Chapter 51 Animal Behavior
Chapter 51 Animal Behavior Lecture Outline Overview: Shall We Dance? • Red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis) gather in groups to dance, prance, stretch, bow, and leap. They grab bits of plants, sticks, and feathers with their bills and toss them into the air. • How does a crane decide that it is time to dance? In fact, why does it dance at all? • Animal behavior is based on physiological systems and processes. • An individual behavior is an action carried out by the muscular or hormonal system under the control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus. • Behavior contributes to homeostasis; an animal must acquire nutrients for digestion and find a partner for sexual reproduction. • All of animal physiology contributes to behavior, while animal behavior influences all of physiology. • Being essential for survival and reproduction, animal behavior is subject to substantial selective pressure during evolution. • Behavioral selection also acts on anatomy because body form and appearance contribute directly to the recognition and communication that underlie many behaviors. Concept 51.1: A discrete sensory input is the stimulus for a wide range of animal behaviors. • An animal’s behavior is the sum of its responses to external and internal stimuli. Classical ethology presaged an evolutionary approach to behavioral biology. • In the mid-20th century, pioneering behavioral biologists developed the discipline of ethology, the scientific study of how animals behave in their natural environments. • Niko Tinbergen, of the Netherlands, suggested four questions that must be answered to fully understand any behavior. 1. What stimulus elicits the behavior, and what physiological mechanisms mediate the response? 2.
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