PAGE 4 THE SHORELINE JOURNAL - MARCH, 2021 Letters to the editor This is an open forum for your opinions and comments. MAIL TO: The Shoreline Journal, P.O. Box 41, Bass River, NS, B0M 1B0 (902) 647-2968; Fax: 902-647-2194 Email:
[email protected] Will there be two The War Amps Key Tag Service Celebrates 75 Years elections this year? Dear Editor, though it’s a free service, dona- sources to draw from. Through not only protects your keys, it The War Amps Key Tag tions enable the Association to the Association, amputees are allows amputees across the There has been so much going on during the last Service is celebrating a mile- operate its many programs for also eligible for financial assis- country to reach their full po- month, it is difficult to know where to start. For instance, stone this year – its 75th an- amputees, including veterans tance for artificial limbs which tential. near the first of the month provincial Liberals chose Iain niversary! The service has not and children. allow them to be active and in- Tim Verney Rankin as their new leader, who will automatically be- only been reuniting Canadians I was born missing both dependent. War Amps Regional come Premier Stephen McNeil’s replacement. There is a with their lost keys, it has been feet and was enrolled in The The War Amps 2021 key Representative major uproar, which started in Bass River, about the EHS helping to make a difference War Amps Child Amputee tags are being mailed to Nova Nova Scotia response times which has also evolved into complaints in the lives of amputees.