Annual Review 2019/2020 Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BS United Kingdom +44(0)20 7591 4300
[email protected] /royalcollegeofmusic @RCMLondon /RCMLondon @RCMLondon RCMLondon Patron Her Majesty The Queen President His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales Chairman Lord Black of Brentwood Director Professor Colin Lawson CBE, MA (Oxon), MA, PhD, DMus, FRCM, FRNCM, FLCM, HonRAM The Royal College of Music is a registered charity. No 309268 Printed by Park Lane Press on FSC® certified paper, using fully sustainable, vegetable oil-based inks, power from 100% renewable resources and waterless printing technology. Print production systems registered to ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and over 97% of waste is recycled. Photo credits: Sheila Burnett (page 28); Chris Christodoulou (pages 12, 14, 26, 38 and 44); Adam Ferguson (page 24); and Phil Rowley (pages 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 20, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 42). All details correct at time of going to print. Design by CONTENTS Chairman’s Welcome 5 Director’s Message 7 Celebrating Success 9 Pioneering Research 11 Performance and Partnerships 13 Honouring International Talent 15 Promoting Digital Innovation 17 Celebrating Our Heritage 19 Forging Bright Futures 21 Global Alumni Community 23 Supporting Talent 25 Widening Access: RCM Junior Department 27 Widening Access: RCM Sparks 29 Investing in Our Facilities 31 Legacies 33 Our Generous Supporters 35 More Music Campaign 37 2019/2020 in Numbers 38 Thank You to Our Supporters 40 Student Numbers 43 Finances 45 Council and Directorate 46 ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC / ANNUAL REVIEW 2019/2020 3 CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME I am extremely proud that the Royal College of Music (RCM) remains true to its founding principles of access, excellence and advocacy for music education.