Appendix B Operating Techiques.Pdf
ffi +hr*ffitr;ffi dS\ wAMlrABy::!:,^T:F:T"!!1"11,_try ffi effiy\t9 Training and Advisory Board ffi .1rr !s*L11tffi ffiX,P..J*L-lI*s 6.'.aJ' s iJ.% wa"u-i *l- g.fn | M".t? S J* cY,',S fo o# #;-o# ""i?' l"| r*r.('l lr-^:-a- A. -t1a1---1 - {*t*+4 d*sti Unit- Gertifi6ate!' rrvstv ,$,r*-t *1.F.r.,,, which forms-v! part *i"r [*I of a S,$ e-"rqtt Nationalllutrt'rlltt Vocationalu\r'l,Lll\rllLl QualificationYllgfff fft glff\rll .9*# ffn:ff* {* {4 r^, iW i{-..i^, {E _ {o; *.'S Units gained: *..* procedures Iti*,.]ft .91991199 Monitor to control risks to health and safety (Employment NTO Unit B) fJi,k a,n'i.H Y1013895 Control the reception of inert waste . i '\r= t';I13 H1013897 Control the movement, sorting and storage of inert waste tt,t;fliff 1,"*";1t* M1013899 Control site operations for thJdisposal oi inert waste lI.j'Y"; R1013894 Prepare tandfiil sites for the acceptance of waste f.f- f ll'Jniia'!1* .T.:-fI_-{ L'1013862: EilsutEEnsure PterEultuilprotection urof therne environmentenvtlorltTtenl on tanoliltlandfill sitesstlgs F ,*i"4- ,atl-E,w r^aioE'wj rf,r", .r^tiH1,,' r^a'{E &" t , aa.. -.r& "rr I I A,t-r -.rvt a,t {r-^" &l 4a.*5+r :^rSLr^, - mi--a,ttF {F ^,t"'/{ w:+-+^,dl ,t^f,r. {}' t^t F! ''r ' i$;;t'1"€ ThisI lllli \,erllllcareGertificate islri awardedawarqeq to[O Ul-fdi.$; {'}t'k LtdL i; i+{}i^;{r *r"%i, Williamuuililarrt Thomast ttotrras Morristutorrts " .c *tak * ,B w yrl,L* s'kr.+,i-iJI Awarded: rrc4tzoi2 serial No:r !v' rosagrsrrreuevrrr | *.e.f*t*"'* *l*I- e.sPe* wrrc.ii JTe*slry t<,;fud*i l'l iil,*i,<r--.>< ie i& ?Y.";st AuthorisedAuthorised_ F*sttt**.o#/ltlAQa*rsic 617 A !i,J'sJl e?,,ry- (-^-,t* [1"*i;-t** ChCn rbris Ray \ t,X fuJ6mesf#es Burberry ::i F,-.
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