130497 Catalog.Pdf
Around the world, one brønd, stand,s al,one- breøking the . d,arhness with suþeri,or þraduct innoztation and custornsr seruice, Illuminati,ng thefar corners of the þlanet with the most recognized ti,ghting brand, in the i,nd,ustry. Pushi,ng the This 22nd, edition of the GE Lighting 9200 Lamþ catalog contains a comþrehensiae sel,ec- tion of lighting þroducts desi.gned to dekaer the maximum return on your lighting inaestment. We're committed to þroaiding the most comþlete ra,nge of þroducß aaailabl¿- to meet the unique, euer changing needs of our customers around the world. We'ue designed thi,s catalog with our 104 yeør tradition of quality in mind. In that time we'ae built our business @ heþingyou i,lluminate y617ys-in the most fficti,ve, cost need,. Because being the wwld,'s lighting lead,er i,s more th,an our liistory, it is our mission. Welcome to the nn-expanding world of GE Lighting products. o a o ÊE Lighting Section Introduction lncandescent I Halogen 2 H igh lntensity Discharge 3 Fluorescent 4 Electronic Ballasts 5 'o Compact Fluorescent 6 Stage and Studio 7 Appendix I This 22nd edition of the GE Lighting 9200 Lamp catalog has been totally redesigned to help you more easily select the GE Lighting products that best meet EPA does not endorse any product your needs. or service. iÐ All ratings and data are subject to change without notice. Technical drawings are not to scale. @ Copyright General Electric Company 1995 1 In addition, GE Lighting markets products such as wiring devices, refractory metals, rare gasses, o chemicals, q:uartz and phosphors for the elec- tronic, semiconductor, aerospace, computer and laser industries.
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