1122 1 MINUTES Meeting of 22 November 2011, from 9.00 to 12.30
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EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2009 - 2014 Committee on International Trade INTA_PV(2011)1122_1 MINUTES Meeting of 22 November 2011, from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 17.30 and from 17.30 to 18-30 (Coordinators' meeting) and 23 November 2011, from 9.00 to 12.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 9:10 on Tuesday 22 November 2011, with Vital Moreira (Chair) in the chair. 1. Adoption of agenda INTA(2011)1122_1 Agenda was adopted in the form shown in these minutes. Speakers: Daniel Caspary, Metin Kazak In camera 2. State of Play on International Trade Negotiations INTA/7/01417 Exchange of views with Jean-Luc Demarty, Director General, DG Trade, Commission Speakers: Jean-Luc Demarty (DG Trade), Daniel Caspary, Bernd Lange, Metin Kazak, Robert Sturdy, Helmut Scholz, Vital Moreira * * * 3. Chair’s announcements The meeting was webstreamed, apart from the "in camera" parts. 4. State of play of ongoing trilogue negotiations INTA/7/04325 Exchange of views PV\884190EN.doc PE476.040v01-00 EN United in diversity EN Speakers: Helmut Scholz, Vital Moreira 5. General provisions for macro-financial assistance to third countries INTA/7/06475 ***I 2011/0176(COD) COM(2011)0396 – C7-0187/2011 Rapporteur: Metin Kazak (ALDE) DT – PE475.855v02-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: AFET, DEVE, BUDG First exchange of views Consideration of working document Speakers: Metin Kazak, Maria Eleni Koppa, Helmut Scholz, Peter Bekx (DG ECFIN) 6. Amendment of certain regulations relating to the common commercial policy as regards the procedures for the adoption of certain measures INTA/7/05563 ***I 2011/0039(COD) COM(2011)0082 – C7-0069/2011 Rapporteur: Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl (PPE) PR – PE469.996v03-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: JURI Consideration of draft report Speakers: Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Vital Moreira, Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Helmut Scholz, Ditte Juul-Joergensen (DG Trade) 7. Pedestrian safety and light emitting diodes (LEDs) INTA/7/06566 2011/0188(NLE) 13895/2011 – C7-0302/2011 Rapporteur: Vital Moreira (S&D) PR – PE473.902v01-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: TRAN – Decision: no opinion First exchange of views Consideration of draft recommendation (consent) 8. EU accession to Regulation No 29 of the UN Economic Commission for Europe INTA/7/06601 2011/0191(NLE) 13894/2011 – C7-0303/2011 Rapporteur: Vital Moreira (S&D) PR – PE473.936v01-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: TRAN – Decision: no opinion First exchange of views Consideration of draft recommendation (consent) Speakers: Vital Moreira, Daniel Caspary, Bernd Lange, Florent Herlitz (DG ENTR) 9. EU-Georgia Agreement on protection of geographical indications of agricultural PE476.040v01-00 2/15 PV\884190EN.doc EN products and foodstuffs INTA/7/05904 *** 2011/0090(NLE) 09737/2011 – C7-0202/2011 Rapporteur: Vital Moreira (S&D) PR – PE464.988v01-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: AGRI – Decision: no opinion Consideration of draft recommendation (consent) Speakers: Vital Moreira, Laima Liucija Andrikienė 22 November 2011, 15.00 – 17.30 Vice-Chairman Robert Sturdy took the chair at 15.10. 10. The World Bank Trade Strategy, 2011-2021 INTA/7/07632 Exchange of views with Bernard Hoekman, Director of the International Trade Department at the World Bank Speakers: Robert Sturdy, Daniel Caspary, Bernd Lange, David Campbell Bannerman, Helmut Scholz, Marielle De Sarnez, Bernard Hoekman (World Bank) 11. Amending Council Regulation (EC) No 617/2009 opening an autonomous tariff quota for imports of high-quality beef INTA/7/06358 ***I 2011/0169(COD) COM(2011)0384 – C7-0170/2011 Rapporteur: Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl (PPE) PR – PE472.117v01-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: ENVI – Decision: no opinion AGRI – George Lyon (ALDE) PA – PE473.958v01-00 Consideration of draft report Speakers: Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl, George Sabin Cutaş, Robert Sturdy, Helmut Scholz, Flavio Coturni (DG AGRI) 12. Second amendment to the Cotonou Agreement of 23 June 2000 INTA/7/06687 *** 2011/0207(NLE) COM(2011)0469 Rapporteur Daniel Caspary (PPE) for the opinion: Responsible: DEVE – Michael Cashman (S&D) Exchange of views Speakers: Daniel Caspary, David Martin, David Campbell Bannerman, Marc Tissot- Favre (DG DEVCO) In camera PV\884190EN.doc 3/15 PE476.040v01-00 EN 13. Regional Convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin INTA/7/02793 *** 2010/0093(NLE) 11343/2010 – C7-0207/2011 Rapporteur: Emilio Menéndez Del Valle (S&D) DT – PE452.637v01-00 Responsible: INTA – Opinions: AFET – Vincent Peillon (S&D) AD – PE467.263v02-00 Presentation of a legal opinion, by EP Legal Service Speakers: Emilio Menéndez del Valle, Daniela Gauci (EP Legal Service) 22 November 2011, 17.30 – 18.30 In camera 14. Coordinators’ meeting Summary of decisions and recommendations: 2. Chair’s announcements - In accordance with the "INTA General Principles regarding Standing Rapporteurs and Monitoring Groups for negotiations on international agreements" a list of Active Monitoring Groups was constituted (see Annex). -To include in each INTA meeting an item "Feedback from Monitoring Groups" to allow Monitoring Groups to fulfil its obligation to inform the committee A separate list of Standing Rapporteurs on the ongoing negotiations on EPAs will be included under the existing Standing Rapporteurs list (the distribution amongst political groups was decided at the beginning of the current legislature (2 for EPP, 2 for S&D, 1 for GUE and 1 for ECR), but not with a view to establishing a separate Monitoring Group for each EPA. - The Secretariat will prepare a draft text for the oral question to the Council for the Danish Presidency regarding the Marking of Origin regulation; to invite the Council to INTA Meeting for this item. - The deadline for amendments, on Omnibus I (2011/0039(COD) is kept at 7 December at noon. - To request the application of Rule 51 regarding the recommendation to approve or reject the conclusion of the Association Agreement with Central America - Agreement under INTA´s competences for external economic relations, to enhance its relations with international organizations with a role in trade, beyond the WTO, including OECD, World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD,ILO and G20 - A presentation will be made by Prof. Gabriel Craen, Chairman of the Sherpa Group of the High Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KET) during the INTA meeting of 25 January 2012, in the morning. PE476.040v01-00 4/15 PV\884190EN.doc EN - Since INTA will not to draft an opinion on AFET's own-initiative report on European Neighbourhood Policy (2011/2157(INI),1 point will be given back to the EPP group. - The draft recommendation on the International Cocoa Agreement (2010/0343(NLE) will be accompanied by an INTA resolution on child labour in the cocoa sector. 3. Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure REPORTS 3.1. Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items INTA/7/07664 ***I 2011/0310(COD) COM(2011)0704 – C7-0395/2011 Decision: Attributed to the EPP Group for 1 point. 3.2. Repeal of Council Regulation (EC) No 1342/2007 on administering certain restrictions on imports of certain steel products from Russia INTA/7/07777 ***I 2011/0315(COD) COM(2011)0715 – C7-0396/2011 Decision: Attributed to the ECR Group for 2 points. 4. Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure OPINIONS 4.1. European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2014 - 2020) INTA/7/07506 ***I 2011/0269(COD) COM(2011)0608 – C7-0319/2011 Decision: To draft an opinion. Attributed to the EPP Group for 1 point. 4.2. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on security of energy supply and international cooperation - "The EU Energy Policy: Engaging with Partners beyond our Borders" COM(2011)0539 Decision: To draft an opinion. Attributed to the ECR Group for 1 point. 4.3. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on External Dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy COM(2011)0424 Decision: No opinion. 4.4. Administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties INTA/7/07780 * 2011/0330(CNS) COM(2011)0730 PV\884190EN.doc 5/15 PE476.040v01-00 EN Decision: No opinion. 5. Petition 0502/2011 by B.B. (German), on a ban on imports of tropical wood Decision: Consider including this petition in the future work of INTA. The Secretariat has sent the above information to PETI in view of informing the Petitioner. 6. Own-Initiative reports No decision. 7. Hearings No decision. 8. Delegations No decision. 9. Studies & Workshops Decision: To request an external study on the "Economic significance of the Accession of Russia to the WTO"; and to request internal briefing notes on Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan (trade and economic relations). 10. Documents received for information 10.1. Communication from the Commission: A roadmap to stability and growth COM(2011)0669 Responsible: ECON – Opinions: INTA, EMPL, ITRE, IMCO No action. 10.2. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee: 2010 annual report on financial assistance for enlargement (IPA, PHARE, CARDS, Turkey pre-accession instrument, transition facility) COM(2011)0647 Responsible: AFET – Opinions: INTA No action. 10.3. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: Instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) - Revised multi-annual indicative financial framework for 2012-2013 COM(2011)0641 Responsible: AFET – Opinions: DEVE, INTA, BUDG, AGRI No action. PE476.040v01-00 6/15 PV\884190EN.doc EN 10.4. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Increasing the impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change COM(2011)0637 Responsible: DEVE – Opinions: AFET, INTA, ENVI Decision: No opinion.