 1859i Margaret Eniily Elvira Smith b. 22 Oct 1861: NOTE: Emily Smith was the grandmothcr of of Mrs Bertha Maw.

BIRLE-John Nelson SMITH 1829: Jackson M. Snith b. 16 Nov 1B1l: John N. Surith b. 15 Oct 1836: Ira L. Smith b. 2 Jan 1838: Gideon Ashley Snith b. 14 Nov 1839: A.mbrose It. Smi th b. 4 Aug lB47: Ti lman Sni th b. 15 Dec 18422 William J. Smith and Thomas P. Smith b. 6 Jan 1846: Submi t ted by: Rer tha Maw (Mrs Alvin)


vvvrrlc (Pickens), | O.on"n - l,| SC I Jun 1752 13 Nov 1832 lMarr 27 Dec 1884 , OconeeCounty, SC John ---Henru ROSS. Sr. i Died 12 Sep 1909 I , OconeeCounty, SC lBorn 1804 i Lc.*'i'lt: Greenville'SC htarv E-lmgluaDlsg-N r tlvlarf z3 l\ov l6zu loi"a tz Jul1878 L,*.-r." *o* ], Oconee County, SC Born26 Jul 1828 i Abraharn HUDSeN GreenvilleDistrict, SC 1' - , I Lunsford HUDSON | 1729 6 Jan 1806 Died29 Sep 1903 I [u,;,-;22M"r 1768 lgrr.U.O5a"en_ , OconeeCounty, SC I - Lr're[secaaqeLq tIUDq.oN ]Y"': j? l"-b !727 1747 7 Feb1827 Died14 Sep 1856 BornZg Jan lg06 Thomas PAAKS Greenville,Greenville, SC Amelia pARKS 3l May 1750 27 Dec 1831 Died15 Jun l88l ,oconee county, SC fi,"Jjif:r,1J3J *#s6u Charles Beaty LEE '24 John BEAIY. Sr. Born Oct 1896 Wi[ia4 SamuelBEATY d 1816 , OconeeCounty, SC Died 27 Dec 1847 Marr 23 Aug7924 Elzab€th -_ Osceola,,MO John Weslev BFAfi Died2Mar 1972 lBorn 6 Oct i8t t WestUnion, Oconee, SC l, PendletonDistrict, SC t44! 31 1833 Spouse,Dollie Edna BRISSEY lMarr Mar Born 1775 AndersonCounty, SC l, Died ? d. 21 Mar 1753 C. BEATY )Died 26 Nov 1890 Born 23 Jan 1842 l, OconeeCounty, SC , PendletonDistrict, SC 1 Marr circa1864 I , AndersonCounty, SC I Died28 Jun 1894 lMcry f-BQll4E , OconeeCounty, SC Born14 Apr 1813 Abbeville,, SC n:. I c n^- 1QO? Died20 Jan l84l Oconee County, SC lr're,g"..rr. qEAty- ] , Born 3l Jul 1866 | Henry BURTOI{ , AndersonCounty, SC - I Blackman BURTON _ I 17 Jan 1733 Aus 1822 Died18 Oct 1915 | Born 15 Oct1779 lAnnellApl _ , OconeeCounty. SC I Peseqr-EllBreN y."'T99.M":;996 l'red / Marr6+d I Born2l Feb1807 Hugh SAXON ]-Gf-. lJaneYancvAAXON---1u.*r-a-roMpsolt- 126Nov1754-19Feb1805 I 6 Mar 1866 lDied Born 16 Jan1786 I Died23 Aus 1867 LLuelnda H.FIBIQN -lI Born 28 Apr 1840 , PendletonDistrict, SC I treem.rn WILES Died28 Jun 1910 I r-- , OconeeCounty, SC

CharlesAlan Lee, Ph.D. Born 1818 2 RosebayDrive [email protected] ,,sc Greenville,SC 29615-4436 Diedcirca 1894 (864)987-0093 Teleohone (864)987-0094 FAX and Submitted bY: JerrY Hughes Con't on Lewis Redmond Compiled


'I share,' and he replied, havo got mv share already.' ,,They t,ook Amos into their midst and drove of f rapidly. I hadn't got Amos oUt Y€t, so as they drove on f ran on dotln the fence by their side until they got to tlre next house, Mr Pepper'S which was not far off, and then I heard them holler 'whoa, and call for old man Pepper. Mr Pepper started to bring out a lisht, but Barton ordered him not to bring it there. I was sLanding a few feet from him in the darkness watching for a chance to rescue Amos, but could not tell him from the others. He had untied himself in the wagon, however, while we were fighting and suddenly I heard some one holler, 'He's gone! he's gone!' and then several shots were fired; but I kneur he had got off safelv. ,,I then thousht I would rush in and cut the trqces and recaprure my horses, but thought they misht hit fll€, so I stood stitl- They all went into the house, and I urent off and whistled for Amos. who came to me and told me I had wounded Barton-and ifendricl"ls. lJe tlenL back together Lo watch the house, and I looked through Lhe tuindow and saw them all sittins before the fire- I could have killed Barton or any of Lhem, they were noL Len fael from me; but I wouldn't shooL any one down in another man's house. "The next morning I saw them again in Lhe road in the one horse waqtonand wanted to shoot JamiEon, but Amos begged me not to do it and I wouldn'tl PresenLl;' the others came aldng and Gary was riding on my horse by lhe side of Dr Earle who had been attending the wounded- IL made me mad to see him on my horse, after all that- had happened, but I would not shoot at him for fear of tlounding Earle, who was between u€. Garv had gotten him to ride bv him- At last I saw Earle 90 a little ahead, and I saw n'/ chance and fired and hit him. Earle helped him bacl< ot1 trr'/horse and then I never Eaw men i-tln so in mY lif c. ,,i thou.ghL I uroulcl stop them :jo t ;hr;i: my own horse ; he ','.titri commc:nci-1(CeLagqer inS. but lre bJas qalne artri goinq. and I ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICI(ENS COUNTY / HUGIIES 1'l

followed on after them as fast as they and I could run. They crossed a creek and stopped and Gary hollered back to 'Come m€ , over here and I wi 1l ki I1 you . ' I had on.ly one pistol, but r started towards him. r had to cross the creek on a small log, and loaded as r went. Before r could set across they commenced running asain, and r called out Lo them to'wait and I would ki11 every one of them- That is the way you do, you steal all a man has and Lhen run!' "I then turned and went back- Gary had dropped his hat in the road, and I found ij: and tore it aII Lo pieces. He had my overcoat, a shaurl I had paid twenty-eight dollars for, and also my hat and boots and a fine dress coat. They gave the hat and boots and coaL to negroes living on the roadside. I heard of ir- and ga\,/e out the word thar, I would kill- them aIl if they didn'r- brinrl ti-rem back. ,he.,zbr.'-r,:lh-, 1-hem that same nisht , and I f ound Lhem hangr-ng on t-ne ,!agon the next morning - The revenue of f icers carried of f my shau.ri and o\,,ercoat and l

" I f ound rn)/ hot-se hJas not hurt- much so I ,loL on irirn anc rode down the tra(:k unr-.il I could eeL ouL, and rrent bacl.r t,t) ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICKENS COUNTY / HUGHES 20

them. My les was hurting very badly, so I called one of t'he boys to me and told him to catch hold and pull as hard as he could . He did so , and my leg sl ipped bacl< with a Pop which I thought could have been heard a hundred vards off - I did not say anvthing about it. "l,Je had no lisht except matches. and burned about f ive boxes of them in trying t.o find our way. Ne sot to Easlev Station that niSht, and some of the boys wanted to go on at 'No, once to Barton's house. I said, Iet us wait until day and go li ke men; I am no robber ol- horse thief and what I do, I propose to do bv davlisht. Thev go in like dogs, don't let us do Iike them!' "tle stayed at the station until davlisht and a man 'bird ' asl

To be Conrt Con'r on: Submitted by: Judy BAlIard r;:fil1It.tfitlhft-tjhfEF:nl._ lttlt'lE

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F-;.rths?r: l, tLl l-:r'lrf)tl l'l':rtltt:y : llmnra ftr crwil

lfYt?tllrIawtr' tl E'::tail!i€?dI trttrIetl ':rt l)atr11frl;r:rgl: t.lrq;. lSevi;r'ttcl11l,:. Ih!3t1yI ':rrt Nt-: ttrui. f-ir-rtly B'::'Itl I nql r BAgt I '1' r-Jrf'e'ttvlller [it: H; ;: r:.iita frnll irryarrtl tyl !;l:: l'lri. t-:(:'rrl': l,lan l-'tiurlml I tttt-'r Sl-: l'lrg. t4ary RAI 1c"'J;lY; F'lcl':Flrrit

l1t-t:crltvtt tttl Sl' !i,:rrtg-'t F:41;rlr n' l-:r:'l)rlt I'rtltl l,'. [':r;le, f:asleY'I Sl-: .Ir:,trtt l.:. l-:'.:'fl(!I f:'l':: l' t?fl:i I tit-:

ll;?5 I ti .Ir-rlI arr l.-:. " .lt-tte't SwaylrQllamtr ':'tteE r-cr ' Sl-: ll,:.r n: l'lay' l'7 , l'lt-r"l [J': I

-' l-:har I e:lt fitr I !]r-: l) [ e,:clt Ar-tqLts',t I .i:1 t':lg':l

t.li f o: 6r a,:P ll':rwavtl

f-1,:r: t-tltat i ':rtr! f r t-l'::lr l)r I ve'r

I athnv ! l enrttel h. litrayttrllr;rme l'l'::,their ! li:,:r:;ii1 l-:,;rr';'I g1y

uy sl-: lltrv J al : Ar i al tJ' l'l' r-:. 1 Easl 1

F'irs;t fltfer! llertha BaoweII

!1s2,;r;,111f l^l I f t: I Rr a': h ll'lwar tl

lt:trl f:lrartegt':'|tt $t.: t)ar.tqtlrt e-:r! Mro,. .',] Al1l1f{r'rl-|r':ttlt Breellvt J I et $r': llr,:rtlrel I F:r;,bt:rtA. Swayngltanrts'r

$ts''tnr!"! t,lf E. l'::'l1t?t-:"frtetl l'lr r;. l'lr Yt t e llar tregi t'lrs. lrrli: S. fl':rl':c'mtlGl

r.V'rl . I t pfl$e l.l:-ll 2A F:t]uthttluN F-tJNF.F;Al_.f-t(]l4r:

-',i:4)4:414:{14.'4x:4x:4t4:4}i:4:(.'(:,(xl4:,::4:{:/.:t,:4:4:(:4xx:(:4)i:4:4:4y:l/i14x}i:4:/,,r,:/.y.}:x:4x:(xx:4x:,(:4xx:4x:4 tli I I i"rm lJr':ryr':q?l-:r'11-1r';h fl:17::'6

* F-l'::rr11 | 7l-, year !; aq'l I:,i '] J:tt?trq Ltc!. r Stl l)iercl: f3e;rterntrc?r',:!(>sl':J7.-tr t-:ireelrvII Ie ll,::,sllItal

Slt;rer irttnrrcJerrt rf L.:amfrheJ.I t-.tmestcrne f r:,r 3,4 /Ec1rs. l'4enrber. rrf [,ft,r::'dme-rrt,::' f i.l':r I tl .

Father: [.J"rlte.r B. [:,]ru,::lr l'l':thr.:r ! l),::ra Day t"li f e: Ot.reer't t....1[J':'t,rre-'

!ir::rt't!i: F-ranJ,: fj-. l.-:r';,1-1r;['1, At I anta, liA j. $amrny t-:r-rttr:h r F r:.l:. t?it s I 5t-.:

Dalrehterr: l'1r$. F.:':rtrert E. B,:,wetr; Ficl

flr ':rthelrs: tlalter A. tl:r;i1.1'1f1, [-.i.bertyp St:: l,:.ei t lr E . l.-:r;11_1r;;[1, l-- I ber ty; St::

!3i. $t er s:: l'lr s. Janet l:.1r r , t_i ber t y r $rI: f'lrs;. ffalteir t-:lilsrtrat:r Easley, gjt-: l'lrs, l'1iltnrr t3i.ls;trapr E.r:iLey, St-: 'fravelers l,lr:;. t::liff':rrrJ l'h_rrlrhyp F.lestr $rl:

F-ttrri.-rL: l.les;tview r-:enretery, Fasley, S[:.

(V,::'l. il, []6c-lr.?3,4)


:l Submitted by: David Youngblood, 204 Marshall St., f'ort Mills SC 29715

A SundavAfternoon visit to Old Pickens

On Sunday, November 23, 1997 my parents, Clyde and Geneva HUNTER YOUNGBLOOD, and I traveled to the banks of the Keowee River to mark the grave of my father's great-grandparents. Samuel and Gracie Ann MARTIN YOUNGBLOOD had been buried besidethe Keowee since the 1870's and family tradition had kept the information alive - but the graveswere not marked very well.

Samuel and his first wife Martha had traveled from the Edgefield District around 1810to a farm on Four Mile Creek where the creek intersectsthe KeoweeRiver. At the point where the river makesa huge curre called Big Bend or Hughes Bend, they farmed and raisedfour children.

In 1828, the new town of Pickens was established across the river from the Youngblood farm. We know it today as Old Pickens. The town was located near the center of the PickensDistrict. our current Oconeeand Pickens Counties. The town grew to perhaps 1,600people and was the center of area activitiesin the years just before the Civil War. The town newspaper,the Keowee Courier, heralded the news of insurrection and the victory at Fort Sumter, but shut down soon afterward becauseof the War.

Martha died in the early 1840'sand Samuelmarried his next door neighbor, Gracie Ann MARTIN and thev had six children.

In 1868 the town moved. Housesand storeswere moved brick by brick and board by board - part to Pickens and part to Walhalla. All that remained was a brick church, someburying grounds,and a few memories.

Samueland Gracie are still there - buried near their home. They have more than 900 YOUNGBLOOD descendantsin the Pickens area. At least two and perhaps three times, descendantshave placed markers on their graves in loving memory.

The graveyard, containing perhaps 100 graves, is on a wooded knoll overlooking the Keowee River. An old roadbed circles the edge of the hill. Most of the graves are marked with fieldstonesand are slightty sunken. Several of graves have low rock walls to mark the edges. In the center of the graveyard there is a three-foot deep hole that is six feet long by six feet wide. Perhaps it is a massgnave.

Was there a church in this location? Who are the people? What are their stories? q)lil r3 El .t trl 'E 8l E .,4 v = - v u-J// J,/

ta a,


N elMtrrno{

.t) $ q) s. Jr t- c) ,$ !

;a AO) br T,' h*r s\-

\ $ $ $r N \5 Con't on Peter's Creek Baptist Church Submitted by: Nancy Flesch

Eady? a black woman came forward and was rec'd by letter 7 Jun IB2B Brothers Gray Barker & Brother 'JamesHitt Delegates t.o the next Associ at ion

3 Sep 1828 appointed Bro. Gray Barker & Brother Jeremiah Whitmire to invite Jesse Alton and Sister Mary Alton to our next meeting for lying of their ability of not attending church conference.

11 Oct 1828 Brother and Sister Alton came forward and gave satisfaction for his nonattendance to church meetinqs.

B Nov IB2B appointed Brother Jeremiah Whitmire and Brother Gray Barker delegates to the union meeting held at liberty meeting house

Brother Lacy Hunt a member of reedy river church came and laid in a charge against Brother Thomas Turner the charge laid in could not be decided on. We appointed Bros. Jeremiah Whitmire and ,Ioseph Robinson to go to Reedy River Church to invite some of their member to come and sit with us at our next meetinq.

13 Dec 1,828 took up the case of Lacy Hunt and Thomas Turner Brethren from ready river attended it was agreed on for brother Hunt and Brother turner to take a member from each church and go out and try and Settle the differance among them Selves (sic)

10 Jan 1829 Appointed Brother Joseph Robinson and brother Lewis Findly to cite Brother Elbert Haqood to our next meetinq.

Feb 7 1,829 took up the case of Brother Elbert^. Hagood, he failed to give satisfaction for intoxication for which he was excluded.

Mar 1 lB29 appointed Brother Joseph Robinson and Brother Gray Barker our deligates to bare our letter to Secony meeting house to form a new association.

May 9 t829 Martha Hitt, Wesley Freemon and Eleanor Freemon came forward and was received by letter. received Martha Hagooclunder our watch case. took Brother Joseph Robinsons gift under consideration unti.ll our next meeting 13 Jun L829 took up the case of Brother,Joseph Robinson and gave him full license to exercise hjs gift in the way he thought best either in tion or doctrine.

11 Jul IB29 Elizabeth Fendly came forward and was received by fetter. Appointed Brother Gray Barker and Brother James Hi-tt deligates to the association.

B Aug tB29 Clem Mitchel and Charity Mitchel came forward and was (sic) received by letter.

72 Sep IB29 appointed Brother Jeremiah Whitmire and Brother Abel LesIey to invite Brother Thomas Turner to our next meetinq.

10 oct lB29 Nancy Roberts came forward and was received b1' experience.

7 Nov IB29 Brother Thomas Turner and Sister Elizabeth Turner appJied for fetters of dismissal they were granted them.

9 Dec IB29 Susanah Hitt came forward and was rec'd by experience.

9 Jan 1830 excluded Thomas Turner for moving off in _ by not applyrng to the clerk for his letter of dismission which was qranted him last November conference. Appointed Brother James Hitt and Bro. Joseph Robinson to cite Bro. Wesley Freemon to our next meeting.

13 Feb 1830 took up the case of Bro. Wesley Freemon he fail t.o give satisfaction for intoxication for which he was excluded.

10 Apr 1830 Martha Hitt applied for letter of dismission it was granted her.

L2 Jun l-830 a motion was made for the ordination of Bro. Joseph Robinson it was unanimous consented to So we appoint our next meeting for his ordination. appointed Bro. Jeremiah Whitmire to invite Bro. Lemmonsand Bro. James Hitt to Secona for help for his ordination.

10 Jul 1-830

To be contt con't on SMITH FAMILY compi led by Linda sni th crreek

C. (Lt.) DANIEL SMITH died from wounds received at the Battle of Stono, fought 20 June 17?9--Daniel d. Aug 1779 at Old Barracks Hospital in Charleston SC. (a son John Snith)

D. IIENRY SMITH JR. b. 18 Aug 1759 Rockingham Co VA d. B Jan 1840 (??d. ts Aug 1830) m. lst Sally of York co SC who d. 180g n. 2nd Margaret Henning b. (age 44t 10 Feb 1819--Franklin Co Georgia Henry Smith a Rev Soldier from York District SC, mo'led from VA to SC. He was granted 2000 acres in Frankl in Co GA when the t r.eaty wi th ttre Indians was signed in 1790. He built his home in what is now Pleasant Hill 1/4 niles south of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. His f irst wife die

I ssue of John R. and El i zabeth Smi th Susanr Charles Pinkney, Thomas K. , Harvey R. , Hezekiah Wi lkersol, Mary, Hannah, Sal I ie, Martha, Francis., Nancy, .A.rtemecy, wi I I iam, James R.

Hezekiah Wilkerson Snith n. Margret Fulbright 18?1 arrd had issue: Wm Harrison 18?6, Elizabeth Lou, colonel, Georgia, General, Rose.

Harrison Smith m. Marietta Reed in 1897 and had issue: Ora, Maye, Arad, Frank, Hoyt, Noralee, Darby. The land containing the graveyard was given by Wi I I i am Smi th to the Pleasant Hi I I Chruch irr ttre 1B?0's. Wr.it ten by Ara6 Smith and Jack Smith. History of Franklin Co GA pc 529

Rev. Pension Henry Snith applied for his Pension Jan 1833 and stated that he was drafted in service in York District, SC" His brother. was fir.st Lt. un{er Captain Barnet from York. He was born lB Aug 1?59 in Ror:kingham Co Virginia and I ived irr York District SC since tlre Rev" hlr , rrrovr,r!i,u lrir; present resident 37 years since in Frankl in Co, (lA. Ap1;l i,,r! ! rr trr,arrklin Co GA ZS Feb lB53 by Margaret smith wife of Henry smittr;rge

Ilenry Smi th was a Rev War Pens ioner at the rate of ${}ti []er annum at the Ceorplia Agency at Savannah. She marr i ed Hcnry Smi ttr r-ln the l0 Feb 18lg in F-rankl irr Co GA by Adam Looney and her maiden name war; Malgaret Henning. That Ilenry Smith died B Jan 1840 in Franklin Co GA. Af f irl;rvi ts by John R. Smith, E.C- Smittr and John Thomas as proof of the death of sai

William Smith of Franklin Co GA to his f ather Flerrr.y Srurlh, power of attorney 5 Nov 1814, Sabra Smith signs as wife of William" Stre was formerly married to Joseph Nail. Wn and Sabra Nail m. 27 May 1814 Fr;rnkl in Co G.r\

Grandson of this Henry Snittr--from York Co SC to Gum l,og Creek in Franklin Co GA to Gordon Co GA: William T. Smith b. tZ June 186l d. I April 1934 buried Corinth Cemetery, Gordon Co GA wife Sarah Margaret Smith b. ZS Feb 1861 d. 14 June 1940 buried with husband.

Issue of Henry and Sally Snith:

D-a. John Smith D-b. Abraham Snith D-c. Rachel Smith m. Mn Morgan I. D-d. Henry Smith D-e. Nathaniel Snith D-f. James Sni th D-g. Nelly Snith D-h. Sarah Snith D-i. Cynthia Snith D-i. William Suith m- Sabra Nai I


F. WILLIAII SMITII n. Itdiss Carrol I b. Loudoun Co VA c. DAVID SMITH b. 1?61 Augusta Co VA (parents to NC in 1764) d. Feb 1806 union co SC m. ab. 1?83 SC Beersheba Harrington b. ab 1765 d. ? l{ill of John Harrington 12 Nov 1792 prov 16 Sept 1793 In a sick and low condition wife Fanny--children not named Exors: Friends David Smith my son-in-law and Nicholas Corry Wit; Abraham Guiton--Joseph Moorehead--Joseph Guyton--Drury Harrington--Union Co SC Will Bk A pg 14-16

WilI of David Snith Union District SC 1 Feb 1806 rec 25 Feb 1806 Being weak in body etc. Dearly beloved wife Beershaba during her life or widowhood. If she should marry then to retain the one third part of my land and moveable property--negro. Children to be raised and reasonable schooled out of her thirds with the use of negro Sam.

The other two thirds of land to be equally dividied between my two sons James and Henry Snith when Henry is of age also my well beloved daughters Fanny and Delilah the other two thirds of my moveable property to be equally divided between then as they come of age. Exor: wife and Young G. Harrington Union Co SC Wills Vol 1 Bk A Pg 209

Beershaba Harrington Snith married Znd Thomas Lusk whose lst wife was Susannah Davidson--Line of Kenneth Vance Snith, 24651 Evereve Circle Lake Forest, C,A 92630-3604

Issue of David and Beersheba Smith 1. General James Snith b. 1?84 SC moved to Lincoln Co TX in 1825 and to Rusk Co TX near the town of llenderson 2. Henry Snith when of age b. 1796 SC 3. Delilah Smith b. Dec 1?98 Spartanburg Co SC d. 1 Sept 1867 Rusk Co TX n. 1814 Andrew Hamilton b. 2 March l?94 Union District SC d. 18 Feb 1869 in Henderson, Rusk Co TX. They had 10 children. From Biography of Hanilton Family by Rusk co TX Historical society of Henderson TX. 4. Fanny Smith b. 1?98 Union Co SC d. 1875 TX m. ab. 1820 Lincoln Co TN william Moorhead b. 8 Dec 1?94 Union District SC d. 1875 TX s/o W I I iam and Agnes Guyton Gilkey Moorhead--they were in Lincoln Co TN in 1820 iving next door to her mother Bersheba Harrington Snith Lusk--they were in ll nds Co MI SS in 1830 . Issue: James Moorhead b. l82Z TN m. Eneline Snith--Almeda A. Moorhead b. 1823 n. 1846 Charles Weaton Elam--Wm W. Moorhead b. 4 May 1825 TN d. ? Mav 1895 Coryell Co TX m. 23 Dec 184? Susan Haley Evetts b. 1830 TX and had issue: David Snith Moorhead, Frances A. Moorhead, Mary Adeline Moorhead, Susan Amanda Moorhead, Ermine H. Moorhead, James H. Moorhead, J. Moorheadt Eniline ltloorhead, Celestia Moorhead, Lula J. Moorhead m. James Touchstonet John Moorhead--Mary Deliah Moorhead b. 1830 m. David Whiteside--Cansada Bersheba lt{oorhead b. 1832 m. T. S. Alf rod m. 2nd G.W. Baker--Nancy Carol ine --Martha lloorhead b. 1834--Merci America Moorhead b. 1836 Moorhead b. 1839.

To be Con't 8. 178k-87 censuE tto::th Carollna

Charnel Cort'tn 2 wm21-60;3 wmun 2]-e over 50; Jw females ]+blacks Haltfax co.1 Dist # I' Feb. 23' l7B5

Mathuel Corbin L wm21-50; Lwmun.2l &over60; fw females Halifax Co.1 Dist 2, F'eb. 11, 1786

WllllamCorbin 1wm 2:-.-6}t 3 wmun2l &ov.60;5w femal-es3 slaver hal if ax Co. I Di st . 2, F'eb. 11, 1785 1790 census North Oaro1lna Jno Oorben wtLkes Co., Morgan Dist. Esther Corben Pitt Co,e Newber,nDigt. Charnel Corbln Halifax Co. Matheul Corbtn i{alifax Co. Wl11lam Corbln Halifax Co.

wrLLrAMCORBAN (rt{,nN) 0F VA. A}{DN. C. stephon cor.banborn 1780 rntihtfax co,1 s. c. Dled 10-11+-1851ln Franklin Co.r Mlssr rr Marrled Rachel Htll cB. 1800 ln Tenn. ? She was brn 1?86 ln Sotrth Carollna and dted 1852 in l'ranklln Co.r Mtss. She was dau,ghter of Thomas H111 (atea 1819-20 ln Jefferson 6., Mlss.) and hls flnst wlfe, Jane Wells.

Thelr chlldren: Wi111am born 1802 ?enn. Marrled Eml1y Gulce

Marearet born 1803 rl ft Ellsha born 1805 Married ! times

Rosanna born 1805 tr Married Anderson garnes, Mlsr.

Robert borb 1Bo9 rr

Luc I nda born 1812 Miss. Married Ld.wandT. Anderson

Lydla born 1814 n l,{arrled John W. epears

Charnel born 1819 F i'{arried. Jane Stringen

Thonas E. bonn l-B22 n Marnied Catnerine C. I'ord

El i zabeth born 1824-30 I'larried twice

Stephen M. born 1828 l{iss llarried Susan i{aEee

This ls the faraily supposedly kin to Robert I'ulton _Smlth son of Janes Fredertck Jarnes-sm!-uirbr Pickens co. and wife 6h Ann Corbln, also of Pi ct

l.etterto llnrry il'|.l'hompsorl 'llre frrllorvingis a trarrscriptof a letterfoutrd in anenvelope ntarked, "l;ORSn FF. Ktll-i,l]'lN(l GRANI)-FATIIER'S ONLY [-F.]'T'ER WRITT'EN IN I9I5 N]"I'IIE,NGE OF 90 YEARS, HE DIED 3 YEARSI,AI-ER 'r I r I rOMPSON... |925

Aprif 7,19l5

llev, I I. M.'t'horrlps0ll

I slralllrave to clairrrkin. to ablerne to startnry lettercan't rvritetnttclt too lrervoushave to rvritervith petrcil. I arrrglad to knorv)'ott are trf irrgto save souls.64 yearsago l w'asordaittecl, 23'd of lastMarclr. I atetttt' 90'n hirrlttlav rlirrrrerllave l0living clrildrenby first,one by secottdwife Orrebeatrliftrl tlauglrter20 yearsold. itrst finishedher first schoolo[ 5 months for ,l75 dollars lavorsyortr tnother very nttlch My l0 childrenlrave 50 grarrdclrildrerr.perlraps arrcl not a cleficiencyin clrildrenor gratrclclriltlrerr tlrarrkthe f .ord.t'nv tlat' are are rttttttittg to a close.

sornerriglrt or lllortl. rn\'.jortrneylvil rttlr nor tio I carellottr'stltttt tttv ettrllesslif-e's hc"gttlt lhcn ( )' n'halbliss is tliatfirst sight u,ht'trpath arrtl pillorv flanrer,vitlr lighl

)'()ttfslt l lci''

Can anVonL. r:-xt)l,r: ,; i ii{:t }ettef i'? f f so wf ite to:

J. Paul Wood.].,ii or Frederick C. Ilolder 220 ChaLeau Dr 159 Dodd Farm Rci '7 tr'orf worth - TX 61 )4-4605 Seneca, SC 29612-9681 E-Mail : woodardptdswbell.net Howard M. Mitchell 1239 Downer Dr. Charleston.SC 29412 843 795-0682

April I l, 1998

I-indaG. Cheek 247 CrossHill Road Easley,SC 29640-8857


Pleasesee what you can do with this info. I'd be tickled pink to find a link to the pastof my G-G- GF. I'm a relativelynew member,and did sendin someinfo on this subjectwith my subscription. If thereis anyduplication or overlap,you'll know what to do. Thanksmuch, Uowar*-,o7rfugnfu|:/

QUBRY: Bottom Line. JosephMitchell, Sr. is my G-G-GF,and reportedly born in SC, 1802. Barnabas& Levi Baileymarried two of his daughters.I haverun into a brick wall in finding his ancestors"parents and beyond. I reason,that sincethe Baileyswho were born in AncersonCo., SC went to AL and marriedhis daughters,that the Bailey'sparents and the parentsof my G-G-GF musthave been acquainted there in AndersonCo.,SC. GEE, somehelp out therein findingthe parentsof my G-G-GF will be appreciated. Howard M. Mitchell,1239 Downer Dr., Charleston, SC 29412.(843) 795-0682

Descendantsof JosephMitchell, Sr.

I JoscphMilchcll, Sr. ltt02 - b: 180?in SouthCarolina . +Nancy Owcns 1805 - b: 1805in SoutlrCarolina m: Novcmbcr 25, ltl23 in Bibb Cty, AL- By Anscll Sawycr.JP. Bk A&B Pagc2l *2nd Wifc of JoscphMilchcll, Sr.: . rRulh Tunc ltt3tt - 1914 b: l83tt m: JulyOfl.ltt5tf in Bibb Cly.. AL.By Samucl Krout,JP.BkE.Pgl99

Dcscendantsof Barnabas Turncr Bailcy

I BarnabasTurncr Bailcy ltt20- 1911 b:Mav ltt. 1820inAnderson Co.. SC -Pcndleton Dist. . +MaryMargarct(Polly) Mitchcll lfl3l - 11t94 b:May03,ltl3l inBibb Cty.,AL m: January10, 1t150in BibbCo.. AL,

Descendantsof Levi Garrison Bailcy

I Lcvi GarrisonBailey 1823- 1900 b: March23, L823in AndersonCo., SC

+Dorey Sarah E. (Sallie) Milchcll 1829 - 1894 b: october12,1829 in Bibb cry., AL m: September03, 1846in Bibb Cty.. AL 50.

PICKENS DISTRICT SOUTH CAROLINA DEBD BOOK A*l Vol. I pages 1-300 year 1828-1831

Page 256-257 . ANANIS TILLISoN--ABNER CROSB'|' State of SC Pickens District, I Ananis Tillisort of state aforesaid. Whereas I the said Anania Tillison by a certain bond or obligation bearing date the 16 Sept 1828 stand firmly bound unto Abner Crosby of same for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three notes of hand lst due I Sept 1829 the 2nd for one hundred dollars due the l Sept 1830 the 3rd for olre hundred dollars due I Sept 1831 as in and by the said notes. I ^A.nanis in consideration of the said debt and sum of money for the better securing the paymen.t thereof to the said Abrrer Crosby a tract of land estimated on both sides of Chauga Creek granted to William Henson in the year 1813 containing one thousand acres known by Pitts Gunfactor-v bounded by larrd of John Reder, some from Shead and others dated 16 Sept 1828 Sg: Anania Tillison X. Wit: Wm Simpson, Candis Cain. Prov 4 Mar 1830 Rcc. I Mar 1830.

Page 257-258. ABNER CROSBY--ANA,NIASTILLISON St4te of SC Pickens District, I Abner Crosby of said district for the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars paid by Annanias Tillison a tract of land containing one thousand acres granted unto William Henson in the year of 1813 situated on both sides of Chauga Cho Creek waters of Toogalo River bounded by lands of Tompson Shead and others. Dated 15 Sept 1828 Sg: Abner Crosby Wi t: Wm Simpson, Canday Cain X. Prov. 4 March 1830 Rt:c. I March 1830

Page 258-259. SOLOITIONSMITH--JEREMIAH ELLICE. SC Pendleton District, I Solomon Surith of the said district for the sum of f ifty dollars paid by Jeremiatr Ellice of same a tract of land in Pendleton District on the North side of Wolf Crcek of Twelve lrlile Rivcr adj. Bensons line, containing twenty acres. 9 April 1807. Sg: Solomon Smith Wit: Lewis Gilstrap and John Snith. Prov 12 April 1815 Rec. l0 March 1830.

Page 259-260. LEVI MURPHREE--DANIELDURHAM. SC Pendleton Distnict, I Levi Murphree of the said district for the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars paid by Darriel Durham of sane alI that par(:el of lan

Page 260-261 . CHARLES DURHAM--D,A,NIELDURHAM. State of SC Pendleton District, I Charles Durtrau of said district for the sum of one hundred dollars paid by Daniel Durham of same all that tract of Iand lying on Wolf Creek containing one hurrdred acres. Dated 31 Dec 1827. Sg: Charles Durham X. Wit: Joel Moody, and John Mastin. Prov 18 July 1828 Rev. 10 March 1830.

Pase 261. PHILEMON PARTAIN--D.ANIEL DURHAM. SC Pendleton District, I Philemon Partain of said district for the sum of one hundred dollars paid by Daniel Durham of sane land being part of a tract of two thousand seven hundred and eighty two acres granted to said Ferdenand Hopkins the 2 Jam lTgZ on waters of Toxey Creck adi. Isaac Mitters corner, John Morton and Wesley Paterson. 12 Dcc 1818 Sg: Philemon Partain Wit: John Sargeant, Thomas Moore. Prov 5 April 1823 Rec. 10 Marctr t 830. To be Con' t Old PendletonDatabase Project by: Herman Geschwind Old PendletonDistrict Chapter Home Page One the Web: http ://www. geo c i t i es.co m/b o u rbon s t reet/del tal8 I 55 used Homeon theWorld WideWeb

In the April Newsletterwe reportedthat it is now possibleto download a GEDCOM file of the entire Old PendletonDatabase from an Intemet file server. Thanksto the help of Murray Looper we have madefurther progressand now the Old PendletonDistrict Chapterhas its own Home Pageon the World Wide Web. Here is the address: http://www.geocities.com/bou rbonstreet/delta/8 I 55

Hereis the goodnews about our homepage. The serviceis availableto the Chapterat no charge. A not insignificantconsideration since many commercialservices will chargearound $20 per month for sucha service. At presentwe featureinformation about the Chapter, a membershipapplication blank and a meeting calendar. 'one Additionally there is a click' link to the file server for those who want to downloada GEDCOM of the Old PendletonDatabase. There are also links to many 'one othersites of SC genealogicalinterest. All in all, the HomePage provides stop' enfiryfor much genealogicalexploration.

In additionto the presentspace we alsohave already secured a secondsix megabyte pageon the GeoCitiesserver and an additionalten megabye pageon the Web4Free file server. So, for futureprojects we will haveample server space.

The downsideto all this? SinceGeoCities is a free service,it needsadvertising and sponsorsto pay for all the expenseof maintainingthe hard- and soffware. So, when you accessthe page,there is a good chancethat the first thing you will seemight be a 'Close' commercial.If this is the case,just click on the buttonand then there will be fidl accessto ow homepage. Thereis alsothe possibilitythat eitherthe homepage or the file serverwill be down for maintenance.If this is the case,just try again at another day or anothertime.

The idea for the home page is to provide a meetingplace for all the membersor 'Cyberspace'. membershipprospects in We solicit your suggestionsas to what items or featuresto add. Spacewill not be a problem. Also, if you alreadyhave a pageon the WEB with your own family information, tell us and we will gladly link to your page. JUNE1998 MEETING A old The JuneMeeting will be 7:30pmTuesday l6th 1998 at the Central/ClemsonBranch of the PickensCounty cli Library, Central,SC on Hwy 93 just off Hwy 123. Our Spearkerwill be the well known SouthCarolina 6eor9i4 Genealogist,Brent Holcomb.

Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual S20.00 Associate$15.00 Family $25.00

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME I2 NO. 6 JUNE, 1998 Published: Janttarl', Februa . March. A Ma . June.Se tember.October. November

1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT.Robert G. Dodson ...... 864-859-2081 l'tcE-PRESIDENT:James "Jinr" B. Granger...... E-Mail:JBGrangerfdAol.com...... 864-246-l125 SECRETARY: KennethD. Morgan.... .864-654-9280 TREASURER: MargaretteB. Swank...... 864-370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. Foster...... 864-882-8279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudy" Garner..... 864-882-6407 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith Merck...... E-Mail: [email protected]...... 864-271-1353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... 864-654-3283 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... 864-639-6387 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Linda G. Cheek.. E-Mail: [email protected] Pleasesend RENEWAL DUES,NEW MEMBERSHIP, LINAGE CHART, OUERIES. ADDRESSCHANGE AND OTHER INOUIRIES TO EDITOR: 247CROSS HILL ROAD" EASLEY. SC 29640-8857.E-MAIL: [email protected] NOTICE

I have had great responseto the " Genealogiesof Old Pendleton."Send in your Genealogiesas soonas possib|e.At|east2or3fami|ieseach--2to4pages.u.h.

Also material is coming in on un-marked gravesand cemeteriesthat have not beenmarked. So if you know where your ancestorsare buried without markers,or a cemeterythat did not make the cemetery books,please send this to me. We will try to compiletwo booksin 1998or early 1999.

REMEMBER: No Newsletterin July andAugust--see you in September. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS


Marci Mock, 873 W. Works Street, Shendan, WY 82801 Ph: 307-6?4-86?8 E-Mai I : mmockGcyberhighway.net CREEN, WALL, CANNON, BOWEN,HAMMITT/iIIAMMETT.

Gregory R. Noel, 1608 Branch Dr., Champaign, IL 61821 Ph:217-352-0693 E-Mai I : g-noel lGviuc. edu SMITH, POSEY,MAULDIN, STONE, NORRIS, HORTON,HUNNICUTT, HUTCHINS.

Robert H. Reid, 312 East 92nd St. Apt 2A, New York, N.Y. 10128 RIIID, HAMILTON, ANDERSON,HUNTER, McALISTER, CAMPBELL,TEASLEY.

BITS AND PIECB'S by Linda G. Cheek

CHARLES DURHAM: The last will and testnment of Charles Durham of the State of South Carolina and Distr ct of Pickens. I Charles Durham considering the uncertainty of this mortal ife and bein og sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last wi I and testament and form following. First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Marey Durham one bed and furnitur"e allso one chest and two cheers and one set of plates one dutch oyer-- Allso I will unto my daughter Polley Durham one bed and furniture and bed-stid and allso one cotton wheal and cards and one dutch oyer and skillet and allso one red heaffer about two years old and one chest and one set of plates and knives and forks one set. I allso will and bequeath unto my son Jeremiah Durham one tract of land of about one hundred acres joining Daniel Durahm and James Langstonl I allso will and bequeath unto my son Joseph Durham, Bengeeman Durham, Charles Durham Jr., all tht tract or parcel of land whereon I now live to be equally divided between them three allowing my wife Marey Durham her support on the land during her life or widdohood. Also the rest of my children Lucy Morton, Elizabeth Morton, Patsey Gillstr&pr Delilah Gillstrap, Nancy Cantrell and Rhodah Hendricks, these ny last named daughters I have given them there pourticion of property being worth about twenty five dollars each, allso I will that all the rest of my personal property be sould and alI my just debts paid leaving my wife Marey Durham and my Daughter Polley Durham a support of the corn and bacon, allso I will ny big bible and my large hymn book to my wife Marey Durham. I hereby appoint my beloved Brother Daniel Durham, Gidian Ellis and Barnett H. Allsodd Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoken all former wills by me maid in witness where I have set my hand and seal 4 Jan 1834. SS: Charles Durham X. Wit: Thomas Moore, Readin Freenan, James Langs t on. Daniel Durham' Gideon Ellis and Barnett H. Allgood saith that it was the will of the dec'd to give to Benjamin and Charles Durham two of his sons, each a bed and furniture but was omitted to be written in the will by the writer Mr Barnett I{. Allgood. And the rest of the personal property directed to be sold by the testator to pay his just debts was if any overplus to be equally divided. 13 Jan 1834. Prov. and Rec. 13 Jan 1834. Pickens Co SC Probate Box 4 No 56

GILSTRAP: Departed this life 22 Aug 18?5, John Gilstrap, aged ?3 years. IIe was born 13 Sept 1802 and raised in South Carolina. At the age of 1? he professed religion and joined the Methodist E.P. Church South. In the year 1850 he was licensed to exhort and held that position up to the time of his death. He removed to Georgia in 1858 but often visited tris native State. IIe left an ag:ed companion and 4 children. Pickens Sentinel Issue:9 Sept 18?5 1998 MEMBERS AND WHO THEY ARE RESEARCHING ==:==:======ADAMS, Kevin Clay, 314 N. Poplar Street, Seneca, SC 29678 Ph: 864-882-8684 ADAMS, TALLEY, LITTLETON, WALDT.

A.DAMS,Laura Louise Couch, 315 S. Farr Ave., Andrews, SC 29510-2826 :l: =331= 3!1=::::===3il:=3ii:=:::ill:: =31ii3:=i:13:i:3l======ADDIS, Royce E., PO Box 279, Norris SC 29667-0279 Ph: 864-639-2329 LOLLIS, HICKS, STEGALL,SHERIFF, McALISTER, COUCH.

ALEXANDER, Julia, 214 N. Catherine St., Pickens, SC 29671 Ph: 864-8?8-9459 BARTON, cRIFFIN, McDANIEL, McKENZIE, cRISHAM, DENDY, I11l3I:=::i:::--=--======i:::l=:3:Y:=:Y3:::=!l Siiil: =3::= ??!2:=l::: =11f ::= II= 1::91= 1:13======ALIEN, Terri M., PO Box 116, Dewey, LZ 86327 Ph: 520-632-7742 FLINKINGSHEI.T, ALLEN, HOI{ARI)

ANDERSON,I[ary C., 4188 Maplewood Dr., Decatur GA lq0_35-2345 Ph:404-289-3709 PALMOUR, CHAIT{BERS,ROBERTSON, CRAWFOR}I-+DTDERSON,REECE, :1::::=1131:=iiTiI:=!ii!3l:=::i::=:i::::: =:i::1!: =!3Y!1======ANTHONY, Fred H., 100 Canterbury Rd., Pendleton, SC 29670-9403 Ph: 864-646-3245 LOOPER, BURDTNE, ANTHONY

ATCHISON, Peggy,6133 Freckles Road, Lakewood, CA 90713 Ph: 562-425-99?6 E-[dail : [email protected] BROOKS, SUTTLES, HOLLEY, BANKS, ?313]:=I9i9iI: =:1Y: :: : -- - ======- ======ATKINSON, Mrs Mamie Gettys, 5845 Norton Cir, Flowery Br. (lA 30542-393? ::l:::=:i:Y:]:=133======::==:==:======ATKINSON, Ilirs Owen D., ( Arvene C. ) 3?0 Church Rd. SW Marietta cA 30060 ll : =ill =11 I = 1: i : ==:: 1T1:3 : =I 1::'i:l:I: =!iY!I: =:i:::::3I : =!3i:= - - ======AYO, Hope Whi tmire, 2339 Barbara Lane, Smyrna, GA 30080-2543 Ph: 77O-436-9835 E-Mai I : hopeayo@mindspr ing. com HOLDEN, WHITIT'iIRE, ::::15:l3l:=IlI:i:{:*:311======-======BAGWELL, Willine M., II77 River Rd., Stoneville NC 27048 Ph: 910-427-74I8 BAGWELL, CALLAHAM, STONE, WILLIAMSON, SPEARMAN,CI.ARDY, IDIOM, MARTIN, ROUNDTREE,GREGG, MOODY, HERNY, OWEN, PRINCE, KELLEY, i333ill: = i:ll:3i:T3======! BALLARD, Judy C. Ballard, 125 Wade llampton, Walterboro SC 29488-9261 E-Mai l: snoopbal lGAol. com DAY, CH.A.NDLER,EARLE, AIKEN, cRIFFIN, REECE, SWAYNGHAM/SWEARINGEN,TROTTER, IIENDRICKS, ALLEN, BOLT, FRANKS,

BALLENGER, Terrel D. & Greer H., 413 Haverhill Circle Easley SC 29642-1225 Ph: 864-859-953? BALLENGER, WILSON, HOLLAND, DAVIS, GREER, EVANS, HEATON, BROWN, SEWELL, DICKSON, MOSS, HARRISON, JAMES, WARD, LOCKHART, HANCOCK, I3llll:=!YII:=3333:=:l:1i:3!3l:=!i33I======BANKS, Patricia, 896 North 910 East, Orem, UT 8409? Ph: 801-226-1392 BLACK, PILGRAM, BURKE, CASON, WATKINS, PRINCE, DAVIDSON' BLACKERBY, ROUITT, GOSS, CAMP, STEPHENS.

BA,RCLAY,Connie, 262I E. Garnet Ave., Mesa, LZ 85204 Ph: 602-545-8346 E-Mai l: ayntT0Gemai l.mot. com MORGAN, THO{I|AS. ======a- JdBARKER, Betty Gillespie, 114 Martindale Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29681 Ph: 864-963-5048 BOC,GS,FBNDLEY, KNOX, CRAIG, GILLESPIE, PITTS ' WHITMIRE.

x BARNWELL,Laura H., 4300 Highborne Dr., It{arietta, GA 30066-2429 Ph: 770-578-9656 WOOTEN, WHITTEN, TURNER, UPHRIES, LORICK, HERRON, ROPER, STALL, JONES, IIOSELEY.

BATES, William S., 1485 l{ayfield Rd Alpharetta GA 30201-ll2l Ph: 77O-475-5908 E-Mail: WsbatesGJuno.com SHIRLEY, HARRIS, JAMESON' BATES' :::: :i:il3: =Yilll ll3: =Y! llil := :il :::l: =Iii: :: I : = IIYI : = SiiII:i := Ii3Ill3I= == BELCHER, Roger Lee, 920 Rutgers Court, Allen, TX ?5002 Ph: 972-390-9698 E-Mail: RogerBGCyberramp.net BELCHERTBOSWELL, ADDINGTON, llSMi:=Tl1!3i:=Y::IIYI:=!T!I3I:=lii3l3l:=lTl3:=ll!3ll:=31il9l:=1lil3I= BENNETT, Evedene, 1525 Broadway St SW, Albany, OH 97321 Ph: 541-928-8501 BENNETT, LANGSTON, IIIILLS, NEWTON, JASPER, SANDERS.

BERGGREN,Tempe T., 13895 SW Rock Cr. Road, Sheridan, OR 9?378-9?35 Ph: 503-843-2407 E-Mail: TempeBl20SGAol.com IIALL, SAMMONS,WILLIAMS, RICE, Illi9i:=!133I:=!:::::::::=:::il:===-======BLACK, Joe G., 204 Mt Calvary Church Road, Easley, SC 29640 Ph: 864-859-6608 E-lt{ai I : [email protected] BLACK, POWELL, SMITH, ELLENBURG, HOLLIDAY, BISHOP

BLAKELY, Gary & Ann, ?933 Natalie Dr., Ft Worth, TX 76134-5012 Ph: 817-293-6851 E-ll,tail: blakelyGtlash.net WHITE, THOMBS,DOUGLEVTY, CANNON,BRYCE, CURTIS, TABOR, SIMS, TUBBS, SHARP, YARBROUGH.


BORENeMarilyn, 302 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615-1815 Ph: 864-268-9137 BOREN, NICHOLSON, NEI{TON, PERRY, YOUNGBLOOD,GARVIN, WHITMIRE, ZACHARY,ATES\YATES

,". BOWEN,Mrs K. Bess, 585? West Oak Hwy, Westminster SC 29693-8939 Ph: 864-9''t2-9556 KEBS/KEESE,BIBB, STEPP/STAPP,WALTERS, McBEE, CRAWFORD, MARETT, HARRISON, POWELL, HARBIN, JOLLY, MESSER, GHOLSTON/GOLSTON,COFFEE. BOTYEN,Wi I I i am Loui e, 508 Dal ton Road, Pied.mont, SC 296?3-9124 Ph: 864-845-7498 DALTON, BOWBN,PICKENS, BRANYON,HUNT, GROCE.

BCI{IE, Rosemary, 835 West Znd North Street, Morristown, TN 3?814 Ph: 423-581-1258 E-Mail: KLBowie0usit.net TODD, McMAHAN,TAYLOR, LOFTIS.

BRANSCIil, Cleveland E. & Barbara H., 23 Pelican Place, Belleair, FL 33?56-1512 Ph: 813-584-9383 Fax: 813-588-9684 E-Mail: BBranscumeAol.com SMITH, WILLIAIIS, BRANSCUM,BOATWRIGHT, MULLINAX, YOUNG, PORTER,IiIARSHBANKS, CRAWFORD,CROW, CLEVELAND, WILEY.




BROIVN,Rachel S., 141 Springdale Road, Elberton, cA 30635 Ph:706-213-8945 E-Mail:RacbrowGAol.com BROWN, DICKINSON, ROBERTSON,KEYS, PHILLIPS, RAMPY/R.AilPEY, WADDELL, EVANSI II{CCURLEY' SKELTON' LAFOY, ATKINS'


BROIIN,Thomas G., PO Box 2lT, Eastanolle, GA 30538 Ph: ?06-886-3306 E-Mai l: tbrown0hartcom.net TIItfit[S,BROWN, MASON, FLEMING, 3ll!i:=llll9l:=3Tll:=lIIlI9I:=::l:::I:=3IlY:=:l:::g:=3333======BRYANT,Carlyle R. & Bea, 22 McDaniel Court, Greenville' SC 29605 Ph: 864-235-4655 LADD, REDMOND,cAttOWAY, REESE, CRISP, HBNDERSON,ALLEN, BRYANT, COLE.

BURCH,Virginia Rogers, PO Box 4T5, Clarksville, GA 30523 ll:=i9!=ili=!i11==:::::::=::f::il:=3131I:=li!13l:=lTIi!======: BURDETT,Patricia M., 301 Sawmill Trace, Peachtnee City, GA 30269 Ph: 770-48?-5?43 MOORE,FOWLER, CASPER/COSPER/GASPERe McDANIEL, BATES, KNOP/KNOPPEIT/KNOTT,FIETDS/FIELDER, THODES, DANIEL. BAGLEY, SMITH, HARDEN. BURG, Donna H., 108 West Lynne Drive, Martinez, GA 30907 Ph: ?06-860-2690 E-Mai l: Burgmeistr@Aol. com HEAD' ELLENBURG.

BUSHA,Dr. Charles H., lI2 Summit Drive, Liberty, SC 29657 CONFEDERATESOLDIERS OF PICKENSDISTRICT, SC (Oconee & Pickens) 1861-1865


CANSLER,Penelope, PO Box 5182, Greenville, SC 29606 Ph: 864-242-5000 Ex. 269

CARR, Jessie I.' Rt 2 Box 939 Wilson Drive, Laurens' SC 29360 Ph: 864-833-?947 NELSON, WALDROP, STEPHENS, PORTER' LENDERII{AN'CHILDRESS ' STEI{ART.

CATER, Lucy Ruth, 734 Tanglewood Dr., Seneca, SC 29672 CATER, ADAT{S, HUGHES, BURNS

CHAPMAN,Hazel K.' 243 Fuller Dr., Easley, SC 29640-6?51 Ph: 864-269-1454 CHAPMAN' CARPENTER' QUARLES. ======:======:======:======:--- CHAPMAN,Peggy 8., 1503 4?th, Lubbock, TX 794L2-2323 Ph: 806-?44-6380 I SBELL, COCKERHAM,COTHRAN, KEESE, CAUHARN/COCHR.A'N' wooDsoN,RowAN

CIIEEKT Jimmy J., 12010 Rockcliff Drive, Huntsville, AL 35810 Ph: 205-851-8309 E-Mail: JCheek60630Aol.com CHEEK, ROACH' TURNER' SUTTLES, ROBERSON, ELROD.

CIIEEK, Linda Smith, 247 Cross Hi I I Rd, Easley SC 29640-8857 Ph: 8640859-2392 E-Mail: LGCheekOAol.com SMITH, KELLEY, GRANGER' CHEEK' NEAL, BRAY, COX, SCARBOROUGH,ELLISON, COATS, TIMMS, RICE, EATON, ABBOTT, COLLINS, BASWELL,/BOSWELL,ALEXANDBR, WATSON, MATTHEWS, gYlY::=311:=13!31:=T:i::ll3i:=:ii:gi:=::il:::=yl:lli:=Il1l9I:=9*3Y::'ELLENBURG, LUSK, CLARDY, Peggy Looper, 47 Briarglen Place, Greenville' SC 29615 Ph: 864-242-5496 E-Mail : PegClardyGAol.com LOOPER, MANSELL' TROTTER' lSli]:=3i3II======j.CLARK, Frances O., 3300 Wynne St., tittlerock, AR 72204 Pb: 501-228-5801 ARTHUR, AUBREY, BELLAMY, BEVAN, BRUII{BELOW,CRRROLL, CHURCH, CLARK, CR[I}I, DARBY, FRANCIS, GIBSON, HARRELL, HAY, IIENSON, IIOLIMAN, HOLLAND, MASSEY, IttAY, McGAVOCK, MORTON, REYNOLDS, RI CHARDS, RI CHARDSON, ROE/ROI{E , SHANNON' sHEppARD, TAYLOR, THOMPSON, WBBB, WEST, BUCHANAN, CROCKETT, KENT, WALTERS, l3i!I1:=3iMI:=:T:::::=::::1ll:=TlIl3lIi:=lliSll:=::::::lI!:=1lT!======COBB, Mike, 6116 Kary Lynn Dr. South, Watuaga, TX ?6148 3=Y::l:=I::319i:l::::= =9?31: =l1l3l: =:lY:11: =lTIl!: =33:93:======: == COFFEE,Harold B. & Patricia D., 4516 Saldana Dr. Ft Worth' TX 76133 Ph: 817-292-6542 COFFEE, ISBELL, BROI\IN. COLLINS, James W., 3320 Louis Drive, Plano, TX ?5023 Ph: 972-509-6661 E-Mai I : JZCoI I insGAol . com COX, MAYFIELD, DENTON,FRAZIER, LAIRD, SALTER.

COMER, Sharon Kay Devore, 11232 Cypress Leaf Dr., Orlando, FL 32825-5864 Ph: 407-382-3154 HARDIN, StMPTER

CONNER,Mrs Tennga S., 267 Lakeshore St., Dayton TN 37321-TlOz Ph: 423-7?5-1337 FERGUSON,ALEXANDER, GROGAN


COPB, Gerald B. & Euna Mays, 7603 Clenentine Way, Orlando, FL 32819 !3i]:=Yi:: : =:iY:l]: =3i] I I ======COPENHAVER,EIaine Robinson, 303 Heath Road, Hurricane, WVA 25526 Ph:910-282-1119 ROBINSON, IIIOORE,cRIFFIN, COX, CLELAND, CURETON, AUSTIN, EARLE, HACKETT, CHILD, BENSON, VAUGHN, CAMPBELL, DAVIDSON, DOYLB, ROPER, rIoLcoMBE, CHANDLER

COX, Alice Snith, PO Box 238, Fair Play, SC 29643 COX' SII{ITH.

CRAWLEY,AlIeene, 2O1 Wemberly Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29681-3838 Ph: 864-963-3f19 HENDERSON,BOYD, PINSON, MILAM, SHAW,WALKER, BARKER, iY3l3l:=3:i3:::::=ii33::r-======CREW, Mr & Mrs Bob L., 120 Dillard HilI Dr., Seneca SC 29678-4912 Ph: 864-654*1799 E-Mail: blcrew0innova.net JENNINGS, GOSS, ALLEN, PITII{AN' BRIGGS, LUKEMIER, CREW, DUKE, HATTER, TOLAND, CUNNELL, CLJMIT{INGS,FERGUSON, McDONALD, ADAMS.

CROW, Marvin Doyle, 25 Cumberland Ave., Greenville' SC 29607 lli=191=3ii=9il!==!1311:=:1:gi:3l:=133:=:11119!======CRIilP, Fred E. Sr., 101 Crescent Circle, Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Ph: 864-862-4193 E-Mail: [email protected] CRUMP, BAILBY' BOWERS' ROBERTSON' RICHEY, VICKERY, HUDSON, SIMS, KING, BOYCE, BRAMLETT, POWELL. ======, '-\CURRY, Louise D., PO Box 40, Snow, OK ?4567-0040 ELLIS, EASLEY, NABORS/NEIGHBORS,WORTHINGTON, WTLLIAI{S, WOFFORD,KELSO, FORD, BISHOP, McDOWELL, PENNINGTON, CLARK, DICKSON' FOSTER' JACKSON' GRAHAII{, RICHARDSON' RUTHBRFORD' STANTON' SUMMERS' TEAGUE' WATERS' JOLLY' 3:i:::::: =13::i:!1: =1T I I : =l!3II : =lI31 ======DALRYMPLE,Doris J., 22OS Butterfield Rd, #9 Yakima WA 98901-1069 Ph: 509-452-5410 E-Mail: ProdigyBKWDS0,A,VANN, RIGGINS, MORRIS' RUCKER' wooD, REEVES, ELROY, SPARKS, CATES, BRIGANCE, SPENCE, BARRON, HOUSE, TUCKER

DANCE, Sharon, 190? Shadow Forest Dr., Katy' TX 77494 Ph: 281-392-L223 E-Mail : SadanceG{unoco.com BURDETTE, JOHNSON' McLESKEY. ======:=:==:====:======:======:======:======tAtiS;-tili;i-&-i;av-U"tlim, Lzl Burnett Drive, Spartanburs, SC 29302'-3453 ph: 864-S9?-0550 E-Mail :JDl442GAol.com McHAM\MacIIAM' GRANT' O'SHIELDS' SI'AY, FRANKS, LEWIS, MCMASTERS'ATKINS

DAVI S, Mrs Ilra Morgan ' 714 I rcland Rd. , Pickens SC 296? l-8252 Ph: 864-8?8-6096 DAVIS, MORGAN' HAYNES, GARVIN' PARSONS' NICIIOLSON' PALMOUR, LAWRENCIi, DEAN, HOI.DER, HACOOD, FERGUSON, CANNON, CRAIG, GRESHAM' HALBERT, IIILL, TATUM, CUMMINGS' CARTER' WYATT :=====:===:======:======:===:======--======:::=::======DAVIS, Gladys M., 14830 S.E. Rhine Ct., Portlarrd, oR 9?236-2462 Ph: 503-?61-8098 MOODY, LEOPARD, NICHOLS' NICIIOLSON' SLATTON' OWENS' ETHERBDGE, JENNINGS. ::=:::======:=====:======:======:===:==::======::======t DAVIS, H.w., ?15 Abelia Rd, Colurnbia SC 29205-2012 ph: 803-256-8841 E-Mail: [email protected] McDONALD, FENI'iILL' DAVIS' GAINIS, CRA.WFORD. =: =:::: == = =:::::: =:======: ======::::: ======:: ======: =:: --::::::::='::: = =: =:: DAVIS, Kimberly King, Rt 2 Box 2358, Alto, TX 75925 Ph: 409 -B5B-3?40 EDENS, BAKER, TLIRNtrR'KING' GII,LESPIE, MADDEN, BOONE' LANGFORD, KEITII, CI{ASTAIN, LOOPER, DOUTHIT, BROWN, JONES, NALLEY, YOUNG.

D,A.VIS.Ruilr El I ison, 196 Sandlewood Dr. , Easley, sc 29640-7340 Ph: 864-246-4081 DAVIS, ELLISON, LOOPIIR, SATTERFItrLD',IRNOLD, McAD'AMS' FREEMAN.

DeVANE, Billie Hamilton, PO Box 176, GarIand, NC 2844I ph: gl0-52g-4041 E-Mail: bdevaneGinstrstar'.nt:t IIAMILTON, DuBOSE' HAMPTON' SPINKS. ======::==:======:=:=====:=::=::=:=:::=====:::=:=:===:=::===::=== DILLARD, John C. & Alice Dean, 5I2 Hickory Rd., S.W. Bessemcl', AL 35023 Ph: ZO5-424-5390 DILLARD, MURPHRtrE,BRADLEY, Mr:COMBS' S IMS ======:======:======r,,DILI.ARD, Karen, 468 Old Shirl ey Road, celtral, sc 29630-0468 Ph: 864-639-2349 E-Mai l: Kadi I [email protected] DILLARD' HERRON' COX' KING' GOTSTIAW,BUTTS, BOYNE. ======: =::: ======: ==:::: ======: : =:: == = = : =: = DODSON, Robert & Gertrude, 304 Sharon Lane, Easley, sc 29640 Ph: 864-859-2081 PILGRAM, DODSON ======:======:======::======:======:===:======DOGGETT, Anne Major, 83 Satulah Falls Rd, Ilighlands, NC 28741 pli: ?04-526*8009 E-Mail: [email protected] KELLBY' MAJOR' DEAN. REEVES' JAMIS, BLACKERLY, SULLIVAN, PATRICK, WATT, LIDDEI'I./L,IDT'LL, MCCREGOR' I{OLLAND. CIIANDLER. :::==:::======:======:=::::::=:=::::=:::===== '*OotsOW, Jane M., 615 McSpadden Circle, Centrc, AL 35960 Ii-Mai l: jdotlp@peop. tdsnet. com FROST, BELI.' ODELL, WILSON, PRICE' BOWMAN' COTI{RAN, ANDERSON, CROOK, HANNA' BOGGS' GREER' MAYSON. =:======:======:=:====::::==::::: DOWDS, Peter M., Jr., 11112 N. Ann Arbor Ave.' Oklahoma City, OK 73162 Ph: 405-?21-2660 E-Mai l: pmdowdsGAol. cou KEYS, LE"ltlIS, MOORHEAD'DUNN. ==:======:=:======:===:::======:====::=====:=::=:======:=== DUCKETT, Dorothy,405 Antietam, Victot.ia, TX 7?904-242O ph: 512-5?3-7748 DUCKETT, SMITH, COLEY' DOWNS' WHITTEN, McCOLLUM, BRUTON' BELBW, HOLCOMB' JOHNSEY' WHITB' McDONGAL. ======:=:======::===:=:=====:=:=::=::::======::=::::::==:=:=:======DUNCAN,Peggy 8., 5001 South oak Ave., Broken Arrow, oK ?4011-4246 Ph: 918-451-7042 E-Mail: BeiselZGAol.com BoyD, CoopER, HARRISoN, BRowN, McJUNKIN, WRIGHT, SANDERS, IIOOPER,CLEVELAND.


EDENS, Ethel Massingill, szo7 Dacusville [I*y., pir,kens, sc zg67r Ph: 864-878-6720 EDBNS, MASSTNCTLL ':K EDI{ARDS, Melanie G. , 6 Ce'tcr St. , Taylor.s, SC Z96B? Ph: 864-268-4585 BASWEIL, GODFREY, EDWARDS,JAMES, FINDLEY, FREEMAN, McELRATH' IIOOD, HILL' HUMPHRIES, MOORE, IIOLCOMBE,WIIITESIDE; KELLy, CARNER. JoNES' JoI{NsoN' cooPER, ALBERSON\ALvERSoN, BLUE\BALLUEp, DRUMM9ND.pHILLIpS. :======:======::=:===-.-l===::::=====-=--======BLLISoN, carl G., 500 concord Rd L-2, Anderson, sc zg6zl Ph: 864-225-2342 ELLI soN/ALI.I soN, RocERS, DUcKwoRTH, wELBqRN. ----=::======:======::======ELROD, Evonne E., 5132 Dacusville IIwy., Marietta, sc 2g661 Ph: 864-878-4148 ELROD, EDENS, MASSINGILL. KEITH. ======: === =: - - - -: ======: ==: =: ======ENTREKIN, Phi I ip B. , 9125 cl i f torr Road, Frankf or.t, Ky 40601 Ph: 606-873-0441 E-Mai l: [email protected] MILLWEE, DALRYMPLE, MARSHALL' MARTIN' ENTREKIN/ENTRICAN, CANNOI.{,CRANDAL, DEAN, ABERNATIIY, PRICE, ABRAMS.

EPTON, Theodore, 14 Mountain Vista Roa

EVANS, Shirley, 2 compo verdc circle, San pablo, cA 94E06-366g Ph: 510-236-4149 B-Mail: SAEvANS4Gju'o.com t{ILtIAMS, EVANS, Row(E), FRAZIER, MICKENS, HEAT}I

FERGUSoN, Jack R., 700 Ponderosa, IIurst rx, ?c053-s515 Ph: 817-268-3086 FERcusoN, RISoR, ILROD, wyNN, IIUMPIIREY ======:======:===::::=:=::===:::====----====:::===:======:::======: FERGUSON,KenneLh 8., zo4 Sailing cour.t, Lcxington, SC zgo|z-7684 Ph: 803-356-8?15 E-Mail: K4kxoGnetside.com ALLEN, BALL, BARRETT, BARTON, BENSKINN, CARTIIR, DAVI S , EAStEy , ILLER, FAL]RE, FBRGUSON, FORE, FOWLER, GOTTEGB' GOWEN' GROCAN' HAYNES, HENDERSOI{, IIENDRIX, HENKLE, LANGLEY, LISTER' LUNSFORD' McCRARY, McKINNEYe MANSON, MINTZ, MOORE, pARKER, pAyNE, POPE' REID, REISON\RISER, RICTIIEv, sHERIFF, STEADMAN, TAyLoR, TH9RNE, TREADWAY, WILSON.

FLEscIl, Nancy Hinkle, 2360 Elysium Avc., Eugene, oR g?401-?44g HINKLE' WHITMIRE' NICHOLSON' THOMAS, HOLDEN, MOSS, McVEY, REESB\REECE, WB,IVER __ __: : : :==== : : : : : : :- - FOIEY, 6730 Messick Rd., Memphis, TN 38119-?844 Ph: ( ) 754-0353 E-Mai I : GutcTagGAol.coru BAKER. LOGAN, CASON, LEWIS. ======:::::======:=::====:======:==:====:====:= FORD, R. Bruce, 5lZ4 Westwind Way, Anderson, SC 29626 Ph: 864-225-7 46I FORD | = : : ======: = : : = : : = = = = = : = = : : ======: ======FOSTER, Mrs Doris Snead, 210 ChartwelI Point Rd., Seneca SC 29672-6709 Ph: 864-BB2-8279 SNEAD/SNEBD, DILLARD, F0STER

FRIERSON, Mr & Mrs Ed, 416 Belle Viste Dr., Easley SC 29640-f250 Ph:864-859-6146 STOWE,FRIERSON,WtLSON, WOODSIDE, WEST' TOWERS' REID' BROWN ==: ======: == - - - - ======: ======: ==:: --=:--::: =::: --: ==='::::::. - FULLER, Jcff, ll2 Simpson St., Liberty, SC 29657 I;'ULLBR, McCURLEY, McMULLAN' BRADY' GORDON' NIX.

GALI.OWAY,Angela Cheek, 130 Pepper Rd. , Eas I e5', SC 29642 Pli: 864-306-0352 GALLOWAY, ATTAWAY, PICKEI{S, CHBEK' BURGESS' KEITII. : = = : = : : : = -- ======: ======: = = = = : ======: = = : : : : : : : : : : : = = : : : = : : : : = = = t,GARNER, Mrs Ceytru, 180 Hackberry Lane, Seneca SC 296?8-4524 Ph: 864-882-6407 HOLLAND, SMITH, GI.ADNEY, EOFF, LASSETER' DUNBAR' BRANSON' 91il3i:=ii3l:=:::::i:3:=]YMII9I: =l:ll::=--======* GARNER, Lila Niemanrl , Zll N. F. St. Rt. I' Milford, NE 68405-9606 ph: 402-7 61-3162 E-Mai l: tslbe@l tec"com RoBINSON, cLINCMAN, EASI.BY, PATTTLLO, ANDERSON, BOND, WESTFIELD,DAFFORD\OA,F'FnON\DAFFORN,POINDEXTER, DEVILLE\VILLE\VBALE, GARNER, KEISER, JACKSON, KIZZEE, BT.ASSINGAME,BENSON, : ::5T : r=:Y::g i:9:9:::9I {1?y ::?I : =*li !!Til = : ; : : : =: : : =: : =: =: === = = : : : =: -= == = = GAZIANO, Cecillie, 4511 Fremont Ave. South, Minneapolis MN 55409-1744 Ph: 612-825-8887 E-Mai l: [email protected] CANNON\KENNON,RUDD, CAMPBELL' LATHAM' BARNES' :Ti:lg:=::l!3i::!:=1T3l3I:=liliii3i:=1::!3!!:=!ill3i==::::======:======- GESCHWIND,Herman, l714 Clarendon Drive, Greensboro NC 274IA. Ph: 336-228-0015 E-Mail: GeschwindGAol.com OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT CHAPTER HOME PAGE ON THE WEB: httpz / /www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/delta/8155 !99i3i:=::::1 II?: =l3i31l : =!?lliil?: =:::::::I3= =: : == : : == : == = = : == : : : ======: = GILLtrSPID, Jane McCOMBS, 433 Dalton Rd., Marictta SC 29661 Ph:864-855-0495 E-Mail : janegGmindspring.com cILLESPIE, IIOWELL, IIALE' SNIPES, BURTON, McCULLOUGH, JElllELL, HITT, SHELTON, FREHI{AN' MARTIN' CAMPBEI,L, CASTLBBBRRY,McCOMB\McCOMBS, GRAHAM, FOUNTAIN, Also researctring :::T::l=::::::::i:i: =:::i:1 =1l =T:!3:T1:i=::= :!! = == = : = = = == :: = =: : : = == : : : = == = GRANGBR,James "Jim" Berrson, 4 Clover Street, Greenyi I Ie SC 29611 Ph: 864-246-1125 E-Mail: [email protected] GRANGER' ELDER' FERGUSON'MERCK' Y::::: =::::::: =::T::: =:i:Til= == = : ======: ======: ======- GRAY, Elaine Gray, 591 Cray Rd., Canton, GA 30114 Ph: ??0-345-5321 E-Mail: EGray4418OGAol.com ROPER' EDENS' CASSELL' IIAMBY' FRBE, DENSMORE/DUNSMORE,HARRIS, DBNTON, FITTS, IIAYES, PHILYAW, RUDDELL, :::: : =::::fl= - - = : : : =: : ======- ======: ======: ======: == : == GREENB,Richard, PO Box 1792, Cartersville, GA 30120-1680 Ph: ??0-382-3458 TUCKER,llYDB, ANDERSON,GREEN, WHITMIRB, HARRIS' MORRISON' GRAY. -;;;;-;i -;;;-;, =;i =ii=; == affi ; i i ;; ; ;;;;;;;i ;';; : ; il"' ; i ;;; Ph: 706-689-445? E-Mai t: [email protected] pRINCE, RICE, MORRIS, MILLER, WHITE, APPLEWIIITE, DALTON, GREER, SToNE, YANKO/JANKo, BARTHA =:======:======:======:======:= GRIFFIN' John W. & Elizabeth J., 2329 Laurel Lane, Augusta, GA 30904-313? Ph: 706-733-9472 GRIFFIN, STROUD, AMBLER, MOODY, McCALL, SHEDD, BARTON, HAGOOD, SINCLBTON = = = : ======: : : ======: ======: = = = = : : = = : = = = = : = = = : = : = : : :: :: : : : = = = = : ======: ======GROCE, Karen A., 733 Lincoln Dr., Starkville, MS 3g?Sg Ph: 601-323-1507 E-Mai l: [email protected] MORRIS, McBEE, HILLHOUSE, coBB, ALT0N\ALTOM, BERRY, wRIct{T, MILLER, McKINSORy\MceuISToN, coopER, THOMASSON, STANDRIDCE, McKINSTRY, CROWNOVER.

GRUBBS, Margaret M., 201 N. Isundega St., westminster, sc 29693-I4r4 Ph: 864-647-8334 PHILLIPS, MILLER, LOONEY, Lt[, CARVER, MOORE, CHAMBERS, GASSAWAY, BROOME, GRUBBS, MARRETT, McCLURE.

GUNTHORPE'Lucy Ayels, rB06 Pine St., Melbourne Bch., FL 32951-2648 Ph: 407-725-3239 BLACKERBY, BOYD, BROCK, CLAYTON, PORTER, SOUTHERLAND. ROPBR, COOPDR ======::::=:===:======::::===:=:==:::=::=::::-:=:===:::::::===: HAIR, James II., ?15 Pineview Dr., Thomson. GA 30824-2361 Ph: 706-595-47?3 HAIR, BALLENGER, O'KELLEY, WALLACI, LILES/LYLES, ADAMS, DUKE, JENNINGS, HARRISON, HARBIN, CLEVELAND, FOSTER, WARD, TRAIL, COFFEE, ::i::: : =:::i:lil: =Ili! 1g:: =:?::::======' ======: =: ==: : HAI,I., Cathy, 416 Bel I Crest Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 373I2 Ph: 423-559-8696 E-Mai I : chal l€chattanooga.net AKINS, HALL, MILLER, tlliiil:=!lil:=Y?3i3-====--===::==::::=::======:===:====:::=::====r=:====:=:: *f: HAMBY, JoAnn Gillespie, 4431 wisconsin Ave., Tampa, FL 33616-1030 Ph: 813-839-7543 BOGGS, KNOX, FBNDLEY, cILLBSPIE, HAMBY, CRAIG, WHITMIRE, iYYli=== : : : === : : =: ======: : === : ======: : ======: : : =: ==: : : : =: : HAMILTON, Nona B. 3 Parisview Drive, Traveler.s Rcst, sc zg6g0 l:::: =l::I:: =IYI Ii: =1gl::9I:=l! i i !3I= = : ======: = = = : : : : == = = = : : : ======HAMLY, Richald Dana, 7655 [Iooes Road, Springfield, vA zzlsz-3To1 Ph: 703-866-952? E-Mai l: dickhamly@Aol. com LLOYD/LOYD/LOYED,HENDRT X/HENDRI CKS .

HANNAH, Blanche 8., 305 w. cedar Rock Rd., Pickens, SC z96?1-2413 Ph: 864-878-6485 HANNAH, PATTERSON, ELROD, BURCESS, WIGINGTON, FISIIER, SMITH, KELLY\KELLBY, CAPEHART, LUSK, CALVERT.

HARMAN, Harriet M., 1601 Kirkwood Drive, Durham, NC ZTTOs Ph: 919-4?7-860? E-Mai l: Phyl I is283@Aol. com MAXWELL, SLOAN, KEELS, MURPH, L I PSCOMB, LANCASTER, HARMON,/HARMAN.

HARRIS, Betty Atkinson, 333 West Lehow Ave #2, Englewood, CO 80110 Ph: 303-347-1758 E-Mail: [email protected] ATKINSON, BRETT, COBB, WATSON. TEAGUE. STARKE. *- - -======: === = = :======:= =:======:======:=:::===::======::=:==::======HARRIS, Jean, 943 Roach Hollow Rd., Ringgold' GA 30736 BROWN, GRBEN, DUCKETT, SOUTHERLAND, CHAPMAN, CROSSLAND. =:===:==:======:======HARRISON, Phyllis H., 52 Millway Rd., Bradlev, SC 29819 Ph: 864-?46-6069 E-Mail : harrisonGemeraldis.com HENDRICKS' HILL' CRIFFIN' SMITH, BLASSINCAME, A.RIAIL, HALLUM, HUBBARD, HARRISON, PERRIN, COTHRAN, CHILES.

HARTLEY, O. Dudley, PO Box 273, Huntsville AL 35804 Ph: 205-852_?880 GENTRY, DOBBINS, COLBY, BROWN,MACDONALD, HARTLBY

HAYES, Emma Juner20z4 S. El Centro Ct., Columbia, Mo 65201-9066 Ph: 573-441-8066 wHITEFIELD, FARRAR, MOORE' LYON

HAYNIE, Charles E. r Zg4l Atlantic, Concord, CA 94518 E-Mai l: chaynie€Pacbel l.net HAYNIE.


HEMBREE, Claudia, 19 Fernwood Dr., Taylors' SC 29687-49f9 ph: 864-244-69?1 JOCASSEEVALLEY, SC HISTORY (OCONEECOUNTY)

HENDERSON,Charles G. Jr., 2622 Glenwood Road, Florence, SC 29505 Ph:803-669-644? E-Mai I :CGHendersonGAol. com HENDERSON'DAVIS ' ROPER, PATTON.


HENDRIX, Betty, 224 Popluar St., Toccoa, GA 3057?-3320 Ph: ?06-886-6315 HENDRIX\HENDRICKS, TURNER, TAINS' SMITH' LINDLEY' McDANIEL.

HENDRIX, H.R. , 100 N.E. Court St. , Marion, SC 29571-3010 Ph: 803-423-9730 HENDRIX, STAFFORD.

' HERRON,Joy, Rt 1 Box 7, Glendora, MS 38928 tPh: 601-3?5-8524 WILLIS, cILLESPIE, CAMERON,BLACKBURN' HERRON.

HEYSE, Sherrie, 8524 St. Ives Place, Cincinnati, OH 45255 Ph: 513-4?4-1514 E-Mai l: FHHEYSE2AOL.COMSMITH, FOWLER'BASWELL' BEACHAIT'I' WEBBER,COX' HEYSE' EBNER' WINTER' LAVINDER, YOUNG' McGHEE. HIttS, Alice F.' 3543 Tates Creek Rd No. 47, Lexington KY 40517-2642 Ph: 606-271-1814 O'DELL, MULLINIX, TURNER,CALIOI{AY, FREEMAN,uAULDIN, ANDERSON, FOWLER, HOLLAND, HUGIIES, LAy, MAJOR, PRINCE, KENNEMORE. ---_-: , HOFFMAN,sonja.A,lexander, 409 Hall Drive, winnsboro, Tx ?s494-z4lT 'Ph: 903-342-6832 E-Mail: [email protected] GAINES, GARVIN, CLAYTON, CHA,NDLER,ALEXANDER, ARKEBAUER, PEREBOOM,BRAKENHOFF, ECKHOFF. ======HOLDEN,Charles A. Jr, 411 Finsbury Rd. , Colrrmbia SC Z}ZIZ-1016 Ph: 803_?81_429I-;;;-;:,- ANGEL,= BERRY, = coNLEY,=il; HoLDEN,=il= NIcHoLSoN,=== = STRoHL======il;il ; ;;;;=;;;i ;; ;; ;; :, ;;; ;;;; ; : ; ;; ; Ph: 918-446-3123 E-Mail: GFFSglCGProdisy.com HOLDEN,BARNES, POOR\rOER, THOMBS,ROBINSON

HOLDER, Frederick c.' 159 Dodd Farm Rd., Seneca sc 296?z-9G81 Ph: 864-878-3468 rocAl HISTORTAN

HOLLIDAY, Randy, l136 Zion School Road, Easley, SC 2gG42-9773 Ph: 864-855-2290 E-Mail : [email protected] HOLLIDAY, CARROL, ADCOX, SHERRIF.

HOLMDAHL, Tom, 46 Siwash Creek Road, Tonasket, WA 98855 Ph: 509-486-4925 E-Mail : holmdahl€televav.com swAM, BRot{N.


HUGHBS, Arbutus, 209 Edwards Mill Road, Taylors, SC ZgGS? ITIII:=i:ig{Sll======HUGHES' Jackie Howard, 383 Glassy Mtn. Church Rd., Pickens SC 296?1 Ph: 864-855-1421 E-Mail : jnhughes3GAol.com HOI{ARD, HUGHES, TURNER, MONTGOMERY, COUCH, WHORTON ======I,j HUnTEn, S. Itlark, ', 456? Nature's Waye Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Ph: 540-552-9003 E-Mail: mark.hunter0vt.edu HUNTBR, MASSEY, DUNCAN, IiSllSi:=1131:=133:=11lT3iil:=1311I:=:g:113i!:=133:=9l33lI:=1333======HUTsoN, charles w., 1585 Henry Scott Road, Ball Ground, GA 3010? Ph: 770-7 20-7082 E-Mai I : Hutson@networkmt: . com HUTSON


JACKSON,Susan E., 6010 Parkland Ct *2O2, Forestville MD 2O74'I-2124 STEW.A.RT,BARRETT, ARNOLD, WI LL IMON. ======: JAI,IESON,J. Hal , M.D., 206 North B. Streetq Easley, SC 29640-2130 Ph: 864-859-6066 E-Mai I : JsueGAol. com JAI{ESON' WESTITIORELAND'ELLISON.


JOHNSON,Shirley Ann, 450 GoenEe's Hill Road, SouthburVr CT 06{88 Ph: 203-264-4199 E-Mai I : PopalllopaQAol. com LEFFELL, STANCIL'

JONES, Doyle Jr., 3lG Driftwood Drive, Piedmont, SC 29673 Ph: 864-299-8841 JONES, HOLDEN -----.-. JONES, Elva Stapp, Rt. 1 Box 520' Walnut SPrings TX ?6690 Ph: 81?-?9?-3021 STAPP/STEPP/STEP,COUCH' LEATIIERS' SCOTT' EDIIONDSON' PATTERSON, ANDERSON, St llllERS.


KING, Al, 11?03 Oakland Hills Placer Charlotte, NC 28277 Ph: 800-1?4-8681 E-ltail: alKinsGcharlotte.infi.net KING' BEARDEN'COTHRAN' SUTTLES, SUBER' CAINr McGUFFIN' PRATER.

KINIONT Helen D., 222 Piney Mt. Road, Greenville' SC 29609-3008 ph: 864-244-4028 NORRIS, GIBSON, DURHAH

KINSALL, Lucinda C., 1505-8 Bernard Ave., Nashville' TN 372L2 Ph: 615-298-2080 E-ltail: lkinsallGmail.state.tn.us MURPHREE'COBB' BOON


LAMBERT,Joseph 8., 1956 Linneuan St., Glenview IL G0025-4264 Ph: 84?-491-543? CANNON =====:;- LANNING,Mrs Dora M., Rt 1 Box 249 B' Bervard NC 28?12-9?16 Ph: ?04-862-4?80 CHAPIIAN,AIKEN,/EAKINS, REECE/REESE,POWELL, GALLOT{AY, MEECE, PA,TTERSON,}IORGAN, WHITTIRE.

======t=:----- IAWRENCE,8.J., 2610 Belaire East Lane, Granite Shoals' TX ?8654-3106 Ph: 830-59S-1404 E-llai I : Beverlawre€AOL.com MAUTDIN' LOI{ERY' ALEXANDER' HELM, FOWLER, HENDERSON,HUNTER, BAKER, LAWRENCE'CRUSE

LEE, Charles, 2 Rosebay Dr., Greenville, SC 29615-4436 Ph: 864-987-0093 E-Mail:CLeePHD€Aol.com LEE, BEATY' BURTON'ROSS' BOTVIE' HUDSON. ======::=:====.====:======:=::======:======:= LEICII, Barbara Jeanne, 7351 South Knol ls Way, Li t tleton, CO 80122-_L75I Plr: 303-220- 1263 E-Mai I : : [email protected] SMITII, BARR, CLARDY, ORR, ROPER' WARNOCK'McKINNEY, CANNON, ALLIED, ENGLISH, COLLINS, McCALL, HENDRIX, :i3:lll3!3:=::]:i::ll======:==_======:======LESLEY, Frances, 1875 Heilig Rd., Salisbury, NC 28146*2315 Ph: ?04-637-1?91 IESLEY, ATKINSON, DOVE, ROPER, ARIAIL, WOOD, WHITE, CRIDER, ARGO, SMITH, STARNES, PRESNELL.

LEWIS, Gail, 311 Talbot Street, Ocens City, MD 21842 :::=ii3=i1i=3i1:==l:Yli:=lT!3i: =l3lll: =Yillil!3: =:::I::- --======LILLY' Virginia L. Downes, 58264 Burke Road, Yucca VaIley, CA 92284 Ph: 760-364-3827 DowNES/DowNS,DEES/DEAS, TAyLoR, McCRoRy, ANDERSoN, :ry::::ll:=-13!!:I::::i::=yli::I:=::y:::=:::l:::=:1::T:l:=lM*:=::g::11' I.ONG, Betty G., 10706-F Point South Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273 :l: =l9i=lli=i:31==i9l3l:=::llllil: =11]:=y!llii]i======LOOPER, Joseph W., 814 Roberto Dr., Newport News VA 23601-2215 Ph: 804-596-6832 E-Mai I : JWLooper@Aol. com LOOPER, BURDINE, McADAMS, CHRISTOPHER,HINTON, HENDRICKS, CHAPMAN,CHILDRESS, FINDLEY, SINGLETON, lil]il:=::::YiI:=:?3I::=Ty:i!?l=:::====:=::::r::====::=::::======LOVELESS, J.E., 2730 Sul Ross St., San Angelo, TX 7690{ ::l:=: i I= 3i 3=3 1 I ! = 3=Y:: I: i : I : : : 1 19i ::: : :::= :3::::: I: =Y$ ll!: =illll! : = iiiil = LOWERY,Margaret Anne, 751 E. Woodbury Rd., Altadena, CA 91001 Ph: BIB-?94-?665 E-Mail : Missy_Lowery€CIIIRON.com BABB, KELLET, CIIEEK, !]313:=Ti:i1l:]:=ii33i!:=lYI]i======:======::::====:==== MABRY, Donald J., 206 Hiwassee Drive, Starkville, MS 39?59 Ph: 601-323-6852 MABRY, DICKSON/DIXON, CLEVELAND, ISBBLL, LEDBETTER, ::::::i:I:=]lillilliiyi======:======MacCARTNEY, Janice Moore, 4001 SE 26 Ct. Rd., Ocala FL 34480-TZTg Ph: 352-732-9804 E-Mai l: HCBZIZAGProdigy. com SULLIVAN, JUNKIN, PUGH, T?3i3:=Ilf!:=311]31======:======:=====:=:=== MAIIAFFEY, Janis, 120 Treaty Street, Seneca, SC 296?8 E-Mail: HAFFEYgAol.com Janis has Pickens County and Pendleton District, SC :l=11:=::::y:::=l:::::1=::1::=::::y:l======:======MARKOW,Marilyn, 1701 So., Mays J201, Round Rock, TX 78664-6?34 iSili:=T:Ti::=:=3::::=I:iill:=I3li3i:=ili!!13:=Ii5l======:======MARTIN, Dr. Amon A. Box 815, Seneca SC 29679-0815 :l:=l!i=313=?!!_'-_==::3=::::i=:3T:Tl:l:=:l=il3:ilgl:=:l::T:=:=3::l:3= l!==== MARTIN, Barbara Dickard, 350 Winding Lane, Seneca, SC 296?2-4859 Plr: 864-638-2345 E-Mai I : JinFi lcGaol.cour MARTIN, ENTRBNKIN, VAUGHN, DUCKETT, MASSINGALE\MASSINCILL, LCROY, HALL, SHERIFF, LEStEY, ESPBY, ORR, DODD, KENNBMORE,DICKARD, SANDBRS, SMITII, CARVIN. Ph: 864-654-6408 CARY/CAREY'STBPHENS, HORN,/HORNE' FOSTBR' MABRY' STEWART' CANTRALL, POORE, JULIAN, COX, DA.VIS, II{ASON, CRAWFORD'MOBLEY, mlORY.

MAW, AIvin F. & Bertha C., 502 Anderson Hwy, EasIey SC 29642-8123 ph: 864-859-5396 MAW, NORRIS, YOUNG, CONNELLY, SMITH

McALISTER, Cecil Ray, 111 Chatterwood Dr., walhalla sc 29691 Ph: 864-638-0263 il{cAlI STER' FITZGERALD

McALISTER, Lei la, 103 Vanessa Dr ive, Westminster, SC 29693 Ph: 864-64?-5220 IIOLCOMB,BEATY, WATERS,YEARWOOD' McALISTER' TAYLOR' lIII!:=lilill:=!13I:=lllli:=Y:lY:il:=1i1?33:=l1ll3i3======:= I McCALL, Patsy Stephens, PO Box 668' Monroeville AL 36461-0668 Ph: 334-?43-2538 STEPHENS, BARKER' LOOPER' STEWART' RACKLEY' HARRIS' VESTAL, POWELL, PAYNE, PIKE, POUNDS, McMASTER, FORBST' TOLLISON' DA'VENPORT' ALDA, THOMPSON, TERRY

MCCUEN,Wanda Ellenburg, 265 llunts Bridge Road, Easley, sc 29640 Ph: 864-855-3288 E-Mai l: [email protected] DAVIS' ELLENBURG' HARVEY' KIRBY, MCCUEN' PAGE, SMITH, STALLINGS, STARNES' THOMPSON.

McDUFFEE, Ted R., 4528 Greentrill Way, Andetson, IN 46012-9743 Ph: 31?-643-2g?g Fax: 31?-642-5222 DUFF, WHITSON' HAYNES\HAINES' THATCHER' :i:iT:::=:lllYi==::==:::===:====::=:=--==:==:-==:----==:==::::==:= ====--===== McGEE, PauIa, 8154 Laguna Court, Stanton, CA 90680-3916 Ph: 310*3?4-1?93 OWSLEY, GARRETT, WEST, IIARRIS, JOHNSON' KELLY' CARGILB, Ili]l:=3:iil:i:=::ii::l:=!llilllll======:=:======McHUGH, Edward & Martha, 193? Abercrombie Road, Honea Path, SC 29654-9505 Ph: 864-369-1114 E-Mail: RANCHEDGAoI.com Edward: McHUGH' DAVIS' M.4,FFETT\MOFFATT,GUNTER, HOLLAND, WHITE, MOON, RANDOLPH, PRITCHELL T::::::=l!i:i: =li: l:=:i:T:Il:=:i:::l: =:g::: =::i:i}: =:::glI!======McJUNKIN, Roenar 3l0 Dominion Drive, Newport News, VA 23602 LESLEY, BREAZEALE, BANKS, HAYS.

McKENNA, Laurie, 174O7 Buehler Road, Olney, MD 20832 Ph: 301-?74-9192 E-Mail: mckenna?Gex.netcom.com STRIBLING' VERNER' HICKS' LAMANCE, ENNIS, MIINER, CARDEN. ======::---- MEGGINSON,W.J., Po Box 2354L, Jackson, MS 39225 Black history of Anderson, Oconee and Pickens Counties of SC 1?80-1920. Town of Calhoun (now Clemson) history. COCHRAN' SMITH

MBRCK,Clifford L.,4449 S. Carpenter Rd. #D-2, Modesto CA 95358-9670 ph: 209-537-9720 E-Mait: Cliff8595?GAol.com MERCK/MERK/MARK/MARKS,GABLE, il lli*: =lYlTiI ======: ======: ======MERCK, Keith Arnold, 103 Jervey Road, Greenville SC 29609-1341 Ph: 864-2?f-1353 E-Mail: KmerckGjuno.com ARNOLD' HENDRICKS' EVANS' BARNES, STONE, EVBTT\EVATT\ WILLIMON, CITAPMAN,HENDRICKS, GAINES, MADDEN. -;" -;:-;-;;;; -, -;;;;-il: - ;;;il; i i ;;-;;;;;; ;;; ; ;.;;;;';;=; ;;; ;:; ;; ; Ph: 864-882-50?1 Dell--MIttAR, HORTON,JOHNSON, OUTLAND, COPELAND, SuITH, ROGERSON,PEELE, EXUM, WHITE, NEWBY. Judith--BOGGS, PRICHARD, TANNERY,LAND, JOLLY, LOWIE, MASSEY, HERRON.

MILLER, Rhea Louise, 16282 E, 82nd st. North, owasso, oK ?40ss-9449 Ph: 918-272-6186 E-Mail : rmiller323Gaol.com ELLISON\AILISON, IARKER, MORFORD,COX, SPENCER,SAMMONS, MILLER, WINES, DIccS, WALLER, THAYER, DAVIS' ROTH' MAST, WILSON, GAIT{BRELL,VAUGHN, HENDERSON, LEA, HERNDoN,KEY, C0ALSBY, YOUNGBLOOD,TILMAN. tILtBR, Robert S. , 906 Char I es Dr . r Westmins t er , sc 29693 Ph:404-633-1163 MILLER, LOONEY,BROOM, EATON, SANDERS,ADAIR. ======MISCHKER, Jo Ann Looper W7489 Highbridge, Oakfield, WI 53065 Ph:414-583-4631 E-Mai I JMISCHKER€Restat. com LOOPER, GARRISON.

MITCHELL, Howard, 1239 Downer Dr., Charleston, SC 29412-9306 Ph: 803-?95-0682 E-Mail: 104?42,[email protected] MITCHELL, BAILEY

MITCHELL' Virgil A. & Mary P., 2301 Norris Hwy., Central, SC 29630-8943 Ph:864-868-2838 SMITH, DAVIS, COX, MITCIIELL, MAULDIN, PARKS, LUCK.

Ph: 307-674-86?8 E-Mail : mmockGcyberhighway.net GREEN, WALL, CANNON, BOWEN, HAMMITT/HAMMETT.

MONTER, Itlarcy, 1250 Baird Ave SE, paris, OH 44669 Ph: 330-862-2672 E-lrdaiI : mnonter€malone. edu DENNIS, ADAIR, KEE/KEY. ilOORE, Don & Esther, 212 N.B. St., Easley SC 29640 Ph: 864-859-9434 MOORE,DAY, PICKENS, HENDERSON,ALEXANDER, PAYNE, JENKINS, BOLT, CANSLER, PENLAND, PATTEN, WEAVER, BIFFLE, PATTON

MOORE,Lavinia, 1?0? S. Oak St., Seneca SC 296?8-5621 Ph:864-882-3462 MOSS, NORTON,THOITIAS, LlntPKIN, HUGIIES,PETERSON, TImS, OI{ENS, McAFEE, HALL .

MORGAN,Kenneth D., LtZ Redbud St., Seneca SC 296?2-9165 RICHARDSON,WHITFIELD, CAMPBEII, KING, COX, MASON,MORGAN, GIBSON ilORRI S, t,Vr,r, WW., 6 Desport Sites Rd., Little llountain, SC 290?5 Ph:803-345-9418 GRANT, MURPHREE,PERRITT, AD.A,llS, NEAL, REECE, WELLS, DENDY, JOHNSTON,CANNON

MoRRow,Muriel E., 2331 Greenbriar way, Santa Rosa CA gs40g-Z61g Ph: 70?-539-4'/'27 MORROW,GARVIN

IIUilAUGH'Sharon Griffin' 103 Stockwood Court, Woodstock, GA 30188 Ph: 770-928-592G E-Mail:n*rmGgomail.doas.state.ga.us THoMAs, Nllll|oNs, UOORE, ANDERSON,BRUCE, GRIFFIN, O'SHIELDS, LIPSCOTIB,HARDAGE, BURNS, TURNER.

HUNDEN,Joy, Rt 3 Box C-111r Hico, TX ?645?-9?1? Ph: 254-7 96-2314 WHITE, CL.A,RK,LITTLEPAGE, BEATY. ----: :=:===:::======:==::=====:==::::======:======MUNGO, Mary C., ?34 Culp Ferguson Rd, Lancaster, SC 29720-9450 ph: 803-285-?03? REID, DOUGLASS, COCHRAN,BASKIN, ANDERSON'GRAY, STOKES' HODGES, THOMPSON, HARTGROVE. ===:======:======:======: MURPHREE,Charles H., L52Z Planters Ridge, Alpharetta, GA 30004 Ph: ??0-569-929? E-Mail : CmurphreQbellsouth.net MURPHREE'RHODES' TURNER.

NA,BORS,Betty Janer 7501 SVL Box, Victorville, CA g23gz Plr: 619-245-8030 NABORS, STEELB' PARSONS' PASSONS' MILES' SINGLETON.

NETTLES, John E., 524 Feeuster Lane, Rock Hill SC 29730-9091 Ph: Voice 803-324-?848 Internet: j.nettlesGsunbelt.net AYERS' PBRRY' HARRIS, RUTLEDGE, WILLIMON, NALLEY, SNYDER' FRYER ======:=====:======:======::======NEWTON,Ceorge D.' 203 Dogwood Lane, EasIey, SC 29642-1215 Ph: 864-859-1042 E-Mail: PendadsGAol.com NEWTON. =====:=====:===:======:======:======:======::=:::::=::: NOEL, Gregory R., 1608 Branch Dr., Champaign, IL 61821 Ph: 217-352-0693 E-mail: g-noell€viuc.edu SMITII, POSEY' MAULDIN' STONE, NORRIS, HORTON, HUNNICUTT, HUTCHINS.

O'SItIELDS, Clyde B. & Sandra, 2730 Dacusville Hwy., Easley, SC 29640 FIT:864_859-5951 LOOPER, FINLEY\FENDLEY, FREEMAN, TURNER, ALEXANDER, JONES, V ICKERY,

ORR, Bonnie Tollison, 160 St. Albans Rd., Simpsonville, SC 29680 Ph: 864-277-5310 BAGWDLL, PORTER, MOORE, LESLEY\LESLIE' LEWIS' STEWART' EMERSON, WHITT, CHANDLER, TOLLISON, KELLETT, WOODSON,THOMAS, GARRETT, LEDBETTER, COLE, IIOLLINGSWORTH, BABB, DAVID. ===:=:======:======:- PACE, Troy B. ' 300 Blacksnake Rd, Easley, SC 29640 Ph: 864-855-2382 PACE' BARTON, CHILDS, BAGWELL. ======:======:======:======:---- PALMER, W.E., 2610 Elkhart Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204-3410 Ph: 501-225-2361 E-Mail: DCRP33AGprodigy.com PILGRAM' HENSON ==:======:======:====:======:======PARKMAN, Charles R. & Vivian CarroIl, 308 Riverbend Drive, Beech Island, SC 29842 Ph: 803 -827 -1539 E-Mai I : CPVPGAoI.com BEARDBN' CARROLL' JAYNES' MOON, PARKMAN, BUSSEY, TILLMAN, MINTER, IIUFFMAN, HOLMES, MORGAN. =::-:--- PATTERSON' Jcrry, 20 Crest Club Dr., Braselton, CA 30517 Ph: ?06-654-5631 CRBNSIIAW'SMITH =::=====:======:======:======PEARSON, Opal, 3401 Townsend Blvd. #316, Jacksonville' FL 32277-2776 Ph: v04-?43-142G B-Mail: [email protected] WHITMIRE (SC & GA) _:-- PEBL, Sharon' 8609 Cr 1103-8, Grandview, TX ?6050 Ph: 254-854-2252 E-Mai I : Speelghtcomp.net IIONEA/HONEY.

' PIILFREY' Gina' 104 B Sunningdale Court, Easley, SC 29642 Ph: 864-859-3603 MERCK' PELFREY' SWORDS'ROGERS' GAINES' O'SHIELDS. PEOPLES, Beverly Dean, 401$ tileir [,aurel Dr., Raleigh, NC 27612 Ph: 919-787-8946 E-Mai I : bpeopies€mindspring.com DBAN, BOLT, HOWARD, ifll: =!l3lli:=::: !31: = l:T: I : =lil3l : -:i?T:: 3: =!liii3: ======: == == : PERKINS, Rachel, 1282 Ruhamah ltd"o [,iberty, SC 29657 Ph: 864-843-6469 WItSON, REID! wtlITAKTBR, HOLCOMBE

PERRY, Eugene R. , 6835 Cowles Mtn, i3l vd. , San Di€Bor CA 92119-1830 GOSS, PERRY, WHITTEN, OWEN.

PERRY, Lina W., 1621 Sunrise Ilrive, AnchorflBer AX 99508-3345 Ph: 90?-279-4367 McMAHAN, BARRFjTI',McCLURE, WHITE, CRAIG, TAYLOR, PAYNE.

PERRY' Robert L. I I I, 1226-3A Fairmont .A,ve., Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 :l:=l9l=l3i=lll:==3=Y::l:.,:!::l*11:1::::====::111====_====:::======PETERSON,Nell Huff, 8010 Parkdale Dr., Austin, TX ?8757-8132 Ph: 5L2-453-1039 JONES, CANSI.ER,sTUCKEY, DAY, WALDRIP, BIJZZLRD,MORGAN, 31]li:=ITYii:=iil33i:=3Yli:=i?Tl::--a======PFEIL' WaIter Edward "Ed", 1222 Commerce St #1802, Dallas TX 75202-4316. Ph: ZI4-761-1452 Fax: 214*508-4564 McDANIEL/MCD0NELL/MCDONALD,MARTIN, HILL, ELMORE, GREENWOOD,STRIBL,ING, HAILE, MITCHELL, TERRY, UPSHAW, DUDLBY, iT:: : =::i:::i: =iiillill : =li!! :=:1I:i :=IYII := :iil::: : =::13::i?I======PHELPS, Nellie P. Dillard, 200 McAlister Road, Easley, SC 29642-1236 ll:=M=l33=!3i1==l:!!ii3:=:gllill:=il3lil==-======:==:======PHILLIPS, Dr. Kay, P0 Box 43068, Louisvi lle, KY 40253-0068 KAY, ROGERS, WILLINGHAM, DAVIS, ELLISON, DUCKWORTH,JOHNSON, GREENLEE, lilTl ======: : == = = : : : : : ======PIERCE, Bibbit, 5618 Work Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71108-3630 Ph: 318-686-5920 E-Mai I : [email protected] AINSWORTH, BARBER, BYNUM, CLARK, DURHAM, EAVES, BARKSDALE, ELKIN, GOSSETT/GASSETT, GUNTER, HODGE, HOLT, MIXON, BELK/BILK, WOODHAM/WOODAM,PIERCE/PEARCE, RINEHART, RICHMOND, ::::93:3I:=lSiIIlil:=::ll:i::=:T:l::=::I3*:=:i::i:lI3:=3333::{:931{::31"' PONDER, June Rampy, 2ZB Cochran Rd #1, Clemson, SC 29631 Ph: 864-654-1434 E-Mai l : jTponGCLEMSON.EDLI RAMPY, PONDER, WHITWORTH, NIMMONS, BURGESS, ADDINGTON, THOMAS, PUTNAM, ELLIS, FRANKS, SHETTLESWORTH, HARDY, LONG, BLAIR, HYDE. '". PfI)LE, Allyne Morris, Rt 7 Box 546, Gilmer, TX 75644-8955 Ph: 903-?25-5294 DACUS, MULLINIX\MUILINAX, CHAPMAN, STANCIL, MAULDIN, NEIGHBORS\NEIGHBOURS, ELLIOT, ARNOID, ARMSTRONG,WOODS, cAINES.

POSEY' Joyce Maxine, 313 0ld Buncombe Rd., Travelers Rest, SC 29690-1817 Ph: 864-834-7012 LOCKABY, POSEY, CROWDER,MOORE, FOX, SMITH, DALE, CARRICO, DUNCAN

POWELL,Ernie, 13712 North Co Rd" 500E, BatesviIle, IN 4?006 Ph:8f2-934-4250 POWELL,ALI,EN, BARNES,ROSE, REID. ======. POWERS' William "Bill" HenIey, 3106 Watauga Drive, Greensboro, NC ?,T4IO Ph: 910-855-3085 E-Mail: BILLNOCARGAoI.com POWERS, PORTER, LANGSTON, BOccS, !li]]31:=i::Y::::-=-======:======:====:======:==== PR.A,THER,Edna L., 409 Rebecca Ave., Dothan, AL 36303-2?88 Ph: 334-793_301? DUNN, LIVERI',IAN,LASSITER, WELDON, SPENCER, NEWBERRY, i3:I:!3::= i3l 13 := 131 : =: l::11: := :lil! :1:=Is!?II :- IYI 1I : -III?91:T - PREAST,virginia c., l?e;-;;;;i;;--;;;;--;;;;;;;;-il-;;i;; Ph: 77O-422-65IO ABERCROMBIE,BLACKWELL, CANTRELL, DOBBS, cILCIIRIST, JACOBS,KEITH, McGEE, MILLWOOD,MORGAN, PHILtIPS, PooR/PoORB,RACKLEY, ::H:{:illll:=il!3: =lYlll:=llll:=Iii:i:::=:::::i: -- -: =: ======PRICE, William "Bill" W., 305 Avondale Dr., Sylvania, GA 30467-9?Bg Ph:912-564-9250 B-Mail: vrwpriceGplanters.net SATTERFIELD, ROPER, PRICE, 3:::g: =::i:lll: =!?3i3i: =!3lI : =::i::i:I: =II llSl======QUARLES' Anita Smith' 3783 Dogwood Valley Rd., Tunnel IIill cA 30755-?90? Ph:706-935-3408 SMITI{, GILSTRAP, SEAy, HAcINS, CRANE, HOLDEN, pILGRAM, CHARLES, BR.AMBLETT,QU.A.RLES, WINTER, STONER, REID, SISSON, WITHEROW, BROWN, iSllil]: =:ii:i:l]: =3!ii*r =- ======RAMSAUR, Lynne Graves, Route 1 Box 1432, Clarkesville, GA 30523 Ph: 706-947-3394 Faxl 706-778-3767 B-Mail: lynner€cyberhighway.net BRA,DLEY, BRUCB, CHAST,A,IN,GRANT, HALLUM, IVIB, MAXWELL, PARKER, PICKENS, l3i]Til: =i:::i:: =i::i:i:= lI1 ll : =li]T======: ======: : === : ======REESE, Frances Myers,433 Hillcrest Cir, Hendersonville, NC 28?92-3010 Ph: 704-692-8685 REES/REESE/REECE, MOORE, GALLOWAY,WHITMIRE, HENDERSON, il:::il:l!i:=T::ii:::=:i::YlI:=liil3l:=3ii:=T:lilli:=:::1{:lf======REESE, Manuel L., Po Box 1688, Vero Beach, FL 3ZgGl-1GBS :::=llI =l! l=illl=3=Y::l:=Tli::::9i:l::::===1::::======REHRIG' Mrs Oscar (Frances), 4230 Hickory Hill Blvd., Titusville FL 32?80 Ph:407-267-3891 BRYANT, CARGIL, CIIESNEY, cILLESPIE, LARK, MARTIN, PETERS, YiYlSll:=YIIISI:=Y3313:=13l3l:=:T:::::=:T::lI:=iTlIl:=::::::iI:=III13===- REID, Robert H., 3lZ East g2nd St Apt 2A, New york, N.y. 10128 llll:=:g:il3l:=li:::::i:=lY5li:=Tliilllll:=:g::::!:=llil11====:==:====: RICH, Mrs Peggy Burton, PO Box 1185, Clemson SC ZgG33 Ph: 864-654-2507 E-Mai I : YRWQlTAISProdigy. com TYLER, RUSK, McWHoRTER, ALEXANDER

RIGGINS' George E. Jr. , 2331 San Ansel ine Ave. , Long Beach C.A,90815-ZO4Z Ph: 562-598-7007 B-Mail: cRIccINSoworldneet.ATT.Net RIGGINS

RIGGINS, John lI. Jr., 326332 Clairmont North. Atlanta. GA 30329 Ph: 404-633-9364 E-Mai lL JRisg63?46GAol. com RIGGINS

ROBBRTS, RUTH, 6080 Prince Drive, San Jose, CA 95l2g Ph: 408-253- 03ZT E-Mai I : rT4.4t3mindspring. com Af r i can-Amer i can r,rrlc€Stor s: DUKE. BA.RNES. ROBERTS,Thomas L., 4318 CAmpHighland Rd., Smyrna cA 30080 Ph:770-438-9?4f E-Mail: [email protected] ROBERTS,WEATHERFORD, ITIII:=!YTI31:=33i1:=::::1:::=:l:33:3:=11!ii:=:::i::I======ROBINSON, Edna Moody, 1514 S.W. 144th Place, , WA 98166-1063 :l:=!'=2=!I-?---!!::==y:331:=111131:=I9il3l:=l33lf3r=i33lIl3I:=llfli======SCHLOSSER,Barbara, 4054 Rogen Dr., Encino, CA 91436-3?34 :!: =I 1I =I li =i :1: = =Y:lllT: =:ii:ll ======SEE, Cladys Ann, 408 S. Washington Street, Kinmundy, IL 62854-2150 Ph: 618-547-7731 E-Mai l: [email protected] BISHOP, BOSTON,DANIEL, JACKIT{AN, ::Y:l{:ilIISl: =Y!!ilI :=!Y M :=Ii llil := i33l3l :=!:::1Y :=:T3: :=T:::=f == = = SHERIFF, Anne, 988 Old Shirley Rd., Central SC 29630-9337 Ph: 864-639-6387 SHERIFF, RICB, CHAPMAN,ROCHESTER

SHERIFF, Mary, 348 Fuller Drive, Easley, SC 29640 Ph:864-269-5627 SHERIFF, LEOPARD, JAITIES,LEE, SHBPPARD, FRAIZIER, BROWN, !i33I:=3l3ll:=Ilili======SHERRY, Sharon S., 5213 Waterview Lane, Garland, TX 75043-4239 :::=311=331=311:==::::3ll:=!313:=lI1]1:=lllii]=====:======SHORT, Hazel S., 146 Pear Street, Covington, LA ?0433-6211 Ph: 504-875-9823 SMITH, CORBIN, RUSSELL, BONDS, COLLINSWORTH. -:-======- SHUMAKER,Mrs Mildred, 2416 Trenton Dr., Tuskaloosa AL 35406-1625 Ph: and Fax: 205-758-4934 BIBB, GREEN, SMITH, HENDRIX, GUYTON, MAJOR, EPES, ::11!:=3illli:=i3!l:=3?13:=TI:511======SIMPSON, Cassandra A. Brewer, 105 Tanner Lane, Seneca, SC 29678 E-Mail: CasSimpsonGAol.com BREWER, PIERCE, EDMONDS,LYLES, DRAKB, HARVEY, i31l:T{i::I::g==-======SINGLETON, Lester B., Rt 2 Box 533, Micanopy FL 32667-9620 Ph: 352-466-4055 Fax: 904-237-1748 SINGLETON, LEWIS, STEWART, LEONARD, !l3l3i:=]3ii: =iY::i3I9======SKEITON, Dennis Earle, 151 Enoch Lane, St. George, SC 29477-8619 Ph: 843-563-2532 E-ltdaiI : LSKELTONGinfoave. net SKELTON, MARTIN, LYNCH, WINCHESTER' CANTRELL' HOWARD'WILSON, WAGERS, BANKS, MASTERS, McJUNKIN, ASHLEY, CARY.

SLOAN, Theodore Bradford "Tim", 1401 Roane St, Covington TN 38019-3334 Ph: 901-476-?079 Fax: 901-475-5000 E-Mail: THIRZA€worldnet.att.net SLOAN, MAJORS, EARLE, TAYLOR, MAXWELL, REUBIN SMITH, HAWKINS, BROCKMAN, PATTERSON, BRODIB, NORTH, QUATTLEBALIM, BURKETT, JONES, pERRy, BRADFORD, lllll3: =T:TIilil:=Y313: =3iI3Ii!T!1: =ll::i:::=::ggl:=13i3;======SMITH, H. Dennis, 4708 Hwy 25 N., Hodges, SC 29653-9667 Ph: 864-3? 4-7042 or 864-3?4-3582 E-Mai I : 76264.14?lGcompuserve.com SMITH, ASHLEY, HARBIN, CLEVELAND,MIDDLETON, CORN, FRANKLIN, BOWIE, HUGGINS, BECK, CANTRELL,McGUFFIN, BRAWNER ======SMITH, El len Newton, 10216 Briarcl iff Rd E. ' Jacksonvi I Ie, FL 32218-5402 Ph: 904-75?-9359 COUCH, GALBREATH, PACK' SMITH' POOR' HOLLAND' ORR' CLARDY' BODDIE, THOMASSON.

sMITH, Guy R., Jr., 1140? Cloverlawn Drive, Brighton, MI 48116-8130 Ph: 810-229-4498 SMITH, WIAT\WYATT

SMITH, James M., I25 Lester St. PO Box 1424, Overton, NV 89040-L424 Ph: 702-397-8223 FREEMAN, DOBSON, SMITH, BROCK, LANDRESS, NABORS\NEIGHBORS, ALEWINE.

SMITH, James O., 1204 Rutland Ave., West Columbia, SC 29169-6233 Ph: 803-?96-8050 E-Mail: tinkerGnetside.com HESTER' LEVISTER' RACKLEY, SINGLETON, SMITH, WILLIAMS.


SMITH, Leo R., PO Box 256' Norris, SC 29667-0256 Ph: 864-639-4320 BOREN, COX, HICKS, THRIFT' Matthew SMITH' REILLY ======SMITH, Robert & Genettie, 2O7 College St., Westminster, SC 29693 Ph: 864-64?-1184 PELFREY, SMITH, HUDSON, RHNLETTER' WINKLER' HOLBROOKS.

SMITH, Thomas E., 1915 Three Lakes Drive, Shelby, NC 28150 Ph: ?04-48?-14?3 SI{ITH, BROWN, ELLLIOTT, MADDEN, WILLINGHAM' MERRITT.


SPEARIT{AN,W. Dennis., 342 Red Hill Road, Pickens, SC 29671 Ph: S64-8?8-2283 E-Mail : Compuserve76264 rI4''l1 BREAZEALE' PERRY' SPEARMAN

STEPHENS, Roger S., 434 S. Mill Road, Greenwood, SC 29646 STEPHENS, STEWART

STEWART,Leroy, 2O1 Enon Church Road, Easley, SC 29640-6915 Ph: 864-859-1958 STEWART'LUSK' McKIDDY

STILES, Dr,, H.M., PO Box 369' Maypearl' TX 76064 Ph: 972-435-0616 E-Mail : macsti les€Aol.com ALLGOOD'CLAYTON' DEAN' BROCKMAN,WATKINS, ELLI S, M.A,JOR.


TANNERY, Eugene, 1504 N. San Jacinto St., Conroe, TX 7?30f-1944 Ph: 409-756-2026 TANNERY, MINTON

TAYLOR, Elizabeth llaulbrook, 16074 Hopewell Rd., Alpharetta, cA 30004 !!: =I I I =1I I =i 1 9i = =Ill3l: =TiilII: =31133: =i3313: =lllll: =:3::i=f======TEDFORD' Sandra Haney, 1415 Red Oak Circle, Farmersville, TX 75442-3309 Ph: 972-784-?375 E-Mail: SandraTed€aol.com BRADLEY, BANKS, BROCK, GREESON, IYiISi:=:3:::f3:=il]Ii]:=lil3]:=!3llIli:=IlYl3======TEELS, Phyliss M., 8119 Shane Court, Manassa VA ZZII1-353? Ph:703-791-4359 BOGGS,RUMLEYT GAINES, ARNOLD,WILLIAMS, BRowN, BUSH, McMAHON.

TERRY, Mitzi, Ptl Box 301, Wildwood, FL 34785-0301 Ph: 352-748-1280 E-Mail: Mitzit€IBM.net BATES, BENJAMIN, CAPER, CRENSHAW, owENS, PORTER, RICE, RIGGINS, TURNER, WILSON.

TESENEER,Shirley Neal, Rt 3 Box 102, Abbeville, SC 29620 Ph: 864-391-2895 E-Mail: PersinmonGinfoAve.net NEAL, WELCH,SI{ITH, :*3:::l:=:iT::l:=]3lll33i======:======THOMPSONDavid, 106 Wood Duck Road, Anderson, SC 29621 Ph: 864-226-5579 E-Mai I : BOX4l4GAol . com THOMPSON,WHITE, DORSEY, II{AULDIN, HERBERT, CHAPPELL, PERRY, MANN, THOMPKINS, WHITMIRE, DAVIS, WILSON, EATON, :::::1I:3I:=lII]i======TINER, L. E., 7744 West Wescott Dr., Glendale LZ 85308-6109 E-Mail: KgilIsOAol.com PINSON, GRANT, STONE, LEE, KILGORE, McCRARYT WILLIAMS, GRAHAM, ALLISON, GREER, TYNER, DREW, FORTSON, FINLEY, BELEW, ROBINSON\ROBERTSON,ROGERS, WHITE, JACQUES, WEST\WrEST, HA.NSON\HENSON, BRYANT/BRIANT, BLASSINGAME.

TIPPENS, Wayne M., 389 Stancil Road, Ball Ground, GA 30107 Ph: 7?0-?35-3478 E-Mai I : thumbody0f reewwweb. com TIPPEN, ADAIIIS, ROPER, EDENS, SATTERFIETD, ROPER, HENDRIX, STEPHENS, WA.RD, BASS, McFARLIN, SPEARS, l!l I lll: =Y:11I I i!i: =Iiii3l:= illlSi: =Illllf I =- = - = - ======: ======TREADI{AY,Alton & Rita lt{urphree, 28 Michigan Aye., Montgomery, AL 36110-1716 Ph: 334-834-6160 E-Mail:RTREADWAYOworldnet.att.net MURPHREE,BYNUM, DIII{AS, ll3lll:=Yli9I3:=IYl-ry:I:=ll$!9r=T3II9I:=I3lll3I:=!1131:=3!lig{::=19::g' TUCKER,Charlotte Green, 1972 ldlewood Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Ph: 205-553-7259 E-Mail : [email protected] TUCKER,LEVERETT/LMRETT. TUCKER,Donald J., Po Box 429, North Berrwick, MB 03906-0429 ph: ZOI-6?6-4429 E-Mai I : ?3504,26S4€compuServe.com COKER'TUCKER' DAVIS ' 6ANTRELL, SKELTON, LOOpER, STANSELL, GARRI4TT,RIDDLE, ASHMORE,BISHOP' PAYNE, BALL

TUMLIN, Paul, 2085 Clairmeade valley Road' Atlanta, GA 30329-1013 E-Mail : cpdteAoI.com TUMLIN/TUMBIING/TOMLIN. ======:======TURNER, Dorothy Hamilton, 1049 Ben Higgins Rd., Dahlonega' cA 30533-5265 Ph: ?06-864-0949 TUCKER, HYDB, HARBIN' HAMILTON' WOODRUF'F'LINDSEY, SPARKS.

VINSON, Betty SuttIes, 145 Suttles Rd. ' Westminster, SC 29693 Ph: 864-647-2,4II COBB, SUTTLES' CRUMP'MINYARD, COTHRAN,DAVIS, TODD, BLACKWELL,WISENANT, LONG.

WAINWRIGHT' DorothY Dil l, 25315 Cotta.ge If i I I Lane, Spring, TX ??3?3 Ph: 281-355-1692 E-Mai l: DEW614€Aol.com FIELIJS, BUSBY, McILWAIN' DILL.


pARD, Linda Rogers, 5?81 Benfield Landing Rd., Nebo, NC 28761-968? ph: 864-848-3?48 ROBINSON, EARLET Ct{TLr}S' I'FE' GRANDY. ======:- WARDEN, Sandra D., 6234 South Fulton, Tulsa, UK 74136 ph: 918-493-26?0 E-lr{ai I : Del ashawGProdigy.net DELASHAW' BREAZEALE' IIAGOOD, MANN, KEITH, HAGOOD.

WELCH,William Jordan, l2OT East Zl Street, Tulsa, OK 74114-1211 Ph: 918-591-8533 Fax: 918-591-8221 DAY, PBTTIT' POOLE' RICHMOND'JONES' WELCH, JORDAN, BULL, SUMMERALL, HIX, CORNWELL, BARBER.

WELLS, Ruth G., Route 1 Box 424 Wtritakers NC 2?891-9640 Ph:919-43?-1508 GARRETT, THOMPKINS, {-IHAPMAN'FREEMAN

WHITE, JoElla B., PO Box I74, West [Iniotro SC 29696-01?4 Ph: 864-638-6994 Fax: 864-656-5973 p'ElflTYP()ot\POOL\PBTTY POOL ' KEASLER' HEXIIBREE,McCLURE ' BOLT

$HITTEN, Dr. Wi I I iam C. r 1015 Keystone Lape, (llemson sc 29631 Ph:864-654-3283 WHITTEN, CORBIN' NICHOLSON. MtXJDY' HUBBARD' PIKE' QUEEN' HOLDEN, FITZGERALD.

WILDERMAN'Angela E., 8904 Sawdust Trail" Chesterfield, VA 23838-5277 E-Mai l: angenatreeGAol. com KIRKSEY

WILLIAMS, Bvenitta J., Box 5113, Mansfield' OH 44901 Ph: 419-?56-5128 E-Mail : RootsNSCGAoI.com African-Anerican ancestor's: VANDMR, WILLIAMS, WEBB, HUNTER, HENDERSON,DUCKETT WIISON, Edwin Lee, 921 Jeremy Place, SE, Arab, AL 35016-1550 Ph: 205-931-4531 E-Mai I : ewi I sonlGmindspr ing. com SANDERS,SOUTHERLAND' WILSON, THUR"MOND,BUFF, FULTON, MESSER,HACKNEY.

WILSON, Lowry M., 205 Dana Drive, Easley, SC 29642-9340 :l:=l3i =331=::3:= =3=Ill1:=::l::::9*::::1=!ll= =I1l!!I: =:lT:::I:=:Yllg= === = WILSON, Robert F., 10513 Shruna Drive, Greenville, TX 75402-3524 PH: 903-455-?916 Internet: rfwilsonGtopher.net Compuserve: 73140.1435 WILSON, SANDERS,HARRIS, WARREN,QUILLIAN, WAGGONER,MULKEY, ELLTS, :*3::11:=:3y:::l:=!9IiI:=:ig3:I:=Il!3I3!======WILSON, Woodrow, 290? Oaklane Dr., Austin, TX ?8704-4616 ph: 5L2-444-1259 WILSON, SANDERS/SAUNDERS,COWAN, CALHOUN, WHITE, NEVILL, OLDHAM,GRAVES, O'HARA, DURHAM,PRESSLEY, TODD. r, WOOD.ARD,John P., 22O Chateau Drive, Fort Worth, TX ?6134-4605 f ph: 8L7-293-?105 E-Mail: Woodardp€SWBell.net THOMPSON,GAINES, HOLDER, WINCHESTER,DILLARD, FEATHERSTONE,VAN, WOODARD. ======- WOODSON,Julia H. Woodson, 326 Main St., Liberty SC 29657 li:=1!i=!ii=!i:3==1111113I:=:i::iI::=:fI:I:=::::l::=iI3:::3I:=3i91:{:g::: YOUNG, Homer E., 2133 Robin Hill Road, Oneonta, AL 35f2f Ph: 205-274-7496 YOUNG

YOUNG, Jay C., PO Box 146' Norris SC 29667-0146 ISYI!:= IllTIi: =:i:T ):i33ll :=:i:: :: := :::::: : =::: I lSil : =i9!lil I : = : :::i l: I === YOUNGBLOOD,David, 2O4 Marshall St., Fort Mill SC 29715-1818 Ph: 803-54?-G279 E-Mail: Younsblood0lnfoAve.net YOUNGBLOOD'HUNTER' STEPHENS, PARROTT, RIGGINS , RI CE, PERRY, SMITH, LAWSON, LE:WIS , STE"WART' :l I ::ii: : =IIYYI I : =YflII : =I1II: = i::iil33i: =Ii-Il3I : =l3l3ll : ======YOUNGBLOOD,Ruth A., 2514 Sylvan Dr., Garland TX ?5040-33?0 Ph and Fax: 972-495-1940 E-Mail:YB3SWBELL.net YOUNGBLOOD'KING' CURTIS' CAPEHART\CAPEHEART,MA,THI S . d.c. SEPTEMBER1998 MEETING A

Old rPend Di ict The SeptemberMeeting will be 3pm to 7pm Sundaythe 13th at KeoweeToxawayStart Park MeetingHouse. chE s.c. I Locatedon Hwy 11.\ile will eat about5pm so bring a well filled basket.The Chapterwill furnish ice,plates, 6eorgi4 cupsand napkinsetc. Bring a friend or spouse.

Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual $20.00 Associste$15.00 Family $25.00

Old PendletonDistrict ChapterHome Page On the Web: http ://www. geocities. com/bourbonstreet/delta/El ss

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME 12 NO. 7 SEPTEMBER 1998 Published:Januarr. F May. Ju ber.October.November

1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert G. Dodson ...... t64-t59-20t1 VICE-PRESIDENT:James "Jim" B. Gr4nger...... 8-Mail:[email protected]...... t64-246-1125 SECRETARY:Kenneth D. Morgan...... E64-654-92E0 TREASURER:Margarette B. Swanlc...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... t64-370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. Foster...... t64-Et2-E279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudy" Garner..... E64-tE2-6407 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith Merck"...... E-Mail: [email protected]...... t64-271-f353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... t64-6s4-92t3 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... t64-639-6387 NEWSLETTf,R EDITOR: Linda G. Cheek...... E-Mait:[email protected] Pleasesend RENEWAL DUES.NEW MEMBERSHIP. LINAGE CHART. OUERIES. ADDRESSC E AND

NOTICE The up-comingbook on Old PENDLETONDISTRICT CHAPTER GENEALOGIES: Written materiaVhistoryabout a family with dates,places etc, somethinglike the HeritageBooks. No linagecharts. Limit 12 pagesper person.

No date hasbeen set for publicationfor this boolcIt will take a while to get this togetherand indexed.So pleaseget in your linesas soonas possible.The deadline is still open. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

MargaretHoward Adams, 605 Nooman Lane, Hickman, KY 42050 Ph:502-838-6861 E-Mail: [email protected] SPENCE, MONTGOMERY, BOYD, GRAY,WLSON, CALDWELL, MCCLURE,ADAIR" McCLELLAN.

PatriciaArtope, 827-13 Boynton Ave #138, Bronx,NY 10473

RogerBarker, 4649Prne Valley Circle, Stockton,CA95219 Ph. 209-477-1610E-Mail: ROGERba@IBMNET BARKER

AndrewJohn Bond Sr.,824 CollegeAve., Athens, GA 30601-2640 E-Mail abond@archesVGA EDU Ph: 706-543-2492ALEXANDER. KING. SMITH

CheriBrown-Busboom. 6443 Bayside Way, Indianapolis,IN 46250 E-Maif: CJB@INETDT RECT NET Ph: 317-577-888IPELFREE/PELFREY, STANWICK


Bill }{ughes.153 Windy Hill Road,Central, SC 29630Ph: 864-654-1657 KF.TTH ROPFR, HENDRICKS at Ooloney,FIENRICKS at Six Mile. MADDEN. BARRETT

MarilynL MauldinLee, 1190Blueberry Trail, Decatur, GA 30033 Ph 404-636-1846MAULDIN, POOLE, TRAMMELL, DACUS, POSEY, HAMPTON

H LorvreyMcNeel, 4755 Paran Valley NW., Atlanta,GA 30327-3507 [email protected] Ph. 404-303-1952 PORTER, BROWN, BROYLES, LOONEY, DANIEL,ADAMS, DANGERFIELD,LOWREY, REID, BOSTON, HOWSER/HOUSER, RUSSELL, BETTS, WIGGINS


Robert C. Roper, 5241 OverlandTrace, Birmingham, AL 35244 E-Mail: [email protected]. 205-979-54201205-733-0267ROPER

JamesReeder Sawyers, MD, I l5 NottinghamDrive, , TX77904 Ph 512-575-8337E-Mail. jsawy44)@viptx net

GwenH. Skelton,65 Old FlowersRd., Blue Ridge,GA 30513 E-Mail: Skelton@mailTDS Net Ph: 706-492-4409Fax' 706-492-3482 HOLDEN/HOLDER/F{OLDIN/HOLDING, AKINS, CFIASTAIN, CLAYTON, REED, RACKLEY, DENTON, SKELTON. BOBO. BEARDEN CharlesR. Stephenson,22Q20Loma View E., SanAntonio, TX 78259-1726 E-Mail:[email protected] Ph:2T0-497-8131 STEPHENSON, STRANGE, TERRELL, WILLIAMSON, PARIS/PARRIS/PARRISH,ABBETT/ABBOTT, DUCK, O,REA& SHOCKLEY,DABBS, NEWMAN, EAST.

MarjorieThomspon,354l Arvor CreekLane, Flower Branch, Tx75022 ph..s7 2-874-85 I 5 E-Mail: Il{pY [email protected]& THOMAS, SANDERS,POLEN, HOLMES, CARPENTE& MCKINNEY,HYATT, MCCONNELL,SOUTHARD, CURTIS, KING, RIGGS.

DavidWallace, 26 WindsorWay, Dahlonega,GA 30533 Ph:706-864-5972 E-Mail: [email protected],ANDERSON, GROGAN, PARKS, WALLISAilALLACE.

JillWheeler,273-A Tom Bargeron Rd., Sardis, GA 30456 Ph:912-569-4632

TinaS. Williamson, 531 Eagle Nest Way, Cosby, TN 37722 E-Mail:[email protected] Ph.423-623-2100 COLLINS, ELLISON, SFIERIFF, SMITH, LARK, WHITE, MORGAN.WILSON, CHAMBLEY, COX, WALLACE

Mary A. Willoughby,1 CranwoodCourt, Greensboro, NC 27455 Ph:336-282-2435 E-Mail: [email protected] DICKSON

Co., SC INFORMATION: Mike Cobb hashis directCobb linageon line which includeshis Pickens connection.:http://familytreemaker.com/users/c/o/b/lvlichael-R-Cobb/index.html

JanisMahaftey has Web pagesunder SC GenWebpart of the USGenWeb: http://www. geocities. com/F{eartlandMoods/2548 http ://www. mindspring.com/-hafney/anderson. htm http ://www. mindspring.com/-hafirey/oconee. htm http ://www. mindspring.com/-hafney/pickens. htm http ://www. mindspring.com/-hafney/pendltn. htm

E.MAIL CORRECTIONS:CharlesHenderson [email protected] and ADDITIONS: Tom Holmdahl [email protected] Lila Garner [email protected] Jim Granger [email protected] JamesW. Collins [email protected] Alton & Rita Treadway Rtreadway@knologY. net Alice Hills [email protected]. mci. net


MargaretHoward Adams,605 Nooman Lane, Hickman, KY 42050 Ph: 502-838-686fE-Mail: [email protected] Co., SCin 1827. My secondgreat grandfather, John BOYD, marriedJane MONTGOMERY in Newberry MONTGOMERYbox WittiamBO-YD signed as Securityfor the marriage.The affidavit was found in the Robert in Newberry. Her uncle was appointedguardian after the death of her father ThomasMONTGOMERY. Her mother was Ann SPENCE, the daughterof Andrew SPENCE and Mary CALDWELL. The Robert MONTGOMERY family (his wife was Esther SPENCE sisterto ANN) left SC and went to TN as well as Ann SpenceMONTGOMERY and John and JaneMontgomery BOYD. The BOYDS went on to Western KY where he had land grants.Who were the parentsof this JohnBOYD? He was born 1807in KY accordingto all census records.Their first child, William SpenceBOYD was born in SC. Johnand Jane BOYD are buried at Beech Grove CumberlandPresbyterian Church in GravesCo. KY. I would shareany researchon this family for any information as to his parentage. I am searchingfor the datesthat Andrew SPENCE and his family cameto SC from Ireland. What port, what ship and informationabout the family would be appreciated.He is supposedto havecome about L772from Ahoghol, Ireland but I have no proof. I was in Ahoghol, Antrim Co., Ireland recently and found SPENCE still living in Ahoghol and they are Presbyterian.I was not able to get to church records at the time. Did they have to take an oath of allegiancesomewhere at that time in SC?If so where?

JamesW. Collins,3320Louis Drive, Plano, TX 75023Ph: 972-509-6661 E-Mail: [email protected] I amresearching John COX m. Sarahd. 1825.He livedon a 300acre Plantation located where the Savannah Riveris joined by GenerosteeCreek. The Mills Atlasplat of thePendleton District, SC surveyed in 1820shows "CoxesMill" at thatlocation. I aminterested in contactinganyone researching John COX.

Barbara Eades,3914 Alma Ave., Redding,CA 96002E-Mail: [email protected] Seekinginfo on HarrisonBLASSINGAME who was age70 in 1850Anderson District, SC Censusliving in householdof ThomasBLASSINGAME. Has beenassumed it is his brother.but recentevidence on Thomas' siblings,etc. shows nothing about a Harrison.

Seekingto establishfact that Mary ObedienceBLASSINGAME, daughterof Robert EasleyBLASSINGAME and lst wife Nancy BOWEN was married to SamuelAndrew BARR son of Leroy and Matilda Ann JONES BARR. Mary Obediencehad brother, Robert EasleyBLASSINGAME Jr who married Mary ElizabethBARR also d/o Leroy and Matilda JONES BARR.

Who is Mary BLASSINGAME b. 1832Pickens SC in the 1860census with presumeddaughter Martha BLASSINGAME b. Pickens,SC 1856living in the householdof SamuelBAR. It is believedshe was widow of SamuelBLASSINGAME or ThomasBLASSINGAME both of whom died ca 1856of typhoid fever. Thesetwo menwere also sonsof RobertEasley BLASSINGAME andNancy BOWEN.

Lila Garner,2ll N. First St. Rt I, Milford, NE 68405-9606E-Mail: [email protected] Died at his residencein Mount lda, MontgomeryCounty, AR on the l4th Septemberlast, Dr. JohnBlasingame ROBINSON, in the 2Sthyearof his age.Dr. ROBINSON was the eldestson of Dr JohnROBINSON, of PendletonDistrict, SC: long and favorablyknown as one of the most ableand skillful physiciansof his a3e.He acquiredhis professionin the State of SC and somefew yearsago, removedto Arkansas,where he married the daughterof Dr. A.B. CLINGMAN and at the time of his death,was engagedin an active and lucrative business. He was an open-jearted,generous, high mindedyoung man,and bid fair to becomean omamentto his profession, and a most usefulcitizen. A wise Provicencehas, however, removed him from the sceneof his labor and usefulness,and thus left manyfriends in the Stateof his adoptionto mourn his loss.

Searchingfor birthdateof Dr JohnBlasingame Robinson. Does anyoneout therehave the RobinsonFamily Bible? Family recordwas quotedwhen Eliza ROBINSON neeBlassingame applied for an l8l2 widow's pension.

ElsieT. Goins,112 Olde SpringsRoad, Columbia, SC 29223-6022 Seekingindividuals who candocument their SouthCarolina Native American ancestry, via historicaldocuments, photographs,family oral history, reminiscence,tribal affiliation, and association.TFIE EASTERN CHEROKEE, SOUTF{ERN IROQUOIS AND UNITED TRIBES OF SOUTH CAROLINA INC'S preservationproject is seekinginformation from all Cherokeedescendants as well as otherNative groups.Especially seeking Cherokee ancestralstories from Old PendletonDistrict, Oconee,Pickens, Anderson and Greenville.Write: Cherokeesof SC, PO 8ox7062, Columbia,SC 29292 or call 803-699-0446.

Elizabeth J. Griflin, 2329 Laurel Lane, Augusta, GA 30904Phone: 706'733-9472 Would like to beg,borrow or buy a copy of MOODY FAMILY HISTORY. Searchingfor parentsof JamesE. MOODY 1845-1877.Married Rhoda SHEDD andhad a brotherDaniel J. MOODY 1852-1930.

Barbara Leigh, 7351 S. Knolls W"y, Littleton, CO 80122-1751E-Mail: [email protected] Ph:303-220-1263

I am looking for info aboutAlexander McKINNEY, believedto havebeen married to EllenaBARR. Ellenab. 12 Dec 1809.In one of the newsletterswas listedthe will of SusannahMcMAHAN w/o Peter.In her will sherefers to AlexanderMoKINNEY'S son RobertPhelix/Felix. Also Alex hadtwo other sons,Samuel Van and James Oliver MoKINNEY. I found an AlexanderMcKINNEY on the 1850Anderson Census, with his three sons,and a Martha M. McKINNEY about23. I don't know if this is a daughterof if he remarried,or if this is eventhe Alex I am looking for?

I know one of the BARR girls marriedan Alex McKINNEY, andthe youngestone, Bernice BARR m Robert MgKINNEY. I don't know if thesetwo men arerelated. Also I havealways thought that SusannahMcMAHAN was the d/o AlexanderOLIVER. I am not sureof this, but the nameappears on his will, page69 Pendleton District and AndersonCo Wills, Estateetc. I am hopingsome one knows aboutthese families and can enlighten me. Also I havewondered who this PerryMcKINNET is mentionedin Susannah'swill as "Friend." I havean obit on Alonzo Perry McKINNEY'S wife, but I am still in the dark asto who they are. Any informationwould be greatlyappreciated.

I am tryingto locatesome living descendents of WalkerAlonzo SMITH b. 7 June1878 d. l2 Feb 1919 His parentswere Gdeon AshleySMITH b. 14Nov 1839Pickens District, SC andMartha Mae "Mattie" PickensDistrict, SC. Walkerwas marriedto Mossie STEGALL b. l3 Sept I{ENDRIX/FIENDRICKS b. 1849 'Iheir 1879d. 27 Feb 1968.This coupleis buriedin Rock SpringsChurch Cemetery, Easley, Pickens Co., SC childrenwere:Cleo SMITHb. 1905m. COOPER,Harold SMITHb. 1907,Velma SMITHb.19l0, Franklin? GraysonSMITH, Kermit SMITH, Bruce SMITH andPauline "Polly" SMITH. I found the family on the l9l0 census,but I could not find the widow and childrenon the 1920census anywhere. I would appreciateany information.

Robert H. Reid V"Amy E. Reid, 112Victor Ave., Greer SC 29651 From "PendletonDistrict and AndersonCounty, SC Wills, Estatesand Inventories" Will of David Brown, 7 June 1796,mentions wife Jane,witnesses: John REID, William REID and Adam Bain. Will of JohnBeaty 5r.,29 Jan 1816,mentions daughter Margaret, son Samuel,witnesses. John REID, Thomas Beaty,William Beaty Estateof William Beaty,appraised 20 Jan1848, executor Andrew REID. If anyoneknow any of thesepeople please contact me RobertReid at [email protected] at addressabove.

Seekinginfo on the HUNTER family. ThomasHLTNTER died 1825in PendletonDistrict, SC marriedSarah GILKEY of RutherfordCo., NC. DaughterMary McEldowneyHUNTER marriedDr William ANDERSON of Orrville, SC. Thomasmay havebeen a brotherof JohnHI-JNTER who migratedto PendletonDistrict, SC from Carlisle,PA.

Seekinginfo on or contactwith descendantsof the family of Luke HAMILTON who died in 1825Pendleton District (Anderson)SC. Lived in WilkesCounty, GA until about1802, then settled along the Little Generostee Creekin AndersonCo., SC.Wife ElizabethWITI{ERSPOON. Children:Mary HAMILTON m. AndrewREID, WilliamHAMILTON m. SophiaHOUSTIN, Margaret HAMILTON m. WilliamMcALISTER, Nancy HAMILTON, SallieHAMILTON m. BenjaminCASON, Lettia HAMILTON m. IssacLONG, FannieHAMILTON m. JamesTAYLOR Luke HAMILTON m. Rebecca WARMCK laterRosa HALL, LeahHAMILTON m. AndrewMcALISTER (brother to WilliamMcAlister).

DennisEarle Skelton,151 Enoch Lane, ST GeorgerSC29477-8619 E-Mail: [email protected] Seekinginfo on JohnMASTERS b. 1818married Nancy Rebecca McJUNKIN b. 1838.They produced a daughter,Martha MASTERS (1879-1967) who marriedGdeon ArcheleasLYNCH (1874-1969).Gdeon came from Little Eastatoecommunity and Nancy Rebecca probably from aroundthe TableRock areaof PickensCo., SC.I am interestin learningabout these MASTERS and MoJUNKIN families.

SilasAbram Clayton MARTIN, AKA. (1875-1939)of Oconeeor PickensCo., SC married Elizabeth Ida WINCHESTER(1875-1967) of PickensCo., SC. Martin's father was William Waddell "Billy" MARTIN (1829-1896)who mayhave moved into the Senecaarea from Anderson or AbbevilleCounties of SC.Sarah ElizabethMILLS (1830-1910)was the wife of Mr Billy. SilasClayton MARTIN rana grocerystore on "RamCat Alley" in Senecafor a numberof yearsin the early1900's. My researchhas halted at this point.

Pleasecontact me if you canbe of anyassistance in my search.I regretnot havingjoined the PendletonDistrict Chapterbefore recently. I havehad generous responses and have developed valued Email friends.

CherlesR Stephenson,22020Loma View E., SanAntonio, TX78259 E-Mail : [email protected] Seekinginformation about my GG-Grandfather,William Hamilton STEPFIENSON,who was born 2 Dec 1817 in PendletonDistrict (Anderson).He marriedSalina C. BROWNING on 8 July 1849in ChambersCo., AL. His death certificate lists his parentsas JamesS. STEPIIENSON and Margaret. Who were the siblingsof William, where did his parentscome from and who were their parents?

Larry E. Tiner, 7744WestWestcott Dr., GlendeleAZ t530t-5109E-Mail: [email protected] Needinfo on WilliamI{ENSON who wasgranted 1000 acres of landin l8l3 PendletonDistrict, SC. Where did he comefrom andwho washis wife, children,siblings, parents? Deed Book A-l Vol I PickensDistrict, SClist AnanisTillison sold to AbnerCrosby, 450 acres part of a 1000acre grant on bothsides of Chauga Creek,waters of TugalooRiver alsoknow asPITTS GUNFACTORY.Was Pitts Gunfactoryestablised beforeor afterownership of landby WilliamHenson?

John P. Woodard,220 Chateau Drive, Ft Worth, TX 76134-4605E-Mail: [email protected] In replyto my articleon BenjaminHOLDER in the May Newsletter: My grandadThompson's DC indicatedhis mother's name was Sallie Dillard. From the records of SeconaBaptist Church,near Pickens, SC I havelearned that BenHOLDER had been dismissed by the churchin 1844,when he wasnineteen. An elderlygreat grandson said this wasfor gettingscme young woman in the familyway. Now on pagethree is a Biblerecord of someDILLARD family.There is listeda SarahDILLARD bornin 1844or 1845, which caughtmy attention.Benjamin HOLDER did not marrythe motherof his childborn out of wedlock. Insteadhe latermarried Malinda FERGUSON and their first bornwas named Sallie. I haveconcluded this was not the motherof Harry THOMPSON. Cananyone help on this family. DEAR LINDA CHEEK 247 CROSSHILL ROAD CREEK EASLEY,S.C. 29640 -8857










GeorgeFranklin Barker Born:February 27,1854 Location:SC ? Died: August4, 1886 Location:Madison or Canoll County,AR Buried:Upper Campground Church near Kingston, AR Father:John or JamesBarker ? From:SC, VA ? Mother:Mary. Middle or lastname "Presley" ? From:SC, VA ? Married: Mary Catherine"Molly" Inman Manied on: December27, 1883 Location:Madison or Carroll County,AR Two Children: Male: Marion FrancisBarker Born: November 3, 1884in Kingston,Madison, AR Male: SamuelPresley Barker Born: September7, 1885in Kingston,Madison, AR

1880census Kings River Dist., MadisonCounty, AR. Mary Barker(75) placeof birth SC andson G. F. (23) placeof birth SC (Not in the 1E70AR census).George married, had2 childrenand died before the 1890census. Madison Countv Court house and all records weredestroyed by fire in 1901.

1850census Pickens County, SC. James Barker (60) wife M.ariAnna (42) children: WilliamR (21),Wilson (19), Kezia R (16),James (15), Mary J (14),Andrew J (9),Lewis M (8), SarahM (6)

1860census Pickens County, SC. Mary Barker(55) children:Andrew (20), Lewis M (17),Sarah (14), Georee F. (6).

I havenot beenable to confirm that this is the correct Mary and GeorgeF. Barker. They arenot in the 1870census for SC or AR.

I would be happyto shareinformation on Barker family history.

PreferE-mail: [email protected] or RogerM. Barker 4649Pine Valley Circle Stockton.Ca 95219-1876 From Kevi n Adams--314 Poplar SL . , Seheca , :'.(.'. 29678 I n the ear Iy 18OO's a Mr . Adanis marr i ed a wornan namecj l'lat'r' I cjo not know the Adams man's f irst name. or Mary's mai,:loll rrame' They had 4 sons whose names in order of birth are. .lc:rtrrM. r\clant'',. j.c Jasper Newton Adams, Thomas Jef f erson Adams. ancl R h;rrcJ t... Ar1ams. .Iohn was the olctest, but I cto not know when he w8s $ot't1 r1r "lied' Jasper was born June 15, 1831 and cJi.eclMav 2 . L9t-rrt. Th''-)rnas t',as born Aug. 1O, 1833 and clied November 1913. Ri.clrarcl t,rirs t lte youngest, but I don't know when he was born or diecJ. Af t:er t l"re four sons were born, Mr. Adams must have died and fris wife. Mar','. took the four sons and was travelinS through Oconee near the Chnuqa River where she came on a Bachelor by the name of I'lr . t^lil. I am Barton. she eventual ly marr ied him, Lrrtt' hacJ no chi Iclr ert l''v fri m ' Mr. Barton lef t his land to her and her fottr AcJamsiions b,h':,n he died in 1863. The lancJ was near the Chauga Rit,er ancf lr-r;6t+av Creek area outside of WestminisLer on whab is now N. .lenkins dt'ici're Rd. Jqhn M. Adams and many of his cJescenclants remajne.,l in thiq' area. Jasper lived here for a while and Lhen moved to Coffee Rti. outside t^lestminister where he raisecl a l arge f ami I v - I hr-'mas Jefferson moved to the (Jnity Church Area ancJ mallv ef h'3 descendants are buried at Unity Baptist. Richard everttua I lv l'i't 'l the area and went somewhere out, WesL, Jasper. Thomas. ancJ fiicha' all t.hree fought in the Civil War for the South. JasPer atrcl thomas were both iniured. Many of the Actams are flaptisL ' It is frcm Jasper Newton Adams rvhj.ch I descend. .,16sPsY l'tar{ many descendanLs, but for t'rc)w I will stick to mw st-r-aioirt "ll116l. clescelsion only. Jasper had a son t^lil l iam B. Aclrints:kltot''lr as Billy" or "BilIy" Adams. William B. Adams had a son ('l.il=t"n Freeman Adams who moved f rom t^lestmini.ster t-o 5enec'a t.I il forr Freeman Adams had a son CIay WiIIiam Adams. CIay Willianr Acjams hrd a son Michael tliltiam Aclams. Michael William Aclams hacJ a sort Kerrin CIay Adams which is me. Jasper had a large f ram outside Westmin j.st er rrn r^rhieh he is (- buried. WiIIiam B. Adams farmed outside WesLmittist-er' . I i f t "n Freeman Adams owned and ran the Seneca Marble ancl Ciratri.t' t'lerrk':. Adams-Smith Chevrolet of Seneca, ahd t

From: Kevlfi c. Adam$. 314 Nd. Foplar 5t., Soneea. s.c . 2967a Seeklnd I nf orrnatlon on parents 6f thomas Jaf lrerson Adams. un I v informatlon to date ts that a Mr, ?? Adamsmarried a lfarv ?i. lhey had 4 sons. John M. AdAms-- ho lnformatloh oh him. Jespar Newton Adame--b. 15 Jun6 1831, d. 2 MaY, 1')oB. Thomae Jefferson Adams--b . 22 June 1836, Mar . F I i75frr7t-h.lnlte Duke about 1653, d. 6 July t922 in Oconee Co., S.C.. Richard L. Adams--no infornation on hlm.

Jaspar NewLon Adams had a son Wl I I lem B . /rdams who tracl a !:rolr Cllfton Freonafi r\damsi Who had a Obfi Clav t^rlJ.Ilam Acfanrrt^rho harj .q son Hichael tltlllem Adams who had e son Kevlll Clav Adap5-

I woulcf appreclate any i nf ormation or clue on l''lr ?'?' /trlnnts a lr.J Ma r w ??


I havejust publisheda bookon theAriail family.The title of thebook is "ARIAIL ANCESTRY."The journey from PlymouthRgck to Arial Mountain.The Ariail and RelatedFamilies of PointsSouth. The book is heavyon theNew Englandgenerations.

Locally,copies will be availableat theGreenville and Spartanburg County Libraries, the EasleyPublic Library and the Rickman Library (Faith Clayton Room) of Southern WesleyanUniversity in Central. Thanks:Ted Epton,14 Mountain Vista Road, Taylors, SC 29687 Ph: 864-895'6777 Old PendletonDatabase Project by: Herman Geschwind http ://www. geocities.com/bou rbonstreeUdelta/8 155 Don't LetZIP ZapYou

Wheneveryou areexchanging computer files with yotu genealoglcorrespondent, chances are good that the file thatyou receive,be it on-lineor asI diskette,will be in a compressedformat, known as a ZIP file. Thetipoffis thatthese files all havethe file name extension.ZP. Let us examinewhat this is all aboutand how to dealwith ZIPs.

The ideabehind a compressedformat is very muchthe way we dealwith liquids zuchas orange juice, milk, cofreeor eggs. Commonto theseis that theycontain better than 90% water. Whentansportation is scarceor expensive,a goodway to ship theseproducts is to extact the water andship the solidswhich will weigha lot lessand take up a lot lessspace. At the destination,jN addwater and stir andnow againwe havemilk or orangejuice, etc.,almost as goodas the original. The samedso appliesto cornputerfiles, bo0r programand data files. Insteadof waterthey contain repetitive and redrmdant bit patternswhich canbe extractedand later addedback to makethe files fully functionalagain.

In the caseof computerfiles, the compactionand extraction process makes use of mathematicalformulas which werediscovcred by threemathernaticians in Israelseveral decades ago. Beingpure scientists and not very business-minded,they failcd to takeout I patent for their discovery.If theycould have charged royalties wery time files arecompressed and de-compressed, thcy probablycould be as wealthyas Bill Gates.Such is life!

Much as it is muchmore economical to ship milk or eggpowder or instantcoffee, much can be gainedby compressingfiles p,riorto uploadingthem electonically or mailingthe,rn with diskettes.Here is an example:The Old PendletonDatabase as a GEDCOMfile at presenttakes up roughly31,000,000 bytes. Since a diskettewill holdaround 1,500 bytes, this means to mail thefile to someonewould takeroughly 20 diskenes.Quite a packageand some hefty postage. The samefile compressedinto ZIP formatwill be slightlymore than5,000,000 bytes or only fotu diskettes.In our example,25,000,000 bytes are repetitive and redundant bit panernsor tlre equivalentof water. Putanother way to dovmloada 31,000,0@byte file requiresroughly 180 minutes, the same file in ZIP formatonly 30. I think theseexamples demonstrate the valueof shippingcompressed files. Is therea downsideto the ZIP fmrnat? Absolutelynot. The compressionand decompression process makes heavy use of error checkingbytes to assurethat whateverwas ottracted will b€ addedback to preventdata loss. lf a ZP file uncompresses,you canbe surethat you have I 00% of the original databack. [There is alwaysa possibilitythat a file canbe damagedin transit,be it electonicallyor in the mail but that hasnothing to do with the compression/decompressionprocess. ]

Beforea ZIP filecanbe used,it mustbe decompressed,so how do we do that? A ver', popularprogram is PKUNZIP.HG. It is a very small,28K programthat hasbeen around for a numberof yearsand is a sharewareprograrn. It canbe foundon the Internetin a numberof placeswhen you searchfor it. Oncedownloaded, install it in the samedirectory where most of your programfiles are 'path' located. Goodcandidates are C:\DOS or C:\Windows[either way, this is to ensurethat Pkumip will be in the andreadily accessible.]

PKLTNZIPis a DOS-levelproduct and does not havethe prettyand userfriendly interface of Windows. The "help file" for PKUNZIP canbe invokedby typingPKUNZIP /?. To decompressa file let us assumethat the file is storedin a directorycalled C:\TEMP andthe file is calledCOUSINS.ZIP. The commands at theC:\ promptthen will be asfollows: PKUNZIP C:\TEMP\COUSINS.ZIP. Now pressEnter and in a few secondsyou will haveCOUSINS.GED or whateverwas lurkrng behind COUSINS.ZP decompressedin the C:\TEMPdirectory. T\e ZP file alsowill still be thereand once you aresatisfied that the GED works pro,perly,the Ztr file canbe deleted.

To createaZlP file takesa programcalled PKZIP.EXE. Whatwas commented above also applied to PKZP. The commandline to compressCOUSINS. GED would be: PKZIP C :\TEMP\C OUSINS.ZP COUSINS. GED.

Both PKUNZtr andPKZIP cando manymore things as the "help file" will show. Hereis anexample of oneof theseoptions: Assume we wantto zip the Old PendletonDatabase onto diskettes for mailing. Rememberthat evenas a compressedfile the GED is much largerthan a diskettewill hold. PKZIF allowsfor "disk spanning"which meansthe file will occupyas many diskAtes as it will take without "Disk Full" error. The commandline in this caseis: PY\ZP -& A:\OPD.ZIPOPD.GED. The "minus amp€trsond"is whet is knovmas a cornmandline switchand there are many both for PKZIPand PKUNZtr.

For thosewho would rathernot fool with the DOS promptand command line switches,a Windowsprogam [shareu'are]called Wiiltr will hide all the arcanaebehind a familiar Windowsinterface. WiTZIP wiil install into the File Managa or Explorer. Highlight aZIF file anddouble click andWinZIP will kick in with a hostof menuiterns to handledecompressing [extracting]. Compressinga file usingWinZtr is just aboutas easy. BOOK'S ON OLD PENDLETON DISTRTCT,SOUTH CAROLTNA (PRESENTDAY-ANDERSON, PICKENS, OCONEE) AND SOME FAMILY HISTORIES BY MEMBERS

G. Annc Sherifi 9tt Old ShirleyRoed, Centrel, SC 29530 PickcnsCounty SC CemeterySurvey m $25.00 AndcrsonCounty SC CemeterySurvcy m S25.00 Scttlementof PendletonDistrict 1777-1t00by Frederick V. Cleyton $22.00 Itl0 Censusof PendletonDistrict SC by Anne Sherilf $15.00 It30 Censusof PickensDistrict SC by Anne Sheriff$15.00 It40 Censusof PickensDistrict SC by Anne Shcriff$15.00 PickcnrDistrict SC Jury List 1828-1t49$5.00 PickcnsDistrict SC 1854Tex PrymentList $5.00 It50 SlevcCcngus of PickensDistrict SC (EesternDivision) $15.00 It50 Shvc Ccnsusof PickensDistrict SC (EesternDivision) $15.00 Sketchegof ChcrokeeVillages in SC.Edited by Anne Sheriff$5.00 Pickensvillc-EesleyHistory. Edited by Anne Sheriff$1 6.00 Bleck Histora in PickcnsDistrict Vol. I. Edited by Anne Sheriff$5.00 Bleck Hirtory in PickensDistrict Vol. tr. Edited by Anne Sheriff$5.00 Libcrty SC: One Hundrcd Years1876-1976 by Julie Woodsonend Ann Sheriff $22.00 ChcrokecVilleges in SC.Edited by Anne Sheriff$22.00 Pickensend OconeeCounties Post Ollices including SC PostOllices 1793-1t23 by Anne Sheriffand Levinia Moore $25.00 RochcsterFemily History by Anne Sheriff$30.00 CentrelYesterdey end Today by Mattie May Morgan Allen $10.00 PickcnsCounty Tour Book by G. Anne Sheriff$5.00

PegryB. Rich, P.O,Bor lltS Clemson,SC 29633 Old StoncChurch by RicherdN. Breckettend Old StoneChurch Ccmctcryby Pcgty B. Rich $12.00 Alcrendcr Femiliesof Upper SC by PeggyRich, Merion Whitehurstand Jerrl Alcrendcr. PickcnsScntinel Newspeperc SC by PeggyRich, Merion Whitehurct 2 Volume It12-1t93 $77.00

FrcdcrickC. Holder, 159Dodd Farm Road,Seneca, SC 2957t-95t1 Eirtoric Sitesof OconceCounty SC by FrederickC. Holder $5.00 Andrew Pickensby Joen E. Majteny $2.50 OconeeCounty SC Library, 501W.S. Broad Street,Walhalla, SC 29691 Indianirail Map of OconeeCounty SC by MargaretMills Seaborn$10.00 StagecoachMap of OconeeCounty SC by MargaretMills Seaborn$10.00 BenjaminHawkins in OconeeCounty SC by MargaretMills Seaborn$15.00 AndreMicheaux in oconeeco SCby MargaretMills Seaborn$19.00

NetionalGenealogical Society ,l92l SunderlendPlace, ltW, Washington,DC 20036 1800Census of PendletonDistrict SCby WilliamC. Stewart

Woody A. Kelley,2224 Slryline Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76114' TheKennemer Book $55.00

MarT- Tyler' 1261Hollridge Road, Sandy, UT 84094 iountry CousinsDescendants of SamuelDean by EraMorgan Davis, LouiseS. Rourke,and Mark B. Smith.238 pages, fully indexed.Includes the Dean Family in the areaof PendletonDistrict, present day: Anderson, Oconee and Pickens Countiesof SouthCarolina. Price $20.75 includes postage'

Linda GaleSmith cheek,247 Cross Hill Road,Easley, sc 29640-8857 PickensDistrict, SC 1860Census $40.00 Ancestorsand Descendants of Smiths$32 00 (about10 left) SmithWills Deeds and Family Histories 560.00 Abstractsof PickensDistrict, SC Deed Book C-l $30.00--allprices include postage

Rev.carl G. Ellison,500 concord RoadApt A-2, Anderson,sc 29621 Andersonco SC 1850Surname and Page Number Index s6.00 Ellison-AllisonGenealogical Records 1740-1900 $24'50 SomeRogers, Duckworth and Welborn Families with Rootsin North andSouth Carolina$43.00 Our EllisonKinfolk $43.00(only a few left)

AndersonCounty Chapterof SCGS,PO Box s743'AndersonCo SC 29623'5743 AndersonCo SCCemeteries Vol4 $14.00 AndersonCo SCCemeteries Vol 5 $12.00 AndersonCo SCCemeteries Vol6 $20.00 AndersonCo SCCemeteries Vol T $10.00 Traditionand History of AndersonCo SCby LouiseVandiver $20.00 1877Anderson CountY SC MaP $3.00 1897Map of AndersonCo SC$3.00 MiscellaneousCemetery Records from Laurens,McCormick and Greenwood countiesof SC$8'00

Mrs Martha Rhyne,P.O. Box 634Central' SC 29640 McJunkin:A Familyof Memories$27.50 Down Home Staff,Dacusville Middle School,267lEarls Bridge Rd., Easley,SC 29640. DownHome-Dacusville Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow $18.00

Bill Cobb and GeneWelborn. 102 Deer Run Lane,Greenwood, SC 29646. Memoriesof Pelzer$40.00 plus $2.50 shipping, SC residents add 5Yo sales tax

Ira or JewellChapman, l32l PinecrestAvenue, Charlotte, NC 28205 Mrs NancyCreyton,11126, Atrium W"y, Matthews,NC 28f05 ChapmanFamily History $12.00

NancyGriflin Loworn, 3171Hawthorne Circle, Southside, AL 35907. TheGriffin Family 260 Years of History 1735-1995,206pages, indexed, 8 l/2X I l, spiralbound, 29 oldphotographs (Dec 1995) Many related families included suchas: Kirskey, Stroud, Breazeale, Blocker, Fair,Trotter, Stanley, Barton, Douthit, Alexander,Ambler, Reid, Craig, Anthony and hundreds more. Very valuableto Griffin researchers.There are atleast24 pages on SargentGriffin and his children.There is muchinformation about Pendleton District\Pickens District\County,South Carolina. $28.00pp

PeggyB. Chapman,1503 47th St.,Lubbock, TX79412 Historyof the LandersFamily of Virginiaand Kentuclcy bV David Lander, originallypublished 1926, reprinted with full nameindex, additions, corrections, documentation,with additionsand corrections by PeggyB. Chapmanin Co-operationwith AliceF. Hills459 pages $42.50 includes postage. Texas Residentsadd $3.29 sales tax.

B.J. Lawrence,2207,Valley East Lane, Granite Shoals,TX 28654-18f4 Genealogyof theCruse Family 1722-1993 by B.J.Lawrence $30.00 plus $3.00 shippingand handling.

SouthernHistorical Press,375 West Broad St.,PO Box1267,Greenville, SC 29602-1267 PendletonDistrict & AndersonCo., SC Wills, Estates and Legal Records 1793-1857 by VirginiaAlexander, Colleen Elliott and Betty Willie. $45.00 PendletonMessenger 1807- 185 I Marriageand Death Notices by BrentHolcomb. $25.00 Old PendletonDistrict and Genelogy of LeadingFamilies, History of by R.W. Simpson. $35.00.Add for postage$3.50 lst bookand $1.50 for 2nd. ConfederateSoldiers of PickensDistrict, SC: An OngoingResearch Project SeekingAdditional Information About the Following Men Who Foughtin the IJ.S.Civil War, 1861-1865

Please help to preserve a record of the John F. (or J.) Frazler was the Ilfe and eervlce of your anoestor or r€- Frazler lative who fought ln bhe Gtvil Waro If (I832-I89?), daughter-of witl- you have addttlonal lnfoiruatLon about lam Yourc_ (L295-I8t+5) and Mary any of these Confederate soldiers, Young (I8IO-I884) please write to: " Charles H. Busha, phoDo Ransom Americua Fraz_ier (t836- I12 Sunnit Drl_ve E; lth Liberty, SC 29657 SC Volunteers. He was 6uried at Rock Springs Baptist Ch" in Easley, SC,

-Twii@zier (1846- som Frazler (b. ca tBI4) and Mina Frazier (b. ca 1824); ln I93O he resided at West Union in Oconee Co. and received a Clvtl War pensiono

Bafllg E. Fredericks was born ca ge W. Fred- ericks (or Frederick) and Syn- thia Fredericks. He served- in Co" C, 2nd SC Rifles (Moorets)"

_Jqg_o!!L, Fredericks was born-Fred- ca ob H. ericks (b. ca I8I9) and Mat- llde Frederlcks (b; ca l82O)c He served ln Coo C, Ist SC Rifles and was kllied in VA"

Thomas M. Frederic_ks was e bro. -(.uoyJt He enlisted in Co" C."[i lst SC " Rifles at the age of'28o He marrled Sarah Ann Casey on 29 December 1858" Benton Strain Fre was ,ason enton and Jale Ferguson Freeman" He served to the rank of third lieutenant in the CoSoAo

served in Coo K, 2nd (l.[oorets)o CONFEDERATESOLDIERS OF PICKENSDISTRICT' S. C. (Continued)

James Oli_vel Freeman born ca 183lrr Canpaign in Virginiao h S. C. Volun- teers and in Co. Br 37th Bn. VA John D. Frlcks, a memberof Co" C, Cavalryo ffiJ-es, this soldier was captured by Union troops and died James Grimkee Freeman (1831+-1887) in a prison at Baltlmore, Maryland. F, Ist south Carolina Cavalry; he was wounded Jacob Fricks received a voucher for at Brandy Stationr but he stlr- the purchase of an artificial limb vived the waro Hls wlfe was in 1880. He reslded ln 0conee Coo Sarah ttsalllerr Black Freemano Joseph N. Frlcks (I8l+2-L927, served Jesse A. Freeman was a member of a ffi. c. Rifles. His @ed men who rode wife was Mollie E. Hunter Fricks through the streets of Pickens (185I-1931). In 1915, Fricks re- Court House on the Keowee on Octo sided in OconeeCounty, S. C. 10, f86l-r otr their way to defend the South. He served in the lrth Davld Friddl-e was killed during the S. Co Volunteers (Sloants Regt.). ffiI-WEIT He served i.n Company B r Znd S. C. Rlfles (Moorets Regt.)o -Mo Fo Freeman (1818-1902) was the redFfienffif a civil war pension James W. Frtddle (18[0-1928) was the in l9O2 in Oconee Countyo He Jane C1ark Friddle died Jwre 23, L9O2, and was (I851-19351 " He served ln Co" B, buried at Westminster BaPtist Ch. 2nd S. C. Rifles (I{ooret s Regt" ) " NecdaLn nNeadn Freeman, Jr. (1835- lost a limb during the s Creek In 1886, he was the re- Baptist Church ln Pickens Con He cipient of a voucher for the pur- dled in Staunton, Virginla, in chase of an artificial limb" the Clvil War. Hls widow, Har- riett Looper Freemanr lived to Samuel Fo Fuller served 1n Co. F, Ist the age of 82 years. ffiorrf s Regt.) and. was present at Appomattox Court Hbuse, Needain (or Needham)Freeman, Sro Virginia, when the war ended on was born 1n 1614, ano ne O]-eC1n April 9t 1865. L865o He served ln Company Fr 2nd S. C. Rtf1es. His wife was Funchess (gi.ven name unknown) ; in 1888 Ellzabeth Freeman. They were A. B. Funchess, widow of a veteran, buried at Crossroads Baptist Ch. was the recipient of a Clvil War in Pickens County, S. Co pension in Pickens County, S. C. Thornas Linnord (or Leonard) Freeman Archlbald D. Gailllard served to tihe was a son o e Confederate 1865) and Eliaabeth Fowler Free- Army. He was born near Pendleton, rnan. Hls wife was Susan Claren- S. Ccr and served ln Co, G, I2th tine Smith Freemano S. C. Infantry. He once served as an elder of Bethel Presbyterian Ch. Harriman T. Fricks was born 1n 1847 in Oconee County" ffice E. Neal Fricks (b. 1858), who was receiving a W. T. Galllilqfd served in Co. Fr lst Civil War pension in 1930 in @nd was discharged at Oconee County, S. C. Adams Run in 1862" Isiah H. Fricks was promoted thr Edmund Pendleton Gaines (l.846-1929) to 2nd lieutenant in Co. Ct resided in Easlev. SC. after the warc l-st S. C. Itifles (0rrts). I{e was First wife: Addie Ballentine; secord Jane lJyatt (18L9-1950 killed during the liilderness wife: ) " Con't on Peterrs Creek Baptist Church:Submitted by Nancy Flesch

Flourintine (? ) Short came forward and was received by Iet.ter. the presbytery Isaac Lemmon, lrlilliam Murphy and AIIin Robinson attended for the purpose of the ordination of Brother Joseph Robinson and ordained him in lega1 order

7 Aug 1830 appointed Bros. Joseph Robinson & Jeremiah hlhitmire delegates to the next association Bro. Jeremiah Whitmire for the church to consider for a deacon

11 Sep 1830 took up nomination of Brother Whitmire for deacon the church unanimously appointed him ...Set apart the Second Saturday in November for his ordination a charge was laid in agai-nst Sister Sarah Barker by being seen in the act of play with worldings appointed Brother Allin Robinson to invite her to our next meetinq to answer to the charge

13 Nov 1830 called for references to up the case of Sarah Barker Se (sic) came forward and appeared to Justify her Self in the transgress ion So Satisfaction could not be obtained tho':gh feeling the church Iaid it over untill next meeting. the help sent for to ordain our deacon fail to atend So we appointed Brother James Hitt to bare another petition to Secona for help

11 Dec 1830 took up the case of Sarah Barker She came forward and gave satisfaction the help sent for to ordain our deacon fail to come appointed Brother Joseph Robinson to bare another petition to Secona for their ministerial help on the Saturday before the Second Sunday in february next

12 Feb 1831 ordination of Bro. Jeremiah Whitmirb for deacon was performed by the Presbytery Altin Robinson & Bro. 'Joseph Robinson.

11 Mar 1831 AlIin Robinson laid in a complaint against Sister Sarah Barker for contradicting his word so was called on to give satisfaction so came forward and acknowledged She rnight be rong (sic) and was rong for disputing his word at the tirne She did and was Sorry for it. So Satisfaction was obtained.

9 Apr 1831 Bro. Gray Barker applied for a letter of Dismishion (sic) then he was asked his reason for wishing to leave the church he answered no legal reason the church knowing that he was not going to move away and that no church had given him a call to attend them as a minister he was (asked?) if he had ought against the church he gave them no satisfaction but Equivocated and turned in the multitude of his talk he censured church in two cases first with partial with her members Secondly with unjust dealings with him. then-hE was required to make thi; appear lnd he fail to do it then the church required him to acknowledge his wrong for his unjust censure and he gave no satisfaction for these two unjust censures he was excommunicated.

(no names mentioned at the next three meetings)

13 Aug 1831- Moses Fendley, cintha Roper, and James Hagood came forward and was received by experiences. appointed Bro. Joseph Robinson and Lewis Fendley deligats (sic) to the next association

12 Nov 1831 choose Bro. ,Joseph Robinson for to take the p;rstorial (sic) care of the church

7 Jan 1832 appointed Bro. James Hagood and Bro. Lewis Fendley to invite Bro. Abel Lesley to our next conferance (sic) to give reason for his non attendance to meetinq

1l- Feb 1.832 cintha Hitt came forward and was received by experience Brother Lesley came forward and gave satisfaction for his none (sic) attendance to church meetings. sister Elizabeth hagood and sister Leatha Turner applied for letters of dismishion (sic) they were granted them.

12 May L832 Martha Hitt came forward and was reCeived by letter. Also came forward Reubin Roper, Elizabeth Evits (?1, Lucinda Hitt, Jane Hitt, Thomas Hitt and Anna Whitmire all was received by experience. ,Redmond.subtnittsed con"'t on Ler*Ls €i'ii-dc6mliired'by: Jerry Hughes

oNcE upoN A TIME IN PICKENS COUNTY./ HUGHES 2L could send one of the boys for them. I toI'J him I hadn't come for any foolishness and would have them or his hide. "He asked for a chair and started oft to geL one ' but I ordered him to stand where he was. He Lhen asked me 'for a dry pair of socks and I let him send and get Lhem. I then told him I wanted mv monev- He asked how much it uras' I get ' said, 'You know how much you stole from me, go and it. He said, ,I have e check on the bank for $1oo, YoU can have that, it is all the money I have and you can take my horses. I said, 'I don't want. your horses I want my own and I tlon't have your check. You took my money away from fll€' PaY it back and I will go. He offerd to send Mrs Barton to Easley to get the go money, and I said all risht- He then said I could to his stable and take his horses. I replied that I was no horse go Lhief and did not propose to go near his stable; he could -"he and bring theiir and'give them Lo me in presence of those wilnesses if he desired to PaY me for urhat he took from me 'wrongfullv. He Look two negroes with him' and I told t'hem noL to touch the horses. He brought them out and all who was saw Lhenr said that neither was as good as mine' but it the last chance, so I t.ook them. He called a man who lived I near him to witness that he gave up the horses freely, aS had told him thaE I wouldn't take them on anv other Lerms' 'I told him he had to ptytAto= also six dollars he had taken from him the nisht of our capture and he said he had no money to pay him with. Mrs Barton said there was some loose silver in the house and she weni to get it and counLed out five dollars and gave it' to Amos. He had lost his wages in my service , so I paid him the remainin.g dol lar af terr^rards out of my PockeL. "Earton Lhen brought out a,jul of whiske:'and oifered Lo treat the crowd . Bolh t"lr ,:nd t4i2 Earr-on dranl'' a I iLtIe Lo ehow that it was atl right and one er Lwo or tlre bov= drattli with thrlrn. I r:ould noL drirrl< hi: whisliev afLe'r aLI ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICI

that had passed between us, but I had some of mv own and the rest of the boys drank it with me. "Mrs Barton then went, on to Easlev SLation with us and she and I talked together all the way. She is a good woman and I was never so sorry for any one in my life as I was for her. She said they were broken up completelv and had nothing to live on or to work with. t^lhenwe got to Easley she had the check cashed and gave me one hundred dollars. I had been thinking of what she told me on the road so I told her never mind about the eighty-six dollars; she might have that. It was not the money that I had cared for, I onlv didn't want Lo be robbed and abused. uA crowd had collected at the station by this time and she was afraid to go home by herself. I sent one of mv friends to keep her company and told her to keep the horse to help make bread for her and her children. She did not uoant lo take it as she said I would come back on her husband for it. I told her that I would not but that' I didn't want to near of him on any more raids. She was satisfied and Nent off. "I bought 5 gallons of whiskey ac Easley Station and treated the whole crourd t.hat had col lectd there . It looked like a regiment, and I didn't know there were half that number of men at the station. While they were drinking' I eaw Moclre, one of t.he men urho had helped to caPture m€' stdnding at a corner and some asked me Lo Lreat him too. I 'HeIIo called to him and invited him to join us. I said, Lieutenant, come up and drink with me.' He said he wouldn'L come and I told him I would bring him and turned my horse t.o 'AlI 'I 90 after him. He said, right' I urill corne-' I said, paid my own money for this whislresai,l. ONCE UPON A TII'IE IN PICKENS COUNTY / HUGHES 23

't' ' 'You 'No , I don ramember. Amos replied, said to me You have got the best man hold of you you ev€r saw ' and ydt you w€re the first man Lo run!' This lurned t'he Iaugh on Moore and soon aft,er we rode off . Barton went on one raid after this; Moore never went on another . " OTHEREVENTS OF LA77 For the next thirteen months, from January L877 to March LA7A, Redmond was not directly involved in any other raids on those who tried to caPture him. There were no warrants issued for him in relation t,o his encounter with Barton. ocassionally his name was attached to this or that event, but most.ly these were just rumors ' As best es can be determined, he only went about his business of buying and sellingwhiskey.Healsodevelopedaromanlicinterestin 's Ad*,-Ii ne Ladd , Amos sister - The Ladd homestead Nas about a half mile north of Sunset, South Carolina along side a creek urhich ran into the LittIe Eastatoe r ivdi' . It was a I ittle 'raI ley - The Parents were ThiIe and MiIlie Ladd and Thile has apParentlv died and before L877. Amos Ladd lived with his mother and sister the a brother, Solathiel- Some two miles north' over on other side of HorsegaP Mountain' was Eastatoe Valley and Reedv Cove [now Twin Falls] - Another two or three miles north was Roclcy $ot.t,om and Laurol Valley where Lhev may have had a cabin or some of their re.latives lived. It Nas in thi,s area that Redmond spent sorne of his time' But the news rePorting during the rest of La77 and the first few months of LATA centered on tho conduct of the 'raids' revenue officals. It was their on citizens without legal justification which attracCed attention from other parts of the state and eventually Ehe rest' of the naLion ' Even Lhe chambers of ihe lJnited Slal-es Con.qrees would hear talcs of Llrese haPPeninqs . \/NN HSNORICi(SI(ILLED B'/ GARI4AI'I'/ r/an I i..lendri.,!


SamuelBruster. Wife: Margaret Bruster Sons: Henry Bruster, John Bruster. Daughters: Lucinda Bruster,Harriet Bruster, Malinda Bruster, Mary Bruster, Nancy Bruster. Of an unbornchild it says, "onethat my wife is now quickwith." Exors:Wife, "my belovedbrother, William Dunlap."Wit: GeorgeNash, Archibald Collins, Meredith Hunnicutt. Date: 8 February1810. Probate: not given. Bk A p. I14, Roll 29.Anderson Co, SC.(Not in ProbateCourt files).

JoshuaBurriss. Wife: SarahBurriss. Sons: none mentioned. Daughters: Elizabeth Casselbury, NancyBurriss, Mary Shamly.Exors: not named. Witnesses: Elisha Herring, William Hening,John Burriss,Elisha Burriss, James Burriss. Date: 3 Jan.1804. Probate:4 Feb. 1804. Bk. A p.43, Roll 20.Anderson Co, SC.

Henty Burrow. Wife: Amy Burrow.Sons: Henry Burrow, Lewis Burrow, Thomas Burrow, William Burrow, GreenBurrow, Jack Burrow.Daughters: Nancy Burrow Langston,Rebecca BurrowHolliday, Amy BurrowGrey, Tobitha Burrow, Susanna Burrow Gibson, Mary Bunow Harris.Exor: Amy Burrow.Wits: Lewis Shenill, JosephMahon, J.C.Anderson. Date: l2 Oct. 1829.Probate:21 Dec. 1829. Bk. Ap.4l4, Roll30. Anderson Co, SC.

AlexanderCalhoun, Wife: Shuana?Calhoun. Sons: Alexander Calhoun (youngest), George CamelCalhoun, John Calhoun, David Calhoun.Daughters: Elizabeth Calhoun. Other heirs: sil Abner Ledbetter,sil William Bell. Exors:son, Alexander Calhoun. Wits: David Ledbetter,Asa Castleberry,Benjamin Dickson. Date: 27 May 1825.Probate: 4 July 1825.Bk. A p. 302,Roll 93. AndersonCo, SC.

Johnf,wing Calhoun.Wife: Floride Calhoun. Sons: John Ewing Calhoun (under age in 1802), WilliamSheridan Calhoun (under age in 1802,died in 1802),James Edward Calhoun (under age in 1802).Daughters: Floride Calhoun (under age in 1802).Comments: "John Ewing Calhoun of St. JohnsParis SC. - attorneyat law," "Wife possessedin her own right considerableproperty in Charleston,St. StephensParish" Land Location:12 mile River, 550 acreson Little River in AbbevilleCounty. Exors: Gen. Andrew Pickens, Henry William Desaufause,John Ball, Andrew Norris,Joseph Calhoun. Witnesses: Ezekiel Noble, John C. Calhoun,Alexander Noble. Date: 30 May I802.Probate: l8 Nov. 1802.Bk. Ap.22, Roll 134.Anderson co, SC.

RussellCannon. Wife: JeanCannon. Sons: Elijah Cannon. Daughters: Haniett Cannon Duke. "All my personalproperty that I havenot previouslydisposed of at my deceaseto be soldand equallydivided amongst my children.Exors: son, Elijah Cannon, wife, JeanCannon. Wits: James Hunter,James E. Heart.Date: l0 July 1824.Probate: not given. Bk. A p. 296,Roll 97. AndersonCo, SC.

William Cantrell of PickensCo, SC.Wife: not rlamed.Sons: not mentioned.Daughters: not mentioned.Reference is madeto "my youngestchild." Exors: "Benjamin Haggood and his wife WILL ABSTRACTSOF ANDERSONCO., SC.1789--1839

ElizabethCantrell." Wits: Jacob Lewis, Abner Lewis, Amos Waldrop. Date: 3 July 1828'Probate: I Sept.1828. Bk. Ap'382,Roll l0l. AndersonCo, SC'

Thomas Caradine.Wife: ElizabethCaradine. Sons: JoBerry Caradine, Thomas Caradine, William C Caradine.Daughters: Avalina Caradine,Patsy Caradine, Polly Caradine,Elizabeth Caradine,Sara Caradine. Exors: son, William Caradine, Wife, Elizabeth Caradine. Wits: Thomas L.amar,Fliramp. Caradine,Elizabeth Caradine, Jane Wright. Date: 26 April 1820.Probate: l9 May 1820.Bk. Ap.243,Roll 136.Anderson Co, SC

BurwellCarpenter. Wife: Elizabeth Carpenter. Sons: Willis Carpenter,Burwell Carpenter, Jr., (retarded),Asberry Carpenter, dec'd, Thomas L. Carpenter,Alfred M. Carpenter,John Carpenter. Daughters:Polly Carpenter,Elizabeth Stone, Delany Crawford, Sarah Greer. Laban Massey h/o polly Carpenter.Exors: sons John Carpenter, Alfred Carpenter. Wits: Eli Bowers,Henry D. Acker' Date:20 Aug. 1830.Probate:24 Jan' l83l ' AndersonCo, SC

JesseChappell. wife: Marthachappell. Sons, John chappell, Robert chappell, Thomas Chappell,Humphreis Chappell, Caleb Chappetl. Daughters: Sarah Thomas, Ann Morris'Morgan chappell.Exors: wife, Martiachappell, John chappell, charles webb. wit: F. stribling,charles W.bb,Thomas Chappell. Date: 6 April 1810.Probate: l8 April 1810.Bk. A p. l16, Roll 13l' AndersonCo, SC.

JohnChastain. Wife: Mary Chastain. Sons: William Chastain (youngest), Benjamin Chastain, JohnChastain, Edward Chastain, Joseph Chastain. Daughters: Violet Chastain (youngest), Cloe Chastain,Nancy Chastain. Comments: "Chloe then to herdaughter Polly." Exors: Sons, Edward Chastainand John Chastain. Witnesses: Nathaniel Reese, Abel Anderson.Date l5 June1803' Probate:3l July1805. Bk. A p. 62,Roll 128.Anderson Co, SC'

William Clnrkson,Jr. Wife: EstherSusannah Clarkson. Sons: Mentioned by not named. Daughters:mentioned bu not named.Exors: Lewis Ciples, wife, EstherSusannah Clarkson, and "my deaicousin William Clarkson,Sr." Wits: PeterDubois, Thomas W. Carne,Elizabeth Carne, CorneliusDupree, Mary Dupree. Date: 20 March1815. Probate 5 April 1824.Bk. A p. 283,Roll 137.Anderson Co, SC.

IsaacClements, Sr. Wife: Ann Clements.Sons: Aaron Clements, Stephen Clement, Hugh Clements,lsaacClements, Jr., Daniel Clements, Benjamin Clements. Daughter: Rachel Butterworth. Land:636 A.(All thattract or parcelof landin PittsylvaniaCounty, Virginia." Exors: sons Stephen clements,Hugh clements,Benjamin clements. wits: JamesR. Webster,H. Webster,James Hawthorne,Jr. Date: 30 Oct.1805. Probate:27 Jan. 1817. Bk. Ap.206,Roll 100. AndersonCo, SC.

6 SMITH FAMILY CON'T BY Linda G. Smith Cheek MOORFIEAD: WilliamMuirhead b. 1704Lllster, County Monaghan, Ireland m. lT29IrelandEleanor Cathey b. Irelandd. Irelandd/o AlexanderCathey of [Jlster,Co Monaghan,Townland of Drumsnatt, Ireland. Issue: JohnMoorhead b. 1730Co MonaghanIreland d. 3 May 1809Anderson Co SCm. 1749Martha McDonaldand had Robert and Nannie Carey Moorhead--John Moorhead m 2ndElizabeth Dunn 1761Co MonaghanIreland b.lT36Ireland d. 28 Jan1827 Anderson Co SCd/o Williamand ElizabethMcMullen Dunn of Illster Co MonaghanTownland of Drumsnatt,Ireland.

Issue:William Moorehead b. 9 July1762 Bermuda d. 8 March1844 Union District SC m. 20 Aug 1785SC to AgnesGuyton Glkey b. 16Feb 1766 d.8 Nov 1826Union Co SCd/o Jonathan Glkey. Issue:John Moorehead b. 30 Dec 1785d. 1842m. MaryElizabeth Goudelock b. 26 lan 1793-MaryMoorehead b. 8 Oct 1787Ireland d.2 Jan1875 Anderson Co SCm. 3l March1808 WhitakerSmith b.26 Jan1787 Anderson Co SCd. l5 Sept1850 SC s/o Jonathan and Margaret GuytonSmith--Robert Moorehead b. 23 Oct 1789--GlkeyMoorehead b. 5 Dec l79l--Wm Mooreheadb. 8 Dec 1794Union District SC d. 1875TX m. FrancesSmith b. 1798Union DistrictSC m. 1820Lincoln Co TN d. 1875TX d/o Davidand Bersheba HarringtonSmith-- VioletMoorehead b. 5 Jan1797--Walter Moorehead b. I Aug 1798

JohnMoorehead (s/o Johnand Elizabeth Dunn Moorehead)b. 1764 d. 1842m. SarahGalloway JamesMoorehead b 2 Sept1770 York Co PA d. 1858Lowndes Co MISSm. MaryJones d/o LewisJones

JosephMoorehead b. L772

JaneMoorehead b. 1775m. JosephJolly b. 1768d. 3 Dec1807 s/o Wm Jolly Issue:Jesse Jolly b. ab 1797d. ab 1856Butts Co GA m. Margaret--JohnJolly b. ab 1798--Wm Jollyb. ab 180O--JosephMoorhead Jolly b 1802--JamesJolly b. 12June 18O5--Elizabeth Jolly.

AlexanderMoorhead b. 1777issue: Robert Moorehead

ElizabethMoorhead b. 1780

Submittedby: KennethVance Smith, 24651Evereve Circle, Lake Forest, C492630-3604

H. SARAH SMITH m. Mr. Ramsey

I.ELIZABETH SMITHb. 1754Augusta Co VA d. Thursday,20 June1844 Anderson Co SCm. JosephJolly b. ab 1751d. 4 July 1836Anderson Co SCs/o Joseph Jolly and had issue: Henry Jollyb. ab 1783Anderson Co SCd. 2 June1872 Anderson Co SC--Amy Jolly--Rhoda Jolly b. 12 June1782 Anderson Co SCd. WilkesCo GA m. JesseLane

9. OBITUARY--ELVABETH JOLLY: Departedthis life on Thursday20 inst, Mrs Elizabeth Jolly aged about 90 years. Shehad seenmany porivation in life being the mother of a family of small children during the RevolutionaryWar and her husbandbeing in the serviceof his country. She was often driven to the swampsby ruthlessbands of tories. Many yearsa memberof the Baptist Church. Anderson GazetteIssue: 28 June 1844Friday.

Con't--E. JONATHAN SMITH m. Margaret (Katherine)Guyton Rev Pension--SCState Pensioner17 Nov 1828Anderson District SC--CameJonathan Smith and said:That he volunteeredas a Whig at the age of fifteen under Cpt JacobBarnett. He conductedGen Sumter when he was woundedat the Battle at Blackstocks,to his fathershouse until he becameable to travel. Jonathansays that he was a poor boy in the time of the War and all his propertywas taken by the tories which consistedof 3 horses.He is now sixty six yearsof age and has becomevery infirm and almost entirely unfit for hard labor, having an afflicted wife who has spentthe greater part of six yearsconfined to her bed and a child that is about eight yearsold that was born in a state of deformity. His estateconsist of about 176 acresand worth about four or five hundred dollars.That he owes debtsmost areDoctor bills.

Afiidavit madeby William Millwee l7 Nov 1828Anderson Co SC: I haveknown JonathanSmith for aboutforty six yearshe hassupported the characterof an honestman of strict truth. I fought with his brotherDaniel Smithat the Battle of Stonowhere he receivedhis deathwound. Jonathan Smithsfathers house was consideredas a homefor the distressedWhigs duringthe strugglefor Independence. l4 July 1828Franklin Co GA----Henry Smithsaid he knew JonathanSmith of the stateof SC and PendletonDistrict duringthe time of the War. That he alsoassisted in carringGen Sumterwhen woundedin the shoulderacross Broad River at SmithsFord andrendered other servicesto him for a day or two thereafter.Original Hand Written Document.SC HistoricalCommission, ColumbiaSC

A Whitaker SmithPension App. War of 1812SC W07302--WC398l wife Mary. Servedunder Cpt A. Moorehead.

IndentNo. 7138-A--Jonathanand Elizabeth Smith l7 Nov 1828--ElizabethSmith delivered pork to the Con't Army and ask for Indentand pension25 Oct 1785--Shewas still living 3 Dec 1860 in AndersonCo SC--JessR. Smithwas adm of ElizabethSmith for increaseof Pension.Accounts Audited of ClaimsGrowing out of the Rev. in SC Roll 136.

JonathanSmith Will---12 Sept 1829prov 28 Sept 1829Wife ElizabethIssue: older children Whitaker--Aaron--Gdeon--HannahLewis--Mary Duckworth-- CatherineHarden--younger childrenAmy McCulley--LetticeDickson--Daniel M--David W.--JesseB.--William B.--Artimissa Abernathy--JonathanN. Smith. Exor: wife Elizabethsons Whittaker and Aaron. Wit: Alexander Moorehead--John Kay andNancy Kay. AndersonCo SC Will Bk A p9394

10. To be con't BITS AND PIECE'S bv Linda G. Cheek

Submitted by: Robert H. Reid, o/oAmyE. Reid, 112Victor Ave., Greer SC 29651 E-mail: [email protected] REID FAMILY Johnor JonathanReid migratedfrom Iredell County,North Carolinaand settledalong Wilson's Creek near the now-abandonedtown of Storevillein what is now AndersonCounrty circa 1800(according to his grandson Rev. R.G. Reid) I know nothingof his wife nor childrenexcept for his son,my great-grandfather,Andrew Reid.

ANDREW REID born 20 Sept 1791,Iredell County,NC died 22 Oct 1876Anderson County, SC marriedMary HAMILTON, daughtherof Luke HAMILTON andElizabeth WITFIERSPOON of Little GenerosteeCreek AndersonCo., SC born 7 May 1795died 9 May 1862Anderson Co., SC buriedGood Hope Presbyterian Church,Iva, AndersonCo., SC. Issue: l. Dr JohnHamilton Reid b. 9 March 1817d. 1 Dec 1885m. LouisaElizabeth Simpson b. 28 May 1824d 24 Aug 1884buried Good HopePresby. 2 JamesM Reid died infant 3. Rev.Robert H. Reidb. 17 July l82l d. 8 Feb 1907m. Mary JuliaAnderson b. 18 March l83l d 27 May 1906both buriedNazareth Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg Co., SC.Nancy ElizabethReid b. l3 Mar 1827d. 9 Jan 1907m. JohnMcAlister who was killed in Civil War buriedGood Hope PresbyChurch, Iva, SC.

Issueof Dr JohnHamilton Reid andLouisa Elizabeth Simpson Reid JamesMills Reidb. 28 Jan 1848d 25 July 1893m. HamutalMcAlister Dr RobertAndrew Reid b. 20 Apr 1849d. 20 Nov 1889m. EllaDean ArchibaldHamilton died infant E D Reid died infant

Issueof Rev. Robert H. Reid andMary JuliaAnderson Reid Ella LouiseReid m. Rev. Robert P Smith Mary Ried died infant Rev.Benjamin P. Reidb. 7 Aug 1860d. 4 Dec l9l3 m. LeilaJane Teasley b, 20 March 1878Starr, Anderson Co., SC d. 10 Dec 1963buried Nazareth Church Joseph Whitner Reid m. Ella Beachamno issue

JohnAnderson migrated from Northern Irelandwith wife Jean,arrived in AugustaCo., VA 1738and died 1789. Issue:Esther, Mary, Margaret,John, Robert for whom AndersonCo., SC was named,Jane, James b. l6 Mar 1747, Andrew,William. James Anderson b. l6 March 1747Augusta Co., VA d. 9 Septl8l3 Pendleton District, SC m. Agnes Craigb. l0 April 1754d. 1841they had a sonWilliam Andersonwho was the fatherof Mary JuliaAnderson Reid.

Issueof JamesM. Reid andHanutal McAlister Reid JohnHamilton Reid Abie M Reid Archie Reid m. ElizabethWalker LouellaReid Leila CatherineReid m. JamesFred Dean

Issueof Rev BenjaminP Reid andLeila JaneTeasley Reid Robert H. Reid b. 17 June 1908 SpartanburgCo SC m. Edith Clanton5 May 1943in Miami, FL both living Issue.Robert H. Reid III'. 22 April1947 Asheville,NC m. 2 Aug 1969Wilmington, Delaware, Jane Mackey

Issue of Dr Robert Reid and Ella Dean Reid Robert Adger Reid, Hal Reid, Jin Dean Reid, Louisa Reid lssue of Rev Robert P. Smith and Ella Louise Reid Mable Smith Dr Bernard Smith of Asheville,NC Julia Smithm. Rev. RobertBedlinger

Benjaminpinkney Duckworth Griffin is the only coloredman in PickensCounty, SC that is getting a pension from the Stateof SouthCarolina. On September 14, 1863he enlistedin the ConfederateService and was placed at Charlestonand did work there aroundFort Sumter.He was rearedin PickensCounty and for twenty years was a slavefor SquireE.H. Griffin. PickensSentinel Issue: 2 Aug 1923.Submitted by Herman Geschwind.

The PickensSentinel, Pickens, S.C., April 9,1931, pagesix. PerplexedTaxpayer Tells LegislatorsOf His ConditionMaybe Yours Is Same Many will sympathizewith the feelingsexpressed in the following letter,which was publishedin the Calhoun Times:Tothe GeneralAssembly: Gentlemen: I wish to inform you that the presentshattered condition of my bank accountmakes it impossiblefor me to send you-N,{y my checkin responseto your request. financialcondition is due to the effectof the federallaws, statelaws, mother-in-laws, and outlawsthat have beenfoisted upon an unsuspectingpublic. Through these various laws I havebeen held up, held down, sat on, walked on,flattened,squeezed and broke until I do not know what I am, whereI am, or why I am. Theselaws compelme to puy u *arahantstax, capitaltax, excisetax, excesstax, corporationtax, incorporationtax, real estatetax, auto tax, light tax, water tax, cigartax, schooltax, syntax,liquor tax and carpettax ln additionto thesetaxes I am requestedand required to contributeto everysociety and organization that the inventivemind of men can invent and organize.To the societyof St. Johnthe Baptist,the Woman'sRelief, Naqr League,The Children'sHome, The Policemen'sBenefit, The DorcasSociety, The Y.M.C.A., The Gold Digger'sHome, also to everyhospital and charitableinstitution in town, the Red Cross,the PurpleCross, the FlamingCross and the DoubleCross. The governmenthas so governedmy businessthat I do not know who owns it. I am suspected,expected, inspected,disrespected, examined, reexamined, informed, required, commanded and compelleduntil all I know is that I am supposedto providean inexhaustiblesupply of moneyfor everyknown and unknown need,hope or desireof the HumanRace, and because I refuseto donateto all andthen go out andbeg, borrow or stealmoney to give away,I am ousted,cussed, discussed, boycotted, talked to, talkedabout, lied about,held up, held down, and robbeduntil I amjust aboutruined. The only reasonthat I am still clingingto life at all is to seewhat the hell is comingnext. Very respectfully,A SufferingTaxpayer. St. Matthews,March 16, 1931.

MARRIAGESfrom PendletonMessenger--Microfilm, Greenville Co., SC Library'

Mr HughMcKinney married to MissElizabeth Smith d/o Mr BenjaminSmith on Thursdaylast by JohnWilson. Issue: l4 APril1810

Mr AaronSmith m. MissSmith d/o Nimrod Smith on Thursday19. Issue: 28 July 1810

Mr AbnerCrosby m. to MissEdith Smith on Thursdaylast. Issue: 14 June 1820

CaptainVerner m. on the 7thto EleanorHooper by GreenSmith. Issue: 4 Oct 1820 Mr JohnDickson Jr m. Miss Lititia. d/o Mr JohnathanSmith on the l8th. Issue:26 Jan 1825

Mr William Smithof GeorgeTown m. Miss Sarahonly d/o BenjaminSmith on Thursdaylast. Issue: 17 May 1826

Miss FrancesEmily Chilesand Dr. Lewis Ford m. at Hamburg,SC on the l8th by Rev. Hugh Smith.Issue: 26 Nov 1828

Mr Nimrod T. Smithm. Miss Martha ElizabethMajors on Thursdaylast by Rev. W.G. Millinax. Issue: 27 Dec 1839

Mr Leroy N. Rainwaterm. Miss Hannahd/o Whitaker SmithSr. on Wednesdaylast by Rev. JamesHembree. Issue:27 Dec 1839

Mr JohnG. Smithm. Miss Amandad/o Jamesand SarahSmith both of AndersonDistrict SC on the 2nd by the Rev.W.G. Mullinax.Issue: l0 Jan1840

Mr Robert A. Hubbardm. Miss Lucinda Smithboth of AndersonvilleSC on Sundaythe l lth by Rev. David Simmons.Issue: l6 April 1841

Mr GeorgeS. Smithm. Miss Elizabethd/o Mr William Hunt both of AndersonSC on Thursdaythe l6th. Issue: 29 Oct 1834

Mr Berry Davis m. Miss Pamelad/o JohnO. Smithall of PickensDistrict SC on Tuesdaylast by WilliamHunter. Issue: 25 Dec 1835

Mr John B. Smith m. Miss Mary Caroline d/o Mr Aaron Dean all of AndersonDistrict SC on Thursdaythe 28th.Issue: l2 Jan 1838

Mr SilasW Kay m. Miss MarandaB. Smithall of AndersonDistrict SC on Thursdayz7thby Rev. W. Magee. Issue:5 Oct 1838

Mr JamesWhitten m. Miss Janed/o BenjaminSmith of AndersonDistrict SC on Thursdaythe 24th. Issue:5 Jan 183I

Mr ElishaSmith m. Miss ElizabethDilashey all of Andersonon the24thby Rev. Levi Garrison.Issue: 6 April 183I

Mr ZephaniahSmith m. Miss Anna eldestd/o Mr JosephWatkins all of this district on Thursdayby the Rev. A.W. Ross.lssue: 2 Nov l83l

Mr ThomasJames of Georgiam. Mrs Amy Smithof AndersonSC on the 5th by Rev. Levi Garrison.Issue: I 2 Jan 1832

DEATHS from PendletonMessenger--Microfilm, Greenville Co., SC Library.

Died on Monday last at his residencenear this place(Anderson) Mr BenjaminSmith aged70 years.He was a nativeof Charlestonbut removedto this district 35 yearsago. Issue:24 Oct 1845

Died on Fridaythe 2nd Mrs SarahSmith, consort of William C, Smithnear the Village of Pendleton.Issue: 16 Jan1846

Died in FranklinCo, GA on the 12 atthe homeof her FatherMr David Smith,Mrs SarahE. Bryan wife of F.c. Bryan aged l6 years8 monthsand 4 days.Issue: 26 Nov 1847

William Hinemanwas killed in PickensDistrict, SC lastweek by Tolliver Smith.Issue: 1l Aug 1848

Mr BenjaminSmith departed this life I Oct 1848at his residencein Cobb Co., Georgiaaged 61 years,long a memberof the PresbyterianChurch. Issue: 27 Oct 1848.

Died on the 8th Mr Job Smithaged 89 years,a Soldierof the Revolution.Issue: 24 Nov 1837

BOyD. SouthCarolina, Pickens Co: Theseare to authorisethat four of you to appraisethe estateand be directedby Elijah Cannonadm. of the goodsand chattelsof RobertBoyd late of the district of PickensDated 26 Jan 1829.Mark Freeman,John Black, CharleyDavis, Joseph Julian, Archibald Miller or any four of them.

The petiton of Elijah Cannonadministrator of RobertBoyd dec'dsheweth that he is desirousof sellingon a credit of twelve monthsfrom the lgth inst dated2Feb 1829.Sg: Elijah Cannon

SouthCarolina, pickens Co To JamesH. DendyEsq. Ordinarythe petitionof Moses SmithJr humbly sheweth that he is the husbandof the late widow of RobertBoyd Jr late of this districtdeceased and that thereforehe is desiorusof beingappointed Guardian of his infantboy childJohn H. Boyd. 5 April 1830Sg: MosesSmith Jr.

Stateof TennesseeCounty of Wayne,Circuit Court holdenfor saidCounty of Wayne2 Nov I 83 5 presentWilliam p. Ives, JudicialCircuit. That JosiahFowler is herebyappointed guardian of Geter Lewis Boyd orphanand minor heir of RobertBoyd dec'dand the saidJosiah Fowler with GeorgeWhitten and JohnFowler *ho no* approvedby the first his securitiesand inter into bond asthe law directsin the sum of five hundred dollars.Pickens Co SC ProbateCourt Box I No 2.

EeUITy--WEYMAN HOLLAND: At the time of his deathbeing seized and possesedof a considerablereal estate,140 acreson the watersof GoldenCreek and Eighteen Mile Creekin PickensDistrict Also 13 l12 acreson Crow Creekin PickensDistrict. A tract of 196 acresin AbbevilleDistrict on Cornacher Creekwaters of SaludaRiver. He left a widow, Mary C. Holland andfour childrenYV: Harriet now the wife of RichardDenton, Franklin Holland, Asbury Holland andNancy Holland. The last threebeing minors. Weyman Holland in his life time soldto JohnTempleton a tract of land in PickensDistrict on the waters of GoldenCreek, supposedto contain 140 acres,being part of a tract of 248 acres,but diedbefore he executedtitles.Dated 7 Jan I 839 Letter in pack: dated23 Feb 1842;Mr Dentonwill handyou this who comesup to receivethe amountin youre handscoming to his wife from the salesof the real estateof her father, WeymanHolland. I have preparedand witnesseda receiptsigned by himselfand wife which I hopewill be satisfactory.Sg: H.C. Young--HarrietE.C. Dentonand Richard Denton rec. $157.66.Pickens Co., SCEquity Pk 75

CITATION: pickensCo SC by I.H. PhilpotJudge of Probate:Whereas Cyrus Chapman made suit to me to grant him Lettersof Administrationof the Estateand effectsof Enoch Chapman,deceased. These are therefore to cite kindredand creditorsof the saidEnoch Chapman,deceased, that they be and appear beforeme in the Court of probateto be held at PickensCourt Houseof Probate2l March inst at ll o'clock,to shewcause if any they havewhy the saidadministration should be not granted.Dated 5th March l873.PickensSentinel Issue: 6 March 1873 ---l I Y I I ltxrts ocroBER r9e8MEETING A old endleion Di'strict The October Meeting will be7:30pmTuesday the 2fth it,f'r.tj"tl at the PickensCo., Library, Clemson/CentralBranch. Located on Hwy 93 at Central, SC. Our Speakerwill be 6eorgt4 Dorothea Mauldin Jacksonfrom the Easley Progress. She will be speakingon the Keowee area. I Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual S20.00 L Associate$15.00 Family $25.00

Otd PendletonDistrict Chapter Home PageOn the Web: http ://www. g eo c ities. co m/b ou rb on street/d eltals t ss

OLD PENDLETON DISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME 12 NO. 8 OCTOBER 1998 Published:January, February, March, April, May, June, September,October, November

1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT:Robert G. Dodson...... 864-859-2081 VICE-PRESIDENT: James"Jim" B. Granger...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... 864-246-1125 SECRETARY: Kenneth D. Morgan...... 864-654-9280 TREASURER: Margarette B. Swank...... E-Mail: [email protected]...... 864-370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: Doris S. Foster...... 864'882'8279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudy" Garner...... 864-882-6407 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith NIerck...... 8-Mail:Kmerck@,juno.com...... 864-27f -1353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... 864-654-3283 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... E-Mail:Sheriff@,innova.net...... 864-639-6387 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Linda G. Cheek...... E-Mail:[email protected]


NOTICE: IT'S ALMOST DUES TIME AGAIN Payableby lst January 1999.

Many of your Newslettersare being returned for changeof address,which I have not received.This cost the Societyextra money ($1.56each NL) upon return and to re-mail. If you move pleasesend me your new addressby snail mail or e-mail.

Many peoplehave askedabout a GenealogicalProgram for a computer: Family Origins Genealogical Program ($29.95)is probably the beston the market. Order from Parsons:call l-800-779-6000for catalogor to placeorder. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

RebeccaAkins,3l05 So Hansen Circle, Tempe, 4285282 Ph:602-839-5968 E-Mail: [email protected] MORGAN, CRAFT, JONES, SEIGLAR.

GayStewart Beam & WilliamJames "Jimmy" Beam, PO Box 2681,Greenville, SC 29602 Ph:864-515-9405 E-Mail: [email protected] STEWART,HOLCOMBE, DURHAM.

BettyEvans Boone, 4372Loma Riviera Court, San Diego, CA 921l0 Ph'.619-222-5753E-Mail: [email protected] WILLIS, GILLESPIE,EVANS, THOMPSON

MarthaM. Epperson,22lORiada Drive NW, AltantaGA 30305-3916 Ph:404-355-1518 E-Mail: [email protected] MILLE& ALEXANDE& JENKINS,GREEN, ruLIAN, YOUNGBLOOD,HESTE& YANCEY,SIDDALL, STONE, NABORS.

AngelaGofl 2419Ewell Elliott Road, Springfield, TN 37172 Ph:61 5-384-3669 E-Mail: ALGOFFI [email protected] EDEN

JeannetteA. Greeson.650 DellwoodAve., St SimonsIsland, GA31522 Ph: 912-638-5961E-Mail: greada@thebestnet HALL, PRITCHARD, BROCK, DUNCAN, NANCE.

LewisA. Groce,4818 Alamo Drive, Galveston, TX 77551 Ph:409-763-4159 E-Mail. [email protected] GROCE, BOWEN

KarenMeissner, l4l2 SunnyGlen, Ft Worth, TX76l34 Ph: 8 I 7 -293-3 I 52 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected], HUNNICUTT

RaymondJ. Powers,810 Bon FoucaLane, Mandeville, LA7047l Ph:504-845-3301E-Mail:[email protected] POWERS

ThomasF. Powers,5618 Braxton Shire Court, Houston, T){77069 Ph. 281-440-6316E-Mail: [email protected] POWERS

JohnC. Stuart,Jr,1922 Falmouth Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410 Ph: 336-545-9440E-Mail:[email protected] STUART, SIMPSON,KRITZ, MARSH.

CharlesD. Sumner,10209Newington Place, Tampa, GL33626-1714 Ph:813-926-0820 E-Mail: [email protected] SUMNER, SMITH, YOUNG, HOWEL(L), CAMPBELL.

JillWheeler,273-A Tom Bargeron Road, Sardis, GA 30456 E-Mail:[email protected] BYARS

KathleenD. Willard,926Fargo Street, Mauldin, SC 29662-1845 Ph:864-963-2578 PRATFDR/PRATER E-Mail addresses Aclditionsand Corrections: Jo Ann GllespieHamby...... [email protected] JudyBallard...... [email protected] BarbaraEades...... [email protected] [email protected] CheriBrown-Busboom [email protected]


Donna H. Burg, 108West Lynne Dr., Martinez,GA 30907 E-Mail: [email protected] Does anyoneknow whereCRETE, SC is? It was probalya township,my 3rd great-grandfatherwas listedas PM there.Probably Post Master?

I needa l880ishmap of PickensCo., SC Cananyone tell me whereI canfind one?

Cheri Brown-Busboom,6443 BaysideWay, Indianapolis,IN 46250 E-mail: [email protected] Seekinginformation on JohnPALFREY/PELFREY age 30, wife Susanage 26 on 1850census from Pickens Co., SC. Children:Nancy age 5, Mahala2, Josephage 3 months.John PALFREY/PELFREY parentswere JosiahPALFREY/PELFREY and Mahala.If you haveany informationplease contact me.

PeggyB. Chapman, 150347th, Lubbock, TX 9412'2233 E-Mnil: [email protected] WilliamHolliday b. 179711800marrieC about l82l AnneKELLEY b. ca 1794daughter of WilliamKELLEY and RebeccaJENNINGS of AndersonDistrict, SC. I contendWilliam HOLLIDAY was from Greenville Districtand son of WilliamHOLLIDAY b. 1764GA Rev. Soldierand his first wife,Nancy Cooley REESE. William HOLLIDAY Sr. married2nd SarahCOTHRA.'\/COCKRUM, sister of Johnand James COCKRLTM/COTHRANof GreenvilleDistrict. SC.

In 1850census William and Anne HOLLIDAY residedin EasternAnderson District, SC. Their neighbors were know relativesof Anne and relatives(COOLEY'S) andfriends from GreenvilleDistrict, SC.

By 1860census William's wife wasLinda b. 1810. WilliamHOLLIDAY' S Children: Jamesb. 1822m. Louvina.Was shea GLASBY?.Martha Ann b. 1825:David b. ca 1830:Rebecca b. ca 1831:DicyJaneb.1834: DicyAnnb. 1838:WilliamD. B. 1846:ElijahW. B. 1849:Josephineb. lE53: Masourib.1856.

Mnjorie Thompson,3541 Arvor CreekLane, Flower Mound, TX75022 E-Mail: [email protected] LEDBETTERin Old PendletonDistrict. SC at thetime of the 1800census. Would like to be in touchwith anyonewith anyinfo on all LEDBETTER'Sin SCduring the early 1800's. My 3rd greatgrandfather was born 2 September1817 in SC.I needparents and siblings for him.

I alsowould like to find out if someonein thechapter has a copyof thetranscription of the"Old Pendleton Messenger"for earlybirth records and marriages who woulddo a look-upfor LEDBETTERS. Ilelen Wall, f 40f 5 Crown Glen Court, Houston,,TX77062 E-Mail: [email protected] A group of us would appreciateyour includingthe following: Looking for descendantsof Thomasand SarahORR to join on-lineemail group list. Our recentlyformed group of l5 all descendfrom Thomasand SarahORR andwe thoughtthis would be a good way to communicateand sharedata. Members include: (and Members of Old Pendletonwith e-mailaddresses listed in June 1998NL): BarbaraEades, Helen Wall, BarbaraMartin, BarbaraLeigh, Lowry Wilson. Non-members: Kathy andWarren Blassingame, Donna Bowen, Kerry Harding,Jim andKathy Ison, John and SaraJean Morris, RosemaryNay, JimmyOrr, QuintenSmith, Karen Walsh: Off-Line Members:Ellen Smith and Jewel Paul Orr. E-mail me, HelenWall, or any of the group andwe'll try to connectyou with your closestkin, or all of us! Hopingto find evenmore cousins. Thanks

David Wallace,26 Windsor Way, Dahlonegn,GA 30533 E-Mail: [email protected] Seekinginformation on WilliamJ ANDERSONb. 1882.He wasmarried to DelilahVAUGHTERS. In the 1850Lumpkin County, GA censusthe familystate they were born in SC.There is a "Jane"listed in the householdwhose age is 62 andstate of birth VA Thereis a traditionin our areathat threeANDERSON brotherscame to Georgiafrom the vicinityof Andersonville,SC. Can anyone help?

Notice: If you havepublished a book andit wasnot on the list in the SeptemberNewsletter, please get that infomationto mewith nameof book,price and where to orderetc... Editor

Bit's andPieces" by LindaG. Cheek

LUSK: The LUSK familyname originated in the Ukraine,Russia and migrated to ,Ireland and eventuallyto America.

Thereis a town of Lusk in Irelandabout twenty milesnorth of Dublin.

NathanLusk b. 1685Scotland d. l4 Sept1748 Augusta Co VA emigratedto Virginiawere he livedin Rockbridge,VA now AugustaCo. He m. Elizabeth.

Will of NathanLusk (Loosk)l4 Sept1748 prov l6 Feb 1748 Wife ElizabethIssue named. John, Agness w/o Mathew Young andJames. Son JamesExor: Test. Pat Martin, Patrick Cook and Martha Martin--JamesLoosk qualifiedwith suretiesJames Phillips. Augusta Co VA Wills pg I l8 I am surethere were more children, but not namedin will?

Adjutant JamesLusk servedwith Andrew Pickensand helpedform Rock Bridge VA locatedin what is now AugustaCo VA. They servedunder Capt JohnWilson. In Rev. War

Issue:of Nathanand Elizabeth Lusk l. JAMES LUSK b. 1720Augusta Co VA d. September1804 Abbeville District SC (96 District)m. Eleanor Smithhad 7 childrento SC in 1765. His will dated3 Jan 1786Rec. 5 Nov 1804Wit: AndrewWeed, Wm Foster,Nat WeedJr., John McCiddy wife EleanorLoosk children:Robert Loosk, EleanorBaty,Elizabeth Gray, Nathan Loosk, grandson WilliamLoosk AbbevilleDistrict SC Wills Box 108Pk2953 JamesLusk was a Rev. soldierwith Andrew Pickensunder Capt JohnWilson andwith Lt Col. JohnThomas Reg. in SC "Light Dragoons"under General Sumter's Brigade. Also a memberof the House of Burgesses.

Jamesreceived three royal land grantsrecorded in SC at the Archivesdated 27 April 1765,6 Aug 1765.

Will of JamesLusk 3 Jan1786 Prob. 5 Nov 1804 I JamesLosk of Abiville Co District of Ninety-SixSC, Freeholder, being very sick andweak in body etc. I give to EleanorLoosk my dearlybeloved wife one horsesaddle and bridle, one bed and furnitureand all iingular wearingapperrel, one flax wheel andwood shedand chackreel one half of this hundredand fifty acresof landwhich containsmy improvementone half of my householdfurniture and one half of all my plantationexpreminence also to my belovedson Robert one half of the remainderof this plantation epreminenceand housefurniture and the remainderof this land and of householdfurniture and the plantation eprimimenceto be equallydivided between my two daughtersElizabeth Gray and Elenor Baty and all the horsesand neetcattle sheepand hogsbelonging to my plantationto be equallydivided between my wife Eleanorand my son Robert and my two daughtersElizabeth Gray andElenor Baty in the samemanner as aboveand to my belovedson NathanLosk fifty acresof landjoining lineswith me and William Alexanderon Long Caneand to my belovedson Henry Losk one hundredand fifty acresof land on the headof Armstrongs Creekand to William Losk my grandsonone plantation of landcontaining two hundredacres bounded on_ plantationand William Alexanders and Mathew Youngs and Hugh Bessleys and two hundredacres lying on_-to be put throughthe office by rny inventand then tobe????Exors: sonsNathan Losk, Henry Losk andWilliam Baty andfriend Samuel Foster Sr. Sg:Jas Losk wit: WilliamFoster, Nat WeedJr, John McCiddyX Recc Will Bk I pg299 AbbevilleCo SC

Issueof Jamesand Eleanor Smith Lusk

l. John Lusk lived in Union Distrct SC duringRev. War andknown as a Whig and nearneighbor of William Goudelockwho madean affidavitnaming his neighborsJohn and Robert Lusk (Both known asWhigs).

2. AgnessLusk m. MathewYoung

3. NathanLusk b. ca 1740Rockbridge, VA d. 1828Pickens District SC (Old PendletonDistrict) m. Jennet.

4. RobertLusk b. 1743Augusta Co VA d. l8l5 m. Bell, Captserved with Lt. Col JohnThomas "Light Dragoons"under Gen Sumter'sBrigade. Lived in UnionDist SC duringthe Rev.War and known asa Whig from Depositionof WilliamGoudelock.

5. ElizabethLusk m. Gray

6. EleanorLusk m. WilliamBaty

7. HenryLusk m. EleanorMcKiddy (SEE LATER)

8. WilliamLusk

9. SamuelLusk

Con't 7. HENRY LUSK Sr. b. 27 Feb 1751Augusta Co VA d. 30 March 1813Pendleton District SC m. Eleanor"Liday" McKiddey b. 25 Feb 1761Augusta Co VA d. 6 Feb 1845Pickens District SC.Eleanor McKiddey was the d/o JohnMcKiddey who witnessedthe will of JamesLusk in AbbevilleDist SC. Henry Lusk a Scotsman,served in the Rev. War as a Quartermaster,Lieutenant and Adjutant and alsoin the Militia from 1780to 1783.It is a matterof recordthat Henry lost a horseduring this tour of duty. SC AuditedAccounts: 4713C. P182, X29980 SC Archives

(This is issueof Henry Lusk) NATHAN LUSK and OTF{ERS--WILIAM LUSK SouthCarolina Pickens District, We NathanLusk, John S. Lusk, RobertLusk, William McGll, Martin M. Saxon,Andrew McCollister andJean Visage all of the Stateand District aforesaidin considerationof one hundreddollars paid by William Lusk of the sameall that tract of land adj. Robert Lusk land,being part of a tract of land grantedto Wm E. Kenndahand ThomasLiften. Dated I Jan 1829Sg: NathanLusk, JohnLusk X. Robert Lusk, William McGill, Martin M. Saxon,Andrew McAlister, JeanVisage X. Wit: Jacob Capehart--Dowerreleased by: RosannahLusk, ElizabethLusk, Mary S. McGll, Jinny Saxonand Elizabeth McAlister the wifes of the within namedmen I Jan1829 Sg. RosannahLusk, ElizabethLusk X, Mary S. McGll, JinnySaxon, Elizabeth McAlister X. Prov.and Rec. 9 Oct 1837.Pickens Co SC DeedBk A-l Page 439-440

Issueof Henry andEleanor Lusk: a. ElizabethLusk b. 21 Aug 1784Abbeville Dist SC m. AndrewMcAlister Jr. b. EleanorLusk b. 8 Oct 1785d. 6 Dec l8l8 c. Mary S.Lusk b.22 July1788 m. WilliamMcGill d. JeanVaneLusk b. 5 March 1790m. Visage e. JamesLusk b. 8 Dec 1791Pendleton Dist SC f. NathanLuskb.20 March1792 Pendleton Dist SC d. 28 Jan1872Oconee SC m. Roseannah Capehartb. 5 Jan 1800d. 9 June1892 both buried near the homeplaceNathan built in the 1820'sat the foot of SmeltzerMts nearSalem SC in the Lusk FamilyCemetery

Issueof Nathanand Roseannah Lusk: AngelinaLusk b. 5 Dec 1823d 23 May l9l I m. RobertOrr Wingingtonb. 9 Sept1816 d. 9 June1899: Emily Lusk b. 16July 1825 : IveenyLusk b. l5 Aug 1827: LorenziLusk b. 7 Oct 1829:Leory W. Lusk b. 10 May l83l d. 9 May 1909:Erastus Lusk b. 4 April 1833 NathanLusk Jr. b. 16 April 1835:Roseannah Lusk b. 16 Aug 1837d. Feb 1851at ageof 13 yrs and6 mo: BentonLusk b. 28 Dec 1839:Vilena Lusk b.22March l84l d. 12 Sept1914 m. MajorL. Rogers:Rufus Luskb. 26Dec 1844d. l8 Dec 186l age16 yrs l l mo.

Nathanwas amonga numberof other familieswho gatheredin 1805to organizeBethel Presby Church in the Picket Post CommunityoffHlvy I I nearWalhalla in OconeeCo SC. His nameis listedon a monumentin front of the church.He alsoserved in Orr's Reg. in CivilWar

Nathan'sFamily Bible givesbirths anddeath dates. The Bible was in the possessionof ClaraLusk GrantRt 1 Box 254 SalemSC 29676in 1983 g. JohnS. Lusk b. 7 March 1795Pendleton Dist SC d. 8 March 1837 h. William Lusk b. l l Oct 1797Pendleton Dist SC i. HenryLusk b. 26 Sept1800 d. June1866 Pendleton Dist SC j. Arny Lusk b. 28 Jan1802 Pendleton Dist SC k. JinnyLusk b. 4 Apr 1803Pendleton Dist SC d. 14 March 1835m. Martin M. Saxon L RobertLusk b. l0 Aug 1807Pendleton Dist SC

Takenfrom the researchof Leroy Stewartand Linda G. Cheek GAMBRELL: A letter written 4 July 1927from H.D. Ward of HoustonTexas states. Two Grambrell Brotherscame from Franceabout 1676(but first took refugein Irelandand from Irelandto America)went up the Potomic and settledin Virginia andMaryland, later they had a misunderstandingand broke friendship. JohnGrambrell of AndersonCo SC was a grandsonof one of thesetwo brothers(from J.B. Gambrellwho was the grandsonof David Grambrelland his parentsmoved from AndersonCo SC to to Tippah Co MISS in lS42). The old GrambrellGraveyard is nearManassa and Williamsburg VA. From H.D. Ward takenfrom materialthat shehas been writing down for over 40 yearstold to her by her fatherand grandfather:John Grambell a grandsonof one of thesebrothers settled in AndersonCo SC some time beforethe Rev. War. He marriedBarbary Bruton a descendantof a Frenchfamily. To Johnand Barbary was born 5 sons:Henry, David, James,John and Matthew, one of these5 brotherswas a one-leggedold batchelorbecause he lost hisleg in the War of 1812,his wound was a constantirritant to histemper so he drank to excess.You can seethat JohnGrambrell Rev. Soldierwas the grandfatherof my father andUncle Madison.He was alsogreat-grandfather of J.B. Gambrell.My grandfatherwas Matthew Gambrell(son of John)he was a Baptistpreacher and died a suicideon 12 Aug 1843he marriedLettice Madison d/o James Madison.Matthew Gambrelllived on his fathershome place. My fatherand uncle Madison are the only sons of MatthewGambrell to survivethe CivilWar. My fatherleft PainesvilleAL andmoved to TX in 1857.I believethat DanielGambrell was the grand-fatherof JohnGambrell NOTE. by Linda Cheek--lbelieve that JohnGambrell married Barbary Vaughn andthat her (Barbary Vaughn's) motherwas BarbaryBruton\Brewton m. William Vaughn.Sure would like to havethis proof.

JohnGambrell d. Sept 1834Anderson District SC m. BarbaryBruton (Vaughn)a descendantof a French family early settlersin VA for whom the Bruton MemorialChapel at Williamsburgis named.John Gambrell wasin the Rev with Marion,he was a Scoutbecause he hada stiffarm andcould not fight.

JohnGambrell left will at AndersonCo SC datedl0 May (March) 1830proven 27 Sept1834 naming: Wife BarbaraGambrell children: William Gambrell,Henry Gambrelland wife Susannah,John Gambrell, James Gambrell,David Gambrell,Matthew Gambrell,Elizabeth Cox, Nancy Breazeal(Enoch). My other children. Exors.John Gambrell and Matthew Gambrell sons. Sg: John Gambrell X. Wit: SamI. Hammond,Elijah Griffin,Barbara Casey. Anderson Co SC WillBk A pg 500-501microfilm roll228 p9425-426Gambrell buryingground near Dorchester Church in BeltonSC.

Issueof Johnand BarbaryBruton\Vaughn? Gambrell (Bible)

1.Elizabeth Gambrell b. 14Oct 1773d. 1858m. ca 1792William Cox b. l0 Oct 1766d 1843--fromold Bible(CON'T--SEE LATER)

2. WilliamGambrell b. ca 1775d 1837m. 2 Jan1794 Sarah Stone b. ca 1775/76d. 1858

3. HenryGambrellb.ca 1778-80d.1843 m. 1801SusannahJordanb. ca 1780-82d, after1860. Will in AndersonCo SC filed 1 Jan1847 he d. 1843.

4.JohnGambrellJrb l8Julyl783d.29Janl866m.l0Octl805MaryHarperb.4March1784d.28May 1876--fromBible of JohnGambrell Jr whichlist his chilren.

5.David Grambrell b.23 lanor Feb1785 d. 23 Sept1857 m. Catherine Brewton/Bruton b. l0 Feb1779 d.6 Oct 1857both buried in MISS--takenfrom grave stone. 6. JamesGambrellb. l8 March 1786d. 5 Julv 1867m. Marv Reedb. 19Feb 1785d -5Oct 1860 buriedPvt CemeteryPiedmont SC.

7. NancyGambrellb. 3 March1794 d.9 May 1867m. EnochBreazeale b. 14Dec 1788d. 8 Nov I 850 buriednear Belton SC s/oKennon Breazeale b. Aug 1753 d 3 I Jan I 838 agedI 04 yearsand 5 months he wasburied in a familyburying ground near Belton SC andone of hisdescendants had his remainsmoved to DorchesterBaptist Churchyard and a memorialstone etected. He settledfor a shorttime on the Haw River in NC cameto SC andm. HaskeyGriffin b. 29 Julv 1767d 26 March 1829dlo WilliamGriffin.

S.MatthewGambrellb.5JanlT96d.12Augl843m. llMayl8l5LetticeNicoleMattisonb 2Jan 1796d 6 May 1856--fromold Bible

COX. WilliamCox (RevSoldier) b. 10Oct 1766will proved22 Nov 1843Anderson Co SC andhis wife ElizabethGambrell b. 14 Oct 1773d 1858dio Johnand Barbara Vauehn (?Bruton) Gambrell of Anderson Co SC.

WilliamVaughn and wife Barbaryof PendletonCo to SamuelAllison 200 acreson Wavuen('reek ot-lrrroree Riveroriginallygranted26July 1774--SamuelAllison sells 100 acres of thisland 8 [:eb l7

WilliamVaughn, planter, of CravenCo Provinceof SC andwife Barbaryto JohnStone 200 acreson North sideofBeaverdam Creek of EnoreeRiver oart of 400acres sranted l6 Jan1772 Datedl0 Dec 1775 LaurensCo SC DeedBk C pg 159

Will of ElizabethCox--Anderson District SC 14 April 1848prov andrec. 4 Feb 1856 I ElizabethCox of AndersonDistrict State of SouthCarolina being desirous to disposeof rvhatrvordlr soods it hathplcased God to blessme with: Viz-- lst I will thatall of theproperty which I possesof everykind be soldby nryson William Cox whomI appoint asmy executorto executethis my lastwill andtestament--upon such terms and at suchtinre as he maythink mostto the interestof my heirsand then devide the sameafter he is paidfor his servicesamong each of nry children(he beingone) equally--viz'.

2nd.The heirsof JohnCox dec'dan equalshare, Thomas Cox andequal share. Polly Ellison and eclual share ElizabethDavis an equalshare William Cox an equalshare and Barbary Harper to havethe interestof an equalshare and at her deatheach of her childrento havethe shareof theirmother equally dividedamong them shareand sharealike--

3rd. My will is that JohnHarper and William L. Harpersons of my daughterBarbary Harper receive from my executorthe sharewhereas I desiremy daughterto havethe useof andfor them to keep it at interestas long as shemay live and eachand everyyear sheis to havethe Interestfor her useand benefitso that shemay enjoythe proceedsof it for her comfort and at the deathof BarbaryHarper (my daughter)my will is that each of her childrenreceive an equalportion of that amountdevided to themby my trusteesJohn and William C. Harper--

4th. The moneywhich I mayhave at my deceaseand what maybe dueme I wishto be put with the proceeds of my otherproperty all of whichto be disposedof asabove stated--And last I ordianthis asmy lastwill and testamentratifying and confirmingthis and no other--Intestimony whereof I have hereuntoset my hand and Sealby makeingof my mark this fourteenthday of April Anno Domini one thousandEight hundredand forty eight--Sg:Elizabeth Cox x Wit: M. McGee,J.P. McGee, W. McGeeproven and Rec. 4 Feb 1856 Anderson Co SC Wills--MicrofilmAnderson Co Library.WillBk B p9423-424 Bible Known Issueof William andElizabeth Gambrell Cox: From Old Family

Mary Ellisonb. 25 April I . ThomasCox b. l5 April l79g d. 3 1 Aug 1860m. 29 Feb1820 "Polly" Co SC s/o ThomasSmith. Marriage 1800d.-_---. Shem. lst JacobSmith Jr who diedin 1819Anderson datefrom Bible of MargaretCox Wright

his fatherThomas Smith for him to take careof JacobSmith Jr was givenland on Hencoopcreek in 1817by landback over to his his sisterPricilla Smith--Jacob Smith on his deathbed turned his for his sisterPricilla Smith-- Thomas Smith father--Landwas thenturned over to ThomasSmith Jr to provide the western Territoriesand took with him his Jr statesthat his fatherThomas Smith Sr decidedto removeto Smith daughterPricilla Smith and the landsfell into the handsof Richard ThomasSmith m. Elizabethand had Issue: Ellison a PricillaSmith (lunatic) b. JacobSmith Jr. m. Mary "Polly" c ThontasSmith Jr. d. RichardSmith stayed in SC e Katy Smith f. WilliamSmith stayed in SC AnclersonCo SC Courl of Equity--l7 Feb1841

Issueof JacobSmith Jr andMary "Polly"Ellison Smith landm. 23 Dec 1841Elizabeth Brock JoelSmith b. I Nov I8lg who rhe l7 Feb t84l suedfor his

-l Jr')Cox Issueof homas('ox atrdPolly Ellison Smith (widow of JacobSmith

a.EdneyE.Coxb.lgDecl82lm.lgDeclS3gJoelEllison b R. carolinecox b. 24 March 1824m. 30 March 1848Harvey Kelly c SarahAnn cox b 7 Dec 1825d l8 June1866 m. williamEllison d. TempyMargaret Cox b. 7 JulY1828 1847Sarah e. william t{ardincox b. l0 June1830 Killed civilwar m. 4 July 1847SusanElizabeth Cox t- N{atthervGambrell Cox b. 2l June1833 d. ll Nov 1921m.l Jan g JohnJasper Cox b l5 July1835 d 20May 1912 ii tnlu.yMalisa Cox b. 23 May I838 m. I I Feb 1858Berry Davenport i. NancyOphelia Cox b. 24 April 18'10 Dancyperth? i Martha Louizacox b. 23 Feb 1844m. I Sept1864 T. b.178617d. 25 May 1857' 2.BarbaraCoxb. 3 March1793 d. 3 March1873m. WilliamHarper

Grubbsb. 16 Jan 1808d. 1 Sept 3. WilliamCox Jr.b. 20 Oct 1805d 20 Feb1856m. 3 April 1828Margaret 1877

of her sonMaj. Georgew. cox Mrs Margaretcox wife of the latecapt. william cox diedat the residence we spokelast week' Mrs Cox was on last Saturdaymorning form the effectsof the paralyticstroke which womanfor manyyears. The funeralwas over seventyyears of ageand had beena devotedchristian and useful IntelligencerIssue: Thursday 6 Sept 1877 heldin the Beltonnaptist church by Rev.w.E. walters.Anderson

1800 4. JohnCox b. 28 May 1794d. 7 Dec1847 m ElizabethLucuis b.

5 ElizabethCox m. BennettDavis

Anderson 6. Mary "Polly"cox m. Jameswilson Ellisonb. April 1792d- 1873 would be welcome co SC Submittedby: LindaG. cheek anyadditions or corrections FINAL SETTLEMENT: Notice is herebygiven that applicationwillbe madeto I.H philpot, Esq. Judgeof Probateat PickensC.H. on Tuesdaythe 6th day of April 1873for settlementof the Estateof Rev. Gdeon Ellis, deceased,and dischargeof Executors.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 6 March 1873

MARRIED:On Sunday16 Feb 1872by J.N. Arnold, Esq., Mr BerryOwens of AndersonCo., SC to Miss ClimeliaMassey of Pickensco.. SC.PickensSentinel Issue: 6 March1873

PETITION: Stateof SouthCarolina Pickens County Probate Court. NancyHenderson, Petitioner, against JohnWilson et.clRespondents.Petition to applysales of real estateto paymentof debts:It appearingto my satisfactionthat J.W. Nally, CunninghamNally, JeffersonNally, heirsof IsabellaWilson to wit: SarahEllis. ElizabethBrooks, AdalineGrant, G.J.Wilson and SusanGriffin defendantsin this caseare absentfrom the residebeyond the limits of this State.All to appearpersonally or by attorneyat my office the lSth of Aug 1875to show causeif any why the peitionernow on file in my office shouldnot be granted.Dated 2l June 1875Sg. I H. Philpot.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 9 Sept1875

SHARPE.Mr Zimri Sharpedied in this city lastMonday about I I a.m.after a long illnesswith consumption.He had beenprostrated since last November when he had an attackof the grip which brought on consumptionand he was neverable to do any more work. He was a quiet,humble, peaceful citizen and Christian,being a memberof the BaptistChurch here for a greatmany years and living his professionin his daily life. He cameto this countyfrom Abbevillebefore the war and rearedhis family here.He was twice married,first to a Miss Maroneyfrom whichunion three children were born, one of whom is Mrs J.R.Fant of this city. His secondwife was a MissDobbins, a daughterof ex-sheriffDobbins,deceased, who with six childrensurvive him. The funeralservices were heldin the BaptistChurch on Tuesdayby Rev. H.B. Fant, assistedby Rev.G.P. Watson, after which the remainsere intered in SilverBrook Cemetery.Anderson Co SC.The PeoplesJournal Issue: Sept 1894

SMITH-KENNEMORE:State of SCPickens District that we fual Kennemoreand William Smith are holden andbound unto James H. DendyOrdinary of PickensDistrict in thesum of threehundred dollars--the conditionof theabove obligation is suchthat if theabove bound Rial Kennemore shall be guardian unto Mary SusannaSmith a minorunder 14 years and shall pay unto the said minor when she shall come of lawfulage or if sheshall die to payover the portion to whomthe law shallappoint. Sg: Rial Kennemore X. andWm Smith Test.John Burdine. Dated 3 March1834.

28 Feb1834 Pickens District SC to JamesH. Dendy,Esq., Ordinary of PickensDistrict. I recommendthat you appointfualKennemore guardian for my daughter,Mary SusannaSmith a minoraged one year and five monthsuntil shemay attain lawful age. Sg: Melinda Smith. (b. Sept1832) Rial Kennemore guardian for Mary S. Smithbal due minor I Jan1850 $219.06 ll2.--23 Jan 1850 paid to AbnerOdell the husband of saidMary S. Smiththe full amountdue her. Sg: fual Kennemore.Pickens Co SCProbate Apt I No. 28 l7 Feb1834: SC Pickens District--Whereas William Smith of PickensDistrict SC hath applied to meor letters of administrationof thepersonalproperty of hisdeceased brother, John Smith, late of theDistrict. deceased. Thereare therefore to citeand admonish all thekindred and creditors of the said deceaseto be andappear at theCourt of Ordinaryto beholden at PickensCourt House on Mondaythe 3 Marchand to showcause if any why the said administrationshould not begranted. Sg: James H. Dendy.Sale22 March 1834. Purchasers: MelindaSmith (widow) and many many more Pickens Co. SCProbate Court Apt 5 No. 58 Dear Linda

Enclosedare new additionsto the ClaytonRoom April 7, 1998

Close-Close-CloseKinby Buck RobinsonNewton. Storiesabout the familiesto Doc and Alma Newton and Joel andAnnie Newton. Paperback.

James Clayton of North Carolina and His Descendantsin the Old Southwest by MargaretClayton Russell. JamesClayton I was from CarrituckCounty, NC (d.1762),JamesClayton II died in CravenCounty in 1783,Thomas Claytonwas born in Hyde Countyon June17,, 1755. Thomasmoved to HancockCounty, GA in 1804. The booksfollows the ThomasClayton family. Donatedby MargaretClayton Russell, PO Box 353, Eufaula,AL 36072.

Early History of HabershamCounty, GA and One Harris Family that Settled There. Also booklet on JohnHarris. Both donatedby CharlesHanis, 406 Kenka Drive. Auburndale,FL 33823.

JohnPrater and Elinor Pickens.Pickens Ancestory. Part of the notebook containsinformation on The Family Recordof JohnCouch and Mary Ann Praterby Mrs. R. V. Pompee,17227 Rock Falls,San Antonio, TX 78248. Donatedby LauraLouise Couch Adams, 315 S. FarrAvenue, Andrew, SC 29510.

Enon BaptistChurch Records from June 1851to August 23, 1942. Theseare copiesfrom the microfilm. Copiedand donatedby John& Alice Dillard, 512 Hickory Rd., SW, Bessemer,AL35023.

A History of OolenoyBaptist Church 1795-1995by Ethel MassingillEdens, EvonneElrod, and Mildred Gilcrease. May be orderedfrom Ethel Edens, 5207Dacusville Hwy., Pickens,SC 29671or EvonneElrod, 5132Dacusville Hwy., Marietta,SC 29661. Donatedby the authors.

Duke PowerHartwell Moving CemeteryProject. Copiedby Betty Long and givento Judy Ballard. Duke Power Company,Dennis Lawson, Arthivist, RecordsDepartment, Charlotte, NC. Diariesof IdaVirginia Bradley 1879-1889

Thediaries of Ida VirginiaBradley, written between 1879-1889, begin with a descriptionof an eighteen-year-oldgirl's solitaryjourney from her impoverishedhome in Cartersville,Georgia to Pickens,South Carolina, to live in the homeof her moreaffluent uncle, David FranklinBradley. Uncle Frankand Aunt Mrry, who haveno childrenof their own,treat her as a beloveddaughter-companion. Ida is expectedto assistwith the housekeepingchores, sewing and other gpes of handiwork,and entertaining guests.Infrequently, she also perfonns secretarial duties in the printingoffice of thePickens Sentinel, which Uncle Frank founded and continues to edit. A nephew,Milt, who liveswith theBradleys and is treatedas a son,works in the printingand newspaper office.

UncleFrank, a Civil War veteranand South Carolina senator, periodically goesto Columbiato "passa bill," suchas that of prohibitionmentioned in Ida's January24,1880 entry. Sherefers in theJanuary 30 andsubsequent entiresto his effortsto bringthe railroad to Pickens.

Ida's Cartersvilleintervals reflect a greatdeal more home chores and responsibilities.Her family(Civil War veteranfather, mother, nine children, andmaternal grandmother at times)are close-knit and devoted, but ever strugglingto survivefinancially.

Thelast entry in Ida VirginiaBradley's diaries was made in July, 1889.Two yearslater, when she was thirty yearsold, shemarried Aunt Mary's nephew, CharlesHovey Clyde of Easley,South Carolina.


Anne Sheriff Con't on Peters Creek Church By Nancy Flesch

10 Jun 1832 Charlotty a black woman came forward and was received by experience.

B Jul 1,832 Cintha Hunt came forward and was received by experience. Margaret Fendley a member of this church departed this life.IuIy 1, IB32

28 Jul L832 Wes1ey Freeman came forward and made humble confession of his backs I id ing transactions the church restored him to fellowship again.

11 Aug IB32 James Robinson came forward and was rec'd by letter Brother Joseph Robinson and Brother Reubin Roper appointed delegates to the next association

B Sep IB32 Robert S. Benson and Martha Benson came forward and was rec'd by letter afso Hu]dah Hitt came forward and was rec'd by experience Wiley Cantril and Matilda (can't read it) his wife came forward and was rec t d by exp.

13 Oct IB32 Mary Kelley, H_ Hitt, John Hj-tt and Ann Goodlett was rec'd by exp. Richard Goodlett came forward and was rec'd by exp.

9 Dec 1832 Rutha Braswell applied for letter of dismishion it was granted her.

9 Feb 1833 Elizabeth Evits applied for letter of dismishion it was granted her.

9 Mar 1833 Appointed Brother Robert S. Benson and Brother Moses Fendley to invite Brother AbeI Lesley to our next meeting to give reason why he absence himself from church conference.

1-3 Apr 1B33 Called for references took up the case of Brother Lesley for absenting him self from church meeting he came forward and qave Satisfaction.

11 May 1833 Elizabeth Fowler and Penninah Looper came forward and was rec'd by letter also Rachael Mi lin came forward and was rec'd by exp.

1B JuI 1833 Malinda Mann came forward and was rec'd by experience

10 Aug tB33 Henry Roberd came forward and was rec'd by exp. Choose Brother Joseph Robinson and Brother James Robinson delegates to the next association. Choose Brother James cl-erk of the church i-n place of Brother Whitmire

I7 Sep 1833 Theloma Brazeaf came forward and was rec'd by exp. afso Elizabeth 81akely came forward and was rec'd by exp. Brother Wiley Cantril and Sister Matilda Cantril his wife applied for Ietters of dismishion they were granted them. Brother Abil Lesl-ey applied for a letter of dLsmishion it was granted him.

12 Oct LB33 Sister Elizabeth Fendley a mernberof this church departed this life Oct 26, 1833.

9 Nov 1833 Bro. Richard Goodlett was asked concerninq a report in circulation that he \ should at a certain time have been in a Stat.e of intoxication, he came forward and denied the report being true which it appeared to give Satisfaction. Bro. James Hagood applied for letters of dismishion for himself c wife DiliIa Hagood and daughter Margaret hagood they were granted them also Sister Martha Hitt apliked for a letter of dismishion it also was granted.

7 Dec 1833 Sister Elizabeth Blakley came forward and denied a report that was in circulation that at a certain time she was seen in a state of intoxication by drinking too much of ardiant (sic) spirits through examination She contridicted her self several times in which she could not give the church satisfaction for which she was exconmunicated

8 Feb 1834 Brother Robert Benson came forward and laid in a charge against Brother Wesley Freemanhe said that he saw Brother Freeman in a State of intoxication at the volunteer musterground. Appointed Brother ,James Robinson and Brother Jeremiah Whitmire to cite Brother wesley Freeman to attend our next meeting to answer to the charge of Brother Robert S. Binson also to report that is in circulation that at a certain time he was in a state of intoxication and horse racing at W. Davis store in greenville District. sister charlotte a black woman applied for a letter of dishishion it was granted her.

B Mar 1834 Took up the case of Brother V{esley Freemon By the request of Brother Freemon the church liad his case over untill their next meeting. Sister Sheloma Brazeal and Sister Elizabeth Fowler applied through Brother Clem Mitchel for letters of dismishion they were granted them.

L2 Apr 1834 Took up the case of Brother Wesley Freemon. He failed to come forward he was excommunicated.

L0 May 1.834 Letha Hitt was rec'd bY letter. Sister Malinda Mann now M tin apptied for: Ietter of Dismission it was granted her.

7 .Iun 1834 the church through the request of Brother James Hitt Exonerated him from his office as deacon to Satisfy the aggrieved party that held to feet washing to be and ordinance in the house of God that brother Hitt as a Deacon did not feel it his duty to prepare for it. Nominated Brother Lewis Fendley or the church to concider on untill our next meeting for their Deacon to fill the place of Brother James Hitt resigned.

72 Jul 1834 took up nomination of Brother Lewis Fendlev rln crrrr last meeting and by request of Brother Fendley the nomination was with drawn. took up the gift of Brother Lewis Fendley whlch he professes to be caled of god to warn his fellow creatures to flee from the rath (sic) to come the church granted him Licence to exerc.ise his qift Either in Singj-ng and prayer, Exortation or docturnal preaching as he thinks proper

9 Aug 1834 nominated brother Joseph robinson and brother louis fendley delegate.s to our next associ-at ion

11 Oct 1834 Brother Reubin Roper and Sister Cinthy Roper his wife applied for letters of Disnishion they were granted thern. also Elviry Roberts now Bridges applied for a letter of dismishion it was sranted her. Al-so Brother John Hitt and Sister Letha Hitt his wife applied for letters of dismishion they were granted them.

13 Dec 1834 SisLer flourintine Ellitt applied for a letter of dismishion it was granted her. Brother Lewis Fendley and Sister Elizabeth Fendley his wife applied for letters of Dismission they was granted them. Appointed Brother James Robinson to invite Brcther Robert S. Benson to our next meeting to te]1 why he absented him Setf from Conference. the Example of feet washing is postphoned for 12 months and then ConfederateSoldiers of PickensDistrict, SC: An OngoingResearch Project SeekingAddifional Information About the FollowingMen Who Foughtin theU.S. CiYil \Yar, 1861-1865

Please help to preserve a record of the life and service of your ancestor or relative who fought ln the Civil War. If you have additional infor- mation about any of these Con- federate soldiers, please wrlte to: Charles Ho Busha, Ph.Do 112 Sunrnit Drive Liberty, SC 29657

Edwln D. Gaines (1 ffioE, 2nd So C. Rlfles (Moorets Regt.) and dled durlng the Civil War.

Ellsha Pendleton Gaines (L823- chard. George Gaines (b. ca L76O - do 30 Jan L832) and l,Iary Dnnlap Galnes (I7 l,tar L779 - 9 l4ay 1851) . He narried Susann Garvin on 1,8 Feb I8I+4, and went to Texas, where he llved near CamD- beLl (ttunt County) befoie and after the Civil Waro

-TndT;CJames Gaines served ln Coo B. Rifles (Moore t s J and died in Tennessee during the Clvil Waro FRANKLINLOOPER n$2-1864) Janes Henrw nJiqn Gaines (1848- CompanyB, 37tn Battalion Vlrginia Cavalry D, (llso served, ln Co. F, ?lad S. Ist S. C" Regt, (State G. Cavalry) Troops?). He was an early mayor of Central, S. C., and Marshall Ben.Janin Gaines ,t944-flZ8) was a was an outstanding black- S. C. Volunteers snlth of that town af,ter the and also served in Co. D, 19bh S. C. Ctvll War" Cavalry" After the Civil {tlr he re- sided in the Seneca area of Oconeg-Coe -ffiJohn Galnes dled of typhold Hls flrst w'ife was Loutitia IsabeII 136"i serv-ea in co. Gttl"ottl; his second w'ife was E1iza A, lst S. C. (Orrts). (rt6?-r93r) Rtfles Ganft " CoNFEDERATESoIDIERS 0F PICKENSDISTRICT, S. Co (Continued)

(183?-1906) served in Wllllan B. Gaines lras t ffiGaines (b. ca f les (Moore s L79l+) and the husband of Lucy HammondGaines (1837-18871. He resided in the Gentral, S. C1 Williaur Ganett- (or Garrett) served in area of eastern Pickens Dlst;' @. c. Rifres.and was dis- (Pickens Co.) after the waro charg6d from that unit during the warc

WlllLarn P. Galnes (b. 20 July 1843 @ Unlon troops %{'il';tln?l illT:a: durlng the war and sent to Rlfles and was wor.rnded at Fort Harrl- Hart Island, N. Yo He moved to sorl. After the war, he was Postl It{lsslssLppl after the w8)ro *aJt"r of Pendleton, S. Co, and h9 al-so taught schoolo He was buried Manassa Galbreath, a CfuiI War at the OLa Stone Churcho @ledatWolf Stake BaptLst Ch. Ln Oconee Coo Jo Ao Gantt served tn Co. Gr 12th S. C o @ and was lost durlng the waro James M. Gallowan (1822-1887) vras a resldent of Eastatoee T\f,po ln -=ffiervetinIrt€tntth Gant!, was born about-1821r-and the eastern dlvlsLon of Plckens co. G, lzth s. C. Inf . DJ.strlct, S. Co Tn'L922r hls He was a son of Martln.Gantt (b. qp wldor, Ellzabeth U. Galloway was fgff) and Sarah Gantt (b. ca IETI).. receivlng a pension, and she resided At Cateechee, So Co =ffi-aJohn A. Gantt.was a son of Rednond n" served ltt c-o-.Pr ?t9, - llath1son M. Galloway .lolned Coo B. 5. c.'Rlf1es (Moorers). He lost hl.s (6rrrs Regt.)- iif" dr:ring the Wllderness Campalgn' when he was eighteen years oldo He was killed at Cold Harbor, Virginia, during the Cluil ltfaro .i:i:::3l".ll'1" June 186I. Janes liladden Ganbrell was a tanner who lLved in the Plckens\rLlle.r *"**3'J**HftEF' area of Plckens Dlstrlctr and -ffis :i"laffilJlStt-t3}3 l he dled about L876. .U""").- wife was.Levlser Vashtl Ii;;i6e) ioper Gantt (1849-1929)t (18[7-1932) dauehter of- the Rev. Charles Roper -siFedJohn Pees Gambrell _re- Hlgglns in tIe Edlson area of if8fl-fgef ) and Tl.llzabeth 0conee County in I93O and re- Iioper 0823-1860 ) " celved an annuaL Clvll War resided ln Huricanq 1\4)" penslon of $2troo00. Hls rd.fe Janes Gar'ret! rilgllien -'iG'ffiffi Pickens Dlstrlct and was Mar1f Dorothy Hughes Co'e Ganbrell (18t19-1891)' iervea as a Private in Blackfs ButLerf s Cavalryl C.S.A. Nervton J" Gambrell 11643-f921) wast ffin, l6rhs.c. Volunteers. Hls wife was Julla ffi s:'iili3""l#i"'fi.il,,VA' M. Ganbrell (1844-193[). In ti"-kiIled at Fredericksbtrrgt I9f5 this Confederate veteran r€- ""a slded ln Oconee County and re- ceLved a Ctvll- War penslono !'fithl3'? ffiHe-wai a son of Stephen andf.i!"il*l:, l{ar-tha H' Ilartd Ganett served as a prlvate ln Galrett and a brothbr of LeYrIs 6n-panTT, 2nd S. Co Rlfl.es; he Girrett (see above). He was a survived the war and was llving resldent of Hurrlcane fwP. ln the ln Hay 1898; eiEtern. dlrrl,slon of Plckens Dlstr{ct. Con't on Lewis Redmond by Jerry Hughes


Hubbard Garmany. Garmany had been arrested for violation of the internal revenue Iaws and placed in the Greenville jaiI. He managed to break out and presumably returned tc his farm some f if teen mi les north of Greenvi I Ie . t^l t: Gray and Hendricks, acting in capaci.ty of U S Marshals. wenl to arrest and return him back to .jaii. llendricks apparently advanced on Garmany, shooting at him Lwice and saying, 'damn you, I will take you or kiil you.' Tlris Hendricks did even though Garmany Nas holding his child in iris arms at the Lime and the child crying, 'don't shoot pa.' Garmany returned one shot which kilLed Hendricks almost inst-antly. Hendr ic ks was bur ied on the f ami ly hornestead near Liberty . During the July term of court, Garmany was tried and acquitted on Lhe grounds t hat it r/.Jasdone in self def ense. REVENUERRAIDS ON CITIZENS The re.venuer raids ()n cif izen's lromes began r^rii-h violence in Ll" cas.e of l'1r J 1"1PorL--r - In i',1arcli 1877 a party of revenuers enLered began a search of his dr,ieI I i n,9. Mr Porter , a respected cit izen of the county. ob._iected tc> this "hish handed outrage'' and demanded Lheir auLhoriLy for searchi ng his premises . " They f el l upon hi-m and beat him severely urith pistols. One of t"hem at.LernpLed Lo shoor, him crying, 'l(i1-L him, d--n him, kill- iriml' All because he ' demanded some author ity shown Lo him " They 1-,henarrest.ed Ml- PorLer on charges of i-esis*inq an officer in the course of performing his duty. On appearin9 in court- the charges wejre quicl

Barton, Gary and others visited the Little Eastatoe community where t,hey enlisted Alfred McCrary to guide them through the mountains. t^Jhether he volunterred or was compelled Lo go was questionable. The purpose, of course, Has Lo find violators of the revenue laws and the 'habitation of the notorious Redmond.' He went along with the revenue officials on their hunt, but if they found any stills or made any raids, none brere reported in the papers. On 25 May IA77 McCrary blas hoeing in his field while his little son was plowing the same field. From the woods came the report of a rifle and McCrary reeled and feII, dying in a few minules from a ball through the lungs. The murderer kept himseLf securely under cover of the woods and made his escape. The commentary i nc Iuded i n the PICKEI'ISSENTINEL 30 May La77 report of the murder expressed distain for the killins as urelL as the recruitment of citizens bv revenue officals. ''Mr whether McCi-ary acted voluntar i ly i n this matter or by compulsion, grievously has he paid the penaltv with his -Iife. Such acts of violence and reckless disregard of human Iife are ever to be deplored,...all good ciLizens should make every effort to bring to condign punishment.the purpeti-ator of this foul murder. t^Jethink that revenue officers should not press in citizens to perform a work which thev are paid to do - " No one was ever charged wiLh the cr ime. Also in April and May tA77, a widow ladv and her son had their own encounLer r^rith these revenue of f icers. Mrs Mary A Hinkle and her son Silas Hinkle Jr lived some twenty miles nortlrwest of Pickens. On April f if Leenth Silas Nas returning home from the fields for dinner. He heard ehouLs of 'lJalt!' and turned to see Lhree men coming acrogs the f ield. lle dicln'i stop and they f ired Ehree shots . F-wohe heai-d pass over his head. Af ter the second ::hoL he be.qan to run with Lhe. men him for about a haL l mi Ie bef ore ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICI

letting him go on. Silas recognized the men as revenue officers. He had even Ealked with them some days later, buL they made no attempt to arrest him. Almost a month Iater on the eleventh of l'tay, Mrs Hinkle saw about twenty-five men ridins up the road towards and then past her home. They stopped some three hundred yards up the road then turned back. t^JmGary, E H Barton and John Scruggs were among the group and they proceeded to enter her home and search it. Bhrton went through her trunk then joined Gary in searchins the whole house as well as tne smokehouse- They found thlo double and one single barrerled shotguns which they took out.side but returned them shortly. Barton stood in the house cursing and swearing about the 'Lo guns and told Mrs Hinkle teII Redmondt.hey had been to see him and hoped he would call on them again.' Silas and his brother returned a couple of hours after Lhey had IefL and theii- mother told what had happened- They examined the :lunS and found'them''bent and broken and rendered utterly unfit for use. ' l.lot one to be treated such. Mrs Hinkle went Lo sheriff Joab Maurdin and commissioner Thornely who issued a warrant against Barton and Gary along with another revenue official named springs. At the preliminary hearing in JuIy ra77, the widow describe the evenLs that happened in her home and depuLy collector Scruggs corroborated with his testimony. Banton and Gary Nere bound over for the August term for trial. Scruggs stated the Springs was not part of r-he raid and. was discharsed. Revenue officers h,ere not only in search of illicit whiskey, tobacco products required excise stamps and there seemed to be a law on the number of tobacco plante a farmr:r could grow. l.Jeither wao Pickens Count.,, Lhe only county to 'wr;lLh suf fer Lhe of revenuere .' A ,-eprinL from Ihe ANDERSONIIIIELL:tEltEt? appeared in Ehe 3o August i:erre of lhe pICi(fils 5Ei'tTIftEL. " If-- i: rrlrnored IN PICKENS COUNTY 'SOME'' CONFEDERATEWIDOW PENSION A,PPLICATIONS SOUTH CAROLINA PROBATE COURT-ANNEX. BY THE ACT OF 1919.

JAMES H. GA.INES--I enlisted in Co D 1st SS Reg of Troops under Capt Dan Grice 20 oct 1864 and served in that command unti i the I April 1865. My income is nothing. I was born the 11 May 1848' I reside at Cent ral, Pickens co Co SC. Dated 23 Sept 1919 Sg: James H. Gaines' Wi Or: Moses M. Hollis of D SS Troops and James G. Powers of Co D SS Troops :

L.B. GRAVLEY--I enlisted Reg of Artilery under Capt Ferguson on 25 ApriI Ig63 and served in that command until the I Aprii 1865. I was discharged at Salisbury NC on 9,A,pril 1865. I was born on 26 -1828 and reside at pickens, Pickens Co SC. I am feeble from age and blind. 91 years of age. Dated 14 April 1V19 Sg: L.B. Gravley. Wit by: J.L. Cantrell of Co Fergusons and S.H. Brown of Co D at SC.

J.N/v. GRIFFIN--serve


Benjamin Cleveland. Wife: not mentioned.Sons: Absolom Cleveland,John Cleveland. Daughters:none named. Grandchildren: John Cleveland s/o AbsolomCleveland, Betty Smithd/o Absolom Cleveland,Benjamin Clevelands/o John Cleveland,Absolom Clevelands/o John Cleveland,Betsy Cleveland d/o JohnCleveland, Patsy Cleveland d/o of JohnCleveland, Chapley Welborn,Bidney Franklin,Jesse Coffee my friend. Land: locatedon ChaugaRiver and Tugaloo River. Exors: Absolom Cleveland,Jesse Coffee, Bidney Franklin Wit: Bill Flawkins,Daniel Cfeveland.Ninrod Leathers.Date: l0 Sept.1806. Probate:21 Oct. 1806.Bk. Ap.76, Roll 99. AndersonCo. SC.

William Cleveland. Wife: Nancy Cleveland.Sons: Robert HarrisonCleveland, Oliver F. Cleveland,William EarleCleveland. Daughters: Patsy Wright, Fanny Wright, CatherineWright, Nancy Clevelandw/o GeorgeCleveland, Polly Cleveland,Jane Cleveland, Lucinda Cleveland, ElizabethCleveland. Land: "On Toogooloo" "land on the Beaverdam."Exors: wife Nancy Cleveland,son Robert H. Cleveland,sil ThomasWright, Beniamin l{arrison. Wits: SamuelEarle, JeremiahCleveland, Osburn Cleveland. Date: 3l June1820. Probate:22 Oct 1821.Bk. Ap.263, Roll I I l. AndersonCo, SC.

Robert Cobb, Sr. Wife: not named.Sons: Robert Cobb, TobiasCobb (dec'd.Daughters: CatherineCobb w/o William Kirksey,Penelope Cobb w/o William Moore.Other lleirs: gd Penelope Cobb,Elizabeth Cobb and Leah Cobb all daughtersof TobiasCobb. gs. JesseG. Cobb, gs Presley C. Cobb,gs SamuelP. Cobb all sonsof RobertCobb. dil JemimaCobb. Exors: Moody Burts, Jesse C. Cobb.Wits: James Griffin, JesseC. Cobb.Date: 30 March 1823.Probate I Oct. 1827.Bk. A p. 359,Roll 86. AndersonCo, SC.

JamesCompton. Wife: not mentioned.sons: not mentioned.Daughters: not mentioned.Other Heirs:Jane Campble, my friend,Sazzsl Hallum, Sr, CharlesWilson, BenjaminSmith, John Wilson. Exors:Trusted friend John Wilson, Esqr,Benjamin Smith. Witnesses:William Owens,Charles Wilson,Bazzel Hallum. Date: I I Feb. 1794.Probate: not given.Source: Bk. C p. 30, Roll ?, Rec. 25 June 1794. AndersonCo, SC. (Not in ProbateCourt Files).

Thomas Cooper. Wife: ElizabethCooper. Sons John Cooper, James Cooper. Daughters: JoHannahCooper Perry,. Exors: sons John Cooper and James Cooper. Wits: John Edmondson, WilliamSingleton. Date:2 April 1821.Probate:2 July 1821. Bk. Ap.256,Roll 84. Anderson Co, SC.

PeterCorben. Wife: Elizabeth Corben. Sons: Samuel Corben, John Corben, William Corben, ElijahCorben, David Corben, Jasper Corben, James Corben. Daughters: Judy Corben, Sarah Corben, ElizabethCorben. Exors: Trusty Friends, John McClure and Charles Bowen. Datc:7 June 1794. Probate:not given. Source: Bk. C p.37, Roll 109,Rec. June 1795. Anderson Co, SC WILL ABSTRACTSOF ANDERSONCO., SC. 1789--183e "scltooling BeverlyCox. Wife: Mary Cox. Sons:not named.Daughters: not named.Contments: ]'holtras'l'urner..lohtt of my children"Exors: Wife, Mary Cox.Trusty friend James.lones. Witnesses: []k. tl p.9l' Rec' l() Cox,.lamesShields. Date 13 Sept.1794. Probate: l9 Sept.179(r. Source: september.1796. Anderson f)o, SC. [Not in Probatecourt Files).

IrlizabethCox. ElizabethCox. Flusband:not mentioned.Sons: James Cox. John Cox. I)ar.rgltters: JantesSims, (Only one named. Otherheirs: gd ElizabethCox d/o JohnCox. gd l.ucinclaItilel''. white. Ilollirrgsworth Davis Mccutchen,I{enry Cox, (iambrellcox, Ninrod Bartlet.charles Cox l)ate: 22 July Anderson.Exors: James C. Griffin, son JohnCox' Wit: GeorgeRiley. Janles 1809.Probate 7 August1809. Bk. A p.ll2, Roll 105.Anderson Co, SC'

Cox. .latrtcs('or. John Cox. Wife: SarahCox. Sons:William Cox (eldest),Necl Cox. .lohn 'filman (-21).I)auglrttl5; flliTabeth cox (-21),Azariah cox (-2l,lsraelcox (-21),Iliranr cor g), (-18). c'ox(-18), Sally cox (-l8 t Skelton,Naorni cox (-lg),casiah cox (-l Delilahcox Sara,h ,,plantation (ienerestee(lreek." ivife Sarah(lox. sotts Land: lying on SavannahRiver and I:xttrs: I)ate: l8 Attg William Cox andJohn Cox. Wits: JesseCouch. Eclward Cox. Satrtuelliitzgerald. ('o.S('. 1815.Probate: 9 Aug. 1816. Bk. A p 196,Roll l0-5.Anderson

('ox..lohn (itttrcrllook ('ox ttr WilliamCox. Wife: Mary Cox. Sons: Willianr Bolen Wcslcr'('or. share.I:xors: I{iclrard receivenothing but his son,William TomsonBrooks Clox I leaveeqttal I)ate:l(r April l82l' Madden,Isaac Sleat. Wits: ThomasJones, Ezekiel Madden,'f'honras Riley' ('o. probate:25May t821.Rk. A p. 255,Roll 108.Anderson s("

[iraig (underage)' Robert Craig. Wife SarahCraig. Sons: not mentionecl:I)aughter: N{artha on Rock IJranch'F'xors: OtherHeirs: John Craig (Bro).: Land l.ocation: South side of SaludaRiver Date: I Oct 1197' Wife SarahCraig, John Craig. Witnesses:John Wilson, .1r..Sarnuel Barkley. (Not in Probate probate:29 Jan.l799.Source: Bk. c p. 164,Rec.29 Jan 1799. Anderson co, SC' CourtFiles).

l)atrghters:Names are nttt Abraharn Crenshaw.Wife: NancyCrenshaw. Son: Robert Crenshaw Ilester.Date: 6 Mar' readable.Exors: Wife,Nancy, John McClure. Wi* FrancisFreentan, Ilellry 1g07.Probate 6 July1807. Bk. A p. 85,roll 123.Anderson co, SC.

natned.other Ileirs: JamesCunningham. Wife: not named.Sons: not named.Daughters: not .lohnCunninglram. sis' .lane bro. John Cunning-ham,Elizabeth Wandsley d/o of previousname Stateof Georgia."".lohn Moore,Moses Fleming. "All moneythat may be comingto me in the rvithoutcause.: Lancl: lf irtg Moore hasleft my sisterwho washis lawful wife for manyyears and River." Exors: .lames1-hompson, Williant on the watersof Weems Creek water of Savannah 'l'aylor. L Date: l0 Nov' Underwood,Joseph Taylor. Wits: JosephTaylor, Joseph T. Earle,Samuel 1826.Probate:23 Oct. 1827.Plk. A p. 355,Roll 107.Anderson co' SC. Con'ton SMITH FAMILY Compiledby LindaSmith Cheek lssueof JonathanSmith b. 1762Virginia d. 14 Sept1829 Anderson Co SC m. Katherine (Margaret)Guyton b. 1762VA d/o Josephand Hannah Whitaker Guyton of Union Co SC.

KatherineGuyton Smith is believedto be the onelisted in the AaronGuyton Bible (sisterto Aaron)as Katherine Smith who died28 Sept1796. Aaron Guyton was b. 27 Oct 1761in BaltimoreCo Maryland.

JonathanSmith m 2ndElizabeth_b. ca 1773d.11 (14)

NOTE by LindaCheek. Could Elizabeth have been the d/o ?JosephJolly who left a will in Pendleton(Anderson) District SC namingwife Jeandaughter Elizabeth, 2 Nov 1807proven 7 Dec 1807Wit' by GeorgeNash and JONATHAN SMITH. AndersonCo SC WillBk A pg 87 microfilmRoll 343pg 83 & 84.

Nov 1862Anderson District, SC. Sheis buriedat FirstBaptist Church, in AndersonCo SC.

Issueof JonathanSmith and lst wife Margaret(Katherine) Guyton Will saysolder children Issue by l st Marriage h-I GideonSmith b ca N{arch/April1790 d 3 Jan1839 buried Old LebanonChurch Cemeterv. AndersonCo SC h-2 Mary Smithb. 9 Feb 1794(2 Sept1794) Anderson Co SC d. 1860in WashingtonCo N4issourim. 17 Feb 1815in SC,Pulaski Count Duckworth b. 9 Dec 1791NC d. 1866Crawford Co, N4issouriwhere they moved in 1859 h-3 HannahSmith(b.2Janl79l)dl5Decl85gaged68yearsllmonthsand13daysm.Jesse Lewisb.178-5 d l3 March1867 aged 8lyears,3 monthsand ll days.LewisCemeteryAnderson Co SC Issue:Mary M. Lewisb. l8l2--RachelMargaretLewis b. 181S--ElizaH. Lewisb. l8l9--Aaron B. Lewisb. 1820--WmClark Lewis b 1822--A.Jane Lewis b. 1823. h-4.Aaron Smith, Captain b 26 July1789 d. Intestate,16 Aug 1864m 19July 1810Sarah ElizabethSmith b. l6 Sept1791 d.3l March 1876at CraigHill, d/o Nimrod Smithand Lettice Nicoll Wyatt Smith(See Later on Nimrod Smith)both buried Old LebanonCemetery, Anderson Co SC.Line of GuyR. SmithJr lssueof CaptainAaron Smithand Elizabeth Smith Smith at estatesettlement of Aaron Smith30 JanI 867---10parts. h-4-a.Gideon Wyatt Smithb. l8 May I 8l I AndersonCo SC d. l6 Aug 1879St Clair Co. MO m. l st nearAthens, TN to ElizabethMorris b. 7 Janl 8 l9 d. 18 Dec 183 5. Issue.Jesse Smith d. ll infantin 1835buried Mt. Zion BaptistChurch near Englewood, TN. Gdeon Smithm. 18372nd nearAthens, TN to CarolineBehethlin Barker b. l5 Nov 1823 d. 24 Nov 1880.To St Clair Co Missouri in 1846near the presenttowns of Warsaw,Iconium and OseolaMO. Both buried at what was lst known asReed Cemetery then SmithBend, now Gilbert Cem. nearIconium, MO.

Issueof Gideonwyatt and caroline BehethlinBarker Smith: 1. RebeccaElizabeth Smith Nelson 2. Aaron Burrell Smithleft a family history on manyof thesefamilies m. lst Mary Eliza Meansm. 2nd LucindaFrances Garner 3. William Whitaker Smithdied from chillsin his sixthyear 4. lsaacJonathan Smith b. 3 Jan1845 Frentress Co TN d. 23 June1813 Morris, MuskegeeCo OK m 1865MO to Mary (Margaret)Ann Whiteb. 5 Sept1845 St ClairMO d l9l3 OK 5. JohnJames Smith m. Mary Ann Stanton 6. AbramMiller Smith 7 Aquilla ThomasSmith m. SusanSamantha Soprana Cory 8. GideonWyatt Smithd. in his secondyear of croup 9 PrisillaCaroline Breshears 10. SilasHindman Smith m. NancyMatilda Wood I l. SterlingPrice Smith died from accidentalgunshot wounds age 17 years' 12.Mary CatherineSmith m. WilliamJ. Wood

h-4-b. JesseJames Smith residing outside the stateat the time of his fathersestate. To Texasback to SC andreturned to TX. JesseJames Smith b. l6 Feb 1827d. single,left a Journalon his family,which much of this is takenfrom. The originalJournalis in possessionof a descendantof place CatherineE. SmithCraig, wife of D.J.B.Craig who stillresides in the originalCraig called Craigshill, nearLebanon Church, Anderson Co SC.A copyof thisJournal can be foundin Columbiaat the UniversitYof SC.

h-4-c.Lettice (Letty) Smithb. 2l Feb t8t3 m. l7 Sept1840 Richard H. Lee, residingat Varnelli Station,GA at time of estateof fatherAaron Smith. 4 lssue:L Mary E. Lee b. 30 July l84l m. 10 Aug 1865George H. Smith 2. JaneN. Lee b. March 1847m. 9 Sept 1866George Smith--Family to ARK, nearLittle Rock'

h-4-d.Whitaker Guyton Smith b. 3 March 1815d. 16June 1864 m. Nov 1839Elizabeth M. jmith (SC) Lewis d/o Hannah (sisterto Capt Aaron Smith)and Jesse Lewis. Residingin the state at time of estateof his fatherAaron Smith.They areboth buriedin Lewis PrivateCemetery, near CraigHill, AndersonCo SC.

Whitaker Guyton Smithapplied for lettersof Adm. on the estateof his fatherCaptain Aaron Smith29 Aug 1864.Anderson Co SC EstatePapers Roll 2015-2022

were Guy R. Smithhas brought to my attentionthat CaptainAaron Smithand Aaron John Smith not the sameperson. Letters of adm.were appliedfor on the sameday 29 Aug 1864.Aaron John Smith'sestate was adm.by his wife Ann ElizabethSmith. t2. To Be con't PedigreeChart Chartno

No. 1 on this chartis the sameas No on chartno rTFl (Fatherofno+y @@@8qtrtr SfSfJ Born/Chr Markboxes when ordinances are completed. Place Manied @ Baptized (Fatherof no 2) r-- Died t I knoowed I Born/chrll Dee l?67 Place @ SeateOto parents place AxdfP,Cop, S'e . @ Seateoto spouse e Cont.on lL J FamilyGroup Record exists for this couple Married ?, (Motherofno 4)tr tr @ a chart no. l @ cnitorun'.ordinances compreted Ptace n NaleRSal, S C Born/Chr d co PIace :s i!- L6FR vo ,,frv,rJ H DiedZ3Jnx tqZb Died (Fatherofno1) Et trtrtrtrtrtr Place 17 xt cl 1-:125 61tl , S C Place z; Born/chrZtS6pf iin,J' :E ptace FA/J6ri90^/, i, C, 10 €cl,.tenA F k€ Erv1*N (Farherofnosr EE@Eqtrtr cnanno9pjg1 r,,tarriodl8 CaP |12.6 Born/chr3 rnaY I t -g-- a6 1 ti"."- -t.,."j, -.."^i :, place Ptr-tclLLTox S<- x€ -cE TH EFR Married (Motherof no 2) ltQt Died a .f /?.{l-',n Died{ Aue ia Place irl r-t ..-:..- Born/Chr lyb? Prace13r;AfD^.{ S- e. Place HAgT Cou-fj ?tl O't Argdff ACo,, S C- (Motherofno5f@trtrEq Cont. on Died tqo6 charl no. Place 4Eot?&rA Born/Chr3 36 Pf lgt ? PtacePErtdlEi-or.,t S.C. A. S /V\S Died l-1JA ^l lPl L trtrtrtrtrtr PraceA udf Bsanr S C- Born/ChrlAA,qY t'?JL 'l Place I r-l , .i r./ t.:'411 fl, ;j &pv .t] T DobsoN (Fatherofno6) i I i4t( (.. I is-r @trtrEqtrtr 3."#".J H F N:/lti:ia l/ i/ V Born/ChrU 5alr1 lg tt6 Place tlhfl TUOqIAS gafl'ra^t Da {reop (Fatherofno3) Married trtrtr8tr8 Died 12.Aa-G lltl \ Born/Chr 7 Jutr-r \e | ?1 PlaceaFNT|"AL- S c_ S HtBLE f rur m RJans Prace CenT>nL, S.4' (Spouseofno1) trtrEE 9N ^t 13r?cc (Motherofno. 6) Married tr tr tr tr !;S tr Place Born/chrt7t44Y 1831 Place o (Motherol no1) trtr@tr Died I |}_^lY lq | 3 Died ,qTAH /?20 o Tr?YlL^, SC* r i- E Born/Chr>O F€K l?tl PlaceCGrr PtaceeF N fR S.C Place( ti Nl AeL , S C LePCIrrs5 o 'LlclcT (Fatherofno7) @trtrtrtrtr Iv Died l'1"'10 3f#."J. o@ Place wtN,VSlirko Born/chr lt'{3 @@ E9 Place oo t?o"*er+ 4 n Yourname and address DFtrrce LAx4'rttj qr38FUIfrr'fC- oo Marriedt 861 (Motherof no 3) == {g rn'6s }vr S na, TH Died | ?21 ftrtOleBgoA, S<- I zt L €s-t E,P -t7- Born/ChrZ1 ltPelL l96F Place Po r3o\ t/2 z Ptace fr 6:gTo r.t, S C- Rrt+fr.t NnE, RS o v € R Tb xt. ,'i € !). ?1b,|0 (Motherofno 7) tr tr tr tr Cont.on Died 13 Alre lqz? cnan no. Place CGT:TRAL SL Born/Chr2{ O cT 183'/ ptaceF86 [ /1/l* S] Died /{tAr? r?. t Qot{ Publishedby the Churchol Jesus Christof LattetsdaySarnts 31826 I 0/93 Prinledrn USA Pracef r-t7AgR6oy SU Husband:REV.SAMUEL ROPER Born: Apnl 27, 1837 ln: SOUTHCAROLINA 'l|1t Died: t887 in:DAWSONCO. GA. Father:REV.TYRE LEWISROPER Mother: MALINDA EDENS ft Wife: LOUISA CHARLOTTE CASSELL Born:1837 in: PICKENSCO. SOUTHCAROLINA Father:JOHN CASSELL Mother:FRANCES WILSON

CHILDREN Name:MARYAN REBECCAROPER Born: 1860 in: SC Spouse:WILLIAM WETITINT Name:SAMIJEI- MARION {BUD} ROPER Born: March22.1862 in: SC Died: August l(t. 1937 Sgruse:MARTHA NANCY JANE RICTIARDS Name. I{ESTER ROPER HYDE Born. 1864 in: SC Name.REV. ROBERTA. ROPER Born: 1867 in: SC Spnuse.JANE COVINGTON Name: MARTHA L. ROPER Born: lg6E in: SC Spousc:WILLIAM RUFUS BLACKWELL 6 Name:DAVID E. ROPER M Born: lg70 in: SC 7 Name: VASTTTIt,OUlSA ROPER Born: October l87l in: GEORGIA F Married: | 890 in: GEORGIA D;c,d I e20 in: PICKENSCO. GA Spouse:ELIAS LYNCI{ HAMBY

Name.RACHEL L. ROPER Born:1874 in: GA Spouses:MENNETT, SMITH 9 Name:JOIIN WILSON ROPER M Born: 1877 in: GA l0 Name:SARAH ROPER I{UBARD F in: GA ll Name:ALFORDA.ROPER M Born: 1872 in: GA Spouse:LOU DOBSON

PreparedBr': Elaine Gray, 591 Gray Road, Canton, GA 30114 E-Mai1" EGrav441 [email protected] I //lt, '; n -la,.,t C/tar{ tzltuta.tutfd+Iter 6ne-t/'o, Ot*rt Person No. I on this chart is the same Chart No. person as No.-on chart No,-. 16 (F.th.r of No. 8. Cont. fi ch.rt Nq -----J 8

b. p.b. m. (Frthcr 2) oa Nq d. b./ ,,,6,c p.d L Cont. on chrfl No. --) FA m. & il'f"ff#"' F& Phcc d D.rrh. t7 o ?;o-ke,, Co,8c )le\, (Msh.r of No. 9, {7 f; CoDa. e ch.n NG---_J b./A..&pt-l"ffid

(F.3hrr o{ Nq 10. ^.ael . / ggq ConL on ch.n No. -) d./X,- IV-e" . lqn p.a/ie (.en s Ca y'<_ b. (Morh.r o( Nq 10. p.b. Cod. 6 ch.n Nq--) m. b./ 35 d. p.a.A o.d Cod" on ch.n NG _ ) A p.d.

P.rt. (Mdhcr ol Nc ll. Con(. on ch.n Nq -_) A I

I p.d. p.tlUQ Cest i I I e- P;n ke,r.&Ac (Frthcr d NG 12, ConL 6 ch.d Nc--J gt qo -o l(1,9' oo :iilf/if:|fi{" vcet 3E pl.A t-. (Mothcr o{ N6 5! ConL on chrn Nq -) ot /1*k,;. m. Il,'5_o-T,rl-, lu./?'rc' d. E: p.adrear y,'/ . Co,J.C. e3. itte-co'AL .thcr o{ Nq 13. 9-! on ch.n Nq -) !8. I F:^"'ltu l:l; t r.i .9 (Mothe. ot No. 6) c:9 :JE ;< o li:!eftt^,.?i;" I (Modcr ol No. 13, ,iQ6 ConL on chrn Nq -) :Y it,LAerol,'/ntt, iz - p.a.r&tee,vi lle C",6.C ao o o.fu|ar-( tu F / z'I1*'"**" -r= p.u.A/eeq tl ; (F..hc. of Nq la, 3; S I le_CaAf- ConL on chrn No. --) qo!rc 3 o!: :"f7[te,)sco A.e-.

%A{ (Frther ol Nc 15, ConL on chrn No. \

(Mother of No. 7) u./fJO p.b. (Mdher of No. 15, ,./7-d;A'TVii s Grl.l{rr'.t?e+ Cont. on chrfi Nq -) p.&u;nnulf p.a$frroo Cc Gc, t b@ p'a.?;gke,ts Co ,AL / /n-l :;lzcza-u La-..{-az.- ?to'[u''-u d-a*qf,-1uI 'P 'u ,hA^ q t)} UrL"ffi taG,- *LL'{"J \AT -l

,n I Pi"xrrts NOVEMBER 1998MEETING W OcoNee old endl on Di triet The NovemberMeeting will be7:30pmTuesday the lTth er s.c. s/ at the PickensCo., Library, Clemson/CentralBranch. Locatedon Hwy 93 at Central,SC. This will be our "Show lanJ*sor, 6eor9i4 and Tell" meeting.This givesmembers a chanceto speakand "Show and Tell" abouttheir ancestors.Bring your "goodies."

Old PendletonChapter Dues: Indiviual $20.00 Associate$15.00 Family $25.00 MEMBERS:365

Old PendletonDistrict ChapterHome Page On the Web: http ://www.geocities. com/bou rbonstreet/deltals t ss

OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME 12 NO. 9 NOVEMBER 1998 Published:January, February, March. April, Nta,v,June, S"plember'October'No

1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT:Robert G. Dodson ...... 864-859-2081 VICE-PRESIDENT:James "Jim" B. Granger...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... 864-246'1125 SECRETARY: Kenneth D. Morgan...... 864-654-9280 TREASURER: MargaretteB. Swank...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... 864-370-9573 PUBLICATION DIRECTOR: DorisS. Foster...... 864-882-8279 SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Cytru "Trudyo'Garner...... '.....864-8t2-6407 pUBLICITY DIRECTOR: Keith Merck...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... 864-271-1353 STATE DIRECTOR: William C. Whitten Jr...... 864-654-3283 CLAYTON ROOM CURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff...... E-Mail:[email protected]...... 864-639-63E7 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Linda G. Cheek...... 8-Mail:[email protected]


NOTICE: IT IS ALMOST DUESTIME AGAIN Payableby lst January1999. REMEMBER: Thereis noNewsletter in December.See you in January1999.

We have lost a long time member of Old PendletonDistrict Chapter (Mrs Don) Esther PickensDay Moore, who passedaway 26 Aug 1998.She will be missed. PRESIDENT'SMESSAGE

THANK YOU OLD PENDLETON MEMBERS: Membershipin Old PendletonDistrict Chapteris growingand that means more material on families.The more we haveto betterthe chanceof findingyour ancestors.Our meetingsare also bnnging in moreand more people, some from out of stateand others are locals. This past rnonth we hadaround 60 in attendencewith membersand visitors coming from: New Port News VA, GreensboroNC, AlpharettaGA, SouthfieldMichigan, North Georgia,Blue Ridge GA. andHighlands NC. Sincerely:Robert G. Dodson.

FROM THE EDITOR: I would alsolike to thankall the membersof Old PendletonDistrrct Chapterfor all the rnaterialthat you havesent in andthe help that you havegiven to eachother, alsoto all thathave offered to helprne in anyway possible.This is whatmakes a Neu'sletter.I currentlyhave enough rnaterial to print tenyears of Newsletters.That is the reasonfor the increasein pages.Now shouldthe chapterloose a lot of members,then the Newsletterrvill have to go backdown. The increasein membershipand books sales have opened up the door for us to increasethe pages,so thatall of you will havernore "goodies" to ponderover. No onervould believethe rnail I getpraising the tnembers of thechapter for all theirhelp Hopeto seeall of vou in 1999.Have a Happyand Safe Hollidal,Season YourEditor: Linda Gale Srnith Cheek


Larry Tiner. 744West WescottDrive, Glendale, AZ 85308-6109E-Mail: [email protected] JamesWilliam KILGOAR b. Scotland/lrelanddied 1771 in CumberlandCo., PA andhis wife, Elizabeth JACKS KILGOAR died 1792in CumberlandCo , PA leavingwills. My ancestorin SC is theirson, Col. Benjamin KILGORE 1742-1810, of PA andLaurens District? and/or Spartanburg District of SC. The brotherof JamesWilliam KILGORE 1720-1771of PA is one,Charles KILGORE namedas Exector or witness.This mightbe the sameCharles KILGORE, or an uncle,of KingsMountain NC Rev.Battle

Doesanyone have a recordof thebrothers and sisters of the abovenamed JAMES WILLIAM KILGOAR/KILGORE (1720-1771)This James W. KILGORE wasborn in Scotland/Ireland 1720? And came with hisparents and siblings to PA aboutI 727or so His father,John KILGOAR diedby 1730or 173I in ChesterPA. JamesW. KILGORE traveledto NC with hisbrother-in-1aw, Patrick JACKS, a signer?of the Mecklenburg Declarationof Independence,and who carriedthat documentto Philadelphia,PA from Charlotte,NC My sourcc In 1993,Mrs J. WilliamDavis, 23 AugustaCourt, Greenville, SC 29605.

Doesanyone have information on KILGORE personsin KingsMt Battleof Rev.War? Also anyGILLESPIE persons who foughtat KingsMountain? One James GILLESPIE/GALLESPY/GLISSPIE, born 1823NC is in UnionCo., GA censuswith familyby 1870.His son,Alexnder GILLESPIE born 1866/68 livedin UnionCo. GA anddied in 1941.Hall Co.,GA. His sonis SylvesterGILLESPIE 1887-1960 who livedin Unionand Hall Co.,GA andis buriedin UnionCo.. GA. Any helpor suggestionsfor the fatherof JamesGILLESPIE born 1823NC willbe appreciated. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS


GraceH. Constantine,166 Whippoorwill Road, Union, NH 03887 Ph.603-473-2289GARNER, COX, PARSONS,EUBANKS, BAXTER, FLEMING, PEEL, BAGLEY.

JamesMcAdams, 9730 Yellowwood Drive, Concord, OH 44060 ph 440-646-4725E-Mail:[email protected] McADAMS

DianneM. Pope,l2l Morgandrive, Central, SC 29630 Ph: 864-654-7325

JoanRoe, PO Box 638,Melissa, TX 75454 [email protected] Ph 972-347-3172 SMITH. MASTERS,GAMBRELL, ROE, GOSS

E-Mail addresses: Additions and Corrections: FrancesMyers Reese. [email protected] Bill Welch...... [email protected]

NEW BOOK: CharlestonChapter Publication: Bethany Cemetery of Charleston,an inventoryof all tombstones in the historicBethany Lutheran Cemetery in Charleston,SC, includes early death records of the St. Matthews LutheranChurch of Charleston,SC beforeI 856.3 71 pages$25 00 pp NOTE from BeverlyShuler. Your Walhallamembers of Germandescent willbe pleasedwith the BethanyCemetery and St MatthewsChurch Records.All Walhalla.SC German namescame from this group. Make Checkpayable to: CharlestonChapter, SCGSand mail to: CharlestonChapter, SCGS, PO Box 20266,Charleston, SC 29413-0266

NEW BOOK: "JustRed Clay," compiled by oneof Old Pendletonmembers, Linda Skelton, (e-mail:[email protected]) a book on the SKELTON-CANTRELL connection,350 pageshardbound, $50.00includes postage. This book shouldbe readyfor distrubitionby Christmas1998. There will alsobe a linitedsupply and only oneprinting. So ordernow Make Checkpayable and mail to: Tom Skelton,Floger Street, Clemson,SC 29631.

NEW BOOK: "TheEnterkin Family History," covers John Entrekin 1738-1820 of PendletonDistrict, SC,his l3 childrenand most of theirfamilies. $37.50 includes postage. Compiled by PhilipB. Entrekin. Orderfrom: Philip B. Entrekin,9125Clifton Road, Frankfort, KY 40601-9244 E-mail: [email protected]

NOTICEi If anyof you havea book/sthat pertain to Old PendletonDistrict, SC, or a FamilyHistory Book with ancestorsin or aroundOld Pendleton,that you would like for OldPendleton District Chapter of the SCGS to placeon thebook list and sell, please contact for details.Linda G. Cheek,247 Cross Hill Road,Easley, SC 29640or E-mail:[email protected]

NOTICEi Dear Folks, when publishingyour books,please remember to donateone to the ClaytonRoom, SouthernWesleyan University, Central, SC. Mail to Old Pendletonand it will be presentedto Anne Sheriffand run in the Newsletter. PRESSRELEASE . . . ilurphrcc GcnedogicdAssocirtion l5Zl Plentersiidge Alpharctta,GA 30004384{ O70)569-9297 . tar: WOI 452-l6ia Date: rol2r/98 Contact:Charles Murphree, Publicity Chairman Phone: (77O) 569-9297 Fax: (77O)452-7696 E-mail: [email protected]

]'IURPHREEGE]{EAIOGICAL ASSOC. PLANS 1999 CONYENTION Nashville, TN-The Murphree GenealogicalAssociation (MGA) will be conducting their last convention of the century August 5, 6 and 7, 1999 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. The MGA, who is celebratingtheir 35th anniversarythis year, is a genealogicalsociety dedicatedto furthering researchon the ancestryand descendants of Daniel Murphree(17 17 -177 l) and his wife SarahDempsey. Membership is open not only to Murphree cousinsbut anyone interestedin researchingtheir connections to this family line. Room reservationsat the fabulousOpryland Hotel must be made early in order to assurethat you will haveaccommodations during the convention. Specialrates are availableand a blockof roomshas been reserved. Call the hotel at (615) 883-221I to reserveyour room. Be sure to mention that you are with the MGA in order to get the specialrates. Those arriving on Thursday, August 5th, will want to join their friends and newly found cousinsfor a dinner cruisedorvn the Cumberland River on the paddle wheeler,General lackson. The cruisewill feature an outstanding musicalvariety show along with a three-coursedinner with prime rib. A researchroom will be open in the hotel on Friday where registrantswill have accessto the association'sextensive genealogical records. A photocopy machine will be availableas well as computerscontaining the association'sgenealogical database. MGA Genealogist,Gayle Wadsworth, will give a presentationon the organization and recordsof the associationon Friday afternoon. Friday night will be the traditional Irish celebrationof fun, entertainment and socializing. The general meeting and businesssessions will be conductedon Saturdaywith plenty of time availablefor researchand discussionsof Irish heritage. Saturdayevening will feature the much-anticipatedgrand traditional Murphree Irish banquet. The keynote speaker will be L".ry Smith of PanamaCity, Florida. MGA membershipapplications or other information about the associationis availablefrom fohn Petty Murphree, President,TO25 Northridge Drive, Nashville, TN 3722 I , phone (615) 646-1567, e-mail [email protected]. Convention registrationforms are availablefrom RebeccaL. Lew, P. O. Box 6545,Oak Ridge,TN 37831-3606,phone (423) 483-5813,e-mail [email protected]. DearLinda

Hereis a list of the donationsto the Faith ClaytonRoom at SouthemWesleyan University

Recollectionand Reminiscencest86l-1865 throughWorld WarI by the SC Division UnitedDaughters of the Confederacy. Volume Seven. Donatedby Julia Woodson

TheFrontier Hendricksbylohn ScottDavenpont. Volume I and VolumeII. Donatedby Herbert K',/c7 Z- Hendricks. 1 tP tU, Ha irok /), u, 4 S< c > ol ThePickens Baptist Chwch. Organized1891. Rulesof Decorum,Rolls, Minutes, and Treasurers Reports.Copied fiom microfilm records.May l89l to August 1941. Donatedby John& Alice Dillard, 512Hickory Road, SW, Bessemer, AL 35023

CrossRoad Baptist Church. Organized1797. . Rulesof Decorum,Rolls, Minutes, and Treasurers Reports.Copied from microfilm records.December 18, 1839to June1977. Donated by John& Alice Dillard,512 Hickory Road, SW, Bessaner, AL 35023

The followingwere copied and given tot he ClaytonRoom by PatQuarles, l0 HermitageRoad, Greenville,SC 29607. 864-244-757 | Reid-QuarlesFamily tree HamiltonLineage BartonBulletin 1963 Historyof FourthRegimort (Not all pages) 1860Diary of LernuelReid, Abbeville Dishict, sc Genealogyand Descendants TheHamilton Family My Familyby Mary FrancesScruggs Truluck Brooksand KindredFamilies by Ida BrooksKellam A MooreFamilyby William P. McMahan,145 Valley Roa4 Greenwood,Sc29646 HardLabor Section. Written in 1923

BiCentennialMountain Grove Baptist Church 1797-1997.Updated booklet. (Donatedby Blanche Hannah)

Keith Family of SC. $26.50+ $2.50Postage. F. B. Publications,PO 8ox77742, Tucson,A285703' 7742. Tltisbook is abouta Keith Family in FairfieldCounty, SC. Sarah(Shedd) Keith, b. 1795and her threesons, James Marion Keith, GeorgeWashington Keith, andThomas Jefferson Keith. Thereare 339 family pictures. Also a historyof the Keith namein Scotland.The Keith family doesmigrate to the PickensDistrict.

Will Abstracts1789-1825 Anderson County by Carl G. Ellison, 500 ConcordRoad A'2, Anderson,SC 29621 814.00. Eachwill is listedand pertinentinformation taken from the will. Example: PeterCorben. Wife: ElizabethCorben. Sons:Samuel Corben, John Corbeir, William Corben,Elijah Corben,David Corben,Jasper Corben, James Corben. Daughters:Judy Corben, Sarah Co'rben, Elizabeth Corben. Exors:TrusU Friends,John McClure and CharlesBowen. Date7 Jun 1794. Probate:not given. Source:Bk C p. 37,Roll 109,Rec. June 1795. Anderson Co., SC.

A,luo .),',/*'-1,,,,,,,,,,,"1- ConfederateSoldiers of PickensDistrict, SC: An OngoingResearch Project SeekingAddifional InformafionAbout the Following llen \Yho Fouehtin the U.S.Ciril lYar, 1861-1865

Pleasehelp to preservea record of the life and service of your ancestor 0r relative who fought in the Civil War. If you have additional information about any of these Confederate soldiersr pleasewrite to: Charlesf[. Busha, Ph.D., 112 Summit Drive, Liberty, SC 29657.

ltrillis Garrett resided in Hr:rricane Torrnsh:Lp and serrred in Coo B, 2nd S. C. Rifles (Mooret s Regi_ment) " 1rI. D" Gq]lri_son (1842-19O8) served in @ S. co Infantry" (rs- this Willian Darrid Garrison who was buried at Antioch Methodist Church in Pickens County?)

Frederick Garrrin (b" I8l+3) was a memberof Coo B, 2nd S. C. Rif1es, and he was kj.Iled at Sharpsbrrrg during the Civil Vlaro

L. Armi.stead Gc.rvin served to rank of second,Iieutenant in Coo G, 12th S. C" Infantry and was killed _during the Wilderness Carnpaign in Virginia" He was born in 18j2"

Robert Mav Garvin (IS4S-fS65) enlisred, at age sixteen in Coo I, 20th S. Co fnfantryl C.SoAo and died 1 of (I845-1662 vras 'a son neasles during the Civil l/ar. He Samuel. J.- Garrr ) was a son of James Jcfferson Ganrin of ThomasR. and Elizabeth GarY. (1821-1891+), who also served. in the He enli-sted in Co" D, HamPtonrs Confederate Arnry duri-ng the waro Legion at the age of si-xteen Years and was wounded at the Battle of s Garrrin (b" L8371.€n- Seven Pines in Virginia. He died a few days later at age seventeeno (f847-f865) was the only Pendleton, S. Ccr on April 14, fB6I Thomas.N. Gary He was a son of Green S. Garvin ffiuel A. and Lucinda Gary (b L8L7 and he died at Charleston, S. Co, o " ) and MarT C. Garvin. llls wife was Martha M. Janes Garvin" Janrrary I, 1865, &t age seventeen" CoNFEDERATESoLDTERS 0F PICKENSDTSTRICT, S. C. (Continued)

Clayton Gassawayserved in Co. E, _&!g_!1,_gesrsen N. Georse (Iq(1838-1880) enbisted gt ffiesand died during m-eilE.-Ist+rr vva -ev s.va c.va Rlflesa5**av9 \vIt(Orrts(orrt I the Civil War. Regiment) when he was 22 years of age.od6 Hislli c wifewi fa wasr.roc SarahQarah rSallLenltQol'l { afl (b. was (f851-1905), -Georse C. Gassaway ca l.837) MoodyGeorge and they a son of Coleman GassawaY and Eere rnarrj.ed FebruarT 2lr, L867. Elizabeth Gassaway. He served in Co. Er 2nd S. C. Rifles and re- ThomasHenry Gerard enlisted in the celved a discharge from the army ffi at, Pendletonl SCr in May L862. on June 2 , 186I. His r.rnlt bedame Co. K, 4th S. C. Volunteers, C.S.A. Hennr Gassawav. Jr. (b. ca 1828) was He resided at Tr.rnnel Hilt ln what @cr2nds.c. is presently OconeeCorutyl SC. Rlfles, and he lost his life ln battle in east Tennessee. AbselomGibsoq (1837-1864) was son @shingtonv+ vs\.rr 69 rreerrJ-rt6rvLrrl GlbsonsIv9!rrl t and N. G. Gassaway moved to Atlantar GAt he served in Co. E. Ist S. C. l ffiivil war. rn 193or Rif1es (Orrts Regt.). He was r€- killed ,' hls widow, Margaret GassawaYr in battle Jwre 22, 1860, sided in Atlanta, but her name at Wilcox Farm, Virginia. Hlo was on the widowfs pension list wife was Margaret Capehart Gibson. for Oconee County, South Caro1ina. --:FEffiT;Davld Gibsoq was a member of Co. C, Phllllp N. Gassaway served ln Co. E, Cavalryr C.S.A., and he ffi (MoorersRegt.)- survlved the Civil Vilar. S. J. Gassawav served in Co. Dr 22nd Augustua A. nGusn Glbson attended the South Carolina Volunteers, C.S.A. te Veterans In 1899, he was the recipient of Day celebration at Plckensr S. lC.r a Ctvil War pension ln Pickels Co on June 3, 1903. He served in Co. G, 2nd S. C. Infantrly. Thomas H. Gassaway, Jrr was captured ills Valley, Hiram Alexander Hanrilton Gibson was Tennessee, and lost. He served ed as a private in Co. E, 2nd S. C. his name to Gibson. He was wound- Rifles. He was a brother of ed in battle at Frayserrs.Farn ln John E. Gassaway, who also served Virginia during the Civil"War. He in the Confederate Army. was appointed sheriff of Oconee Co. ln 18-8ii, replacing Sheriff Brezealel -dffsE-wE-ffonW. C. Gassawgy (Could this be Wesley who died in office. of Thomas H. Gass- away?) He served in Co. E, 2n{ James Gibson (L837-L9L2I served in Co. S. C. Rifles (Moorets Regiment). -;E'EFd3 North Carolina Regimerti. He was buried at Richland Presby- --TfmTTlFW. H. Gaston was the reciplent of a terian Church in Oconee County. pension in 1902 tn OconeeCounty, South Caro1ina. --Tillffiveterans-J. 4. Glbsqq was one of the 32 Con- who attended a _-37IE65rJames Geer (or Greer) died February memorial service for Willian of smallpox while serv- Itlauldinl C.S.A.1 which was heLd ing in the Confederate Army. He at Easley Methodist Chr.rrch, Easley, resided in the Zion Church area SC, May 1O, 1922.. south of present-day Easleyl 9C. JamesH. Gtbson served in Co. Ir 4th James W. GeorEe died of disease at ffiers, C'S.A. He o1- @ginia, cin MaY lrr listed at Pendletonr South Caro- L86). He served in Co. Er lst Llna on Jrure2, 1861. S. C. Rifles (Orrts Regiment ) . PendeltonDistrict sc wills (Anderson)by carl G. Ellison


Samuel Dalhrumple. Wife: SarahDalrumphle. Son: James Dalrumphle. Daughters: Rachel Laughlin, SarahDalrumphle, Mary Dalrumphle,Elizabeth Dalrumple, Ann Dalrumphle,Elinor Dalrumphle,Rosannah Dalrumphle, Rebeckah Rumple. Other Heirs: Nephew, SamuelDalrumphle of Abbeville Co, SC. Land Located:a branchof Rocky River. Exors: wife, SarahDalrumphle, brother,John Dalrumphle. Witnesses: James Pollock, George Dalrumphle, Lewis Sherrill. Date: 2l Nov 1791.Probate l5 April 1792.Source: Bk. Cp.5.AndersonCo,SC.

Nathaniel Davis. Wife: Piety Davis.Son: Thomas. Daughters: Elizabeth Burriss, Nancy Cox, Piety Hobson,Judy Hix, RebeccaDavis. Grandson: Amstead Hobson son of my daughterPiety. Exors:son ThomasDavis, Enoch Davis. Wits: JohnMay, A. McElroy, MarthaMcElroy. Date:4 June1817. Probate:9 May 1820.Bk. Ap.247, Roll 143.Anderson Co, SC.

Vann Davis.Wife: Lucy. Sons:Hezekiah Davis, Abijah Davis dec'd, Nathan Davis, Jesse Davis, EliphasDavis, Vann Davis. Daughters:Martha Davis, HannahDavis, Milea Davis, .leanDavis, RhodaDavis, Rachel Davis. Other heirs: gs JohnDavis. Exors: Wife Lucy Davis.Wit:: James Hembree,Mark Pitts,Susannah Pitts. Date: l4 April 1810.Probate:23 November 1810. Bk. A p. l2l, Roll 179.Anderson Co, SC.

Ballard Day. Wife: SilveyDay. Sons:Johnson Day, Middleton Day. Daughters: Mary Breazeale. "My will is thateach of my childrenthat are now living with me wheneverthey arriveto an estate of marriage...mayreceive equivalent with my sonJohnson that is married...mydarrghters equal to Mary Breazeale."Exors: Wife SilveyBrown, Abraham Mayfield. Wits: ReubenCfements, Timothy Buford,Richard Harrison. Date: l3 January1815. Probate: not given.Bk. A. p. 168,Roll l7l. AndersonCo, SC.

William Dickey. Wife: Ann Dickey.Sons: John dickey, William Dickey, AlexanderDickey, Daughters:Ann Dickey, Martha Dickey, SarahDickey, JaneDickey, ElizabethDickey, Janet Dickey. Land: "plantationon Rocky River." Exors: Wife, bro AlexanderSherrard. Wit: Robert Irwin,James Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart. f)ate: 9 January1806. Probate: l5 August 1808.Bk. A p. 99,Roll 163,Anderson Co, SC.

Margaret Dickson. Sons:William Dickson,Robert Dickson. Daughters: Mary Dickson,Jean Dickson.Exors: William Simpson.Wits: O.B. Trimmier, Rebecca Simpson. Date: l5 April 1823. Probate:30 January1826. Bk. A p. 312,Roll l60..AndersonCo, SC.

Matthew Dickson. Wife: not named.Sons: Alexander Dickson, Benjamin Dickson. "Daughters living with me, Polly Dickson,Nelly Dickson,Jane Dickson, Peggy Dickson." Exors: Benjamin Dickson,Hugh Gaston.Wits: Hugh Gaston,John C. Elliott, William B. Dickson.Date: 20 May 1827. Probate:2 Aug. I 830.Bk. A p. 430,Roll 155.Anderson Co, SC. WILL ABSTRACTSOF ANDERSONCO., SC. 1789..1839

GeorgeDilworth. Wife: FrancesDilworth. Sons: Billy GreenDilworth (underage 2l), George Benjamii Dilworth, Anthony Dilworth. Daughters:Rachel Dilworth, JennyDilworth orr. Son' Jacob Geo.g"Dilworth died 2l July 1813.Exors:John Morgan, James Merritt. Wits: JamesMerritt, 154' Boyei,John Morgan. Date: 20 July 1813.Probate: ll August1813. Bk' A p. 158,Roll AndersonCo, SC.

John JamesDobbins. Wife: ElizabethDobbins. Sons: James Dobbins, Jr., Robert B. Dobbins' Exors:son Dobbins.Daughters: Mary Morris, ElizabethHillhouse, Sarah Calaham, Jean Liddle. William F{illhouse' JamesDobbins, Jr., wife ElizabethDobbins. Wits: John Bryce, Abraham Barron, Date:I I March1813. Probate:29 March 1817. Bk. Ap.2l5, Roll 174.Anderson Co, SC.

Silas Lodowick Dobbs. Wife: SarahDobbs. Sons: Joshua Dobbs, David Dobbs,John Dobbs, Dobbs,Lucy Dobbs,Charles Dobbs, Peter Dobbs, Jesse Dobbs. Daughters: Nancy Dobbs,Jane Dobbs, Dobbs. Six youngestchildren: Lewis Dobbs,Dotia Dobbs,I-oddorvick Dobbs, Stephen Turner, WilliamDobbs, James Dobbs." Exors: son Jesse Dobbs, David tlumPhreys. Wits: Mcajah p. 162,Roll .taneIngland, Delila Nichols. Date: 2l SeptemberI 813. Probate: l3 May I 8 14.Bk. A 148. AndersonCo, SC.

not DanielDoughty. Wife: RachelDoughty. Sons: Joseph Doughty, Laban Doughty. Daughters: mentioned.Exors: Father, Joseph Doughty, Jeremiah Doughty, Alexander Kilpatrick. witnesses: Bk' A J.C.Kilpatrick, Thomas Chey, Joseph Doughty. Date:24 Nov. 1804.Probate: 2l Feb' 1805' p. 58,Roll 178.Anderson Co, SC.

.IosephDoughty Wife: Nancy Doughty.Sons: Jeremiah Doughty, Joseph Doughty, Jr., Daniel (dec'd).Daughters: Sarah Kilpatrick, Rhody Clayton, Nancy Barrett."Children of DanielDoughty' JosephDoughty and Daniel l)oughty." Exors:James Kilpatrick, Jeremiah Doughty, Joseph Doughty. Wits:J.C. Kilpatrick, Thomas B. Singleton.Date: 5 January1810. Probate: l4 April 1815.Bk. A. p. 170,Roll 182. AndersonCo, SC.

John Douthit. Wife: not named.Son: Evan Douthit, James Douthit.. Daughters: none named. "propertyto be dividedamong all my children.Exors: son James Douthit, son-in-law John Stanton. Wirs:Adam Elrod,Daniel Towny. Date:30 March 1813.Probate:2 August 1813. Bk. A' p. 158, Roll 164. AndersonCo, SC'

Robert Dowdle. Wife: Mary Dowdle.Sons: Samuel Dowdle, James Dowdle, Robert Dowdle, John Dowdle. Daughters:Elenor Warnock, Margaret Pickens. "My said wife's two daughters MargaretDowdle and EstherLiddle." "My son Samuel'sson JamesDowdle? " "daughter-in-law Martha Dowdle." "GrandsonRobert Barr Dowdle son of SamuelDowdle." "P.ggy and James Dowdlechildren of SamuelDowdle. "Grandson William Dowdle sonof SamuelDowdle'" Exors: Wife, Mary Dowdle, son-in-lawJohn Warnock, William Acker, Esqr.Wits: JosephWhitner, Major

l0 To be con't 51. PICKENS DISTRICT SOUTH CAROLINA DEED BOOK A-1 Vol. I pagest- 419 year 1828-1831

Page 262: WILLIAN WHITMIRE--JEREMIAH FIELD So CarolinaPickens District, I William WhitmireJr., of the sateaforesaid for the sum of two hundreddollars paid by JeremiahField for all that tract lying andbeing in the Stateand District aforesaidon JocassyRiver watersof KeoweeRiver know by North, Jocassyold town on both sidesof the River,containing one hundred and twenty four acres.Dated 28 Nov 1829Sg: William WhitmireWit. ElijahHolden, Lodrick Nix. Prov 9 March 1830Rec. l0 March 1830.

Page 262-263:WILLIAM WHITMIRE--JAMES M. FIELD & OTHtrRS SouthCarolina, Pickens District. I WilliamWhitmire for the sumof fifty dollarspaid by James MadisonField, Elijah MurphreeField, Elis EarleField. All that tract on JocassyRiver watersof KeoweeRiver knownby No oneJocassy old town surveyedthe 12 May 1817and granted to me the 3 Dec 1827. Dated8 Nov 1829Sg: William Whitmire wit:Eliiah Holden. Lodrick Nix. prov 9 Mary 1830Rec. l0 March 1830

P age263-264 : ROBERT STRIBLING--JEREMIAH FIELD Stateof SouthCarolina, Pendleton District, I RobertStribling of the Stateof Georgia,Hall Countyfor the sumof onehundred dollars paid by JeremiahField of PendletonDistrict SC two tractsof landcontaining Three hundred and Sixty five acreson the watersof KeoweeRiver on Devil'sFork fortwo hundredand sixty five acres.Surveyed the l6th Oct l8l7 andgranted 6 June1825, the otherfor onehundred acres on the fork of the Whitewater surveyed the l0 Oct l8l7 andgranted 6 June1825 both hathbeen granted to the saidRobert Stribling by a purchase from the Statebeing part of the land acquiredfrom the CherokeeNation of Indiansand attached to the districtof Pendleton.Sg: Robert Stribling Wit: ThomasM. Sloan,Clark Griffin prov 9 March 1830Rec. l0 March1830

Page 264-265:JAMES MAULDIN--CARTER CLAYTON South CarolinaPickens District, I JamesMauldin of the districtaforesaid for the sum of fifty two dollarspaid by Carter Claytonof samedistrict eighthead of Cattleone pided Cow and heifercall threecows heavywith calf one pidedmilk cow andtwo yearlingsone red heiferthe other a bull the abovecattle marked with a crop offthe right ear and a bit offthe left ear and nineteenhead of hogs,twenty five bushelsof corn and sevenbushels of Fodderand bed and furnitureand thirteen headof geese.To be paidby the 25 Decwith interestfrom the 25 Junethen the abovebill of sale to be null andvoid. Sg:James Mauldin. Dated l7 Feb 1830Wit: P.N. Garvin.Prov 8 March 1830 Rec.l5 March 1830.

Page 265-266:WILLIAM CRAIN--JOAB HAMMOND SouthCarolina Pickens District, I William Crain of saidDistrict for the sum of sixty dollarspaid by JoabHammond of sameall that tract of land lying on the North Sideof Mile Creekcontaining eightyacres adj. Creek. Dated l8 March 1830Sg: William Crain X. Wit: JohnDodson, Isaac Durham.Prov andRec 3 I March 1830.

Page266-267: MARTHA NICHOLSON & WILLTAM NTCHOLSON--JOHN BRTANT Stateof SouthCarolina, Pickens District, We the undersignedsubscribe to this deedfor the sum of one hundredand twenty dollarespaid by JohnBriant of sameDistrict all that tract of land containingone hundredand two and ll4 acreson watersof Little River on NicholsonsCreek. Dated 19 Nov 1828 Sg: Martha NicholsonX andWilliam NicholsonWit: RichardBryant and LemuelNicholson.Prov. 20 Dec 1828Rec. 3l March1830 ''SOME'' CONFEDERATE WIDOW PENSIONAPPLICATIONS IN PICKENS COUNTY SOT]THCAROI,INA PROBATE COURT-ANNEX.BY THE ACT OF I9I9. Move aftercorrect

E pENIDLETON GAINES--l enlsitedin Co G Regof 2nd SC Reservesunder Capt John C. Martin in Aug 1864and served in that commanduntil May 1865when discharged after Lee's surrender.I wasborn on 4 Nov 1846and reside at Rt 5 HoneaPath in AndersonCo. My healthis fair.Dated l9 April 1919Sg: E PendletonGaines. Wit by:J.A. Brock of Co GZnd Batt SC Reserves

I am the widow of E, PendletonGaines rvho enlisted in Co 2 SC Reservesunder Capt John C. Martinin 1864and served in thatconrmand until l May 1865.Discharged at closeof war on lst May 1865. I was marriedto him 29 Dec 1896 andhe died3 Jan1927 . I am 77 yearsof ageand resideat Easley.Pickens Co SCand have lived there since the 15Jan 1927 . Da|ed5 Jan1928 Sg: Mrs JanieGaines Wit by J.M.Todd of Co Y SC Reservesand M.B. Gainesof Co E 2nd SC

W.M. GANTT--I am the widorvof W M Ganttwho enlistedin Co E of 2nd SC Riflesunder CaptHendrix. I wasmarried to hirn2l Dec 1865.I am 70 yearsof ageand reside at LibertyRFD # in PickensCo SCand have lired there since the 2 Oct 1874.Dated 7 April 1919Sg L.V. Gantt Wit by R A Bou.enof Co I".2ndSC Riflesand Robert Stewart of Co B 2nd Rifles.

E.H. GRIFFIN--I am the widow of E.H Griffinwho enlistedin Co B Reg of 37 Cav.under Capt Griffin on I 5 Sept l 862 andserued in thatcommand until 9 April 1865.He wasdischarged at Hercls?Station NC'on 1.1 April l8ti5 I uas rnarriedto him l6 Dec 1869My husbanddied 3/8 Dec 1875.I am 78 yearsof ageand reside at Pickensand have lived there since l872.Dated22 Sept1919 Sg. Florence Griffin Wit by: JamesH. Porterof Co Y 37 Cavand R.A Bowenof Co E Znd Rifles.

J.B. GRIFF-lN--I amthe widorr ol-.1 B'Griftln who enlistedin Co 36thReg of Georgiaunder CaptDuruht? on 4 \4av l8(rl andscrved in thatcommand untilthe surrender in 1865 He was dischargedat VicksburgVA I 5 April I 865 andwas in 36thReg of Georgiaunder Capt Griffin. I wasborn 9 Oct 1834and married to him l4 Nov 1850.My husbanddied 19 Feb 1898. I am85 yearsof ageand reside at EasleyRt,1. Pickens Co SCand have lived there since the l5 Dec 1906 DatedI 8 Dec l9l9 Se: I-ethaAnn Griffin.Wit by: HenryWhite of Co F 2ndReg SC Cav.

L.L. GARVIN--I anrthe widow of CaptL.L. Garvinwho enlistedin Co I Palmetoof SSJenkins Brigadein 1861and served in that comrnanduntil 9 April 1865when discharged at Appomattox VA. I wasmarried to him4 Dec 1866 My husbanddied26 Jan 1898. I am 78 yearsof ageand resideat CentralRt 3, PickensCo SC andhave there all my life.Dated l0 April 1917Sg: MariettaGarvin Wit bv L.J.Hernes of Co G 2ndSC andB.J. Johnston of Co I62 NC?

JOSEPH McENALLY GRAVLEY--I am the widow of JosephMcEnally Gravley who enlisted in Co F of 22 Bat SCV underCapt .l M Stewarton l0 Oct 1861 andserved in that command until9 April 1865.I wasborn l5 Nov 1850and married to him 8 April 1882.He diedl7 May 1910.I am 69 yearsof ageand reside at RFD No 3 in PickensCo SC andhave lived there all my life Datedl7 Septl9l9 Sg:Sarah Jane Graveley. Wit by: J.M. Stewartof Co F 22 SCV and R.A. Bowenof Co E 2ndRifles. l,ewisRedmond by Jerry Hughes


that the revenue detectives have been golno around Ehrough some portlons of this county wlth a new scheme for invading the rights of our ciLizens. They claim tha[ no man can have more than flftv stalks of tobacco, cnd have in some insLances pulled up the overplus owned bv $ome of ouf farmers. " The artlcle went on to Sugslest that Harrants be written against this off icials and have them drrested. Tlrey urould Iearn thaL the rlghts of peaceabld cittzens cannot be so wantonly lnvaded with th6 trespasser beinS properLy punished. The commentary of the PICI(ENSSENTINEL concured and went on to sey "Revenue offlcals have become a great nuisence ln thls sectlon. Th6y seem to dellsht ln oppressing our cltlzens by violatlng the very laws they are sworn to execute. It must cease. Our eourts must be invoked to shield the innocent from their unlawful proceedings. " A monLh Iater Lh-o r\l.lDERSOl.lINTELLIGNEcER again reporte a 'tobacco reid,' this time e 6tore. "on Friday L4 april '1e77 revenue officers vlsited the gt.ore of Smith and Sloan in Pendl€tcn and at the time of their entrv both of the proprietors were absent and their clerk had gone into a back room with a customer for some meal. t^lhenthe clerk returned, the officers asked to examlne the tobacco boxes which was drdnted and they i^Jdrdfound to be properly , sfamped. Thd proprietors had by thts time returned and the off lcers dsked to see t,hetr llcense t.o sell Lobacco. Upon looking ln thelr showcase. wheire lt was kept, they found the llcense Eon€. IL could not be found dnywhere. The license was seen ln Lhe showcase the ddv before bv eeveral customers and tho susplcion that tt t^tesrdmoved by Lhe deLecLivee is very Eendrally indulged at Pendloton. "....' The tenLlemen Smibh and :;l()an sLand ae hi.9h a6 any in bhe Sbabe arrd no person r,lill doubl for an inetanL Lheir sLabemenl of l-he malter.... Tlte ci'-cumsLan{:o ef Lhe ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICKENS COUNTY / HUGI.IES 28 transact,ion are all against the deLectives. who ought to be indicted for larceny. The revenue officers of South Carolina are generally of a class of men who are a disgrace to the public service of any State.... [President Haves can speedily gain the People's favorl by removing the infamous gang of revenue officials and detectives who have worried arrd oppressed our people than by any other sinsle act." Over in Wahalla, the revenue detect,ives had another scheme to catch violators of the law. In one store they requested to examine cigars from a box. This the clerk did and, after they w€re finished, tossed the cigars over toward the box where they landed on the shelve. The next day thc officers returned and saw that the cigars were still outside the box which had the excise stamPs affixed. The loose cigars w€re considered contraband. For this violation of the revenue laws eisht store owners were "carried off to Columbia, one hundred and five miles dislant,,'' and arraign

and all had guns drawn and aimed at the sheriff. He was asked "in very polite t.ones to deliver up lhe jail keys." He protested as best he could, but the men demanded them again. This time using more forceful tones and "free use of adjectives and other parts of speech not fr:und in the grammer . " By t,his time a crowd had gathered into t.he hall with others heard out in the yard. The sheriff yielded and delivered up the keys when the guns hrere once withdrawn from his chest. The sheriff asked that only the three men for t^rhich they had come 'to deLiver from jail' be released. This they did, leaving other violators of the revenue laws and some for murder. As soon as they had their friends in hand, thev rushed down the stairs, out the door and mounted their horses which thdy lead off toward the mountains at a saIIop. The whole 'jaiI delivery' took less than fifceen mi nutes . Sheriff Hauldin immediately went to inform Commission Thornley who then sent for lhe deputy marshals. The Sheriff stated that he did not recognize any of lhe men and after consultation among themselves determined it Nas not advisable to purse them [hat nisht. It was not reported in the papers that a pursuit of rescuers and rescuees Nas attempted on Sunday. On Monday 11 March Sherif f Mauldin sent a telegram to Governor t^lade lJarnptondescribing the events of Saturday night and staLing that he along with Captain Hoffman, the revenue officer urho lead the initial capture, would do alI that was necessary to recapture all involved. He does not st.ate that Redmond wa€ involved in lhe rescue. Governor Hampton replied t.he he expected him (Sheriff Mauldi n ) to use al I means n€cescarT to br ing t:he of f enders lo justice and a reward offered for Lheir atrprr:hension. He also states. "Our people must learn Lhat Lhr: lal,te ,3re r-o be enforced and that all vir>latione of [h,:m urill be puniohr:d, "

To becontt ryT4r*T{ry4

I J I G tr te G'(u FE L q) I -s b0 - -ctt s I 6| L a0 .-tt2 A f a F oI L t-r - .T - I 6t Fr A A I -o fl r5I () -.{ .-0 qlt - PETER'SCREEK BAPTISTCHURCH BY: NancvFlesch

1I Jan1835 James(?)M (?) Crawford and his wife D_ella Crawfordcame forward and was rec'dby letter.

ReelectedBrother James Hitt to the offrceof Deacon. appointedBrother Moses Fendley and Brother R. Goodlettto inviteSister Susannah Morgan and SisterMargaret Lesley to our next meetingtogive the reasonsfor absentingthem Selvesso long from ChurchConferance.

Brother JohnHitt and SisterLeatha Hitt his wife returnedthere(sic) letters of Dismishionback to the churchagain.

7 Feb1835 took up the invitationof SisterSusannah Morgan and MargaretLesley they failedto attendbut from the reportof the two Brethernthatinvited them gave Satisfaction. appointedBrother Moses Fendley to inviteSister Mary Braswelltoour nextmeeting to give reasonwhy Sheabsented her Selffrom churchConference.

BrotherLewis Fendley returned his letterof dismishionalso his wife's.

ll Apr 1835 took up invitationof SisterMary Braselllfrom the reportof BrotherFendley gave Satisfaction.

l1 May 1835 PeggyHightower cameforward and was rec'dby letter.

8 Aug 1835 ElectedBrother JosephRobinson and Brother JamesM. Crawford deligats(sic) to our next association

12Sep 1835 MosesLesley came forward andwas rec'dby letter SarahHawkins cameforward andwas rec'dby experience.

I I Oct 1835 SarahBraswel came forward for a letter of dismishionit was grantedher. Brother JohnHitt and wife appliedfor a letter of dismishionthey were grantedthem.

7 Nov 1835 appointedBrother Allin Robinsonmoderator . . . Brother MosesFendley came forward and acknowledgedand chargedhim Self with drunkinness (sic) and profaneSwaring different times and request to havepatience with him and he will . . . l2 Dec1835 took up the chargeof Brother MosesFendley of drunkennessand profaneswearing he failing to give the churchSatisfaction for which charges,he was Excludedfrom the fellowshipof the church.

SisterMargaret Hightower appliedfor a letter of dismishionit was grantedher. alsoMargaret Lesley applied for letterof dismishion. . .granted

From hereon am goingto useabbreviations: lod = letter of dishmishion rbe = receivedby experiencerbl : receivedby letter l2 Mar 1836 Cinthy Hunt appliedfor lod - granted Brother Allin Robinsona memberof crossroads Chruch came forward and laid in a charge againstBrother JamesM. Crawford a memberof our churchfor impeachinghim with injurying his caracter(sic) and property and calling him a hypocritand ceclaring an unfellowshipwith him. appointedBrother James Hitt andBrother Lewis Fendley to citeBrother James M. Crawfordto our next conferenceto answerto the abovecharges

9 Apr 1836 took up the chargeagainst Brother James Crawford . he acknowledgedhis wrong in speaking hardwords... cannotread next coupleofpages.

13Aug 1836 Esthera black woman calledfor lod - granted BrotherJoseph Robinson called for lod - granted

10Sep 1836 after somediscussion as the maaterof a differencebetween Brother JosephRobinson and Sister Hitt agreedto appointWed. the 22lnst. to investigatethe matter . . . 2l Sep. . . aftersome discussionthe above controversybetweenBrotherRobinson and Sister Hitt was settled. appointeda committeeto aid Brother Robinsonand Brother Mitchell in Settlinga dififlerence betweenthem. The CommitteeReport that the conductof BrotherRobinson hasbeen correct . ..

l5 Oct 1836 BrotherRobert S. Bensonand Sister Martha Benson James M.Crawford and Dulsebella (??) Crawford calledfor lod - sranted

To be con't SMITH FAMILY From Book: Smith,Wills, Deeds& Family Histories,by Linda G. ( hrtL Con't

Issueof Whitakerand Elizabeth Lewis Smith:Jesse Lewis Smith-RoswellCalhoun Smith-Scott Nimrod Smith-WilliamWyatt ClarksonSmith-Mary Smith- Lucy Smith-LulaSmith anci Dresdcn AaronSmith b. 3 Feb 1842d.l8 Sept1907 m. 28 Dec 1869Gertrude V Smallof Abbeviller,rho wasb. l6 Sept1848 d. l7 Nov 1877m.2nd l5 Jan1879 to Gertrude'ssister Kathleen O'N4ore Smallb.19Aug 1853d.8Feb l93l allthreeburiedSt. JohnsLutheren, OconeeCo SC N4r DresdenA Smithof Columbiam. Miss GertrudeSmall of Abbevilleon Tuesdavthe l8th AbbevilleSC NewspaperIssue 24 Dec 1869 h-4-e.CarolineT. Virginia Smithb. I July1834 d. 4Jan1924 wifeof HenryD Rorilandh () Feb 1834d. 30 Dec 1889and in thestate (Central SC, Pickens Co) bothburied lst Baptist ChurchCemetery in Pendleton,Anderson Co SC. h-4-f Mary deceasedwife of CharlesP Rogersand in Georgiaher shareto her children-- Georgianiawife of MilesEllison, William Rogers and Nathaniel Rogers at the time of her fathers estate.Mary MarinaSmith b. ca 1821d 26 Sept1853 m. CharlesPerry Rogers h-4-g CatherineElizabeth wife of D J B. Craigand residing in thestate at thc tirncof-hcr t:rtht'r' estate.CatherineElizabeth Smithb. 7 April 1829d 31 July1883 m DavidJ B ('raig h-4-h.Jonathan Gbson Smithdeceased and his shareto hiswidow, Sarahand children Susan Smithand Mary Smithat timeof hisfathers estate Jonathan Gibson Smith b l3 l)ci: lS l') d :r Aprill865m.SarahAnnCherryb.3lMarchl844d26ianl876 Issue Susan\larialr\nrruri, 9 Nov 1847m. 22 Sept1878 John Wright--Mary Catherine Smith b Nov 1850d l0 Oct l87l rn Presley(this line is saidto be the Ancestorsof ElvisAron Presley?) h-4-i.Nimrod Tillman Smith b. 3 Junel8l7 PendletonDistrict, SC d. 12 Aug I 899Lebanon, AndersonCoSC m.24 Dec lS39MarthaElizaMajorb.2lJuly(23 Aug) 1823Newberry District,SC d. 19Nov 1896Lebanon, Anderson Co SC bothburied Sandy Springs N'lerthodist Church,Anderson Co SC d/o JohnPerry Major b. 24 April 1775d. l0 June1853 aged 78 vears and16daysandhiswifeMaryAnnMarshallb. ll May 1783d.31May 1866(d.31 N'lav l868 aged83 years)both areburied at SandySprings Methodist Church John Perry Major rvass/o JohnMajor andMartha Elizabeth Epps, Mary Ann Marshallwas d/o SamuelMarshall and Mary SteenMarshall.

Nimrod T. Smithmarried Miss MarthaEliza Major on Tuesdaylast by Rev.W G Mullinax PendletonMessenger Issue: 27 Dec 1839Line of Zula Wood Atwood h-4-i.Nimrod Tillmanb. 3 Junel8l 7 d I 2 Aue 1899m. 24 Dec 1839MarthaEliza Maior

Issueof Nimrod andMartha E. Smith 1. AnnaMajor Smithb. 21 Juned. 16 Aug 1864infant tJ. 2.Mary Smithm. lst WilliamHendricks m. 2ndWilliam Smith 3. JamesAaron Perry Smithm. Miss Corneliusin Alabama 4. NarcissaSmith m. lst JohnCannon m. 2ndDavid Hendricks 5. MarshallSmith m. Mary Elrod 6. SamuelWhitakerSmith b. 18Feb 1841Anderson Co SC d. 27 N{ay1900 Anderson Co SC m. 24 Nov 1859Mary JaneAssenath Hendricks b. I I Sept1841 Liberty, Pickens Co SC d. 30 Dec l9l 8 AndersonCo SC.Mary JaneAssenath Hendricks d/o DavidHendricks Jr b. 2 Jan 1806 PendletonDistrict SC d. 5 Jan1858 Blount Co AL andhis wife Mary Ann Majorb 17 Sept1815 NewberryDistrict SC d. 5 Feb 1886Blount Co AL d/o JohnPerry and Mary Ann Marshall Major. SamuelWhittaker and Mary JaneAssenath Hendricks Smith had a sonJohn Franklin Smithm. Lillian AzalleKay andtheir daughterSelma Mae Smithb. 26 Sept1909 m. 1 Jan1932 AsbellDupree Hendricks b. 30 July l9l I PickensCo SCd. 9 Dec 1932Anderson Co SC Parents of HerbertD. Hendricks.

DavidHendricks Jr wass/o David Hendricks Sr b. 8 Feb 1777d 29 April 1856and his wife Sarah(Sally) Majorb. 2l July 1773d. I3 Sept1812 d/o Johnand Martha? Elizabeth Epps? Major Submittedby. HerbertD. Hendricks,7 W River Road,Poqupson , V A 23662Also line of Frank EddensJr. andMildred SmithShumaker h-4-j. JosephAaron Smithd. young h-4-k MargaretHannah Smith d. young

Someof thismaterial was taken in partsfrom the book "SmithC'ousins Four" which can be found at NSDAR LibraryWashington, Birmingham AL, TuscaloosaAL, EasleySC, and Greenville SC Libraries.Compiled by'. Zula Wood Atwood, 705 Twin Oak, Sweeny,TX 77780 FrankL. EddensJr., Rt 8 Box 99, Florence,AL 35630 Guy R. SmithJr., 11407 Clover Lawn Dr., Brighton,MICH 481l6 MildredSmith Shumaker. 24l6Trenton Dr., Tuscaloosa.AL 35406

Thanksto Guy R. Smithfor hiscorrections and additions. Submitted and Researched in partsby: Guy R. SmithJr. h-5. WhittakerSmith (eldest son of Jonathanand Katherine (Margaret) Guy'ton Smith) b.26 Jan 1787d. l5 Sept1850 (his tombstone says died l5 Jan1850 aged 64 yearsHe andwife were originallyburied at WhitakerSmith Private Cemetery Anderson Co SC andlater removed to New LebanonChurch Cemetery. m. 3 I March 1808Mary Mooreheadb. 8 Oct 1787Ireland d. 2 Jan 1875 AndersonCo SC d/o Williamand Agnes Guyton Gilkey Moorehead from Ireland.

Issueof Whittaker andMary MooreheadSmith h-5-a.AaronJohnSmithb.3lJanlS30d.30Julyl864m.AnnElizabethSmithb.l8Decl839 d. 7 Sept1897 m. l9 Oct 1854Ann ElizabethSmith was daughter of William Smithand Mariah Mattison his first cousin.William was son of Nimrod Smith.Line of. PaulineS. Gramline

l4 To be con't Bit's and Pieces"by Linda G. Cheek

BAILEY BARTON-MINORS- Stateof SC PickensDistrict To the Honorableof the saidState: The humble petition of JaneBarton Sheweththat her children,Jestina A. And ParmeliaT. Barton are minorsunder the ageof twelve yearsand intitled to an undividedinterest in the real and personalestate of their late father,Bailey Barton dec'd--thatthey haveno guardianto take careof their personand chargeof their Estatewhich by meansof their minority they are incapableof managingtherefore the petitionerprays Elijah Alexandermay be appointedthe Guardian.Sg: JaneBarton X. ElijahAlexander accepts. He wasgranted letters of Guardianshipl8 Nov 1847

Stateof SC PickensDistrict: Carmillia D. Bartonsheweth that sheis a minorover the ageof twelveyears, that sheis entitledto a distributiveshare in the real and personalestate of her fatherBailey Barton dec'd which sheis incapableto manangingand request that ElijahAlexander be appointedher guardian. 18 Nov 1847.He was appointed.


Stateof SC PickensDistrict The petitionof ElijahAlexander respectfully sheweth that your petitioneron her petitionby the HonorableCourt at a previousterm madeapplication by Bill of Partationof the RealEstate of BaileyBarton. The deceasedfather of your Petitioners,ward at the instanceTherefore one of the tractsof landwas assignedto the ward.The appraisialvalue worth onethousand seven hundred and thirty five dollarsin equalannual instalments of three years.The saidland know asthe Silman(Tilman?) Tract containing six hundredand seventy acres in Pickens Districton eachside of TwelveMile Riverand described in PlatNo 2 certifiedby JohnBowen DS 10 June1847. But now so it mayplease your Honor in consequenceof a chargeof recoveryhad againstthe Estateof said Bailey Barton by the decreeof this court requiring the surrenderof a family of Negroesas well as on a more exactaccount of the Estateon which your petitionersWard will be entitledit is apparantthat the landsaforesaid will constituteher principleNot theselands through valued of onehaving other resources out of whichto improveon from whicha precentmight be devisedyet in theirpresent condition they will fail all togetheras a sourceof annualincome at all equalto the annualinterest.The ward hasa motherand also brothers who haveattained full years.Sg: Whitner Harrison, Dated 1848

NOTE BY LINDA G. CHEEK: The caseabove will be explaineda little betterbelow. I havelooked high and low for this court casebut have beenunable to find it at PickensCo., Courthouse,SC.

BaileyBarton b. 5 Feb 1793Pendleton District SC d. 9 Feb 1847Pickens District, SC m. Jane"Jenny" Fields b. 5 Feb 1795Pendleton District, SC d. GordonCo GA whereshe moved by 1860living in the homeof her daughter Phaltaand husband Joab Lewis. Jenny was d/o JohnFields Sr b. l0 July 1758NC d. 9 Aug 1842Pickens District, SC m. 30 June1779 AnnaMcConnell b. 26 July1794 NC d. PickensCo SC. BaileyBarton son of BenjaminFranklin Barton Sr. b. 1760Fauquier Co., VA d. l6 Feb l8l8 PendletonDistrict, SC m. 24 Sept 1783near Fingerville, Spartanburg District, SC to DorcasAnderson b. l3 Nov 1763VA d. 6 Sept 1849Pickensville, Pickens Co SC.

From the PickensData Base,compiled by HermanGeschwind: Benjamin Franklin Barton s/o Thomasand Sarah Wilson Barton-- WOULD Tt{E PERSONWHO SUBMITTED THIS INFO PLEASE CONTACT ME WOULD LOVE TO EXCHANGE DATA.

NOTE: I, Linda G. Cheek,believe that BenjaminFranklin Barton Sr was a son of David Barton b. 1730Fauquier Co., VA d. Aug 1775Harroldsburg, Kentucky and his wife Ruth OldhamBarton. David Barton s/o Thomasand LydiaDrummond Barton of VA.

1 Aug 1768Lease Between Thomas Lord Fairfaxand David Barton tractin Manor of Leeds,adj. Rev Mr Scotts line,DanielRector, Woodyards line,225 acres during his naturallife andlives of Benjamin Barton and John Barton his sons.Sg. Fairfax.P.ec22 Aug 1768.Fauquier Co VA DeedBk 3 pg 242-246

The abovementioned, Daniel Rector was brother to Rev.Lewis Rector from FauquierCo VA to Greenville, Spartanburgand Pendleton District, SC andsons of: NathanielRector and wife, Ann Aylett of FauquierCo., VA. GEORGEBELL--DANIEL RECTOR Stateof SouthCarolina Pickens District, I GeorgeBell of saiddistrict for the sumof two hundredand forty threedollars paid by DanielRector of samedistrict all my claimright andtitle unto a certaintract of landpast granted to JamesHamilton containing one hundred and eight acres adj. Landsof R. Odell,G. Bell,J. Hunterand D. Hendrix.Dated 8 Jan1830 Wit. JamesHendrix, David Hendrix Jr. Sg:George Bell.Prov l5 May 1830Rec. 7 June1830. Pickens Co SCDeed Bk A-l pg 280-281 PickensCo SC DeedBk A-l pg 280-281

BenjaminFranklin Barton was in Rev.War whileresidinq on the PacoletRiver in SpartanburgDistrict, SC. under CaptMajor Parsonand Col. Roebuckand was in a battlefor rvhichthe datesand details are not given.After his marriagehe movedto GreenvilleDistrict SC rvherehis brother rvas already living and later to PickensDistrict SC Rosterof SC Patriotsin the AmericanRev.. by Bobb5,Moss pg 5l BenjaminF Barton purchasedland on theTwelve Mile Creekin PendletonDistrict in 1788

LewisEatonb.1770EdgecombeCo.,NCd.l858HowardColndianam.lstl798- I do not havea first namefor his wife. Shecould have been Daraus andthe onlv wife??

Afterthe slave ordeal rvith the Pickens District SC kintblks.L-e*is ['-aton went back to PossumCo., KY apparentlyhis wife diedon oneof thetrips back to SC in 1849or herbody was brought back for burial?Lewis thenmoved on to Indianawhere he died.Place of burialunknown

LewisEaton lived his life from ca 1798to 1844in Pendleton/PickensDistrict. SC

Lewis Eatonto IssiahLewis for L5 sterlingfor 50 acreson S fbrk of l2 Mile Riverpart of surveygranted to Eatonby CharlesPinckney I April 1798 Sg LewisEaton X Wit JohnBorin, W. Borindated l5 Sept1799 prov 24 Feb 1800. Pendleton District Deed Bk E pg 193-194

LewisEaton to JohnBoren of L5 sterlingfor 152l12 acres on l2 Mile riverbounded on SEby SamuelJackson. Sg.LewisEaton X. Wit. IsiahLewis,W. Boren,William Boren dated l5 Sept1799 prov ll March1800 PendletonDistrict Deed Bk E pg 191-192

LewisEaton was married in all thecensus 1800- 1840. Lewis Eaton s/o John Eaton b. ca 1750Edsecombe Co NC d. 1821-1829Pendleton District. SC m. UnknownLewis.

JohnEaton and wife LewisEaton had issue and all to GreenvilleDistrict SC bv 1790to Pendleton District,SC: 1. MeshackEaton 2. Bryum Eaton3. WilliamEaton 4. DavidEaton 5. JohnEaton 6. MargaretEaton who marriedBenjamin Hopkins Aug 1821from PendletonMessenger issue 8 Aug l82l .

QUESTION? WasDorcas Anderson Eaton widow of BenjaminF. Bartonor daughterof BenjaminF. Barton?? or sisterto BeniaminF. Barton??DOES ANYONE KNOW? pickensDistrict, SC, Dareas Eaton, wife of LewisEaton, released dower 7 Dec 1844for 4 acresof landLewis Eatongave to PleasantHill Church 1 Junel844lying on watersof WhitesFork of ConerossCreek adj. on said Eatonsline.Sg: DareasA. Eaton X. Rec.25March 1846. OconeeCo SCDeedBk3 pg 227-228

Know Issueof Lewis Eaton and lst wife: l. Mary Ann Eatonm. WatsonCollins (Will run thislater in NL)

Article of agreementbetween Lewis Eatonof the onepart andWatson Collins of the otherpart both of the State and Districf aforesaidthat I Lewis Eaton do leavemy plantationat the Red Cove on the Watersof Eastatoe containingthree hundred and fifty acresunto the saidWatson Collins for to live on and cultivateat his pleasure for the rpir. of twenty five yearsif not cauldfor by the saidLewis Eaton himselfand the saidWatson Collins for his part do.r ugr.. to pay to the saidLewis Eaton one dollar per yearif cauldfor by the saidEaton but if Lewis Eatbn shouldcaul for saidplantation any time shorteof the twenty five yearsthen the saidWatson Collins if to give up saidplantation to the saidLewis Eaton at anytime when cauldfor and saidCollins shallnot be bound to paytosaidEatonadollarayear nolongerthanheisinpossessionof saidlanddated4March 1844 Sg: Lewis EatonC Wit: Wm Nimmons,Robert H. Gllaspie,John A. Moore proven15 March 1844rec 6 May 1844 PickensCo SC DeedBk E-1 Pg 144-145

2. Lewis EatonJr. m. Mary Ann Abbott dio WilliamAbbott andSarah (not Dennard)Abbott (Will run this later in NL) 3. Daughterm. Miller 4. JamesEaton 5. JosephEaton 6 EliasEaton 7. Daughterm. JacobLewis (NOTE washis brotherJoab who marriedd/o BaileyBarton?) 8. MargaretH. Eaton m. LewisReece (have not researchedthis line) LewisR.r.. appliedfor lettersof admon the estateof LewisEaton of lndianna20 Sept1858. Pickens Co SC ProbateCourt Box 49 No. 544

A little info on BaileyBarton and what kind of man he was,taken from Twin Springsand A Grove of Trees--MountainGrove Baptist Church Researchedby: BlancheHannah, Written by: Effie A. Porter. pageC-3 astold by WilliamMadison "Cap" Cantrell:About BaileyBarton's tombstone: "Mr Cantrell,Jim Porter andtwo other menwere horse-backriding and went by MountainGrove Baptist Church.A thunderstorm came up very quickly.The mensought temporary shelter under a groveof treesby the roadnear Bailey Barton's grave. Whilettrey *aited for the showerof rainto pass,they began to talk. I bet Bartonthought that the devilcouldn't get to him in that grave,Porter remarked. He concludedwith, You know he left instructionsconcering his burial, anotherman asked, Reckon even the Lord will be ableto get him out of that box?Immediately, lightning was seenand thunderheard. The air evenseemed charged. The men stoodin awe as a hugh tree which had been struckby lighteningfell on the marblebox overMr Barton'sgrave. The box was splitacross the middle.Without futher words, the men silentlyrode away asthe sunemerged from the clouds.

(SEE ABOVE COURT CASE OF BAILEY BARTON'" S HE,IRS) Lewis Eaton--LewisReese states that about l5 yearssince (1844) Lewis Eaton his father-in-lawmoved from pickensDistrict SC to the Stateof Kentucky and carriedwith him a family of negroes,his slavesto which he was very much attached.Sometimes after his removalone Bailey Barton went on to the statewhere the saidLewis Eaton was then residing,and seizedthe saidslaves under a pretended claim and broughtthem back to Pickens District, exceptone which he left to wait on the saidLewis Eaton andhis wife, who were very old and feeble. Someshort time after his return to this state,the saidBailey Barton died (1847) and the saidLewis Eaton brought his suit in Equity againstthe admnrs.of the saidBailey Barton for the slavesthus takenfrom him andwhich slaveswere at that time in the possessionof his saidadmnrs. Jane Barton andPleasant Alexander. The suit came to a hearingat Juneterm 1848,the saidslaves were orderedand decreedto be deliveredto Lewis Eaton, which was doneby the defendantsJane Barton andPleasant Alexander. After the deliveryof saidslaves to the said Lewis Eaton, his Solicitorswho had the managementof the saidsuit, refusedto let him carry offthe saidslaves till their counselfees were paid. Consquentlythe saidslaves were left in possessionof Watson Collins a son-in- law of the saidLewis Eaton, residingin PickensDistrict, till the saidLewis Eaton could return to Kentucky and procurethe moneyto pay the feesand chargesof his Solicitors.This causedthe old man one or two trips to the Stateof Kentucky.He finally succeededin payingoffthe Solicitors.The saidWatson Collins then refusedto deliverup to the saidLewis Eaton one of the slavesa girl then about 5 or 6 yearsold, till he was paid $500.00off his pretendedservices in assistingthe saidLewis Eaton in his suit againstthe admnrs.of the saidBailey Barton for the saidslaves. Not beingable or willing to pay this unjustand groundless charge, the saidLewis Eaton was forcedto leavethe girl in the possessionof the saidWatson Collins, and shortlyafter his return to Kentucky with the other slaves,the saidLewis Eaton departedthis life, intestate,in the Stateof Indiana.

Lewis Reesestates that soonafter he rec'd the noticeof his Lewis Eaton deaththru a letter from one of the slaves,carried ofi he appliedto the Ord. of PickensDist. for lettersof Admnr.on the personalestate of Lewis Eaton in SC but the Ord refused.Nothing more was donein the casetill last year he renewedhis applicationfor Lettersof Admnr.and they were granted to him by W.J.Parsons Ord. of PickensDistrict. In the meantimethe saidslave remained in the possessionof the saidWatson Collins till he soldher to JamesE. Haggodof Pickens District for the sum of $800.00 Whetherthe deedsfor the landsconveyed to WatsonCollins by Lewis Eaton were not madeto enablehim to sellthe samefor the benefitof the saidEaton. Whether he ever paid any thing for the saidlands? How much moneyhe recd.for Lewis Eaton of EsquireGllespie, of North Carolina,(note:from Lewis's fatherJohn's Estate) and whetherhe everpaid it over. That the saidJames E. Hagood do answer whetherhe did not know when he purchasedthe saidgirl slaveof Collins,that Collins had no title to her, and that shewas claimedas belonging to the estateof LewisEaton--Filed 27 Aprll1859.Pickens CO, Clerk Co Courts, Equity, Pack 92

Lewis Eaton to JacobLewis Stateof SC PickensDistrict for the sum of one dollar paid by JacobLewis a tract of land in saidDistrict on watersof Twelve Mile River containingfifty acresdated 20 March 1829 Sg: Lewis Eaton X proven20 March 1829rec. 27 Feb 1830.Pickens Co SC DeedBk A-l pg242-243

I Lewis Eaton of the Stateof Kentucky,Howard Co for threehundred and fifty dollarspaid by WatsonCollins of the Stateof SC PickensDistrict all that tract of landlying in saidDistrict on southbranch of Eastatoecontaining threehundred acres Sg: Lewis Eaton X dated25 Sept1846 prov PickensDistrict SC 15 Feb 1847rec. 9 March 1847.Pickens Co SC DeedBk E-l pg 541-542

Lewis Eaton of the Stateof Kentucky,Posum Co soldfor five hundredand fifty dollarsto WatsonCollins of the Stateof SC PickensDistrict a plantationor tract of land situatein PickensDistrict lying and being on both sides of Eastatiecontaining three hundredand twelve acresand a half the sameincluding two surveysknown by the nameof Nol andNo 2 one containingone hundredand ninety eight acresthe other containingone hundredand fourteenacres and a half makingtogether three hundred twelve and a half acresgranted to Matthew Abbott by his ExcellencyRichard I. Manning,Governor of SC 28 Nov 1825.Sg: Lewis Eaton X provenl5 Feb 1847 PickensDistrict SC rec.9 March 1847.Pickens Co SC DeedBk E-l pg542-543

QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERS BY: Linda G. Cheek L Why would Bailey Barton go to Kentuckyand get slavesif this was not his mother,sisteretc. 2. Why did Lewis andDarcas Eaton move to KY aboutthe ageof 74 yearsof age?Rather late in life to move. UnlessBenjamin F. Barton inheritedland in KY from his father,David? and Daraus/Darcas decided to move to theselands?? Daraus Eatson signed her nameDaraus A. Eaton?CAN ANYONE HELP ON THIS PROBLEM? [email protected] 247 CrossHill Road,Easley, SC 29640-8857 DIpHTHERIA: We regretto learnthat diphtheriais ragingwith fatal effectin the nighborhoodof TableMountain. Mr W.B. Joneinforms us that seventeenchildren have died with the diseasewithin a radiusof five miles of his housesince last Spring.Mr BenjaminMasters has lost all his children,three in number,two of whom were buriedin one cofiin. Mr L.H. Simpsonhas lost two girl childrenrecently and W.A. Masterslost one last Sundaynight and anotherone, when we sawMr Joneswas not expectedto live. The parentshave called in the bestmedical aid in the county,but in manycases the diseaseseems beyond their skill.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 6 March 1873

COURT OF PICKENS: WilliamN. Walkerplaintiffagainst Rebecca L. Corbin,Mary A. Stansillet al It appearingto my satisfactionthat A. Walker,M.A. Stansill,Sisson Walker, Mawell Walkerand other persons live beyondthe limitsof this Stateare to appearin Probatethe 31 Aug 1875to shewcause why the petitioner,now. onfile in my offrce,should not be granted.Dated 2l July 1875 PickensSentinel Issue: Sept 1875

ARI{OLD: I will sellto the highestbidder at PickensC.H. on saledayin Octobernext the realestate of JaneL Arnold,deceased. One tract of landon GeorgesCreek a few milesnortheast of EasleyState containing three hundredacres. Pickens Sentinel Issue Sept 1875

CATFISH-The wateris so low in someof the Westernrivers that the catfishhave to standon theirheads to breathe.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 5 Nov 1875.

MARRIED: AT the residenceof the bride'sfather on the l5th instantby Rev W.B SingletonMr RobertBorven andMiss LizzieGranger,all of PickensPickens Sentinel Issue: 22 Nov 1877

MARRIED: On the 15thinstant at the residenceof the bridesfather by Rev.G.W. Singleton,of Pickens,Mr JamesJ. Johnsonof GreenvilleCity andMiss Gussie C Dillworthof AndersonCo, SC.Pickens Sentinel Issue 22 Nov 1877

TO ALL HUGHES RESEARCHER: I andseveral others have been searcing for this info for about20 years

AndrewHughs of pendletonCo., SC to ElizabethHornbuckle of CaswellCo NC for $65,36 acresof landleft me by my father, John Hughesdec'd, being lot #4 of 5 lots adj.Biday Hughs, Polly Hughs. Dated 3 June1812. Wit: SimpsonHornbuckle, James Adams. Caswell Co NC DeedBk Q pg 457

CharlesHughs of CaswellCo to DavidHughs of samefor 20lbs, 240 acresadj. his former corner, John Hughs, William Smith,being part of a tractgranted to CharlesHughs. Dated l5 Oct 1791.Wit: ThomasPhillips, John Hughs.Caswell Co NC DeedBk H pg 33-34

Divisionof landof JohnHughs dec'd to legatees:22 Aug 1811 l. GilsonHughs 36 acresadj. ThomasBrincefield, Richard Hornbuckle, Richard Hamblett 2. JohnHughs 36 acresadj. GilsonHughs, Richard Hamblett. 3. Obedience"Biday" Hughs 36 acres(WHO DID SF{EMARRY?) 4. AndrewHughs 31 314acres adj. Iverson Gwyn 5. PollyHughs 31 314acres adj. Andrew Hughs, Andrew Robinson. Wit: ThomasBrincefield, Jamie Coolie, Joseph Guess, Daniel S. Farley,surveyor. Caswell Co NC Deed Bk Q pg 349-351

CharlesHughes was also son of John.Charles had alreadymoved to PendletonDistrict, SC. Another son James Hushs died beforehis fatherwith divisionof his land24 Aug 181 1 CaswellCo NC Deed Bk Q pg 493-494. JohnHughs of CaswellCo to ElizabethHornbucke, for 36 lbs,36 acreswhereon the saidJohn Hughs now lives adj.Biday Hughs and Polly Hughs. Dated 6 May 1812.Wit: HezekiahBoswell, Simpson Hornbuckle. Caswell Co NC DeedBk Q pg a58 NOTE: thisJohn d. 1799Caswell Co NC

Known by all menthese presents that I JesseSmith and Mary his wife of the stateand district aforesaidand in considerationof the sumof two hundredand fifty dollarsto me paidbyNorris of the stateand district aforesaid havegranted bargained sold and released and by thesepresents do grantbargan sell and release unto saidRobert Norris all that tract of landcontaining one hundred acres more or lesslying on watersof BrushyCk watersof Saludait beingpart of a tract of landgranted to CharlesHughes containing five hundredand sixty acres, (AndersonCo) DeedBk I pg 239 (BelieveMary "Polly" Smithw/o Jessewas Polly Hughesd/o JohnHughes Sr. who diedCaswell Co NC) andsister to Andrewand Charles.

NOTE by LC--Don't think therewas an AndrewMicajah Hughes, Micajah and Andrew werebrothers and sons of JohnHughes Sr. who diedin CaswellCo., NC. MicajahHughes was in PendletonDistrict, SC aboutthe sametime asCharles. Micajah's wife w,asMary. Andrew'swife was Obedience"Biddy"

5 May 1853Charles Smith states that he is now 97 yearsold (b. 1756)and is a residentof RandolphCo Alabama andasks that his Bounty Grant for landbe issuedto him.Sg: Charles Smith Wit to hisaffidavit in lg34 pickens SC wereJesse Smith brother-Sarah Lesley--Andrew Hughes. Charles signed his nameJames Osborn Attorney in PickensSC in 1835stated that JesseSmith--Job Smith--Charles Smith and Andrew Hughes all live nearhim and all were in the RevolutionaryWar.

Issueof AndrewHughes b 4 April 1755d. I Sept1843 and wife Bicidv JohnHughes AndrewHughes b. 1786caswell co NC d. After 1830pickens District SC Micajah Hughes CharlesHughes b. 1795d. ForsythCo GA ObedienceHughes b. 1796m. Allen Mauldin JamesW. Hughesm. Mary Smith

AllenMauldin b 30 Augustl79l UnionCo SC d. 1876Pickens Co SCm. l8l4 ObedienceHughes b t7g6 d. 1880Pickens Co SC buriedKennemore-- Mauldin--O'Dell Cemet. D/o Andrew Hughesof PendletonDistrict, SC and sisterto Rev. JamesW. Hughes

Virginia(Mary)JaneSmithb. 16June 1802 d February1873 m. 25May 1817,Rev. JamesW. Hughesb.30July 1798d. 15 July l88l (who mayhave been her 2nd cousin)s/oAndrew Hughes b. 4 April 1755Laniaster Co pA d. 1 Sept1843 Pickens District, SC andhis wife Obedience(Biddy) Sumner?. Mary Janeand James Smith are buriedat BethlehamMethodist Church in PickensCo SC. STILL NEEDS WORK but now havea placeto search.Can anyonecorrect or add to? LC

NOTE: Whileworking CaswellCo NC DeedsI foundmany names of peoplethat cameto GreenvilleDistrict, SC:Hudson Berry, John Cochran to WilliamCochran his son,John Brockman and Amelia (Martin) hiswife to SC,William Holloway, and the elusive,"Henry Cobb" who movedto PendletonDistrict, SC by 1794,and much on the earlyRice Family who cameto PendletonDistrict, SC

HENRY COBB: HenryCobb of CaswellCo., NC to Jepthafuce of samefor 232\bs,232acres on both sides of Horsley'sCreek being a tractCobb purchased of WilliamGaryham. Dated l7 April 1787.Wit: WilliamNorton andThomas Neeley. Caswell Co., NC DeedBk E pg 149 Henry Cobb (by JesseCobb his attorneyin fact) of PendletonCo., SC to lbzanRice of CaswellCo., NC for 90 lbs,304 acreson StoneyFork of Moon's Creekadj. John Cobb's old line.Dated 16 Jan 1794.Wit. JohnCobb, Vinson Roberts,Joseph Bracken. --Also soldto JohnCobb of CaswellCo NC for 100 lbs, 328 acreson Stoney Fork of Moon's Creek adj. William Adkins Jr, Ibzanfuce. Dated 6 Jan 1794.Caswell Co Deed Bk H p9277'278

CRAIG: Mr Robert Craig died at his residencein this County on lastFriday night. Having servedprevious to the War 12 or 15 yearsas Commissionerof Roadsfor PickensDistrict. At the time of his deathhe had passedhis three scoreand ten years.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 22 Nov 1877

MARRIED: On the 15thuntimo at theresidence of thebrides mother by RevJ.C. Hudson, Mr J.W.Earle Jr to MissHattie Baker. both of Pickens.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 6 Dec 1877

WILLIAMS: Mrs RebeccaWilliams wife of Mr Harry Williamsdied at her home in DacusvilleTownship in this County on ThursdaynightZ}ndult of lung disease.She had for 40 yearsbeen a memberof Peter'sCreek baptist church.On the Z4th afterher funeralby Rev. W.B. Singleton,her remainswere consignedin the PetersCreek Churchburying ground. Pickens Sentinel Issue. 6 Dec 1877.

MARRIED: 2nd Aug in PendletonDistrict, SamuelB. Pickens of Alabamato Miss MarthaT. Anderson,eldest daushteof Col. RobertAnderson of samedistrict. Greenville Republican Issue. l9 Aug 1826

MARRIED: on Tuesdayevening last in PendletonDistrict by theRev. Benjamin D. DuPre,Mr JohnW.M. Blasingameof this district(Greenville) to Miss Sarah,eldest daughter of CaptDavid Sloanof PendletonDistrict GreenvilleRepublican Issue: 20 Jan 1827

MARRIED: on Tuesdayevening last in PendletonDistrict by the Rev. M. Dickinson,John H. Goodlett Esq., of this place(Greenville) to Miss SarahCatharine McGregor of the former place.Greenville Republican Issue: 12 ll4ay 1827

DIED: We regretto announcethe deathof Mrs Eliza Hendrickswhich occurredat the residenceof her husband. Mr M.S. Hendricksat EasleyStation on the morningof the 25 ult. Mrs Hendrickswas the daughterof the late Rev. JohnAriail and was a devoutmember of the BaptistChurch. She leaves a husbandand one child. Pickens SentinelIssue: 6 Jan 1876

DIED: Mrs Freeman,the wife of William Freeman,died at her residencenear this placeon Saturdaythe l4th inst' Sheleaves alarge family of children.Pickens Sentinel Issue: 20 Jan1876

MARRIED:By theRev. Mr Robertson,Mr ElihuHoward to MissJane Nabors all of PendletonDistrict (could not find a date).Greenville Republican Issue: 7 June1828

MARRIED: on Thursdayevening last, by JamesOsborne Esq., Mr JohnAriail to MissParthena Blassingame all of PendletonDistrict. Greenville Republican Issue: l9 April 1828

MARRIED: by SamuelLooper Esq, on the20th ult. Col JohnHaines to MissSusannah Turner all of Pendleton District.Greenville Republican Issue: 7 June1828.

BASWELL: We call the attentionto the advertisementof SimeonBaswell to be found in todaysissue. Mr Baswellit will be seenis oflering a fine and choicelot of Merchandisecheap for cashor barter.Pickens Sentinel Issue:25 Nov 1875 FamilyGroup Sheet Husband:Jesse Tyler Jones

Born.January 21, 1806 in AndersonCo. SouthCarolina Married;Abt 1830 in PickensCo. SouthCarolina Died:February02, 1890 in Unknown Father:Samuel V Jones Mother:Lydia W/o SamuelV Jones Wife: Jane Hamilton Davis

Born:October09,1809 tn North Carolina Died: April 12.1892 in Unknorvn Father:Robert Davis Mother: Wo RobertDavis Caldwell

CHILDREN Name.Robert Harvey Jones Born: May 29, 183I in PickensCo, SouthCarolina Manied: Abt 1868 in Unknown Died: December0l . 1900 in Unknown Spouses:Mary Ann Chapman,Sara Ann Mary Oliver Name: MarthaAnn Jones Born: December14, 1832 in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Married February09,1853 in Unknown Died June14, 1904 in Luling, CaldwellCo, Texas Spouse:John Tillman Day Name:Mary S. "Polly" Jones Born: February01, 1835 in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Married:Abt 1854 in: Llnknown Died. Unknown Spouse.Hilliard Smith Name:Emily Easley Jones Born:June 18, 1837 in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Died:AftMav09- 1878 in: Unknown Name: AmandaMelvina Jones Born: February02,1839 in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Married: Abt 1859 in: Unknown Died: Aft 1926 in: Unknown Spouse:Ransom Foster Name: LouiseJ. Jones Born: January24,1841 in: PickensCo. SouthCarolina Married: Abt 1860 in: Unknown Died: September1902 in: Unknown Spouse:Calvin Barker Name: CameliaHamilton Jones Born: May 10, 1845 in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Died. Unknown Name: SamuelJones Born: Abt 1847 in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Died: Aft 1860 in. Unknown Name: Andrew E. Jones Born: SeptemberI 1, l85l in: PickensCo, SouthCarolina Married: Abr 1870 in: Unknown Died: September14, 1914 in; Unknown Spouses:Lucy Warner, Victoria Alexander

PreparedBy: NellHuffPeterson Phone(s):512) 453-1039 8010 ParkdaleDrive Austin,TX78757-8132 Family Group Sheet t0 Name: MatildaJane Jones Born:August 03, 1853 in:PickensCo, SouthCarolina F Married;Abt 1872 in:Unknown Died:May 02,1924 in:Unknown Spouse:Milton Cotrell Name:Jesse Tyler Jones Born:April 27,1855 PickcnrCo, SouthCarolina Married:Abt 1876 Unknown Died: Unknown Spouse:Genie Durham Name:William V. Jones Born:June 19, 1857 PickensCo, Sorth Carolina Married:Abt 1878 Unknown Died: Aft 1926 Unknown Spouse:Dicie Elizabah Bryan

Husband:I JesscTYlcr Joncr Noter Found the following in PickensCo, SC DecC'Records: Book A-2, Vage aat - J. T. Jonesto F. M. Day for $ I 50, 30 screson PickensRoad on Jack Pickcl's line. 3 Oct I E69. Book C-2, page321 - JesseT. Jonessold 63 3/4 acrestoPcter Gbert. 6 D€c 1376. (S)JesseT. Jones.Jane H. Jonesreleased dower, Wit: T. W Russell,(S)Jane H. Jones. 5 Book G-2, itge z22 - JcsseT. Joncssold 37 acresto Hilliard Smith l S Feb l E?2. Prye 223, eold 20 acr€sto sElneon 22 Jsr.l87 Book D-2, pale 73 - JesseT Joncssold 140 acresto Wm. N. Payneon wat€rs of Six Mle Creeh 9 May 187E. Wit: Wm Jones& Emialy Jones. JaneH. Jonesreleased dower. Book D-2, page74 - JesseT. Jonesto Wm. V. Jones,50 acreson Six Mile Creeh l0 May l87E Wit: Wm. N. Payne& Emily Jones. He probablydied in PickcnsCounty, but can find no proof

Notcr Have received info that her fathcr was Robert Davis & her mother was a Caldwell, but THIS IS NOT PROVENI Sheprobably died in PickensCounty, but cannotfind proof

Notes He left SC and senledin ChambersCo, Alabama

Notcr Foundin CaldwellCo, TX ProbateBook d Page540: "},{rs. },{artha A. Dey,dec'C. Reord of Wil!. 20 Jun!904". MinuteBook I! Page457 I havecopy of her FuneralNotice in Luling Caldwell Co, TX

Buried:I LutingCity Cemaery,Luling Texas

Child: I Mery S. "Polly" Joncs Notcs Maq/s father, JesseT Jones,sold land to ldary'shusband, HilliErd Smith in PickcruCo, SC: 37 asteson 18Feb 1872& 20 acreson22lat I E75.


Remarks: not marry lDid' ! := -,.

Child: lWitlirn V. Jona Notes His full nsmewas William Van Joncs. Accordingto PickensCo, SC DeedRecords, he bough 50 acresof landfrom JesseT. Joneson Six Mle Creekon l0.May1878. - - _ Pedigrees


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