
$1.50 a Year


Rev. W. J. Sayre sent to Woodbury and his pizce filled by Rev. D. Roe Haney, of Pemberton, who wiil pleach here this Sunday.

Rev. W. J. Sayre who has been year and then entered Dickson Col­ stay in Belmar very pleasant. Contractor, Samuel Truub, is making rapid construction Pastor of the First Methodist lege from which he was graduated On Sunday the 20th, Rev. Sayre Episcopal Church for the past two in 1910. He then entered Boston will be in the pulpit at Woodbury, on the new building. years was appointed Pastor of the University School of Theology from and on Monday their household Kemble Memorial Methodist Episco­ which he was graduated in 1913. He goods will be moved and on Tuesday pal- Church of Woodbury, N. J. This then entered the University Gradu­ morning Mr! and Mrs. Sayre and son was a great suprise to both Pastor ate School and completed his resi­ Contractor Samuel Traub is rapid­ boardwalk promenade passes this 6ntrahce which is of ample size to Sayre and the members of the dent work for his Doctor of Philoso­ Charles w ill leave Belmar for their ly pushing the work on the new enclosure on the north and joins a facilitate the handling and the stor­ Church, because all concerned ex­ phy degree. In the spring of 1916 he new field of labor. Sixteenth Avenue Pavilion. Piling pavilion located on the east of the ing of suits, towels etcH and provi­ pected he would be returned for an- was appointed to Beach Haven with Rev. D. Roe Haney, wrho has been have been installed and the store store facing the ocean. This pavi­ sion is to lif made at the end of the which formerly stood at Fifth Ave­ lion w ill be 16 feet >vide by 70 feet. group for the drying of si*its. A METHODIST CHURCH nue has been moved and placed on On the sorth of the store will be lo­ stairway 'leads to the beach alongside its new foundation. All of the cated the bathing group which con­ of the office, which is so arranged stringers and floor beams have been sists of about one hundred and fifty that constant supervision is possible over all parts of the establishment. installed and fifty per cent of the well ventilater bathhouses with Public toilets are to be arranged floor is now completed. open aisles with ample toilet and shower accommodations. The bath­ on the outside facing the ocean and The Plans for this pavilion which ing group w ill be surrounded by a have been prepared by Cljnton B. will be accessible directly from tlie very attractive enclosure consisting pavilion. Cook and LeRoy Godfrey, Architects of lattice paneled pilasterers about The color scheme is to be green of Asbury Park, provide for a large 12 feet on centers with a pergola and white and when completed will- strfre with refreshments enclosure to treatment above. the north, which will be open but Office for the bathing group will present a very pretty and artistic ap- be in close proximity to the main f pearance. covered by a roof extension. The ■ SUMMER RESIDENT BELMAR’S TAX RATE BORO PURCHASES ATHLETIC CALLED BY DEATH FOR 1921 WILL BE $3.74 FIELD FOR $20,fl0t*

Announcement of the tax rates in Rahway, March 18.—Mrs. Helen i The purchase- of the Memorial the various municipalities of Mon­ Fitz Randolph Anderson Chamber- Athletic Field on F street, between mouth County was made yesterday lain aaed 12 wife of Alexander H. Elefenth and Twelfth avenues, feat- Chamberlain of 108 Bryant street, morning at a meeting of the county tured the Boro Council meeting held passeda away ' lnctlast WednesdayWprlnpsdav after-aner board of assessors and Belmar s tax on Tuesday evening. The amount v ___w Tip- Tins- rate for 1921 will be per $100, noon. She is survived by ner nuy , $6.14 paid was $20,000. ~ * ,.nri „ „ „ of assessed valuations, as against band, one son Chamber- $3.32 last year, an 'increase this daughter Miss Helen F R.. Cluuitor ^ q{ ^ ^ ^ $ m ()r $4 2Q GETS DIVORCE

ereon 'of Hasbrouck Heights and H. P^r 1000. Avon’s rate was $4.56, Absolute divorce has been granted . Nt York the highest of any in the seashore to Mrs. Bertrand Havens from her S t sister 1MrsJ,mesStrict. Wall's tax rate will he husband. Fletcher P. Havens. The wire of former Mayor Terrill, ot couple were married in Asbury in other year, until just a few hours a salary of $700 a year. After one Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Commerce street. 1904 by Rev. W. W. Ridgley, then before the close of the Conference year he was appointed to Toms Church of Pemberton, N. J. w ill be Mrs. Chamberlain was a native of I H P A| D A C C D A I I M IN F pastor of the Ballard Memorial -.vhich was held in Asbury Park and River where he was Pastor for two in the pulpit of the Belmar Method­ this city an a descendant of one of i L U u f i L C f i u L U f lL L years and then to Belmar. Now he church The divorce was granted closed on Monday, March 14th. ist Episcopal Church on Sunday the the old and honored families of this | —^ C T A D T M A V Q fH It on grounds of desertion, and will be­ Rev. and Mrs. Sayre have worked is appointed to Woodbury with a 20th, and about the middle of he section. She had always been a resi- 11| 0 1 A K I I fln T o U I I l come final in six months. Havens faithfully while in Belmar and the salary of $2,200 a year. week w ill move here from Pember* dent of Rahway with the exception _____ wras formerly in the ice business in Bishop and his Cabinet said this ap­ Rev. and Mrs. Sayre wish to thank ©f the time spent at her summer _ Asbury Park but left in 1907 -and. pointment was made because it was the people of Belmar for the many ton. Mr. Haney is a young man of home at Belmar.Throughout life Watson Worthington Will according to Mrs. Havens has never deserved. The Woodbury Church courtesies that have been extended exceptional talents, he is married she had been identified with some , returned. Mrs. Havens gets custody to them during their short stay in manage the team. Jack jhas about 600 members and about and has two children. His wife was of the most prominent and active j of her son, now 15 years of age. 1550 in the Sunday School. Mr. Belmar. The Methodist people of Me Cormack will act as before her miarrage to Rev. Haney, organizations of the city. Sayre’s rise has been somewhat Belmar are a splendid people to coach. Miss Nellie Nichols, the daughter of The deceosed was a member of the J ' DEATH FROM HEMMORAGE i_t as Methodist Ministers serve. The friendliness of the Boro Second Presbyterian Church active *n j was graduated from Penn- Officials, and of +he other churches, a former Pastor of the Belmar various departments of its work and With practicafliy all of their last He preached for « and of the people has made their Church. particularly in the Welfare Associa- year‘s star tossers in the lineup, the Mrs. Mary E. Blodgett, wife of Charles A. Blodgett of Avon, died tion. In charitable and welfare work Belmar Baseball club has begun M. E. TO HOLD SOCIAL The Rev. D. Boe Haney was born Was transferred to the New Jersey in aiding the sick and relieving the pjans for the coming season, which last Friday from a hemmorage of the lungs. Mrs. Blodgett was 55 and reared on a farm in mst Ten- conference and assigned pastor at distressed she wras always foremost. wj;.j formally open on May 30. At a years old. She lived at Jersey City A covored dish social will be given.! nessee. Received his education from Farmingdale. _ He has been _pastor. Her service as a member of the Rah- meeting 0n Monday night the mem­ before locating at Avon. , by the Ladies Aid Society of the 1 Riceville High School-, the Univer- at Pemberton three years where ho way Branch of the Mercy Committee jjers decided to rename themselves and of the Red Cross Chapter and ^ e Mystic Baseball club, which was Belmar Methodist Church, in th e,|Sity of Chatanooga and Drew Theo- has greatly increased the member- also in the Women's Auxiliary to the the original name, and preparations FORMER LOCAL MAN lecture mom, Monday evening,logical Seminary. He joined the bership of the church and left it on Rahway Hospital wTas especially not-1 were made for securing new uni- IN THE HOSPITAL March 21, at 8 o’clock.* Holston Conference in 1907 and had a strong financial basis, able and received, due recognition f 0rms. Watson Worthington of Como a very successful student pastorets Mrs. Haney is the daughter of th« from her associates, who found her | was eiected booking manager and Robert Myers formerly of Belmar GIRL SCOUTS N E W PASTOR ever ready and willing to do her part games already have been arranged has been in St. Michael’s Hospital, and even more than her share in all,jwitll the Manhattan A. C. of New in Newark for the past two weeks A donation tyas $ven for the good work. lYork, the Jewelers of Irvington and with an abscess on the knee. He needy last week, toward which each For her splendid character, her the Bayonne Tigers. Several pre­ was employed by the Murphy Var­ girl scout gave a contribution. The efficient and untiring public service liminary games w ill probably be nish Works_ef that place. gift was much appreciated as was and wholesome and inspiring influ- played with high school teams be- shown by a letter received by our ence in the community she was be- fore the season starts, which Coach CROCHET READING TAUGHT BY captain.- loved and held in the highest respect McCormack declares will whip his MAIL—ALL BRANCHES $5 and her death brings city-wide grief, players into first class shape for the Because of the absence of Flor­ ______. opening game of the season. . ence Vail, former Second Lieuten­ Learn at Home How to do Cro­ ant of the troop, Miss Hance has ap­ W ILL OBSERVE PURIM t Worthington field, situated be- chet Beading Correctly and Speed­ pointed Jessie Henderson to take THIS COMING THURSDAY j tween Eleventh and Twelfth avenues ily on Dresses, Waists. Bags, Hats, her place. — jF street and the railroad, w ill un- Slippers Etc., with all kinds of Two new members were voted Special services in the synagogues dergo many improvements beforethe Beads, Bugles. Spangles. Fringes, into the troop at the Inst meeting of the county will mark the Feast of summer schedule starts among which Lopps, Twists, Etc. Purim, next Thursday. Services w ill! will be the removal of the diamond namely Bernice Reynolds and Flor­ The only Correspondence Course be conducted the morning of that nearer F street, which w ill bring the ence Shea, leaving no vacancies at on Crochet Beading ever published day, and on the evening preceding, j right garden out of Twelfth avenue present. Miss Reynolds played on Reading from the book of Esther and th6 changing of the seating ar- contains 24 Illustrated charts with the basket ball team. is associated with the ceremonies of ragements. detailed explanations by Mme. B. the festival. In this book is re- j Those present at the meeting be- La Mers, International Art Needle­ AN EARLY FARMER counted the devotion of Mordecai, j sides coach and newly elected busi- work Authority. uncile of Queen Esther who accord-. ness manager were Richard Wines, Mme. B. La Mers George L. Hampton of East Fram- ing to the books, saved the Jews f J. Silver, R. Steward, Carl Newman 345 West 58th St., N. Y. C. ingdale was the first farmer in that from massacre by the Persions. Jim Redmond, Charles Guinco, James Eggiman, Pete Eggiman, Paul John­ section to begin spring planing. WANTED— Experienced operators RECEIVES ROX OF ORANGES son, Wolcott Brown, Andy Vola, W. Several days ago be sowed a bushel Walzer, Harold Evans and Earl New­ and learners, apply at the Deal of peas on light soil that had a Frank Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs, man. Waist Co., 508 F Street, Belmar, N. J. southern exposure. Brown of 315 Twelfth avenue sent FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH his parents a box of oranges from Rev. P. R E HANEY Palm Beach. Your Name Will Be Published Sunday Services 11 A. M„ Preching at Tellico Plains, and Englewood, late Rev. Sanford M. Nichols, and USL STORAGE BATTERIES Tennessee. God in Tears.” 8 P. M. Subject In the annual report of the Auditor, showing / spent four years of her childhood They are dry charged; Guaranteed “The King of Kings.” All welcome you as a delinquent tax payer, for either Real Estate, While at Drew he was pastor for in the Belmar parsonage. She is a 15 months from date of purchase. Personal or Poll, unless your taxes are paid. two years at Westmont, New Jersey. graduate of the Pennington Semi­ U. S. SOLID TRUCK TIRES CHICKEN DINNER $1.50 nary and Combs Broad Street Con­ This applies to all unpaid taxes including those After graduating from the Theolog­ Pressed on at once, F. S. Morris, 82 servatory of Music, and previous to Special dinner every Sunday. fot 1920. ical School he returned soutli and South Main Street, Asbury Park, , Daily Plate Luncheon $1.00 I her marriage was instructor of was made pastor of St. Marks j music in Pleasantvil-le High Schools N. J., Phone 2778. NEIL H. MILLER. Collector The Black Cat, Asbury Park, N. J. Church. Chattanooga. In 1910 he : and Pennigton Seminary. THE COAST ADVERTISER, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921

COCKROACHES OWNER DUNN LOOKING EASILY KILLED OLYMPIC STARS BEING PREPARED THIS YOUNG TODAY FOR SOME NEW BLOOD HONE MOTHER Would Add Pep to His Cham­ TOWN pionship Aggregation. Tells Childless Women What BY USING THE GENUINE t1ELP5t> Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Stearns’ Electric Paste Takes Team That Is in the Fight for Compound Did for Her Also S U R E D E A T H to Waterbnps, Ants, Rats TAKING CITY INTO COUNTRY and Mice. These pests are tbe greatest carriers of Ribbon to Make Cash Customers disease and M U S T H E K I L L E D . They destroy both food and property. Enthuse—Natural for Vet­ Millston, Wis. —“ I want to give yon England Putting Into Effect Scheme word of praise for your wonderful Directions in 16 languages in every box. erans to Slow Up. , a Beady for use—two sizes JJ5c and $1.60. Which Seems to Be Along Lines ] medicine. We are U. S. Government buys It. of Common Sense. very fond of children Jim Dunn, owner of the world cham­ land for a .consider­ Advice for Women pion Indians, is looking around. able time after wo In England, instead of developing married I feared I That is, he is in the market for suburban communities, they are trying Who are Run-down some young blood to pep up his cham­ would not have anyV the scheme of taking the city into the iv weak a n d W e a k pionship diamond machine for next owing to country, to the benefit of the city and condition. I bbegan year. Batavia, N. Y.—“I have taken Dr, doing no harm to the country. Every taking Lvdia E. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription when He isn’t going to make the mistake new development in England will be P i n k h a m s Vege- in a terribly that many other owners of title-win- practically a garden city, with plenty i table Compound and now I have a nice run-down and ning combinations have done. of open spaces, recreation grounds, weakened con­ strong healthy baby Just what he wants and whom he golf courses, well-placed factories and dition and have is looking over is still in the rumor Igirl. I can honestly been restored to industrial sections, and healthful resi­ say that I did not suffer much more stage, but Dunn isn’t kidding himself dential quarters. The worker will when my baby was born than I used to absolute health into believing that a good chariot and strength. I have his patch of ground, and the suffer with my periods before I took cannot say doesn’t eventually break down and usual smoke and grim£ of industrial Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ enough in its drop out of the race. pound years ago. I give all the credit to communities will be nonexistent. your medicine and shall always recom­ praise. I a 1 • His two youngsters, Shortstop Sew­ Town-planning schemes, many of ^ays recom* ell and Sidewheeler Mails, answer in mend it very highly.” — Mrs. H. H. them conceived before the new Idea Janssen, Millston, Wisconsin. mend it most a way the question of bolstering up was generally adopted, were naturally How can women who are weak and highly at every opportunity.”— MRS. the veteran side of the line-up. DUnn ALMEDA MURPHY, 14 Lewis Place. much delayed by preoccupation during sickly expect or hope to become mothers Is sweet on those two children of the the years of war with more urgent of healthy children? Their first duty is AH good druggists sell Dr. Pierce’s bushes. matters and since the war by a hous­ to themselves. They should overcome Favorite Prescription in both fluid Remember how Pat Moran stood pat the derangement or debility tha.as reconsidered. o n e b a g o f applies more particularly to a medicine. Move to Michigan and play golf— * • • ter would answer the purpose. Wire the ends together, making it circular A medicinal preparation that has real 16 new clubs are being organized in Ty Cobb says that Howard Ehmke curative value almost sells itself, as like in form. Make a cover fo r it by put­ the state. should bt! one of the very best pitchers an endless, chain system the remedy is * * * ting another piece of the woven wire In baseball. So should Grover Low- recommended by those who have been over an iron hoop. Then weight it Frank Troch of , Wash., dermilk, *>ut he isn’t. benefited, to those who are in need of it. down, or anchor it in some way so A prominent druggist says “ Take for won the Sunny South handicap shoot * * * that the wind will not blow it over or example Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a at Houston, Tex. will try to develop his preparation I have sold for many years * * * it will not be tipped easily. range so he can knock the apple into and never hesitate to recommend, for in Such a rubbish burner makes out­ A total of 161 tennis players are l-Iarlem river by 1923, when they move almost every case it shows excellent re­ door burning.even on wiq.dy days safe ranked, chosen from 6,000 experts into their new park./ sults, as many of my customers testify. and gives one a place in which to put ■No other kidney remedy has so large a throughout this country. : * * * * * * rubbish whenever found. Wet things sale.” With an increase in the waiver price According to sworn statements and can be placed in it and left to dry out An international fencing tourna­ from $2,500 to $4,000 in prospect, the verified testimony of thousands who have in the sun and then burned. used the preparation, the success of Dr. ment between the United States and magnates will be more careful whom England will be held next fall. GENUINE Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is due to the fact, ‘hey let go hereafter. “ Hedgers." so many people claim, that it fulfills al­ * * * * * * most every wish in overcoming kidney, The University of Redlands, Cal., Carl Wellman has quit baseball on Hedgers are folks who never come liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri­ Frank Bowerman, famous old catch­ out into the open. They are timid BullD urham will send a team to the University of account of poor health. There were a nary troubles and neutralizes the urie er of the New York Giants, is strong souls who would like to run some­ TOBACCO relay carnival next fot of hitters who be­ acid which causes rheumatism. for Ty Cobb as new manager of the thing if they weren’t afraid they might You may receive a sample bottle of April. came 111 whenever he pitched. Tigers. make a mistake. Sometimes these dt/ Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address * * « * * * “The appointment of Cobb as man­ dwellers by the side have good ideas, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N . Y., Jim Thorpe may form a partnership The enterprising New York scribes ager,” Bowerman opines, “is the great­ but they are afraid to air them. They and enclose ten cents; also mention this with Roger Bresnahan next fall in the are still trading off the stars. Their If You Are Troubled With Uric Acid, head paper. • Large and medium size bottles est move Mr. Navin ever made. I tear criticism and escape that incen­ aches, sleeplessness, muscular pain, rheuma professional end of the football busi- latest stunt, was to fix it up so Hug­ tism, gout or lost appeiite, and if you wis^ for sale at all drug stores.—Adv. look upon Ty as the star of them all, tive to better effort if they possibly to regain your health, use Dr. B u rm ac’> and he has confidence. I wouldn’t gins would get Baby Doll Jacobson. System Tonic. I have taken treatments fron » * * can. So they continue living in the many of the leading physicians but coui' Love is responsible for a good many give a rap for a ball player who shade of the hedges and never doing never get relief until 1 used Dr. Burmac'1 frosts in summer and a few hot waves G. R. Tompkins, the veteran steeple­ Claude Hendrix, veteran spitball Systefft Tonic, and can highly recommend i doesnt’ think he is the best of any­ anything to bring them into their bes^. to anybody. Mall $1.50 to DR. BURMAC In winter. chase trainer, has 16 horses in his pitcher, who was handed his uncondi­ body in his line. When I was catch­ And because of their peculiar thinking 6439 Glenwood Ave., Dept. I, CHICAGO. stable this year, including four two- tional release by the Cubs on Monday, ing I believed in myself, I thought and habits they are not even harmless. year-olds. proposes to hurl for semi-pro clubs. "C o ld in the H ead” * « * myself to be the best catcher. Ty is * * * Such folks need a fire in the hedge or N U R S E S WANTED I Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. that way, and he has a right to be. something else that will make them be­ Those subject to frequent “colds in the Oxford and Cambridge may send Charley Pick, former Cubs’ and Flower Hospital, 64th st. and av. A, I look for him to deliver the goods.” stir themselves, and do things worthy , ofifeus a two years and ! head” will find that the use of HALL'S teams to the intercollegiate golf cham­ Braves’ infielder, who will manage the three months’ training course covering ! CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the of men and the times. all branches of nursing; requirements System, cleanse the Blood and render pionship tournament at Greenwich, Sacramento club this year, is hot after for entrance, one year of high school them less liable to colds. Repeated at­ Conn., in June. MOSES YELLOWHORSE IS SHY Harry Lunte of the Indians for ShOrt- or its equivalent. For further infor­ tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to * * * mation, address DIRECTRESS OF Chronic Catarrh. BtOp. W ill It Help Trains Make Time? NURSES. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is Harry Hall of Detroit, shattered the * * * A motor-car clock has been invented mmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmammtmmBsti' taken internally and acts through the Pitcher Bought by Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys­ world’s professional ski record with Declares He Is Not Ready for The Cleveland club is willing to which never has to be wound up. It SALESMEN WANTED tem, thus reducing the Inflammation and a jump of 229 feet at the annual tour­ runs from power obtained from the ,to represent us locally in spare time sellin restoring normal conditions. Fast Company. leave Louie Guisto with Oakland, but superior auto accessories to dealers or direc All Druggists. Circulars free. nament at Revel-Stoke, B. C. ts said to have asked that Babe Pinelli batteries used for lighting the *ar- to users. Quick sellers at 50% to 100' * * » profit. Write. , F . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Declaring that he Is not yet readj be turned over to the Indians in pay­ lamps. So little current is required L. I. MOTOR SUPPLY CORPORATION The British amateur golf champion­ ment. to work the clock that it uses in a 551 Nostrand Ave. Brooklyn, N. ' Very Seldom. for fast company and that he wishes ship will be decided at the Royal Liv­ to remain in the minors another year, * * * year less than is required to light a P U R E E X T R A C T E D H O N E Y to 2nd Elder McTavish “Wed, Donald, an’ four-candle-power lamp for an hour. prepaid, 5 lbs. Clover $1.25; Bubkw heat 5 erpool club. Hoylake,- Cheshire, dur­ Pitcher “Big Chief” Moses Yellow- Wild Bill Donovan has signed a new 10 lbs. $2.40 and $1.90; 60 lbs. $11 and i fcoo’s the worrld treating you?” Don­ ing the week of May 23 and the open horse, purchased by the Pittsburgh pitcher named Haberham Durham. 160 lbs. by freight 16c and 12c lb. Supp ald— “Verra seldom, Mr. McTavish.” your friends. N. L. STEVENS, VEM1 tourney w ill be held at St. Andrews Pirates from the Little Rock Travel­ The recruit is right-handed and for­ Quite the Contrary. CENTER, NEW YORK. during the week, June 20. C^W 1//D/A/C Night and Morning. ers, objects to going to Buccaneers merly played with a city league club “I thought you said, dearest, that J I I U H a v e Strong, Healthy « » « this coming spring. In Jacksonville, Fla. your father was difficult of approach.” Two Sensational Broadway Hit * * * “ Didn’t you find him so, dear?” “Ireland Is Calling co You” and “Whf-n / / £?**- If they TSre,Itch, Balk-liae billiard champion, William Yellowhorse, although It was his Return to You,” 25c each. Both 40c. Tv po« Smart or Burn, if Sore, F. Hoppe, owes his success to prac­ first year in professional baseball, With Nick Allen acquired from Cin­ “ No, I didn’t. I hadn’t been talking great one-^teps. Stork Music Publishing C 1547 Broadway, New York. \ 2 .

should be made artistic, sanitary and livable. These walls should be Alabastined in the latest, A up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through thc intelligent use of It appeals to everybody because of tbe Pleasure AFTER and benefit it affords. EVERY Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper MEAL How much better, when you have a new home, to itart right than to have The longest-lasting refresh to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, when you come to the use of Alabastine, as does nearly every one sooner or later. ment possible to obtain. Once your walls are Alabastined you can use any material over it should you desire, but having used Alabastine you will have no desire for any other treatment. Alabastine is so easy to mix and appiy —*■ so lasting in its results — so abso­ Sealed tight—kept lutely sanitary — and so generally recognized as the proper decorative material in a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast enough to supply right in its wax-wrapped the demand. Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and beau­ tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full direc­ impurity-proof package. tions on $ach package. Every package of genuine Alabastine has cross and circle printed in red. MIX IN ONE THE ONLY TOOL MINUTE WITH COLD WATER Better write us for hand-made color de­ NEEDED TO MW signs and special suggestions Give us your decor- UppssS ative problems and let us help you work them out. Alabastine Company J§^f HERE is nothing particularly new both are modeled after the pajama. 1649 Grtndville Ave. Grand Rapids, M ich. In negligees, pajamas or unaer- The slumber suit pictured is of light The Flavor Lasts muslins, except the names by whichpink crepe-de-chine witn vai iac« edg­ ( they are called. Pajamas and theings and small ribbon flowers adding Tlike have become “slumber suits” ; n to its daintiness. It is one among useful and elastic title that will In­ many patterned* after this particular clude several types of night dress. style which appears almost as popu­ Kill That %Cold With “Hidden wear” is also more accurate lar for negligees. In displays' the lat­ than undermuslins, for underclothes ter are often distinctly Chinese in have long since divided their allegi­ flavor, mdde of figured materials in ance between muslin and silk fabrics, bright colors, or in plain colors gayly with demand pointing toward the use embroidered. JUICY FRUIT of crepe-de-chlne in increasing quan­ Fine batiste, in regulation garments CHEWING OIUM ^iiiiiii tities. As women grow fastidious in hand-embroidered and rather sparing­ CASCARA f g QUININE these matters they require more in ly trimmed with good laces, holds its FOR AND quality of fabric, whether of cotton own with its silken rivals, having cer­ or silk, more in quality of workman­ tain qualities of refinement that can­ Colds, Coughs La Grippe ship, and discrimination in the use not be outclassed. Underwear ap­ Neglected Colds are Dangerous KIND-HEARTED LITTLE BOBBY Motors Drive Out Horses. of trimming. pears to have swung away from any­ The rapidity with which automobiles It is a little difficult to tell the dif­ thing but soft sheer fabrics, and there Take no chqfhces. Keep this standard remedy handy for tbe first sneeze. He M eant Well, but He W on't Go are superseding horse-drawn vehicles, ference between negligees and slum­ Is a tendency toward the use of light Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves to the Movies With Mamma has been proved by an experiment at ber suits sometimes, especially when colors in place of white. Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Again for a While. a popular point of the state highway, Quinine In this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic at Burlingame, California, some 16 Laxative—No Opiate in Hill's. Bobby, a four-year-old Columbus miles from and one of boy, is an observing youngster; also, the main arteries leading into the city. Easter Brings Its Brides he is kind-hearted and willing to oblige, Keeping check at a given point from characteristics that were brought 6 a. m. to 8 p. m., it showed that 11 out In a recent incident which was horse-driven vehicles against 19,581 embarrassing to his mother. Bobby’s motor-driven vehicles passed in the 14 mother is young and pretty, and to hours. Last year a much greater num­ enhance her good looks has frequent ber of horse-drawn vehicles Was shown and tats cold easily, are feverish and constipated, have recourse to a powderpuff, with the in a similar experiment. headaches, stomach or bowel trouble. usual remark that she fears her face is shiny. Willing to Support Her. One night this week Bobby sat with Two young' women boarded a crowd­ his mother in a movie, and directly ed street car and were obliged to In front of them sat a bald-headed stand. One of them, to steady herself, man. His head was shiny, and this took hold of what she supposed was attracted Bobby’s attention. her friend’s hand. They had stood “Say, mother,” he said excitedly, thus for some time when, on looking “that man’s head is awful shiny, isn’t down, she discovered that she was It?” His mother’s look of distress evi­ holding a man’s hand. Greatly em­ dently was interpreted by Bobby to barrassed, she exclaimed: “Oh! I’ve mean sympathy for the man with shiny got the wrong hand!” head, for he said, loud enough to be Whereupon the man, with a smile, heard for several rows of seats, “Moth­ stretched forth his other hand, say­ er, couldn’t you lend him your powder- ing; “Here is the other one, madam.” puff?”— Indianapolis News. Keep your eye on small opportuni­ A Secret. ties. They sometimes grow. Harry—“What do you mean by say­ ing I’m a fool?” Larry—“Well, I’m No man knows how foolishly he car sorry— was it a secret?” act until he attends a five-o’clock tea.

Ducks don’t wear tight skirts—but Many a man thinks he is choosing they walk that way, anyway. a wife when the privilege is all hers.

In the golden chain of friendship W e are none o f us above the influ­ Its A ppeal G row s! there is many a missing link. ence of gain.—Aristophanes. Many people start to use

I n s t a n t P o s t u m temporarily in place of coffee or tea for health reasons. But they soon learn to love its rich flavor and its pure, wholesome qualities are so apparent that they adopt P o stu m as their regular meal­ time beverage. *'There's a Reason'' , Sold by grocers You must say “ Bayer” everywhere W arning! Unless you see the nam e “Bayer” on tablets, In stan t ® you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by Made by @ POSTUM1 physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions. Postum Cereal Co., Inc, A BEVERAGE '’’ad# o f dfff«r«nt part* of Accept only an “unbroken package” of “Bayer Tablets of Battle Creek,Mich. •nd a small portion of Molasae* w m w k w m Aspirin,” which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Po*tum Cereal Compiny. Pain, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago. tUrru D»t«K, H k x ,US.A. % ^ * N § T WCIOHT C10HT OUNCE*- _ Handy tan boxes of 12 tablets coat but a few cents—Larger packages, ▲aptrin 1 a the trad® mark of Bayer M anufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicy licacid THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921 ■ . ■.... '.■■■ i ... A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IN TEN EASY LESSONS Children Cry for Fleiclier’s This course is not only being appli­ ed by stenographers all over the country, but by students and pro­ fessional men have found it to be of We announce with pleasure the opening of a new department for the handling of great advantage in attending lectures local and nearby trade, a service inaugurated especially for the convenience of residents taking personal notes, etc. of Monmouth and Ocean counties. New jersey’s greatest growers of hardy trees and plants offer the most complete THIS COURSE line of fine, sturdy nursery stock in a wide range of variety and at prices surprisingly low. is short and inexpensive. One hour Special quantity rates to orchardists, of study each day for a period of The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ten days is all that is required to Visit Our Grounds and Select Your Own. in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of become an expert in taking notes in _y? ^ and has been made under his per- shorthand, and futhermore. it is .STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES - BLACKBERRIES sona* supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. given with a money back guarantee CURRANTS GOOSEBERRIES GRAPES if not fully satisfied. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but r * ASPARAGUS RHUBARB Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ,J| . APPLES PEARS PEACHES Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. PYRAMID PRESS; QUINCES DWARF APPLES CHERRIES PUBLISHERS CRAB APPLES DWARF PEARS PLUMS W hat is CASTORIA 1416 Broadwoy, f i w H W r f r HARDY EVERBLOOMING ROSES CLIMBING ROSES Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, New York City HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES BABY RAMBLER ROSES Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains J 5 m PSS!M e MD& HARDY PERENNIALS neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its Gentlemen:- Enclosed herewith IRIS HARDY LILIES HOLLYHOCKS age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has is $5.00 (in full payment) for PEONIES PHLOX been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, which kindly send me your EVERGREENS HARDY VINES HEDGE PLANTS Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising shorthand course in ten easy HARDY SHRUBS SHADE TREES therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids lessons by mail. It is under­ the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. stood that at the end of five We have in stock for immediate selection and sale all of The Children’s Comfort —The Mother’s Friend. ' the standard varieties of the foregoing fruits, plants, roots and j days, I am not fully satisfled flowers, j my money will be gladly re- ALWAYS i funded. XM/MF w * Save shipping charges. Avoid transportion delavs and GENUINE CASTORIA ' B losses. Free delivery between Atlantic Highlands anl Mana- Bears the Signature of Name 9 squan on all purchases:

Street ■ Consult our landscaping advisors--at your service by ap- | pointment. Complete plans prepared for large and small est- Gity and State 1 . ates without charge, with detailed estimates of cost submitted. -•rw.If you cannot visit the nursery, write for our catalogue. J. T . L O V E T T , Monmouth Nurseries, “ To children an nusrel o.f Twercy,’* Trht*r« directions a re followed* IT NisIYiijR. JTAIL&; Despite scarcity and enormous cost of Box 510 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. The Kind _You Have Always Bought SANTONIN, it contains full dose. Stood •isly yenrs* Sold everywhere or by m ail, 50c a. bottle. Es? r V Vo rbees. ?{. T>.. Phjlp l’loWa

..J. .J--J-.*4* ********* ******* * X ' 9 Specials In White and Colored POLYCHROME WARE SCHOOL PENNANTS DOLLS AND TOYS PLAYING CARDS | Sanitary Insurance For LEATHER GOODS INKS AM> PENS DRESS COTTON BABY RATTLES TALLY CARDS DESK SETS STATIONERY I Your Linen CANDLES PENCILS Scotch Ginghams Voile Applique designs Woven of fine yarns 32 in in beaded effects 40 in. width, at 39c. 27 in 25c wnde. sqecial at 75c yd. and 31c yd, A MODERN Laundry like the Key­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES Woven Tissue’s lighter stone where every garment is Printed Voiles 38 - 40 in than gingham Satine over in many new designs and Cards and Novelties Talking Machines thoroughly Sterilized, is the! safest plaids on pretty checks colors special atl 59 and Piano Rolls Records 32 in wide special 79c yd 69c vd. investment you can obtain for the fam Classical and Popular Music Cretones'for Spring, and ily wash. Summer in all designs and Curtains at 15 and 20c HOME OF THE PATHE PHONOGRAPH colors. 25c vd and up to yd. Lace Curtains ready $25.00 worth of records FREE wilh any Fatfce T T is your insurance policy guaran $ 2 .0 0 . made, all prices. Phonograph. Terms to suit your convenience teeing cleanliness and absolute pro ASflURY PARK tection against disease. COOKS BEE HIVE NEW JERSEY Telephone 832 Anbury Park

534 Cookman Avenue Asbuy Park, N. J*.

% Rough Dry Work ARTHUR COTTRELL I Full Finished Work Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums Are you looking for a fine rug to fill a cer tain space? If so, call and see us. \9*x 12 Axminster Rugs - $45.00 KEYSTONE LAUNDRY 9 x 12 Neehah Fibre Rugs - $25.00 Langford St. Asbury Park, N. J This is a new and wonderful rug for Telephone Asbury Park 1 summer homes Congoleum Special, 75c sq. yd. laid. EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL^ Large assortment of pattrens Printed Linoleum - 75c sq. yd. laid FLOWS Inlaid Linoleum - - $1.50 sq. yd laid These are specials and will only last a few days

Grand Central Palace PAUL C. TAYLOR 9th Ave and F St. March 1 4 -2 0 A veritable Wonderland of a Mil­ B e lm a r, - - N .1. lion Blooms. Alluring: Gardens, Fragrant Bowers and Foliage— all that is most beautiful and charm­ ing in Horticulture. Prize com­ petitions for cut flowers, potted plants, table decorations, etc.— Phillip Titus a member of the Sev­ garden furniture and accessories— enth Grade is again on the sick list. all manner of things floral to beau­ He has an abscess on his tooth. tify the home. During the week Society will rendezvous at the m e isoys Wee Club sang very famous Tea Garden— benefit Bel­ JUNIOR POLICE CAPTAIN nicely in assembly Thursday morn­ levue Hospital Social Service. Harold Brown and Natalie Helbig ing, V both members of the Seventh Grade have been made captains on the Bel- The Girls Scouts held an election mar Junior Police Force. They have of officers Monday, Virginia Rey- been honored in getting this posi- notds was elected president, Harriet tion for such successful work as Who is Director o: the Sportsmen and Auto Show Hamill, vice-president, Junior Police detectives. t k Hausotte, secretary and treasurer. | Reported by F. Laile to be held in he Casino at Asbury Park April 4 to 9 / w m m

AVXjfe \ | /y 3'o\X>33<\CW ^>»G W T3iii I r ^ a £ ® ------' ^ ~ s q w sxr\3? I/"-'*0X05 ‘kv\9\d V 7 ^ \ 3 3 S ^ — ' v x ^ j / xSSa'Sti MX 3^0 V\3i OX JsTSM!N\ OOK d\ ------/ X\ WU-^ \ j vtH\H3X\/r(SSG^\ \ W l»9 3 £ \ vV‘.X VS\ c\0 k OX Q3 S 3 (\n Q W 'o o x SO VNO'Sdi SXOB VAJ-VtSV tfV\ SXA03 X^HX 'aBQVSBY'Q-^ XXTVVu NQOQNNV 3C X?\d vk \Bfvoxs>\ooo >H1~ p d ,U 3 J SJ uoru'-j 'drdsMafj ujajsj^ ^ •X)Jtti.unc S3UPIQ Aq UA'Xl m i 1D131W >**»».»»* *»*»*», eiqaiaperma "a ’K 'iwqJOOA v '3 'IBM ro~ » 'paqsniguiixa si 9jtj » “98 'IPra iq 16 BjsqiAijia j a s p i a A p y j s b o o a q x »? f M ‘JBUJpg 493JJS 3 306 P °S A>XI" *“»» UtJ» POO)8 -SHUOM , aajje uaAjS ‘jno gjij ‘sdci g *Sl p»Aoj^«.»onoj fju(,[,;K.J!p pni’ jaaVaia &%AiF •f *^[ ‘ jjib j X jnqsy *aa oj qsriAi. jqnop on ijta^ no^ , ’SAy UB30Q PUB q)U33JjnO,i— Jf- H 0 S I 1 R a ip3J{dx3 jasiiasApy jsboq * 193JJS a P“ B *3Ay q)U3A3S—gg aqi 0} uot}duosqns jnoA sbh SIS »uoqda[a£ * J33J}S d pa® '8Ay qjxis—p£ . •f -jsj ‘jBuqag ‘jaajjg J 801 H Q P I H . J33J1S 0 PUB 'oAy q ijjj—iz , ■[ •>! ‘juuqag , ssnusAy UB330 Pub q y i j —gz < 3 D IX O N H3 IAH3 S Aaaxxva aaixa ‘pBOJlIB^.puB -SAy H1£X •ajlddng jo sun Hnd , J39JJS V puc -OAy p jjq i—£Z , 0 0 0 0 0 ‘0 0 0 >$- • • • j 3 ao soo.xnosoy •aagjO PUB PIBA 'sSuiuit jna8y ‘NVWM3N H O * 133JJS a pae -3Ay q}U3£—81 , 00’000‘009$ * ' &n{djas pue {BiiduQ » 133JIS d pire -3Ay inqSj3— /[ , 9nia PUB 9dJJ JaAi»s *J91sb(j SJB^ pUB{J9AQ PUB JH0UI33 ‘3UIJ7 ‘paaj P«B ‘Xbjj Aasjar a\3\ i]3B3(] XajpEjj) * saxoa rniviv h h m i SNOS V NVWAV3N ‘JA. /fjnqsv 7.LL\ :auoqdaiax *xdss£[ ‘u ospn jj S3o|4 *v saiUBf pooAY Pu« l«®3 T ’N'HVW iaa iinNaAVHXNIN TOL ^QCOSOOOQOSCOOOOOCCOOQOeC^ aa;uB-HH{) uo.ij is b o 'f ’H ‘JBuqag -aAy qjuaAag 1 •itrwjag H H M I Y H ’ m poqiaj^ « nBSiran^ IS •( (I ‘1BIUI88 IS J £1011 ftaaAH •» -ji pu«-9AV q in ‘aiJBO P®« PJ®A •3J3ijm3S|3 Anq noX aiojaq saoud •iCjiluunb puB b pxsog n* A1.5|»®a laaqg—s3[3uiiis X3a •g.moq jo ajdnoo v ui ajonb sn puB jjrKrts s2jb^ jno jsao ijooq JB ui jn d uiam oabi( )n o S}ij3 i[ •Bpaaj ijJtnoj X^iTBnb au? noA aAiS ihasl o pu« XJJB(i ‘sbjoh vu ijn j bjuoSb ejog J8A8 joj paqsuiBg (jsoNiHsiMHQdasnoH Pne aaaxiM Hrw oiBjino asoi|) qjlAi ^qquqg bjjoo^j •s3uiui| ang pnv »d;d 0 3 1 V d A M O X | » A M ‘iH K t i ‘Baaj'amu aAV«J)l ‘XbII —ui ^auoni noA joj pjnoqs noi mijba aif) \ fisnoqj s o n a a e a aiHj533 3JB tioX paijsrpes sAbjajb noA aJV ' •jaTjBraaoqs JLS39 3ll* j n o \ O ) o S Suixij paau saoqs oo aaarem * ivoo aaxaaxs aaw sixvs aa jnoX uaq^ uopop jaqu inq puB IB 0 3 xsaa -»°} n°A •I *k * » w j » I •r ' « ’ H v w ig a (* «n * js u •a •otf«so) ^ m m flOA N3KM T 'N ‘JBuqag »aaJJg d 806 — 699 ’IaX 3 TiqnJ jfJBJON SUI3UBA3A003 SpaaQ JO J3 U0 I8SIIUUI0 3 ti0 0 OSQO0 QG6 CgQO%>0 a jO 6 £ » !^ •3av qiui*v,' ioi f*08S ouoq^ •f I 2 Q auoqg •igBpads 3 u!In«H aauBjsig Suoi puB [boot; laafqna aqj no noijBnuojn] aiqaiqBA noA aAiS ubd * Xiqnod passajp qsOJj vsjjoj ^aausjnsui pooS qjiM pajaajojd XiiadOJd Ajjadoad jqoA bj v ‘auioq b ajnaas oj noA djaq nna a^y puB \v z \ ‘quiBT 0 •doad V alJnH M. ’O t *n ‘n x v h Attnasv 03 S31VS 010V 0NV1M0H ^auioq hmo jno A umo )ou >j o o l u s ^ uouBqong iojaudoia ‘gnavzvi ’a NVwaaH ss9jd x3 stao|iiQ iqM •Alimsj «,ano Ijai »Aa A3*3 ai jsag aqj si gnOH OOOO V ass jo 3 }U ^ 110A Ajddns hbo s S u ijB s a j i v j sssuisnq aijx sf.iBjJ Kanqsy } « -<>D Jaquin-i svmv S^DflHX s v t l v ^ 0 > fw lB I 4 I B J ^ U 0 3 spouig ig uouBqsng aq) )iiq] T M ‘^ V W ia a 3HNJ3AV I^XNIN 80£ jaSaoj jon or jubai ui uaq4\\ t n Hvwiaa * n m a M 66f -PX *f ‘M UBuqag »i ZQL sxvxsa ivaa s a o v o x a o w aD NvansN i iiviajiywlNiDiina T ’N ‘JBui[aa jaaijs j f 00I onuany qjgx 1 1 0 aauspisaM MQOA Ana h o a o a aaaHAi S3J!X JBSipOO*) JOJ UOIJBJy 33IAJ3g U3AIQ A||nj3JB3 SajBUIP'S'l oi papuauv Andiaojd 3u;qqof. sariddns oxnv sii0xv>i0D3a pub s «a j\ .N d ePu! f n« jo AXlVI03dS V DNIDN>H»3i SSB|3 JSJJJ W£8f 13X joj sjaiJBnbseaii T ‘N *JBinpg 133-ilSd90lI 1 ■f *n ‘-*B aip a a ^ o s n B j j *j j uos ^ Jf ‘uapug i|UBJj a a a n n a uid'jsAg Ajddng ja^BAV ailBuinauj •9AV q u i JB8U & c iN ix v a K q m v O N ia w m d jauSisa^ pue JO^Ajng 0S9 0«oqd f 'N •■‘BUIIaa 33JJ8 M °39 f- 6IS auoqdapx T ‘M ‘JBuqag a®«JO tsod <>1 ixau d 6 16 j saoxDvjixNor) ncvDiax^aia P J B A V O J S 3 S O f jaain S iig n A ! 3 savmo ^ gaNizvovw ( ojjbhs ‘H 'wAi “ » JossasDng) J0SS33D ng ‘3 3 l.lg ‘O ' J usqoousqoQ T9Tg ssAbh

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k m 301S3MV1 a 0S9 auoqdaiax ^«aiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


OLD-TIME COLD CUEE^l* 1 DRINK HOT TEA! [ S. G. E L Y It Pays To Advertise In This Paper Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a WATCHMAKER sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the Work Guaranteed and will receive pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking Prompt Attention TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL up a cold. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe 704 F Street Belmar, N. J. and harmless. SALE OF ELECTRIC VACUUM AND

iBOoooooQCiosoaoooogooosooeocooccoxoooasosooeoooceoo'j Phone 819-J P. O. Box 1232 MOTOR-DRIVEN BRUSH CARPET Let me estimate your next job, no matter how large STIFF ACHING JOINTS or small. Bub Soreness from joints and muscles Expert Storage Battery Service. Inspection and Distilled W ater Free. with a small trial bottle of old AGENT FOR GOULD BATTERY SWEEPERS. St. Jacobs Oil Stop “ dosing” Rheumatism. E. E. NEWMAN, JR. It's pain only; not one case in, fifty requires intern,'! treatment. Rub sooth­ Electrical Contractor and Service Station ing, penetrating “ St. Jacobs Oil” right on the “ tender spot,” and by the time 1004 F STREET BELMAR, N. J. you say Jack Robinson— out comes the §pwqce c e o e o o ogo o o o o o c o e e o o DBCoe>eooaoo e c g

Thor $27.40 $35.00 The Latest Invention in ’Gas ^Lighting— Liberty $33.00 $45.00

THE THRIFT LIGHT Ohio $45.00 $50.00 Price 35 Cents

Made to replace open tip gas burners, giving more and better light at one-third Royal $50.00 $56.00 the cost. Utilizes same glasswhere as open tip burners or can be used without glassware. ' , These machines represent excellent values at the price asked

and carry the manufacturer’s guarantee. i

On Exhibition at our Salesroom No extra charge for time payments. But a discount will be

allowed for cash. Coast Gas Company A small payment down enables you to begin using a*Vacuum 707 Ninth Avenue Belmar, N. J. Cleaner right away. The balance may be paid in convenient

monthly portions.

Local Agents for Nemo Corsets Send your order in at once before the sale closcs. J. LEWIS & SON Conover’s Variety Store 6th Ave. & F St. Belmar, N. J. Next to Bank ’Phone 789 Belmar Breyer’s Ice Cream always the btst ASPIRIN $ Special Prices on Cream for Entertainments Nam e "Bayer” on Genuine Full line of Stationery and Toys Schraft’s Candies. Atlantic Coast Electric Light Co. Phone 2000 726 Cookman Ave. Have Your Job Printing Done at the Advertiser Office FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J.

Fifth Grade ... Roll of l^onot... Charles Allen, John Guinco, Legal Notice C IIE RIFF'S SALE—By vitue of a Clarence Jacobson, Harry Shar- Hutchinson's Art Shop writ of fi. fa., to me directed, kowitz, John Wurtz, Peter Per­ In the Belmar Public School the issued out of the Monmouth Common Exclusive Agency for following pupils were neither tardy kins, Bertha Hausotte, Sylvia Pleas Court of the County of Mon­ Klitzman, Amelia Isola, Helen mouth. of the State of New Jersey MINERVA YA.(NS nor absent for the month of Febru­ will be exposed to sale at public !! SMASH !! Murphy, Pearl Newman, Sarah D. M.C: COTTON ary. vendue, on Rouse, Margaret Vernon. TUESDAY, the 29th 'dav of Sub-Primary Honor Roll , MARCH. 1921. ' ALSATIAN EMBROIDERY between the hours of 1 2 o’clock and G oes the price of Dorothy Fisher, Grace Smith, Dorothy Weinstein, Peter Per­ 5 o’clock (at three o'clock), in the Stamping Orders taken for Em­ Katie Silverman, Junior Heibig, broidery and Hand-Knitted kins, Sylvia, Klitzman, Pearl j afternoon of said day, at the Real Sweater. Harry Becker, Herman Rosen­ Newman, Clarence Jacobson. j Estate Office of William C. Burro- baum. | ughs. No. 723 Mattison Avenue, in I C E C R E A M 806 F. St. BELMAR, N. J. Teacher, Anna Wycoff i the City of Asbury Park, County of Telephone 519*W Teacher, Anna Valentine Sixth Grade j Monmouth. New Jersey, to satisfy j a decree of said Court amounting First Grade James Bluford, Fred Bayers, | to approximately $2,293.00. Wesley Hausotte, Russell Kenny All the defendants* right, title and Fred Bible, James Catalano, Clarence Kasdan, Eugene New­ interest in and to the following; 60c quart loose Evelyn Bennett, Ruth Blum, All those lots, tracts or parcels man, Clement Large, Muriel Ben­ Frances Galilucio, Alla llaber- of land and premises, hereinafter » nett, Edith Bloodgood, Rose Klitz particularly described, situate, lying S. D R E S D E N stick, Janis Nunamacher, Aman man, Evelyn Lang, Natlie Mar- and being in the borough of Avon- 70c quart brick Ladies’ and Gents’ da Tomlinson, Tessie Trebino, kus, Alice Mount, Alice Murphy, i by-the Sea. in the County of Mon- Rebecca Traub, Beatrice Maltz- jmoirth and State of New Jersey, be- Sarah Potter, Viola Trasbarg, ! inging known and designated on the man. Mande Dresden map of lots of Avon-by-the-Sea, Our new manufacturing plant is now TAILOR Teacher, M. Trafford Teacher, Marie Kelley Iformerly Key East,) made by E. G. , Harrison & Son, January 15, 1883, open and we are ready to fill all orders Serond Grade Seventh Grade j as lots numbered 228 and 229. which for ICE CREAM in any flavor you may 925 F STREET, , said lots taken together are bound­ Abraham Becker, Fred Casa- Harold Brown, Clifton Frazee, ed and described as follows:— wish. Special prices to Churches, and BELMAR, N. J. grande, Americo Galluccio, Sam­ Achille Galluccio, Theodore Beginning at a point in the south­ uel Potter, Harry Vodnick, Wal­ Hawkins, Chilson Miller, Frank erly line of Woodland Avenue, dis- Lodges. jtant one hundered feet easterly ter Watson, Alfred Winzell, Mat­ Van Horn, William Vernon, Next to Post Office Arcularius, Doris Brown I from the southeasterly corner ,, of _ . £ ilda Cohen, Ethel Hetzel, Kath­ j-Woodland Avenue and Second iSft- leen White, Sadie Rosenbaum, Charlotte, Hausotte, Nora Jacob­ nue as shown on aforesaid m ap ; Ruth VoWells, Anna Klitzmann. son, May Smith, Lorenzina Vola. thence ruir’ nc; (I) eastely along Honor Roll the southerly line of Woodland Wm. A. WENZEL Teacher, Lucile G. Longstreet Herbert Michelson, William Ver- ’Avenue one hundered fer>t; thence | (2 ) extending southerly from this Third Grade on, Charlotte Hausotte. point to the first point mentioned cream Shore Company has opened up with a full line of Teacher, Jennie Miller ; at right angles with said Woodland Albert Bi*own, Alexander Estelle Avenue b&tween parallell lines on# Karl Heibig, Alfred Manutti, Eighth Grade hundred forty feet to an alley-way. BABY CARRIAGES Samuel Morris, Harry Naylor Gertrude Bulman, Hilla Morris, Being bounded on the north by [Woodland Avenue; on the east by David Weinstein, Sam Catalano, Kenneth Fielder, Harry Hen­ i lot No. 230 as shown on said map; 8 0 7 F S t r e e t —a n d— i Harry Maltzman, Mildred Bear­ drickson, Richard, Hurley, ! on the south by said alley-way and ion the west by lpt No. 227 as shown more, Ceilia Bunin, Anna Estelle Archie Irving, Albert Isola, TOYS Olga ’ Heyniger Pauline Pater­ James Newman, Arthur Poole, on said map. The above described property is noster, Emma Potter, Ida Rosen­ Frank Vernoy. I known as No. 125-127-129 and 131 B e l m a r , N . J . at his new store. > baum, Muriel Taber, Etalo Vola. Teacher, Mrs. Frances S. Lyman Woodland" Avenue, Avon, N. J. All those certain lots, tracts, or Teacher, Harriet Biers PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN parcels of land and premises, here­ 705 to 7o7 10th Avenue Fourth Grade inafter particularly described, sit­ uate, lying and being in the Town Cktrance Brace, Italo Gallucio, ship of Ocean, in the County of Norman McChesney, Frances Monmouth and State of New Jersey, Wisseman, Jacob Traub, Helen at Wanamassa, being known and Burglary Insurance inspires a feel- designated as lots Nos. 47, '53, 54 Repairing of Carriages also done Fisher, Rose Guinco, Ellen Hur­ and 108 as shown on a Map of ley, Sara Hyer, Frances Vola, Wanamassa and Y. M. C. A. Camp ingof confidence and security, whether Emily Traub. Monmouth County, New Jersey, made by W. H. DeNyse, Civil Engi­ you are away or at home. W e are pre­ Honor Roll neer. March 5, 1892. and filed in the Clerk's Office of said County June Joseph Clear, Philip Taylor, CASTORIA ,6,' 1892. and more particularly de- pared to write it for you at very rea­ Estelle Newman, Grace Clear, 1 scribed as follows: For Infants and Children Helen Fisher, Katherine Hoff­ Lot. No. 47 is described as fol­ sonable rates. In Use For Over 30 Years man, Sara Hyer. lows:—Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Unami Avenue dis­ Always bears Teacher, Dorothy D. Pearce tant one hundred fifty feet northerly the from the northeasterly corner of HONCE & DuBOIS Signature o( Fourth and Fifth Grades Unami Avenue and Sunset Avenue; Louis Ferruggiaro, Roger Finley thence northerly along the easterly BELMAR, N. J. Roland Herbert, William Long line of Unami Avenue fifty feet; thence easterly along the southerly- Subscribe to The Coast Advertiser Franklin Lyman, George Naylor, line of lot 48 one hundred Charles Tomlinson, George Ver­ f e e t ; , thence southerly noy, Raymond Warner, May parallel with Unami Avenue fifty' feet; thence westerly again at right Caples, Catherine Coll, Mary angles to Unami Avenue one hun­ GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Coll, Althea Frazee, Marjorie dred feet to the place of beginning. Glover, Edythe Haberstick, Nomi Lot No. 53 is described as follows— 1 8 7 1 ASBURY PARK 1 9 2 1 Hyer, Lolo Howland, Alma Mat­ Beginning at a point in the easterly This is the Bird who Writes the line of Unami Avenue distant one thews, Evelyn Davenport. Stuff you see in Editors’ waste paper hundred feet southerly from tbe Another Stupendous Event Featuring Community Sales Campaign Honor Roll baskets. He slings a Nasty Pen and southeasterly corner of Unami Ave. scribbles Mean Unsigned Letters about and North Wanamassa Drive; Franklin Lyman, William Long, Folks for tho Paper, but they never thenfce easterly and parallel with AUTOMOBILE SPORTSMEN'S SHOW Iola Howland. see print. His name Is “Anonymous,” North Wanamassa Drive one hun­ ' that isn't what the Editor calls dred feet to the northwesterly cor­ Teacher, M. H. Young ner of lot No. 58 as shown on said Boardwalk Casino - 6 Days - April 4 to 9 Map; thence southerly and parallel with Unami Avenue fifty fedt to Auspices Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce the northeasterly corner of lot No. 52 as shown on said Map; thence The most elaborate display of au- westerly along the northerly line DIRECTORY mobiles, accessories, sporting goods DIRECTORY of said lot No. 52 and at right an­ and sport clothes ever seen in Mon­ THE BEST OF ALL gles with Unami Avenue one hun­ Automobiles, . mouth and Ocean Counties will be Laundry v dred feet to the easterly line of Brown, T. C. exhibited at this event. Another Keystone Laundry Unami Avenue; thence northerly Advertising Agents great stride in support of Asbury Lumber Dealers along the easterly line of Unami Kroh & Cassel Park’s commercial supremacy. Six Avenue fifty feet to the point or days of ducational, money saving Lewis Lumber Co. place of beginning. Banks interest. Six nights of entertain­ Meals PIES Coleman House Lot. No. 54 is described as fol­ A. P. & O. G. Bank ment. lows:—Beginning at the southeast Merchants National Bank Marlborough Hotel corner of North Wanamassa Drive Seacoast Trust Company Fireworks Dancing Concerts Men’s Ciothlng, Furnishing and Unami Avenue; thence souther­ Baths Cahn, Joseph If there is one thing above another that we ly along the easterly line of Unami A total of 32 makes of motor cars Goldstein, S. & Son Avenue one hundred feet: thence Natatorium w ill be exhibited on the main floor, Luke, E. R. & M. F. love BEST, it’s PIE. Knowing so many are fond easterly parallel with North Wana­ which is given over entirely to the Seamon, Phil. Bread & Cake assembled car department. Accessor­ massa Drive fifty feet; thence Clayton’s Sneider. Charles of PIE, we make it our work to make the best northerly again parallel with Unami ies, sporting goods, sport clothes w ill Reitz, Fred be displayed on the second floor. Millinery PIES that can be made--and use only the best of Avenue one hundred feet to the Kay’s southerly line of North Wanamassa Collecting Service Restaurant and Ice Cream parlors in the building. Lissner’s flour, fruit, pumpkin and material of all kind tha t Drive; therice westerly along the Creditors National Clearing southerly line of North Wanamassa Patterson’s augumented Orchestra Painting & Decorating House, Inc. A. F. K. Room will furnish the music, for the en­ goes into the pie’ You hare a choice of eight Drive fifty feet to the point or place 201 A. P. Trust Co. Bldg. Metz & Stewart Company tire exhibition. Dancing every night Pastry & Meals kinds of all-all good-but the choice is yours. of beginning. Department Stores Lot No. 108 is described as fol­ Wonderful $1,000 display of fire­ Cake Shop lows:—Beginning at a point in the Le Maistre’s works to open the show on the night Pawn Brokers Steinbach Company of April 4. Souvenir night April 5. westerly line of Gawen Avenue Asbury Park Pawn Broker distant two hundred feet northerly Drugs & Sodas Special entertainment everywhere in from the northwest corner of the city during the show week. Real Estate & Insurance ■> Gawen Avenue and Sunset Avenue j Colonial Pharmacy A show which w ill Vival tha Farley, W. H. & L. J. Appleby, T. F. Company thence; (1 ) westerly at right an­ spectacular exhibition of the As­ Calvert & Shubert REITZ BAKERY Grammer, Charles R. bury Park Merchants a few weeks gles to Gawen Avenue one hundred j Electric Service & Supplies Pittenger. George W. feet; thence (2 ) southerly parallel ago. A w’onderful opportunity to Ross Agency. Milan with Gawen Avenue fifty feet; Atlantic Coast Electric Co. see the latest inventions, styles and Shoes 807 1- 2 F S t. Belmar, N. J. thence ( 3 ) easterly at right angles Crowell & Hendrickson products for every field of sports. Electric Service Company Best Shoe Company to Gawen Avenue one hundred feet Eisele, A. A. & Son to the westerly line of Gawen Ave­ Van Dyke Electric Company Keep the Dates in Mind nue; thence (4) northerly along the Furniture Speedometers westerly line of Gawen Avenue fifty Banker, Harry See The Show Naedele Bros. feet to the point or place of begin­ Gates. Herbert Don’t overlook the wonder­ Sport Goods ning. Schmerler, L. Seized as the property of Charles | Furrier , ful advantages of Seger, John H. THEODORE H. BENNETT H. White and Frederick W. Bim- j Goldberg, Jacob Theat>res bier, taken in execution at the suit: Garages, Auto Repair Shops Main St. Theatr# of Asbury Park Trust Company, j Easter Shopping In Rialto Funeral Director and Expert Licensed Embafmer body corporate, and to be sold by I Adams & Culver Savoy WALTER H. GRAVATT. Sheriff I Tates Auto Repair St. James Embalming to any part of the world Guarant&ed at DURAND. IVINS & CARTON. Attor.j Weeden, Doris I. all times and seasons. Parlor for Services, Morgue Asbury Park Trucks Dated February 28, 1921. $48.72 j Hardware Story. ,T. IT. where bodies can be kept. Baker, H.. W. The city’s stores are stocked with Coyte, J. & Son beautiful displays of the finest sea­ Women’s Apparel, L ady A s s is ta n t’s Auto Service sonable merchandise. Complete Catarrh Can Be Cured Snyder & Robins Cloaks. Suits T elephone Office: 710 9th Ave. Harness & Leather Goods lines are offered by the city’s pro­ 677 Belmar Residence: 1201 B St. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Abram’s Emmons Harness Co. gressive merchants at prices which any Hour, Day or Night Belmar, N. J. influenced by constitutional condi­ are made possible only through the Rerger’s tions. It therefore requires constitu­ Ice Cream Parlors united efforts of these co-operating Frank’s tional treatment. HALL’S CATARRH , Boston Candy Co. business men. Combined effort in Fashion Shop MEDICINE is taken internally and j Insurance Lender, The buying and selling makes possible Women’s Shop acts thrbugh the Blood on the Mucous I Hayes, S. W. great money-saving to the people of PRESCRIPTION Surfaces of the System. HALL’S Jewelry Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Women’s and Children’s Frank E. Moyer, CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the j Goldberg. H. BUY IN ASBURY PARK Wear, Hosiery, Underwear DRUGGIST foundation of the disease, gives the 1 Hyman. Harry ’ AMUSEMENTS ALWAYS Barnett, Ben t m" jmes Corner F Street and 9th Avenue patient strength by improving the gen­ Marshall, H. S. Tenth Week of Community Sales Lingere Shop eral health and assists nature in doing Moyer, George E. Golden Opportunities Widman’5 Shop THE REXALL STORE Belm ar, N J. its work. — — O— mI ■■ l l » » a A11 druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921 ''game. The employer's mind is in a THE QUITTER THE COAST ADVERTISERi state of constant effort to meet his Wl i BY ! problems. You’re sick of the game? Well, now, LOUIS BARR The good employe takes up his that’s a shame! Owner and Publisher own particular function for inten­ You’re young and you’re brave and AMERICAN WORKERS OF Publication O/fice and Plant sive study, determined to meet the you’re bright. 704 Ninth Avenue, Belmar, N. J. You’ve had a raw deal ? I know/but Belmar Wet Wash | problems with which his employer NEAR EAST RELIEF ’Phone 580-M don’t squeal. _ i is confronted in regard to that por- Entered as second- class matter ! tion Gf h(s work, Buck up, do your darndest, and ! February 25, 1908, at the post office fight. Cables Reveal Appalling Ar­ at Belmar, N. J., under the Act of If a store clerk is responsible for | It’s the plugging away that w ill win menian Need— Hundreds of Congress of March 3, 1879. j the sale of a certain line, he tries | you the day, Laundry I to learn just what competition bis Thousands Starving. Subscription Rate, I So don’t be a piker, old pard! (Strictly in Advance) (employer has to meet in that line. Just draw on your grit; it’s so easy j By CHARLES V. VICKREY One Y e a r ...... $1.50! He familiarizes himself perfectly to quit; 4 cents General Secretary, Near East Relief NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Single Copy with those goods, studies the strong It’s keeping your chin up that’s | Approximately 500 Advertising Rates on Application i talkin3 points of the line, suggests hard. American men and 1 changes, if he can prove that such women are stand­ It’s easy to cry that you’re beaten— j ing loyally and he­ All communications, advertise- be advantageous, and die; roically at their Have your family washing done ments, or other matter to be guaran- j T , . . ■ ... teed proper insertion, MUST be ihort ht handles that line \v It's easy to crawlsh and crawl; . | posts in Armenia, by the Wet Wash System, which Turkey and t h e handed in not later than noon on such skill and intelligence, that his But to fight ai)d to fight when hope's ! Near East. Many Wednesday of each week.______employer can stop worrying about is the most economical way. Our out of sight, of them during the All notices of entertainments by that end of his business. The boss Why that’s the best game of them j long winter of iso­ minimum charge will be 20 lbs. lation are undergo­ knows ,h.t ,h, d«p,rtee„. u all! ing what we in for 80c and 4c for each additional tions of organizations in cases of cared for efficiently that he does not And tho* you come out of each gruel-! Aniel iea call “ hard­ ling bout, ship.” But these, pound. AM broken, and beaten, and scar- C harles V. V ickreyu,ur fellow citizens of general news will be charged for employe has shouldered part of his red, in the Near Kast, To be convinced, just drop a postal each in ^ tio n . ^ 6 Cei“ S ^ ^ employer's problem, and in so doing are volunteers serving with a high Just have one mor, try— it’s dead card or Legal Notices—The Coast Adver- he has created the basis upon which purpose, and they do not recognize easy to die, hardship when they meet it. :2s. 'a *»jf&s,3 K a? ■>— »»' — • «* — - It’s keeping on living that’s hard. They have had their opportunity to ..legal notices. Some advertisements& follow. • withdraw with honor from the field of famine and desolation. They have re­ Phone Belmar 538-M ' K “ eoY 1 tVic Russian people have collapsed.” not only through the winter and that concern, and to the community —— spring, but through the summer and • autumn as well. If we do not provide, . 0 0 S u n d a y where it is located. FARMERS LOSE WAR- ®ftlE PROFITS This is the Artist’s Idea of the Aw- ‘he-v perish! And with them dies the Out of the money that a suit of clo-1 ful Little Gel who parks her Chewing hope of a New Near East. ROUND TRIP thes represents, assume two thirds j Gum on Tables ’n Windows ’n Chairs ! The Easter season is here—the sea- W a r T a x 8 p c ad ’l Excursion The department of Agriculture est- ’n Doors ’n Beds ’n Trees ’n Autom o-] son that commemorates the Great Sac- may be sent away to the manufact- i ablislied by a recent annual investi- biles ’n Ev’rywheres. Remember, I.i’l j rifice for mankind. America is known urer to pay^ his cost of production gation tllat the average price per Gel, a Perfect Ladv does not Throw i as a Christian nation. She is also the and profit. The rest is retained by hefU^ all ageSf Qf cattle other than her Used Chewing Gum under Folks’ ! wealthiest nation that history has ever Shoes. She swallers It ! |*known. the dealer .who sells it to pay milk cows was $3g.92 in 1917, J&I.20 | Can we really enjoy our wealth and Philadelphia for his help, his rent, his taxes, a ll, in 1919 and $31.41 in 1921. On Jan- j claim the name of Christian if we turn a deaf ear to the appeal which General the minor costs of his business, and|Iary 1 st last year t' ; e f^ m p n c e Sunday, March 20 Leonard Wood, in behalf of the Near was $4 51 below that of 1917 and 19Z0 his own personal profit. , gg per cent Qf fhe gain 10 17 and East Relief, has sent forth broadcast EXUCRSION TRAIN DRINK HOT WATER for a I.enten Sacrifice Offering to save Leaves Belmar - - ( . 8.01 A. M. Therefore, when you buy a su itjjgj^ an(j two.fhirds of the decline these little children In Bible Lands? costing $40.00, $27.00 of it may be L a s in 1920. BEFORE BREAKFAST Stopping at Como, Spring Lake, Sea Girt, and Manasquan Returning, leaves Philadelphia 6.26 P. M. sent off to some manufacturer, while Sale of tickets begins March 18th FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD perhaps as much as $13.00 will be re­ Says you really feel clean, sweet ASK AID FOR THE The right is reserved lo limit the sale ot tickets, tor this excursion, to the capacity or PROFITS equipment available gained in the place where the dealer and fresh inside, and is located for all his costs. That The Senate has refused to adopt a are seldom ill. SUFFERING ARMENIANS $13.00 helps build up the town where proposal of Senator Sterling author­ Pennsylvania that store is conducted. izing the use by th e Federal Reserve If you are accustomed to wake up Distinguished Names on Lenten If you spend that money in your Board of its profits of $10,000,000 for with a coated tongue, foul breath or System a dull, dizzy headache; or, if your Sacrifice Appeal. home city, that $13.00 helps build the purchase of Federal farm loan meals sour and turn into gas and up your own community to pay its bonds, to help farmers. acids, you have a real surprise await­ ing you. Major Genera! Leonard Wood, U. S. taxes, the wages of working people To-morrow morning, immediately Army, is -head of a nation-wide com­ WOMEN HOSTESSES IN ARMY and other charges and thus to help upon arising, drink a glass of hot mittee making an appeal for a lenten water with a teaspoonful ot limestone sacrifice offering for the relief of the phosphate in it. This is intended to on~ the business of the place. . If A questionairre recently sent to starving Christian populations of the arst neutralize and then wash out of Near East, In behalf of the Near East J . N. B E a RMORE H. a. CLAYTON you are in any way interested in Commanding Generals in the Army your stomach, liver, kidneys and Relief, 1 Madison avenue, New York your home, town, you thus get a asked: “Does the presence of women (hirty feet of intestings all the indi­ gestible waste, poisijns, sour bile- and City. THE SHEET METAL SHOP secondary advantage for your mon­ as hostesses in Army Camps contri­ toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and Among those who join General Wood ey. But if you send off to some other bute to the military efficiency of the purifying the entire alimentary canal. In asking support of the work of the SPRING LAKE, N. J. Army?” The answers have bee in­ Those subject to sick headaches, Near East Relief are: Andrew W. Mel­ place, and you get no offsetting ad­ backache, bilious attacks, constipation lon, of Pittsburgh, secretary of the For the Convenience of Belmpr people and through variably, yes. or any form of stomach trouble, are vantage. treasury ; ex-President William H. Taft; the courtesy of Mr. Alfred Armes, 602 P Street, orders urged to get a quarter pound of lime­ Frank A. Munsey; W. W. Atterbury of Do the people of Belmar who stone phosphate from the drug store for all kinds of Sheet Metal Work and Slate Roofing JAPAN AND ARAMENTS and begin enjoying this morning in- the Pennsylvania Railroad; Presi­ throw away this secondary advan-i may be left with him. slde-bath. It is said that men and dent John Grier Hibben, of Prince­ « tage of thqir dollars, realize that | Th(j state Department announces women who try this become enthu­ ton University; Dr. Alexis Car­ Residence Phone, 630-m Belmar. Office, 42-J Spring Lake siastic and keep it up daily. It is a rel, of the Rockefeller Institute; Mrs. they might use them so as to get a | that a resoMion introcluced indepen- splendid health measure for It is more Carrie Champman Catt, the suffrage important to keep clean and pure on leader; Mrs. Corinne Roosevelt Robin­ double value for their money, by dently of party lines before the Diet the inside than on the outside, because son, sister of the late President Roose­ spending it p home a n d helping of Japan proposing that j apan should the skin pores do not absorb impuri­ ties into the blood, causing disease, velt ; Newcomb Carlton, president of build up their own community. enter into conversations with Great while the bowel pores do. the Western Union Telegraph Com­ The principle of bathing inside is pany ; John C. Shaffer, owner of the I Britain and the United States look- YOUR PROBLEM OR HIS PROBLEM not new, as "millions of people practice Chicago Post and other newspapers; ing toward limitation of naval ara- it. Just as hot water and soap cleanse, Dr. Henry van Dyke; Miss H. F. purify and freshen the skin, so hot H. Rled; Miss Elizabeth Marbury; NOW IS THE TIME Anyone who is ambitious for j metns, and should also adjust its j water and a teaspoonful of limestone Samuel Gompers and Warren S. Stone, business success, spends many hours j standing army strength on the basis j labor leaders; John G. Milburn and in studying the problem of his own of the Government of the Laague of j phate is an inexpensive .white powder Moorfield Storey, of the American Bar Association; Mary Garden; David To list your house with us for advancement. Sometimes it seems Nations, was defeated Belasco; Mrs. Medill McCormick; as if he would do better to think a Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, president of Rent furnished for 1921 Sum­ the General Federation of Women’s little less about his own personal Clubs; Mrs. George Maynard Minor, mer Season. The sooner we problem, and a little more about the head of the D. A. R .; Miss Anna A. Gordon, head of the W. C. T. U.; Mrs. problems that bother his employer. Percy V. Pennybacker, o f the League know your terms the better we A person may be able to hold his of Women Voters; Mrs. Philip North can serve you in the matter of job just by grubbing along in a rou­ Moore, president o f the National Coun­ cil o f W om en ; Miss A lice Stone Black- tine way, performing his tasks just well ; Mrs. George Horace Lorimer, of securing a tenant or a buyer the same as thew were done last Philadelphia ; Mrs. M ary Roberts Rine­ hart, the well known novelist; Rupert year. But very few people secure for your property. Hughes and Emerson Hough, authors; promotion in any such way. Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah; Gover­ ( nor John M. Parker, of Louisiana ; Dr. The employe in any business Frank M. McMurry, of Teachers’ Col­ should realize that almost any kind lege, New York City; William C. J. N. GARRABRANDT Agency of human service can be improved Bobbs, of Indianapolis; *J. Thomson Willing, the artist; Mrs. Cleveland H. Formerly Garrabrandt & Conover by study and effort. He should Dodge ; Mrs. Henry Morgenthau ; Mrs. also realize that business is a hard Edwin M. Bulkley; Bishop-elect Wil­ Real Estate and Insurance competetive struggle, and that every liam T. Jfanning, of New York; Mrs. Stanley White; Mrs. William Nash business man has to keep on his toes Read, of Montgomery, Ala.; Arthur BELMAR, N. J. to make good and even keep in the Brisbane; John S. Drum San Francis­ co; John McFarland, Labor leader. /

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR. N . J. Religious Section CONFER ON GUARD ENCAMPMENT DATE St. Rose’s Cathelie Church St. Rose’s Catholic—Seventh ave­ j Trenton, March 16—Governor Ed­ nue and E street. Rev. W illiam J. wards and Adjutant General Gilky- McConnel^ LL. D , pastor., Masses: son conferred yesterday on a tena- Sundays at 8.00 and 10.00 a. m. Week tive date for the summer encamp­ days at 7.30 a. m. F irst F riday s 6 ment of the New Jersey National and 7.30 a. m. Benediction Sun­ i Guard. Pending approval of this days 3.00 p. m. Confessions, Satur­ date by the commander of the east­ days from 4 to 5.30 and 7.30 to ern department at Governor’s Island 8.30 p. m. no details were made public. The encampment will probably be held FifSt Baptist Church at Sea Girt, as in past years, but it First Baptist churcn, Ninth avenue was said that some of the troops between C and D streets, Rev. P. T. may be ordered to a federal can­ M orris, D.D., pastor. Morning wor- tonment. \ ship begins at 11 o’clock, Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. and evening ser­ New Jersey is in the second corps vice a t 8 o’clock. Young people’s area, which comprises the sates of m eeting each Friday evening at nighi Newr York, New Jersey and Dela­ olclock. ware, but each state in any particu­ lar corps area w ill train its troops Avon First Baptist Church independently of any other state in First Baptist—Rev. S. J. A rthur, the same group. mini!>ter-in-charge. Sunday services 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., with Bible school at 11:45 a m. The mid-week prayer service is held on Wednes­ day at 7.30 p. m. T he public w ill find a hearty welcome.

Twelfth Avenue Bapt]st C h u r ch Put this question to the telephone man working Pastor, Henry Francis Adams, M. A. aloft on a cable buggy or down below in a man­ Morning Service 10:45 Evening 7 :30. The pastor w ill preach in the hole, and he would answer: “ Splicing telephone Says an inside bath, before break­ morning on “ Right though of Christ fast helps us look and feet w ir e s . ’ ’ the only hope for World Reconstruc­ tion.” In the evening he will preach clean, sweet, fresh. on “The wonderful and Wonder­ H e is only one of thousands of telephone men working John Three Sixteen” Sparkling and vivacious—merry, who are working to enlarge the telephone system Sunday School 2.30. Lesson “The bright, alert—a good, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion in Northern New Jersey. Cross” . are assured only by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be Mt. Olive Baptist Church induced to adopt the morning inside They are building new tracks for talk trains— bath, what a gratifying change would Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Seven­ take place. Instead of the thousands of putting up poles; laying new conduit; pulling teenth avenue and F street. Bev. sickly, anaemic-looking men, women J. J Davis. pastor.Morning worship and girls, with pasty or muddy cable into place; splicing thousands of wires when complexions; instead of the multi­ 'begins at 11 o’clock; Sunday school tudes of “nerve wrecks,” “rundowns,” lengths of cable m eet; pushing to completion a at 12:15. Evening service at 8 “brain fags” and pessimists we o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednes­ should see a virile, optimistic throng task that requires much tim e and care. of rosv-cheeked people everywhere. day evening at 8 o’clock. Strangers An inside bath is had by drinking will find a hearty welcome. each morning, before breakfast, a Splicing cable is only one of their jobs, but it Siasis of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in it well illustrates the character of the work. Each First Presbyterian CTiurch to wash from the stomach, liver, kid­ First Presbyterian church, Rev, neys ten yards of bowels the pre­ wire in one cable m ust be joined to the correspond­ Charles Everett. D. D., pastor. vious day's indigestible waste, sour Morning service at Sunday ■eruicnlaiions and poisons, thus ing wire in the other cable and each completed 10:45 ole: ’isine. swcet-’Tiiti,, and freshening sshool at 2:30 p. m., Evening service :li« . mi ire ail'M-nuiry canal before splice m ust be tested f r o m the central office to in­ at 7:30. f.ut-.r- to-■ : iui;> r.hf stomach. «t» i.o sic1-: headache, bil- sure a clear track for talk trains. tou:.!ieas, ’(••••.:!•: H. rheumatism, PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN and p.‘; t w.Sary ;hose who have a . «iU:l. sa.M !.v .-oiityievion and who are <-onsii;;aie E M A .R , , XT . J". AN ORDINANCE Providing for the acquisition of certain Lands in I DRINK HOT TEA the Borough of Belmar. FOR A BAD COLD Be it Ordained by the Council of the Borough of Belmar 1. That the Borough of Belmar acquire by purchase for the pur­ Get a small package of Hamburg pose, of a public park, all that tract of land situated, lying and being in Ireast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a the Borough of Belmar roughly bounded and described as follows; (1) • ablespoonf ul o f the tea, put a cup of on the east by F street, (2) on the south by Thirteenth Avenue, ,(3) on .oiling water upon it, pour through a the west by the right of way of the New York & Long Branch Railroad ieve and drink a teacup full at any Company, and (4) on the north by Twelfth Avenue. Let Your Business Grow t ime during the day or before retiring, 2. That the Borough of Belmar for said lands and premises the sum it is the most effective way to break a of Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), and issue bonds for that pur­ with a growing bank, by having your Checking cold and cure grip, as it opens the pose as provided by law. :>ores o f the skin, relievin g congestion. Also loosens the bowels, tlius driving a 3. This ordinance shall take effect when passed and pubb'shed ac­ account with the First National Bank which told from the system. cording to law. j Try it the next time you suffer from Passed:- 15 March 1921 takes an earnest interest in your welfare—affords a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive Approved:- 15 March 1921 and entirely vegetable, therefore safe Attest:- |7' \ Wm. B, BAMFORD you unexcelled facilities and service. and harmless. FRED V. THOMPSON Mayor Borough Clerk______!

*!*v * I* * ,-* !* *1* *1* *[■ *1* .[ * %« v *1* *1**1* *1* *1**1* *4**1* *1**1* *1**1* * I" I* ^1**1* *1* *1*'I 14 * Our Motto: SERVICE 4 ! Bub Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest | NAYLOR & GORDON f St Jacobs Oil When your back ia sore and lame or | VANS and EXPRESS J lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a % BAGGAGE, FREIGHT, FURNITURE, PIANOS * 35 cent bottle of old, honest “ St. Jacobs Oil” at any drug store, pour a little 4 * PADDED DUST PROOF MOTOR VANS 4* in your hand and rub it right into £ FOR LONG DISTANCE MOVING ^ the pain or ache, and by tlie time you THA T JOB PRINTING TOD A Y count fifty, the soreness aiul lameness J * Agents: Offlcest § - And give us the time to take pains with the work is gone., , New York Transfer Co. Baggage Office, R. R. Depot ^ Don’t stay crippled! This soothing, 4. D odds E x p ress R es. 511 8th Ave., Belmar, N, J 4. b a penetrating oil needs to be used only Soeseosee!%os660oofiesooso^eGOQS!»G9saKoaBogcmmm:«eosoogem»K!QeoQcosiM once. I t takes the ache and pain right •S* 706 NINTH AVENUE 4 * out of your back and ends tlip misery. f P h o n e 362 It is magical, yet absolutely hanrj.'.-s f * and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing ei-e «.>ps iumbifejo. s-_ .-. .. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE COAST ADVERTISER r


WAS BUSY MAN IN HOSPITALS JOSEPH A. YORK, well-known T H E W O O D S Commander of Wyoming Department business man of , Me., THE GIRL ON THE JOB I i Spent Many Months in Kansas and who says he feels twenty years H ow to Succeed— How to Get Ahead Connecticut Institutions. By DOUGLAS MALLOCH younger and has gained sixteen How to Make Good «»«! uu Although he was forty-nine years pounds on four bottles of Tanlao. By JESSIE ROBERTS WHEN THE GEESE COME NORTH. old at the start of the World war. Declares he oan now eat three Dr. M. A. Newell square meals > day. H E IR faint “honk-honk” an- of Sheridan, Wyo., CLERICAL WORK for women customers they hold jobs nounces them, commander of the as paying tellers and adjustors. The The geese when they come flying (Copy for This Department Supplied by Wyoming depart­ the American T>eerion News Service.)___ URING the war women went into work is agreeable to women who have n orth ; ment of the Amer­ railroad work in large numbers, a sound training in book-keeping, the TAbove the far horizon’s hem • ican Legion, en­ and took over Jobs that were unsuitedassociations are pleasant, and there From out the' south they issue forth. POPULAR WITH ‘ DOUGH’ BOYS tered the service to them, because the need was therewill be more opportunities for advance­ and spent many Dto be filled. Since peace has come ment as the strangeness of having They weave their figures in the sky, Adjutant of Montana Department Good busy months in they have left these positions. But women work in banks wears off. In They write their names upon its Fighter for Rights of the Ex- Kansas and Con­ many women are still working for the many banks with a large woman dome, Service Men. necticut hospitals. railroads in clerical positions and they clientele a woman is employed to ad­ Aud. o’er and o’er, we hear them cry Dr. Newell was are liked for the work. The salaries vise these clients in regard to invest­ Their cry of gladness and of home. Ben W. Barnett of Helena, Mont., born in Saratoga ments. This is a position of trust and adjutant of the Montana department county, N. Y „ and are good, and the treatment of the Now lakes shall loose their icy hold . importance. of the American received his early women is said to be excellent. Where Upon the banks, and crocus bloom; One high official of a large bank that Legion, is popular education in the these are required the railroads have T he sun shall warm the river’s cold employs many women in various posi­ with ex-service public schools and in Saratoga acad­ provided rest and lunch rooms, and And pierce the winter’s armored tions said that he found them effi­ men because he emy. He was graduated from the there are matrons whose business it is gloom. to see that the women are comfortably cient, trustworthy and capable. possesses the rare college of physicians and surgeons, situated and cared for. ' “I don’t know whether we shall ever The vines upon the oaken tree ability of enter­ medical department, Columbia univer­ In the banks, too, women are going have many women as presidents of Shall shake their wavy tresses taining veterans sity, in 1890, when he moved to Wyom­ more and more into clerical work. banks, but I don’t see why we forth, as well as fighting ing. They are working as cashiers and as­ shouldn’t,” he remarked. “After all, The grass shall wake, the rill go free—■. for their rights. Dr. Newell has served on the staffs sistant cashiers, and in .the branches it’s up to the women.” For, see! The geese are flying north ! M any form er of a number of governors of his state (Copyright.) (Copyright.) soldiers who were and was at one time assistant surgeon stationed at Camp general of Wyoming. He entered the Dodge, la., remem­ service in August, 1918, and served SCHOOL DAYS ber Mr. Barnett at the M. O. T. C., F ort R iley, Kan., for his vaudeville and at U. S. General hospital, No. 16, "i am now able to eat tlnee square Som ething to acts at various recreational huts and at New Haven, Conn. He was one of meals a day for the first time In two hundreds of Montana veterans praise the organizers of the Donald Garbutt years,” wan the emphatic statement Think About him for his efforts in obtaining work post of Sheridan and ■ was elected de­ made recently by Joseph A. York, for them and justice for disabled ex- partment commander in August, 1919. well-known business man and highly By F. A. W A L K E R service men. respected citizen of Portland, Maine. “I am now sixty-nine years of age, At the age of eleven, Mr. Barnett IN DEFENSE OF THE FARMERS organized the Abraham Lincoln club and in all my life I have never rutt HA11D-WORKING BIO USE at the Hull House in Chicago and ever across a medicine that 1 consider in a Statement That Agriculturists Turn since he has been an organizer in class with Tanlac. I have just fin­ N A SOMEWHAT aimless after-din­ Backs on ex-Service Men Is At­ ished my fourth bottle and this medi­ business and in the affairs of the Le­ tacked by Writers. ner walk the other evening I was gion. His versatility is indicated by cine has benefited me even beyond my attracted to a crowd which had gath­ the fact that he has been a vaudeville greatest hopes. Besides gaining six­ A statement that the farmers of this ered in front of the window of a deal­ artist as well as a successful dealer teen pounds in weight, I have been country gained considerably as a re­ Ier in house pets. built up and strengthened until I feet In hides and furs. sult of the World war and now turn As the crowd next to the window Mr. Barnett was at first rejected by all of twenty years younger. their backs on ex-service men has satisfied its curiosity and moved on the army because of a bad foot, but “For the past two years I have been been challenged by numerous writers. I gradually came to see that fifteen or finally was accepted for a few pionths in a miserably run-down condition, The following is a good statement twenty human beings of which I was of service in an American training and was compelled a short time ago of the farmers’ case, as one corre­ about to become one, had been watch­ camp. He has served as state adju to give up all idea of business as I spondent outlines it: ing the activities of a small white tant since the organization of the Le­ was too weak to look after anything. “Sixty years of my life had rolled mouse which was the temporary resi­ gion’s Montana department. 1 wTas nervous, worn-out, had no appe­ away when this country entered the dent of a new and shiny cage. tite, and suffered most all the time war. I had four boys and they cer­ At the top of the cage was a sort of with indigestion. Some days I would SEEKS OWNER OF WAR MEDAL tainly all wore breeches, but hone of nest attached to the wires and filled eat scarcely anything; in fact I was them claimed exemption. Three of with bits of cotton. Below in the floor afraid to eat because, I knew I would Opera Singer Redeems Emblem Found them enlisted shortly after war was of the cage was a feeding box- and in suffer afterward. Sometimes I hart in Window of New York declared. The youngest was a boy of such severe crampipg pains after eat­ front of that a flat tin disk, some six Pawn Shop. eighteen. Myself, one of the boys, , inches in diameter, so tilted upon a ing that I would almost die. My and my sixteen-year-old daughter * pivot axle that if you placed any nerves were all unstrung and the least The sight of a Victory medal In the were left to conduct a farm of more weight upon any part of it that part thing would worry me and I never window of a New York pawn shop than 300 acres, and we had to work which bore the weight would immedi­ could get a good night’s sound sleep. moved Lui;ien Muratore, opera singer from 16 to 18 hours every day. If we ately turn so that it would be the low­ In fact I just lost interest in every­ and French soldier during the World hired any help we had to pay muni­ est part of the disk. In other words, thing and was greatly discouraged war, to redeem the decoration in hope tion plant wages for an eight-hour day, over my condition. if a living object attempted to climb and if \^e had any surplus cash, the that it will find its way to its owner. “The ordinary treatment failed to up the disk It would turn as fast as Y. M. C. A., the Red Cross, Jewish “While strolling with my secretary,” do me any good, and as I had read so the object ascended and the object it- Welfare Board, Salvation Army and M. Muratore wrote, “I chanced to look many statements from people I know Kelf would always be traveling uphill other m eritorious w ar agencies ab- curiously in a window where many odd here in Portland who had been bene­ and getting nowhere. sotbed it. I know that other farmers articles were displayed. Among them fited by Tanlac, I decided to give it a * * * * in this section were in the same condi­ was this medal. Having served with trial. And now I know for myself The white mouse pursued a program efforts which would end by leaving tion. I also know that the states the French army in the great war, I what it w ill do, fo r I have simply- about after this plan: He would test them right where they started. which have paid their ex-soldiers * * * * THE ROMANCE OF WORDS was naturally Interested to know how taken a new lease on life. I ai\i now for a few minutes in his nest. Then bonuses to date are almost exclusive­ this medal should come to such a place. able to look after my work as usual, he would climb down the side of the The mouse demonstrated a good les­ ly agricultural.” “MARMALADE.” * My friends informed me that probably and never felt better in my life. I air» <*age to the food box, nibble for a min­ son. H e ta.ught those who watched the veteran had been forced by cir­ able to eat three hearty meals a day ute and then running around to the him—if they thought at all about the T WAS early in the Fifteenth cumstances to part with it for a small WHY SCRUGGS WAS HONORED and everything a’grees with me per­ front of the floor of the cage he would thing they were looking at— that every .century that French epicures sum. It is certain that I should be fectly. I eat anything want and jump down upon the disk and as he nmn. and woman ought every little 1 began to take notice of a new greatly distressed to be forced to give Texas ex-Doughboy Is Made State Ad­ never feel a touch of Indigestion, f did so the disk would begin to revolve. while^take a look around and see if and particularly delicious sweet­ up insignia of reward with which jutant Because He Attended Every never thought there was a medicine they are going ahead, if they are ad­ The faster he ran, in his attempt to Imeat that was beginning to come France has honored me. With this Legion Convention. that could do me so much good, and I vancing, if they are adding something, climb, the faster the disk would re­ over the border from Spain. It feeling, I sent my secretary to recover am only too glad to have the facts however little, to what life and its ef­ volve, with the mouse always at the appeared to be a kind of thick this medal for me in the hope that I Because Charles W. Scruggs of Dal­ about my case given to the public." forts should accumulate in wealth, ex­ bottom. jam, well flavored and with a should be able to return it to the gal­ las, Tex., attended every state and na­ Tanlac is sold by leading druggists perience and wisdom. For three or four minutes at a time body which gave it distinctly lant soldier who won It.”- tional convention everywhere.— Adv. The merchant who never takes ac­ the mouse would run as fast as he more of a taste than the rather The medal bears clasps for St. Mi- of the American count of stock, who keeps no books, could. A human being running as flat preserves which were in hiel, Meuse-Argonne and a defensive Legion, he was Saving Up. who has no way of checking jhis busi­ fast as that mouse, in proportion to vogue at that time. Inquiring sector. It will be returned to its owner rewarded with the Friend— “Is your husband saving utv ness, is pretty much at sea as to his size and weight, would have gone into the source of this delicacy, if properly identified. strenuous job of for a rainy day?” Wife— “He's a per­ whether he is a success or a failure, ten or twelve miles at a marvelous the Parisians found that it came adjutant of the fect Noah! He’s saving up' for the whether he is making money or losing. rate of speed. from Portugal, where the na­ Texas department. flood.” The man who goes through life FIRST TO SIGN APPLICATION After his period of running the tives had discovered the knack Mr. Scruggs en­ without checking up his efficiency, mouse would suddenly stop, the disk of treating quinces in such a listed as a pri­ taking account of his accomplishments Little Minnesota Lady Puts Her Nama CREAM FOR CATARRH ■would cease to revolve, he would go to manner that they made a paste vate in the Thirty- or balancing his efforts against his ac­ on Dotted Line for Auxiliary OPENS UP NOSTRILS the feed box, nibble for a minute and or preserve of exceptional qual­ sixth divisio n cumulation cannot have any very de­ C harter. then climb to his nest for a short rest,' ity and appetizing flavor. Be­ early in the war, pendable idea of what his efforts are Tells How to Get Quick Relief from only to repeat the whole performance cause of the fact that the Portu­ and served with amounting to. The Women’s Auxiliary of the Amer­ Head-Colds. It’s Splendid! over again. guese word for quince is “mar- that unit in Am er­ There are too many of us who, like ican Legion is open to wives, daugh­ The mouse during the time that he melo,” the name “marmalade” ica and France. the mouse, let our livfes consist of ters and sisters of In one minute your clogged nostrils was applied to thia preserve He was discharged as a sergeant at was running appeared to be putting working, eating and sleeping, without Legionnaires as which, upon being introduced Camp Bowie, Tex., March 1, 1919. Mr. will open, the air passages of your forth every physical effort of which knowing definitely what we are ac­ well as mothers into England, became extremely Scruggs attendee^ the U niversity of head will clear and you can breathe he was possessed. He was doing complishing. and wives. Hence popular. Texas and then taught school two freely. No more hawking, snuffling, everything that he could so fa r as If the mouse had the intelligence to it was entirely During the Nineteenth cen­ years. At the outbreak of the war he blowing, headache, dryness. No strug­ running was concerned. BUT HE know that his great effort in running proper for Pearl tury the English became very was a reporter on a Texas newspaper. gling for breath at night; your cold WAS GETTING NOWHERE. on the tin disk really amounted to Iva Hoskins, six- proficient in the making of or­ or catarrh will be gone. He landed right where he began at nothing in results he would devote year-old daughter ange marmalade, and practically Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream the bottom of the disk. himself to something more worthwhile. of a prominent Convicts In Olive Drab Uniforms. captured the world trade in this Balm from your druggist now. Apply He had burned out his mouse Perhaps if we made an honest esti­ Legion member in A protest against the wearing of commodity until American ge­ a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, energy, exhausted his mouse condition mate of what we are doing and wh^t Fergus Fa 11s, the olive drab United States service nius added a new tang and healing cream in your nostrils. It pen­ and the result was NOTHING. the results are we would stop being Minn., to have uniform by prisoners of the Monroe flavor at an even lower price. etrates through every air passage of I wondered as I stood there now foolish and turn to something more the distinction of State Reformatory at Monroe, Wash., The fact that oranges were al­ the head, soothes the inflamed or many of the men and women who had productive and more to our credit. being the first has been made by Thomas N. Swale, most universally used for the swollen mucous membrane and relief stopped to watch him had learned any The thing for us to do is to make an signer on an ap­ commander of the Washington de­ manufacture of this product ob­ comes instantly. lesson from that caged mouse and his honest estimate of what we are doing plication fo r an partment of the American Legion, who scured the original derivation of It’s just fine. Don’t stay stuffed-up fruitless endeavors. and what it truly amounts to and auxiliary charter. with a committee of Legionnaires vis­ the word, and today marmalade with a cold or nasty catarrh.—Relief I wondered how many of them were guide our future endeavors accord­ Pearl says she ited that institution. Representatives running around on a disk, striving, is generally understood to mean comes so quickly.— Adv. ingly. likes her Auxil­ of the bureau of War Risk Insurance struggling, exhausting themselves with a thick jam made from oranges, (Copyright.) iary, but that it is a hard word to and the federal board for Vocational Yes, Why? while, as a matter of fact, it Education joined with the Legion pronounce. “I shall tell mother you have kissed should be applied only to that members in the protest to the state and beat again, stir into the hot mix­ m e!” which is made from quinces. officials. Shortage of funds and the ture, add the dry cooked rice and Delays Cashing Certificates. “Why incite jealousy?” Even “orange marmalade” is a low cost of the uniforms were re­ one teaspoonful of vanilla. When Minnesota members of the Ameri­ misnomer, as a literal transla­ sponsible for their adoption as the cold garnish with whipped cream and can Legion, are attacking the red tape A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., tion of the term would be “ or- official prison garb, according to state spoonfuls of jam or jelly. and delay by the government fn cash­ Brooklyn, N. Y., asking for a sample will ange-quince preserve.” officials. It is believed that the prison repay you.—Adv. Spring in her winning smiles that bless, ing its certificates issued to disabled Wreathed in garlands that dews caress, (Copyright.) officials will adopt some other uni­ Apricot Whip. veterans to pay their expenses while Trips in her lightsome eagerness form for the convicts. When you fuss about the weather Press through a sieve enough apri­ -O- Before the merry throng. traveling to public health and voca­ it’s a sign you’re getting old.. —Sophia E. Heil. cots to fill a cup; add one-half cupful tional training centers. Because of the S tates O. K. Five-Fold Plan of sugar and the juice of half a THE CHEERFUL CHERUB difficulty in cashing the paper, the ex- The darkest hour is joy for the man SOME NICE DESSERTS. lemon; mix well. Fold in the whites service men are now forced to accept The state legislatures of North Da­ who manufactures flash lamps. of four eggs, beat until light and turn a discount of ten per cent. Authoriza­ kota, Oregon and Minnesota have I.L desserts are not suitable for into a buttered and sugar-sprinkled Tke vetltky dont tion by legislation of federal reserve adopted resolutions urging that con­ children, but simple custards, WOMEN! USE “ DIAMOND DYES” baking dish. Bake, placed in a pan banks and post offices to pay cash on gress pass the Fordney bill, which em­ j;e.urine jellies or a not too rich ice close to life; of hot water until the pudding is firm presentation of the certificates is the bodies the five-fold compensation plan Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, cream are all good. To common Folks tkey of the American Legion. The action A in the center. Serve hot with cream. remedy suggested by A. H. Vernon, Coats, Stockings, Draperies— Legion department commander, in let­ of the North Dakota legislators is es­ Vanilla Rice Pudding. c&jst r^eu'. Everything. Foamy Cream Sauce. ters to F. W. Galbraith, Jr., National pecially noteworthy in that their state Blanch one-half cupful of rice, add Soften a scant half-teaspoonful of It's veil m y commander, and to the federal board has already awarded each veteran a two cupfuls of water and cn«-half Each package of “Diamond Dyes” gelatine in two tablespoonfuls of wa­ for Vocational Education. It is be­ flat bonus of $25 a month of service, te.kspoontul o f salt and let cook un­ ^dorvt increase.- - contains easy directions for dyeing any ter and dissolve over hot water; add lieved that the Legion will adopt the the largest state bonus to be granted. til the rice is tender. Scald one and article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or one cupful of cream from thc top of Id lose m y symp^ky. suggestion and back legislation to that one-half cupfuls o f milk in a double mixed goods. Beware! Poor dye the milk bottle, two tablespoonfuls of end. Legion Athletes in Training. boiler: si!r into the hot milk one-half I Fe^r. streaks', spots, fades, and ruins mate­ sugar and one teaspoonful of vanilla; American Legion athletes keep in teaspoonful of salt, three tablespoon­ rial by giving it a "dyed-look.” Buy mix thoroughly and when cold beat Waiting, Fondly Waiting. training in many parts of the world fuls o f cornstarch and one-half cup- “Diamond Dyes” only. Druggist has until frothy. O.— Sloppy weather, ain’t It? I ’m f;:l of cold milk, all well mixed to­ by competing in all branches of sports. Color Card.— Adv. wearing my army slicker. Got your’s The polo team of Kauai Post No. 2, other. Cook until thick, cover and yet? Department of Hawaii, has been the ten m’nufes. Beat the yolks of A burglar, unlike a-horse owner, is D.— No, not yet.— American Legion victor in contests with number of ^ add oue-hulf cupful of sugar (Copyright, 1921. W. N. U.) a willing to take another man's dust. W ocklr. regular army tearasi. / THE COAST ADVERTISER, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921

Stop That Backache! Wounded Veterans on Inauguration Day

Mike Grady Does Sensational Work in Helping to Check Chicago’s Crime Wave.


Mike Graiy Has Broken Up Murder After any exposure y caR. Gangs and Arrested Single-Handed rely on Father John’s Medicine Many Murderers—Is Modest to build up the strength with About Ais Exploits. which to fight off colds and throat troubles. Chicago. — Mike Grady, Chicago’s It is pure, wholesome nourish­ sensational "boy detective,” has scored ment, free from alcohol or another victory. The youthful sleuth, dangerous drugs. Remember Father John’s Medicine is a whose daring exploits have brought \\'ounded ex-service men were given preferential seats at the inauguration of President Harding. him a small fortune in rewards for the doctor’s prescription with more capture of criminals, is being show­ than 65 years success. Safe for ered with congratulations for his lat­ CARL HOOP, PREACHER all the family. est detective work. He is being herald­ Four Generations of Daughertys ed as a real Sherlock Holmes. But Grady, who is only thirty-two years old, and who has broken up murder gangs, arrested single-handed many murderers and who has helped to baseline" check the wave of crime in Chicago No Alcohol or Dangerous Drugs more than any other individual mem­ ber of the police department, is again Positive. “on the trail,” and is too modest to “Would you love me as mach if fa­ speak of his exploits. ther lost his money?” Grady’s Latest Exploit. “But he hasn’t lost it, has he?” “ No.” The “boy detective’s” latest exploit “Of course I would, you silly boy”.— was the capture of Eddie Morris. Birmingham Age-Herald. Three young, giggling Chicago girls, accompanied by three men, one of whom was Morris, went to a dance RUB RHEUMATIC PAIN hall. One of the girls laughed at Mor­ FROM ACHING JOINTS ris. This angered him. “I’ll show you how to laugh at me,” Rub Pain right out with small trial he said, and drew a revolver. The bottle of old “St. Jacobs Oil.” girls screamed and the proprietor called the police. Patrolman John MuU Stop "dosing” Rheumatism. len answered the call. Mullen hurried It’s pain only; not one case in fifty in the door and looked around for requires internal treatment. Hub trouble. He didn’t have a chance for soothing, penetrating “St. Jacobs Oil” his life. A revolver was pressed right on the “ tender spot,” and by the against his back, fired, and two quarts time yt>u say Jack Robinson—out of blood, which a brother patrolman comes the rheumatic pain and distress. gave him in a transfusion operation, “St. Jacob’s Oil” is a harmless rheu­ couldn’t save him. It was the most matism liniment which never disap­ Ladies Let Cuticura brutal murder Chicago had known ia points and doesn’t burn the skin. It years. Carl J. H oop’s ambition, when he takes pain, soreness and stiffness from Keep Your Skin Worked as Waiter. was young, was to be a preacher. aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and Grady was put on the case. The Now that he has reached years of dis­ Fresh and Young neuralgia. cretion—eleven of them—he hasn’t “boy detective” didn’t say that ‘200 po­ Limber up! Get a small trial bottle Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. licemen had been chasing Morris for changed his mind. Carl isn’t ordained of old-time, honest “St. Jacobs Oil” a week. Several times the fugitive yet—he’s a little weak on Latin, from any drug store, and in a moment, was sighted and running gun fights en­ Greek, Hebrew, vulgar and refined you’ll be free from pains, aches and sued. Grady joined in the man hunt. fractions, and spelling for that, but stiffness. Don’t suffer 1 Rub rheuma­ As Ons Raised For three days he worked as a waiter his 30-minute sermons have put his tism away.— Adv. and learned that the fugitive was a home town of Roscoe, Ohio, on the taxicab fiend. He became qne-, too. Mrs. Jane A. Daugherty, mother of Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty, map. Sure Sign. For days Grady was just a jump be- with her son, M. S. Daugherty, her grandson, H. Ellis Daugherty, and her If a man can operate a cash reg­ From Dead great-granddaughter, Janet, daughter of H. Ellis Daugherty, photographed ister with sore fingers and never feel at the Daugherty home in Washington C. H., Ohio. Mrs. Daugherty was left MAY MARRY THE WIDOW the pain he is the proprietor of the STOMACH PAINS GONE a widow when the new attorney general was four years old. place.—Toledo Blade. Eatonic Made Him Well “After suffering ten long months Important to M others Examine carefully every bottle ot with stomach pains,, I have taken CASTORIA, that famous old remedy Eatonic and am now without any pain Reindeer Steak for Uncle Sam for infants and children, and see that it whatever. Am as one raised from the iead,” writes A. Percifield. Thousands of stomach sufferers re­ Signature port wonderful relief. Their trouble In Use fo t O ver 30 Years. is ' too much acidity and gas which Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria Eatonic quickly takes up and carries out, restoring the stomach to a healthy, active condition. Always car­ Impossible. ry a few Eatonics, take one after eat­ “Does your husband give you all the ing, food will digest well—you will money you ask for?” feel fine. Big box costs only a trifle “ Oh, no, he’s not rich enough.” with your druggist’s guarantee. Health is the fashion. Take Garfield How It Worxed Out. Tea, the herb laxative which purities tka “I sent Josh to college,” said Farm bi^od and brings good health.—Adv. er Corntossel, “so that he’d have the The holdup man is in the impera­ advantage of a better education than tive mood when he requests you to I had.” “ stand and deliver.” “How did it work out?” “Josh overdoes ljis gratitude. He’s noxsie’8 Croup Remedy for croup and conges­ all the time showin’ off his intellec­ tive colds, prevents pneumonia. 50c. All drug­ tual superiority so as to make me feel gists. Kells Co., Newburgh, N. Y., Mfrs.— Adv. that I got my money’s worth.” The world stands aside for the man who knows whither he is going. Garfield Tea stimulates the liver, cor­ rects constipation, cleanses the system and rids the blood of impurities. A ll drug­ gists.—Adv. Tonic and Blood Purifier Buffalo, N. Y.—“All of Dr. Pierce's New Source of Paper. According to a report from London, medicines that I have taken have from a mixture of sugar cane ref­ m m W M Mrs. Muriel MacSwiney, widow of proved most sat­ use and bamboo fiber a Trinidad Captured Eddie Morris. Terence MacSwiney, lord mayor of isfactory. I have taken the ‘Golden plan,tor has succeeded in making a pa­ Cork, will be married soon to Art hind Morris. Finally at dawn he cor­ Medical Discov­ per equal in quality to the best wood Reindeer steak may soon be popular in the United States. Vilhjalmur O'Brien, secretary of the Irish Self- nered him in a cornfield on the out­ ery’ as a tonic pulp product. Stefansson, (right), world-famous explorer, and Carl J. Lomen of Alaska met Determination league. f and blood purifier skirts of the city and captured him. in Washington to assist the government in promoting the use of rein­ and consider it For this piece of work Grady w;as A torpid liver prevents proper food as­ deer. Mr. Stefansson is interested in moving 5,000 of the animals from Lap- the best I have similation. Tone up your liver with Wright’s given Chief Fitzmorris’ personal check Indian Vegetable Pills. They act gently.:— laud to Baffin Land to prepare them for the world market. EX-SENATOR WOUNDED ever used. Adv. for $250. Grady only smiled. He al­ ready had collected eight or ten re­ Popularity Is more likely to be due wards, approximating $1 1 ,000. to what a man doesn’t say than to But the rounding up of Eddie Mor­ what he does. First Indian Flyer Gets License ris is only one of the famous cases "I have taken Grady has solved. He captured, single- Dr. Pierce’s Pleas­ handed, 11 bandits caught holding up ant Pellets for a store. Grady got the tip the gang constipation also was feoing to pull the job, and he was for sluggish and inactive liver; they drive out the im­ there waiting for them. He got three purities and cleanse the system as no of the bandits^ at the time, and ran other medicine does and in a very down the other eight in 48 hours. mild way, never causing distress. The “boy detective” broke up the These medicines of Dr. Pierce’s can notorious Capalanza and Cardinella be relied upon. They will do all that is claimed for them.”— MRS. GEO. murder bands, several members of n nr jn , rf**\ No Intermediate W. JAMAN, 202 Locust St which were hanged. ^ 1 I f 1 'W Profit From AnyM druggist -> can w ? supply Timber you. to You. Find Gauze in Old Wound. SOLD DIRECT. Write, ITS TOASTED Fredericton, N. B.—Harry A. Larlee, a World war veteran, failed to recover G. ELIAS & BsiO., INC. his strength after he had been operat­ BUFFAI O, N. Y. ed upon at Portland, Ore., a year ago for appendicitis, so he entered the Sol­ Kfef— PARKER’S diers’ Civil Re-establishment hospital HAIR BALSAM here. A few days ago surgeons again r ^ ^ 7-s« B*moyeanananjff-KtopsHairFalu',,!Restores. Color and No cigarette has operated and discovered 34 inches of w to Gray and Faded Haix 60e. and $1.00at Dra^gists. the same delicious surgical gauze in his abdomen. He i 3 H ts c n x Chem. W k s. P a tc h o g u e .N . T . died. flavor as Lucky HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal­ louses, etc., stops ell pain, ensures comfort to t!i» Striko. Because feet, makes walking easy. Ifio. by mail or at Druff* Merchant Routs Bandit With Bologna. gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, I’atcbogue, N. X. Lucky Strike is the Newark, N. J.— Commanded by an Former U. S. Senator Charles B. Henderson of Nevada was shot in the YOUNG WOMEN WANTED to compete tor toasted cigarette. armed bandit to throw up his hands, >1 ,000. Beauty prize with alternative of John Dorsak, a delicatessen store­ wrist in the senate office building in contract with moving picture company, for details see PHYSICAL CULTURE Magazine, keeper, stopped slicing bologna and The Varney flying school, San Francisco, has turned out the first Indian Washington. The assailant, Charles March number. At newsdealers’, or by mail, aviator. E. Delarm Is a half-breed Arapahoe from the Oklahoma reservation. A. Brand, was recently released from 2• cents. Address Contest Dept., Physical rapped the gunman over the head with Culture Corp.. 117 W. 40th St., New York. a long piece of the meat. The bandit The other flier is Mon Suey, Chinese. The white man is J. C. Irvine of the an insane asylum. He was once a cli­ dropped his revolver and fled. Pacific Aero club. ent of Henderson. W. N. U., NEW YORK, NO. 12-1921 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921


Clothe the naked Jewish War Suffers. Give them your old clothes, those that you don’t use any more. Give them your children’s clothing—those that you would be ashamed to see them in the streets with, there’s a little poor child that will be glad to cover his or her cold body. Give them shoes, hats, shirts, food and drugs. DO IT NOW! Don’t delay "T h e best is the cheapest ”— F r a n k l i n as this drive ends March 20th. Make up a bundle and O O M ANY splendid ^ fashions are being shown this season that CALL UP THE BELMAR BRANCH OF the only difficulty our THE PEOPLE’S RELIEF COMM. FOR customers seem to ex­ perience is that of se- JEWISH WAR SUFFERERS. lection, Q* s* m & ^

i»tnnltarl| (ttmttpmtg A truck will call for it, or J. ROSENBAUM, Tel Belmar 592=R. ^Blrnra Sfaui 3?my

- W jk M i 1 t This space is donated by THE COAST ADVERTISER

j m s * s ? « S 8 i * WM

I Guarantee You a Square Deal EASTER SUITS in the Richest N ew O il Fields For M en and Young M en of the United States” Leon R. lay lot, Ex-Governor of New Jersey We have selected some very fiine Material made up in Montana’s wonderful oil gushers are the sensation of the oil world: The double and single Brested Modes which we have priced initial flow of some has been as high as 4000 barrels per day: The oil ,is 51% gasoline, the highest quality found in such large volume anywhere in special for Easter at $ 2 2 .5 0 ______the world. Many fortunes have already been made for those lucky enough to own interests in this very rich field, and not yet the geologists claim that SHIRTS the big pool has not been tapped: Foremost of all Montana’s oil structures is the famous Cat Creek Field. Several dozen shirts Special Priced $1,15 these shirts Twenty wells are now pouring forth the liquid gold on this structure are guaranteed fast colors, double cuff and nicely tailored alone; Intense development is under way and the largest oil companies of Other shirts just arrived Priced $1.50 to $7.00. the world have their representatives at work on this treasure dome. Leon R: Taylor Synidcate of which Ex-Governor Leon R. Taylor is president-*, has succeeded in securing 360 acres of this valuable land, The S o ft H a ts H o s ie ry Syndicate was formed under a policy dictated by Ex-Governor Taylor so that all who became unitholders should have an equal chance to share the In all Shades and Shapes. Felts In Lisle, Silk or Clock effect Special Price enormous returns possible from an investment in the field; No salaries or Cloth and Tweeds commissions are being paid to the officers and Governor Taylor personally Special Price 25c to $1.50 .guarantees that all who join with him in this promising will get $2. $2.85, $3. $4. Interwoven Lisle 40c. Silk 75c. a square deaK All Colors Capitalization of Leon R: Taylor Syndicate is $150,000.00 divided into C a p s .1500 units of par value $100 eacli; Each unit shares in all our earnings and Fancy and Plain, All Colors O x fo rd s on each 1000 barrel well produced should earn about $365 per year. and New Shapes FOR MEN ,f. You are invited to join this Syndicate if you act promptly, Buy all the units Special Price In W. L. Douglas Priced Specal f/or Easter. you can; Opportunities such as this are seldom found; Take advantage $1.00 to $2.00 now;. Get in while the field is new and gain through the development;, $ 6 .5 0 Send the blank today; ’lH " f N e c k w e a r All Boys’ Suits for Easter at In a wide range of Fore-Hands, 1/fc price. Boys’ wash s*its Bows and Knitt Ties Special Price Age 3 to 8, $1.50 to $3.00 Leon E. Taylor Syndicate Captial $150,000 Hon. Leon R. Taylor, Ex-Gov. New Jersey, Pres. 1500 Units ' 50c to $2.00 Boys’ and Children’® Hats and Caps P. O. Box 822, Lewiston, Montana. $100 each Gentlemen: ' I wish to secure------units fully paid and non-assessable in Leon R. Taylor Syndicate and inclose herewith $-_ on payment in full for W i l l i a m same. Name- Men’s and Boys’ O utfitter Address- 907-909m j mF, St. _ _ . Belmar, / N. J. The only exclusive Men’s and Boys’ Shop in town.