December 2013 Offi cial Publication of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club turkey day Volume 86 • Number 12 regatta Rich Roberts photos BYC: where careers are born Pease Glaser, Pete Melvin and the Golisons are longtime Alamitos Bay Yacht Club members whose names are Afamiliar in world sailing, but competitors from beyond Long Beach also have found ABYC to be a launching pad for full-on careers in the sport. A few upped their eminence in the 66th annual Turkey Day Regatta Saturday and Sunday, one of several nationally geared events staged by the club. Max Brill and crew Zach Malcolm from San Diego fought off Quinn Wilson and Riley Gibbs from Santa Barbara and ABYC, respectively, to win the skiff competition geared for youthful prospects. Seven of the 29er teams, tutored by ABYC member Howard Hamlin, a world champion in three high-performance classes, will go on to compete in the Orange Bowl Regatta at Miami after Christmas, followed by the 29er Nationals and potential qualifying for the ISAF Worlds in Portugal next year. Meanwhile, Matthew Long from Santa Barbara overcame an 11th place in the fi rst race to win four of the next six and edge ABYC’s veteran Kevin Taugher by one point. Matt Struble of San Diego repeated his sweep in the A-Class Lucas Pierce and crew Evan North Americans at ABYC last August by winning all seven Heffernan of Santa Barbara lead 29ers into windward races, followed closely by Melvin with six seconds and a third. Now they are working together to boost their chances in next February’s A-Cat Worlds in New Zealand that Melvin has won twice. New Zealand? Melvin, a partner with Gino Morelli in the Orange County-based design operation, spent much of the last two years Down Under as lead designer for Emirates Team New Zealand’s near-miss America’s Cup campaign. Now he’s back living in Huntington Beach and resuming his personal sailing career. “Next time I think [the AC] will be run with smaller, less expensive boats to get more teams involved,” he said. Meanwhile, as for Struble’s prospects, Melvin said, “He’s an exceptional and dedicated sailor and a great engineer through his work with Nissan.” Glaser, an Olympic silver medalist, and her husband Jay (ditto), also are in the sailing business as Glaser Sails, whose product many of the 137 boats wore this weekend. She and crew Damon LaCasella won fi ve of the seven F-18 catamaran races, which were almost as much fun as the Olympics even if the usually reliable Long Beach breeze failed to stir any whitecaps all weekend. “But the racing was really close,” she said. “There was a lot of place changing.”

With America's Cup behind him, Pete Melvin was back ...continued page 6 on an A-Cat inside save the date Commodore’s Comments ...... 2 Tree Trimming Party/Happy Hour ...... December 6 Vice Verses ...... 3 MSG/RMC/Social ...... December 11 Rear View ...... 4 Christmas Party ...... December 15 Membership Report ...... 4 Boat Parade...... December 21 Junior Sailing ...... 5 Swing Dance Lessons ...... January 10 Turkey Day Report ...... 7 Ukelele Lessons ...... January 15 Fleet News...... 9-11 Membership Meeting ...... January 17

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 1 commodore’scompass

he construction has started! The ramp and docks are gone and are replaced by a very large crane and barge. As of this writing, the dredging is complete and the project will T be moving on to the noisy piling installation phase. Our members have taken great interest in the construction and have formed a committee GOSSIP “The Grand Order of Seawall Supervisors” headed by Sue and Dave Crockett. They are keep a ship’s log of all the activity and are reporting out to the membership. Feel free to join them for donuts and coffee in the morning or bring your lunch down to the club and get caught up. GOSSIP has made friends with the construction team and our burgee is prominently fl ying on the crane. In early November, the Social Advisory Committee held an important planning meeting for the construction timeframe. We’ve decided on a theme “Back to the Future” as the construction is taking us back to our roots of launching boats off the beach! The plan is to weave this theme into our activities over the next few months. Our fi rst event, the “Kick-Out Party” was a roaring success – we look good in our construction supervisor clothes. Dana Bell had the most useful tool belt complete with bottle opener and corkscrew – what else would a yachtie need? December is booked with the traditional holiday parties: Lido Fleet, Cal 20 Fleet, Sr. /Keelboat Fleets, and ABYC Christmas Party. Please come and join in the celebration. There are some new fun classes in the pipeline ukulele lessons and swing dance lessons (work on your dancing skills for the Rat Pack Party in February). Race Management and the Board has spent many hours discussing regatta logistics, rewriting the Notice of Race and worrying if anyone would show up. Where to launch boats, how to move people to those boats, will trailers move on the beach??? Well, the junior’s solved most of the problems for us. In October, they moved the CFJs to the beach and have been sailing off the beach in the CFJs, Lasers and Sabots. The only big issue they’ve had is the tide. The junior whaler got stranded high and dry during a lunch break – but with team effort it made it back into the water. And, Turkey Day – 154 boats strong all launching off the beach or at other locations throughout the bay. Many thanks to the Cal 20 fl eet and Steve George for a fantastic job! The regatta went really well with most competitors saying they liked launching off the beach. We had a few minor hitches….cars on the beach and a non-member junior being stuck in the elevator…but over all a GREAT event. Many thanks for our PROs Bob Anderson and Martyn Bookwalter for a job well done. Also, many thanks to the club staff for a fantastic turkey dinner during the regatta. The night prior to Turkey Day Regatta was our Celebration of Champions. Again, many thanks to the Cal 20 Fleet, Patty Nash and Jeff Merrill for organizing a wonderful evening. Congratulations to all the Burgee and Bill Ringer Award recipients. ABYC had another commendable year and brought home many championship titles. Welcome Allie our new junior director! Please take a moment and introduce yourself to her. She has a remarkable racing and coaching background and we are very lucky to have her join the ABYC team. She has already brought some great ideas to the junior program and we look forward to seeing our junior program grow under her leadership. We all owe a tremendous THANK YOU to Jennifer Golison for her volunteer work as the interim Junior Director. The theme for the Naples Boat Parade is Vintage Christmas. This goes well with our “Back to the Future” activities so we’re starting in early December with the annual tree trimming evening – please wear your ugly Christmas sweaters and, if you like to bake, bring three dozen cookies for a cookie exchange. We’re going to try to create a vintage look for our tree. Bennie Schwegler, Martyn Bookwalter and Ed Spotskey are collaborating on the fl oat design for the parade. If you interested in helping with the fl oat, please contact Robin Townsend. The Board had a long meeting in November. We had many important decisions to make. Our insurance broker, Susan Stinson, came and reviewed our insurance coverage and explained potential liabilities. We will be working on improving our procedures around using club trailers, borrowing boats and our employee manual. The yard was a major discussion. The Grounds Committee has been hard at work for several months studying and pricing paving options for the boat yard. The Board voted to pursue repaying the yard with asphalt. Although we all preferred the concrete vision, the cost was prohibitive for us. We have funds available in the Leasehold Capital Trust Fund and the repaving will meet the requirements of one of our milestone capital improvements under our lease with the City so, barring any unforeseen issues related to permitting or other requirements, the project will go forward. More information will be forthcoming as the project steps are decided. We also approved funding for the boat ramp, new hoist wings and railing that are upgrades needed as part of the City’s dock replacement project. At the Board meeting, we discussed our early memories of the club. The best description was that the club was like the Taj Mahal to us as young sailors. It was perfect for what we wanted as juniors! So, our goal as a Board is to bring the club back to its former glory. Last year we tackled the deck. This year, new docks, new pavement, new ramp and a lot of paint to the outside of the club house will go a long way to get us to that goal. If you’re missing sailing this winter, please get in touch with a Vice Commodore Chuck Clay as there are lots of on-shore projects to be completed before Opening Day. Jennifer Kuritz

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 2 viceverses obble Gobble!! We have just completed our 66th annual Turkey Day Regatta hosted by the Cal 20 fl eet. As you all know, the basin is being rebuilt and this was the fi rst regatta G where we had to go back to “the days” when beach launching was the norm. This did not deter the participants that topped out at around 147! Steve George is the Cal 20 Fleet Captain, and as the man in charge he had all of the volunteers strategically placed. We had a team at ABYC helping unload boats and helping with trailers, we had another team on the beach helping get their dollies down to the beach and the boats rigged, then we had a team over at LBYC hoist helping launch the Vipers and Lidos. The key to the success was having a TON of volunteers to help! Thanks to the Cal 20 fl eet and all the volunteers the ABYC staff and PRO Martyn Bookwalter and Bob Anderson. As the basin is being rebuilt, we are aggressively working to get the yard and parking lot resurfaced. The Board of Directors has approved to move forward with getting bids for asphalt. We are in the process of getting 3 bids to present to the Board of Directors for fi nal approval. The original goal of the yard committee was to put a plan together that would allow us to install concrete (PCC) but this was very expensive and would have triggered an assessment to the membership. Per the Bylaws, the membership would need to have a 2/3 approval and would be paid over a 24 -month term. The Board agreed that the assessment of $44 per month would not be in the best interest of the membership and voted against the concrete option. The goal is to have the yard completed by Opening Day! As we plan to resurface the yard, please make sure that your trailer is in good working condition, and all of the personal items are cleared out. Once the time comes to start moving boats, we will be asking members to make sure that their boat can easily be moved to take home during the resurfacing time. This will help the team of volunteers that it is going to take to move all of the boats. It will also ensure that no damage will occur if you take it home! SAC has some great events planned for the coming months, please keep a eye out for announcements, and invite a guest or two down to see the club! Our membership is down and we are always looking for new members to join the ABYC family! From Trish, Chelsea and myself we would like to wish you a safe holiday season and hopefully you get some time to get out on the water or down to the club to enjoy! Remember ABYC is THE place to BE… Cheers, Chuck Clay

Sou’Wester DEADLINE Help us to Help you! Please keep your e-mail address current December 22, 2013 is the deadline with [email protected] to receive all for the January Sou’Wester. of the weekly news and events. Thank you.


Commodore Jennifer Kuritz Treasurer Nicole Peoples [email protected] Vice Commodore Chuck Clay Junior Commodores Emily Golison [email protected] Fleet Surgeon Angela Allbright Rear Commodore Latham Bell [email protected] Judge Advocate Tom Ramsey Jr. Staff Commodore Mike Baumann [email protected] Fleet Chaplain Don Reiman Fleet Captain Steve Smith [email protected] Port Captain Dave Myers/Kevin Brown Secretary Jeff McDermaid Sou’wester Editor/Layout Sharon Pearson [email protected] Directors [email protected] Junior Program Dave Michaelis Weekly Reader Glenn Selvin [email protected] [email protected] Membership Cindy Heavrin [email protected] ABYC Phone (562) 434-9955 Volunteers Paul Anctil Homepage [email protected] Email [email protected]

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 3 fl eet captain’slog

s you already know if you’ve visited the club since early November, Patience and several of our whalers have been moved temporally to the long dock adjacent to Long Beach A Yacht Club. While there, our boats will be treated to regular in-water hull cleanings courtesy of Rich Vaught. Many thanks Rich, for your generous service! Being assigned oversight of our fl eet of vessels, I thought I would take a closer look at the state of our fl eet with the help of Eric Redmond George Caddle and Chuck Hardin. One comes to appreciate what we are responsible to maintain, as we own; Patience, three 20ft. Outrage model whalers, six 17ft. whalers, four 13 ft. whalers, the New Bay Barge, the old Bay Barge, eleven trailers of various sizes and confi gurations and six wooden dollies on casters to hold our 17 & 13 ft. whalers. Just keeping track of the DMV registrations and property tax bills is daunting, let alone keeping the motors running, bilge pumps pumping and bottoms clean. So, when you see Eric, Rick, Chuck and George around the yard, please say thanks for keeping our fl eet ship-shape! Please extend kudos to Dominic Meo and his comrades for putting together a fl eet of four former Olympic Class Tempests that competed in the Halloween Regatta. Dominic has created a colorful website: http://www.usitalongbeach. org/ and I’ve seen him and other enthusiastic volunteers working to bring these sleek, single keelboats back into fi ghting trim. I need to sit down with Dominic to fi nd out how he’s been able to accomplish this feat, but in the meantime, I enjoyed trying to catch him and the other Tempests racing in the Portsmouth fl eet and hope we may see more Tempests racing at ABYC in the future. As a result of the recent ABYC Yard Sale, we decided to deal with a few boats sitting abandoned in our boatyard. With this in mind, I’d like all of us who store boats in the ABYC boatyard to review the ABYC Yard Rules once in awhile. Since we no longer receive paper copies of the Yearbook, we may not know where to fi nd the Yard Rules today…it’s easy. Go to the ABYC website; click the Members link at the upper right. Enter your Charge Number and your Password. Click on Member Login/Password Help if you have not set-up a Password. When you see the ABYC Membership page, click on Basin 5/Dry Storage in the left hand column. Once there, you’ll see Yard Rules in the drop down menu. The Rules are not heavy reading and I have no doubt many of us will fi nd information we were not fully aware of. FLEET FEEDBACK: Newspapers have a Letters to the Editor section. How about Feedback to the Fleet Captain? Send your questions, comments, complaints, suggestions or kudos to me at: [email protected] . Regardless of whether your responses are printed in the Fleet Captain Sou’Wester section, I will respond to your letters and answer your questions to the best of my ability. I look forward to hearing from you. Steven Smith

membership report ith all the activity going on in the basin now is an exciting time to invite guests down to the club and see the construction in action. Tour the club and talk about our roots and how we are going “Back to the Future” by W launching off the beach as we did in the early years of our club history, and our future new docks and paved yard. ABYC is the place to be and bringing guests down to the club is a great way to showoff what we have to offer. Some new activities on the calendar for you and your guests starting Friday, January 10th, in conjunction with happy hour there will be swing dance lesson from 7 until 8 pm. Then get ready for Rat Pack with two more swing dance lessons on Friday January 24th, and again on Friday February 7th. Then starting in January on the 15th and continuing monthly on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays there will be Ukulele lessons on the quarter deck. The ukulele lessons with a sing-a-long will be from 6:30 until 8:00p.m., and cost $5.00 per session. Invite a guest to these activities and come have some fun! The board of directors has approved for posting Pam Ratzlaff, for regular membership, Sponsor Kathy Reed. Congratulations to our new members elected to membership: John Virtue, Regular member Sponsor Chris Raab, Andrew Person, Junior member, Sponsor Howard Hamlin, and Scott Palmer member, Sponsor Jon Robinson. If you have a candidate for membership that would like a tour of the club or want to get started in the membership application process, contact Membership Chairman Dana Bell at [email protected] or Cindy Heavrin at cmheavrin@verizon. net. Cindy Heavrin

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 4 the bay clogger (junior sailing)

BYC Junior Sailors have been working hard this past month. Countless hours have been spent on the water getting as much training time in before the Holiday A season. Our Sabot sailors just fi nished up their fall practices and are eager for the spring to begin. We have a group of new Radial sailors looking to spend as much time in their boats as they can, whether mom and dad like it or not. Keep on the lookout for these rock stars to be at all the events this coming season. Our high school sailors have been out on the water till dark working hard for the next big event which happens to be in their home waters. The Rose Bowl regatta, which includes college sailing teams, is the biggest event for our sailors this season. Everyone will be sailing outside off the Belmont Pier this year so bring your chairs and come cheer on our sailors! There is a lot being planned for our upcoming season. Everything from our Spring Sabot and FJ sailing to our new Laser program and even some 29er clinics are in the works. Check the website for information on regattas and practices for each fl eet! See you all on the water Allie Blecher Jenn Golison photos junior board n case you didn’t know, the Junior Board’s current ongoing fundraiser is the eco-friendly sail recycling. All in one, it helps keep your garage Iand boat clean, keeps old sails out of landfi lls, and raises money for the Junior Fund all at the same time. The juniors collect old sails of any size, from sabot to 70-footer; in any condition, no matter how blown out; and out of any material, from old Dacron to Kevlar to spinnaker cloth. Simply bring them down to the club at your convenience and and deposit them in the handy dandy collection bin in the junior room. We ship our collected sails to Sea Bags of Maine who makes totes, duffl es and other gear out of our sails. Our customized gear is always on sale at the ABYC boutique and at selected general meetings and other events. A new batch of items arrived earlier this month, so come on down to the club for your holiday shopping. Make your spouse happy by purging your garage rafters of those old sails that you didn’t have the heart to throw out, but didn’t know what to do with. Jenn Golison

junior perspective uring the weekend of November 2 I sailed the Junior Commodore’s Cup, also the second weekend of the north series down in Mission Bay. I had Mark Gaudio as my Sabot coach. I was the only ABYC Sabot sailor with Ryan D Schack sailing Lasers. It was a light weekend with the wind ranging from 5-10 knots and occasionally the wind died in the middle of the race. While down there I saw some of my friends that used to sail Sabots but jumped into a Laser and this made me want to try out the Laser. On the fi rst day I placed 12th out of 22 boats and on the second day I improved to 10th place overall. Bradley Clinton

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 5 more ...from page 1 turkey day Rich Roberts photos

More important, in the face of the massive Basin 5 reconstruction in progress at ABYC was the satisfactory turnout of dedicated competitors, despite the lack of the usual docks, hoists and launching ramps. “I think the club did a great job in getting everybody sailing off the beach and whatever else they had to do to get their boats in the water,” she said. “The race committee did a lot of good work out there.” Also noteworthy, Jay Golison, with fellow ABYC regular Steve Flam and daughter Marissa as crew, fought off TV host James Sears, the defending champion, to win the last six of seven races in the fast- developing 640 class. There were no trophies, but that’s standard for Turkey Day. Instead, winners received pies and birds ready to roast. Participants also enjoyed a Thanksgiving theme feast Saturday night, included in the entry fee. Jay Golison (r.) and Jim Sears were a close 1-2 in Viper 640s The larger boats, including Vipers, Finns, Lasers and A-Class and , raced on the outer Long Beach Harbor inside the breakwater; Lido 14s and Naples Sabots raced inside on the bay. The regatta included two events of the Southern California Youth Yacht Racing Association (SCYYRA) 2013-2014 season for sailors under 19: the Ullman/Frost Series for Lasers and Laser Radials and the Hamlin Series for 29er skiffs. MEDIA CONTACT Rich Roberts [email protected]

Pease Glaser and crew Damon LaCasella won the F-18s

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 6 turkeyday OW…. If you missed it, we had a picture perfect weekend with a fantastic Wgroup of volunteers that helped pull off the regatta of the year (137 boats) while making this look like it was all planed this way in the fi rst place. This year’s Turkey Day Regatta presented us with numerous challenges that seem to disappear as the regatta got under way. Since we did not have a dock or hoists or launch ramp, we made it work with a little help from our fi ends. LBYC provided a hoist and docks for race committee boats, Vipers and ’s. The Sailing Center allowed us to use their hoist for our whalers and everyone’s Coach Boats and our neighbors along the beach provided us a very large boat launching area and overnight storage. In fact, the beach Winner, winner Turkey dinner. Brett Peoples turned out to be a big hit among the competitors is now a B! because they did not have to fi ght for the 20 foot wide launch ramp. While I would like to name names, the list of volunteers was larger than normal, over 60 people, and this was not a normal regatta, it would take up a page to list everyone, but I do want to say that if you did volunteer, we could not have done it without you and the Cal20 fl eet and ABYC Commodore Jennifer Kuritz and Patty Nash owes you a BIG THANK YOU! We had volunteers spread all over the place, on the shop for turkey trophies. roads, in the parking lots, at the beach, at LBYC doc, LBYC hoist, Sailing Center and at the club. Again we could not have done without the big support of all the Volunteers, LBYC, Sailing Center and our neighbors. THANK YOU! If you have not volunteered before, please do so, it’s a great way to meet people at the club and it can be a lot of fun and it really helps build the club, every event always could use more people to help out. Regatta Chairperson, Steve George Cal 20 Fleet Captain you’re stillin time... o contribute to the Staff Christmas Fund (ED: but please hurry) It is our tradition to collect an annual Christmas Fund to divide among the staff. This fund is our club’s T traditional alternative to tipping for services as you go, and provides you the opportunity to express your appreciation for the staff’s willing support. First, a heartfelt thank you to all the members and friends of the club who have contributed to the Staff Christmas Fund. Our staff works hard to make ABYC a club you can enjoy and be proud of. All members should have received a donation letter and return envelope in the mail Thanksgiving week. If you did not get a letter, please contact the club offi ce for a donation envelope, or you may simply send in a donation to the club with the title “Staff Christmas Fund”. If you haven’t sent in your donation yet, it’s not too late. We collect and distribute to the staff in two installments. All the funds we receive before Christmas week are distributed so our staff may use them for Christmas shopping. The remainder of the Christmas bonuses are distributed at year end, so you still have time to donate and make the holidays brighter for our hard working staff. Any donations after the fi rst of the year are also gratefully accepted, and will be rolled over into next year’s bonus. In these last few years of tight fi nancial times, I am very proud of the efforts and sacrifi ces the club staff have made to maintain ABYC as a world premier venue. Now, more than ever, our individual contributions mean a lot to those who work for our benefi t. I hope you will show your appreciation by giving as best you are able to thank our staff. Please make contribution checks payable to “Mike Baumann” and use the Memo – “staff fund”. Please reply at your earliest convenience, as we will be distributing funds to staff the week before Christmas. You may return donations to the club, or mail directly to my address: Mike Baumann – ABYC Staff 6062 Dagny Circle Huntington Beach CA 92647 All the best from Betty and myself to all of you, Mike Baumann, Jr, Staff Commodore

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 7 caroll-annalie Editor’s note: Caroll-Ann (aka Jacob Rosenberg’s mom) was recently inducted into the Quebec Sailing Hall of Fame. The below is the article written by Voile Quebec. Congratulations Caroll-Ann, we’re all very proud of you and your accomplishments. VOILE QUÉBEC Awards aroll-Ann Alie, world champion windsurfer, was born July 6th, 1960. Her dream took form in 1968, during the Grenoble Olympic Games, when Caroll-Ann watched Nancy Greene take C home the gold medal in skiing. In her youth, she was a member of a ski club, but realized that she did not have the skills required to attain high level in the sport. In 1978, at the age of 18, Caroll-Ann decided to try a new sport that was trendy at the time: windsurfi ng. And success was around the corner, as 2 years later she fi nished 6th at the Canadian Championship in Magog, Quebec. In 1983 she joined the National Team and became the world champion the following year. This is a title she won twice more in 1985 and 1988. The year 1984 brought some diffi cult moments as she barely missed qualifying for the Los Angeles Olympic Games, crushing her Olympic dream. Though Caroll-Ann attended the University of Michigan in in the late 80’s and graduated with a Master’s degree in physical activity, her dream to participate in the Olympic Games remained. She decided to return to competition and, in 1992 at the age of 32, she participated in her fi rst Olympic Games in Barcelona. Despite suffering from food poisoning, she fi nished in 14th place and this did not break her resolve. Thus in 1995, she won a gold medal in the 1995 Pan American Games held in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. The next year, she fi nished 12th at the Atlanta games. In 1999, she won two silver medals at regattas in Miami and Long Beach. That same year, she fi nished 2nd at the Pan Am Games in Winnipeg. In 2000, at the age of 40, she decided to end her career. She fi nished 17th at the World Championship in Argentina, as well as in Sydney where she last participated in the Olympic Games. In 1988 and 1995, her perseverance was rewarded as she was named the Sail Canada (formerly Canadian Yachting Association) Female Athlete. An exemplary athlete, Caroll-Ann Alie was inducted into the Canada Olympic Hall of Fame in 1993, the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame in 2005, the Quebec Sports Hall of Fame in 2010 and is now a member of the Quebec Sailing Hall of Fame. need racingrules help? ublications have been added to the protest committee cupboard in the entry room. I have established most of the needed publications for anyone serving on a protest committee or wanting to research anything involving The Racing PRules of Sailing or procedures in applying these rules. This is intended primarily for judges so they do not have to carry so many publications with them when serving at ABYC. However, they are available to anyone who would like to use them by contacting Ron Wood or Margaret Caddle for access to these publications. Publications available are: The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013 – 2016, (including US Sailing Prescriptions) US Sailing Appeals Book 2013 – 2016 US Sailing Judges Manual 2013 – 2016 ISAF Case Book 2013 – 2016 ISAF Equipment Rules of Sailing 2013 – 2016 ISAF Questions & Answers Booklet Margaret Caddle bookreview

ooking for a good read to curl up next to the fi re with this fall? The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown is a true, detailed story of athletic prowess and commitment set L against the Great Depression and rise of Nazi Germany in the mid 1930’s. Though the outcome of the eight man rowing competition of the 1936 Olympics is known, the story of these athletes journey to Berlin that year is compelling on several levels. As a quote on the dust jacket states, “This is Chariots of Fire with oars.” Steve Smith

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 8 beachsailing

B State Sailing We’ve had a busy fall season at the Beach! Not only do we continue to practice three days La week with the occasional weekend practice, but it seems that nearly every weekend theirs a college regatta to drive to! The team would like to give a big thanks to Steve Flam for his continued coaching & support! We’ve been having a really good time & Flam’s coaching has made us all much rounder sailors & individuals on the Team! This fall, our goal was to expand our sailing horizon by being introduced to Team Racing & Match Racing & Coach Flam has given us un-measurable amount of support in our goal! Thanks Coach Flam! Your LB State Sailing Team has had d a busy fall season! We started the fall out by winning the SDYC Fall Match Race Invitational in September by a dominating 11-1 record! After that, we went to Mission Bay & fi nished a respectable 5th out of 21 in the Fresh/Soph Regatta. Here, new college sailors such as Sunny Scarbourgh got their fi rst taste of what college sailing is all about. Some of us might recall that Sunny grew up in ABYC’s very own junior program! In October, we headed to Treasure Island in San Francisco for the Stoney Burke Regatta! Here, after several OCSs, our varsity team still fi nished 6th out of 27 teams. But the big news was our JV fl eet fi nishing 3rd out of 17 in their division! Way to go JV! Also in October was the Women’s PCCs off the Belmont Pier. In November, our match racing team fi nished a tough 3rd behind Stanford & Hawaii up at Cal Maritime in the annual Match Race PCC. But our JV team ‘fi nished on top’ for the Central Coast Challenge up in Santa Barbara! Again, way to go JV! In the Fall PCCs, your team fi nished a respectable 3rd out of twenty one competitors in Santa Barbara. Our JV team also fi nished 3rd! Up next for the Team is the annual Rose Bowl Regatta {a regatta that our team founded not too long ago!} in the beginning of January! This regatta is held off the Belmont Pier so feel free to come down & cheer us on as we go up against better funded teams. Even though we’re poorly funded & have no paid coach, we look forward to continue to sail hard & fast for our LB sailing community & CSULB alumni! Go Beach! Mark Ryan

We need a writer for our History Column. Make it your own! If interested please contact [email protected] hails fromthe fl eets


he members voted to discontinue our traditional pot luck format that has been a mainstay of our Keel Boat Fleet for at least 30 years. Bring your $5 to the bar and enjoy the Friday Tnight repast from now on. Upcoming dates: Christmas Party, December 13. Bring a hors d’oeuvre to share. Keel Boat Fleet meeting, January 10. ABYC General Membership meeting, January 17. See you there, George

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 9 hails fromthe fl eets alloween Regatta Ed Feo, Ryan Schack and I decided to take advantage of our last chance for several Hmonths, to use our dinghy launch ramp and docks to race in the Halloween Regatta. Since we did not constitute a fl eet, we raced in the Portsmouth class with Vipers, Tempests and a Geary 18. Though we had enough breezes to sail out to the traditional race area, that breeze went AWOL for the fi rst two races, so heaven forbid Ed and I in our Lasers and Ryan in a Radial fell into the lee of a Viper or Tempest. Despite light winds, we were able to complete three races in short order and even had enough breeze to work the hiking muscles in the fourth and fi nal race. Ed did well placing second overall behind one of the Vipers while Ryan and I tried to stay in the hunt all day without success. Despite the result, I found it a fun, new challenge on a beautiful day to race in the Portsmouth Fleet. So, in the future, even if you can’t scare up enough boats to constitute a fl eet, try racing Portsmouth. I think you’ll have fun. ABYC Junior Clinic Despite short notice, our new ABYC Junior Program Director Allie Blecher, assisted by Jennifer Golison conducted a session, off the beach, for nine Laser Radial sailors covering; boat tactics, including starting practice, lay line drills, last beat drills, and fl eet management. From all indications, the clinic was a success producing a fresh batch of Laser Radial enthusiasts who we hope to see racing Lasers and Radials at ABYC and elsewhere representing ABYC. Look for more information on ABYC Junior sailing and racing programs elsewhere in this issue. 2013 Turkey Day Regatta Compared to the turn-out of 19 Lasers and 30 Laser Radials for the 2012 Turkey Day Regatta, this year’s attendance of 17 Lasers and 37 Radials is most gratifying and should be a source of pride for ABYC. Despite concern for obvious challenges posed by our lack of a dinghy launch ramp and docks, which were prominently posted on ABYC and ABYC Laser Fleet websites, Laser racers from San Francisco, to Santa Barbara to San Diego turned out to test their racing skills and enjoy our hospitality and wonderful sailing venue. Judging from a busy scene on the beach Saturday and Sunday, we may consider more beach-launching for future regattas. Launching from the beach was more relaxed than waiting in a queue of eager racers lined up to use the ABYC dinghy ramp and docks. Coming back was easier as well and retrieving a Laser on a dolly was a simple single-handed task, as the dolly was rolled into the water and Laser easily fl oated on. The sand was fi rmly packed, so even launching and moving heavier boats like Finns, was possible. Yes, access to hoses was an issue, but everyone I spoke to thought the beach was a most acceptable alternative. Though I did not race Saturday, Rich Roberts reported breeze ranged from 5-6 knots. Speaking to some fellow Radial racers, they assured me I did not miss much. Obviously, that was not the sentiment of the race leaders after day one, but PRO Bob Anderson did tell me the Radial fl eet was very eager, forcing General Recalls and prompting use of the black fl ag for the starts on day two as well. The forecast for Sunday was much the same as Saturday and sailing out to the race course offered no assurance of more breezes and it looked like some boats would not arrive in time for their start. Despite the conditions, our Race Committee started the fi rst of eight classes on time. The wind did shift and build through three races on a windward leeward course with enough wind in the last race to require hiking muscles upwind and a quick sail home to the beach at day’s end. In the Laser fl eet ABYC’s Kevin Taugher battled Matthew Long from Santa Barbara & Cabrillo Beach YC. Matthew nipped Kevin by a single point to take the win followed by Vann Wilson from ABYC. Other ABYC Laser racers fi nishing in order were; Sanjai Kohli, Chuck Tripp, Sumeet Patel and Ed Feo. Simone Staff from Cal YC lead the Radials on Saturday but was second to Lawson Willard from San Francisco & St. Francis YC overall. ABYC racers fi nishing in order were; Cooper Weitz, Sawyer Gibbs, your author, Alan Peoples and Ryan Schack. Much credit goes to Regatta Chairman Steve George, the ABYC Cal 20 Fleet, ABYC staff, PROs Bob Anderson & Martyn Bookwalter and other volunteers who made this year’s Turkey Day the success it was!

2013 ABYC Laser Fleet Champions Calculating results from Turkey Day, the last scored event in the 2013 season, our ABYC Laser Fleet Champion is Kevin Taugher. Our Laser Radial Champion is Cooper Weitz. Kevin and Cooper have earned the right to represent the ABYC Laser Fleet in the 2014 ABYC Cub Championship Regatta to be contested on Opening Day Saturday May 3, 2014. The margin of victory was close in the full-rig fl eet with Vann Wilson fi nishing behind Kevin by a mere three points. Next in line were; Sanjai Kohli and Chuck Tripp tied on points, followed by Rodion Mazin. In our Radial fl eet, Cooper was winner by a wide margin followed by your author and late comer to the Radial fl eet, Sawyer Gibbs. Congratulations to all! Steven Smith, ABYC Laser Fleet Co-Captain

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 10 hails fromthe fl eets ...from page10

leet Six has been pretty busy this month. Lido de Luna was fantastic, as always. Sam and Dana Bell really gave the fl eet a run for their money this year. Teams sailed around the bay trying to match F lyrics of three songs to as many boat names as possible. Then all enjoyed a fi let mignon, candle lit dinner, followed by wine around the fi repit. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Sam, Dana, and all who helped make this a perfect evening. Less than twelve hours after Lido de Luna, many sailors came back to the club for the Halloween Regatta. After a long, eventful evening, it was an effort for some to pull it together, but those who perservered, had a blast. The Halloween Regatta also marked another feat for the Fleet. We would like to announce the conversion of Mr. John Williams, former F-18 sailor, and his darling daughter Sara, to Lidos. Welcome John and Sara! Though the basin is under construction, it didn’t stop the Lidos from heading out for the Turkey Day Regatta. Seven yachts in the A Fleet, and six in the B Fleet, showed up for the sunny, but light wind showdown. Stu Robertson and Sammy Elsharhawy ran away with fi rst, discarding a second place. If it weren’t for the powerhouse of John Gresham and Bill Moore, the dynamic duo would have gone undefeated. Adam Elsharhawy representing Fleet Six in the Bs, took a second, just ahead of his sister Nora. As a matter of fact, the whole Elsharhawy Family was rather extraordinary this weekend. The Fleet would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to Mr. Tarek Elsharhawy for working with the City of Long Beach to get permits, allowing the Lidos to leave their boats overnight. Stay tuned for more fun from The Fleet. MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS! January 26, Super Bowl Charity Regatta at Santa Monica Windjammers – Check for the most up- to-date information. Fleet 6 Lido-14 Charter Boats. For any Lido sailing at ABYC, Fleet 6 has 3 Lido 14’s available for charter. These boats are available on fi rst come basis for a fee of $25.00 (free for Juniors). If interested in a boat for a day, or sailing an ABYC race/regatta, make your request with Fleet 6 via e-mail at signals@fl Please follow “Lido Fleet Six” on Facebook and Instagram. Don’t worry, we won’t blast your dirty laundry to all of creation. Also, if you would like to subscribe to the Fleet Six Newsletter, email signals@fl Quality junk mail straight to you! Amanda Wayne

he Senior Sabots have been ‘on the road’ participating in the Southern California Women’s Sailing TAssociationSenior Sabot regattas. The fi nal regatta of the 2013 series was held at SDYC on November 16th; our own Fred Stevens placed fi rst in the Men’s A division. John Hauck was awarded the SCWSA Most Improved Sailing perpetual. Unfortunately we have no report from our monthly Sabot Sunday, due to lack of docks and a ramp there was no participation. BYC is encouraging our fl eets’ participation in their Sunkist and Super Sabot Saturday Series during our basin upgrade – now is a great time to enjoy sailing with another fl eet. January 4 is the fi rst Sunkist race and January 18th is the Super Sabot Saturday. Jane McNaboe

Photo caption: ABYC Sabotiers at San Diego Yacht Club. Back row, left to right: Fred Stevens, Lee Berlinger and Robin Townsend. Front row left to right, Paul Actil and John Hauck.

irvana twilight sailing is coming to an end with the loss of Daylight Savings and the long evenings. This summer’s winners were in a virtual 3 way tie for 1st between Jeff Ives, Keith Ives N and Damon Runkle with Don Shirley close behind. Bob Chubb’s and Tom Ramsey’s boats are up for sale and for new owners and old veterans we are working on a winter race at El Dorado Park. Anyone interested can contact Eric Conn or me for dates and details. Don’t forget to remove your batteries and lube the rudder shaft. We do have to winterize our boats! Don Shirley

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 11 PRSRT STD U. S. Postage ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PAID Alamitos Bay Yacht Club Long Beach, CA 7201 East Ocean Boulevard Permit No. 685 Long Beach, California 90803 Drink of the Month Ron Clanton “The Vampire”

Harbor 20 Invitational in Alamitos Bay Two Days of Fun Sailing! Jan. 25th and 26th

Mark Your Calendars...More Details to Come For more information on how to participate contact: Walter Johnson (949) 421-8006 or Ed Kimball (562) 243-0286 Newport Harbor 20 Fleet will supply boats (Staging area to be the LBYC long dock) Corona

sou’wester • december 2013 • page 12 2013 burgee awards Stephanie Gwinn photos Steve Bunting Cal 20 Fleet 1 Championship Chuck Clay ABYC Club Championship Chuck Clay Cal 20 Fleet 1 Championship Eric Conn 2012 Holiday Series - Mercury Rachel Ellis 2013 San Diego NOOD Viper Champ Adam Elsharhawy Lido 14 Class Championship - Team Trophy Nora Elsharhawy Lido 14 Class Championship - Team Trophy Sammy Elsharhawy Lido 14 District 1 Championship Steve Flam Viper 640 Pan-American Champ Qfl r Steve Flam LBRW Viper Class Winner Steve Flam 2013 Viper Pacifi c Cst Championship Riley Gibbs Pine Block Jr Champion Riley Gibbs 2013 Fall Gold Cup Stan Gibbs ABYC Club Championship Emily Golison 2013 Viper Pacifi c Cst Championship Jay Golison Viper 640 Pan-American Champ Qfl r Jay Golison LBRW Viper Class Winner Jay Golison 2013 Viper Pacifi c Cst Championship John Gresham 2013 ABYC Lido Fleet Champion Cindy Heavrin 2013 Lido Women’s Champion Therese Ivory So CA Women’s Sailing Assoc - Peter Davis Perpetual - Sr Sabot Erik Lidecis Masters - 2013 Bobby Little Beach to Bay 1st Sabot C2 Jeff McDermaid Sr Sabot Nationals - Clysdale Champiionship - 2013 Matt McDermaid 2012 Holiday Series - 29er Ethan Michaelis JAB High Point Patty Nash 2012 Holiday Series - Cal 20 Al Nelson Pine Block Master Champion Mike Pentecost 2012 Holiday Series - Viper Chris Rabb 2013 Mercury Class Champion Kathy Reed 2013 Lido Women’s Champion Christine Rice Pine Block Women’s Champion Rob Rice 2012 Holiday Series - 29er Stu Robertson Lido 14 District 1 Championship Jacob Rosenberg LB Jr Match Race Invit ISAF Grade 5 Jacob Rosenberg Alamitos Bay Fleet Champs Max Rosenblad 2012 Holiday Series - Junior Jim Sears 2013 San Diego NOOD Viper Champ Glenn Selvin 2012 Holiday Series - Finn Mandi Smith Lido 14 Class Championship - Team Trophy Steven Smith 2012 Holiday Series - Laser Alex Stordahl ABYC Sabot C Fleet Champion Kevin Taugher Laser Masters US Nat Champ,1st Apprentice Master Jerry Thompson Lido 14 Class Championship - Team Trophy Amanda Wayne 2013 ABYC Lido Fleet Champion Cooper Weitz 2012 ABYC Laser Raial Flt Champion Cooper Weitz Laser Radial District 25 Champion Bill Westland 2012 Holiday Series - Multihull Vann Wilson 2012 ABYC Laser Flt Champion Vann Wilson Laser Masters US National Championship 2013 bell ringer awards Stephanie Gwinn photos Mike Baumann 4th of July Regatta Bay PRO Martyn Bookwalter Memorial Day Regatta Bay PRO Margaret Caddle Memorial Day Regatta Judge Margaret Caddle Multihull Regatta Judge Norma Clapp Charity Regatta Eric Conn Mercury Class Championship Chair Steve George Memorial Day Regatta Chair Carol Kofahl Charity Regatta Jennifer Kuritz Long Beach Race Week PRO Steve Kuritz Long Beach Race Week PRO Steve Kuritz Santana 20 Class Championship PRO Pat McCormick Catalina Cruise Chair Sue McDannel Mothers Day Brunch Jame McNaboe Multihull Regatta Chair Jon Robinson Long Beach Race Week Chair Kathy Robinson Mothers Day Brunch Lars Rosenblad 4th of July Regatta Chair Carol Selvin Memorial Day Regatta Judge Glenn Selvin Multihull Regatta PRO Todd Smith International A Class Championship Chair Jorge Suarez Club Championship Jorge Suarez Memorial Day Regatta Ocean PRO Jorge Suarez 4th of July Regatta Ocean PRO Jorge Suarez Mercury Class Championship PRO Mark Townsend Long Beach Race Week PRO Mark Townsend International A Class Championship PRO Robin Townsend Long Beach Race Week PRO Robert Wright Santana 20 Class Championship Chair

Sunday December 15, 2013

Sunday December 8, 2013

After December 8th Adults $25.00 & Children $17.00 All reservations close Wednesday, December 11th at 10:00 AM 2013

It’s Ukulele Time! Where else…but at ABYC (always “The Place to Be”)

First session - January 15th

Then monthly – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Learn, Practice, and Have Fun!

6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the Quarterdeck $5.00/session No need to RSVP just show up (Beginners to all levels) Learn easy songs and sing along! Ukulele Master: Arthur Hopkins

Questions: call Cindy Heavrin @ 714-767-1160 Need a Ukulele? Call Cindy or Kathy Reed @714-785-3163