The Bulletin O F T H E S O C I E T Y F O R a M E R I C a N M U S I C F O U N D E D I N H O N O R O F O S C a R G
The Bulletin OF THE S OCIETY FOR A MERIC A N M U S IC FOUNDED IN HONOR OF O S C A R G . T. S ONNECK Vol. XXXV, No. 1 Winter 2009 Denver Update tations and performances covering the night events: the traditional SAM Sacred entire historical, ethnic, geographic, and Harp Sing and the induction of the 2009 stylistic range of American music. We are honorary member Tony Isaacs, founder particularly glad to note that the main and chief recordist of Indian House Re- themes of the conference—Native Ameri- cords, which will follow the sing. Isaacs can music and music in the West—are has recorded the music of Native Ameri- very well represented on the program. No can singers and drummers for over forty fewer than seven sessions will be devoted years, and Indian House has one of the to Native American/First Nations/Indig- largest catalogues of recorded native mu- enous musical traditions of the United sic making available commercially. He will States, Canada, and Mexico, surely a first present a lecture on the Plains music of for SAM. And sessions devoted to topics the powwow, illustrated with live perfor- as wide-ranging as Canadian compos- mances by a prominent Colorado drum ers, Cage and Sousa, popular music in and singing group. On Friday after lunch, Los Angeles, music in Colorado and the Buffalo Bill’s Cowboy band, featuring Pacific Northwest, Julius Eastman and performers from Wyoming and Montana, experimental music in New York City, will present a visually illustrated and nar- 18th- and 19th-century repertories, film rated concert of the music of Buffalo Bill’s music, and musical theater also appear on outdoor traveling Wild West Show, which the program.
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