(808) 948-8218 551-1247 (FTS) Clifford W. Smith, Unit Director Professor of Botany

Technical Report 65 BRYOPHYTES AND VAS- OF KIPAHULU TmLLm, HALEAI(ALA NATIONAL Pm Paul K. Higashino, Linda W. Cuddihy, Stephen J. Anderson, and Charles P. Stone

August 1988 Figure 1. Vegetation zones of Kipahulu Valley, Haleakala National Park. BRYOPHYTES AND VASCULAR I'LAIVE OF KIPAHUUJ VALLEY, NATIONAL PARK

mis checklist is primarily a campilation of past lists of plants found in Kipahulu Valley, which since 1968 has been a district within Haleakala National Park on Maui. The chief published sources of information about the vascular plants of upper Kipahulu Valley are Lamoureux (1967), Lamourem and Stemmermann (1976), St. John (1971), Yoshinaga (1980), and Anderson et al. (in press) . Plants of the lmer portion of Kipahulu Valley are the subject of several recent Technical Reports published by the Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (CPSU/UH Nanoa) : Canfield and Stercmmmm (1980); Smith, Williams, and Asherman (1985) ; Kinzie and Ford (1977) ; and Kinzie et al. (1979). The bryophyte names in the present checklist are fmHoe (1967) and Hoe and Smith (1980). Taxa on the following checklist that are not found in the above-listed publications are additions fmthe collections and field notes of the authors and other contributors, made primarily during the Kipahulu Interdisciplinary Study of 1983-84 (see Stone et al. 1984) or during the ongoing feral pig projecrt (see Stone and Anderson 1988). These 49 new additions are designated (N) in the Status column of the checklist. We wish to particularly acknowledge the contributions of Betsy Gagn6, Lloyd Loope, and Art Medeiros during the period of this study.

Plant taxa listed by previous authors were included on the checklist wen if they were not seen in Kipahulu by us. Determinations of past collectors and authors were generally accepted; the botanical specimens of others were not examined for this checklist. taxa on previous lists considered by St. John (1973) to be synonyms of other listed taxa were not included.

In the present checklist, nmenclature for the mosses follows Hoe (1975), but that of the hepatics (liverworts) is derived fma rnrmber of carrrpilations and other unpublished sources. Namenclature for the ferns follows that of Iamoureux (unpublished), and for the angiosperms, that of St. John (1973) . Appendix A indicates the differences in fern namenclature between Lamourem and W.H. Wagner, Jr. (1981), and differences in angiosperm noluer#=latm-ebetween St. John and the soon-to-be-published Manual of the Flawerinu Plants of Hawaitiby W.L. Wagner, D.R. Herbst, and S.H. Sohmer (in press). An asterisk (*) after a plant name in the checklist indicates a taxon with changed nmenclature, family designation, or status. Variations in the spelling or abbreviation of authors of bincdals are not generally annotated. Where published revisions of Hawaiian plant groups more recent than St. John 1973 were available (for exmple, Carr 1985), nmclature fram these was used. These revised taxa are indicated by the -1 + in the checklist, and the publications fm which they were derived are cited in Appendix B. CKMM3N NAMES in Hawaiian or English are listed for most taxa; Hawaiian names are given for native taxa (Endemic, Indigenous) and Polynesian Introductions. Hawaiian names for same alien are also listed, where usage is well established. Cmmn names used here are largely frcnn St. John (1973) , Porter (1972) , and Pulcui and Elbert (1971). Other sources consulted are cited in the references. The STATUS in Hawai8i of each taxon is listed as Endemic, Indigenous, of Polvnesian Introduction, or Alien (introduced to the Islands after 1778, either intentionally or accidentally). Plants listed as Endemic are restricted to the Hawaiian Islands; those designated Indigenous are native to the Islands but also occur naturally elsewhere in the world. In a few cases, the status of plant taxa is listed as Unknown. For bryophytes, this indicates uncertainty between Indigenous and Endemic categories. The unidentified flowering plants may be either native or Alien. The Status listing also indicates native plants that are Rare of ~ccuzrencein Kipahulu Valley (R) . These include taxa that are being considered for Endangered status in the Federal Register (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sewice 1985), as well as those that are considered to be rare within Kipahulu Valley but perhaps are more common elsewhere on Maui. Plant species considered rare in the Valley are those with very low mnkers of known individuals and/or limited distribution in Kipahulu. As much of the Valley, particularly its upper reaches, has not been thoroughly botanized, the designation of rarity may reflect our lack of knowledge about the abundance and distribution of same plants. As indicated earlier, 49 new species designated (N) in the Status listing have been added to the list since 1983. A list of Kipahulu plant taxa that are candidates for Endangered status (as of 1985) may be found in Appendix C. A list of other rare native plants found in Kipahulu Valley is given in Appendix D.

Sane plants are marked (D) in the Status listing. These are taxa considered Disnwtive or potentially disruptive to native ecosystems. Growth habits of these plants in Kipahulu Valley and elsewklere on Maui or other Islands have sham that these plants are capable of hvading intact and displacing native plants. A list of disruptive and potentially disruptive alien plant species in Kipahulu Valley is found in Agpndix E. LIFE FORMS are also indicated. Rryophytes are designated either homrt, thalloid liverwort, leafv liverwort, or m, based on their taxodc gmup and morphology. The term 8tfernt8is used for ferns and fern allies. Grasses, sedges, rushes and other plants cammonly considered grass-like are listed as 88srass81life form. Other life forms are herb, shrub, , and vine; the last includes lianas. ELEXATIONAL ZONES are given in the last column of the checklist. These are not based strictly on ecological differences, but rather reflect the way in which past botanical surveys have been conducted. For example, several recent surveys have been campleted below 2,000 feet elevation (Smith 1980; Smith, Williams, and Ashennan 1985), and the first extensive checklist of Kipahulu plants was based on field work primarily abave 1,500-2,500 feet elevation (Lamoureux 1967; Hoe 1967) . The following zones sf Kipahulu Valley are used in the checklist : 1 sea level to 2,000 feet elevation, including the fOhe'o Stream gulch and Seven Pools, extensive pasturelands, Hawaiian planting area, roadsides, and law-elevation forests dominated by alien plants; 2 2,000-4,000 feet elevation, including very disturbed forest

invaded by strawberry guava (Psidim cattleianum) I, and most of the Valleyfskoa/Iohifa forest (Acacia koa/Metrosideros polymorpha) ; 3 above 4,000 feet elevation to the top of Kipahulu Valley at 7,800 feet, primarily fohi'a-d~minatedforest, but also containing bogs, subalpine shrublands, and pali (ridge) vegetation. Cultivated plants that are not considered to be naturalized in Kipahulu Valley are designated by the term llat.flfollowing the elevational zone in which they are found. The following checklist of Kipahulu plants contains a total of 637 taxa, including 117 bryophytes, 98 ferns, and 422 flowering plants. A summary of the numbers (and percentages) of Kipahulu plant taxa by group and status is given in Table 1. All the bryophytes in Kipahulu (including mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) are thought to be native. Likewise, a larye majority (91%) of the ferns and fern allies are either endemic or indigenous. Half (50%) of the angio- sperm taxa found in Kipahulu valley are either Wlynesian or alien in origin. Many of these non-native plants are mnocots, primarily grasses and sedges. Only 43% of the listed dicot taxa are non- natives, while 68% of the monocots are either aliens or FQlynesian introductions. A total of 198 non-native taxa are thought to be naturalized in Kipahulu Valley: 8 ferns, 69 mnocots, and 121 dicots. The remainder are cultivated plants, primarily in an Hawaiian planting area and along roadsides. To campare the number of taxa contained in the current Kipahulu checklist with the results of previous surveys, the nmhr of plant taxa found exclusively below 2,000 feet elevation was totaled. The nunikr of species that seem to be restricted to the Kipahulu lowlands is 175, including 125 aliens, 17 Polynesian introductions and 33 natives (endemic and indigenous). This may be canpared with the summarized results of Canfield and Stemmermann (1980), who reported 149 alien species, 29 Polynesian introductions, and 89 native taxa in their 1980 survey of Kipahulu below 2,000 feet. Most of the aliens recorded by Canfield and Smhave not yet invaded the upper elevations, while nearly two-thirds of the native plants of the lowlands are also found in the upland zone(s) of Kipahulu. Native vascular plant taxa known to be or to have been in Kipahulu Valley above an elevation of 2,000 feet number 265. This is somewfiat higher than the 229 native vascular plant taxa reported by Lamourem in 1967 and probably reflects increased botanical fieldwork in the Valley aver the last 20 years. Lamoureux listed only 28 introduced plant species in 1967. As of 1988, the number of non-native vascular plant species known fran Kipahulu above 2,000 feet elevation has increased to 77 (4 Polynesian and 73 alien species). We are indebted to Warren L. Wagner, Derral Herbst, and Sy Sohmer for making available to us a draft version of their Manual of the Flowerins Plants of Hawai1i. We also wish to thank Charles Lamoureux for allowing us to use his unpublished Hawaiian fern checklist and keys. Lloyd Iioope, Art Medeiros, and Clifford Smith kindly reviewed the manuscript. Special thanks to Danielle B. Stone for help in developing the checklist format and typing the Technical Report.

Table 1. Nmber and percentage of plant taxa by status in Kipahulu Valley, Haleakala National Park, 1988.

Polynesian Taxon Endemic Indigenous Introduction Alien Total*

Ferns and Fern Allies 58 (59%) 31 (32%) 0 9(9%) 98

...... Total 289 (45%) 120 (19%) 21 (3%) 197(31%) 637

* 6 bryophytes (5%), 3 monocots (2%) , and 1 dicot (< 1%) are of uncertain status. I AND vZSUKAR PLlWB OF KIPAHUUT WdXEY, HALEAKALA NATIONAL PARK


Class: Anthoceroti Indigenous thalloid liverwort (Sw.) Nees Indigemus thalloid liverwort Indigemus thalloid liverwort Indigemus thalloid liverwort Class: Hepaticae

Bazzania cordistip la (Mont.) !I'rev. Indig(3lOUs leafy liverwort Bazzania sp. Indigemus leafy liverwort Calypgeia tosana Steph.) Steph. Indige31ous leafy liverwort Ilmxtiera nepalm is Indigenous thalloid liverwort Frullania apiculaL GLN Indigemus leafy liverwort Frullania hypoleuo Ness Indigemus leafy liverwort Frullania meyenian Lindenb. Indig€3-lms leafy liverwort Herberta sp. Indigenous leafy liverwort Jamesoniella robus' a (Aust.) Steph. Endemic leafy liverwort Lcpholejeunea subn da (Mitt.) Steph. Indigenous leafy liverwort Marchantia crenata Steph. Endemic thalloid liverwort Odontoschisma grac le (Mitt. ) Steph. Indigenous leafy liverwort Plagidla deflex Mont . Endemic leafy liverwort Plagiochila mauien is Steph. ~nddc leafy liverwort Riccardia sp. Er-demic leafy liverwort Trocholejeunea san Indigenous leafy liverwort TAXON------NAME

Class: Musci

Family: (Jaeg.) Fleisch. Indigm Endemic

moss mess moss

(He.) B.S.G.

Indigenous Endemic Family: DIQRANACEA h Camp~lopodiumeUPh0 mladum (C. Mull.) I3esch. Indigemus moss Campylopus boswelli Endemic moss Campylopus densifol Indigenous moss Campylopus densifol var . purpureo-f c. ml.) Mill. memic moss Endemic moss

Endemic moss Frahm & Hoe Endemic moss Indigemus moss Endemic moss Endemic moss Indigenous moss var. hawaiica memic moss Endemic moss Endemic moss Endemic moss memic moss Indigenow moss

memic moss Indigenous moss Indigenous moss R-ldemic mDSS Endemic moss Endemic m05S unknown moss Endkc moss 213 Family: Endemic moss 3 unknown moss 3

Indige-nous moss 3 (Hedw.) mid. Indigenous moss 3

Family: HOOm Daltonia contorta C. Miill. Indigenous moss Daltonia pseud phylla Bartr. Indigemus moss Daltonia rufescens Endemic moss Distichophyllum fre cinetii (Schwaegr.) Mitt. var. frey inetii Endemic moss Distichophyllum doxum (Mont. ) Mitt. Endemic moss Hookeria acutifolia Hook. & Grev. Indigenous moss Family: HYPNACEW?,?, Ctenidium Endemic moss Endemic moss Endemic moss Isoptexygium (Hook.) Jaeg . Indigemus moss Et-demic moss Endemic moss

Leucobryum--YA$ gracile 1. Endemic moss L2,3 lii Mitt. Endemic moss .durn Hedw. Indigenous moss Family: IvElmRIA! !Em Aerobryopsis long ima (Dozy & MoUc.) Fleisd Indigenous moss Barbella trichoph (Mont.) Fleisch. Endemic moss Family: MNIACEAE Indigenous moss

Endemic moss

-genous moss Family: OI3!mmm MaCrCBRitrium brev Endemic moss Macramitrim Endemic moss Indigenous moss Indigenous moss Indigenous moss Indigenous moss Unknown moss

Endemic moss

Indigenous moss Indigenous moss Indigenous

memic Indigenous Endemic Endemic Glc6sadelphus abasilaris moth. Endemic Glassadelphus abioides Broth. Endemic Glossadelphus zollipgeri (C. ml.) var. Flei-.

Indigenous Indigenous Jaeq. Family: SPLACHNAC XE Tayloria sandwim ;is (c. Miill.) Broth. Endemic m05~

Family: THUIDIACE Thuidium hawaiense Endemic moss Thuidium plicatum I Endemic moss

Family: TRAcl-XKlQ LCEAE Trachypodopsis aur .data (Mitt.) Flei-.

Whisk Fern Psilaturn -5P-= fern Indigenous fern


wawae- iole Indigenous fern Brack. wawae- iole Endemic (N) fern Hook & Am. wawae- iole Endemic fern wawae- iole Endemic fern wawae- iole Indigemus fern wawae- iole Indigenous fern


Selaginella a (Kaulf .) Spring* lepelepe-a-moa Endemic fern ADIANTACEAE: midenhair FAFamily Adiantum capillus-J iwatiwa Indigenous fern Adiantum raddianum maidenhair fern Alien fern

ASPIDIACEAE : Shield Fern Fm ily Arachniodes wifeLia (Kunze) Ching* Indigenous (N) fern Ctenitis latifrons (Brack.) copel. makule,pauoa Endemic fern Ctenitis rubiginosa (Brack.) Copel. mve,pauoa Endemic fern Ctenitis squamigera (Hook. & Am.) Copel pau- Endemic (R) (N) fern Dryopteris fusco-at ca (Hbd.) Rds. I it i Endemic fern Dryopteris glabra ( %a&.) 0. Kuntze kilau Endemic fern Dryopteris wallichi (spre%.l.) Hyl.* lau-kahi Endemic fern Dryopteris unidenta =a (Hook. & Arn.) C. m. var. ur identata akole Endemic fern Dryopteris sp. nov. Endemic fern Polystichum haleaka Lense Brack. Endemic (N) fern Tectaria gaudichaud ii (Mett.) Won Endemic fern

ASPlJa'nACEAF:: Spleemmrt Fami LY Asplenium aCUrminatr; n Hook. & Arn Endemic fern Asplenium contiguun Kaulf .* Endemic fern Asplenium horridum Wf. Indigenous fern Asplenium kaulfussi i Schlecht. Endemic fern Asplenium lobulatur Mett . Indigenous fern Asplenium macraei I ook. & Grev. Endemic fern Asplenium monanthes L. Indigenous (N) fern

Asplenium nidus L. '-1 bird's nest fern Indigenous fern Asplenium normale I on Indigemus fern Asplenium polyodon Forst W. * Indigenous (N) fern Asplenium schizoph~llum C. Chr. Endemic (R) (N) fern Asplenium unilaten le Iam. Indigenous fern ATHYRIACEAE: Lady Fern Famil Y Athyriopsis japonic a (Thunb.) chimp Alien fern Athyrium dilatatum (Blm) Milde* Indigenous fern Athyrium marginale (-0 Endemic fern Athyrium microphyll um (Sm.) Alston Endemic fern Diplazium Sandwid anum (Presl) Diels* memic fern BI,lxlmACEAE: Blechnum Famil] Blechnum occidental blechnum Alien fern Doodia kunthiana G; '03=upu]=upu- lau-li i Endemic fern Sadleria 'ama'u Endemic fern Sadleria 'ama'u Endemic fern Sadleria Iama'u Endemic fern Sadleria lapulu Endemic fern CYATHEACEAE Cyathea australis ( 3. Brawn) Copel. Australian tree fern Alien (D) (N) fern Dm-- Microlepia strigosa (Thunb. ) Presl palapalai, palai Indigenous fern DICKSONIACEAE: Dicksonia Fami LY Cibotium chamissoi Maulf. hapulu-litil'iti Endemic fern Cibotium glaunrm (, r. sm.) ~ook.6r a. hapu u-pulu Endemic fern Cibotium splendens (Gaud.) Krajina ex Skottsb. haputu-pulu End&c fern

rm Gaud. ~um(Skottsb. ) ry Endemic fern ;ifolium (Gaud.) 'Y 'ekaha Endemic fern rm (Sw.) C. chr. ttt.) c. Chr. 'ekaha, malcu'e Esldemic fern le (Luerss.) C. Chr. ekaha r2ndemic fern GLEICHENIACEAE: Uluhe Family Dicratl~pterisline iris (Bunn.) Underwood uluhe Indigemus fern Diplopteryyium pin ~tum(Kunze) Nakai* uluhe-lau-nui Indigenous fern Stichems owhyhens is (Hook.) (31 uluhe Endelnic fern GRAMMITIDAC'EAE: Grammitis Fami Adenophoms hymeno Hook. & Grev. fern Adenophorus pinnat: f idus Gaud. kihi, kihe Endemic fern Adenophorus tamari5 cinus (Kaulf.) Hook. & Grev. wahine-noho-maw Endemic fern Adenophorus tripin atifidus Gaud. wahine-noho-maw Endemic fern Grammitis hookeri Brack.) Copel.* makule-lau-lit i Endemic fern Grammitis tenella I aulf. kolokolo, makina-lua Endemic fern Xiphopteris safion ii (Maxon) Copel. kihe, kihi Endemic fern

1 (Brack.) Hieron . lolulu Endemic fern Pityrogramma calome/lanos (L. ) Link silver fern Alien fern

Wemic fern Indigenous fern Indigenous(R) (N) fern ohi a-ku Endemic fern palai-hinahina memic fern palai-hihi Endemic fern kilau , kalau, palai-hihi Endemic fern Wemic (R) fern

olua, mana Indigenous fern kilau-a-pueo, brackenfern Endemic fern TAXON (3CMMONM\ME STFlIUS fiIFE FOl?M ELFN. ZONE


y) Thwaites :Hook. & Am.) Nett. lau-ku-kahi Indigenous fern s (L.) Maxon* pala' a Indigemus fern

MARATI'IACEAE: Marattia Famill Marattia douglasii :Presl) Baker Indigenous (R) fern

NJ3EmoLEP~CEAE Nephrolepis biserra a (&I.)Schott cv. furcans fishtail fern Alien fern Nephrolepis cordifc .ia (L.) Presl ni ani au Indigenous fern Nephrolepis exaltat I (L.) Schott lnnxlkupu Indigenous fern

~amily rm L. (Presl) Clam*

POLYPODIACEAF:: Polypody Famill Phy~~toso~~~scolq Pic. -Ser. * lauale, lauwave Alien fern Pleopeltis thw vekaha-vakolea, pakahakaha Indigenous fern Polypodium pellucic ae Endemic fern mDACEAE Pteris cretica L. cswali Indigenow fern Pteris excelsa Gaud waimaka-nui, iwa Endemic fern Pteris irregularis I manat iwa-puakea Endemic fern

THELmmm: Thelypteris Fam .lY Amauropelta gldwli::era (Brack.) Holtt. palapalai-a- Karna-puat a Endemic fern Christella boydiae Eaton) Holtt . Endemic (R) fern Christella cyatheoic les (Kaulf.) Holtt. kikawaio, pakikawaio Endemic fern Christella dentata Forsk. ) oak fern Alien fern Brclwllsey & Jerq r Christella parasitit a (L.) Gvl. dmy wood fern Alien fern Cyclosorus interrup us (Willd.) H. Ito neke Indigemus fern Pneumatopteris sark+ ricensis (Brack.) Holtt . hot ilo-lala Wemic fern Pseudo@qopteris IQ (Gaud. ) Holtt. waimaka-nui Endemic fern

Vittaria Family Indigenous fern AImaLumCEAE (AC VACEAE) : Amaryllis Famj Y Agave sisalana Fw ine ex -elm.* sisal Alien Ilerb 1 Hippeastrum punic~ m (Iam.) Urb.* I3arbados lily Alien herb 1 (cult. ) Pancratium littorz e Jacq. spider lily Alien herb 1

ARACEAF=: Arum Family Alocasia mcrorrhj a (L.) Sweet* 'ape m1y. Intro. herb Colocasia esculent (L.) Schott taro, kalo my. Intro. herb Philodendron sp. philodendron Alien vine Scindapsus aureus -1. * taro vh Alien vine

BFaMEmACEAE: Pineapple Famj Y -comosus (St clan.) Merr. pineapple Alien herb 1 (cult.) -CEAF:: canna Family indica L. Alien herb

honohom , day flower Alien (D) herb CYPERAcmE: Sdge Family Carex alligata F. Endemic grass Carex maclaviana D var. subfusca St. Malo's sedge Indigenous (N) grass Carex pluvia R. W. Endemic (N) wahuensis C. grass Carex Endemic grass Carex sp. Alien Cladium leptostach grass rum Nees & Meyen* Endemic (N) grass Cyperus brevifoliu ; (Rattb.) Hassk.* Alien Cyperus ferax L.C. Rich grass var. auriculat IS (Nees & Meyen) Kuek. * Indigenous grass Cyperus haspan Lo* Alien grass Cyperus javanicus Indigenous grass Cyperus kyllinga E Alien grass Cyperus pol~~tad.1~ Indigenous grass Cyperus sp* Alien grass Eleocharis obtusa :Willd.) Schult . pipi-wai , Icahekde Indigenous grass Fimbristylis didm Dma (L.) vahl tall fringe rush Indigenous Fimbristylis grass pymo ~phalaHbd.* Indigenous grass Machaerina angusti :olia (Gaud.) Koyam 'uki Indigenous Machaerina gahniae grass rods (Gaud.) Kern* 'uki Endemic (N) grass Machaerina marisco .des (Gaud.) Kern subsp. meyenii (K-1 Kayama 'uki, laha-niu Indigemus grass Oreobolus iurcatus Mann Endemic grass Rhynchospora caduc L Elliott + Alien (D) (N) grass Rhynchospora lamrm Gaud.* lcuolohia Endemic grass Scirpus validus Val Il* neki, 'aka1akai1 great bulrush Indigenous grass Scirpus sp. unknown grass Uncinia uncinata (: J. f.) Kuek. Indigenous grass Unidentified sedge #1 unknown grass Unidentifed sedge !2 unknown grass DIoSrnREACEAE: Yam Family Dioscorea bulbifen hoi Poly. Intro. vine Dioscorea pentaphyl pi 'a m1y. Intro. vine Dioscorea sp. Poly. Intso. vine GRAMINEAE (POACEAE) Grass Family Androposon viryinic broomsedge Alien (D), Anthoxanthum cdorat sweet vernal grass Alien Axonopus aff inis Ck narrow-leaved carpet grass Alien (sw.) Beaw.* broad-leaved carpetsrass Alien Bambusa sp. ? lohe, bamboo Alien (D) Brachiaria mutica I Cdlifornia grass Alien (D) ~sopogonaciculs golden beardgrass Alien Coix ladmyma-jobi Job's tears Alien Cylloaon dactylon (I B- grass Alien Deschampsia austral Endemic Digitaria adscender Alien Digitaria decmbe~ Alien Digitaria pmriens Buse* + Foly Intro. Digitaria sanguind is (L.) Heist. in Saop.* Alien Echinochloa colona (L.) Link Alien Echinaoa crusga li (L.) Beaw. Alien Eleusine indica (L ) Gaertn. Alien large Hawaiian lo=cm== Endemic grass Alien grass Endemic grass velvetgrass Alien (D) grass 'ohe Endemic (N) grass molassesgrass Alien (D) grass =dm ricegrass Alien (D) (N) grass honohono-Irukui, basketgass Alien -grass Alien (D) Hi10 grass Alien (D) dallis grass Alien ricegrass Alien v-Mrass Alien (D) Alien

Alien (D) grass Alien Poa pratensis Alien (N) L. Foly. Intro. Alien Alien Alien (D) Alien

African dropseed Alien grass Indian dropseed Alien grass West Indian drapseed Alien grass Sporobolus sp. Alien grass Stenotaphmn secund,atUm (Walt. ) Ktze. buffalo grass Alien grass IRIrnCEAE : Iris Family Sisyrjnchium acre I Endemic (R) herb 3

JOINVrrsEACEAE (F'Li TxLARIACEAE)J : Flagellaria Fa ily Joinvillea asaax3e.1 ; Brongn. & Gris. subsp. ascendel ;* Endemic (R) grass 2,3 JUNCACEAE: Rush Family Luzula hawaiiensis Endemic grass 3

duckweed Alien herb LnnCEAE: Lily Family Astelia degeneri S1 lttsb .* pa iniu Endemic herb Astelia forbesii S: >ttsb. subsp. paayspl rma Skottsb. * pa iniu Endemic herb Cordyline temhal ; (L.) Kunth* ti, ki Poly. Intro. shrub Smilax sandwicensi: Kunth* hoi-kuahiwi Endemic vine MUSACEAE: BanalM Family Heliconia spp. heliconia Alien herb 1 (cult.) - spa mila, banana Alien herb If2 0RCHImm: orchid Family Anoectochilus san& icensis Lindl. Endemic (R) herb Arundina bambusaeft lia (Roxb.) Lind. * bamboo orchid Alien (N) herb Habenaria repens NI tt. Alien herb Liparis hawaiensis awapuhi-a-Kanaloa Endemic (R) herb Spathoglottis plici El. Fhilipphe ground orchid Alien herb

PATlMAE (): Palm Family Cocos nucifera L. niu, coconut mly. Intro. tree 1 Phoenix sp. date palm Alien tree 1 (cult.) Pritchardia sp. loulu Ehdemic (R) (N) tree 213

Etxkmic vine Indigenous tree

ZINGIBERAm : Ginger Family Alpinia purl?urata red ginger Alien herb 1 (cult.) costus speciosus ( spiral flag Alien herb 1 (cult.) Curcuma damestica Iolena, turmeric my. Intro. herb 1 (cult.) awapuhi-ke oke or white ginger Alien (D) herb Hedychium flav lawapPrhi-melemele, 7 in yellow ginger Alien (D) herb 1 Hedychium gardneri lum Roscoe* kahili ginger Alien (D) herb 2 Phaeomeria specios (Bl.) Koord. torch ginger Alien herb 1 (cult.) Zingiber zerumbet L.) Roscoe in an.* awapuhi my. Intro. herb 1 Unidentified ginge Alien herb 2 AIZOACEAE : Carpetweed F'an Y Sesenrium portulaca rum (L.) L. Indigenous herb

AMP;RANTHAcEAE: Amaranth Famil Alternanthera sess is (L.) R. Br. ex R. & .* sessile joyweed Alien herb 1 Amaranthus spinosu L. spiny armran* Alien herb 1 mCFJRDIA-: Mango Family Mangifera indica I n"aKP Mien tree 1 musterebinthi Christmas Alien (D) -1- 1

APOCYNACEAE: Periwinkle Fan Y Alyxia olivaefod Gaud. * mile Endemic vine L2,3 Catharanthus rosec (L.) G. Don Madasascar periwinkle Alien kerb 1 Plumeria rubra L. red plun-eria Alien shrub,tree 1 (cult.)

AQuImmCEAE: Holly Fdly Ilex ammala H. & ?uwJAm: Ginseng Family CheirodendrOn trig LUm var. confertif: rum Sherff* olapa Tetraplasandra kavi .ensis (Mann) Sherff var. dipyrena lann) Sherff* Fsldemic (R) (N) tree Tetraplasandra ~iildra (Hbd.) Harms var. mauiensis kherff * Ehdemic tree

balloon plant Alien herb BALSAMKNACEAE: msam Family Impatiens sultani I impatiens Alien her33 1

-is Oliver pus-maka-nui Endemic (R) herb 3

African tulip tree Alien (D) tree 112 EORAGINACEAE: Heliotrope Fam Oordia subcoxdata : kau Poly. Intro. tree 1 (cult.)

CARICACEAE: papaya Family Carica papaya L. Papaya Alien shrubttree 1 CARYO~CEAE: Pink Family Cerastium vulgatum L. * larger mouse ear chic- Alien (N) herb .. ) Willd. ex R. & S. pipili Alien herb ZY Endemic (R) vine

common ironwood Alien (D) tree c3uismAC,EAE: Bittersweet Fa Nily perrottetia sandwi =is Gray olomea Ehdemic tree

ily L. false kamani Alien tree

CX=MFOSITAE (mm) : Sunflower Fami LY Adenostemma laveni % (L.) Ktze. karmmmm Indi- (N) herb Apzhm conyzoide ; L. maile-honohom Alien herb Arsyroxiphium fork sii St. John* Endemic (R) herb Arsyroxiphium gray Mum (Hbd.) Deg. + w==wod Endemic (R) herb Biders hillebrandi (Drake) Deg- kot oko' olau Endemic herb mauiensis ( ;ray) Sherff ko oko olau Endemic herb Bidens pentamera ( Sherff ) Deg. & Sherff k ko ohtolau Endemic (N) herb Bidens pilosa L. Spanish needle Alien herb Cirsium vulgare (5 avi) Tenore bull thistle Alien herb Clrassocephalum crc pidioides (Benth. ) S. Moore + Alien (N) herb Crepis pulchra L. 9 Alien herb Dubautia dolosa (I egener & Sherff) Carr+ G. Endemic (R) (N) shrub Dubautia dolosa (I egener & Sherff) G. Carr x D. I cabra (DC.) Keck + Endemic shrub IXzbautia menziesij (A. Gray) Keck x D. reticulat a (Sherff) Keck + Endemic shrub Dubautia plantagir ea Gaud. subsp. plantac inea+ Endemic shrub IXzbautia plantagir ea Gaud. subsp. planta~inea x D. scabra (I C.) Keck + nalenale Endemic shrub Dubautia platyphyl la (A. Gray) Keck + na'enale Endemic (N) shrub Dubautia scabra (I C.) Keck + lcupa- Endemic (N) shrub Eclipta alba (L. ) Kassk. false daisy Alien herb Fsnilia javanica (1 m.f.) C.B. Robins* red pua-lele Alien herb Emilia sonchifolii (L.) Dc. lilac pua-lele Alien herb Erechtites hieracj folia (L.) Raf.* fireweed Alien herb Erechtites valeriz naefolia (Wolf) Dc.* Alien herb Erigeron bonariens is L. * hairy horseweed Alien herb Erigemn canadensj s L.* Canada fleabane Alien herb Eupatorium ad- 3rum Spreng. * Maui pa-makani Alien (D) herb Eupatorium riparit m Regel* spreading mist flower Alien (D) herb Gnaphalium japonic urn Thunb. Alien (N) herb Ilypochoeris radici ta L. Alien herb Keysseria lavandul a St. John* Endemic (R) herb Lagenophora viridj s St. John* hmi-a-ulu Endemic (R) herb Iapsana ccanrrarnis I nipplewort Alien (N) herb Pluchea odorata (I sourbush Alien shrub Senecio sylvatim wood groundsel Alien herb camon groundsel Alien herb small yellow crown-beard Alien he sow thistle Alien herb (L.) Gaertn. ncdeweed Alien herb

dandelion Alien herb coat buttons Alien herb ironweed Alien herb cocuebur Alien herb oriental haw- Alien herb

~LVULACEAE: Plornhgqlory Family Ipmea alba L. moon flmer Alien vine Ipamoea batatas ( .) Fair.* uala, sweet potato Poly. Intro. vine Ipamoea brasili is (L.) Sweet* pohuehue Indigenous vine Ipomoea congesta . Br. * koali-I awa Indigenous vine IpomOea SP- morningqlor~ Alien vine IpmnOea SP- ~~-glory Unknown vine


air plant Alien herb 1 r Alien herb 1 (cult.) Kalmch06 5p. Alien herb 1 (cult.) CEKTCIFERAE Muskxd Family bittercress Alien (N) herb swine cress Alien herb watermess, leko Alien herb ex Reichenb. *

wild bitter melon Alien vine Endemic (R) vine

EPAmmm: Epacris Family Styphelia F. Muell. ex Skottsb.* pukiawe Endemic shrub 3

F. Muell. var. pukiawe Indig- shrub 213

-awe Endemic shrub 3

ERICACEAE:: Heath Family Vaccinium berberifoli (Gray) ohel0 Endemic shrub 3 Skottsb. * Vaccinium calycinum vohelo-kau-la'au Endemic shrub,tree 2,3 Vaccinium dentaturn Sm. ohelo Endemic shrub 213 Vaccinium reticulatun Sm. lohelo Endemic shrub 213

EUPHORBIACEAE : Spurse Family f Aleurites moluccana ( .) Willd. Foly. Intro. tree 112 Antid-Claoxylon platyphyl$*sambicense ell. -Arg. hamet-kukui Endemic tree 112 var . magnif olium po ola Endemic shrub,tree 1,2 herb

herb 1 EuphoxBia pulchemj ex Klotzsch poinsettia Alien shrub 1 (cult.) Manihot dmtaC cassava Alien shrub 1 (cult.) motglazicxrii 1 ceararubber Alien shrub 1 Ricinus camrc~lnisL. castor bean Alien shrub,tree 1 FIAalulumCEAE: Flacourtia Fad LY hawaiiense 3ee.m. var . hillebrand ii (Wawra) Sleumer* maua, ate Endemic (R) tree : Famill Geranium arboreum 3 . Gray red- flcwerd geranium Endemic (R) shrub,tree 3 Geranium caroliniar Jln L. Carolina var. australe ( Beslth.) Fosb.* cranets bill Alien herb 2t3 Geranium multiflon n Gray var. ovatifoli~n (Gray) Fosb. * himhim, noho-anu Endemic (R) shrub 3

GEsmRrACEAE: Gloxinia Famill Cyrtandra kipahUh hati-wale Endemic shrub 2t3 Cyrtandra lysioseps C.B. Clarke* ha i-wale Endemic (R) shrub 2 Cyrtandra mauiensi~ 'ilihia, ha'i-wale Endemic shrub 2,3 Gaud. . st. John* hahala, ha1i-wale Endemic shrub :. John* ha' i-wale Endemic shrub a St. John ha i-wale Endemic shrub ha1i-wale, kanawao-kelokelo Endemic shrub

Endemic shrub Indigenous shrub GUNNERACEAE: * Gunners Family Gunnera mauiensis 1Krajina) St. John* lapel ape Endemic herb IABIATAE

coleus Alien herb igua (A. Gray) Endemic (N) vine (Gaud.) Benth. nkaemic (R) vine lalalala-wai-nuil spurflower Indigenous herb vulgaris L. self-heal Alien herb Stamgym kamehamelaae Wawra Endemic vine Stencgyne rotundifolia Gray Endemic (R) vine stenogyne sp- memic vine IAURACEAE: Laurel Family persea america~Mi11. avocado Alien tree koa rn&c tree ma--lcra Alien vine Alien sh3mb

partridge P= Alien -1 Cassia occidental coffee senna Alien shrub kolamo~ Alien herb, shrub mth rattle-pod Alien shrub & Thell.* Spanish clover Alien herb three-flcwered bessarwd Alien herb Desmodium (Jacq. ) DC. * Spanish clover Alien herb

(L.) Merr. tiger's claw Alien tree 1 (cult.) losa Mill. indigo Alien shrub 1 Alien herb 1 a (Lam.) de Wit koa-haole Alien (D) shrub 1 sensitive plant Alien herb, shrub 1 ld.) Dc. ka'ele Indigenous vine 1 . (Salisb.) seem. a

-is Chock* Endemic -1 tree 'ogel ~ndex6.c(R) vine MeYr. Indigenous vine mmm(czw'.. Lobelia Family Clenmntia arboresc Ins (raann) M. Endemic shrub, tree 2,3 Clermontia kakeana 'alp* Endemic shrub 213 Clermontia kakeana Walp var. orientalisI St. John* Endemic shrub Clermontia reticula .h St. John* Endemic (R) shrub Clermontia rosacea st. John* Endemic shrub warty clermontia Endemic (R) Shrub oha Endemic shrub hahanui, haha Endemic (R) shrub 'sku Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (N) shrub Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (R) (N) shrub Cy- holophyll var. obovata 33demic (R) shrub Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (R) shrub

hahanui Endemic (R) shrub Endemic (R) shrub Endemic shrub

Ehdmtic (R) (N) shrub Endemic shrub liua Endemic (R) shrub

St. Job * kolili Endemic shrub LOGANIACEAF::

Labordia glabra Endemic (R) shrub Iabordia h-ni var. mtralis st. John* Endemic shrub Labordia venosa Sh Endemic (N) shrub Labordia sp. Endemic shrub

LCEAE): -Y mats (v. Tiegh. ) hulu-moa Endemic parasite Irica (v. Tim.) hulu-moa Endemic (N) parasite

nily ;is (Jacq. ) Macbride tarweed Alien herb IBK. * mle Alien herb, shrub MAGNOLIACEAE: Magnolia Famil Michelia champaca 1 (cult.)

MALmcEAE: Hibiscus Famil I Abutilon grandif01 ium (Willd. ) sweet hairy abutilon Alien shrub Hibiscus tiliaceus L. hau Indigenous shrub, tree Hibiscus youngianu ; Gaud. ex H. & A.* hau-hele Endemic shrub 1 Malvaviscus arbore IS Cav.* turklscap Alien shrub 1 Sida cordifolia L. ilima Indigenous shrub 1 Sida rhambifolia L Cuba jute Alien shrub 1 Thespesia popuhea (L.) Soland. ex Correa* mil0 my. Intro. tree 1 urena lobata L. aramina Alien shrub 1

ImRACEAE: Mulbmy Famil: Artocarpus altilis Z.) Fosb. luluf breadfruit Fbly. Intro. tree 1 Broussonetia pm.fera (L.) Vent. wauke Poly. Intro. shrub 1 (cult. ) Ficus microcarpa L f. (3hese banyan Alien tree 1 Ficus platypoda A. clmn. ex Miq. var. petiolari;; Benth. Australian fig Alien tree 1 (cult.?)

MYRSINA-: Myrsine Family Ardisia crispa (Thi hen's eyes Alien shrub 1 Ardisia humilis va] shoebutton ardisia Alien (D) shrub 1 mlia pacifica M kilice Endemic (R) vine 213 Myrsine maryinata kolea Ehdemic (N) tree 2,3 Myrsine lessertim kolea-lau-mi Endemic tree 1t2,3 Myrsine sandwicens var. mauiensis kolea-lau-li'i Endemic shrub,tree 2 mCEAE: Myrtle Family Eucalyptus robusta Swamp mahogany Alien tree 1 Java plum Alien (D) tree 1 Eugenia jambos L.* rose apple Alien (D) tree Eugenia malami: L. * llyxultain apple my. Intro. tree Eugenia sandwicens. s -r* ohi a-ha Endemic tree Melaleuca leucaden ra (Stickm.) L.* paP=+=-k Alien (D) -1 Metrosidems polp rpha Gaud- ohi a-lehua Endemic -,- - Esidium cattleianu Wine waiawi- ula ula, f. cattleianum -wb@=Y gum Alien (D) Psidium cattleim waiawi , yell- f - lucidum Deg guava Alien (D) Psidim guajava L. guava,-- -- Alien (D) NY-INACEAE: Four o'clock E mily Mirabilis jalap L four olclock Alien shrub Pisonia umbellifer; (J.R. & G. Forst.) Seem. Indigenous tree oN?GEaCEAE: Evening primra e Family Epilobium cinereurn A. Rich* willaw herb Alien (N) Ludwigia odivalvi (Jacq. ) Raven + kamole Poly. Intro. Iudwigia palustris (L.) Ell. water purslane Alien

0XAI;TmCEAE: Wood sorrel Fa ily Oxalis corniculata L. var. cornicula a + yellm wood sorrel mly. Intro. herb Oxalis martiana Zu c.* pink wood sorrel Alien herb PASSIrnRACEAE: Passion flm Family edulis Passiflora ;irns liliko 1 i Alien vine Passiflora foetidi L. pohapoha, scarlet-fruited passionflower Alien vine Passiilora pulchel La HBK. * two-lobed passionflower Alien vine Passiilora subpelt ntaOrtega white passionflower Alien vine

Endemic shrub F'IPERACEAE: Pepper Family Pepermia cookiam C. DC. var. cookianaJ Endemic herb Pepemmia cookiam C. DC. var. flavinen n (C. DC.) YUllCkerJc 'alalala-wai-d Endemic herb Fepemda eekana ( . DC. 'alalala-wai-nui Endemic herb -aerythrcx Lada C. DC.* 'alalala-wai-nui Endemic herb Pepemmia explle =ens C. DC. ala ala-wai-nui Endemic herb Pepemnia globula~ *era C. DC. 'alawala-wai-nui Endemic herb Fepemnia hirtipel iola C. DC. 'alalala-wai-mi Endemic herb Pepemmia kipahul~ =is St. John & C. Izlmmreux 'alalala-wai-mi Endemic herb Peperomia latifol: n Miq. herb 'alalala-wai-nui Endemic herb Feperomia leptoslz 3lya H. & A. alalala-wai-nui Indigenous ligustr: la Hbd. Pepeda herb var. oopuolm Yuncker* alalala-wai-mi Endemic herb Pepemmia lilifol: n C. DC.* 'alalala-wai-nui Endemic Peperomia lilifol: 3 C. D.C. var. ndlimbi (C. DC.) Yuncker* Endemic herb Iala1ala-wai-nui Ehdemic (N) herb

H. & A. talalala-wai-nui Indigemus herb

ho awa Endemic shrub, tree 2,3

ho awa Endemic (R) shrub, tree 2,3 ho awa Endemic shrub, tree 1,2,3

narrcrw-leaved plantain Alien herb Plantago major L. lau-kahi Alien herb Plantago padnyphyl manene Endemic (R) herb Plantago princeps var. ale Endemic (R) (N) shrub

POLYGQI'IACEAF,: Wlckwheat Fami y Polygonum glabm illd. hotweed Alien herb Polygonum punch Ell. water samrbe& Alien (N) herb Rumex acetcxsella L sheep sorrel Alien herb giganteus Ai . Pame Endemic vine ~RIwrAcaCEAF,: Purslane Famili Portulaca lutea So and. ex Forst. f. ~jhi IMigemus herb Portulaca oleraceaI L. carrrmon purslane Alien herb l?RmmAcEAE: Primrose Famil r Lys bchia hillebr Mi Hook f. ex Gray m-hekili Endemic (R) shrub Lysimachia kipahul xensis St. John* Endemic shrub Lysimachia remyi H Id. Enddc herb

IEOSACEAE: Rose Family Fkagaria chiloensi ; (L.) mch. lohelo-papa, var. sandwicen ;is Deg. & Deg.* wild strawbemy Indigenous (R) herb fiut3us hawaiiensis :ray akala Endemic shrub fiut3us macraei Gray Iakala Endemic shrub Rubus msaefolius-v .* thimblebemy Alien !&rub fKJBIACEAE:

E?&ea elatior Gaud ahakea-lau-nui Ehkhic (N) tree Coffea arabica L. Arabian coffee Alien shrub coffee Alien shrub )arkae-nene, var. mauiensi lepo-nene Endemic Copmsma foliosa pilo Endemic (N) pilo Endemic (N) pilo Endemic (N) Endemic Endemic Endemic (R) melnic Endemic Gouldia terminali var. cordata Endemic tree Endemic OCMM3N NAME s?IlATUS LWE FWRM EL;EV. ZONE

Hedyotis acuminati (C. & S.) Steud. var. acumhati forma obovata Fosb. * au Endemic shrub 1,2,3 Hedyotis aCrrmiraati (C. & S.) Steud. forma forbesi. Fosb. * au Endemic slxub 1,213 Hedyeis centrantl bides (H. & A.) Steud. var* centrant] Ldes forma vestita 'osb.* Endemic shrub 213 Hedyotis sp. Endemic shrub 1 Morinda citrifolii L. nani Foly. mtro. shrub 1 Nertera granadens ; (L.f.) Druce var. insular& Skottsb. * ma)cole Endemic herb, vine 2I3 Psychotria hawaiir lsis (Gray) Fosb. kopiko Endemic (N) tree 2 13 Psychotria marink la (C.& S.) Fosb. kopiko Endemic shrub, tree 1 Psychotria mauim s Fosb. kopiko Endemic (N) tree 2

mCEAE: Citrus Family Citrus sp. Alien shrub, tree 1 (cult.) Pelea anaJ?anapam .s St. John* alani Endemic shrub, tree 3 Pelea balloui Fbk alani Endemic (R) (N) tree 2 *lea ~lusiaefoli~Gray* alani Endemic shrub, tree 2 13 Pelea clusiaefoli Gray var. minor St John* alani Endemic tree 2 Pelea ~lusiaefoli~Gray var. minor St John fom stenoph .la St. John* alani Endemic tree 2 Pelea kipahuluens ; St. John* alani Endemic tree 2 Pelea molokaiensi, Hbd. alani Endemic (N) skrub, tree 2 Pelea volcanica G 'Y alani Endemic shrub, tree 2 13 Pelea spp. alani Endemic sllnlb, tree 1,213 Platydesm spathul 3ta (Gray) Stone var. pallida ( Hbd. ) Stone* pilo-kea Endemic (R) shrub,tree 2

Ialaliti Indigemus shrub, tree 2,3 SAPCrrACEAE: Sapodilla Famj LY Planchonella sand^ icensis (Gray) Pierre* aulu, alala, kaulu Endemic (R) tree 1 SAXIFRAGA-:* Saxifrage Famj Broussaisia arguk var. arguta fc p1aha-nui , kanawao Endemic shrub SCROPHuIxuACEAE: Figwort Family Bacopa monnieria water hyssop Indigenous herb Qstilleja field Indian paintbrush Alien herb


red pepper, nioi Alien -1 shmb ohelo-kai Indigenous herb aiea Endemic (R) shrub, tree

popolo-leu-mi Ehdemic (R) shrub Solanum nignrm L. * pop010 Indigemus herb apple of sodom Alien shrub -m: 'Akia Family Wikstroemia sp. Endemic shrub 2, 3

TImCEAE: Linden Family Heliocarpus popaya is HBK. * Alien shrub, tree 1 Triumfetta semitri1 oba (L. ) Jacq. * Alien shrub 1 ULMACEAE: Elm Family Trm sp. Alien tree 1

UMBmFERAE carrot Family Centella Asiatic pennywort, * kula Alien he333 Hydrocotyle vertic llata Thunb. whorled marsh t PennyworL me Alien herb Sanicula sandwi is Gray tall Hawaiian 7 sanicula Endemic (R) herb URTICACEAE: Nettle Family Pilea peploides ( Indigenous herb 112~3 Pipturus albidus Endemic shrub 1, 2 Pipturus rockii Endemic shrub 2 Endemic shrub 1, 2, 3 Endemic (R) shrub, tree 1,2,3 VERBENA-:

lantana Alien (D) shrub Jamaica vemain, oi Alien shrub nettleleaved vervain Alien shrub

APPENDIX A LIST OF NAMES (Names Used in Checklist versus Names According to Other ~uthorities)

(as in checklist)

Adiantum raddianum Adiantum cuneatum Langsd. & Fisch. Arachniodes carvifolia Rumohra carvifolia (Kze.) Ching Asplenium contiguum Kaulf. Asplenium contiguum Lam. Asplenium polyodon Asplenium falcatum Lam. Athyriopsis japonica Athyrium j aponicum (Thunb.) Copel. Athyrium maximum (Don. ) Milde Athyrium sandwichianum Presl Hicriopteris pinnata (Kunze) chins Dryopteris wallichiana Dryopteris paleacea (Sw.) C. Chr. Grammitis hookeri (Brack.) Copel. Gramnitis hookeri (Kaulf .) Copel. Linasaea repens Lindsaea macraeana (Hook. & Am. ) var. macraeana Copel* Ophioglossum pendulum L. Ophioglossum pendulum L. subsp. falcatum (Presl) Clausen Phymatosorus scolopendria Microsorium scolopendrium (wlrm. ) Copel Polypodium pellucidum Polypodium pellucidum Kaul f . var. pellucidum Selaginella arbuscula Selaginella menziesii Spring. Sphencnneris chinensis Sphenomeris chusana (L.) Copel. APPENDIX A, continued.


ST. JOHN (1973) (as in checklist) WAGNER, HERBST. and SOHMER

Agave sisalana mine ex Enghn. Agave sisalana wine Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) Sweet Alocasia macrorrhiza (L. ) Schott Arundina bambusaefolia Arundina qraminifolia (D. Don) Hochr. Astelia degeneri Astelia menziesiana Sm. Astelia forbesii Astelia menziesiana Sw. Subsp- pa~~sperma Axonopus affinis Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) KuNm. Axonopus compressus Not recognized Carex macloviana D.Urv. Carex macloviana IXrm. dlUrv. var. sub* subsp. subfusca (W. Boott) (W. Boott) Kuek. T. Koyama Carex plwia Carex alligata Boott Qlrysopogon aciculatus Indigenous? Cladium leptostachyum Cladium jamaiceslse Crantz, Indigenous Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev., transferred to Agavaceae Costus speciosus Costus speciosus (J . Konig) fin. , (Koenig in Retz .) Sm. transferred to Costaceae Curcuma domestics Curcuma longa L. Cyperus brevi fol ius Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. CVperus f- Torulinum odoratum (L. ) var. auriculatus S. Hooper subsp. auriculatus (Nees & Meyen) T. Koyama CVperus halpan L* Mariscus javanicus (Houtt. ) Merr. & Metcalfe Kyllinga nemoralis (J.R. Forster & G. Forster) Dandy ex Hutchinson & Dalziel Pycreus polystachyos (Rottb. ) P. Beauv. Deschanrpsia australis Bdmmpsia nubigena Hillbr. Digitaria adscendens Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler Digitaria decumbens Digitaria pentzii Stent 1, Indigenous? Digitaria sanguinalis Digitaria ciliaris (Retz. ) Koeler Fimbristylis pycnocephala Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. Garnotia sandwicensis Gamotia acutigluma (Steud. ) Ohwi , Alien Hedychium coronarim Koenig H&ychium coronarim J. Konig in Retz. Hedychium flavescens Carey Hedychium flavescens N. Carey ex in Roscoe Roscoe APPENDIX A, continued.

ST. JOHN (1973) (as in checklist) WAGNEEZ, HERBST, and SOHMER Roscoe Hedychium gardnerianum Ker-wl. Hippeastrum puniceum Transferred to Liliaceae Joinvillea ascendens Brongn. & Joinvillea ascendens Gaud. ex Gris. subsp. ascendens Brongn. & Gris. subsp. ascendens Gahnia gahniifonnis (Gaud.) A. Heller Microlaem stipoides Ehrharb stipoides Labill. Pandarms tecrtorius Warb. Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex z. Paspalum orbiculare Paspalum scrobiculatum L. Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. Pennisetum clandestinum Chiov. ex Chiov. Rhynchospora lavarum Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale subsp. lavarum (Gaud.) T. Koyama Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl. Schoenoplectus lacustris (L. ) Palla subsp. validus (Vahl) T. Koyama Setaria geniculata Setaria gracilis Kunth Setaria palmaefolia Setaria palmifolia (J. Konig) Stapf Smilax sandwicensis Smilax melastamifolia Sm., transferred to Smilacaceae Zhqiber zerumbet (L. ) Roscoe Zingiber zerumbet (L. ) Sm.

Alternanthera sessilis R. Br. Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. ex R. & S. Alyxia olivaefods Alyxia oliviformis Gaud. Ardisia crispa Ardisia crenata Sims Ardisia humilis Ardisia elliptica Thunb. Argyroxiphium fofbesii Argyroxiphim virescens Hillebr. Bidens pentamera Bidens campylotheca Schultz-Bip. subsp. pentamera (Sherff) Broussaisia aryuta Broussaisia aryuta Gaud. var. pellucida Cassia bicapsularis Senna pendula (Hd. & Bonpl . ex Willd. ) H. Irwin & Barneby H. Irwin & I3arneby Cassia leschenaultiana Qlamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench Qssia occidentalis Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Cassia surattensis Senna surattensis (N. L. Wum. ) H. Irwin & Barneby APPENDIX A, continued.

ST. JOHN (1973) (as in checklist) WAGNER, HERBST, and SO=

Casuarina equisetifolia Stickm. Casuarina equisetifolia L. Cerastium vulgatum Cerastium fontanum Baq. Cheirodendron trigynum Cheirodendron trigynum (Gaud.) var. confertiflorum A. Heller Claoxylon sandwicense Claoxylon sandwicense Mull. Arg. var . magnif olium Clermontia kakeana Walp Clermontia kakeana Meyen Clermontia k.akeana Walp Clermontia kakeana Meyen var. orientalis Clermontia reticulata Clemrontia grandiflora Gaud. Clermontia rosacea Clermontia sarrruelii C. Forbes Cocculus ferrandianus Cocculus trilobus (Thunb. ) DC. Coleus blumei Plectranthus scutellarioides (L. ) R. Br. Capr~m~erncdeoides Caprosma emodeoides A. Gray var. mauiensis Cap- stephanocarpa Coprosma folios A. Gray Crepis pulchra Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr . bicolor Cyanea mcrostegia Hillebr. Cyanea bishopii Cyanea kunthiana Hillebr. Cyanea haleakalaensis Cyanea copelandii Rock subsp. haleakalaensis (St. John) Lammers Cyanea hamatiflora Rock subsp. hamatiflora Cyanea holophylla Cyanea glabra (F. Wimmer) St. John var. obovata Cyanea multispicata Cyanea fissa (H. Mann) Hillebr. Cyanea scabra Cyanea glabra (F. Whner) St. John var. variabilis Cyanea scabra (3yanea sola~ceaHillebr. var. sinuata Cyrtandra kipahuluensis Not recognized lysiosepala (E. Maui) Qrbkhhashimotoi Rock Cyrhndra mauiensis Cyrtandra platyphylla A. Gray paludosa Cyrtata paludosa Gaud. var. irrostrata Cyrtandra rotata Cyrtandra grayi C. B. Clarke Desmoaium canum Desmodium incamrm DC. Desmodium mcinatum Desmodium sandwicense E. Mey . Emilia javanica Emilia fosbergii Nicolson Epilobium cinereum Epilobium billardierianum Ser. subsp. cinereum (A. Rich. ) Raven & Engelhorn Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf . Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex. DC Erechtites valerianaefdia Erechtites valerianifolia (Wolf) DC Erigeron bonariensis Conyza bonariensis (L. ) Cronq. Erigeron canadensis Conyza -ensis (L. ) Cronq. APPENDIX A, continued.

ST. JOHN (1973) (as in checklist) WAGNER. HERBST, and SO-

Eugenia cumini Syzygiuum cumini (L.) Skeels Eugenia jambos Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Eugenia malaccensis Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr.& Perry Eugenia sandwicensis Syzygium sandwicensis (A. Gray) Nied. EUpatorium adenophorum qeratina adenophora (Spreng.) R. King & H. Robinson Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. King & H. Robinson Euphorbia geniculata Euphorbia heterophylla L. Euphorbia hirta Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. Fragaria chiloeslsis Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchesne var. sandwicensis subsp. sandwicensis (Decne.) Staudt Geranium carolinianum Geranium homeanum Turcz. var. australe Geranium multiflorum Geranium multiflorum A. Gray var. ovatifolium Gcnrp3hocarpus P~Y===-P= Asclepias physocarpa (E. Mey .) Schlechter Gouldia hillebrandii Hedyotis hillebrandii (Fosb.) W.L. Wagner & Herbst Gouldia terminalis Hedyotis terminalis (Hook. & Arnott) W.L. Wagner & Herbst, no var. or f. recognized Gouldia terminalis Hedyotis terminalis (Hook. & var. cordata Arnott) W. L. Wagner & Herbst Gouldia terminalis Hedyotis termindlis (Hook. & var. ovata Amott) W.L. Wagner & Herbst -era mauiensis Gunners petaloldea Gaud. Gunneraceae Transferred to Haloragaceae Hedyotis acuminata Hedyotis acuminata (Cham. & var. acuminata Schlechtend. ) Steud. f. forbesii Hedyotis acuminata Hedyotis acuminata (Cham. & var. acuminata Schlechtend. ) Steud. f. obamta Hedyotis centranthoides Hedyotis centranthoides (Hook. & x t\ C+ruy;l LYWLL) ULLUU. f. vestita Hibiscus youngianus Hibiscus furcellatus Desr., Indigenous Heliocarpus popayaensis HBK. Heliocarpus popayanensis Kunth Impatiens sultani Impatiens wallerana J.D. Hook. Ipamoea batatas (L.) Poir. Ipumoea batatas (L.) Lam. Ipcnnoea brasiliensis Ipumoea pes-caprae (L. ) R. Br. Ipamoea congesta Ipamoea indica (3. Wum.) Merr. KalanchoG tubiflora (Harv.) Hamet Kalanch& tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet APPENDIX A, continued.

ST. JOHN (1973) (as inchecklist) WAGMER, HERBST, and SOHMER Keysseria lavandula Lagenifera maviensis H. Mann Labordia glabra Labordia hedyosmifolia Bill. var. orientalis Labordia hedyosmifolia var. centralis Lagenophora viridis Lagenifera maviensis H. Mann Lokliaceae Transferred to Gmpmlaceae Iabelia gaudichaudii Inbelia gloria-mntis Rock var. gloria-mntis I;obelia grayana E. Wh. mlia grayana F. Winnner Lysimachia kipahuluensis Lysimachia rqiHillebr. Lythrum rnaritimum Indigenous Malvaviscus arboreus Malvaviscus penduliflorus DC Melaleuca leucadendra Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake Myrsine sandwicensis Myrsine sandwicenis A. DC. var. mauiensis Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenn.) ex Reichenb. Reichenb. Nertera granadensis Nertera granadensis (L. fil) var. insularis Druce, Indigenous Oxalis martiam Oxalis corymbosa DC. Passiflora pulchella HBK. Passiflora pulchella Kunth Pelea anapanapaensis Felea volcanica A. Gray Pelea clusiaefolia Felea clusiifolia A. Gray Pelea clusiaefolia Felea clusiifolia A. Gray var. minor Pelea clusiaefolia Pelea clusiifolia A. Gray var. minor f. stenophylla Pelea kipahuluensis Pelea volcanica A. Gray Peperamia cookiana Pepamnia cookiana C. DC. var. cookiana Peperarrtia cookiana Pepamnia oookiana C. DC. var. flavinerva Peperania eqthmclada Peperamia obuvatilimba C. DC. Peperamia ligustrina Peperania ligustrina Hillebr . var. oopuolana Peperomia lilifolia Peperamia macraeana C. DC. , . -1 SA 111lfUAAU- var. nudilimba Fhyllostegia macrophylla Phyllostegia macrophylla (Gaud.) var. remyi Benth. Pipturus rcckii Pipturus albidus (Hook. & Amott) A. Gray Pittosporum glabrum Pittosponnn glabrum Hook. & var. tinifolium Arnott Pittosporum insigne Pittosporum glabrum Hook. & Amott APPENDIX A, continued.

ST. JOHN (1973) (as in checklist) WAGNER, HERBST, and SOHMER Planchonella sandwicensis Pouteria sandwicensis (A. Gray) Baehni & Degener Platydema spathulata Platydesma spathulata (A. Gray) var. pallida B. C. Stone Pluchea odorata Pluchea symphytifolia (Mill. ) Gillis Psidim cattleianum Form not recognized Rubus rosaefolius F&hs rosifolius Sm. Saxifragaceae Treated as Hydrangeaceae Scaevola taccada Scaevola sericea Vahl Sida cordifolia Alien Solanum incmpletum Solanum incampletum Dunal var. mauiensis Solanurn nignrm Solanum americanum Mill. Solarnrm SGdcnneum Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & Jaeger . Sophora chrysophylla Sophora chrysophylla (Salisb.) var. chrysophylla Seem. f. haleakalaensis Stachytaqheta urticaefolia Stachytarpheta urticifolia (Salisb.) Sims Styphelia douglasii Styphelia tameiameiae (Cham. & Schlecht.) F. v. Muell. Styphelia tameiameiae Styphelia tameiameiae (Cham. & var . brownii Schlecht.) F. v. Muell. Styphelia tameiameiae Styphelia tameiameiae (Cham. & var. tameiameiae Schlecht.) F. v. Muell. Taraxacum officinale (L. ) Taraxacum officinale W.W. Weber Weber Tetraplasandra kavaiensis Tetraplasandra kavaiensis (H. var. dipyrena Mann) Sherff Tetraplasandra meiandra Tetraplasandra oahuensis (A. var. mauiensis Gray) Thespesia pow Indigenous?- Tremtolobelia macrostachys Trematolobelia macrostachys var. haleakalaensis (Hook. & Arnott) A. Zahlbr. Triumfetta sdtriloba (L. ) Jacq. Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. Urera sandhricensis Urera glabra (Hook. & Arnott) Wedd. Vaccinium berberifolium Vaccinium reticulatum Sm. Xanthium saccharatum Xanthium strumarium L. Xylosma hawaiiense Xylosma hawaiiense Seem. var . hillebrandii



Argyroxiphium grayanum Carr 1985 (on E. Maui) Crassocephalum crepidioides Wagner, Herbst, and Sohmer Digitaria pruriens St. John 1978 Dodonaea viscosa Wagner, Herbst, and Sohmer IXzbautia dolosa Carr 1985 IXlbautia dolosa x D. scabra Carr 1985 Ixlbautia rnenziesii x D. reticulata Carr 1985 IXzbautia plantaginea Carr 1985 Dubautia plantaginea x D. scabra Carr 1985 Eubautia platyphylla Carr 1985 IXzbautia scabra Carr 1985 Indwigia octivalvis St. John 1978 OxdLis corniculata St. John 1978 Fhyllostegia ambigua Wagner, Herbst, and Sohmer


Cateqow* Family Aspidiaceae (Polypcdiaceae) Cyanea scabra Lobeliaceae (no var. listed) (CarrrpanuJ-a-e) Cyrbndn lysiosepala Gesneriaceae (3 var.) Geranium arboreum Geraniaceae Geranium multiflorum Geraniaceae var. avatifolium Labordia glabra (no var. listed) bysimachia-hiflebrandii Pelea balloui Pittosporum glabrum var. tinifolium Plantago princeps Plantaginaceae var. laxifolia Sanicula sandwicensis Uhbdliferae (Apiaceae) Solanum incmpletum 1 Solanaceae (no var. listed) Tetraplasandra kavaiensis 1 Araliaceae var. dipyrena Vandenboschia draytoniana 1 Hymenophyllaceae (listed as Trichmes draytoniana)

* Category Ebplanations: 1 = Taxa for which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service currently has sufficient information regarding their vulnerability to support listing them as Endangered or Threatened.

2 = Taxa believed to be Bdaqered or Threatened, but for which information regarding their biological vulnerability is not

3B = Taxa that have undergone taxonomic revision and are no longer being recognized.

APPENDIX D RAE33 PIANTS OF KIPAHUW TOLLUY, MAUI (Excluding Candidate Endangered Taxa)

Ame&o&ilus sandvicensis Orchidaceae Arqyroxiphium forbesii Cmpositae () Arsyroxiphium grayanum Ccnrpositae (Asteraceae) Asplenim schizophyllm Aspleniaceae Christella boydiae Thelypteridaceae Clennontia reticulata mliaceae (Camparmlame) Clennontia tuberculata Lobeliaceae () Cyanea aculeatiflora Lobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea angustifolia mbeliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea bicolor Lobeliaceae (Campamlame) Cyanea grimesiana Liobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea hamatiflora mliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea haleakalaensis Lobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea holophylla mlia-e (Campanulaceae) var. obovata Cyanea horrida Lokliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea macrostegia Lobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) Cyanea multispicata Lobeliaceae (Camparmlame) IXlbautia dolosa Campositae (Asteraceae) Embelia pacifica Myrsinaceae F'ragaria chiloensis Rosaceae var. sandwicensis remyi Gonocormus prolifer ~ophyllaceae Hillebrandia sandwiceslsis l3egoniaceae Joinvillea ascendens Joinvilleaceae (Flagelleriaceae) Keysseria lavandula Campositae (Asteraceae) Lagenophora viridis Campositae (Asteraceae) Liparis hamiensis Orchidaceae Lobelia gaudichaudii Lobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) var. gloria-montis Lobelia hypoleuca Lobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) PlZarattia douglasii Marattiaceae Nothocestrum sp. Solanaceae Phyllostegia maumphylla Iabiatae () var. YPWl Planchonella sandwicensis Sapotaceae Plantago pachyphylla Plantaginaceae Platydesma spathulata Rutaceae var. pallida Pritchardia sp. Palmae (Arecaceae) Schiedea diffusa Caryophyllaceae APPENDIX D, continued.


Sicyos sp. Cucurbitaceae Sisyrinchium acre Iridaceae Stenogyne rotundifolia Labiatae (Lamiaceae) Strongylodon ruber Leguminosae (Fabaceae) Urera sandvicensis Urticaceae Xylosma hawaiiense Flacourtiaceae var. hillebrandii Andropogon virginicus Gramineae (Poaceae) Ardisia hdlis Myrsinaceae Bambusa sp. Gramineae (Poaceae) Brachiaria mutica Gramineae (Fmceae) Casuarina equisetifolia Casuarinaceae Cmnelina diffusa Ccnmnel inaceae Cyathea australis Cyatheaceae Eugenia cumini mceae Eugenia jambos Myrta-e Eupatorium adenophorum Campositae (Asteraceae) Eupatorium riparium Campositae (Asteraceae) Hedychium coronarium Hedychium flavescens Zingiberaceae Hedycbium gardnerianum Zingiberaceae Holcus lanatus Gramineae (Poaceae) Lantana camara Verbenaceae Leucaena leucocephala TeqUminosae (Fabaceae) Melaleuca leucadendm MVrta-e Melinis minutiflora Gramineae (Foaceae) Microlaena stipoides Gramineae (Poaceae) Panicurn maximum Gramineae (Fmceae) Paspalm conjugatum Gramineae (Poaceae) Paspalm urvillei Gramineae (Poaceae) Pennisetum clandestinum Gramineae (Poaceae) Psidium cattleianum Psidium guaj ava MVrta-e Rhyn&ospora caduca Cypwa-e Schinus terebinthifolius Anacardiaceae Setaria palmaefolia ~ramineae(Poaceae) Spathodea campanulata Bignoniaceae

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