TANUARYl{{rr*EErINc & old TheJanuary Meeting will be 7:30pmTuesday 20 Januarv1998 at the Central/Clemsonbranch of the PickensCounty Library. Our Speakerwill be an lrishman.Marty Flynn,who will speakon Genealogyand Ireland. OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLUME I2 NO. 1 JANUARY 1998 published:January, February, March, April, May, June,September, OclqlsLNeYernlel 1998 OFFICERS PRESIDENT:Robert G. Dodson .....86'l-859-20t1 ..Jim,, \-r6E-pRESTDENT:James B. i;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::................ E6{-2{6-r r 2s SECRETARY:Kenneth D. \Iorgan.............. ....t6{-65{-91t0 TRE \sL'RER:\Iargarette B' Sn'ank"""' """"'t6+l-L95-3 P[ Bl-l(-.{TIO\ DTRECTOR:Doris S. Foster.......' ..........--t6l-tt:-t:-9 SOCL{L DIR.ECTOR:C1'tnr "Trud;-" Gerner...... .............tG1-tt24l0- PI_'BLICITYDIRECTOR: Keith llerck....... ....t64-2-l-1353 STATE DIRECTOR:William C. WhittenJr.............. ........t6{-65{-32t3 CLAYTON ROONICURATOR: G. Anne Sheriff....... .......E6't-639-63E7 NEWSLETTEREDITOR: Linda G.Cheek,247Cross Hill Road,Easley, SC 296.10-8857 E-Mail: [email protected] SENdRENEWAL DUES, NEW MEMBERSHTM QUNRTNS.INDRESS CHANGE AND OTTIER INQUIRIES TO EDITOR: 247 CROSS HILL ROAD. EASLEY. SC 29640.8857.E.MAIL: [email protected] NOTICE TO MEMBERS Karen Dillard, a student at Clemson University (SC) is conducting a researchstudl' and will be sendinga random sampleof membersa shotr questionairearound February 1998.She would appreciateeveryone's cooperation. This is a project for her graduation. If you receivedone of these,please complete and send back to Karen. DUES IHTS TTILL BE THE LAST ISSUEFOR NON-PAYNIENTOF DUES:SEE BACK PAGE FOR I\FOR}I.\TION. WELCOMENEW MEMBERS \l Ien County Publ ic Library, tsox 2270, Fort Wayne' IN 46801-2270 Peggy Atchison,6133 Freckles Road, Lakewood, CA 90713 Ph: 562-425-99?6 E-Mail: [email protected] BROOKS' SUTTLFIS' HOt,LUY, BANKS. DENDY. MORGAN.LINDSEY Carlyle R. Bryant is joining his wife Bea, in fami ty membership. R. Bruce Ford, 5124 Westwind Way, Anderson, SC 29626 Ph: 864-225-7 461 I.'ORD Richard D. Hamly, ?655 Hooes Road, SPringfield, vA 22152-3701 Ph: 703-866-9527 E-Mail : dickhamly€Aol.com LLOYD/LOYD/LOYED, HENDRI X/HENDRI CKS. Arbutus Hughes, 209 Edwards Mi I I Road, Taylors, SC 29687 SMITH, AIKEN/AKIN Janis Mahaffey, 120 Treaty St., Seneca, SC 29678 E-Mail: [email protected] Janis has Pickens County and Pendleton District. SC on SCGENWEBlocated under USGENWEBor E-nail Janis. Charles H. Murphree, t522 Planters Ridge' Alpharet ta' GA 30004 Ph: 77O-569-9297 E-tai l: Crurphre€bel lsouth.net RIIODES,MURPHREE, TUnIEl,. W.E. Palner, 2610 Elkhart Dr., Little Rock, AR 72204-3410 Ph: 501-225-2361 E-tlail: DCRP33Aeprodigy.con PILGR'AX' HENSOIi Charles R & Vivian Carroll Parkman, 308 Riverbend Dr., Beech lsland' SC 29842 Ph: 803-827-1539 E-Mail: CPVPGAol.com BEARDEN,CARROLL, JAYNES' lrfr\lT DlDralf ^lJ rrttccEiw 'r|tr r laAN MrN'ltEID ttlTFfrrf aN ItrII lIDc lfrlDr:lN tnvvltt ahllruAt!t uvrrosrt llLLrnnrrt rnlrrrLr!t rlvt rrtinrtt rrvurf,uut rnvrtvnr!. Beverly Dean Peoples, 4010 Glen Laurel Dr., Raleigh. NC 27612 Ph: 919-787-8946 E-Iai l: bpeoples€rindspring.cor DEAli. BOLT, HO{IARD, R.A.TPY.GIEGER, BAILES, LEXIS, HAYES, CRdBIE. CLARXE. Sharon Sri tb Sberry, 5213 fetervier Lene, Gtrlend. TX 75043-{239 Ph: 972-226-0?10 BfBGBSS, c038, SIITU, SFEllI. qJEr r Es !!,! I ine loodv Bestel l. 117? River loed. Stonevi I le. liC 2?0{l Does anyone knor enything about the lerily ol Jessie I. PnICE (rbo ras in the Civi I War) l. Eleanor KELLEY d/o Benjarin (dec'd in 1860) and Ii I I ie SPEARIIANKELLEY. Charles H. Busha. 112 Sunit Dr.. Libertv. SC 2965? Seeking infonation about ilackey BROI{Nrho ived at Long Creek in Pickens District, SC rho noved his farily to Georg e about 1830. He tas the father of Joseph Emerson BROI{N(1821-1894), the C vil War Governor ol Georgia who w&s born in SC. Hazel K. Chapman. 243 Fuller Dr.. Easlev. SC 29640-6751 Need info on the family of Jacob Hewey CHAPMAN,his son lllilliam "Willie" C. CH.A,PMANis buried somewhere in Central, SC. Also Sarah Jane QUARLESm. Denus CARPENTERwho is buried at Mt Zion, Central, SC. Doris Jean RiEsins Dalrymple. 2250 Butterfield Rd f9. Yakina. WA 98901-106-9 l I am interested in corresponding and sharing my information with anyone who has information to share on the ancestors ot descendants of Seaborn, Josiah or Anci I Ben jamin VANN. \.8. VANN b. SC. In 1830 census of Wal ion Co.. CA he was heatl of hi.s {)$r} irousehold and uarried. In 1840 census of Camptrell Co.,, CA' he and wtf e hari chi ldren 2 sons and 2 daughters. In 1829 AnsiI/Ansell (Ben A.) had Iand transactions in Walton Co.' GA rn 1831 and in Ca-npbelI Co., GA. Other names on these deeds were Seaborn, Seaborn J., Jenes O., and Martha VANN. In 1833 Seaborn VANN with Jemes WARD sold land in Cherokee Co., GA to Snmuel HALE of Richmond Co.' GA. In 1835 Joseph VANN sold land in Coweta Co., GA. In 1835 David VANN sold land in CampbelI Co., GA. In 1836 Rhubin V.A,NNsold land in Coweta Co., CA. [n 1837 Seaborn J. VANN sold land in Cherokee Co., GA to Uriah POPE of Muscogee Co., GA. in 1838 Seaborn J. VANN sold the above piece of property, again' this time to Oliver COWARD,Ansell B. VANN witnessed this transction. He also witnessed the land transactions for Seaborn VANN. Ansell, Josiah and Seaborn J. and wife Tabitha VANN are next found in 1850 census, l{ashington Co., FL. In Ancil's household were: Ancil b. 1803 SC' Josiah b. 1808 GA, Seaborn J. b. 1839 GA, Tabitha A. b. 1840 GA, Susan b. 1846 FL and Louis C. b. 1848 FL. Not shown was William J. VANN b. 1835. Next door rvas Seaborn J. b. 1805 GA and wi f e Tabi tha b. 1817 GA. Who was Marthe VANN, David VANN, Ja-nes O. VANN, Rhubin VANN, Wi I I iam May VANN and Joseph VANN. Who were their ancesotors and descendants? Are they related? Lila Niemann Garner. 211 N F Street. Route 1. Mildrod NE. 68405-9600 tr{inervia HILLSMAN HOUSTON/HOUGHSTON/HUSTONnarried Jefferson Wesley RUNYAN in Tal ladega County, AL 8 August 1850. Unknorn whether she was Miss HOUSTOI'I or widow HOUSTONnee HILLSMAN. She state in 1880 that her lather (!{r HOUSTO\ or Ilr HILLSHAN?) was born in SC. l{ho ras hen father? trbutus Hurbes. 209 Edrerds IiII Roed. Tavlors. SC 23687 Seeking inlo on Elizabeth SXITII r. Joseph SIITH s/o Job SIITn. Does anyone knor il Elizabeth ras an AIKEN?AKIN before narriage? In 180? during the so- cal led Walton (GA) lilar Joseph SI{ITH was next to Ezekiel and John AXIN'S nnnes on a petition to the G.A,Legislature, so they were near neighbors at the time Ezekiels daughter Elizabeth would be married. Robert H. Hason. 2502 Six Mile Hwy., Central. SC 29630 Searching for descendants of Thomas DAVIS b. ca 1817 Anderson or Pickens District, SC and his rife Charlotte CARY b. ca 1820 Pickens Co., SC. Thomas DAVTS died between 1860 and 1870 leaving his wife and children: Mary Jane, Licena A., Willian H., Nancy A.C., Bernice A., and John T.L. DAVIS. At various times this f a-nily I ived in Pickens Co. , SC and in the Pendleton Township of Anderson Co., SC. I believe that Bernice was married to S.T. CAPELL of the Pelzer area of Anderson Co., SC and Nancy was m. to Isaac BARNETTof Anderson Co., SC. In 1880 Charlotte CARY DAVIS was living with son, James in the Dacusville area of Pickens Co., SC according to the census. Any infornation rill be appreciated. Joyce M. Posev. 313 Old Buncombe Road. Traverlers Rest. SC 29690-1817 Need help on my f ami ly of POSEY'S. Alvin POSEY'S grandf ather ' Wi I I ia-q R. POSEY and grandmother, Janie StlITH. Wi I I ian R. POSEY'S f ather ' Henson POSEYb. 1800 and mother, Martha J. SI{ITH b. 1834. In 1870 Anderson Co., SC Census Henson POSEYage ?0, b. SC' Martha J. age 36, ltlargaret 18, Savanna 13, Hartha 8, William R. 7, Wilkey or Wilbey 3. In 18?0 Henson POSEYwas 70 years old and married to Martha J. SMITH age 36. Did Henson POSEY have a first wife and childen? Please if anyone out there can send me any records I will gladly pay for them. _j -l-r'8ii EAa-a est!--Prather. f09 nebecca Need info on Clarin<ia SMITH b. 1803 SC d. 29 Nov 1882 buried Henderson-Mor:rt: Cemetery, Henry Co., CA m. WiIIiam Andrew HENDERSONin Henry Co.. CA. In the book "Abstracts of Old Niney Six and Abbeville District, SC Wills atrd Bonds" coupiled by Willic Pauline Young pC'232 it states: t{argaret MURPHEYwas t}it: grandmother of Clarinda SMITH. I need to know who were the parertts of CIarinda. CouId she have been related to ENOCHSMITH? Uriah HODENb. 1795 n. Rhoda ?. Need names of all their children and grandchildren. I have so much conflicting info, some say he is a twin son of Jane HOLDENarrd Reuben RACKLEY, another source says they were the sons of Richard HOLDEN. I have a book "Rackley-A Southern Colonial Family" which states that Jane and her son Uriah moved to Georgia with a brother of Reuben. Another book "Faucets of Fannin Co., GA" states that Uriah and Rhoda and their first three children moved to Fannin Co and had 6 or 7 children.
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