New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching

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New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching 3rd INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE “NEW TRENDS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING” Spain May 19-21, 2021 May University of Granada University © Mariano Ruiz Cecilia © Mariano Ruiz Cecilia HUM-45 7 3rd NEW TRENDS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING. ONLINE CONFERENCE This conference aims to promote a reflection on the latest developments in language teaching and learning, in terms of both research and practice. Current proposals range, amongst others, from Communicative Language Teaching to Content and Language Integrated Learning, from Cooperative Language Learning to Task-based Language Teaching, and from Multicultural Approaches to Teaching World Languages for Social Justice. To this broad array of approaches, we must add the potential that ICT has to offer in terms of increasing the learners’ motivation and enhancing the teaching and learning process. (Accepted abstracts are indexed at the end of this document) All times are GMT +2 (Spain Mainland, Madrid) Wednesday 19 May 2021 9:00-10:00 Room: Zoom Presentation ISABEL OREGA (University of Algarve), RAÚL RUIZ CECILIA (University of Granada), JAVIER VILLORIA PRIETO (Dean of the Faculty of Education) Tribute to António Lopes (in memoriam) ISABEL OREGA (University of Algarve), RAÚL RUIZ CECILIA (University of Granada), CRISTINA PÉREZ VALVERDE (University of Granada) 10:00 – 11:00 10:00 – 11:00 10:00 – 11:00 Link: Link: Link: 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation Delivered in Spanish Chair: Carmen Aguilera Carnerero Chair: Lúcia Tardão Chair: Antonio Garcés Rodríguez (University of Granada) Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Alberto Iria (Portugal) (University of Granada) La enseñanza de la cultura española mediante el enfoque AICLE TBLT and Curricular Autonomy and FlexiBility in Portugal L2 learners’ awareness and emergent identity: investigating L2 MARTA PACHECO FRANCO LUCIA TARDAO postgraduate students’ reading and writing for academic purposes [email protected] [email protected] TAKESHI KAMIJO Uniersity of Málaga (Spain) Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Alberto Iria – Olhao (Portugal) [email protected] Ritsumeikan University (Japan) El graffiti como motor del pensamiento crítico en Lengua The Grammar of Creativity in Foreign Languages Current and Future Trends in Digital Language Classroom: Perspectives Extranjera PAULA AMBROSSI from teachers and students CARMEN AGUILERA CARNERERO [email protected] SARAH MENGSHAN XU [email protected] Institute of Education, University College London (UK) [email protected] University of Granada (Spain) University of Newcastle (Australia) Virtual Coffee Break 11:00-11:30 11:30 – 13:00 11:30 – 13:00 11:30 – 13:00 11:30 – 13:00 Link: Link: Link: Link: 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation Delivered in Spanish Delivered in Spanish Chair: Leopoldo Medina Sánchez Chair: Cristina Pérez Valverde Chair: Isabel Orega Chair: Antonio Garcés Rodríguez (Unversity of Granada) (University of Granada) University of Algarve (Portugal) (University of Granada) Tout moun se moun, proyecto de Educación para la Hacia una conceptualización de la formación inicial Subtitles – hindrance or help? The impact of watching Digital literacy among Bachelor students at the Faculty of Ciudadanía GloBal en la enseñanza de lenguas CLIL: Las perspectivas de los futuros docentes en un suBtitled videos on comprehension, vocaBulary Philology, University of Belgrade, as a prerequisite for extranjeras contexto universitario acquisition, and cognitive load information, media and communication literacy GUADALUPE DORADO ESCRIBANO ANA OTTO BARANOWSKA KAROLINA DANIJELLA VRANJES [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University of Camilo José Cela (Spain) MARÍA ELENA SERRANO MOYA Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland) Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (Serbia) [email protected] Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (Spain) La formación del profesorado en diversidad familiar. La poco explorada relación entre el MECR y el Diaries in Language Learning: Reflecting Language Lecturers’ accounts in ICLHE programs Recursos para traBajar en didáctica de la Literatura neoliberalismo Awareness NATALIA MARTÍNEZ LEÓN ANTXON ÁLVAREZ BAZ PAU BORI SANZ ARGYRO KANAKI [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University of Granada (Spain) CLM-University of Granada (Spain) University of Belgrade (Serbia) University of Dundee (UK) PILAR LÓPEZ-GARCÍA [email protected] University of Granada (Spain) El papel de la influencia interlingüística en el ElaBoración de contenido para una programación de Classroom Action Research for Teacher Development Why are English as a Lingua Franca and Variation desarrollo de la competencia metafórica EFE de la Diplomacia y las Relaciones Internacionales PINAR GUNDUZ important tools within the EFL class? JULIO TORRES SOLER MARGARITA ROBLES-GOMEZ [email protected] VIVIANA GALLO [email protected] [email protected] MUTLU BOSSON [email protected] University of Alicante (España) Instituto Europeo (España) [email protected] Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari Università degli Sabancı University (Turkey) Studi di Padova (Italy) Lunch 13:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 17:00 15:30 – 17:00 15:30 – 17:00 Link: Link: Link: 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation Delivered in Spanish Chair: Leopoldo Medina Sánchez Chair: Isabel Orega Chair: Antonio Garcés Rodríguez (University of Granada) University of Algarve (Portugal) (University of Granada) La importancia de una aproximación contrastiva en la enseñanza de lenguas Why should I care? Building on Empathy and Social Justice in the A rapid instructional design methodology to virtualize English courses using afines: una perspectiva neurolingüística Language Classroom through Authentic Material PPP sequence and open resources FABIO LOPORCARO ELENA CARRIÓN-GUERRERO ROXANA REBOLLEDO FONT DE LA VALL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University of Granada (Spain) Boston University (USA) Universidad de Playa Ancha (Chile) Preferencias y creencias de aprendientes adultos de ELE The obstacles for inclusion in EFL teachers’ discourse Integrating the UN’s sustainable development goals in language teacher soBre feedBack correctivo oral, en relación a su nivel de competencia, de CANDY ANDREA VEAS FAÚNDEZ education ansiedad lingüística y a su género [email protected] RAMSÉS ORTÍN MARÍA ROMERO BONED University of Playa Ancha (Chile) [email protected] [email protected] The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (USA) Duke University, NC (USA) Multiplicidad de voces en la enseñanza del español a través de la justicia social Developing Reading in a Technology – Mediated TBLT Context Learning without Borders: Virtual Study ABroad as an Emergent New EVA GÓMEZ GARCÍA ISABEL OREGA Practice in Higher Education [email protected] [email protected] MARIANA STOYANOVA Brown University (USA) University of Algarve (Portugal) [email protected] JUAN A. ALCARRIA [email protected] Georgia College & State University (USA) Virtual Coffee Break 17:00 – 17:30 Opening plenary 17:30 – 18:30 Room: Zoom LANGUAGE AS SYMBOLIC POWER IN INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION CLAIRE KRAMSCH University of Berkeley (USA) Chair: Juan Ramón Guijarro Ojeda (University of Granada) Thursday 20 May 2021 9:30 – 11:00 9:30 – 11:00 9:30 – 11:00 Link: Link: Link: 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation 20-minute live-streamed presentation Delivered in Spanish Chair: Ana María Ramos García Chair: Cristina Pérez Valverde Chair: Rosana Corga Fernandes Durão (University of Granada) University of Granada (Spain) (University of Algarve) Competencia lingüística del estudiantado de Ciencias de la Educación A first approach to iconic female figures in Infant Education through MILAGE LEARN+: A Tool for Teaching Languages with CLIL in Higher JAVIER VILLORIA-PRIETO literature Education [email protected] ROCÍO DOMENE-BENITO MAURO FIGUEIREDO ANA MARÍA RAMOS GARCÍA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) Instituto Superior de Engenharia, University of Algarve (Portugal) University of Granada (Spain) ROSANA CORGA FERNANDES DURÃO, [email protected] University of Algarve (Portugal) El uso de canciones con alumnado de 7/8 años en el norte de Londres The use of ICT in the Foreign Language Teacher Training Course: Evidence Reexamination of Learners’ L2 Speech Fluency: A Study Based on the en la Agrupación de Lengua y Cultura Españolas, un programa de la from Cyprus Multimodal Learner Corpus Module Acción Educativa Española en el Exterior SVIATLANA KARPAVA SHIN ISHIKAWA RAFAEL MUÑOZ SOTELO [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University of Cyprus (Cyprus) Kobe University (Japan) University of Granada (Spain) La lectura estética de los álBumes ilustrados: inmersión emocional y Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety among Roma students in AlBania Testing an idea: from conceptualisation to implementation literaria en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua FJORJANA GJONI KIZZI EDENSOR COSTILLE extranjera [email protected] [email protected] ESTHER ALABAU RIVAS Ptoleme Xhuvani School (Albania) CRISCO, University of Caen
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