2012・9・16 PM6:00 ※Japanese Text, That Is Excluding Western Text

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2012・9・16 PM6:00 ※Japanese Text, That Is Excluding Western Text 「ミレー」 「成吉思汗」 「国語の変遷」 「サン・ペテルスブルグの夜話」 「歴史における個人の役割」 「さらば愛しき女よ」 「昭和経済史」 「銃・病原菌・鉄」 2012・9・16 PM6:00 「本づくりの常識・非常識」 RRR U、R 1) 「いやでも楽しめる算数」 R 「ぎりぎり合格への論文マニュアル」 R,U* Tr,U* 「超・文章法」 「横書き登場」 「5分で楽しむ数学50話」 「戦後日本経済史」 「一冊でつかめる!中国近現代史」 「小説作法ABC」 「文字講座」 「デフレの正体」 10 09 09 09 08 07 03 02 01 01 00 00 86 76 58 48 41 40 39 「刑務所なう」 「さっさと不況を終わらせろ 12 12 「円のゆくえを問い直す」 「新版論文の教室」 「不愉快な真実」 1 ページ RRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MVO SVO R R HO Glyph Example Name of character FULL WIDTH(half width) WIDTH(half FULL 21 FF01 mark Exclamation ! ! U U R U UUUUUUUU UUU U UUUUU 20 U R R 0000..001F U U R 22 FF02 Quotation mark " " U U R R 002A FF0A Asterisk * * U U R UU U U UU UU U U 23 FF03 Number sign # # U U R U 25 FF05 Percent sign % % U U RUUU UU UUUUU UUU 24 FF04 sign Dollar $ $ U U R U 29 FF09 Right parenthesis ) ) U 002C FF0C Comma , , U U R R RU* 002E FF0E Full stop . . U U R R R 002D FF0D Hyphen-Minus - - U R R R U 002B FF0B Plus sign + + U U R 003F FF1F Question mark ? ? U U R UUUUUUUUUUUUUU U UU U 003E FF1E Greater-than > > U U R R R R 28 FF08 Left parenthesis ( ( U 27 FF07 Apostrophe ' ' U U R 26 FF06 Ampersand & & U U R UUU U U 0041..005A FF21..FF3A A~Z U U R 0040 FF20 Commertial at @ @ U U R 発行年 YEAR PUBLISHED 12 12 12 http://unicode.org/reports/tr50/tr50-5.Orientation.txt 縦中横も除外する。L′(L Prime)は縦中横なのでこの場合のPrimeはUとはしない。-1を縦中横にしているときも同じで「-」は横書き中とみなす Z=14が全体として横倒しのときも除外。 ※Japanese Text, that is excluding western text. 横倒し文脈の中の記号類は除外する。長さには関係なく。 002F FF0F Solidus / / U U R UU UUUU U R U 003A FF1A Colon : : U U RRRRRR R RR 0030..0039FF10..FF19 0~9 U U R 003B FF1B Semicolon ; ; U U R R RU* U 003D FF1D Equals = = U U RRRRRRRRRRRR RR 003C FF1C Less-than sign < < U U R R R 005B FF3B Left square Bracket [ [ U R R R R R R R 005C FF3C Reverse Solidus \ \ U U R 005D FF3D Right Square Bracket ] ] U R R R R R R R 005E FF3E Circumflex accent ^ ^ U U R 005F FF3F Low line _ _ U R R 0060 FF40 Grave Acent ` ` U U R 0061..007A FF41~FF5A 小文字a~z U U R 007B FF5B Left curly bracket { { U R R R 007C FF5C, FFE8(half)Vertical line | | U U R 007D FF5D Right curly bracket } } U R R R 007E Tilde ~ U U R FF5E Tilde(Full width) ~ U Tr Tr 007F..009F U U R 00A0 U R R 00A1 ¡ U U R 00A2 ¢ U U R 00A3 POUND SIGN £ U U R 00A4 U U R 00A5 YEN SIGN \ U U R 00A6 U U R 00A7 § U U U U 00A8 Dieresis ¨ U U R 00A9 © U U U U 00AA U U R 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION« U MARK R R 00AC U U R 00AD U U R 00AE ® U U U 00AF Macron ¯ U U R 00B0 DEGREE SIGN ° U U U 00B1 U U U 00B2 U U R 00B3 U U R 00B4 U U R 00B5 U U R 00B6 ¶ U U U U 00B7 middle dot (Western) · U U R 00B8 U U R 00B9 U U R 00BA U U R 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION» U MARKR R 00BC U U U 00BD U U U 00BE U U U 00BF ¿ U U R 00C0..00D6 U U R 2 ページ 00D7 U U U 00D8..00F6 U U R 00F7 Division sign ÷ U U U R U U R 00F8..00FF U U R 0100..017F U U R 0180..024F U U R 0250..02AF U U R 02D8 Breve ˘ U U R 02DD Double accute accent ˝ U U R 02B0..02E4 U U R 02E5 U U U 02E6 U U U 02E7 U U U 02E8 U U U 02E9 U U U 02EA U U U 02EB U U U 02EC..02FF U U R 0300..036F U U R 0370..03FF U U R 03B1 α U U RU UU R 03B7 η U U R R 03C0 π U U R U RU 03C1 ρ U U R R 03C7 χ U U R R 03DB ϛ U U R U 0400..04FF U U R 0500..052F U U R 0530..0589 U U R 058A U R R 058B..058F U U R 0590..05BD U U R 05BE U R R 05BF..05FF U U R 0600..06FF U U R 0700..074F U U R 0750..077F U U R 0780..07BF U U R 07C0..07FF U U R 0800..083F U U R 0840..085F U U R 0860..089F U U R 08A0..08FF U U R 0900..097F U U R 0980..09FF U U R 0A00..0A7F U U R 3 ページ 0A80..0AFF U U R 0B00..0B7F U U R 0B80..0BFF U U R 0C00..0C7F U U R 0C80..0CFF U U R 0D00..0D7F U U R 0D80..0DFF U U R 0E00..0E7F U U R 0E80..0EFF U U R 0F00..0FFF U U R 1000..109F U U R 10A0..10FF U U R 1100..11FF U U U 1200..137F U U R 1380..139F U U R 13A0..13FF U U R 1400 U R R 1401..167F U U U 1680..169F U R R 16A0..16FF U U R 1700..171F U U R 1720..173F U U R 1740..175F U U R 1760..177F U U R 1780..17FF U U R 1800..18AF L U U 18B0..18FF U U U 1900..194F U U R 1950..197F U U R 1980..19DF U U R 19E0..19FF U U R 1A00..1A1F U U R 1A20..1AAF U U R 1B00..1B7F U U R 1B80..1BBF U U R 1BC0..1BFF U U R 1C00..1C4F U U R 1C50..1C7F U U R 1CC0..1CCF U U R 1CD0..1CFF U U R 1D00..1D7F U U R 1D80..1DBF U U R 1DC0..1DFF U U R 1E00..1EFF U U R 1F00..1FFF U U R 2000..200A U R R 4 ページ 200B..200F U U R 2010 Hyphen ‐ U R R R RU、R R 2011 Non-breaking hyphen ‑ U R R 2012 Figure dash ‒ U R R 2013 En dash – U R RR R R RRR URR 2014 EM dash — U R RRRRR RRRRRRRRR U、R RRRRRRRR 2015 Horizontal bar ― U R R U 2016 Double vertical bar ‖ U U U 2017 Double low line ‗ U U U 2018 Left single quotation ‘ U R T R 2019 Right single quotation ’ U R T R 201A Single low-9 quatation mark ‚ U R R 201B Single High Reversed-9 quatation mark‛ U R R 201C Left double quatation mark “ U R RRR R UR R 201D Right double quatation mark ” U R R R R R U R R 201E Double low-9 quatation mark „ U R R 201F Double High Reversed-9 quatation mark‟ U R R 2020 Daggar † U U UUU UU 2021 Double daggar ‡ U U U U 2022 Bullet • U U U 2023 Triangular bullet ‣ U U U 2024 One dot leader ․ U RR 2025 Two dot leader ‥ U R R 2026 ※ Horizontal Elipsis … U R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R 2027 Hyphnation point ‧ U U R 2028..2029 U U R 202A..202E U U R 202F U R R 2030 PER MILLE SIGN ‰ U U U 2031 ‱ U U U 2032 Prime ′ U U U U 2033 Double prime ″ U U U 2034 Triple prime ‴ U U U 2035 Reversed prime ‵ U U U 2036 ‶ U U U 2037 ‷ U U U 2038 Caret ‸ U U R 2039 Single left pointing angle quotation mark‹ U R R 203A Single right pointing angle quotation mark› U R R U 203B ※ U U U U 203C ‼ U U UU U 203D ‽ U U U 203E ‾ U U R 203F ‿ U R R 2040 ″ U R R 2041 ⁁ U U R 5 ページ 2042 ⁂ U U U 2043 ⁃ U U U 2044 ⁄ U R R 2045 ⁅ U R R 2046 ⁆ U R R 2047 ⁇ U U U 2048 ⁈ U U U 2049 ⁉ U U U U U 204A U U R 204B U U R 204C U U R 204D U U R 204E U U R 204F U U R 2050 U U R 2051 ⁑ U U U 2052 U U R 2053 U U R 2054 U R R 2055 U U R 2056 U U R 2057 U U U 2058 U U R 2059 U U R 205A U U R 205B U U R 205C U U R 205D U U R 205E U U R 205F U R R 2060..2064 U U R 2065 U U U 2066 U U U 2067 U U U 2068 U U U 2069 U U U 206A..206F U U R 2070..209F U U R 20A0..20AB U U U 20AC EURO SIGN € U U U 20AD..20CF U U U 20D0..20FF U U U 2100 U U U 2101 U U U 2102 U U U 2103 DEGREE CELSIUS ℃ U U U U U 6 ページ 2104 U U U 2105 U U U 2106 U U U 2107 U U U 2108 U U U 2109 U U U 210A U U U 210B U U U 210C U U U 210D U U U 210E U U U 210F U U U 2110 U U U 2111 U U U 2112 U U U 2113 SCRIPT SMALL L U U U 2114 U U U 2115 U U U 2116 NUMERO SIGN U U U 2117 U U U 2118 U U R 2119 U U U 211A U U U 211B U U U 211C U U U 211D U U U 211E U U U 211F U U U 2120 U U U 2121 U U U 2122 U U U 2123 U U U 2124 U U U 2125 U U U 2126 U U U 2127 U U U 2128 U U U 2129 U U U 212A U U U 212B U U U 212C U U U 212D U U U 212E U U U 212F U U U 2130 U U U 2131 U U U 7 ページ 2132 U U U 2133 U U U 2134 U U U 2135 U U U 2136 U U U 2137 U U U 2138 U U U 2139 U U U 213A U U U 213B U U U 213C U U U 213D U U U 213E U U U 213F U U U 2140 U U R 2141 U U R 2142 U U R 2143 U U R 2144 U U R 2145 U U U 2146 U U U 2147 U U U 2148 U U U 2149 U U U 214A U U U 214B U U R 214C U U U 214D U U U 214E U U U 214F U U U 2150..215F Vulgar fraction 1/7~ U U U 2160..217F Roman numerals ⅠⅡ~ U U UU UU U 2180..218F U U U 2190 ← U U R ? 2191 ↑ U U R U1) U? 2192 → U U RRRRRRR R?,RRR R 2193 ↓ U U R ? 2194 ↔ U U R 2195 ↕ U U R 2196 ↖ U U R 2197 ↗ U U R 2198 ↘ U U R 2199 ↙ U U R 219A..21FF U U R 21D4 ⇔ U U RR 2200..2211 U U R 8 ページ 2211 N-Array Summation ∑ U U R U U 2212 Minus sign - U U R U 2213 U U R 2214 U U R 2215 U U R 2216-22FF Division slash / U U R 221A Square root √ U U R U 222B Integral ∫ U U R U 2300..2307 U U U 2308..230B U U R 230C..231F U U U 2320 U U R 2321 U U R 2322..2328 U U U 2329 U R U 232A U R U 232B U U U 232C..237C U U R 237D..239A U U U 239B..23B3 U U R 23B4..23B6 U U U 23B7..23B9 U U R 23BA..23CF U U U 23D0 U U R 23D1..23DB U U U 23DC..23E1 U U R 23E2..23FF U U U 2400..243F U U U 2440..245F U U U 2460..2469 ①~ U U U U UU UUU 246A..24FF U U U 24D0 ⓐ U U U U 2500..257F U R R 2580..259F U R R 25A0..25B2 U U R 25B2 ▲ U U R U 25B3 △ U U R UUU 25B4..25FF U U R 25BC ▼ U U R U 25BD ▽ U U R U 2600..2604 U U U 2605 ★ U U UU U U 2606 ☆ U U U UU U 2607..2619 U U U 261A..261F U U R 2620..26FF U U U 9 ページ 2700..2767 U U U 2768..2775 U R U 2776..2793 ❶ U U U U 2794..27BF U U R 27C0..27C4 U U R 27C5..27C6 U R R 27C7..27E5 U U R 27E6..27EF U R R 27F0..27FF U U R 2800..28FF U U U 2900..297F U U R 2980..2982 U U R 2983..2998 U R R 2999..29D7 U U R 29D8..29DB U R R 29DC..29FB U U R 29FC..29FD U R R 29FE..29FF U U R 2A00..2AFF U U R 2B00..2B11 U U R 2B12..2B2F U U U 2B30..2B4C U U R 2B4D..2BFF U U U 2C00..2C5F U U R 2C60..2C7F U U R 2C80..2CFF U U R 2D00..2D2F U U R 2D30..2D7F U U R 2D80..2DDF U U R 2DE0..2DFF U U R 2E00..2E16 U U R 2E17 U R R 2E18..2E19 U U R 2E1A U R R 2E1B..2E1F U U R 2E20..2E21 U R R 2E22..2E25 U R R 2E26..2E29 U R R 2E2A..2E39 U U R 2E3A U R R 2E3B U R R 2E3C..2E7F U U R 2E80..2EFF U U U 2F00..2FDF U U U 2FE0..2FEF U U U 2FF0..2FFF U U U 10 ページ 3000 U R U 3001 FF64(half width)IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA 、 U Tu Tu U* 3002 FF61(half width)IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP 。 U Tu Tu U* 3003 Ditto mark 〃 U U U U 3004 U U U 3005 IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK U U U 3006 〆 U U U U 3007 U U U 3008 Left angle bracket 〈 U Tr Tr RR RR RRR R RR 3009 Right angle bracket 〉 U Tr Tr RR RR RRR R RR 300A LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET 《 U Tr Tr R R R R 300B 》 U Tr Tr R R R R 300C 「 U Tr TrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 300D 」 U Tr TrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 300E 『 U Tr TrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R 300F 』 U Tr TrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R 3010 【 U Tr Tr R R R R R 3011 】 U Tr Tr R R R R R 3012 U U U 3013 U U U 3014 〔 U Tr TrR R RRR RRR 3015 〕 U Tr TrR R
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  • Katakana Range: 30A0–30FF
    Katakana Range: 30A0–30FF This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See https://www.unicode.org/errata/ for an up-to-date list of errata. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/ for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-14.0/ for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See https://www.unicode.org/Public/14.0.0/charts/ for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See https://www.unicode.org/ucd/ and https://www.unicode.org/reports/ A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation.
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  • PDF/Unicode-14.0/ for Charts Showing Only the Characters Added in Unicode 14.0
    Hiragana Range: 3040–309F This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See https://www.unicode.org/errata/ for an up-to-date list of errata. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/ for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-14.0/ for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See https://www.unicode.org/Public/14.0.0/charts/ for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See https://www.unicode.org/ucd/ and https://www.unicode.org/reports/ A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation.
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  • Section 18.1, Han
    The Unicode® Standard Version 12.0 – Core Specification To learn about the latest version of the Unicode Standard, see http://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trade- mark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc., in the United States and other countries. The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this specification, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The Unicode Character Database and other files are provided as-is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine applicability of information provided. © 2019 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction. For information regarding permissions, inquire at http://www.unicode.org/reporting.html. For information about the Unicode terms of use, please see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. The Unicode Standard / the Unicode Consortium; edited by the Unicode Consortium. — Version 12.0. Includes index. ISBN 978-1-936213-22-1 (http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode12.0.0/) 1.
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