The jinandut INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bants' Convention Section State and City Section WEEKIi-Y NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1913, INCLUSIVE. VOLUME XCVI WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, FRONT, PINE & DEPNYSTER STS., NEW YORK, Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyrighted in 1911. a000rding to Act of Coagro. uje WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY In office of Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JANUARY-JUNE, 1013.1 INDEX. Ill INDEX TO THE NINETY - SIXTH VOLUME. JAN-MIRY 1 TO JUNE 30 1913. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES. Page. Page. Page ccidents. See Electric Railway Accidents. Banking and Currency Legislation, Presi- Congress and Congressional Acts-Conc. Agricultural Credits and Marlceting, Na- dent Favors 1594 Anti-Trust Law, Its Application in Case tional Conference 1269 Banking and Currency Legislation. See of Imported Goods Extended_328, 456, 761 Agricultural Department Appointments.. _ _1459 also Congress. Anti-Trust Law, Proposed Amendment Alaskan Railway Commission, President Banking and Currency Reform, The Presi- by Senator La Follette 1812 Taft's Message 458 dent's Message 1794, 1806 Appropriation Bills, Amount of--------- -988 Alien Landholding Bill in California (F. S.), Banking and Currency Reform, Replies of Banking & Currency Bill, Outline_ _1745, 1810 1051, 1121, 1183, 1187,1256, 1440 American Bankers' Association 1807 Banking and Currency Committee Hear- Alfonso, King of Spain, Significance of Visit Banking and Currency Reform, Some As- ings__100, 177, 528, 1267, 1339, 1594, 1809 to Paris (F. S.) 1327 pects of New Bill 1800 Banking and Currency Reform, the Pres- American Bankers' Assn. and Banking and Banking Reform, James G. Cannon Advo- ident's Message 1794, 1806 Currency Reform 1807 cates Use of Clearing Houses 1197 Banks, National, Senate Passes Bill For- Anglo-German Rivalry in Naval Armaments Banking Reform, Suggestions by G. G. bidding Political Contributions 328 1341 (F. S.) 675 Henry Battleship Program 456, 527, 608, 761 Anglo-German Understanding Better (F.SO 592 Banking Reform, Views of Edmund D. Budget System Recommended by Presi- Antarctic Expedition, Disaster to Capt. Fisher 177, 1062 dent Taft 607 Scott, &c. (1'4 S.) 442 Banking Reform, William A. Nash Suggests Campaign Funds Investigation by U. S. Anthracite Coal Production_ _113, 398, 694, Use of Clearing Houses 177 Senate 328, 761 1064, 1343, 1679 Banks, Government Deposits in, No Re- Child-Labor Bill Introduced 1730 Anthracite Coal, Report of Investigating serve to Be Required 1459 Commerce Court, Appropriation for Its Committee 762 Banks, Liability of on Checks of Corpora- Temporary Continuance 328, 528, Anti-Alien Landholding Bill, California, tions 1456 608, 1812 1051, 1211, 1183, 1187, 1256, 1326, 1659 Belgian Cabinet's Compromise in the Strike Contempt Proceedings against Charles C. Anti-Trust Law, Amendment Suggested by for "Manhood Suffrage" (F. S.) 1184 Glover 1268, 1398 Senate Inter-State Commerce committee, Belgian Workingmen's Strike for Suffrage Corporation Tax Law, Penalty for Ne- 762, 1812 (F S.) 1122 glect to File Report Modified 456, 834 Anti-Trust Law-Supreme Court Deter- Belgium to Raise 856,800,000 Loan (F. S.).1659 Eight-Hour Restriction on River and mined to Make it Effective (F. S.) 86 Blue-Sky Legislation 904, 1061, 1340, Harbor Improvements 328 Anti-Trust Law Violated in Dealing with 1398, 1461, 1596 Employers' Liability Bill 457 Collective Demands of Labor Unions_438, 513 Bossert, Louis, & Son, and the Carpenters Erdman Act to Be Extended 1812 Anti-Trust'Laws of New Jersey as Favored and Joiners (F S.)1178 Extra Session Determined On 607, 835 by WOodrow Wilson 230, 528, 588,603 Boston Trust Companies 599, 625 Henry, George G., of William Salomon & Anti-Trust Suit Against Chicago Board of Brazilian Loan Virtually a Failure in Lon- Co., Contempt Proceedings.. _98, 456, Trade 461 don (F S.) 1328, 1389 527,- 609, 693, 1534 Anti-Trust Suit against Dye-Stuffs Trust, Breadstuffs Receipts at Western Lake and Immigrant Stations at Interior Points 1597, 1812 RiverPorts_96, 452, 524, 760, 1058, 1337,1671 Established 328 Anti-Trust Suit against Electrical Workers_ 609 British Chancellor Presents Optimistic Bud- Immigration, Bill Restricting, Vetoed Anti-Trust Suit against Elgin Board of Trade 609 get 1183, 1264 328, 395, 527 Anti-Trust Suit against Philadelphia Jobbing British First Lord of the Admiralty Suggests Labor Department, with Cabinet Officer, Confectioners 609 Limiting Additions to Naval Armaments Created 609, 692 Anti-Trust Suit against Standard 011 in 901, 1052 Labor Unions and Farmers' Organizations Texas 609, 1133 British Gold Reserves, Question of (F. S.)_ _1051 to Be Exempt from Prosecution_ _ _527. Anti-Trust Suit against Unit. Mine Workers 1675 British National Insurance Scheme_4, 88, 235 692, 1133, 1339, 1460, 1795, 1811 Anti-Trust Suit for Violation of Decree in British Parliament Opened (F. S.) 749 Money Trust Inquiry_ _98, 175, 251, 395, Case against Wholesale Grocers 460 British Unionists and Bonar Law Defeated_ 3 456, 527, 680, 689,1746 Anti-Trust Statutes of New Jersey Not to British Woman's Suffrage Debate 236,1327,1331 Money Trust Inquiry, Pub() Committee's Apply to Labor Unions • 588 Brooklyn Trust Companies 599, 617 Report 680, 689 Anti-Trust Statutes of New Jersey, Text of_ 603 Building Operations in 1012 319 Newspaper Publicity Law.761,835, 1668, 1675 Arbitration, Court of, at the Hague, Ap- Building Operations, First Quarter of 1913_1129 Panama Canal Tolls 162, 234, pointments to (F. S.) 442 Building Operations, Monthly Features of 457, 527, 834, 1268 Arbitration and International Peace. See (F. S. 515, 823, 1386, 1731 Physical Valuation of Railroads 450, . Sec. Bryan's Proposal 1392 Buisness, New Openings for 1805 457, 527, 598, 608 Arbitration Treaties, New, Agreed Upon Postal Deficiency Appropriation 1460 (F S.) 443, 826 California and Japan_ _ _ _1051, 1121, 1183, Presidential Term, Senate Passes Bill Archbald, Judge, Impeachment of 166 1187, 1256, 1326,1659 Limiting It 389, 395,456 Armament Increasing. See France and Ger- Canadian Bank Clearings_ _ _ _95, 114, 398, Railway Allowance for Transportation of many. 694, 1272, 1600 Parcels Post 761 Austria, Montenegro and the Powers 1261 Cars, Steel. See Steel. Rockefeller Foundation, Bill for 328, 528 Avebury, Lord, Death of (F. S.) 1522 Castro, Cipriano, Former Pres. of Vene- St. Louis & San Francisco Receivership Automatic Stop Signals, Danger in Exclu- zuela, in America (F. S.) 4, 163, 311 Investigation 1674 sive Use of. See "Ry. and Industrial Castro, Cipriano, Still in the Public Eye Seamen's Bill Vetoed 692, 761 Section" June 28. (F S.)592 Shipping Trust Investigation, Report.._ _1747 Cereals, Large Farm Reserves of 756 Stock Exchanges, Bill to Regulate 1196 Balkan Allies, Disputes among.1523, 1526, 1706 Chicago Banking Situation in 1912 245 Tariff Bill, New, Action on Its Various alkan Allies' Terms Said to Be Inadmis- Chicago Board of Trade, the Year on 249 Provisions 1059, 1132, 1196,1266, sible (F. S.) 823 Chicago Bond Market in 1912 246 1338, 1460 1530, 1595, 1673,1746, 1810 Balkan Situation Again Threatening (F. S.)1732 Chicago Board of Trade Sued under Anti- Tariff Commission Proposition 527 Balkan Situation, Suspense over (F. S.)._ _ _1257 Trust Law 461 Tariff Measure, President Reads It in Balkan War, European Powers Asked to In- Chicago Stock Exchange Record in 1912, Person 1059 tervene (F S.) 441 244, 249 West Virginia Coal Strike Investigation Balkan War, Final Stages of (F. S.)....1388, Child Labor, Bill to Partially Suppress In- 1531, 1595 1449, 1659 troduced in House (F. S.) 1730 Constitution, (U. S. Denounced by La Balkan War, Important Progress Toward China and the Five-Power Loan (F. S.) -1327 Follette's "Weekly" (F. S.) 514 Peace (F S.) 3, 87 China, Christian Churches Pray for Proper Constitution, Federal, Easy of Amend- Balkan War, Peace Apparently Near (F.S.) Guidance to the New Republic (F. S.)_ _ _1257 ment (F. S.) 1325 900, 077, 1050, 1121, 1523 China, Developments in the Six-Power Loan Copper Production and Consumption 113, Balkan War, Peace Negotiations(F. S.).160, 740 Matter (F. S.)....3, 161, 232, 309, 385, 398, 694, 1064, 1343, 1679 Balkan War, Peace Treaty Signed_ _1583, 1587 442, 677, 824 Corporation Income Tax Penalty Modified Balkan War Resumed (F. S.) • 384 Chinese Loan, Woodrow Wilson's Policy 456, 834 Balkan War Situation a Disconcerting Phase Regarding Same 824, 829, 901 Cost of Living, High, International Confer- (F. S.) 233, 310, 311 Chinese Republic and Great Britain's Rec- ence Urged 916 Balkan War, Temporary Halt in Hostilities, ognition (F S.) 1522 Cotton Acreage and Condition in 1913. &c. (F. S.) 516, 591, 677 Chinese Republic to be Recognized by the 1731, 1739 Balkans, Peace in, and Afterwards 982 U. S.(F S.) 978 Cotton-American Manufacturers' Associa- Bank Clearings at Leading Cities.. _95, 399, Chinese Republic's First Parliament (F. S.)_1051 tion Convention (F. S.) 1049 695, 995, 1273, 1601 Chinese £25,000,000 Loan (F. S.) 1450 Cotton Bills of Lading Suit against Carrier Bank Clearings by Telegraph 114, 399, Citizenship, Cancellation of Socialist's, Re- Successful 917 695, 994, 1273, 1601 tried 529 Cotton Congress, International 1796 Bank Clearings in United States, Monthly City Employees (New York), Ordinance as Cotton Corner Held in Contravention of Features of.. _ _94, 384, 675, 977, 1255, 1581 Regards Residence (F. S.) 1120 Anti-Trust Law 86, 460 Bank Deposits, Limitation Suggested 1397 Clearing Houses and Currency Address by Cotton Corner, James A. Patten Pleads Bank Guaranty Law of Oklahoma Burden- James G. Cannon 1197 Guilty 460 some 330 Clearing-House Incorporation Urged 916 Cotton Crop, Condition of (F.
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