Designed by Breann at

This Chunky Buttoned Cowl Crochet Pat- tern is big, bulky, and fabulous! I used this awesome super bulky from Yarn Bee for this cowl and it created a beautiful texture. The pattern starts with the easy (all sc!) then the main body of the cowl is the lemon peel stitch. I love this stitch because it's such a simple texture to create, all dc and sc! This pattern is very beginner friendly.

Find Hooked On Homemade Happiness on Facebook, Instagram, , Pinterest, and Etsy! Designed by Breann at

Materials 3 skeins Yarn Bee Watercolor Hues (300g super bulky acrylic yarn) L/8.0 mm hook Yarn needle 2 buttons (at least 1.5”) Thread

Level Easy -you must be very familiar with basic crochet stitches

Pattern notes & stitches to know Ch - chain Sc - single crochet Sc - single crochet back loop only (instead of inserting hook into both top loops, insert hook into only the back loop and work a sc) Dc - double crochet

Written in US terms Ch 1 does not count as stitch

Approximate Finished Size: 9” x 41” (before folding)

Find Hooked On Homemade Happiness on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry, Pinterest, and Etsy! Designed by Breann at

Pattern The pattern starts with the ribbing Ch 9 Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from the hook and across (8 sc) Row 2 - 4: ch 1, turn, sc blo in each stitch across (8 sc) The first buttonhole is created in the next row Row 5: ch 1, turn, sc blo in 3 stitches, ch 2, skip 2, sc blo in 3 stitches (6 sc) Row 6: ch 1, turn, sc blo in 3 stitches, 2 sc in ch 2 space, sc blo in last 3 stitches (8 sc) Row 7 - 9: ch 1, turn, sc blo in each stitch across (8 sc) The second buttonhole is created in the next row Row 10: repeat row 5 Row 11: repeat row 6 Row 12 - 14: ch 1, turn, sc blo in each stitch across (8 sc) Next is the main body of the cowl. Turn and work across the top of the ribbed band Row 1: ch 1, sc evenly across, work 1 sc in the end of each row (14 sc) Row 2: ch 1, turn, sc in first stitch, dc in next, *sc, dc* repeat from * to * across (7 sc, 7 dc) Repeat row 2 to row 48 Fasten off, weave in the ends.

Find Hooked On Homemade Happiness on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry, Pinterest, and Etsy! Designed by Breann at

CONSTRUCTION Lay the rectangle out with the ribbed end on the left. Sew the buttons on the top right corner (see photo below) I sewed them on about row 45 and 41, approx. 4 stitches in from the left

To fold bring both top corners together. You can sew it closed to keep it more secure if you’d like.

Find Hooked On Homemade Happiness on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry, Pinterest, and Etsy! Designed by Breann at

And you’re done! I hope you love this scarf. Please share a pic of your fin- ished product with your rating. I’d love to see it! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

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You may not sell or claim my patterns as your own. You may sell finished products made from my patterns, but please link back to the post and give credit for the pattern. Patterns can be shared on social media, as long as a link back to the post is provided.

Find Hooked On Homemade Happiness on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry, Pinterest, and Etsy!