Check List 9(6): 1367–1370, 2013 © 2013 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (Available at Journal of Species Lists and Distribution
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Check List 9(6): 1367–1370, 2013 © 2013 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at Journal of species lists and distribution List of Odonates from Mata do Baú, Barroso, Minas Gerais, PECIES S Brazil OF Marcos Magalhães de Souza 1*, Brígida Souza 2, Matheus Carvalho Soares de Aguiar Pereira 3 and ISTS 4 L Angelo Barbosa Monteiro Machado 1 Instituto Federal de Educação e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas, Campus Inconfidentes. CEP 37576-000. Inconfidentes, MG, Brazil. 2 Universidade Federal de Lavras, Departamento de Entomologia, Caixa Postal 3037. CEP 37200-000. Lavras, MG, Brazil. 3 HorizontUniversidadee, MG, Federal Brazil. de Lavras, Departamento de Biologia, Caixa Postal 3037. CEP 37200-000. Lavras, MG, Brazil. * 4 CorrUniversidadeesponding Federal author: de E-mail: Minas [email protected], Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Zoologia, Caixa Postal 486. CEP 31270-901. Belo Abstract: A survey of odonatofauna was carried out in Mata do Baú, a predominantly forested area in Barroso, Minas nongovernmental institution. Sample collection was conducted over twenty-six days from November 2009 to February 2011.Gerais, Fifty-seven regarded as species a priority of Odonata area for were conservation collected and scientificgrouped intoinvestigation, 30 genera asand published nine families. by Biodiversitas, The dominant a Brazilian families Heteragrion obsoletum were Libellulidae (46.5%), Coenagrionidae (20.6%), and MegapodagrionidaeHeteragrion (10.3%)., strictly A specimen limited of to lotic forest streams, with(Selys, two 1886) new wasspecies’. collected, This genus which isto-date especially is known sensitive by a to single environmental specimen collecteddeterioration, in 1880 indicating and red-listed that the asforest endangered. stream’s Special attention was given to the presence of five species of the genus environmental conditions are beneficial to the area and create a baseline for future monitoring of similar environments. Introduction Specimens were deposited in the entomological collection Taxonomic studies of regional and state fauna are of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. considered important, not only for zoogeographic Species richness was determined from the absolute numbers of collected specimens , by Jacknife resampling, and supporting the preparation of red lists. With regard using the Estimates Software (Colwell 2009) with 1000 topurposes, Brazilian but odonates, also for state defining lists existconservation only for Sãostrategies Paulo (Costa et al. 2000) and Espírito Santo (Costa and Oldrini sampled species were based on the richness percentages estimatedresamplings. by theCollection mean of threeefficiency nonparametric and the numberestimators: of and exist only for Poços de Caldas (Santos 1966). Herein, Ace 1, Jack 1, and Chao 1 with the use of estimates. The we2005). present In Minas a commented Gerais published, list of regional odonates lists collected are scanty in total number of expected species was compared using Mata do Baú, the primary forested area of Barroso, the species accumulation curve (Cowell 2009), with a Minas Gerais. This has been regarded as a priority area of species in the studied area. (Drummond et al. confidence degree of 95%, to estimate the actual number for conservation and scientific research in Minas Gerais Material and Methods2005). The study was carried out in Mata do Baú, an environment characterized by the presence of semi- deciduous Montane Forest, gallery forests along the Rio das Mortes river, and savannah (Menini-Neto et al. 2004). Comprising an area of 400 ha, Mata do Baú is the largest fragment of native forest in Barroso, situated in the Campos-das-Vertentes region in center-south Minas Gerais mesotermic according to Köppen, characterized by humid summers(21°11’13” and S, 43°58’34” dry winters. W) The (Figure mean 1). annual The climate temperature is Cwb altitudeis 18°C varieswith a between maximum 900 of and 24.4°C 1200 andm. Collections a minimum were of made13.8°C. with The entomologic mean annual nets rainfall in the differentis 1400 physiognomicmm and the Figure 1. Geographic localition of Barroso, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. regions, totaling 26 days from November 2009 to February 2011, over sixteen months of study. Specimens were killed Results and Discussion with ethyl acetate. The authorization process number The list Odonata recorded from Mata do Baú is present as follows: issued by IBAMA, through the SISBIO system is 21090. 1367 Souza et al. | Odonates from Mata do Baú, Brazil ZYGOPTERA Dasythemis mincki mincki 0034 CALOPTERYGIDAE Elasmothemis constricta (Karsch, 1890) - I-OD-2012- Hetaerina longipes Erythrodiplax fusca 0001 Erythrodiplax latimaculata(Calvert, 1898) - I-OD-2012-0035 Hetaerina rosea Hagen and Selys, 1853 - I-OD-2012- Erythrodiplax media(Rambur, 1842) - I-OD-2012-0036 Hetaerina simplex Erythrodiplax umbrata Ris, 1911 - I-OD-2012-0037 Mnesarete pudicaSelys, phryne 1853 - I-OD-2012-0002 0039 Borror, 1942 - I-OD-2012-0038 Selys, 1853 - I-OD-2012-0003 Erythrodiplax paraguayensis(Linnaeus, 1758) - I-OD-2012- COENAGRIONIDAE Costa, 1986 - I-OD-2012-0004 0040 Acanthagrion gracile Erythrodiplax juliana (Förster, 1904) - I-OD-2012- Argia croceipennis Erythrodiplax Argia lilacina Rambur, 1842 - I-OD-2012-0005 Erythrodiplax Ris, 1911 - I-OD-2012-0041 Argia mollis Selys, 1865 - I-OD-2012-0006 Erythemis peruvianasp. 1 - I-OD-2012-0042 Argia reclusa Selys, 1865 - I-OD-2012-0007 Erythemis vesiculosasp. 2 - I-OD-2012-0043 Argia Hagen in Selys, 1865 - I-OD-2012-0008 Macrothemis heteronychaRambur, 1842 - I-OD-2012-0044 Oxyagrion basaleSelys, 1865 - I-OD-2012-0009 0046 (Fabricius, 1775) - I-OD-2012-0045 Oxyagrionsp. - I-OD-2012-0010terminale Macrothemis imitans imitans(Calvert, 1909) - I-OD-2012- Oxyagrion evanescensSelys, 1876 - I-OD-2012-0011 Telebasis gigantea Selys, 1876 - I-OD-2012-0012 Macrothemis marmorata Karsch, 1890 - I-OD-2012- Tigriagrion aurantinigrum Calvert, 1909 - I-OD-2012-0013 Miathyria0047 marcella 0016 Daigle, 2002 - I-OD-2012-0015 Micrathyria stawiarskii Hagen, 1868 - I-OD-2012-0048 Calvert, 1909 - I-OD-2012- Micrathyria hesperis(Selys, 1857) - I-OD-2012-0049 DICTERIADIDAE Micrathyria Santos, 1953 - I-OD-2012-0050 Heliocharis amazona Orthemis discolor Ris, 1911 - I-OD-2012-0051 Pantala flavescenssp. - I-OD-2012-0052 LESTIDAE Selys, 1853 - I-OD-2012-0017 Perithemis mooma(Burmeister, 1839) - I-OD-2012-0053 Lestes auritus Perithemis icteroptera(Fabricius, 1798) - I-OD-2012-0054 Lestes bipupillatus Tramea calverti Kirby, 1889 - I-OD-2012-0055 Hagen in Selys, 1862 - I-OD-2012-0018 Tramea cophysa (Selys, 1857) - I-OD-2012-0056 MEGAPODAGRIONIDAECalvert, 1909 - I-OD-2012-0019 Muttkowski, 1910 - I-OD-2012-0057 Allopodagrion contortum Hagen, 1817 - I-OD-2012-0058 2012-0020 genera and nine families were collected in Mata do Baú. Heteragrion aurantiacum (Hagen in Selys, 1862) - I-OD- ConsideringAs shown the in small the sizelist, of 57 the speciesarea (400 belonging ha), the number to 30 Heteragrion obsoletum Heteragrion tiradentense Selys, 1862 - I-OD-2012-0021 area, which contains both lotic and lentic water systems, 2012-0023 Selys, 1886 - I-OD-2012-0022 asof specieswell as isforested relatively and large open and environments. reflects the diversity The results of the of Heteragrion Machado and Bedé, 2006 - I-OD- a social wasps inventory (Vespidae) also revealed a high Heteragrion number of species, a fact that has been correlated with the n. sp. - I-OD-2012-0024 area’s plant diversity (Souza and Prezoto 2006). Table 1 PROTONEURIDAEsp. - I-OD-2012-0025 shows the number of species for each family. Epipleoneura venezuelensis Libellulidae was the family with most species 0026 Forcepsioneura sancta Rácenis, 1955 - I-OD-2012- the(46.55%) fact that followed in the worldby Coenagrionidae and in the Neotropical (20.60%) region, and (Hagen in Selys, 1860) - I-OD-2012- CoenagrionidaeMegapodagrionidae is more (10.3%), speciose in markedthan Libellulidae contrast withand ANISOPTERA0027 Megapodagrionidae. On the other hand, all collected Libellulidae were common species with wide geographic AESHNIDAE ranges (although three of them – two Erythrodiplax and Castoraeschna januaria one Micrathyria – all represented by male individuals, Rhionaeschna pauloi (Hagen, 1857) - I-OD-2012-0028 important species, with regard to their conservation GOMPHIDAE Machado, 1984 - I-OD-2012-0029 status,not yet are been Coenagrionidae identified), whereasand Megapodagrionidae. the rarest and most Epigomphus paludosus The common species, with wide geographic ranges, 0030 predominated in the areas of open vegetation, whereas the Phyllocycla argentina Hagen in Selys, 1854 - I-OD-2012- rarest and most important for conservation predominated 0031 in the forested area, a fact that corroborates the results (Hagen in Selys, 1856) - I-OD-2012- obtained for the odonatological fauna of the Maraca LIBELLULIDAE Biological Reserve in Roraima (Machado et al. Brachymesia furcata Heteragrion were Brechmorhoga nubecula collected, all from the gallery forest lotic streams. 1991). The In 0033 (Hagen, 1861) - I-OD-2012-0032 the Megapodagrionidae, five species of (Rambur, 1842) - I-OD-2012- presence of the species of this genus is an unusual finding.1368 Souza et al. | Odonates from Mata do Baú, Brazil only in lotic, streams, in areas of dense forest. Adults and larvalIts species odonates are strictlyhave been lotic shown with tomost be goodspecies indicators occurring of and Jödicke 2004) and Heteragrion has been shown