MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the NanoSystems Institute is to foster knowledge and understanding of by serving as a center for scientific research breakthroughs where disciplinary boundaries disappear. This overarching objective stems from its partnership with UCLA; its role as a Governor Gray Davis Institute for Science and Innovation (ISI); as well as a valuation of nanoscale science as the vanguard of scientific and economic progress. UCSB / UCLA Partnership The California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) is an integrated research facility with locations at UCSB and UCLA. CNSI members represent a multi-disciplinary team of some of the world's preeminent scientists from the life and physical sciences, engineering, and medicine. The work at CNSI-UCSB focuses on three targeted areas of nanosystems-related research: Biotechnology; Energy Efficiency; and Information Technology. By combining the resources, expertise, and facilities, CNSI endeavors to encourage university collaboration with industry and to enable the rapid commercialization of discoveries in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Visionary Investment As a Governor Gray Davis Institute for Science and Innovation (ISI), CNSI builds on a visionary investment in future education, research, and technological resources, seeded and supported by the State of California. CNSI also builds upon the existing collaborative strengths of its on- campus participants, and seeks new alliances with industry, universities, and national laboratories. The vision of the CNSI is to establish a coherent and distinctive organization that serves California and the nation, embedded on the UCSB and UCLA campuses. The CNSI is a world-class intellectual and physical environment—a collaborative center that will generate ideas, discoveries, and the talent that will continue to fuel innovation in nanosystems. Science and the Economy In the 21st century, both science and the economy will require technological discoveries in the control of nanometer scale structure and functions, where the top-down approach of electronics manufacture converges with the bottom-up assembly principles of biology. CNSI has chosen to focus on the scientific and technological richness of new advances made possible by the integration of engineered nanoscale building blocks into complex systems. Major Breakthroughs CNSI anticipates the centrality of nanoscale technologies as the major source of scientific breakthroughs in this new millennium. An understanding of how to manipulate, control, and manufacture at the nanometer scale will drive innovation at the highest levels. The rewards of such understanding lie in the formation of engineered materials with exceptional strength, elasticity, sensitivity, and intelligence. Control of materials at the nanometer scale will ensure the creation of compact, complex, and multifunctional systems at the macro-scale, dramatically augmenting the current capabilities of communication, computation, medical therapy, and environmental remediation.

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DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT During the past year, CNSI continued to provide campus and system-wide benefits to the University of California by facilitating a variety of projects and programs at UCSB. Though its partnerships with campus units such as the Office of Research, Technology and Industry Alliances, Technology and Management Program, Development and the Colleges of Engineering and Mathematical, Life and Physical Sciences, CNSI has been able to develop and maintain opportunities in research, education, and translational activities that would otherwise not exist on campus.

Emerging directions for CNSI during the last year have been directed towards:

• Engaging in scientific discovery that fuels innovation and impacts society. • Promoting interdisciplinary scientific collaboration. • Providing transformative research capabilities through core technology centers. • Seeding multi-campus research initiatives. • Integrating new education and workforce development programs for California. • Catalyzing collaboration between university and industrial researchers. • Fostering entrepreneurship. • Facilitating transition of ideas into the marketplace.

CNSI continues to collaborate with UCSB stakeholders to positively impact the campus’ activities. The specific highlights listed below demonstrate CNSI’s efforts to enhance the campus community.

CNSI’s Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) has launched the campus’ first NIH- funded training grant, Maximizing Access to Research Careers - Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U*STAR) and enhanced its workforce development impact through programs such as Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES), Promoting Industry Engagement and Mentoring in Engineering (PRIME) and AIM- Photonics. CSEP continues to provide exceptional evaluation resources for single investigator projects, but has increased its scale to include large center projects on-campus and external academic institutions. The expertise within CSEP enables units with limited staffing levels and experience to incubate extramurally-funded programs that require outreach activities, evaluation and workforce development.

Bringing practical industry perspectives to campus, the Center for Scientific Computing (joint CNSI-MRL center) hosted Southern California Simulations in Scientific Conference (SCSSC) which allowed students the opportunity to learn how computation is being used in industry while broadening their understanding of other fields in science and engineering. Additionally, the CSC hosted Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) and High Performance Computing (HPC) workshops with UCSB’s Enterprise Technology Services (ETS).

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The continued investment in our core facilities has enabled a 60% increase in the Microfluidics Lab’s trained users and a 400%+ increase in the Biological Nanostructure Lab’s genetics core usage. In an effort to broaden its campus-wide services, the Nanostructures Cleanroom Facility further developed its Materials Synthesis Core. The BNL expanded its network by joining the UC-wide sequencing alliance and hosting its annual UC Consortium Meeting.

CNSI’s developments in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship included the expansion of its Small Business Incubator to a larger office suite enabling increased occupancy for start-ups. Additionally, CNSI co-sponsored the Start-Up Village at the Central Coast Innovation Awards with UCSB’s Technology and Industry Alliances and the Pacific Coast Business Times. The Start-Up Village provided a forum for the most promising emerging & mid-growth startup companies from the Central Coast to interact with community business leaders and investors.

CNSI further increased its research and development activities by increasing our Challenge Grant Program to 12 active projects with topics ranging from development of novel battery architectures to quantum interfaces. Likewise, our extramural resource administration increased its knowledge base by working with 35 different agencies to submit funding proposals or administer project funding. We were also fortunate to have added the research experience and capabilities of four new Elings Postdoctoral fellows from four different countries during the past year.

CNSI has strengthened its interactions with the other Governor Gray Davis’ Institutes for Science and Innovation, California Institute for Qualitative Biosciences (QB3), California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CalIT2) and Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). We continue to participate in regular teleconferences to discuss potential opportunities and collaborations in addition to having a forum to access the collective knowledge base of the GGDISI Directors and UCOP leadership. In December 2015, we hosted the first in-person GGDISI Directors Retreat attended by all of the current GGDISI Directors, UCOP leadership and former Governor Gray Davis. We plan to further expand upon the potential of the GGDISIs as a collective through new initiatives in the coming year.

Investigators within CNSI recognize the importance of large, multi-disciplinary efforts and world-class infrastructure for sustained and noteworthy impact on the California economy and for the development of California’s abundant human resources. We are committed to creating the collaborative, closely integrated, and strongly interactive environment that fosters such innovation in nanosystems research and education. Through strategic plans to expand the scope and reach of research, resources, entrepreneurship, and education programs, CNSI, along with the other GGDISIs, will continue to stand as leading examples of the role that the University of California can play in serving the state and the nation.

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INTRODUCTION The Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) represents a one-stop resource for many UCSB scientists and engineers for the design, facilitation and evaluation of broader impact and workforce development components for national centers and individual PI research/education proposals to government agencies. CSEP also provides infrastructure for consultation and resources to expand current, and develop new, STEM initiatives with a priority on integrating programs that aim to broaden the diversity of students who pursue a STEM career.

The current CSEP portfolio of education programs and services are managed by a staff of seven Academic Coordinators and one administrative assistant. From July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, CSEP provided educational programming for 8,500+ K-12 and community members, 80+ community college students, 730+ UCSB undergraduate and 1,400+ graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. These initiatives engaged 160 faculty from 25 campus departments and 122 industry representatives to serve as directors, instructors, mentors, speakers and advocates for 21 education initiatives 1and 21 evaluation projects. As a resource to the campus, over the reporting period, the Center led and/or collaborated on proposal for large center and individual PI projects that resulted in over $2.6 million in direct support for education and workforce development initiatives.

CSEP EDUCATION INITIATIVES: K-12 and Community Science

Family Ultimate Science Exploration (FUSE) (2008-present) At FUSE events, students and their families rotate in 30-minute sessions through 3 distinct science activities related to physics, and biology. UCSB science and engineering students, both undergraduate and graduate, lead these activities introducing themselves and talking briefly about their current studies and personal interests. This year FUSE hosted 9 events at junior high school sites that brought in over 1500 students and family members. FUSE also hosted 5 visits to UCSB that served 800 students from outside our immediate community. All events were staffed by 40 UCSB postdoc, graduate, and undergraduate volunteers. Funding Source: EnergyPartners Fund-Santa Barbara Foundation, AIM Photonics

1 Some K-12, community members, UCSB undergraduates, graduates, postdocs and faculty participated in more than one event. CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 5



Amgen Biotechnology Experience (ABE, 2015- 2016) ABE partnered with the School for Scientific Thought and UCSB scientists and researchers to create and teach the Amgen Biotechnology Experience along with 2 other biotech related courses to high school students. 88 high school students participated in the 2 sessions of the Amgen Biotechnology Experience, The Secrets of the Brain, and Convergence of Technologies to Understand Life Processes. Funding Source: Amgen Foundation

School For Scientific Thought (SST, 2009-present) The School for Scientific Thought (SST) was created in 2009 as a graduate student initiative to provide authentic teaching experiences to enhance professional development towards careers in the professoriate and public communication. The SST has provided 64 unique 10-hour courses in Fall and Winter Quarters, supporting 72 graduates students and 4 postdocs from the full spectrum of STEM disciples offered at UCSB. The courses target a wide variety of high school students, and all students grades 9-12 are invited to participate free of charge with over 60% participation from underrepresented groups. Funding Source: The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation, individual PI NSF research and CAREER awards

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NanoDays 2016 (2010-present) The NanoDays festival was held on April 2-3, 2016 at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Fleischman auditorium. 1154 visitors of all ages attended this 2-day event that exhibited 23 activities designed by the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network. Each activity/table was staffed by the 40 UCSB volunteers, primarily from CNSI, CNS, NNIN, or MCDBv and some volunteers coming from the Materials Research Lab and Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology. One hundred percent of our visitor survey respondents rated the event as "very interesting" and 92 percent as "very enjoyable" (both 4 on a scale of 1-4). This year we introduced a speaker series to highlight UCSB research. The speaker series included 1 faculty, 3 postdoctoral researchers, and 3 graduate students. Funding Source: CNSI and CNS

CSEP Community Science (February 2010 - present) The Community Science program consists of classroom visits to UCSB and attendance at local Elementary School Science Night events. Our classroom visits to UCSB regularly collaborates with Chemistry-Van Koppen, Questboards-M. Sherwin, MCDB outreach, MSI REEF, MRL, GGSE-Harding University Partnerships, UCSB MESA and EAOP. In 2014-15 our community programs hosted booths at 8 Science Nights, and hosted 900 students at Elings hall for visits. Funding Source: Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor

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CSEP EDUCATION INITIATIVES: Community College Programs

Internships in Nanosystems Science, Engineering and Technology (INSET, 2002- present) The NSF funded INSET program brings science and engineering community college undergraduates, veterans in particular, to the UC Santa Barbara campus for a summer research experience. Each summer, 16-18 interns gain first-hand experience in scientific investigation in a dynamic, collaborative research environment. They are matched individually with UCSB faculty and graduate student lab mentors who provide training and support. Interns attend weekly meetings, special seminars, and have the opportunity to develop their presentation skills throughout the summer. Funding Source: Individual PI NSF research awards, SBCC STEM grant

Jack Kent Cooke Bridges for Engineering and Science Transfers (Cooke Bridges, 2012-2015) The Cooke Bridges program is hosted at the University of California, Santa Barbara, by the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) at the California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI). The Cooke Bridges program brings science, engineering, and mathematics community college students to the UC Santa Barbara campus for a one- week science intensive residential program, gaining first-hand experience in how scientific research is conducted. They will also gain experience in preparing and presenting talks to disseminate their research findings and network with science, engineering, and mathematics researchers and industry professionals through social, academic, and professional development activities. Funding Source: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Condor Techs (2013-present) The CONDOR TECHS program brings science, engineering, and mathematics college students from Oxnard College to the UC Santa Barbara campus for a two-week science intensive program for a hands- on experience in a dynamic research environment. The students chosen for the program work with graduate student researchers in UCSB science and engineering laboratories, gaining first-hand experience in how scientific research is conducted as well as guidance for research based careers. They will also gain experience in preparing and presenting talks to disseminate their research findings and network with science, engineering, and mathematics researchers through social, academic, and professional development activities. Funding Source: Department of Education HSI STEM Award via Oxnard College

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Scholarships for Transfers to Engage and Excel in Mathematics (STEEM, 2010- 2016) STEEM is comprehensive academic enhancement program to increase undergraduate student success, graduate school and teacher preparation for community college transfers in Mathematics Majors at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). STEEM is hosted by the UCSB Mathematics Department in collaboration with the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) at the California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI). We aim to nurture student's academic achievement through financial support and opportunities to actively engage in the Mathematics community through early preparation that addresses the academic skills, social networking, and career exploration needed for success in Mathematics. Funding Source: NSF

Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES 2016-2018) The Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES) program is an 8-week immersive experience, where teams of undergraduate students compete in finding the most innovative and effective design solutions to real-world Naval engineering and science design projects. Interns attend weekly meetings, special seminars, and sharpen their problem-solving and entrepreneurial skills through a course on Applied Creativity and Innovation. Funding Source: ONR

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Looking Ahead (2015-present) This seminar series has been developed in collaboration with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) Veteran Advisor, Magdalena Torres. The first seminar launched in October 2014. The aim of the series is to build a peer-mentoring community among military veterans at SBCC, by connecting them with veterans that are a few steps ahead in their educational path (e.g., have transferred, are in graduate school), or have recently graduated. Another goal of the series is to provide information about opportunities in STEM careers, and highlight how military skills translate into potential STEM jobs. This academic year, we have partnered with RayVET, Raytheon Employee Military Veteran Group, to establish an informal mentoring and tutoring program. Funding Source: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

CSEP EDUCATION INITIATIVES: Undergraduate Programs and Courses

Summer Institute in Mathematics and Science Program (SIMS, 2005 – present) The SIMS program engages and challenges high achieving incoming UCSB freshmen that have traditionally been underrepresented in the sciences, engineering, and mathematics. All SIMS students engage in activities and training to promote the development of effective academic skills, especially in their critical first year. SIMS academic year student researchers receive critical support from the “Practice of Science” and a quarterly “Discussions with Faculty” series to promote the knowledge, skills, and networking necessary for students to become competitive candidates for post graduate opportunities. Funding Source: Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor

Early Undergraduate Research and Knowledge Acquisition (EUREKA, 2010-present) The EUREKA program enriches the academic experience of undergraduates at UCSB in science and engineering disciplines early on in their educational careers by introducing freshman to the broader science community on campus and providing exposure to research through summer and academic year internships. This program provides 5-14 months of financial support and early preparation that addresses the academic skills, social networking, and career exploration needed for success in the sciences. Each intern is mentored by a member of the UCSB faculty and often a graduate student or postdoc, who assist the student in designing a plan of research and enrichment activities fitted to the individual interests and academic goals of the intern. Funding Source: Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor

Gorman Scholars Program (2016-present) The Gorman Scholars program enriches the academic experience of undergraduates at UCSB in science and engineering disciplines throughout their educational careers by immersing freshman through rising seniors in the broader science community on and off campus and providing exposure to research through summer and academic year internships. This program provides 15 months of financial support CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 10


ENGINEERING PARTNERSHIPS and research and professional preparation that addresses the academic skills, social networking, and career exploration needed for success in the sciences and engineering. Each intern is mentored by a member of the UCSB faculty and often a graduate student or postdoc, who assist the student in designing a plan of research and enrichment activities fitted to the individual interests and academic goals of the intern. Funding Source: Gift from Gorman Family by way of the Dean of MLPS

Bridge to Biomedical Research Careers (BBRC), Maximizing Access to Research Careers - Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U*STAR) Program (2015-present) The Maximizing Access to Research Careers - Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U*STAR) Program, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), aims to increase the number of highly-trained biomedical and behavioral scientists from disadvantaged or underrepresented backgrounds. The 2-year Scholars program provides tuition/fees and stipends to scholars (16 total), with additional support for a complementary early career and academic preparation program (including SIMS) for freshman and sophomore level students (240 in total). Each year, 2-4 MARC U*STAR Scholars will embark upon a program of scientific research, leadership development and graduate school preparation guided by UCSB and other institution faculty and CSEP staff. Funding Source: NIH, Office of Research, Deans of Engineering and MLPS

Practice of Science (Phys16/Phys198, 2010-present) This course is an opportunity to gain an appreciation and understanding of experimental science and engineering, and its importance in a scientific career. Team-taught, this course consists of lectures, scientific presentations, and invited talks by research scientists and engineers from several departments and local industry to provide a broad and balanced perspective. Topics covered include: obtaining funding for research, ethical issues associated with research, research career options and how to start up a company. This course is designed for students who are currently doing undergraduate research or interested in doing undergraduate research. It is required for all interns of programs managed by CSEP, but is open to other science and engineering undergraduates. Funding Source: CNSI

PRomoting Industry engagement and Mentorship in Engineering (PRIME, 2016) The PRIME program augments existing corporate STEM internship programs with specialized training for interns at the University and for their mentors at the industry facilities. A cornerstone of the program is an undergraduate course, Workplace and Internship Skills, designed with industry input to train STEM students on topics essential to their workplace success, but rarely taught in a formal setting. Topics include Communication, Working in Teams, Project Planning, and Time Management. Industry professionals are frequently hosted, to participate in in-class activities, as well as provide a real-world perspective on the material presented. Funding Source: Industry gift money, COE funds.

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UCSB Society for Advancing Latinos/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (UCSB- SACNAS) The mission of the SACNAS organization is to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue undergraduate and graduate education, and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels. For over 30 years, SACNAS has provided strong national leadership in improving and expanding opportunities for minorities in the scientific workforce and academia, as well as mentoring college students within science, mathematics and engineering. The UCSB-SACNAS Student Chapter embraces these values and strives towards the same goals. With support from UCSB faculty and the Education Programs staff at the CSEP, the UCSB- SACNAS Chapter works towards creating and maintaining a support system and networks amongst SEM students, faculty, staff and career professionals. Funding Source: CNSI

CSEP EDUCATION INITIATIVES: Graduate Student and Postdoc Professional Development

Professional Development Series (PDS) for Graduate Students and Post-docs (2010-present) Developed in 2009 for postdocs and expanded in 2010 to include graduate students, the program aims to enhance student proficiency in skills needed to succeed academically and professionally, and has engaged students with skill building in academic development (scholarship, teaching & mentorship), communication and career preparation. As of Spring 2015, more than 144 workshops and seminars have served a total number of 2,632 attendees, and annually an average of 345 graduate students, 130 postdoctoral scholars and 65 “other” attendees (unique attendees). The series has drawn on the expertise of 48 research faculty and more than 100 campus faculty and staff and other professionals to lead the workshops and seminars. A collaborative endeavor since its inception, the program works with multiple graduate student groups, campus programs and offices, faculty, administrators and staff. PDS has also helped develop and implement additional initiatives such as the campus-wide student- directed PhD careers conference, Beyond Academia (established in 2015), and the campus-wide Art of Science event (established in 2013). Funding Source: CNSI, Office of Research, Deans of Engineering and MLPS, various individual PI NSF CAREER Awards, campus ORUs, departments and student run organizations.

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EDUCATION INITIATIVES: Managed by CSEP for Other Centers/Departments

NNIN-UCSB Education Coordinator (2015) NNIN-UCSB hosts a 10-week summer REU program. Undergraduate interns from across the country come to UCSB to work on research projects guided by faculty and graduate student mentors. Students present their summer research the NNIN annual Convocation. Funding Source: NSF NNIN

AIM Photonics Workforce Development Training (AIM, 2015-2016) Community Outreach AIM Photonics partnered with the FUSE program to create an integrated photonics 30 minute activity that could be used for the FUSE outreach sessions both in schools and as a stand-alone activity. “Light-Pipes: Controlling Light” was created and can be found This activity has been used with 743 students, and families both at junior highs and on field trips. Funding Source: AIM Photonics

Graduate Student and Postdoc Professional Training AIM Professional Training aims to enhance student proficiency in skills needed to succeed academically and professionally, and has engaged students with skill building in academic development (scholarship, teaching & mentorship), communication and career preparation. A collaborative endeavor, the program works with professional societies, industry and academic institutions across the AIM network. Funding Source: AIM Photonics

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Center for Science and Engineering Projects: Formal Evaluation and Tracking Projects Only • Scholarships for Transfers to Engage and Excel in Mathematics (STEEM) • Professional Development Series (PDS) • Jack Kent Cooke Bridges for Engineering and Science Transfers (Cooke Bridges) • Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC U*STAR) • Summer Institute in Mathematics and Science (SIMS) • Early Undergraduate Research Experience and Knowledge Acquisition (EUREKA) • Apprentice Researchers Program (AR) • Expanding Pathways to Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (EPSEM) • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Bridges to the Doctorate (LSAMP-BD) • PRomoting Industry engagement and Mentoring in Engineering (PRIME)

CSEP Recharge Projects • University of Washington

Institute for Energy Efficient Materials • AIM Photonics Workforce Development

Materials Research Laboratory • International Center for Materials Research (ICMR)

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry • Center for Sustainable Use of Renewable Feedstocks (CenSURF) • Partnership of International Research and Education – Electron Chemistry and Catalysis at Interfaces (PIRE-ECCI) • International Research Experiences for Students – Electron Chemistry and Catalysis at Interfaces (IRES-ECCI, undergraduate PIRE component)

Department of Chemical Engineering • Enhanced Support, Training, and Experience for Engineering Majors (ESTEEM) • Assessing Technical Writing in Chemical Engineering (UCSB Assessment Grant)

Department of Mechanical Engineering • Assessing Senior Design Projects in Mechanical Engineering (UCSB Assessment Grant)

College of Engineering • Assessing Engineering Ethics in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering (UCSB Assessment Grant)

UCSB Campus • Assessing Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes for ALL campus department

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The Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) at CNSI was formed to promote the effective use of High Performance Computing in the research environment. The CSC provides a broad range of resources for campus researchers. The mission of the CSC is to enable teaching and research through the use of high performance computing.

Beyond simply providing the computing resources themselves, part of our mission is to provide training in the best use of computing resources—whether at UCSB or beyond. The CSC sponsors classes, tutorials, and individual training in general Unix/Linux, compiling, and optimization of codes. The CSC also actively engages Information Technology (IT) staff at research units across campus. As a result, researchers can get help from their local IT staff, who often better understand the unique research demands their units’ projects.

The CSC operates the Knot, a 1,700 core cluster available to campus, as well as maintaining the older QSR cluster with over 200 active users who have clocked 12 million core-hours of computing time. The CSC also provides infrastructure and professional system administration for three condo clusters (lattice, guild, braid) where PIs buy nodes for dedicated usage. These condo clusters total of more than 2,000 cores, and the researchers used 20 million core-hours of time during the past year.

Equipment The CSC has continued to expand the condo clusters (PIs buy compute nodes; CSC buys infrastructure and manages system). For testing and development of this new architecture, the CSC acquired a Xeon Phi coprocessor. The CSC has also expanded the central storage system, providing large-scale data storage for CSC users.

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Other Activities • Held the 2nd Southern California Simulations in Science Conference on Oct. 20, 2015 at UCSB’s Corwin Pavilion. Attended by over 100 students and postdocs where they heard talks, and interacted with, researchers from industry who use computer simulations and modelling in their companies. • Completed UCSB’s first Cyberinfrastructure plan, a requirement for some NSF grants. • Added nodes to condo cluster. • The NSF MRI proposal to replace the campus available Knot cluster was not chosen to advance at the campus level. After discussion with OR and the Deans, it was decided that the MRI is still the best program to apply within, so CSC will resubmit to the campus competition in Fall of 2016. • Participated in several UC wide events on research computing to represent UCSB, including the UC Wide Research Computing Meetings (Berkeley, April 2016 and San Diego, Oct 2015) • 122 papers published (CY 2014 and first half 2015) acknowledging the use of CSC. • In conjunction with ETS, held XSEDE and HPC workshops


Burak Himmetoglu Paul Weakliem Supercomputing Consultant CSC Director Enterprise Technology Services California NanoSystems Institute

Nathan (Fuzzy) Rogers Brian Wolf Research Computing Administrator Web Developer/Designer Materials Research Laboratory Life Sciences Computing Group

Several staff from other units are involved on an informal basis.

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Ralph Archuleta Gary Leal Earth Science Chemical Engineering

Paul Atzberger Eckart Meiburg Mathematics Mechanical and Environmental Engineering

Leon Balents Carl Meinhart Physics Mechanical and Environmental Engineering

Lars Bildsten Horia Metiu Physics Chemistry and Biochemistry

Bjorn Birnir Todd Oakley Mathematics Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology

Michael Bowers Linda Petzold Chemistry and Biochemistry Mechanical and Environmental Engineering

Frank Brown (co-director) Phil Pincus Chemistry and Biochemistry Physics

Frank Doyle Ram Seshadri Chemical Engineering Materials

Peter Ford Joan-Emma Shea Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry

Glenn Fredrickson David Siegel Chemical Engineering Geography

Michael Freedman Robert Sugar StationQ Physics

Carlos Garcia-Cervera Thomas Turner Mathematics Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology

Frederic Gibou Chris Van de Walle Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Materials

John Gilbert Anton Van der Ven Computer Science Materials

Carl Gwinn Rich Wolski Physics Computer Science

Chen Ji Earth Science

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CNSI is a world-class hub for research ranging from bioengineering to physics to and chemistry. Our mission is to create a collaborative, closely integrated, and strongly interactive environment to advance nanosystems research and education and bring scientific and technological innovation into the economy and society.

One aspect of this mission is to provide researchers the tools and equipment necessary for them to conduct advanced research. CNSI manages a number of multi-user facilities (MUFs), overseen by lab managers experienced in operating shared facilities and able to train and guide research in key focus areas:

• Microfluidics Lab: Providing equipment and expertise in fabricating microfluidic devices

• Biological Nanostructures Lab: Providing instrumentation and capability at the interface of life science and engineering, the capabilities include tissue culture and next- generation sequencing.

• Nanostructures Cleanroom Facility: Tool sets and processes complement research in the chemical and biological nanostructures labs, with additional capabilities in materials synthesis and photomask fabrication.

• Low Temperature Characterization Facility: Purpose-built scientific apparatus and associated electronic components for measurement of superconducting quantum bits.

• The Center for Scientific Computing (jointly operated with the Materials Research Laboratory): Formed to promote the effective use of High Performance Computing in the research environment, the CSC provides a broad range of resources for campus researchers, including operation of the campus available 1,700 core cluster Knot.

In the past year, these multi-user facilities have served over 600 users from over 20 departments and ORUs:

MUF Int. Users PI Groups Depts/ORUs Ext. Groups Microfluidics 91 31 8 2 BNL 162 42 15 5 NCF 100 38 6 3 LTCF 11 1 1 1 CSC 224 82 22 0

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Additionally, Elings Hall houses multi-user facilities managed by the Materials Department, the Media Arts and Technology Department, and the Materials Research Laboratory:

• Allosphere Research Facility (MAT Department): Anechoic spheric chamber using 27 high-resolution projectors and more than 150 speaker elements that allows for the visualization, sonification and exploration of complex multi-dimensional data to enable progress in a number of critical areas of science and engineering.

• Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility (Materials Department): Instruments for materials characterization include transmission electron microscopes, focused ion beam microscopes, field-emission scanning electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes, an atom probe field ion microscope and dedicated XPS and SIMS systems.

• Spectroscopy Facility (Materials Research Laboratory): The Spectroscopy facility in Elings Hall is the home to the state-of-the-art magnetic resonance instruments in solution NMR, solid-state NMR, MRI, Rheo-NMR, PFG-Diffusion, DNP-NMR, and EPR.

• X-Ray Diffraction Facility (Materials Research Laboratory): Provides state-of-the-art x- ray diffraction tools for characterizing structural properties of a wide range of materials including metals and composites, polymers and biological materials, and electronic and optoelectronic materials.

CNSI Technical Staff (Left to Right): Y. Tan, J. Smith, L. Sawyer, B. Himmetoglu, F. Rogers, D. Bothman, P. Weakliem, T. Margalith

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The CNSI Microfluidics Lab is a campus-wide resource for researchers who use custom-made microfluidic devices in their work. The lab currently has 125 trained users from mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering; chemistry; biology; materials; physics; and media arts & technology. The lab also supports off-campus users who learn about the lab from on-campus colleagues. CNSI created the lab to support two distinct groups of researchers: experienced device fabricators who benefit from having a comprehensive tool set in one location, as well as novice users with novel approaches. In our commitment to innovation, we want to facilitate these researchers who have creative ideas about using microfluidic devices, but don’t have much experience making them. UCSB Microfluidics - Image courtesy Cleland Lab

The lab has tools for making several different classes of microfluidic devices: cast PDMS, directly machined (laser and mill) polymer devices, and thermally molded polymer flow channels. CNC drills and mills are available for machining ports and vias in silicon and glass using diamond tooling, and aligned punches are available for creating ports in polymers. The Microfluidic Lab also has tools for surface activation using ozone and vapor deposition of silanes. The lab supports custom-made bond aligning tools and microscopes for inspection. In partnership with the CNSI Cleanroom we also provide mask and mold-making services – both etched silicon and SU-8 molds are available.

The lab is housed in cleanroom space in Elings Hall, room 3430 and is available 24/7 via card key access. The lab is adjacent to the CNSI cleanroom and Biological Nanostructures Lab enabling multi-disciplinary research opportunities.

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FY 2015-16 Overview:

During the 2015-16 academic year the lab saw 93 on-campus and 4 off-campus users, and 56 new users were trained. They spent 1,359 hours working in the lab. The researchers came from 22 on-campus research groups from 8 departments, and three local companies.

The CNSI Microfluidics Lab also supports undergraduate instruction. Six engineering students used the lab last year to support their Capstone Design projects (189 series courses in ME, ECE and CS). Students in Computer Aided Manufacturing (ME158, approximately 30 students) use the lab’s instruments while working on their class projects.

Several new tools were added to the lab this year including a manual press for printing protein solution patterns on glass slides, a scanning 3D optical microscope, a wafer bond strength test apparatus and an improved silane vapor deposition chamber. We have secured funding for, and are in the process of installing, three new tools to the lab: a droplet microfluidics test station, a glass dicing saw and a pressure casting apparatus.

Users were asked for a list of publications based on research that made use of the resources in the Microfluidics Lab. Not all users responded; those that did cited 13 journal articles and 4 conference proceedings.

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FY 2015-16 Overview: The mission of the Biological Nanostructures Laboratory (BNL) is to provide capabilities and resources (including high-value instruments) to support and enhance interdisciplinary research at the interface of life science and engineering. In FY 15/16, CNSI hired a new lab manager (Jennifer Smith, PhD), who has taken on the dual roles of BNL manager and staff scientist. The instruments and capabilities in the BNL are organized into four different cores: Genetics, Analytical, Tissue Culture, and Autoclave Cores. The BNL serves the UC Santa Barbara research community, and several local for-profit companies, including the CNSI Incubator lab and Milo Sensors, Inc., expanding the role of the BNL as a core research facility. Ten publications were published in FY 15/16 with BNL-generated data. NGS Core Last FY, the Genetics Core was set up in the BNL after careful consideration and consultation with UCSB PIs and CNSI management. This was the first of its kind on campus, with shared instrumentation for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and other capabilities for genetics studies, such as droplet digital PCR and DNA/RNA quality control. Additional instruments needed for NGS library prep were also added to the core so that sample-to-sequence wet bench NGS services can be provided by the BNL. The name of the core was changed at the end of the FY from the NGS Core to the Genetics Core, to highlight the multifaceted aspects of this core outside of the Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer.

In FY 15/16, use of the Genetics Core grew significantly from the previous FY, and has provided NGS, sequencing library prep, and ddPCR services to 65 researchers from 16 research groups and 5 different departments on campus.

The BNL Genetics Core is part of the UC Sequencing Consortium, which is a group of all NGS facilities on CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 22


UC campuses, providing UC-wide sequencing rates to member institutes. Being a part of this alliance, the BNL can act as the bridge to make NGS capabilities found in other, more established, UC sequencing facilities easily available to UCSB researchers. On January 28-29, 2016, the BNL hosted the annual UC Consortium meeting at UCSB. The meeting served to bring UC NGS core directors together to discuss various business strategies, and allowed the core directors and UCSB PIs a chance to meet at a mixer to promote use of UC sequencing facilities, and the use of the BNL as a liaison between UCSB research groups and other UC NGS Cores. Analytical Core The Analytical Core is the most popular Core in the BNL in terms of user numbers (Table 1). This core includes instruments used for nanoparticle characterization (Malvern Zetasizer), fluorescence and absorbance measurements (Tecan microplate reader) as well as other commonly used instruments in molecular biology, including PCR instruments, equipment for bacterial cell culture, and BSL-2 lab space. In May, the BNL purchased a new instrument, the Malvern Nanosight NS300, for precise particle size distribution analysis. This highly anticipated instrument will be set up in the BNL in August 2016. A full listing of Analytical Core instruments can be found on the BNL webpage.

Number of Users Number of Labs External Users

FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Growth FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Growth FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Growth

Genetics 27 65 38 16 16 0 1 8 7

Analytical 107 126 19 38 40 2 6 12 6

Tissue Culture 17 14 -3 7 7 0 3 2 -1

Total 151 205 54 61 63 2 10 22 12

Table 1: Breakdown of user numbers and PI research labs for campus users and number of external users for the different BNL cores.

Tissue Culture (TC) Core The TC Core is a standalone lab separate from the other BNL cores, housing instrumentation used for mammalian cell culture. The BNL provides cell culture as a staff service for non-life science-trained researchers; this service has greatly expanded the type of experiments that can be done by non-life scientists at UCSB. The Tissue Culture Core also houses a fluorescence microscope, which is used by both life scientists and other non-cell biology researchers. In the past FY, use of the Tissue Culture Core has decreased slightly, so we have been working to increase use of the core by restructuring the weekly recharge rate and promoting the fluorescence microscope to non-tissue culture users. Despite a slight reduction in user numbers, the Tissue Culture Core remained financially sustainable in FY 15/16. A full listing of TC Core instruments can be found on the BNL webpage.

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Autoclave Core The Autoclave Core includes two steam sterilizers, the Tuttnauer 690 L autoclave and the Tomy 50 L autoclave. The larger autoclave is dedicated to biohazardous waste decontamination, whereas the Tomy is used to sterilize clean labware and media. The Autoclave Core provides an important decontamination role for research labs in Elings Hall and surrounding buildings as it houses the only autoclave near these locations. The Autoclave Core also supports the BNL Tissue Culture Core and Analytical Core by providing necessary sterilization and biohazardous waste decontamination. Other Activities In FY 15/16, the BNL held a series of instrumentation seminars, bringing in speakers from vendors Malvern, Illumina, Qiagen, and Andrew Alliance. These seminars were very well received and served to help the BNL determine the most desired instruments to bring into the lab. The seminars also introduced BNL instruments and capabilities to a wider audience.

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The Nanostructures Cleanroom Facility (NCF) is a shared recharge facility that houses a mix of traditional semi-conductor processing equipment, specialty deposition tools, organic photovoltaic fabrication system and crystal growth furnaces.

Crystal Systems Corp. Four Mirror Optical Floating Zone Furnace

FY 2015-16 Overview: The Nanofabrication Cleanroom Facility (NCF) is a shared recharge facility that houses a mix of traditional semi-conductor processing equipment, specialty deposition tools and crystal growth furnaces. The past year has seen the steady integration and growth of Material Synthesis Core (MSC), which added some additional single zone tube furnaces and vertical tube furnaces. The MSC has also expanded its user base and now supports 16 users across 4 groups and 2 departments. Near the beginning of the 2016-2017 fiscal year the NCF will be adding some new processing tools; a wet and dry oxidation tube furnace, a solid-source electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma deposition system, and a metrology tool to support these new systems. For the 2015-2016 fiscal year, the NCF recorded 511 door charge hours from 23 different users across 9 groups and 6 departments, along with 3 non- academic users. Besides providing access to process equipment, the NCF offers mask writing and microfluidic master mold fabrication services that cater to the university’s research community as well as some external academic and non-academic entities. For the 2015-2016 fiscal year, this service end of the NCF received 289 orders from 76 different users across 30 groups and 7 departments. Additionally, orders were fulfilled for 2 external academic and 3 non-academic entities.

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The Low Temperature Characterization Facility (LTCF) houses special-purpose scientific apparatus for measurement of superconducting quantum bits and their associated electronic components. The systems have been specially configured for wiring access and electronic instrumentation to perform specific high-fidelity and low-noise measurements of quantum devices. These systems are aimed at enhancing our knowledge of measuring quantum devices, giving students a broader understanding of the measurements and capabilities of these devices.

The LTCF offers the following equipment and services:

1) 2 wet dilution refrigerators: These cryostats require the use of the liquid nitrogen and liquid helium cryogens, whose cost is significant and included in the recharge rate. The refrigerators have a unique capability of allowing a large number of microwave connections to the mixing chamber plate. Included in the systems are electronics for the control of the superconducting qubits, as well as the appropriate interface software. 2) 1 dry dilution refrigerator: This cryostat has a closed cycle cryo-cooler, so that no liquid cryogens are need during operation. The capabilities and electronics are the same as for the wet dilution refrigerator. 3) 4 adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators: These cryostats have a base temperature about 3 times larger than the dilution refrigerators, and only stay cold for about 12 hours before needing to be recharged. They are primarily used to test materials and functionality for the superconducting devices. They are smaller and have reduced wiring capabilities, as appropriate for a test system. Included are control electronics and microwave measurements for vector network analysis. 4) 1 molecular beam epitaxy vacuum system: This vacuum system allows cleaning and growth of Aluminum films on a silicon or sapphire wafer at 1-10 torr vacuum conditions. The system has a load-lock entry system allowing wafers to be transferred into high vacuum in less than 6 hours. The wafer can be heated up to 1000C for cleaning and annealing purposes. The system has an Oxygen plasma cleaning system, an electron beam evaporator, quartz crystal monitor, and RHEED for surface analysis. 5) 1 wire bonder: This system allows wire bonds to be made from a chip to an external chip mount. It is set up for aluminum wires, as appropriate for superconducting systems, and has a deep access wedge for use in typical mounts

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SMALL BUSINESS INCUBATOR PROGRAM In May 2015 CNSI opened the doors on a new start-up Incubator facility, designed to promote CNSI’s mission of bringing scientific and technological innovation into the economy and society and enable greater ties between the CNSI academic community and industry. The Incubator is physically located in Elings Hall, in close proximity to the CNSI Core Labs and the Materials Characterization Facilities. Up to 610 square feet of laboratory space, including a chemical fume hood, as well as separate office space, is available for lease by UCSB-affiliated start-ups. The Incubator also houses a cold-room for storage of biological materials.

In the past fiscal year, CNSI has also created a desk-based co-working space for Incubator companies. CNSI has also expanded the benefits of Incubator membership by offering participating companies access to the CNSI Multi-user Facilities – the microfluidics laboratory, the Nanostructures Cleanroom Facility, and the Biological Nanostructures Facility – at Internal recharge rates. This access alleviates the need to add dedicated equipment to the Incubator while promoting the expansion of the Core facilities to the benefit of both UCSB researchers and entrepreneurs.

The CNSI Incubator is one of the only wet-lab incubators on the Central Coast, and the only one of its type in Santa Barbara. The facility can accommodate up to six companies at full occupancy. In 2016, CNSI again partnered with the Technology Management Program to offer two prizes to the finalists in the New Venture Competition. In addition to the Virgil Elings Prize of $5000, CNSI sponsored 2 People’s Choice awards, and the top technology-driven company in the competition was offered a 3- month incubator membership.

Active Member Companies

Milo Sensors is developing the first, wearable, blood alcohol sensor. Team Milo won the CNSI Incubator prize for the top technology- driven company in the 2015 TMP NVC. Since joining the Incubator, Milo has successfully closed a Seed round of $200K+ and doubled Joined CNSI Incubator: their lab and office footprint. In May, Milo Sensors won 2nd place and May 2015 $100K in the NIH Wearable Alcohol Biosensor Challenge to design and produce a low profile, wearable blood alcohol sensor.

Alumni Companies

Apeel Sciences creates products from natural plant extracts that allow growers to reduce reliance on pesticides, increase produce quality, and provide superior shelf life without refrigeration. Joined CNSI Incubator: Apeel leadership includes a number of UCSB alums. May 2015 CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 27



In support of the CNSI mission to foster interdisciplinary research across scientific disciplines, the CNSI Challenge Grants provide funding to promote the initiation of new large-scale and high-impact collaborations by CNSI faculty. These high-risk Challenge Grants are meant to: § Help UCSB faculty initiate and strengthen partnerships with academia and industry. § Increase flexibility and responsiveness to new research directions and opportunities. § Develop the next generation of scientific leaders at UCSB. § Incubate large multi-PI centers and programs within CNSI. A typical grant is for $150,000 for a period of 2 years. In the past year, 2 requests for proposals have been issued and 7 projects have been funded out of a pool of 12 applications. Proposals were evaluated by a committee according to the following criteria: § Capabilities of the proposed team. § Plan for initiation and strengthening of partnerships. § Scientific and technical merit. § Potential for larger-scale funding / likelihood for long-term impact In the next year, we anticipate 2 additional funding rounds to initiate up to 4 new Challenge Grant projects at UCSB. As of 6/30/16, there are 12 active grant programs. In FY 15-16, Challenge Grant awardees submitted 9 funding proposals to government agencies and foundations for a requested total of $13,530,688. To date, two of these proposals have already been funded: Sumita Pennathur was awarded $500k from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and $40k via a NASA STTR with Angstrom Designs.

ACTIVE GRANTS • Engineering Anaerobic Consortia for Sustainable Chemical Production • Neural Networks in 3D Human iPSC-derived Neurons to Assess Genetic Phenotypes • Engineering Well-Tailored Sensors and Actuators for Synthetic Materials • Pathways to Next-Generation Antibiotics • Seeding the Southern California Electrochemical Energy Storage Alliance (SCEESA) • Bio-inspired High-Performance Information Processing • Next-Generation Computational Methods in Ship Hydrodynamics • Growing the California Institute for Quantum Emulation • MEMS Multicantilever Array for Blood Glucose Monitoring • Quantum Interfaces • Center for Adaptive Network Dynamics (CANDy) • Reconfigurable Photonic and Electronic Materials

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Engineering Anaerobic Consortia for Sustainable Chemical Production

PI: Michelle A. O’Malley, Chemical Engineering, UCSB Co-PIs: Dave Valentine, Earth Science, UCSB; Todd M. Squires, Chemical Engineering, UCSB; Michael K. Theodorou, Anaerobic Digestion, Harper Adams University, UK

Goal: Establish a new scientific field and center based on engineering fungi/microbe pairings that increase the efficiency of both biomass breakdown and sustainable chemical production.

Synopsis: In the face of depleting oil reserves, society races to identify alternate routes to produce chemicals sustainably. Methane-rich synthesis gas (bio/syngas) is an appealing target as it can serve as feedstock for an array of bio-based products, ranging from energy-dense fuels to specialty monomers. Biogas is a natural end product of fermentation by anaerobic microbes, working in complex consortia to decompose and recycle carbon throughout the Earth. Although primitive bioreactors have been created to capture biogas from anaerobic digestion of food and farm wastes, they often fail due to death of the undefined culture, leading to unpredictability of fermentation byproducts. Such failure stems from a fundamental lack of understanding of the interactions among different members of microbial communities, such as the specific metabolic processes and consortia members that drive product-formation. The ultimate goal of this effort is to develop tools to evaluate and direct microbial interaction such that carbon flux can be funneled into target biogas. The work starts by isolating fungus/microbe pairs, then monitoring how they degrade biomass. Longer term, the goal is to understand how to enhance and combine individual fungi or archaea to maximize the efficiency of the pairing. Programmatically, the team aims to nucleate a new scientific center focused on engineering anaerobic microbes for targeted biomass breakdown and biogas production, kicking off with a CNSI-hosted symposium in the Summer/Fall of 2015.

Key Technical Achievements: • Panel of new microbial consortia isolated from nature, stable for 2+ years in culture. • First insight into the interwoven metabolism of biomass-degrading anaerobic consortia. • Proof of concept for consolidated bioprocessing (plant biomass to chemicals) by combining isolated anaerobes with engineered yeast.

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Team Development: • UCSB: Linda Petzold, Alison Butler • Outside UCSB: Cullen Buie (MIT); Marcus Foston (WashU-St. Louis)

Publications: • S. P. Gilmore, J. K. Henske, J. A. Sexton, K. V. Solomon, S. Seppala, J. I. Yoo, L. M. Huyett, A. Pressman, Z. Cogan, V. Kivenson, X. Peng, Y. Tan, D. L. Valentine, M. A. O’Malley, “Genomic analysis of Methanobacterium bryantii, Methanosarcina spelaei, Methanosphaera cuniculi, and Methanocorpusculum parvum reveals a shift towards energy conservation in the genomes of methanogenic archaea,” Submitted. (BMC Genomics) • X. Peng, S. P. Gilmore, M. A. O’Malley, “Microbial communities for bioprocessing: lessons learned from nature,” In revision. (Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering) (Invited Submission) • J. K. Henske, S. E. Wilken, K. V. Solomon, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O’Malley, “Characterization of environmental isolates provides a path forward for two-step conversion of lignocellulose to bio- based chemicals,” In progress. (PNAS) (submission target – September 2016) • S. P. Gilmore, J. A. Sexton, X. Peng, J. K. Henske, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O’Malley, “Natural and synthetic anaerobic consortia accelerate lignocellulosic deconstruction,” In progress. (Nature Microbiology) (submission target – September 2016)

Grant Applications: • DOE-BER – Biological Systems Science RFA on Microbial Consortia (likely released fall 2016 or spring 2017) • NIH New Innovator Award (either fall 2016 or 2017) • NSF STC, ERC, etc. – new collaborative initiative to be led by Valentine to strengthen microbial research on the UCSB campus

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Neural Networks in 3D human iPSC-derived Neurons to Assess Genetic Phenotypes

PI: Adele Doyle, Neuroscience Research Institute, UCSB Co-PIs: Ken Kosik, Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, UCSB; Paul Hansma, Physics, UCSB; Luke Theogarajan, Electrical & Computer Engineering, UCSB

Goal: Develop 3D ‘mini-brains’ to reveal brain circuitry and to manipulate that circuitry genetically using a multidisciplinary team that would attract relevant NIH or DARPA grants

Synopsis: Sophisticated optical images combined with advanced recording techniques have allowed us to visualize functional connectivity. However, the genetic controls over the formation, maintenance and plasticity of complex brain circuitry are unknown. Most brain circuitry resides beyond our ability to observe its activity. The complexity of the connections even among a few hundred neurons is staggering, thereby leaving the link between anatomical and electrical connectivity poorly defined. This interdisciplinary effort aims to use mini-brains to reveal brain circuitry and to manipulate that circuitry genetically. The project looks to create a 3D matrix of neurons on a polymer scaffolding, then map it with a multi-electrode array (MEA) and complex analytics to identify the firing of individual neurons in response to an applied signal. The PIs recently were awarded a 3-year DARPA grant to further develop the MEA, and additional NIH, NSF, and Beckman grants will be targeted in 2015-2016.

Key Technical Achievements: • Challenge Grant PIs have been focused on preparing grant proposals. • Surface acoustic patterning methods development is ongoing with a 6 week lab exchange of Sarah Grundeen (Theogarajan and Doyle groups) to train at the University of Augsburg Institute of Physics (Westerhausen and Wixforth groups) • UCSB patterning (Sharf, Kosik group) and circuit studies (Tovar and Bridges; Kosik and Hansma groups, among others) using multielectrode arrays are ongoing

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Figure 1. Mouse embryonic stem cells-derived motor neurons extend neurites into 3D gels, as shown by varied focal planes of a representative cell cluster (greyscale images, left) and Tuj1-stained (right; red) confocal image overlay highlighting connections between clusters.

Team Development: • Theogarajan and Doyle groups collaborating with Christoph Westerhausen, Achim Wixforth, and group member Manuel Brugger (all @ Univ. of Augsburg, Germany). • Kosik-led team continues to collaborate with multiple computational researchers include Jean Carlson (Physics), Alberto Busetto (ECE) & their group members, and Honglei Liu (Yan group, CS). • Doyle and Kosik groups submitting grant proposal to expand genetic network studies of neural circuit development. • Hansma group focused on non-Challenge grant projects, since demand for computational network analysis is greater than Neural Circuit Probe development for the current phase of project.

Publications: • Data collection and manuscript preparation for multiple manuscripts is ongoing: (1) Tovar and Bridges, (2) Sharf, (3) Grundeen, (4) Grundeen and Brugger

Grant Applications: • Doyle, Theogarajan, Westerhausen – NIH NIBIB R21 – Surface acoustic wave patterning of neural circuits – submitted through CNSI and currently under review • Doyle & Kosik – NIH NINDS R01 – Effect of severe autism genetic mutant (CTNND2) on synapse and circuit development - R01 to be submitted through CNSI by 10/5/16 • Kosik-led team submitted an invited full proposal to DARPA for more funding.

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Engineering Well-Tailored Sensors and Actuators for Synthetic Materials

PI: Javier Read de Alaniz, Chemistry & Biochemistry, UCSB Co-PIs: Joseph Hooper, Physics, Naval Postgraduate School; Luciano F. Boesel, EMPA: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science & Technology

Goal: Build new collaborations to engineer “smart” polymers with the capability to sense their environment and to respond to that external stimulus via an active control mechanism, as a first-step towards an NSF ERC or DARPA grant.

Synopsis: Materials of the future will require the capability to sense their environment and to respond to external stimuli via an active control mechanism (materials that mimic living systems and respond to their environment in order to repair themselves is one of the DOE’s Grand Challenges). Such functional materials have been made possible by the development of stimuli-responsive compounds that can be incorporated into polymers, and can subsequently be controlled by pH, light, electricity, or heat. Despite progress, reliability gaps in stimuli-responsive compounds such as poor stability under UV or oxygen, present a serious impediment to the design and development of new smart materials. The goal of this program is to design, study, and develop new stimuli-responsive systems based on the novel class of thermo- and photo-chromic material recently developed at UCSB. Potential applications range from fundamental studies to applied chemistry, from the visualizing and mapping of stress on everyday polymeric material to the development of transdermal drug delivery systems with adaptive properties. A major portion of the funds and effort will be used to expand the nucleus of PIs, positioning the team for future funding opportunities, starting with a mini- symposium at UCSB in Winter 2016.

Current progress and outlook: Research in Q3 has focused on wrapping up the manuscript that describes the second generation DASA adducts which is currently under review. To highlight the new capabilities of this system orthogonal switching of two DASA adducts with different λ max values in solution and on thin-films was demonstrated. Scheme 1 shows the orthogonal switching in solution.

In addition, Jimmy and Sebastian (from Prof. Boesel’s lab) have made a series of membranes from non- polar to polar with DASA incorporated from 0.02% to 30%. Through these studies they have determined that both the matrix and the nature of the nitrogen donor group on the DASA are critical for switchability. These initial studies will guide our future development of a photoswitchable membrane system that can control permeability with light. This and team building will be the focus for next quarter. CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 33



A+B 650 nm 514 nm 1 light light 1

0.5 0.5 Absorbance Absorbance

0 450 600 750 A 0 Wavelength (nm) 450 600 750 A’ Wavelength (nm)

B’ B Scheme 1. Selective photoswitching of two mixed DASAs, N-methylaniline Meldrum’s acid, A, and indoline barbituric acid, B using filtered broadband white LED. A and B were mixed in toluene, followed by photoswitching through a 514 nm bandpass filter to cyclize A or a 650 nm longpass filter to cyclize B.

Personnel: Jimmy Hemmer spent 8-weeks with Prof. Boesel’s lab this summer where he has been working on incorporating the DASA adducts into membrane systems that can be controlled with visible light.

Building the Team: Participated in two workshops/conferences on “smart materials” which help connect me with other members of this community. Multi-Responsive Photochromes, Nantes France and switches, rotors and sensors, Telluride Colorado. Prof. Read de Alaniz will be hosting a symposium on September 6th at UCSB on “light controlled cargo delivery” potential participating faculty from UCSB include Norbert Reich, Peter Ford, Brad Chmelka, Samir Mitragotri, Dennis and Craig Montell. Faculty from outside UCSB includes Martin Schnermann (NIH) and Adah Almutairi (UCSD).

Publications: A manuscript titled “Tunable Visible and Near Infrared Photoswitches” was submitted to the Journal of American Chemical Society and is currently under review.

Grant Application: White paper for Keck Foundation “Optically controlled cellular differentiation for tissue engineering”. Team: Javier Read de Alaniz, Peter Ford, Dennis Clegg, and Norbert Reich. Objective: To direct cells to differentiate with spatial and temporal control using light and to develop this approach to deliver “cargoes” into human cells that vary from nucleic acids and proteins to small molecules. Currently under review by UCSB.

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Pathways to Next-Generation Antibiotics

PIs: David Low, Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, UCSB; Patrick Daugherty, Chemical Engineering, UCSB Co-PIs: Christopher Hayes, Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, UCSB; Celia Goulding, Structural Biology, UCI

Goal: Cultivate a new class of antibiotic that can penetrate the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria, leading to the establishment of an NIH center or industrial collaboration.

Synopsis: Drug-resistant bacteria are a growing and major problem worldwide. Recently, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) killed a number of patients in hospitals. Few new antimicrobials have been discovered or developed by Biotech and Big Pharma over the past few decades, and resistance to virtually all antibiotics has occurred. Gram-negative pathogens are resistant to many antimicrobials that kill Gram-positive bacteria, primarily due to the relative impermeability of their outer membranes. BamA, an essential outer membrane protein present in all Gram- negative bacteria, acts as a receptor/conduit for entry of peptide toxins. Its barrel structure appears to transition between open and closed conformations. This work focuses on a strategy to open the BamA channel using peptides, rendering the bacteria susceptible to antimicrobials that otherwise cannot cross the outer membrane barrier.

This work will set the stage for partnering with additional academic and industrial players and pursuing NIH, DARPA, or industrial funding, in line with President Obama’s recent requisition of $1.2B over the next five years for development of new antimicrobials.

Key Technical Achievements: • Tested ompX-peptide fusions obtained in affinity selection for binding to BamA using agglutination with various combinations of BamA alleles • Results showed that peptides P7,P8, P11 did not discriminate between extracellular loops of BamA from E coli and BamA from Enterobacter cloacae. • Results indicated that peptide P12 binds specifically to BamA from E coli. • Results indicate that P12 binds to extracellular loops 4 and 7 of BamA. • Attempts to further analyze peptide P12 using flow cytometry have not been successful, probably due to the weak binding between bacterial cells expressing this peptide. (The team

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has a new selection planned to select for peptides with higher affinity for BamA, and to potentially amplify P12 interactions).

Team Development: • David Low organized a mini-Symposium that facilitated interactions with Colin Kleanthous at Oxford University. There is potential for collaboration exploring mechanisms of peptide entry into bacterial cells. • The team will be collaborating with Celia Goulding at UC Irvine (already onboard) to obtain structural data on peptide-BamA interaction once the team confirms peptide-BamA binding.

Publications: • Ruhe, Z.C., Nguyen, J.Y., Chen, A.J., Leung, N.Y., Hayes, C.S., and Low, D.A. (2016). CDI Systems Are Stably Maintained by a Cell-Contact Mediated Surveillance Mechanism. PLoS Genet 12, e1006145.

Grant Applications: • Since receiving the CNSI award Prof's Goulding (UC Irvine), Hayes (UCI) and Low have received an NIH RO1 grant (Hayes, PI) on contact-dependent growth inhibition toxin activation mechanisms. This CNSI grant has aided our continued interactions.

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Seeding the Southern California Electrochemical Energy Storage Alliance (SCEESA)

PIs: Ram Seshadri, Materials, UCSB; Anton Van der Ven, Materials, UCSB Co-PIs: Bruce Dunn, Chemistry, UCLA

Goal: Pool current expertise across SoCal to develop novel battery technology, positioning UCSB as a new research hub.

Synopsis: Energy storage is a research area whose time has come—particularly in California. Rapidly expanding companies like Maxwell (the world’s leading supercapacitor company) and Tesla Motors are already based in California. In addition, Governor Brown’s pledge to have California generate 50% of its electrical power from renewables by 2030 suggests a huge and imminent need for stationary electrochemical storage. Despite widespread and untapped expertise at UCSB, there are currently no multi-PI grants at UCSB on the theme of electrochemical energy storage. Similarly, CNSI-UCLA and UCSD have battery electrochemistry experts who do not yet collaborate with the materials synthesis, characterization, and modeling expertise currently at UCSB.

Through a series of workshops and student exchange grants, this program aims to coordinate the broader energy storage expertise across UCSB and neighboring universities by creating the Southern California Electrochemical Energy Storage Alliance, with an emphasis on novel electrode and electrolyte materials, and to establish multi-PI groups ready to pursue the next round of UCOP, DOE, and NSF funding calls. An industrial consortium modeled on UCSB’s Solid State Lighting and Energy Electronics Center is also a potential and reachable goal.

Key Technical Achievements: The Van der Ven group has devoted efforts to elucidating fundamental electrochemical properties of transition metal sulfides for Li, Na and Mg batteries. A first-principles statistical mechanics study of layered NaxTiS2 predicted a prevalence of stacking sequence change phase transformations as the Na content is varied, having important implications for rate capabilities and degradation mechanisms of Na- ion batteries. The study also generated important insights about diffusion mechanisms in one of the layered host phases of NaxTiS2 in which the Na ions occupy sites on honeycomb lattices. The honeycomb lattice leads to unique Na-vacancy ordering patterns whereby vacancies coalesce at anti-phase

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boundaries between perfectly ordered islands. Na diffusion can then occur very rapidly along the anti- phase boundaries. This discovery of a novel diffusion mechanism that is unique to layered Na intercalation compounds opens up opportunities to achieve higher charge and discharge rate capabilities in Na batteries compared to Li batteries.

In parallel, a study of Mg intercalation in a spinel form of TiS2 is currently underway as this compound was recently shown to be a promising electrode for Mg-ion batteries. A particular focus of this study is to determine the role of residual Cu within spinel TiS2 on its electrochemical properties upon Mg insertion and removal. The spinel form of TiS2 is synthesized by first forming spinel CuTi2S4 and subsequently removing Cu. However, not all Cu can be removed with 10% of the original Cu content remaining in the crystal. While the residual Cu reduces the theoretical capacity of spinel CuyTi2S4, the team is exploring the possibility that it may actually improve other electrochemical properties such as Mg mobility and electronic conductivity. A study of layered transition metal sulfides that can serve as new anode materials for Li ion batteries has also been initiated. In this context high-throughput first-principles study of alloyed layered Li(Ti1–yVy)S2 compounds that are capable of accommodating an additional Li at low voltage to form Li2(Ti1–yVy)S2 are underway. Several properties require optimization, including the average voltage, volume change and reactivity with the electrolyte. These properties are sensitive to the transition metal alloy composition and can be calculated from first principles. First-principles predictions will guide experimental efforts within Seshadri’s and Dunn’s groups.

Figure 2: A scheme of lithium battery employing an amorphous molybdenum-cluster-derived chalcogenide network as one of the electrodes.

Team Development: Work on using chalcogenide systems for electrochemical energy storage has been actively pursued, and the collaboration between the Dunn group (UCSB CNSI) and UCSB has resulted in a manuscript that has

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been submitted for publication (see below). The new collaborator is Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis from Northwestern University.

Publications: V. Doan-Nguyen, K. Subrahmanyam, M. Butala, J. Gerbec, S. Islam, K. Kanipe, C. Wilson, M. Balasubramanian, K. Wiaderek, O. Borkiewicz, K. Chapman, P. Karena, M. Moskovits, B. Dunn, M. Kanatzidis, and R. Seshadri, Molybdenum polysulfide chalcogels as highcapacity, anion-redox-driven electrode materials for Li-ion batteries, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (under review).

Grant Applications: From a programmatic aspect, Seshadri attended a meeting of the Toyota Research Institute in Palo Alto CA. As a consequence, the team has been invited to submit a whitepaper, and this has lead to a collaborative between McMeeking, Seshadri, and Van der Ven (UCSB) and Bryce Meredig (Citrine Informatics). The whitepaper is due in October 2016.

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Bio-inspired High-Performance Information Processing

PI: Dmitri Strukov, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UCSB Co-PIs: Yuan Xie, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UCSB; Konstantin Likharev, Professor of Physics & Neuroscience, Stony Brook University

Goal: Pursue an NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) focused on the fabrication and simulation of an artificial neural network using novel devices (memristors)

Synopsis: Building Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) capable of matching the performance and functionality of biological counterparts in information processing remains one of the last grand challenges in computing. Bridging the performance gap between biology and today’s computers is especially timely given current technological trends, such as the exponential growth of sensor- and computer-generated data, as well as the emergence of new applications relying on such data, such as biomimetics and robotics. This project tackles this challenge in two parallel approaches. The first is the development of major components of hybrid circuits, such as memristors; their integration with conventional (CMOS) technology; and demonstration of hybrid- circuit-based ANNs. The second path focuses on understanding information processing of biological neural networks and replicating it in simulations.

The PIs recently hosted a workshop at CNSI to introduce the project to the wider engineering community at UCSB and to brainstorm bringing in external partners. A submission for an NSF Engineering Research Center is targeted for 2015/6.

Team Development: Jennifer Hasler, Professor of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology,

Konstantin Likharev, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University,

Shimeng Yu, Assistant Professor of ECE, State University,

Jae-sun Seo, Assistant Professor of ECE, Arizona State University,

Yuan Xie, Professor of ECE, UC Santa Barbara, CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 40


Dmitri Strukov, Associate Professor of ECE, UC Santa Barbara,

Timothy Sherwood, Professor of CS, UC Santa Barbara,

Luis Ceze, Associate Professor of CS & Engineering, University of Washington

Daniel Grossman, Professor of CS & Engineering, University of Washington,

Grant Applications: NSF Expeditions in Computing, “Center for Nanoelectronic Neuromorphic Computation (CNNC)”, Pre- proposal currently under consideration

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Next-Generation Computational Methods in Ship Hydrodynamics PIs: Frederic Gibou, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UCSB; Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UCSB

Goal: Assemble an expert team to successfully compete for an upcoming ONR MURI call for research on understanding the intricacies of ship movement through water

Synopsis: An improved understanding of ship hydrodynamics, including the mechanics of air entrainment and bubble wake, is critical to the US Navy. For example, bubble wake is the main source of ship vulnerability since a vessel can easily be located via satellite from its wake alone. Bubble formation is a complex phenomenon and an example of nanoscale dynamics influencing macroscale behaviors. The Office of Naval Research has recognized that without the development and validation of next- generation predictive computational methods, the understanding of multiscale phenomena relevant to ship hydrodynamics will remain elusive. Current modeling and computation strategies can take up to six months to execute. Prof. Gibou’s research is geared towards strategies that can be done in a matter of hours for complex geometries. Prof. Luzzatto-Fegiz’s work in experimental and theoretical fluid dynamics will be leveraged to validate the computations. The opportunities in the MURI call did not match the PIs’ expectations, and as such each PI participated in a separate, non-competing team. The PIs are actively looking at how to best redirect the CNSI Challenge Grant funding.

Key Technical Achievements: • The PIs have submitted LOIs to our MURI opportunities. • The PIs have demonstrated the key role of surfactants in negating the effectiveness of superhydrophobic coatings for drag reduction on ship hulls. • The PIs are working to demonstrate the key features of a next-generation computational method for simulating surfactant-laden flows in naval applications.

Team Development: • Gibou’s team is led by K. Mahesh (U. ), and comprises: S. Ceccio (U. Michigan), J. Katz (J. Hopkins), P. M. Carrica (U. ), I. Siepmann (U. Minnesota), T. Sapsis (MIT), T. Colonius (Caltech). • Luzzatto-Fegiz’s team is led by I. Mezic (UCSB) and comprises S. Brunton (U. Washington), B. McKeon (Caltech), S. Revzen (U. Michigan), C. Rowley (Princeton), T. Sapsis (MIT), T. Colonius (Caltech) and Y. Kevrekidis (Princeton).

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Publications: • Reduced-order models for contaminated superhydrophobic surfaces for drag reduction. TEMPRANO-COLETO, LUZZATTO-FEGIZ & GIBOU. In progress. • Fully resolved simulations of contaminated superhydrophobic surfaces for drag reduction. TEMPRANO-COLETO, LUZZATTO-FEGIZ & GIBOU. In progress.

Grant Applications: The PIs would like to discuss the possibility of refocusing the Grand Challenge grant towards submitting a proposal to the Keck foundation. The proposal would target the development of novel wind turbine designs, optimized for operating in large wind farms, which would seek order-of-magnitude increases in power output. This is an idea that is currently deemed too risky by other agencies (such as DoE), which are instead focusing on optimizing existing designs, but which the PIs believe would fit well within Keck’s portfolio.

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Growing the California Institute for Quantum Emulation

PI: David Weld, Professor of Physics, UCSB Co-PIs: Wes Campbell, Professor of Physics, UCLA; Sid Parameswaran, Professor of Physics, UCI; Congiun Wu, Professor of Physics, UCSD

Goal: Grow the scope of the California Institute for Quantum Emulation (CAIQuE) and to support its transition to a large-scale funded research collaboration.

Synopsis: Recently founded with support from a President’s Research Catalyst Award and matching funds from CNSI, the California Institute for Quantum Emulation (CAIQuE or IQE), aims to make the UC a world-leading consortium in the emerging field of quantum emulation. The institute draws together trapped-ion and ultracold-atom experimentalists from Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSB with condensed-matter theorists from Berkeley, UCI, and UCSD. Scientifically, CAIQuE aims to develop a distinct UC brand of research in quantum emulation characterized by a deep integration of theoretical and experimental approaches. The initial scientific focus is on non-equilibrium quantum systems and topological bands. This program aims to grow the scope of the CAIQuE and to support its transition to a large-scale funded research collaboration.

Seed funding from UCOP has already established a collaborative framework for IQE activities. The Challenge Grant funding will complement this through new activities such as an IQE summer school, an IQE Lectureship, and support for an IQE Postdoc, to raise the visibility of the IQE. The overarching goal is to build an ecosystem of the innovative research and educational activities that will form a part of a proposed Center, making a strong case for large-scale, long-term support, such as an MRPI Program grant, an NSF STC, a MURI, and possibly the new AFOSR quantum initiative.

Key Technical Achievements: • Observed magnon condensation in a degenerate ferromagnetic gas • Demonstrated first frequency comb magneto-optical trap • Advanced understanding of many-body localized states of matter • Started new theory-experiment collaborations focused on quantum quasicrystals, SU(N) magnetism, and quantum thermalization • Developed UC-wide science strategy for exploration of nonequilibrium quantum matter

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Team Development: • Lin Tian, UC Merced • Chih-Chun Chien, UC Merced • Tarun Grover, UC San Diego • Richard Scalettar, UC Davis • Norman Yao, UC Berkeley • Hartmut Haeffner, UC Berkeley • Ehud Altman, UC Berkeley

Selected Publications: • Quantum Critical Dynamics at Nonzero Temperatures in a Model for Insulating Magnets and

Implications for TlCuCl3, J. Wu et al , arXiv:1605.07163 (2016). • Mott insulating states and quantum phase transitions of correlated SU(2N) Dirac fermions, Z. Zhou et al, Phys. Rev. B 93, 245157 (2016). • Quantum spin dynamics of the axial spin-1/2 XXZ chain in longitudinal magnetic field, W. Yang et al, in preparation. • Condensing Magnons in a Degenerate Ferromagnetic Spinor Bose Gas, F. Fang et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 095301 (2016). • Signatures of spatial inversion asymmetry of an optical lattice observed in matter-wave diffraction, C.K. Thomas et al, arXiv:1601.07117 (2016). • Direct frequency comb laser cooling and trapping, A.M. Jayich et al, arXiv:1603.08053 (2016). • Particle-hole symmetry, many-body localization, and topological edge modes, R. Vasseur et al, Phys. Rev. B 93, 134207 (2016).

Grant Applications: MRPI Program Grant to grow the IQE to 14 PI’s at 7 campuses is under review ($5.4M plus $255K matching funds)

Other Program Development Activities: • Hosted CAIQuE Symposium, with a keynote address by Nobel laureate Wolfgang Ketterle. The symposium brought together CAIQuE groups, outside researchers, and federal program managers to discuss the future of quantum emulation. • Collaboration meetings in Berkeley and Santa Barbara (and upcoming in LA). • Purchased cluster nodes for collaborative CAIQuE computing needs. • Developed joint proposals among subsets of investigators (MURI, DOE).

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MEMS Multicantilever Array for Blood Glucose Monitoring

PI: Sumita Pennathur, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UCSB Co-PIs: Luke Theogarajan, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSB; Kevin Plaxco, Professor of Chemistry, UCSB

Goal: Assemble an interdisciplinary team to develop a MEMS-based blood glucose monitoring patch that can offer painless, easy-to-use, real-time sampling for diabetics.

Synopsis: Despite the huge strides in insulin pump technology and continuous glucose monitoring there is still a dearth of monitoring devices that directly and continuously probe blood. Therefore, regardless of the technologies used for diabetes management, painful finger pricks for blood MUST be performed multiple times per day, everyday by EVERY diabetic, which significantly affects the way of life of millions of people. Granted, there are truly innovative studies where blood monitoring is incorporated with insulin injections into implantable devices, but such technologies and their implementation are decades into the horizon. Moreover, non-invasive, pain-free continuous blood monitoring is not only needed for the expected massive diabetes epidemic, but will also significantly improve the way we understand human health.

The Challenge Grant aims to develop the necessary team and obtain the preliminary results required to win the level of funding needed to solve the problem of pain-free, easily accessed CGM. The program builds upon a successful 6-month Challenge Grant that focused on competitive analysis and defining the value proposition for the apporach.

Key Technical Achievements: • The team has been able to work with PiMEMS to build in-plane titanium microneedles with an embedded microchannels. (Figure 3, left). They are currently building testing platforms to measure needle velocity, force, angle and fluid intake when exposed to various skin samples and glucose samples. • The team is also working on another embodiment of this array where they use hollow microneedle tips that are attached to a microcantilever. Graduate student Jin Kim is developing these tips and to date the team has been able to create solid gold needle tips (Figure 3, right). • The team examined a host of aptamer-based as well as host guest based chemistries for glucose sensing. Unfortunately, none of those chemistries worked efficiently for the small volume

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sensing that is required for within the needle tips. Host-guest based chemistries will be further explored with the Errett-Fisher postdoctoral award, and some glucose-oxidase based enzymatic sensing will be approached by a start-up company off-campus. • The team has been able to use the funding to put together a special session in the IEEE-EMBS Micro and Nanofluidics for Medicine Conference (MNM) in December of 2016. PI Pennathur organized and is chairing a session on continuous glucose monitoring, with invited speakers Dr. Bill van Antwerp and Dr. Eyal Dassau. Furthermore, the SoCal Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium is being funded in part by this money, which allows us to sponsor a host of collaborations between key micro- and nanofluidic research groups in UCLA, UC Irvine and UCSB.

Figure 3. (left) Titanium microneedle fabricated by PiMEMS. The PIs are working on developing experimental setups to test the needles in fluid. (right) Gold solid microneedle posts fabricated in the UCSB cleanroom.

Team Development: With this grant, the team has been able to meet and work with a number of new people that are key to helping them with this project. These people include: • Dr. David Kerr and Dr. Jordan Pinsker at the William Sansum Diabetes Center • Dr. Bill van Antwerp, retired CSO of Medimate (one of the 2 FDA-approved continuous glucose monitors). • Dr. Howard Zisser, Director at Google Verily • Dr. Jonathan Lakey and Michael Alexander at UC Irvine • Dr. Elliot Botnivik at UC Irvine • Dr. Masa Rao at UC Irvine • Dr. Eyal Dassau at Harvard University

In addition, the PIs plan to potentially work with people that they have invited to the conferences organized in part by this money. This includes • Shoji Takeuchi (U. of Tokyo) • Dino di Carlo (UCLA) CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 47


• Michelle Khine (UC Irvine) • Elliot Hui (UC Irvine)

Invention disclosures/Patents: • Method of fabrication of hollow gold microneedle tips • Determination of fluid amount within microneedle tips using conductivity sensing

Grant Applications: • The PIs were recently awarded a grant from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation entitled “Fundamental Assessment of MEMS pumps and valves for Intraperitoneal Insulin Delivery” for $500,000. Although the research is not related at all to the grant, the topic is diabetes related, and they got this money through connections made through the challenge grant events. • The PIs applied for a $1.5M NIH translational award to fund the microneedle development. This was recently not funded. • The PIs applied for an American Diabetes Association Pathway award (ADA) for research on this system. Status is still pending. • The PIs applied for a New Inventor Award for PI Pennathur for this invention of the semi- invasive continuous glucose monitor. This was not awarded. • The PIs applied for an Errett-Fischer postdoctoral award to fund the postdoc Sam Helmy’s recent efforts in host-guest chemistries. This was recently awarded. • The PIs applied for a NASA-STTR in collaboration with Angstrom Designs. This was in part to develop the microneedles for other sorts (ie. Non-diabetes related) funding. This was recently awarded. • The PIs applied for a $1.5 MIH New Innovator Award to work on all aspects of this project. Unfortunately, this was not awarded. • Two other grants were applied for before this Challenge Grant was awarded, an ARO grant, ICB grant and internal faculty research grant. The first is about extending the chemistries of biological systems to non-biological environments, the second was the develop microneedles for ISF (interstitial fluid) extraction, and the third was to develop microneedles. All three were funded.

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Quantum Interfaces

PIs: Ania Jayich, Professor of Physics, UCSB; David Weld, Professor of Physics, UCSB

Goal: Secure funding for a large-scale “Quantum Interfaces” program, with its hub at CNSI.

Synopsis: Quantum technologies promise to usher in major advances in fields ranging from information processing to medical imaging, and both governments and industry have recently intensified funding in the field. With the increased focus on quantum technologies has come a push for truly practical realizations. The quantum interfaces between elements (e.g. photons, atoms, solid-state spins, superconducting qubits) are the focus of the proposed research program. A central challenge of quantum technology is that the functionality enabled by interfaces is unavoidably accompanied by surface-mediated decoherence. Decoherence, in which a quantum element transitions into a classical state through uncontrolled interactions with the environment, is the fundamental obstacle to the realization of useful quantum technologies. A program of research focused directly on quantum interfaces has potential to enhance fundamental understanding of decoherence processes and surface physics while also unlocking new applications and abilities for hybrid quantum devices.

Challenge Grant funding will be used to build up strength in key areas that will be crucial in making a large collaborative grant proposal competitive. A “New Directions in Quantum Interfaces” workshop will enable building connections and collaborations with the leaders in related fields. PIs will also leverage domestic and international travel funds to develop links with key theory collaborators and program managers, funding to help produce a strong record of preliminary collaborative results to support a final proposal, and teaching relief to provide time for the development of competitive collaborative proposals to federal agencies. Targeted funding sources include a MURI, a large-scale DARPA grant, an MRPI program grant, and possibly an anticipated federal initiative in quantum technologies.

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Center for Adaptive Network Dynamics (CANDy)

PI: Jean Carlson, Professor of Physics, UCSB Co-PIs: Megan Valentine, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UCSB; Cheryl Briggs, Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, UCSB; Yasamin Mostofi, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSB

Goal: To develop the teaming, research thrusts, and infrastructure needed to successfully propose a new Center for Adaptive Network Dynamics.

Synopsis: The Challenge Grant will be leveraged to lay a foundation for a new UCSB Center for Adaptive Network Dynamics (CANDy) in preparation for the anticipated 2017 NSF STC funding call. Interplay and manipulation of dynamic mechanisms guiding adaptation within and between constituents in a population will serve as a unifying theme across three thrusts - Biological Systems, Ecological Systems, and Technological Systems – where UCSB has substantial expertise. The Biological Systems Thrust will focus on characterizing and controlling dynamic networks within a single organism. The Ecological Systems Thrust will focus on how networks of organisms (including humans) interact within a complex time- varying ecosystem. The Technological Systems Thrust will focus on the role and impact of network dynamics and layered control with an emphasis on physical systems of critical infrastructure.

The PIs plan to form teams of faculty from UCSB and partner institutions in order to develop the research, education, and infrastructure plan required of an STC proposal. The PIs anticipate applying for several MURI awards within the first year and to a large center-scale call (NSF STC) in Year 2.

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Reconfigurable Photonic and Electronic Materials

PI: Michael Gordon, Professor of Chemical Engineering, UCSB Co-PIs: Jon Schuller, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSB; Dan Morse, Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, UCSB

Goal: Develop new proposals and whitepapers targeted to MURI and other Center- level programs within the theme of reconfigurable photonic and electronic materials.

Synopsis: The need for reconfigurable photonic and electronic materials underpins many recently announced DOE and DOD research programs. A recent DOE roundtable on Neuromorphic Computing and upcoming AFOSR workshop on Reconfigurable Electronics further echo the potential for transformative technological breakthroughs enabled by basic science research into reconfigurable materials and devices. The breadth of potential applications (e.g., neuromorphic computing, programmable photonic devices, adaptive and self-regulating sensors, electromagnetic lenses, beam steering, antennas, directed energy transfer, and evolutionary bio-mimicking machines) reflects the promise of reconfigurable materials and the importance of assembling interdisciplinary research teams that can attack a single problem from diverse directions.

The PIs will leverage the Challenge Grant funds to meet with program managers at the DOE and DOD agencies to cultivate scientific relationships to ultimately identify and assist in defining future MURI funding initiatives. The PIs will also host a number of workshops at UCSB to pull in collaborators and down-select between funding targets. Lastly, the Challenge Grant funds will be used for teaching relief taken to run the workshops and prepare the grant proposals.

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A cornerstone of the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) is the international Elings Prize Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science, designed to bring the best and brightest scientists and engineers to UCSB. These fellowships have proven to be extremely successful with over 100 applicants per year in experimental nanoscience covering all areas of the physical sciences, biology and engineering. The fellowships are designed as a bridge between a traditional post- doctoral fellowship and an independent research position, providing an annual salary of $60,000 for a minimum of two years, along with benefits and $5,000 in research funds. The following Elings Fellows were supported during the 2015-2016 fiscal year:

ADAM HAUSER Adam was born in Morristown, New Jersey and graduated with degrees in Physics and Astrophysics from Rutgers University. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Ohio State University under the direction of Professor Fengyuan Yang, where his thesis focused on the synthesis, characterization, and device fabrication of fully ordered ferromagnetic double perovskite thin films. As an Elings Postdoctoral Fellow, Adam worked under the mentorship of Professors Susanne Stemmer and Jim Allen. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at the University of .

REVITAL KAMINKER Revital was born in Israel and carried out her undergraduate studies in chemistry at Tel Aviv University (B.Sc., cum laude, 2006). She received her M.Sc. (2009) and Ph.D. (2014) from the Weizmann Institute of Science, where she worked with Professor Milko E. van der Boom on molecule-based assemblies on solid surfaces and in soft matter. She collaborated with the Nitschke group from the University of Cambridge on the formation of surface-confined helicates. Revital joined CNSI as an Elings Fellow in July 2014 and is working in the research group of Professor Craig Hawker.

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JOHN LABRAM John was born in Bath, United Kingdom, and received his undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Warwick in 2008. He received his Ph.D. from Imperial College London in Experimental Solid State Physics in 2011. During his Ph.D. John studied ambipolar organic field-effect transistors under the supervision of Professor Thomas Anthopoulos. Between 2011 and 2013 John took a break from academia and worked for the Royal Bank of Scotland as a currency-options trader. John joined CNSI as an Elings Fellow in November 2014 and is working in the research group of Professor Michael Chabinyc.

LISA KOZYCZ Lisa was born and raised in Ontario, where she received her B.S. with Honours in Chemistry from Queens University in 2010. Her undergraduate thesis focused on tertiary amines for use as switchable hydrophilicity solvents that could be applied to the recycling of polystyrene foam. As a graduate student at the University of Toronto, Lisa extended her interest in earth-friendly research, co-founding the Green Chemistry Initiative – proposing and advancing eco-responsible practices inside and outside the lab, in an effort to reduce waste production and energy consumption. Lisa completed her Ph.D. in polymer and materials chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Dwight Seferos, designing new block and statistical thiophene copolymers with optimal energy levels to use in organic solar cells in 2015. Lisa has been a member of the Chabinyc group since her arrival in October 2015.

VICKY DOAN-NGUYEN Vicky was born in Vietnam, and she received her B.S. in 2006 from Yale, double-majoring in both Chemistry and Women’s Studies. Since then, she has remained an active advocate for women in science. At Penn, she served as the Chair of the Penn Graduate Women in Science and Engineering, and teaches material science as part of a summer program geared towards high school girls. In 2013, Vicky interned for the White House Office of Science and Technology, conducting research and analysis of STEM education policy, as well as the impact of high- performance computing on science industry. Vicky completed her Ph.D. in 2015 from the University of Pennsylvania, focusing on the synthesis, structural characterization, and functional testing of transition metal, metal phosphide, and metal oxide nanomaterials for applications in fuel conversion, electrocatalysis, and optical switching. Since becoming a part of CNSI in July 2015, Vicky has been working with the Seshadri group at UCSB and Bruce Dunn at UCLA.

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AMILA ARIYARATNE At the age of 4, Amila moved to Sri Lanka from Texas. In 2009, he received his B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Peradeniya. Amila completed his Ph.D. at UCLA under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Zocchi in experimental molecular biophysics in 2015. As a grad student, Amila collaborated with the Mayans group at the University of Liverpool on mechanical control of the protein Twitchin kinase using DNA springs and with Prof. Elisha Moses at the Weizmann Institute on introducing artificially controllable ion channels to cultured neurons. Amila joined the Jayich group in August 2015

ATHINA ANASTASAKI Born in Greece, Athina graduated from the University of Athens in 2011 with 1st Class Honours in Chemistry. Under the supervision of Marinos Pitsikalis, she developed her independent undergraduate research project into her first publication. In 2013, Athina received the EPSRC Transatlantic fellowship, which enabled her to conduct research at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her Ph.D. entitled “Shining a Light on Copper Mediated Living Radical Polymerization: Maximizing End-Group Fidelity” in 2014 at the University of Warwick as part of the Haddleton polymer group. Before joining CNSI, Athina served as a joint research fellow with Monash University in Australia. Athina arrived at UCSB in January 2016 to join the Hawker research group.

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Contracts and Grants

55 Proposals Submitted

3 7% Awarded 56% Denied 7% Sponsor Review

~$38M Total Value of Contracts and Grants Administered

$ 31.8M Federal (DoD, NIH, NSF, etc.) $2.3M Other Non-Profit (Foundation) $3.8M Industry

~$6.9M Contracts and Grants Incremental Funding Received

45 Awards

32 Agencies

60 Principal Investigators

14 Departments


$877.3K Research Gifts

$335K Unrestricted Gifts and Endowments

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Nanoscale Probe of Magnetism Based on Artificial Atoms in Diamond 09/01/2013-08/31/2018 Award #: FA9550-13-1-0198 $600,000

PI: Ania Jayich, Physics

The goal of the work proposed is the construction of a scanning magnetometer capable of detecting single spins with ~ 1 nanometer spatial resolution. This tool will have a significant impact on a broad range of fields, including basic physics, materials science, classical and quantum computation, and biology. The magnetic sensing element is a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, an impurity that acts like a solid-state atom. The scanning NV magnetometer will be used as a local, nanoscale probe of magnetism in materials of technological relevance: multiferroics and single molecule magnets. We will also combine local electric field sensing with local magnetic field sensing in the same probe, opening a window into interplay of spin and charge in condensed matter systems. By addressing materials issues and identifying and inimizing decoherence mechanisms, the sensitivity of the magnetometer will be continually improved towards along-term goal of magnetic resonance imaging of single nuclei for structural determination of biological molecules.

Quantum Memories in Photon - Atomic - Solid-State Systems (QuMPASS) 11/01/2011-10/31/2016 Award #: FA9550-12-1-0004 $7,500,000

PI: David Awschalom, Physics Co-PI(s): Ania Jayich, Physics

Dramatic recent advances in realizing the critical enabling concepts of quantum information science (QIS) in atomic and solid state systems has provided the characteristics of long-term coherence and entanglement of qubit ensembles. Atoms within appropriate traps or cavities have the advantage of uniquely defined transition energies, insensitivity to environment, and long coherence times. Solid state systems have the advantage of higher oscillator strength, scalability and potential large-scale replication, but face greater challenges in decoherence. We propose a revolutionary hybrid quantum memory system that incorporates the long coherence times of atomic qubits and the high-speed quantum operations and scalability of solid-state qubits with the‘quantum wiring’ afforded by photonic qubits to achieve scalable circuits with fast gate operations and reliable quantum memory. The team will

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implement scalable quantum circuits by integrating micro-and nanoscopic optical networks with emitters (atomic or solid-state) to achieve quantum functionality.

QuMPASS will develop the systems architecture and engineer the light-matter interactions for a hybrid quantum memory incorporating both atoms and NV centers as the stationary qubits, linked by high quality solid state optical cavities that will transduce the quantum information from stationary qubits to photons in a compact, on-chip footprint. These photons, through fibers and on-chip waveguides, will form a photonicus linking spatially-separated multipartite memories. A critical development goal of the QuMPASS plan is ‘atom buses’: nano-fiber optical traps that serve as a nanoscale interface between atomic and solid state memories, cavities and devices. We will integrate high quality diamond nanocrystals with high-Q photonic crystals and resonators using advanced positioning procedures, create strongly confining, versatile optical potentials for neutral atomic localization within nanometersof lithographically patterned optical structures, tailor color center spectra and micro-photonic wavelength conversion to realize the photonic interface, use high-bandwidth modulation for real-time reconfiguration of optical circuits (on-chip multiplexing and resonator switching), and fabricate microscopic optical elements for optical field transport, including input and output from high-Q resonators.

Scanning Magnetometry of Low Dimensional Electronic Systems 05/01/2016-04/30/2019 Award #: FA9550-16-1-0252 $156,520

PI: Andrea Young, Physics

Understanding electronic and thermal transport and magnetic and superconducting structure at the nanoscale is essential for the development of new functionalities derived from novel material platforms and device architectures. Rapidly advancing progress in materials synthesis and device fabrication challenge existing experimental measurement techniques, demanding ever greater versatility, throughput, and sensitivity. Techniques capable of measuring multiple physical quantities, in situ, on the nanoscale are of particular value. We propose the design and construction of a cryogenic scanning probe microscope for topographic, thermal, and magnetic imaging, based on a scanning nanoscale Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) fabricated on the tip of a pulled quartz pipette. Our next generation nano-SQUID-on-tip (nSOT) microscope will bring unique capabilities to bear on topological states of matter, magnetic systems, and electronic devices by combining sub-single spin sensitivity, sub-m K thermal sensitivity, and <50 nm nanometer spatial resolution in a cryogenic (300mK-7K), high magnetic field (0-2T) environment. nSOT microscopy already far outstrips conventional scanning magnetometers along most metrics, and no other microscopy technique offers ultra-sensitive magnetometry and thermometry in a comparable regime of temperatures and magnetic fields. The proposed instrument is expected to enhance capabilities through the integration of topographic feedback, provide higher spatial resolution imaging and higher sensitivity to sample

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temperature, current, and magnetization. We will use the microscope to probe topological edge currents in 2D layered materials, perform precision thermal measurements of neutral mode transport in magnetic systems, and correlate magnetic structure and transport in low dimensional magnetic electron systems.


Non-Covalent Coacervate Hydrogels 09/04/2014-12/03/2015 Award #: 90636 $105,176

PI: Craig Hawker, Chemistry & Materials

This project explores non-covalent coacervate cross-linking of hydrogels for use in HA (hyaluronic acid) based systems and determine if this system is relevant for use in HA dermal filler materials. This project will also examine non-covalent coacervate HA-based hydrogels as materials for capture and slow release of additives and determine the suitability of these materials for sustained delivery of molecules of different sizes and physical properties.


Amgen Biotech Experience 07/01/2014-04/30/2016 Award #: 15296811 $92,284

PI: Maria Ofelia Aguirre, CNSI Co-PI(s): Kenneth Millett, Mathematics

The Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships ( partners UCSB scientists with Santa Barbara and Central California secondary science teachers to integrate the Amgen Biotech Experience into the high school biology curriculum. The goal of this project is to provide teachers with accessible opportunities for scientific training in the field of biotechnology, resources and on-going support to broaden the scope of science education available to high school students.

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NASA STTR Phase II Proposal: LED-based Lab Solar Simulator 12/17/2014-09/17/2016 Award #: NASA STTR UCSB 091714-UCSB02 $225,000

PI: Alan Heeger, Chemistry & Physics

During Phase II, Professor Heeger and his research team will further assist with extensive LED and system testing, scientific input/oversight, and identification of commercialization opportunities within the research and academic communities. UCSB will perform testing and provide guidance and support for application science, research, design and analysis.


Alkaline Earth Quantum Gas Microscope for High- Resolution Imaging of Ultracold Strontium 08/15/2015-11/14/2016 Award #: W911NF-15-1-0436 $199,439

PI: David Weld, Physics

Two of the most exciting recent developments in atomic physics have been the advent of quantum gas microscopy and the production of degenerate alkaline earth gases. Single-lattice-site-resolved quantum gas microscopy has allowed unprecedented insight into the behavior of controllable quantum systems, but to date has been demonstrated in very few experiments, all using rubidium. In parallel with these advances, ultracold atomic physics has expanded beyond the first column of the periodic table to alkaline earth species such as strontium and ytterbium, opening up new horizons for the investigation of exotic quantum phases, simulation of complex materials, and quantum sensing. This proposal is for an instrument which will combine both these break-throughs: a quantum gas microscope for high- resolution studies of ultracold alkaline earth atoms. The instrument will be added to the ultracold strontium apparatus which is the subject of our existing AFOSR YIP grant FA9550-12-1-0305, and will significantly enhance its research capabilities, while opening up new possibilities for our investigations of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics (funded by ARO PECASE award W911NF-14-1-0154) and tunable quasiperiodic quantum systems (funded by ONR award N000141410805). The precision and control inherent in single-site resolution will enable rapid progress towards and beyond the goals of all three projects, including production and characterization of novel quantum fluids, detection and manipulation of edge states in cold atom quasicrystals, and high-spacetime-resolution studies of dynamical quantum phenomena. Furthermore, the instrument will enable new experiments not currently possible with any

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apparatus. Because the assembly, installation, and operation of this novel instrument will be performed largely by graduate students and postdocs, the alkaline earth quantum gas microscope will also give rise to unique research-related educational opportunities for scientists in training at UCSB.

Dielectric Sensing of Toxic and Explosive Chemicals via Impedance Spectroscopy and Plasmonic Resonance 04/01/2015-12/31/2015 Award #: W911NF-15-1-0104 $50,000

PI: S. James Allen, Physics Co-PI(s): Adam Hauser, CNSI

There exists a significant need for low-cost, lightweight, and robust point detectors for explosives and chemical warfare agents. The objective of this proposal is to obtain this capability by identifying materials with high dielectric sensitivity and chemical specificity. For this class of materials, electrical impedance is a promising avenue for low-cost detectors via electrical circuits. By utilizing AC impedance and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopies, we will track frequency-dependent changes in electrical resistance and plasmonic resonance, yielding a “shift fingerprint” in these values for each chemical of interest. A variety of materials will be studied, including Ln-doped metal oxide nanoparticles, core-shell nanoarchitectures, metal oxide powders, and metal- organic frameworks. At the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), the Hauser and Allen groups will employ ex-situ Fourier Transform spectroscopy on each pristine material system to characterize and inform tuning of the plasmonic resonance frequency. Dosed samples safe for ex-situ testing will also be carried out at UCSB. Hauser group will also characterize each material system by AC Impedance Spectroscopy through protodevice fabrication. Together, the two techniques give a dielectric response fingerprint of each system spanning both very low (impedance) and very high (plasmonic) frequencies. Promising material systems will then be incorporated into plasmonic and impedance devices by Hauser and Allen groups, respectively, and brought to ECBC for in-situ exposure testing to more fully test field viability.

Multi-Qubit Algorithms in Josephson Phase Qubits 08/01/2010-07/31/2015 Award #: W911NF-10-1-0334 $8,813,899

PI: Andrew Cleland, Physics

Superconducting qubits have seen dramatic advances in the past five years, with a number of unparalleled demonstrations of one- and two-qubit algorithms. Using a qubit coupled to a resonator, we have synthesized arbitrary photon states with unequaled fidelity and complexity [1]. We have experimentally demonstrated a violation of Bell’s inequality [2], and the Yale group has demonstrated a two-qubit processor [3]. These advances show that multi-qubit algorithms are now within reach. In Phase I and II of this program, we plan to build a 4-qubit processor and demonstrate both the Grover CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 60


and Shor algorithms. For Phase III, we will demonstrate error detection and correction algorithms, building circuits with up to 10 qubits if coherence permits. These advances will be critical for understanding how to build an eternal, error-corrected qubit, constituting a major breakthrough for building a quantum computer. We will also improve our fundamental qubit infrastructure. In particular, we will develop a new quantum non-demolition measurement scheme; implement fast adjustable coupling that displays very high on/off ratios; quantify the error sources in our qubit control; develop long-distance quantum communication; and demonstrate a Toffoli gate.

Nonequilibrium Dynamics with Ultracold Atoms 05/12/2014-05/11/2017 Award #: W911NF-14-1-0154 $600,000

PI: David Weld, Physics

Predicting and controlling the behavior of non-equilibrium many-body quantum systems is a major challenge of modern physics. In addition to having fundamental importance for quantum statistical physics, advances in the understanding of non-equilibrium quantum dynamics have potential applications to phenomena in a broad range of fields, from materials science to quantuminformation. Existing theoretical and experimental tools for addressing many-body systems far from equilibrium are limited. Due to their experimentally accessible timescales and exquisite controllability in both space and time, optically trapped ultra cold atomic gases are an ideal context in which to study many-body non- equilibrium dynamics in the quantum regime. We propose to develop and demonstrate an experimental platform enabling a broad range of fundamental experiments in non-equilibrium many-body quantum dynamics. We will use ultra-cold lithium atoms in dynamically configurable optical traps to investigate two broad classes of non-equilibrium phenomena: quantum quenches and driven systems. Proposed experiments include a demonstration of dynamic stabilization and quantum chaos in a modulated optical lattice, measurement of quench dynamics in one- and two-component systems, experimental tests of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, and development of driving techniques for the preparation of topologically nontrivial states.

Quantum BioImaging with Diamond Spins (QuBIDS) 06/25/2011-04/24/2016 Award #: W911NF-11-1-0228 $4,265,878

PI: David Awschalom, Physics Co-PI(s): Andrew Cleland, Physics; Ania Jayich, Physics

The key goal of the QuBIDS program is to demonstrate the imaging capability of NV centers for biological samples and to begin the development of a molecular structure microscope. Little is known about how the NV center coherence time and other parameters are influenced by a „real‟ biological environment. Our development program thus includes, in addition to the imaging capability, developing an understanding of the effects of the biological environment on the coherence of the NV centers, and

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optimization of the interaction with biological samples through chemical functionalization of the diamond NV sensors.


Developing Biomimetic Antibiotics via Siderophore Inspired Self-Assembling Polymers (SInAPs) 09/01/2016-08/31/2017 Award #: SB160162 $61,755

PI: Abigail Knight, CNSI

This award is a Postdoctoral Fellowship. Aim 1: Bioinspired metal-induced self-assembly of polymeric nanomaterials. The development of a bioinspired materials platform, which changes morphology in the presence of metal ions. Aim 2: Rational design and evaluation of antibiotic SInAPs. The design and evaluation of a SInAPs system that mimics the transition metal coordination site of calprotectin, a protein critical to the natural antibacterial response.


Bio-Inspired Redox-Active-Polyelectrolytes (RPE) 07/01/2014-06/30/2017 Award #: SB140157 $543,664

PI: Alan Heeger, Chemistry & Physics

We propose a research program for polymer-based supercapacitors and batteries employing interpenetrating polymer-networks to give stable polymer-electrodes with very high charge-storage capacity. The network consists of an electron-conducting polymer and a highly–capacitive redox- polymer. Inspired by nature we propose a novel kind of bio-Redox-Polyelectrolytes (RPE) which structure is similar to that of polystyrene PSS. We expect high cycling-stability and lowered self- discharge rates when using the novel RPE.

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Encode-Sort-Decode (ESD): Integrated System for Discovery of Non-Natural Affinity Reagents 09/01/2014-08/31/2017 Award #: N66001-14-2-4055 $2,251,673

PI: Craig Hawker, Chemistry & Materials

There has been significant investment in the past two decades for generating synthetic affinity reagents that surpass monoclonal antibodies in affinity and specificity for binding to their target molecules. In particular, the use of non-natural polymers offer the exciting possibility that these reagents could be more stable, economical and offer functionalities that cannot be achieved with natural polymers. Unfortunately, the progress in using non-DNA coded polymers, such as non-natural amino acids and peptoids through combinatorial chemistry has faced significant challenges. This is readily apparent from the fact that typical reagents generated from such combinatorial approaches have yielded molecules with Kd’s in the low micro-molar range, which are far inferior to monoclonal antibodies. The overall goal of our project is to develop an advanced integrated system to rapidly generate heterobivalent peptoid reagents (HPR’s) that can bind to target molecules with superior affinity and specificity than monoclonal antibodies, offer unprecedented stability and can be economically scaled up to gram quantities. To achieve these challenging goals, our system (called ESD-Encode-Sort-Decode) combines innovations and expertise from multiple disciplines.


Quantum Information Processing with Xmon Qubits 08/28/2014-08/27/2017 Award #: PO251948 $2,646,484

PI: John Martinis, Physics

This research project aims to characterize and test fabrication technology for wiring crossovers using airbridges, to be used on A1 qubits on Silicon wafers. It will entail performing various experiments in the UCSB cleanroom, testing elements with high reliability and low amounts of defects. The research also includes testing resonator devices for energy loss from the crossovers, building a model if required to correlate the loss to imperfections in the airbridge. Finally, the research is expected to incorporate these airbridges in superconducting qubit devices, testing them for energy loss and dephasing decoherence effects.

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Jack Kent Cooke Bridges for Engineering and Science Transfers 05/01/2012-09/30/2015 Award #: SB120131 $449,988

PI: Maria Ofelia Aguirre, CNSI Co-PI(s): Glen Beltz, Mechanical Engineering

The Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP), in collaboration with Allan Hancock, Oxnard, Santa Barbara City, Ventura College and the UCSB MESA Engineering Program propose a program entitled Jack Kent Cooke Bridges for Engineering and Science Transfers to inspire and encourage students with the potential to complete degrees in science and engineering fields at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). The Cooke Bridges program will recruit 96 low-income community college students to UCSB over three years to participate in a summer introduction to STEM research and careers, including academic year engagement in the UCSB scientific and student community.


UC Santa Barbara MARC Program: Bridges to Biomedical Research Careers 06/01/2015-05/31/2017 Award #: 1T34GM113848-02 $436,501

PI: Joel Rothman, MCDB

We propose a two-phased “Bridges to Biomedical Research Careers (BBRC)” program to enhance retention, and matriculation into PhD and MD/PhD programs, of underrepresented (UR) and disadvantaged students interested in pursuing careers in biomedical research. Nationwide, and at UC Santa Barbara, the greatest loss of UR students from STEM fields occurs during the first two years. Consequently, the first phase of the BBRC program will begin with a two-week summer bridge program and continued academic year support for 28 incoming freshmen each year of this five-year program that includes: tutoring in calculus, chemistry and physics; a mentoring network of peers, graduate students and faculty; and an introduction to research course called the “Practice of Science.” This will synergize with an HHMI-supported program emphasizing active learning courses and peer-to-peer learning communities. As they build community, and become aware of how their major fits into various research and career opportunities, students will be prepared to further develop as researchers through the next phase of the BBRC: the two-year MARC scholars program. Five top students will be selected as MARC

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scholars for each year of this program. In addition to acquiring extensive research experience, they will grow their leadership skills through various professional opportunities such as presenting at conferences, serving as mentors for lower division students, and developing a team-based community service project in the service-learning course “Science for the Common Good”. Although only five students from each cohort will receive MARC Scholarships, the other students in each group will be well- prepared to apply for other synergistic research internship programs available at our campus including UCLEADS and CAMP. Through the MARC U*STAR program our long-term goals are to: a) Enhance an institutional culture where students are immersed into a cohesive social, academic and research community which nurtures their success; b) Cultivate students’ confidence and skills that enable them to matriculate into and succeed in PhD or MD/PhD programs; c) Enable students to see how their studies are related to their broader interests and career goals, thereby providing motivation for their continued efforts; and d) Seed a lasting shift in the institutional culture to create a more inclusive environment for our entire campus community. UCSB is on track to become the first in the Association of American Universities (AAU) to reach Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) status, putting UCSB on a short list of prominent research-intensive institutions serving a large number of Hispanic undergraduates. As such, we will have many eligible applicants to PhD and MD/PhD programs and success of this program will serve as a model for other similar R-1 institutions.


CAREER: An Integrated Approach to Neuron Mechanics: Deciphering the Functional, Mechanical, and Structural Interactions Between Microtubules and Actin 04/01/2013-03/31/2018 Award #: CMMI-1254893 $410,000

PI: Megan Valentine, Mechanical Engineering

Although prior experiments have probed isolated aspects of neuron biomechanics there have been few –if any– systematic efforts to understand the interconnectivity of the cell motility and axonal transport machinery, severely limiting our understanding of neurons as functional cellular systems. Using a suite of custom imaging and microscale manipulation tools, we will determine how the interactions between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons control the functional and mechanical properties of neurons.

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CAREER: Enabling Efficient Non-Linearities in Biomechanical Simulations Award #: 1253948 $431,019

PI: Theodore Kim, Media Arts and Technology

Great strides have been made in efficiently simulating biomechanical phenomena such as the flexing of a human bicep or fluid flow through an artery. However, the speed of existing methods still preclude their use in many transformative applications. At the macro scale, high-quality, interactive humans have yet to be achieved, but would revolutionize virtual surgery, and fundamentally change the use of digital actors in film and media. At the micro scale, the efficient simulation of flexible red blood cell-like structures in plasma flow would facilitate the design of cancer-treating micro-particles. If such systems are to be efficiently captured, the non-linearities that emerge as the problem complexities increase must be addressed. The scientific question we ask is: how can we efficiently compute the non-linearities that arise in complex biomechanical systems? A classic approach is spatially hierarchical methods, which usually yield speedups of roughly an order of magnitude. However, more drastic speedups are needed to enable the applications described above. We propose to investigate projected physics methods, which can yield speedups of three to six orders of magnitude, and are well-suited to biomechanical problems at multiple scales. These methods usually have trouble incorporating non-linearities, but our preliminary results suggest that efficient new algorithms can be devised. Our research will be driven by the two previously mentioned applications.

CAREER: Mechanical Control of single spins for sensing and quantum information processing 09/01/2014-08/31/2019 Award #: 1352660 $360,000

PI: Ania Jayich, Physics

This CAREER project will probe the fundamental interactions between a miniscule quantum object, a single electron spin, and the macroscopic motion of billions of atoms moving in unison, a phonon. The single spin is a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond: a model quantum system with atom-like properties that are uniquely accessible and controllable. The coupling between these two elements is mediated by deformations of the diamond lattice, i.e., strain, and is poorly understood. With its exquisite sensitivity, the NV center can be used as nanoscale quantum probe of spin-mechanical coupling; furthermore, harnessing this coupling could enable advances in NV-based quantum metrology and quantum information processing. NV centers are excellent magnetic sensors. Enhancements in their sensitivity through coupling to phonons could ultimately lead to nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. In a hybrid quantum system comprising spins and phonons, phononic channels can mediate spin-spin interactions over long distances and provide a means for generating entanglement between NV spin

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qubits, a prerequisite for quantum information processing. Finally this juxtaposition of two systems existing at vastly different size scales enables fundamental explorations of macroscopic quantum mechanics and decoherence at the interface of quantum and classical worlds.

CAREER: Origins and Applications of Optical Anisotropies in Organic Photonics 05/01/2015-04/30/2020 Award #: 1454260 $215,385

PI: Jon Schuller, ECE

Organic materials used in photonic devices often self-assemble into highly oriented morphologies, leading to huge optical anisotropies. The objective of this proposal is to elucidate the origins and applications of these anisotropies. The approach is to (1) develop new optical methods for characterizing anisotropies based on resolving the photon momentum vector; (2) identify distinct temporal and spectral signatures of intra- and inter-molecular luminescence; (3) quantify absorption anisotropies that challenge currently prevailing models of organic optical constants; and (4) integrate oriented organics with photovoltaic light-trapping architectures that exploit anisotropies to enhance thin-film absorption.

Cracking the Color Code of DNA-stabilized Metal Nanoclusters with Rapid Optical Array Characterization and Machine Learning 09/15/2013-08/31/2017 Award #: DMR-1309410 $315,000

PI: Elisabeth Gwinn, Physics

The aim of this project is to combine computational machine learning tools with trategic data from fast, array format optical characterization to discover and develop a versatile new class of photonic nanomaterial: fluorescent, DNA-stabilized, few-atom metal nanoclusters, or “DNA-mNC”. DNA-mNCs based on silver clusters are already beginning to be used in innovative imaging, molecular logic, and selective sensor applications. The recent discovery of copper-based DNA-mNCs suggests that the formation of fluorescent clusters in DNA hosts may generalize to other coinage metals. This project aims to “crack the code” for the sequence characteristics that govern the properties of DNA- mNCs, by applying machine learning to much larger, strategically selected data sets. The data will be acquired by robotic synthesis and rapid array optical characterization of Ag, Cu and Pt-based DNA-mNCs. Strand selection will leverage the knowledge of DNA-AgNCs developed in the PI's prior work. The specific project goals are to: 1) Significantly increase the ability to predict DNA sequences and synthesis parameters that result in chemically stable, fluorescent DNA-mNCs with a desired color. 2) Gain understanding of the sequence motifs that code for DNA-mNC properties.

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Complexity of Simulating Quantum Adiabatic Optimization by Quantum Monte Carlo Methods 09/01/2013-08/31/2016 Award #: 1314969 $250,000

PI: Willem van Dam, Computer Science

The PI proposes to investigate the question how well Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) algorithms succeed in efficiently simulating the evolution of Quantum Adiabatic Optimization (QAO) algorithms in the setting where the Hamiltonians of the latter do not cause the minus-sign problem for the Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm. As Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms are, in fact, classical algorithms, this question therefore tries to determine to which extend Quantum Adiabatic Optimization (which is a proper quantum algorithm) will be able to outperform classical computation. The assumed absence of the sign problem refers to an important subclass of all possible quantum adiabatic Algorithms.

Design of Tough Resilient Gels using Adhesive Rigid-rod Polymers 07/15/2014-06/30/2017 Award #: 1410985 $250,000

PI: Megan Valentine, Mechanical Engineering

This project will establish the fundamental structure-property relationships in adhesive rigid rod polymer networks using a model system of microtubules, extremely stiff protein-based polymers bonded by protein-based crosslinkers. Crosslinker kinetics and adhesion strength will be modulated through recombinant protein engineering to determine through experimentation how specific molecular features impact materials properties. In particular, this work will determine how stress propagates in adhesive networks, how crosslinker compliance and unbinding influence network response, and how dynamic changes in filament length influence stress relaxation.

Opportunities and Challenges in the Field of Semiconducting (conjugated) Polymers 05/01/2019-04/30/2016 Award #: DMR-0856060 $986,000

PI: Alan Heeger, Chemistry & Physics

We plan to study field and temperature dependence of the carrier dispersion for aligned polymer films in the parallel and perpendicular direction. By comparing these two measurements we will be able to determine how much of the dispersion is due to intermolecular connectivity, and determine the characteristics of the intrachain transport; i.e. how wide is the distribution of mobility values. Examining the intrachain transport of polymers with different unit cell dimensions, we will evaluate the

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appropriateness of effective mass models in predicting field effect transistor mobility, by comparing with quantum chemical calculations performed by our collaborators. Finally, studying the dispersion of carrier transport on longer timescales and at temperatures approaching the glass transition temperature of a polymer can provide insight into polymer earrangement that could impede carrier transport leading to bias stress and carrier trapping.

Role of Motor/Cargo Attachment Mechanics in Collective Kinesin Transport 12/01/2013-11/30/2016 Award #: MCB-1329722 $256,000

PI: Megan Valentine, Mechanical Engineering Co-PI(s): Otger Campas-Rigau, Mechanical Engineering

The goal of this proposal is to establish how the mobility of molecular motors at the surface of the cargos they transport affects their ability to cooperate and successfully move cargos. This study will address a serious limitation of the current in vitro approaches in which single kinesin motors are immobilized on plastic beads in a manner that is very different from that of vesicular cargos in cells, in which motors are attached to lipids or protein complexes that are mobile within the fluid lipid membrane. The mechanical properties of the cargo and the motor mobility at its surface are very important, as they have been shown to affect critically the ability of motors to cooperate and generate the necessary forces to move the cargo. Thus, although we now have an exceptionally good understanding of how individual motor proteins move in vitro, in many cases it has not been possible to leverage these results to understand biologically-relevant transport. In the proposed research, we will bridge this gap by developing a novel biomimetic cargo system consisting of phospholipid-stabilized oil droplets coated with kinesin motors via mobile linkages that freely diffuse at the interface. Unlike lipid vesicles, the droplets can be optically trapped and/or imaged with fluorescence microscopy, enabling a wide range of biophysical measurements, as shown in our preliminary studies. Additionally, we have exquisite control over cargo size, motor protein surface density and phospholipid interfacial rheology, as well as the mechanical and catalytic properties of the recombinantly-expressed motor proteins themselves. This provides an unprecedented opportunity to systematically test the effects of these parameters on cargo transport and kinesin dynamics, and will markedly improve our understanding of the role of interfacial mechanics in controlling cargo motions in cells.

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Scholarships for Transfers to Engage and Excel in Mathematics (STEEM) 07/01/2010-06/30/2016 Award #: DUE-0966388 $599,996

PI: Hector Daniel Ceniceros Co-PI(s): Kenneth Millett, Mathematics; Fiona Goodchild, CSEP

The Scholarships for Transfers to Engage and Excel in Mathematics (STEEM) program will increase the retention and success of financially needy community college transfer students in mathematics majors at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).

Silver Nanocluster Emitters in Nucleic Acid Assemblies 07/15/2012-06/30/2016 Award #: CHE-1213895 $560,000

PI: Elisabeth Gwinn, Physics Co-PI(s): Deborah Fygenson, Physics

The PIs aim to build understanding of the spectral properties, solution structures and array potential of a compelling new class of nanoscale materials: fluorescent silver clusters that are stabilized by single- stranded (ss) “binding pockets” within ligonucleotide strands and assemblies.

Laser-Stimulated Phosphor Technology for Next- Generation Solid-State Lighting 11/01/2015-04/30/2016 Award #: 1560689 $50,000

PI: Tal Margalith, CNSI

The goal of this project is to evaluate the commercial feasibility of laser-stimulated phosphor technology for solid-state white lighting. Specifically, the proposed project will perform customer discovery research within the high-power lighting market, resulting in a commercialization plan and market focus; and will develop an optical simulation model based on laser-phosphor interactions to be used as the basis for further design and optimization to inform future prototyping efforts.

CHS: Small: ETouch - Amplifying the Sense of Touch 09/01/2015-08/31/2018 Award #: 1623459 $499,650

PI: Yon Visell, ECE; Media Arts & Technology

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The overarching goal of this project is to create knowledge and technology for tactile sensing and feedback, in order to realize an electronic glove that will enhance touch perception by electronically amplifying tactile sensations, greatly extending the limits of normal human haptic (touch) perception. This will enable its wearer to feel touched objects with heightened sensitivity, and to discern fine levels of detail in surfaces, objects, or tissues. This will be accomplished through the design and fabrication of new soft computing technologies for capturing, processing, and reproducing touch sensations felt with the hand, in the form of strain and vibration signatures of skin-object contact.

This project will be executed through work in three main research areas (RA): RA1: Tactile sensing and computational analysis: Design and fabrication of novel devices and methods for contact-induced strain and vibration sensing of hand-object contact during palpation and grasping. RA2: Distributed actuation and control: Design, fabrication, and control of distributed soft tactile actuators capable of reproducing contact-induced signatures of skin-object contact; Calibration and real- time control. RA3: Real-time touch amplicication: Wearable instrumentation for real-time enhancement of touch during free hand movement and grasping. Evaluation of enhanced perceptual performance.

CPS: Breakthrough: From Whole-Hand Tactile Imaging to Interactive Simulation 09/01/2015-12/31/2017 Award #: 1628831 $408,330

PI: Yon Visell, ECE; Media Arts & Technology

The main objective of this project is to realize wearable technologies that make it possible to touch, feel, and manipulate computationally simulated objects using the whole hand. The project will create new methods for imaging complex tactile stimuli, consisting of movement-dependent skin strain and contact induced surface waves propagating in skin, and will model the dependence of these signals of hand movements and grasping. The resulting advances will be employed in wearable, whole hand interfaces that will employ surface wave and skin strain feedback to supply haptic feedback to the hand during interaction with real or computational objects, for application to virtual and augmented reality.

The project is organized around three main research areas (RA): RA1: Measurement of whole-hand mechanical stimuli and grasping kinematics at high spatial, temporal resolution; RA2: Data-driven modeling of stimulus propagation, subspace pattern analysis, and sensorimotor contingencies; and RA3: Engineering and perceptual evaluation of novel wearable haptic interfaces for whole hand interaction.

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EAGER: Layer Resolved Capacitance in Graphene Bilayers 07/01/2016-06/30/2017 Award #: 1636607 $105,430

PI: Andrea Young, Physics

This EAGER proposal aims to leverage our recently developed technique for direct capacitive detection of charge order in van der Waals bilayers to classify the phase diagram of correlated topological states in these versatile heterostructures. This technique, proposed by the PI several years ago, has just been implemented at UCSB and is yielding impressive results that promise to solve long-outstanding questions in correlated electron physics of bilayer grapheme as well as other bilayer systems. It is appropriate for EAGER due to the timeliness of the results already being produced, which promise to shed light on a competitive area. The capacitive detection technique will be combined with novel twist angle controlled fabrication to create a comprehensive phase diagram of graphene bilayers, focusing on the interplay between bulk order and edge states. The results will test theoretical concepts at the intersection of symmetry, topology and electronic interactions, and form the basis for future engineering of electronic devices based on mesoscopic control of boundary modes. These versatile systems present an excellent opportunity to exploit edge state electronic structure in an experimental setting where multiple observable quantities can measured, allowing tests of theoretical understanding of the interplay between internal degrees of freedom and topological order in the fractional quantum Hall effect and mesoscopic engineering of symmetry protected edge states in electronic devices.


Opto-electronic Spin Control in Mesoscopic Topological Insulator Devices 02/01/2012-08/31/2015 Award #: N00014-12-1-0116 $495,000

PI: David Awschalom, Physics

This collaborative project between Professor David Awschalom (University of California-Santa Barbara) and Professor Nitin Samarth (Penn State University) aims to develop a new approach to “spintronics without magnetism” by exploring spin-orbit driven phenomena in mesoscopic devices derived from three-dimensional (3D) “topological insulators” (TIs) such as Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3. In these narrow band gap semiconductors, the strong spin-orbit coupling couples with fundamental symmetry considerations to create topologically protected, spin-polarized surface states that cross the forbidden gap of the bulk band structure. Our principal goal is to probe these spin-polarized surface states in device geometries and exploit them for potentially new spintronic functionality.

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The underlying challenges encompass both materials science issues and fundamental physical measurements. The dominant materials problems include the synthesis of 3D TIs that are dominated by surface state transport rather than bulk transport and the development of hybrid heterostructures that integrate 3D TIs with conventional semiconductor and spintronic device platforms. Challenges for measurement and instrumentation include the development of spin-sensitive detection schemes that unambiguously identify and disentangle surface spin currents from bulk phenomena.

The proposed experiments include the following themes: materials development of TI heterostructures; spatio-temporal optical spectroscopy of spin-polarized states in TI heterostructures; generation & control of spin currents in mesoscopic TI devices; and finally the manipulation of localized spins in hybrid TI heterostructures. Our proposed research ultimately aims to provide the foundations for a spin-based device technology that bridges contemporary concepts from semiconductor quantum electronics and magnetics. Our approach offers a unique route towards several desirable technological goals that are relevant to the long range DOD mission: the integration of spin-dependent logic with high-density storage, the resolution of the conflicting goals of miniaturization and low power dissipation, and the development of quantum devices that exploit phase. Finally, our proposed research provides excellent training opportunities for students in state-of-the-art experimental techniques at the frontiers of condensed matter physics and materials science.

Quasiperiodicity, Interactions, and Topology in Tunable Quantum Materials 07/15/2014-05/15/2017 Award #: N00014-14-1-0805; N00014-16-1-2225 $586,300

PI: David Weld, Physics

Quasiperiodicity is at the root of numerous important phenomena in condensed matter physics, from the quantum Hall effect to topological insulators to quasicrystals. However, the complex interplay of strong interactions and quasiperiopdicity in quantum systems remains poorly under- stood. This work aims to realize the first fully tunable quasicrystalline quantum material. This artificial material, consisting of ultracold lithium atoms in one-dimensional quasiperiodic optical traps, is predicted to exhibit fractal quantum Hall energy spectra, nontrivial topological states, and special quasicrystalline excitations known as phasons. Experiments on this model system will provide insight into the effect of strong interactions on topological phases, quantum Hall states, and electron-phason coupling in quasicrystals. These experiments will have navally-relevant implications for the control of transport in low- dimensional electronic systems and the design of next-generation quasiperiodic materials.

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Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES) 10/01/2015-09/30/2018 Award #: N00014-15-1-2438 $295,758

PI: Maria Teresa Napoli, ICB/CSEP Co-PI(s): Diana Jaleh Arya, The Gevirtz School of Education; Bradley Paden, Mechanical Engineering

The Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES) program aims to create engineering and science design experiences that engage undergraduate students to Navy Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers and personnel. PIPELINES’s overarching goal is to increase the number of veterans and underrepresented Community College (CC) students, who major in STEM-related subjects and wish to pursue a civil career in the Navy. More specifically, PIPELINES’s goals are to: G1) promote CC veteran and minority students’ proficiency in STEM-related fields to secure their successful transfer to 4-year institutions and degree completion; G2) increase the number of veterans and other underrepresented CC students in STEM disciplines and Naval careers in particular; G3) train a new generation of STEM and Naval professionals, who think critically, communicate effectively, and are able to creatively and innovatively address social and professional challenges; and G4) investigate the factors affecting veteran and minority students’ participation and academic success in STEM, with the goal of identifying and reinforcing practices that support success.

These goals will be accomplished through three program elements: 1) the well-established approach of experiential learning, made possible by our collaboration with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Navy Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) at Port Hueneme, California. We will engage student participants in real-world Navy STEM problems, and guide them through pathways toward Navy STEM employment (Goal 1, 2, 3); 2) an ethnographic exploration that will make visible STEM-related thinking with particular emphasis on science and engineering applications. Supports for and constraints on students’ (especially veteran students’) progress toward engineering degrees will be foregrounded in this ethnographic approach (Goal 1, 2, 4); and 3) an Applied Innovation and Creativity (AIC) course that uses the entrepreneurship model to support students in developing creativity, innovation, and the ability to execute a plan (Goal 1, 2, 3).

PIPELINES is a partnership between the Center for Science and Engineering Partnership (CSEP) at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), and NAVFAC EXWC at Port Hueneme.

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The Robert W. Deutsch Foundation Graduate Fellowships 09/01/2013-08/31/2017 Award #: SB140030 $1,001,051

PI: Joann Kuchera-Morin, Music; Media Arts & Technology

The Deutsch Fellows will be embarking on research in software and content development regarding the AlloSphere Research Facility working on both scientific visualization and multimodal representation of big and complex data as well as information visualization and multimodal representation of abstract and complex information, eventually integrating the techniques into a general purpose computational tool. Proof of concept research will focus on materials, quantum mechanics, fluid dynamics, genomics, abstract information and mathematics for the arts and sciences.

Software and hardware system development for the AlloSphere expanding to video walls, desk top and mobile devices will be accomplished while building the computational platform through the proofs of concept.


Synthesis of Anti-Oxidation Ag Nanowires via Wet Chemistry 04/01/2016-03/31/2017 Award #: 00009154 $166,848

PI: Galen Stucky, Chemistry

The primary goal of this work is to develop new synthesis methods and recipes to create high- performance and long-term stable Ag nanowires as transparent conductors.


UC Network Of Sensors for Exotic physics (UC NOSE) 01/01/2016-12/31/2016 Award #: 00009156 $60,461

PI: Ania Jayich, Physics

We propose a massively parallel, multiplexed detection scheme for exotic physics (axions/chameleons/5th forces/etc.). In this scheme, a large array of diamond cantilevers can be

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fabricated on a single chip (Fig. 2(a)) and the motion of each one can be read out using standard interferometric readout8 imaged onto a multipixel CCD camera. Highly sensitive broadband detection is made possible by designing each cantilever to have a slightly different frequency than the others. Higher order flexural modes extend the frequency detection range even further. The proposed frequency range is from ~ kHz up to several 100 MHz. Importantly, this scheme simultaneously probes almost the entire predicted range of the axion particle.

Simultaneous measurements performed at the various NOSE nodes allow for important correlation measurements. With an expected axion Q-factor of 106 and a speed of 10-3 * c, the distance between UCSB and UCB is comparable to the expected coherence length of the axion field and hence correlations will allow for enhanced detection capabilities, and background noise .


California Institute for Quantum Emulation 01/01/2015-12/31/2016 Award #: CA-15-327861 $299,726

PI: David Weld, Physics

We propose to use a MRPI planning grant to explore and develop the groundwork for a UC-wide collaborative effort called the California Institute for Quantum Emulation (CAIQuE). The initial collaboration team encompasses experimental efforts in ions, atoms, and molecules at Berkeley, UCSD, UCLA, and UCSB, and theory groups at UC Irvine, UCSD, and Berkeley. Scientific goals include direct emulation of nonequilibrium quantum systems, tests of quantum thermalization, and tunable quantum simulation of topologically nontrivial materials. Progress toward these goals will generate possible new research directions for UC investigators in fields ranging from materials science to quantum computing. A truly collaborative approach to quantum simulation will put the UC system, and California, at the forefront of this fundamentally and technologically important field.


Tunable Quantum Materials 01/01/2015-12/31/2018 Award #: MR-15-328528 $150,000

PI: Jon Schuller, ECE

Prof. Schuller and his graduate student (Nikita Butakov) will undertake a program constructing electromagnetic metamaterials from "Quantum Tunable Materials" (particularly Vanadium Oxide). The Schuller group will work with thin-films provided by other members of the proposal team.

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Nanostructures will be fabricated in the UCSB cleanroom using both photolithography and e-beam lithography tools. Infrared electromagnetic properties will be characterized by a custom FTIR micro- spectrometer system located in the Schuller lab. Visible, and Near-IR micro-spectroscopy studies will be performed with a home-built system also located in the Schuller lab. Complementary electromagnetics simulations will accompany the experiments, using both commercial (Lumerical, COMSOL) and custom (Mie theory) software. The graduate student will participate in both experimental (spectroscopy & fabrication) and theoretical efforts. The PI will supervise the graduate student and also perform theoretical investigations.


Quantum PiSTON: Quantum Preservation, Simulation and Transfer in Oxide Nanostructures 09/15/2010-03/31/2016 Award #: 0019713 (406200-1) $2,232,833

PI: David Awschalom, Physics Co-PI(s): Chetan Nayak, Physics

We will use a broad spectrum of characterization techniques to examine LAO/STO, ALO/STO/magnetic, diamond/superconducting diamond, diamond/metal superconductors, LAO/STO/diamond hybrid materials that will serve as the basis for this program. We will also perform a theoretical study of quantum memory and quantum information processing in small systems which are protected by the rigidity of quantum topological matter. In such systems, decoherence-free subspaces are guaranteed by the underlying physics at the hardware level, with no need for quantum error correction at a software level. The key idea which we will be investigating is that a non-Abelian topological phase supporting Ising anyons can be manufactured in a superconductor-semiconductor system. There are currently several proposals for how this can be done, and it is unclear which of these, if any, is optimal. This work will focus on determining the optimal setup by which a non-Abelian topological phase can be realized in a superconductor-semiconductor device. One strand of this work focuses on the STO/LAO interface, where we seek to adapt some of these proposals. This may be an ideal system since it already has superconductivity and strong spin-orbit coupling. Our goal is to theoretically investigate the feasibility of realizing the necessary Hamiltonian in a device centered about this interface and to inform the experimental wing of our collaboration in their efforts to fabricate such a device.

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Participatory Research and Content Engagement Community STEAM Educational Pilot 04/01/2016-06/30/2017 Award #: SB160124 $150,849

PI: Joann Kuchera-Morin, Music; Media Arts & Technology

The AlloSphere Research Group proposes to test curved screen and flat screen technology in the MOXI media theater space to determine which is most effective in creating a unique visual and interactive engagement for community citizen artists-scientists. The ARG will temporarily install the display and test and temporarily install requisite projectors, speakers, and interactive devices (joysticks, kinects, iPads, etc.) to facilitate an interactive and educational demonstration of technology and content. ARG will seek MOXI’s input on the most appropriate tools for MOXI audience interaction.

The ARG will test and demonstrate content, such as the Hydrogen- Like Atom, the Knot, the Tree, and the Mandebulb Equation for the community on the media theater system. The ARG will also make available the videos—The Human Body Fly Through and the Multi-Centered Hydrogen Bond on the system. The use of the space and temporary installation and demonstration of this content is not only consistent with the university’s public service mission, but it is vital to engaging the community and it also serves to advance the ARGs research on system deployment and interactivity in varying environments.

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First Floor Map

Second Floor Map

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Third Floor Map

Building Location Map

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PUBLICATIONS CNSI fosters collaborative research across disciplines with both its facilities and administrative resources. The following list reflects articles that acknowledge or affiliate with CNSI, BNL, CSC, or funding sources administered by CNS, published during fiscal year 2015-2016.

1. Agarwal, V. and Metiu, H. “Hydrogen Abstraction Energies and Ammonia Binding to BEA, ZSM-5, and α-Quartz Doped with Al, Sc, B, or Ga” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 119, no. 28 (2015): 16106–16114. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b04171

2. Agarwal, V. and Metiu, H. “Energy of Oxygen-Vacancy Formation on Oxide Surfaces: Role of the Spatial Distribution” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 120, no. 4 (2016): 2320–2323. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b12054

3. Barel, I., Reich, N. O., and Brown, F. L. H. “Extracting Enzyme Processivity from Kinetic Assays.” Journal of Chemical Physics 143, no. 22 (2015): 224115. doi:10.1063/1.4937155

4. Bechtel, J. S., Seshadri, R., and Van der Ven, A. “Energy Landscape of Molecular Motion in Cubic Methylammonium Lead Iodide from First-Principles” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 120, no. 23 (2016): 12403–12410. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b03570

5. Brady, L. T. and Dam, W. van. “Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Tunneling in Quantum Adiabatic Optimization” Physical Review A 93, no. 3 (2016): 32304. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.032304

6. Britto, S., Leskes, M., Hua, X., Hébert, C.-A., Shin, H. S., Clarke, S., Borkiewicz, O., Chapman, K. W., Seshadri, R., Cho, J., and Grey, C. P. “Multiple Redox Modes in the Reversible Lithiation of High-Capacity, Peierls-Distorted Vanadium Sulfide.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, no. 26 (2015): 8499–8508. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b03395

7. Butakov, N. A. and Schuller, J. A. “Hybrid Optical Antennas with Photonic Resistors” Optics Express 23, no. 23 (2015): 29698. doi:10.1364/OE.23.029698

8. Camacho, K. M., Kumar, S., Menegatti, S., Vogus, D. R., Anselmo, A. C., and Mitragotri, S. S. “Synergistic Antitumor Activity of Camptothecin-Doxorubicin Combinations and Their Conjugates with Hyaluronic Acid.” Journal of Controlled Release 210, (2015): 198–207. doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.04.031

9. Camacho, K. M., Menegatti, S., Vogus, D. R., Pusuluri, A., Fuchs, Z., Jarvis, M., Zakrewsky, M., Evans, M. A., Chen, R., and Mitragotri, S. S. “DAFODIL: A Novel Liposome- Encapsulated Synergistic Combination of Doxorubicin and 5FU for Low Dose Chemotherapy.” Journal of Controlled Release 229, (2016): 154–162. doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.03.027

10. Carilli, M. F., Delaney, K. T., and Fredrickson, G. H. “Truncation-Based Energy Weighting String Method for Efficiently Resolving Small Energy Barriers.” Journal of Chemical Physics 143, no. 5 (2015): 54105. doi:10.1063/1.4927580

11. Carpenter, C. L., Delaney, K. T., and Fredrickson, G. H. “Directed Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolymers in Multi-VIA Configurations: Effect of Chemopatterned Substrates on Defectivity” Proc. SPIE 9779, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXIII (2016): 97791E. doi:10.1117/12.2218644

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12. Catania, C., Thomas, A. W., and Bazan, G. C. “Tuning Cell Surface Charge in E. Coli with Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes” Chemical Science 7, no. 3 (2016): 2023–2029. doi:10.1039/C5SC03046C

13. Chang, D., Chen, M.-H., and Van der Ven, A. “Factors Contributing to Path Hysteresis of Displacement and Conversion Reactions in Li Ion Batteries” Chemistry of Materials 27, no. 22 (2015): 7593–7600. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b02356

14. Chen, H. and Zhang, L. “A Desulfonylative Approach in Oxidative Gold Catalysis: Regiospecific Access to Donor-Substituted Acyl Gold Carbenes.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, no. 40 (2015): 11775–11779. doi:10.1002/anie.201504511

15. Chen, M.-H., Puchala, B., and Van der Ven, A. “High-Temperature Stability of Δʹ-ZrO” Calphad 51, (2015): 292–298. doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2015.10.010

16. Chrétien, S. and Metiu, H. “Hydrogen Dissociative Adsorption on Lanthana: Polaron Formation and the Role of Acid–Base Interactions” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 119, no. 34 (2015): 19876–19882. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b05310

17. Chun, S.-E., Evanko, B., Wang, X., Vonlanthen, D., Ji, X., Stucky, G. D., and Boettcher, S.W. “Design of Aqueous Redox-Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors with High Specific Energies and Slow Self-Discharge.” Nature Communications 6, (2015): 7818. doi:10.1038/ncomms8818

18. Colapinto, P. “Composing Surfaces with Conformal Rotors” Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 26, (2016): 1–22. doi:10.1007/s00006-016-0677-7

19. Copp, S. M., Faris, A., Swasey, S. M., and Gwinn, E. G. “Heterogeneous Solvatochromism of Fluorescent DNA-Stabilized Silver Clusters Precludes Use of Simple Onsager-Based Stokes Shift Models.” Journal of Physical Chemistry: Letters 7, no. 4 (2016): 698–703. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b02777

20. Copp, S. M., Schultz, D. E., Swasey, S. M., Faris, A., and Gwinn, E. G. “Cluster Plasmonics: Dielectric and Shape Effects on DNA-Stabilized Silver Clusters” Nano Letters 16, no. 6 (2016): 3594–3599. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00723 21. Das, T., Iyer, P. P., and Schuller, J. A. “Beam Engineering for Selective and Enhanced Coupling to Multipolar Resonances” Physical Review B 92, no. 24 (2015): 241110(R). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.241110

22. de Almeida, N. E. C., Do, T. D., Tro, M., LaPointe, N. E., Feinstein, S. C., Shea, J.-E., and Bowers, M. T. “Opposing Effects of Cucurbit[7]uril and 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-Galloyl-β-D- Glucopyranose on Amyloid β25-35 Assembly.” ACS Chemical Neuroscience 7, no. 2 (2016): 218– 226. doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00280

23. Decolvenaere, E., Gordon, M. J., and Van der Ven, A. “Testing Predictions from Density Functional Theory at Finite Temperatures: β2 -like Ground States in Co-Pt” Physical Review B 92, no. 8 (2015): 85119. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.085119

24. Del Bonis-O’Donnell, J. T., Pennathur, S., and Fygenson, D. K. “Changes in Spectra and Conformation of Hairpin DNA-Stabilized Silver Nanoclusters Induced by Stem Sequence Perturbations.” Langmuir 32, no. 2 (2016): 569–576. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03934

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25. Delgadillo, R., Lu, J., and Yang, X. “Gauge-Invariant Frozen Gaussian Approximation Method for the Schrödinger Equation with Periodic Potentials” (2015):

26. Discekici, E. H., Treat, N. J., Poelma, S. O., Mattson, K. M., Hudson, Z. M., Luo, Y., Hawker, C. J., and Read de Alaniz, J. “A Highly Reducing Metal-Free Photoredox Catalyst: Design and Application in Radical Dehalogenations.” Chemical Communications 51, no. 58 (2015): 11705– 11708. doi:10.1039/c5cc04677g

27. Do, T. D., LaPointe, N. E., Nelson, R., Krotee, P., Hayden, E. Y., Ulrich, B., Quan, S., Feinstein, S. C., Teplow, D. B., Eisenberg, D. S., Shea, J.-E., and Bowers, M. T. “Amyloid β- Protein C- Terminal Fragments: Formation of Cylindrins and β-Barrels.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, no. 2 (2016): 549–557. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b09536

28. Dreyer, C. E., Janotti, A., Van de Walle, C.G, and Vanderbilt, D. “Correct Implementation of Polarization Constants in Wurtzite Materials and Impact on III- Nitrides” Physical Review X 6, no. 2 (2016): 21038. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.6.021038

29. Eisenmenger, N. D., Delaney, K. T., Ganesan, V., Fredrickson, G. H., and Chabinyc, M. L. “Energy Transfer Directly to Bilayer Interfaces to Improve Exciton Collection in Organic Photovoltaics” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 119, no. 33 (2015): 19011– 19021. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b05749

30. Espinosa Leal, L. A., Karpenko, A., Swasey, S. M., Gwinn, E. G., Rojas-Cervellera, V., Rovira, C., and Lopez-Acevedo, O. “The Role of Hydrogen Bonds in the Stabilization of Silver-Mediated Cytosine Tetramers” Journal of Physical Chemistry: Letters 6, no. 20 (2015): 4061–4066. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01864

31. Evans, H. A., Lehner, A. J., Labram, J. G., Fabini, D. H., Barreda, O., Smock, S. R., Wu, G., Chabinyc, M. L., Seshadri, R., and Wudl, F. “(TTF)Pb2I5: A Radical Cation-Stabilized Hybrid Lead Iodide with Synergistic Optoelectronic Signatures” Chemistry of Materials 28, no. 11 (2016): 3607–3611. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00633

32. Franck, J. M., Ding, Y., Stone, K. M., Qin, P. Z., and Han, S. “Anomalously Rapid Hydration Water Diffusion Dynamics Near DNA Surfaces.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, no. 37 (2015): 12013–23. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b05813

33. Fratus, K. R. and Srednicki, M. “Eigenstate Thermalization in Systems with Spontaneously Broken Symmetry” Physical Review E 92, no. 4 (2015): 040103(R). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.92.040103

34. Garcia, E. S. and Tague, C. L. “Soil Storage Influences Climate–evapotranspiration Interactions in Three Western United States Catchments” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 12, (2015): 7893–7931. doi:10.5194/hessd-12-7893-2015

35. Gordon, L., Janotti, A., and Van de Walle, C.G. “Defects as Qubits in 3C− and 4H−SiC” Physical Review B 92, no. 4 (2015): 45208. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.045208

36. Gordon, L., Varley, J. B., Lyons, J. L., Janotti, A., and Van de Walle, C.G. “Sulfur Doping of AlN and AlGaN for Improved n-Type Conductivity” physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters 9, no. 8 (2015): 462–465. doi:10.1002/pssr.201510165

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37. Guerrero, J. L., O’Malley, M. A., and Daugherty, P. S. “Intracellular FRET-Based Screen for Redesigning the Specificity of Secreted Proteases.” ACS Chemical Biology 11, no. 4 (2016): 961– 70. doi:10.1021/acschembio.5b01051

38. Guittet, A., Theillard, M., and Gibou, F. “A Stable Projection Method for the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations on Arbitrary Geometries and Adaptive Quad/Octrees” Journal of Computational Physics 292, (2015): 215–238. doi:10.1016/

39. Hauser, A. J., Mikheev, E., Kajdos, A. P., and Janotti, A. “Small Polaron-Related Recombination in BaxSr1−xTiO3 Thin Films by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 10 (2016): 102901. doi:10.1063/1.4943191

40. Himmetoglu, B. and Janotti, A. “Transport Properties of KTaO3 from First- Principles.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28, no. 6 (2016): 65502. doi:10.1088/0953- 8984/28/6/065502

41. Holland, C. C., Gamble, E. A., Zok, F. W., Deshpande, V. S., and McMeeking, R. M. “Effect of Design on the Performance of Steel–alumina Bilayers and Trilayers Subject to Ballistic Impact” Mechanics of Materials 91, no. 1 (2015): 241–251. doi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2015.05.002

42. Holland, C. C. and McMeeking, R. M. “The Influence of Mechanical and Microstructural Properties on the Rate-Dependent Fracture Strength of Ceramics in Uniaxial Compression” International Journal of Impact Engineering 81, (2015): 34–49. doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2015.02.007

43. Huang, C., Kristoffersen, H. H., Gong, X.-Q., and Metiu, H. “Reactions of Molten LiI with I2, H2O, and O2 Relevant to Halogen-Mediated Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Alkanes” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 120, no. 9 (2016): 4931–4936. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b12336

44. Iyer, P. P., Butakov, N. A., and Schuller, J. A. “Reconfigurable Semiconductor Phased-Array Metasurfaces” ACS Photonics 2, no. 8 (2015): 1077–1084. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00132

45. Keh, M. and Leal, L. G. “Adhesion and Detachment of a Capsule in Axisymmetric Flow” Physical Review Fluids 1, no. 1 (2016): 13201. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.013201

46. Kim, T. “Quaternion Julia Set Shape Optimization” Computer Graphics Forum 34, no. 5 (2015): 167–176. doi:10.1111/cgf.12705

47. Kioupakis, E., Steiauf, D., Rinke, P., Delaney, K. T., and Van de Walle, C.G. “First-Principles Calculations of Indirect Auger Recombination in Nitride Semiconductors” Physical Review B 92, no. 3 (2015): 35207. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.035207

48. Krishnaswamy, K., Bjaalie, L., Himmetoglu, B., Janotti, A., Gordon, L., and Van de Walle, C.G. “BaSnO3 as a Channel Material in Perovskite Oxide Heterostructures” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 8 (2016): 83501. doi:10.1063/1.4942366

49. Krishnaswamy, K., Dreyer, C. E., Janotti, A., and Van de Walle, C.G. “First-Principles Study of Surface Charging in LaAlO3/ SrTi O3 Heterostructures” Physical Review B 92, no. 8 (2015): 85420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.085420

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50. Kristoffersen, H. H. and Metiu, H. “Interaction between Monomeric Vanadium Oxide Clusters Supported on Titania and Its Influence on Their Reactivity” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 120, no. 25 (2016): 13610–13621. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b04216

51. Kristoffersen, H. H. and Metiu, H. “Structure and Oxidizing Power of Single Layer α- V2O5” Topics in Catalysis (2016): doi:10.1007/s11244-016-0553-7

52. Kristoffersen, H. H. and Metiu, H. “Structure of V2O5 · NH2O Xerogels” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 120, no. 7 (2016): 3986–3992. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b12418

53. Labram, J. G., Fabini, D. H., Perry, E. E., Lehner, A. J., Wang, H., Glaudell, A. M., Wu, G., Evans, H., Buck, D., Cotta, R., Echegoyen, L., Wudl, F., Seshadri, R., and Chabinyc, M. L. “Temperature-Dependent Polarization in Field-Effect Transport and Photovoltaic Measurements of Methylammonium Lead Iodide” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, no. 18 (2015): 3565–3571. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01669

54. Lamontagne, L. K., Laurita, G., Gaultois, M. W., Knight, M., Ghadbeigi, L., Sparks, T. D., Gruner, M. E., Pentcheva, R., Brown, C. M., and Seshadri, R. “High Thermopower with Metallic Conductivity in P-Type Li-Substituted PbPdO2” Chemistry of Materials 28, no. 10 (2016): 3367– 3373. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00447

55. Leach, L. L., Croze, R. H., Hu, Q., Nadar, V. P., Clevenger, T. N., Pennington, B. O., Gamm, D. M., and Clegg, D. O. “Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelium: A Comparative Study Between Cell Lines and Differentiation Methods” Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 32, no. 5 (2016): 317– 330. doi:10.1089/jop.2016.0022

56. Lehner, A. J., Fabini, D. H., Evans, H. A., Hébert, C.-A., Smock, S. R., Hu, J. G., Wang, H., Zwanziger, J. W., Chabinyc, M. L., and Seshadri, R. “Crystal and Electronic Structures of Complex Bismuth Iodides A3Bi2 I9 (A = K, Rb, Cs) Related to Perovskite: Aiding the Rational Design of Photovoltaics” Chemistry of Materials 27, no. 20 (2015): 7137–7148. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03147

57. Lehner, A. J., Wang, H., Fabini, D. H., Liman, C. D., Hébert, C.-A., Perry, E. E., Wang, M., Bazan, G. C., Chabinyc, M. L., and Seshadri, R. “Electronic Structure and Photovoltaic Application of BiI3” Applied Physics Letters 107, no. 13 (2015): 131109. doi:10.1063/1.4932129 58. Leonard, J. T., Yonkee, B. P., Cohen, D. A., Megalini, L., Lee, S., Speck, J. S., DenBaars, S.P., and Nakamura, S. “Nonpolar III-Nitride Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser with a Photoelectrochemically Etched Air-Gap Aperture” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 3 (2016): 31111. doi:10.1063/1.4940380

59. Levine, Z. A., Fischer, S. A., Shea, J.-E., and Pfaendtner, J. “Trp-Cage Folding on Organic Surfaces.” Journal of Physical Chemistry: B 119, no. 33 (2015): 10417–10425. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b04213

60. Levine, Z. A., Rapp, M. V., Wei, W., Mullen, R. G., Wu, C., Zerze, G. H., Mittal, J., Waite, J. H., Israelachvili, J. N., and Shea, J.-E. “Surface Force Measurements and Simulations of Mussel- Derived Peptide Adhesives on Wet Organic Surfaces.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 16 (2016): 4332–4337. doi:10.1073/pnas.1603065113

61. Lewi, T., Iyer, P. P., Butakov, N. A., Mikhailovsky, A. A., and Schuller, J. A. “Widely Tunable Infrared Antennas Using Free Carrier Refraction.” Nano Letters 15, no. 12 (2015): 8188–8193. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b03679

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62. Li, B., Fontecchio, A. K., and Visell, Y. “Mutual Capacitance of Liquid Conductors in Deformable Tactile Sensing Arrays” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 1 (2016): 13502. doi:10.1063/1.4939620

63. Li, W., Delaney, K. T., and Fredrickson, G. H. “Fddd Network Phase in ABA Triblock Copolymer Melts” Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54, no. 12 (2016): 1112– 1117. doi:10.1002/polb.24022

64. Liu, J., Delaney, K. T., and Fredrickson, G. H. “Phase Field Mapping for Accurate, Ultrafast Simulations of Directed Self-Assembly” Proc. SPIE 9779, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXIII (2016): 977920. doi:10.1117/12.2219311

65. Liu, X., Burgers, M. A., Hsu, B. B.-Y., Coughlin, J. E., Perez, L. A., Heeger, A. J., and Bazan, G.C. “Molecular Orientation within Thin Films of Isomorphic Molecular Semiconductors” RSC Advances 5, no. 108 (2015): 89144–89148. doi:10.1039/C5RA19606J

66. Lopez, B. J. and Valentine, M. T. “The +TIP Coordinating Protein EB1 Is Highly Dynamic and Diffusive on Microtubules, Sensitive to GTP Analog, Ionic Strength, and EB1 Concentration.” Cytoskeleton 73, no. 1 (2016): 23–34. doi:10.1002/cm.21267

67. Lyons, J. L. and Van de Walle, C.G. “Surprising Stability of Neutral Interstitial Hydrogen in Diamond and Cubic BN.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28, no. 6 (2016): 06LT01. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/28/6/06LT01

68. Markiewicz, J. T. and Wudl, F. “Perylene, Oligorylenes, and Aza-Analogs.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, no. 51 (2015): 28063–28085. doi:10.1021/acsami.5b02243

69. Mason, B. P., Whittaker, M., Hemmer, J., Arora, S., Harper, A., Alnemrat, S., McEachen, A., Helmy, S., Read de Alaniz, J., and Hooper, J. P. “A Temperature-Mapping Molecular Sensor for Polyurethane-Based Elastomers” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 4 (2016): 41906. doi:10.1063/1.4940750

70. Mattson, K. M., Latimer, A. A., McGrath, A. J., Lynd, N. A., Lundberg, P., Hudson, Z. M., and Hawker, C. J. “A Facile Synthesis of Catechol-Functionalized Poly(ethylene Oxide) Block and Random Copolymers” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 53, no. 23 (2015): 2685–2692. doi:10.1002/pola.27749

71. McLellan, C. A., Myers, B. A., Kraemer, S., Ohno, K., Awschalom, D. D., and Jayich, A. C. B. “Patterned Formation of Highly Coherent Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers Using a Focused Electron Irradiation Technique.” Nano Letters 16, no. 4 (2016): 2450– 2454. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b05304

72. Melker, A., Fors, B. P., Hawker, C. J., and Poelma, J. E. “Continuous Flow Synthesis of Poly(methyl Methacrylate) via a Light-Mediated Controlled Radical Polymerization” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 53, no. 23 (2015): 2693–2698. doi:10.1002/pola.27765

73. Mikheev, E., Hauser, A. J., Himmetoglu, B., Moreno, N. E., Janotti, A., Van de Walle, C.G, and Stemmer, S. “Tuning Bad Metal and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in a Mott Material: Rare Earth Nickelate Thin Films” Science Advances 1, no. 10 (2015): e1500797. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500797

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74. Mishra, H., Schrader, A. M., Lee, D. W., Gallo, A., Chen, S.-Y., Kaufman, Y., Das, S., and Israelachvili, J. N. “Time-Dependent Wetting Behavior of PDMS Surfaces with Bioinspired, Hierarchical Structures” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, no. 12 (2016): 8168–8174. doi:10.1021/acsami.5b10721

75. Morrow, R., Soliz, J. R., Hauser, A. J., Gallagher, J. C., Susner, M. A., Sumption, M. D., Aczel, A. A., Yan, J., Yang, F., and Woodward, P. M. “The Effect of Chemical Pressure on the Structure and Properties of A2CrOsO6 (A=Sr, Ca) Ferrimagnetic Double Perovskite” Journal of Solid State Chemistry 238, (2016): 46–52. doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2016.02.025

76. Moses, P. G., Janotti, A., Franchini, C., Kresse, G., and Van de Walle, C.G. “Donor Defects and Small Polarons on the TiO2 (110) Surface” Journal of Applied Physics 119, no. 18 (2016): 181503. doi:10.1063/1.4948239

77. Pallaoro, A., Braun, G. B., and Moskovits, M. “Biotags Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Can Be as Bright as Fluorescence Tags.” Nano Letters 15, no. 10 (2015): 6745–6750. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02594

78. Paradiso, S. P., Delaney, K. T., García-Cervera, C. J., Ceniceros, H. D., and Fredrickson, G. H. “Cyclic Solvent Annealing Improves Feature Orientation in Block Copolymer Thin Films” Macromolecules 49, no. 5 (2016): 1743–1751. doi:10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02107

79. Patel, S. N., Su, G. M., Luo, C., Wang, M., Perez, L. A., Fischer, D. A., Prendergast, D., Bazan, G. C., Heeger, A. J., Chabinyc, M. L., and Kramer, E. J. “NEXAFS Spectroscopy Reveals the Molecular Orientation in Blade-Coated Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole-Containing Conjugated Polymer Thin Films” Macromolecules 48, no. 18 (2015): 6606–6616. doi:10.1021/acs.macromol.5b01647

80. Peelaers, H., Kioupakis, E., and Van de Walle, C.G. “Free-Carrier Absorption in Transparent Conducting Oxides: Phonon and Impurity Scattering in SnO2” Physical Review B 92, no. 23 (2015): 235201. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.235201

81. Peelaers, H., Krishnaswamy, K., Gordon, L., Steiauf, D., Sarwe, A., Janotti, A., and Van de Walle, C.G. “Impact of Electric-Field Dependent Dielectric Constants on Two- Dimensional Electron Gases in Complex Oxides” Applied Physics Letters 107, no. 18 (2015): 183505. doi:10.1063/1.4935222

82. Peelaers, H., Steiauf, D., Varley, J. B., Janotti, A., and Van de Walle, C.G. “(InXGa1−X) 2O3 Alloys for Transparent Electronics” Physical Review B 92, no. 8 (2015): 85206. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.085206

83. Pelliccione, M., Jenkins, A., Ovartchaiyapong, P., Reetz, C., Emmanouilidou, E., Ni, N., and Jayich, A. C. B. “Scanned Probe Imaging of Nanoscale Magnetism at Cryogenic Temperatures with a Single-Spin Quantum Sensor.” Nature Nanotechnology 11, no. 8 (2016): 700–705. doi:10.1038/nnano.2016.68

84. Petsev, N. D., Leal, L. G., and Shell, M. S. “Multiscale Simulation of Ideal Mixtures Using Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics” Journal of Chemical Physics 144, no. 8 (2016): 84115. doi:10.1063/1.4942499

85. Pro, William J., Kwei Lim, R., Petzold, L. R., Utz, M., and Begley, M. R. “GPU-Based Simulations of Fracture in Idealized Brick and Mortar Composites” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 80, (2015): 68–85. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2015.03.011

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86. Pro, J. W., Lim, R. K., Petzold, L. R., Utz, M., and Begley, M. R. “The Impact of Stochastic Microstructures on the Macroscopic Fracture Properties of Brick and Mortar Composites” Extreme Mechanics Letters 5, (2015): 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.eml.2015.09.001

87. Rajan, N. K., Rajauria, S., Ray, T. R., Pennathur, S., and Cleland, A. N. “A Simple Microfluidic Aggregation Analyzer for the Specific, Sensitive and Multiplexed Quantification of Proteins in a Serum Environment.” Biosensors & Bioelectronics 77, (2016): 1062–1069. doi:10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.093

88. Rani, N., Nowakowski, T. J., Zhou, H., Godshalk, S. E., Lisi, V., Kriegstein, A. R., and Kosik, K. S. “A Primate lncRNA Mediates Notch Signaling during Neuronal Development by Sequestering miRNA” Neuron 90, no. 6 (2016): 1174–1188. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2016.05.005 89. Rhein, R. K., Dodge, P. C., Chen, M.-H., Titus, M. S., Pollock, T. M., and Van der Ven, A. “Role of Vibrational and Configurational Excitations in Stabilizing the L12 Structure in Co-Rich Co-Al-W Alloys” Physical Review B 92, no. 17 (2015): 174117. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.174117

90. Rossol, M. N., Rajan, V. P., and Zok, F. W. “Effects of Weave Architecture on Mechanical Response of 2D Ceramic Composites” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 74, (2015): 141–152. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.04.003

91. Sarkar, D., Xie, X., Liu, W., Cao, W., Kang, J., Gong, Y., Kraemer, S., Ajayan, P. M., and Banerjee, K. “A Subthermionic Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor with an Atomically Thin Channel” Nature 526, no. 7571 (2015): 91–95. doi:10.1038/nature15387

92. Schmidt, B. V. K. J., Elbert, J., Scheid, D., Hawker, C. J., Klinger, D., and Gallei, M. “Metallopolymer-Based Shape Anisotropic Nanoparticles” ACS Macro Letters 4, no. 7 (2015): 731–735. doi:10.1021/acsmacrolett.5b00350

93. Sete, E. A., Martinis, J. M., and Korotkov, A. N. “Quantum Theory of a Bandpass Purcell Filter for Qubit Readout” Physical Review A 92, no. 1 (2015): 12325. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.92.012325

94. Shabani, J., Kjaergaard, M., Suominen, H. J., Kim, Y., Nichele, F., Pakrouski, K., Stankevic, T., Lutchyn, R. M., Krogstrup, P., Feidenhans’l, R., Kraemer, S., Nayak, C., Troyer, M., Marcus, C. M., and Palmstro

95. Shao, Y., Hayward, V., and Visell, Y. “Spatial Patterns of Cutaneous Vibration during Whole- Hand Haptic Interactions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 15 (2016): 4188–4193. doi:10.1073/pnas.1520866113 96. Shojaei, B., O’Malley, P., Shabani, J., Roushan, P., Schultz, B. D., Lutchyn, R. M., Nayak, C., Martinis, J. M., and Palmstro

97. Singh, K., Saha, K., Parameswaran, S. A., and Weld, D. M. “Fibonacci Optical Lattices for Tunable Quantum Quasicrystals” Physical Review A 92, no. 6 (2015): 63426. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.92.063426

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98. Swift, M. and Van de Walle, C.G. “Impact of Point Defects on Proton Conduction in Strontium Cerate” Journal of Physical Chemistry: C 120, no. 18 (2016): 9562–9568. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00765 99. Treat, N. J., Sprafke, H., Kramer, J. W., Clark, P. G., Barton, B. E., Read de Alaniz, J., Fors, B. P., and Hawker, C. J. “Metal-Free, Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization” Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, no. 45 (2014): 16096–16101. doi:10.1021/ja510389m

100. Vainsencher, A., Satzinger, K. J., Peairs, G. A., and Cleland, A. N. “Using Mechanics to Convert between Microwave and Optical Frequencies” Proc. SPIE 9727, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVIII (2016): 97270O. doi:10.1117/12.2217044

101. Varley, J. B., Janotti, A., and Van de Walle, C.G. “Defects in AlN as Candidates for Solid- State Qubits” Physical Review B 93, no. 16 (2016): 161201. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.161201

102. White, T. C., Mutus, J., Dressel, J., Kelly, J., Barends, R., Jeffrey, E., Sank, D., Megrant, A., Campbell, B., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Chiaro, B., Dunsworth, A., Hoi, I., Neill, C., O’Malley, P., Roushan, P., Vainsencher, A., Wenner, J., Korotkov, A. N., and Martinis, J. M. “Preserving Entanglement during Weak Measurement Demonstrated with a Violation of the Bell– Leggett– Garg Inequality” NPJ Quantum Information 2, (2016): 15022. doi:10.1038/npjqi.2015.22

103. Wilcox, J. C., Lopez, B. J., Campàs, O., and Valentine, M. T. “Improved Calibration of the Nonlinear Regime of a Single-Beam Gradient Optical Trap.” Optics letters 41, no. 10 (2016): 2386–2389. doi:10.1364/OL.41.002386

104. Yeats, A. L., Pan, Y., Richardella, A., Mintun, P. J., Samarth, N., and Awschalom, D. D. “Persistent Optical Gating of a Topological Insulator” Science Advances 1, no. 9 (2015): e1500640–e1500640. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500640

105. Zakrewsky, M., Banerjee, A., Apte, S., Kern, T. L., Jones, M. R., Sesto, R. E. Del, Koppisch, A. T., Fox, D. T. S., and Mitragotri, S. “Choline and Geranate Deep Eutectic Solvent as a Broad- Spectrum Antiseptic Agent for Preventive and Therapeutic Applications” Advanced Healthcare Materials 5, no. 11 (2016): 1282–1289. doi:10.1002/adhm.201600086

106. Zamanidoost, E., Klachko, M., Strukov, D. B., and Kataeva, I. “Low Area Overhead in-situ Training Approach for Memristor-Based Classifier” Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH), IEEE/ACM International Symposium on (2015): 139–142. doi:10.1109/NANOARCH.2015.7180601

107. Zerze, G. H., Mullen, R. G., Levine, Z. A., Shea, J.-E., and Mittal, J. “To What Extent Does Surface Hydrophobicity Dictate Peptide Folding and Stability near Surfaces?” Langmuir 31, no. 44 (2015): 12223–12230. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03814

108. Zhang, J. Y., Hwang, J., Isaac, B. J., and Stemmer, S. “Variable-Angle High-Angle Annular Dark-Field Imaging: Application to Three-Dimensional Dopant Atom Profiling.” Scientific Reports 5, (2015): 12419. doi:10.1038/srep12419

109. Zhang, Y., Zheng, Y., Zhou, H., Miao, M.-S., Wudl, F., and Nguyen, T. “Temperature Tunable Self-Doping in Stable Diradicaloid Thin-Film Devices.” Advanced Materials 27, no. 45 (2015): 7412–7419. doi:10.1002/adma.201502404

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1. Academic personnel engaged in research: a. Faculty 51 b. Professional Researchers (including Visiting) 5 c. Project Scientists 2 d. Specialists 12 e. Postdoctoral Scholars/Postgraduate Researchers 32

2. Graduate Students: a. Employed on contracts and grants 59 b. Employed on other sources of funds 59 c. Participating through assistantships/traineeships 68 d. Fellowships and non-payroll 10 e. CSEP graduate student and postdoc participants 1,400+

3. Undergraduate Students: a. Employed on contracts and grants 20 b. Employed on other sources of funds 32 c. CSEP program participants 730+

4. Participation from outside UCSB: a. Academics (without Salary Academic Visitors) 15 b. CSEP K-12 and community participants 8,500+ c. CSEP community college students 80+ d. Other – Paid Instructors/Coordinators/Mentors 13

5. Staff (Univ. & Non-Univ. Funds): 27 a. Technical 8 b. Administrative/Clerical 11 c. Academic Coordinators 8

6. Seminars, symposia, workshops, & events sponsored 349

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7. Proposals Submitted 55

8. Number of different awarding agencies engaged 35

9. Number of extramural awards administered 45

10. Dollar value of extramural awards administered $37,975,929

11. Number of Principal Investigators 28

12. Dollar value of other project awards 0

13. Number of other projects administered 0

14. Total base budget for the year (as of June 30, 2014) $2,559,911

15. Dollar value of intramural support $462,276

16. Dollar value of awards for year $7,045,522

17. Total assigned square footage in CNSI 64,221

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Advisory Committee Alferness, Rod Dean, College of Engineering Hawker, Craig Director, CNSI Incandela, Joseph Vice Chancellor for Research Margalith, Tal Executive Director of Technology, CNSI Read de Alaniz, Javier Associate Director, CNSI Valentine, Megan Associate Director, CNSI Wilson, Stephen Associate Director, CNSI Wiltzius, Pierre Dean of Science, College of Letters & Science Woo, Holly Assistant Director , CNSI

Administrative Staff Ajao, Jessica Contracts and Grants Analyst Daniels, Daniel R. Purchasing Coordinator Deloa, Eva Financial Manager Guillén, Marissa Special Projects Analyst Kang, Susan N. Administrative Assistant to Professor Heeger Leininger, Lynne Financial Assistant Maffett, Amanda L. Events and Visitor Coordinator/Administrative Analyst Perez, Sonya M. Academic Personnel Coordinator Thomas, Theodore E. Financial Analyst Woo, Holly L. Assistant Director

Center for Science and Engineering Partnership Staff Aguirre, M. Ofelia CSEP Director Ibsen, Wendy S. CSEP Associate Director Lenaburg, Lubi Evaluation Program Manager Lubin, Arica A. Undergraduate and Graduate Program Coordinator Napoli, Maria T. INSET and CEEM Programs Coordinator Rupert, Sana'a CSEP Program Assistant

Technical Staff Bothman, David Peter Microfluidics Lab Manager Smith, Jen Biological Nanostructures Lab Specialist Hanson, Robert K. Building Manager Margalith, Tal Executive Director of Technology Sawyer, Randal L. Cleanroom Engineer Tan, Yerpeng Biological Nanostructures Lab Director Weakliem, Paul C. Information Technology Director

CNSI Annual Report - 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 92



Last Name First Name Title Home Department M. Ofelia Aguirre CSEP Director CNSI S. James Allen Research Professor Physics David Awschalom Professor Physics Glenn Beltz Professor Mechanical Engineering Otger Campas Asst. Professor Mechanical Engineering Hector Ceniceros Professor Mathematics Michael Chabinyc Professor Materials Andrew Cleland Professor Physics Adele Doyle Asst. Researcher Neuroscience Research Institute Deborah Fygenson Assoc. Professor Physics Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Frederic Gibou Professor Engineering Michael Gordon Assoc. Professor Chemical Engineering Elisabeth Gwinn Professor Physics Paul Hansma Research Professor Physics Chemistry & Biochemistry, Materials Craig Hawker Professor Research Lab Chris Hayes Professor Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Alan Heeger Professor Materials, Physics Jacob Israelachvili Professor Chemical Engineering Bleszynski Physics Ania Jayich Assoc. Professor Nancy Kawalek Professor Media Arts & Technology Theodore Kim Assoc. Professor Computer Science, Media Arts & Technology Postdoctoral CNSI Abby Knight Researcher Ken Kosik Professor Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Kuchera- Media Arts & Technology JoAnn Morin Professor David Low Professor Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Luzzatto- Mechanical Engineering Paolo Fegiz Asst. Professor Executive Director CNSI Tal Margalith of Technology John Martinis Professor Physics Kenneth Millett Professor Mathematics Craig Montell Professor Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Daniel Morse Professor Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Chetan Nayak Professor Physics, Station Q

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Last Name First Name Title Home Department CSEP Community College Programs CNSI Maria Napoli Coordinator Postdoctoral CNSI Jia Niu Researcher Michelle O'Malley Asst. Professor Chemical Engineering Postdoctoral CNSI Zachariah Page Researcher Christopher Palmstrom Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering Sumita Pennathur Assoc. Professor Mechanical Engineering Kevin Plaxco Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry Read de Chemistry & Biochemistry Javier Alaniz Assoc. Professor Joel Rothman Professor Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Jon Schuller Asst. Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering Chemistry & Biochemistry, Materials, Ram Seshadri Professor Materials Research Lab Chemical Engineering, Materials, Mechanical H. Tom Soh Professor Engineering Todd Squires Professor Chemical Engineering Dmitri Strukov Assoc. Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering Galen Stucky Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry Tyler Susko Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Luke Theogarajan Assoc. Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering David Valentine Professor Earth Sciences Megan Valentine Assoc. Professor Mechanical Engineering Wim Van Dam Professor Computer Science Anton Van der Ven Assoc. Professor Materials Electrical & Computer Engineering, Media Yon Visell Asst. Professor Arts & Technology Director of Research Office of Research Development for Barbara Walker the Social Sciences David Weld Asst. Professor Physics

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