Christopher C. Cummins 6-435 Department of Chemistry Phone: (617) 253-5332 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Email:
[email protected] 77 Massachusetts Avenue Homepage: Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Education Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993. Thesis advisor: Richard R. Schrock A.B. Chemistry, Cornell University, 1989. Undergraduate research mentor: Peter T. Wolczanski Experience Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Henry Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry, 2015{present Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor, 1996{present Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor, 1993{1996 Research Interests Exploratory synthesis and reactivity studies involving elements from across the periodic table. Some partic- ular research themes are as follows: synthesis stemming from the elements nitrogen and phosphorus, small molecule activation, the generation and study of reactive intermediates, new inorganic molecules and lig- ands, carbon dioxide utilization, electronic structure and chemical bonding, anion receptor coordination and cryptand chemistry. Honors and Awards Honorary Professor of the Institute, IISER Kolkata, 2018-2021 Linus Pauling Medal, 2017 National Academy of Sciences, Elected Member 2017 Fellow, Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University, 2016-2017 RSC Ludwig Mond Award 2013 Inaugural ACS-DIC Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship Award 2013 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Elected Member 2008 Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences 2007 ACS F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry 2007 Corresponding Member, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu G¨ottingen2005 Alexander von Humboldt Research Award 2002 Dannie-Heineman Preis of the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu G¨ottingen2001 Technology Review Magazine TR100 Award 1999 NSF Alan T. Waterman Award 1998 ACS Award in Pure Chemistry 1998 Christopher C.