September 8Th, 2020 the Honourable Leo Glavine Minister Of

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September 8Th, 2020 the Honourable Leo Glavine Minister Of September 8th, 2020 The Honourable Leo Glavine Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage 1741 Brunswick St.,3rd Floor P.O. Box 456, STN Central Halifax, NS B3J 2R5 Dear Minister Glavine, I am writing to you today from my office at Neptune Theatre, Nova Scotia’s regional theatre. A theatre that employs many hundreds of artists and technicians, administrators and support staff each and every year. In a regular year we see Nova Scotians flock to our building to be entertained and to feed the local economy. That work ended on March 13th. We have cancelled shows, postponed an entire season of theatre (July 2020 - July 2021.) We have laid off many staff taking Neptune Theatre down to a skeleton staff of twelve. Lost revenue for the first five months of the pandemic totals $1.7 million. Four months ago you indicated to the arts and culture sector that millions of dollars of support would be forthcoming. We are still awaiting news of those funds and how they will be dispersed. Talking with colleagues across the Province brings up two questions: is help coming and when? As requested, we provide an analysis of our situation and a prediction of the impact of COVID-19 and the resulting shutdown into 2021. Can you update us on any emergency funding for the arts and culture sector? Can you now follow up with us and ease the blind panic that knowing nothing causes? We were the fastest closed industry (overnight) and we will likely be the very last to reopen our doors. While some sectors are partially re-opening, much of the arts and culture sector is unable to operate. Members of the public will take some persuading to return to communal activities with studies showing we are two to three years away from any hint of normalcy. Arts and culture are the heartbeat of a community. I fear that without bold, robust and innovative assistance this theatre and many like it will cease to exist. This is not just an HRM issue. Neptune reaches every corner of the province. Our annual school tour introduces live theatre to students across the province. Schools from all over attend special student matinees at the theatre in Halifax. In the last two years, Neptune has introduced American Sign Language (ASL) interpreted programming and Relaxed Performances so more Nova Scotians can enjoy the magic of live theatre. The theatre has also mounted performances of productions like Mamma Mia and the popular Argyle Street Kitchen Party at theatres from Cape Breton to the Valley. Neptune helps to build Nova Scotia's creative capacity through new play development initiatives, training, mentoring, bursary and scholarship programs. It is the single largest employer of artists, designers, directors and theatre educators in the region. Neptune Theatre creatively and fiscally supports many Atlantic Canadian theatre companies, arts organisations and individual artists. Without extraordinary support from the provincial government, we are in real danger of witnessing generational damage to the ecology of arts and culture institutions and the freelance artists that work with them. We have existed these past few months on sheer defiance, will and entrepreneurial guts. The federal government wage subsidy has been vital and a mechanism to live by. We have pivoted and fought to create some semblance of product. We launch a digital reduced version of our work in late September. These are stop-gap measures designed to remain in touch with our audience and community. As we see students of all ages returning to the classroom, we are reaching the point of no return. I am really not sure how long we can survive and be there for Nova Scotians when this is over. I look forward to hearing from you. We are more than willing to meet, discuss or provide you with more facts and figures. Sincerely Jeremy Webb Artistic Director Neptune Theatre, Halifax cc: The Honourable Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia The Honourable Karen Casey, Minister of Finance and Treasury Board Justin Houston, Deputy Minister and CEO, Communities, Culture and Heritage Melissa MacKinnon, Associate Deputy, Minister, Communities, Culture and Heritage EMAIL ADDRESSES Premier McNeil [email protected] Minister Casey [email protected] DM Houston [email protected] ADM MacKinnon [email protected] .
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