WISDOM THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF COMMUNITY SERVICE-LEARNING SILVER DONALD CAMERON The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Suite 1800, 1002 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3L6 Telephone: 514-288-2133 Email:
[email protected] www.mcconnellfoundation.ca Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Cameron, Silver Donald, 1937- Getting wisdom : the transformative power of community service-learning / Silver Donald Cameron. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-9867125-0-0 1. Service learning--Canada. 2. Social work education--Canada. 3. Student volunteers in social service--Canada. I. J. W. McConnell Family Foundation II. Title. LC220.5.C358 2010 378.1’03 C2010-905596-9 The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, 2010. This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons agreement. This license permits non-commercial use of this work, so long as attribution is given. Written and originally released August 2010. Photographs courtesy of CSL partners across Canada Point de Rue photographs on pages 35 and 36 by Philippe Malchelosse TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface. .4 1. What is Community Service-Learning? .............6 2. Vancouver: The University and the YWCA. 14 3. Thunder Bay: The University and the Food Supply .. 21 4. Trois Rivières: The University in the Streets . ...... 31 5. The Future of the University .....................38 Acknowledgements and About the Author . ..........48 PREFACE Over the past half century The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation has invested sig- nificantly in Canadian higher education. Mostly this took the form of capital gifts and scholarships. In recent years, reflecting the concerns that universities are not adequately meeting student needs, especially at the undergraduate level, capital investments were replaced by more targeted grants.