Lands Than the Roads That Were Constructed by General Wade
I. MILITARY ROADS AND FORTIFICATIONS IN THE HIGHLANDS, WITH BRIDGE MILESTONESD SAN THOMAY B . S WALLACE, F.S.A. SCOT. Nothing contributed peace mor prosperitth d o ean t Highe th f y-o lands tha roade nth s that were constructe Generay db ls Wadhi d ean successors ways,d "e ol Th ". accordin Burto gt , consiste stonf o d y moors, bogs, rugged, rapid fords, declivities of hills, entangling woods, giddd an y precipices. Although Wad responsibls ewa comparaa r efo - tively small portion of the work, yet he was undoubtedly the originator scheme oth f e whic completes h wa s successorshi y db . These roads, which followed pretty much the old tracks (which have been continued railways)e th y b , were commence dn 172i carried 5an tiln o dl 1814. widte firse thes th a Th tfeetf 6 yhd o road1 weran s , militarr swa e fo y purposes they proceede straighs a dn i lina t possibles ea shorteo t , e nth journey. On account of the peculiar circumstances which followed the Dis- arming Act after 1715, and after representations made by Lord Lovat and others, General Wad commandes ewa Georgy db proceeo t . eI do t the Highlands in 1724 and report upon the state of affairs as he found them, and to suggest remedies for the same. A copy of his instructions will be found in the Record Office, vol. xiv. p. 60. Among other things keeo t roade s pth goon wa si e dh repair communicating betweee nth barracks already established, and to build a galley to be employed in conveying troops, etc.
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