The Potential for the Biological Control of Hedychium Gardnerianum

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The Potential for the Biological Control of Hedychium Gardnerianum The potential for the biological control of Hedychium gardnerianum Annual report 2012 KNOWLEDGE FOR LIFE A report of the 4th Phase Research on the Biological Control of Hedychium gardnerianum Produced for Landcare Research, New Zealand and The Nature Conservancy, Hawai’i DH Djeddour, C Pratt, RH Shaw CABI Europe - UK Bakeham Lane Egham Surrey TW20 9TY UK CABI Reference: VM10089a KNOWLEDGE FOR LIFE In collaboration with The National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources and The Indian Council for Agricultural Research Table of Contents 1. Executive summary .................................................................................................. 1 2. Recommendations ................................................................................................... 3 3. Acronyms and abbreviations .................................................................................... 4 4. Phase 4 detail .......................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Background ..................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Aims and Milestones ...................................................................................... 5 4.3 Administration .................................................................................................. 7 4.4 Outputs .......................................................................................................... 13 5. Surveys .................................................................................................................. 16 5.1 India ............................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Hawaii ............................................................................................................ 17 5.3 Plant propagation .......................................................................................... 17 6. Natural Enemies ..................................................................................................... 18 6.1 Fungal natural enemies ................................................................................. 19 6.2 Arthropod natural enemies ........................................................................... 21 7. Future Research .................................................................................................... 34 8. References ............................................................................................................. 35 9. Appendices ............................................................................................................ 36 List of Tables and Figures Cover photo: Tetratopus sp. weevil on H. gardnerianum, India Table 1. Aims and Achievements (Milestones in bold) Figure 1. Corin Pratt examines Hedychium stems in India Figure 2. Schematic representation of the molecular sequencing of select groupings of Hedychium samples Figure 3. Herbarium voucher from Hawaii Figure 4. Hedychium species in Madeira courtesy of A. Gaunt (FERA) Figure 5. Illustration of H. speciosum in Wallich's Plantae Asiaticae rariores Figure 6. Hedychium spp. at the National collection, UK Figure 7. Djami Djeddour presenting at the XIII ISBVW in Hawaii Figure 8. Promotional flyer for the project Figure 9. H. gardnerianum plants at different stages Figure 10. “Viviparous” H. gardnerianum, seeds germinating on parent plant Figure 11. H. coccineum (poss hybrid) Figure 12. Clump forming Cautleya spicata plants (Zingiberaceae) Figure 13. Park ranger points to H. gardnerianum stands in HVNP Figure 14. P. roscoeae uredinia on H. gardnerianum seedling Figure 15. Mature larva of M. dimorphus Figure 16. Pupa of M. dimorphus in H. gardnerianum shoot tip Figure 17. Potential exit hole Figure 18. Adult M. dimorphus in pop-up rearing cage Figure 19. Stunted H. gardnerianum plant with M. dimorphus in tip Figure 20. M. dimorphus larva moving into cut tip Figure 21. M. dimorphus pupa in cut tip Figure 22. Control stem Figure 23. Merochlorops aff. dimorphus ex Hedychium spp. Figure 24. Neoloxotaenia gracilis ex H. gardnerianum Figure 25. Camadena acutipennis ex H. gardnerianum Figure 26. Camadena vespertilionis ex H. coronarium Figure 27. C. acutipennis larva on H. gardnerianum Figure 28. C. acutipennis leaf folding on H. gardnerianum Figure 29. C. vespertilionis larva on H. coronarium Figure 30. C. vespertilionis leaf folding and emerged adult on H. coronarium Figure 31. Undescribed Zygaenid moths ex H. flavescens/H. coronarium Figure 32. Gregarious feeding larvae on H. coronarium Figure 33. Larvae on H. flavescens (?) in field Figure 34. Green larva found feeding on H. gardnerianum-pre-pupal Figure 35. Parasitoid Clinocentrus excubitor Figure 36. Undescribed Dolichogenidea parasitoid ex Zygaenid lepidopteran Figure 37. Tetratopus sp. feeding on H. flavescens rhizomes Figure 38. Tetratopus sp.feeding on Alpinia zerumbet Figure 39. Tetratopus damage on H.gardnerianum ex NZ (left) and Hawaii (right) Figure 40. Baris sp. indet. Figure 41. Baris bispilota Figure 42. Sphaeroderma sp. flea beetle on H. gardnerianum 5 1. Executive Summary This report details the work undertaken by CABI E-UK in 2011, in collaboration with NBPGR, on the fourth phase of the biological control programme against Hedychium gardnerianum, for the consortium of sponsors from New Zealand and Hawai’i. The research builds on the third phase of work carried out in 2010 in which export of some prioritised natural enemies was finally achieved and formal identifications and investigations into their potential as biocontrol agents were initiated. A new collaborative workplan (Phase III) between ICAR and CABI was drawn up in June and the Hedychium project (Component B) highlighted as an on- going activity under the package “the study of biological control of invasive plant species and Indian natural enemies”. New permits for survey and collection were obtained from the Department of Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Sikkim (DFEWM) as well as ICAR permissions to survey and the National Biodiversity Authority notified accordingly. A survey was undertaken in July by Djami Djeddour and Corin Pratt from CABI E-UK. Meetings were held with DFEWM range officers and scientists in Sikkim to discuss the project and future collaboration. Courtesy meetings were also held with the Kanchenjunga conservation committee before repeat surveys in the National Park. Natural enemies were once again well represented on all Hedychium species and exports of the Puccinia rust on H. gardnerianum, of the damaging Chloropid fly, Merochlorops dimorphus, the Tetratopus weevil, leaf feeding Lepidoptera (Camadena spp. and Zygaenid spp. were made for host range initiation and further identifications by international experts. Whilst some preliminary tests were undertaken, a combination of non-synchronous emergence of adults (dipteran and lepidopteran), parasitism and resulted in limited numbers of individuals, so rearing attempts were unsuccessful. The 13th International Symposium on Biological control of Weeds held in Hawaii in September provided an excellent opportunity to promote the project through an oral presentation in the theme on “Prospects for weed biocontrol in Pacific Islands” but also during a specific Hedychium workshop. Key discussions were held to investigate ways in which the project could be 1 tailored to meet the needs of additional stakeholders and as a result of discussions proposals have been submitted by ARC-PPRI for funding from Working for Water, an important National funder. A meeting in the UK was also held to help identify potential sponsorship from the Azores. The UK’s national Hedychium collection has been a useful source of plants and genetic material. Samples of a number of species were sent to Landcare’s molecular team for characterisation and preliminary results indicate that the Hedychium gardnerianum from the invasive ranges may in fact be a hybrid which could have implications on agent selection. Increased funds have been secured for 2012/13 to continue the research and make progress with the host range testing. The project will be managed by Corin Pratt with support from Dick Shaw whilst Djami Djeddour is on maternity leave. Components of the work in the next phase will consist of: o Renewed collaborations in India o Further surveys to Sikkim and potential scientist recruitment o Rearing and research into the life cycles of selected agents o Continued prioritisation of agents through host range studies o Agreeing the test plant list for Hawaii and sourcing/propagating plants o Continued project promotion and stakeholder lobbying 2 2. Recommendations The International Symposium on the Biocontrol of Weeds in Hawaii provided a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the project and identify additional stakeholders. The project’s export restrictions in the early phases had meant that progress was initially slow but as collaborations in India and administrative protocols become more routine, surveys and export are becoming less of a challenge. Natural enemies continue to be well represented on all Hedychium species and with the commitment of adequate funds early in the year by sponsors and other stakeholders, a greater number of surveys can be accommodated as well as more concrete collaborations in Sikkim to facilitate observations and collections of different lifestages of natural enemies in the field across the season. The taxonomic
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