Ethnology: West Indies
122 / Handbook of Latin American Studies traditional hierarchies. Ties to the municipal market, small amounts of valley-grown maize center are loosened when hamlets build their and vegetables are exchanged for hiU prod own chapels. The associated rituals and ucts such as fruit. Many vendors prefer barter offices emphasize cooperation rather than le to cash sales, and the author concludes that gitimizing hierarchical status. Whether these the system is efficient. changes have been made in an attempt to 990 Young, James C.-Illness categories restrain inequalities created by moderniza and action strategies in a Tarascan town tion, as the author suggests, or to release (AAA/AE, 5; I, Feb. 1978, p. 81-97, Wbl., il- funds once enciunbered in rehgious ritual for lus., tables) capitalist operations, is an open question. In Pichátaro, Michoacán, Mex., formal 987 -------- . Land and labor in central eliciting procedines yielded 34 terms for ill Chiapas; a regional analysis (SP/DC, ness and 43 attributes. Hierarchical clustering 8:4, Oct. t977, p. 44t-4Ö3, bibl., map, tables) techniques then produced an organization of After surveying the development of the data that is roughly analogous to the tax commercial agriculture in Chiapas after iSzr, onomies of ethnosemantics. The underlying the author compares the differing ways that distinctions that appear to orgmize the data tenant farmers from’Zinacantan and day la are internal locus bf cause, seriousness, and borers from Chamula have been incorporated life-stage of the victim. Although the "hot- into the commercial sector. An analysis of cold" distinction is important in treatment, it class relations and confhcting interests is con is not so pervasive in the system as other trasted to Aguirre Beltrán's (see item 879) research in Mexico has suggested.
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