
Imprinting and Imprinting

Konrad Lorenz Filial imprinting

Critical period Experimental approaches Sensitive period

Hours after hatching

precocial altricial Filial imprinting Multiple cues strengthen imprinting response Filial imprinting Timing of

Locomotion-fear dichotomy

Tolerance of novel objects

Locomotor performance

Hours after hatching Sexual imprinting Process of characteristics of future mates

Preferred humans ring dove

Reared by hand

Reared with conspecifics

Preferred doves Sexual imprinting

Recognition of appropriate mates

acquisition stage consolidation stage

hatching sexual maturity time Sexual imprinting

Sexual imprinting as way to strike balance between species recognition and

Male Japanese quail raised with females preferred…

< <

…slightly similar over identical over dissimilar females. Sexual imprinting as evolutionary force

Mate assortatively when placed together Assortative mating due to sexual imprinting Sexual imprinting as evolutionary force

Pairs of benthic (top) and limnetic (bottom) of sticklebacks

Divergent selection

Parental care exclusively by male Sexual imprinting as evolutionary force

Heterospecific Conspecific father father

Heterospecific No odor father

Tested female mate preferences as adults Sexual imprinting as evolutionary force

Prefer benthics conspecific limnetics male

Prefer heterospecific male Sexual imprinting as evolutionary force

benthics limnetics

heterospecific conspecific biological

Strength of imprinting correlated with father’s parental care Imprinting and conservation

Imprinting and conservation

Captive breeding, reintroduction of whooping cranes Imprinting and conservation

Used to teach migratory routes to juveniles Imprinting and conservation

Used to teach migratory routes to juveniles Habitat imprinting Ecologically relevant stimuli

anadromous salmon

monarch butterfly

Typically occurs in species with no overlap of generations Salmon life cycle

sockeye salmon Habitat imprinting in salmon

How do salmon find their way to natal stream?

Is it important that they do? Habitat imprinting

How do they find them?

Cuckoos must find mates

raised by same host species common cuckoo

Cuckoos raised looking Time in 6 habitat types Measured time spent looking at habitats Familiar Natal Others Kin recognition Modes of kin recognition

Vocal recognition in terns

Olfactory recognition Visual recognition in ungulates in primates Kin recognition

• Production component • Perception component • Action component

Environmental labels

Olfactory recognition in social insects

hydrocarbon “signature” Environmental labels

Can be age, sex, caste, or species specific Environmental labels Paper wasp Polistes fuscatus Environmental labels


U N1 N N1 N U U N2 U N2

Control Treatment

Nestmates more tolerant of each Nestmates and non-nestmates other than non-nestmates similarly tolerant

Production component not affected Learned perception of nest odor is affected Environmental labels “Home field advantage”



U N1 N1 N U N2 U N2 Environmental labels

Cross-fostering studies: nonsibs raised together are less aggressive than sibs raised apart…

Belding’s ground squirrel Genetic labels …but genetic relatedness does affect some interactions

pairs reared apart

Belding’s ground squirrel

Paul Sherman Jill Mateo Role of major histocompatibility complex? Genetic labels

Role of MHC in Arctic charr

MHC class II B gene sequenced Individuals genotyped Preferences tested in fluviarium Role of MHC in Arctic charr

A1=water A1=S++ or S-- A1=S++ or S-- A1=S++ A1=S-- A1=S-- A2=water A2=water A2=S++ or S-- A2=S-- A2=N-- A2=N+- Genetic labels

Cross-fostering design Mother 1 Mother 2 Mother 3

Tested female responses to: Familiar nonkin vs.

Unfamiliar kin vs. Unfamiliar nonkin vs. Genetic labels

Cross-fostering design Mother 1 Mother 2 Mother 3

Scent marking by females Nonsibs raised together Sibs raised apart Nonsibs raised apart

How do we interpret these data? Genetic labels

Can we conclude that females cannot Nonsibs raised together Sibs raised apart discriminate female odors? Nonsibs raised apart

Genetic labels

Kin recognition in tadpole morphs of spadefoot toad

Genetic labels

Proportion of time with siblings

Omnivores Carnivores 24-hrs food 48-hrs food Proportion of prey Proportion of prey that were siblings deprivation deprivation

Carnivorous morphs minimize contact with siblings, but sometimes they can’t help themselves… Genetic labels

Can nepotistic species discriminate among degrees of relatedness?


Control Referent


Control ? Belding’s ground squirrel

Genetic labels

Belding’s ground squirrel Time spent investigatingodor Time Ref trial 1 Ref trial 2 Ref trial 3 Mother Grandmother Half-aunt Non-kin

What did authors conclude about S. lateralis and why is it important?