Compassion & Choices MAGAZINE 2013

FIVE QUESTIONS for Dr. Dean Edell

DNR: A Supporter’s Story by Harry Demarest

Talking Turkey Over Turkey

PLUS Our 2013 Annual Report Compassion & Choices can assist you in meeting ZPVSÓOBODJBMHPBMT while advancing and defending end-of-life choice into the future.

“Creating a Charitable Gift Annuity helps Compassion & Choices and provides some lifetime income for me, too. It’s a great deal for both of us. I wish I had done this sooner!”

– Marcia Strean, Teaneck, NJ contents Compassion & Choices Magazine

Fall 2013 Volume 12, Number 3 z4 Inside View z5 Words & Pictures z6 Keeping Count z7 Words to Live (and Die) By z8 DNR: A Supporter’s Story z11 State Spotlight: New Jersey 12 Advocacy in Action z 8 “DNR: A Supporter’s Story” z15 National Program Updates z18 Talking Turkey Over Turkey 21 Five Questions For Dean Edell 23 2013 Annual z Report z23 2013 Annual Report z26 Donor List z32 Honor And Memorial Gifts

Compassion & Choices is the nation’s PMEFTUBOEMBSHFTUOPOQSPÓUPSHBOJ[BUJPO 21 Five Questions working to improve care and expand for Dean Edell choice at the end of life. We:

Support patients and families Educate the public and professionals Advocate across the nation

Advancing death with dignity since 1980. Learn more at 3 inside view

Compassion & Choices MAGAZINE

Chief Editor Blaine Palmer 4UBŧ8SJUFS Sonja Aliesch Contributors Gwen Fitzgerald Barbara Coombs Lee Mickey MacIntyre Jane Sanders Ashley Carson Cottingham Advertising, Rights & Permission Compassion & Choices Barbara Coombs Lee, PA, FNP, JD, President P.O. Box 101810 Denver, CO 80250-1810 800.247.7421 (t) Let No One Walk Alone 303.639.1202 (t) 303.639.1224 (f) I look forward to time with family and friends around the holidays. As the MJHIUTIJGUTBOEUIFMFBWFTDIBOHF XFSFÔFDUPOXIBUIBTQBTTFEBOECFHJO [email protected] to imagine what is yet to come for ourselves, our children and our grand- 5IJTQVCMJDBUJPOJTBCFOFÓUGPS children. members and donors of Compassion & Choices. In the same way, I like to recall the year’s successes you, as part of Com- Compassion & Choices Magazine is a publication of: passion & Choices’ family, have made possible. Our movement has accom- Compassion & Choices plished much: Vermont secured explicit protection for aid in dying, Montana 4155 E. Jewell Ave. #200 protected its right, and other states moved closer (page 10). We fought for Denver, CO 80222 patient autonomy and sparked a national conversation on unwanted medical Postmaster: treatment (page 14). Each day our consultation service walked patients and Send address changes to: their families through the decisions associated with the end of life. Compassion & Choices P.O. Box 101810 I am proud of bringing national attention to the case of Barbara Mancini Denver, CO 80250-1810 Bulk postage paid at (page 13). Compassion & Choices will continue to urge the state to abandon Denver, CO and this misguided prosecution of a compassionate, loving daughter. BEEJUJPOBMNBJMJOHPŨDFT In the normal course of business, If only we could undo the anguish and fear Barbara and her father, Joe Your- Compassion & Choices regularly TIBX TVŧFSFE"MM+PFXBOUFEXBTBQFBDFGVMEFBUIBUIPNFXJUIIJTMPWFE exchanges mailing lists with other like-minded organizations. ones. But he and Barbara didn’t have comprehensive information on all the If you would like to have your name options for end-of-life care. To prevent future tragedies, we must expand removed from these exchanges, please notify us in writing, including awareness that options exist and help is available. your name and address. We will honor your wish upon receipt of your This challenge, among many others, will burn brightly in our hearts this season. request. Cover photo courtesy of Dean Edell Page 31 photo by Steven St. John


1 0 Y 0 % G R W E IND EN

4 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 2013 highlights words & pictures Newspapers Web Los Angeles Times ReasonTV Does the growing demand for “Rather than shirk and hide from it, I want to be hon- death-with-dignity laws across the est with people and society, and tell them what I’ve nation increase California’s chances done. I’m proud of what I’ve done,” said Montana PGQBTTJOHPOF 4UFWF-PQF[ XIPTF past columns passionately argued QIZTJDJBO&SJD,SFTTBCPVUEFDJEJOHUPQVCMJDMZEF- for end-of-life choice, discussed clare his support of, and participation in, the practice this prospect with Director of Legal of aid in dying. ReasonTV, a libertarian documentary "ŧBJST"EWPDBDZ,BUISZO5VDLFS XFCTJUF GFBUVSFE%S,SFTTJOJUTÓMNÁ8IP%FDJEFT “We’re taking a look at what the How You Die? Inside Montana’s Assisted Suicide best strategy might be,” Tucker said. View the entire article at Fight” about the so-called “Doctor Imprisonment Act” that failed in February. Watch the video at UJOZVSMDPN&SJD,SFT The Times of Trenton In support of the death-with-dignity bill advancing through the New Jersey legislature, Rabbi Richard Radio Address of Cherry Hill wrote a thoughtful piece in The The Diane Rehm Show Times of TrentonTUSFTTJOHUIFTJHOJÓDBODFPGJOGPSN- Acclaimed National Public Radio personality Diane ing people of their options and urging them to discuss Rehm hosted Compassion & Choices representa- their preferences. “Medical technology has raised the tives on her show twice this year. President Barbara importance of educating for choice,” he said. Read the Coombs Lee gave her informed perspective on the full story at March 5 episode, “Legal Debate Over Doctor-Assisted Suicide.” Then in August, Rehm invited Chief Program 0ŨDFS.JDLFZ.BD*OUZSFPOIFSQSPHSBNUPEJTDVTT assisted dying and the tragic story of Joe Yourshaw. 5IFDBTFCFDBNFBOBUJPOBMÔBTIQPJOUXIFOQSPT- ecutors charged Yourshaw’s daughter, Barbara Mancini, with “assisted suicide.” Hear this episode or read the transcript at

The Diane Rehm Show

The Nation Slams Pennsylvania v. Mancini %P[FOTPGKPVSOBMJTUTDBMMFEPVUUIFBCTVSEJUZPG1FOO- TZMWBOJB"UUPSOFZ(FOFSBM,BUIMFFO,BOF¿TQSPTFDVUJPO of Philadelphia nurse Barbara Mancini for her father’s death, including columnist Frank Bruni in a powerful New York Times piece. Compassion & Choices is assist- JOHJO.BODJOJ¿TEFGFOTFBOEHFOFSBUFETPNFCV[[PG our own with a USA Today op-ed by Director of Com- NVOJDBUJPOT.BSLFUJOH(XFO'JU[HFSBME5PCSPXTF UIFTFTUPSJFTBOEMFBSOUIFMBUFTUPOUIJTCBũJOHUSBH- edy, visit our Mancini case web page at Barbara Mancini with her father keeping count

43.5 million adults over 50 care for aging loved ones. MILLION

More than one-third of those family caregivers look after someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia.

Nearly 40 percent of caregivers die from stress-related disorders before those they care for.

Sources: Stanford University School of Medicine and "M[IFJNFS¿T"TTPDJBUJPO"M[IFJNFS¿T%JTFBTF'BDUTBOE'JHVSFT words to live (and die) by

Geriatric: Relating to elderly people, or dealing with the challenges of old age.

Healthcare Proxy: A person designated to make healthcare deci- sions for you if you can’t make them yourself.

Informed Consent: Signed permission for a medical procedure. In principal, it’s shared decision-making based on a full understanding of all options and their risks.

Caregiver Syndrome: A debilitating condition brought on by un- relieved, constant caring for a person with a chronic illness or dementia.

No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding. — Albert Schweitzer

Four Top Tips for Caregivers of Aging Parents

Make sure they 8IFOZPVHFU Ask questions and Supportive adult update their advance professional help advocate with children need breaks, directive every two — medical, legal, providers. Make sure and their own support. to three years — tops ÓOBODJBM NFOUBM your parent knows Seek an outlet to — so everyone knows IFBMUI FUD½ÓOE enough to consent discuss what you’re their current thinking. someone who only to options that going through. specializes in geriatric really align with their clients. values. DNR: A SUPPORTER’S STORY

Congratulations to Harry Demarest of Corvallis, Oregon, our 2013 unwanted medical treatment storytelling contest winner, who wrote about his father, Harold, pictured in his CPBUPO(MFO8JME-BLF Mr. Demarest powerfully exposes how the medical system disregards the most thorough end-of-life plans with its default mode to provide treatment – no matter the patient’s circumstances and wishes. The stories Mr. Demarest and others shared complement our national campaign to stop this tragedy and raise awareness to ensure that someday we’ll all be allowed to die with peace and dignity.

y father prided himself on doing everything right, by planning everything in advance. By Mthe time he was in his 70s and I was in my 30s, IFIBETIPXONFXIFSFIFLFQUUIFLFZUPIJTÓMJOH DBCJOFUBOEXIFSF*DPVMEÓOEIJTTUBTIPGTJMWFSDPJOT He told me about his will. And his living will.

I watched as Pop declined from a spry 85-year-old who won sailing races on Glen Wild Lake, and traveled to China and all over the United States to run his busi- OFTT UPBZFBSPMEXIPIPCCMFEBSPVOE¼ÓSTUXJUI BDPVQMFPGDBOFT UIFOBXBMLFSBOEÓOBMMZJOBXIFFM- chair – while his wife, Eileen, ran the business.

During this decline, we discussed his living will more than once. When the time came, there were to be no heroic measures. There were to be no feeding tubes or SFTQJSBUPST OP$13BOEOPEFÓCSJMMBUJPO8FOFHMFDUFE to discuss the most important part of his living will: Un- EFSKVTUXIBUDJSDVNTUBODFTXFSFUIFSFUPCFOPIFSPJD measures?. Did he believe, at the age of 95, that he had reached that point? I didn’t ask, nor did I look at a copy PGUIFMJWJOHXJMM&WFSZUIJOHTFFNFEUPCFGBSPŧJOUIF future, and I lived 3,000 miles away. His end-of-life plans were the responsibility of his wife, Eileen.

A few days before Pop’s 96th birthday, he and Eileen planned to go out to dinner with friends. Two of the friends, Jane and Angie, wheeled Pop out of the house

and transferred him into the car. Almost immediately he Harold Demarest (left) with his sister Grace and brother Charles said, “I want to go home,” started to get out of the car, and slumped back into the seat, not moving. that emergency personnel would arrive quickly. A few OFJHICPSTDBNFPWFSVOUJMUIFSFXFSFBIBMGEP[FOQFP- Angie interpreted his statement to mean I want to go to ple standing in the driveway while the minutes ticked heaven, and said to Pop, “It’s all right, you can go.” by with Pop, or rather his dead body, sitting in the front Jane called 911. Pop’s house was on a long, hilly, seat of the car. twisty one-lane road, and there was no expectation 9 During these ten minutes waiting for help, any possibil- I’m also sure that my father never would have wanted ity that Pop, not breathing, could survive slipped away people pounding on his dead body for more than a half hour, and that’s what happened. When the policeman arrived, he moved the body from the car to the driveway and began administering CPR. At the hospital, Jane asked the EMT about the CPR and The ambulance arrived with the EMT, who continued EFÓCSJMMBUJPOÁ8IZEJEZPVEPUIJT Â UIF$13BOEUIFOVTFEUIFEFÓCSJMMBUPS BQQMZJOHUIF paddles and the electric shock to Pop’s chest. They “It’s for the widow.” loaded Pop’s body into the ambulance, still doing CPR, and everybody followed to the hospital where he was PŨDJBMMZQSPOPVODFEEFBE

I can’t blame Eileen or Pop’s friends and neighbors for not attempting CPR, because I don’t know the wording of Pop’s living will. I’m sure that the police and the EMT GPMMPXFEUIFSVMFTCZBUUFNQUJOH$13BOEEFÓCSJMMBUJPO

Get 8IBU YOU 8"/5



Designate a healthcare proxy who will speak for you if you can’t.


Share your stories about planning and the good or bad deaths you’ve witnessed at Help alert others to the importance of making their preferences known.

Take action to stop unwanted medical treatment with our petition at state spotlight New Jersey Compassion & Choices New Jersey is advancing a death-with-dignity bill even in a rough-and-tumble election year. 63% 0VSTFBTPOFEÓFMEPSHBOJ[FS &WBO/JTPO MFBETWPMVOUFFST of NJ voters support death in making hundreds of phone calls each week, activating our with dignity in Compassion & supporter base to persuade legislators. Over 150 people are circulating petitions. Supporters will soon be hosting house Choices’ independent polling. parties across the state, expanding the network of activists to their friends and neighbors. They’ve made sure our message has been in the media, with a steady stream of stories, editorials and supportive Sal Anderton, legislative director for the state’s best lobbying essays by independent voices. Ernestine Bradley — au- ÓSN 1PS[JP(PWFSONFOU"ŧBJST IBTUBLFO$PNQBTTJPO thor, professor emerita at Montclair State University Choices’ arguments to members in both the Assembly and and a breast cancer survivor — wrote in support of the the Senate. Even over the Legislature’s summer recess, with bill in The Courier-Post. She eloquently expressed what members busy on election campaigns, Sal helped us get ad- PVSQPMMJOHTIPXTUIFNBKPSJUZPG/FX+FSTFZWPUFST ditional legislative co-sponsors. President Barbara Coombs believe: “The highest form of liberty a government can -FFUFTUJÓFEBUUIFTVDDFTTGVMBTTFNCMZDPNNJUUFFIFBSJOH CFTUPXPOJUTDJUJ[FOTJTBMMPXJOHUIFNUPIBWFUIFVMUJ- The campaign coalition includes the ACLU, the National mate right of self-determination. Association of Social Workers New Jersey, The New Jersey Psychological Association, and a growing num- ber of doctors and faith leaders.


Compassion & Choices Communities and Families Or- HBOJ[FS$ISJTUZ%BWJT+BDLTPOMFBETUIFFŧPSUUPFOHBHF New Jersey’s African American community. Her work has garnered the support of key legislators and faith leaders.


Support on the ground is strong and growing. Now we need you to:

Sign our petition to help stop needless TVŧFSJOHJO/FX+FSTFZ

“Like” us on Facebook:

Dr. Virginia Waters and President Barbara Coombs Lee in Trenton. 11 Advocacy in Action

The end-of-life-choice move- ARIZONA ment enjoyed a landmark year $PNQBTTJPO$IPJDFT¿"SJ[POBTUBUFDIBQUFSIFMQFE introduce a palliative care information bill similar to across the nation. Passing – and the one passed in New York. It failed in committee, almost passing – new death- so we are building strength to advance this bill in the with-dignity laws, protecting next session. existing ones, and expanding CALIFORNIA awareness of all available op- 0VS$BMJGPSOJBUFBNJTÓHIUJOHBCJMMUIBUUISFBUFOTUP tions, Compassion & Choices leave dying patients in pain. SB 62 would require cor- pushed the movement further oners to alert the state medical board of any death involving certain medications, a requirement that than ever before. Advances this could curb physicians’ willingness to manage pain year position us well for a suc- BOETVŧFSJOHBEFRVBUFMZ*O.BZ UISFFPGPVSTUBUF BDUJWJTUTUFTUJÓFECFGPSFUIF*OTUJUVUFPG.FEJDJOF¿T DFTTÓMMFEJOTUBUFTGSPN $PNNJUUFFPO"QQSPBDIJOH%FBUI"EESFTTJOH,FZ coast to coast. End-of-Life Issues during its second public forum, this time at Stanford University.

12 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 advocacy in action COLORADO FLORIDA Compassion & Choices’ Colorado chapter premiered A new Compassion & Choices Florida group formed in “Letting Go With Dignity,” its short play about a patient Clearwater. These activists already have a dynamic agen- at the end of life who never discussed her medical da: They hosted attorney George Felos, who represented treatment wishes with her children or her doctor. The Michael Schiavo in the prominent case involving his wife, play’s successful run led the group to produce it as a Terri Schiavo. As part of our campaign to stop unwanted ÓMNUPSBJTFBXBSFOFTTPGUIFJNQPSUBODFPGNBLJOH NFEJDBMUSFBUNFOU $PNQBTTJPO$IPJDFTÓMFEBDPN- and communicating end-of-life plans. plaint, Hallada v. Lakeland, against a Florida hospital and nursing home that violated an elderly woman’s DNR. CONNECTICUT HAWAII The Compassion & Choices Hawaii team and the state’s Physician Advisory Council for Aid in Dying continue their careful implementation of aid in dying as a medical practice governed by professional practice standards. The campaign’s television and print ads, public appearances, and workshops have helped raise awareness that death with dignity is available in the state. ILLINOIS

State Representative Betsy Ritter, bill sponsor. Our Chicago team of activists hosted a Compassion & Compassion & Choices Connecticut’s campaign came Choices booth at the national Aging in America Conference close to moving a death-with-dignity bill out of legisla- this year. They also held a National Healthcare Decisions Day tive committee, only to be stopped in April by the threat event featuring Professor Lisa Anderson-Shaw, who served PGBÓMJCVTUFS"EWPDBUFTBOETVQQPSUJWFMBXNBLFST on the drafting committee for the new Illinois POLST (Physi- GSPNBMMPWFSUIFTUBUFBSFQSFQBSJOHGPSBOPUIFSFŧPSU cian Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment). in the 2014 legislative session.

California, )FSF8F$PNF×


z1 Sign up for e-mail updates: 2 Like our Facebook page: z z3 Get your friends and neighbors to do the same. advocacy in action MARYLAND TUBUF1MBJOUJŧT%S,BUIFSJOF.PSSJTBOE"KB3JHHT embarked on a death-with-dignity speaking tour that $BQJUBMJ[JOHPOPVSTUSPOHNPNFOUVNJOUIF&BTU  took them all the way north to Michigan. Trial is set for $PNQBTTJPO$IPJDFTTUBŧPSHBOJ[FENPUJWBUFE December 2013. Scores of advocates also hit the Capi- area advocates and our two local groups to plan fu- UPMBOEQFSTVBEFEMFHJTMBUPSTUPQBTTBKPJOUNFNPSJBM ture legislative work advancing death with dignity. Six declaring March 1 “Healthcare Advance Directive Day.” county action teams will focus on increasing support and awareness in key legislative districts and around VERMONT the state. *O.BZ7FSNPOUCFDBNFUIFGPVSUITUBUFUPBŨSNBUJWFMZ MASSACHUSETTS QFSNJUBJEJOEZJOH¼BOEUIFÓSTUUPEPTPUISPVHI a legislature. Following that political breakthrough, A death-with-dignity initiative was narrowly defeated Vermonters looked to Compassion & Choices for help on the November 2012 ballot. But advocates of our implementing the new law. Our Vermont team is work- Massachusetts campaign are unrelenting. New legisla- ing alongside Patient Choices Vermont, the primary tion has momentum, under the leadership of Com- group behind the law’s passage, to educate doctors, QBTTJPO$IPJDFT.BTTBDIVTFUUTBOETUBŧ CVJMEJOH PSHBOJ[FWPMVOUFFSTBOEIJSFBTUBUFEJSFDUPSUPQSPUFDU alliances with key legislators, local advocacy groups and the law. supportive physicians. A hearing may take place before year end. OTHER LOCAL ACTIVITY With our newly expanded advocacy department, re- HJPOBMPVUSFBDITUBŧBMTPNBEFQSPHSFTTUIJTZFBSJO Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

’ work can’t happen without you: Connect Join or start a local group in your state.

%S,SFTTXJUITVQQPSUFSTBUPVS.POUBOBWJDUPSZQBSUZ Donate MONTANA Help fund our programs and services. Advocates triumphed in April as Compassion & Choices Join Montana defeated HB505, the “Doctor Imprisonment Become a Compassion & Choices member. Act” that would have sentenced doctors to 10 years in prison for honoring their patients’ wishes for death with Volunteer dignity. Our tremendous Montana team and an alliance Contribute your time, energy, passion and skills. PGMPDBMQIZTJDJBOTMFECZ%S&SJD,SFTTDBNQBJHOFE mightily to preserve access to aid in dying. Advocate NEW MEXICO Spread awareness and help achieve our goals. $PNQBTTJPO$IPJDFT/FX.FYJDPNBEFUFSSJÓD To learn what’s going on near you – or to QSPHSFTTJOTFDVSJOHDJUJ[FOT¿SJHIUUPBJEJOEZJOHCZ start a group in your area – visit your state’s raising support around Morris v. New Mexico, our page at case to clarify the legal status of the practice in the

14 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 national program updates Better Care. Greater Choice. Compassion & Choices helps people plan for and achieve a good EFBUI8FXPSLUPDIBOHFBUUJUVEFT QSBDUJDFTBOEQPMJDJFTTP everyone can access the information and options needed for control and comfort at the end of life.

Barbara was at Joe’s bedside when he lost conscious- ness after taking morphine, which hospice physicians had prescribed. When a hospice nurse found him unresponsive, her supervisor called 911 despite Joe’s DNR. Police arrived and charged Barbara with “assist- ing suicide;” paramedics rushed Joe to the hospital and SFWJWFEIJN+PFBXPLF BOHSZUPÓOEIJNTFMGJOUIF hospital, and even more so to learn his daughter faced felony charges. Four days later Joe Yourshaw died in the hospital.


Legal Advocacy: 8IZ*T#BSCBSB.BODJOJ$IBSHFE8JUI Give the Pennsylvania attorney Assisted Suicide for Her Father’s Death? general a piece of your mind for

5IFVOKVTUQSPTFDVUJPOPGZFBSPME1FOOTZMWBOJB Barbara’s peace of mind. Sign our nurse Barbara Mancini could impact end-of-life care for petition to help stop the prosecution NJMMJPOTBOEIBTTQBSLFENBKPSOBUJPOBMBUUFOUJPO at, #BSCBSB¿TGBUIFS ZFBSPME+PF:PVSTIBX TVŧFSFE and visit our website for the latest constant pain from various medical conditions. He had developments in Barbara’s case. completed his advance directive and a do-not-resus- citate order (DNR), and he designated Barbara as his healthcare proxy to carry out his wishes. 15 national program updates

This case rapidly received wide national press, including the stick to ensure that patients’ wishes are honored.” a New York Times column, a discussion on NPR’s The We kept up the pressure all year: Diane Rehm ShowGFBUVSJOH$IJFG1SPHSBN0ŨDFS Mickey MacIntyre, an opinion piece in USA Today In March MacIntyre discussed our recommendations by Director of Communications & Marketing Gwen at the American Society on Aging’s “Aging in America” 'JU[HFSBMEBOE$//DPWFSBHF conference.

“The fact that she’s being charged is outrageous,” In June Director of Policy & Advocacy Ashley Carson said President Barbara Coombs Lee. “Dying patients Cottingham delivered testimony to the U.S. Senate Spe- have a federal constitutional right to as much medi- cial Committee on Aging during their hearing, “Renew- cine as they need to relieve pain, even if it advances ing The Conversation: Respecting Patients’ Wishes and the time of death.” Advance Care Planning.”

$PNQBTTJPO$IPJDFTXJMMTUJDLXJUIUIJTÓHIUGPS The Hill, a top Washington, D.C., political publication, Barbara Mancini, her family and her late father, who featured our essay exposing the crisis. XBTEFOJFEIJTÓOBMXJTIFT8F¿MMÓHIUGPSQIZTJDJBOT  $PNQBTTJPO$IPJDFTJTBMTPÓHIUJOHVOXBOUFE XIPNVTUOPUCFGFBSGVMJOQSPWJEJOHTVŧFSJOHQBUJFOUT medical treatment by serving as co-counsel in adequate pain medication, and for all Americans ter- Hallada v. Lakeland. This case seeks damages from SJÓFECZUIFQSPTQFDUPGHPWFSONFOUEJDUBUJOHUIFJS a Florida hospital and nursing home that violated dying days. ZFBSPME.BSKPSJF.BOHJBSVDB¿TEPOPUSFTVTDJUBUF order, aggressively treating her in contradiction of Ending Unwanted her clear instructions.

Medical Treatment Help stop unwanted medical treat- ment. Sign our petition and learn more about this campaign at:


Last year we launched the Campaign to Stop Unwanted Medical Treatment to ensure medical providers respect patients’ healthcare preferences. Since then we have taken our concerns and rec- ommendations to some of the most prestigious thought leaders in healthcare policy.

$IJFG1SPHSBN0ŨDFS.JDLFZ.BD*OUZSFSBJTFEUIF issue with the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Ap- QSPBDIJOH%FBUIEVSJOHJUTÓSTUNFFUJOHMBTU'FCSVBSZ He urged policymakers to “provide both the carrot and

16 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 national program updates End-of-Life Services to Expand #FDBVTFFOEPGMJGFJTTVFTBŧFDUFWFSZPOF XFBSF expanding our direct service to families and health- care providers this year. Our new services will in- clude more comprehensive support for terminally ill people, their family members, physicians and other healthcare workers. Our network of dedicated and experienced physicians will provide peer-to-peer support for doctors beginning to incorporate aid in dying in their medical practices, as they are doing now in Vermont and Montana. And we will provide more assistance for adults documenting their end-of- life preferences. Compassion & Choices’ long-stand- ing End-of-Life Consultation (EOLC) program will DPOUJOVFUPQSPWJEFDPOÓEFOUJBM QFSTPOBMDPVOTFMJOH BOETVQQPSUGPSUIPTFXIPDBMMTQFDJÓDBMMZBCPVU end-of-life choices, as we have for 20 years.

As Director Trish Bernstein explains, “It will be a very broad umbrella covering every end-of-life option, pro- cess and form, regardless of where clients live. The goal is that no matter who calls us, we have something to PŧFSUIFNÂ Our services are always available free of charge at 800.247.7421.

With so much happening, why wait for the news?

Stay informed. Stay in touch. Receive the monthly Compassion & Choices News via e-mail. Send your request to [email protected] TALKING TURKEY The holiday season is coming, and with it dinners and get-togethers with family and loved ones. Yes, you guessed it: It’s the perfect time to sit down and about your end-of-life wishes.

Seriously. With siblings and multiple generations united, conditions are ideal to talk turkey about an important issue we all will face. Need to get Mom or Dad to discuss their end-of-life preferences? Trying to get your adult children to listen to your thoughts BCPVUEZJOH :PV¿MMÓOEUIFZ¿SFBMMTVSQSJTJOHMZSF- ceptive at family gatherings. So how do you get the conversation started?

After many attempts to get family members engaged, start the conversation. one Compassion & Choices client set her Thanksgiv- Then tell us how it went. Sharing your ing table with advance directive forms at every place setting and announced, “Nobody gets dinner until these story — at BSFÓMMFEPVUÂ/PXUIBU¿TTPNFUPVHIUVSLFZ:PVSCFTU sion — is a great way to share ideas on approach is the one that suits you and those around how to relish a meaty discussion. you. And while the paperwork is important, the essential thing is to get the conversation going!

4 Key Questions your conversation should cover- 3. What will be important to you when you 1. How do you feel about life support if: are dying? No pain? Hold on as long as possible? Family members present? What you have a terminal illness? are your priorities? you’re in a permanent coma? you have an irreversible chronic illness 4. Would you want to be placed in a nursing MJLF"M[IFJNFS¿TEJTFBTF  home if your condition warranted? 2. Do you always want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? About your condition? About treatment options and their odds of success? And what success means for quality of life? talking turkey over turkey Are You Good to Go? We have the tools you need to guide your conversation and document the results. They’re all in our Good-to-Go Toolkit, and they’re all free:

‘ "7BMVFT8PSLTIFFUUPTUSVDUVSFZPVS decision-making. ‘ Advance directive forms for every state. ‘ An optional dementia provision — which only Compassion & Choices of- fers. ‘ Contract rider for assisted-living facil- ity contracts. Use this to ensure your new home intends to respect your choices. ‘ Visit ‘ Call 800 247 7421 to get info by mail or speak to one of our counselors.

Conversation Starters Here are some ways to get the conversation going. 5IFTFÁBQQFUJ[FSTÂXJMMMFBEUIFXBZUPBTBUJTGZJOHEJBMPHVF

I want to be certain you guys My doctor/attorney/pastor says I know what I would want if I ever get need to go over my advance directive seriously ill or can’t speak for myself. with you.” What do you think I would want? If one of us ever had to make deci- What would you say to the doctors for sions about your treatment because you me? What would you want me to say couldn’t, it would be much easier if we for you?” knew what you really want.”

20 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 talking turkey over turkey Five Questions for Dr. Dean Edell

%S%FBO&EFMM POFPGUIFÓSTUQIZTJDJBOCSPBEDBTUFST IPTUFE an enormously popular radio show for more than 30 years. He sometimes took controversial stands on hot-button topics, and was known for connecting to listeners and a remarkable ability to explain medical terms in everyday language.

The Dr. Dean Edell ShowCFHBOJOPO,(0JO4BO'SBO- cisco, eventually reaching 2 million listeners weekly on more than 400 stations before his retirement in 2010. 5 questions for Dr. Dean Edell

8IBUEPZPVUIJOLJTUIFNPTU to an appropriate political and legal response. DPOUSPWFSTJBMIFBMUIUPQJDUPEBZ 8IFSF Millions of 50- to 70-year-old adults do you think America is on it? are now caring for their aging parents, At the top of my list is the delivery of healthcare. We spouses or both. This generation spend more and get less than other developed nations, DIBOHFETPNVDIPGTPDJFUZ8IBUDBO and we are currently attempting a momentous change. they do to change how Americans live Stay tuned. their final days, months and years, and 8IBUXBTUIFTUSBOHFTURVFTUJPOZPV die peacefully? ever heard from a caller to your show? I agree it was a generation that changed a variety of so- cial values. There were pioneers in that generation who There are so many of those. Here’s one at least you can ÓSTUJOUSPEVDFEVTUPUIFTVCKFDUPGEZJOH/PXUIBUUIF QSJOU"TFSJPVTTVCKFDUOPEPVCU CVUJUUPPLBOFŧPSUUP years have rolled by, it’s that same generation being hit TPVOEQSPGFTTJPOBMBT*PŧFSFENZBTTVSBODFTUPBHFO- by these issues. When I look at how quickly public atti- uinely concerned mother about her son. At the height UVEFTIBWFDIBOHFEBCPVUPUIFSDPOUSPWFSTJBMTVCKFDUT  of public fear about AIDS, he was at a topless bar, and a I am optimistic that the same groundswell of activism lactating dancer squirted milk on him. will alter our attitudes surrounding death and dying. Studies show that most people want You taught medicine at U.C. San Diego. to die peacefully at home with their How can we, as patients, get our doctors families. How can patients and their to become more accepting of aid in families ensure they get the care they dying as an end-of-life option for dying want at the end of life – nothing less, patients? nothing more? That’s an easy one. Bring it up. Talk to your doctors At this time my best advice is for families to talk about about it early in the game. Physicians change their at- this with each other and learn to navigate the ever- titudes as often from being challenged by patients as DIBOHJOHNFEJDBMNB[FPGUPEBZ¿TIFBMUIDBSF#VUUIF GSPNUIFTDJFOUJÓDMJUFSBUVSF ÓOBMBOTXFS BTXJUIPUIFSTJNJMBSJTTVFTXFIBWFGBDFE as a nation, is a relentless awareness campaign leading

8IFO*MPPLBUIPX quickly public attitudes have changed about other controversial subjects, I am optimistic that the same groundswell of activism will alter our attitudes surrounding death and dying. 5 questions for Dr. Dean Edell Compassion & Choices looking back 2013 Annual Report

February After testimony from Barbara Coombs Lee, the New Jersey Assembly’s 9 Health Committee cleared a death-with-dignity bill. Mickey MacIntyre MONTHS AGO UFTUJÓFEEVSJOHUIF*OTUJUVUFPG.FEJDJOFÀT$PNNJUUFFPO"QQSPBDIJOH %FBUI TQBSLJOHBOBUJPOBMEJTDVTTJPOPGVOXBOUFENFEJDBMUSFBUNFOU





December "SHVNFOUTCFHJOJO.PSSJTW/FX.FYJDP $PNQBTTJPO 1 Choices’ groundbreaking case to establish that the medical MONTH FROM NOW QSBDUJDFPGBJEJOEZJOHJTOPUBTTJTUFETVJDJEF 23 annual report

Combined Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2013 ASSETS

Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents: Operating 405,913 Investments 180,382 Pledges receivable 1,008,974 Investments 13,154,400 Prepaid expenses 94,566  #FOFÓDJBMJOUFSFTUJODIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSUSVTUT   Other current assets 3,075 Total current assets 14,996,352

Property, equipment and improvements, at cost:  'VSOJUVSF ÓYUVSFTBOEFRVJQNFOU   Leasehold improvements 32,481 659,885 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization 405,963 Total property, equipment and improvements 253,922

Other assets: Intangible assets 3,014 Deposits 37,706 Total other assets 40,720 Total assets 15,290,994


Current Liabilities: Current portion of obligations under capital leases 13,118 Accounts payable 133,001 Accrued payroll and vacation 421,025 Accrued expenses 21,910 Total Current Liabilities 589,054

Long-term Liabilities: Capital lease obligations, net of current portion 27,480 Gift annuity payments due 327,959 Total long-term liabilities 355,439 Total liabilities 944,493

Net Assets: Unrestricted: Operating 14,133,177 Net investment in Property, Equipment and Improvements 213,324 Total net assets 14,346,501 Total liabilities and net assets 15,290,994

24 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 annual report activities. activities. program on contributions are spent of your generous carefully. 81% than resources More our very We manage June 30, 2013: Costs

Assets Net E For the Year Ended June 2013 30, Combined Statement of Activities &Changes in Net Assets R x evenue and Other Support: Other evenue and T O L R I R F Mem N F G Pr C C T nvestment income, net of expenses of net income, nvestment penses:

undraising oundation Revenue oundation oss on disposal of equipment of disposal on oss ealized and unrealized gain on investments on gain unrealized and ealized Gifts estricted ontributions events and onference eneral and administrative and eneral otal net assets, beginning assets, net otal ther Income ther E Public Public L L ograms T n obb oca otal otal otal revenue and other support other and revenue otal H d-of- bership fees bership I et assets, ending assets, et n e l Presences/Community: 32% l Presences/Community: crease in Net Assets Net in crease ying: 15% ying: re is how those expenses are broken down:re expenses ishowthose E for the year ending

x E



d ife Consultation: 16% Consultation: ife ucation: 37% ucation:

Program Costs

9% Fundraising: E Administration: 8% Administration: L L Public Public n obb oca d-of- l Presences/Community: 26% l Presences/Community: ying: 13% ying: E L d ife Consultation: 13% Consultation: ife 25 ucation: 31% ucation: annual report T OTA L U N R All Costs E S 1 1 1 TR 3

9 2 4,346,501 4,346,501 1,795,248 1,795,248 7 1,827,181 1,827,181 7 4 ,275,928 ,275,928 ,230,000 ,230,000 ,551,253 ,551,253 1 8 7 ,679,679 ,679,679 ,494,951 ,494,951 1 2 I 1 C 84,276 84,276 85,301 85,301 91,559 91,559 11,973 11,973 97,727 ( 0,000 0,000 17,211 17,211 T 72 293) 293) E D 5

2013 ANNUA L REPOR T annual report Thank You to All Our Donors

As always, Compassion & Choices is profoundly grateful to the many thousands of donors XIPHJWFTPHFOFSPVTMZUPUIFNJTTJPOXFTFSWF'SPNHJGUTPGÓWFEPMMBSTUPHSBOUTJOUIF millions, each is vital to our success—and existence. Though we’ve only listed donors here of $500 or more, Compassion & Choices appreciates everyone who is committed to our mission. You are our foundation!

Totals are for gifts made in FY 2013, July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. * Denotes bequest or charitable gift annuity donor * * Denotes Champions Circle donor

Circle of Ms. Jane Orans Richard A. Blacker, JD * Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund Mr. Donald A. Pels & Mrs. Juliette S. Bonelli Maryel F. Locke, JD Compassion .T8FOEZ,FZT Robert V. Brody, MD Ms. Linda Look    Ms. Margot Copeland Pyle .T&MJ[BCFUI)#SPNMFZ Mr. Harry M. Lowd Robert A. James Memorial Fund Mr. Dougin Walker 9 Circle of Compassion Ms. Linda M. Lutes San Francisco Foundation Ms. Pauline J. Chamberlain * supporters gave a total of: Ms. Shirley J. Lynn * $5,608,146.22 Mrs. Wendy J. Seldon Mr. Robert C. Cobb, Jr. Lynne R. Malina, JD Anonymous (4) Ms. Jerri Lea Shaw & Ms. Joan Walkup Corrigan Ms. Charlotte Mayerson * Mr. Raymond H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frediano Bracco Ms. Sally Manny Cross .BSHPU.B[FBV +% Mr. & Mrs. Barry Traub Mr. John H. Gribbin * Nancy S. Crumpacker, MD & 3JDIBSE.B[FBV +%  Clinton H. and Wilma T. Shattuck Rick Bayer, MD Mr. Henry R. McLane, III * Open Society Institute Charitable Trust The Darwin Foundation Julie & Brad McMurchie Dr. Stanley E. Willis * .S.ST"MBO-8VS[UFM Mr. & Ms. Gordon DiPaolo .S)BSWFZ..FZFSIPŧ Nathaniel Wilson * Mary & Robert Dodge Ms. Starr Moore Circle of Dignity Mrs. Dagmar Dolby & Gloria Nagy & Circle of Choice Mr. Ray Dolby    Richard Saul Wurman Alice W. Dorr Foundation Ms. Yvette Neier    9 Circle of Dignity supporters Ms. Jaren J. Ducker & /PC)JMM(B[FUUF 6 Circle of Choice supporters gave a total of: $175,867.00 Mr. Bruce Ducker Noranne Clayton Living Trust gave a total of: $398,558.90 Li Bailey * Ms. Ursula E. Dydo Norman Rabb Foundation Apple Pickers Foundation Richard A. Busemeyer Ms. Ruth C. Galaid * Mr. Charles L. Brooks * Atheist Foundation JaMel & Tom Perkins Family Ms. Ann Getty Foundation Fund of the Chicago Irene Diamond Fund David Cuming & .S.ST)FOSZ"(FU[ Community Foundation #BSCBSB,)PHBO 1I% $IBSMPUUF,FOOFEZ&ISFOIBGU  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Peter Giannini Ms. Sue D. Porter MSW & Peter D. Ehrenhaft, Esq. * Mr. Edward J. Filer * .ST1IZMMJT.(JSWFU[ ,BSFO%BWJE1ZF Wallace Alexander Gerbode Ms. Sue Anne Gershenson * Ms. Esther Lillian Goldstein * Mrs. Jane M. Quinette Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hamlin Mr. Daniel S. Grossman Mr. Whitney Raab Ms. Joan H. Liebman * +PBO,VWFLF Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Harris Rhino Digital Ms. Judith N. Scott & Circle of Comfort Mr. Paul H. Thomas * Hawksglen Foundation Mrs. Ritta G. Rosenberg Ms. Marcia Strean * Mr. & Ms. Michael Hayward Ms. Constance Rubiano &    Dr. Sandra G. Hecht & Mr. Peter Yedidia 21 Circle of Comfort Circle of Care Mr. Michael G. Hecht, CPA Sandler Foundation of the supporters gave a total of: 5IF)PM[NBO'PVOEBUJPO Jewish Community Endowment $492,314.37    .S.ST*SXJO)PM[NBO Samantha B. & Mark J. Sandler Myra Shulman, PhD Mr. Gordon B. Asselstine * 100 Circle of Care supporters Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Horning The Rev. Mr. Allan Bond * gave a total of: $659,257.22 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoyt Ms. Barbara Silverberg * Mr. & Ms. Charles E. Brooks Adler Family Foundation Ms. Arlene Inch Mr. Stanley R. Stangren * Bulk Sales, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James Barron Adler Samuel S. Johnson Foundation Mr. Ralph Stephens * .T)FTUFS,%JBNPOE Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. Jay Jones Mrs. Harriett Stinson Hot Pepper, Inc. Venable Allen, Jr. +PTFQIBOE)BSWFZ.FZFSIPŧ Ms. Lucy B. Stroock Ms. Cheryl A. Jackson * Anonymous (3) Family Charitable Funds Mr. & Mrs. Tad Taube Jewish Community Ms. Irene S. Apt * ,BQMFO'PVOEBUJPO Mr. Allan J. Taylor * Endowment Fund Mrs. Gael Smith Arnold ,BVU['BNJMZ'PVOEBUJPO The Thompson Family Foundation, The Leon Foundation Ms. Iris D. Bernikow * %S.ST4BNVFM$,MBHTCSVO Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Loacker Peter Bienstock, JD ,PSFU'PVOEBUJPO Vanguard Charitable Endowment Ms. Barbara J. Meislin Mr. & Mrs. William Biggs .S.ST1FUFS,PWMFS Robert L. Wagner *

26 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 . Brown B. Rev. Barton The Dr. & Mrs. David P. David Jacobus Dr. &Mrs. Holloway &Maurice Janice Hatch Francis Mrs. W. Hatch Francis Mrs. P Loupe Mr. Marc and Harris Anette Ms. Goldman Margaret Ms. W. Glasser Harvey Mr. &Mrs. Geyer H. Mr. Lewis C Friedman Valerie Ms. & Adams Mr. Frank EdD Friedman, Judith Foundation Data First F. Ehrlich Delia Ms. Dodson &Jerry Dodson L. Patricia Dennis Patricia Mrs. Deikel Theodore Mr. &Mrs. Davis Ross Shirley Ms. D Curran G. Dr. Peter & Curran L. Dr. Bonni Ms Collins A. Mr. Donald & Epstein G. Sarah Mrs. Charlton J. Mr. William LCSW Campbell, B. Natalie M Bradley “Bill” William Honorable The PhD Bradley, Schlant Ernestine Bouye Eloise Ms. Foundation Family Bland Baker Craig John Mr. &Ms. Ashbahian Lehmann Inge Mrs. (3) Anonymous of $204,445.43 atotal gave of Love71 Circle supporters    Circle of Love Munson Mr. Lee & Zellerbach Merla Ms. Wilsey Dow Diane Mrs. Jr. Williams, Van Zandt Dr. &Mrs. Jr. Foundation Wiener, B. William * Estate Wiederkerr G. Walter PhD White, J. Thomas G JD Feldman, Jim & Wexler, JD Natalie Westheimer Ellen Ms. %POBU(8FOU[FM 1I% * Wallace Ann Jo Ms. Wald Pam Mrs. W. Wald Mr. Albert hilip D. Harvey & Harriet Lesser &Harriet D. Harvey hilip handra & Robert Friese &Robert handra r. & Mrs. Henry F. Davis, III F. Davis, Henry r. &Mrs. eorge B. Whatley, MD * MD Whatley, B. eorge T,BUIBSJOF.#VMMJUU & Braudis-Brown Jann rs. . Cora Sue Cronemeyer Sue . Cora

Robert I. Misbin, MD & MD Misbin, I. Robert V. Miller Mr. Virgil Mercure S. Nancy Ms. LCSW Medalie, Ann Cynthia Ms. PhD LeResche, Diane Lambert Michael Mr. &Mrs. LaFollette Charles Mr. &Mrs. Jordon H. Mr. John Jorge A. Uribe, JD Uribe, A. Jorge Thau Mr. Claude Swindells J. Charles Mr. &Mrs. Sutton Marie Dr. Lois .T"OOFUUF,4UFJOFS V. Stachnik Robert Mr. &Mrs. Small H. John Mr. &Mrs. MD Singer, Anne Margaret Shon Mr. Russel Savage Mr. Henry Safanie-Crain Linda Rudolph &Richard Carol Rhodes L. Dell Ms. Raywid Gail Joy Ms. Ramsay B. Nonie Mrs. * Raleigh Berkley Ms. Raiser Hilton Helen Ms. Poland &Bill Mary ,JSL1FSSPX ***%BWJE%FBO1VHI PECO Foundation O RN Jensen, Linda & Mr. Nimmo Rob T Pendergast Audrey Ms. homas M. Neal, PhD Neal, M. homas regon Community Foundation Community regon “Opinion leaders in Washington, D.C., and wouldn’t be happening to make it an issue.” talking about unwanted if Compassion & Choices medical treatment. That across the country are didn’t have the resources Director ofPolicy&Advocacy - AshleyCarsonCottingham,

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Wright M. Peter Mr. &Mrs. Esq. Wolfson, Q. R. Paul Wilson N. Susan Mrs. Whitman Tewksbury Daphne Mrs. Weissman Gerald Mr. &Mrs. Weiner Avidar Nina Ms. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Borg C. James Mr. &Mrs. Boreham Fishback Mr. James Borda Richardson Penny Mrs. Blank S. Charlotte Ms. Berry L. Richard Mr. &Mrs. W.Mr. Berresford John Bernstein Leonard Dr. &Mrs. .S.ST,FJUI#BSEJO Banning Hancock Mr. &Mrs. Ball S. Robert Mr. &Mrs. Attias M. Elaine Ms. Arbuckle L. Michael Mr. &Mrs. Anderson Bill Mr. &Mrs. W. Agger Susan Ms. Foundation Adelaar The Foundation Legacy Adams Adams Peter Mr. &Mrs. MD F.Marc Abramson, .T,BUIFSJOF'"CFM (8) Anonymous of $349,131.23 atotal gave supporters 295 Circle of Hope    Circle of Hope 27 D %S1IZMMJT$BSPŧ .S+PTFQI$BSPŧ ,BUJF)$BEZ Burnett H. Dorothy Ms. Burnand S. Audrey Ms. Buchalter Mr. Neal Brown A. Wesley Mr. &Mrs. Brown B. Virginia Ms. Broner Peter Mr. &Mrs. Briggs-Myers Mr. Peter Brickner L. Sanford Mr. &Mrs. T. Ruth Brantley Mrs. Botos J. Stephen Mr. &Mrs. T .T&MJ[BCFUI$PMF & Newman Mr. Peter Cohen R. Louis Mr. &Mrs. Hofmann .T,BUF'$PBO.S%POBME" Clark M. Anne Ms. Childs E. James Mr. &Mrs. Esq. Cheek, C. Robert F. Chandler Eleanor Ms. Chamberlain H. Mr. R. ,BUIZ-$FSNJOBSB +% Cease Ronald Mr. &Mrs. CPA Cawood, A. Christi Ms. Cavanagh G. William Mr. &Mrs. ** Casey Richard Mr. &Mrs. M Esq. Godbey, Carson Roger & Carson Godbey Ellen he Community Foundation for for Foundation Community he r. & Mrs. Alan Carpenter Alan r. &Mrs. r. & Mrs. Richard O. Carstensen Richard r. &Mrs.

2013 ANNUA L REPOR T .T)FMFO",BZ .S.ST5FSSZ3,BZ .T,BSFO.,FIPF .S7BODF$,FOOFEZ Á*¿MMCFBCMFUPPŧFSTP .S+PIO.,JUUSPTT much more support for %S%JFUFS4PQIJF,PDI8FTFS Mrs. Carol S. La Pierre activists and volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Landis in our local groups next Ms. Mary Anne Larson Professor Sylvia A. Law, JD ** year, thanks to your Mr. & Mrs. William Lawrence generosity.” Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Leavitt Mrs. Maureen S. Lee – Brandi Alexander, Regional Timothy J. Lee, JD Campaign and Outreach Manager Dr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Levi Peter & Mary Fran Libassi Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Lightstone Ms. Gertrude V. Lindener-Stawski Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lindman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lipsig Dr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Livingston Ms. R. Gisela Lloyd 8$IBSMFT-PCJU[ 1I% %S(SFUDIFO,-PCJU[ Ms. Dorothy Lockspeiser Dr. & Mrs. Peter B. Lyon the National Capital Region Equity Foundation Linda Joyce Greenhouse, JD Mr. Mickey MacIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Congdon Robert A. Erck, PhD Mr. Frank Grobman Ms. Lisa A. Marchi & Gloria Jean Crenshaw & 'BJSÓFME$PVOUZ$PNNVOJUZ Mr. & Mrs. William Guensche Mr. David B. Parker Frank Hotchkiss Foundation, Inc. .T,BUIMFFO(VFZNBSE Marin Community Foundation Professor Patricia Cross Mr. & Mrs. James R. Falender Mr. & Ms. Roland L. Halpern Mr. & Mrs. Sidney A. Mayer Mr. Michael Cross Cynthia Farner, MD Grant A. Hanessian, JD & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. McConnell Mrs. Laura Gardner Dale Mr. Cameron Ward Fischer "OOF%4DIXBSU[ .T&MJ[BCFUI+.D$PSNBDL Mr. & Mrs. John J. Daly Fischer Family Fund Harold Rubenstein Family Charitable Foundation Jerome Medalie, Esq. & Mr. John D’Angelo Mr. Stewart Florsheim & #FUI5JFU[F-PXE .T+VEJUI3PTMPŧ Mrs. Harriet Hayes Ms. Dianne Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Donald Melville Ms. Helen W. Ford .T,BUISZO4VF)FBE Mrs. Margery Dannenberg .ST(VSEPO)PXFMMT.FU[ Foundation for the Carolinas M. Chris Helmer, JD Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John L. Meulemans Mr. Marc A. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Eric Helpenstell Mr. Peter J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Meyer J. Dermot Frengley, MD Mr. & Mrs. Merrit A. Heminway Ms. Sally Davis & Ms. Tollie Miller Mr. Stephen C. Birdlebough ** Mr. Morris F. Friedell William A. Henkin, PhD The Max Minsky & Florence Minsky Mrs. Gretchen de Baubigny Sam Friedenberg, JD & Dr. & Mrs. John Herbert Goldstein Family Foundation .T4BOESB5FU[MPŧ .T&MJ[BCFUI4USPOHEF$VFWBT Commander & Mr. Perry Mitchell & The Deikel Family Foundation .T1IZMMJT,'SJFENBO Mrs. Wayne Herkness, II Ms. Pamela S. Woodley Mr. Edward E. Demartini Mrs. Sally Y. Froelich Mr. Samuel N. Hicks, III Dr. & Mrs. Alan L. Mittelsdorf Mr. Joseph T. Derry Mr. & Mrs. John Fullerton Valmai D. Hilton, RN .S4UFQIFO8.PE[FMFXTLJ Ms. Dorothy Dever Mr. Brian Furtkamp Ms. Debbie Hitson-Ositis .ST%FCPSBI4[F Patricia DeYoung, MD Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Geiger, Jr. Mary T. Hoagland, JD & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Moore Donald Hoagland Ms. Carol Doll Mrs. Judith Folack Geller & Ms. Caroline Morgan The Hon. Henry Geller, Esq. Ms. Jeannette B. Hofer Dopkin-Singer- The Morris S. & Florence H. Bender Dannenberg Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Gill, II John Howieson, MD Foundation Dr. Linda E. Durham .S3BNPO&(JMTBO[ Jack Schenker Charitable Trust Reverend Frank H. Moss, III & Mrs. Betsy Moss .S4UFŧBO%ZF Mr. Alfred C. Glassell, III & Mrs. Margaret A. Jacobs Mrs. Marli Andrade Ms. Maryanne Mott Mr. Gene Eagle & The Jewish Federation Mrs. Constance G. Eagle Mrs. Barbara V. Goodman of Cincinnati Mr. & Mrs. James M. Murray .S.ST.BSUJO,&CZ Mr. Crawford Gordon Jewish Federation of National Philanthropic Trust Metropolitan Chicago Jon B. Eisenberg, JD & Ms. Lorraine Graves Grace Mr. Tim W. Nay Ms. Linda Hillel Mr. Ivan Green Dr. Hugh B. Johnston & Mr. & Mrs. Irvin S. Naylor Mrs. Janet Johnston Ralph M. Engel, Esq. & Mr. & Mrs. John M. Greenberg Ms. Carolyn Neketin Diane L. Engel .T/BOFFO,BSSBLFS

28 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 Mr. Jay J. Scheldorf, Sr. Scheldorf, Mr. J. Jay Santesson Denison Carol Ms. Foundation Community Fe Santa Sandberg C. Neil Mr. &Mrs. #VSDI4BŧPSE'PVOEBUJPO Rubenstein L. James Mr. &Mrs. Rosen I. Morton Mr. &Mrs. MD Rose, J. Gilbert M Emory Mr. Eric & Emory Rodgers Linda Ms. Robinson M. Peter Mr. &Mrs. Ms Jr. W. Robertson, Dr. Charles .ST1BUSJDJB,3PCFSUTPO Roberts Carey Ms. M Foundation Richmond S. Howard & B. Anita Reskin Merle Mrs. LLC Partners Care Renewal R Stambler Mr. Barrett & Regan Bobbie Ms. Rector Claudia Dr. &Ms. ** Ramsay Bruce Mr. &Mrs. Raincrow-Gains &Mr. Joanne Ms. Pyburn B. Nancy Ms. Inc. Foundation, P Posner Mr. James & Prosky J. Jill Ms. Jr. Pike, S. Harold Mr. &Mrs. . Foundation Family Phillips Rose & Jay The D. Peterson Darold Mr. &Mrs. M ** JD Holmes, H. William & D. Lynn Partin Ms. P. Parker Margaret Mrs. Parker L. Mr. Harold G PhD Papanek, Hanna & PhD F. Papanek, Gustav P. Jean Owens Ms. D Foundation Community Jewish Oregon .T5IFMNB$0SEPOF[ M PhD Obermayer, H. Judith & PhD Obermayer, Arthur Nussbaum &Joyce Roger Nusblatt S. Ellen Ms. P. David Norton Mr. &Mrs. Nordstrom Jeannie Mrs. Institute Manana Nirvana M .S,JQ#FBSETMFZ & Nelson Mr. Matthew rinceton Area Community Community Area rinceton eliable Credit Association, Inc. Association, Credit eliable r. & Mrs. David Otto David r. &Mrs. ertrud Parker ertrud r. & Mrs. John C. Rodgers C. John r. &Mrs. ** Riese E. Mary rs. S#FOKBNJO-1JDL Paston r. Joel O’Brien r. Patrick Newman Ellen rs. . Mary Leonard Robinson Leonard . Mary

M Plant Mr. Philip & Schraeger Barbara Ms. .T-PJT4DIOJU[FS Schneiderman Roberta Mrs. Wilkinson, Jr. Wilkinson, S. Edmund Mr. &Mrs. M .T,BUISZO4XFFOFZ & Wheeler Mr. Brent Westbrook E. Mr. Edward Foundation Family Weissman Weintraub C. Arlene Mrs. Weems Beverly Ms. Da Wasson B. Mr. Edward M Wall S. Susanna Mrs. & Wall A. Mr. Michael .T-FTMJF,8BHOFS Vivaldo Joan Ms. Vincent S. Marcia Mrs. W. Vetter Frank Mr. &Mrs. Van Dorn &Walter Betsy Way United Way Aloha United Udelson Takeuchi Dr. Jane M Inc. Foundation, Community Triangle ** Tinsman L. Mary Ms. W. Thurston Mr. Severt Foundation Thornton Laney The Thacher Gladys Ms. .S.ST+Fŧ5BSS Tamparo Carol Ms. .ST*SFOF4[PS Foundation Swig The M Esq. Strauss, J. Peter Mrs. & Professor Stone Mr. Daniel Steuber Margaret Ms. Communications 4UFQIFO,)PQDSBGU Stein C. Patricia Ms. Stave M. Bruce Dr. &Mrs. % Hamel Dr. Sara & Sowers E. Dr. Wesley PhD Sorkin, Barbara F.Mr. Sommers Charles E Simon A. Mr. Stephen and Simon Ward Bonnie Mrs. Trust Memorial Stern Sidney . Esq. Carroll, Bruce & LCSW Shaw, Lea Merri .S3PCFSU4FM[NBO Fund Giving SEI Schuman Cynthia Ms. sther Simon Charitable Trust Charitable Simon sther S4VTBO&MJ[BCFUI4QFODFS r. & Mrs. Bradley A. Whitman A. Bradley r. &Mrs. & Wasson E. Jane s. Tyner Barbara s. Strong Swing Malan rs. T#FWFSMZ,4IVMNBO Schulman R. Susan rs. vies/Weeden Fund vies/Weeden

Dr. & Mrs. T. C. Price Zimmermann T. Price Dr. C. &Mrs. Zieverink Bill Dr. &Mrs. Inc. Foundation, Charitable Zephyr The Yuan Dan Mr. &Ms. Yorkin Peg Ms. Yamaguchi S. Elaine Ms. Wyse C. Patricia Ms. M Anonymous (15) Anonymous M MD Relman, Arnold & MD Angell, Marcia PhD Angelici, J. Robert Adelberger &Eric Audra Ablin Arthur Dr. &Mrs. $223,330.52 of atotal gave supporters 407 of Champions Circle   Champions Circle of Braude Foundation Braude Braude Solna Ms. W. Brain Mr. George .T'BJUI-#SBŧ Foundation Boston Bondeux Monique Ms. Blunt John Mr. &Mrs. Block G. Adele Ms. .S.ST3PCFSU##MJ[BSE Binder A. Richard Dr. &Mrs. Berwind M. Jeanne Ms. Bernhard A. Robert Mr. &Mrs. . ,BUF#SPTUPŧ .% & MD Belding, E. Melvin Bean C. Nancy Ms. Bauman M. Christine Ms. Bass Mr. Steedman Barron M. Patricia Mrs. Barr Victoria Ms. .T,SJTUJOF#BSS Tekla Barnes Lillian Ms. Bansner Mr. Horst Bangsund David Mr. &Mrs. .T-JOEB#BOF[ Bailin Rebecca Ms. P. MD Julia Bailey, Babson E. Stephen Mr. &Mrs. Ayres Nancy Ms. Ary M. Sheila Mrs. Arthur J. Susan Ms. Aronson Hilda Ms. PhD Arnstein, George Inc. Broadband, Applied Appleford M. Alan Mr. &Mrs. s. A. L. Wooldridge L. A. s. rs. Patricia V. Angell Patricia rs. T4JHSJE.#FOHFZÓFME 29

annual report M PhD Brown, Hamrick Malcolm Professor III Brown, U. Hilton Mr. &Mrs. Brod Meryl Ms. Briody Mr. Thomas J. JD Bredehoft, M. Mr. Charles Ms. Carole A. Cohen A. Carole Ms. Cleveland Mr. John ** D. Clarke Alan Mr. &Mrs. Clark Heinke Ms. Cipollini E. Dr. Ned Chong L. Fannie Mrs. Chittenden L. David Dr. &Mrs. Chapman A. Dr. Jean Caulkins N. Eleanor Ms. Caskey Charles Mr. &Mrs. M .S3PO,XPL %S,BSFO-#VYCBVN Bush Ingley Jane Ms. Busch S. Eric Mr. &Mrs. Buchanan B. Mr. Charles & JD Buchanan, S. Charlotte Ms. .T*SNB0&TQBS[B Erickson E. Gilbert Mr. &Mrs. Esq. Erbsen, L. Diana English Fanita Ms. Ellsworth M. Samuel Mr. &Mrs. Eldblom C. Nancy Ms. Eisenberg Mr. Stanley Edwards Barry Mr. &Mrs. Foundation Community Jewish the of Fund Philanthropic +PIO&BHFS/BODZ,MFIS Duys-Hammer A. Pamela Ms. Duvall J. Carol Ms. Drucker Doris Mrs. Downing Marie Lenna Ms. Dooley Debra Ms. Dombrowski Anna Ms. Dimond Madeleine Lavinia Ms. .S+BNFT,%J$BSMP DeWeese M. Dorothy Ms. .T&MJ[BCFUI.%FWMJO PhD Bottari, de Linda Sr. Davis, A. Mr. James Davies Nancy Ms. V. Davies Jamini Ms. d’Amboise Mr. Jacques M Bittan Mr. Bruce & Crispo C. Marina Ms. R Fund Charitable California Coxhead The Cox L. Mr. Eugene Lee &Steve JD Lee, Coombs J. Barbara Conforti A. Valerie Mrs. everend Norman Cram Norman everend r. Mell Carey r. Mell Bryant Arthur r. &Mrs. r. & Mrs. Ian M. Cumming M. Ian r. &Mrs.

2013 ANNUA L REPOR T “With your help, Compassion & Choices’ John Myers, PhD Ms. Maribelle Leavitt POMJOFFŧPSUTSFBDIFEPWFS Mr. Edward V. Lee a million people last year.” Mr. Steven J. Lee & .T,BSFO"-FF – Chris Meacham, Dr. Ann M. Lees & 0OMJOF$PNNVOJUZ0SHBOJ[FS Dr. Robert S. Lees Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Leggett Mr. Egbert Giles Leigh ,JSTUFO$ISJT-FPOBSE Ms. Carol J. Leppa & Ms. Constance Miller Mrs. Marion E. Lewin Roger & Eleanor Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lewis Ms. Helen Lieber * Mr. W. C. Livingston Ms. Adlyn Loewenthal Mr. James J. Lombardi .T.BSKPSJF1-PWF Ms. Peggy M. Lovett Lovinger Family Foundation Ms. Josephine Farwell Ms. Barbara I. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Beal B. Hyde .S+FŧSFZ4-PWJOHFS.ST Ms. Mary Fellows & .T,BSFO1(VQUB Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Ingber Pamela Lovinger Mr. John Russell Mr. & Mrs. John H. Gusmer Mr. Neilson S. Jacobs, JD Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Fish .S,FO(VTUBGTPO $1" Mr. Owen Jander Ms. Jean Lythcott Ms. Judith B. Fisher Mr. Roger Hale & Ms. Eleanor Hall Mr. & Mrs. Morton Lawrence Janet Mr. Don R. Mabey Mr. Charles B. Fisk William D. Hamilton, III & Ava L. Jensen, PhD Mr. Stewart Macaulay ,BUIZ"'MBIFSUZ Barbara Hamilton Dr. Theodore W. Jentsch Ms. Sally D. MacDonald Ms. Francoise Fleishhacker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Q. Hanham The Jewish Community Dr. & Mrs. Donald MacLean Mrs. Anna M. Forbis Mrs. & Mr. Sheila Hannah Foundation of the East Bay Mrs. Andra Makler Mr. Bruce P. Frederick Dr. & Mrs. Fred Hansen Ms. Jo Johnson Mr. Jerry Mandel & Ms. Margery Freedman Ms. Martha Hansen Ms. Elisabeth M. Jones Ms. Marilyn Jordan 'SFO[FM'PVOEBUJPO Ms. & Mr. Beverly Fite Hanson Ms. Elliott A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Manly Mr. Charles W. Froehlich, Jr. Mr. Ellis Harber Ms. Marion T. Jones Mr. & Mrs. David Margulis Mr. Stan Frymann Mr. & Ms. David F. Hart 1BNFMB,+POFT Ms. Barbara E. Marwell & Mr. Frederick R. Funke, Jr. Ms. Diane F. Hatch ,SJTUPQIFS)FJN Mr. Gerald B. Marwell Mrs. Gloria H. Gamble .S(SBOU.)B[FM Mr. and Mrs. Peter Joost Ray & Ann-Britt Mathis Mr. Paul T. Gaughen Mr. & Ms. Joseph W. Henderson Mr. J.P. Jordan Ms. Barbara Mayers Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Fredrick Geiger Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Herbert .T$BSMB),BBU[ Mr. John P. McBride & Ms. Laurie McBride Mrs. Nancy A. Geschke Ms. Judith Herman 3JUB)FOSZ,BQMBO'PVOEBUJPO Mr. & Mrs. William F. McCann Ms. Susan N. Giampapa Ms. Diane M. Herrmann .T1BU,BSBNBOPT .T+PBOOB,.D$MVSF Ms. Irene L. Gibson 3PCFSU.)FS[CFSH .% .T.BSKPSJF-,FFMZ Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. McElwain Ms. Elaine Gilbert & +PBO,(FPSHF)FS[CFSH .T(JOOJ,FJUI Mr. Hal Schroer .S3PCFSU)FS[TUFJO 3BCCJ+BNFT-,FTTMFS Mr. & Mrs. Jack McMurchie Mrs. Mary H. Gill Ms. Yvonne Hipskind .T4UFQIBOJF,FZXFMM Mr. Neil McNaughton Mr. Walter Howard Girdlestone Mr. Martin Hird .S'SFEFSJD,FZXFMM Mr. Robert H. Meade Mr. & Mrs. James Goin Mr. John Hirschi .T.BSHBSFUUB$,JMEFCFDL Mr. David C. Medalie Mr. Max Goldensohn & Mr. James V. Hittner .ST$MBZ,JSL Seth & Leslie Medalie Dr. Andrea Goldensohn Mr. Raymond S. Hockedy .S8JMMJT.,MFJOFOCSPJDI .S.ST,FOOFUI.FJTMJO Ms. Irma D. Goldknopf Mrs. Joyce D. Homan .T(JMMJBO3,OBQQ +FŧSFZ*SWJOH.FOBTIF .% Wendy Gutmann Mr. Ron Goodwyn Ms. Penelope Houghteling 3FJE.,OJHIU William A. Meriwether, MD George W. Grace, PhD Dr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Hudson +BO,PDI8FTFS .% Merrill Lynch Barbara B. Grant Fund of the Marin William L. Hudson, JD .S3PHFS-,PIO Community Foundation Ms. Paula Merwin ** Jared B. & .S.ST4UFQIFO-,P[FSPXJU[ Peter & Rhondda Grant Nadia M. B. Hughes Trust .T.BSJF,SBVTF Professor Carlin Meyer, JD Mr. James R. Gray & Ms. Mame Hunt %S.T&SJD,SFTT Michael R. Ware Charitable Fund Mr. Charles V. Conselyea Mr. John Hunting Ms. Susan Parrish Land Mrs. Brenda J. Milum & Mr. George Mr. James S. Gray E. Milum .T#POOJF)VSXJU[ Ms. Susan Lander Ms. Dorothy D. Gregor The Minneapolis Foundation Mr. Don A. Husted Merloyd Ludington Lawrence &

30 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 Mr. Christopher Quint Mr. Christopher & Rice Dr. Susan Rice Hart Henry Mrs. Senter Max & PhD Reynolds, Beck Elisabeth Inc. Foundation, Charitable Renaissance Regal L. Ingrid Ms. Reeves Mae Ms. M MD Reagan, Bonnie & MD Reagan, Peter Ray Jean Nancy Ms. Rasmussen C. Mr. Carl Rappoport L. Jack Raiser Mr. Robert .S.ST.FMWJO)3Bŧ D. Pugh David Post Steve Dr. &Mrs. W. Fred Pool Mr. &Mrs. Pikulski J. John Professor M %S,BUISZO,SBNFS & Pierret A. Mr. James Phillips &David Michele Phillips Joyce Mrs. .S,FOOFUI.1FUFST M EdD Perlin, Roberta & PhD Perlin, M. Terry Penney William Mr. &Mrs. Peine C. Perry Mr. &Mrs. Pedersen S. John Mr. &Mrs. .T,SJTUJOB-1BUUFSTPO Parker Ann Mrs. Parish L. Mr. Errol Pam Mr. Alvin Ostheimer R. David Mr. &Mrs. Ms Olmsted C. &B. MD Olmsted, Levona AOgus Michael Mr. &Mrs. M McGarrity H. Mr. Frederick & Ogden Helen Ms. Foundation Family O’Callaghan O’Callaghan C. Ms. Nungesser Gail Lisa Ms. Nixon &Mr. Nick Nixon Bebe Ms. Nicinski Blossom Ms. Neumann Nada Ms. Good for Network Nelson &Stewart Linda Neal A. William Mr. &Mrs. Nash R. Mr. Franklin Nagle Julia Ms. Foundation Studner M. Myron W. Myers Mr. Thomas Moser M. Alice Ms. Miscavich Ronald Mr. &Mrs. s. Rebecca Redford Rebecca s. Pike A. Barbara s. Perot Birmingham Margot s. Ogden E. Mary s. . Leslie O’Loughlin . Leslie

M .T,BUIBSJOF(BMF & Shepherd N. Mr. John Shank Mr. David Mr. Seiberling Ron F.Mr. See Wilbur Scott Dick Dr. &Mrs. .ST+FBO,4DIVZMFS MD D. Schmitt, Barton .S,FO4DIJŧ Schelling &Thomas Alice Scheidel Frances Ms. .T.JDIFMJOF4BLIBSPŧ F.Mr. Paul Ryan D. Rutherford Mr. William Royer R. Mr. Donald Rothschild Dr. Linda Fund Charitable Rothchild &Margaret Eric Roth Martha Ms. T. Rote Gerard Mr. &Mrs. Rosen Gail Ms. Rose Mr. Allen Rooke Mr. Jerry Romig Mr. S. Jim JD Roe, Benson David Roberts S. Shirley Ms. Robbins Mr. Lee Roane A. Gay Ms. % Cory & Liana Simon &Liana Cory M Foundation Community Valley Silicon Shufro G. Edward Mr. &Mrs. Shingler Mr. Robert S3BMQI43JŧFOCVSHI r. Peter A. Silvia r. A. Peter Shepherd L. Nancy s.

T Whitner Mr. Drew .T4V[BOOF4UBOUPO Esq. Stanley, E. Nancy Stadler Mr. Alex MD Speckart, Stephen Spanninga Donald Mr. &Ms. Sosnick Stephen Mr. &Mrs. Somerville Lee Laura Ms. Small J. Mr. Martin Skelton Rosana Mrs. Colonel Brian Tenney Ret Brian Colonel M Taylor Mr. Richard Taylor & Jane Ms. Taylor R. Mr. Hugh MD D. Symond, Michael Symcox Mr. Phil Sundquist E. Mr. Alfred Strand Mr. Curt Stone J. Mr. Jeremy .T,BSFO4UFXBSU Stevens J. Emily Ms. Stenstrom L. Barbara Ms. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Slyke Richard Mr. &Mrs. W. Fred Van Nest Mr. &Mrs. Mr. Turner Steve 3PCFSU'5SPUNBO#JMM)FU[FMTPO Tolla Mr. Gregory M Jr. Timberlake, H. Richard Mr. &Mrs. BThomas Mr. Larry Thomas Edward Mr. &Mrs. Theodorou Helen Mrs. Teske Joy Ms. he Steadman Charitable Trust Charitable Steadman he r. W. Taylor Paul r. & Mrs. Lawrence Toal Lawrence r. &Mrs. “ people ofmystatewillsee end-of-life care.” aid indyingintegratedinto I ’m sogratefulthatsoonthe – MariaOtero,NewMexicosupporter

annual report M Fund Waymire C. Geraldine O. & Joseph Ware R. Mr. Michael D. Vogen Barbara Ms. Manitsas Celia &Ms. Monroy Mr. Marietta Ted Ms. Varlow, Ms. Ellen S. Wormser S. Ellen Ms. Woods E. Susan Ms. Woodrow N. Isabelle Ms. Mr. Witter &Mr. Jack .T3PNB#8JUUDPŧ .S3JDIBSE48JSU[ Williamson Mike Dr. &Mrs. M Foundation Community Area Falls Wichita Wewers Sarah Ms. West B. Alexander Dr. &Mrs. W. Wendel Darla Weinroth Mr. Stephen W. Weinmann Eric Mrs. Weinberg Leslie Mrs. Weil Frank Mr. &Mrs. Zidell Family Foundation Family Zidell Zeidner Gerald Mr. &Mrs. Zaitlin Robert Dr. &Mrs. Zack Richard Mr. &Mrs. W. Young Mr. George Wu Clara Ms. Wright B. Mr. Richard M Wornick Anita Ms. & Wornick Mr. Ronald r. Harold M. Williams M. r. Harold r. Tom Waymire r. & Mrs. Winslow W. Wright Winslow r. &Mrs.

2013 ANNUA L REPOR T annual report Honoring and Memorial Gifts

Donors celebrate someone special or the memory of a loved one with generous contributions in their name. Honoring and memorial gifts are a wonderful way to say how much you cherish others and celebrate your shared interest in choice at life’s end. *OÓTDBMZFBS XFSFDFJWFEPWFSHJGUTFJUIFSIPOPSJOHPSSFNFNCFSJOHBMPWFE family member or friend. Here, we recognize those tributes.

Gifts in Stewart Florshein Ed Mobley Gifts in April Diana Lucas Bolton Hugh Gallagher Nathan Mosby Elisabeth J. Boonin Honor of: John W. Gartley W. Robb Nisbet Memory of: Ines Bosworth Robert W. Adams Alan Gleitsman Meta Nissley Nancy J. Abell Barbara Bowen Amy Ruth Goldhammer Barbara Paris Leslie Ann Adams James C. Bowling Dolores Atkisson Jeanne Good Patients Rights Council ,BZ"MCJO Dr. David J. Bradley John Atlee Donna Grunloh Josephine H. Patrick Al Alcabes Martin R. Bragen Georg M. Babbe 0TDBS(VUJFSSF[ Edward C. Pethers )BSUMFZ,BZ"MMFO Natalie Brenton Henry P. Bacot, Sr. Ted Hamann Dr. Ursula Potkay ,BUIFSJOF8"MUBŧFS +% Lester Breslow Sylvia Bailin & Lois Hansen Precious Human Rights Betty Altvater Mr. Robert Bressler Carole Van Alstyn Frances Harris Lynn Quintero Louis Amster Lillian Brick Catherine Berry’s birthday Mary Webb Harris Barbara and Stan Rabin ,BSFO"OEFSFHH Alan C. Briggs Penny Bock Tom Heckman Dr. Hubert H. Race Bruce & Mark Anderson +Fŧ#SJMMJOHFS Patricia D. Bowen Esther White Heyman "KB3JHHT Carole J. Anderson Joan Bronman Rose Bramble Jan Hohmann’s Mother Carol Riley Libby Anderson &MFBOPS,#SPXO Dofel Brunetti ,FO.*DIJLBXB Evelyn Ronell Gene Angell Lori Brown .VSFBN,#SVTI Jerry Iser Rosemary Eleanor Areus Steve Brown’s Mother Marilyn Buel Linda Israel Bob G. Ryan George Arvanitis Sargeant Walter T. Brown Vern Billough Caemel Jacobs "MBO4BOESB4DIBSŧ Pat Ash Eva Marie Browne Andrew and Frances Edwin Jahiel Bess Schenkier Edward Aubrey Roger Brownlow Jr. Campeto Don W. James Elaine Schweer Lawthan “Shats” Austin Grace Bruno Ralph Carson Marle Jandreaum Mr. and Mrs. Ron Selsman Jonathan Bach “The Brute” Bill Cassin %JBOF+F[JD Marion Silverberg .BSKPSJF#BLFS#BDISBDI Joseph Buck Christi Cawood Fran Johns Robert Simon Heber R. Baldwin Buddy Vaughn Chillis Jay Jossman Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sisson Eva Bansner Adolphe J. “Eddie” Burdulis Henry and May Chu +VEZ,BSOFT Sollie W. Small Nina Barber & Wendy Clarke Ruth Goldberg +BDL,FWPSLJBO Dominic Spain Howard Barrick Roland Clement Donah J. Burgess &E,JOH Nancy Spiller Cora Bartholow Shawna & Tom Cobb Henry Burke 1BVM,JSLMBOE George C. Stoney Ellie Basso The Collards Barbara O. Burrell *OHPMT,PIO Doris M. Strawn Robert L. Bast Louise Corliss Margaret B. Burruss .BSJMZO,PSOIBOEMFS Mike Sweeney Helen J. Bayer David Cuming & Virginia Bush "MFYBOEFS,SVHFS James E. Sykes Marshall Bean Barbara Hogan Blair Butterworth Argyro Lalos Paula Taubman John Lewis Beaven Deborah Darby Gordy Cabral Ruth and Otto Landman Philip Travis #PC#FOKBNJO William Denneen’s Mother Robert J. Cain Marlene Lehrer Betsy Van Dorn Leon P. Bereano Henriette Dillenbag Polly Calhoun Janice Leneham Ben Van Raden Jacqueline Berg David V. Dobson &MJ[BCFUI$BNFSPO Mildred Lerner Linda Wald Bob Bergman Debra Dooley Rev. Dr. J. Paul Cameron Anna Jane Livermore Polly Ward Mrs. Beverly Berkstresser Jo Duehlmeier Vivian & James Campbell Robert W. Lodder Marian Warriner Wilfred I. (Bill) Berman ,JN%VŨO %PSJT*OF[$BNQFMM 4UFWF-PQF[ Olivia Watt Best Alexander Dunn’s Walt Cannon .PUIFS &MJ[BCFUI Jane Luche Margaret Weiss $PVSUOFZ#FTU5SVKJMMP¿T Parents & Brother /FUUB$BQFU[ Charlotte Ehrenhaft Peter B. Lyon 3BMQI'8FMU[JO Betty Frank J. Carbino Peter Ehrenhaft Joan Hildur Marsh Florence C. Williams Helen Bigelow Aute L. Carr Delia Ehrlich MacLeod Susan Woods Mary Birch Murray & Louise Carson George Elgin Bernice Winifred Manning *SFOF8VSU[FM Richard Blanchi Jean Bates Cartwright Janet Epstein Massachusetts Initiative Christopher Yates Supporters Arthur Bleemer Nancy Cassis Sara Esgate’s Mother Linda & Gary Zellerbach C.E. McCann Donna Bliss Virginia E. Chambers Evelyn Merla & Lee Zellerbach Jessie Bradford McCay Neila & Fred Block Nancy F. Chance Margot Fately Merla Zellerbach Paul McClellan ,VSU#MVN Randall W. Chanler +PIO.JU[J'JFME Jerome Medalie Patricia Triggard Boese Barbara Charlton Pauline Flinn

32 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 Janet Epstein Janet Epstein Blanche Engel Don Ellis Bill Ell Linda Ehrenhaft Peter Edgerly Chester Edelstein Bernard Ed W. Dyer Lucy Duvall Michael Dutieux Serge DuFore Robert %VŧZ Drew Eugene Dow L. Warren Donin Barbara F.Ralph Doehne Dixon M. Helen Dinneen J.C. Dimeo Frank Dillon S. Lionel Mother Dice’s Alison D. Diamond Evan Jerry & Husband, Daughter DeWeese’s Dorothy DelGrosso Jamesa Corte De &Amelia Jacob Dad Davis’ Pamela Davis L. Gordon Davis Doris Davidson E. Grace Dannenberg Bloom Ann Curtis Cody Frances Daughter, Currie’s Ruth Cuningham Frances Culp Robert Crouch Lillian &Brother Mother Sister, Crenshaw’s Jean Gloria Craver Dr. Ann Craig Vera Mrs. Coyne Robert Corey Sue Melody Cooper Owen Conner Bruce Collins Sally .BSZ,BZ$PIFO Cohen Gerald Cohen Dorothy Coats Judith Coates Dorothy Clute Marilyn Close Steven Walter Clark Chris 3JDIBSE+PIO$JV[JP ,BUIFSJOF$JNPSFMMJ Chutkoe Theodora Chu Fey Christensen Esther Christ Sandor B.Chorley Clara Cheri Jean Frottier Jean Frohbach A. Louis Franklin Jane Frank Michael Francke R. Pearl &Grandparents Parents Francischelli’s Elvira Forrest Susan Forchheimer Peter Foote Alice Foard Janet Fithian Viele Barbara Essex Longmeir Fisher Dr. Mary Finkelman Iris Fine Robert Fielding Bertha Fetty Harold &MJ[BCFUI"'FOLFS -JMMJBO'FMU[FS Yetta Feldman Evans Charlene Essex Longmuir Fisher Mary Epstein Larry -JOEB(MB[FS Glassman Lucille Gladstone Jeanette Ginstein Evelyn Ginsburg Margaret &EJUI.(JOP[B Gillman Marty ,BZ,(JMMFUUF Gillette Jean Jr. Gile H. Gordon Gerlt Dan George Louise George E. Anna Gardner Booth Gov. Gardiner Irma Gaglio Anna now, wecanexpandour to apeacefuldeath.And IFMQFEQFPQMFÓOEBQBUI “For decades,we’ve Thank you.” services totheirfamilies. – MarkFerguson,End-of-Life Consultation Counselor Harold Goldwasser Harold 4VTBOOF(PFU[ Ed Gloss Evelyn Harwood Evelyn Harvey &Margaret Robert Harrison B. Yolanda Harris C. Ronald Harris Marsha Harris Laine Harris Jay Hardy Bill Hansen Lois Hansen &Frances David W. Hanna John Husband Hamilton’s Marianne Hamilton Lewis Hamann William &MJ[BCFUI)BMWFSTPO 4IMPNP)BMÓO Gyory Marianne .BSMFOF;FOEFS(VUJFSSF[ &Taylor Gurney Henrietta Gula E. Jeanne Grunloh Lee Donna T. Gross Maria Grosness H. John Grigg Arlene 3PCFSU+(SJŨUI Gregory Bill Greer Gayln Greenthal M. Edwin Green Terry Graybill Margaret in-Law Mother- Graybeal’s Nikki Grattet M. Paul Grant Studner Phyllis Gordon Susan Goodwin Dr. Peter 4PMFEBE(PNF[ Velma Mae Heath Mae Velma Heanlon Justine Hastings Jean John Jensen Thelma Jarvie David Irons “Bill” William Hyman Harold Hutton N. Jerry Huston Marie Hunt Randy Humphrey Dole, /BOOF3VSJD)Vŧ Hoyt Nina Hoyt Bruce Houghteling Penelope O. Horton Hilda Hornberger Dwight Hopkins Dudley Mary Honey C. John Hollies M. Sheila Holleman Vera Fay Holitsky Hoeft &Bill Janet Hobgood Pauline Hannaman Jack Hitson Robert Hirsch Jack 4DPUU+)JSP[BXB Hilgard Henry Hiatt A. Charles Herrschaft Al Richmond #BSSJF)FSCPME'SJU[ Heppner Illo Hensley Anne Henrichsen Tobey H. Hemphill Ross William Holleman Worrall Vera Helen 8JMMJBN))FÔJO 33 George & Elnora Joiner &Elnora George Johnson Donald Johnson Don Doris P.Doris Lahr LaGoe Barbara $"Á$IJDLÂ,ZTBS "OUPJOFMMF,VPOFO /PSNB%,SPIO .JLF,SFTT (FSUSVEF,SFJNFSNBO 1IZMMJT,PUFFO *[,PQNBS 1BUSJDJB,PQFUTLJ )BSPME,PIO )FOSZ,PDPM %BOJFM$,PCMJDL 0MJWF*POF,OVUTPO ,MBVT,OBC )FMFO.,MV[ 4IJSMFZ,MVHNBO 3PTF.BSJF,MBNN .ST#BSCBSB,JOH #BSCBSB,JOH 8.,JOEFM $MBJS,JMMFO 4JFHGSJFE,JFNMF )FMFO7,FOOFEZ 3JDIBSE",FMMFZ %PSPUIZ,FMMFS #JMM,FMMFS *Q-FF,BV +BDPC3PTF,BQMBO 3PTF,BOH .BSHBSFU(,BOF 8JMMJBN,BNN +PIO+VSFXJD[ Juniper Irene Juergen Joseph Jordan Jeanne Jones Nikki

2013 ANNUA L REPOR T annual report

Mildred Lamb Jeanette Mays J.T. Peterson Ada Shearer C. R. Timmins Grace L’Amour Neil McDaniel Warner L. Peticolas Janet Shulman Rosemary Way Toby John Landor Dennis M. McDonnell Susan Pettit &EXJO#4IVMU[ Toni Morton Lane Chuck McGlinchey "OOF3BMQI1ÔBOU[FS Vincent Shutt Joseph Torres Polly Lardin Anna S. McLaughlin (JŧPSE1IJMMJQT Shirley Siegel Joe Trimble Patricia Larson Robyn McLaughlin Molly Piontkowski Stanley Siegelman Richard Troyer Edward Lashman Carolyn S. McLeod Enidf Plumley Bernard Silverman Virginia B. Tyler Blanche Currie Lee .BSKPSJF.D.BIBO Sandi Pollard Anne Simmons Dot & Dick Uhle Hyon Lee ,BUIFSJOF$BSPM.FDPVDI Gene Pollock Joan Simms Shirley Utevsky Jeanette P. Lee Eleanor H. Meldahl Jim & Autry Powell Robert G. Simon Del Van Winkle Bruce Lees Mary Agnes Melton Marlise Powell Josephine Simone .BSJF"OO7BTRVF[ Perry D. Lefevre Meme Jean Powers Charles Simpson Chebrier Vera Leggit Mona Mender Edward Poworski Popi Siperis James Vaughan Marlene Lehrer Etta G. Mergel Albert Rathner Edith Sissa John B. Vincent Margaret Lehrkind Harold Merrill (FPŧSFZ3BV Liesbeth Smeenk John B. Vineur -JOEB+PIO-FPO[BM Doris Merring Frances Regan Alton Smith Martin Vogt Holly Lerner Michael Marie C. Reilly Donna Smith Mary Ellen W. Ellen Levine Hubert W. Miles Paul H. Reitan Eleanor R. Smith Ruby J. Wacker Joan Levine & Alan Ben Milgrom ,BSFO3FJUFS Gertrude E. Smith Dorothy S. Wala Winters’ Mothers Marie J. Miller 3PCFSUB3F[JUT Homer M. Smith Mildred Walker Mary Levine Ruth Miller Terry Rie Joan Smith Faye Wall Mel Levine, MD Pat & Jay Minkler Lawrence & Joe Smith Susanna I. Wallace Danny Lieberman Logan F. Minner )B[FM3JDIBSETPO Ruth Proskauer Smith Walshe & McCabe Madge R. Lilliquist 1SVEFODF5.PŧFUU Norman Rickles Samuel Sterling Smith Ralph Wanek 3IPEB-JQPŧ Lloyd Mosier "OHFMZO3JŧFOCVSHI Susan Smolinsky Dorothy Wasserman Dolly Lippman )FJO[.PMTFO Rita Ian Smyth Tony L. Watson-Martin Rabbi Eugene Lipsei Desda Monaghan’s Joe Ritchie Barbara Sorkin’s Mother Olivia Watt Lawrence Lipsky Husband Jim S. Robison Milos Sovak Helen Smith Webb David Liston, Jr. .BSUIB,BZ.PPEZ Thomas A. Rodman Robert W. Sparks Howard Webb Warren Little Mary Jean Moody’s Gladys Roe &MBJOF,POTUBOU4QVFMCFSH Gail Weber Aunt Genie Donald Livingston Richard Roeder Angelina Springer +FŧSFZ#8FILJOH ,FOOJUI3VTTFMM.PPSF Natalie Loader Sheila Ruth Rofman Shelly Springer 3BMQI8FMU[JO Michael Patrick Moore Lili Lobel Patricia Nord Roos )B[FM4UBOMFZ %PO8FOU[FM Jim Morgan ,VSU-PFCFM Madeline Rose Raymond Stateander W.M. Wesche Barbara Morland Mary Louise Loeser Anita Rosenau Barbara Stein Mary Westwood Joan Morriss & Robert Loew Betty Rice Rosenberg Frances Stern 4IJSMFZ8IJUÓFME icole Gurrola Bill Longton +PTFQI3PTMPŧ Shirl Stichman Tim Whitney Paul M. Morse 0MJSJOB-PWFKPZ Patricia O. Ross Mickie Stix Wesley L. Wickham Nathan Mosby Dorothea Loveless Judith Rossi’s Parents Bennie Stone Carrie Mae Haynes Wickre William Muhlbauer Jack Lowe John Rouseau Dora Stone Robert & Claire Wiener Esther L. Myers David Loy Brigit Rowan Josephine & Albert Stone James H. Williams Lillian Nachison Jane Luche Ann & William Rubin Victor J. Stone Tom Williams John Nagy Edward Lurie Jacqueline Rubin Florence Lehrer Straus Edna Wilson Mr Robert E. Naper Thelma M. Lyhene Vinita Rubrecht Lois Strawser William D.S. Witte Joel Nash, MD Ted Lynch Harry Sager Eva R. Stride Arthur D. Wolf, MD Hannah Nathanson Patrick Macey "MCFSU4BLIBSPŧ Ellis Stukenberg Pat Wolf Mary Anne Nimo Jane MacFarlane Howard Samuels ,BUIMFFO4UVNPI 4BSB8PMŧ /PPEMFT,BSFO Harriet Mahler Attar Sandvik Agnes Suchy Ted Wrabell Edward & Esther Novitski Latta Mahon Jason N. Sato Sunlight Christopher Yates Harold Nugent Randy Mahrer Jeanne A. Saunders Albert Suster +Fŧ:BUPWJU[ Jean Oberg Malcolm Eileen Sax Lovelle Svart Alfred M. Yoshida Patrick O’Dierno Eleanor P. Mann Alexander Saxton Nancy Swan Shera Zalkin %BWJE0¿,SFOU Ida S. Mann Leslie Scalapino Sybil Joseph Ziemba .JMGPSE0SOEPSŧ Gerry E. Manning Florence Schaefer Raymond H. Taite, Sr. Douglas Parker Mickel Mannino .BSL4DIBOU[ Ruth B. Taylor $MJŧPSE1BSSJT *** 3PCFSU.BOTÓFME 3PTBMJF4DIJŧ Art Teets Jean Parsons’ Parents Harriette T. Markow Tredell Schmeling Thomas Eisner Pat Catherine Marta Marilyn Schneider Janet Thomas’ Sister Ruby Paulger Alex Martin Helen Schneyer R.T. Thomas Carol Paull’s Mom, Dad & Nancy S. Masaitis Susan Schoenwald Sister Dorothy Thompson Weldon Matlock Homer W. Scott Alice Pearson Susan Thompson Norman F. Maves & George Wilburn O. Sego Walter Perkins Susan Thorner’s Mother B. Herrmann Nora C. Shamel Fran Perlin Tim A. Thornton John Dwyer Maxwell Mary & Rodney Shaw Eugene Perrine George R. Miller, MD

34 COMPASSION & CHOICES MAGAZINE | FALL 2013 annual report Karen is a CHAMPION

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