
Attendance and Punctuality Policy Governor Committee Responsible Achievement and Wellbeing

School Staff member Responsible Mrs Leanne Clarke Policy Type Statutory Review Period Annually Date Created 2017/18 Next Review 2018/19


At Ryburn Valley, we expect all to attend regularly to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Regular attendance and educational attainment are without doubt linked. We recognise that regular attendance at school is essential for good learning and continual progress, and ensures that students get the best possible outcomes from their period in compulsory . All school staff will work with students and their families to ensure each attends school regularly and punctually.

We expect all of our students to aspire to 100% attendance and appreciate the full support of parents and carers in encouraging this. The average level of attendance at Ryburn is 96%. Compared to 95% nationally. The school has targets to improve attendance and your has an important part to play in meeting these targets.

Aims of the Policy: This policy is intended to continue to improve the attendance and punctuality of all students at Ryburn Valley by: a. Ensuring that good attendance and punctuality are priorities for all those associated with the school including students, parents and staff b. Providing a framework which defines the respective roles and responsibilities of all interested parties and ensures consistency in dealing with issues of attendance and punctuality c. Ensuring the maintenance of accurate registers which allows the school to account for the whereabouts of each pupil at any given time d. Gathering reliable data in line with Authority and Government guidelines for the purposes of reporting on individual and whole school attendance e. Providing strategies to improve the attendance of those students in, or in danger of falling into, the PA category.

Promoting Regular Attendance Regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility – parents, pupils and all members of school staff. Ryburn Valley has an effective system of incentives and rewards, which acknowledges the efforts of students to improve their attendance and timekeeping (including form attendance competitions). Ryburn will challenge the attitude of those students and parents who give low priority to attendance and punctuality. Sanctions when needed will be put in place. Ryburn prides itself on the quality of its lessons and its tutor time. A good start to the day and interesting/enjoyable lessons are one of the biggest contributors to high attendance.

Parents Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at school is your legal responsibility. Allowing your child to be absent from school without a good reason is an offence in law and may result in prosecution.

We expect parents/carers to recognise the importance of regular attendance at school and seek their support in:

 Ensuring that their child attends every day.

 Ensuring that their child arrives on time.

 Keeping school informed of a student’s absence (see absence procedures for details)  Attending all meetings arranged regarding attendance and punctuality.

 Attending Parents’ Evenings and other organised events which develop the academic

potential of your child.

 Providing up to date contact details.


Parents are asked to make routine medical and dental appointments outside school hours wherever possible. Where such appointments in school time are unavoidable, parents should inform the school in advance so a decision can be made about whether or not to authorise the absence. Medical evidence should be provided to support appointments taken during the school day.

Absence Procedures

If your child is absent, you must: 1. On the first day of absence, contact the school as soon as possible on 01422 832070 and leave a message. Please leave a clear message that states your son’s/daughter’s name, their tutor group, and the reason for absence as well as the date they are expected to return to school.

2. Daily contact should be made to the number above to keep school informed of the current situation.

3. On the day your child returns, send in a note with an explanation for his/her absence. This can be a letter or a signed and dated note in the student planner.

4. If you are unable to ring or email, you can call into school and report to reception.

If your child is absent, we will: 1. Telephone or text you if we have not heard from you. If after continual attempts we have not been able to make contact, we may need to do a risk assessment to see if this is a possible high risk situation. A high risk situation would result in police contact by the school re Missing person.

2. Do a home visit if the school is concerned about your child’s attendance.

The above protocols apply to all absences. Should a student's attendance fall below 92% then a series of additional actions will be implemented to monitor and address all attendance concerns. Details of these are detailed later in this policy.

Ryburn Valley

Rewarding Good Attendance

Students will be rewarded for good attendance throughout the year through a range of rewards.

a. Termly commendations for high attendance and punctuality b. Vouchers presented at a whole school celebration event at the Theatre in Halifax for 100% attendance c. Opportunities to attend reward trips (high attendance being one of the conditions) d. Opportunity to be a school office worker (Year 8)

Ryburn Valley will also employ the following range of strategies to encourage good attendance:

a. A positive learning environment where students feel valued and welcomed b. An appropriate suited to the needs of all students c. Making students aware of the importance of regular attendance and punctuality through the work of their form tutor d. Weekly monitoring of attendance data by the Pastoral Team to identify patterns of attendance/absence and to set individual student and tutor group targets e. Regular reminders to parents/carers of the importance of regular attendance, through an attendance flier, newsletters and parents’ evening f. Weekly pastoral team meetings in order to identify and discuss how best to support students who are experiencing attendance difficulties g. Letters from the school to parents when their child’s attendance falls below 92% (After October half term) h. Daily text/telephone contact with parents/carers of an absent student i. Support for students who have agreed absence for any extended period of time, through the provision of work at home, and a planned programme of re-integration on return

Absence During the School Day

No student in Year 7 to 11 may leave the school premises during the school day without permission from their Head of Year. All students leaving for an appointment etc. must get a signed form with a note from home and hand this in at reception when leaving.

Illness During the School Day

Should a student become unwell during a lesson he/she will be sent to Student Services. At break or lunch time, students feeling unwell can go directly to Student Services and report their condition.

Trained staff will then assess the illness and make a decision (through Head of Year) about whether parents need to be informed and whether a student will be sent home or collected by parents. No student should leave school for such arising medical reasons without staff permission.

Teachers/Form Tutors Teachers and form tutors are responsible for recording attendance at the start of each lesson and tutor period. Registers are legal documents and must be taken clearly and accurately, using the correct symbols/codes. No student may take a register.

Registration Morning Registration Students should arrive at school no later than 8.55 a.m. ready for the start of registration at 9.00 a.m. Registers are taken every lesson. Class teachers will mark the register promptly. The accuracy of this mark is vital to the attendance procedures. Students who arrive at school after 9.00 a.m. will be marked late on the register.

Afternoon Registration Afternoon registration is taken in lesson 4. Class teachers will mark the register promptly. The accuracy of this mark is vital to all the other parts of the attendance procedures.

Students who are permitted to go home for lunch and return late back to school will be marked late. If a student is persistently late back to school from lunch, then the lunch pass will be removed.

Lesson Attendance

A register is also taken electronically every lesson.

Types of Absence Every half-day absence from Ryburn Valley has to be classified by the school (not by the parents), as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED. This is why information about the cause of any absence is always required, preferably in writing.

Authorised Absences These are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason like illness, medical/dental appointments that unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable cause.

Absence can be authorised if:

 A student is absent with permission granted by the Headteacher (See Appendix 1)  A student is ill or prevented from attending by an unavoidable cause  The absence occurred on a day exclusively set aside for religious observance by the religious body to which the student's parents belong  There is a family bereavement  A student is attending an interview with a prospective employer, or in connection with an application for a place at an institute of further or , or for a place at another school (during Year 11, this can be recorded as an approved educational activity)  A student is excluded  A student is granted study leave  A student is involved in an exceptional special occasion  A student is involved in a school activity e.g. sports/music

Unauthorised Absences

An absence will be unauthorised where the school does not consider the absence to be reasonable and for which no “leave” has been given. This type of absence can lead to the school using sanctions and/or legal proceedings.

Absence is unauthorised if:  Parents/carers keep children off school unnecessarily.  occurs during or during the school day.  Absences have never been properly explained or the school is dissatisfied with the explanation.  Children arrive at school too late to get a mark.  A student is looking after other children, shopping or having a birthday.  A student goes on day trip or holiday in term time which has not been agreed.  A student fails to return after the period of time agreed by the headteacher for a leave of absence taken during term time.  Medical evidence (e.g. doctor's certificate, medical appointment slips or medical prescription) is not provided.

Whilst any child may be off school because they are ill, sometimes they can be reluctant to attend school. Any problems with regular attendance are best sorted out between the school, the parents and the child. If your child is reluctant to attend, it is best NOT to cover up their absence or to give in to pressure to excuse them from attending. This gives the impression that attendance does not matter and usually make things worse.

If a student misses school without good reason, the school may issue Penalty Notices, as one of a number of legal powers, to parents. These fines must be paid within 28 days and failure to pay will lead to prosecution.

Student Services The Student Services team will check registers every lesson and tutor period to ensure that all teachers and tutors are completing registers correctly and on time. The team will also follow up all absences.

Head of Year The HOY will work with a student when a student’s attendance falls below 92% and Parents/Carers will be notified of this in writing.

EWO/Intervention Officer The EWO/Intervention Officer will work with a student and their family when attendance falls below 90.5%. Parent/Carers will be notified of this in writing and will be invited into a meeting to discuss our concerns.

Improving Attendance

At Ryburn Valley we use 6 categories to monitor each student’s attendance. These are as follows:

Outstanding 97.5-100% attendance Rewards System Recognition Excellent 96-97.4% attendance Rewards System Recognition Below Average 92.2-95.9% attendance Target Group 2017 2018 re Attendance and Academic Achievement. Persistent Absentee 90—92.1% attendance Contact with parents. Concern Meeting with student Referral to Education Welfare Officer PA Persistent Absentee 85-89.9% attendance Targeted intervention Category Excessive Persistent Less than 85% attendance Contact with parent/Home Visit Absentee Possible Fine/Court Action

In the cases where a student’s absence becomes a cause for concern and falls into the PA Category we will implement a series of actions to ensure that the situation is addressed and rectified in order to ensure an improvement in attendance.

Persistent Absence (PA) Category:

A student becomes a ‘persistent absentee’ when they miss 10% or more schooling across the school year for whatever reason. Absence at this level is doing considerable damage to any child’s educational prospects and we need parental support and co-operation to tackle this.

PA students are tracked and monitored carefully through our Pastoral Team who meet weekly. We may also combine this with academic mentoring where absence affects attainment.

What happens if a student’s attendance falls into the PA Category

Level 1 - If a student’s attendance drops below 92% (October half term onwards) an Awareness letter is sent out (Appendix 2 and 3). Level 2 – If, over the next 3 weeks, attendance falls, an attendance review will take place including a Home visit by the EWO or School. Level 3 – If over the subsequent 3 weeks attendance falls, then a final warning/penalty notice will be issued.

Strategies at Levels 1, 2 and 3


 Attendance Report Card (Positive)  Parents invited into school  Governors attendance panel  Student Services “hit list” (Immediate call home and possible home visit)  Referral to well-being team  Change of form  Awareness letter (Appendix 2 and 3)  EWO visit  Counselling (depending on issue)


 Use of Pupil Premium money (transport, incentives, vouchers etc.)

 SEN students who are in danger of dropping below 90% are monitored by keyworkers. They record attendance visually on a graph trying to get them to stay above the 90% mark. This info is shared with the students. Those who maintain attendance above 90% qualify for a reward at the end of term.

Penalty Notices for Unauthorised Absence

You could be issued with a penalty notice if your child is absent from school without permission. This can include parents who take their children on holiday during term time without getting authorisation from the school.

The penalty for unauthorised absence is £60, rising to £120 if not paid within 28 days. If you fail to pay a penalty fine within 42 days, you will be prosecuted.

The penalty for taking your child(ren) on holiday during term time without authorisation from the school is £60 per parent, per child, per holiday.

Penalty notices can be issued by:  The Headteacher  The Local Authority

A maximum of 3 penalty notices can be issued per child per year.

Improving Punctuality Poor punctuality is not acceptable. If your child misses the start of the day, he/she can miss work and time spent with their class teacher getting vital information and news for the day. Late arriving pupils also disrupt lessons. This can be embarrassing for the child, and can also encourage absence.

How can we manage lateness The school day starts at 8.55 a.m. Arrival at any time after 9.00 a.m. will be marked as (L). Registers are marked by 9.00 a.m. and your child will receive a late mark if he/she is not in by that time.

If your child has a persistent late record, you will be asked to meet with the Head of Year and/or EWO to resolve the problem. You can approach us at any time if you are having problems getting your child to school on time. We are here to support you and your child if there are difficulties.

Late Detentions Your son/daughter will be detained after-school if they are: a. Late to school (see above) or b. Late to any lessons during the day (department detention)

Students with the worst punctuality records and students in Year 7 ,8 and 9 will be given a “same day” detention at break/lunch. Parents will be notified via the planner. Students in Year 10 and 11 who are late two times or more in a week will get an after school detention. Students will get 24 hours’ notice for after school detentions.

Students that arrive 3 or more minutes late to a lesson will be marked as late (L) on the register and will automatically be placed in a department detention. You will be notified if your son/daughter has a detention

APPENDIX 1 (5 pages)


The Department for Education requires , to implement government amendments to the regulations regarding the taking of Leave of Absence in term time, which came into force on the 1st September 2013. The new law gives no entitlement to parent/carers to take their child on holiday during term time.

The Headteacher can only grant leave in exceptional circumstances, otherwise the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Although we have the greatest of sympathy, no parent/carer can demand Leave of Absence as a right. The ability to access a reduced cost holiday does not constitute an exceptional circumstance. Any term time holiday, therefore, would NOT be classed as exceptional. Evidence will be needed for an exceptional circumstance holiday application.

Why you should NOT take holidays in term time  Only attendance which is over 95% is considered acceptable by Government guidelines  Research has proved time after time that students who miss school do less well in examinations  Parents are legally bound to support their child’s education and work with the school by ensuring consistently good attendance

What is legally allowed? Up to 10 days’ absence may be authorised only by the Headteacher but…  Only in exceptional circumstances - this really means once in a school career  The leave must be requested in writing to the Headteacher well in advance of the date  No holiday should be booked before leave has been granted  Leave will NOT be authorised if the student’s attendance is already below 95%

What happens if I do take my child on an unauthorised holiday?  The Education Welfare Officer, Kay Kidney, will be informed  The EWO may get in touch to discuss the situation or you may be asked to meet with the Head of Year or Key Stage Manager in school  WARNING: If the school refuses your request and the child is still taken out of school, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. This may result in a fine per parent, per child being issued by Calderdale LA. The fine must be paid within 21 days.

For further advice, please contact the Education Welfare Officer on 01422 832070 The application form overleaf should be completed by the parent/carer and returned to the school as far in advance as possible and at least 6 weeks before the first date of the period of leave being requested. Parents/carers must obtain the schools permission before making any arrangements.

The Headteacher will consider the individual circumstances of each application based on the evidence provided linked with the exceptional circumstances you have highlighted on the form. This is not an exhaustive list and other relevant information will be considered.

Leave of Absence due to exceptional circumstances in term time

Parents do not have the right to take their child out of school during term time for holidays, and the headteacher can only grant leave in exceptional circumstances. Taking holidays in term time will affect a child's schooling as much as any other absence and we expect parents to help us by not taking children away in school time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off during school terms to go on holiday.

Parents who wish to take their children out of school during term time must formally request a leave of absence from the Headteacher using the Ryburn Valley Application for Leave Exceptional Circumstances form which is obtained from Student Services or the website and enclose appropriate documentation and a letter.

On completion of an application form, the Headteacher will decide, based on the student’s attendance record, and other relevant information, whether or not to authorise the request. While absence may be granted for leave during term time, it is entirely the Headteacher’s decision and is not a parental right.

Any period of leave taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised and will attract sanctions such as a Penalty Notice. If a parent has received a Penalty Notice for an authorised absence and then repeats this offence, Ryburn Valley will not apply for another Penalty Notice but instead will instruct the Local Authority to prosecute for this offence through the Magistrates Court.

Government Regulations Guidelines 2006 stipulate than any failure to return to school within 20 days of continuous absence will result in your child being removed from roll.

Holidays in term time

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the rules on holidays in term time change?/Why has my child's school told me that they will not authorise term time holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances?

In July 2012, Charlie Taylor (the Government's expert advisor on behaviour at that time) was asked by the Secretary of State for Education to conduct a review of school attendance. Mr Taylor stated in his report that if children are taken away for a two week holiday every year and have an average number of days off for sickness and appointments, then by the time they leave at sixteen they will have missed a year of school.

Mr Taylor's report recommended that changes were made to strengthen the rules on term time holidays, and that whilst head teachers should continue to have some discretion over the issue, holidays in term time should be the exception rather than the rule.

In his response to the report the Secretary of State for Education endorsed the recommendation, stating that more needs to be done to discourage term time holidays and that the rate of these absences in primary schools is double that of secondary schools. He comments that the expectation will be that schools only give permission for absence where there are exceptional circumstances that warrant it.

Headteacher's Associations welcomed the recommendation to strengthen rules on term time holidays, recognising the disruption that holidays can cause to a pupil's education. Following consultations, the law around term time holidays was then changed from 1 September 2013.

What does the law say about holidays in term time?

It says that from 1 September 2013, headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Head teachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.

If my child's school refuses to authorise my term time leave of absence, will I receive a fine (Fixed Penalty Notice) and can I be prosecuted?

Calderdale MBC's Fixed Penalty Notice Protocol acknowledges that regular and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and essential for pupils to maximise their educational opportunities.

Circumstances where a Penalty Notice might be issued include unauthorised absences during term time, when the leave of absence amounts to seven days or more in any period up to a maximum of twelve rolling school weeks. You can be prosecuted if you receive a fine and it is not paid.

Under the Education Act 1996, parents commit an offence if they fail to ensure their child's regular school attendance. Taking a child out of school for a holiday without permission, and where the absence amounts to ten days or more of unauthorised absence is viewed as failing to ensure your child's regular attendance at school.

Payment of a Penalty Notice, where offered, is an alternative to prosecution. If unpaid, prosecution for the Education Act offence may therefore ensue. A fine will be issued to each person with parental responsibility for the child / children who is deemed liable for the offence / offences.

Leave of absence during term time applications

Academic Year 2017/2018

Dear Parent/Carer

Leave of Absence application form:

Please find overleaf an application form for leave of absence during term time.

New regulations around leave of absence:

When making an application for leave of absence during term time, please be aware that from

1st September, 2013, Headteachers are not able to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This is because of a change in the regulations, which is fully explained in the ‘frequently asked questions’ page attached to the back of the application form.

The application form attached therefore asks you to outline the reasons why you feel your application for leave of absence during term time should be regarded as ‘exceptional’.

Leave of absence authorisation:

Following the submission of your application, you will be notified as soon as possible of the school’s decision. Please note that leave of absence authorisation is entirely at the Headteacher’s discretion, and if authorisation is granted, the number of days to be authorised will also be determined by the Headteacher.

Parents/carers should be aware that if your requested leave of absence is not authorised, but you still take the child out of school or you keep your child away from school for a longer time than agreed/authorised, the absence (or excess absence where longer than agreed) will be recorded as unauthorised.

Unauthorised absences on your child's attendance record may mean that you are liable to incur a Fixed Penalty Notice (fine) or could face prosecution. Fines will be issued to each person with parental responsibility for the child / children who is deemed liable for the offence/offences.


Tutor Group(s)

Telephone number:

I request permission for my child/children to be absent From ...... to ...... Total number of school days 

Exceptional circumstances for request:

I would like to apply for an exceptional circumstances holiday for the following reason;

 A – I am a Service Personnel returning from active deployment  B – The inflexibility of my leave or working arrangement is part of my employers organisational/company policy  C – Leave has been recommended as part of my or my child’s rehabilitation from medical or emotional problems  D – My family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis  E – Other

Further information ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


All requests would need to be evidenced with appropriate documentation and a letter to the Headteacher. The decision of the Headteacher IS FINAL.

Signature of parent/carer …………………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………..

For school use only Received by C E Headteacher/ Head of School (signature) ...... Date ...... Leave of absence granted/denied ______To be returned to parent/carer

Leave of absence for (name/s of student/s)...... …

Granted/Denied Comment (If applicable)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature of C E Headteacher/ Head of S...... Date ......

Appendix 2


Parent/Carer Address


I am concerned that attendance has fallen to %. Any child with an attendance below 90% is classed nationally as a persistent absentee. A copy of his/her registration certificate is enclosed.

As you are aware, it is important that attends school every day, as any prolonged absence will limit his/her academic progress. Regular attendance at school is a legal requirement and any attendance figure below 92% is closely monitored.

We understand the absence may be due to illness but we have to make you aware of the situation. If you know of any reason (i.e. doctor/hospital/dental appointment) he/she may be off within the next 3 weeks please let us know.

I hope we can work together to improve your son/daughter’s attendance.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. S. Thompson Attendance Officer

Appendix 3


Parent/Carer Address


I am concerned that attendance has fallen to %. Any child with an attendance below 90% is classed nationally as a persistent absentee. A copy of his/her registration certificate is enclosed.

As you are aware, it is important that attends school every day, as any prolonged absence will limit his/her academic progress. Students who have an attendance of around 90% can see their GCSE results drop by at least one grade compared to those students with a higher attendance. Consequently, regular attendance at school is a legal requirement and any attendance figure below 92% is closely monitored.

We understand the absence may be due to illness but we have to make you aware of the situation. If you know of any reason (i.e. doctor/hospital/dental appointment) he/she may be off within the next 3 weeks please let us know.

I hope we can work together to improve your son/daughter’s attendance.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. S. Thompson Attendance Officer