BORN Toronto, Canada, lives in London, UK

EDUCATION MFA, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA BFA, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada


I am @ Here Alive, Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Canada, 2014 The Beaver Still Needs a Log, Malaspina Printmakers, , Canada, 2013 A Users Guide to Visual Direct Action, Galerie Circulaire, Montreal, Canada, 2012 An Etching Plate Feels No Pain, SNAP, Edmonton, Canada, 2011 Situational Prints, Martha Street Studios, Winnipeg, Canada, 2010 Situational Prints, Open Studio, Toronto, Canada, 2009 News in Briefs, 36 Bedford Row Galleries, London, UK, 2009 Situational Prints, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Scotland, 2008 Situational Prints, Simon Fraser University Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 2007 Hello my name is Jenny, MOCA, London, UK, 2005 Live or Die, Zsa Zsa Gallery, Toronto, Canada, 2004 A place of contemplation, RACA, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004 The Way Things Don’t, Five Years, London, UK, 2002 In the full light of reason, Dare-Dare Gallery, Montreal, Canada, 2001 A Catalogue of Errors, The Floating Gallery, Winnipeg, Canada, 2001 Grasping and Clinging, Project 304, Bangkok, Thailand, 2000 (sound by John Wynne) Safe for all Surfaces, Five Years, London, UK, 2000 The Other Journey, The Other Gallery, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada, 1997 The Tannery Project Space, London, UK, 1995 Forum Bilker Stra, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1994 Galérie Articule, Montréal, Canada, 1992 Clove Gallery, London, UK, 1992 Art & Text, Inset 2, The Showroom, London, UK, 1992 Helen Pit Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 1992


The Art of Not Making, Galleri Jonas Kleerup, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014 Film in Space, Camden Arts Centre, London, 2013 The Art of Not Making, Hå gamle prestegard, Håvegen, Norway, 2013 Repetition, Monster Truck Gallery, Dublin, Ireland, 2013 Bookmare, Camberwell Space, University of the Arts, London, 2012 Surface Tension, Malaspina Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 2011 Accidental Literacy, The Print Studio Gallery, Hamilton, Canada, 2011 Modified Expressions, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, Ireland, 2011 Common Wealth, MKG127 Gallery, Toronto, Canada, 2009 Denise Hawrysio and Al Masson, Danske Grafikers Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009 Dumbwaiter, James Taylor Gallery, London, UK, 2009 New Prints 2009/Spring, International Print Center New York, New York, USA, 2009 Transcentric, Lethaby Gallery, Central St. Martins of Art and Design, London, UK, 2008 New Prints 2008/Spring, International Print Centre New York, New York, USA, 2008 Analogue & Digital, Fieldgate Gallery Contemporary Art, London, UK, 2007 Spring Faculty Exhibition, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2007 If it didn't exist you'd have to invent it, The Showroom, London, UK, 2006 15/1 (3), Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006 Hearing Voices, The Brunei Gallery, University of London, UK, 2005 Drawing Life; the art and act of drawing, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada, 2005 What is the book, Flux Factory, Long Island City, and Fisher Arts Centre, Bard College, N.Y., 2004 The Book Show, The Nunnery, London, UK and 3W Gallery, Grasmere, UK, 2004 15/1 (2), 1,000 000mph, London, UK, 2003 The Lux Open, Smartlab, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2003 Space Men, MOT, London, UK, 2003 Snapshot, The Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, USA, 2002, (touring exhibition) X-mas, Outline, Amsterdam, Holland, 2001 Denise Hawrysio and Mark Bell, Mercer Union, Toronto, Canada, 1999 Lapsus, Five Years, London, UK, 1999 Recent Acquisitions, Surrey Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 1998 External Affairs, Canada House, London, UK, 1998 The Space of the Page, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, UK, 1998 Disneyland After Dark, Wriston Art Centre, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA, 1998 Answer Affirmative Or Negative, , Toronto, Canada, 1998 The Pleasure of Aesthetic Life, The Showroom, London, UK, 1999 Disneyland After Dark, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, , Germany, 1999 Refuse, Galleriet Laderfabiken, Malmo, Sweden, 1996 Disneyland After Dark, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Uppsala, Sweden, 1996 Immaterial Material, The Central Space, London, UK, 1993 Feed, London Filmmakers Coop, London, UK, 1993 15/1 Malania Basarab Gallery, London, UK, 1993 Staggered Systems, The Showroom Publication, Quicksilver Place, London, 1994 Papier Beeld and Basis, Papierbiennale, Aalst, Holland, 1994 Spit, Malania Basarab Gallery, London, UK, 1994 Echt, Malania Basarab Gallery, London, UK, 1992 Mock, Malania Basarab Gallery, London, UK, 1993 The 33rd London Film Festival, London Filmmakers Coop, London, UK, 1989 Canadian Avant Garde Benefit Series, The Funnel, Toronto, Canada, 1989 The Length of the Mean Free Path, San Francisco Cinematheque, SF, CA, USA, 1989 Words and Images, Surrey Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 1989


Bruce Peel Special Collections, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Burnaby Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada MacDowell Colony, New Hampshire, USA, Manchester Metropolitan University Library, UK, San Francisco Art Institute, Artists book collection, San Francisco Cal, USA Joan Flash Artists’ Books Collection, Chicago Institute, Chicago, USA The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada Surrey Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada Morey Chaplick Private Collection, Toronto, Canada Hajduszoboszlo Museum of Modern Art, Gyor, Hungary Yale University, New Haven, USA Museum vh Boek, Den Hagg, Holland AA Bronson - , Toronto, Canada Exeter School of Art, Exeter, UK Guildhall University, London, UK John Janssen, (private), London, UK University of the Arts, London, UK Rijksgevangenis Dendermonde, Belgium, Holland Artists’ Publication, Eins von Hundert, Köln, Germany Art/Start Archives, International Ko production, Middleburg, Netherlands Art Bank, Ottawa, Canada Tate Gallery, Art Library, London, UK Chelsea Art Library, London, UK


Residency, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2014 Project Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 2011 Artist’s Residency, Printmedia Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 2011 Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 2009 Grant, Canada House Arts Trust, London, UK, 2008 Project Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 2007 Artist’s Residency, Printmedia Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2007 Tom and Babs Putnam Print Fellowship, MacDowell Colony, New Hampshire, USA, 2007 Artists Fellowship, The MacDowell Colony, New Hampshire, USA, 2006 Grants to Artists, British Council, London, UK, 2006 Research Grant, Wimbledon School of Art, London, UK, 2006 Thematic Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada, 2006 Artists Residency Exchange Program, Deptford, UK and Berlin, Germany, 2004 Artists residency, Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts, Toronto, Canada, 2004 Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 2004 Grants to Artists, London Arts, London, UK, 2002 Creative Production Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 2001 Awards to Artists, British Council, London, UK, 2000 Publication Grant, Canadian Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand, 2000 Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada 2000 British Council Grant, London, UK 1999 Thematic Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada, 1997 Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 1997 Circulation and Dissemination Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Canada, 1997 Travel Grant, The British Council, UK, 1994 Travel Grant, London Arts Board, UK, 1994 Research Grant, University of Plymouth, Exeter, UK, 1996 Elephant Trust, London, UK, 1999


A.L. Rees, Physical Optics: a return to the repressed, Millennium Film Journal, no. 58, 2013 Amaze, Denise Hawrysio and A User’s Guide to Direct Visual Action, Printeresting, March 2012 Gemma Tipton One for the Books, The Irish Times, August 2011 Carolyn Jervis, Behind the marks, Vueweekly, issue 818, Edmonton, 2011 Brant Schuller, Proof: Printmaking as Evidence, SGCI Panel, New York, and USA, 2011 Michael Petry, ‘Crafty: the art of not making’, by Thames and Hudson in March 2011 Dean Kenning, An Etching Plate Feels no Pain, Open Studio Publication, 2009 Gary Michael Dault, Situational Prints, The Globe and Mail, Canada, July 18, 2009 Courtney Weida, The Art of Books, Museums, and Digital Culture, Guild of Book Workers Journal, 2010 Robin Laurence, Situational Prints, Georgia Straight, Vancouver, June 7, 2007 Ian Wallace, Situational Prints, Simon Fraser University Gallery Publication, 2007 Bill Jeffries, Situational Prints, Simon Fraser University Gallery Publication, 2007 Judith Wilkinson, Canadian Club, cmagazine93, Spring 2007 Andrew Wilson, If it didn’t exist… The Showroom Annual, 2005/6 Gary Michael Dault, Live or Die, Zsa Zsa Gallery, Toronto, The Globe and Mail, July 31, 2004 Simon Morley, The Book Show, London, Utopia Press, 2004 Sally O’Reilly, 15/1(2), Art Monthly, London, 2003 Emma Dexter, 15/1 (Malania Basarab Gallery) 100 Reviews Backwards, London, 2003 Matthew Higgs, 15/1 (Malania Basarab Gallery), 100 Reviews Backwards, London, 2003 Nicky Hamlyn, Film, Art, Phenomena, BFI Publications, London, UK, 2003 Susan Johanknecht, The Symbolic Book: A Travelogue, 2003 Bangkok Post, Grasping and Clinging, Project 304, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2000 James Bettley, The Art of the Book; from Illuminated Manuscript to Graphic Novel, V&A Publication, Martin Hubbard, Denise Hawrysio, Time Out, London, 2000 David Weaver, Escape from Photography, Mercer Union publication, Toronto, Canada, 1999 Sara Kent, What is a photograph? Time Out, London, 1998 Hugh Stoddart, The Space of the Page, Artist Newsletter, Dec 1997 John Janssen, The Space of the Page, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, 1997 Valerie Reardon, The Pleasure of Aesthetic Life, Art Monthly, London, No. 202-Dec 96 Kim Sweet, The Pleasure of Aesthetic Life, Showroom publication, London, Dec 96 Mark Currah, The Pleasure of Aesthetic Life, Time Out, Nov 96, no.1369 Brigitte Wernebury, Disneyland After Dark, Sonnenbluhen Auf, Taz, Berlin, 18.05.96 Katrina Bettina Muller, Panische Flucht, Tagessfiegel, Germany, 21.05.96 Montag Feiertagen, Lichtausim Vergnugungspark, BZ, Berlin, 29.05.96 Contribution (2-page artist’s feature) Control Magazine, Stephen Willats, editor, 1996 Stephen Bury, Artists Books, Scolar Press, UK, 1995 Gunilla Grahn-Hinnfors, Disneyland After Dark, Kultur Paper, Sweden, Oct 1995 Sara Arrhenius, Disneyland After Dark, Aftonbladet, Sweden, Oct. 1995 Marten Castenfors, Debauchery in Disneyland, Konst News, Stockholm, Oct. 1995 Martin Landahl, Disneyland After Dark, Uppsala Demokraten, Oct 1995 Cathy Courtney, Cell Books and Zero Text, Art Monthly, London, March 1995 John Janssen, workfortheeyetodo, Summer Catalogue, London, 1995 W.D.G., Aalst’s Paper Biennale, De Standaard, Belgium, June 1994 BAB, Paper Biennale, Het Laatste Niews, Belgium, 1994 Peter-Paul Geubels, Paper as Environment, Nieuwsblad, Belgium, 1994 Jan Braet, Growing Pains, Knack, Belgium, June 1993 Eric Bracke, Paper Biennale, De Morgen, Aalst, Belgium 1994 Cathy Courtney, Artists’ Books, Art Monthly, London, May 1994 David Thorp, Staggered Systems, The Showroom Publication, 1994 Rob Kesselek, Looking at Words: Reading Pictures, Untitled, summer, London, 1994 Kim Sawchuck, "Denise Hawrysio: Galérie Articule," Parachute, 66, summer, 1992


2009 Curator, Common Wealth, MKG127 Gallery, Toronto, Canada Amanda Beech, Giorgio Sadotti, Bob and Roberta Smith, and David Alker 2006 Curator and organiser, 15/1 (3), Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark 1999-04 Member of the Board of Directors, Five Years, London, UK, artist’s collective gallery space, with Marc Hulson, Alex Shady, and Eddy Dorrian. Exhibitions/events organiser and curator A Promise of Happiness, What is Love?, Dark Pop and Self Service Painting and Self Service Video. 2003 Curator/organiser, 15/1 (2), 1,000,000 MPH Gallery, London, UK 2009-10 Photographer and research assistant for sound and photographic installation by John Wynne at Border Zone, Anthropology Museum of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 2003 Photographer and research assistant for “Hearing Voices”, sound and photographic installation by John Wynne at Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and Africa Studies, London, UK (project included travel to Africa) 2002 Exhibition Assistant, Architectural Association, London, UK Either In or Out 1997 Artists’ publication, The Lifelong Lesson, Control Magazine, by Stephen Willats 1997 Co-organizer, Tapko, Academy of Fine Art Helsinki, site-specific installation, Professor Whitehead 1990-93 Director/founder, Malania Basarab Gallery, London, UK, Three-year gallery project Exhibitions include; Mock with John Ferris, Echt, with Claudia Terstappen and Michael Krause, Spit with Jarg Gesimar, and Peter Andersson, 15/1 with Amikam Toren, Graham Ramsey, Adam Chodzko, and Anya Gallaccio, Strip with Bill Burns and Patrick McBride.