BRICS Basic Research in Computer Science BRICS LS-98-2 C. Butz: Regular Categories and Regular Logic Regular Categories and Regular Logic Carsten Butz BRICS Lecture Series LS-98-2 ISSN 1395-2048 October 1998 Copyright c 1998, BRICS, Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or part of this work is permitted for educational or research use on condition that this copyright notice is included in any copy. See back inner page for a list of recent BRICS Lecture Series publica- tions. Copies may be obtained by contacting: BRICS Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade, building 540 DK–8000 Aarhus C Denmark Telephone: +45 8942 3360 Telefax: +45 8942 3255 Internet:
[email protected] BRICS publications are in general accessible through the World Wide Web and anonymous FTP through these URLs: This document in subdirectory LS/98/2/ Regular Categories and Regular Logic Carsten Butz Carsten Butz
[email protected] BRICS1 Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark October 1998 1Basic Research In Computer Science, Centre of the Danish National Research Foundation. Preface Notes handed out to students attending the course on Category Theory at the Department of Computer Science in Aarhus, Spring 1998. These notes were supposed to give more detailed information about the relationship between regular categories and regular logic than is contained in Jaap van Oosten’s script on category theory (BRICS Lectures Series LS-95-1). Regular logic is there called coherent logic.