% $1.50 a Year YOL XVIII No 5 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY. MARCH 18, 1921 Single Copy Four Cento N ew Sixteenth Avenue Pavilion SHAKE-UP IN M. E. MINISTERIAL AP­ POINTMENTS EFFECT LOCAL CHURCH Rev. W. J. Sayre sent to Woodbury and his pizce filled by Rev. D. Roe Haney, of Pemberton, who wiil pleach here this Sunday. Rev. W. J. Sayre who has been year and then entered Dickson Col­ stay in Belmar very pleasant. Contractor, Samuel Truub, is making rapid construction Pastor of the First Methodist lege from which he was graduated On Sunday the 20th, Rev. Sayre Episcopal Church for the past two in 1910. He then entered Boston will be in the pulpit at Woodbury, on the new building. years was appointed Pastor of the University School of Theology from and on Monday their household Kemble Memorial Methodist Episco­ which he was graduated in 1913. He goods will be moved and on Tuesday pal- Church of Woodbury, N. J. This then entered the University Gradu­ morning Mr! and Mrs. Sayre and son was a great suprise to both Pastor ate School and completed his resi­ Contractor Samuel Traub is rapid­ boardwalk promenade passes this 6ntrahce which is of ample size to Sayre and the members of the dent work for his Doctor of Philoso­ Charles w ill leave Belmar for their ly pushing the work on the new enclosure on the north and joins a facilitate the handling and the stor­ Church, because all concerned ex­ phy degree. In the spring of 1916 he new field of labor. Sixteenth Avenue Pavilion. Piling pavilion located on the east of the ing of suits, towels etcH and provi­ pected he would be returned for an- was appointed to Beach Haven with Rev. D. Roe Haney, wrho has been have been installed and the store store facing the ocean. This pavi­ sion is to lif made at the end of the which formerly stood at Fifth Ave­ lion w ill be 16 feet >vide by 70 feet. group for the drying of si*its. A METHODIST CHURCH nue has been moved and placed on On the sorth of the store will be lo­ stairway 'leads to the beach alongside its new foundation. All of the cated the bathing group which con­ of the office, which is so arranged stringers and floor beams have been sists of about one hundred and fifty that constant supervision is possible over all parts of the establishment. installed and fifty per cent of the well ventilater bathhouses with Public toilets are to be arranged floor is now completed. open aisles with ample toilet and shower accommodations. The bath­ on the outside facing the ocean and The Plans for this pavilion which ing group w ill be surrounded by a have been prepared by Cljnton B. will be accessible directly from tlie very attractive enclosure consisting pavilion. Cook and LeRoy Godfrey, Architects of lattice paneled pilasterers about The color scheme is to be green of Asbury Park, provide for a large 12 feet on centers with a pergola and white and when completed will- strfre with refreshments enclosure to treatment above. the north, which will be open but Office for the bathing group will present a very pretty and artistic ap- be in close proximity to the main f pearance. covered by a roof extension. The ■ SUMMER RESIDENT BELMAR’S TAX RATE BORO PURCHASES ATHLETIC CALLED BY DEATH FOR 1921 WILL BE $3.74 FIELD FOR $20,fl0t* Announcement of the tax rates in Rahway, March 18.—Mrs. Helen i The purchase- of the Memorial the various municipalities of Mon­ Fitz Randolph Anderson Chamber- Athletic Field on F street, between mouth County was made yesterday lain aaed 12 wife of Alexander H. Elefenth and Twelfth avenues, feat- Chamberlain of 108 Bryant street, morning at a meeting of the county tured the Boro Council meeting held passeda away' lastlnct WednesdayWprlnpsdav anerafter- board of assessors and Belmar s tax on Tuesday evening. The amount v ___w Tip- Tins- rate for 1921 will be per $100, noon. She is survived by ner nuy , $6.14 paid was $20,000. ~ * ,.nri „ „ „ of assessed valuations, as against band, one son Chamber- $3.32 last year, an 'increase this daughter Miss Helen F R.. Cluuitor ^ q{ ^ ^ ^ $ m ()r $4 2Q GETS DIVORCE ereon 'of Hasbrouck Heights and H. P^r 1000. Avon’s rate was $4.56, Absolute divorce has been granted . Nt York the highest of any in the seashore to Mrs. Bertrand Havens from her S t sister 1MrsJ,mesStrict. Wall's tax rate will he husband. Fletcher P. Havens. The wire of former Mayor Terrill, ot couple were married in Asbury in other year, until just a few hours a salary of $700 a year. After one Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Commerce street. 1904 by Rev. W. W. Ridgley, then before the close of the Conference year he was appointed to Toms Church of Pemberton, N. J. w ill be Mrs. Chamberlain was a native of I H P A| D A C C D A I I M IN F pastor of the Ballard Memorial -.vhich was held in Asbury Park and River where he was Pastor for two in the pulpit of the Belmar Method­ this city an a descendant of one of i L U u f i L C f i u L U f lL L years and then to Belmar. Now he church The divorce was granted closed on Monday, March 14th. ist Episcopal Church on Sunday the the old and honored families of this | —^ C T A D T M A V Q fH It on grounds of desertion, and will be­ Rev. and Mrs. Sayre have worked is appointed to Woodbury with a 20th, and about the middle of he section. She had always been a resi- 11| 0 1 A K I I fln T o U I I l come final in six months. Havens faithfully while in Belmar and the salary of $2,200 a year. week w ill move here from Pember* dent of Rahway with the exception _____ wras formerly in the ice business in Bishop and his Cabinet said this ap­ Rev. and Mrs. Sayre wish to thank ©f the time spent at her summer _ Asbury Park but left in 1907 -and. pointment was made because it was the people of Belmar for the many ton. Mr. Haney is a young man of home at Belmar.Throughout life Watson Worthington Will according to Mrs. Havens has never deserved. The Woodbury Church courtesies that have been extended exceptional talents, he is married she had been identified with some , returned. Mrs. Havens gets custody to them during their short stay in manage the team. Jack jhas about 600 members and about and has two children. His wife was of the most prominent and active j of her son, now 15 years of age. 1550 in the Sunday School. Mr. Belmar. The Methodist people of Me Cormack will act as before her miarrage to Rev. Haney, organizations of the city. Sayre’s rise has been somewhat Belmar are a splendid people to coach. Miss Nellie Nichols, the daughter of The deceosed was a member of the J ' DEATH FROM HEMMORAGE i_t as Methodist Ministers serve. The friendliness of the Boro Second Presbyterian Church active *n j was graduated from Penn- Officials, and of +he other churches, a former Pastor of the Belmar various departments of its work and With practicafliy all of their last He preached for « and of the people has made their Church. particularly in the Welfare Associa- year‘s star tossers in the lineup, the Mrs. Mary E. Blodgett, wife of Charles A. Blodgett of Avon, died tion. In charitable and welfare work Belmar Baseball club has begun M. E. TO HOLD SOCIAL The Rev. D. Boe Haney was born Was transferred to the New Jersey in aiding the sick and relieving the pjans for the coming season, which last Friday from a hemmorage of the lungs. Mrs. Blodgett was 55 and reared on a farm in mst Ten- conference and assigned pastor at distressed she wras always foremost. wj;.j formally open on May 30. At a years old. She lived at Jersey City A covored dish social will be given.! nessee. Received his education from Farmingdale._ He has been _pastor. Her service as a member of the Rah- meeting 0n Monday night the mem­ before locating at Avon. , by the Ladies Aid Society of the 1 Riceville High School-, the Univer- at Pemberton three years where ho way Branch of the Mercy Committee jjers decided to rename themselves and of the Red Cross Chapter and ^ e Mystic Baseball club, which was Belmar Methodist Church, in th e,|Sity of Chatanooga and Drew Theo- has greatly increased the member- also in the Women's Auxiliary to the the original name, and preparations FORMER LOCAL MAN lecture mom, Monday evening,logical Seminary. He joined the bership of the church and left it on Rahway Hospital wTas especially not-1 were made for securing new uni- IN THE HOSPITAL March 21, at 8 o’clock.* Holston Conference in 1907 and had a strong financial basis, able and received, due recognition f 0rms. Watson Worthington of Como a very successful student pastorets Mrs. Haney is the daughter of th« from her associates, who found her | was eiected booking manager and Robert Myers formerly of Belmar GIRL SCOUTS N E W PASTOR ever ready and willing to do her part games already have been arranged has been in St.
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