Manchester Historical Society
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■\- A PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT \ . ■ THUBSDAT, OCTOBEB 9, 1969 A IKanrb^fili^r ilrralb AvengB IMIy Net Pre » Ran A Sunset Ave., Rockville; Elsie The Weather About Town Ro'ckyiUe Staiger, Franklin St;, Rockville; Autumn Fair Set Manchester B ^e Arts As Hospital Notes Alltn Middleton, Island Ave., School Menus Clear, not aa cotd tonight with sociation will hold an executive Broad Brook; Russell Squires, By Buckley P T A 15,790 lows In the 40s. Patchy ground board meeting tonight at 8 at Oak St., Rockville: Julia Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 Buckley School PTA will hold The cafeteria menu for Mail- fog likely. Tomorrow hagy ood Mott’s Community Hall. p.m. in an areas except ma O’Brien, Franklin Park W., cheater pubUc ecboOla Get. IS- mild. High about 76. Sunday’a Rockville; Irene Rose,, Valerie its annual autumn fair at the Utmtekmatmt— 4 CUy o f VWmme Chmrm ternity where they are 2 to 4 17, National Sdiool Um di VOI* LXXXJX, NO. 9 ouUoiA ranny, naaacwabto. Choirs of South United Meth and 6:80 to 8 p.m. Dr., Rockville; Barbara Fergu school Saturda)/ from 11 a.m. to Week: (THIRTYiTWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) odist CSiurch wilt meet tomor son, Hartford Tpke., Rockville; M^CHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT. OCTOBER 10, 1969 2 p.m., rate or shine. Mrs. Paul Monday: Tomato toup, boto- (CUoMfled Adverttetng on Page J7) row. Junior Choir will meet at Roger Feller, Mt. Vernon Apts., PRICE TEN CENTS Admitted Tuesday: Theresa gna aandwlch, potato sticks, 3:30 p.m.; TouHi Choir, 6 p.m.; Rockville, and Juanita Girard, Marts and Mra, Chariea Yom ^ Vigna, East Main St., Rockville; cabbage-i^eapple salad, mfflr, Glastonbury. are co-choinnen. Wesley Choir, 6:16 p.m.; and Arnold Hany, Davis Ave., Rock apple crisp. school: Pep Senior High Bell Choir, 6:30 ville; Joan Herald, Snipslc Lake Fair features win be fortune per steak on a roll, potato p.m. Rd., Tolland: Caslmer Raczkow- telling, wishing wrtl, games, sUcks, cabbage-pineapple salad, 263 Inspections Haynsworth Fate Hangs Lodge Confers sld, Lawrence St.° Rockville; movies, makeup for both boys milk. Junior High South United Peter DeCarll, Fairview Ave., Methodist Youth Fellowship will Made in Month and girls, pickpocket down, bi Tuesday: Baked meat loaf, With Nixon Rockville; Lillian CSarroll, Hale paralied potato, buttered spin P ^ U B (A P ) — U.B. Am meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at St, Ext., Rockville; Heruy Gow- cycle parade at 1, and charcoal Moratorium Support the church. The town's housing code in ach, bread, butter, milk, choco DISCOVER! bassador Henry Cabot Lodge sketches cf chCldran from noon dy. Four Bridges Rd., Somers; late pudding. In Senate Cloakrooms Now spectors made 263 inspections to 2. flew to Wbahlngton today tor Suzanne Voisine, Grand Ave., lest month ,all of single-family Wednesday: Hamburg patty WASHmOTON (A P ) — The 4th U.S. Court of Appeals in oonsultattona wMi President Rockville; Judith Staiger, West Commutes chairmen are Mra. derlines this uncertainty, Ma Indians Topic dwellings, and found no viola on a roll, potato chipe, buttered battle over Clement F. Hayns- Richmond, Va. Nixon on the Vietnam peace Willington; Alice Brennan, Flor Fred CkmU, tdl^tione; Mra. These Values worth’a nomination to the Su thias said while the doubts "re tions needing correcting, ac green beans, milk, fruit ciq> and Tile ABA endorsed the iioml- talks. He said the meeting ence Ave., Rockville, and Juan .John Davis, room mothers; main In a question of this Und, O f DAR Guest cording to a report by the Man peanut butter cookie. preme Court shifted today from natlon 1 ^ month during Senate "is not an abnormal proce ita Girard, Pratt St., Glaston Mrs. Howiard Gold and teachers, committee chambers to the Sen they must be resolved to favor dure." Members of Orford Parish chester Health Department. Thursday: Italian spaghetti, hearings. A change in posltlan of the public." bury. baked goods; Mrs. WHHam Nor ate cloakroom where the out- Chapter, DAR, will meet to In August, they made 207 in ris, ooke walk; Mrs. ConU, meat aauce, toosed W AU TO WALL could have signlflcaht impact. 'nw U.S. represeidative at Snowballs Across U.S. Births Tuesday; Daughter to A Mathias aide said latw, spections and ordered 10 cor French bread, butter, milk, Jel- ,oome appeared to re»t with Flomr debate also cannot be the stalled negottatione here night at 7:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sfa'ger, books; Mr. and Mrs. FMlip J. however, the senator’s commit rections. In Septetnber of last lo with topping. some two dozen wavering sena gin until the Judiciary Commit was aaked If his return t>> Mrs. J. Holden, 81 Oakland St. West Willington: son to Mr. and Rich Jr., tickets; Chariee Rie- tee vote did not mean Mathias year, they made 80 Inspections Friday: Baked filet of had tors. tee files majority and minority Washington was related to By The Associated Press , Miss Katharine Matthies of Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Goose La., mttls, lunch; Mra. Robert Ken- would deflnUely vote against oo- and ordered 5 corrections. dock, fried potatoea, buttered In the aftermath of Judiciary reports. Some senators said the wave of antiwar protests Seymour, state chairman of the Coventry; daughter to Mr. and nlff and Mra. Alfred W. Steffert, CARPET flrmatloa. Public officials are join- beets, bread, butter, milk, loe Committee approval of the nom National Committee on Ameri The Health Department re Jewelry. they would wait for these before in the Untted Statee. Mrs. Clarence Dubois, Village cream. H#% NYLON DUPONT M ination Thunday opponents ap Among other head counts, one ins’ the snowballing' sup can Indians, will be the guest ports 17 cases of communioehle mSTAlijBDOVKBaS-as. W A FraX PAD making up their minds. "Ho, this Is the UMMl thing, St., RookvUle, and twin daugh diseasee in Manchester in Sep Also, Mra. Joseph Miskunas, peared to have the edge the reportedly done for the Demo that I do ovary six weMcs or port for the Wednesday speaker. Her topic will be the spin art; Mire. Richanl Le- An example of the fluid na ters to Mr. and Mrs. G r^ ory tember, compared to four in floor. cratic leadership put the vote at two monHis and I aanime moratorium on work and American Indians. Monds and Mrs. Llrniel Plante, ture of the altuatlo was Mary \ Lathrop, Crystal Lake Rd., August and 18 In September of A survey by the Associated a "rock bottom" 64 against this is the uaual thteg," he studies to seek peace iti Hostesses for the evening Rockville. penny candy; M A. James land Republican Charles McC. last year. BANK CREDIT Press, combined with positiona Mathias. Haynsworth with another nine replied. Vietnam. Demonstrations will be Mrs. Albert Schulze, Discharged Tuesday: Dorothy Glass, dart game; Mra. Earie leaning that way. * « Of the 17 cases last month, SQ. YD., obtained from Senate sources, A member of the Judiciary To a queatton ooneemlng are expected in every state. Mrs. David Flint, Mrs. Sher Lockouskas, Cider Mill Rd., El Wilson, cankUed apiries; Mra. the effect of the attUrrar pro 11 were streip throat, 2 were CARDS ACCEPTED Miowed at least 46 votes against Committee, Mathias abstained Another reportedly done for Governors, congrrasmen and wood Bowers, Mrs. Harold lington; Gail Mattesen, Thomjh Louise Wlthey, local artist, char teat on tha negotiations. German measles, 2 were the nomination, S3 for it and 31 ‘nursday when the committee PhlUp A. Hart of Michigan, the senators, city councilman and Preston and Mrs. Howard sonvllle; Mary WaU^rs, Ware coal sketches; Afni. Gerald Lodge answered; "Why, Pm veneral disease, and 1 each undecided. ranking Democratic opponent of mayors, state lagtslatora and Amos. house Point; Virginia Yaskulka, Compaaso, guessing Jar; and ARTHUR DRUG climaxed a two-hour closed anthrar, too.” were mumps and tubenculosla. Mra. Victor Dupuy, p tlb U ^ . It was clear, however, the sit meeting by voting 10 to 6 to re Haynsworth on the Judiclaiy former government ofticiala will uation could change dramatical port the nominaticm to the floor. Committee, had 46 "h aid" votes Lodge said he expeoted to Join businessmen, teachers and ly for a numbe^of reasons be Then In late afternoon he sent against, 86 tor, 10 laantny return to Paris in time tor a most of all StudenU In what or- fore the nomination comes to a letter to Judiciary Chairman against, five leaning for and plenary meeting next TlMm- ganlsara say will be toe largest day. the floor, probably not for two five undecided. aeries of nationwide antiwar weeks. James O. Eastland, D-Mlss., saiyng be wanted to be recorded One midwestem senator, who proteeU ever held. For one, the American Bar KITCHCNC ARPiT I !! against committee approval of nobody even bothered contact War critlca in Congrese say Aeaoclatlon leadership decided the nomination. ing because they aseumed be they have enough support to Thursday to meet apmeUme to "There are grave doubts re was backing the adminlstratton, keep toe House of Representa- the next few days to review its Gall for Unity • 100% NYLON • HIGH DENSITY maining on the record,” Ma told the Associated Prera hs Uves In all-night seoslon Tues position on Haynsworth, for the RUBBER BACK • LARGE ASST. OF thias aald. was so angry over the nomina- day to support Moratorium Day. poet U years a member of the c6lo r s . Saying the ABA meetteg un (RMPaisiagM) Makes Nixon with toe American flog flying ovsr a lighted Capitol dome oa symbolic backing for toe pno- 6 /im ilh LocJl Lonely toots.