Founded 1888 • • • • Published Every FRIDAY at M1LLBURN,N.J. FIVE CENTS

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Founded 1888 • • • • Published Every FRIDAY at M1LLBURN,N.J. FIVE CENTS Founded 1888 • • • • Published e v e r y FRIDAY at M1LLBURN,N.J. FIVE CENTS ESn in Trenton where it is hoped PATRONS of the Fourth An­ they will aid the cause. nual All-Alumnae Benefit of the Urge Fair Estimates of Millburn's loss as Mine Retires Associate Alumnae of New Jer­ Hartshorne the division is now made, are sey College include John S. Tax Division estimated at more than $20,000 From Bank Board Ware of Millburn. The benefit And Levins per year. With accrued losses is to be a recital by the cele­ *\ Assemblyman C. Milford Or- the total is $80,000 to date or Announcement of the with­ brated, pianist, Vladimir Horo- Wednesday night William B. ben was this week sworn in for 20 per cent of the local town­ drawal of Walter R. Hine a.s a . witz, ahd will take place at the Hartshorne announced that he his second term as Essex County ship budget for a year. member of the board of direc­ Mosque Theatre, Newark, Wed­ will again be a candidate for Assemblyman. A delegation of ★ tors of the First National Bank nesday evening, January 17. election to the Millburn Board residents and friends attended of Millburn, was made at the A of Education. Mr. Hartshorne an the opening session of the legis­ annual meeting of the bank executive of Public Service Cor­ lature and witnessed the cere­ High School held at the banking house Tues­ poration, has served six years monies. day evening'. His withdrawal is Concert For on the board and is at present One of Mr. Orben’s first acts Honors To 79 occasioned by a gradual retire­ chairman of the finance com­ was his vote favoring the bills ment from active affairs. The Scout Budget mittee. for equitable division of state By Lloyd C. Smith, Jr. vacancy caused by Mr. Hine’s With this decision all three resignation has not been filled. franchise and gross receipts -Seventh grade students placed Township interest in the con- members whose terms are ex­ The board of directors un­ tax moneys among municipali­ more of their number on the cert by the Orpheus Club for the piring will go to the voters in animously adopted the follow­ ties. Four of five bills aimed to honor roll of Millburn High benefit of the Girl Scouts of February seeking reelection, Mr. ing testimonial: accomplish this, passed both School for the second grading Millburn on January 19th at Hartshorne has now the sup­ houses and are now awaiting period than any other class. The “The Directors of The First the High School, has forcibly port of the Wyoming Associa­ action by .the governor. total number of students on the National Bank of Millburn, New drawn attention of the com­ tion and it is expected the Short • honor roll is seventy-nine. This Jersey, express their deep regret munity to the fact that — un­ Hills association will also en­ Between three and four hun­ is an increase over the first at the severance of the official like other towns of equal size in dorse his candidacy. dred Township men, and wom­ marking period when 60 stu­ relations that have bound Wal­ • Essex County, Millburn has no Thursday announcement was en attended a, hastily called dents were on the list. ter R..Hlne as one of our num­ community chest, and each pub­ meeting in Millburn High School Those on the honor roll are: ber to this institution for thir­ made that E. A. Levins of 895 lic service organization within Ridgewood road, has consented Monday evening to chrystalize Seniors — Angelina Cusano, teen years. The official records the township is faced with the sentiment for passage of state Ellnore Daley, Elizabeth Ebel, show that he was elected as a to become a candidate for mem­ necessity of raising its own ber of the Board of Education in laws restoring the 1938 ratio of Betty Faddis, Jidhn Fairfield, director February 1, 1926. During budget requirements. apportioning state collected cor­ Ihese years of service we have the February election. Hillis George, Grace Hartigan, The Girl Scouts of Millburn poration franchise and gross re­ become deeply indebted to him It has been known for some Barbara Hedden, George Heine- within the past two years has for his enthusiasm and whole­ weeks that Mr. Levins was being ceipts taxes. meier, Alan Rose, June Sleeper. grown to a sizeable organization Monday night’s meeting was Junto:.; — John Adsrf, Eleanor hearted efforts in the direction importuned to become a candi­ comprising as it does today a date by friends in all parts of called by the Township Com­ Allison, Mary Fitzsimons, Mar­ of the affairs of the Bank. We membership of over 250 girls the Township. It was not until mittee which sees a possible garet Friedman, William George, extrnd our hearty wishes that divided into 7 Brownie Troops this week however that he con­ $80,000 kick-back to local tax­ Dean Henderson, Ruth Nielsen, he may continue to enjoy the for girls 7-10 years, 9 Oirl Scout sented. payers unless Millburn in com­ Ruth Ritter, Thayer Smith, Ar­ b"st of everything in life. troops for girls up to 15 and one Mr. Levins is well known to mon with other towns gets its thur Stevens, Janet Szmans, “It is ordered that a copy of Mariner group for older girls. hundreds/of residents through fair cut of these taxes. At pres­ Mary Whitehead, Nancy Whitte- • Continued on Page Nine) This organization, is directed his clvl^activltles ahd the Adult ent Newark, Jersey City, Cam­ more, Harriet Wuethrich. ★ by a group of 48 adults; 30 lead­ School work In which he has den and one or two other muni­ Sophomores — Ray Boedeck- ers and their assistants, a scout taken a prominent part. A grad­ cipalities are wolfing the major er, Crawford Bown, Ellsworth Now Assessing council of 16, including a com­ uate of Drexel Institute of Tech­ part of the tax. Carrington, Anthony Coppola, missioner, deputy commissioner nology, he is married and has Chairman Stewart called the Donald Hagemann, Elizabeth and a part-time director. All of two children in the public school meeting to order and then Lyon, Harold McCollum. Sew er Costs these public spirited women system. He has resided in Mill­ Freshmen — Jane Achenbach, turned it over to Ira C. Moore serve entirely without compen­ burn for the past years. Robert Arnold, Gordon Blasius, A resolution notifying the 8 Jr., who gave a detailed ac­ sation with the exception of the The Short Hills Association Robert Brown, Virginia Butler, Local Improvement Assessment count of maneuvers upsetting director. met Tuesday evening but it If Phyllis Childrey, Eugene George, Commission of the completion the long established and satis­ Never the less a considerable reported no action was taken in Adele Hado, Lorraine LaTour- of the Glenwood sewer improve­ factory manner of apportion­ sum of money is necessary in the matter of. endorsements. ette, Ralph Leonard, Frederick ment and certifying the cost ment. From this he went on to order that this organization may Rumors have been current that Meier, James Phillips, Robert was passed by the Township steps taken in 1938 to correct function in the best interests of Stoddard M. Stevens a former Reese, Janet D. Richardson, Committee Tuesday evening fol­ the condition and the legal the Girl Scouts of the Township association president might en­ Robert Sampson. lowing an adjournment from battle that finally nullified these and that the patrons of the con­ ter the lists If Mr. Hartshorne Eighth grade — Barbara the regular meeting Monday after bills had been passed by cert may know how the proceeds decided not to seek reelection. Betsch, Marjorie B>omley, An­ night. the legislature over the gover­ are to be expended. The general Men who have talked with Mr. gelina Caivano, Margaret Ca- Total cost of the improvement nor’s veto. committee had made available Stevens say he has not denied marata, Esther Hershey, Robert was $89,656.46 of which $39,849.- The new bills now drafted are the 1940 budget figures. Johnstone, Enid Junge, Janet 48 has been paid by the P. W. A. (Continued on Page Eight) drawn to meet the court’s objec­ Rent, Salary, telephone $ 800.00 Mallet, Margaret Thompson, $20,002.20 will be paid by the ★ tion but their passage must be Office equipment ............ 150.00 MRS. R. L. SNYDER of 31 Charles Walker, William Wall, Township and the remainder, speedy if unfair dissipation of Charter fee to Nat.'l..... 50.00 South Mountain road enter­ Jean Whittemore. $30,004.19, will be assessed upon millions of tax dollars now Conventions, Adult, Seventh Grade — Paul Beck, the lands in the vicinity of the tained 21 members of the choir awaiting distribution is to be of W e e q u a h 1 e Presbyterian improvement benefited thereby Training .................... 150.00 avoided. Jean Broadfoot, Leonard Car- done, Arthur Carlson, Bichard to the extent of the benefits. Cabin maintenance ........ 100.00 Church last Friday evening. A At the conclusion of his talk smorgasbord dinner was served. Counlhan, Betsy Currier, Anna A breakdown of the total cost, listeners were urged to write Tomorrow evening she will en- ' J D’Andrea, Nelson Daul, John El­ shows the following: contractor $1,250 07 letters to Governor Moore and tertain guests in honor of liott, Emil Falla, Phyllis Hagen, $81,527.59, engineering $6,372.79. ★ 22 Essex Assembly leader Dominic THE REGULAR MEETING Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. A. Cavicchia, urging immediate Paul Jeynes, William Kincaid, advertising and printing $265.11, financing $990.97 and fees of the the Women’s Missionary Society Imhoff of Newark, who are leav­ passage of bills designed to es­ David Mackie, Omerod, Mar­ assessment commission $500.
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