Environmental and Social Management Framework

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Environmental and Social Management Framework Republic of Moldova Land Registration, Valuation and Local Taxation Project Environmental and Social Management Framework Developed by Public Service Agency Cadastre Department www.asp.gov.md Chisinau, Moldova May, 2018 Land Registration, Valuation and Local Taxation Project blank page 2 Environmental and Social Management Framework Contents Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 5 Executive Summary ................................................................................................ 6 1. Project Description .......................................................................................... 9 1.1 Background of the Project ..................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Project objective .................................................................................................................. 10 1.3 Project components and activities ........................................................................................ 10 1.3.1 Component A: First Property Registration .............................................................. 10 1.3.2 Component B: Valuation and Taxation ................................................................... 11 1.3.3 Component C: Land Administration System Strengthening ................................... 12 1.3.4 Component D: Capacity Building and Project Management .................................. 12 1.4 Project location .................................................................................................................... 13 1.5 Implementation arrangements .............................................................................................. 13 2. Baseline Data and Information .................................................................... 14 2.1 Background data and information ........................................................................................ 14 2.2 Overview of the status of the country’s environment .......................................................... 15 2.3 Lands with the special regime of protection and use ........................................................... 16 3. Risks and Impacts ......................................................................................... 20 3.1 Major environmental concerns related to project activities ................................................. 20 3.2 Project potential environmental risks and impacts .............................................................. 20 3.3 Potential social risks and impacts ........................................................................................ 24 3.4 Recommended specific mitigation measures to be applied ................................................. 27 3.4.1 Organizational measures ......................................................................................... 27 3.4.2 Protection of land resources .................................................................................... 27 3.4.3 Protected Areas ....................................................................................................... 28 3.4.4 Protection of the forest fund .................................................................................... 28 3.4.5 Protection of aquatic resources ............................................................................... 29 4. Policy and Regulatory Framework ............................................................. 30 4.1 National environmental management regulatory framework .............................................. 30 4.1.1 Environmental legal framework .............................................................................. 30 4.1.2 International conventions, ratified by Republic of Moldova .................................. 31 4.1.3 Environmental Impact Assessment procedure ........................................................ 31 4.2 Social Legal Framework ...................................................................................................... 34 4.3 Institutions involved in the process of public land management ......................................... 40 4.4 World Bank Safeguards Policies and Procedures ................................................................ 42 4.4.1 Safeguard Policies and their relevance to the Project ............................................. 42 4.4.2 Screening categories and Environmental Assessment procedures .......................... 43 4.5 The comparison of national and WB EA procedures .......................................................... 44 4.6 Reflecting Lesson Learned in Safeguards from First Cadaster Project in Moldova ........... 46 4.7 Comprehensive Social Assessment to be carried under the Project .................................... 46 5. Project Environmental Guidelines .............................................................. 47 5.1 Purpose and content of environmental guidelines ............................................................... 47 5.2 Rules and procedures for the environmental screening ....................................................... 47 3 Land Registration, Valuation and Local Taxation Project 5.3 Integration of EMP into project documentation .................................................................. 49 6. ESMF Implementation ................................................................................. 51 6.1 Project Implementation Unit ............................................................................................... 51 6.2 PIU Safeguards Specialist ................................................................................................... 51 6.3 Capacity building ................................................................................................................. 52 6.4 Monitoring and reporting activities ..................................................................................... 52 6.5 Grievance Redress Mechanism ........................................................................................... 53 6.5.1 Mitigation Measures and Grievance Redress Mechanism ...................................... 53 6.5.2 World Bank’s Corporate Level Grievance Redress System ................................... 55 6.6 Public consultation and disclosure ...................................................................................... 55 References .............................................................................................................. 57 Annexes ................................................................................................................... 60 Annex A. State-Protected Areas Fund according to the Law #1538/1998 (as of Mar 2018) .. 61 Annex B. National Environmental Legal Framework............................................................. 85 Annex C. World Bank Safeguards Policies and Procedures ................................................... 89 Annex D. Environmental Screening Checklist ........................................................................ 91 Annex E. Environmental Management Plan Content ............................................................. 99 Annex F. Environmental Screening Checklist for activities with regard of lands with special regime of protection and use ............................................................................................. 104 Annex G. sample Grievance/inquiry Form............................................................................ 106 Annex H. sample Grievance Acknowledgement Form ......................................................... 107 Annex I. Report on Consultation on the Draft ESMF with Interested Parties ..................... 108 4 Environmental and Social Management Framework Abbreviations ALRC Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre PSA Public Service Agency CD Cadastre Department EA Environmental Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ELV Emission Limit Values ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework EMP Environmental Management Plan EU European Union GEF Global Environmental Facility GoM Government of Moldova IDA International Development Association IEG Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova IFC International Finance Corporation LPA Local Public Authority MDL Moldovan Lei NGO Non-Governmental Organization NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure OP Operational Policy PAs Protected Areas PIU Project Implementation Unit RM Republic of Moldova SEE State Ecological Expertise SFC State Forest Cadastre SS Safeguards Specialist TA Technical Assistance TCO Territorial Cadastre Office ToR Terms of Reference USD United States Dollar WB World Bank 5 Land Registration, Valuation and Local Taxation Project Executive Summary Project objective. The Project’s Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the quality of the land administration and property valuation systems and to enhance transparency of the property taxation system. The PDO will be achieved by: A) completing systematic property registration of the remaining private and public lands and improving data quality of areas already registered; B) conducting first property valuation and mass revaluations as well as streamlining property tax policy to ensure both an increase in revenues and an improvement in equity; C) land administration system strengthening through the use of ICT systems and making investments in NSDI; and D) capacity building
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