Echoes of the ‘politics of the spirit’ at the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute: Salazar’s representatives at the 4th National History Congress1 Lucia Maria Paschoal Guimarães2
[email protected] UERJ – Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro Abstract This article discusses the participation of the Portuguese delegates at the Fourth National History Congress promoted by the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute, in 1949, to celebrate the four hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the city of Salvador. It seeks to demonstrate how the official delegation, appointed by António de Oliveira Salazar and led by Júlio Dantas, tried to convert the congress into a continuation of Portugal’s Centenary Commemorations (1940), when the idea was put forward to bring together intellectuals from both countries, with the aim of developing a Portuguese-Brazilian historiographical project based on a unified interpretation. Keywords Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute – 4th National History Congress – intellectuals and Salazarism – Portugal’s Centenary Commemorations – Portuguese-Brazilian historiography Resumo O artigo discute a participação dos delegados portugueses no IV Congresso de História Nacional, promovido pelo Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, em 1949, para celebrar o quarto centenário de fundação da cidade de Salvador. Pretende-se demonstrar que a representação oficial designada por António de Oliveira Salazar, e liderada por Júlio Dantas, procurou converter a jornada científica num prolongamento das Comemorações Centenárias de Portugal (1940), quando se lançou a idéia de reunir intelectuais dos dois países, com a finalidade de desenvolver um projeto historiográfico luso-brasileiro orientado pela unidade de interpretação. 1 A preliminary summarized version of this work was presented at the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, to the 2nd Conference of the Research Centre into Portuguese-Brazilian Relations (Pólo de Pesquisa sobre Relações Luso- Brasileiras – PPRLB), held in Rio de Janeiro, from 26 to 28 April, 2004.