Arminius 30,000
TRIBE: Cherusci REGION: Germania ROMANS KILLED: Over ARMINIUS 30,000 The Germanic barbarians had a strong connection to nature, worshipping and performing rituals in sacred groves and other natural locations rather than in temples. After Arminius’ defeat in the forest the highest ranked centurions were ritually burned as a gift to the gods who had given Arminius victory in battle. A stolen son of Germany becomes a betrayer of Rome Born in Germania around fighting in campaigns began to think of rebellion, 18 BC, Arminius and his throughout the Eastern but with loyalties on both brother Flavus were heirs provinces, and was sides, Arminius would have of a high-ranking Cherusci eventually promoted to the to tread carefully. He family. Like many German elite Equestrian Order, the secretly gathered support tribes, warfare was a way most exalted group in from neighboring tribes in of life for the Cherusci, but Rome besides the Senate. order to form a German after the tribe’s defeat, coalition to stand up to the Around AD 7, Arminius was the boys were both sent to occupiers. Arminius had the dispatched back to his Rome as hostages, per advantage of knowing the homeland in Germania to custom designed to strengths and weaknesses of help keep the peace. Romanize the barbarians. the Roman army, but that There he found his people In Rome, they were would not be enough to heavily taxed by the educated, trained as Roman governor, Varus, soldiers and given Roman Physically massive wild and treated as slaves. It citizenship. Arminius rose tribesmen: bearded, pale wasn’t long before he skinned, dark-haired and through the military ranks, ruggedly dressed in wolf furs.
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