Driving sustainability in new homes: a resource for local authorities VERSION 1.1: July 2018 (Version 1.0 originally published March 2018) An output from the UKGBC Cities Programme, sponsored by: 1 Acknowledgements This resource is the output of a UKGBC project in association with The intention is that key stakeholders feel ‘co-ownership’ of this Core Cities UK. It has been produced through a combination of resource, and we are grateful to the organisations below for their workshops, meetings, written consultation and individual feedback. endorsement. We invite others to do likewise. A large number of organisations have taken time to feed into the For any queries in relation to this resource, contact process. A full list can be found on the following slide. However, John Alker, Director of Policy & Places, UKGBC: we are particularly grateful for the extensive time provided by
[email protected] Charlene Clear, BRE and Duncan Price, BuroHappold. 2 Acknowledgements The following organisations provided input and/or review during the original process. This acknowledgement does not imply endorsement. Barratt Developments GLA Newcastle City Council Berkeley Group Greater Manchester Combined Authority PassivHaus Trust Bioregional Hoare Lea PRP BRE HTA Rockwool BuroHappold Hurstwyn Associates Saint Gobain Cambridge City Council Igloo Regeneration St Albans & District Council Clarion Housing Group JLL Sustainable Homes Climate KIC Lendlease UK100 Core Cities UK Levitt Bernstein Useful Projects Currie Brown Linkcity WSP Eastleigh Borough Council