

Paul Cornell,Mirco Pierfederici,Alan Davis | 160 pages | 06 May 2014 | | 9780785183976 | English | New York, United States Wolverine - Volume 2: Killable (marvel Now) : Paul Cornell :

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Wolverine, Volume 2 by Paul Cornell. Alan Davis Illustrator. Mirco Pierfederici Illustrator. The biggest Wolverine event in years starts here! After the recent loss of his healing factor, Logan must adjust to a very different reality. Wolverine thinks a Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 has been found And as his foes react to his new status quo, a hefty bounty is placed on Logan's head, and villains and mercenaries begin popping o The biggest Wolverine event in years starts here! And as his foes react to his new status quo, a hefty bounty is placed on Logan's head, and villains and mercenaries begin popping out of the Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 to try to take him down. As the noose tightens, Wolverine and take a road trip to the grounds of the former Howlett estate - but more than bittersweet memories are waiting for Logan in the place he once called home! Meanwhile, and S. Guest-starring , , Black Panther and more! Collecting : Wolverine Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published March 25th by Marvel first published March 1st More Details Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 Title. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Wolverine, Volume 2please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Wolverine, Volume 2: Killable. Mar 30, Jeff rated it liked it Shelves: comix. Incredibly long story short: A virus from the Macro Verse has taken away his healing factor. It's ouch time whenever Wolverine pops out his claws. Oh, and the virus is trying to take over every living person on the planet. Note: The cover pictured by Goodreads is the cover of a single issue. My volume had and Wolverine on the front. View all 3 comments. Oct 14, Gavin rated it liked it Shelves: comics. I feel very wishy-washy on this one I' as surprised as you were Cary Cornell is hit and miss, but mostly miss. This is 2. So Beast gets all sad that Logan is now Human, and boohoohoo. Eve I feel very wishy-washy on this one Everyone thinks he's going off, and he does, so Kitty follows him. There's one decent passage where comes down to drink with Logan and tells him that he loves Midgarders so much because they're mortal, and that with time, Logan will realize what a great gift it is. Frankly, I think Logan as written by most GOOD writers would have him make a few snide remarks, but file that away as decent advice. Cornell has him start a fight with Thor Good idea. All fighting and way too much talking from Kitty's inner monologue Sabretooth shows up, and to prove he's REALLY EVIL he tells Logan he won't kill him even though he's totally defeated, because he wants to let it sink in that he's much better than Wolverine, and he wants Logan to get old and fall apart and then he'll maybe put him Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 of his misery in a nursing home So the title is apt: Wolverine IS Killable. But not in this volume. Missed opportunity here Get this review and more at View 1 comment. Aug 04, Aaron rated it liked it. This is a slight improvement over the previous volume, mostly thanks to the first issue here, in which we see Wolverine start dealing with the fact that his healing factor is gone. I liked Cornell's little touches, such as Wolverine Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 being afraid to shave, and the gradual realization Logan has that he literally can't be a loner anymore. He has to rely on others if he's going to survive, now that he's not essentially invincible anymore. If the whole story played out in this grounded way I think This is a slight improvement over the previous volume, mostly thanks to the first issue here, in which we see Wolverine start dealing with the fact that his healing factor is gone. If the whole story played out in this grounded way I think I would've really loved it. Instead, it quickly jettisons this in favor of a story about Wolverine trying to hunt down and Sabretooth arguably the people who would be most excited to kill him over a ceremonial sword they steal from him. It's patently absurd that Logan would risk his newly-vulnerable life over this, pride or no pride, and the fact that the next six Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 are spent dealing with his dumb decision makes the story kind of a drag to get through. That said, there are some cool moments. Wolverine's showdown with Sabretooth is well-written and suspenseful, and you get a real sense of the danger Logan's found himself in. Still, most of the plotting that gets us to this moment feels like stalling, so it doesn't quite have the impact it could have. I think if this had been a 3- or 4-issue storyline it would've really soared, but as is, it feels long and a little clunky. Jun 08, Nate Meadows rated it really liked it. MUCH better than previous volume. I like the new vulnerable Wolverine and the sense of doom you felt as Sabretooth toyed with him. Jul 12, Brent rated it really liked it Recommends it for: fans of these fine creators and Marvel superheroes. Shelves: superherofictioncomics. I really like this downward of a run, especially Cornell's effective shake-up of Wolverine, and as usual, the great art of Alan Davis. Sep 11, Quentin Wallace rated it liked it. The wrap up was unfortunately no better than he first half. Alan Davis and Mark Farmer do come back, so he art is pretty at least. But overall, I just didn't care for the story. We did get to see Wolverine in some battles with , Batroc, and Sabretooth makes an appearance too. I had several problems with the storyline. First off, Wolverine has lost his healing factor, which has been done before but can still be intriguing. But he just came across as too whiny in parts. I know he's also bee The wrap up was unfortunately no better than he first half. I know he's also been tortured by his inner demons, but I don't remember him being so afraid of everything. Next, the plotlines with the virus mixing in with him and the supervillains were confusing. And even the ending was unsatisfying. He just says "The Wolverine is dead. I'm assuming this plot thread is picked up in the next series, but still. They look nice though! Wolverine | Comic Book Series | Fandom At Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 same time, Cornell challenged himself to write both a story rooted in the wider — featuring characters ranging from the new Nick Fury to Batroc the Laper, and heading to locations like the Microverse and Wakanda. The series only lasted thirteen issues, and in truth it told a single story; a sentient virus from the Microverse threatens the world and builds in power. Remarkably, the series is truly self-contained, with no crossovers or tie-ins. In Wakanda, Cornell draws upon the Black Panther — Storm — Wolverine triangle to see how a berserker rage would work for this Wolverine; then, he has Sabretooth pull Wolverine into a devastating confrontation. By 13, Wolverine is emotionally broken, defeated as never before. Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 Book Herald is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a qualifying affiliate commission. Any size contribution will help keep CBH alive and full of new comics guides and content. Thank you for reading! Become a Patron! The reason they had to kill Wolverine is because Cornell ruined him. He made Wolverine a coward. Think about this, have you ever read a comic book where the hero flinches? I mean literally flinches. The covers Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 the worse. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. He made Wolverine into a man that was only brave because he could heal. Why would I want to read that? He made Wolverine unreadable. Wolverine is a trained Samurai. Taking his healing factor was an opportunity to make him even more interesting, Instead we got what we got. Bleep you Cornell! Bleep you hard! Those men wrote great stories of a brave, complicated character and Cornell tried Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 sweep it all away. It was in a phrase…. He basically ignored the character that Cornell created and gave a short and to the point ending. It was actually decent. In the end he sacrifices his life Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 save those people and save the world form more killing machines. It was not just that he sacrificed his present life. He also sacrificed his old life too. He could have given himself the healing factor injections instead of giving it to the people in the lab to save their lives. That guy Cornell wrote about? Avoid him. You make a lot of really good points here. Seeing Sam Wilson get the title of only to behave like a huge jerk is just not a fun read. Although at least the central plot supports the intentional change in character…. I both agree and disagree. At the same time, I do note that — for a Samurai — Wolverine has a habit of just running straight into battles irrespective of the damage he takes, suggesting that his whole fighting style assumes his healing. Thanks for the comment! What should I read 1st so I can get a complete picture of wolverine. I want to know from the start. This is when wolvie first joins the x-men. You could definitely start with , that works chronologically. Personally I prefer getting to know Wolverine on the X- Men, but nothing wrong with his origins first! Your email address will not be published. DC Where to Start? I have read Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 1 and 2. Was going to read Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 x-men and start from there? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer New to Comic Book Herald? Hey there - my name's Dave and this is my comic book blog. It's my way of sharing my borderline obsessive addiction to the comic book medium, and I hope you like some of what's going on here. Most people that come here are looking for my WIP Marvel reading order guide. You can probably also get a sense if CBH is for you by taking a look at some of my columns. If you like what you see, let's connect on Facebook or Twitter. Or, leave a comment on the blog here, I'm always looking for new awesome people in the comic book community. Privacy Policy Terms of Service. WOLVERINE VOL. 2: KILLABLE TPB (Trade Paperback) | Comic Issues | Comic Books | Marvel

Cons: The main story still has a number of flaws. The virus hunting side story is completely Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 and distracting. The art is not that good. Overall: What could have been a heartfelt story about Wolverine is marred by Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 intrusive subplots, random out of character moments, and bad art. There is a unique look at Wolverine facing mortality and his legacy in the world here but it is hard to really appreciate it under everything else. Wolverine Vol. The main story, focusing on Wolverine being hunted by an unknown adversary, is nice and really digs into his character by trying to figure out who he is as a hero and just as a person. However, a lackluster trip to Wakanda and an ever-present subplot about an alien Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 make this hard to appreciate. The collection starts out right where the last one left off, Wolverine has lost his healing factor and is now subject to a myriad of problems which he previously had never gave a second thought. Shaving, drinking alcohol, and walking down an Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 are now major life hazards. It turns small and mundane problems into major ones and makes the story interesting as well. Things takes a slight dip in quality when Wolverine enters Wakanda in order to assess a possible manifestation of the virus from Hunting Season. The Logan half of the story is the best aspect of the book. It shows him pushed to his absolute limits and tortured in ways that he has never encountered before. Then, in the final pages of the book, Wolverine is offered his healing factor back in exchange for the continued life of the virus, an offer he rejects. Yet even the best part of this book has its flaws. The security guard goading Wolverine to attack him seemed unrealistic and clued readers into the fact that this might actually be Mystique. Wolverine has endured far worse insults and been fine with it, so it seemed very out of character for this to happen. The real flaws in the book come into play with the addition of the Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 hunting side story. The artwork in this volume maintains the artists from the previous volume, meaning both Mirco Pierfederici and Alan Davis put work into this collection. This is unfortunate because, as we mentioned in our review of Vol. The first issue of this collection is alright but the quality sharply declines after this. Good art may have been able to make this a better volume all around but unfortunately this is simply not the case. The story here continues in Wolverine Vol. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. November 6, ComicBookWire 0 Comments. Story Wolverine Vol. Continuity Wolverine Vol. This volume also references the stories from other comic books, all of which are detailed below. This happens in X-Men: Second Coming. This marriage was annulled in vs. Wolverine mentions a conversation Wolverine: Killable (Marvel Now) Volume 2 Black Panther and Storm. This conversation happened in Wolverine and the X-Men Vol. Kitty Pryde mentions that Wolverine got his memories back somewhat recently, this happened in . This occurred in Origi n. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.