Homonymy and Polysemy Found in Toy Story Movie
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HOMONYMY AND POLYSEMY FOUND IN TOY STORY MOVIE SCRIPT: A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS A THESIS BY SABRINA BR GINTING REG. NO. 140705062 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATRA UTARA MEDAN 2018 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA HOMONYMY AND POLYSEMY FOUND IN TOY STORY MOVIE SCRIPT: A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS A THESIS BY SUPERVISOR CO-SUPERVISOR Dr. Deliana, M.Hum. Dra. Roma Ayuni Aminoeddin Loebis, M.A. NIP. 19571117 198303 2 002 NIP. 19680122 199803 2 001 Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara Medan in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATRA UTARA MEDAN 2018 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination. Head, Secretary, Prof. T.Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. NIP. 19540916 1998003 2 003 NIP.19750209 200812 1 002 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Wednesday, December 19th, 2018 Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001 Board of Examiners Prof. T.Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. ___________________________ Dr. Deliana, M. Hum. ____________________________ Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum. _____________________________ UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I, SABRINA BR GINTING DECLARE THAT I AM THE SOLE AUTHOR OF THIS THESIS EXCEPT WHERE REFERENCE IS MADE IN THE TEXT OF THIS THESIS. THIS THESIS CONTAINS NO MATERIAL PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE OR EXTRACTED IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM A THESIS BY WHICH I HAVE QUALIFIED FOR OR AWARDED ANOTHER DEGREE. NO OTHER PERSON’S WORK HAS BEEN USED WITHOUT DUE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IN THE MAIN TEXT OF THIS THESIS. THIS THESIS HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF ANOTHER DEGREE IN ANY TERTIARY EDUCATION. Signed : Date :December 19th , 2018 v UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA COPYRIGHT DECLARATION NAME : SABRINA BR GINTING TITLE OF THESIS : HOMONYMY AND POLYSEMY FOUND IN TOY STORY MOVIE SCRIPT: A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS QUALIFICATION : S-1/SARJANA SASTRA DEPARTMENT ENGLISH I AM WILLING THAT MY THESIS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR REPRODUCTION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE LIBRARIAN OF DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT USERS ARE MADE AWARE OF THEIR OBLIGATION UNDER THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. Signed : Date : December 19th , 2018 vi UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise the Lord, first of all I would like to thank to my Lord, Jesus Christ for blessing, love, opportunity, health, mercy, grace, and giving everything I need especially to finish this thesis in order to get the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara. I believe that I could not have this done without His will, because actually I am nothing without Him. I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S., the Head of English Department, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D., and the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. for all of the facilities and opportunities given to me during the study. I would like to express a very special gratitude and high appreciation to my supervisor Dr. Deliana, M.Hum., and my co-supervisor Dra. Roma Ayuni Aminoeddin Loebis, M.A. for the guidance, support, advice and constructive comments during the writing of this thesis, and also thank to all of the lecturers. A hug gratitude and special for my families who give their endless love and undying support to me. To my wise father, Sentosa Ginting and my super mother, Maria Br. Sitepu, thank you for helping me through the hard time and always give the love, prayer, give supports, and always try to give the best, in terms of love and material, and also thanks to my sisters Mika Ira Br. Ginting, Meda Pertiwi Br. Ginting, S.E., Meylia Br. Ginting S.H., Sri Unita Br. Ginting S.E., Lilian Vhani Br. Ginting for give me the supports, love and attention. Big thank to the Small Group TRIA GRACELLA, Kak Eva Yun Elisa Silalahi, S.S., as my spiritual sister, Kak Mariana Simanjuntak, S.S., as my spiritual vii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA sister, too, Tetty Marlina Manurung, Wita Afsari Surbakti, S.Sos., for every prayer, help, and supports to me like the sisters in Christ, you guys are not sisters by blood, but sisters by heart. I am very grateful to have some sisters like you. Thank to Frida Pahla Sitanggang for prayer, helping, and supporting to make me getting better. Thank to my friend Meli Indriani for always being there for me, thank you for your time, helping, support, and the other things that I can‘t write on here word by word. Thank to my friends Tetty, Titian, Dessy, Anisa, Dhea, Noni for supporting me. Also thank to my friends since Senior High School and until now still counting, Vika, Helmy, Sella, Hagai, Yulinda for every supports, help, and pray to me. Also thank to Bang Kirno as an admin in English Department who has done a good job and gives support to many students. Last but not least, thank to Qorry as my partner during proposal seminar and final examination, for supporting and helping. Thank to all beloved people who help, give the supports, advice, and the other things that make me have the strength to finish this thesis, big thank to all of you. I may forget to mention some names, but I thank everyone for helping and supporting me; for every clarity that people brought to me in the crucial moment; every noble deed I received from those whom I forgot. Those days are gone. I thank God for introducing all of you to me. Medan, 2018 The Writer, SABRINA BR. GINTING Reg. No. 140705062 viii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRACT Thesis which entitled Homonymy and Polysemy found in Toy Story Movie Script: A Semantic Analysis, analyzing homonymy and polysemy that found in Toy Story movie script. The objectives of this study are to analyze the types of homonymy and polysemy found in Toy Story movie script and to describe homonymy and polysemy that realized in Toy Story movie script. Homonymy proposed by John Saeed (2009) and polysemy proposed by Apresjan J.D (1974). The method of this study is qualitative descriptive. The data of this research are the words that contain homonymy and polysemy. The sources of data of this research are Toy Story movie script. From the analysis, it is found that are 20 pairs of data (34.5%) homonymy that consists of four types of homonymy like Same Spelling – Category there are 9 pairs of data, Same Category – Different Spelling there are 9 pairs of data, Different Category – Same Spelling there are 2 pairs of data, and Different Category – Different Spelling there‘s no found the data this type. Then there are 38 pairs of data (65.5%) polysemy that consists of two types of polysemy, like Regular Polysemy there are 29 pairs of data, Irregular Polysemy there are 9 pairs of data. So, in ‗Toy Story‘ movie script polysemy is more dominant than homonymy because actually polysemy is the same word that has more than one meaning and still interrelated, while homonymy come from two entries same word but has different meaning. The use of polysemy usually much found in the prose works, not academic, and the object of this study is movie script, that is why polysemy is more dominant. Keywords: homonymy, polysemy, Toy Story movie script, meaning, semantics. ix UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRAK Skripsi yang berjudul Homonymy and Polysemy found in Toy Story Movie Script: A Semantic Analysis, menganalisis homonimi dan polisemi yang ditemukan dalam naskah film ‗Toy Story‘. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis- jenis homonimi dan polisemi yang ditemukan dalam naskah film ‗Toy Story‘ dan untuk menggambarkan homonimi dan polisemi yang direalisasikan dalam naskah film ‗Toy Story‘. Teori homonimi oleh John Saeed (2009), polisemi oleh Apresjan J.D (1974). Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah kata-kata yang mengandung homonimi dan polisemi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah naskah film ‗Toy Story‘. Dari analisis, ditemukan 20 pasang data (34,5%) homonimi yang terdiri dari empat jenis homonimi seperti Ejaan Sama - Kategori ada 9 pasang data, Kategori Sama - Ejaan Berbeda ada 9 pasang data , Berbeda Kategori – Ejaan Sama ada 2 pasang data, dan Kategori Berbeda - Ejaan Berbeda tidak ditemukan data jenis ini. Kemudian ada 38 pasang data (65,5%) polisemi yang terdiri dari dua jenis polisemi, seperti Polisemi reguler ada 29 pasang data, Polisemi tidak teratur ada 9 pasang data. Jadi, dalam naskah film ‗Toy Story‘ polisemi lebih dominan daripada homonimi karena sebenarnya polisemi adalah kata yang sama yang mempunyai lebih dari satu makna dan maknanya masih saling terkait, sementara homonimi berasal dari dua kata entri yang sama tetapi maknanya berbeda. Penggunaan polisemi biasanya banyak ditemukan di dalam karya prosa, bukan yang bersifat akademik, dan objek penelitian ini adalah naskah film, itu sebabnya polisemi lebih dominan. Kata kunci: homonimi, polisemi, naskah film Toy Story, makna, semantik. x UNIVERSITAS