3 I Spy 81 Disclo! Kietee

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3 I Spy 81 Disclo! Kietee .........■' ' :'S S ^ /4nif rird ^ t ' . : "*■" ' z f^tPrtAM nipn't ' ~ '.Z ' in F u n Z J l / ~ j i ' r ^le^13?^3 H % VMlor l e - .7^ ,..7 .^?3 ..;;,::;-...:i?;!^ Gojo^morjain^ngl It’s SwUla^ ------------------------------ ■ _ — ______ --------- ■.......................--------------------- ^ r l | — --------------------------------------- : 3 i B » e Ma/sic Valley’s HHome Nempape.r •rTtor-4^1^' 7 1 s t y e o o J r I W l N F AlUS. U : IDAHO ,I' S p y 81l i b s - t o iiibii t i l E ™ d iscloK ! ieteE : *Wild iiiDn' to b e creir e m a t e d BUSHNELL, FJa. fUPl) -• TheTh body of the so<alled "wild B yS E V H O UFRM.HERSH R H • m an o( Green Sw am p.” who slran;trangled him self In a Jail cell, will eN.Y.TtoeiineiServlce be crem ated a l (lie request of hhfs is Ifam ily and lhe ash es relu m ed WASHINGTON - f ir nMilyy 15 years, tbe Navy tu s beeo --------- loTfllwan; auUwrltles satd Satunllurday.----------------------------------------------- “ "uslnifillKttllirKIulpiwlilKtiOTlronlrBotmiarines to spy at timet-:-------- Hu Tu Mel, a m entally derang<anged seaman who had lived for inside Uie thne-m lle limit ol Uki SovISoviet Union and other nations. about eight weeks In tbe wilds^lIs^f Green Swamp on armadillos Hie higWy clBained mimlonj.« ; iwJe^hameda Wflyslon*,' b a v e ~ : - and snakes, died "b y h is own hanhand -suicide,” a coroner's Jury been credited by supporters w llhihsupplylngvtlalinfonnatlonon' !U| ;• ruled after an Inquest Friday. _ 11ieconIlgurallon,Mp»bllltles,nolsinoise patterns ^ mi•idI^flring . Hu w as found dead on theI flo(floor of his one-man cell in lhe •blllUesot the Soviet submsrineefleet- nee • Sum ler County JalJ Monday. He^e hihad lied his belt to th e cell bars, It U nol known bow mm y mennen and submarines have beien ' looped It around his neck and then,thei in a silling position; pushed Involved In Uk underseas ipylng,ngrbit 1 at one polnfln the e a rttr - ~ . backwardtodx>kehlmselftodealdeath. ■sevenlles.atleaslloursuchyipswips were known lo be tn operation^: .. ^ rjpciudejwst-ahd presw tJi ^ ^ bers ol Uk Nallonal Sectirlly Coune *Hom§* N abley diese n a t 7 5 and Central Intelligence Agency,ncy. a t ^ that mudi of tbe loA- •; vi NEW YORK (UPI) - leUlgence gaUiered by UK submmarines arl can be obUlned througft - 7 T: Funeral se r v ic e wUt tx ty ld ■ oUk t MMS .- Sudi m MiteUites U y il — which are far les»'.--:V^ teifi^ltlntarceptlnh ------- •^%>ynlftart Bapiw Churdilor ~ ■'J ; ^ S e o llB n u i r ii U M tlo n wtKUieiether wch Int^igeiMe o p w tk w f^ i^ ~ ~ l ini7C any plaw In tht'^rrrr"* .tmn«rhi^i!rf detente between tb r r - ^ r g Mabley. the "raunchy old United States and the'Sovlet Union.nlon. ' • U d y " whose toothless grin and Many of tbe critics acknowledi*ded«ed that they.had'agreed. to, ..tk..bawdy bumor brought her' discuss IM opentlonin Ow lid^K i^ <<tf Ibriclng.changes In how-b^^^T^^ 'stardom al an age when most iedbytbeOoi»emment, • • - * * ■ -- ^ h U P I ^ P ^ b \"^ Ho^Iw, rii^had a . .- ■iniipfnmanw w i a r ^ ffil^tt?arm * ’a owner Lpallent tocaljLwe^Sbe-W M ------- ~ - k H er death w as a ttrib u te d to ' fiatui^causesr-— ^— ,--------------- ---------- « B I B ■ ^ “ ■ TOKYO (UPl) .i4‘¥ U j^r PrPrime Minister Eisaku Sato, co-' - winner of.ttemiNoliblftHete ftf t r Peace, rw nalned hospitalircd - ' iDacM^Safur^altersufterir(ering a strcdie Monday. •, TWIN FALLS V- ’A nlne-memlnem ber coroner’s jury ruled : \ BsMoUngofErwlnLcRoySquirc*. : ...... ~ n-«aminatlon of his brain waves cidmlal"dMlhlntheMay.l8aM ^ acUvity. but unlit he regains - r ------Tbe-jufy-deiaw ted«4*;puwwij t f i t :iolteM n| l f « ^ lnquB^--------i SdSJi'SwSwS stiller!li critical. :... FridayaneriMohTiwer**™rnlogtteverdlct. i;'^ l «,>' e Jlkei Medical University hospital Squires died ajtoHo«fttWMb ot] jutdoMulfmOeavicst^FOer . ;9ato;,«'WittbvcdtotbeJII ‘ B yC R IC K E T B m O :•'* ofasingle.arifft«outidU\tbevi ’- i ; ^ y ^ 'a Tokyo restauraruranl where he collapsed while al- Ttm g^ewB writer iSKORS^rannerpartywithtjusItsuslness iM ders;-------------------------- -— ^ • r - ' An lnveiU gatl(< N t% tjcte,y^onte^dygrest^^ ficlals here have brou^t Die man was shol b : ^ ii^VgfO saidt^ikuiif*^^ misdemeanor charges against County Coroner C I w e * ^ |w Chnppai|nlddlck. *o*onliaportaiil* a Twin F a lls m a n fo r dum ping do*edlnqueslwasgl\^lfti^^ _wllnes5es. .-j. _ ' J E W YORK!tUEXJ.=A mn ajoa jk lly .o f 520_American yotcrs f i ^ — - several tons of papeHn(oRock _ " ■ ■ Hirsafl’tatlmbtvTnfficaiaieatbeim I gglrthad beerttoget-^- little or no concern overrS«in. S( Edward Kennedy's Chap*>• Creek Canyon. __ : pracUdng with the small .J2rifl'Zriflepriorlotheshoptinglnckknt paqulddlckeqwrtence. a Newsiswsweek survey re trie d Saturday, Gene Hamilton, who owns Ah argument was underwayay bib^ween ber parents, wltoesa^ ------------- JVoroen-sbow a llttlft tnoreji)■g^ympalhy than men tow ard Ken*I- the land'and taccs the charges. r said, aod sbe had climbed ltoTSrar o ts oTasn^tt«nnth Ibe--^ nedy's part in the IK9 Incidentm t 0on M artha's Vineyard, in which a claims the paper was dumped' vhen a car driven by Kennedy wwtIt as part of a land-flll project young sett-etary drowned when I h»flUUuuUltfldihaBUftapTOwharlan^tlwharrt , le ■ th e canyon floor. tin te d loward the familyTwmewbmAe^^ T)on Tt>ose surveyed w ere abouliboul evenly spilt on whether the hy. _______-X lily-police. Friday-Served JlJ l ---------- , ----------- ftfiiachusiltnjerhim rwoaiflrooidmalce^ good president.-'-':--------- warrant against' Hamilton, b.. (hegundlsdutrged. owner of Hamilton Insulaton lii Edwards said lhe girt testifiedUfiedshedldnoiknowherfatberiud -- from the fall'and started tpward the . L e b S M R l e a d e r sHhip h l Nbtfts ____________ and Roofing, charging him r been shot unUl.sbeBOiaJrom . wllh“ 'duTnplhg -|n-,-an ------- 1 7 ^ house. Squires was reportedlydiPilberdborw li ■ 7 BEIRUT (UPI) - unaulhortied area. Thecha^e ____ 7. Lctlaiiion’s new militaryy c arries a flhe of $300 a n d ^ r ad -------- Edwanb'sald a Wood alcohdohcd Ilest was niaide on Ite victim.- but^ 7 ;' ( govemmeijt moved swiftly lo0 days In Jail, with the penalties ‘ reportsoftbeconlenlbavtnolbnol been received. ' • / • " assert iU authority Saturdayy repeated every day the Both the giri and her molbtt'thM*testlfled'8be loved her father and - bul renewed flghllngtroke outIt unauthorised action continues.5S. ' ' ' ■ ■ ’ ■'>■' >■. '•• . ■ptf ^caKade'dowD.'Roek''' ' ne .Q.mntiw, ^ ______- .wa^hfi^andsaddgedbyhi p-.Inwm epaitsoltbecapllal, Tbepaper. vIslUe as a wide --------------- - - Cwdt-CwjoBcbOff* i»e^ ....................- T r a s h - : Witnesses re ^ a e ffly T ^M m w ^rm iii; iiiprr— ? The new cabinet of Brig,{• white fan spreading down thet chargBtlOrtbedampli 5qulrraby.U«vM m. ' . i ' Ogn;~Nareddta-r Rilal»-iefl..U-.^ r - ^^deofthecanyoa-tlowastream: ^UgdjUlj»pJ^ I ordered internal securityy from Singing-Bridge., was™ =™ spiI1w a?iy==S^?2S&-t e canyon floor. ■ -••forces lo remove barricades» dumped' because it got wet,^ t. ___________________ ' ' ■ set up in Beirut streets byly H am ilton said. T h e land to the -------- ^ ^ ■ b-attling right-w ingg middle of Rock Creek is his I Phalanglsls and Palestinianin property. S oviets orbib i t ................... I " . guer^taseaHlerthls'week. His alrn W to fill Die cahydii i i g ^ recalled _______ j rea-jnouBh.tb-gastruct-jfi Goodiii -— a^osntonauB U t s ------------■ m i leading'to. lhe bottom. icli , ' GOODING - M a iy o rteo RiceRlc was recalled Iv ' 'polnimwl. willw be necessary lo fill th e council D|>«f probe r^ an ei e s t e d Hamilton said. The city streel le said. Tliere are four councilmen and Gooding vblere In a apecial titttlo n F rid ay .. ' poalttonqbes ____ — ^------- MOSCOWJUE(UPn - Two coamwinihi blasted ' W A % j^N (UP!) - INTOT Congrenmen have asked the . department Is aiding him ir ttnthe.GoodiagcUygovemmeDlr-— L,JJ___Jte.was ousted by.AJL«fejr^jnargin^Of the ftM ' ^mayoEhi 1^- oCf-Wo earthrtb «o^SatuHay- to'thTSw R T^ te-^rflesi-thal-a««perimeotal-drug-r^ g ------- tb e ?pru]w!t*^t>y^bringlng':dln iilar city council election in Novembei ___ vnips rant, siti siippflrted thttti^recalland4S4were '- 'Tltewflula cdattcnpttowylveost^ ity ka.; .. ^ and death among patienis beingling ' . and sliwl sw ^ings to belj de lo rt^ eleillW l iil u uiajioi' and Uw aunl5riikipn^'tutleriog agaliistlt. • V- -' \ ^ - triu ^ide HwasleamedSatufday,. •. bury the mountain of papei . treatodforilJ^dttct. Jtwi Gooding Clly CouDClJmemlsmberswillliamean ' .fllllng^ttaeItae tsuncQ vacancy If a councilman li 9d and,Drug Administration officialsiais Bcraps. hesaid. ayor a i^ runs for mayor’s posltlois: ------S*?* Ai lQ e''u^'ttiK ^f^ < „ „ Interim mayor to aeiyb:imlUntU tbe next general 'Bamedibayi m al City M a n ag e r Je a n Mliai dtacIoaM ^ .•roA iA ai-.bk,.liMn. astol lo approve mltoMl j;j elecUoninNovember<:;;,\‘ : ,/ v: , • . inNowmbeiber. fcrnllM d Jonn ol p»p«y« )ul« calltdHed ' said Friday even thougl l UiuMUai u m ta Uii. p m ) u t} i ooii ~ .......... • 'such' massive duinplng.'l l^'nivort Ior the^-i^tsandtidtuni»«.Mrerboriiy»iJtei:oo»o » o i . £ S 2 ™ S ^ , : a g a in s t .tb e , c i t y sanltatiOi ,:ttowo«appo( -:' -IM 'U U airi ^ .........--Ortilnaoce.-......... __________ - ' d ip p in g td]l& in ib e S u a - '“We’ve warned thra. 'u* UlK_______ - g * » — weW»vartBciinuapi«riflB I g y •' A U ^ t y j u i m^ ^ iQ iet;.thto"tatkad-eaie..of.'o f " vac^yaiSliBfflilM *p<w‘S ^ a -• -------- -M U ariild;-:-!-!-—--— .MaiMi^AliroedMeahboihbour, dUklnnin of Ibe Authority, said <‘io UNlr..besl>teresi e a sM x t wtflnth WlU be “ be tw ein SO'feod■tod ;.tb>:r’d better ac^lt.tq> an " ilnJuwwj!^ • gettt'putoftbeM iBdnotdodo It, • Vf I £ '.J Sus/riSHjM : M a t ^ ^ V jf J)ni«»:N.ew#, T^_n_F*JI».Jdaho_lio_ S u n ^ y .
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