Extensions of Remarks 29587 Extensions of Remarks
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November 18, 1980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29587 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE SOVIET UNION AND THE If the Soviet Union does force a break three activists. This had a devastating MADRID CONFERENCE down of the "Helsinki process" on purely impact on the morale and steadfastness of procedural issues, it will mark a major stra those still willing to express their views pub tegic turning point in the foreign policy of licly. HON. ROBERT F. DRINAN President Leonid I. Brezhnev-away from For the most part, the recent trials at OF MASSACHUSETTS detente in Europe and back to a rigid atti tracted little foreign attention, with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tude, not only toward the West but also the public and media preoccupied with the US Soviets' own restive satellites. election, the Iranian-Iraqi war and other Thursday, November 13, 1980 Since the September opening of the pre concerns. In addition, none of the activists e Mr. DRINAN. Mr. Speaker, the paratory phase of the conference, Western commands the attention of Sakharov, the Conference on Security and Coopera delegates have been surprised and irritated scientist who developed the Soviet hydrogen tion in Europe opened yesterday in by the obdurate tactics of the Soviet delega bomb and received the Nobel Peace Prize tion under Yuri Dobinin, the ambassador to the same year the Soviet Union, the United Madrid to review compliance with the Spain and a veteran of the early days of States and 33 other nations signed the Hel provisions of the 1975 Helsinki ac Helsinki negotiations. sinki agreement. cords. One of the major issues to be "It's been the kind of diplomatic perform A look at some recent cases shows the raised at this Conference is the human ance we haven't seen from the Soviets since thoroughness with which the state is pursu rights violations by the Soviet Union. some of the Cold War negotiations," one ing activists. The Conference provides the opportu veteran Western delegate said. "His treat Three editors of the clandestine journal nity for other nations to question the ment of his allies has been openly humiliat Poiski <Searches> were convicted of slander Soviet Union on its treatment of its ing and shameful, and his manner as well as against the state and sentenced to three his tactics toward the Western Europeans years in prison. Yuri Grimm and Valerie citizens. Numerous Soviet citizens and the neutrals has been one of the big Abramkin were jailed, but Viktor Sokirko's have been refused the right to emi unifying factors on our side." sentence was suspended after he pleaded grate to other nations, while others In the face of this kind of behavior, the guilty and recanted his activities. The six have been jailed for their activities on Western powers, with the United States issues published during the journal's two behalf of the Helsinki accords. usually taking the diplomatic lead in face years of operation contained discussions of I would like to bring to the attention to-face dealings with the Soviet delegation, Eurocommunism, socialism and communist of my colleagues the following articles has maintained a united front, insisting reform. The journal reached only a small from the Boston Globe of November that, while they are prepared to be moder number of intellectuals in Moscow and Len ately flexible on timetable and agenda, they ingrad, but it could not be allowed to sur 10. Don Cook and Kevin Klose discuss will not agree to provisions that render the vive because officals feared its attempts at recent Soviet activities and their po conference useless. broad political dialog could trigger pressure tential effect on the Madrid Confer As an example of the kind of miniscule for reform. ence as well as an editorial from the but vital argument that has been going on, Lithuanians Antanas Terleckas and Julius Washington Post of November 10 con the Soviets have proposed that delegations Sasnauskas were sentenced to three years cerning the U.S. commitment to have the right to introduce new proposals and 18 months, respectively, in labor camps, human rights. during the period allotted for general plus five years' internal exile each, for their debate. Taken literally, that would mean human-rights work. For many years, Ter TALKS ON HELSINKI AccORDS IMPERILED the right to address the conference on new leckas was a major nationalist figure in the MADRID.-On the eve of tomorrow's sched proposals, and would open the way to end Vilnius-based movement, and with 44 other uled opening here of the 35-nation Helsinki less speechmaking by Soviet bloc repre Baltic natives, including Sasnauskas, last review conference, the Soviet Union is reso sentatives. year signed a denunciation of the 1939 pact lutely blocking adoption of an agenda and The Western powers have sought to block that gave Moscow control of the Baltics. rules of procedure, and it is uncertain if the that maneuver with an agenda specifying The condemnation thus struck at Soviet conference will take place at all. that new proposals can be tabled or circulat claims to legitimacy there and demanded re Since mid-September, preparatory discus ed in writing while the general debate is prisal. sions among diplomats from all the partici going on, but not introduced or discussed. pating countries have been bogged down in In the Ukraine, veteran nationalist Vasil the face of Soviet efforts to impose a short, Stus was thrown in jail for 10 years, to be rigid agenda. SOVIETS DEAL CRUSHING BLOWS TO DISSENT followed by five years' internal exile, and The aim apparently is to cut to a mini Moscow.-After years of struggle, state Estonians Yuri Kukk and Mart Niklus face mum discussion of human rights, the Soviet security forces have broken the back of po stiff reprisals for their activities. invasion of Afghanistan and other sensitive litical dissent in the Soviet Union, leaving Having gained a televised confession from aspects of Moscow's record, and to close the its future as unsure as at any time since the dissident Russian Orthodox priest Dmitri conference in four or five weeks. death of Stalin in 1953. Dudko in June-perhaps the greatest blow The Western powers, with general support Ironically, this has been achieved virtually to broad-based and nationalist-oriented from the neutral and nonaligned nations, on the eve of the Madrid conference, which church ferment-authorities this fall got want six weeks of general debate and discus is scheduled to open tomorrow to review confessions from Lev Regelson and Viktor sion up to Christmas on how the agree compliance with the provisions of the 1975 Kapitanchuk of the Christian Committee ments on security and cooperation are being Helsinki agreement on European security for the Defense of Believers' Rights. Ac implemented, then six weeks from the end and cooperation. Soviet repression is likely cused of anti-Soviet activities, they pleaded of January to take up proposals for "fur to produce bitter wrangling in Madrid about guilty and received suspended five-year jail thering the Helsinki process." Moscow's compliance with human-rights sentences. At issue is how much time the conference provisions of the accord. Rev. Gleb Yakunin, founder of the com will spend reviewing the implementation of The pace of the KGB (secret police) of mittee, in August denied similar charges at the accords on human rights and peaceful fensive against dissidents, which has gath his trial and was sentenced to five years in a cooperation signed in Helsinki, Finland, five ered momentum since 1977, escalated with labor camp and five years in internal exile. years ago by the United States, Canada and the arrest and internal exile last January of The cases dismembered the committee, 33 European countries. the Soviets' most famous human-rights which had embarrassed the state-controlled The last review conference was held in champion, Andrei Sakharov. It was given an Orthodox Church by reporting on repres Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1977-78. added urgency by Kremlin determination to sion of Christian denominations to world A Swedish effort at compromise last week, silence dissenters before and during last church groups. with a proposal for four weeks of general summer's Olympic Games here. Vyacheslav Bakhmin, a member of a citi debate before Christmas and then a week Since the games ended Aug. 3, more than zens group that monitors psychiatric for introduction of new proposals, was two dozen trials that ended in convictions abuses, was convicted of anti-Soviet slander brushed aside by the Soviets. Swiss delegate have been held, and numerous arrests have and sentenced to three years in prison. His Peter Troendle spent yesterday shuttling been made in security sweeps that left the group has been devastated by arrests. Ta back and forth between East and West to ever-dwindling dissident movement frus tyana Velikanova, a key member of the see if they could work out something, but trated, disheartened and leaderless. Chronicle of Current Events, an important by the end of the day he told reporters he Moreover, this drive has been punctuated underground rights journal, was convicted was "very pessimistic" about a compromise. by confessions of crimes against the state by of anti-Soviet agitation and sentenced to e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 29588 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 13, 1980 four years' imprisonment and five years' in Former secretary of state Cyrus Vance, for vate plane crash near Leona Valley, ternal exile. one, tried to redefine Mr. Carter's sweeping Calif., last February 17. The presenta The successful suppression of dissidents, goals into the kind of fine print that would tion was made by Mr.