■\- A PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT \ . ■ THUBSDAT, OCTOBEB 9, 1969 A IKanrb^fili^r ilrralb AvengB IMIy Net Pre » Ran A Sunset Ave., Rockville; Elsie The Weather About Town Ro'ckyiUe Staiger, Franklin St;, Rockville; Autumn Fair Set Manchester B ^e Arts As­ Hospital Notes Alltn Middleton, Island Ave., School Menus Clear, not aa cotd tonight with sociation will hold an executive Broad Brook; Russell Squires, By Buckley P T A 15,790 lows In the 40s. Patchy ground board meeting tonight at 8 at Oak St., Rockville: Julia Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 Buckley School PTA will hold The cafeteria menu for Mail- fog likely. Tomorrow hagy ood Mott’s Community Hall. p.m. in an areas except ma­ O’Brien, Franklin Park W., cheater pubUc ecboOla Get. IS- mild. High about 76. Sunday’a Rockville; Irene Rose,, Valerie its annual autumn fair at the Utmtekmatmt— 4 CUy o f VWmme Chmrm ternity where they are 2 to 4 17, National Sdiool Um di VOI* LXXXJX, NO. 9 ouUoiA ranny, naaacwabto. Choirs of South United Meth­ and 6:80 to 8 p.m. Dr., Rockville; Barbara Fergu­ school Saturda)/ from 11 a.m. to Week: (THIRTYiTWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) odist CSiurch wilt meet tomor­ son, Hartford Tpke., Rockville; M^CHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT. OCTOBER 10, 1969 2 p.m., rate or shine. Mrs. Paul Monday: Tomato toup, boto- (CUoMfled Adverttetng on Page J7) row. Junior Choir will meet at Roger Feller, Mt. Vernon Apts., PRICE TEN CENTS Admitted Tuesday: Theresa gna aandwlch, potato sticks, 3:30 p.m.; TouHi Choir, 6 p.m.; Rockville, and Juanita Girard, Marts and Mra, Chariea Yom ^ Vigna, East Main St., Rockville; cabbage-i^eapple salad, mfflr, Glastonbury. are co-choinnen. Wesley Choir, 6:16 p.m.; and Arnold Hany, Davis Ave., Rock­ apple crisp. school: Pep­ Senior High Bell Choir, 6:30 ville; Joan Herald, Snipslc Lake Fair features win be fortune per steak on a roll, potato p.m. Rd., Tolland: Caslmer Raczkow- telling, wishing wrtl, games, sUcks, cabbage-pineapple salad, 263 Inspections Haynsworth Fate Hangs Lodge Confers sld, Lawrence St.° Rockville; movies, makeup for both boys milk. Junior High South United Peter DeCarll, Fairview Ave., Methodist Youth Fellowship will Made in Month and girls, pickpocket down, bi­ Tuesday: Baked meat loaf, With Nixon Rockville; Lillian CSarroll, Hale paralied potato, buttered spin­ P ^ U B (A P ) — U.B. Am­ meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at St, Ext., Rockville; Heruy Gow- cycle parade at 1, and charcoal Moratorium Support the church. The town's housing code in­ ach, bread, butter, milk, choco­ DISCOVER! bassador Henry Cabot Lodge sketches cf chCldran from noon dy. Four Bridges Rd., Somers; late pudding. In Senate Cloakrooms Now spectors made 263 inspections to 2. flew to Wbahlngton today tor Suzanne Voisine, Grand Ave., lest month ,all of single-family Wednesday: Hamburg patty WASHmOTON (A P ) — The 4th U.S. Court of Appeals in oonsultattona wMi President Rockville; Judith Staiger, West Commutes chairmen are Mra. derlines this uncertainty, Ma­ Indians Topic dwellings, and found no viola­ on a roll, potato chipe, buttered battle over Clement F. Hayns- Richmond, Va. Nixon on the Vietnam peace Willington; Alice Brennan, Flor­ Fred CkmU, tdl^tione; Mra. These Values worth’a nomination to the Su­ thias said while the doubts "re­ tions needing correcting, ac­ green beans, milk, fruit ciq> and Tile ABA endorsed the iioml- talks. He said the meeting ence Ave., Rockville, and Juan­ .John Davis, room mothers; main In a question of this Und, O f DAR Guest cording to a report by the Man­ peanut butter cookie. preme Court shifted today from natlon 1 ^ month during Senate "is not an abnormal proce­ ita Girard, Pratt St., Glaston­ Mrs. Howiard Gold and teachers, committee chambers to the Sen­ they must be resolved to favor dure." Members of Orford Parish chester Health Department. Thursday: Italian spaghetti, hearings. A change in posltlan of the public." bury. baked goods; Mrs. WHHam Nor­ ate cloakroom where the out- Chapter, DAR, will meet to­ In August, they made 207 in­ ris, ooke walk; Mrs. ConU, meat aauce, toosed W AU TO WALL could have signlflcaht impact. 'nw U.S. represeidative at Snowballs Across U.S. Births Tuesday; Daughter to A Mathias aide said latw, spections and ordered 10 cor­ French bread, butter, milk, Jel- ,oome appeared to re»t with Flomr debate also cannot be­ the stalled negottatione here night at 7:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sfa'ger, books; Mr. and Mrs. FMlip J. however, the senator’s commit­ rections. In Septetnber of last lo with topping. some two dozen wavering sena­ gin until the Judiciary Commit­ was aaked If his return t>> Mrs. J. Holden, 81 Oakland St. West Willington: son to Mr. and Rich Jr., tickets; Chariee Rie- tee vote did not mean Mathias year, they made 80 Inspections Friday: Baked filet of had­ tors. tee files majority and minority Washington was related to By The Associated Press , Miss Katharine Matthies of Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Goose La., mttls, lunch; Mra. Robert Ken- would deflnUely vote against oo- and ordered 5 corrections. dock, fried potatoea, buttered In the aftermath of Judiciary reports. Some senators said the wave of antiwar protests Seymour, state chairman of the Coventry; daughter to Mr. and nlff and Mra. Alfred W. Steffert, CARPET flrmatloa. Public officials are join- beets, bread, butter, milk, loe Committee approval of the nom­ National Committee on Ameri­ The Health Department re­ Jewelry. they would wait for these before in the Untted Statee. Mrs. Clarence Dubois, Village cream. H#% NYLON DUPONT M ination Thunday opponents ap­ Among other head counts, one ins’ the snowballing' sup­ can Indians, will be the guest ports 17 cases of communioehle mSTAlijBDOVKBaS-as. W A FraX PAD making up their minds. "Ho, this Is the UMMl thing, St., RookvUle, and twin daugh­ diseasee in Manchester in Sep­ Also, Mra. Joseph Miskunas, peared to have the edge the reportedly done for the Demo­ that I do ovary six weMcs or port for the Wednesday speaker. Her topic will be the spin art; Mire. Richanl Le- An example of the fluid na­ ters to Mr. and Mrs. G r^ ory tember, compared to four in floor. cratic leadership put the vote at two monHis and I aanime moratorium on work and American Indians. Monds and Mrs. Llrniel Plante, ture of the altuatlo was Mary­ \ Lathrop, Crystal Lake Rd., August and 18 In September of A survey by the Associated a "rock bottom" 64 against this is the uaual thteg," he studies to seek peace iti Hostesses for the evening Rockville. penny candy; M A. James land Republican Charles McC. last year. BANK CREDIT Press, combined with positiona Mathias. Haynsworth with another nine replied. Vietnam. Demonstrations will be Mrs. Albert Schulze, Discharged Tuesday: Dorothy Glass, dart game; Mra. Earie leaning that way. * « Of the 17 cases last month, SQ. YD., obtained from Senate sources, A member of the Judiciary To a queatton ooneemlng are expected in every state. Mrs. David Flint, Mrs. Sher­ Lockouskas, Cider Mill Rd., El­ Wilson, cankUed apiries; Mra. the effect of the attUrrar pro­ 11 were streip throat, 2 were CARDS ACCEPTED Miowed at least 46 votes against Committee, Mathias abstained Another reportedly done for Governors, congrrasmen and wood Bowers, Mrs. Harold lington; Gail Mattesen, Thomjh Louise Wlthey, local artist, char­ teat on tha negotiations. German measles, 2 were the nomination, S3 for it and 31 ‘nursday when the committee PhlUp A. Hart of Michigan, the senators, city councilman and Preston and Mrs. Howard sonvllle; Mary WaU^rs, Ware­ coal sketches; Afni. Gerald Lodge answered; "Why, Pm veneral disease, and 1 each undecided. ranking Democratic opponent of mayors, state lagtslatora and Amos. house Point; Virginia Yaskulka, Compaaso, guessing Jar; and ARTHUR DRUG climaxed a two-hour closed anthrar, too.” were mumps and tubenculosla. Mra. Victor Dupuy, p tlb U ^ . It was clear, however, the sit­ meeting by voting 10 to 6 to re­ Haynsworth on the Judiclaiy former government ofticiala will uation could change dramatical­ port the nominaticm to the floor. Committee, had 46 "h aid" votes Lodge said he expeoted to Join businessmen, teachers and ly for a numbe^of reasons be­ Then In late afternoon he sent against, 86 tor, 10 laantny return to Paris in time tor a most of all StudenU In what or- fore the nomination comes to a letter to Judiciary Chairman against, five leaning for and plenary meeting next TlMm- ganlsara say will be toe largest day. the floor, probably not for two five undecided. aeries of nationwide antiwar weeks. James O. Eastland, D-Mlss., saiyng be wanted to be recorded One midwestem senator, who proteeU ever held. For one, the American Bar KITCHCNC ARPiT I !! against committee approval of nobody even bothered contact­ War critlca in Congrese say Aeaoclatlon leadership decided the nomination. ing because they aseumed be they have enough support to Thursday to meet apmeUme to "There are grave doubts re­ was backing the adminlstratton, keep toe House of Representa- the next few days to review its Gall for Unity • 100% NYLON • HIGH DENSITY maining on the record,” Ma­ told the Associated Prera hs Uves In all-night seoslon Tues­ position on Haynsworth, for the RUBBER BACK • LARGE ASST. OF thias aald. was so angry over the nomina- day to support Moratorium Day. poet U years a member of the c6lo r s . Saying the ABA meetteg un­ (RMPaisiagM) Makes Nixon with toe American flog flying ovsr a lighted Capitol dome oa symbolic backing for toe pno- 6 /im ilh LocJl Lonely toots.
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