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Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyrighted in 1911. a000rding to Act of Coagro. uje WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY In office of Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1013.1 INDEX. Ill INDEX TO THE NINETY - SIXTH VOLUME. JAN-MIRY 1 TO JUNE 30 1913.

EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES. Page. Page. Page ccidents. See Electric Railway Accidents. Banking and Currency Legislation, Presi- Congress and Congressional Acts-Conc. Agricultural Credits and Marlceting, Na- dent Favors 1594 Anti-Trust Law, Its Application in Case tional Conference 1269 Banking and Currency Legislation. See of Imported Goods Extended_328, 456, 761 Agricultural Department Appointments.. _ _1459 also Congress. Anti-Trust Law, Proposed Amendment Alaskan Railway Commission, President Banking and Currency Reform, The Presi- by Senator La Follette 1812 Taft's Message 458 dent's Message 1794, 1806 Appropriation Bills, Amount of------988 Alien Landholding Bill in California (F. S.), Banking and Currency Reform, Replies of Banking & Currency Bill, Outline_ _1745, 1810 1051, 1121, 1183, 1187,1256, 1440 American Bankers' Association 1807 Banking and Currency Committee Hear- Alfonso, King of , Significance of Visit Banking and Currency Reform, Some As- ings__100, 177, 528, 1267, 1339, 1594, 1809 to Paris (F. S.) 1327 pects of New Bill 1800 Banking and Currency Reform, the Pres- American Bankers' Assn. and Banking and Banking Reform, James G. Cannon Advo- ident's Message 1794, 1806 Currency Reform 1807 cates Use of Clearing Houses 1197 Banks, National, Senate Passes Bill For- Anglo-German Rivalry in Naval Armaments Banking Reform, Suggestions by G. G. bidding Political Contributions 328 1341 (F. S.) 675 Henry Battleship Program 456, 527, 608, 761 Anglo-German Understanding Better (F.SO 592 Banking Reform, Views of Edmund D. Budget System Recommended by Presi- Antarctic Expedition, Disaster to Capt. Fisher 177, 1062 dent Taft 607 Scott, &c. (1'4 S.) 442 Banking Reform, William A. Nash Suggests Campaign Funds Investigation by U. S. Anthracite Coal Production_ _113, 398, 694, Use of Clearing Houses 177 Senate 328, 761 1064, 1343, 1679 Banks, Government Deposits in, No Re- Child-Labor Bill Introduced 1730 Anthracite Coal, Report of Investigating serve to Be Required 1459 Commerce Court, Appropriation for Its Committee 762 Banks, Liability of on Checks of Corpora- Temporary Continuance 328, 528, Anti-Alien Landholding Bill, California, tions 1456 608, 1812 1051, 1211, 1183, 1187, 1256, 1326, 1659 Belgian Cabinet's Compromise in the Strike Contempt Proceedings against Charles C. Anti-Trust Law, Amendment Suggested by for "Manhood Suffrage" (F. S.) 1184 Glover 1268, 1398 Senate Inter-State Commerce committee, Belgian Workingmen's Strike for Suffrage Corporation Tax Law, Penalty for Ne- 762, 1812 (F S.) 1122 glect to File Report Modified 456, 834 Anti-Trust Law-Supreme Court Deter- Belgium to Raise 856,800,000 Loan (F. S.).1659 Eight-Hour Restriction on River and mined to Make it Effective (F. S.) 86 Blue-Sky Legislation 904, 1061, 1340, Harbor Improvements 328 Anti-Trust Law Violated in Dealing with 1398, 1461, 1596 Employers' Liability Bill 457 Collective Demands of Labor Unions_438, 513 Bossert, Louis, & Son, and the Carpenters Erdman Act to Be Extended 1812 Anti-Trust'Laws of New Jersey as Favored and Joiners (F S.)1178 Extra Session Determined On 607, 835 by WOodrow Wilson 230, 528, 588,603 Boston Trust Companies 599, 625 Henry, George G., of William Salomon & Anti-Trust Suit Against Chicago Board of Brazilian Loan Virtually a Failure in Lon- Co., Contempt Proceedings.. _98, 456, Trade 461 don (F S.) 1328, 1389 527,- 609, 693, 1534 Anti-Trust Suit against Dye-Stuffs Trust, Breadstuffs Receipts at Western Lake and Immigrant Stations at Interior Points 1597, 1812 RiverPorts_96, 452, 524, 760, 1058, 1337,1671 Established 328 Anti-Trust Suit against Electrical Workers_ 609 British Chancellor Presents Optimistic Bud- Immigration, Bill Restricting, Vetoed Anti-Trust Suit against Elgin Board of Trade 609 get 1183, 1264 328, 395, 527 Anti-Trust Suit against Philadelphia Jobbing British First Lord of the Admiralty Suggests Labor Department, with Cabinet Officer, Confectioners 609 Limiting Additions to Naval Armaments Created 609, 692 Anti-Trust Suit against Standard 011 in 901, 1052 Labor Unions and Farmers' Organizations Texas 609, 1133 British Gold Reserves, Question of (F. S.)_ _1051 to Be Exempt from Prosecution_ _ _527. Anti-Trust Suit against Unit. Mine Workers 1675 British National Insurance Scheme_4, 88, 235 692, 1133, 1339, 1460, 1795, 1811 Anti-Trust Suit for Violation of Decree in British Parliament Opened (F. S.) 749 Money Trust Inquiry_ _98, 175, 251, 395, Case against Wholesale Grocers 460 British Unionists and Bonar Law Defeated_ 3 456, 527, 680, 689,1746 Anti-Trust Statutes of New Jersey Not to British Woman's Suffrage Debate 236,1327,1331 Money Trust Inquiry, Pub() Committee's Apply to Labor Unions • 588 Brooklyn Trust Companies 599, 617 Report 680, 689 Anti-Trust Statutes of New Jersey, Text of_ 603 Building Operations in 1012 319 Newspaper Publicity Law.761,835, 1668, 1675 Arbitration, Court of, at the Hague, Ap- Building Operations, First Quarter of 1913_1129 Panama Canal Tolls 162, 234, pointments to (F. S.) 442 Building Operations, Monthly Features of 457, 527, 834, 1268 Arbitration and International Peace. See (F. S. 515, 823, 1386, 1731 Physical Valuation of Railroads 450, . Sec. Bryan's Proposal 1392 Buisness, New Openings for 1805 457, 527, 598, 608 Arbitration Treaties, New, Agreed Upon Postal Deficiency Appropriation 1460 (F S.) 443, 826 California and Japan_ _ _ _1051, 1121, 1183, Presidential Term, Senate Passes Bill Archbald, Judge, Impeachment of 166 1187, 1256, 1326,1659 Limiting It 389, 395,456 Armament Increasing. See France and Ger- Canadian Bank Clearings_ _ _ _95, 114, 398, Railway Allowance for Transportation of many. 694, 1272, 1600 Parcels Post 761 Austria, Montenegro and the Powers 1261 Cars, Steel. See Steel. Rockefeller Foundation, Bill for 328, 528 Avebury, Lord, Death of (F. S.) 1522 Castro, Cipriano, Former Pres. of Vene- St. Louis & San Francisco Receivership Automatic Stop Signals, Danger in Exclu- zuela, in America (F. S.) 4, 163, 311 Investigation 1674 sive Use of. See "Ry. and Industrial Castro, Cipriano, Still in the Public Eye Seamen's Bill Vetoed 692, 761 Section" June 28. (F S.)592 Shipping Trust Investigation, Report.._ _1747 Cereals, Large Farm Reserves of 756 Stock Exchanges, Bill to Regulate 1196 Balkan Allies, Disputes among.1523, 1526, 1706 Chicago Banking Situation in 1912 245 Tariff Bill, New, Action on Its Various alkan Allies' Terms Said to Be Inadmis- Chicago Board of Trade, the Year on 249 Provisions 1059, 1132, 1196,1266, sible (F. S.) 823 Chicago Bond Market in 1912 246 1338, 1460 1530, 1595, 1673,1746, 1810 Balkan Situation Again Threatening (F. S.)1732 Chicago Board of Trade Sued under Anti- Tariff Commission Proposition 527 Balkan Situation, Suspense over (F. S.)._ _ _1257 Trust Law 461 Tariff Measure, President Reads It in Balkan War, European Powers Asked to In- Chicago Stock Exchange Record in 1912, Person 1059 tervene (F S.) 441 244, 249 West Virginia Coal Strike Investigation Balkan War, Final Stages of (F. S.)....1388, Child Labor, Bill to Partially Suppress In- 1531, 1595 1449, 1659 troduced in House (F. S.) 1730 Constitution, (U. S. Denounced by La Balkan War, Important Progress Toward China and the Five-Power Loan (F. S.) -1327 Follette's "Weekly" (F. S.) 514 Peace (F S.) 3, 87 China, Christian Churches Pray for Proper Constitution, Federal, Easy of Amend- Balkan War, Peace Apparently Near (F.S.) Guidance to the New Republic (F. S.)_ _ _1257 ment (F. S.) 1325 900, 077, 1050, 1121, 1523 China, Developments in the Six-Power Loan Copper Production and Consumption 113, Balkan War, Peace Negotiations(F. S.).160, 740 Matter (F. S.)....3, 161, 232, 309, 385, 398, 694, 1064, 1343, 1679 Balkan War, Peace Treaty Signed_ _1583, 1587 442, 677, 824 Corporation Income Tax Penalty Modified Balkan War Resumed (F. S.) • 384 Chinese Loan, Woodrow Wilson's Policy 456, 834 Balkan War Situation a Disconcerting Phase Regarding Same 824, 829, 901 Cost of Living, High, International Confer- (F. S.) 233, 310, 311 Chinese Republic and Great Britain's Rec- ence Urged 916 Balkan War, Temporary Halt in Hostilities, ognition (F S.) 1522 Cotton Acreage and Condition in 1913. &c. (F. S.) 516, 591, 677 Chinese Republic to be Recognized by the 1731, 1739 Balkans, Peace in, and Afterwards 982 U. S.(F S.) 978 Cotton-American Manufacturers' Associa- Bank Clearings at Leading Cities.. _95, 399, Chinese Republic's First Parliament (F. S.)_1051 tion Convention (F. S.) 1049 695, 995, 1273, 1601 Chinese £25,000,000 Loan (F. S.) 1450 Cotton Bills of Lading Suit against Carrier Bank Clearings by Telegraph 114, 399, Citizenship, Cancellation of Socialist's, Re- Successful 917 695, 994, 1273, 1601 tried 529 Cotton Congress, International 1796 Bank Clearings in United States, Monthly City Employees (New York), Ordinance as Cotton Corner Held in Contravention of Features of.. _ _94, 384, 675, 977, 1255, 1581 Regards Residence (F. S.) 1120 Anti-Trust Law 86, 460 Bank Deposits, Limitation Suggested 1397 Clearing Houses and Currency Address by Cotton Corner, James A. Patten Pleads Bank Guaranty Law of Oklahoma Burden- James G. Cannon 1197 Guilty 460 some 330 Clearing-House Incorporation Urged 916 Cotton Crop, Condition of (F. S.) 1581 Bank Notes, Changes in Totals of, &c_ _264, Clearings and Speculation in 1912 94 Cotton Culture, Extending 602 465, 921, 1204, 1468, 1817 Coffee Valorization Suit to be Withdrawn Cotton Goods Men and the Tariff (F. S.), Bank Reserves, Sir Felix Schuster on the 162, 328, 1531, 1675 1040, 1181, 1250 Necessity of Strengthening (F. S.) _ _ _235, 310 Commercial Education, New Light on 909 Cotton, Ellison's Review for 1912(F. S.) _ _ 160 Bank Returns, National City Bank Denied Commercial Paper as Secondary Reserve.. _ _1677 Cotton Ginning and the Probable Crop Use of Facilities of Comptroller of Cur- Commission Form of Government in New (F S.) 231, 822 rency 1198 Jersey 171 Cotton Manufacturing, Results at Fall Bank Stock Sales_ AO, 98, 175, 250, 327, Commission Government, the Argument for 1459 River (F. S.) 440, 1448 394, 455, 527, 607, 692, 760, 834, 915, Commission Merchants Must Pay a License Cotton Manufacturing in 167 986, 1059, 1132, 1196, 1266, 1338, 1397, Fee 1399 Cotton Manufacturing Industry in Germany 1459, 1530, 1592, 1673, 1746, 1809 Congress and Congressional Acts- in 1912(F. S.) 590 Banking and Currency Bill, How Individual Alaskan Railways Commission, President Cotton, National Assn. of Manufacturers Banks Will Be Affected 1802 Taft's Message 458 Convention (F S.) 1181 Banking and Currency Bill, Outline of.1729, Anti-Trust Cases, Court Proceedings Cotton Receipts at Southern Ports 97, 1745, 1810 Must Be Open 328, 761 452, 525, 759, 1058, 1337,1671

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ry INDEX. [voL. xcvi.

Page. Page. Page. Cotton Supply and Consumption in Europe_ 170 France, Bill Increasing Taxation Introduced Investment Banking, Attitude of Towards Cotton Supply of Great Britain, Move to in Chamber (F S.) 1523 New Legislation 246 Increase F S.) 1183 France, Electioneering for Presidency (F.S.) 88 Investment Capital, Government Policies Court Decisions- France, New Ministry of (F S.) 901 Restrict Supplies 1580 Bank Guaranty Deposit Law of Kansas, France, Raymond Poincare elected Presi- Investment Capital, Rates of Interest on U. S. Supreme Court Refuses to In- dent and inaugurated.. __162, 235, 238, 517 Same Affected by Harsh Treatment of terfere 918 France and United States, Arbitration Railroads 1446 Collateral Cannot be Sold Without Reas- Treaty Extended (F. S.) 826 Investment Offering Unsuccessful Abroad....1389 onable Notice 1268 Free Speech 1520 Iron Ore Shipments, Lake Superior_ _1343, 1600 Corporation Income Tax, What Consti- French Credit Fonder Loan 89 Iron Production, Country's Large, in 1912_ 391 tutes Doing Business (U. S. Supreme French Loan for State Railways_ _ _ _1052, 1122 Court 1061, 1341, 1398 French President Guest of English Nation_ 1796 and California 1187, 1326 Cotton Bills of Lading, Verdict against "Full-Crew" Bill Signed by Gov. Sulzer oapan objects to Prohibitive Feature of Guaranty Trust 459 (F. S. 976, 984 California Land Bill (F. 5.)...... 1051, Cotton Corner Held a Violation of Anti- 1121, 1183, 1256, 1387, 1449 Trust Law by U. S. Supreme Court_ 86, 460 ermah-Anglo Understanding Better (F.S.) 592 Japan ,Rioting and Disorder in Tokyo (F.S.) 442 Employees May Not Conspire to Injure German Army Increase and Other Legis- Japan, Illness of the Mikado (F.S.)_1448, 1522 Business of Employer 1178 lation (F S.) 1052, 1121, 1257 Japan's Foreign Trade in 1912 (F. S.) 590 Free Entry of Wood Pulp and Paper_....1398 German Army and Navy Contracts, Reve- Japan's Political Crisis Settled (F. S.) 517 Labor Leaders' Contempt Sentence in lations Regarding (F. S.) 1182 Japan and Universal Peace (F. S.) 1583 Bucks Stove & Range.Case Affirmed, German Cotton-Manufacturing Industry Japan War Ministry 1797 1333, 1341, 1533, 1747 In 1912 (F S.) 590 Japanese Willingness to Renew Arbitration Liability of Banks on Checks of Corpora- German Emperor's Twenty-Five Years of Treat3r with U. S.(F. S.) 1733 tion Officials 1456 Rulership 1732, 1736 Jersey City to Try the Commission Plan of Minnesota Rate Cases Decided in Favor German Loan Negotiations__593, 678, 751, Government (F. S.) 1180 of State 1656 1584, 1661, 1734 State Rate Cases Decided against Rail- German Military Contribution Bill 1797 Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Syndicate Participa- roads 1656, 1728 German Railway Employees, Liability of, tions 327 Newspaper Publicity Law Upheld by to Military Duty 833, 986 U.S.Supreme Court 1668, 1675 Germany, April Settlements Convieted I abor Agitator Patrick Quinlan (I. W. W.) Patentee Cannot Control Sale Price of without Very Damaging Results (F'. S.) _ 978 L. Found Guilty 1398, 1453 Article after He Has Parted with it _ _ _ _1528 Germany, Death of the Secretary of Foreign Labor Department, With Cabinet Officer, Permanent Injunction against Lumber Affairs (F. S.) 4 Created 608, 692 Dealers 101 Germany-A Problem of Europe's Govern- Labor-The Eight-Hour Man 985, 1192 Rights of Unsecured Creditors in Rail- ments 1055 Labor Leaders' Contempt Sentence in Bucks way Foreclosures (N. Pac. Case) 1262 Germany-Wedding of the Emperor's Stove & Range Case Affirmed 1333, State Railroad Cases, U. S. Govt. Files Daughter (F. S.) 1448 1341, 1537, 1747 Brief as Amiens Curiae 1189 Germany's Growth 448 Labor, Organized, The Clinch with 1394 U. S. Supreme Court Refuses Assent to Giving, Lessening the Difficulties of 318 Labor Situation, Railroad Managers Cannot Un. Pac.-So. Pac. Dissolution Plan_ _ _ 86 Gold Hoarding in Europe 387 Afford to Temporize With (F. S.) 1252 Courts and Legislative Freedom 983 Gold, Mexico Imposes Tax on Exports, Labor Unions and Farmers' Organizations Creditors, Unsecured, Rights of, in Fore- 1196, 1258 to be Exempt From Prosecution____527, closures 1262 Gold Production First Quarter of 1913 (F.S) 1179 692, 1133, 1180, 1339, 1460, 1795, 1811 Crops, Condition of (F. S. 1049, 1325 Gold Production in the Transvaal (F. S.), Labor Unions and the Extra Crew Bills_ _ _ _ 984 Cuba, Friction with the U.S. over Amnesty 440, 747, 1658 Labor Unions-The Paterson Episode 1453 Bill (F. S.) 749, 1184 Gold Reserves Considered Insufficient in Lake Superior Iron Ore Shipments_ _ _1343, 1600 Currency Committee's Hearings 92 Great Britain 235, 310 Latin-American Policy of the Wilson Ad- Currency, Emergency, and the Treasury Gold Reserves Declared Insufficient in ministration 750, 754 1663, 1729 Germany 164 Legislative Freedom and the Courts 983 Currency Holdings of U. S. Treasury_ _263, Gold Reserves in Great Britain, New Com- Levant, New Opening for Business in 1805 532, 920, 1203, 1466, 1816 mittee to Reconsider Question 1051 Lewis, James Hamilton, Illinois Senator, Cut Prices and Patent Rights, The Decision Gold and Silver Production and Movement Speaks Against Too Much Government, Regarding 1528 In 1912 321 &c 674, 899 Government Inefficiency as a Monitor for Life Insurance and the Income Tax 1264 Debt Statement of U. S_ _ _ _263, 531, 920, Business Efficiency 1527 Life Insurance, The Pending Income Tax 203, 1466, 1816 Government-MusI• Parliamentary System As to 1191 Dynamite Cases, Convictions and Sentences be Changed? Industrial Unrest 316 Lincoln Diverse Views of (F. S.) 439 7, 41 Government Revenue and Expenditures, Loose Talk on Large Subjects 1118, 1125 Dynamite Conspiracy Case, William A. 264, 533, 921, 1204, 1468, 1817 Lumber Dealers Permanently Enjoined..___ 101 Wood Acquitted 1677 Government, Senator James Hamilton Dynamite Trials, Jury Unable to Agree in Lewis Speaks against too Much 674 Mc Re y nolds , Attorney-General, Criticized Case of Clarence S. Darrow 764 Grain Crop Condition (F. S.) 1657 in White Slave Cases 1811 Grain, Large Farm Reserves of 756 Madero Government, Overthrow of 520 rastern Trunk Lines (Railroad) Determine Grand Central Station, New York. See Mail-Carrying, Present Law Works to Dis- LA to Secure Higher Freight Rates (F. S.)_1252 "Railway & Industrial Section" Feb. 22. advantage of the Railroads (F. S.), 232, 899 Efficiency, Government to Enforce It in Great Britain. See also Suffragettes and Marconi Wireless and the British Govern- Business 1339, 1385, 1397, 1589 Suffrage. ment (F S.) 235, 901, 1658, 1732 Efficiency, Tax on,Proposition to Impose a Great Britain, Award for National Tele- Marconi Wireless Investigation, British Graded Tax on Tobacco 1591, 1593 phone Co.(F. S.) 162 Attorney-General Resigns (F. S.) 1522 Eight-Hour Man 985, 1192 Great Britain, New Ambassadorfrom United Marconi Wireless Stock, Purchases by Mem- Electric Railroads. See also Railroads. States (F. S.) 1388 bers of British Cabinet (F. S.) 901 Electric Concerns in New York State, Jeop- Great Britain-Suffrage and the House of Marshall, Thomas R. Vice-Presidnet, In- ardy to, and to the State 906 Commons 1330 dulges in Radical Talk 915, 1118, 1125 Electric Industry, The New Census of. See Great Britain, Trend in Favor of the As- Men's Clothing Past and Present Cost of 1591 "Electric Ry. Section," Jan. 25. quith Government (F. S.) 88, 161, 236 Mexican Administration's Practical Demand Electric Locomotive, Progress of. See "El. Great Britain's New Ambassador to the for Recognition from U.S. (F. S.) 1327 Ry. Section," Jan. 25. United States (F. S.) 1257 Mexican Government Loan Delayed by Electric Railway Accidents, Educating the Greece, King of, Assassinated (F. S) 824 Syndicate (F. S.) 1733 Public Against. See "El. Ry.Sec.' May 24. Guatemala and British Claims (F. S.) 1388 Mexican Government Recognized by France Electric Railway Earnings, Magnitude and (F. S.) 1388 Stability of 911 James J., Emphasizes Need of In- Mexican $100,000,000(Mex.) Loan (F.8.)_ _1584 Electric Transportation, Development of H141.ill, creased Terminals (F. S) 232 Mexican President Guest of U. S. Am- New Field in. See "El.Ry. Sec.," Jan.25. Hill, James J., Suggests that Congress bassador 1797 Electrical Railways in Critical Emergencies. Could with Advantage Adjourn for Ten Mexican Problem to Be Taken up by Presi- See "Electric Ry. Section," May 24. Years 1341 dent Wilson (F. S.) . 826 Electricity, Proposition for New York State Home Rule Bill Rejected by Lords (F. S.).._ 310 Mexican Situation 446, 902, 078, 1122, 1258 to Go into Business of Producing It_907, 1569 Home Rule Bill (Great Britain Passed by Mexico, Assassination of Officials 515 Electrification of Railways, Progress of. Commons (F 5.) 3, 161 Mexico, Crisis in Affairs of (F. S.)_ .. _ _4, 88, 162 See "Electric Ry. Section," May 24 and Hyde, Charles H., Former City Chamber- Mexico, The Iron Hand Re-established "Ry. and Ind. Sec." June 28. lain, Conviction Set Aside 1400, 1749 (F. S.) 591, 677 Emergency Currency Law, Sec. of Treas- Mexico, Revolution in, More Serious Than ury Expresses Willingness to Issue Whole Illinois Senatorial Contest Closed (F. S.) _- 899 Acknowledged 386 $500,000,000 1663, 1673 Immigration Bill Passed, then Vetoed_328, Mexico, Tax on Gold Exports 1196, 1258 Emigration and Immigration in 1912 394 395, 527 Mexico Wishes ex-President Diaz to Re- Employees May Not Conspire to Injure Immigration and Emigration in 1912 394 - sume Reins of Government 1.450 Employers' Business (F. S) 1178 Immigration and Emigration, Monthly Military Organization, Expansion of,in Con- England, Business in, in 1912 258 Features of (F. S.) 747, 976, 1386, 1658 tinental Europe (F. S.) 675, 826 English Budget (F S.) 1183, 1265 "Imperator," Largest Ocean Steamer (F.S.)1730 Minimum Wage and Child Labor Law Re- Erdman Act to be Extended 1812 Income Tax Amendment to U S. Constitu- commended by Gov. Sulzer 42 Erdman Law, Arbitration of Firemen and tion Effected (F. S.) 589 Minimum Wage for Females to Prevent Engineers' Demands Under (F. S.) 512 Income Tax, Attempt to Collect at Source Vice 746 Europe's Governments, a Problem of 1055 Condemned (F S.) 1254 Minnesota Rate Cases and the Supreme Europe's Strained Poitical Situation, Effect Income Tax, its Inquisitorial Nature an Court Decision in Favor of State.. _1656, 1664 on the Bourses (F. S.) 748, 823 Objectionable Feature (F. S.) 1120 Minnesota Rate Cases, U. S. Govt. Files Exports and Imports of U. S. (monthly), Income Tax on Bonds, Suggestion that Cor- Brief as Amiens Curiae 1189 263, 993, 1272, 1600 porations Pay 1530 Minority, Rulings by Any 597 Income Tax, One Particular in Which it Missouri Insurance Situation, Strenuous rallures in 1912 169 Should be Amended 1458 (F. S.) 1179, 1194, 1255 A allures, Monthly Features of (F. S.)_440, Income Tax, Pending, as to Life Insurance 1191 Money Rates, National City Bank Abandons 675, 1049, 1325, 1582 Income Tax, Provisions of Tariff Minimum of 3% for Call Loans 1662 Fall River Dividends (F. S.)_ _ _440, 1448, 1815 1191, 1254, 1264, 1266, 1458, 1595, 1794 Money Stock in the Country, 396, 533, Farm Credits and Marketing, National India, Cotton-Manufacturing in 167 921, 1204, 1468, 1751 Conference on 1269 Industrial Unrest and the Revolution it Money Trust Inquiry, Pujo Committee's Farming by Corporations the Hope of the Seems to Portend 316 Report 680, 681, 689 Future 1743 Insurance Act in Great Britain and the Money Trust Inquiry-See Congress and Finances, National, the President on 595 Doctors (F. S.) 4, 88, 235 Congressional Acts. Firemen, Railroad, the Arbitration Hear- Insurance. See also Life Insurance. Money Trust Investigation, President's Con- ing (F. ) 822 Insurance in Russia. See Russia. trol over Comptroller of Currency 40 Firemen's (Railroad) Strike Threatened, Insurance Brokers Must Have Licenses in Montenegro, Austria and the __ _1261 &c (F S.) 438, 512, 747 New York State 1120 Montenegro and Scutari (F. Powers_---S.) 1182, 1326 Firemen's Wage Arbitration Board Find- Insurance Companies Driven out of Mis- Morgan, J. P., Funeral 1060, 1133 ing (F. S.) 1178 souri by New Lalv 1179, 1194, 1255, 1268 Morgan,J. P., His Will 1199 First Nat. Bank (N. Y.) Syndicate Trans- Insurance Situation, Strenuous, in Missouri Morgan, J. P., Illness and Death of, 520, actions 99, 175, 251 (F. S.) 1179, 1194, 1255 611, 972, 975, 987, 1340 Floods, Gigantic, in Central West 899, International Commerce of the World, Morgan, J. P., Pujo Money Trust Inquiry 988, 1061 Share of U. S. in (F. S.) 1181 Responsible for His Death 975 Food and Drugs Act, Extension of 1747 Inter-State Commerce Commission and the Morgan,J. P., Review of His Life 972 Foreign Exchange, Seven-Day Bills Cre- Desired General Advance in Freight Rates Morgan, J. P. & Co., Disclaim Interview ated 1391, 1586 (F. S.) 1252, 1324 Criticizing Chinese Policy of Adminis- Foreign Government Bonds in 1912 113 Inter-State Commerce Commission Rules tration 1532 Foreign Trade, Our, in 1912 239 that Terminals Must be Open to All -820 Morgan, J. P., & Co., Policy Regarding Foreign Trade, Our, Monthly Features of Inter-State Commerce Commission Says In- Chinese Loan 824 (F. S.) 514, 822, 1120, 1447, 1730 efficiency Does Not Justify Higher Rates.. 820 Morgan,J.P.,&Co.,Syndicate Participations 98

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1913.] INDEX. •

Page. Page. Page. 976 Morgan, J. P., & Co., Views Regarding Pujo Committee's Responsibility for Mr. Stock Market Advance (F. S.) Money Trust 252, 589, 605 Morgan's Death F. S.) 975 Strike of Firemen on Railroads Threatened Pujo "Money Trust" Committee and J. P. (F. S.) 438 Municipal Bond Sales (Monthly), 79, 218, S.).... 821 431, 502, 738, 888, 1036, 1375, 1568, 1640 Morgan & Co 589, 604 Subway (N. Y.) Contracts Signed (F. Suffragettes in Great Britain, Disorder, &c. Municipal Bond Sales in 1912-See "State & 1330 City Section," May 31. Dail Production and the Activity of the (F. 8.) 311, 385, 1183, 1327, .L% Steel Trade 755 Suffrage and the House of Commons 1330 the N. Y. Slock National Bank Deposits, Security for...... 1459 Railroad Capital Furnishing a Diminishing Sulzer, Governor and Abolishes Minimum Proportion of Securities Listed on Stock Exchange 308, 314, 323, 325 National City Bank Bill 1795 of 3% for Call Loans 162 Exchange 1521 Sundry Civil Appropriation Naval Armaments, Anglo-German Rivalry Railroad Competition, Drastic Law in West in (F. S.) 675 Virginia to Preserve 609, 1200, 1597 Railroad Earnings, Gross (Monthly), 96, Taft, President, Accepts Appointment as Naval Construction, Excellent Prospects 250 of an Anglo-German Agreement (F. S.), 451, 759, 1057, 1336, 1671 Professor of Law at Yale Railroad Earnings, Net (Monthly), 168, Taft, President, Urges Holding Fast to 442, 901 439 New Jersey Anti-Trust Policy of Woodrow 453, 757, 1130, 1395, 1669 Constitution 230, Railroad Firemen, Award of Arbitration Tariff Bill and Cotton Manufactures (F. S.), Wilson 588 1181 New Jersey Anti-Trust Statutes, Full Board 1178 1049, 603 Railroad Firemen Violating Anti-Trust Tariff Bill, the Income Tax Provision_1047, Text of 1794 New Jersey Anti-Trust Statutes Not Meant Law 438, 513 1191, 1254, 1264, 1266, 1458, 1595, Unions 588 Railroad Gross Earnings for Calendar Year.. 522 Tariff Bill, New, Radical and Drastic (F.S.) 1046 to Apply to Labor Ex- New Jersey Commission Form of Govern- Railroad Investigation and Its Results 1334 Tariff, Investigation of Cha:rges of the ment in 171 Railroad Managers Should Speak Directly to istence of a Lobby 1592, 1673 New Jersey "Seven Sister" Anti-Trust Bills, Investors in Resisting Oppression 1195 Tariff Legislation. See Congress and Con- 253, 329, 458, 528, 588, 603, 917 Railroad and Miscellaneous Bonds and gressional Acts. Stocks in 1912 102, 109 Tariff, Reduction of Wages or Shut-downs Newspaper Publicity Law_761, 835, 1668, 1675 1385, News Service, Discrimination Forbidden in Railroad Net Earnings for the Calendar Year 685 to be Investigated_ _ _ _1338, 1339, Arkansas 1269 Railroad Operation, Steam and Electric, 1397, 1589 New York Central and Trying Railroad Comparative Cost of-See "Ry.& Indus." Tariff and the Right of Free Speech 1520 Conditions 682 Section June 28. Taxing Superiority 1591 New York Central's New Terminal 393 Railroad Ownership and the Many Inter- Tobacco-Proposition by Atty.-General to New York City Bond Sale, Adverse Result ested 831, 1056 Impose a Graded Tax 1591, 1593 Connected with Government Policy Railroad Predicament, Co-operation with Transportation Problems, the Ultimate Toward Railroads 1446 Shippers the Remedy 1126 Settlement of 449 New York City Employees Must Reside in Railroad Situation, Our Perilous, Mr. James Transvaal Gold Production (F. S.)440,747, 1658 State 1120, 1312 J. Hill on (F. 5.) 231 Trust Companies in N. Y. and Elsewhere 599 Railroads Should Deal Separately with Turkey Accepts Terms of Peace of European New York City Short-Term Bonds Eligible as Security for Emergency Circulation_ _1267 Their Employees 1673 Powers (F. S.) 977 New York Clearing-House Charges for Out- - Railroads, Strike of Firemen Threatened, Turkey, Hostilities with Bulgaria Definitely of-Town Checks 396, 459, 608, 1200 &c. (F. S.) 438, 747, 822 Suspended (F. S.) 1121 New York State and Business of Generating Railroads, Suggestions for 1196 Electricity, circ 906 Railroads, Trunk Line, Proposed Advance nion Pacific-Southern Pacific, Supreme and Laws in Rates Less Important Than Grappling U Court Refuses Assent to Dissolution New York Stock Exchange, Bill 86 in New York for Its Reform_ _395, 458, with Labor Situation 1252, 1324 Plan 529, 610, 693,763, 916, 990, 1063, 1196, Railway Allowance for Transportation of U. S. Constitution, Amendment for Direct 1200, 1268, 1399, 1461, 1814 Parcels Post 761, 899 Election of Senators 1324 New York Stock Exchange Change in Meth- Railway, Electric-See Electric. U. S. Constitution Called a Barrier to Prog- od of Quoting Odd Lots 1400 Railway Full Crew Bills, 917, 976, 984, 990, 1200 ress by La Follette 514 New York Stock Exchange and Governor Railway Full Crew Law, Gov. Sulzer Said U. S. Constitution, Income Tax Amend- Sulzer 314, 323 to Have Been Pledged Beforehand 990 ment Effective 589 1912 241 Physical Valuation of, 450, 457, U. S. Constitution Not Difficult of Revision 1324 New York Stock Exchange Listings in Railways, New York Stock Exchange, Its Reply to 527, 598,608, 820, 833, 1267, 1531 U. S. Government Bonds in 1912 109 308, 325 Railway Physical Valuation, Text of Bill__ _ 833 U. S. Sec. of Treas. Allows Substitution of Money Trust Inquiry to In- New York Stock Exchange, Manipulation Railway Policy, Adverse, Affects New York Securities Held for Govt. Deposits 309 City Bond Sale 1446 crease Circulation 1398, 1460 of American Can Shares Disapproves of New York Stock Exchange, Proposition to Railtay Rates in Great Britain Raised 386 U. S. Secretary of Treasury 529, 611, 763 Railway Trunk Lines Application to Com- Nat. City Bank Copying Bank Returns 1198 Increase Transfer Tax Exacts Int. on All New York Stock Exchange Reforms.... _ 329, mission for Advance in Rates, 1253 1324, 1393 U. S. Sec. of the Treas. 704 Trunk Line Managers Yield to Govt. Deposits 1260, 1267,1398, 1459 458, 611, Railway Willing- New York Stock Exchange Repeals Com- Firemen's Demands for Arbitration, 512, U. S. Sec. of Treasury Expresses are Cleared 747, 822, 1178 ness to Issue $500,000,000 Emergency mission Rule Where Securities 1663, 1673 for Non-Members 40 Railways, Lack of Consideration for 93 Currency Share and Bond Reciprocity, the Canadian Premier on(F.S.) 593 U.S. Sec. of Treas. Will Accept Temporarily New York Stock Exchange for Sales (monthly) 95, 399, 695, 994, Redfield, Sec. of Agriculture, Says Public Bonds of Municipalities as Security 1273, 1601 has the Right to Efficiency in Its Factory Deposits 1459 New York Trust Companies 599, 613 Servants 1339, 1385, 1397, 1589 U. S. Steel Corporation Report 831 Nicaraguan Treaty with the United States Retrospect of 1912 8 U. S. Steel Corporation's Unfilled Orders, (F. 5.) 592 Rockefeller Foundation_ _328, 528, 1200, •1399 113, 464, 766, 1064, 1401, 1679 Rockefeller, William, Found in Critical Con- U. S. Treasury, Change in Method of Hand- Oleomargarine Investigations 1061, 1747 dition by Money Trust Committee 98, 395, 456 liiag Receipts and Disbursements_40, 455, 989 Roosevelt, Theodore, Wins Libel Suit 1596 U. S.'Treasury, New York City Short-Term Russia, Company Fire Insurance in (F. S.)_ 311 Bonds Eligible as Security for Emergency anama Canal, Abrogation of the Hay- Russia, Negotiation of New Treaty withU.S.1797 Circulation 1267 P Pauncefote Treaty Desired (F. S.)____1184 Russia, New Opening for Business in 1805 U. S. Treas., No Reserve to be Required Great Brit- Russia's Treaty of Commerce, &c„ with Against Govt. Deposits Receiving Inter- Panama Canal Act-'rolls and 1459 ain 162, 234, 457, 527, 834, 1268 U. S. Expires (F. S.) 4 est as U. S. Treasury, System of Govt. Deposits Panama Canal, Arbitration Suggested 915 Settlement of Great Britain's Conten- t. Louis & San Francisco RR. in Receiv- Condemned tions (F. S.) 89 S ers' Hands (F. S.) 1521 Panama Canal, Shipping Preparations for _1529 St. Louis Trust Companies 599, 624 atican, Spanish Ambassador to (F. 386 Panama Canal, Secretary Knox Replies to San Francisco, Imports and Exports of Gold Vice Investigation and a Minimum Wage British Protest (F. S.) 234 and Silver 335, 993, 1466 for Females 746 Panama Canal Toll Question, N. Y. Cham- Savings Banks, Reserves, Change in Law ber of Commerce on (F. 5.) 443 Regarding Surplus Urged_330, 764, 898, 916 all Street, Apparent Popular Prejudice Panic, Congressman Glass Says there are Schiff, Jacob H. and Money Trust Inquiry 177 W Against (F. S.) 898 Symptoms 253 Seven Sisters' 'Anti -Trust Statutes Not War Scares and Developments in Germany Parcels Post, Allowance to Railroads_ _761, 899 Meant to Apply to Labor Unions 588 (F. S.) 1182 Parcels Post System Inaugurated 40 Seven Sisters, New Jersey (Woodrow Wil- Washington Authorities' Attitude Harmful Patent Rights and Cut Prices, the Decision son's) Anti-Trust Laws_ _253, 329, 458, to Business (F. S.) 1580 Regarding 1528 528, 588, 603, 917 Welsh Disestablishment Bill Rejected by Paterson Episode 1453 Shipping Trust Investigation Report 1747 British House of Lords (F. S.) 443 Patten, James A., Pleads Guilty in Cotton Signals, Danger in Exclusive Use of Auto- West Virginia's Drastic Statute to Preserve Corner Case 460 matic Stop Signals. See "Ry. and Ind Railroad Competition 609, 1200, 1597 Peace, International, a New Proposal for Section," June 28. Wholesale Grocers', Suit Against for Viola- by Secretary Bryan 1392 Silver Production in 1912 323 tion of Court Decree 460 Pennsylvania RR. Report 684 Socialist Editor (Alexander Scott) Convicted1597 Wilson, President, Charges that Lobby is at Pere Marquette RR., Results of Investi- South American Developments 909 Work_ _1530. See also Tariff. gation 1334 South American Situation and the United Wilson's, President, Inaugural Address(F S.) 672 Perishable Freight, Transportation of. See States 1454 Wilson, President-Elect, Assails Business "Railway and Industrial Section" Feb. 22. Southern Pacific Co. Re_port 521 Methods 158 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, New Home for 602 Southern Pacific-Union Pacific. See Union Wilson, President-Elect, Discourses on New Philadelphia Trust Companies 599, 619 Pacific. Freedom And The Call For Emancipation. 2 Philadelphia's Bond Sale 1332 Spain, New Cabinet Formed (F. 5.) 4 Wilson, President-Elect, His "Seven Sister" Physical Valuation of Railroads_ _450, 457, Spanish-American States, The President's Bills Likely to Prove Trade Hindrance 527, 508, 608, 820, 833, 1267, 1531 Word to 754 382, 588, 603 Physical Valuation of Railroads, Text of Bill 833 Speculation and Clearings in 1912 94 Wilson, President-Elect, His Trust Policy Plerhead Lines in New York, Extension of, Standard 011 Advances Price of Oil to Calculated to Paralzye Business 230 President Taft's Action (F. S.) 383 Comply With N. J. Anti-Trust Law 917 Wilson, President, Indifference of Adminis- Political Indifference to Effect of Govern- State and City Bonds in 1912 113 tration to Effects of Wrong Policies 1580 ment Policies 1580 State Department(U. S.) and Treaties(F.S.)1122 Wilson, Woodrow, Has Cabinet Not Con- Portugal, Threats of Military Dictatorship State Railroad Cases, Action of the Govern- servative 674, 692 (F S.) 88 ment in 1189 Wilson, Woodrow, His Policy Regarding Presidential Nominations 1459 State Rates Cases Decided Against Rail- Chinese Loan 825, 829 Presidential Term 389 roads 1656, 1664, 1728 Wilson, Woodrow, His Policy Towards Span- Press, Regulating the 167 Steel Cars in Accidents. See "Railway & ish America 754 Production,Past and Present, Cost of Men's Industrial Section" Feb. 22. Winter-Wheat Condition (F. S.)____1049, 1325 Clothing 1591 Steel Production, The Country's Tremen- Woman Suffrage in Great Britain__ 236 Property Rights, Address of Warren S. dous 1737 1327, 1331 Hayden 1198 Steel Trade, The Activity of And Rail Pro- Women, Suggested Minimum Wage Scale Pujo Committee's Report 680, 689 duction 755 For (F. S.) 746

BANKING, FINANCIAL AND LEGISLATIVE NEWS. GENERAL. GENERAL-(Continued). GENERAL-(Continued). GENE RAL-(Continued). Page. Page. Page. Page. A Enicultural Depart. Appoint- Alaskan Ry. Commission report_ 458 American Bankers' Ass'n, 329, American Institute of Banking, ments and suspensions, 1459,1747 Aldrich-Vreeland Act, Class of se- 462, 608, 835, 1134, 1199, 462, 836 Alabama Bankers Ass'n 1465 curities acceptable under by 1340, 1595, 1746 Anthracite Coal, investigating Alabama State Supt. of Banks, Treasury 1267 American Diplomatic Officers the advance in price 762 Right to take over assets of Aldrich-Vreeland Act, Issue of and courtesies from foreign Anti-Trust Law, amendment de- insolvent banks, &c 330 new national bank notes under 1673 Governments 988 fining restraint of trade 1812

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI INDEX. IV0L.XcvI.

GENERAL-(Continued). GENERAL--(Continued). • GENERAL-(Continued). • GENERAL-(Continued). Page. Page. Page, Page. Anti-Trust Law, open taking of Credit, Address on 766 Iowa State Bankers' Ass'n_919, 1678 New York State Superintendent testimony 328, 761 Credit Service 837 of Banks, Annual Report 329 Anti-Trust Law, suggestion by Currency Bill, New 1810 Taekson, Theo, F., Death of..,-1749 New York State Superintendent Inter-State Corn. Comm. that Currnecy Commission Confer- apan, Ambassador t o 1338 of Banks Answers Criticisms 530 U. S. Supreme Court's power ence 1809 New York State Banking De- be curtailed 762 Currency Legislation Likely at ansas Bankers' Ass'n 1464 partment and Stockholders of Appraisers,inquiry into practices This Session of Congress, 1267, Keene, James R. Death of_ _ _ _ 42 Defunct Banks 1462 of 762, 835 1339, 1594 Kleybolte, Rudolph' 331, 1677 New York Stock Exchange, 40, Arbitration, New York Chamber Currency Problem at Michigan Knapp, Martin A., Resigns 915 98, 175, 250, 327, 329, 394, of Commerce report on 1597 Bankers' Ass'n Convention...... 1813 458, 611, 692, 764, 834, 918, Archbold, Judge,impeachment of 178 Currnecy Problem, Solution of, abor, Commissioner of_ _915, 1398 1196, 1399, 1400, 1533, 1677 Auchincloss, Henry D., death of 1202 Rests in Large Central Insti- Labor, Department of, Bill Cre- New York Stock Exchange, Leg- tution 607 sting Passed by Congress, islation Regarding, 395, 458, Dobson, Roger W 991, 1269 Currency System of Country, 608, 692 529, 610, 693, 763, 986, 1200, ank Publicity Ass'n 1597 Resolutions by New York and Labor, Hearings, &c., in Appeals 1202, 1268, 1399, 1461 Baltimore Clearing-House Ass'n, Indiana calling upon Con- by Gompers, et al., 396, 1533, 1747 New York Stock Exchange Re- 178, 1269 gress to revise 607 Labor Unions and Farmers, Bill scinds Prohibition of Dealings Bank Bill, Sound,Importance of 1533 to Exempt from Prosecutions with Consolidated 1814 Bank Clerk's Mutual Benefit narrow Jury Unable to Agree.. _ 764 under Anti-Trust Law 527 New York Title Ins. Co 179 Ass'n, Providence 1342 Davison, H. P., of J. P. Mor- Lawrence Dynamite Conspiracy Nicaraguan Currency System on Bank Deposit Guaranty Law- gan & Co., Repudiates In- Case 1677 a Gold Basis 915 Arkansas 764 terview on Chinese Loan_ _1532 Lawyers' Mortgage Co 179 Nolting, Frederick E. & Co. Kansas 918 Department Stores Handling City Lebknecher, Julius A., Death of_1400 (Richmond) 766 Oklahoma 330 Securities 1533 Legislative, Executive and Ju- Nominations by the President, South Dakota 918 De Silver, Carll H., Death of 765 dicial Supply Bill 328, 528 1196, 1267, 1459, 1532 Bank Deposits, limitations 1397 Devoe, F. W., Death of 918 Leland, Arthur S., & Co 1597 North Dakota Bankers' Ass'n_ _ _1599 Bank Examinations, where weak, Dodd, Amzi, Death of 332 Little, Joseph J., Death of 462 &c., by Oscar Thompson 335 Doremus, Robert Parker, Death Living, High Cost of, Interna- 'Connor, James C., Death of_ 331 Bankers Club Outing 1534 of 397 tional Conference Proposed_ - - 916 Ohio Bank Superintendent...... 918 Banking Credits, present control Dow,Stephen R.,Convicted, 765,919 Lobby at Washington-Investi- Ohio Bankers' Ass'n 253, 1464 of 1810 "Dye Stuffs Trust" (Alleged), gation of Prest. Wilson's Ohio Omits Bank Call on Account Banking and Currency, Commit- Suits against, &c 1597, 1812 Charges 1592, 1673 of Flood Conditions 1061 tee, Hearings, &c., 100, 177. Dynamite Conspirators Con- Lockwood, Fred'k M., Death of-1270 Ohio State Banks as Purchasers 252. 395, 528,835. 989, 1809 victed, &c 41, 101 Lyle, Hugh R., Death of 1343 of Their Own Stock 1597 Banking and Currency Reform, Ohio, Ton Days' Holiday in the practical way to accomplish_ A341 astern States Retail Lumber cLean, David E. Death of_ _1135 Flooded District 988 Banking and Currency Reform, E Dealers' Ass'n, Permanent McNab, John L.,'District At- Oil, Increase in Price of, in New Speech of Mr. Bonyege of Injunction Granted 101 torney at San Fran., resigns_ _1811 Jersey 917 Denver 1062 Economy and Efficiency_ _ _ _98, 692 Mac Veagh's, Franklin, Letter Oklahoma State Bankers' Ass'n_ 463 Banking Customs and Banking Edwards, William W., Death of _1534 in answer to Senate Resolution Oleomargarine Cases, Grand Jury Laws 1813 Eight-Hour Law in Gov't Work_ 328 of Feb. 11 989 Investigation 1061, 1747 Banking Economics 1062 Elgin (Ill.) Board of Trade De- Marketing and Farm Credits, Olson (Tacoma Socialist), New Bankruptcy funds preferred over nies Operating in Restraint of National Conference on 1269 Trial Directed 529 funds of general creditors in Trade 609 Maryland Bankers' Ass'n 1678 failed institutions 461 Elliott, Gilbert, Jury Disagrees- - 462 Mattlage, Charles F., Death of..- 836 Dalmer, Stephen S., Death of.... 331 Banks and the misapplication of Employers' Liability and Work- Memphis Stock Exchange 919 anama Canal Bill Repeal of funds by officers, Scc 916 men s Compensation Bill.. _ _ - 457 Merchants' Association, N. Y--1749 Provision Exempting Ameri- Banks as Government Deposi- Erdman Act Amendment Cover- Mexican Law Imposing a Tax on can Coastwise Vessels from Toll taries 915 ing Mediation, &c 1812 Gold Exports 1196 Suggested 834, 1268 Battleships (Two) Provided for Exchanges, Incorporation of.. _ _ - 916 Michigan Bankers' Ass'n_ _992, 1813 Panama Canal, Resolution of in Naval Appropriation Dill_ _ 456 Middendorf, Williams & Co. Senator Root Endorsed by Birkbeck Investment, Savings & acts, a Look at, Address by (Bait.) 1464. 1598 N.Y.Chamb.of Conunerce,457, 527 Loan Co 331 F J. T. Taubert of Nat. City Miller, Roswell, Death of 101 Parcel Post System in Effect- - - - 40 Bischoff, Henry (Judge), Death of919 Bank, New York 1532 Millet., Theodore F., Death of.. _1463 Patterson, Wilson C., Death of_1401 Bischoff, Henry,& Co 331 Farm Finance Legislation 1748 Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven Patten, James, Fined in the Cot- Blair Bros. & Co 992 Favored Nation Treaties 1398 RR.-Corporation Tax De- ton Pool Matter 460 "Blue Sky" Legislation and the Federal Disbursing Officers' Ac- cision 1061, 1398 Pennsylvania Bankers' Ass'n, Bankers 529, 1061, 1398 counts Payable by National Miners' Strike at Paint Creek, 397, 1598. 1814 "Blue Sky" Legislation,the effect Banks as Well as Treasury, &c. 455 W. Va., to Be Investigated, Pennsylvania Legislation as to of 1596 Feltman, Henry, Death of 1135 1531, 1595 False Statement in Obtaining "Blue Sky" Legislation and the Felton, Wm. S., & Co. (Salem, Minneapolis Stock Ecxhange_ _ - 612 Property, &c 1399 N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, Mass.) 765 Mississippi Bankers' Ass'n 1535 Pereles, Thomas Jefferson, Death 1061, 1340 Fidelity & Deposit Co. (Balt.), Missouri Bank Commissioner- 334 of 1750 Dessert, Louis, Death of 331 . 332, 838 Missouri Bankers' Ass'n_ _ 464,_ 1535 Perry, Joseph W., Death of 1815 Briscoe, W.A., Death of 1401 Finger-Print System of Identifi- Missouri Full Crew Bill 1201 Phila. Jobbing Confectioners' Brokers Not to Do Business after cation 766, 918 Missouri's Proceedings against Ass'n Enjoined from Combin- Insolvency 990 Fire Insurance Cos. in Missouri. Fire Insurance Companies.... 1268 ing in Restraint of Trade,&c- - 609 Brown, A. O., & Co 765 Action against 1268 Mitchell & Co. 836, 918 1749 Phila. Stock Exchange 531 Bridget System Recommended by Fitzgerald, Geo. W.,Acquitted- - 255 Mitchell, C. E.,& Co 836 Postage, Suggested Changes in 761 President Taft 607 Fitzwilson, William G. Death of 1462 Monetary Commission National1748 Postal Service Deficiency Bill Brightman, Henry C.. Death of_ 838 Floods in the Middle West,State- Money Trust Investigation, Passed 1460 Brinckerhoff, Elbert A., Death of 918 ment Regarding 1061 Pujo Committee, 40. 98, 175, Post Office Appropriation Bill 761 Bunch, Frank M.,Expelled from Food and Drugs Act, as Extended, 251, 327, 395,456, 527, 609, 1746 Presidential Term 394, 456 Chicago Board of Trade 835 in effect 1747 Money Trust and New York President's Secretary, Salary of.._ 761 Bucket Shop Bill Signed by Gov. Full Crew Bill Signed by Gov. Stock Exchange 1202 Private Property, tbte Rights of_1199 Sulzer 1063, 1461 Sulzer 990 Moore, Willis L., Chief of Wea- Prudential Life Ins. Co. (New- Business Conditions Throughout ther Bureau, Dismissed 1132 ark) 332, 836, 1270 Europe and America, Address eorgia Bankers' Ass'n_ ...397, 1464 Morgan, Art Treasures if Dedi- Public Accountants, American of Roger W. Babson 764 Gompers, et al., in Contempt cated to Public to Be Free of Association of 764 Business Outlook, Vice-Pres. of Court 1341 Inheritance Tax 1533 Public Buildings Bill, Signed by Marshall on 915 Government, Changes in As- Morgan, J. P., & Co., 101, 529, President Taft 692 sistant Secretaries, &c 761 611, 764 .1202 alifornia Bankers' Aes'n and Government Deposits, Authority Morgan, J. Pierpont, Death of, uintard, Geo. W., Death of 991 See. Redfields 1532 as to Bonds Placed as Security 1398 986, 1060 .1133, 1340 Q Campaign Funds Investigation, Government Deposits, Protests Morgan,J. Plerpont, Will of.. _ _ -1199 328, 761 Against Paying Interest, &c., Mutileman, Maurice L.,Death of1677 ailroad Labor Disputes, Canadian Bank Act. New 1750 1398. 1459, 1595 Muller, Schall & Co 331 R Amendment to Erdman:874182 Canadian Parliament Advised to Government and Opportunity, Musica, Antonio, Arrest for Act Introduced Keep Hands Off of Bank Su- W. W. Finley on 1813 Fraud 836 Railroad Transportation and pervision 1202 Government Regulation, too Musica, Philip, Arraigned 1202 Need for Increase of Freight "Central Control" and the Na- Much of 461 Rates tional Clothiers' Ass'n 1676 Great Britain, American Ambas- Motional Banks' Deposits, Se- Railroads and Jackson "Full1270 Certified Checks, use of extended sador to 988 curity for 1459 Crew" Bill 917 in payments to the Treasury_ _1197 National Bank Examinations Railroads, Physical Valuation of, Chambers of Commerce of U. S. amilton, James P., Death of..- 332 Generally in Line with the Hearings by Senate Commit- of America 253, 458 IH enry, George G., Indicted for Comptroller's Wishes 461 tee, &c., 457, 527, 608, 1267, 1531 Chase, William D., Death of__ 331 Contempt, &c., 456, 693, National Banks Must Pay Divi- Read, William A.,& Co ' Chicago Board of Trade Charged 836, 1534 dends on all Gov't Deposits_ -1267 Reserve City Bankers, Associa-1268 with Violation of the Anti- Hepburn, A. Barton, on View National Banks Not Furnishing tion of Trust Law 461 Abroad of Conditions Here_ --1398 Information Called for by Ex- Robin, Joseph G. Sentenced_ _ _ 1519061 Chicago Clearing-House Ass'n_ _1678 Herrman, Henry S., Death of --1749 aminers 461 Rockefeller -Foundation, Bill In Chicago Packers, Settlement of Hill, James J., on the Develop- National Banks Not to Pay Divi- corporating. 328. 528, 1200, 1399 Government's claims against.. 762 ment of the Northwest 1341 dends When Not Earned 835 Roosevelt Wins Suits against Chicago Unions (Labor), Suit for Holidays on the Exchanges, 764, National Banks Prohibited from Editor for Libel Injunction Against 609 834, 1397, 1530, 1814 Making Political Contributions, Rorebeck, Edwin F., Resigns as Chicago's Development as a Fi- Hope,Jztings Ferguson, Death of 1698 Culberson Bill 328 Bank Examiner nancial Centre 1062 Hyde, Charles H., Conviction of National City Bank and the Rostrom, Capt. of Carpathia, Re- Clark, Charles E.,Death of ..,1598 Set Aside and Indictments Dis- Comptroller of Currency 1198 ceives Gold Medal 692 Clark. Edward D., Death of _ _ _ 332 missed 1400, 1749 National City Company 42 Rubber Workers' Strike at Akron, Clearing-Houses, Arguments,&c., National Discount Co.() 258 Ohio, Declared Off 1062 in Favor of Their Incorpora- Immigration Bill, Conference Nat. News Association_ 917 Rubber Workers' Strike at Ak- tion 916, 1196 Report on 328, 395 Naval Appropriation Bill, 527,608.761 ron, Ohio-Senate Resolu600t171200 Clearing-Houses and Currency_ _1197 Immigration Bill Vetoed by Presi- New Jersey Bankers' Ass'n 1342 Calling for an Investigation,es Clearing-Houses in Ohio, proposed dent-Veto Not Overridden - 527 New Jersey's Proposed Legisla- State Regulation of 1269 Immigration Stations to Be Es- tion against Combinations, Clement, Stephen M., Death of_ 992 tablished by U S 328 253.329,458, 528 afe Deposit Company, Right to Cleveland Chamber of Commerce1135 Income Tax 1266, 1595, 1674 Newspaper Publicity Clause, Ap- Allow Access to Boxes Coffee Valorization Suit, motion Indian Bill 988 plication to Restrain Its En- SSt. Louis Clearing-House Ass'n 736434 to dismiss entered by Govern- Indiana Law as Regards Reserves forcement Granted 761. 835 St. Louis & San Francisco RR. ment 1531, 1675 Required of Loan, Trust and Newspaper Publicity Clause Held Purchase of Chicago & Eastern Coffee, Reported Sale of 931,000 Safe Deposit Cos 1201 Constitutional by U. S. Su- Illinois to Be Investigated.... _ _1674 bags 328 Indiana State Banks to Loan on preme Court 1675 Salt Lake Clearing-House Ass'n_1201 Colorado's New Banking Code_ _1342 Real Estate Outside of State 918 News Service, Discrimination Savings Bank Employees'Pension Commerce Court, U. S., Abol- Industrial Workers of the World, is Forbidden in Arkansas 1269 Bill Vetoed by Gov. Sulzer_ ....1462 ished 1812 Leader Found Guilty 1398 New York Anti-Trust Bills Simi- Savings Bank Trustees, Removal Commission Merchants' to Pay Insurance Company (N. Y.) lar to the "Seven Sisters" 610 of 916 License in N. Y. State 1399 Claims for Refund of Taxes.. 1812 New York Banks and Trust Cos. Savings Banks, Amendments Af- Congress Adjourns 692 Insurance Laws, New York, to to Examine Twice a Year into fecting, in New York,763, 916,917 Congress in extra Session Apr. 7, Be Revised 1533 Loans,&c 1399 Savings Banks, Protest against 007, 835, 1059 International Ass'n of Brokers_ - 529 New York Bankers' Ass'n, 178, FBill Creation of a Reserve Cotton, Verdict Against Guar- International Commerce, Steps 253, 462, 463, 836, 992, 1533, Fund 764 anty Trust Co. in the Knight, to Promote Its Security- --42, 761 1597, 1676, 1814 Schenck, Frederick B., Death of 11046632 Yancey & Co., Matter 459 International News Service 917 New York Clearing-House Ass'n, Seamen's Bill Fails to Become Corporation Tax Law,Possibility International Trade, Extending 459, 608, 1200 Law 761 of Evasion 1341 Operations of Anti-Trust Law New York Collector of Customs 1338 Securities, Manipulating the Corporation Tax Law, Provision to 328, 456 New York State Banking De- Market Price of, a Felony in for Refund of Penalties 457 Inter-State Commerce Commis- partment and Savings and New York State Corporation Tax Law, Refund of sion, New Member 761 Loan Associations 836 Securities, Placed with Broker Penalties under 834 Investment Bankers' Ass'n of New York State Banking Laws as Collateral Cannot be Sold Corporation Tax Returns, Time America, 101, 178, 396, 764, to Be Revised ,991, 1200,1533, Without Notice 1268 for Filing 250 1199, 1266,1461 1596, 1812 Senate Confirms New Adminis- Corporations, New Commissioner Iowa Kills Bill for State Super- New York State Savings Bank tration's Nominations and Ad- of, 1531 vision of Banks 764 Association 330, 1399, 1461 journs 835

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1913.1 INDEX. Til

GENERAL-(Concluded). BANKS-(Continued). BANKS-(Continued). BANKS-(Continued), Page. Page. Page. Page. "Shipping Trust" Investigation_1747 Anglo & London Paris Nat.(San First Nat. (Minneapolis)_ _919. 1271 Merchants' Nat. (Los Angeles)_ 1599 Sims, Thetus W., Assault on, Francisco) 993, 1342 First Nat. (Norwich, Conn.), Merchants' Nat. (St. Paul)_256. 463 Investigated, &c 1268, 1398 Anglo-South American (London) 839 1134, 1401 Merchants' Nat.(San Fran.)335, 993 Socialist Editor Convicted of In- Atlantic Nat. (Providence, R.I.) First Nat.(Paterson) 1749 Metropolis 42 citing Hostility to Govern- 1135, 1814 First Nat. (Phila.) 837, 1814 Metropolitan of Canada (Tor.) 398 ment 1597 Audubon National 462 First Nat.(Pittsburgh) _ __ _837, 1203 Michigan Savings (Detroit). _ 463 Southard, George H., Death of_ _ 331 Austin (Ill.) National 250 First Nat. St. Paul)_ _102, 255, 462 Mid City Trust & Savings (Chi.) 612 Southern Wholesale Grocers' As- Austin State (Chicago) 1750 First Nat. (San Francisco) 464 Montreal (Canada) 838, 993 sociation, Prosecution of 460 First Nat.(Scranton) 333 Morgan Park State (Chicago)_ _1750 Speyer Bros. (London) 1132 Baltimore (Md.) National 1598 First Nat. (Youngstown, O.)... 333 Mutual Nat. (Boston) 1063 Speyer & Co. Fiscal Agents of ankers' of America (Chicago).1063 First-Second Nat. (Pittsburgh), Mutual Savings (San Francisco)-1750 1, State Dept. at London 1814 Barre (Vt.) National 1135 837, 1203 Spitzer, Rorick & Co. (Toledo), Battery Park National 397 First State (Okla. City)_ _919, 992 Massa% National 462 255, 1401 Bischoff's Banking House 919 First Trust & Savings (Chicago), I assau National (Brooklyn)__ _ 530 tokane (Wash.) Clearing-House 330 Boise (Ida.) State 612 102, 250 New First Nat. (Colum., O.)._ 397 State Banks, Nat. Ass'n of Super- Borough (Brooklyn) 331 First Trust & Savings Co.(Cleve- New York Banks, Changes at visors of 1748 Bowery 331 land) 1464, 1749 Annual Meetings 178 State Department Nominations.. British North America (Canada) 839 Flatbush (Brooklyn) 254 North America (Philadelphia)._ 332 Standard Oil and Texas Indict- Broadway Nat.(Richmond, Va.) Flushing (N. Y.) Nat 462, 765 North Avenue State (Chicago).- 250 ment 528: 609, 1133 256, 838 Fort Dearborn Nat. (Chicago)._ 250 Northport (L. I.) 332 State Market Commission, Wis- Broadway Trust & Sav.(Chic.)_ A599 Fourth & First Nat. (Nashville), North Side (Brooklyn) 331, 765 consin 1062 Buffalo (N Y.) 693, 919 839, 1135, 1750 North Side State (Indianapolis)_ 837 Stillwell, N. Y. State Senator- Fourth Nat 1598 North Side State Sayings (Chi.)- 250 Investigation of Charges of Ex- (ventral Nat.(Cleveland) 1598 Fourth Nat.(Atlanta) 334 Northern Crown (Winnipeg).- 464 tortion, and Conviction, 990, ‘...entralC Nat. (Frederick, Md.)_1749 Fourth Nat.(Cinn.) 333 North West State(Chicago) _250 -, 1134, 1400, 1534 Central Nat.(Los Angeles) 1465 Fourth Nat. (Grand Rapids)._ 333 1135, 1464 Stock Exchanges in U. S., Pro- Central Savings (Baltimore) _ _ _ _1135 Franklin Nai. (Phila.) 1463 Northwestern Nat. (Phila.) ___ 332 posed Regulation of 1196 Central State (Muskogee, Okla.) 256 Franklin Trust & Savings (Chic.) 250 Northwestern Nat. (Portland-, Stock Transfer Stamps on Sur- Century 1749 0.) 531, 1815 rendered Voting Trust Stock- - 609 Charleston (S. C.), N. B. A_ - - - 256 arfield Park State Savings Northwestern State (Indianap.) 837 Stock Transfer Tax, Move to In- Chartered, of India, Australia• G (Chicago) 1815 Nova Scotia (Halifax) 257, 398 crease Abandoned 529, 763 & China (London) 839 Garfield Say. (Cleveland)_255, 1750 Stock Transfer Tax on Stocks Chase National 101 German (Baltimore) 463 nak Park (Ill.) Trust & Say_ 250 without Designated Value...._ _1596 Chelsea Exchange 101 German-American (Buffalo) 254 Nald Colony Trust & Savin-gs- Stocks, Misdemeanor in New Chicago Banks 1678 German-American (Detroit) 258 (Chicago)• 612, 1203 York for Failure to List 611 Chicago (Ill.) City 250 German-American (St. Louis)_ 256 Ottawa (Canada) 257 Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill, Citizens' (Norfolk) 1815 German-American Say.(Cleve.) 1401 988, 1133, 1196, 1460 Citizens' Central National 331 Germania State (Denver) 256 sDa acific 1342 Sullivan, David A., Begins Serv- Citizens' Nat.(Los Angeles).. 531 German Nat.(Pittsburgh) 254 U ackers' Nat.(South Omaha)._ 334 ing Sentence 462 Citizens' Nat.(Patchogue) 331 German Savings (Des Moines)_ 256 Park (Los Angeles) 1343 Sullivan, David A., withdraws Citizens' State (Minneapolis) _ 531 Germania (Minneapolis) 463 Park, National 917 Appeal for Review 1063 Citizens' State (Topeka) 334 Germania (Savannah) 1750 People's (Buffalo) 992 Sulzer's, Gov., Message 42 City & Districts Say.(Montreal). 768 Germantown. Nat. (Phila.).. 101 People's (Savannah) 464, 627 Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill, City, National (Baltimore) 765 People's Nat.(Lynchburg) _ 839 692, 1339, 1811 City (Bayonne) 332 amilton (Ontario) 464 People's Nat.(Pittsburgh) 612 City, Nat. Brooklyn) 179 Hamilton Nat. (Chattanooga), People's Say.(Grand Rapids) 333 ,raft, ex-Prest., Resigns as Mem- City, Nat. Chicago) 838 464, 1815 People's State (Detroit)_ _..256, 1750 ber of Yale Corporation.. _ - 835 City, Nat. Cleveland) ______255 Hamilton Trust & Savings (Chat- People's Stock Yards State(Chic) 250 Taft, Prest., Accepts Yale Pro- City, Nat. Dallas, Tex.)_ _334, 1064 tanooga) 1271 People's Trust & Say.(Chicago)_ 250 fessorship 250 City, Nat. Memphis) __ 334 Hanover Nat 1534 Phoenix Nat. (Hartford) 397 Tariff and Attempts to Lower City, Nat. (Seattle) 398 Harriman Nat 693, 836, 992 Phoenix & Third Nat. (Lexing- Wages 1397 City Savings (Youngstown, 00 Harris Trust & Say. (Chicago).. _ 102 ton, Ky.) 919 Tariff Bill, Free Sugar and Free 1342, 1678 Hayden-Clinton Nat. (Colum- Pioneer State (Denver) 256 Wool Approved by Senate City Trust & Say.(Chicago) _ - - -1599 bus, O.) 255 Pittsburgh N A. (Pa.) 992 Committee, &c 1674, 1810 CityTrust & Say. (Grand Rap- Helena (Ark.) 1271 Port Terminal, Nat.(Boston)_ _ _1463 Tariff Bill and Its Provisions, ids) 333, 1815 Hellman Commercial Trust & Prudential State (Topeka) 397 &c., 1059, 1132, 1196, 1266, City Trust & Sayings (Youngs- Savings (Los Angeles) 766 Public 42, 253, 462, 1063. 1338, 1595, 1746 town) 1342, 1678 'Hibernia Nat.(New Orleans).. _ _ 257 1202, 1534 Tariff Bill, Public Hearings by Coal & Iron National 462 Hibernian Banking Assn.(Chic.) 693 Public Trust & Say. (Chicago)_ _1599 Senate Defeated 1460 Colonial Trust & Say. (Chicago) 250 Holston Nat. (Knoxville)_le) 839 Tariff Commission Bill Reported Columbia Nat. (Pittsburgh) _ __ - 255 Holyoke (Mass.) Nat .._ _1063 uebec (Montreal) 398 Favorably by Senate Com- Columbus (0.) Savings 1599 Home (Brooklyn) 331,- 1063 Q mittee 527 Commerce (Canadian) 257 Home (Toronto, Can.) 1271 Tariff Bill in Senate, Prest. Wil- Commerce, Nat.. 1271 Home Savings (Detroit)_ _397, Depublic, Nat. (Chicago)._ _ - 250 son Makes Accusations of Lob- Commerce, Nat. Boston) _ A79, 992 838, 1135, 1271 Jmeserve, National 331, 530 bying 1530 Commerce, Nat. Detroit)1343, 1750 Home Savings (Los Ang.)_ _398, 1679 Richmond (Va.) Trust & Say. Co.919 Teas, Resolution Relative to the Commerce, Nat. Houston) _ _ - - 993 Homestead (Brooklyn) 331 Rogers Park Nat. (Rogers Park, Importation of 761 Commerce, Nat.(Los Angeles). 398 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Ill.) 250 Tennessee Bankers' Ass'n 1063 Commerce, Nat. (St. Louis).256, Corporation 335 Tennessee Banking Laws 1201 993, 1271, 1401, 1599 Qat= (Mass.) Banking Institu- Territorial Bonds and the Treas- Commerce, Nat. (Toledo, 0.)- - 397 TIlinois State Trust Co. (East .) tions 1463 ury Ruling 1460 Commercial Nat. (Long Island I St. Louis) 1343 San Mateo (Cal.) 257 Terry, George T., Death of 1342 City) 837 Illinois Trust & Savings (Chi- Savannah (Ga.) Nat 256 Texas Bankers' Ass'n 1465 Commercial Nat.(Los Angeles). 398 cago) 102, 250 Schenectady (N. Y.) Savings- - 765 Thorne, Thomas Wood, Death of 397 Commercial Trust & Savings Imperial, of Canada (Toronto), Scranton (Pa.) Sayings 463 Tobacco,Inquiry into Conditions (Memphis) 993 1465, 1679 Sea Cliff(L. I.) 463 under Which Foreigners Pur- Commonwealth Nat. (Dallas)- - 257 Indiana Trust & Savings (Chic.) 1599 Seaman's Savings 1399 chase American Tobacco 1267 Coney Island (Brooklyn) 331 Industrial Nat.(Boston). 254. 1463 Seattle (Wash.) National 1343 "Tobacco Trust," Legislation Continental & Commercial Nat. International 530 Second National 330 (Chicago) 250, 463. 693, 1343 International Banking Corp_ _ _ _ 992 Second Nat.(Boston) Aimed at 1593 Trust 179 Treasurer of U. S., New__ _835. 988 Continental & Commercial Internationale du Canada (Mon- Second Nat. rincinnati)_ _333, 1270 'Treasury Department's Change & Savings (Chicago) 180, 250 treal) 257, 398, 919 Second Nat. Pittsburgh) _ _837, 1203 in Business Methods 40 Commercial Trust & Sav.(Chic.)1599 Inter-State Savings (Denver). - 531 Second Nat. SSt. Paul) 102 Treasury, New Assistant Secre- Commercial Nat. (New Orleans) 993 Iowa Trust & Savings (Des M.)_ 179 Second Nat.(Toledo) 838 tary 761, 915 Connecticut River Banking Co. Irving National 1202 Second Ward Say.(Milwaukee)_ 612 Trust Companies' Banquet at (Hartford) 1598 Italy (San Francisco) _257, 627, 1343 Secured Say. (Allegheny, Pa.)_ _1063 New York 1340 Cook County State (Chicago) _ .,1599 Security (Chicago) 693 Trust Company, Capital Re- Corn Exchange 331, 836, japan (Tokyo) 694 Security Nat. (St. Paul) 256 quirements in N. Y. State, 1598, 1677 Security State(St. Paul) 179 1200, 1399 Corn Exchange Nat. (Chicago)_ 249 Security Trust & Savings (Los Sec. to Pres. Corn Exchange Nat. (Philadel- le ansas State (Topeka) 838 Angeles. 398, 'Tumulty, Joseph P phia) 101, 1401, 1463 1465 Wilson 394 entucky,, Nat. (Louisville) _ -1535 Shawmut, Nat. (Boston)_ _ _179, 254 County Say. (Chelsea, Mass.)....1203 South Chicago Say. (Chicago)._ 250 Crocker Nat. (San Francisco) T Tnion Discount Co.(London). 258 a Banque Nationale (Que.). _1815 South Side State (St. Louis)__- - 612 335, 1064, 1465 Lafayette (St. Louis) 1464 Southern Nat. (Louisville) nited Mine Workers of Amer- Cuba, National (Havana) 530 1203 ica, Indicted for Violating Lake & State Savings (Chicago)_1599 Southern Nat. (Wilmington, N. Sherman Anti-Trust Law-1675 La Salle Street Trust & Savings C.) 256, 1401 alias (Tex.) Trust & 1401 (Chicago) 838 enver (Colo.) Nat 334 Southwestern State & Say.(Chic)1599 Bankers' Ass'n 1810 D Lawndale State (Chicago) 838 Spokane (Wash.) State 398 Depositors' State & Savings Lewiston (Ida.) National 612 Standard of Canada (Toronto), (Chicago) 1599 Liberty National 1134 Des Moines (Ia.) Nat., 256, 398, 612 627, 1750 Bros. (Salt Lake City)- 257 Lincoln Savings (Loulsville)_ 839 Standard of (Lon- Deutsche (Berlin) 694,1272 Lincoln Trust & Savings (Chi.)_1599 don, Eng.) 'Washingtonalker (State) Bankers' Dime Deposit & 'Discount (Scran- 694 Ass'n 335, 1063 Live Stock Exchange Nat.(Chi.) 838 Standard Trust & Savings (Chi- ton,Pa.) 463 Long Island (Jamaica)____611, 1400 cago) Washington (State) Banking Leg- 1678 612. 693 islation 1063 Dime Savings (Detroit) Lumberman's Nat. (Houston), State 992, 1400 Dominion (Canada) 398 335, 531 State Bank of Commerce (To- West Virginia Bankers' Ass'n, Drexel State (Chicago) 1678 1064, 1677, 1749 Lumbermen's Nat. (Portland, peka) 838 Drovers' Deposit Nat. (Chic.), Ore.) 766, 839, 1465 State of Maryland (Baltimore)_ West Virginia Bill to Preserve 250, 1599 _1063 Competition among Carriers 609 Lynchburg (Va.) Nat 839, 993 State Nat.(New Orleans) 464 Drovers' Nat. (Chicago) 1599 Lynchburg (Va.) Nat. Exch_831, 993 State Savings (Des Moines) West Virginia Law Affecting Drovers' State (Chicago) 464 _ 179 Railroads 1201, 1597 Sterling (Canada) 1815 White, Stephen Van Culen, ItficKeesport (Pa.) Nat 1463 Stock Yard Savings (Chi.)_250, 1599 Vast Side Banking Co. (Toledo) 1271 macon (Ga.) National 334 Swedish-American State Death of 254 1gin (III.) Nat 1678 (Chi.) _ 992 Wilson Anti-Trust Bills in New E Madison & Kedzie State (Chi.)_1599 Swiss Bankverein (Basle) 1064 Essex County Nat.(Newark) _ _ _ _1814 Marine Nat.(Buffalo) 254. 1063 Jersey 253, 329, 458, 528 -American Wilson (Prest.) Cabinet Con- European 1598 Marine Nat. (Pittsburgh) 397 Textile Nat. (Philadelphia)....,.1342 Exchange Nat.(Lynchburg, Va.), Marine Trust & Savings (San hird Nat. (Atlanta) 334 firmed 692 839, 993, 1135 Wisconsin Bankers' Ass'n 1813 Francisco) 398 Third Nat.(Meridian, Miss.).._.. 627 Wyckoff, William F., Assigns- 462 Market Savings (Toledo) 992 Third Nat. (Pittsburgh) 765 airview Savings (Detroit) 919 Mechanics' (Brooklyn) 1814 Title Guarantee & Deposit Co. • Farmers Nat. (Topeka, Kan.), Mechanics' American Nat. (St. (Charleston, S. C.) 256 1271, 1464 Louis) 464. 766 Topeka (Kan.) Federal Nat. 397 BANKS. (Washington, D. C.)333 Mechanics' & Metals Nat.1134, 1202 Toronto (Canada) 257, 993 Fidelity Nat.(Spokane, Wash.)_1465 Mechanics' Nat. (Baltimore)_43, 255 Torrington (Conn.) 179 Fifth Avenue 1814 Mechanics' & Traders (Brook- Transportation etna Nat ______1134, 1270, 1597 Fifth-Third Nat. Nat. (Chicago). 838 Allegheny Nat.(Pittsburgh)_-_ 765 (Cinn.) 838 lyn) 331, 462, 1063 Tr-County Banking Co. (Potts- First Nat. (Birmingham, Ala.), Mellon Nat. (Pittsburgh) 255 town, Pa.) All Night & Day Bank (Kansas 918 255 City, Mo.) 531 256, Mercantile (Memphis) 331 First Nat.(Boise, Idaho)_____ 463 Mercantile Nat. (Seattle) 1465 Union All Night & Day Bank (Los An- First Nat. 1203 (Brooklyn)_1400, 1533, 1598 geles) 993 (Boston), 179, 332, Merchants'(Canada) 1600 nion (Canada) 180 First Nat. (Brooklyn) 462, 1677 Merchants'(Rochester) 1270 Union American (Philadelphia) 1749 First Nat. (Chicago) (Chice) 250 American Exchange Nat_ ...530, 102, 180 Merchants'-Laclede Nat. (St.L.) 531 Union Nat. (Boston) 1814 First Nat. (Cinn 333 Merchants'& Mfrs.'(Milwaukee) 333 Union Nat. (Cleveland) 611, 1063, 1400 First Nat. (Cleveland).. _ _ 255 Amer. Exchange Nat. (Dallas)_ _ 334 _463, 1598 Merchants' & Mfrs.' State (Min- Union Nat. (Houston) 334 First Nat. (Detroit) 333 neapolis) 333 Amer. Exchange Nat. (Duluth). 397 First Nat. (High Union Nat. (Louisville) 256 American Nat. (Austin, Tex.)_ _ 919 Bridge, N. J.), Merchants' & Mechanics' (Co- Union Trust & Sayings (Spok.)_1465 332, 403, 765, 837 lumbus, Ga.) ' 334 American Nat. (Louisville) 256 First Nat.(Hoboken) United Nat. (Cincinnati) 1464 American Nat. (St. Paul)_ _334, 1464 837 Merchants'-Mechanics' Nat. United States 1749 First Nat.(Hornell, N. Y.) 1463 (Baltimore) 43 United American Nat.(Sam Fran.)398, 1271 First Nat. (Houston) States (Chicagl) 1599 American Say. (Las Angeles)- -.1679 334 Merchants' National 251, 992 U. S. Nat. (Pittsburgh) 255 First Nat. (Los Angeles) 1590 Merchants' Nat. (Halt.) 43, 255 American State (Detroit) 919 First Nat. Anchor Savings (Pittsburgh).... 919 (Memphis) 334 Merchants' Nat. (Boston)_ _179. 992 an Oss (Hague, Holland)_ 180 First Nat. (Milwaukee) 333 Merchants' Nat. (Dallas, Texas) 839 v

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ym INDEX. [VOL. xcv[.

BANKS-(Concluded). TRUST CO'S--(Continued). TRUST CO'S--(Continued). TRUST CO'S-(Concluded)• Page. Page. Page. Page. Northwestern (St. Paul)----531, 693 Walker Bros. (Salt Lake) 1463 Citizens' State Bank & (Dallas, Hibernia Bank &(New Orleans). 257 VV ashington (N. J.) Nat_1203, 1463 Tex.) 1599 Home (Brooklyn)__ _179, 254, 1270 & 993 ld Colony (Boston) 332. 397 Wayne (Lyons, N.'Y.) 992 City Bank (Mobile) Id Dominion (Richmond) --- Wayne County Savings (Detroit) City Bank & (New Orleans) 257 Independence (Phila.)992, 1135,1270 O 612 1135, 1271 City (Newark) 837 Indiana (Indianapolis) 463 255, 1678 Industrial Bank & (Hartford)_ 530 Dan-American (Houston) 531 West Side Dime Savings(Colum- Cleveland (Ohio) avonia (Jersey City) 765 bus, 0.) 463 Columbia Ave. (Philadelphia)- 180 International (Denver) 1599 Inter-State (Aiken, S. C.) 531 People's (Brooklyn) 1814 West Side Trust & Savings (Chi.) 838 Columbia-Knickerbocker.._ _836, Safe Deposit West Town State (Chi.)_ _1063, 1343 1202, 1749 Inter-State (Denver) 531, 1401 Phila. (Pa.) Trust, _612, & Insurance Co 254, 837 Western German (Cincinnati) 255 Columbus(0.) Savings &_ 919 Western Nat. (Baltimore) 992 1271, 1342, 1598, 1678 noxville (Tenn.) Banking...... 1203 Phoenix & Third (Lexington,Ky) Mo.) Kokomo (Ind.) 766 Plainfield (N. J.) 837, 919 Western Nat.of Pittsburgh(Pa .) , Commerce (Kansas City, .1749 611, 1534 992, 1064 Provident Life & (Philadelphia) I ackawanna (Newark) 1677 Provident Say. Bank &(Cincin- Western Penn., Nat. (Pittsb.), Commerce (Toledo)_ 919 1270 333, 611, 1534 Commercial (Phila.) 180, 463 LI-lawyers' Title Ins. & 179 nati) 333, West Virginia, Nat. (Wheeling).. 256 Commercial Bank & (Louisville) Lincoln (Boston) 765 766, 1401, 1599 Long Island (Brooklyn) 42 eal Estate Title Ins. & (Phila.) 101 Whitney Central(New Orleans).. 993 397, Bank & 334 Wild (J. F.) & Co.,State (Ind.).- 255 Commercial of New Jersey (Jer- Long Island Loan & (Brooklyn), Richmond (Va.) 179 179, 837 Woodhaven (L. I.) 611 sey City) Cafe & (Baltimore) ___ _ 180 Woodlawn Trust & Savings(Chi .) 250 Commonwealth (Memphis) 464 Louisville (Ky.) 1464 Deposit Commonwealth (St. Louis)_334, Safe Deposit & (Pittsburgh) anchester Savings Bank & 255, 333, 1749 yokohama (Japan) Specie 1272 838, 1599 838 Continental 1Atlanta) 627 (Allegheny) 992 Security (Indianapolis) Marine (Atlantic City) 1401 Security Say. Bank & (Toledo) 397 Continental Baltimore) 255 332 Continental Denver) 1401 Market(Boston) 254 State (Plainfield) Continental St. Louis). 1464 Maryland (Baltimore) 255 State Savings & (Indianapolis)_ -1815 Sullivan Bank & (Montgomery, TRUST COMPANIES. Mercantile Jersey City) 765 Empire 462, 765, 1534 Mercantile St. Louis) 256 Ala.) 256 quitable 42 Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co. merican (Boston) 179 Bank & (Nashville) 627 AMmerican (Houston) 257 (Baltimore) 1342 Tennessee 838 Merchants' Bank & (Los An- A eutonta Bank &(New Orleans) American (Jacksonville, Fla.)- _ - 839 armers' (Indianapolis) 398, 839 American (South Bend, Ind.) - 397 Farmers' Loan & 179, 918 geles) 531, 766 Fidelity 992, 1463 Merchants' Loan & (Chicago), Thames Loan & (Norwich,Conn)1134 American Say. Bank & (Seattle). 531 Tioga (Philadelphia) 1814 Anchor (Raleigh, N C.) 839 Fidelity (Baltimore) 765 463, 1599 Fidelity (Boston) 254, 837, 1463 Merchants' Savings & (Portland, Transatlantic 101 Angio-Californian (San Fran.) 1465 Y.) 179 (Ga.) 919 Fidelity (Buffalo) 1463 Ore.) 257 Troy (N. Atlanta 256 Merchants' Union (Phila.)_101, 1677 Fidelity (Nashville) 1677, 1814 ank of Commerce &(Memph.) 334 Fidelity (Newark) 837, 1463 Metropolitan 836, 1462 Fidelity (Philadelphia)- - _ _463, 1342 Michigan Avenue (Chicago)_ __ _ 250 Union (Charleston, W.Va.) _..1750 Bankers 331, 396, 1063, 1534 Union (Jersey City) 918 (St. Louis) 531, 1271 First Federal (San Francisco)_ 398 Minnesota Loan & (Minneapo- Bankers Guarantee & lis) 102, 1343 Union Bank & (Meridian,Miss.). 766 Bankers' (Salt Lake) 1464 First Mortgage 694, 1267 464 (Philadelphia) 254, 1814 Miss. Valley Bank & (Memphis) 334 United States____101, 397, Banking (New Orleans) Monmouth Trust & Safe Deposit U. S. & Mexican (Kansas City, Bay State (Boston) 332 First-Second Say. & (Akron, 0.) 255 1343 1598 First-Second Say. & Pitts.) _992, 1534 Co., Asbury, Park 1270 Mo.) Binghamton (N. Y.) (Ala.) & U. S. Mortgage,& 1339 Boulevard (Brookline, Mass.) _ - 254 Frankford (Philadelphia)._463, 1203 Montgomery Bank 1678 Franklin (Brooklyn) 1677 Munsey (Baltimore) 255, 1342 Utah Say. & (Salt Lake) 1203 Bridgeport (Conn.) 837, 1534 Utica (N. Y.) Trust & Dep. Co_1342 Broadway_ .._..1134, 1400, 1534, 1597 Franklin (Philadelphia) 693 Munsey (Washington)______1401 Frederick (Md.) 1749 Mutual Alliance 1134, 1202 Brooklyn (N. Y)_ _ _42. 331, 462, Virginia Safe Deposit & (Alex- 530, 837, 1202, 1677 arfield National (Chicago).- 250 Massau (Brooklyn) 254, 1463 ,' andria) 993 993 L1 assau County (Mineola, L. I.) 630 Central 836, 1134, 1270 Georgia (Atlanta) 1677 1135 Grand Rapids (Mich.) 919 New England (Boston) 254, 837 ashington (Newark)._12'70, entral (Cleveland) York 42 estchester (Yonkers) 1749 Central (Frederick, Md.) 1749 Guaranty_ _42, 530, 764, 991, 1063 New W Guaranty State Bank & (Dallas)1271 New York Life Insurance &-254, West End (Phila.) _ __992, 1135, 1270 Central (Indianapolis) _ 838 Williamsburgh (Brooklyn)_1400 Illinois (Chicago)250. 1678 Guardian 462, 693 • 834, 1749 Central of & (Cleveland), New York Trust Companies. Windsor 330, 611 Chicago (Ill.) Say. Bank &_ _250, 766 Guardian Savings Ill.) 1599 (Memphis)_ _ 179 1401, 1750 Changes at Annual Meetings.. 179 Woodruff (Joliet, Chickasaw Bank & Northern (Philadelphia) 179 Cincinnati (Ohio)_ _ _ _838, 1270, 1678 397 766 (Brooklyn) 179, 1814 Northern Bank & (Seattle) 1465 york (Pa.) Citizens'(Augusta, Ga.) Northport (L. I.) 332 Citizens' Savings & (Cincinnati)_ 333 Hamilton (Philadelphia) 1342

BANKERS' GAZETTE, SECURITY PRICES AND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Page, Page. Page. Page. List. See Consols, Daily Prices of, in Insurance Stocks. See Bank Railroad Stock and Bond uction Sales of Securities. See "Ryallway and Indust." A "Commercial and Miscel- don. See "Monetary and and Quotation" Section. (weekly). Commercial English News". Section (quarterly.) laneous News" U. S. ondon Letter (weekly). See Railroad Stocks and Bonds, Currency Holdings of "Bankers Ga- Exchange Treasury. "Editorial Articles." L "Monetary and Commercial Prices of. See altimore Stock English News." zette" (weekly). See "Bank Prices (wkly.) See Bank- (monthly). B Statement of U. S. See & Quotation" Sec. ers' Gazette. ebt Railway Earnings section, Clearings. See in "Edi- D in "Editorial Articles." manV:trIndStotLksoiatioS:2 Bank Declared (weekly). January 18, February 15, torial Articles." Dividends 15, April 19, May 17. England Statements See "Commercial and Miscel- Section n(monthly)• March Bank of Merchandise Imports and Ex- June 14. (weekly). See "Monetary laneous News". Industrial Section English News." ports at New York (weekly). Railway and and Corn. Miscel- for February and June.' Bank and Quotation Section for lee tile Co. Stocks . See "Bank See "Commercial and 4,Feb. 8, Mch.8. Apr.5. E Quotation" Sec.(mthly.) laneous News." Jan. Section Jan. 25, Merchandise Imports and Ex- llver and Gold Exports and Im- May 3, and June Electric Ry. S ports at New York (weekly). Bank Statements of N.Y., Bos- May 24, ports, United States(monthly) • (weekly). Bank of. See See "Editorial Articles." See "Commercial and Mis- ton and Philadelphia England, cellaneous News." "Commercial and Miscel- English Correspondence"Bank". and Mining Stocks, Prices of. See See (weekly). See "Bank and Quotation"Section. Silver and Gold Exports and Im- laneous News" (weekly). Cable Reports See Company State- "Monetary and Com. Eng- Money Market (weekly). See ports of U. S.(monthly). Bank and Trust "Bankers' Gazette." 'Editorial Articles.' ment,Chicago. See "Balikers' lish News". "Bankers' Ga- (weekly). Exchange. See "Foreign Exch." Miscellaneous Securities, Quota- State Bonds. See Gazette" Mer- tions of. See Ga- zette" (weekly). "Bank and Bank and Trust Company Exports and Imports of "Bankers' (monthly). chandise and Specie at N.Y.. zette (weekly) and "Bank and Quotation" Section Stocks, Prices in N.Y. See State and City Section, May 31. "Bankers' Gazette" (wkly.) Value of (wkly.) See "Com,- Quotation" Section (monthly). Miscell. News.' Monetary and Commercial Eng- SterlingExchange. See"Foreign." Banks of England, France, &c., mercial and Stock and Bond Market and (weekly). See "Fin. Situa- Exports and Imports of Mer- lish News_ _43, 114, 180,264. for U. S. 335, 400, 465, 532, 627, 695. Prices, N. Y. Boston, Phila., tion" (first editorial each chandise and Specie Baltimore & Chic. (weekly). week). See "Editorial Articles." 767,839, 920, 995, 1064, 1136, 1203, 1273, 1343, 1402. 1466, See "Bankers' Gazette.' Banks, National, Abstracts from Stock and Bond Tables. See Reports to Comptroller of oreign Correspondence on 1535, 1601, 1679,1750, 1816 See Money Market in London, &c. "Railway and Industrial" Currency 340 F Markets (weekly). Section (quarterly). Bankers' Gazette_ _47, 119, 184, "Monetary & Commercial (weekly). See "Monetary and Commercial English News." Stocks and Bonds, General Quo- 268, 341, 403, 469, 537, 632, English News". tations. See "Bank and Quo- 699, 772,845, 926, 999, 1069, Foreign Exchange Market and Municipal Bonds. See Bank & "Bank- Quotation" Section (monthly). tation" Section (monthly). 1140, 1208,1277, 1347, 1406, Prices (weekly). See Stocks, bonds, &c., Volume of 1539, 1606, 1684, 1756,1823 ers' Gazette. See "State and City" Section 1471, Sterling May 31. Business on New York, Boston Bonds, Prices of All Classes. Foreign Exchange. ' and Philadelphia Exchanges See "Bankers' Gazette" Daily Prices of (monthly). Quotation. iVational Banks Organized, &c.. - .-55, 127, 194, 278. (wkly.) See "Bank and Quo- See "Bank and (weeklY)-349, 411, 477,545, 642, 707, tation" Section (monthly) Section. 11 117,181.264, 336, 400, 466, Bonds. 533, 695. 767, 841, 922, 996, 782, 853, 936, 1007, 1077, Bonds See "Titles U. S., State, Foreign Government 1150, 1218, 1285, 1355,1416, Municipal and Railroad." "Bankers' Gazette" (wkly.), 1137, 1206, 1274, 1344,1403, Sec- 1466, 1535, 1602, 1682, 1754, 1817 1479, 1547,1616, 1694, 1766, 1831 Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore "Bank and Quotation" Stocks (American), Daily Prices Chicago Stock Exchange tion. New York City Bank Statement and (weekly). See "Bankers' Ga- In London. See "Monetary & Prices (weekly). See "Bank- Commercial English News." ers' Gazette'. as Stocks. See "Bankers' Ga- zette" and "Commercial and Gzette" (weekly?. See "Bank Miscellaneous News." Street Beltway Securities. See and Quotation' Sec.(mthly). New York City Exports and Im- "Bank & Quotation" Section. cianal and Miscellaneous Stock Street Railway Section. See and Bond List. See "Rail- Gold Exports and Imports at ports (weekly). See "Com- way and Industrial" Section N.Y.(weekly). See "Commer- mercial and Misc. News." "Electric Railway" Section. (quarterly). cial and Miscellaneous News". New York City Foreign Trade, Street Railway and Traction Chicago Banks and Trust Com- Government Revenue and Ex- 336, 921, 1204, 1468, 1817 Earnings (weekly)• See "'try. pany Statement. See "Bank- penditures (monthly). See and Railroad Intelligence.' /Thutside Securities. See "Bank- ers' Gazette" (weekly). "Editorial Articles". Stocks, City Bonds, Prices of. See ers' Gazette" (weekly). Telegraph & Telephone Exports of Mer- A &c., Prices of. See "Bank & "Bank and Quotation" Sec- mports and (monthly). tion (monthly). I chandise and Specie at N.Y. hiladelphla Bank Statement Quotation" Section and Prices of Stocks and Trust Company Stocks. See Coin and Bullion Prices in N.Y. (weekly). See P stocks." See "Bankers' Gazette." Pri- and Miscellaneous News.' Bonds (week1y). See "Bank- "Bank and Trust Co. of Mer- ers' Gazette. ces in London, see "Mone- Imports and Exports Securities Market tary and Com.English News." chandise and Specie, United nited States allroad See "Edi- U and Prices (weekly). See Commercial and Miscellaneous States (monthly). See Edi- Earnings. Prices in News_ _43, 115, 181, 264, 336. torial Articles". torial Articles" (monthly). "Bankers' Gazette." Prices of. See and Railroad London (weekly). See "Mone- 400, 465, 533, 628, 695,767, Industrial Stocks,&c., "Investment Commercial English 840, 920, 995, 1065, 1136, See "Bankers Gazette"(wkly?. Intelligence" (weekly). See tary and "Railway Section News" (monthly). See "Bank 1204, 1274, 1344, 1402, 1466, and "Bank & Quotation' Earnings" Section. 1535, 1602. 1680. 1751, 1817 Section (monthly.) (monthly). and Quotation'

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1913.] INDEX. EX

COTTON, BREADSTUFFS and DRY GOODS. Page. Page. Page. Page' Breadstuffs, Agricultural Re- Cotton-Egyptian Report by Cotton-Print Cloths Market Iron. See "Commercial Times" ports on_ __808, 1105, 1434, 1712 Cable (weekly). (weekly). See in "Dry (weekly.) Breadstuffs, British Prices, &c. Do Exports in Detail from Goods Market". Lard Market. See "Commercial (weekly). See "Monetary and U. S. ports (weekly). Do Quotations at New York Times" (weekly). Commercial English News". Do Exports of Yarns and (daily). Lead. See "Commercial Times" Breadstuffs--Exports from U.S. Goods from Great Brit- Do Quotations for Middling (weekly.) (mthly.)-295, 662, 886. 1167, 1850 ain __144, 295, 576, at New York for 32 Meats. See "Commercial Times" Breadstuffs--Market & Statistics 884, 1307, 1564,1849 Years (weekly.) (weekly.) (weekly)_ _77, 145, 215, 296, Do Exports from U. S. Do Quotations for Middling Merchandise Stocks at N. Y. 371, 428, 499, 578, 661, 736. (monthly)....295, 662, at Other Markets. (monthly)_74, 425, 732, 1030, 808, 886, 960, 1034, 1105. 886, 1167, 1850 Do Receipts Daily & Weekly 1304, 1634 1167, 1238, 1309, 1372, 1433, Do Fall River Dividends-- 498 at U.S. Ports. Metals. See "Commercial Times" 1505, 1566, 1638, 1712, 1782,1850 Do Freight Rates (weekly) Do Sales of Spot & Contract (weekly.) Butter. See "Commercial Times" Do Future Markets at New at N. Y.(weekly). Naval Stores. See "Commercial (weekly). York, New Orleans and Po Shipboard Not Cleared Times" (weekly). Cheese. See"Commercial Times" (weekly). (weekly). Oats Market (weekly). See (weekly). Do Height of Rivers (wkly.) Do Stocks at United States "Breadstuffs". Coffee. See "Commercial Times" Do India Receipts and Ship- Ports (weekly). Petroleum. See "Commercial (weekly). ments (weekly) by Do Visible Supply in World Times" (weekly.) Commercial Epitome. See"Com- Cable. (weekly.) Petroleum Exports from U. S. mercial Times" (weekly). Do Interior Towns Move- Do Weather Reports by (monthly)_ _295, 662, 886, Commercial Times (weekly)-74, ment (weekly). Telegraph (weekly). 1167, 1850 141, 211, 292, 367, 425, 495, Do Liverpool Market(wkly) . Do World's Supply and Tak- Pork. See "Commercial Times" 574, 658, 732, 804, 882, 957, Do Manchester Mkt.(wkly). ings (weekly). (weekly). 1030, 1101, 1163, 1234, 1304, Do Manufacturers' Exports Cottonseed oil exports from Provisions Exports from U. S. 1369, 1429, 1501. 1561, 1634, from U. S.._ _295, 576, U.S. 295, 662, 886, (monthly) 295,662, 886, 1167, 1850 1708. 1778, 1846 884, 1032. 1564 1167. 1850 Provisions Market (weekly). Corn and Corn Meal. See Do Market and Statistics Dry Goods Market and Statis- See "Commercial Times". "Breadstuffs Market"(wkly). (weekly). tics (weekly)_ _78, 147, 217, Sugar. See "Commercial Times" Corn Crop of Argentina 662 Do Mississippi Floods.11031 1307 298, 373, 430, 501. 579, 663, (weekly). Cotton-Agric. Reports on....- -1637 Do Nat. Assn. of Mfrs. 737, 809, 887, 962. 1035, Tin. See "Commercial Times" Do Census Bureau Reports Resolutions 1237 1106, 1168, 1240, 1310, 1374, (weekly). on Ginning,&c_144 , 295,884 Do New Orleans Option 1434, 1506, 1567, 1639, 1713, Tobacco. See "Commercial Do Consumption & Over- Market (weekly). 1783, 1851 Times" (weekly.) land Movement(mthly). Do N. Y. Exchange___144, 1564 Eggs. See "Commercial Wheat in Argentina, &c 297 144, 498, 734, 1032, Do Overland Movement, Times". Wheat Market (weekly). See 1432, 1781 Spinners' Takings, &c. Flour. See "Breadstuffs" "Breadstuffs". Do Crop in Sight (weekly). (weekly.) (weekly.) Wheat and Flour Exports from Do East India Mills 215 Do Port Receipts and Daily Grain. See "Breadstuffs" U. S.__297,662, 886, 1168. Do Egyptian Crop _1307, 1504 Crop Movement(wkly.) (weekly.) 1506. 1851

RAILROADS AND INDUSTRIALS-INVESTMENT INTELLIGENCE. Annual Reports are Indexed in Black-faced Figures. Page. Page, Page. Page. Adams Express Co_ __137, 282. Am. Seeding Machine Co, Bauer Chemical Co 1558 Bucyrus Co., South Milwaukee, 1366, 1703 Springfield, 0 138 Bay State Street Ry,. 200, 789, 1838 Wis 865 Adirondack Electric Power Corp.1090 Am. Sewer Pipe Co 489 Beatrice Creamery Co., Lincoln, Buffalo Gas Co 1090 Agricultural Credit Co_287, 362, 864 Am. Shipbuilding Co 489 Nob 1231 Buffalo General Electric Co_ 1158 Alabama Co. (Balt.) A023, Am. Smelters Securities Co_ ...... 1023 Beaufort Terminal Ry 862 Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry 1772 1158, 1366, 1425, 1491, 1558 Am. Smelting & Refining Co., Beaumont (Tex.) Traction Co.. _1627 Bullock Electric Mfg. Co 363 Alabama Consol. Coal & Iron 421, 865, 942, 1023 Belding Bros. & Co., N.Y.& c 281 Burns Bros.(Coal) 363, 1023 Co 137, 655, 948. 1023 Am. Snuff Co 717, 945, 1631 Belding,Paul, Corticelli Silk Co., Bush Terminal Co_865, 1090, Alabama N. 0. Texas & Pacific Am. Steel Foundries_ _421, 489, Ltd 490 1226, 1492, 1704 Junction Rys 553 714, 13123001 Bell Telep. Co. of Canada_ _287. 556 Butler Bros., Chicago 288 Alabama & N.0. Transpor. Co_1230 American Steel Wire Co Bell Telep. Co. of Pennsylvania.. 556 Butterick Co., N. Y 865, 1624 Ala. Tenn. & Northern Ry 1228 Am. Strawboard Co....362, 421, Bello Terre Estates, Inc., N.Y- -1231 By-Products Coke Corp 556, Alaska Northern Ry 1771 556, 1300, 1491 Bellows Falls (Vt.) Power Co..- 64 1231, 1294, 1300 Alaska Packers' Assn.,San Fran- Am. Sugar Refining Co 362, 787 Beloit (Wis.) Water, Gas & Elec- By-Products Cdke Enterprise__ _ 288 cisco 1226. 1631 Am. Sumatra Tobacco Co 489 Ry., tric Co 1426 Alberta & Great Waterways Am.Telephone & Telegraph Co., Belt Line Ry. Corp., N. Y_ _200. California-Idaho Co 490, 1775 359. 486, 1228 204, 287, 362, 792, 859, 865 alifornia Oilfields, Ltd IIudson Bay Ry. 486 284, 789, 862, 946, 1020, 1295 1366 Algoma Cent.& 876, 944880%7170173 Bergner & Engle Brew.Co. ,Phila1366 California-Oregon Power Co.. 1492 Algoma Central Terminals, Ltd., Am. Thread Co 1020, Berkshire Street By 1088, 1627 California Petroleum Corp_ _948. 651, 1491 Am. Tobacco Co_ _ _ _421, 787, Bethlehem Steel Corp.. _204, 287, 1227, 1231 Allis-Chalmers Co_-362, 421, 1426, 1631 792, 865, 944, 1023, 1366, 1492 California Ry. & Power Co_ _61, 651 655, 717, 864, 948, 1090, 1841 Am.Tube & Stamping Co 792 Billings Farm Land Co 1703 California Shasta & Eastern Ry. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.._ -864. 1158 Am. Typewriter Telegraph Co- - 362 Bingham & Garfield Ry 1838 359. 947 Aluminum Co. of America 489 Am Typefounders Co 865, Birmingham Ensley & Securities Co., Bessemer California Wine Assn 1020, Aivord (Dean) 1231, 1300 (Electric) RR 1156, 1363 1023, 1300 New York 1230 Am. Water Works & Guarantee Birmingham & Northwestern Calumet & Hecia Mining Co. • Amalgamated Copper Co..- -717, Co 1558, 1769, 1841 Ry 1228, 1295 138, 556, 1023, 1084, 1090 1420. 1631 Am. Woolen Co_489, 714, 717, 1703 Birmingham (Ala.) Ry.. Light & Calumet & South Chicago Ry. Am. Agric. Chemical Co_ _ -1425 American Wringer Co 362, 484 Power Co_ _ _61, 1020, 1772, 1838 1088, 1420, 627 American Axe & Tool Co - 421 Am. Writing Paper Co 418 Blackstone Valley (R. I.) Gas & Cambria & Clearfield Ry -284 Am.Bank Note Co_287,555, 655, 714 Am. Zinc, Lead & Smelting Co., Electric Co 362 Cambria Steel Co_ __ _861, 1090, Am.Beet Sugar Co.__ _ _64. 1366, 1023, 1841 Bloomington Pontiac & Joliet 1158, 1366 1420. 1558 Anaconda Copper Mining Co.._ _1362 Electric RR 651 Cambridge & Muskingum Valley Am. Brake Shoe & Foundry Co., Anglo-American Oil Co1841 Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Co.1231 Coal Co 792 197, 655 792 Ann Arbor RR 862, 1088, 1295 "Boot & Shoe Last Trust" 490 Canada Cement Co 490 American Brass Co 366 Anniston (Ala.) Water Supp.Co-1631 Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago, Camada Interlake Line, Ltd. Am. Can. Co_ _64, 362, 418, 421, Anthracite Coal Roads 1421 490, 556, 650, 655, 1426 490, 792, 1704 489, 655, 717, 1230, 1841 Appalachian Pow. Co., Richm'd.1158 Boott (Cotton) Mills, Boston_ - 204 Canada Iron Corporation, Ltd 200 Am.Car & Foundry Co_ -1631, 1836 Argentine Central Ry 1700 Boston Albany RR_ _553, 651, Canada Transporen Lines, 7, 864, & Ltd_1841 Am, Caramel Co 711 1558 Arkansas Louisiana & Gulf Ry_ _1627 946, 1700, 1838 Canada Southern Ry_ _134, 200, Am. Cement Co 287, 655, 792 Arkansas Natural Gas Co.,Pitts- Boston Belting Co 283 553, 789, 1421 American Chain Co 362 burgh 865, 1023 Boston & Corbin Copper & Silver Canadian Car & Foundry Co_ _ _1558 American Cigar Co 717, 1015 Arlington Mills, Lawrence,Mass.1841 Mining Co 1631, 1704 Canadian Consol. Rubber Co__ _1090 Am. Cities Co_ _486, 715, 1014, Armour & Co., Chic_ _204, 282, 1366 Boston & Eastern Electric RR., Canadian Cottons, Ltd 1426 1028, 1487 Arundel Sand & Gravel Co.,Balt. 489 946, 1156, 1421 Canadian Converters Co., Ltd.. _1704 Am. Coal Products Co_655, 717, 792 Ashdown (J. II.) Hardware Co., Boston Elevated Ry 61 Canadian General Electric Co. American Cotton 011 Co 555 Ltd 489 Boston & Lowell RR..._61, 284, 359 363, 865, 1704 American District Telegraph Co. Assets Realization Co 860, 881 Boston & Maine RR_ _359, 486, Canadian Indep. Telep. Co.,Ltd. 556 of New Jersey 1023. 1771 Associated Merchants' Co..718, 1625 651, 715, 789, 1020, 1295, Canadian Northern Ry 201, American District Telegraph Co., Associated Oil Co., Calif_ 948. 1364, 1421, 1487, 1555,1700, 1838 284, 651, 1088, 1156,1295, New York 555, 1699 1090, 1231, 1415887 Bost. Revere Beach & Lynn RR_1421 1627. 1838 American Express Co 282 Astor Estate Boston Suburban Electric Co...... 1487 Canadian Northern Alberta Ry_ 284 American Fuel Co 1023 Atchison Topeka & Sante Fe Ry. Boston Water Power Co 1300 Canadian Northern Pacific Ry. Am. Gas Co_1158, 1491, 1626,1775 284, 946, 1088, 1627, 1771 Boston & Worcester Street Ry., 651, 1838 Am. Gas & Elec. Co__555, 792, Athens (Ga.) Ry. & Elec. Co-11831588 1020, 421 Canadian Northern Quebec Ry_ 201 1090, 1841 Athol Gas & Electric Co Bowling Green Y., (Ky.) Ry----862 Canadian Pacific Ry....486, 715, Am. Graphophone Co.. N. Atlanta Birmingham & Atlantic Braden Copper Mines Co_1631, 1841 1421, 1.488 137, 792, 1226 RR Brazilian Traction. Light & Pow. Canadian Steel Corp., Ltd.,0jib- Am. Hawaiian SS. Co 421 Atlanta Telog. & Telco Co.._34 ..11089308 Co., Ltd 1364, 1421, 1627 way 1842 American Hardware Corp 1631 Atlantic Coast Line RR _ _ _ _284, Brier Hill Steel Co., Youngs- Canadian Western Natural Gas Am. Hide & Leather Co.. _ -287. 715, 789, 1088 town, 0 490 Light, Heat & Power Co..Ltd.. 64 555, 1230 Atlantic Cotton Mills 421 Brill (J. G.) Co., Phlla 490, 552 Canadian Westinghouse Co.,Ltd. 949 American Ice Co 61 Atlantic Fruit Co Brinson Ry 419, 1555 Cape Breton (N.S.) Electric Co_1228 Am. Ice Securities Co 948, 1165 Atlantic Fruit & Steamship C1o3__8, 213887 British-American Tobacco Co., Cape Girardeau & Nor. Ry_201, 1555 Am. La France Fire Engine Co., Atlantic Gulf & West Indies SS. Ltd 1426, 1704 Capital Trac, Co., Washington, Inc 717, 948 Lines 1155, 1231 British Columbia Copper Co.. D.0 134,417 Am. Light & Traction Co_ --137, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co..- 287 948, 1023 Cardenas-Amer. Sugar Co.,N.Y.1704 483. 864, 948 Atlantic & North Carolina RR. British Columbia Electric Ry: Carleton Dry Goods Co., St. L__ 64 American Locomotive Co.. _137, 1300 82, 1088 61, 284, 651, 946, 1295, 1421 Carnegie Coal Co., Pittsb_ _490, 1023 American Milling Co 948 Atlantic Northern & Southern British Columbia Ry.& Develop- Case (J. I.) Threshing Machine Am.Multigraph Co., Cleveland_ 421 Ry__200,651, 715,946, 1487, 1072710 ment Co 490 Co 792,944 Am. Naval Stores Co_ ..864, 948, Atlantic Refining Co Bronx Gas & Electric Co 1300 Casein Co. of America 1426 1231, 1300, 1491, 1703 Atlantic Shore Line RY-. San- Brooklyn Borough Gas Co 865 Cassvillo & Western Ry 1295 American Piano Co 948, 1225 ford, Me 419 Brooklyn Heights RR 284 Carthage & Adirondack _ 553 Am. Pipe & Construction Co., Augusta-Aiken Ry.& Elec. Corp. Brooklyn & North River RR 284 Carthage Watertown & SackettsRy__- 137, 204. 281, 717 of South Carolina 1224 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., harbor RR 651 Am. Pneumatic Service Co-555, 1775 Austin (Tex.) Gas Light Co_ _ _ 64 61. 134, 200, 359, 715, 862, Catawissa RR 1421 Am. Power & Light Co., N. Y., Automatic Elec. Co., Chic_ _204, 283 1020, 1088, 1555 Cedar Rapids Mfg.& Power Co. 421, 1558 Ayer Mills 556 Brooklyn Union Gas Co_ 1366, Montreal 64, 288% 490 Am. Public Service Co.Phila_ _1491 1426, 1486 Central Arkansas Ry. & Light Am. Public Utilities Co'., Grand aldwin Locom. Works.._ _648, 1090 Brown Shoe Co.. -64, 204, 288, 556 Corporation 715, 789 Rapids 555 Baldwin Plano Co., Cincin_ _64, 489 Brown Engineering Co., Cleve..- 288 Central Colorado Power Co_ 205, American Radiator Co_ _421. Baltimore & Ohio RR_ _134, 200, Bruce Mines & Algoma Ry 359 656, 1090 717, 792,860 651, 715, 1088, 1295,1421, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Central Crosstown RR. N. Y.. _1772 Am. Railways Co.,,_ Phila.. 553 1555, 1627, 1700,1771 1158, 1225 Central District & Printing Tele- Am, Real Estate Co., N. 357 Bait.& Ohio, Chicago Term. RR.486 Brunswick Terminal & Ry. Se- graph Co., Pittsburgh 1090 Am, Refrigerator Transit Co.._ _1631 Baltic Mills 1426 curities Co 715 Central Fuel Oil Co 1558, 1842 Am. Road Machinery Co_ _ _1231 Bangor & Aroostook RR 419 Bryden Horse Shoe Co., Penn 490 Central Foundry Co.1091 , 1366, 1837 Am. Sales Book Co., Barney & Smith Car Co 1841 Buckeye I'ipe Line Co 1558 ,Central Illinois Pub, Serv, Co...1020 Toronto 865 Batopilas Mining Co 1Pn. Bucks Co. (Pa.) Interurban Ry_1555 I Central Illinois Traction Co.-- 359

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX. xcvi.

Page. Page. Page. Central Iron & Steel Co., Harris- Columbus (0.) Gas & Fuel Co. Dominion Canners, Ltd....138, 1632 General Petroleum Co_ _ _ 1_ 61.49 983,Page. burg,Pa 363 288, 1232, 1366 Dominion Coal Co., Ltd., St. '1843 Central Leather Co__ _648, 656, 1231 Columbus Marion & Bucyrus Charles, Va 492, 1301 General Pipe Line Co_ _ _ 1705 Central Mexico Light & Pow.Co. 718 (Elec.) RR_ _ _ _652, 862, 1088, Dominion Power & Transmission General By. Signal Co_ 793, 949. 1626 Central New England Ry 134 1421. 1488, 1839 Co., Ltd 553, 647, 716 Geneva(N.Y.) & Auburn Ry.202, 863 Central N. Y. Gas & Elec. Co1091 Columbus (0.) By. & Light Co. Dominion Steel Corp 1492, 1697 Geneva Seneca Falls & Auburn Central Pacific Ry 419 359, 652, 1700 Dominion Textile Co., Ltd., RR 1629 Central Ry. of Canada__ _ _862, 1627 Columbus Ry., Power & Light Montreal 1632 Georgetown & Gray's Peak By...._1700 Central & South American Tele- Co 652. 1228, 1422, 1839 Draper Co., Hopedale Mass_ _ -1843 Georgia & Florida RR 419 graph Co_ __ _949, 1091, 1699,1843 Commonwealth EdisonCo.,Chic, 662 Drummond Canal & Plater Co_ -1492 Georgia By.& Elec. Co.,Atlanta 5a Central Union Telep. Co_ _ _ _288, 490 Commonwealth Power, Rys. & Dry Dock East Broadway & 716, 1021 Central Vermont By 284 Light Co., Grand Rapids, Battery RR 1628 Georgia Ry. & Power Co., At Chalmers Motor Co 792, 1231 135, 1296, 1364, 1422, 1556 Duluth Missabe & Northern By. 284 202, 285,419, 789, Chandler-Dunbar Water Power Commutation Rates 1772 Duluth South Shore & Atl. By.... 359 941, 1021, 1629 Co., S. S.M 1558 Compania Electrica de Con- Duluth-Superior Traction Co., Giant Portland Cement Co_ _ _ 793 Charleston Cons. By.& Ltg. Co_ 862 cepcion 1632 716, 1224, 1700, 1772 Gilchrist Transportation Co.205, Charleston & Isle of Palms Trac- Computing-Tabulating-Record- Duplex Metals Co., N. Y. and 422, 720185 tion Co 201,862 ing Co., N Y _656, 718, Chester, Pa 492 Gillette Safety Razor Co Chesapeake & Albemarle Canal 949, 1086, 1300, 1366 du Pont(E. I.) de Nemours Pow- Giroux Consol. Mines Co 1632 Co 1426 Concepcion (Chili) Electric Co_1632 der Co 556,718, 792,860,1301, 1775 Glenwood Springs (Colo.) Light Chesapeake & Ohio By 62, Coney Island & Brooklyn RR_ _1020 Dupont Internatonal Powder Co. 492 & Water Co 289 134,. 553. 1020, 1156, 1421,1839 Connecticut Power Co_ _ _1024, Duquesne Light Co., Pittsb.,Pa_ 792 Globe-Wernicke Co., Cincinnati_1159 Ches. & Ohio Ry. of Indiana---1627 1091, 1158,1632 Durham (N. C.) Light & Trac- Goldfields (Nev.) Consol. Mines Chesebrough Mfg. Co., N. Y_ _ -1366 Connecticut River Power Co., tion Co 947 Co_422,656,1024, 1226, 1632, 1775 Chicago & Alton BR.. 651, 789, 1627 64, 656, 1775 Goodrich (B. F.) Co., Akron,0., Chicago Burlington & Quincy Connecticut River RR 1488 Vast Canada Power & Pulp Co., 649, 793, 1091 RR_134, 359, 651, 789, 1228, 1772 Connecticut Valley Lumber Co_1843 1-4Ltd 205 Gottlieb-Bauernschmidt-Straus Chicago City & Connecting Rys. Connecticut Valley Street By...... 1296 East Ohio Gas Co 364, 421 Brewing Co 419, 1555, 1772 Consol. Coppermines Co., N. Y. East St. Louis & Suburban Co_ 417 Gouverneur & Oswegatchie R R _ 145593 Chicago City Ry 62, 1016, City 1632 East Tennessee & Western North Granby Consol. Smelting, Min- 1364, 1555,1627 Consol. Gas Co., N.Y.City_357, Carolina RR 1156, 1296 ing & Power Co 289, 718 Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR. 656, 718, 1366, 1486, 1492, 1843 Eastern Mfg. Co., Bangor, Me_ 492 Grand Rapids Gas Light Co_ ....1843 284, 1565, 1628, 1700, 1839 Consol. Gas, Electric Light & Eastern Power & Light Corp.. Grand Rapids Holland & Chicago Chicago Elevated Rys_359, 651, P.Co., Balt .205, 288, 363. 491, 716, 1020, 1629 (Electric) Ry 715, 1156, 1296. 1364, 1772 718, 949, 1091, 1232, 1366, Eastern SS. Corp., Boston_ 656 Grand Trunk Ry ..62 285, 419,1422 Chic. Indiana & Southern RR_ _ 1492, 1632, 1704 Eastern Steel Co_ _ _ _949, 1091, 1366 652, 716, 789, 1089, 1292, 1629 789, 1222 Consol. Rubber Tire Co 1366 Eastern Texas Electric Co 1629 Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Chicago Junction Rys. & Union Consol. Telephone Cos. of Penn., Eastern Texas Traction Co_359, 1422 Lines Co 285 Stock Yards Co 491, 1625 1559, 1704 Eastman Kodak Co 1018, 1705 Grand Trunk Pacific Develop- Chic. Kalamazoo & Saginaw Ry-1228 Consol. Water Co., Utica 363 Easton (Pa.) Consolidated Elec- ment Co 947 Chicago Memphis & Gulf RR-- 419 Consolidation Coal Co 363, tric Co 789, 1021 Grand Trunk Pac. Ry_202, 285, Chicago & Milwaukee Elec. RR. 421, 491,556, 792, 949, 1016, Easton (Pa.) Light & Fuel Co_ _1426 789, 1088, 1296, 1629, 1700, 17717002 62, 135, 1156, 1364, 1700 1426, 1705 Ecuadorian Corporation 1492 Grand Trunk Western By Ry. Constantine (Mich.) Hydraulic Edison Portland Cement Co., Gra.sselli Chemical Co., Cleve- Chicago Milw. & St. Paul 1024 62, 135, 284, 715, 789, 1020, Co 363 Stewartsville, N. J 1159 land 422, 1839 Consumers' Chemical Corp 1426 Edmonton Dunvegan & British Great Falls Power Co., Butte, 1088, 1156, 1364, 1700, 138, 1707254 Chicago & North Western By. Consumers' Co., Chicago_ _288, Columbia By 62, 419. 1422 1364 556, 792, 1024 Electric Bond & Share Co, N. Y. Great Lakes Coal Co 201, 359, 789, 1156, ....492, 656 Chicago Peoria & St. Louis By. Consumers' Gas oronto_ _1705 205, 656 Great Lakes Towing Co.. 135, 281 Consumers' PowerCo.,do 288 Electric Co.of M issouri,St.Louls.1024 GreertationNorthern Iron Ore Prop- Co_418, 485 Continental Can Co.,Inc., N.Y. Electric Investment Corp.,N.Y. 949 Chicago Pneumatic Tool 11750504 Chicago Rys___ _201, 652, 1088, 205, 363, 792 Electric Properties Co., N. Y. Great Northern By 1366, 1153, 1364, 1419, 1421, Continental Gas & Elec. Corp., 1426, 1843 Great Western Cereal Co 1556, 1628, 1700, 1839 Cleveland 138, 556 Electric Securities Corp 1024 Great Western Power Co., Cal.,1924 Chicago River & Indiana RR__ _1296 Continental Oil Co., • Denver, Electric Storage Battery Co..... _ 865 289, 364, 865, 1843 Chic. St. P. Mimi. & Om. By. 492, 1091, 1158, 1492 Elk Horn Fuel Co 1427 Green Bay & Western RR-359, 1421, 1556 Continental Utilities Co.of Dela- Elmira (N. Y.) Water, Light & 9807,2014 Chicago Steel Products Co 1158 ware, Lansing 421 RR.Co 1156 Greene-Cananea Cop7p8e9r 1632 1366, 1775 Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Coppermines Co El Paso Electric Co_ ...135, 202, 1556 1623 By 1488, 1556, 1772 Copper Range Consol. Co 1366 Emerson-Brantingham Co 1018 Greene Consol. Copper Co.1559, Corn Refining Co., Griffin Wheel Co., Chic_ ...138, 364 Chicago Suburban Gas & El. Co_ 138 Products Empire District Electric Co_ __ _1492 1422 Chicago Telep. Co_ _491, 1624, 1704 205, 718, 788, 1492 Empire Gas & Electric Co 1091 Guayaquil & Quito By 62, By. Cornwall & Lebanon RR 947 Steel & Iron Co Guggenheim Exploration Co., Chicago Terre Haute & S. E. 419 Empire 1705 419, 1632, 1843 Chicago Utilities Co 1700 Counties Gas & Elec,tric Co., Empire United Rys., Rochester, New York 1700 Philadelphia 205 284, Gulf 011 Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago & Wabash RR &c 359, 1021 718, 865, 1091, 11078095 Chicago & Western Indiana RR. Cramp (Wm.) & Sons Ship & Empire United Rys., Inc., Syra- 656, 135, 201, 419, 1364 Engine Building Co., Phila., cuse 553 Gulf Texas &Western By Childs Co. (Restaurants), N. Y. 556, 1843 Equitable Ilium. Gas Light Co., 138, 198. 1631, 1843 Creamery Package Mfg. Co., Phila 364. 556 agerstorstwow nn By 283, 289, 865 &Frederick (Md.) 947 Chino Copper Co 1158, 1558 Erie RR_1296,1422, 1629, 1700, 1772 1228, 149242L1498586 Chicago RIt _1296 Crescent Pipe Line Co 1775 Central N. Y. RR _ _202, 1156 Uagte 947, Cincin. Bluffton & Erie & Hale & Kilburn Co Cincin. & Columbus Trac. Co_ -1156 Crex Carpet Co_ _ _ _792, 1227, Erie & Central Penn. Ry_1156, 1228 o2.2_ Trac- 1300, 1705 Halifax Electric Tramway C4 , 944896 Cincin. Dayton & Toledo Eureka Pipe Line Co 1427 (0.) Gas & Electric tion Co 1556, 1839 Crocker-Wheeler Co 556, 1627 Evansville Light Co 1301 Hamilton Crowell & Thurlow SS. Co 64 Co Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co_ - -1704 Evansville Public Service Co__ _1301 -Brown Shoe Co., St.1843 Cincin. Hamilton & Dayton By. Crows Nest Pass Coal Co 1366 Evansville Public Utilities Co 359 Hamilton Crucible Steel Co. of America...421 Louis 486, 1488, 1700 Evansville Railways 1156, 1488 (0.) Utilities Co_ _ 422 .Cincin. Lawrenceburg & Aurora Cuban-American Sugar Co 198 Evansville Suburban & New- Hamilton Rys., Ltd 1422 Hampden RR. Corp _359, 1021, 1840 Electric Street By 1839 Cuban Central burgh By 1365 Harbison-Walker Refrac's Co....1493 Cincinnati Northern RR 789 Cudahy Packing Co..._ _64, 134, 356 865 Line Co 1426 Harriman Estate Cincin. & Suburban Telep. Co. Cumberland Pipe airmount Coal & Coke Co., Harrisburg Light & Power Co.._ 64 205, 556, 656 Cumberland Valley RR 62 F Philadelphia 422, 1492 Phila. Harrisburg (Pa.) Rys 202 Cincinnati Trac. Co_1156, 1364, 1488 Curtis Publishing Co.. Fall River Gas Works 1843 Harrison Bros. & Co., Inc., Cities Service Co., N. Y_ _205, 138,1024 Farbenfabriken of Elberfeld Co-1775 Philadelphia 358 656, 718, 1023, 1091, 1631 1775 Cuyahoga River Power Co 1158 Federal Gas Co., Titusville, Pa-1091 Co 865 Hart & Crouse Co., Utica, N. Y_ 718 Citizens Gas Co., Indianapolis Cuyahoga Telephone Federal Light & Trac. Co.(N .) Hartford (Conn.) Elec. Light Co. 138 64, 288, 363, 556, 865, 1558, 1704 284, 716, 947, 1164, 1772 Hartford & Springfield St. Ry_ _1022907 Citizens' Telephone Co., Grand anes Electric Corp_ ..._.1422, 1772 Federal Mining & Smelting Co. anville Champaign & Deca- Hart-Parr Co Rapids 1775, 1843 D 865, 1086 Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Chi- Citizens' Telephone Co., Jack- tur Ry.& Light Co 1422, 1485 Federal Sign System (Electric), Danville (Ill.) Street By.& Light cago 205 366, 492, 865 son Mich 1775 Chicago 1705 Harwood (Pa.) Electric Co_949, 1366 City Electric Co., San Francisco_ 205 Co 1422 Federal Sugar Refin. Co., N. Y_1159 & Power Davenport (Iowa) Locomotive Havana Elec. By., Lt. City Electric Lighting Co., Vin- Federal Tel. & Tel. Co_ _ _1159, 1492 Co_1089, 1157, 1297, 1621, 1840 cennes, Ind 1023 Works 1426 Fifth Avenue Building Co 1232 1599: 11603152 Co 364 Havana Tobacco Co., N. Y1.71 City Fuel Co., Chicago 288, 556 Davis Sewing Machine Fifth Avenue Coach Co 1091 Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar City Investing Co 556 Davis & Struve Bond Co., 359 1301 Fitchburg RR 202, Co City Water Co.,Santa Cruz.288, 1843 Seattle Florida East Coast By 1840 Helena (Mont.) Light & By. Co_1422 Claflin (H. B.) Co 198 Davison Chemical Co 1426 Ry 1705 Florida 1629 Heime (Geo. W.) Co., N.Y_719, 946 Claremont (N. H.) Power Co_ _ _1024 Dayton Breweries Co 1024, Foliansbee Bros. Co., Pittsburgh 138 Hendee Mfg. Co., Springfield, Claremont(N. If.) By. & LtgCo1020 Dayton (0.) Power & Light Co_ 205 283 1529 Ford Motor Co. Detrolt_1705, 1775 Mass Clarksburg Northern RR 359 Decatur (Ala.) Land Co Fore River Shilibuilding Corp., Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co_ _ _1664 Cleveland Akron & Cincinnati Decatur (111.) By. & Light Co_ -1422 Franklin Quincy. Mass__ _1293. 1301. Higbee Co., Cleveland _ .- -163232 By 1364, 1697 Dedham (Mass.) & 1492, 163.2, 1705 Hillcrtes Collieries, Ltd. 1024, 1091 Cin. Chic. & St. Louis Ry. Street Ry 135 Cleve. 718 Ft. Dodge Des Moines & Sou.ltR 202 Hilton-Dodge Lumber Co 786, 799, 1364, 1628 Deere & Co Ft. Wayne & Northern Indiana Hocking Coal Co 365 Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co 1091 Delaware & Hudson Co_ ..1082, Co Co., 1700 Traction 1296, 1422 Hocking Valley Products Cleveland & Eastern Trac. Co...1296 1156, Ft. Wayne & Northwestern Cleveland Elec. Ilium. Co_288, 1158 Delaware Lackawanna & West- By 1'042212;1445235 949 (Electric) 1228 Hocking Valley By 365 Cleveland Foundry Co 556 ern Coal Co 492, Four States Coal & Coke Co., Holding Corp., N. Y. City 556 Cleveland Hardware Co 363 Delaware Lackawanna & West- San Diego 1628 Pittsburgh 283. 422, 1492 Holton Power Co., Cleveland (Electric) Ry_62, 201, ern ItR 486, 646, 1156, Frederick (Electric) RR 947 Co., Cal 289 284, 789, 1228 De Long Hook & Eye Co_ _1301 Ry_761582, 1628 Freight Rates 1157 Holyoke (Mass.) Street Cleveland Painesville & Eastern Denver City Tramway.._1 -1-56, Fresno Hanford & Summit Lake 05:11282450 RR 359, 553 Denver Gas & Electric Light Co_ 492 Interurban Ry 419 Homestake Mining Co_713983, 729 , Cleveland & Pittsburgh Rft_135, 486 Denver Laramie & Northwestern Fries Mfg. & Power Co., Win- Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing RR 201, 789, 863, 947, 1296 Transit &1L8a29nd. 1701 (Elec- ston-Salem, N C 789 Honolulu Rapid Co 491, 1366 Denver & Northwestern Full Crew Laws 1021 Co Cleveland Short Line Ry_-201, 419 tric) Ry 863 1628 Northwestern & Pacific Hot Springs (Ark.) Street Ry.._.. 716 Cleveland Southwestern & Co- Denver air (Robert) Co.,Paper Goods, Hot Springs (Ark.) Water Co_ _1091 lumbus (Elec.) Ry_947, 1296, 1556 Ry__62, 135, 202, 486, 863, 1020, 1156, 1228,1296 G &c 1159. 1301 Houston Belt & Terminal Ry___ 652 Cleveland Stone Co 491 Galena Signal 011 Co_ _205, 865, Houston & Brazos Valley By. Cleveland & Youngstown (Elec.) Denver & Rio Grande RR 1772 Salt Lake RR.._ _563, 949, 1421, 1427, 1559 789, 1021, 1089 RR 1488 Denver & Galveston Harrisburg & San An- Houston Gas & Fuel Co 289 Cluett, Peabody & Co.,Inc.491, 1091 1088, 1364, 1488,1628 Power Co.. 1024 Union Water Co__ _492, tonio By 1772 Houston Lighting & Coast Counties Light & Pow. Co.1158 Denver Galveston-Houston Electric Co. Houston Oil Co 64, 865, 1705 Coaster Brake Licensees 1558 1024, 1559,1775 (Conn.) Gas Co 1091 419, 652 Houston & Texas Central RR....1089 Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd 368 Derby Galveston Houston & IIenderson Hudson Coal Co 793 Wireless Telephone Co 205 Des Moines City (Iowa) By...._ _ 947 Collins Co RR 553.652,947 Hudson Cos.(Tubes), N. Y.City Colocado Fuel & Iron Co_ _491, Des Moines (Iowa) Gas 289 220028: 285 Detroit Copper & Brass Rolling Gary Connecting Railways._ 359 1426, 1492, 1704, 1775 Gary & Interurban RR.. _ ....359, 1422 Hudson & Manhatt1a9n71t1 2 Colorado Midland Ry 205, 652 Mills 1559 205, Gary & Interurban By 359 1701 Colorado Mines, Railways & Detroit Edison Co.._ _138, 1559 289, 364, 492, 1086, 1091 Gas Securities Co., N Y 792 Hudson Na55v31ga7tilo6n,( 1)0 o83 1355' Utilities Corporation_ _ _ _715, 1300 General Asphalt Co., Hudson River Electric Power Co. Colorado Power Co 1091 Detroit Grand Haven & MR. Ry_ 789 Phila.1366, Detroit Rock Salt Co 421 1622, 1705,1843 Colorado & Southern Ry 62, 359 General Baking Co., N. Y__ -_ 656 Huebner Toledo Breweries Co...:94942934 Columbia Gas & Elec. Co_ _1426, Detroit Toledo & Ironton By, Wellington, 1156, 1228, 1365, General Chemical Co_ _289, 418, Hunter Milling Co., 1631, 1704 419, 947, 556, 1427 Kan Columbia Plate Glass Co., 1488, 1628, 1839 _419, 483, General Electric Co_ _205, 1293. Huntingdon & Broad Top Mtn., Blairsville, Pa 1843 Detroit United By.. RR. dc Coal Co 420, 652, Gas & 947, 1088, 1488, 1556, 1628 1303, 1427,1775 Columbia (S. C.) By., General Fire Extinguisher Co_ _1159 1021, 1297, 1488, 1697 Electric Co 1020 Development Co. of Amer.,N.Y. 949 1699 General Fireproofing Co 289 Columbus Delaware & Marion Diamond Match Co_792, 1366, Idaho Consolidated Power Co_ _1776 1700 Direct U. S Cable Co 1301 General Gas & Electric Co. (of (Electric) Ry 652, 1296, 364 1159 claim Northern By 135 Columbus (Ga.) Electric Co_ - - - 486 Dixon (Joseph) Crucible Co.. - - - 865 Maine)

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-J UNE. 191% _ INDEX. xi Page. Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Co. l'age. Page. Kerry Timber Co., Seattle 1706 May Department Stores Page. 1024, 1091, 1632 Keystone Telephone Co., - 862 Nevada-Douglas Copper _ _ Idaho Ry., Light Power Phila., Meadville Conneaut LakeCo..-- & 949 & Co. 139, 1427, 1776 Linesville Nevada-Utah Mines & SmeltersCo..- 1089, 1629 Kings County RR 790 Corporation Illinois Electric Light & Memphis Street Ry 1427 Brick Co 484, 1843 Power Co_65, 492, 649, 863, 1022 New Castle (Ind.) Light, Heat & Illinois Car & Equipment Co__ 556 656, Meridian & Memphis Rft_1157, 1298 Power 1387, 1427 Meritas Mills, Columbus, Co 1706 Illinois Central RR__ - _135, 420, Kings County Lighting Ga__- 422 New Departure Mfg. Co., Bris- 553, Co 1493 Metropolitan Coal Co. Boston. 716, 1228 Kinloch Long Distance Tele- Metropolitan 492 tol, Conn 1559 Illinois Northern Utilities Co__ _ 553 phone Co. of Missouri Street By., Kan- New England Cotton Yarn Illinois Traction Co.. _652, 1427 sas City '553, Co 290 1222, Klots Throwing Co.• N. Y_ - 139 1229 New England Power Co_65, 291, 1365, 1423 Knickerbocker Mexican Light & Power Co., Illinois Transit Co Ice Co.,. Chi..289, 556 Ltd., Toronto 493, 719 62 Knox Automobile Co., Spring- 1620 New England Telep. & Teleg.Co. Illinois Tunnel Co 652, 1089 field, Mass Mexican By 1423 Imperial Oil Co., Ltd., 492 Mexican National Packing Co 1367, 1699 Sarnia, Knoxville (Tenn.) By.& Lt. Co_. 289 New Hampshire Electric Rys_ 863 Ont 556 Kokomo 716 Mexican Northern Power Co., New Haven(Conn.)Gas Imperial Tobacco (Ind.) Gas Co 866 Ltd Light Co 493 Co. of Canada, Kresge (S. S.) Co 139, 1844 New Jersey & Pennsylvania RR. Ltd 492, 656, Mexican Northern Ry 1365 1493 793, 946, 1159, 1427 63, 1630 Independent Breweries Co., St. Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., New Jersey & Penn. Traction Louis 206, 290, 1085, Co.1557 1705 lr a Belle Iron Works, Wheeling, 1159. 1844 New Jersey Zinc Co 866 Independent Brewing Co., Pitts 1427 W. Mexican Tel Co 949, 1092, 1632, 1844 New London (Conn.) Independent Electric Va_ _65, 206, 492, 793, 1625 Mexican Telephone & Teleg. Gas & Co., Castle Lackawanna SS, Co., Cleveland_1232 Co_1706 Electric Co 1092 Rock, &c., Wash 492 Lackawanna Mexican Union Ry 360, 863 New Orleans Mobile & Chicago Indian Refining Steel Co....206, 492, Mexico Northwestern By ....285, Co-1017, 1025, 1366 787, 793, 802, RR 132, 1630, 1840 Indiana Pipe Line Co 1559 1092 653, 1229 New Orleans Indiana Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley Mexico Santa Fe B. & Light Co. Rys.& Lt. Co., Kokomo 486 R. T Co & Perry Trac- 203, 360, 1022. 1292, Indianapolis & Cincin. 1297, 1701 tion Co...... 716, 1089, 1229, 1489 1365, Trac. Co.1297 Laclede Gas Light Co_422, 484, 1233 1489, 1773 Indianapolis Gas Co __865, 1301, Lake Erie Mexico Tramways Co 1620 New River Co_ _ _291, Bowling Green & Na- Miami & Erie Canal Transp. Co.. 492 946, 1092, 1559, 1705 poleon RR 1488 1427, 1633 Indianapolis Light & Heat Co. Michigan Central RR_653, 785 797 Newton(Geo.B) Lake Erie & Northern (Electric) Michigan & Chicago (Elec.) Coal Co., Phila. 866, 1024 By., Brantford, Ont Ry-1423 1233, 1559 Indianapolis Newcastle & East- 63, 1157 Michigan Lake Superior Power N. Y. Air Lake Erie & Western RR 790, 940 Co Brake Co 551 ern Traction Co 135 Lake Erie & Youngstown 199, 1092, 1159, 1427 N. Y. Auburn & Lansing RR. Indianapolis Water Co RR....,. 285 Michigan Rys 1298, 1423 422 Lake Shore Electric By 360, 550 Michigan 1022, 1489 Indianapolis Water-Works Se- Lake Shore & State Telephone Co., N. Y. Central & Hudson River curities Co Michigan Southern 949, 1233, 1776 139, 422 Ry__-63, 553, 653, 716, 785, Michigan RR__360, 554, 653, 712, 723, Ingersoll-Rand Co__ _139, 1085, Sugar Co 1367 863, 947, 1089, 1157, 1229, 795, 1089, 1297 Michigan United Rys 1423 1092, 1232, 1366 Lake Superior Corp 1493, 1843 Middle 1298, 1365, 1424, 1489, 1773 Interborough-Metropolitan Co. Lake Superior West Utilities Co.... _360, N. Y. Central & Ishpeming Ry_- 790 487, 556, 656, 1157, 1702, - _63, 203. 1629, 1840 Lake Superior Paper Co., Ltd_ 422 Lines..-286, 1089, 1773 Interborough Rapid Transit Co. Lake Torpedo Boat Co 1769, 1773 N. Y. Chicago & St. Louis RR. 62, 135, 359, 487, 1632 Midland Valley RR--554, 1423, 1489 653, 716, Lakeview 'Traction Co., Memphis 863 Midvale 203, 1229, 1291 80,94, 1089, 1228, 1297, 1701 Lake of the Steel Co., Phila.. ..557. 1225 N. Y. Commercial Co Interlake Woods Milling Co..- 858 Milliken Bros., Inc., N. Y.- City. N. 793 SS. leveland Lalance & Grosjean Mfg. Co Y. Consolidated RR_ _ _ _360, 653 Co.,.1159, 1232, 1301 1301 365, 492 N. Y. Dock Co Lancaster & Chester Ry 1089 Mill Valley 1026 Internat, Agricultural Corpora- Lanston Monotype & Mt. Tamalpais N. Y. Edison Co,85, 1092, 1367, tion 1159, 1632, 1705, 1843 Machine Co-1367 Scenic By 360, 653 N. Y.& 1486 Laramie Hahn's Peak & Pacific Milwaukee Harlem RR 1424 Internat. Cotton Mills_ 139, 206, Ry__-_203, Electric By. & Light N. Y. Independent Telep. Co...... 289, 422, _1232, 1366, 1705 1021, 1297, 1365. Co 203. 487, '790, 1629 N. Y. 557 1423, 1488 Lake Erie & -Western Internat. & Great Northern Ry. Lawyers' Mine Hill & Schuylldll Haven Docks & Impt. Co Mortgage Co., N. Y..- 133 RR.... _63, 1089, 1298, 1427. 1778 62, 653, 1488 Lehigh Coal & Navigation 1365, 1423 N. Y.& Long Island RR 947 Internat. Harvester Co 139, Co. Mineral -Fuel Co 1427 N. Y. Municipal 492, 949, 1087, 1367, 1843 Minneapolis By. Corp_360, 365, 492, 656, 719, 1159, Lehigh & New England General Elec. Co ..1025 863, 947 1484. 1495, 1843 RR_ - 63 Minneapolis & St. Louis RR., N. Y. -, 1773 Lehigh Valley RR 63, 360, Mutual Gas Light Co_ _ _1427 Internat. Harvester Corp_ _ _365, 63, 136, 360, 482, 487, 1365, 1702 N. Y. New Haven & Hartford 656, 719, 866, 1159 1157, 1297, 1772 Minn. St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie RR__63, Lehigh Valley Transit Co_ -355, 203, 360, 420, 487, Internat. Lumber & Develop- 360, 947, Ry 203, 487, 1089 554, 653, 790, 863, ment Co 1022, 1297, -1489, 1772 Mississippi River Power Co., 1157, 1232 Lewisburg & Tyrone RR_ _1489, 1772 1365, 1424, 1489, 1557, Internat. Mercantile Marine Co. Lewistown & 1025, 1559, 1706. 1844 1630, 1702, 1773, 64, 1559, 1621, 1632, Reidsville Elec.Ry. 487 Missouri Kansas & Texas 1840 1776 Library Bureau, Boston.. _ _492, 1626 Ry., N. Y.& Ontario Power Co 1160 International Milling Co 866 Licking 487, 790, 863, 1022, 1089, N.Y. Ontario & Western By. International Motors River RR 1772 1157, 1229, 1298, Co 64. 719 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. 1489, 1702 420, 653, 1773 Internat. Nickel Co.. 656, 1621, Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf RR_1022 N. Y.& Ottawa RR 788, 793 Missouri Pacific By.. 554 1632, 1776 Lincoln (Neb.) Gas & Elec. -63, 1702, 1840 N. Y.& Putnam RR 554 lillternat. Paper Co....-65, 422, 714 Co 65 Mobile Electric Co 1301 N. Y.& Queens International Lindsay Light Co_ -.1025, 1092, Mobile Electric Light & Pulp Co 422 & Ohio RR_ _ _ _487, 554, Power Co 866, 1493 International Ry., Buffalo..__62, 1233, 1770,1776 863, 1022, 1365, 1773, 1840 N. Y.& Little Falls & Dolgeville RR-653 Mobile Queens Gas Co 1493 135, 716 Little Miami Terminal & Ry 1229 New York Rys., 360, 653, 716, International Rys. of Central RR Sti(i, 420 Mohawk & Malone RR Little Rock Gas & Fuel Co 1025 554 790, 1157, 1298, 1424, 1557 America 1488, 1701 Mohawk Mining Co 65 New York & Richmond Gas Co.. Internat. Salt Co____.422, 1025, Little Rock R.& Electric Co_ _1022 Mohawk Valley Co 422 Lone Star Gas Co., Fort Worth, 1697 New York & Stamford (Elec.) Ry.420 1232, 1363 Moline Plow Co. of Illinois_ _206, 290 New York State Rys., International Shoe Co Texas 206, 289. 1706 Monmouth (N. J.) Lighting 483, 653, 790 65 Long Acre Electric Light Co_ 290 New York State Steel Co., 793, 1092 International Silver Co_556,656, & Pow- Monongahela River Consol. Coal New York er Co., N. Y 65, 719, 866 & Coke Taxi Cab Co., Ltd...... 65 719, 1020 Long Co 206,282 N. Y. Telephone Co....793, 1087, Internat. Smelting & Refining Island RR_790,939, 1089, 1365 Monongahela Valley Traction Co Long Sault Development Co., Co., W. Va 1160, 1233, 1301, 1428, 1493, 1427, 1487 Massena, 63, 1845 1633, 1706 Internat. Smokeless Powder & N. Y 1493, 1559 Montana Power Co.. ..70. 949, 1017 N. Y Loomis Co., Cleveland 139 Montana Terminal Co 557 Chemical Co 492 Water Co., Billings _1844 N. Y Transit Co 365, Internat. Steam Pump Co....139, Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co 65, 356 Montello Brick Co., Reading,Pa. 1559 Lorain Ashland & Southern RR. 866 N. Y Transportation Co 1092 1()25, 1301, 1366 Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc. N. Y. Westchester & Boston Internat. Traction Co., Buffalo 653, 1297, 1423 (of N. Y.), Chicago_557, 866, 1559 Lorillard (P.) Co 787 Montour (Electric) Ry 420, 1022, 1089 63, 135, 285, 1021 RR 286 N. Y. & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co__ Internat.-Typesetting Mach. Co.1301 Los Angeles Gas & Electric Corp. Montreal Cottons Co 65 949, 1301 719 Niagara Falls Branch RR_ 653 Interstate Electric Corp. N. Y..1159 Montreal Light, Heat & Power Niagara Falls Power Co...._ Inter-State Public Service Co. Los Angeles By. Corp 487, 1365 Co...... 290, 1427, 1624, 1632, -1026, Louisville Gas & Electric Co. 1776 1233, 1493, 1837 (of Indiana) 1701 Montreal Tramways Co ..653, Niagara Lockport & Ontario Inter-State Rys., Philadelphia, 556, 1025, 1559,1632, 1776 790,-..- 1022, Louisville Henderson & St. Louis 1840 Power Co 866, 1019 716, 1089, 1157 By Montreal Water & Power Co_ ....1776 Niles-Bement-Pond Inter-State Telephone & Tele- 653 Morris & Co. (Packers), Co., N. Y. Louisville & Interurban Chicago 281 1367, 1493 graph Co 866 Ry 790 Morris Co.(N.J.) Traction Co.63, 653 Nipissing Investment and Railroad Louisville Lighting Co 719 Morristown Mines Co _ _ _1233 Intelli- Louisville & Erie RR 1629 Norfolk Southern RR_ _420, gence_ _58, 130, 195, 279, 352, By 553, 1015 Mountain States Telep. & Teleg. -487, 863 Louisville & Nashville RR Norfolk & Western Ry_360,653, 414, 480, 548, 643, 710, 783, -.285, Co 557, 793 948, 1157, 1557, 856, 937, 1010, 1080, 1151, 653, 716, 949, 1022, 1089, Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods 1773 1298, 1489 North American Co_ _866, 943, 1026 1219, 1288, 1358, 1417, 1482, By 653, 947 North American Sugar 1550, 1617, 1695, 1834 Lozier Motor Co. of Detroit.... _ _ 866 Mount Whitney Co 793 1767, Lyall (P.) & Sons Construction Power & Elec- Northampton (Mass.) Street Iowa-Nebraska Public Service tric Co., Visalia, Cal__ _290, 1026 By Beatrice, Co.. Montreal 1706 Muskegon 554, 1840 Neb 1493, 1706 (Mich.) Trac.&Lt.Co1840- North Butte Mining Co 1301 IronwoodCo.. (Mich.) & Bessemer Muskogee (Okla.) Gas & Elec.Co1301 North Carolina Ry.& Light Co hifacAndrews & Forbes Co. Pub. Service Co.. 790 63 (Licorice) North Platte Valley Irriga'n Co.. Isle Royale Copper Co__ _492, 1025 Iva 206, 1421 Mashville Chattanooga & St. 793 Island Creek Mackay Companies_206, 552, II North & South Carolina RR_ ...... 1157 Coal Co 1025, 1776 556 Louis Ry 554, 1840 Northern California Power Ithaca (N. Y.) Street By 1021 McCaskey Register Co 556 Nashville & Gallatin Interurban Co., McElwain (W. H.) Co., Boston, Consolidated, San 9- 199. (Electric) By 1157 Northern Central FranCISC- Tackson (Geo. W.), Inc., Chic_1159 208, 1493, 1843 Nashville Ry. & Light By.. _63, 550, Mahoning Co_ _420, 863 572, 1089 acksonville (Fla.) Gas Co...... - 65 Coal RR 1298 Nashville Traction Co 1423 Northern Jefferson City (Mo.) Mail Transportation 716 Nassau Light Colorado Power Co., Light, Heat & Power Co., 207, 1633, & Power Co 1232 Maine Central RR 136, 790 Hempstead 365 1706 Johns- Mangum (Okla.) Electric Co__ Northern Electric Ry., Cal 654 (H. W.) Manville Co, _1159 Nassau & Suffolk Lighting Co.._ 290 Northern Light, Power New York 1301 Manhattan Bridge Three-Cent National Acme Mfg. Co., Cleve. & Coal Fare Line 1840 290 Co.. Ltd 1844 Joplin & Pittsburgh By.. _1297, 285, 1557, National Biscuit Co 485 Northern Miss. River 1365, 1423 Manhattan Electrical Supply Co. 139 National Candy Co Power Co., Manhattan & 422 1026, 1428 Queens 'Traction National Carbon Co 552, 557 Northern Ohio Traction Traministiqua Power Co., Can- Corp 360, 790, 863 National Cash Register & Light Manila Co.._493, 557 Co 355, 1365 ada 65, 206, 289, 1706 Electric RR. & Lighting National Casket Co 198 Northern Kanawha & Michigan Corp 716, 1489 Nat. Drug Pacific Ry_286, 1298, 1702 By.. _63, 1772 & Chemical Co., Can- Northern Pacific 'Terminal Co., Kansas City Breweries Co 485 Manila Ry., Ltd 360, 487 ada 1559, Manistee & Grand 1633 Oregon 203 Kansas City Clay County & St. Rapids RR.._ 360 Nat. Enameling & Stamping Co_ 648 Northern Pipe Line Co Joseph (Electric) Ry 1423 Manistee & North Eastern RR_1365 Nat. Fireproofing Co_ _719, 1559 Mansfield 860, Northern Securities Co _ _ _ _ 198 Kansas City Fort Scott & Mem- (0.) By., Light & 1092, 1633 Northern States Power phis RR 1556 Power Co 63 Nat. Gas, Electric Light Co:71-9, 1026 Manufacturers & Power Northern Texas Electric Co., Kansas City Gas Co_ ....65, 289, 1559 Co., Boston ....1025 Co 949 Fort Worth Kansas City MQXICO & Orient Manufacturers' Light & National 488, 654, 790 Heat Grocer Co 422 Northwestern Fuel Co St. Paul Ry__63, 653, 716, 1089, 1772, 1840 Co., Pittsburg.h.._206, 492, National Lead Co 788 Northwestern 493 Kansas City Ozark 650, 793, 949, 1233 Nat. Gas Light & Coke & Sou. Ry 716 1159,. Packing Co., Chicago.. _290, 365 Co., Evanston 557, 656, Kansas City Ry. & Light Co., Manufacturers' Water Co.,Phila.1159 Nat. Properties Co.. _ _203. 493, 793 Marconi Wireless 1844 Northwestern Long Distance 553, 653, 789, 1021, 1297, 1423 Telegraph Co. Nat. Rys. of Mexico. _61, 6'7, Telephone Co., Portland, Kansas City Stock Yards Co. of of America 716, Ore_ 557 1706, 1776 790, 1298, 1557, 1629, 1840 Northwestern Pacific RR_1489, 1773 Maine 289 Maritime Coal, By. & Pow. Co_1365 Nat. Refining Co., Cleveland_ 365 Norton Co., Kansas City Terminal Maritime Telegraph & Telephone Nat. Worcester, Mass., Ry_ _135, Screw & Tack Co., Cleve 290 866, 203, 790 Co., Ltd., Halifax 556 Nat. Steel & Wire Co 793, 1427 Nova Scotia 1028 Kansas City Viaduct Maryland & Pennsylvania Nat. Steel & Coal Co., & Terminal RR., Sugar Refining Co. of N. Y. Ltd., New Glasgow, N. S., Ry 285, 1772 203, 553 365, 419 656, 1026, 1233, Kansas Natural Gas Co_65, 139, Mason City & Clear Lake (Elec.) Nat. Telephone , Wheeling, 1294, 1301 422, 556, 949, 1159, 1776 RR 420 W. Va Corp'206 290, 1559, 1706 Kaufmann Massachusetts Elec. ahu Sugar Co 291 Dept. Stores Inc., Cos., Bos- Nat. Transit Co., Oil City, Pa.._1160 Oakland Antioch & Eastern 139, 793, 1708 ton_203, 653. 716, 1089, 1298 Natomas Consol. of California__ 866 (Electric) Ry_ _ _ _1157, Kayser (Julius) & Co., N. Y..484, 719 Massachusetts Gas Companies....1843 Naumkeag_Steam Cotton Co__ 290 1630, Keith (Geo. E.) Co. (Walkover Massachusetts Laws Nebraska Telephone 1773, 1840 1773 Co 557 Oakland (Cal.) Rys 1702, 1773 Shoes) 289 Massachusetts Lighting Cos_ ...... 1159 Nevada-California Power Co. Ocean Shore Kellogg Switchboard Massachu.set ts Northern Rys__ RR., Cal '790, 1229 & Supply _1489 493, 1367 O'Gara Coal Co ___ _ _1093 Co., Chicago 289 Matheson utomobileCo ,W likes- Nevada Consol. Copper Co. Ohio Electric Kentucky Utilities Co Barre, Pa Ry___1365. 1-557, 1840 63 866, 1493 1160, 1233, 1770, 1844 Ohio Fuel Oil Co 1301, 1706 Keokuk & Dos Moines Ry 716 Maxwell Motor Co_ _206, 422. Nevada County Narrow-Gange Ohio Fuel Kern River 011 Fields of Supply Co 1706 Cal.... 206 949, 1085, 1559 R R 1089, 1489,, 1630, 1840 Ohio Light & Power Co 1633

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mow. xn INDEX.

Page. ' Page. Page. Third Ave. (N. Y.) By., 133Page, Light & Water Co.. 656 Sao Paulo Electric Co.. Ltd...... - 65 0:10 011 Co 557, 1160. 1493 Pontiac (Ill.) -Massey Co., Hamilton, 136, 204, 286, 864, 948, 1158, RR 63 Pope Mfg Co 65 Sawyer 1631, 1841 0,110 River & Northern Irrigation Ont 867 Ohio Traction Co., Cincinnati, Portales (N. M.) (N.Y.) Ilium. Co..-1560 Thomas Iron Co., Easton, Pa_ _1026 948, 1157, 1365 Co..793, 866 Schenectady (E. R.) Motor Car Co., & Power Oo_ _1093 Scott City Northern RR--__203, 286 Thomas Oil Belt Ry. of Illinois 286 Port Huron Light Co 1093 Buffalo 867. 950 Ry 1089 Portland (Ore.) Ry. Light & Scranton Electric (L. A.) Scenic By. Oklahoma Central 1022, 1157. Scranton & Wilkes-Barre Trac- Thompson Oklahoma Natural Gas Co.._65, 1233 Power Co_ _654, 1703 (of N. J.) 366 493, 1160 1224, 1703 tion Corporation Welding Co.. Old Colony Gas Co Tobacco Scullin-Gallagher Iron & Steel Thomson Electric Old Colony RR 203, 286 Porto Rican-American 65 Lynn, Mass 558 365 Co 557, 1428, 1706 Co., St. Louts Power Co., Wilming- Old Dominion Co. of Maine_-_- Ltd 1022 Seaboard Air Line By.. _488, 555, Tidewater Old Dominion Copper Mining & Porto Rico Rys. 1157, 1425 ton,N.0 731, 1158 1026 Portsmouth (R.' I.) Coal Mining 864, & Logging Co., Smelting Co 494, 1706 Sealshipt Oyster System 1844 Tillamook Timber Omaha & Council Bluffs Ry. & Co Chicago Portland, Ore 66 1702 River Ltd 139 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Co 1493 Bridge Co Powell 793, 65, 356, 423, 1026, 1368 Titusville (Pa.) Forge Electric Light & Power Prairie 011 & Co.,Gas Co_494, Tobacco Products Corp., N. Y. Omaha 950, 1160, 1367, 1560 Seattle Renton & Southern By. 867, 1234 Co 866, 1776 291, 551 555, 791, 1022, 1090 140, 366. 657, __ _950, 1026, Pressed Steel Car Co & Chicago Interurban Omaha Water Co_ & Co., Ltd 291 Securities Corporation General, Toledo 1428, 1559, 1633 Price Bros. 1160, 1560 By 717, 864, 1168. 1229 Co., Niagara Procter & Gamble Co 291, 1776 Philadelphia & Indiana (Electric) RR-1774 Ontario Power Transportation Co., Sharon (Mass.) Canton & Nor- Toledo Falls 493, 1019 Producers' 361 Toledo & Ohio Central Ry-791, 940 1298 Los Angeles 1301 wood Street By & Light Co_63, Oregon & California RR Society, N. Y 656 Water & Power Co. Toledo (0.) Rys. Short Line RR 136, 1424. Provident Loan Shawinigan 286, 361, 420, 488, 1558, 1631 Oregon Service Co. of Oklahoma_1773 291, 558, 1627 & Power Osceola Consol. Mining Co_656, 1844 Public I., Toledo Traction, Light Traction & Public Service Corp. of L. Sheffield Farms-Slawson-Decker Co 420. 555, 1022 Oskaloosa (Iowa) Park 291 Co., N.Y 1777 Light Co 1773 Floral 207 Tombigbee Valley RR 1229 654 Public Service Corp. of N. J. Shenango Furnace Co 1631 Oswego & Rome RR 136, 941, 951 (Wyo.) Coal Co 1428 Tonopah & Goldfield RR_1229, Otis Elevator Co 862, 1093 Sheridan Tonopah Mining Co 234 __557, 950 Public Service COrp. of Northern Sherwin-Williams Co. (Cleve)... 284 Co------494 Otis Steel Co., Cleveland.. 866, 1623 Ry.. Conn_ -1298 Tonopah United Water Elevator Co., Ltd_1093 Illinois__ _ _557, 654, 793, Shore Line Electric Toronto Railway 420, 942, 1774 Otis-Tensom RR_ 791 Public Utilities Co., Evansville, Silversmiths Co 1093, 1154 Otsego & Herkimer (Elec.) Co 65 Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo By. Electric Ry_422, 1557 Ind 1157 Singer Manufacturing 361, 1230, 1631 Ottawa (Can.) Utilities Debenture Corp_1560 Sioux City (Iowa) Service Co.__ -1158 Ottawa Light, Heat & Power Co., Public Co. Toronto Paper Mfg. Co 1302 656, 1493, 1844 Puget Sound Chelan & Spok. Ry.1490 Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Power Co __ 423 Ltd Mills & Timber Co., 793. 1084, 1098 Toronto Oxford Linen Mills, North Brook- Puget Sound Toronto Street Thy__ _ _488, 942, 1365 1633 Seattle 719 Solar Refining Co....1368, 1490, 1777 Philadelphia field, Mass Light & Light, Power & Trenton Bristol & & Water Co 207 Puget Sound Traction, South Carolina (Electric) RR 654, 1168 Ozark Power Power Co 791, 1090, 1153 Rys. Co 136 Co., By 488 Tri-State Ry. & Electric Plantation Co.. Puget Sd.& Willapa Harbor Ry_1703 South Dakota Central Liverpool, Ohio 864 aauhau Sugar 365 Co 65, 1560 Penn 011 Co 657, 1428 East P Hawaii Pullman South 1703 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co 139 Pure 011 Co., Pittsburgh_ 207. South Shore Traction Co Minneapolis, &c 558 • Pacific Coast 1840 291, 946, 1233 Southern Aluminum Co., New Co., Pacific & Eastern Ry 1702, 1560 Twenty-Eighth & Twenty-Ninth R3r.. Los Angeles, York, &c Crosstown RR 420 Pacific Electric 1773 Oats Co.557, 649, 1706, 1776 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. Co.. _ _ 494 Streets 203. 1298, 1365, uaker Co., Tr -City By. & Light Co.,.Dav- Electric Co., San uanah Acme & Pacific By_ -1630 Southern California Edison 1158 Pacific Gas & Q Ry 361,- 716 207, 423, 1026, 1771, 1777 enport, Iowa Fran.. 654, 716, 1015, 1298,_ 1840 Quebec Central Twin City Rapid Transit Co_361, 859 Ry--863, Quebec & Lake St. john Ry-- - 361 Southern California Gas Co__ _ _1160 Water Co.._ _1777 Pacific Great Eastern & Pow. Mining -1493 Twin Falls Land & 948, 1557, 1840 Quebec Ry. Light Heat Southern Coal & Falls North Side Land & Corp., 203, 1630, 1840 Southern Idaho Water Power Co.1777 Twin 1777 Pacific Light & Power Co Water Co 365, 1160, 1367. 1844 Quicksilver Mining Co 1844 Southern Iron & Steel Co, 65, Land & Water 493 Co_950, 1016, 1428 140, 423 Twin Falls Oakley Pacific Lighting Corp., San Fr-- Quincy Mining Co 1777 SS. Co 557, 1559 Southern Light & Traction Co.._1841 River Land & Pacific Mail Coal Co 950 New England By., Twin Falls Salmon Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass.. RDail & River Southern Co 1777 291, 422 ailway & Light Secur. - 136 654, 791, 1365, 1557 Water 793 Spring Co_ _Co-- _731, Southern New England Tel'e Co 423 Pacific Power & Light Co Railway Steel 203, nderground Electric Rys., & Telegraph 789, 866, 1660 Southern Pacific Co., 136, 361, 420, 555, Pacific Telephone N. Y. City_63, 550, 559, 864, 948, ULondon __286, Co ..207, 291, 557, 1624, 1706 Rapid Transit in 420, 488, 786, 801, 1365, 1490 Motor Car Co_207, 232, 366 136, 203, 420, 488, 654, 716, 1090, 1158, 1229, 1425, 1558, Typewriter Co_657, Packard 1559 791, 864 1630, 1703, 1774 Underwood Paint Creek Collieries Co 1633 943, 1368 Union Oil Co 493 Rates 1229, 1773, 1840 Southern Pipe Line Co American Cigar Co., Palmer 1702 Copper Co.. _1160, Southern Power Co 793 Union Pan-American RR 1630, Ray Consol 286 Pittsburgh, Pa 1302 Pleasant RR 1298 1428. 1560. 1706 Southern By Paper Co.... -558, Paris & Mt. 554, 1090, Traction Co., Dallas 286 Union Bag & Parke, Davis & Co., Detrolt....65. 493 Reading Co__286, Southern 867, 942, 1026, 1234 Co 291 1425, 1557 Southern Utilities Co., Jackson- N. Y_ _140, Parker Cotton Mills Co.. 1233 Union Carbide Co., Iron & Steel Co., Hous- Reading Transit & Light -:.1.022 ville 1093, 1162 Peden 493 Associates of Bklyn_ ---1160 Southern Wheel Co., St. Louis.. _ 657 & Power ton, Tex Realty Lines Co 1633 Union Electric Light Motor Car Co_291,366, 1093 Realty Syndicate ,Oakland, 111a1.1560 South West Penna.Pipe St. Louis 793, 1302 Peerless 719 Machine Co. 866 Southwestern (Bell) Telegr. & Co. of Bloom- Penman's Ltd Reece Botton-Hole 494 Union Gas & Elec. Co., Light & Power Reeves Timber Co., Helena, Ark. 366 Telephone Co 1845 Penn. Central 1844 Co., Utilities Corp,. -1428 ington, Ill Co., Altoona, &c 493, Regal Motor Car Detroit_1560 Southwestern Union Gas & Electric Co., Cin- Co 791, 1360 Register & Glennville RR.1774, 1841 Springfield & Central Ill. Trac. 1633, 1706 Pennsylvania 1428 Co., Phila-- 291 1425 cinnati Penn. Lighting Co Reliance Cement Co Union Lumber Co., San Fran....-1777 _ _266, 361, Typewriter Co..866,-- Springfield (0) Light Co_ _1298. 1302 York City-- 291 Pennsylvania Remington Light, Heat & Union Mills, New 713, 720,RR_- 948, 1022, 1089, 943, 1026 Springfield (0.) Natural Gas Corp. (Pitts- 554, 1630, 1702, 1773 & Steel CO....366 Power Co 1302 Union 1298, 1425, 1557, Republic Iron 1298, 1703 burgh) 494, 794, 861 Salt Mfg. Co 1844 494, 551, 1301 Springfield (0.) By Co. of California_423, Penn. By 361 Light Co.. _654, (Mo.) By. & Lt. Co.. 488 Union Oil Penn. & Southwestern Republic Ry. & Springfield 63 1160, 1294, 1368, 1494, 1707 Co.. _557, 866, 1160, 1022, 1703, 1774 Springfield & Xenia By 361, 420, Penn. Steel 1633 1302 Water Co., San Union Pacific RR_136, 1233, 1301, 1363, Revere Sugar Co.; Boston Spring Valley 1698 488, 555, 654, '791, 864. Power Co 357 (R. J.) Tobacco Co. Francisco 366, 1160, 1425, Penn. Water & Reynolds Pt. Morris RR.555 1158, 1230, 1365, -Wyoming Copper Co 866 731, 945, 1026, 1160 Spuyten Duyvil & 1558, 1631, 1703, 1774, 1841 Penn Orl. Rft_1490 Ontario Nay. Co. Standard Gas & El. Co., Chic_ 1777 Co., Pensacola Mob.& New Richelieu & Pitts__1844 Union By., Gas & Electric Gas & Electric Co., 557, 657, 1160, 1302, 1706 Standard Glass Co., Ill 137, 717, 1299 People's 423 Fredericksburg & Milling Co 1493, 1706 Springfield, Mason City,Iowa Richmond Standard 65 Union Stock Yards Co. of Omaha Gas Light & Coke Co., Potomac RR - 203 Standard Motor Co 207, 282 People's By.... 1630 Oil Co. of Cal 867 Ltd Chicago 485, 1233, 1428 Richmond & Henrico St. Standard Union Sugar Co 1633 Co., Gales- Radiator Co 1776 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 291, People's Traction Richmond 950, 1160, 1234 Union Switch & Signal Co.. _558, 1699 Ill 1425 Riker Hegeman Co., N. Y 366 488, Co 1302 burg, Oakland, Light 011 Co. of Kansas, 291, Union Tank Line People's Water Co., Rio de Janeiro Tramway Standard 1428 Union Terminal Co., Jackson- 1093 Co., Ltd 1298 1093, 286 Cal & Power of Kentucky....1633 ville, Fla & Eastern Ry_ _554, 791, 1221 Riordon Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd..1093 Standard 011 Co. Co. of Indiana Peoria Co 654 Water Co 291 Standard Oil Co. of Nebraska_ _1428 Union Traction Peoria Ry. Terminal Riverside (Cal.) 207, 64, 137, 717. 1083 RR_ _63, 791, (Ind.) Elec. Light Standard 011 Co. of N. J., of Phila_ - 555 Pere Marquette 1298, Rochester 1560 423, 950, 1560 Union Traction Co. 863, 948, 1022, 1229, Heat & Power Co Union Twist Drill Co., Athol, 1365, 1557 -Brown Iron Co 1367. Standard 011 Co., N. Y., 1420, 558 (Elec- Rogers Ltd., Mon- 1428, 1633 Mass Petaluma & Santa Rosa Rolland Paper Co., 553 Union Typewriter Co., N. Y_66, 867 Cal 1157 1302 Standard 011 Co., Ohio Co_ _423, 558, tric) By., treal Ogdens- Cloth Co., N. Y 423 United Box Board Petaluma Water & Power Co_ -1367 Rome Watertown & Standard Oil 1093, 1160. 1428, 1485. 1494 & Co..494, 650 654 Standard Roller Bearing Co_ _ _ -1160 of Amer- Pettibone, Mulliken burg RR Mfg. Co., United Cgar Stores Co. Dodge & Co_ _139, 557, Estates, Inc 1233 Standard Sanitary 66, 1093, 1155, 1160 Phelps, 1367, 1633 Roslyn -- - -- 284 291, 558 Ica 943, Rotary Ring Spinning Co- 1493, United Cigar Manufacturers Co., & Washington RR., Mfg. Co_ __291, Standard Screw Co., 419, 494, 558, 950 Phila. Bait. Rubber Goods 423, 1490 1698, 1777 N Y '791,858, 1090 1026 United Copper Co_ _ _494, 867, 1234 Co__361, 791, 1160, 1484, (M.)Co., La Porte, Md., Standard Steel Co Dry Goods Cos 731, 'Phila. 1499, 1702 Rumely 1018, Staples Coal Co., Boston 1302 United 207, 423, 494, 567, 657, 1026. 1093 1494, 1625, 1633 Co. for Guaranteeing 1026, 1084, 1099,1367 Steel Co. of Canada Securities Co. Phila. _1776 1093 North & South Texas United Electric Mortgages _ - _ Russell Motor Car Co., Ltd.200, Stephenville 1090 291, 423 Phila. Elec. Co_423-.W,Ii084, 1428 RR 948, 1221, 1703 By Equities Corporation_ _ _1234 Securities Co_ 366 Rutland Stewart-Warner Speedometer United Phila. Equipment 557 C01776 66, 140, 207, 1234 United Fruit Co 423, 657, Phila. & Gulf SS. Co Valley Irrigation Corp 1302, 1368, 1560 Co_ _420, eacramento Co-_- 207 Stockton Term.& EasternRR_ _1490 Phila. Rapid Transit t. Joseph (Mo.) Gas Co__1428 United Gas & Electric Corp__ 494 863, 1490, 1702, 1773 (Mo.) By., Stone Teleg. & Telep. Co., Phila. 554, 654, Co.. 793 St. Joseph 361, Corp 458, 649 United Gas Impt. Phila. Suburban Gas & Elec. Heat & Power Co_ _136, Studebaker Power 423, 558, 657, 1026, 1293, 1368 By 1702 417, 1090. 1157 Suburban Elec. Light & Co. (of Phila. & Western 1557 1026 United Light & Power Physical Valuation St. Lawrence Pulp & Lumber Co.. St. Louis J.) 1633 Flour Mills 1093 Sunday Creek (Coal) Co 66, 1844 N. Pillsbury-Washburn 199 Corporation 291, United Light & Rys. Co_ ....421, Ltd Brownsv.& Mexico RR1557 Susquehanna Power Co, 488, 555, 1490 Co., St. L. St. Louis Southern 366, 657 Pittsburgh Cinn. Chic. & St. Louis Iron Mtn. & 558,1623 United Missouri River Power Co.1160 488, 791, 1032, 1094 286, 1157, 1703, 1841 Swan & Finch, N.Y 423 By Pow.Co. 494 & Co., Chicago 66, 133 United Paper Board Co Pittsburgh City Light & St.B Louis Peoria & Northwestern Swift 420 Power & Transp'n Co 421 Co.. _793, 861, 1160 1157, 1774 Syracuse Lake Shore & Nor. By.. United Pittsburgh Coal _ _1706 Ry Co 867 United Properties Co. of Cal. Pittsburgh (Land) Co- St. Louis & San Francisco RR Syracuse Lighting 1703, 1775 Erie RR., 1630, 1425, 1490, 1631, Pittsburgh & Lake 203, 1022, 1229, 1557, 793 United Public Utilities Co., Op- 554, 791, 858 1703, 1774, 1841 amarack Mining Co 794 & West- Ry.1090, A ampa Electric Co 654 erating in Ohio Pittsburgh McKeesport 716 St. Louis Southwestern 494, 1845 United Railroads of San Fran- moreland By 361, 1229, 1490,1557, 1774, 1841 Tampa Gas Co 137, 1299 1490 & Gas Co 1301 By 791 Tampa & Gulf Coast RR 425 cisco Pittsburgh 011 1090 Salisbury & Spencer RR 1090 United Railways of St. Louis Pittsburgh Rys Lake & Mercur By 716 Tampa Northern 1703, 1775 Co_ _494, Salt Light Temple Iron Co 1633 647. Pittsburgh Plate Glass San Angelo (Tex.) Water, 1425 Rys. St Electric Co. Bait. 557, 1227 Co 793 Temple & Northwestern Ry.791, United 1631, 1841 RR., & Power Northwestern & GulfRy .1558 1090, 1158,1223, Pittsburgh & Shawmut San Antonio & Aransas Pass Ry-1157 Temple Railways Investment Co. 361, 488, 1425, 1490 & Gulf RR. Tennessee Central RR., 63, 204, United 1366 864 San Antonio Uvalde 286, 488, 1630 63, 655, 1153, 1161, Pittsburgh Shawmut & Nor. RR. 1630, 1774 Co., Scranton,Pa.1160 RR _1365, 1630 Consol. Gas & Tennessee Copper Co., 66, 657, United Service Pitts. & Susquehanna San Diego (Cal.) 1093, 1493 United Shoe Machinery Corp. Pitts. Youngstown & Ashta. Ry.1630 Electric Co 657, 1560, 1777 423, 494, 1553, 1845 Co 1560 & Elec. Co....1160 Terminal RR. Assn. of St. Louis, 66, Plaza Operating Sandusky (0.) Gas 136, 716, 1158, 1774 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Plymouth Cordage Co_ -_ _1301, 1428 Francisco-Oakland Terminal 1707, 1837 Co., Canton, San Terre Haute Indianapolis & Co Plymouth Rubber Rys 1298. 1630 Envelope Co 494. 1019 866 Eastern RR 361 Eastern Traction Co 717 U. S. Mass San Joaquin & & Electric Co...._1160 U. S. Finishing Co_ -794, 867, Plymouth (Mass.) & Sandwich Joaluin Light & Power Co. Texarkana Gas 1026, 1494 • 1490 San 1093, Texas Co • 1706, 1845 Street By 139, 558, 1368 S Gypsum Co 950 Consol. Collieries Angeles & Salt Texas & New Orleans RR 1090 U. 358 Pocahontas 950 San Pedro Los Pacific Land Trust______950 U. S. Industrial Alcohol Co_291, Co., Inc Lake By 1703 Texas Lighting & Heating Co., (Ohio) Street By 1702 Petaluma (Elec- Txeas & Pacific By, 197, 864, 1365 U. S. Poland Boston, Santa Rosa & Lands, Ltd 558 N. Y ..650, 1093. 1160 Pond Creek Coal Co., tric) Ry 1157 Texas Prairie 866, 1085, 1093, 1233, 1776

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1913.] INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. U. S. Motor Co--66, 140, 207, Virginia Ry. & Power Page. Co_ - _655, Welsbach Co 678 Wheeling & Lake Erie RR--64, 494, 950 717, 1425 Westchester Lighting Co., U.S. Realty Improvement N. Y. 137, 792, 1299. 1366 & Co.. Virginia Soapstone Co 1302 City 207, 424, 731 Wheeling (W. Va.) Steel & Iron 1494, 1553,1560 Virginian Power Co 1845 West End St. Ry. Boston_489, 657 Co U. S. Reduction & Refining Co., Virginian Ry 1302 287, 421, 655 West India Electric' Co., Jamaica 948 Wheeling Traction Co 1491 1368, 1626 Vulcan DetInning Co_ _66, 1027, West Indies Improvement Co. Whipple U. S. Rubber Co__66, 291, -1163 Car Co 66 366, 1302, 1368 West Jersey & Seashore RM., White, J. G. 424, 731, 867, 1027, 1361, 1494 & Co.(Inc.), N. Y-1622 864, 948, 1014, 1090, 1299 White (J. G.) Engineering Corp.. 207 U. S. Smelting, Refining & Min- Wabash RR 362, 1158,1299, West Kootenay Power & ing Co Lt. Co_ 424 White (J. G.) Management Corp. 207 1027,1154 1558, 1631 West Penn. Traction Co 1023 Wichita & U. if. Steel Corp__66, 140, 207, Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Ry., Midland 'Valley RR 555 West Penn Traction & Water Willys-Overland Co.. _140, 210, 366 291, 356, 366, 494, 794, 859, 64, 287, 362, 421, 791, 1230, Power Co 868, 1093, 418 Wilmington (Del.) Newcastle & 1234, 1293, 1428, 1299, 1558,1703 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.. Delaware 1707, 1845 Wages 1022, City Ry 137 1230. 1775 West Virginia Traction & Elec- Wilmington & Phila. Traction U. S. Telephone Co__207, 950, 1707 Wake Water Co., Raleigh, N.0- 424 tric Co U. S. Worsted Co 948, 1023 Co 204, 1775 1162, 1560 Walla Walla Valley Ry 791 Western Canada Power Co Universal Caster & Foundry Co_ 794 Walpole 1162 Wilmington (Del.) Southern Trac- Tire & Rubber Co 1428, 1707 Western Canada Public Utilities tion Co Upham.Bros. & Co. (Shoes)_ _ _ _1027 Waltham Watch Co 137 1654 Co., Ltd., Montreal 1162 Winnipeg Electric Street Ry__ - -655 Urbana & Champaign Ry., Gas Wanamaker (John), Phila__494, 558 Western Car & Foundry & Electric Co 1425 Warren Co 558 Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co.__ 424 Bros. Co., Boston 794 Western Electric Co., Chic_867, Wisconsin Utah Consol. Mining Co 1027 Washburn Wire Co., Phillipsdale, 1227 (Bell) Telephone Co_1494 Western Maryland Ry_ _64, 137, Woolworth (F. W.) Co_ _ _140, Utah Copper Co 494, 1234 R. I 867 204, Utah Power Light 287, 362, 421, 791 495, 714, 731, 1093, 1368, 1633 & Co..-- -867, 1845 Washington Bait. & Annapolis Western N.Y.& Penn. Ry_ Utah Securities Corp 1845 Electric 1299,1410 Worcester (Mass.) Consolidated RR 287, 555, 1222 Western Rys & Light Co 1223 Street Utica & Black River RR 655 Washington Electric Ry 362 Ry 555 Western States Gas & Electric Wurlitzer (Rudolph) Utilities Improvement Co., N.Y. 794 Washington & Great Falls Ry.& Co Co., Chic., Utilities Securities 424, 1845 424, 495, 657 Corp., N. Y.. 950 Power Co 489 Western Union Telegraph Co., Washington Oil Co 140, 1027 66, 207, 867, • I/acuum Oil Co 1154 1163, 1707 yale & Towne Mfg. Co_ _ _867, Washington (D. C.) Ry. & Elec- Western United Gas & Elec. Co_ 950 V alley Rys., Lemoyne, Pa_ 64 tric Co 948, 1361 Westinghouse 1086, 1093 Air Brake Co_140, 794 York Mfg. Co., Saco, Me 1561 Valparaiso & Northern R y 362 Washington Water Power Co., Westinghouse Elec. Vancouver & Mfg. Co., York (Pa.) Rys 64, 287, 355 Power Co 1302 495, 647 66, 424, 1484, Vandalia RR 791, 864, Water 1707, 1777 Youngstown & Ohio River RR., 1013 Co. of Tonopah 495 Westinghouse Mach. Co 66, Vicksburg Light & Trac. Co_287,488 Waters-Pierce Oil Co 495, 1494 362, 948, 1023, 1420 424,1845 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Vicksburg Water Works Co.. ___ 366 Watsonville Transportation Co-1631 Westmoreland Coal Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.. Phila., 1027, 1302, 1428 Co., Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co__ -1225 867, 1163, 1561, 1428, 1707, Wellsburg 1845 Yukon Gold Co 1017 1845 -Buffalo Valley Co..- - 864 Weyman-Bruton Co.. N. Y-731, 945

STATE AND CITY DEPARTMENT-NEWS AND FINANCES. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS-(Con.) GENERAL NEWS-(Con.) GENERAL NEWS Page. -(Con.) GENERAL NEWS-(Con.) Page. Page. Page. laska- Commission form of gov't-Con. Idaho-- Municipal Page. A Equal suffrage Phoenix, Ariz bond sales Ohlo-(Con.) 889 221 Blue-sky law passed_ 963 (monthly)_79, 218, 431, Legislature adjourns 1375 Pontiac, Mich 810 Legislature adjourns 1312 Legislature adjourns__ 889 738,888, 1036, 1375,1569, 1640 State Arizona- Portland, Ore_890, 1375, 1642 Recall Treasurer recom- amendment falls_ 664 Muskegon Sch. Dist., Mich. mends approval Special session of Legisla- Racine, Wis 503, 1038 Vote on constitutional of mu- ture Bonds declared valid.. _ _ _ 149 nicipal bonds by Attor- 374 Raleigh, No. Car.._ _810, 1038 amendments 220 Vote on constitutional Sabetha, Kan 810 ney-General 149 Illinols--Legislature ad- Mebraska-Legislature ad- Oklahoma- amendments 148 Salisbury, No. Car 890 journs Journi Arkansas 1852" 1241 Land tax declared uncon- - Santa Ana, Cal 149 Income tax-(United States) Nevada- Legislature adjourns 889 Somerville, Tex stitutional 664 810 431, 664 Constitutional amend- Springfield, Ohio 1715 Legidature adjourns: ex- Indiana- ments adopted 149 tra sessions altimore, Md.- Taylor, Texas 299 Blue-sky 890, 1508 bill vetoed 889 Equal suffrage 374 Oregon-Legislature ad- B Court decision concern- Taylorville, Ill 810 Legislature adjourns ing special paving tax Traverse 810 Newark, N. J.-Assembly journs 810 City, Mich 890 Inglewood, Cal.-Bonds de- defeates 148, 1507 Union Hill, N. bill to tax de- J 1169 clared valid 1107 ferred dividend policy fund Sale of city stock 1852 Vineland, N. J 810 Dennsylvanta-Changes in Initiative and referendum- of Prudential Ins. Co_ 739 tax laws Warren Company suit West Orange, N. J 149 Colorado recommended_ 374 favor of 1037 New Hampshire-Legisla- Philadelphia, Pa.-Court decided in Wheeling, W. Va_890, 1038 Florida city 220 Connecticut- 220 ture adjourns 1569 ruling on question of re- Iowa- New Jersey- leasing city from Baltimore County, Md.- Legislature adjourns__ _1641 Legislature school Purchase Of sewer-plant adjourns 1241 Amendment to savings debt 664, 1169 bank investment declared void 1241 allas County, Mo., Tax law.. _1169 Department of City ansas- Equal suffrage 664 Transit established_ Road loan declared in- D levy ordered to pay old Blue-sky _ _ _1784 valid 299 K law attacked.1852 Legislature adjourns- Phoenix, Ariz.-Election for railroad bonds 1241 Legislature adjourns Billings, Mont.-Decision Delaware-Legislature 889 special session_ _1038, commissioners to draft ad- Recall amendment passed 1108, 1569 In water case 1852 journs 963 new charter 221 Brockport, N. -Purchase by LegLslature 580 Suit to settle legality of Pineville, Ky.-Bond Y. Denver, Colo.- Kansas City issue of water-plant authorized -Liberty Boule- $1,000,000 water supply declared void 810 Charter' election 299,580 vard Road District, Mo.- bonds 1311, 1507 City 664 Pomeroy, Ohio-Bond case wins water case..1569, Bonds declared void 1642 Tax system; changes recom- 1641, 1784 settled out of court 1852 rgalifornis.-Legislature King County, Wash.-Court mended 220 Portland, Ore.- Detroit, Mich.- house bonds declared vold.1507 New Mexico-Bonds adjourns 1435 Charter amendments held to Commission charter up- be legal investments for held Chehalis, Wash.-City loses adopted 1107 1642 water ackawanna, N. Y.-Pro- New ;York savings banks_1852 Improvement bonds suit 431, 810 Decisions concerning mu- ceedings held Cleveland, Ohio.- to validate New York City- to be legal investments nicipal ownership of bonds and test constitu- Assessed values and tax Appellate Court upholds street railway 1507 for New York savings tionality of validating pro- rates for 1913 738 banks library and light bonds_ 811 Devils Lake, No. Dak.- visions of 1169 Charter election 1641 general muni- Bond sale 1508 Port of Bay City, Ore.-In- Bonds declared void 220 cipal law 148 Bronx county Act Coloardo- Direct election declared corporation declared valid 374 of U. S. Sen- Little Willow Irrigation Dis- valid 299, 810 Governor vetoes "Blue tors 1109, 1642, 1784 Sky" and Income Tax trict, Idaho-Litigation.. _1507 Central purchase and dis- D aleigh, No. Caro.-City bills 1507 Los Gatos, Cal.-Bonds de- tribution of supplies__ 889 rejects offer of water dmonds, Wash.-Bonds clared valid 299 Dock Legislature adjourns 1241 E declared invalid bonds, amount to be company to sell plant 149 580 Louisiana- excluded in determining Result of vote at State Elizabeth, N.J. -Mayor ad- Rhode Island-Legislature election 148 Bankers association ap- debt limit 374 adjourns 1312 vocates change in adminis- points Supreme Court opinion tration committee to co- Engraving city bonds, con- of sinking fund 148 operate with Governor concerning initiative and Equal suffrage- tract awarded 1642 Q t. Paul, Minn.- to prevent default on Ordinance requiring city referendum 1037 Alaska 889 1.2 Department store sells Columbus, Ohio maturing State bonds_ _1241 employees to reside city bonds to cus- -Bonds de- Illinois 1852 Credit of clared valid 374 State 889 within State 1312 tomers 1508, 1642 Maine 738 Reprint of drainage laws_ 664 Commission form of government Michigan Tax system, changes rec- Trust company aids city 664, 1169 Lyons, N Y.-Water com- ommended Alexandria, La 299 Minnesota 374, 580 220, 503 in selling bonds 1570 Anson, Texas 1241 pany offers to sell plant New York State- Salem and Winston-Salem, Montana 374 to city 220 Ashland, Wis 664 Nevada Appropriations 1642 No.Caro. -Consolidation. 890 374 Bonds listed Baton Rouge, La_1169, 1435 New Jersey 664 1108 San Bernardino, Cal.-Chnr- aine-Equal suffrage_ _ - 738 Direct tax...1435, 1642, 1852 ter amendments__ Bay City, Texas 1241 New York 299, 374 Massachusetts.- _.503, Bayonne, N. J 1169 M Equal suffrage 299, 374 890, 963, 1312 North Dakota 810 Amendment to savings General municipal Beacon, N y 1784 South Dakota law, San Francisco, Cal.- 374 bank investment law_ _1037 suit to test vanity pro- Bordentown, N. J 1169 West Virginia 530 City denied use of Hach Bristol, Legal investnients for sav- visions (see Lacka- Hetchy Tenn 1375 ings banks Valley for reser- Cairo, Ill 889 1241 wanna) 148 voir site 738 Carrell, Pa.-Suit to enjoin Legislature prorogued _1852 Home-rule Camden, N. J 1852 I" bond issue bill 1108 Spring Valley Water Co., 1641 Report of special legisla- Laws intended to facilitate negotiations Cape May, N J 1784 Floods and tornadoes...963, 1137 for pur- Champaign, Ill 374 tive committee on muni- sale of State bonds re- chase by city 374, 1169 Florida- cipal finance 149 Cheyenne, Wyo.._1041, 1852 Blue-sky bill pealed 1784 Santa Cruz, Cal -City's Claremore, 1714 Michigan- Legal investments for sav- liability on Okla 1241 Initiative and referendum 220 Amendments water company Cleveland, Okla 889 to savings ings banks 1569 bonds assumed 299 Vote on constitutional bank investment law_ _1507 Legislative Donaldsonville, La_889, 1037 amendments proceedings_ _1435 Seattle, Wash.- Duncan, 148 Constitutional amend- New Mexico bonds legal Charter amendments_580, Okla 1107 Foreign governments- ments adopted 810 Durham, No. Car_ _889, 1107 Argentine 1107 investments for savings Charter provision concern- -Tenders of Equal suffrage defeated... banks Edgewater, N. J 1241 bonds requested 1852 ing franchises 810 Enid, Okla 1714 664, 1107 Portland, Ore., improve- Decision holding 1107 Dominican Republic- Home rule invalid Fort Collins, Colo 963 Act 1107 ment bonds held to be initiative and referen- Notes offered 1375 Legislature adjourns Fort Smith, Ark 810 Frank fort -Main 1311 legal investments for dum 810 -on - Official count of vote cast savings Grafton, W. Va 963 Bonds drawn for pay- banks 1169 Suit to compel assessment Hamilton County, Tenn at April election 1311 Power bills vetoed 1569 of property at value 374 -1169 ment 1507 Milwaukee, full Harwood, Texas Guatemala-Claims Wis.-Depart- Prison term for former Shelby County, Ky of ment store offers city Senator Stilwell_1169, Hoboken, N. J 191293 British bondholders ad- 1569 Bonds declared valid_ 374 Iowa City, Iowa 1642 bonds 1642 Rate of interest on future South Carolina- justed 1435 Minnesota- Jacksboro, Texas Japan-New loan bond lames increased, Legislature adjourns 810 1169 Equal suffrage defeated 1435, 1642 Jackson, Tenn 1211642089 Mexico-Loan announced1852 Proposed issue of refund. Jersey City, N. J Porto Rico- 374, 580 Short-term notes author- bonds by State; test suit 149 Legislature adjourns 1311 ized to be issued in an- South Ladysmith, Wis 664 Bond sale 299 Dakota- Lawrence, Kansas.. 963, 1311 Savings bank investment ticipation of sale of Equal suffrage 374 Legislature adjourns.. _ _ 890 law Lincoln III 603 Sao Paulo, 1508 bonds 1569, 1642 Legislature adjourns 963 -Loan, Mississippi- Tennessee bonds declared Marietta, Ohio 1241 890, 1169 Marlin, Texas 810 Constitutional amend- to be legal investments Tennessee-- ments defeated 149 for savings banks 889 A Millville, N. J 1038 p_lenwood Springs, Colo- Bonds declared legal Mineola, Texas 1642 Extra session of Legisla- North Carolina-Legislature Investments for New rado-City wins water ture adjourns Montrose, Colo 1108 suit 1569, 1784 890 York savings banks._ 890 220 Missouri- North Dakota-Equal Murphysboro, Ill 810 Green County, Ky.-Rail- suf- Supreme Court holds that New Brunswick, Blue-sky bill 889, 1311 frage 810 State cannot N.J.- _1312 road bond cases 1507 Legislature exempt Norwood, Ohio 1169 adjourns 963 North St. Paul, Minn.- bonds from taxation, Mobile, Ala. Bonds de- Bond issue enjoined Ottawa, Kansas 890 ood River, Ore.-Bond 503 810, 1038 Ottumwa, Iowa clared valid 503 Texas-Legislature adjourns 149 sale declared void.. 148 Montana- Paris, Illinois 580 hio-Act permitting issu- special session 1109 Horsefly Irrigation District, Equal suffrage Pensacola, Fla 149, 810 Ore.-I3onds 374 O ance of bonds to repair Tornadoes and floods cause declared Legislature adjourns 810 flood damage_ _1375, Petecaboro, Ill 1169 valid 1037 enormous loss of life and Municipal administration._ 738 1570, 1714 property 963, 1037

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xcvi. X IV INDEX.[VOL.

&c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, GENERAL NEWS-(Conci.) Page. Page. Page, Page. Page. Tex 150 Bates Co., Mo 1842 Boardman Twp. S. D,0., Callahan Co., Toronto, Ont.-City au- Amsterdam, Ohio_ _ ._1243, 1435 811, 1109 Callaway Co., Ky 80, 300 S. D., 1a503.664, Bath, N. B 988 thorized to acquire railway Anamosa 1243 Bogota Ind. S D., Tex_ 1570 Calvert, Tex 300, 581 properties 1435 890, 1109, 1243,1509 Bath S. D., Pa and light La ..1314, 1843 Boise, Ida 1314 Cambridge, Mass_375, 432, 1170 Tulare, Cal.-Voters au- Anderson Co., Tex_ - -.503, Baton Rouge, N. Y_ _ _ _1715, 1853 Battle Creek, Mich__1243, 1715 Boise City, Ida_ _ _300, 375, Cambridge, thorize purchase of water 890, 1314, 1375, 1435 1509 Springs, Pa_ ....1038 1243 Battleford, Sask_508, 1114, 1651 891, Cambridge plant 580, 1038 Anderson S. D., Cal Ida_ _1170, 1378 Camden, N. J...222, 432, So. Car. Battleford Protestant S. D., Boise Co. S. D., Anderson S. D., 1842 665, 1110, 1170, 1244 1243, 1375, 1509, 1643, 1784 Bask 743, 1381, 1517 Bolivia nIform municipal bond 1436 Bollard S. D., Alta 1442 Camden, Ohio 1785 739 Angier S. D., No. Car 1509 Baugo S. D., Ind U statute Mich 1244, 1314 Bonham Tex 581, 1038 Camden, So. Car 964, United States- Angleton Ind. S. D., Tex. Bay City, 1314, 1716 Bay City, Tex 300, 1244 Bonham S. D.,Tex 1170 1110, Bill prohibiting shipment 983, 1243 Tex 1716 1435, 1784 Baylor Co., Tex 150 Bon Homme Co., So. Dak., Cameron, of liquor into dry terri- Anita S. D., Ia_1170, 581, 890, 1244 Cameron & Hidalgo Coun- Mich,431, 1243, 1314 Bayonne, N. J 1109, 1376 tory 503, 664, 739 Ann Arbor, Boone Co., Iowa 1715 ties, Tex 1716 Ansonia, Conn 864, 1038 Beach City S. D., Ohio, Direct election of U. S. 964, 1109 Boone County, Mo 981 Camden Co., N. J_ _ _ _1314, 1109, Ansonville H.S. D.,No.Car.1109 665, 739, 890, Senators Creek Twp.,Ind_1643, Bosanquet, Ont 1517 1376, 1436 1642, 1784 Anthony, Kan 375 Bear ..181, 1244 1853 1715, 1784 Boscobel, Wis 432 Cameron Co., Tex_ _ Federal income tax rati- Antigo, Wis _ _ 1244, 1715 Campbell Ind. S. D., Tex., D., No. Car _ _ _ _1509 Beardsley S. D., Cal_ _811, Bossier Parish, La_ fied 431, 664 Antioch S. Mass_79, 504, 581, 375, 581 Antioch Bethlehem & New 1038, 1170 Boston, Panama fair appropria- Mountain S. D., Cal_ _1509 1170, 1378 Campbell Spec. Rd. Dist., tion 503, 664, 739 Providence S.D.,So.Car _ 1170 Bear 581 1509 Beaver, Pa 1376 Boulder, Colo_ _222, 1038, 1109 Mo Utah-Vote on constitu- Apa S. D., Cal 743 Camp Co. Corn. S. D., Tex., Ariz 1784 Beaver City, Neb-665, 890, 1853 Bow Island, Alta 438, tional amendments 149 Apache Co., Neb_ _ _375, 150, 375, 504, 1244, 1314 Appalachicola, Fla 664, 890 Beaver Falls, Pa 1509 Box Butte Co., Co., Mont_375, 811 665, 811, 1376 Camrose, Alta 226, 817 ermont- Apex Graded S. D., Cal.890, Beaverhead 817 1375, 1843 Beaverhead Co. S. D., Boyd, Minn 1376 Camrose S. D., Alta V Blue-sky bill 1312 300 Canastota, N. Y 1376, 1644 Appalachia, Va_ 1376, 1843, 1784 Mont 504, 581, 1109 Boyden, Ia Constitutional amend- Pa 1715 Canadian, Tex 581, 1038 810 Appling S. D., Cal 1715 Beaverton, Ont_ _83, 154, Brackenridge, ments adopted 1314 1249, 1517 Bradentown, Fla 739 Cannington, Ont 227, Railroad bonds considered Arboga S. D., Cal___1109, 1043, 1175, 1382 79 Bee Co., Tex 1570, 1784 Bradford Co., Fla 1844 legal investments for Arcade, N Y Pa 581, 811 D., Cal 1509 Beerner S. D., Neb 1715 Bradley Co., Tenn_ _1376, 1715 Canonsburg, savings banks 1313 Arcade S Tex 1314 Canonsburg S. D., Pa 222 Arcadia S. D., Cal 431, Bellaire, Ohio 1570, 1784 Bradley Co., Vicksburg, Miss.-Erection 581, 1109 Bradshaw, Neb P353 Canova, So. Dak 504 water plant 890, 1109 Bell Co., Ky of municipal 79 Bell Co., Tex_ _1244, 1509, Brampton, Ont 305, 1724 Canton, Ill 1509, 1853 enjoined 374 Arcanum,0 1314 Rico - 1375 1715, 1784 Brandon, Man_83, 508, 586, Canton, Kan Virginia-West Virginia- Arecibo, Porto Canton, Ohio_ _ ..222, 375, Archbold, Ohio 664. 963 Bell Co. Corn S. D., Tex_ 581 817, 1175, 1442, 1517, Debt controversy_ _864, 375 1576, 1790 504, 665, 1436, 1509 -1243, 1642 Archbold Village S. D.,Ohio Belle Plaine, Kan 1643, 1784 Belleville, Ont 379, 1115 Brandon S D., Man_ _895, 1859 Canyon S D., Cal 1785 _154, 228, Cape May, N. J 1509 Arcola, Bask 379 Belleville S. D., Kan 1715 Brantford, Ont_ ashington- Ohio 1170, 1436 743, 1175, 1320, 1859 Cape May Co., N. J. _ _80, 432 Legislature adjourns_ 890 Ardath, Bask 743,805, 1175 Bellevue, 1785 W 503, 1109 Bellevue Spec. S. D., Ohio, Brant Twp., Mich 300 Caporn S. D., Cal Suit to establish validity Arenac Co., Mich 1651 Canadoc Twp., Ont 83 bonds.1508 Arena S. D., Cal 581 1109, 1376 Brant Twp., Ont. of capital build'g S. Brattleboro, Vt 1109 Carbon Co., Pa 150 -Suit to en- Argentine 664 Bellingham D., Wash., 1442 Wellsville, Ohio 503, 810 665, 1109, 1314 Brawley, Cal_ _ _ _79, 1038, 1509 Cardston, Alta_1175, 1382, join bond issue 580 Arizona Sask__83, 1043, 1175 City, Kan_ _ _739, Belmar, N. J 1244 Brawley Un. S. D., Cal_ _ _ _ 300 Carievale, West Virginia- Arkansas Carleton Co., Out 379 580, 664 890, 984, 1509, 1570, 1784 Belmont, Man 432 Brazoria Co., Tex 150, Bribery cases_ _503, 1314 1038, 1314,1715 Carleton Place, Ont 1249 580 Arlington, Ore 1314, 1435, 1853 Belt, Mont Equal suffrage 504 Belton, Tex 1715 Brazoria Co. Dr. Dist., Tex_ 150 Carl Junction S. D., Mo., Legislature adjourns 664 Arlington, Tenn 1570. 1785 Hgts.,0 150, 504 Belzoni Dr. Dist., Miss., Brazoria S. D., Tex..... 581 Recall amendment de- Arlington 1853 Carmel Spec. S.D.,0..1509, 1644 580 Armijo High S. D., Cal_581, 1244, 1314 Brazos Co., Tex 150, feated 1038, 1438 Brechin, Ont 154, 305 Caro, Mich 1244 and Salem, 1243, 1570,1784 Benkelman, Neb Winston-Salem 83 Benton Co., Ind 1244, Brecksville Twp., Ohio. _ _ _ 375 Carrizo Spgs., Tex_665, 739,964 No. Caro.-Consolidat'n_ 890 Arm River, Sask 964, 1110 Okla 504, 964 1376, 1509, 1643, 1715, 1734 Bremen, Ohio 432, 581 Carroll, Iowa Armstrong, _1644 Co., Ind.. 1244, 1378, Arnold S. D., Neb 221 Benton Co., Tenn 811, 1109 Brewster Irr. Dist., Wash_ Carroll 7anesvIlle, Ohio-Court re- 1784 154 1509, 1044, 1716,1785 sale of Arthur, Ont 1576, 1790 Benton Harbor, Mich.1570, Bridgeburg, Ont fuses to enjoin Harbor S. D., Minn., Bridgehampton Twp., Mich.1570 Carson, Iowa___432, 1244, 1716 150 Arthur S. D., Ia 1109, 1375 Benton 964 school bonds 665, 739, 1715 Bridgeport, Conn 375, 1170 Carsonville, Mich Asbury Park, N. J_ 150, 221, Car.1170, 1716 431, 664, 1243 Bergen Co., N. J 150 Bridgeport S. D., Ill. 739 Carteret Co., No. 300, 375, No. Car 222 Parish, La 1038 Berkeley, Cal_ _064, 1244, Bridgeton, N. J. _150, 222, 300 Carthage, Ascension Carthage S. D., Iowa 1570 AND Ashcreek S. D., Minn 1314 1376, 1853 Bridgeton S. D., Pa 1785 BOND PROPOSALS Berks Co., Pa 1244 Bridgewater, Va 375 Carthage S. D., N. Y 1716 NEGOTIATIONS. Asheville, No. Car 375, No. Car., 581, 964, 1109 Berlin, Ont _154, 869, 968, Brighton, Ont 226, 1517 Cary High S. D., 1576, 1790 Brighton S. D., N. Y504, 1785 891, 1376, 1716 Ga 1109, 1508 Ashland, Ohio- - -150, 504, Vaughn bbeville, 1570, 1715 Berlin Heights S. D., Ohio, Brighton S. D., N 13 83 Cary, Montreal and Aberdeen, So. Dak 79 Joint S. D., Wis 811,891 1189, 1715 Ashland, Pa 1243 581, 890, 1038, 1436 Bristol Co., Mass_581, 885, Aberdeen, Wash_963, S. D., New 964, 1038, 1644, 1715, 1853 Cascade Co., Mont__ _891, Pa 1642 Ashland, Va 300, 375 Bernaillio Co. 1644 Abington Twp., 1109 Mex 811, 890, 1038 Bristol Ind. S. D., Ia_ _581, 1038 1314, 1378,1436, 1570, Academy S. D., Tex 1853 Ashland, Wis Co. S. D., Mont., Co„ Ohio 964, Berrien Co., Mich _1170, Broad Ripple, Ind 1715 Cascade Accomac Co., Va 79, 739, Ashland 1790 964, 1716 963, 1435 1243, 1570 1314, 1436, 1570, 1715 Broadview, Sask 1509 Bessemer City, No. Car__ -1314 Broadview S. D., Bask 1651 Cascade Irr. Dist., Wash., Acton, Ont__ A381, 1442, 1651 Ashley, Ohio- - --79, 1243, 964, 1244, 1509 1715 Ashtabula, 0_ 150, 1509, 1643 Bessemer City S. D., No. Brockport, N. Y 150, 222 Ada County, Ida Car 1109, 1314 Brockton, Mass 1715, 1853 Cass Co., Ind_ _1509, 1644, Ohio 79, 890 Ashtabula S. D., Ohlo_150, 665, 1716, 1785 Ada S. D., 1643, 1715 Bessemer City Graded S. D., Brockville, Ont 689 Adams, N. Y 1509, 1853 Co., Mo 432 221 Co., Ohio 1715 No. Car 1376 Brodhead, Wis _739, 891, 1110 Cass Adams, Tenn Ashtabula ....1244 Cass Co., Neb 1170, 1244 1509, 1570 Ashton S. D., III 581, 739 Bethel Twp. S. D., Ohio_ 79 Brogden Twp., No. Car_ Adams Co., Ind 964, 1715 Broken Bow, Okla_ _ _ _811, 1244 Cass Co., No. Dak _504. 811. 891 Ohio 963, 1169 Ashville, Ohio 1784 Betterton, Md 581 Adams Co., 1320 Beverly, Mass _375, 432, 1244 Brookfield, Mo 1110, 1436 Cass Co.. Tex Co., Wis 1314 Assinibola, Man__83, 436, S. D., Iowa 1785 Adams Ill 300, 504 Bevier, Mo 1715 Brooklyn Twp., Ohio 1438 Castana Adrian, Wash 1243 Assumption, 150 Castava S. D., Iowa_ _1038, 1038 Atascosa Co., Tex 581 Bexar Co. S. D., Tex_ _504, Brooks Co., Tex Adrian S. D., Wash 1570, 1853 S. D., Tex 1509 1376, 1509,1844 375, 963 Atascosa Co. S D., Tex., Brookston 1314 Afton, Ia 1243, 1314 Bexley, Ohio 79 Brookville, Fla 1314, 1785 Castile S. D., N. Y Agassiz, B. C 83 964 Castieton, N Y 1570 1375 Athabasca, Can 1578 Biddeford, Me 1785, 1853 Brown Co., Wis Altkin County, Minn 581 Corn. S. D.,Tex.1785 Castlewood, So. Dak 1038, 1110 _221, 375, 581, Athabasca Landing, Alta .1517 Bieber S. D., Cal Brown Co. Akron, Ohio_ Big Flats, N. Y 300 Brownsburg Twp., Ind__.A715 Catawattba Island Twp. 1038, 1109, 1643, Athabasca Landing S. D., 811, 743, 1442 Biggar, Sask 586, 1320 Brown's S. D., Cal_ _964, 1715 S. D., Ohio 80 1784, 1853 Alta 1314 Cavalier Co., No. Dak.._80, 811 Athens, Ga 664, 890, Big Horn Co. S. D., Mont_ _1170 Brown Twp., Ind_ _ _ _1110, Akron City S. D., Ohio_664, Cal- _665, 1170 Cayley, Alta 1576 890, 1038, 1169 1638, 1509, 1853 Big Horn Co. S. D., Wyo., Brundage S. D., 1715, 1853 Bruneau S. D., Ida 1314 Cedarburg, WIs 665, 811 S. D., Ohio 581, 739 Athens, Ohlo_300, 375,964, 1170 Akron 379 Bigierville, Pa 964 Brunswick Co., No. Car. Cedar City S. D., Utah_ _ _1716 Alabama 1853 Athens, Ont In. _581, 1644, 1785 664 Athens Co., Ohio 1853 Big Piney S. D., wyo 1109 1110, 1244,1715 Cedar Falls, Alabama City, Ala 300, 1509 Cedar Heights S. D., Ia_ _ _ _1436 884, 963 Athens S. D., Ohio 79 Big Rapids, Mich 375 Bryan, Ohio 222, Alamo S. D., Ga Big Sandy S. D., Mont_ _1643 Bryan, Tex 222, 1715 Cedarhurst, N. Y., 891, D., Tenn 1169 Athens S. D., Tex 221, 1110, 1170 Alamo S. 1243, 1314 Big Springs, Tex 150 Bryan Co., Okla 1038 Albany. Ga 1643, 1715 226 Cedar Rapids Ind. S. D., 1375, Atlantic City, N. J. _ _431, Big Spring Twp., 0..1509, 1643 Buchanan, Sask Albany, Mo__. _1243, Irr. _79, 1170 Bucke Twp., Ont 1651 Ia. 739 1509, 1715 664, 1170 Bijou Dist., Colo_ Kan 1718 _964, 1170 Billings. Mont_ _221, 1038, Bucyrus, Ohio 581, 1509 Cedarvale S. D.. Albany, N. Y 79, 300, Atlantic Co., N. J_ Celeste Ind. S. D., Tex_ _ ..1785 Mass 1435, 1715 1436, 1853 Buffalo, N. Y 79, 739, 1109, 1170, 1375, 1509 Attleboro, 1170, 1244, Celestine S. D., Tex_ _1110, 1570 1435, 1784 Auburn, N Y 665 Biloxi, Miss 300, 581 1038, 1110, Albany, Ore Binghamton, N. y _ _964, 1438, 1644 Celina, Ohio_ _300, 432, 739, Co., N. Y.221, 890, 1038 Auburndale, Fla 1715 1110, 1376, 1644 Albany 1715 1109, 1785 Buffalo, Sask 895 Albany Twp., Ill 1643, 1784 Audubon, Iowa _1110, 1436, 1570 Center S. D., Ind 1170 300 Audubon S. D., N. J 964 Bingham TwP.. Mich..1570, 1785 Buhl, Minn_ Albert City, Ia Buncombe Co., No. Car_ ...1509 Center Junction Ind. S. D., S. D.. Sask 1249 Auglaize Co., 0_ _79, 221, Birch Hills, Sask.. _83, 1175, 1436 Alberton 1570 1249, 1651 Burbank, Cal.. _504, 581, 1110 Iowa Albin S. D., Ia 1170 1314, Twp. S. D., Ind_ _1314 431, 504, 1853 Bisbee S. D., Ariz 222, Burgaw Twp., No. Car... 1715 Center Albington Twp., Pa 1169 Augusta, Ga_300, 508, 1724 Central City, Iowa 504 1038 Augusta, Me 1170 504, 964, 1038 Burks Falls, Ont Albion, N. Y 811, Co., Tex _ ., 504 Central City S. D., Neb., Neb 300 Augusta Co., Va 1243, Bishop Ind. S. D., Tex-1715 Burleson Albion S. D., S. D., Cal_ _ _1314, 1643 Burley, Ida 300, 432 739, 811, 1170, 1314 S. D., New 1376, 1643 Bishop 811 Albuquerque 1700 1.31shopville, So. Car_ _1509, 1853 Burlingame, Cal 1436, 1853 Central Clay Dr. Dist., Ark. Met 375, 664 Augusta S. D., Sask _1715 Centralia, Wash 811, 984 Amelia, Iowa 1378 Bismarck S. D., Mo 1109 Burlingame S. D., Kan Alcorn Co., Miss 1435 _226, 379, Centralia S. D., 111_1436, 1570 S.D. Aurora, Ill 1109, 1314, 1570 Blackford Co., Ind_ 581, Burnaby, B. C._ _ Alaborough & Dunwick 1570, 1643 1249, 1320, 1442 Centre S. D., Cal__1244, 379 Aurora, Minn 1109 665, 1038, 1109, Ont Fork S. D., W. Va., Burns, Ore 581 1509, 1716 S. D., Ia_ _ _431, 581 Aurora Twp. S. D., Ohio_ _ _1715 Black 1436 Algona Ind. 150 222, 581 Burrel S. D., Cal 1244 Centre Twp., Ind_ _ _ _1244, Aliceville, Ala_ ....150, 890, Avoca, Pa 1314 IIigh S. D., Cal., the Sea, N. 581 Blackle, Alta 1651 Burton, Ohlo_581, 1110, Ceres 1109, 1375 Avon by J-375, 1249, 1790 1110, 1314, 1644, 1785 Avonlea S. D., Alta 1859 Black Lake Dr. Dist., Miss. 79 Bushville, Sask Allegan, Mich_ _ _963, 1109, 300 1570, 1715 Cessford S. D., Alta 1321 1314, 1853 Azusa S. D., Cal 1109 Blacksburg, Va Butler Co., 1%/lo Blackshear, Ga 150. 1715 Butte Falls, Ore 300 Chagrin Falls, 0_ ...80, 432, Allegheny Co., Pa__ _ _890, 1109 964 abylon, N. Y 665, 1509 Blackwater, No. Dak 504 Butte S. D., Mont__ A509, 1715 665, Allen Co.,Ind_ _1643, 1715, 1853 _739. 1244 Chamberlain, Sask._ _1578, 1790 _150, 221, Bagley S.D., Ia_984, 1038, 1435 Blaine Co., Idaho_ Allen Co., Ohio- 811, 1038 Blaine Co., Mont 504, 1570 abell Co., NV Va_ _1244,1436 Chambers Co., Tex 1244 375, 431 Baker, Ore _1244 150, 375 Bakersfield, Cal 1715 Blalne Lake, Sask 1517 Cacapon Dist., W. Va_ Champaign, Ili Allenhurst, N. J 1038, 1170 1043 D., W.Va.1314, 1715 Champaign Co., 0_1570, 1853 739, 1038 Bakersfield S. D., Cal_ _79, Blalrmore, Alta Cacapon S. Allentown, Pa 300, 581 Blairmore S. D., Alta 83 Caddo, Okla 1110, 1785 Champalgn S. D., Ill_ _1314, Allentown S. D., Pa...1643, 1509, 1853 Co., KY 150, 739 Blairsville, Pa 150, 222 Cadillac, Mich 300, 1170 1715, 1853 Ballard 739 Chaneyville Ind.S.D., Tex_ 375 1715 Baltimore, Md_ _1435, 1509, Blakemore S. D., Gal 504, Cairo, III 300, 375, Allen Township, Ind 1784 1244, 1509 Parish, La 581 Chanute, Kan 1170 0_79, 221, 300, 1643, 1715, Calcasieu Alliance, Tex 79 Blanchester, Ohio 150, 1038 Caldwell, N. J 739, 891 Chanute S. D., Kan_1314, 581, 664, 739, 963, 1038, Bandera S. D., 1436, 1844 S. D., Ind 1243 Bleckley Co., Ga 1244 Caldwell, Ohio 1509, 1785 1435, 1643 Bango Sask 1576 Banks Twp., Mich 1570 Blissfield Spec. 8, D., Ohio, Caldwell Co., Tex 300, 581 Chaplin, Alliance S. D., Ohio 375 1509 1576 Chapple, Ont 1442 _ _664, Baraga Co., Mich 300 1244, Caledonia, Out 1249, Alliance S. D., Neb__ N. J. Cal 1436 1644 Chardon, Ohio 1644 1038, 1375 Barberton, Ohio_ _890, 1038, Bloomfield, _665, 739. Calexico, 1509 1170, 1509, 1843 1109, 1376 Calgary, Alta_379, 436, 508, Charles City, Ia 665, Alpena S. D., So. Dak 1109 Charles City Co., Va_1170, 1716 150 Barnesville, Ohio_811, 891, 1715 Bloomingdale, N Y 1844 895, 1043, 1175, 1381, Altamont, N Y 1381 S. 13., 111_150. 1038 1442, 1517, 1724, 1790 Charles City S. D„ Ia 1244 Vista S. D., Cal 963 Barrie, Ont 154, Bloomington Alta 1109 Bloomington S. D., Ind 79 Calgary S. D., Alta_ _ _ _226, 305 Charleston Ind.S.D.,W.Va. Ambridge,Pa 221, 375, Barr Twp., Ind 1038, 1110, 1170 Twp. S. D., Ind_1243, 1435 Bloomington S. D., Tex .._1109 Calhoun Co., Ia-150, 1170, 1509 1643, 1715 Barr 1509 Charlotte, Mich__ _375, 581, Pa 1509 Barry S. D., Ind_811, 1243, 1435 Bloom Twp., Ohio 79, 811, 1109 Calhoun Co., Miss Ambridge S. D., Co., Ala 811, 1170 .. _ 1038, 1314 Americus, Ga_ _79, 581,963, Bartholomew Co.,Ind _ 1715,1784 Blout Calhoun Co., Tex_ 150, 504, Blue Bench Irr. Dist., Utah_ 581 504, 739, 891 Charlotte, No. Car.... _432, 1038, 1314, 1570,1715 Bartlesville, Okla 581, 1038, 1716 S. D., Ohio_ _ _ _1710 1243, 1570, 1784 Bluefield, W. Va 890, 1785 Calhoun Co. S. D., Tex., Ames Twp. 891, 1785 1244, 1314 Charlotte S. D., No. Car_ _ _1716 Amherst, N. S 1111 Bartow, Fla 1509 Blue Hill, Neb Ga_300, 1170, 1715 Blue Island, Ill 1170, 1785 California_150, 375, 432, Charlottetown, P. E. 1_968, Amite Co., Miss 79, 305 Bartow Co., 1249, 1517 584 Bassano, Alta 1651. 1724 Blue Mound, Kan 150, 375 811, 1038, 1110, 1244, Amity, Ore 1785, 1853 Chatfield Twp., Ohlo_ 1170, 1509 Alta 1381 Bassett, Neb 432, 581 Bluffton, Ind 1570, 1785 1309, 1570, 1644, Amos S. D., Mich 222 S. D., Pa__ _222, 1436 Chatham. N. Y._375, 432, 581 Amsterdam, N. Y... A435, 1570 Bastrop Co.. Tex 504, 1715 Biumfield Twp., California

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BONDS, &e.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Contlnued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). Page. BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). Chatham, Page. Page. Ont__227, 306, Columbus, Gft_ _1039, 1244, Danvers Page. Page. 379, S. D Ill 1375 Durham S. D., No. Car_ 508, 817, 988, 1651 1716, 1785 Danville, Ind _ _1315 Eureka S. D., Cal__ ..1717, 1785 Chatham Co., Ga 1642 Columbus, Ind_ 1376 Dushane S D., Ohio 1437, 11711107 Eustis, Fla _300, 604, 582 Danville, Ky_ _222, 739, 891 Dutton, 1315, 1717 Chattanooga, Tenn_80, 150, Columbus, Neb 1244, 1509 Ont 968 Evanston Central S. D., 111_1315 1314, Darlington S.D., Ont_1381, 1651 Duval Co., Fla.. 812, 1376, 1436, 1509,1853 Columbus, 0 150, 582, Dartmouth, 1110, Evansville, Ind 1645 Chauvin, Alta 1651 N S 1859 1436, 1570 Davenport S. D., Wash Everett, Mass__1111, 1170, Cheatham Co., Tenn 300 Comanche,Tex_ 812 Duval Co., Tex 665 1315, 1571,1785 Davidson Co., No. Car., Dyer 1786, 1854 ChehalLs Co. S. D., Wash. Comanche Co. Cora. S. D., Co., Tenn 1170 Everett, Wash_ _151, 1039, 150, 891, 1244 1110, 1245 Dyersburg, Tenn_..1437, 222, Tex 375 David City, Neb 1645 1245, 1377, 1510 Chelan Co. Cora. S. D., Commerce, 964 Dyersburg S. D., Tenn. Exline S. Ga 1716 Davie Co., No. Car_ _1039, D., Iowa_ ..1377, Wash 375, 1436 Comstock, Neb 582 1245, 1376 1571, 1786 Cheltenham Twp., Pa_ 1169, Concord, 1510, 1716 Dysart, Ia 1110, 1245, Eye Hill, Sask Mass 665 Davieu Co., Ind 1437, 1571 744, 969 1170, 1244 Concord S. D., No. Car. 1376, 1571, 1717 Chemung, Davis Co. High S. D., Utah 432 N. Y 80 1244, 1644 Davis airburn, Ga 582 Cherokee Co., Okla 964 Co., Utah 1645 agle Cove Irr. Dist., Ida_ 504 F Conneaut, Ohio 1716 Dawson, Ga • 1510, airbury, Neb 1717 Cherokee Co., So.Car.1244, 1314 Connell, 1716 ELmle Lake, Tex 582 Fairbury S. D., Wash 582 Dawson, Pa 222 Eagle Neb_ _ _301, Cherokee Co. S. D.,So. Car. Connell S. D., Wash Mills Twp., No. Car_ 11875137 504, 891 811 Dawson Co. S. D., Tex_ _1039 Early, Iowa 891, 1170 Conquest, Sack 1175, 1442 Dayton, Ky Fairfield Ind. S. D., Iowa_ _1786 Cherryville, No. Car_ _ _811, 375, 1110 East Aurora, N. Y 1717 Fairfield Conrad, Iowa 1716 Dayton, Ohio_ _80, 151, 222, Twp., Ohlo_1039, 1788 1436, 1644,1785 Conrad, East Berry S. D., Alta__ ..1859 Fairground Fire Dist., Mont 1716 300, 582, 739, 812, 964, East N. Y. 582 Chester, Mont 222 Conshohocken,Pa.665, 964,1110 Bridgewater, Mass.... 812 Fairmead S. D., Cal_ _1245, 1510 Chesterfield Co., Va 1170, 1376,1437, 1510 East Cleveland, Ohio _89, 891 Conshohocken S. D., Pa. Dayton, Ore 1245 Fairport, N. Y 1315, 1437 Chester S. D., Mont 1570 1110 East Deer Twp., Pa 222 Fairview, 1170, 1315 Decatur, Ga 1245, 1571 Ohio 1171 Chaster S. D., Pa_ _ ..1436, 1644 Converse East Fork Irr. Dist., Ore_ _1645 Fairview Co. S. D., Wyo. Decatur, Iowa 1110 East S. D., Iowa_ _1510, Chester Twp., Mich 1244 Garafaxa, Ont 1517 1645, 1716, 1785 Decatur Co., Ind_ 1245, East Grand 1786 Cheviot, Ohio_ _ _ _80, 1509, 1785 Conyers, Ga 1170 Rapids S. D., Falkville, Ala 1111 Chicago, 1645, 1785 Mich Ill 739, 891, 1038 Cook, Neb 1644 Decatur S. 1717 Fall Brook Un. High S. D., Chicago Junction, 0_ D., Tex. 1245, East Kildonan S. D., Que. _ _ _80, 150 Cook Co., Ill_1110, 1244, 1315, Cal 432 Chickasaw, Ohio 581 1571 1724 1376, 1510, 1571 Decatur Twp., Ind 1785 Eastland Fall River, Mass_151, 582, Chico High S. D., Cal_ _300, Cook Co. S. D., Co., Tax588, 817' 665 666, 740, 965, Ill_ _ _1571, 1716 Decker Corn. S. D., Man.__ 743 Eastland Co. Cora. 1039 1244, 1716 Cooper, Tex 80 Dedham, S. D., Falls City S. D., Neb 1717 Chicopee, Maw_ _150, Mass 1437 Tex 1245, 1315 222, Coos Co. S. D., Ore 375 Deer Creek Twp. S. Falls Co. Line S. D., Tex., 432, 891, 964, 1716 D., 111_1315 East Lansdowne, Pa 376 Copiah Co., Miss_222, 504, Deer Park, Wash_ _ _ _1245, 1437 East 1571, 1854 Childress Ind. S. D., Tex. Lansdowne S. D., Pa_ _1717 Falmouth, Mass 891, 1315, 1571 Deer Wood, Minn 891, East Longmeadow, 301, 504 1244, 1314 Copley S. D., Ohio Mass.__ 965 Faribault, Milin_301, 812 Chillicothe 504 1039, 1245,1376 East McKeesport S. D., S. D., Ohio_ ___ • 80 Copley Twp. S. D., Ohio Defiance, Pa_ 222 1111, 1315 China S. D., Cal Ohio 1510, 1645 East Palestine, 0_ _80, 740, 1716 964, 1244 De In Riviera St.Plerre, Que.1651 Fairlight, Sask 227 China Twp., Ill 739 Coqultlam, B. C 379, 1651 1571, 18517147 Fairview, Sack 1791 Chipley, Delano, Minn 1376 East Providence, R. I Fla 80 Corbin, Ky 964 Delaware, Farmers' Irr. Dist., Neb_ 80 Chisholm S. D., Minn Ohio_ _222, 504, East St. Louis, Ill 1315, 1717 1110 Corcoran High S. D., Cal. 1245, 1437, 1510, Farmville, No. Car 1717 Chouteau Co. S. D., Mont. 1645, East St. Louis Levee & Sani- Farragut, 685, 1244, 1510 1710, 1785 Iowa 582, 1039 504, 964 Cordele, tary Dist., Mo 965 Farrell, Pa Ga 1716 Delaware Co., Ind_ ..1315, East St. Louis 1039, 1437 Churchill Co., Nev 1785 Corinth Twp., Iowa S. D., Ill. Fellows S. D., Cal_ _ _ _812, 1110 1437, 1510,1571, 1785 1110, 1315, Cimarron, Kans 222 Cornelia, Ga 150, 582, 1244 1571, 1717 1111, 1510 Cincinnati, Delaware Co., Ohio 1853 East View, Ohio 80 0_150, 300, 581, Cornwall, Ont 154 Delaware Fenville, Mich_740, 1039, 1111 665, 811, 964, Twp., Iowa 1315, 1376 Eastview Roman Catholic 1110, Corona, Cal 964 Delaware Twp., Fenton, Mich 582, 1039 1244, 1314, 1370, 1436, Ohio 1376 S. D., Ont 744 Fanwood, Corona S. D., Cal _. ..1170, Delaware Twp. S.D., Ohlo_1717 Sask 1043 1570, 1644, 1716, 1853 East Youngstown, Ohio_ _ _ _1315 Fergus, Out 1370, 1510,1716 De Leon, Tex 582, 1853 Eaton, 306 Circleville, Ohio 964, 1110 Corpus Christi, Tex Colo 1111 Fergus Co. S. D., Mont_301, Claiborne _150, Delisle, Sask 154, 306 Eaton, Ohio 812 Co., Miss...150, 1244, 1716 1437 Fernandina, Fla 1245 222, 1038, 1110, 1244, Del Paso Heights S. D., Ca1.1645 Eatonton, Ga 301, 1854 Correctionville S. D., Iowa Delta, Colo Fertile Valley, Bask 1249 1430, 1644 1039 Eau Claire, Wis.1039, 1376, 1571 Fernie, B. 375, 811 Delta Co., Mich.582, 891, C___1175, 1249, 1443 Clallam Co., Wash_ _ _ _375, 1436 Corry S. D., Pa 1245 Eburne, B. C 968 Ferrodale S. D., Alta Clarence 1644 Denison, Tex 1510, 1717 Eddy Ind. S. D.,Tex_1510, 1115 Twp., Ont 1576 Corsicana, Tex. _375, 665, 1315 1786 Fielding, Sack 895 Clarendon, Ark Denison S. D., Tex__812, 1110 Edgefield, So. Car 582 1436 Cortland, N. Y 1571, 1644 Dennison, Ohio Fillmore, Sask 306, 1381 Clarendon, Tex 504 1245 Eden Twp., Ohio__ _1315, 1571 Findlay, Ohio.. Corvallis, Ore.300, 432, 504, 582 Dennison S. D., Cal 1245 _301, 1571, 1717 Clarendon S. D., Tex_ _582, Corydon, Edgecombe Co., No. Car__ _1717 Findlay Twp. S. D., Pa_ Ky 504 Denton Co., Tex_ 151, 1717, 1853 Edgewood, _ _ _1571 1039, 1110 Corydon Sch. Town, W. Va • 432 Fisher Co. S. D., Tex Ind_ ..1853 Denton Co. Com, S. D., Edgewood Ind. 582 Clarendon Co. S. D., Iii...1853 Coshocton, Ohio 891, 1170 S. D.,Tex_ 376 Fitchburg, Mass 505, 582 Clarington Spec. S. D.,Ohlo Tex 376, 582 Edmonton, Alta 84, 508, Fitchville Coshocton Co., Ohio 1436 Denton Co. S. D., Twp., Ohio 301 665, 964 Tex 1245 669, 744, 895, 968, 1115, Flathead Co. Cottage Grove S. D.. Ore. Denver, 0010_299, 812, 965, S. D., Mont _ -1854 Clarion S. D., Ia_ _1436, 1509 1249, 1321, 1381 Flathead & Sanders S. D., 1110, 1510 1039, 1243, 1571, 1642, Edmonton Clark Co., Ind 1644, 1785 Cottle Co., Tex 1716 S.D., Alta.1321, 1791 Mont 301, 505 Clark Co., Miss 811 1645, 1785 Edna Ind. S. D., Tex 891 Flat Cottonwood, Ida 1039 Deport Ind. S. D., Tex_ Rock Twp. S. D., Ind..1645 Clark Co.,0 80,222, Coudersport, 376 Edneyville Twp., No. Car. Flaxton S. D., No. Pa 1039 Deposit, N Y 1E1, 965 Dak__ 582 1436, 1644 Council Bluffs S. D., Iowa Derby 1315, 1717 Flemington S. D., W. Va. Clarke Co., Wash.__ _1039, Ind. S. D., Iowa_ ...1571 Edson, Alta 508 891, 1110 Derby Twp. Ont 151, 1717 1436, 1716 Covert Two., Mich_1644, 968 Edwards Co. Corn. S. D., Mit, Mich__ 1716 Des Moines,' Ia. _665, 1315, 1437 __222, 1039, Clarke Co. S. D., Wash_ _ _1644 Covina, Cal 300, Tex 376 1111, 1171,1245, Clarkesville, 1170 Des Moines S. D., Iowa, El Centro, 1377, 1645 Ark 1110 Covington, La 1716 Cal 1854 Flint Un. S. D., Mich_ _505, 740 Clark Fork, Ida 665 376, 504, 812, 1853 El Centro S. D., Cal Cow Lake Dr. Dist., Ark _1785 De Soto Parish, 1571 Flora Twp. High S. D., Ill__ 151 Clarks S. D., Neb 1039 Cowley, Alta La 80 Eldora, Ia 582, 812, 1315 Florence 1651 De Tour S. D., Mich 1717 Elgin, S.D., So.Car_812, 1111 Clarkston S. D., Wash 665 Crafton S. D., Pa_300, 739, Tex 1170, 1315 Floyd Co., Detroit, Mich_ _376, 965. Elizabeth, Ga 376 Claxton, Ga 582 811, 964, 1039 N. J 301, 1245 Floyd Co., Ind 1645, 1786 Clay Center, Kan 504, 865 1039, 1315 Elizabeth City, No. Car_ _1111 Craig, Neb 582 Detroit S. D., Minn Floyd Co. S. D., Tex 1717 Clay City S. D., Ind 1570 1315 Elk City, Kan 1170 Floyd Craghill S. D., Cal 375, 582 De Witt Co., Tex 1717 Ind. S. D., Tex 582 Clay Co., Ind 665 Cranford S. D., Elkhorn, Man 1381, 1577 Flushing S. D., Ohio__582, N.J. .504, De Witt Corn. S. D., Tex., Elkins S. 812 Clay Co., Mo 222 582, 665, 811 D ,W Va_ _1717, 1854 Folsom S. D., Cal Clay 1245, 1785 Elko Co., Nev 582 S. D., Cal 300 Crawford Co., Ind _1571, 1644 Dewar 582 Fond du Lac, Wis 891, 1111 Clayton, Mich S. D., Iowa 1717 Elk Point S. D., So. Dak. 1039 Crawford Co. Rd. Dist, 0. Dexter, New Mex Fontana Hgta. S. D., Cal_ _1645 Clay Twp.S. D.,Ohlo 1039, 1314 965, 1170 1245 Fontanelle, 1436, 1716 Diamond City S. D., Alta__ Ia__1245, 1377, 1854 Clear Lake, S.D.1039,1244, 1716 379 Elk Valley S. D., Cal 1111' 1510 Ford Co. Creemore, Ont_ ..227, 1249, Dickens Co., Tex 376, Ellenville S. D., Ill 1854 Clear Lake Un. S. D., Cal. 1245 S. D., N. Y 665 Forest, Ohio 1321, 1577 Dickerson Co., Va 891 Ellicott S. 812, 1171 1244, 1314, 1716 Creighton, Neb D., N. Y _1376, Forest, Out 227, 1517 Clermont 300 Dickson Co.,Tenn_ _1437, 1785 111_14.33776..1550410 Co., Ohio 1716 Crescent City, Cal 875 Dickson Fork Twp., No. Car 1245 Cleveland, 0..80, 375, 665, S. D., Tenn 151 Elliott Ind. S. D., Cresco S. D., Iowa_ _ _1110, 1376 Diller, Neb Forrest Co., Miss 222, 505 1039, 1376, 1570 Crestline, Ohio 151 Ellsworth, Minn Forsyth, Mo Cleveland 811, 1110 Dillon S. D., Mont 376 Ellsworth 1039 S. D., Ohio_ _432, 964 Creston S.D., Ia..812, 1244, 1716 Ind. S. D., Iowa,1717 Forsyth Co., No. Car 1039 Cleveland, Tenn 1509 Dillsboro Twp., No. Car_ _ _1717 1039, 1376 Crete, Neb 891, 1039, 1315 Dinuba, Cal Fort Bend Co., Tax.... _432, Cleveland Heights, Ohio__ _1644 Crogham, N. 300 Ellwood City, Pa 222 Y 1376 Divide Co., No. Dak..1039, Elm 582, 666, 1315, 1854 Cleveland Heights Village Crookston, Minn_ __1571, 1785 City, No. Car 1571 Fort Bidwell S. D., Cal_ 1785 Dodge City S. D., Kan. Elmira, N _ _ _1245 S. D., Ohio 665, 891 Crosby Co., Tex 1110 Y 376, 740 Fort Bragg S. D., Cal..891, 1171 Clifton S. D., Ohio 1716 Crosby Co. Cora. 1039, 1717, 1853 Elmira, Out 154, 227 Fort Dodge S. D.,Tex .1039 Dodge Co. S. D., Minn_ 1437 Elmo, S. D.,Ia. _ _891, Clinton, Okla 150, 1110 Crossville, Tenn 150 Mo 1111 1245, 1437, 1645, 1717 Clinton, Dodge Ind. S. D., Tex 1039 Elmore, Ohio Ont_ _154, 1043, 1790 Crosswell, Mich 1785 Dolgeville, 665, 1039 Fort Frances, Ont _ _ _586, 1115 Clinton, Wis___1039, N. Y 1717 Elmsthorpe, Bask _1115, 1443 1314, 1571 Croton Twp., Mich 1510 Dominion of Fort Laramie, Ohio 378 Clinton Co., Ky 811, 1110 Canada. -227, Elmwood Place, Ohio 1315 Fort Lee, Crowley Sixth Ward Dr. 1442 N. J 1854 Clinton Co., Mich.. _ _504, 1110 Dist., 817, Elora S. D., Out 968 Fort Myers, Fla La 375 Dona Ana Co., N M.. _80, 151 El 965, 1854 Clinton S. D., Iowa 1644 Crystal City, Tex_582,964, 1710 Paso, Tex 222, 378, 665 Fort Payne, Ala 1245, Clinton Dona Ana Co. S. D„ N.M. 80 El Paso Co., 1437 Ind. S. D., Iowa__ -1853 Crystal Lake Twp., Mich., Doniphan, Tex _80, 432, 1786 Fort Pierce, Fla 301 Clio, Mich Neb 300 Elseberry Dr. Dist., Mo_ _1717 1853 1110, 1436 Doniphan S. D., Mo.. Fort Plain, N Y. 1786 Clive, Alta 1790 1039, El Segudo S. D., Cal_ 376, 665 Fort Cuba, N. Y 1436, 1785 1110, 1245 qu'Appelle, Bask 306 • Clovis, Cal__ _1039, 1436, 1716 Cuero, Tex Elsinor, Cal Iowa:80 222 Fort Smith, Ark 150 Donora, Pa 151, 1039 Elwood 666, 812 Clyde, Ohio 1314, 1436 Cuero Ind. S. D., Cora. S. D., Fort Smith S. D., Ark Clymer, Tex 150 Donora S. D., Pa 1510 582 Pa 222 Culberson Co., Tex 1716 Dorchester 1571, 1786 Fort Wayne, Ind 582, 812 Coachella S. Co., Md 300 Elyria, Ohio D., Cal 1244 Cullman Co., Ala_ _375, 812, Dorval, Que 582 Fort William, Ont._..154, 1791 Coal Creek Vail. S.D.,Wash.1571 1724 Emmet Co., Mich 301 964, 1437, 1644 Dotham, Ala 1510, Fort Worth S. D., Tax... 505 Coatesville S. D., Pa_1110, 1244 Cullowhee 1571 Empire S. D., Cal _1315, 1786 Fort Worth, Twp., No. Car_ _1437 Dougherty Co., Ga 1645 Emporia, Tex 812, 1171 Cobalt, Ont 83, 1651 Culpeper Co., Va_ _1437, Kan 1170, 1376 Foaston S. D., Minn_1315, Cobden, 1644 Douglas Co., Nob _1170, 1510 Enderby, B. C 1571 Ont 586 Cumberland; N S 436 Douglas 895, 1652 Fostoria, Ohio 222, 1171 Cobleskill Un. Fr. S. D., Co.. Ore 301 Endicott, N. Y 504 Cumberland Co., N. J.1644,1853 Douglas Co. Corn. tal. Fountain, Colo 1786 N.Y. 739,811,1110, Cumberland D., English, Ind 1571 Foward, Co., No, Car., Wash 222 Sask 1652 1315, 1644 Ephrata S. D., Wash 1437' 1510 Fowler, Cal 812, 891 Dover, N H 1785, 1853 Epworth, Iowa 80, 301 Coblenz, Sask 1576, 1790 Cupar, Sask 436, 586 1039 Fowler Twp., Cal_80, 1437, 1645 Coburg, Ont Dover, Ohio 1110, 1315 Erie S. D., Kan 438 Cushing, Okla__504, 1245, 1571 Dover City S. D., Ohio.... 1717 Framingham, Maas_ _ _ _432, Cochin Co. S. D., Ariz_432, 665 739 Erie S. D., Pa_ _1315, 1377, Custer, Ohio 964, 1110 Dover S. D , Kan 1717 740, 812, 1377, 1437,1854 Cody, Wyo 665 Custer Co. S. D., Mont_ _1437 1645. 1717 Frankfort, Ind Coffeyville, Kan_811, Doylestown S. D., Pa 1437 Erie Twp., Ill 1571 964, Cut Bank, Mont 1437 Dresden,Tenn. Frankfort, N. Y._222, 740. 1717 1244, 1436 Cut .504,965, Eseambia Co., Fla_ _1039,1717 Frankfort, Knife, Bask 154 1315, 1645, Ohio 505, 666 Coke Co. Cora. S. D., Tex. Cuyahoga Co., 1717 1111, 1377 Frankfort, So Dak Ohio__ _80, Dryden, Ont 154, 817, Escanaba, 740 375, 582 151, 222, 504, 582, 685, Mich 301 Frankfort S. D., Ind Colchester Twp., 1249, 1443, 1790 Escondido, 1854 Ont 1576 739, 812, 891, 1039, 1170, Dry Cal Frankfort Un S. D., N. Y. Coldwater,0 150 Wood S. D., Alta_ 83, 1859 Escondido S. D., Cal 1712' 1582286 1245, 1315, 1571, 1644, Dublin Ind. 151, 1786 Coleridge, Neb 150 S. D., Tex_301, 739 Esquimault, B. C_ _1043, Franklin, 1716, 1785 Dubois Co., Ind Tenn 301 Colfax Co. S. D., Neb 1039 Cuyama S. D., Cal 301 1249, 1724 Franklin Co., Ala_ _ Colfax, 222 Dubuque,Iowa 222, 891 Essex _1245, 1717 Ill 582 Cypress, Tex 665 Co., Mass 301, Franklin Co., Fla 222, Colfax Co. S. D., Dubuque S. D., Pa 1245 376, 505 New Max. Cypress Creek Dr. Dist., Duck 582, 665 Franklin Co., Ind 222, 811, 891, 1110, 1244 Ark Lake, Bask 669, 1724 Essex Co., N. J_222, 1315, 300 Dufferin Co., Ont 817 1437, 1510,1645 Colfax S. D., Cal 300, 432 Cyrus S. D., Minn 1716 1571, 1645, 1717 Franklin Co., Miss_ _ _ _301, College Corner, Ohio__ _964, Duluth, Minn 151, 378, 812 Essex Co., Out 509, 1043 Duluth Ind. 812, 1315, 1571 1244, 1716 nada City, S. D., Minn. Essex Junction Graded S.D., Franklin Fla 151, 1785 222, Co., N. Y._ _ _505, 668 Collingwood, Ont 508 L.Oade Co., Fla 504, 1853 Vt 1510, 1571, 1645 Franklin Co., 300, 665 Duluth S. D., Minn_ _1039, 1785 Essex Ohio_80, 891, Collingsworth Co.S.D.,Tex _ 375 Dairyville S. D., Cal 812 Fens, N. J_151, 301, 1111 1171, 1377, 1437, Collins, Duncan, B. C 154 Estahazy,•Sask 1571, 1645 Miss 375 Daisy S. D., Alta 1859 1043, 1791 Franklinton, No. Car_1377, 1437 Collinsville, Duncanville Ind. S. D.,Tex. 376 Estevan, Bask __.306, 586, 817 Ohio 80 Dalhousie, N. B 1381 Dundee Franklin Twp., Ind...1510, 1717 Collinsville, Okla 222, 432 Neb 80, 432 Estherville, Iowa Franklin Dallam Co. Cora. S.D.,Tex. 151 Dundee S. D., Neb Twp., Ohio_ _965, 1111 Colome, So. Dak 1110 Dallas, Tex 1717 Etna,Pa 5°4' 582222 Franklin Twp., 582, 812, 891 Dundwin, Bask Euclid, No. Car___1571 Colorado 964 Dallas City, Ore 1577 Ohio 1645 Franklinville, N. Y Colorado 1437 Dunelion, Fla 1376, 1717 Euclid Twp., Ohio 1039 Co., Tex__ _665, 1039 Dallas Co., Tex 1716 Dunklin 1645 Frazersburg S. D., 01210.376, 432 Colorado Springs, Co., Mo 665 Eudora S. D., Ark 1645 Col_964, 1110 Dallas Co. Corn. S.D.,Tex_1785 Dunn S. Frederick Co., Md._ _ _965, 1315 Colorado Spgs. S. D., Col__1716 D., No. Car 1315 Eufaula, Okla 432, 965 Dallas S. D., Tex 812 Duplin Co., Fredonia, N. Y....740, 812, Columbia S. D.,Miss_1376, 1785 Dallas No. Car 1315 Eugene, Ore___ _378, 432, Twp., Ohio-1437, 1645 Duquesne S. D., Pa 1245, 1377 Columbiana Co., Ohlo_222, Daly City, Cal., 1785 1170, 1315, 1437, 1717, Fredonia S. D., 1716 Durant, Okla 376, 965 Kan 1510 665, 891, 1244 Danbury Twp..Ohlo. _1510, Freemount S. D., Sask._ 1785 Durham,Out 83 Eureka, Mont.1039, _ _1115 1274855,11 585741 Freeport, N Y 375

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xcvi. XVI INDEX.

BONDS, &o.-(Continued1)1.11 &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &o.-(Continued). &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, Page. Page. BONDS, Page. Page. Win Page. Hudson, Huxley Ind. S. D., Iowa_ 1316 Kenosha, Grass Lake, Sank 744, Hastings, on the Kensington, Kan 1040 Freeport S. D., Ill___1315, 1717 891, 1510, 1646 Hyde Co., No. Caro_1246, 1854 80, 376 895, 1381 N. Y Kent County, Del__ __965, 1511 Freewater, Ore Han 1040, 1245 - _505, 965, Gravenhurst, Out. -1652, 1791 Haven, La....1040, 1316 Kent County, Mich_ _1573, 1786 Fremont, 376 Haverhill, Mass---223, 301, 583 Iberia Parish, 813 Neb.-1039, 1571, 1786 Grayson S. D., Ga 1243 daho_ 1111, 1171,1377, 1854 Kenton, Ohio Falls, Mont____1171, Hawaii 151 Kenton, Tenn Fremont, Ohio_ _1039, 1171, Great Colo- --740, 812, 1040 Idaho Falls, Ida 1510, 1571,1854 1717, 1786 Haxtum, 1718 Keokuk, Iowa 301, 11413181 1437, Hays Co., Tex 1040 Idiewood, Ohio S. D., Kan 1437 Green Bay, Win 965 D., Alta 1518 Keokuk S. D., Ia 151, 433 Fremont 1786 Hayward, Cal..1040, 1171, 1718 Idylwilde S. __1786 Frenchman Valley Irr. Dist., Greencastle Twp., Ind 184 Y 666, 1718 Keosauqua S. D., Iowa.. Alta _1443 Hazeldean S. D., Man 1772 Ilion, N 378, 1718 Neb 301, 376 Green Court S. D., Ilion S. D., N Y 376 Kern County, Cal Springs, Fla_ 80 Hazleton S. D.,Pa B.C 227 Fresno, Cal 432 Green Cove Bask 1791 Imperial Co., Cal 583 Kernesdale, Co., Miss 376, 505 Hearts' Hill, Kern Co.,Tex 1040, 1511 Friendship, N. Y____1245;1437 Greene S. D., Ohio_ _1246, Independence, Kan _965, 1377 740, Greene Co., Mo 376 Hebron 505, 740 Kerrisdale, B. C 155 Frio Co., Tex 505, 1377, 1510, 1718 Independence, Mo.301, 433 1039, 1245 Greene Co., Tenn 666, Falls S. D., Cal__ _ _ 223 Kewanee, Ill., 151, 223, 1245, 1377,1717 Hemlock S. D., Mich_1111, Indian 1718 Frio Co. S. D., Tex 1717 1316, 1377 Indian Gap Ind. S. D., Tex. Keyapaha Co., Neb 582 Greeneville, Tenn_ -1572, 1786 1246, 1316 Key West, Fla 1438 Fulda S. D., Minn 301 Hempstead, N. Y 891 583 Fullerton, Cal 376, 965 Greenfield, Iowa Ind.433, 1171, 1316 Kiantone, N. Y 1572 Hempstead Un. Free S. D., Indianapolis, 817 Fullerton-Cage S. D., Tex. Greenfield, Ohio 892 Indianola, Miss_ _80, 301, Kildonan, Man Twp., 0/110-965, N.Y 301, 433, 376, 432 Greenfield No. Car_ _1171, 583, 1511 King Wash., 965 1040, 1315, 1645 Henderson, 505,Co., 813, 892, 1573, 1854 Fullerton S. D., Cal 666 1510, 1572, 111381448 Ingersoll, Ont 1518, 1724 965, 1039, 1111 Greenfield Twp., So. Car_ _1040, 1718 King Co.Sch. Mats., Wash. Fulton, Ky Mich_ _1171 Henderson, Tex Ingram S. D., Pa__ 1789 Fulton, N. Y 1171 Green Lake Twp., N. Y 433, 583 1438, 1511, 1646, 1718,' Twp S D M ich _ 1245 Henderson, Tenn Interlaken, 668 Fulton S. D., W. Va 1717 Greenland No. Car_ 1572 Inverness S. D., Mont 892 Kingman, Kan Green S. D.. W. Va 1572 Henderson Co., Out.._155, 1652, 1725 Henderson Co., Tex _223, Inyo Co., Cal 1854 Kingston, D.,So. Car.432, 582 Grenada, Miss 1717 505 Kingston S. D., N. Y__892, 1040 aftney S. 223 1040, 1246 Ionia Co., Mich Qaleton, Pa 1645 Greensboro, No. Car Ia____301, 1111, Kingsville, Out., 586, 818, Corn. S. D., Henderson Ind. S. D., Tex. Iowa City, 1321, 1577 Gallon, Ohio 80, 1645 Green's Creek 1246, 1316 1316, 1786 069, 1377 Ind. S. D., Tex., Gallatin Co., Mont 432 Tex No. Car_ 1438 Iowa City S. D., Ia 1786 Kingsville Greenup Co., Hy 583 Henderson Twp., _1040, 1246, 1573 Gallatin Co. S. D., Mont. 1945 Henderson Twp. S. D., No. Iowa Falls S. D., la_ 965, 1786 Greenville, Mich 1171, 1246, 1718 Kingwood S. D., W.Va... _ 11785418 So. Car- ___583, Car 1171 Gallia Co., Ohlo.1572, 1645, 1854 Greenville, 1111 Iredell Co., No. Car_ _583, Kinross Twp., Mich 666, 1171, 1315 Hendersonville, No. Car_ Caro., 505. Gallipolls, Ohio 812 Ind___1111, 740, 812, 1171 Kinston, No. 306, Greenville, Tex.__80, 1245, Hendricks Co., 301, 813 740, 892, 1246, 1316, Galt, Ont .154, 227, 1786 1171, 1510, 1646, 1786 Ireton, Ia 1249, 1577, 1652, 1791 1572, Mich 1246 1438, 1511 509, D., Ohlo.1111 Hennepin Co., Minn_1786, 1854 Iron Mountain, 1111 Galva S. D., Iowa 891 Greenville Twp.S. Ohio 1786 Kiowa Co., Kan Twp., No. Car. Hennessey S. D., Okla Ironton, Mo.,11337176. Galveston, Tex 151, 299 Greenwood 1656106 Irving Ind. S. D., Tex 1572 Kirkwood S. D., 1315, 1572 Henry Co., Ohio 583 '1718 Galveston Co. Corn. S. D., D.,So. Dak._1854 Isbel, So. D 1572, 1854 Greer, So. Car___301, 505, 1854 Henry Co. S. Minn. Kite, Ga 1511 Tex_376, 505 ,582, 1245 Herbert, Sank 1044, 12501718 Itasca Co. Ind. S. D., 1646 Gananoque, Out 1859 Greeg Co., Tex 1111, 1246 Klamath, Ore Co., So. Dak__ _80, Herington, Kan Ore., 1316, Gardner, Mass____812,965, Gregory 1572, 1718 Itawamba Co., Miss 813, 1377 Klamath Falls, 1645, 1786 • 151, 1645 Herkimer, N Y 1438, 1787, 1854 069 Hermosa Beach, Cal__1040, Ithaca, Mich...1246, Garfield, Wash 1572 Grey Co., Out 1511, 1048 Knox Co., Ind., 740, 1248, 1111 Gridley S. D., Cal 965, 1316, 1511, 1573, 1718, 1854 Garfield, N. J 965, Co., Fla_ 1_357021,, 1771188Iuka, Kan 1377 Colo 222, 432 1245, 1315, 1510,1717, 1854 Hernando • Knox Co., Ohio 666 892 Garfield Co., Tex. 376 Hesperia, Mich 151 1246 Garrison, No. Dak 1111 Grimes Co. Sch. Dists., Mich 1718 Knox Co., Tenn 1740, Out 1517, 1724 Hickman Co., Tenn_ _965, 1646 Tackson, 1246 Garrison Ind. S. D., Tex... 376 Grimsby, 1572, 1854 ackson, Miss_1316, 1377, Knoxville, Tenn Pointe, Mich 1245 Hicksville, Ohio Pa 1438 Garza Co. Corn. S. D., Tex. Grosse 1718, 1854, 1572, 1718,1786 Knoxville S. D., 1315 Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. Hidalgo Co., Tex D.,Tex 1040 1245, Mo 1.246 Jackson, Ohio 151, 965 Kopperl S. 301, 1377, 1717 1377, 1646 Highland, 892 Bask 1518, 1577 Gary, Ind Highland Park, _505, 'Jackson, Tenn Kutawa, Co., No. Car___301, 582 Groton Twp., Ohlo____583, 1511 Gaston 1040, 1111 Va__-1246, 1510 Jackson Co., Fla 1652 Gastonia, No. Car_301, 432, 740 • 892 Co., Ind_ _1646, 1718 Lachine, Alta S D., Pa_1171, Highland S. D., Ill Jackson 048, 1685580282 Gatesville S. D., Tex 1437 Grove City Car_1438, 1718 Jackson Co., Miss _892, 1718 acombe, Alta 1034 1854 1437, 1786 High Point, No. Geauga Co., Ohio J 151 Jackson Co. Dr. Dint., Tex 505 Lacoste S. D., Tex 1437 Guelph, Ont_ 8,4, 154, 509, Hightstown, N B. C Genesee Co., Mich 1321 Neb 740 Jackson Twp., Ohio 80 Ladysmith, N Y 1854 1044, Hildreth, 583 La Fayette, La 1246, 1646 Geneseo, 505, 1111 Hill Co. S. D., Mont__151, 12174618 Jackson Twp. S. D., 0_433, Geneva, Ohio_ _505, 812, Gulfport, Fla 151 Fla.80,151,301,378 Lafayette Co., Miss., 1316, La 1510 Hillcrtes Irr. Dist., Ida__ - - Jacksonville, 1719, 1855 1039, 1111, 1510, 1572 Gulfport, Jacksonville, Ill 1040, 1171 222 Gulfport, Miss 1111, 1646 Hillsboro, Tex Ga 892 1719 Geneva S. D., Cal Co., Fla.1316, 1854 Jacksonville, Tex 301, La Grange, 432 Gull Lake, Ont 1250, 1724 Hillsborough Grange, Ore 1111, 1719171 Georgetown, Del N Y 812, 1171 1040, 1171 La Miss_ ___1039, Guthrie Centre, Ia _1111, Hilton, 301, 1111 Laird Twp., Mich Georgetown, 1171, 1315 Hinds Co., Miss Jamestown, N. Y.151, 1646 1111, 1171, 1510 11521406;1718 James Twp, Rom. Cath. S. Lake, I d Out 1517 Guyton, Ga 1040 Andes, So. Dak Georgetown, Hinton, Okla D., Ont 509 Lake Gering, Neb 505 _223, 301, Lake City, Ia., 151, 583,1325461 , N. J 1572 Hoboken, N.J. . __223, 310151,, 351 Janesville, Wis___ 666, 892 German Flatts, N. Y..505, add on field 7821834 1718, 1786 addonfield S. D., N. J...1315 432, 583, 1377,; 87 1245, 1377 H Commis- Japan 503 Lake City, Minn Ohio_ _1437, 1645 Haddon Hgts., N. J-_1040, 1245 Hochelega School 1572 City S. D., Minn German Twp., 1572 Que Jasper, Ind 505, 740, Lake 1176671996 So. Dak..1377, 1572 Haddon Twp., Ind sion, 1511, 1718 Lake Co., Ind 1646, Gettysburg, 1250 Hocking Co., Ohlo_301114,36..71786_1 21473561 Jasper Co., Ind Gibson Co. Ind 1717, 1786 Halleybury, Ont Miss 1111, 1377 Lake Co., Ohio, 505, 583,1321 S. D., Tex 376 Hocking Twp. S. D., Ohlo_1171 Jasper Co., 740, 892 Giddings Ind. S. D., Tex.-..572 Hall Co. Corn. Jasper Co., Mo 1854 Ariz __ _151, Halls, Tenn Hohokus Twp. S. D., S. D., Fla Gila Co. S. D., 1646 Bask Jay Co., Ind 1786 Lakeland 582, 965 Halls, Tex Holdfast, Dr. Lake Meganic, Que Tex 1510 Holland, Mich Jefferson 0, Plaquemines Ohio, Gilroy, Cal_ _505, 666, 891, Flallsville S. D., 84 Dist., La 505 Lake Twp. S. D., 1645, 1854 Hamblen Co., Tenn 505 Holland Landing, Ont 1040, 1246, 1438, 11853557 1111, Man_ _744, 969 Jefferson Co., Ala 151 Man 17 Hamburg, Pa 504, 1040 Holland S. D., Lakewood, Ohio 583, 740 1572, 1854 S. D., No.D. 138702 Jefferson Co., Ind 965, _301, 505 Ginter Park, Va 1171 Hamden, Ohio Hollandsworth 1111, 1511, 1572 Lakewood S. D., Ohio_ Ill 1854 Holley, N. Y 223, 965, 1040, 1719 Girard, Ala 151 Hamilton, 1111, 1246 Jefferson Co., Iowa. _1511, 1572 Lamar, So. Car 222 Hamilton, Tex _ 1437 Co., Miss 301 Girard, Kan Ohio Jefferson Co., Tenn__ _1171, Lamar Ohio 1315, 1786 Hamilton, Ont.. .155, 379, Holmes Co., 1572, 1718 Lamar Co., Tex Guard, 1517, 1791 Holton, Kan_ __1377, 1438, 1572 3T7e7.,11165384,116163 Girard S. D., Ohio__ _ _505, 1039 436, 869, 1115, Tex_ ..1246, 1718 Lamar Co. Corn. S. D.1, -80, 223, 666, Holyoke, Mass 1572 Jefferson Co., 302, 376, 583 Glace Bay, Out 969, 1249 Hamilton,0 1791 Co. Dr. Dint.,Tex. 965, 1437, 1572, 1854 Holyrood S. D., Bask Jefferson Out 86 Gladbrook, Iowa 891 891, .....376,_ 7 96405 505, 1111 Lamark Co., Mich 1039 Hamilton Co., Iowa 301 Homer S. D., La. 1718 Lamar Twp., Mo Gladwin, _151, Homestead, Pa Jefferson Parish, La Glasford S. D., Ill 1854 Hamilton Co., Ohio _ S. D., Ohio 80 Lamb S. D., Mo 1572, 1646, 1786 Homestead S. D. Fla----- 1718 Jefferson Glasgow S. D., Mo...1572, 1786 812 Jenkintown, Pa 80 Lambton Co., Ont 1724 Hamilton Co., Tenn _1315, Honeoye Falls, N. Y - S. D., Iowa Gleichen, Alta Twp.,Ind -1511 Jerome Twp. S. D., Ohio Lamont Bain,Sask 1517, 1859 1510, 1717 Honey Creek 1246, 1377 Lanark S. D., Ill Glen 84 Honey Grove, Tex 376. Glendale, Ariz 222, 1039 Hamlota, Man Jersey City, N. J..151, 813, Lancaster,as N. Y 80, 432 Hamiota Corn. S. D., Man..1250 Ohio 1711551951 Glendale, Cal Tex ___1 5 :7_2 _1171878 6 892, 965, 1111, 1246, Lancaster, Ohlo583, 891, Hamlet, No. Car_-_1437,_ 1510 Hood County, 1572, 1718 S. D., Cal 1171 Glendale, 1040 Hood River, Ore 1316, 1572 1511, Lancaster 1245, 1510, 1717 Hammonton, N. J 1854 1511, 1786 Lancaster, So. Car-..1719, 11878557 D., N. J. IIooversville S. D., pa Jetmore, Kan 740, 956055 Glendale, Ore 965 Hammonton S 1572 Jewell, Iowa 151, 223 Lansdowne, Pa 1437 1717, 1786 Hope Twp., Ind 1171 Ind Glendale S. D., Ohio Twp.,Ohio_ -583,1936165 Johnson City, Tenn_ _666, La Porte, Glendora, Cal 80, 222 Hammondsport Un. S. D., Hopewell 1511, Laporte Co., Ind 812 Hopkins Co. S. D., Tex. 506 Johnson Co., Ind 583,1676160 Glendora S. D., Cal___1315, N.Y 3, 1573, 1854 Larchmont, N. Y_505, 1572 Hampden Co., Mass_ _301, 432 _1718 505 1437, K y 223 Johnston S. D., So. Car_ Largo, Fla School Dist., Hampton S. D. Neb 151 Hopkinsville, 1111 Larkspur, Cal 81 Glenn Union Wash _ _ __ 80 Johnstown, Colo Cal 124 Hamtramck, Ach 223 Hoquiam, V..433. 505, 666 Larne Ind. S. D., Tex.1040, 1316 _1171, 1786 Hoquiam S. D., wash 892 Johnstown, N. Gloucester, Mass_ _301, 376, Hancock Co., Ind__ Johnstown, Pa_1111, 1171, La Salle, N. Y 1854 Co., Miss.151,- 301, 432 Hornell, N. Y 1725 666, 1572, Hancock Hy _66677;1871182 1377, 1718 La Salle, Que N. Y____812, Hancock Co., W. Va 583 Horse Cave S. D., Pa_ _1854 Salle Co. S. D., Tex.... 583 Gloversville, Irr. Dist., Ore.301. 1511 Johnstown City S. D., La 965, 1040. 1111, 1786 Hanford, Cal 376, 740 Horsefly Mich. La Salle Twp., Ill . 1859 Horseshoe Dr. Dist., La. Johnstown Township, Ill--..1787 Goderich, Out. .154, 1577, 1859 Hanley, Sask_669, 1443, 185137 1040, 1246 La Salle Twp.S. D., 1171 Ont 895 Valley,S1r21 11:: Goldendale, Wash Hanover, :367.16662: Johnstown Vill. S. D., Ohio Last Mountain No. Car 1315 Harbor Beach, Mich 1854 Hot Springs, So. Dak.35 1718 k", 1443 Goldsboro, _ 740, 1177, 1246, Goldsboro Twp., No. Car_ _1245 Hardin Co., Ohlo80,1377, Houston, Tex- _505, 301, 1786 Latah dr Nez Farce Counties 1438, 1646 Houston Co. Corn. S. Jonesboro, Ga 223 Goldthwalte Inl. S. D., 80, 1040 Jones Co., Miss _505, 583, 1854 S. D., Ida 1040, 1572 Hardin Co. S. Dias. Tex. Tex D., Pa Tex Tex 1786 Joplin, Mo.._ _151, 301, 433, Latrobe S. Ind. S. D., Tex__80, '1040, 1572 Houston Heights, 1316, Lauderdale Co., Miss. Gollad Co., Ind ______505, 666, 1040, 53883:1646 432, 583 Harlan Co. S. D., Neb 1854 Howard 1 1573,3718, 1786 Mar,14 Ohio.._1786 D.'1751181 Gonzales, Tex 1572, 1786 Harlem Twp. S. D., 151 Jordan S. D., Cal 583, 965 Lauramie S. D ,Ind Irr. Dist.,Col- 505 Howell, Neb 813, 892, 1111 Gooding Co., Ida 1645 Hardscrabble 1, 1718 Jordan S. D., Utah _ _813, 1246 Laurel, Mis3_152, 969, 1249 Hardwick Gram. S. D., Cal. Hubbard Twp., Ohlo_117 1111 Vii. S. D., Ohio, Goderich, Ont__ _379, Y__1171, 1316, Jordan Twp., III 965, Laurelville Goodrich S. D., Mich_ __583, 891 1171, 1245, 1510 Hudson, N. 740 • 1438, 1646 Mo..1040 Junction City, Ore 302 Gooseberry Plain S.D „Alta_ 1115 Harg Spec. Road Dist., Pa 223, 376 Laurium, Mich Un. Fr. S. D., Hudson Co., N. .1 __ .1438, Juniata, 505 Gorden S. D., Man 1791 Harrietstown 1572, 1718 Juniata S.D., Pa. 740,U71, 1316 Lavaca Co., Tex Ohio_ _1040, 1171 N Y 223, 1040 1246, 1316 S. D., Man-669, 1115 Grafton Twp., 1381 D. Cal- Justin S. D., Tex_80, Lavinia Graham, No. Car 1786 Harris, Sank 1175, Hughson S. Lawrence, Kan 965 Tex_ _ _223, 301, "812, 1040 Graham Ind. S. D.,Tex_ _ _ _1572 Harris Co., 1791 alama 1573 Lawrence, Mass_ _81, 433, Tex 151 666, 740, 812, 1245, Hull, Que 1111, 1310, 1377, Granbury, 1377, 1718 Humboldt, Sask_817, 1518, 1652 alamazoo, Mich., 151, 813, Grand Forks, No. Dak 376 1315, -505' 223, 1511 Dr. Dist., Tex..1245 Humboldt, So. Dak 1246 7736% 1578153 Grand Forks Co., No. Dak_ 740 Harris Co. 892, 1786 Kalamazoo Co., Mich 301 Lawrence, Mich31511, 15 1717 Harris Co. S. D., Tex 1111 Hunter, N. Y 1646 Grand Haven, Mich No.Car. Kalamazoo S. D., Mich_ 1718 Lawrence, N. Y Grand Island, Neb 80 Harrison S. D., Ind 1854 Huntersville S. D., Co., Ind-1719, 1855 ...1040, 8_9_2,,_ 11047108 Kamloops, B. C., 436, 1518, Lawrence Grand Island S. D., __ 965 Harrison Twp.,Ind. 1652, 1859 Lawrence Co., Ohio.. _302, 1316, 1510 Huntingdon, Tenn35__1 Grand Rapids, Mich_Neb- _80, Va.__:______Kamsack, Sask., 969, 1518, 1791 151, 505,1111, 1717 Harrlsonville, Mo 581 Huntington, W. C3o7.6,'So15.D73A1-718572,11284565 740, 891 11364168,, 11758546 Kandlyohl S. D., Minn_...1377 Lawrence 1719 Grandview, Man_ ___1043, 1859 Harris Twp., Ohio 80,813, 1040, 1438, 1646 Lawrence S. D., Kan Hart Co., Ky_ _151, 376, 1040 Huntington Beach, Cal- 151 Kansas, __656,1377 Grand View, Wash 505 S. D., Kansas City, Kan.,223, 505, Lawrence Co., Tenn_ Grand View Heights, Ohio_ 151 Hartford, Conn 80, 1786 Huntington Beach 802, 1040, 1246 Cal 1171, 1718 1246, 1573 Granger S. D., Tex__ _505, Hartford Northeast S. D., 223, Twp., 1786 Huntington Park, Cal_1040, Kansas City, Mo., 151, Lawrence 1248 -1040, 1171 Conn 376, 583, 740, 892, 065, 1040 Leadville, Colo 301 Hartford, Ohio 505, 1510 Wash 223 Granger, Tex Un. High Kansas City S.D.,Mo .1511 , 1646 Leavenworth, Grangeville, Idaho 376 Hartford Twp., ._.1438 Huntington Park Ind 1719 Cal 223, 433, 583 Kay Twp., Out 227 Lebanon, Grangeville Ind. S.D., Ida., Hartington S. D.,Ohio_... Neb..891, S. D., 1040 Spec. Rd. Dist.,1787 965, 1377 Huntington Un. Fr. S. D., Kearney, Neb_...151, 892, Lebanon Mo. 223 301, 432 Twp. S. D., Ohio, Ind 1510 S. D., Tex 965 N Y 666, 1854 Keene S. D., N.J- 178191 Grant Co., 1315, Hartley 1438, 1757182 1246, 1377 Lebanon Twp. Grant Co., Win 432 Hasbrouck Heights, N. J _1718 Huron Co., Ohio Miss 1719 1111 S.D ,Kan_ 1246, 1718 Keewatin, Bask 1725 Lee CO., Grant Co. S. D., Wash., Haskell, Tex Huron 151, 1854 Lee Co., No. Car Ark__1040, 1316 Huron S. D., Ohio Kellogg, Ida 1111, 1171, 1377, 1572, 1786 Haskell Co.. Twp., No. Car_1573 Lee Co., Va .1717 Co., Kan 1040 Huron S. D.,So. Dak_ _892, Kenan.sville Grant Dist. S. D., W. Va. Haskell 1040, 1171 Kendall Co., Tex 965, 1854 Leflore Co., Okla S. D., Iowa___1040, 1245 Haskell Co. S. D., Tex 583 Dex.. 1215246 Grant Ala 668, 892 Kendallville, Ind.__ _1646, 1854 Leggett, Grant Twp., Ind 1786 Haskell Co. Corn. S. D., Hurtsboro, 1786 Tex 1316 1245, 1316 Hustisford, Win 505 Kenefick, Okla 1040 Grant's Pass, Ore 151, Tex Kennedy Heights, Ohio, Le Mars, Iowa 740, 965 740 Hutchinson, Kan 1040, 1652 376, Hastings, Fla 1377, 1438 1040, 1171, 1377, 1646 Laney, Bask Granville, Ohio 583, 1040 Hastings, Mich 1040 1171, 1316,

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1913.] INDEX. XVII

BONDS, &c.-(Continued). • BONDS, &c. -(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS. Page. Page. &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Contlnued). Lennox S. D., Page. Page. Man 1791 abel Ind. S. D., Minn_ _1041 Matthews B. D., No. Page. Lenoir City, Tenn 583, 965 Car. Moline S. D.,Iii., 302, 1112, Nekoosa, Mc Bee S. D.,So. Car_ 81 1041, 1172, 1646, 1787 Wis 302 Lenox, Mass 666 McCall, So. 1172, 1573,1720 Nelson, B. C 84,509 Car., 376, 965, Maxwell S. D., Ca1.506, 584, 813 Moncton, Leon Co., Tex 152 1112, 1172, 1246 Mayaguez, Ont Neligh S.D Neb 813, 1647 Pas, Porto Rico 1378 Monessen S. D., Pa_ _1511, Le Man 380 McCulloch Co. S. D., Tex__1041 Mayfield, Bask 1647852 Nelson Co., Va 966, 1512 Le Roy, Ill 1246 1791 Monmouth, Di 1247, 1720 Nelsonville, McDowell Co., No. Car_ _1787 Maypole S. D., Bask 1860 Ohio 813 Lester Prairie S. D., Minn-1111 McHenry, Miss Monona, Ia 1041 Neodesha Twp., Kan_1172, 1378 81 Mayville S. D., Mich 1787 Monroe, Mich Lestershire, N Y 1438 McIntosh, So. Dak _ 223 Meade S. D., Kan 1672670 Neodesha, Kan 1378 Lestershire D., N. 1719 Monroe, Ohio S. Y., Mackinac Co., Mich., 1378, Meadow Twp., N. C..065, Neosho, Mo 1317 1171, 1316 1112 Monroe, Wash 584 Neosho Falls, Kan__ 1438, 1719 Meadville, Pa--666, 1041, Monroe __966, 1720 Le Sueur Center S.D.,Minn.1719 McKittrick S. D., Cal Wis Neosho Spec. Rd.Dist., Mo. 302 1787 1247, 1316 Monroe City, Lethbridge, A1ta-380, 509, McLennan Co., Tex 1246 Mechanieville, Ill 133788Neshoba Co., Miss_152, 377, 506 N. Y 1573 Monroe City, Mo_ _1317, 1115, 1381, 1652 Macleod, Alta 1250 Mecklenburg Co., No. 1855 Neustadt, Ont 1652, 1725 Lewis Co. S. D., Wash 1719 Car. Monroe Co., Miss 813, 1720 McLoud, Okla 1855 1041, 1112,1316 Nevada City, Cal 152, 1112 Lewiston, Ida 1573, 1787 McMinn, Monroe Twp., Mo., 152, 302,506 Nevada Ind. S. D.,Tex__ --1787 Tenn 152 Medford, Man 223, 506, Monroeville, Lewiston, Mont 505, 1040 McMullen & La Salle Ohio 377 Newark, N. J____81, 506, 1247 Cos. 584, 892, 965, 1855 Monrovia S. D., Lexington, Ky___302, 376, 892 S. D., Tex 583 Medford, Ore Cal 966 Newark, Ohlo_506, 1317, 1855 Lexington, 813, 965 Montague S. D., Cal.. 1041, Ohio 583 Macon, Ga 223, 376 Medicine Hat, Alta__ Newark S. D., Ohio___813, Liberty, N. Y 1111 -818, 1317, 1720 Macoun, Bask 744 1044, 1321,- 1381,1577 Montana 1112, 1172, 1317, 1512 Liberty, Bask 1044 McPherson, Kan 965 Medina, N. Y 152, 740 Newaygo Co., Mich...302, Liberty Co., 813, 1041 Montcalm, Que 969 Tex 1316 McPherson Co. S. D.,Tex__ 506 Medina Co. Rd. Dist., Tex- 377, 1112 Liberty Sch. Twp., Ind__ -.1646 965 Montclair, N.J., 1439, 1511,1720 New Mass___584, Madera Co., Cal 1573 Medina Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex Montevallo, Bedford, Liberty Twp., Ind _1719, 1855 Madill, Ala 740, 1511 1172, 1439, 1787 Okla 1646 377, 506, 584 Montgomery, Ala Licking County, Ohio 1787 Madison, Fla_ _152, 302, 740 Medina S. D., Pa 152, 224 Newbergh, Ore 740 Lillington, 506 Montgomery Co., Ind 1720 No. Car_ _ _302, 1787 Madison, Wis 1378 Meighen S. D., Alta 1044 New Berlin, N. Y 584 Lima S. D., Ohio 1511 Montgomery Co., Miss_ _ _ _ 506 Madison Co., Fla 1246 Meigs Co., Ohio 1511 Montgomery Newborn S. D., No. Car_ --1378 Limestone Co., Tex _ _ _ _533, Madison Co., Ill 1316, 1719 Meigs Co., Ohio,506, Newberry Co., So. Car., Twp. S. D., Ohio 584, 740, 1573, 1040, 1246 Madison Co., Ind 1719 666, 892, 1647 1112, 1439, 1647 Limestone Corn. 1247 Montgomery Co., Tenn., Co. S. D., Madison Co., Ia 1378 Melfort, Sask 1860 New Boston, Ohio 377 Tex 583, 1040 966, 1112 Madison Co., No. Car.1316, 1438 Mellett Co., So. Dak...81, Montgomery 506;813 Lincoln, Neb_223, 302, 683, Madison Ohio, Co., Tex_ _81, 966 New Boston, Tex 506, 741 Co., 813,965, 377, 506 Montgomery Co., Va 666,740,1040,1377,1573,1719 1719, 1787 Melrose, Maas 433 New Boston S. D., Ohio_ 152, 741 Lincoln 152 Monticello S. D., Ark_ _ _ _ 1439 Center, Kan 1438 Madison Twp.,Ind 1646 Memphis,Tenn.1378, 1438, New Boston Vii. S. D., 0-1855 Lincoln Co., Miss 1646 Montmartre, Sask.... _744, 895 583 Madison Twp., Ohio, 1511, 1710 Menominee Co., Mich_506, 1247 Montour, Newburgh, N. Y 584 Lincoln Co., Neb 813, 892 Madi6on Twp. D., Ohio, Ida 506 Newburg Spec. S. D., S. Mentnor Viii. S. D., Ohlo__1646 Montpelier, Ohio, No. Lincoln Co., No. Car 1316 666, 1112, 1855 Meota, 1511, Dak 81 Sask 1250 1573, Lincoln S. D., Cal 152 Madlsonvitle, Tex., 506, Mercer Co., Ohio_ 1787 Newburyport, Mass...377, Lincoln _1573, 1855 Montpelier, Vt 152, 892 Co. S. D., Wash., 1041, 1172,1646 Mercer Co., W. Va 1719 Montpelier 433, 892 813, 1040, 1171, Mad Cons S. D., New Castle, 1246 River Twp. S. D., 0_1646 Merchantsville, N. J...584, Miss Del 966 Linden Twp. S. D., N. J., Mahnomen, Minn 1787 New Castle, Pa 1720 1247 965, 1316, 1378 Montrall Co., No. Dak_ 1171, 1377 Mahnomen S. D., Minn__ 1112 Meridian, 81 Newcomerstown, Ohio 1439 Miss_ _584, 1041, Montreal, Que., 744,818 1:1881877 Lindsay, Ont 969, 1518 Mahoning Co., Ohio 1855 1172, 1247, 1316, New Concord, Ohio 1720 Linnton, Ore 1787 740, 892 Mahoning Co. Rd. Dist., Meridian Ind. S. D., Tex 377 Montreal New Durham, Ont 438 Linton Twp., S. D., Ind., Ohio S. D., Que 1443 New Hampton S. D., Iowa, 892, 1112 MerrickvIlle, Ont. _1577, 1725 Montrose Co., 1171, 1438 Maisonneuve, Que_ _ _ _969, 1381 Colo 81 966, 1112, 1720 Merritt, B. C 1652 Montvale, N. J., 966, 1247, 1439 Litchfield Twp., Ohio 606 Malahlde Twp., Ont 1321 Mertzon Ind. S. D., New Hanover, No. Car., Little Rock, Ark 1246, Tex. Moody Co., So. Dak., 433, Malden, Mass., 152, 965, 1247, 1438 506, 966, 1574 ;316, 1855 1316, 1438, 1573,1719 Metuchen, N. New Hanover Co., No. Car_ 1647 Little Valley, N. Y___1438, J 813 Moore S. D , No. Dak 813' 1104 1721 Malden Twp., Ont 1725 Metropolis S. D., Ill_ New Haven, Conn 81, 667 1511, 1855 Malta, _81, 506 Moore Twp., Ont 818 New Haven N. Y 506 Meixio, N. Y 1438, 1573 Twp., Ohio__ _ - 892 Livingston, Mont__ -1246, 1719 Malta, Ohio Moorfield, W Va 506 New Hope Irr. Dist., Utah, 1316, 1511 Mexico S. D., Mo-506, 584, 813 Moorfield Twp., Livingston, N Y 433 Manchester, Mass 1112 0/11°1787, 1855 81, 1112 Livingston Miami, Fla 1511 Moose Jaw, Sask., 306, 669, Co., N. Y 583 Manchester, N. H 1112 Miami, Ont New Kensington, Pa 224 Livingston S. D., Mont__ 505 Manchester 1175 744,895, 969, 1250, 1382 New Kensington S. D., Okla__ _ _1573 Miami Co., Ind.1646, 1719, 1787 S. D., Pa., Livingston S. D., Tex.1246, 1511 Manchester Moose Jaw S. D., Sask.1175,1518 1247, 1720 S. D., Va 1172 Miami Co., Ohio 1855 Moosic S. Lloydminster, Alta__ _1652, 1860 Manhattan S. D., Pa 302, 1720 New Kent Co., Va 1172 D., Kan., 81, Miami S. D., Ont 1652 Morehead City Locke WaterDist., N. Y___ 302 377, 506, 686, miamigburg, Graded S. New Knoxville VII. S. D., 1378 Ohlo___1511, 1646 D., No, Car 1720 Lockhart S. D.,Tex _ _505, 1040 Manistee, Mich 1247 Middlefield, Ohio Ohio 892, 1112 Lockland, Ohio 1112 Morehead Twp., No. Car_ _1720 New 152 Manitoba 1044 Middleport, Ohio 1855 Leipzig, No. Dak 1787 Lockwood Irr. Dist., Mont., Manitou Morgan Co., Ind 1647, 1787 New Lexington, Ohio_1247, 1787 Lake, Bask 1791 Middleport S. D. Ohio_ 1719 Morgan 223, 1040 Mankato, Minn Co., Ohio 1439 New London, Conn_ _1247, 1719 Middlesex Co., M'ass. _223, Morgantown S. D., Lockwoods Folly Twp., No. Manly Ia 1573, 1787 No. Car.1172 1317, 1378 Car 302, 813, 1247, -1316, 1438 Morgantown Twp., No. Car., 1646 Manning, Ia 1316, 1378 Middlesex Co., N. J...223, New London, Iowa 1378 Lodi, Wis 1438 Many Island S. D., Alta_ -1175 1172, 1647,11370657 858 New London Twp., Ohio, Lodi 302, 1378, 1719 Morinville, Alta S. D., Ohio 1246 Mannings Twp., No. Car_ 965 Middlesex Co., Ont 1317, 1439. 1574 Logansport Sch. City, Ind., Mansfield, 1791 Moro S. D., Tex 224 Ohio 1646 Middletown, Del 1112 Morrill New Madrid Co., Mn 1246, 1316, 1511, 1719 Mansfield, La Co., Neb New Market, Ont 155, 81 Middletown, N. Y. _666, 1247 Morrill So. S. D., Lohrville S. D., Iowa 1041 Maple Creek, Sask 895 Middletown, Neb 1272204 1518, 1652 Lockport S. D., N.Y 0 _81, 223, MorrLsburg, Ont 1725, 1860 1787 Maple Creek S. D., Sask -1791 302, 686, 966, New Mexico 81, 1317, London, Ohio 1787 Mapleton 1172, Morris a. D., Ill. 152 S. D., Ohio 1172 1511, 1855 Morristown, 1512, 1647, 1787, 1853 London, Ont 84, 227, Maplewood S. D., Mo Tenn_ _ _ _740, 1112 New Philadelphia, 0_1378, 1647 506 Midland, Ont.84, 155, 1115, Morristown S. D., N. 818, 1443, 1791 Marcus Hook, Pa., 1247, 1250, J____ 152 New Philadelphia S. D.,0., Long Beach, Cal 1381, 1577, 1791,1860 Morrow & Marlon Cos., 1377 1378, 1855 Midland Co., Tex 1041, 1172, 1378, 1720 Long Beach City S. D., Cal., 966, 1316 Ohio 1317, 1511, 1787 Margaretta Twp.S. D., Ohio, Midland S. D., Pa 1855 Morrow Newport, Ky 1855 433, 965, 1172, 1573, 1855 740, Co., Ohio, 892, Newport. Ore 584, 741 892, 1646, 1855 Midway S. D., Cal__1511, 1787 1172, Long Branch, N. J____583, Maricopa Co., Ariz__ 1438, 1511 1512, 1720 Newport, R. I___224, 302, Mighen B. D., Alta__ _ 1577 Morse, Sask 969 740, 1246, 1377 Maricopa Co. S. I)., Ariz. Milam Co., Tex-892, 377, 741, 892, 966, 1041, Longlaketon, Soak 1791 1247, 1787 Mosca Irr. Dist., Colo 584 302, 584, 1247 Milestone, Sask 1860 Moscow, 1172, 1439, 1647, 1855 Longview, Tex., 302, 583, Maricopa Co. Ida 1647 Newport, Wash 741, 966 Spec. Road Milford, Ohio 1511 Moscow Ind. S. 740, 1246 Dist., Ark 81 D., Ida., Newport Beach, Cal_ _ _152, Lonoke Milford Twp. High S. D „Ill. 152 1247, Co., Ark 1787 Marietta, Ohio_ 81, 1041, 1719 Millbrook, 1378 1041, 1574 Lonsdale, Tenn Ont 436 Mountainair S. D., N. Mex. 892 505 Marinette Co., Wis 506 Miller Levee Dist., Ark_ Newport Beach S. D.,Cal__ 584 Lorain, Ohio, 152, 505, 813, Marinette 1316 Mountain Home, Ida 1720 Newport News, Va 81 S. D., Wis_892, 1041 Millet, Alta 1652 Mountain 1377, 1646 Marion, Ohio_ _81, 433, Iron, Minn__ _81, 377 New Rochelle, N. Y__1647, 1788 Lorain 740, Million S. D., Man 84 Mountain S. D., Cal_ _667, 966 Co., Ohio 223 1041, 1316, 1378, 1438, Millersburg, New Salem S. D., No. Dak., Lordsburg, Cal 892, 1041 0-1378, 1438, 1646 Mountain View S. D., Cal__1855 1573, 1787 Millersburg S. D., 1172, 1720 Lorimor, Ia 152 Marion City S. 0-1172, Mount Airy Twp., No. Car., New Straitsville, Ohio D.,0-1172, 1316 1438, 1573 1647 Lorlmor S. D., Ia 740, Marion Co., Ga 666, 1317, 1378, 1720 Newton, Mass 813 1041 NIIIIs Co., Tex 302 Mt. Blanchard 892,1041 Marion Co., Ind 1172, 1378 Milltown, S. D., Ohio_ 892 Newton Co., Ind_ ___1378, 1439 Los Angeles, Ga 152 Mt. Carmel S. D., Ill 1439 Cal., 81, 223, Marion Co.,0_892, 1172, 1855 Mill Twp., Ohio New Toronto, Ont 1791 506,813,1041, 1172,1246,1646 Marion 1316, 1573 Mt. Cannel S. D.,Pa_ 1247, 1378 Co., W. Va.__ _666, Millville, N. J__1112, New Ulm Ind. S. D., Minn_1512 Loot Hills S. D., Cal_ _ _892, 1041 1172, Mt. Hope, N Y 813 New Westminster, B. C., 1646, 1855 1378, 1511, 1647 Mt. Lost Mountain, Sask 1175 Marlon S. D., No. Car 1172, Milo, Hope, Bask 436, 586 744, 1250, 1652 Ia 302 Mt. Kisco, N Lost Mountain Valley, Sask.1791 1378, 1719 Milton, Ont Y 667 New Wilmington, Pa 377 Lost River, 1175, 1577 Mt. Lebanon Twp., Pa_ Flask 1652, 1860 Marion S. D., Ohio 1112 Milton Twp., Ohio_ _ _ _ 667 New York City, N. Y__ _81, Loudon Twp., Ohio Marion _ ..506, 1647 Mt. Morris, N. Y., 1041, 1377 Twp., No. Car. 1438 Miltonville, Kan 377, 433, 741, 1041, 1317,1378, Loudonville, Ohio__ _ _152, 433 Mariposa, Sask_436, 584 1317, 1720, 1787 1439, 1512, 1574, 1647 1115, 1175 Milwaukee, Ore., 667, 1041, Mt. Olive Louisa Co., Ia 1172, 1316 Mariposa Twp., Ont 1321 Graded S. D., New York State__667, 741, Louisiana 1719, 1787 No. Caro 1439 666, 813, 1111 Marlboro Twp., Ohio 81 Milwaukee, Wis., 584, 1317, 1647 Louisiana S. D., Mo__1438, 1787 Marlborough, 740, Mt. Olive S. D ,Pa 11378764 Nez Mass_ _ _ _223, 966, 1041, 1112, 1172, Mount Perce, Ida 741 Louisville, Ala 81, 666 302, Pleasant, Pa__1317, Niagara, Ont 1518 892, 1719 1438, 1647, 1787, 1855 Mt. Pleasnat Spec. Louisville, Ky 1719 Marlin, Tex 666 S. D., Niagara Falls, N. Y 1720 Louisville, Milwaukee Co., Wis 1855 1317, Miss 1719 Marmora, Ont 818, 1577 Mimico,Ont 1439 Niagara Falls, Ont_84, 155, 1577 Louisville, Ohio 500, 1577 MoOuhniotrall Co., No. Dak., 1433 Marquette S. D., Neb 1573 Minden City, Mich..1719, 1787 Nicholasville, Ky_584, 667, 892 Loup City S. D., Neb 1041 Marshall, MIch_1041, 1112, 1317, 1720 Nickerson, Kan 1720 1172, 1511 Minden, N Y 584 Mount Sterling Louth Twp., Ont 1518 Marshall, Tex 81, 152, S. D., Ill., Niles, Ohio_ _506. 814, 1041, 666 Minden S. D., Neb...1247, 1511 1172, Loveland, Ohio 1520 Marshall Co., Ala_666, 965, Mineola, 1439, 1512 1112, 1172, 1247, 1317, Loveland, N Y 1316 Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 81, 302, Ohio 152 1112, 1316, 1573 Mineola Ind. S. 1378, 1513, 1720, 1788 LOvilla In(l. S. D., Ia D., Tex., 1719 Marshall Co., W.Va_ _666, 584, 892, Niles S. D., Ohio 1247, Lowndes Co., Miss 1787 1172 Mulberry, Fia377, 433' 75 484,0, 11337788 1439, 1647, 1720 1041, 1172 Mingo Co., W. Va 81, 1112 Mulberry, Lowe Farm S. I)., Man_ _ _ _1250 Marshall S. D., Mich 1719 Kan 224, 302 Missouri Twp., Ont 1652 Lowell, Mlniota, Man 380 Muncie, Ind Mass., 152, 223,666, Marshallton, Iowa___1112, 1719 Minlota 813 Nodaway Dr. Dist., Mo--1112 1172, 1246, S. D., Men 1175 Munfordville, 433 1438, 1573 Marshalltown S. D., Iowa Minneapolis, Minn., Nokomis, Bask 1860 Lower Merlon S. D., 223, Munhall, Pa 1112, 1172 Nokomis Twp. S. D., Ill- Pa., 666, 813, 1719 302, 433, 506, 1172, 1378, 966 1511, 1646 Marshallville, Ga ...1316, 1719 Munich S. D., Cal_ __1247, 1439 Nora Springs S. D., Iowa, Lower 1438, 1573, 1787, 1855 Munson Twp., Merlon Twp. S. D., Martin S. D., Ohio 1855 Minnedosa, Ohio 1720 741, 892, 966 Pa Man 306, 509 Murphy, No. Car 1378 Norfolk, 1787 Martin's Ferry S. D., Ohio Minneola, Kan Neb 814, 1041 Lowndes Co., Miss_ _ _1172, 1573 1172, 224 Muscatine, Ia_892, 1247, 1720 Norfolk, Va 1316, 1378,1719 Minnesota, 81, 813, 1378, 966 Lowville, N. Y 1172, 1438 Maryland_81, 152, 223, 433, Muskegon S. D., Mich_302, 1112 Norfolk Co.. Mass. .606, Lowry City S. D., 1647, 1720, 1787 Muskingum Co., Ohto_1041, Mo.1246, 1377 1511, 1646 Minster, Ohio 584, 892, 1378 Lucas Co., N Y 1719 Marysville, Ohio 1573 1112, 1172, 1247, 1317, Normal, Ill 152, 1172, Minium S. D., Cal., 1438, 1172, Lucas Co., Ohio, 1041, 1111, 1247, 1511,1573 1439, 1573 1317, 1574, 1788 1511, 1720 Muskogee, Okla.._377, 433, 1172 1246, 1316 Marysville S. D., Pa 584 Mirror S. Norristown, Pa 1513, 1647 Luce S. D., Ind 1438, 1719 Marysville D., Alta 1382 Mylera S. D., Bask 1860 S. D. Ohio 1112, Mission Ind. S. D., Norristown S. D ,Pa 1317 Ludington, Mich., 302, 376, 1719 1316, 1438, 1511, 1646, Tex_ _ _1172 Northampton, 1787 Mission San Jose S. D., Cal., Mass__ _152, Ludlow, Ky 221 Marysville Viii. S. D., Ohio Mamamo, B. C.-84. 609, 686 433, 506, 1574 Lumber Bridge S. D., No. 500, 966, 1172 A aahua, N. H___81, 152, Northampton 506, 666 Mississippi 224, 1720 Twp., N. J__ 152 Car 1438, 1573 Mason City Ind. S. D., Ia__ 892 1573, 1647 North Battleford, Sask_227, Mississippi Levee Dist., Nashville, Tenn..584, 966, Lunenburg, N. 8 1381 Mason Co. S. D., Wash_ _ _ _ 377 Miss 306, 969, 1115, 1577 Lunenburg 1787, 1855 1041, 1247, 1317, 1512, Co., Va., 433, Mason Co., Mich 965 Mississippi Separate North Bay, Oat..155, 380, 1041, 1112 Massachusetts.. S. D., 1573, 1647, 1720 ..152, 223, Miss 302, 740 895, 1518 I.uverne S. D., Minn., 506, 377, 1855 Nashville Graded S. D.,1720 North Bend,Ore 1513, 1788 Missouri, 299, 433, 506, 584, No Car 892, 1041 Massey, Ont 436 667, North Braddock: Pa __224, 433 Lyerly S. 740, 1243, 1317, 1378 Nassau Co., Fla 1247 D., Ga., 1172, Masaillon, Ohlo.1112, 1247, 1378 Missoula Co. North Caddo Dr. Dist., La., Massillon Mont 302 National Park Pub. S. D., 1377, 1719 S. D., 0_1316, 1573 Missoula Co.' S. D., 302 152, 302, 966 Lykons Twp., Ohio 1646 Matagorda Co., Mont Alta 36, 1044 North Carolina_1041, 1574, Tex_ _302, Mitchell, So. Dak- 1438, 1720 Navarro Lyme Twp.,0 506, 813 377, 813, 1719 Mobile, Co., Tex 667, 1720, 1855 Lynbrook, N. Ala 81, 1720 966, 1041, 11472309 Y 892 Matagorda Co. Com. S. D., Mobile Co., Ala North Catasauqua S. D.,Pa.1317 Lynchburg S. D., So. Car., Tex 1573, 1855 Nebo Twp., No. CCar North 377, 584 Modesto Irr. Dist., Cal_ 1511 Chicago S. D., III.. _1647 065, 1172 Matagorda Ind. 813 North Dakota S. D., Tex_1719 Moffat Irr. Dist., Colo 892 Neb ask 966, 1112 Lyndon S. D., III 1378 Matamoras,0.81, 223,666, 1573 Neb rasr kaa City, Neb___224, 302 1439, 1720 Lyon Mohave Co.,Ariz.892, 1438, 1720 Neche S. D., Co., Iowa, 302, 583, Matherville, Ill 1787 Mohawk No. Dak 1378 North English S.D., Ia..667, 814 S. D., N. Y 1573 Neches Ind. S. D., Tex- 813, 1041 Matoaca S. D., Va 666 Mohler S. D., Wash 377 Northfield, Minn 1720 Lysander S. D.. N. Y 740 Mattapoisett, 1112 Neenah, Wle 152, 302 North Mass 813 Moline, Kan 813, 1041 Glendale S. D., Mo _ _ 1647 Neepawa, Man 1443 North Hempstead,N.Y.966, 1720

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [VOL. xevi. xviii INDEX

BONDS, do.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued), BONDS, &c.-(Continued). Page.- BONDS, Page. Page. Page. Page. acine, Wis____224, 377, Ronceverte, W.Va 1856 Kan__ 302 Oxford Jt. S. D., Ia_ _1379, 1720 Pittsfield, Mass., 224, 303, 224 North Leavenworth, .506, 1788 R 433, 507, 584, 893, Roscoe, Pa North Olmsted S. D., Ohio.. 433 Oxnard, Cal 741, 893, 1113, 1440, 1514, 1574 Roseau Co., Minn 742 302 1112, 1439, 1720, 1788 Pittston, Pa 1721 North Platte, Neb Radcliffe Ind. S. D., Iowa_ _1721 RosebowS.D.,So.Car_1440, 1858, D., Neb 584 Oyster Bay, N. Y 1042 Placerville S. D., Cal., 303, Mont. _ _377, 814 North Platte S. 1318, 1721 Raeford S. D., No. Car., Rosebud Co., North Providence, R. I.- _1172 1514, 1721 Roseburg, Ore 814, 1113 Wash_ _ _1173, 1317 Plainfield, N. J 303 North Qu'Appelle, Sask. acific Co., Raleigh, No. Car_ _ _ _1440, 1648 Rosedale, Kan 1042 1176, 1652 paineaville, 0_ _302, 1574, 1856 Plainview, Tex., 667, 1173, Man 1518, 1860. 1514, 1574, 1648 Ralls Co., Mo 581 Rosedale, North St. Paul, Minn 1855 Pala S. D., Cal 1112 So. Dak 507, 1113 Rosedale S. D., 5,10 1173 966 Plainview S. D., Tex 1858 Ramona, 1578.. North Vancouver, B. C_85, Palestine, Tex 1173 Ramsey, N. J 667, 1042 Roseisle S. D., Man 1250, 1321, S. D., Ohio 893 Pianda S. D., Cal 1514 380, 1115, Palestine 1173, 1514 Ramsey Co., Mian 1248 Roselle, N. J 1382, 1518 Paieto S. D., Cal 1513 Plant City, Fla.,1112, 1788 D., No. Car 1514 Mo 506 Ranchester, Wyo Rosehill S. North Wildwood, N. J 1041 Palmer, Mass 741, 814 Plattsburg, Co., Ind__ A574, 1648 Rosenburg Ind. S. D., Tex., 1574 Plattsburg, N. Y 1514 Randolph North Yakima, Wash_ _506, Palm Beach Co., Fla_1247, Randolph Co., No. Car., 1574, 1788. 1378, 1574 1247, 1720 Playa del Ray S. D., Cal., 1248, 1848 966, 1317, Palo Alto, Cal 506, 1173 1042, 1248, 1574 Roseville, Cal___987, Norton, Man_ _ _969, 1176, 1860 Palo Pinto Co. Corn. S. D., Rapid City, Man 744, 1178 Roseville S. D., Cal 1648. 986 1574, 1856 Plaza S. D., Cal 1379, 1648 Norwalk Twp., Ohio_ _ _433, Tex _224, 506 Rapid City S. D., So. Dak., Ross Co., Ohio, 584, 742, Mich.. _966, 1041 City, Fla 1648 Pleasant City, Ohio 584 1173, 1318. Norway S. D., Panama D., Tex 667 50, Conn _ 667 Panola Co., Miss 1247, Pleasanton S. 377 Man 84, 155 Norwich, Ridge, Ohio 81 Ravalli Co., Mont Rosser, Norwich, N.Y 1172 1317, 1379, 1574 Pleasant Neb 1113 Rouleau, Sask 1518, 1725 1379 Pleasant Run S.,D., Tex_ _1113 Ravenna, Norway S. D., Mich 433 Paris, Tenn. 1317, 1721 Ravenna, Ohio_ 1379, 1648,1856 Roundhead Twp.S. D.,0_ _ 507- 152, 506, 893, 1173 Pleasant Twp., Ohlo_1439, Norwood, Ohio... _81, Paris, Tex_ _ _302, Dis.,Ida_1379 Ravinia Ind. S. D., So. Round Rock Ind.S.D.,Tex..1858 867, 814, 1172, 1378 Tenn.... _81, 966, Plummer Highway 1440 1248. 302, 584, Park City, Mich 967 Dak 1173, Roundup S. D. Mont Norwood City S. D., Ohio. 1247, 1648 Plymouth, Ohio 82 Royal Ind. S. D.,' Ia 1514 814, Plymouth Twp. S. D., Pa_ _1788 Rawson, 1041, 1247, 1378, 1439 Park Co., Mont- _584, Raymond S. D., Ohlo_814, Roy S. D., Wash 814 1247, 1513, 1856 Pocahontas Co., Ia., 667, Norwood Graded S. D., Ohio 893, 1042 967, 1248, 1379 Royston, Ga 1574, 1856. 1317, 1439 Co., Ind 1856 1382, 1578. Parke Md._1379, 1574 Raymondville Ind. S. D., Rudy, Bask Co., Miss_ _ _ _224, 1513 Parkersburg, W. Va._ _966, Pocomoke City, 584 Rub, Neb 1313 Noxubee Point Grey, B. C 436 Tex Nueces Co., Tex. 986, 1439, 1513, 1848, 1788 La 1514 Running Lake Dr. Dist., Va. Point Pleasant S. D., N. J 152 Rayne, 1647, 1720 Parkersburg S. D., W. 1788 Reading, Mass 967, 1440 Ark 967, 1042 Seven Twp., N. C_1574 966, 1112, 1574, 1788 Polk, Neb 303, 377 Ida 507 Number Polk Co., Fla 507, 1248 Reading, Ohlo____82, Rupert, Parma Twp., Ohio_ _1317, 1648 Pa___1173, 1318, Rushton First Sewerage 224, 584 Polk Co., No. Car., 1173, Reading, ak Bay, B. C 1518 Parsons, Kan 1439 1574, 1788 Dist., La 1113, 155 1318, Oak Bluff S. D., Man__ -1791 Parry Sound, Ont 1318, Readiyn, Iowa 224, 893 Russell, Ia 887, 893,1574 81 506 Polk Co., Tenn., 1173, 1321, 1578, 1653 Oak Creek Dr. Dist., Neb- Partola, Cal 1514, 1648, 1788 Reagan Ind. S. D., Tex., Russell, Man., Man 1044 Cal_81, 687, 814, 986 1248, 1318 S. D.,Ia 1248, 1440' Oakdale, Pasadena, Polk Co., Tex., 967, 1318, 1379 Russell Oakdale Irr. Dist., Cal_ _81, Pasco Co., Fla_ _ _506, 584, 1788 1518, 1653 Twp., Ont., 1176, 1720 Polk S. D., Cal 371 Redcliffe, Alta Russell 471, 814, 966, 1172 Passsgrille, Fla Deer, Alta_1382, 1577, 1792 1382, 1653 1317 Polk S. D., Neb 303, 507 Red Oak Harbor, Ohio 1788 Passaic, N.J_ _ _ _893, 1247, 81 Red Deer S. D., Alta 155 Rushville, Ind 434, 1788. 1317 N. J___ 893, 966, Polk Twp., Mo 1856 Ohio 37T Oak Hill S. D., Ill Paterson, Tex 967 Redding, Cal Rushville, Cal_ A378, 1439, 1574 1042, 1173, 1379 Polytechnic, 1577, 1880 No. Car., Oakland, 1173 Pomona, Cal 1173, 1574 Redford, Sask Rutherford Oakland Co., Mich_ _302, 1112 Patrick S. D., So. Car 1721 Red Lake Falls, Minn.1514, 1788 Co.'1042, 1379, 1514 1574 D., Cal_ _ _377, Pomona S. D., Cal Oakmont S. D., Pa_ _1378, Patterson S. Dist., Red Lodge, Mont 1248, 1514 Ill 1513 667. 893 Pond Creek Spec. Rd. C 155. Oak Park S. D., 1514 Mo 584 Red Oak Ind. S. D., Tex., aanich, B. Minn 1378 Pattonville S. D., Tex 1113, 1440 N. B 669, 1382 Oakwood, 667, 1042 Ponoka, Alta 586, 1518 Sackville, Oakwood S. D., Ill_ A720, 1855 Paulding, Ohio River Co., Tex_ _1113, 1721 Sacramento, Cal., 814, 96%, _741, 968 Pontiac, Mich., 741, 1113, Red 1514 Onion Dr. Dist., Tenn 814 Paulding Co., Ohio.. 1514, 1648 Red Springs S. D., No. Car., 1173, 1318, 1172 Valley, Okla_ _ _1247, 1317 1173, 1379, 1439, S. D., Ca1.1648. Ocean City, N. J Pauls Pontiac Un. S. D., Mich.507, 741 1440, 1574. Sacramento City 152 Paula Valley S. D., Okla. 689 Co., Cal., 153, Ocilla, Ga 1574, 1648 Pooler, Oa 1788, 1856 Redvers, Sask Sacramento Odessa S. D., Bask 1880 S. D., Minn 507 1248, 1379, 1514, _741, 966, 1042 Portage Co., Ohio 1514 Red Wing 1042, Ogden, Utah 81, 741, 986 Pawling, N. Y. Redwood City, Cal 1173 104,1721 Kan 1112, Portage La Prairie, Man., Ogden S. D., Utah... _506, 1574 Pawnee Co., 1 869, 969 Reed City, Mich 814, 907 Sacramento S. D., Cal.... 152 1247,379, 1720 586, 1318,1574 Ohio City, Ohio Port Alberni, C 306 Regina, Bask_ _ _ _509, 744, 1439, 1647 Payson, Utah 1317 B. 1653 Mich 1643 Oil City, Pa _302,1578488 Port Arthur, Ont., 306, 1044, 1176, 1250, Saginaw Co., Okanogan Co., Wash_ _377, 1247 Pearl River Co., Miss_ Regina S. D., _969, St. Agnes Rom. Cath. S. D., D., Tex 1115, 1176, 1791 155, 380, 818 Okanogan Co. S. D., Wash. Plaster S. N. Y., Sask._-1321, 1382 Bask 81, 741, 892 Tex 152, 377, 1720 Port Chester, 667, D., Que....-1118. Pecos, 814 741, 814, 893 Refugio Co. Tex 667 St. Anselme S. 302 Peekskill, N. Y D., Tex_. _ _ 987 Bernard, Ohio, 153, 377, Okeene, Okla 744, 1791 Port Clinton, Ohio 1574 Refugio Co.' S. St. Okemah, Okla 302 Peel Co., Ont_ _586, 306 Rehoboth Beach, Del_ _967, 1042 742, 967, 1318, 1643 506, Manor, N. Y 966 Port Colborne, Ont Man 84 Oklahoma_ _ _ _152, 433, Pelham Port B. C 1321 Renfrew, Ont 227, 1880 St. Boniface, 1112, 1788 Pemberville S. D., Ohlo_81, Coquitiam, 1318, 1648 Catharines, Ont., 84, 433,1378421 Port Dover, Ont 1250, 1725 Reno Co., Kan St. Co. Dr. D.,Okla- 377 302, Co., N Y 224 155, 509, 818, 1044, 1518, Oklahoma 989 Port Dover S. D., Ont 895 Rensselaer 1663, 1725 Okonogan Co., Wash 1855 Pembroke, Ont 584 Rents S. D., Ga_ _303, 584, 1848 C Porter Co. Ind Man_ ..1115, 1175, Old Forge, Pa 893 Penticton, B. 377 Reubens, Ida 1042, 1856 St. Clements, 1647 Ore _1173,1963167:1439 Portersville S. D., Cal Minn 1042 Old Forge S. D., Pa Pendleton, 1721 Porter Twp. S. D., Ohio_ _ _1439 Revelstoke, B. C_227, 744, 1725 St. Cloud, Twp., No. Car_ 1439 1574, Wis 1514 Francis Levee Dist., Ark., Old Fort Wash. Port Huron, Mich_ _967, 1173 Rhinelander, St. 1042, 1248. Olean, N. Y 1439, 1788 Pen d'Oreille Co., Island 303, 1648 Portland, Me 1173 Rhode D., Mo., Olean S. D., N.Y 966, 1113 Richards Ind. S. D., Tex_. 377. St. Genevieve S. 1720, 1855 d'Oreille Co. S. D., Portland, Mich 1113, 1318. 1247, 1574, Pen 667, 893 Portland, Ore., 224, 377, Rich Hill, Mo 224 1720, 1788 Wash 506, 1648 Hilaire, Minn 303 Olivet, Mich Mich 986 667, 741, 893, 987, 1113, Richland Co., Ohio St. 436, Olney, Ill 302 Peninsula Twp., Co., So. Car_ _987, St. Hyacinthe, Que., 1720 Co., Minn 1514 1173, 1247, 1317, 1379, Richland 586, 969, 1044 Olympia, Wash Pennington 1439, 1514, 1721 1113, 1248, 1514 506, 584, 814 Pennington Co., So. Dak. 1574, 1648, S. D., Minn 1379 Omaha, Neb_ _302, 1042, 1247 Portland S. D., Ore_ _152, 507 Richland Twp. Ind 1788 St. James Wash 506, 893, 1855 'S. D., Ohlo_1514 James S. D., Man., 227, Omak, Ont.._380, Port Moody, B. C 1791 Richland Twp. St. 1115, 1518 Oneida, N. Y 1574. 1648 Penitanguishene, Richmond, Cal_ ___377, 584, 967 699, 152 500, 1880 Port of Astoria, Ore 1318 _ _153, 814, 967' Oneida Co., N. Y 1173 Richmond, Va 152, 1042 St. Johns, Oro_ 741 Grove S. D , N. J_ -1317 Port of Coos Bay, Ore_303, Fla 1318. O'Neill S. D., Neb Penns 1788 Port of Seattle, Wash., 152, Richmond & Riley Twp. St. Johns Co., Y 1855 Penn Twp. S. D., Pa_224, 507, 967 Joseph, Mich 377, 584 Onondaga, N. Y_302, 967, 1042, 1248, 1514, 1788 S. D., Mich St. Ore__ _ _506, 1042, 1247 Penn Yan S. D., N. Co., Ga 152 St. Louis, Mich 893 Ontario, 966, 1112 Portola S. D., Cal... _967, 1113 Richmond D., Co., Ont 227 Richmond Hill, Ont_ .-155, St. Louis Co. Ind. S. Ontario Fla 81 Port Orchard, Wash_ _1113, 1248 1514 Ontario S. D., Cal_ _ _ _1112. Pensacola, 433 1250, 1518 Minn 1574, 1855 B. C_ _ _ _84, 380, 586 Portsmith, Ark Minn 814 1378, Penticton, 814, 1173, Richmond S. D., Cal '1848 St. Louis Park, S. D.,Mich 152 Pentwater, Mich 893 Porstmouth, Ohio, 1648 Ga 893 Ontonagon Twp. 303 1514, 1648, 1856 Richmond S. D., Ind_1514, St. Mary's, La 81, 1648 Perkins Co., So. Dak 1318, _741, 893 Ohio 742 Opelousas, 81,1173 Portsmouth City S. D., 0, Richmond Twp., Ohio_ St. Mary's, Opelousas B. D., La 1247 Perris, Cal Miss 1788, 1856 St. Mary's, Out., 155, 588, 584 Cal 1173, 152, 1318 Richton, Orange, Mass Perris S. D., 1042 Richvale S. D. Cal_ _1248, 1574 1176, 1250, 1518, 1792 302, 814, 1247 1317,1514 Portsmouth S. D., 0 Ind.1379, 1514 Orange, Tex Port Ont 818 Ridgetown, Oa 84, 1578 St. Mary's Twp., So. Car_ _ _966, Perry Co., Ind 667,741 Stanley, 1856 La 1243 Orangeburg, 1247 Port Vue S. D. Pa _ 224 Ridgewood, N. J....1721, St. Martin's, 1112, 1378, 1856 Perry Co., KY. Twp. S. D., Paris, Ohio_ _814, 1788, 1853 224 1317, Posey Co., Ind., 1439, 1514, Ridgewood St. 963 Orange Co., Cal Perry Co., Ohio 1856 N. J 1856 St. Paul, Man 869, 224,814 1439, 1856 1574, 814, 893. Orange Co., Fla Potsdam, N. y 967 Ridgway, Pa 1721, 1856 St. Paul, Minn., Co., N. C_ _224, 506, 814 Perry S. D., _ _303, 377, 1042, 1173, 1248, 1318, Orange 667, 741, 966 Pottstown, Pa 1856 Ridley Park, Pa 067, 1721, 1788. Orange Co.Dr. D.,Tex.302, 1513 1721 1113, 1379 1440, 1574, 1577, 1701 Ont 818, 969, 1176 Pottstown S. D., Pa_ _1173, D., Man 1653 Orangeville, Ont_227, Perth, N. Y., 741, Rigby S. D., Ida 224 St. Paul S. Ill 1317 N. J.- Poughkeepsie, B. D., No. Car., Orangeville S. D., Perth Amboy, 1248, 1379, 1439, 1514 Rio Bonito S. D., Cal_ _893, St. Paul's Park S. D., Wash-1378 11758784;1856 1042, 1318, 1514 1440, 1574 Orchard 1247 Prairie Co. Dr. Dist., Ark 507 1044, 1443 Ordway S. D., Colo 1172 Peru, Ill Ind 967 St. Peter's, Bask 584, 667 Prairiedale, Bask 155, 380 Ripley, Fla 1643 Oregon, Mo 667 Peru, Neb _1044 Ripley Co., Ind 1173, 1788 St. Petersburg, 1429 Cal 1379 Prairiesdale S. D., Flask_ Tex. 152 Petersburg S. D., Fla_ ..172I Oriental, No. Car Petaluma, Prairie Du Sac, Wis 82 Rising Star Ii1d. S. D., St. 744, 1176, 1725 Peterton, Ont 155, 207, 967 Thomas, No. Dak 1243 Orillia, Ont 1577 Prairie Flower Joint S. D., Ritzville, Wash St. Orland High S. D., Cal_302, 1176, 1321, 1382, S. D., Cal_ _067, 1788 St. Thomas, Out., 308, 586, 969 Cal 303 Riverbank 1250, 1578, 1725 506, 741, 814 Peterborough Co., Ont- Rivers, Man 1792 989, 1176, High Va___ _152, 224, Prairie Rose, Sask., 1577, D., Man 1321 Orland Joint Union Petersburg, 1725, 1792 Riverside, Cal_ _303, 584, St. Urban S. 1112 584, 741, 893, 987 1848, 1788 Vital, Man 744 S. D., Cal Prattville, Ala 152, 433 1173, 1440, St. 1574 Fla_ ....741, 1042, 1172 Peters Creek Twp., No. Car. 967 Tenn 893, Salamanca S. D., N.Y Orlando, 1250 Preble Co., Ohio 82 Roane Co., 667, Orovtlle, Wash 508 Petrolia, Ont 306, 1173, 1440, 1514 Salem, Mass., 82, 224, Cal_ _893, 1042 Preble Sch. Twp., Ind 1379 1173, 1514, 1721 Orrville, Ohio 1720 Petroleum S. D., 1792 Roanoke, Ala 1113, 1440 742, D.,0_814, 1112, 1378 Peyton S. D., Alta 1115 Preecoville, Sask 967 N. Y 1318, 1643 Orrville S. Presque Isle Co., Mich 1113 Roanoke Co., Va Salem, 1248, Orton Levee Dist., Ark__ _ _1439 Peyton's Creek Irr. Dist., Twp., No. Salem, Ohio 893, 155 893, 1721 Preston, Ia 152 Robersonville 1440, 1721, 1853 Osage, Sask Tex Car 1648, 1856 • 1513 D., N. Y 1514 Preston, Que., 744, 969, 434, 1721 Osawatomie, Kan Phelps S. 1178, 1250, 1443 Robertson Co., Tex_ .224, Salem, Ore 152, 986 Philadelphia, Pa _433, 584, 1113, 1788 Twp., Ind 1648 Osceola, Iowa Preston, Ont 1725, 1792 377, 507, 667, Salem Twp., Mich 506 1173, 1247, 1317, 1379, Tex_1042, 1113 Salina, Kan_ 153, 303, 1113, 1243 Osceola 1439, 1856 Pretoria S. D., Bask 1860 Robstown S. D., 1721 Osgood()Twp., Ont 1860 Ga., 1173, 1248, 1318 Salina S. D., Kan Graded S. D., Priest River S. D., Ida.1248,1721 Rochelle, 1379 Oshawa, Ont_ _155, 1178, Philadelphus Sask., 438, Rochester, N. Y., 152, 224, Salinas, Cal 1382, 1652 No. Car 1439, 1574 Prince Albert, 814, Mich 153 500, 1044, 1115, 1176 377, 434, 667, 741, Saline, _224, 1574, 1720 Philadelphia S. D.,Pa_ _224, 433 1379, Salisbury S. D., Mo 153 Oshkosh, Wis. 377 Prince Edward Co., Ont., 1113, 1248, 1318, N. Y____667, 741, Philmont, N. Y 1440, 1648, 1721 Salmon Arm, B. C.. _818,. Ossining, 1721 669, 895 1518 1042, 1112 Phoenix, Ariz Pa 1440 1044, 1178, D., Ariz 152 Princeton, Ill 1042 Rochester, Utah_ ..58I, 584 Oswego, Kan 1112 Phoenix S. 1440 Rockaway Twp.S. D., N.J., Salt Lake City, 433, 584 Picton, N. S 1382 Princeton S. D., Kan 1318 Tex 303, 1788 Oswego, N. Y 302, 224 Prince Rupert ,B. C 1115 1113, San Antonio, 887,968 Piedmont S. D., Ohio.._81, 377, 741 Augustine Ind. S. D., Otsego, Mich Wash- _ -1439 Prince William Co., Va. 507 Rockdale, Tex San 377, 584 Kan 1379, 1513 Pierce Co. S. D., D., Ill 1318 Tex Ottawa, Dak 584 Providence, R. I 82, 152 Rockdale S. -1248, 1514 Ottawa, Ohio 302, 741, 893 Pierpont, So. Falls, Ill 82, 153 Sanders Co., Mont. Ind 1317, 1856 Province of Saskatchewan_ _1176 Rock 82,893, Ottawa, Ont 155, 509, 1791 Pike Co., 82 Rockford, Ill 893, 1173 San Diego, Cal _667, Co , Miss 1173, 1721 Purcellville, Va 1113, 1648, 1721 Ottawa S. D., Kan__ Pike Pulaski, Va 1440 Rockford, Ohio 303, 1173 1574 -1112, 1172 Piketon VII. S. D., Ohio__ Diego S. D., Cal 377, 667 Pullman High S. D., Wash_ 584 Rockhill S. D., So. Car., San 303, 742, Otthon, Sask 155, 380 1173, 1248 Sandusky, 0-82, D., Ohio, 506, PultneyTwp.,Ohlo_667,893,1648 687, 741, 1248, 1318, 1574 Ouachita Parish, La 224 Pike Twp. S. Ill 1648 967, 1113, 667, 741, 967 Pushmatala Co., Okla 1788 Rockport, Out 227, 1382 Outremont, Ont_989, 1176, 1382 1721 Ga 303 Rockport, Mass 803 Sandwich, Ont 1176 Pilot Point, Tex Putnam, 967 Francisco, Cal..153, 303, Outremont S. D., 509, Putnam Co., Ind 814, Rockville Centre, N. Y San 1113, Overcup Dr. Dist., Ark. Pincher Creek, Alta., 1721 434, 667, 742, 814, 744, 1044 1379, 1439, 1721, 1783 Rockwood,Tenn 1248, 1379, 1514, 1856 1173, 1439 1379 Rockwood S. D.,Pa_ _1173. 1376 S. D., Tex. Pinellas Co., Fla., 814, 1112,1439 Putnam Co., Ohio 1514 Sangamon az Drummer Dr. Overton Ind. Car., Puyallup, Wash 1318, 1721 Rockwood S. D.,Tenn 1574, 1788 Pineville S. D., No. Colo_ -_1248 Dist., III 1788 967, 1112 Rocky Ford S. D., High S. D., Cal. Ovid, Mich 1720 1856 Rocky Mount,N. Car.1574, 1788 Sanger Un. 1112 Pioneer Dr. Dist., Cal., 303, uanah, Tex 377, 1042, 1248 Owatonna, Minn 966, 814 uebec, Qua 380 Rocky Mount, Va., 377, Ind 1513, 1648 377, Q 1379 Luis Val. Dr. D., Tex.- 584 Owen Co., 1848 Queen Anne's Co., Md _741, 584, San Owensmouth S. D.,Ca1.224, Pipecreek Twp., Ind Graded S. D., San Mateo Co., Cal- - _ -967, 81, 224 967, 1042, 1173 Rocky Mount 1514, 687, 741, 966, 1788 Piqua, Ohio _..1379, 1574, 1788 1173, 1648, 1788 No. Dak 741 Quill Lake, Sask 1577, 1792 No. Caro_ S. D., CaL1248, Owen Sound, Ont_ _84, 153, Pisek S. D., _1792 River, Ohio 1856 San Mateo 1791 Ia 741 Quill Plains S. D., Sask_ Rocky 1318, 1514, 1721 818, 1577, Pisgah, _507, 741, Tex 887 Ont 1652 Pittsburgh, Pa., 81, 152, Quincy, Mass Rogers, Patricio Co. S. Diets., Oxford Co., 1514 1721, 1783, 1856 Rogers S. D., Tex 1379 San Neb 506 508, 814,987, 1247, 1317, 377 Tex 377. 584 Osford 584, 741 Quyon, Qua 744 Rolisi Ind.S. D.,Tex Oxford S.D., No. Car_1042, 1317 Pittsburgh S. D., Pa__

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1913.] INDEX. LX

BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, -(Continued). &c. BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). Page. Page. Page. Page. San Rafael, Cal_ .82,_82, 893, 1/21 Snohomish Waah.1440 Page. Co.S. D., Sunnyvale S. D., Cal 1249 Turon, Kan 82,225, 743 Warren Co.,Tenn 1575 Santa Barbara, Cal 893 Snow Flake S. D., Man_ 227 Sunset S. D., Cal 304 Turtle Creek, Pa 225 Warrentown, Santa Barbara Co., Cal__ _ _ 303 Solano Superior, No. Car_967, 1575 Co., Cal 507, 1856 Wis., 1113, 1440, Turtle River, Man_ _ _1518, 1725 Warren S. D., Pa_ __ _1789, 1858 Santa Cruz, Cal 967, 1789 Solon Twp., Ohio 585, 1515, 1649, 1867 Tuscarawas Co., Ohlo_1113, Santa Cruz Cal_ _377, 1042 Warren Twp., Ind 1789 1042, 1113, 1379 Surrey Centre, B. C 380 1249, 1575, 1722, 1729, 1857 Warroad, _508, Santa Cruz Co.Co., S. D., Ariz. Solsgirth, Man 1518, 1725 Sutherland, Minn_ 585, 894 Ont 1443 Tuscarawas Twp.,Ohio 507, 668 Washington 379, 1380 742, 1440 Somerville, Mass •434, Sutherland, Sask 586, 969 Twin Bridges, ,Cal. 434 Mont_ 585, Washington, Ga 816, 894 Santa Paula High S. D. 507, 1575, 1649 Sutter Co. Reclamation 1440, 1649,1857 Santa Paula Un. High S.D., Souderton, Pa Dist., Cal Washington, Mo 1320, 1575 153 893, 1113 TWin Falls, Ida_ _304, 743, Washington, No. Car_1380, Cal 1789 Souris, Man 84 Swampscott, Mass.__ _585, 668 1042 1249, 1649 1441, 1516,1649 Santa Rosa Co., Fla Souris S. D., Man 227,438 Swan Creek Twp., Mich_ _1649 Tyler Co.,Tex 1249 San hr. Dist., Cal. Washington Co., Ind_1441, 1516 Ysldro Sourlake S. D., Tex 893 Swan River, Man 1321 Tyndall S. D., Man 669 Washington, 82, 434, 584 South Amboy, N. J. _ ..224, 434 Sweeny Ind. S. Ohlo_153, 508, D., Tex_ _ _1857 894, 1575, 1789 Sapulpa, Okla_82, 303, 507, 1113 Southampton S. D., N. Y_ _1514 Swift Current, Sask_ _1044, 1321 1173 1 lints Co. S. D., Wyo.... 815 Washington Co., Ohio_ _816, Saranac Lake, N Y South Athabasca S.D., Alta.1860 Swift Current S. D., Sask., •-# matins D., Saranac Lake S. D., N. Y 1648 Co. S. Ore. 967, 1249, 1516, 1649 South Bend, Ind 434, 507 155, 1443, 1653 435, 585 Sarasota, Fla 585, 1856 Sycamore Washington Co., Pa_ _1516, South Bend, Wash 1248 Twp., Kan 1174 Union City, Ind 1379, Saratoga Spgs., N. Y_1248, South Bend S. D., Sydney, N. S 1649, 1858 Ind., 586 1440, 1515 Washington Co. Dist., W. 1318, 1514 1649, 1721 Sylva Twp., N.Car_ 1440, 1649 Union Sarnia, Out 818, 1044, 1860 City, Term. 1174 Va 1441 South Charleston, Ohio_ _1789 Syracuse, N. Y 1113, 1174 Union City, Mich 585, 815 Sarnia, Sask 1518 South Colchester Twp.,Ont., Washington Court House, Union Co., ha 815 Ohio 1249 Saskatoon, Sask_ _155, 380, 1443, "'Aber, Alta 1792 509 Union Co., N. J 1649 Washington Sch. Twp., Ind.1789 509, 686,818, 1044, 1382, 1578 South Dakota 742, 1174 A acorns, Wash., 82, 153, Union Saskatoon Sask.1321, 1860 Co., Ohio_ _507, 585, Washington Twp.,Ind., S. D., South Hadley Fire Dist., 378, 434, 585, 668, 815, 743, 1113, 1379, 1515, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont_306, 1382 Mass 153, 742 967, 1174, 1249, 1319, 1516, 1649, 1858 Sauratown Twp., N. C.507, 1113 1649, 1722,1789 Washington Twp., Ohio.._ _1789 South Haven, Mich_ _ _ _153, 224 1379, 1440, 1857 Union Co. S. D., Ore.._507, 743 Sausalito, Cal___377, 967, 1248 Southington, Taft, Cal 304, 815, 1043 Washington Twp. S. D., Conn 1649 Union Furnace S. D.,0_304, 507 Ohio 1441, 1649 Savannah, Ga_ :1318, 1440, South Jacksonville, Fla_ _ _ _1721 Talbot Co., Md 668, 742 Union Grove Twp.,No .Car _1722 Washoe Co., Nev 435 1848, 1789, 1856 South Mills Twp. S. D., 'Tallahassee, Fla., 82, 1379, 1857 Union High S. D., Cal 816 Sawtelle, Cal 507,667, 1574 1113, Tampa, Fla 1575, 1649 Waterford, N. Y 894, 1174 No. Car 1174 Union, N J 153,379 Waterford, Wis 82, 379 Saybrook Twp. S. D. Ohio South Myton Bcnch Irr. Tantallon, Sask 306 Union S. D., Cal_ _1722, 1875 '1379, 1721 TarkIngton Prairie, Tex., Waterloo, Iowa 1516 Dist., Utah 82 Union Twp., Ind_ _ _1515, 1722 Waterloo, N. Y_1516, 1575, 1649 Scarboro, Out 509 South Portland, Me_1042, 1113 1379, 1789 Union Twp., N. J 435, Schaller, Iowa 1648, 1721 Tarrant Co., Tex__ _ _1319, 1649 Waterloo, Ont__ _306. 669. South Pasadena High S. D., 1649, 1722,1789, 1857 1653, 1792 Schenectady, N. 11.82, 153, Cal 82, 224, 434 Tarrytown, N. Y 893 Union Twp. S. D., N. 1318, 1379, 1721, 1856 J. Waterloo Dr. Dist., Ark_ _ _1516 South Point S. D., Ohio... 893 Taunton, Mass 893, 1789 1113, 1174, 1249, 1319, Schleicher Co., Tex 303 Taylor Co., Tex., 668, 1043, Waterloo S. D., Iowa_ _743, 894 South St. Paul, Minn_507, 1379, 1575 Watertown, Mass 816, Schuyler, N. Y 507 1649, 1789 1575, 1789,1857 Union Twp. S. D., Ohio__ _1113 Scotia, N. Y 967, 1721 Taylor Co., Wls 507, 1043 894, 1649, 1723 South St. Paul S. D., Minn., University Place, Neb_816, 1113 Watertown S. Scotland Neck, No. Car__ 987 742, 1318 Taylor S. D., Tex 82, 378 D., 111_1043, 1174 Upper Darby Twp., Pa... _1789 Watertown S. D., So. Dak_ 435 Scotland Neck S. D., No. South San Francisco, Cal_ _1575 Taylor Springs S. D., Ill_ _ _1440 Upper 1042, 1113 Dublin Twp. S. • D.. Water Valley S. D., Tex., Car South San Joaquin Irr. Dist., Taylorville, Ill 304, 378 Pa 1249, 1319 Scott, Kan 153, 967, 1318 Cal 434, 1514 Taylorville S. D., Ill 1789 1114, 1249 1250 Upper Sandusky, Ohio 1875 Watervliet, N. Y__82, 779, Scott, Sask 380, South Sioux City, Neb_153, 304 Taylorville Twp., 111._507, 668 Upper Terrebonne Dr.Dist., Scott Co., _ _82, 585,667 South Springfield S. D.,Man.51.9 Tecumseh S. D., Okla. 304 508, 816, 967, 1174, 1330 1173, 1440 La 507 Watonga, Okla 1516 Scott Co., Iowa_-Mo_ _1042, South Vancouver, B. C._ _ _1321 Teel Irr. Dist., Ore 1357 Urbana, Scott Co., Miss 1440, 1721 Ill 153, 435 Watrous, Sask 1382, 1578 Spangler Boro S. D., Pa., Tehama Co., Cal_ -868, 893,1043 Urbana, Ohio 82 Scott Co., Va 1113, 1379 Temple, Tex., Watseka, Ill 508 1174, 1789 378, 742, Urbana Un. Fr. S.D., N.Y_1722 Watson, Scotts Bluff S. D., Neb____ 224 Sparta, Wis 1649 1113, 1649, 1789, 1857 Sask 1321 Scranton S. D., Pa -1318, Ute S. D., Iowa 1379, 1575 Watsonville S. p., Cal_304. 894 Spartanburg, So. Car_1113, Tennessee, 1319, 1849,1789,1857 Utica, Minn 894 1379, 1648 Terrace Watts, Cal_ 304, 1249, 1649, 1858 1721,1789 Park, Ohio_ __507, 742 Utica, N. Y____379, 1113, Waupaca, Seaforth, Out 306 Spencer, No. Car_ __ _1440, Terre Haute, Ind 967, 1174 Wis 1858 Sea Isle, N. J 1856 1849 1722, 1789 Wausa, S. D., Neb__ _ _153, Spencer Co., Ind 153, Terry, Mont 967 Uxbridge, Ont_306, 1653, 1860 Sea Isle City, N. J 377, 507 Tescott S. D., Kan 225, 967 Seattle, 1440, 1789, 1856 378 Wausau, Wash_667,814, 967, Spencer S. D., Iowa 1174 Teton Co., Mont 224 Wis 508 1042, 1113, 1173, 1574, Valley Junction, Iowa_507, Wauseon, Ohio 225, 435 Spencer S. D., No. Car_ _ _ _1440 Teton Co.S. D., Mont 224 894, 1575 1721, 1789 Spokane, Texas 1379, 1649 Waverly, Iowa 304 Wash_ _581, 1042, Van Buren Co., Iowa_ _82, 225 Waxahachie, Tex 1858 Seattle S. D., Wash 82, 303 1243, 1375 Texarkana, Tex., 153, 893, SedgwIck, Kan 1721 Van Buren Co., Tenn 225 Wayne Co., Ind 1249. 1380 Spotsylvanla Co., Va._967, 967, 1649 Vance Co., No. Car_ _1319, Seederstrom S. D., Sask... _1792 Texhoma, Okla Wayne Co., Mich., 153,435. 1113, 1248 82 1379, 1515, 1789 894, 1516 Sequin Ind. S. D., Tex. Springfield, Ill 1649 The Nile hr. Dist., Colo__ _1440 1318, 1575 Vancouver, B. C__380, 436, 669 Wayne Co., Ohio 1320 Springfield, Mass 153, The Oak Run Twp. S. D., Vancouver S. D., Wash__ _ _1857 Pa.1380,1575 Selkirk, Man 818 Ohlo, 585, 742, 1174, 1319 Waynesburg 8. D 1575, 1789 Vanderburg Co., Ind..1515, 1857 Waynesfield, Ohlo 1320 Seminole Co., Okla 303 Springfield, Ohio 967, The Pass, Man 84 Seminole Heights, Fla 1648 Van Wert.Co., Ohio _1379, Waynesville, No. Car 1723 1318, 1440, 1789 Thief River Falls, Minn., 1649, 1858 Senatobia Creek Dr. Dist., Springfield 82, 1319, 1575 Wayne Twp., Ind 1858 City S. D., Ohio 1789 Van Zandt S. D., Tex 1114 Wayne Twp., Ohio 816 Miss 1113, 1318 SpringfleldTwp., Ill 82 Thomaston, Ga 1319, 1575 Seneca Falls, N. Y__ _ _ 1174, Vegreville, Alta 380 Wayne Twp. Centralized Springfield Twp., N. J_. 507 Thomasville, Ga., 304, 893, 1440 Venice, Cal 225 1248, 1379, 1514 Springfield Thomasville, No. Car_ _82, 304 S. D., Ohio, 894, 1114, Cal_- Twp., Ohio_ _ _ _1856 Venice City S. D., Cal_379, 507 1723, 1858 Seven Palms S. D. _ _1042 Spring Grove, Minn 153 Thorold, Sask__ _ _306, 509, Sevier Co., Tenn_814, 1174, Venice S. D., Cal_ - _ _1575, 1858 Wayne Twp. S. D., Qhlo....1249 Springport S. D., Miss 507 969, 1044, 1321 Vermilion, Alta 1176, 1382 1514, 1575 Springside, Bask 744, 969 Tiffin, Ohio 1174, 1515 Wearton, Out 1176 Sewickley S. D.,Pa_ _ _ _893, Vermillion Co., Ind 1319, Weatherford, Tex 1575 Springville, N. Y 1379 'rift Co., Ga 585 1379, 1575, 1722 967, 1042 Spur,Tex 377,667, 1649 Tilbury, Out 1653, 1792 Webster Groves, Mo., 82, Shaker Heights, Ohlo_153, Vernon, Cal 153, 304 SPY Hill, Sask_ _1044, 1518, 1792 Tilden S. D., Neb 815, 893 Vernon City, Cal 1649 303, 507, 585, 1042, 1174, Tillsonburg, Ont_ _306, 509, Webster Springs S. D., W. Stafford, Kan 82, 1248 Vernon S. D., Tex 1858 Va 1174, 1380 1248, 1440 Stanley Dak_ _ _82, 377 1250, 1382, 1853 Shallotte _1648 Co., So. Vevay, Ind 1722 Welland S. D., Tex 1575 Twp., No. Car_ Stanton Ind. S. D., Tex_ _ _1575 Tinley Park, Ill 1649, 1789 Shamokin S. D., Pa_ _ _507, Vicksburg, Miss 1249, Welcome S. D., Cal 1249 Star City, Sask 1792 Tippecanoe Co., Ind_ _967, 1174 1379, 1515 1113, 1514, 1648 Tipton Co., Ind %Veldon, No. Caro_ _ _1114, 1516 Star S. D., Tex 1575 1515 Victoria, B. C..155, 380, Weldon, Bask 1578, 1860 Shamrock, Tex 1174 Stark Co., Ohio_ _667, 893, Tipton Co., Tenn 1440 Shakopee, Minn 82, 742 1653, 1725 Welland, Out., 436, 818, 1318, 1514, 1858 Titusville, Fla 153, 742 Victoria Co., Tex_ _ _ _1114, Sharon, Pa 1575 Todd Co., Ky_ - _ _304, 507, 1248 1044, 1653, 1725 Starke Co., Ind 1248, 1440 1249, 1441, 1858 Wellesley, Mass 1144 Sharon S. D., Cal__ _667, Statesboro, Ga 434, 893 Toisnot, No. Car 1789 -1248, 1440 VictoriaCo.Com.S.D.,Tex_ 585 Wellington, Kan 1723 Stayner, Ont 155 Toter Ind. S. D.,Tex_1649, 1857 Vidalia, Ga 894 1792 Sharpsburg, Pa 224 Toledo, 01110_224, 504, 378, Wellington, Bask Stearns Co., Minn_ ..1248, 1379 Vienna, So Dak 82 Wells Co., Ind 1441, 1723 Shasta Co., Cal 1379, 1789 Steelton, Out 818, 1115 507, 585, 743, 815, 893, Shawano, Wis 585 Vigo Twp., Ind 1575, 1789 Wellston, Ohio 82 Steelton S. D., Pa_ _1515, 1649 1113, 1174, 1722, 1789 Village Creek Dr. Dist., Ark. 82 Shediac, N B 969 Stella S. Tolfleld, Wellston, Okla 304 D., Neb_ _ _ _1575, 1789 Alta 818 Villisca Ind. S. D., Iowa, Wellsville, Ohio, 304, 508, Sheffield Twp. S. D., Ohio_ 82 Stellarton, N. S 227 Topashaw Swamp Land Dis. Shelby, Ohlo...... 1113, 1248, 816, 1114, 1319 816, 967, 1575 Stephen Twp., Ont 1563 Miss 225, 507, 815 Vineland, N.J 816 1318, 1440 Sterling Co., Toppenish, Wellsville S. D., Ohio 1723 Tex_ _ ..l379, 1856 Wash 378, 1789 Vinton, Va 1249 Wenatchee, Wash., 153, Shelby Co., Ala 585 Sterling Twp., Ind __1379, 1515 Toronto, Out 155, 380, Shelby Co., Ind_1174, 1248, Viola, Ill 153, 304 1249, 1575 Steubenville, Ohio, 304, 377, 436, 509, 744, 969, 1382, 1578 Violet Twp. S. D., Ohio_ ..1722 1514, 1575 Touchwood, Wenona, Ill 1249 667, 1042, 1174, 1440, Sask._ _1653, 1792 Virden, Man_ ..818. 1176, West, Tex Shelby Co., Ky 585, 742 1849, 1857 Town Dist. S. D., W Va. 585 Shelby Co., Ohio 1318, 1321, 1653 West Allis, Wis 968, 1174 Stevens Co. S. D., Wash., 378, 435, 1043, 1319 Virginia, Minn._435, 585, 1440, 1648,1721 Townsend West Baton Rouge Parish,La.585 967, 1649 S. D., Cal 1857 743, 1516, 1649 Westboro, Mass 305 Shelby Co., Tenn_ _ _1248, Stevensville S. D., Mont_ ..1379 Townsend Twp., Ohio.1113, 1440, 1514 Visalia, Cal _ _ __816, 1043, West Branch Twp., Kan__ _1723 Stewart Creek Dr. Dist., No. 1174, 1319 1174, 1575 Brookfield, Shelby Co., Tex 1648 Townsend Twp. West Mass.585, 743 Car 1857 S. D., Ohio Westchester Co., N. Y.,968, Shelby Twp. S. D., Ind., Stillman Vat. S. D., Tex.__ 377 815, 1043 1318, 1514 abamun, Alta 1725 1174, 1249 Stockton High S. D., Cal., Tracy S. D., Minn 1318 Wabasha, Minn 1858 Minn_1174 Shenandoah, Pa 303 Transcona, West Concord S. D., 1319, 1721, 1789 Man 1044, Wabash Co., Ind__ _ _1649, 1789 West Farmington, Ohio_ ..1249 Shenandoah Ind. S. D., Ia_1648 Stockton S. D., Cal., 1319, 1115, 1653, 1860 Sherbrooke S. D., No. Dak. 893 Waco, Tex_ _153, 507, 743, %Vest Farmington S. D.,0._ 82 1721, 1789 Traverse City, Mich 1515 818, 894, 1575 Westfield, 1854 Sheridan, Wyo__ _82, 667, Stone Co., Mo 1042 Traverse City S. D., Mich. Mass 1042, 1174 Waco S. D., No. Car 1441 Westfield, N. J 1516 Stone S. D., Cal., 507, 742, 1113 378, 1113 Wadena, Sask_ ..227, 438, Sherman Co. Corn. S. D., Story Travlstock, Westfield S. D., Pa 894 City, Ia 1721 Ont 84, 306 1044, 1321 West Homestead S. D., Pa_1516 Tex 377 Stoughton, Sask 84, 1578 Trenton, N. J 153, 225, 378 Sherwood, Sask 1653 Wadsworth, Ohio 1441 West Kildonan S. D., Que., Stra.ssburg, Sask., 1115, Trenton, ont-sts, 1443, Wadsworth S. D., Nev 1723 Shiloh S. D., Cal 742 1321, 84, 155, 1382 1382 1578, 1792 Wadsworth S. D., Ohio 379 West Lafayette, 305 Shoal Lake, Man 227, 689 Stratford, Ont., 227, 380, Trenton, Tenn ..1440 Ohio Shreveport, La_ _153, Wadsworth Twp., Ohio, West Liberty, Ohio__ _153, 226 507, 509, 588, 1250, 1321, 1578 Trenton Un. Fr. S. D., N.Y. 225 1379, 1516 814, 1379, 1648, 1721 Strathmore S. D., Cal., 304, West Missouri Twp., Ont_ _1250 Trigg Co., Ky 378, 507 Wagoner Co., Okla 435 Westmoreland Co., Pa 1789 Sidell Twp. S. D., Ill 153 742, 1042, 1174 Trinchera Irr. Dist., Colo__ 585 Sidney, Neb 1248, 1721 Wahkiakum Co.S.D.,Wash. 82 West Newton S. D., Pa., Strathroy, Ont_ _509, 689, 1250 Trinidad, Colo 82 Wahoo S. D., Neb_ _ _816, 1649 Sidney, 0 82, 1042, 1248 StrongvIlle Twp., Ohio 1174, 1320 82 Trinity Co., Tex_225, 1319, Wainwright, Alta 509, West New York, Sierra Madre, Cal 507, 893 Stoughton, Sask 1792 N. J 1441 Slgourney 1515, 1575 818, 1250 Weston, Ont _...436, 1044, 1250 Ind. S.D., Ia.153, 893 Struthers, Ohlo 1649 Trinity River hr. ,Tex. Sliver Bow Co.S.D., Mont., DIM. 378 Wake Co., No. Car 1249 West Orange, N. J._ _1249, 1380 Struthers VII. S. D., Ohio, Tropic°, Cal 1174 Wakefield, Mass 688, 743 1715, 1789 378, 668 West Park, Ohio 1649 Troy Mills Ind. S. D., Ia... 435 Wakeland Graded S. D., Westphalia S. D., Kan 1516 Silver Creek, Neb 742, 1248 Stryker, Ohio 1575 Troy, N. Y...82, 153, 225, Sliverton, Ore 1575 No. Car 894, 1249 West Pittston, Pa 226 Sudbury, Ohio 893, 1319 304, 378, 507, 668, 1174, Wakeman Sioux City, Iowa 1174 Sudbury, Twp., Ohio 1114 %Vest St. Paul S. D., Minn_ _1858 Out 1653 1249, 1515, 1575, 1649, Walkerton, Ont _ _ _84, 155, Sioux City S. D., Ia.. _742, 814 Sudbury Rom. Cath. S. West Vancouver, B. C__380, 586 D., 1722, 1789 436, 818, 1115, 1382 West View, Pa 153, 1650 Sisterville, W. Va_ _ _ _1575, 1856 Ont 1115, 1176 Troy, Ohio Slaton 1575 Wall, So. Dak 1174 West View S. D., Pa 226 Ind. S. D., Tex 1042 Suffolk Co., N. Y 814, 1042 Troy S. D., No. Car 1249 Sloan, Iowa 304, 585 Wallaceburg, Out..._1578, 1853 West Winfield, N Y 435 Sugarcreek & Shanesville Troy S. D., Ohio 82, 153 Walla Walla, Wash_ _379, Smiley Ind. S. D., Tex_304, S. D., Ohio 1440, 1649 Westwood, N. J 968, 1174 Troy Twp., Ohio 225, 585 435, 507, 1114, 1320, 1789 Westwood S. D., N. J 226 1248, 1318 Sulsin, Cal 304, 893, 1042 Truax, Sask 1792 Smith Co., Miss Wallingford, Conn-1516, Wetaskiwin, Alta., 895, 304 Sullivan Co., Ind 1440 Tucson, Aria 225 1575, 1789 Smith Co., Tex 1514, 1648, Sullivan Twp., Ohio_ _585, 893 1382, 18'0 Tugask, Sask 155 Walnut S. D., Iowa. 743, 967 Wexford Co., Mich 1723 1721, 1789 Sulphur Springs, Ark 967 Tulare, Cal 379 Smith Co. Corn. Sch. DIMS. Walnut Springs, Tex_ _816, 1249 Weyburn, Sask 1653, 1725 Sulphur Springs, Tex 507 Tulare Co., Cal 507 Waltham, Mass 967 Tex 377, 585 Sumas, Wash 893 Weymouth, Mass 894 Tube Vista S. D., Cal 225 1649, 1858 Wharton Co.,Tex., 153,585, 894 Smithfield Ind. S. D., Tex_ 585 Summerville, Ga 668, 1113 Tulsa, Okla- -82, Smithfield 815, 987, Walton, N. Y 379, 1043 Wharton Co. Dr. Dist., Tex., S. D., Iowa 1318 Summerville S. D., Oa 1249 1440, 1857 Sinithrille, Ohio 1042, Walton Co., Ga 435 968, 1043 Summit Co., Ohio, 742, Tuolumne Co., Cal 82 Waltrous, Sask 1792 1318, 1648 1113, 1319, 1649,1789 Wharton Co. S. D., Wash_ _1650 Smith Tupelo Separate S. D.,Miss.1722 Wanette, Okla 1043 Wheeler Co., Ga 894 Twp., Ohio 1575 Sumter Co., Ga _224, 585, 893 Tupper Lake S D., N Y. Smith's Falls, Ont.__ _895, Wapakoneta, Ohio 1723 Wheeling, W Va 743, 1114 1175 Sunbury, Ohio 153, 893 1379, 1649 Warren, O..585, 743, Smythe Co., Va_ _153, 742, 814 Sunflower Co., 816, 1575 WhIgham, Ga 1114 Miss 224 Turnberry Twp., Ont.1653, 1792 Warren Co., Ind 1441, 1575 Snipe Lake, Sask 1725 Sunnyside S. D., Man 1321 White, So. Dak., 1043, 1174, Turnesburg Twp., No. Car _1722 Warren Co., Ohio 1723 li41, 1723

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BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, Arc.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Continued). BONDS, &c.-(Concluded). Page. Page Page. Page. • Page. White Co.,Ind., 1516, 1650,1723 Wilkes Barre Twp., Pa_ A380 Winchester, Ont 1578, 1860 Wood Ridge, N. J_585, 816, Yazoo Co., Miss_ _226, 508, White Co., Tenn • 508 Wilkinsburg, Pa 305, 1858 Winchester Twp:, Ont 1578 1441, 1575 585, 1651 Whitehall, Mont 1174 Wilkinson Co., Miss 1320 Windsor, Ont_.. _1176, 1518, Woodstock, Ont.1044, 1250, Yellowstone Co., Mont _508, Corn. S. D., Williams Co., Ohio_ _ _1789, 1578, 1653, 1725 1321, 1578, 1792 895, 968, 1114, 1320 Whitemouth 1858 816 Man . 1250 Williamson, N Y 435 Windsor Twp Fractional S. Woolwich Twp., Ont 969 Yellowstone Co. S. D.,M ont White Plains, N. Y 226 Williamson Co., Tex _1650, 1789 D., Mich 1441 Woonsocket, R. I 379 Yolo Co. Cal 154, 585, 816 White River Levee Dist., Williamson Co. Corn. S. D., Wingham, Ont__ _380, 1250, Wooster, Ohlo_1442, 1650, 1724 Yolo Co.' Reclamation Dist., Ark 1516 Tex 1575, 1790 1382, 1578 Wooster S. D., Ohlo_1442, 1724 Cal 1576, 1790 White River S. D., Ind., Williamson S. D., Ga 508 Winnebago, Neb 154 Worcester, Mass 154, 226, Yoncalla S. D., Ore508 1320, 1575 Williamsport S. D.,Pa 1650 Winnebago Co., Wis.. _ _82, 305, 435, 508, 585, 668, Yonkers, N. Y _ _ _816, 8954, White Rock S. D., So. Dak_1320 Williston S. D., No. Dak: 1043, 1114 1175, 1249, 1320, 1790 1175, 1320 Whitesboro, N. Y 153 668, 1790 Winneshiek Co., In_ _1723, 1790 Worthington, Ohio _1175, York, N. Y 1859 Whitesboro S. D., N. Y____ 435 Winner, Sask 1578, 1792 Winnipeg, Man_ _436, 509, 1380, 1790 York Co., Ont 509, 744 Whitewater Twp., Mich_ _ _1174 Willowdale, Man 1578 1115, 1382, 1792 Wright Co. S. D., Minn_ _ _ _1114 York Co., So. Car_ _ ..1249, Whitewood, Sask_ _ _ _1653, 1860 Willow-Glen S. D., Cal. Winnsboro, Tex 508 Wright Twp., Mich 1790 1320, 1517, 1859 Whiting, Ia 305 305, 1175 Winona Co., Minn 1723 Wroxton, Sask 1792 Yorkton,Sask 436, 818 Whitman, Mass 153, 226 Willow Grove S. D., Tex _1858 Winter Park, Fla 1858 Wyandotte S. D., Mich. Yorkton Public S. D., Bask.1792 Whitman Co. S. D., Wash., Willow Lake, So. Dak_ _585, Winthrop, Ia 435 1442, 1650 York Twp.,0_ _1576, 1790, 1859 668, 894, 1441, 1575, 1723 1249, 1650,1790 Winthrop, Mass_895, 1380, 1441 Wykolf S. D., Minn 1517, 1650 York Twp., Ont 1176, 1321 Whitmore S. D., So. Caro__ 968 Wilisburg S. D., Ore_1043, 1380 Wise Co., Va_154, 226, 379, 508 Wymer S. D., Sask 1044 York Twp. S. D., Ohio_ __ _1320 Wichita Falls, Tex., 82, 435, 585 Wills Point, Tex 1575, 1723 WLse Co. S. D., Tex 895 Wynne, Ark 435, 585 Young Co. Com.S. D.,Tex. 83 Wichita Fails S. D., Tex., Wilmerding, Pa.1175, 1249, 1380 Wise Co. Corn. S. D., Tex_ _1320 Wynyard S. D., Sask 436 Youngstown, Ohlo_83, 154, 894, 1114 Wisner, Neb_ _816, 1043, 1114 Wyoming, Ohio 154 305, 585, 668, 968, 1249, 379, 894, 968, 1650 Wilmington, Del 1723 Wickenburg, Ariz 82 Wilmington, No. Car 1650 Woburn, Mass _226, 668, Wytheville, Va 1517 1380, 1576, Wickes, Ark 1249, 1320 Wilmington S. D., Del_894, 743, 1441, 1790 Youngstown S. D., Ohlo_83, • I Wilber, Neb 1517 1320, 1517, 1650 Woburn, Ont 895 Xenia, Ohio 1043, 1859 226, 435,816, 1043, 1249, 1381 1175, Wolfe City S. D., Tex 1249, Youngsville Twp., No. Car_ 816 Wilberton Twp., III 1650 Wilson, No. Car_895, 1790 Wildwood, N. J., 154, 305, 1380, 1517, 1650 1517, 1790 Yuba Co., Cal 379, 585 Wilson Creek S. D., Wash. Woodbine, Ia 895, 1790 Vadkin Twp., No. Car_ _ A114 Yuma Co. High S. D., Ariz _1859 Wilfred S. D., Cal 1789 1380, 1575 Woodburn S. D., 0re_508, 1650 akima Co. S. D., Wash. Wilkie, Swat 509 Wilson S. D., No. Car 1249 Wood Co., Ohio_1114, 1320, 1442, 1575, 1859 anesville, Ohio_ _83, 508, Wilkie S. D., Sask.. _ _818, 1578 Wilson Twp.,No. Car 1575, 1723 1380, 1441, 1517, 1650, 1790 Yancey Co., N.. Car_1320, 1575 Z 816, 1249, 1576, 1651, 968, 1174 Ind 154 Wood Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.. 435 Yankton, So. Dak 226, • 1790, 1859 Wilkes Barre, Pa_585, Winchester, 1651 Wilkes Barre City S. D.,Pa_1380 WinchesterXy 1517 Woodlynne S. D., N. J_ 1723 1517, 1575, 1651 Zebulon, Ga

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