Australian Plants Society South East NSW Group Newsletter 143 October 2018 Corymbia maculata Spotted Gum and Macrozamia communis Burrawang Contacts: President, John Knight,
[email protected] Secretary, Vacant, Newsletter editor, John Knight,
[email protected] Next Meeting Saturday 13th October 2018 Meeting at the garden of Cliff Williams and Marjorie Apthorpe 274 Western Distributor Road Currowan commencing at 10.30 am Members wishing to car-pool to save the long drive up the Kings H’way are to meet at 9.45am at the carpark toilet block on the left side of Princes Highway, Batemans Bay, just before crossing the Clyde R. bridge. (Those coming from the north will cross the Clyde and turn right immediately off the bridge) The roads once leaving the Kings H’way are unsealed, and a little rough and potholed. Western Distributor Road is about 22km up the Kings Highway from Batemans Bay. From the turnoff, the property is about 2.7km. Once on Western Distributor Road, you will cross Currowan Creek, pass Pig Road on the right, and then look for the “Verdigris” sign. The gate to 274 is next. The driveway down to the house is steep, with parking available in the paddock. This introduction to our visit is from Cliff. The property is set in a valley surrounding the Currowan Creek catchment, in the foothills of Budawang Range. By virtue of its location it possesses a unique microclimate abounding in naturally occurring rainforest species. The valley is dominated by Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum), some monster in size, and Angophora floribunda, along with naturally occurring Elaeocarpus reticulatus, Prostanthera lasianthos, Persoonia linearis, Polyscias murrayi, Cyathea australis, Livistona australis, Ficus coronata, with Pimelea axiflora, Claoxylon australe, Astrotricha ledifolia, Psychotria loniceroides, Backhousia mytifolia and much more along the creek.