T These sailors aboard USS Constellation in Baltimore harbor show that tradition is never dead-it merely rests, waiting to be called upon. And called it was,with the recent decision made by CNO to return enlisted men-E-I thru E4 to the bell-bottomuniform. For more on this uniform change see page 18. "GOING LIKE SIXTY" AT 81 Electronics wizard is NRL plankowner

8 PLOTTING YOUR COURSE BY SATELLITE Shooting the stars is only a backup

12 SILVER JUBILEE Paae 4 I. The Queen's cup of tea RING IN THE BELLS A look at the new'old'uniforms

22 SAILORS OF THE YEAR 'Accepting the award for all'

24 AN ANCIENT BIRD'S ONE-WAY FLIGHT Sikorsky finds a nest to rest

28 DISASTER -A BEHIND-THE-SCENE LOOK Notifying nextof kin inan emergency

33 THE NAVY'S STAMP ON HISTORY Couriers record seagoing heritage

38 FROM SEAMAN TO Reflections on a 40-yearcareer

40 LEARNING TO SMILE ATGROWLS Rough-running motors help trainengineers for the fleet

Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral James L. Holloway Ill Staff: LT BillRay Chief of Information: Rear Admiral David M. Cooney JOC Dan Guzman Dir. Print Media Div. (NIRA): Lieutenant G. Wm. Eibert JO1 John Yonemura Editor: John F. Coleman JO1 Jerry Atchison Production Editor: Lieutenant John Alexander JO1 (SS)Pete Sundberg LayoutEditor: E. L. Fast PHI Terry Mitchell Art Editor: Michael Tuffli 502 Dan Wheeler 502 Davida Matthews J03 Francis Bir Edward Jenkins Covers Elaine McNeil Front cover: A member of Queen Elizabeth 11's Royal Horse Guard stands watch in London. (Photo by PH2 Dwain Patton) Back cover: Navy Recruiting Command, Arlington, Va., produced the back cover of Mariano G. Vallejo, an American hero-statesman of Spanish descent, for use during this year's National Hispanic Heritage Week celebration. Vallejo was born in Mexico in whatis now Monterey, Calif. He rose to become Mexico's Commandanre Generaland Director of Colonization of the Northern Frontier, but broke with Mexico to support 'sstruggle for annexation to the . California named the city Vallejo after him and the Navy named USS Mariano G. Vallejo (SSBN-658) in his honor in 1966. currents

Navy To Mark 202nd Birthday 0 The U.S. Navy will celebrate its 202nd Birthday on Thursday, Oct. 13, 1977. On that datein 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the fitting out of ships for the infant Continental Navy. A Navywide celebrationis again planned this year in orderto engender a greater appreciation of ourNavy herit- age and to renew our sense of pride in the accomplishments of the entire service - active and retired, regular and reserve, uniformed and civilian. This year’s observance will be limited to an internal commemoration. October 13 has also been designated Navy Uniform Day whenall Navy personnel, including active duty, reserve, NROTC, NJROTC, Sea Cadets and retired members, are encouraged to wear the uniform, preferably service dress blue. This observance will allow the American public tosee the extent of the U.S. Navy’s impact in terms of the great number and occupational variety of Americans whoNavy are members. The weekendof 15-1 6 Octoberis designated Navy Sabbath weekend when all Navy and Marine Corps personnel are encouragedto wear their uni- forms while attendingNavy Sabbath services.

Microwave Landing System Test Successful 0 An F-4J Phantom has made the first landing by a highper- formance Navy plane using a new Microwave Landing System (MLS). The system is capable of reaching out electronically and flying an airplane downto a safe landing without the pilot having to touch the controls. The F-4, from the Naval Air Test Center (NATC) at PatuxentRiver, Md., landed at the Federal Aviation Administration’s Test Center in New Jersey. NATC is testing the system to ensure it will be able to meet the unique requirements of Navy carrier-based aircraft. The system is the result of an international effort to provide aircraft with the capability of landing anywherein the world in any kind of weather. The MLS can fly a plane in a variety of patterns and offer pilots a selection of approaches.

Petty Officer Quality Control Review Board Reports Its Findings 0 The Petty Officer Quality Control Review Board recently completed the review of 145,000 first and second class petty officers and has recommended administrative action to be taken in the cases of 1,498 members identified as substandard performers. Recommended administrative actions include two administrative separations, 100 reductions in rate and 17 transfers to the FleetReserve. Warning letters citing substandard performance were issued to 1,15 1 petty officers, 8 19 of which contained reenlistment restrictions requiring specific approval from the for reenlistment or extension of enlistment. The Board referred 186 individuals to the Enlisted Alcohol Review Board andadvised 320 to pursue actively a weight reduction program or be subject to a conveniehce of the government discharge. For failure to comply with theNavy policy on equal opportunity, 36 members were referred to the Human Resource Management section in BuPers. Sixty-two letters noting significantly improved performance were issued to individuals who received warning letters last year. New Fleet ReadinessSquadron Is Establisheld 0 The Atlantic Fleet F-4/F-14 Fleet Readiness Training Program at NAS Oceana,Va., was expanded when VF-17 1 wascommissioned in August as the new F-4 Fleet Readiness Squadron. Previously, training for F-4 and F-14 aircraft was conducted by VF-101. VF- 101 will continue to operate-as the Fleet Readiness Squadron for F-14 aircraft.

Veterans Administration Hospitals To Use Satellite Communication 0 The Veterans Administration (VA) will begin an experimental 1 5-month program to use space satellites for biomedical communications between3 1 VA hospitals and as manyas 10 other medicalin- stitutions in 11 Western states. Emphasis will be on two-way video transmis- sions linking hospitals and medical teaching centers. Television monitors within the hospitals will permit viewing by staff members. They will be able to pose questions or solicit comments from other broadcast participants &ing tele- phone conference lines. Broadcasts will cover a wide range of clinical problems and educational presentations. Thiswill be the second phase of a VA program to enhance medical education and consultation in remotely located hospitals through theuse of satellitesas communications links.

Variable Reenlistment Bonus (VRB) Claims Procedures Announced 0 Eligibility criteria and claims procedures for personnel entitled to paymentsas a result of the June 1977U.S. Supreme Court Decision on the Variable Reenlistment Bonus (VRB) Program were announced by NavOp message (089-77). The Supreme Count, in a decisionre- ferred to as the Larinoff Case, ruled that regularNavy enlisted personnel who agreed to extend their enlistments under the VRB Program are entitled to bonus payments despite changes in the bonuslevels and the eligible ratings list, as well as the subsequent cancellation of the VRB Programin June 1974. The recent NavOp message details the two general categories of VRB entitlement for both current and formerNavy personnel. It also details specific criteria that eligible personnel must meet in orderto claim their VRB money. All active duty personnel who meet basic VRB eligibility criteria, and who are not named plaintiffs in existing VRBlegal actions, are requested to submit a letter,via their commanding officer,to the VRB claims section of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Individuals who have been separated from activeservice are asked to submit a letter to the same BuPers sectionto request an official application form. BuPers emphasizes that all personnel withvalid VRB claims will be paid as rapidly as possible.

3 For 3 Rotation Approved for Most CPOs 0 Effective Oct. 1, 1977, the maximum 36-month sea tour/ minimum 36-month shore tour policy for chief petty officers (E7-E9) has been extended to all ratings except CT, UDT/SEAL, and women CPOs. Members must complete 19 yearsof active duty service (not including constructive time) by the end of the third year of their current tour to eligible. be Until now, only selected ratings were included in the program which started in June 1977 on a trial basis. Navy women are not included in the program because of their cur- rent overseas tour length requirements. The CT communitywill have a one-for- one OUTUS/CONUS policy forCPOs meeting the above criteria. Present UDT/ SEAL community SEAlSHORE tours must remain in effect dueto the large number of sea duty billets.

September, 1977 3 in a broad sense. Actually, radio’is not just a small branch of electronics-it is ‘I the father of the science.’’ Gebhards career in radio began while a teenager in Buffalo, N.Y., when redimo was an esoteric infant. “I had been interested in radio forsome time though I was still a high school student,” he said. “In fact, I think I was more interested in radi’o than in studying. At any rate, I was building Dr. Louis Gebhard and collecting Marconi equipment when the new law went into effect requiring all operators to have a commercial experimenter’s license. I believe I was one of the very first t’o get one.’’ When World WarI began, Gebhard joined the Navy and was shipped off to “GOING LIKE Great Lakes for basic training. Since the Navy needed “wireless operators’’ with licenses, Gebhard was immediately placed under the tutelage SIXTY” of Dr. A. Hoyte Taylor, district AT 81 communications superintendent for the Great Lakes Naval District. “I was assigned to his new research lab,” recalled Gebhard. “Right then and there, I started my career in radio research.” Dr. Taylor, as one of the nation’s leading scientists, was appointed head of the then-forming Trans-Atlantic Radio Communications System with headquarters at Belmar, N.J. The new system was used as an alternate BY J02 DAN WHEELER 60 of his 81 years to Navy research. means of radio communicati’ons to Currently serving as an electronics Europe since the trans-Atlantic cables Louis A. Gebhard wasn’t satisfied consultant to the Naval Research were threatened to be cut by the just “doing his 20 years and getting Laboratory inWashington, D.C., the Germans. Dr. Gebhard was assigned out of the Navy.” So he did another scientist was superintendent of the research work to improve the radio 20. lab’s Radio Division for more than two system under Dr. Taylor. Then another. decades after World War 11. And now he is working on his “Of course, we don’t say ‘radio’ fourth. anymore. Today we use the term A pioneer in the develfopmentof ‘electronics,’ ” Dr. Gebhard said. radio broadcasting, radar ,and “ ‘Radio’ came into use around electronics, and holder of 90 patents, 1910 in place of the word ‘wireless’ Dr. Gebhard stands ut one of the first Dr. Gebhard has devoted more than and now people rarely think of radio high-power, high-frequency sets. ALL HANDS “At Belmar, we tried to improve developed by scientists wbrkingat the the experimental lab at the Naval Air reception equipment so we could Naval Research Laboratoryyears Station Anacostia, Washington, D.C. rely on it during the war. By this time before the British developed theirs, There Gebhardwas involved in the Navy had been ordered to take though the British are usually given research with electromagnetic wavesat control of all Marconi stations in credit for the invention. However, that high frequencies and consequently was the nation with the exception of Army project didn’t start until after Gebhard broadcasting signals to sets operated field stations. Tasked with this left the Navy. “The best I made was by amateurs aroundthe country. responsibility, the Navy became a chief petty officer. You know, they Amateur operators were asked by the pioneer in electronics development moved you up pretty fast back then, at Navy to report to NRL (asit is called and research, There are many things least during the war. When I left active today) the time, place and quality of the Navy has done in radio which duty in 1919, I became a civilian reception. These experiments few people recognize . . . like inventing laboratorian under then-Commander eventually led to the installati’onof the first American radar.” Taylor,” said Gebhard. radios in aircraft for air-to-ground According to Gebhard,radar was Subsequently, he was transferred to communications as well as

September, 1977 5 “GOING LIKE SIXTY” AT 81 communication links withremote areas KDKA Pittsburgh was the first to Probably the most historical of the earth. But there were other broadcast national election returns and broadcast made on the Navy’s station benefits. soon entertainment aspects of radio came in 1922 when President Warren “This operation actually evolved began to catch on. Consequently, the G. Harding dedicated the Lincoln into the start of radio broadcasting as Navy statison broadcast Navy Band Memorial andthe sea service aired his we know it today,” said Gebhard. and Marine CorpsBand concerts, speech live-the first time any “Eventually, some of the local weather information and nationwide president was ever carried on the air. amateurs gave us discs (phonograph time signals. Soon various government Eventually, Dr. Gebhard moved on to records) to play on the air so it would officials reoognized radio’spotential for other projects and the broadcast be easier For them to detect our getting public service messagesto the business was turned over to budding signals. We played them . . . that putus people and asked for air time. professionls to be developed to its in the broadcasting business. Soon, we “We let the head of the public potential. began airing singers and health talk on our station. He spoke The Naval Research Lab had not instrumentalists-I think I was one of about venereal disease publicly back yet been establishedand Navy the first, if not the first, to ever play when ‘decent’ folksonly whispered the scientists were scattered throughout the the violin over the air.” word,” said Gebhard. “Boy! That was country. High officials pushed for That was around 1920. Station really criticized bythe newspapers.” centralization. During ,

6 ALL HANDS Thomas A. Edison was asked to head aircraft, though miles distant, also Colmmander, Atlantic Squadron, a consulting board to examine the could be detected by directing radio’ reported: “The XAF is one of the possibility of developing a centralized waves in their directison and watching most important military developments lab where Navy research could growto for interference. since the advent of radio itself.” He its technological potential. Edison Dr. Taylor wrote a letter to the urged the Navy to go to became a major and outspoken Navy Department asking for support radar-equipped ships as soon as proponent of an experimental military to continue this research, but the Navy possible and it was immediately lab. wasn’t interested in spending more installed on 19. “By the timeWorld “Edison was so interested in the money on it. Though radar would War I1 broke out,” Gebhard said, idea that he began to draw plans inevitably prove invaluable,the Navy “civilian contractors were producing himself and even spoke to Congress our radar and the Navy took it to about the wisdom of appropriating war.” money for the lab,” recalled Gebhard. Dr. Gebhard reached mandatory retirement age in 1966 and retired “The board had many influential “Though radar would members from industry, however, who from his post asSuperintendent of the didn’t agree with allof the inventor’s inevitably prove invaluable, Radio Division (a division ideas. Edison had the notion that the the Navy couldn’t see much subsequently split into several). Navy should build its own , use for it at that time. ” Though he stayed on as a consultant, for instance, without outside and continued to work every day, contract’ors and should turn out about Gebhard devoted much of his time to one a week. He didn’t have a real compiling information for a book concept of the importance of an couldn’t see much usefor it at that which he wrote about the Navy’s many experimental lab which could do time. contributions to electronics. “It was a research in all fields-n,ot just build The stalwart scientists continued laborious job,” said Gebhard, ships and equipment.” their experimentatimon as money was “however, in my estimation, the Navy After the war, government officials available and in 1934 demonstrated a had never been given creditfor all the sided with the consulting board’s crude type of radar (by today’s wonderful inventions it had created. majority and Secretary of the Navy standards) to the Navy. Even then, the N’ow they are documenteld,” he said, ordered plans Navy was reluctant to sink much patting his 452-page compendium. developed for a Navy lab at Anacostia. money into the project because units After 60 years’ serviceto his The contract was awarded in 1920 were too bulky to place in ships. “We country, Dr. Gebhard finds it and by 1923 the building (today’s did manage to interest one impossible to cite just one highlight of NRL building 1) was dedicated. congressman though,” Gebhard said, his career. “There were many Edison would have nothing further to “and he pushed through a $ 100,’OOO highlights,” he said. “You begin do with the idea. Though his bust appropriati’on for the lab. Then the working on an idea and watch it now stands at NRL‘s gate, he never Navy became interestedin theproject. develop into a concept and wonder if it set foot on the lab’s grounds. When the Army realized the aircraft will ever amount to anything Meanwhile, Dr. Gebhard, Dr. detection potential of radar, they too worthwhile. Radar was like that at Taylor and other Navy scientists were became interested.” first. We just did our jobs and never experimenting with ,extremely high Gebhard was given the job of really thought much about what would frequency radio waves and discovered producing a practical unit sufficiently eventually develop. We were occupied that there was a noticeable and small to place in ships. In 1938, the with the ‘doing’ rather than the predictable disturbance in reception XAF (experimental radio detector recognition.” whenever a ship passed between an and ranging set)-known among Thanks tothis NRL plankholder active transmitter and receiver. Further sailors as the “flying mattress” (the last) and thousands of Navy experimentation showed that ships and because of its shape-was installed on oivilians like him who were more the USS . In early occupied with the “doing” than with 1939, the XAF was demonstrated the broadcasting cof their talents, our “We were occupied with the doing rather during fleet exercisesin the . Navy and country reaped than the recognition.” Rear Admiral A. W. Johnson, countless benefits.& September, 1977 7 I

nals,however, canbe coded,scram- adjust his calculations for pinpoint ac- bled or, if nwsary to free world de curacy and velocity. fense, discontinued altogether. This gives a rough idea of the NAV- Late this year, the Air Force will STARGPS capability. Inpractice, begin launching five of their own Nuvi- however, it doesn’t work that way. gation Development Satellites to form All of thesecalculations are done a test systemwith NTS-2; selected instantaneously bya tactical receiver users can evaluate, in a limited man- andcomputer. whichprovides data projects andabundant globalnaviga- ner, the pnogress of the project. By readout to the navigator. Even ground tion, each of which requires time accu- 1981, NRL will build and launch one trqs will be able to carry a“man- racymeasured. to the millionths of a final Navy satellite for the system-the pack” small enough to perform the second.Satellite time synchronizatilon remainder will be of the NDS variety. same function. is “far more accurate and reliable” ac- Once all 24 satellites are in orbit, When all of the satellites are in or- cording to NRL scientists. the system will work like this: bit, there willalways be at lelastfive This same accuracy, tested and im- Three circular orbital planes will available anywhere on earth forposi- provedby Timation satellites, is im- contain eightsatellites each-all of tion fixing. Even if several fail-and portant to NAVSTAR GPS, for with- which will be sending electronic signals they will-some positional data will be out it, all positional readings would be to receivers. immediately available and the rest-as inaccurate when based on satellite sig- Navigators,instead of “shooting other satellitespass overhead-min- nals.Eventually, the 24-satellitesys- the stars” or “taking sunlines,” will Utes later. tem will be able to provide continuous “!shoot the satellites.” (Each satellite Each satellite is expected to have an global coverage for all users and will will tell the navigator its own exact po- operational life offive years. During have the qabiIity for an unlimited sition andthe navigatorwill assume, that time, partial and total breakdowns number d participants, as well as for the moment, that his clock is syn- will create gaps in the signals.When selective denial capability. chronizedwith the satellite’satomic this happens, newsatellites will be Additionally, the systemwill be clook) . launchedassuring continuity of the highly resistant to jamming and it will By shooting three satellites, the system. Operational life and functional also be unaffected by adverse weather navigatorwill get an equation with capabilityof satellites is expected to conditions. Only authorized users will three unknowns-latitude, longitude increase asthe program continues. be able to monitor the satellites’ sig- and altitude. This is just ‘one more way that Navy nals (emplloying special receiver sets), Once he has solved for those un- technologyis being used on aworld- and it would cost an enemya great knowns, he will shoot a fourth satellite widebasis for peacetimeimprove- deal to build similar receivers. The sig- to find the exact time and subsequently ments.

Most readers are satisfied just know- entists to test the GPS ground equip- cy standards; a nickel-cadmium and a ing that NTS-2 is a satellite used to fix ment. nickel-hydrogen battery are used with positions of gro’undtroops, aircraft and the objective of flightqualifying the ELEMENT OF DEMONSTRA- ships. Others, however, want to know latter; twotypes of radiathondosime- TION CONSTELLATION-This sat- moreabout how it worksand the ters to measure radiation levels in ellite is an element of GPSPhase I equipment it carries : space; an experimental solar cell pack- demonstration constellation to provide age for space-qualification;and laser the initial characteris’tics of GPS orbits retroreflectorsmaking it possible to INITIALLAUNCH VEHICLE and to provide needed signals in con- check the satellite’s position independ- TEST-TheNTS-2 launch provided junction with other Phase I satellites, ently of radio signals and thereby meas- the first test the GPS launch system to demonstpate periodic three dimen- d ure the accuracy of the orbit’as deter- consisting of the Atlas Booster, the sion navigation. mined from radilo transmissions. stage vehicle (which included two peri- TECHNOLOGY ITEMS-T” And by the way, NTS-2 is in a cir- geekick motors and anapogee kick addiation to prloviding data as part of cular type, 12-hour orbit with the sat- motor). the Ph’ase I constellation, NTS-2 con- ellite revolving at an altitude of 10,898 DEMONSTRATION OF GPS tains technology items that will be use- nautical miles with an inclination of 63 EQUIPMENT-The GPS Navigation fulin later satellites: cesiumbeam degrees. signalassembly on NTS-2allows sci- tubes (atomic clocks) for the frequen- Any questions?


10 ALL WANDS When the NAVSTAR Global Posi- tioning System becomes operational in the mid-l980s, a career dream of Rog- ex L. Easton willhave been realized. Easton, the Navy's principal investiga- tor for space technology in the NAV- STARGPS program, conceivedand directed the Timation satellite program in the 1960s and now has programmed it into a workable system as a basis for the NAVSTAR system. The scientistjoined the Naval Re- se'arch Laboratory in 1943 and imme- diately began research on a blind land- ingsystem for aircraft. In 1945, he worked on a system to identify friend or foe (IFF) and distance measuring equipment. Later, he designed the Minitrack system for satellite orbit determination and assisted in the development of a locator system for the Army Map Serv- ice. Probably his m (4 s twell-known achievementwas the design of the Vanguard I, America's second success- ful satellite and now the oldestman- made satellite still in earth orbit. Eas- ton also develloped the Navy Space Surveillance System which is used for the detection and determination of or- bits of earth satellites. Winner of the Distinguished Civilian Service Award, Easton has written 30 teohni'cal documents, holds nine pat- ents for his work, during histenure, and has designed 25 satellites. 9*

September, 1977 11 Honor8 seen Elizabeth 11 &her Jubilee STORY BY immersed in the fascinating business of distinction-distinctions that set it far JO1JERRY ATCHISON learning about other cultures by visit- apart from any celebration. ing olther lands and talking withpeo- “TheHard,” Portsmouth’smain A United States sailor and a British ple. waterfront street, wasfo’cal point for “Jack” stood on the sidewalkfacing They were(only two olf more thsan many of the festivities. Portsmouth’s harbor.The twowere 30,000 sailors from countries around The good natured crush of tourists and conducting an animatedconversation, the world who had come to this histor- sailors,souvenir sellers and townfolk, oblivious to the stream of tourists and ic English seaport city to commemo- fed the festive spirit born ‘of a nation’s other sailors who poured around them. ratethe 25th Anniversary of Queen respect for its Queen. “That’sridiculous. I don’t have an Elizabeth 11’s coronation. The 1,400 Americansailors who accent,you’re theone with the ac- The Silver Jubilee Naval Review, had arrived aboard a seven-shiptask cent,” the American sailor said in dis- held off Portsmouth June 28, brought group, immediately set about the busi- tinctive Texas panhandle tones. thesesailors from 170 ships and 18 ness of taking a veryclose look at “I can har’dly understand a word countries together. England. Amongthem were almost yolu’re saying. You’ve got the accent,” It was an event that bore many sim- 400 midshipmen on theirsummer said the Britisher in a manner defying ilarities to last year’s International Na- training cruise. These novice Navymen even phonetic spelling. val Review honoring the 200th birth- received not only the ‘opportunity to The two were conducting their own day of the United States. But the visit foreign lands, but workedalong- type of culturlalexchange. They were Portsmouth eventpossessed its own sideexperienced sailors as well. ( +)



September, 1977 13 The weekend preceding the review Warming to his World War I1 recol- was filled with tours of London, Stone lections~the oldster puffed on a hand- henge,Stratford-on-Avon and other rolled cigarette (“Can’t abide the ma- historical spots. Midshipmen and sail- chine made ones.”) andpointed to- om studied Big Ben through their cam- ward the Royal Yacht Britunnia. “It’s era viewfinders. a wonder how time flies. Her Majesty “I’m probably as familiar with the is celebratin’ her 25th and it seems just sights of London as those of Washing- like yesterday she was goin’ on the ra- ton, D.C., bmuse I’ve seen pictures of dio andtellin’ us-she was just a them in books,” said one midshipman child,mind you-tellin’us we Brits Ships from the navies of the Com- as he stood in front of Buckingham would win the war.” monwelalth, NATO, CENT0 and EEC Palace. “But there sure is a big differ- The old man’s deep affection for his nations were there. The largest visitor ence between pictures andthe real Queen is shared by the majority of his wasAustra1,ia’s 16,000-ton airoraft thing. I wonder what Washington real- countrymen. In addition to this affec- carrier HMAS Melbourne; the one ly looks like. . . . ” tion is a shared heritage-one of more travelling the furthest was the New In Portsmouth, a weathered old man than 2,000 years of naval history that Zealand Canterbury; and the wearing e fisherman’ssweater leaned surrounds this island nation. only nuclear-powered surface warship againsta pier stanchion and watched And as the ships reached their attending was our own guided missile an- 4.I , ,; 1 the ships gathering in the bay. Both chorages, these sea-going people lined USS California. the old man and his sweater had ob- the banks and scanned the seven-mile- Largest merchant shippresent-in- viously spent many years at sea. “You long assembly with practiced eyes. The deed, the largest ship at the Review- know, I’ve not seen the likes of this 100 hips included the was the huge 277,748-ton supertanker since you Yanks were here getting ev- 43,000-ton HMS Ark British Respect. erything together for the invasion of Royal (soonto be decommissioned), The morning of the Reviewwas Normandy,” he said. “The only thing four nuclear-poweredsubmarines and cold and blustery. Sheets of rain gusted missing is the barrage balloons and the the onlyship present at the Queen’s backand forth across the water. A cases of Coca-Colawhen they got 1953 Coronation Review-the deep Royal Navy spokesman explained why ashore in France.” diving vessel HMS Reclaim. this kind of weather was not unexpect-

14 I. .. . -* , u.. ~ ”. ed even though the preceding days “Udon Jacks,” cheered her aong ‘the ish ships; they uncovered, waved their had been warm and sunny: shore,‘atop buildings and from &unt- hats high, and gave the Queen three “Her Majesty has demonstrated less small craft. cheers. From California’s fantail, a throughout her 25-year reign that she At 1430, Britannia--preceded (as Navy band played the British National is singularlypossessed of uncommon dictated by tradition) by the Guild the Anthem and apparently attracted bad luck when it comes to the weather Elder Brethren of Trinity House on 0 u e e nElizabeth’s abtention-she cooperating withscheduled r o y a1 board their ship Putriciadbeganthe made a special move to the rail of her events,” he said with a smile, stately procession past the line of ships ship and waved to California. “During last summer’s severe wedged between the Isle of Wight off Next in line,Billfish, with limited drought there waseven some talk- Portsmouth and Spithead. space on deck for crewmen to line, perhaps a bit of it serious-about The two United States’ ships, Cdi- seconded the wave and gavea cheer moving up her Jubilee Celebration to fornia and the nuclear-powered attack heard easily acrossthe waters. ensure some rain.” Billfish, stood in the Solent Reaching the end of the seven-mile Rain or not, the Reviewbegan as Ohannel. The two were “dressed” with line of ships, Britannia cameabout scheduled. As the Royal Marine Band rails mannedand anuhored at mid- and headeddown the other line of played “God Save TheQueen,” Bri- point along the southern line of ships. ships formed‘nearer shore. tannia slippedfrom the pier and As Britannia passed California, 385 With the Review completed, Britm steamed toward the head of the line. Naval Academy and NROTC midship nia anchored at her starting spot and Thousands of spectators, many waving men followed the lead set by the Brit- awaited the scheduled massive flyover


September, 1977 15 b bymore than 150 Royal Navy and USS Francis Marion got underway for Marine helicopters and fixed-wing air- Copenhagen, Denmark; and the others craft. Waveafter wave of helos flew had their own arranged destinations to over the ships. Then came the air- reach. planes turn. As if on cue, the clouds Shortly before Francis Marion lowered, the rain began once again and sailed,two other sailorswent over it the fixed-wing portion of the flyover once more, “Now let me see if I’ve got was suddenly cancelled. it right,” one said. “A ‘hot’ is the “It’s just what one might expect,” trunk of a car and a ‘lorry’ is a truck.” said a Royal Fleet Auxiliary midship- “I think that’s right,” the other said. man wibh a sigh. “But what if there wasa trunk in a The reviewwas over and all that truck?” was left were the final preparations for Linehandlers standing by on the pier each ship to get underway for the next allowedthis question wouldhave to port call. California would continue on wait an answerwhen the ship called to Edinburgh, Scotland and Oslo, Nm- again in England. 9, way; the amphibious troop transport

Photosby PHI Jim Toon,502 Art Robb, pH2 Dwain Patton, pH3 Kevin Murphy, pH3 Bob Hamilton and JOI Atchison. Henry V’s Precedent Fleets have gathered at Spithead for mark the visit of Peter the Great, Czar Prince Albert. more than 2,000 years because of its of Muscovy. 1853-thefirst Royal Inspection unique location-a large sheltered an- June 1773-King George I11 of a Fleet of steam war,ships was held. chorage with access to the sea at both tooktime out from his troubles with At least 20 additional reviews were ends, close to the rest of Europe and, the colonies to review the fleet and to held at Spithead between 1853 and yet, reasonably ne’ar to the ancient and be saluted bya “triple discharge of 1944 when the greatest, but probably modern capitals of England, W,in&es- omon.” least publicizedassembly occurred. ter andLondon. Roman ships from June 1794-Admira1 Lord King George VI inspected the “D- Portchester an d Chichester would Howe arrived in Spithead with cap Day” Isle of Wight anchorage area. On gather at Spithaad bef’ore departing in turd French ships under hiscom- this occasion, the lies stretched up company for Gaul (France) and a few mand. This is the only authenticated and down the Solent. More than 800 centuries later Alfred the Great’s war Review of a victorious fleet bythe sov- ships; ‘most‘of them landing craft, mine vesselsmet there before leaving to ereign immediately after the ships re- sweepers and auxiliary vessels,were fight the Danes. turned to harbor following the battle. making final invasion (Normandy More than 1,000 ships gathered in With the fleet was HMS Valiant-her landing) preparations. the anchoragein June, 1346 before later “sister” was in attendance at this On June 15, 1953, another fleet as- King Edward I11 s,ailed to fight in year’s Silver Jubilee. sembled for Queen Elizabeth 11’s coro- France. It was not until 1415 that 1814-a Review of the fleet was nation review. Henry V made the first Royal Review held to celebrate the Treaty of Pans. Queen Victoria was the only Eritish of his ships. This was the last Review in which only monarch to celebrate both her Golden Queen Elizabeth the First reviewed sailing vessels took part. (50 years) and Dilarnond (75 years) a squadron at Spithead in 1582 and 1844-Frenchwarships w i t h Jubilees. records indicate that this was the first King Louis Phillipe of France em- The Silver Jubilee celebration in time yards weremanned and salutes barked, were met and escorted by Brit- honor of Queen Elizabeth II’s 25 years fired. ish warships; Queen Victoria reviewed 011 the throne demonstrates thatthe Charles I1 inspected a fleet at Ports- the combined fleets. British, as in years’ past, continue to mouthin 1662 (brought there byhis 1845-a Naval Review of the perpetuate the proud traditions of the R,oyalWatermen from the Thames) ExperimentalSquadron at Spithead Royal Navy and bhe admiration they and William I11 reviewedthe fleet in was witnessed by Queen Victoria and feel for the Royalfamily. 9, 1693. Other Reviews occurring near Ports- mouth included: ”arch, 1700-poissibly the first mocknaval battle was conductedto

USS California (CGN 36) (foreground)and ships from 18 nations at anchor off the Portsmouth coast. September, 1977 I Chief of NavalOperations Admiral I James L. Holloway I11 recently an- nounced the Navy's decision to return to the traditional bell-bottom style uni- form for sailors in pay grades E-1 through E-4. Personnel inthis group werechosen because, in an official Navy poll conducted last year, they ex- pressed the greatest desire as a group to return to the bell-bottomuniform. During phase one of the return to bell-bottoms 20,000 fleet unit person- nel will be issued and will wear bell- bottoms to evaluate the uniform for durability and ease of maintenance of new fabrics. Meet -in-chief will select speci,fic Navyunits to partic- ipate in the evaluation. Both blue and white versions of the classic dress and undressNavy uni- form with jumper and bell-bottom sy- tlingwill be evaluated. Fabrics to be evaluated include a blue serge material and awhite cotton-polyester blend. Blue melton material, from which pre- vious bell-bottom blues were made, no k longer is available in the quantity re quired., and the white cotton-polyester material is expected to be an improve- ment'over the dl-cotton whitesworn before, The traditional white hat also will be evaluated in the cotton-polyes- ter blend material. By Spring of next year, it is expect- ed that the new bell-bottomuniform will be available commercially also. At that time, other eligible personnel will be authorized to purchaseand wear the new uniform. The Navy will stop issuing the dou- ble breasted service dress blue coat to recruits during phase one. The current winter blue and summer blue uniform will be authorized, as appropriate, for service dress wear during the evaula- tion period. Final details of the full uniform con- version plan will bedetermined and announced following the evaluation. 18 ALL HANDS I Dressing the Navy


When CNO announced thereturn to ors from the artic to the tropics. This bell bottom style uniforms, one might has oft en meantthat what they have expected the “General Quarters” couldn’t find on the commercial mar- alarm to go off at the Navy Clothing ket, theywould have to concoct for and Textile Res ear ch Facility themselves. .( NCTRF) , in Natick, Mass. Researchers at the facilitylaid the But acoording to Mr. Seymour groundwork for numerous innovations Lash, Director of ClothingDevelop- in the field of protective clothing and ment, the Navy’s garment center is all textiles. It developed such items as alu- ready to go to work on the jumper and minized firefighting suits, a disposable bell bottom uniform. Patterns are now covering for torpedo repairmen and being cut and prepared to be sent to submarine crew uniforms. mills, and testing of the new uniform specifications is setto get underway. Every piece of fabric used for pro- tective clothing and general dress un- In its laboratories and test chambers dergoes extensive evaluation and test- 19 miles west of , NCTRF re ing. Facts about its tearing properties, searchers and textiletechnologists are its stretching properties, its fading testinga wide variety of commercial properties, its washing properties and materials proposed for Navy use. its “pulling” properties, are gathered from these assorted tests. It is anticipated that the jumper and pants will be made of a new 15-ounce, If everyone in the Navy hadone all-woolserge material-not the 100 size and shape, the jobs of the pattern- per cent Melton wool previously used. makers, designers and testers would be “The reason,” Mr. Lash said, “is Mel- much easier. But they must deal with ton is no longer commercially milled.” hundreds d thousands of sizesand shapes. And for this, a whole range of The change in uniformsspotlights headless dummies fill in the spaces for the research center’sresponsibility of the “average” sailor. dressing up the Navy-keeping the sailor “squared away” from head to Withtheir help, and withnearly foot. But another very important mis- three decades of experience, the Navy sion of the activity is the design and clothing and Textile Research Facility testing of protective clothing to guard will go on helping to keep Navy sailors against the many hazards faced by sail- “squared away”-and safe.

I i September, 1977 19 Three Lenturles of Tradition Sure, everyone knows that the bell-bottom style uniform as a decorative device and, much later, served to distinguish has been famous around the world for its ability to attract between rates. the fair young sex in any port. But did you know . . . 13 Buttons-During the Civil War, trousers had ei- The Neckerchief-Theblack kerchief or bandana ther a fly front or a seven-button broadfall depending upon historically began to appear during the 16th and 17th cen- manufacturers. In 1899, the broadfall was enlarged and re- turies and was used either as a sweat band or a simple clo- quired 11 buttons to close. A further increase in depth of sure for the collar. Black was the predominant color as it the flap sides for comfort would add two buttons for a total was the most practical shade and did not readily show dirt of 13. Although myth prevails that the number of buttons or tar. Unfortunately there are no records that support the represented the original colonies, 13 buttons happened to be persistent myth that the black kerchief represents a sign of the final number. mourning for Nelson’s demise. White Hat-In 1852 a white cover was added to the 0 Two Stars on Back Collar of Dress Jumper-During softvisorless blue hat.In 1866, regulations permitted a the 184Os, sailorsvoluntarily embellished their uniforms white sennet straw hat as an additional item for summer with devices and stars that werevery popular. It was not wear. During the 1880s, the white “sailor hat” appeared as until 1866 that stars at either corner of the flap were stand- a low rolled brim, high-domed item made of wedge shaped ardized and authorized for no other apparent reason than pieces of canvas; it replaced the straw hat. The canvas was aesthetic design balance. eventually replaced by cotton as a cheaper and more com- Three Rows of Piping-Pipingfirst appeared as a fortable material. decorative device during the 1840s which sailors added to The NavyUniform Board received numerous com- break up the drabness of their uniform. In 1866 the collar plaints about the shape and durability of the sailors’ white flap was extended to nine inches to accommodate a stand- hat which, especially in hot climates, caused the low brim to ardized system of white piping to distinguish petty officers droop and caused an unsightly appearance. The resultant (three rows), ordinary seamen (two rows) and landsmen corrective actions caused more stitching to be placed in the and boys (one row). Corresponding rowswere displayed brim which, as well, caused the sides to be stiffer and stand on the cuff. upright. This practice of reinforced stitching continued to In 1876 the white tape on the collar was standardized mold the hat into the present shape. 1 to three rows for all enlisted wearing the jumper, with rank The Neckerchief Knot-There does not appear to be to be determined by the petty officerinsignia, and cuff any historical significance attache’dto1 this knot other than it stripes for the seaman ranks. In1947, cuff pipingwas being a standard square knot widely used by sailors in their standardized at three rows for all hands since rating badges work. This knot, naturally, allows for the proper appear- and added piping (diagonal white, red, green or blue stripes ance for the neckerchief. The actual description of the knot on the left sleeve) to denote rank was repetitious. appears in the 1913 Uniform Regulations. 9, Again, the legend of the three collar rows to commemo- rate Nelson’s sea victories is a myth and has nobasis of fact in any authoritative history of uniforms. It evolved merely

20 ALL HANDS Ri3hts Benefits HomeownerstL Assistance Propram Any economist will tell you with homes do not qualify as “one- or two- termmed by the government onthe an air of. academic certainty that if familydwelling” under the program basis of comparable sales. you must sell and sell quickly, a buy- since most can readily be moved to a If a homeowner, however, can show ers’ market is created regardless of the new location. that he has tried to sellhis property product. It doesn’t take a sea lawyer The site of a homeowner’snew at the government-assessedvalue and to tellyou with equal assurance that employment following relocation must the most favorable price offeredis if a military installation experiences be beyond normal commuting distance lower, the actual sale price will usually a massive reduction in force, realign- from the dwelling for whichrelief is be accepted as representing thetrue ment action or closure, the price of sought. What constitutes “normal fair market value. real estate near that base is going to commuting distance” is determined by A homeownermay sell directly to plummet. DoD. Uncle Sam if he can demonstrate that Installation reductions and closures The exact amount of government no reasonable market for his property don’t happen often, yet when they do, reimbursement is determined by the exists due to the reduction action. The military and civilianemployees who sale option a homeowner chooses. He governmentwill then payhim not are forced to relocate are protected may take a cash payment for losses more than 90 per cent of the fair mar- against sustaining substantial losses on incurred as a result of a private sale, ket value before the action date, less the sale of their property by the DoD or he may sell directly to the govern- any outstanding mortgage. If the Homeowners Assistance Program. En- ment, or-in rare instances-hemay mortgage is greater than 90 per cent acted in 1966, this program authorizes be reimbursed for losses sustained due of the fair market value before the an- the Secretary of Defense to make par- to foreclosure. nouncement, the government will still tial reimbursement to eligiblemem- Generally, a private sale by the buy the home but will not payany bers for losses incurred due to the owner or his agent is the most advan- cash to the owner. forced sale of their homes. Not every- tageous. If a homeownersells his Off-basehousing will not be pur- one employed on an affected base is dwelling at a loss, the amount the chasedby the governmentwhen the eligible for assistanceand there are government will reimburse himwill reduction action takes place in a for- some restrictions: not be more than 95 per cent of the eign country. Employeespaid with nonappro- differencebetween the fair market Reimbursement for foreclosure loss- priated funds, temporary employees value before the action date and the es rarely occurs today. It became a and government contractor personnel fair market value at the time of sale part of the program in the beginning are not covered by the program. (or actual sale price, whichever is onlybecause many persons had lost There must have been a closure, higher.) All property values are de- their homes before assistance was avail- reduction or realignment action (here able. If a homeowner has not qualified after called “action”) of sufficient mag- for assistance in time to avoid foreclo- nitude to result in an adverse effect sure and is determined eligible at a la- on real estate prices in the area of the ter date, he may still be compensated installation. A mere announcement of for his losses. a plan to study or consider an action To apply for relief under the DoD doesn’t qualify a homeowner for reim- Homeowners Assistance Program, an bursement for losses. An announce- individual must complete an applica- ment stating that a reduction of some tion form (DD Form 1607), obtainable sort isdefinitely going to occur must from any personnel office or fieldof- first be made. fice of the U. S. Army Corps of En- At the time of the action, the gineers (the administrators of the pro- homeowner must have been an occu- gram for SecDef). Application must pant (owner-occupant) of his one- or be made within three years after the two-family dwelling. announcement of a base closure, re- Generally, trailer andmobile duction in force or realignment action. ‘September, 1977 21 Sailors of the Year Accepting the

The Sailor of the Year Program, established in 1972, recognizes and rewards top-notch active duty Navy men and women in paygrades E-4 through E-6. The selectees are meritoriously advanced to the next higher pay grade by the Secretary of the Navy; receive a Fleet Reserve Association sponsored, all-expense paid trip to Washmgton, D.C. and five days R&R at the CONUS location of their choice; and assignment with their respective Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet. The Shore Sailor of the Year serves with the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Naval Education and Training Command. The 1977 Sailors of the Year are: BMC Richard Knepper, Jr.: I have my own standards to meet. (Shore) Chief Hull Technician Dale was the highlight of their careers- Washington in 1975 as a ship salvage K. Lueck, nominated by the Naval they were being honored as the 1977 techniques instructor at the Naval School, Diving and Salvage, Sailors of the Year. School, Diving and Salvage. While Washington, D.C.; (Pacific Fleet) Lueck enlisted in 1969 and, after working in underwater salvage Chief Boatswain’s Mate Richard D. recruit training and Shipfitter’s “A” demolition training, Lueck developed Knepper, Jr., SEAL Team ONE; school, was assigned to the new demolition range training and (Atlantic Fleet) Chief Hospital escort USS Bradley (DE 1041 ) (now procedures and made major revisions Corpsman Joseph B. Laskowski, FF 1041). While assigned to Bradley, to the training curriculum. Ocean USS Detector he became interested in diving- an Underwater demolition and diving (MSO 429). ambition that almost cost the play a large part in Richard D. It wasn’t all the gold on the man’s Navy a good man. Knepper’s life too- although in arm or even the colorful doodads “I submitted a number of requests quite a different way. He’s a SEAL. on his chest that made little Lisa for transfer t,o diving school,but Knepper entered the Navy in 1966 Lueck back away from the uniformed they were all disapproved,” he said. and spent a year on board the USS man. She just didn’t understand that “I got frustrated and decided I’d dive, Home (DLG 30) (mw CG 30); he only wanted to shake her hand- in or out of the Navy!” he then volunteered for Underwater the hand that was holding her cookie. Fortunately, Lueck’s division Demolition Team training. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral officer came to his aid. He advised James L. Holloway I11 immediately Lueck to forward the disapproved understood the child’s apprehension. requests all the way through the “You aren’t the only one who chain of command. thinks I’m trying to take their cookie He did and in 1971 his request away,” he said, smiling. was approved. He attended diving Milk and cookies in the CNOs school in and graduated at office were the highlight of the day the top of his class. Eventually, he for Lisa, but for Chief Petty Officers went on to First Class Diver School Dale K. Lueck, Richard D. Knepper, in Washington, and, after paying Jr., and Joseph B. Laskowski, it his “dues” in the fleet, returned to

22 ALL HANDS Award for All

tours in , a Brcnze Star, four Navy Commendati’on Medals (each with combat “V),the Navy Achievement Medal and attendance of more than 30 schools including Army Ranger training, airborne and Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) training. It’s no wonder that Knepper, who has not been extremely active in community affairs, is the exception to the usual Sailor of the Year award winner. His commanding officer HMC Joseph Laskowski: There are’ put it in perspective. intangible benefits to being Sailor “He’s a dedicated sailor 24 hours of the Year. a day . . . leaving little time for Field Service Medical School and other activities.” spent tw’o years with the Fleet Marine Joseph B. Laskowski believes his Force in Vietnam, Okinawa, involvement in civilian projects, , Japan and Korea. as well as his professionalism, When he returned home, Laskowski helped him win Sailor of the Year attended the Medical Service for the Atlantic Fleet. Technician School at Portsmouth “It was especially through my drug where he developed an interest abuse education classes that in pharmacology and drug abuse I came into close contact with the problems. He realized, however, that community,” he explained. to be effective in many areas he would “I associated myself with the have to broaden his educational various community action groups and background. So, he enrolled in i offered my services as a lecturer in an ‘off-duty study program sponsored pharmacology. One thing led to by George Washington University another. I would give lectures for and earned an associate degree area PTAs, church, civic groups and in science. police departments. I affiliated myself The Sailors d the Year have many with the Mental Health and Mental things in common- all are married, Retardation Board in Portsmouth, have children, were first class petty HTC Dale Lueck: I decided I’d dive, Va., and the city sent me to the officers (before the meritorious in or out of the Navy. University of Miami to learn about advancement by SECNAV), are setting up a community awareness decorated Vietnam veterans and, as team.” Laskowski summed it up: In 1968 Laskowski graduated “When we sailors of the year from high school and headed straight accepted the award it wasn’t just for for the Navy recruiting office. Fresh ourselves and our families, but for out of training, he was sent all the enlisted people, and there are to Camp Pendleton, Calif., attended many who are outstanding.”& September, 1977 23 BY JO1 JIM HELTSLEY

11,11 ~

I ,'; " I ~ ', Toss a coin as to which one is most famous-heads it's

CharlieBlair, tails it's his vintage flying boat, and, if the ~~~ss,, ' I,, I coin lands on its edge, then it's Charlie's wife. Charlieand his plane go back to the 1930s andboth I bird&one=way fflisht’

c c 44 Naval Aviation . Museum.. . a good resting place for the Sikorsky.” and friends as passengers. They left the old boat at Foynes old flying boat was the last plane of its kind in and out of in Ireland as a tourist attraction. So much for one flying Ireland until the Blair’s returned in their private Sandring- boat. ham flying boat in the 1970s. Now, even the Sandringham The plane inthis tale, however,is NC41881, a VS-44 will no longer beairborne-gone is the era of the great Sikorsky-which has also made a sort of final “flight” this clippers. year-aone-way trip from the Naval Station, Roosevelt When Blair, as chief pilot for Pan Am in the late O OS, Roads in Puerto Rico to the Naval Air Museum at Pensa- started his second career as an airline owner/operator, he cola. Charlie Blair, now president of Antilles Air Boats in found a need for a flying boat and ended up leasing and the Caribbean, gave it to the Navy. The old craft once was finallybuying his old friend, the VS-44Sikorsky. Now piloted by Blair under contract to the Navy-during World Charlie and his plane have parted. War 11-and was used to ferry troops and supplies across Pensacola was more than glad to get Charlie’s flying boat. the Atlantic. Museum director, retired Navy Capt. Grover Walker, said, Secretary of the NavyW. Graham Claytor, Jr., wrote “The real significance of this aircraft lies in the fact that she Blair, “On behalf of the Naval Aviation Museum, I accept, is the last available example of the giant seaplane transport with great pleasure and personal appreciation, youroffer era of the ’30s. As such it should be preserved for future to donate the Sikorsky VS-44 flying boat.” generations to view and appreciate.” Sailors and Seabees at Roosevelt Roads helped workers Blair, author of “Red Ball in the Sky,”belongs to the from Antilles Air Boats ready the ancient bird for its one- age of the big flying boats and props, not to the era of jets way trip to Florida by surface transportation. and in-flightmovies. He hasno needfor the in-flight The man and the VS-44 are one-Blair flew it all during movies,anyway. Seems he doesn’t watch movies-even the 1940s and, on Oct. 22, 1945, flew it to Foynes. The his wife’s. 9,

26 ALL HANDS Far left: Captain Charles Blair, president of Antilles Air Lines and donor of the Sikorsky VS-44;Left and below: the Sikorsky flying boat is prepared for her final trip, from St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, to Pensacola,Fla. (Photos by PHI R. Boyle and LCDR A. Castro.)

September, 1977 27 DHSASTERhas just returned to Scott Air Force Base from a routine MEDEVAC flight to San Diego. A message arrives saying that they are again needed, this time the mission is urgent and the crew members including two flight nurses and three medicaltechnicians, rush to the C-9 and are once again air borne. Their destination, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. While helicopters hover over the destroyer and wait their behind turn to lift off and transfer theinjured sailors to the hospital at Guantanamo Bay, Commander Hall is on hisway to Mitchell’shometown in Nebraska to informthe young sailor’s mother of the accident. Hall tries to think of words that will ease the blow-he’s been a CACO before, but will the neverbecome accustomed tothe unpleasant duty. He’s studied the guidanceprovided by the Bureau of Naval Personnel’sCasualty Assistance Branch and the Com- scenes mandant of the Naval District many times, but there’s no time to review it now. As in every case, the NOK has to be informed as quickly as possible. The mother has to be assured that everything possible is being done for her son look and that he will soon be in the hands of experts at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. In Miami, the Air Force C-9 taxis down the runway and BY JO1 PETER SUNDBERG waits for permission to take off and continue on to Guan- tanamo Bay. The flight crew spent that night at the Miami “General quarters, general quarters, all hands man your airfield due to nighttime flying restrictions imposed by the

’ battlestations, set material condition ZEBRA throughout the Cuban government. No planes are allowedin orout of ship.” The corpsman jumps out of his bunk and runs aft- Cubaafter dark-regardless of the seriousness ‘of the there’s been an explosion-men are hurt. Arriving on the situation. scene, he immediately sizes up the situation: four men are The flightcrew is accustomed to such delays and, as a down, one isseriously burned, inshock and has trouble rule, won’t fly at night if it can be avoided. It’s been found breathing. The corpsman doesn’thesitate, he reaches for that apatient’s internal systems function better if heis his battle bag, takes out a scalpel and cuts an airway in the allowed to rest at night,therefore, most cases are moved man’s throatto allow airto enter the lungs. The man during waking hours. Although the C-9 is a fully-equipped breathes easier. The corpsman now faces another problem hospital ward, the crew doesn’t take chances. If something -that of keepingthe airway open. He doesn’thave the major should happen to a patient while in flight, the plane proper tool so he pulls out a ball-point pen, dismantles it will land and transfer the patient to thenearest hospital. and inserts the hollow cylinder into the man’s throat . . . The C-9 is one of twelveflown by the 375th Air Hundreds of miles away in Nebraska, a telephone rings. MEDEVAC Wing assigned to Scott AFB in Belleville, Ill. A man gropesin thedark forthe receiver- his watch The wing is responsible for medical evacuation of military reads midnight- who could be calling at this hour? personnel, dependents, retirees and theirdependents, and “Hello?” Department of Defense employees in the continental United “Commander Hall, this is the district headquarters duty States, Canada and the Caribbean. Civilians,in a life or officer.There’s been an accident on board a destroyer in death case, can also be transported as wasthe case when the Caribbean- one of the seriously injured, Petty Officer two jumbo jets collided in the Canary Islands recently- two 3rd Class Tony Mitchell,is from your area. You’ve been wing MEDEVAC flights transported the victims to Brooks assigned as the Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO) . Burn Center inSan Antonio, Tex. Please inform the next of kin (NOK) as soon as possible.” Meanwhile, at Guantanamo Bay hospital, the injured are “All right, give me the details . . .” awaitingevacuation to Bethesda; the CasualtyAssistancc In Illinois, the crew of an Air Force C-9 hospital plane Branch in Washington has fully implemented the Casualty 28 ALL HANDS Assistance Calls Program (CACP) (see accompanying article) ; the medical center in Bethesda is ready for the vic- tims; and three of the four NOKs havebeen notified- Mitchell’s mother has yet to be informed. Call Program Hall knocks again but still no response.Maybe the The Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP) of the mother is still sleeping, it’s only 0600. He knowsthis is Navy has been in effect since 1955. It provides for the per- the correct address- he verified it at the police station on sonal visit of a Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO) his way into town. Could she be on her way to work, he to the family of each person in the Navy who becomes a thinks. No . . . in a town this size no one goes to work this casualty while on active duty for training or inactive duty early . . . or do they? training. Courtesy assistance is not normallyprovided to The next step is to check with the neighbors, regardless retirees except when volunteers can be found to implement of the early hour. One tellshim that she doesn’tknow the program in the retiree’s areaand in certain special where Mrs. Mitchell works, but hecould find out atthe cases such as when the deceasedwas a Medal of Honor service station up. the street- Mrs. Mitchell’s brother-in- winner. law operates it. Hall drives to the gas station where Herman Originally, CACP was initiated to cover the problems Mitchell tells him that she left late last night on a trip to arising from the death of a Navy person. It has since been Wyoming. Hall jumps into his car and heads for the police expanded to include missing personnel, prisoners of war, station where he makes two phone calls; one to state police and internees. headquarters asking for assistance in locating Mrs. Mitchell, The CACO is the most important participant in the pro- the other toan NROTC unit commander located in gram. As a result of the performance of this duty, the next Wyoming. of kin (NOK) of the casualty willreceive compassionate The state policeissue an all points bulletin for Mrs. understanding and attention appropriate to the occasion and Mitchelland the officerin Wyoming assumes duties as advice concerning rights and benefits. CACO in the event the mother arrives there before she can As soon as possible after a casualty has occurred, mes- be contacted. Three hours pass before the state troopers sages are sent to the Chief of Naval Personnel (Casualty findMrs. Mitchell. She calls her hometownpolice station Branch), Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery and where Hall waits. He gives her the news . . . the commandant of the naval district in which the primary At Andrews Air Force Basein Maryland the noise of or secondary NOKreside. The district commander will the helos warming up blankets the sound of the ambulances designate a CACO whowill personally notify the NOK hurriedly being driven to the motionlessC-9. Doors are usually before the incident is reported by the local news flung open and four litters are carried from the plane and media. In the case of death, provides neededadvice and loaded onto the ambulances for delivery to the waiting counsel on funeral arrangements, provides aid in filing the helos. The helos take off, their final destination- the medi- official claims for such benefits as death gratuity, unpaid pay cal center at Bethesda where doctors wait. The next-of-kin and allowance, government insurance, I.D. cards, medical are notified of the arrival of their son at Bethesda and ad- care, reimbursements for burial expenses, relocation of de- vised of his condition at time of arrival. The next-of-kin pendents and householdgoods, VA and SocialSecurity then begin their long vigil at Bethesda. benefits and emergency financial assistance. Since some of Injury and death are not popular topics in Navy circles these entitlements may extend for many years, the CACO’s and you may regard yourself as one of the “it’ll-never-hap- efforts in aiding the family are very important. pen-to-me” group, but accidents are an unfortunate fact of When a person is listed as missing or is seriously injured life in the Navy. or ill, the CACO acts as liaison between the NOK and the When they occur, a number of complex plans and pro- Navy. In addition to advising the NOK on their rights and cedures go into motion rapidly and effectively to insure that benefits, the CACO will make regular reports to the NOK medical care is provided, and the needs of relatives are on the status of the casualty. In the case of missing mem- given sympathetic, professional attention. bers the CACO willbe the primary liaisonbetween the Navy andthe next-of-kin for a period of years in some (Editor’s Note: Theincident described in this article is based cases. largely on an actual MEDEVAC/CACO situation. Names Whatever the case,you can be assured that the Navy and some details have been changed.) will take care of itsown. J, September, 1977 29 BearincTsU Pegasus: Maneuverability, Speed and Weaponry The winged horse-USS Pegasus figure in Greek mythology) is attached speeds (4.0+ knots), and, because of (PHM 1)-joined the Pacific Fleet in to Destroyer Squadron NINE in San her submerged foils andautomatic con- July. The first of its class, this patrol Diego. trol system, she can maintain this speed hydrofoil missile ship (named after a Pegasus i s capable of veryhigh even in rough seas. Carrying eight Harpoon missiles and an auto8maticallyoontrolled, rapid-fire 76mm cannon, Pegasus’ missilon is to operate offensively against majorsur- face combatants an d other surface craft. She is also meant to’ conduct sur- veillance, screening and special opera- tions. Pegasus is much more maneuverable than conventional ships. She can turn twice as fast in about lone-third the dis- tance in roughas well as calm seas, making her a much more difficult tar- get to hit. Manned by 21 personnel, bhe hydro- foil missile ship has a 131-fo~otoverall length with a 28-foot beam. She is pro- pelled by two diesel engines withwater- jets while hullborne and one gas tur- bineengine with waterjet whilefoil- borne.

Surviving the Initiation

“This initiation has long and cher- Naval Technical Training Center, ished tradition in the Navy. Until the Corry Station, Pensacola, Fla., by the rite has been performed, an individual local CPOs to take part in a traditional coming into our ranks remains an E-7 initiation along with others joining the and not a Chief Petty Officer. If you CPO ranks. After a 16-hour initiation, are able to survive this initiation you Page was the guest of honor at a dinner may then, with the total respect of the and was piped over the side as an hon- chief petty officers of the U.S. Navy, orary chief petty officer. call yourself a chief petty officer.” Page got a taste of the life of a real For civilian Harrison Page, the in- CPO during his stay. Before leaving, vitation was quite an honor and for he told the CPOs, “I want to thank you Harrison Page,Chief Robinson of again for having mehere. Now that TV’s “CPO Sharkey,” itwas an ex- I’ve seen what the Navy is really like, perience he won’t forget. I think now I can portray you in a true In May,Page was invited to the light as the humane people you are.”

30 Final Flightfor the A6A Intruder

The logbooks have been closed out, With its long range searoh rad,ar, iner- -p the last 6omb has been dropped-an tial navigationsystem and ballistics ma has ended. computer, the A6A was able to pene- The LLArztbs”of AttackSquadron trate enemydefenses and deliver its 115, the last operational squadron to payload when most other aircraft were fly the Grumman built A6A Intruder, weathered in. Manned by a pilot and flew their final ‘mission inan A6A from bomb’ardier/navigator, and capable of I the deck of the aircraft carrier USS flying at low altitudes and high speeds, Midway (CV 41) in April to end this the A6A, Intruder carniedam’ajor plane’s 13 years of service to the fleet. load of the Navy’s air war during its The A6A, firstenvisioned by the years in Vietnam. F I Navy in 1958 as an all-weather attack The end #of the A6A is not, how- aircraft, made its initial flight in 1960 ever, the end of the LLA~ab~”of VA- and was introduced to the fleetin 115’s role as the Paoific Fleet Intruder 1964. During the Vietnam conflict, the Squadron-it’s the beginning of an ere A6A Intruder lived up to its role as -with the newerand more reliable the Navy’sonly all-weather aircraft. A6E. ‘Jeff‘ May Become Marines’ Best Friend “Jeff” looks too awkward to fly, airover water or land. Atabout 60 ground during the test. The AALC, much less swim, but “fly” it did-with per cent power the eightlift fans 100 feet long by 60 feet wide, is pro- the aid of eight centrifugal fans. Jeff is boosted the craft five feet off the pelled by four seven-foot propellers. the nickname for the Amphibious As- sault Landing Craft (AALC) , an air cushion vehicle being testedat Tacoma, Wash. Although strapped down, or “an- chored” in place, during initial testing, further testsin the Tacoma area this summer will check the craft’soperation over open water. Jeff‘s maiden lift-off was “highly suc- cessful” according to Lieutenant Com- manderRichard D. Greenamyer, the Navyproject officer for the 170-ton vehicledesigned to transport marine vehicles and cargo ashore in support of amphibious operations. Jeff is capable of carrying up to 60 tons of cargo at speeds up to 50 knots on a cushion of

September, 1977 31 Four Rescued During Queen’s Jubilee Review

Two days befo’re the Naval Review, -were taken to the nuclear-powered A boat fr’omCalifornia retrieved the crewmembers from USS Francis Mar- cruiser USS California (CGN36), capsized craft, and examined it for hull ion (LPA 249) rescued four persons, some 300 yards away, and attended to damage. The cruiser’s utility boat then including a four-year-old girl, from the by the ship’smedical officer. None took the four survivors to the Isle of channel where the 150 ships were an- were injured. Wight, with their powerboat in tow. chored. Francis Marion’s gig had just com- pletedcarrying guests to the nuclear attack submarine, USS Billfish (SSN 676), when the bo’atcrew spotted a small powerboat overturned in the So- lent Channel. They moved to the side of the capsized boat and brought the four on board. The rescued-all British nationals Liberty Crew Remembered

A memorial has been dedicated at the Naval Security Gr’oupheadquarters in Washington, D.C., to honorthe Technical Research Ship USS Liberty (AGTR 5) and 34 crewmen who died on board onJune 8, 1967.Captain William L. McGonagle, Liberty’s com- riedthem out under the mosttrying manding officer, and Mrs. P. M. Arm- conditions. . . .” strong, widow of the ship’sexecutive Liberty was the victim of mistaken officer,unveiled the memorial listing identity and came under attack by Is- the names and hometowns of the dead, raeli air and naval folrces in the eastern a Presidential Unit Citation pennant, during the Arab- ph’otograph of the ship, the ship’s Israeli War of June 1967. The attack wheel, and photograph of Capt. and resulting struggle to keep the ship McGonagle. afloat took a toll of 34 killed and 170 McGonagle (since retired),speaking injured. on behalf of the crew, expressed pride McG,onagle earned the Medal of in his men and their sacrifice. He said, Honor, four crewmembers received the “These are the kind of men who have Silver Star Medal, seven were awarded made the Navywhat it is today and the Bronze Star Medal and two earned what it has been through the years. the NavyCommendation Medal for They held important positions of trust, their roles in saving the ship and help- duty, and responsibility and they car- ing their shipmates.


Information Exchanse Q. Z am interested in applying for diver training andsub- on leave or liberty. Federal medical facilities are those of sequent duty. Where do I find the requirements and pro- the Army, Navy, Air Force, U.S. Public Health Service and cedures for applying for this duty? Veterans Administration. A. Enlisted personnel who are petty officers or identified The Navy will not pay for routine care obtained from a strikers in any of the source ratings specified in the BuPers civilian source unless prior authorization has been given by Formal Schools Catalog; and unrestricted line officers, lieu- the cognizant Naval district medical or dental officer. Spe- tenant and below,interested in applying for initial diver cifically, the Navy will not pay for civilian care if it is ob- training should request their command to arrange prelim- tained after an emergencyis over, because of personal inary screening at the nearestactivity having facilities to convenience, or because of personal preference. conduct : The Navy will not pay for civilian care provided to an a). Physical examination, in accordance with article 15- unauthorizedabsentee unless the member returnsto the 30, Manual of the Medical Department. (Any Navy medical actual or constructive control of a military authority before facility with the capability of conducting annual or reenlist- the care is completed. ment physicals.) These rules are spelled out in BuMed Instruction b). Recompression chamber pressure test, to 50 psig 6320.32B. General guidance isgiven on the reverseside ( 1 12 ft.). (AS, ASR, ARS, ATS class ship or a shore activ- of your leave papers. ity with an operable recompression chamber.) c). Oxygen tolerance test, breathing pure oxygen at a Q. What kind of operations are carried out by Military simulated depth of 60 feet for 30 minutes (same locations Sealift Command (MSC) cargoships? as b). A. MSCoperates both dry cargo ships and tankers. d). A test dive in a diving suit, under the guidance of a They deliver all types of military cargo to worldwide ports qualifieddiving officer or masterdiver (AS, ASR, ARS, serving the Armed Forces. They regularly support bases in ATS class ship)or any shore activity having a diving facility. the and Antarctic, Europe, South America, the Far e). Interview by a qualified diving officer or master diver, East, anywhere U.S. Forces are stationed. They call at as to ascertainthe motivation and attitude of theapplicant many as 500 world ports, many #ofwhich are seldom visited (same locations as d) . Applicants must be atleast first class byNavy combatant ships. In addition, the MSC tankers swimmers,not over 30 yearsold, possess acombined whichnormally are involvedin point-to-point deliveries, MEC + ARI of 105 (or ASVAB: MC + AR = 109,and often make consolidationsor provide unrep services to in paygrade E-3-E-6. MSC oilers or combatant fleet ships. References that should be reviewed include BuPers Man- ual, article 141 0380;Manual of Medical Department, article Q. I haveused my 36 months of VA educationalen- 15-30; and BuPersFormal Schools Catalog (NavPers titlement but I wouldlike to go to graduateschool. Do I 91761-A1 ) , all available through the ship’s personnel office. have any entitlement left? Upon completion of preliminaryscreening, submit an A. Effective Oct. 1, 1976, eligiblepersonnel who have Enlisted Transfer and SpecialDuty Request (NavPers served 18 continuousmonths or more on active duty 1306/7)to Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers51 12), via since Jan. 31, 1955, become entitled to 4.5 months of edu- chain of command and EPMACfor approval. Submit cational assistance if they have not been separated for more Medical Forms SF-88 and SF-93 and interviewrecom- than 10 years. mendation as enclosures to the NavPers 1306/7. For officers, submit application, with preliminary screen- Q. Is it true that veterans who served after World War ing documents as enclosures, to Chief of Naval Personnel I1 and before the Korean Conflict are now eligible for home (Pers 412), via commanding officer. loan benefits? A. Effective Oct. 1, 1976, thosewith active duty after Q. Canactive-duty Navy and Marine Corps members July 25, 1947 and before June 27, 19.50, who served more use civilian medical facilities at Government expense? than 180 days under conditions other than dishonorable or A. Usually only in an emergency. Active-duty members were discharged with less than 180 days because of a serv- are required to obtain their routine medical and dental care ice-connecteddisability, became eligible for VA home from a federal medical facility, even when the members are loan benefits.

September, 1977 37 from Seaman toAdmira1 Reflection on a 40- year career

This is how Seaman RecruitSackett appeared in 1937 as he prepared to stand watch duringhis recruit training at Great Lakes.


When 17-year-old Albert M’onroe Sackett followed the advice of old salts back h’ome in the farming community of Vi’otor, Iowa, he joined the Navy to see: the world. All he planned to do was “put in his twenty and retire as a chief petty officer.” A1 Sackett achieved’these ambitions and then some. Not only did he do his “twenty,” he stayed around for a second twenty. Not only did he make chief petty officer, he then-Chief Machinist’s Mate Sackett. achieved the rank of rear admiral. “Naturally chiefswere among the first considered for At the time of his retirement he was believed to be the the wartime officer program,” said Sackett. “I was commis- onlyflag officer on the active list who had progressed sionedensign and assigned as engineeringofficer aboard through every pay grade from seaman recruit to rear admi- USS LCZ (R), 74 (Landing Craft, Infantry) in 1944. Six ral. Rear Admiral S,ackett concluded his career at the same months later I was executive officer and bythe time the war place he had started it in 1937-at the Great Lakes Recruit was over I was commanding officer of a landing craft (in- Training Command. He was piped over the side during tra- fantry) ship.” ditifonalretirement ceremonies on July 1 after receiving the After the war, then Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Ad- salute of the graduating recruits as they passed in review. miral James Holloway (father of the present Chief of Naval Admiral Sackett said he stayed in the Navy because of Operations), created what came to be known as the “Hollo- the challenge. He achieved his first goal whenhe made chief way Plan” whereby temporary officers could apply for per- in 1944. WithWorld War I1 came a need for additional manent commission. Personnel strengths remained greater officers as well as trained, experienced shipboard personnel; than anticipated after the war, so some former enlisted per- an opportunity to become a temporary officer developed for sonnel and reserve officers could apply for regular commis- 38 ALL HANDS sions. Sackett applied, was accepted, andwent regular in Navy3 population pool 20 or so years from now. 1946. “Population planners say there will be a significant drop Although he had ‘only a high school educatilon this did in the number of eligible males available for the Navy in the not prevent the energetic young officer from climbing the 1980s. Whebher we fill those poslsible vacancies with women promotion ladder. It was not until very late in his career is hard to tell right now. that he was sent to George Washington University for four “Leaving the Navy was an emotional decision for me,” semesters and thereby earned a B.A. degree, admits Sackett. “I intend to be very supportive of Navy re Becoming an admiral was not part of Sackett’s plans. cruiting efforts in the future. I think it’s the responsibility d He ncoted that “after I reached the rank of captain there everyone to motivate youngpeople ;toserve the nation. was a time I thought I would never reach flag rank. I was “Naturally, being pamchial, I say Navy. There are op- one of the moresenior captains when I was selectedin portunities for education, advancement and vocational 1970“for everyone selected there were a couple more who training.” were equally well qualified.” During his retirement ceremony, Admiral Sackett ad- Admiral Sackett recalled the words of the president of dressed the recruits who1 graduated that day from the Great his flag selection board, Admiral Ralph Cousins, who said, Lakes Naval Training Center. He reminded them that40 “If you make the rank of commander in this man’s Navy years before-he had stood where they were standing. He you have had a good career. If you make captain, you’ve urged them to be hard working and dedicated and advised had an excellent career. If you make admiral, you’re lucky.” them to choose their friends wisely. Sackett’s career pattern undoubtedly contributed to his Upon retirement Admiral Sackett mloved to Memphis, “luck” inbeing selected. He had commanded numerous Tenn., where he joined a college staff as develtopment direc- ships including an LC1 (R) ; LSM 109; LST 990; the De tor. He considers his second career position to be ye’t anoth- stroyer USS Preston (DD-795); the GuidedMissile De- er opportunity to assist young people. stroyer USS John King (DDG-3)’; and the Cruiser USS A1 Sackett took great pride in having been both a chief Gridley (CG-21). His last assignment was as Comman- petty officer and an admiral. He was a smalltown kid who dantNinth Naval District andCommander NavalBase came off the farm with a high school education and worked Great Lakes. Before that he commanded the Navy Destroy- his way to the top rungs in the Navy. & er Schooland served as the Navy’sChief of Technical Training. As a senior captain, heheaded the Bureau of Naval Personnel’s Officer Distribution Division, where he was re- sponsible for the duty assignments of 72,000 officers in the Navy. The admiral observed numerous changes in his 40-year career, amongthem being the shiftfrom conventional to nuclear power and the adoptison of the chief petty officer’s uniform for all enlisted personnel. He noted that the latter change is now being re-considered and there may be a re- versal to the old bell-bottom uniformyet in the cards. (Note: Since enacted by CNO.) Another change currently being considered which par- ticularlyintrigues Admiral Sackett is the possibility that women may serve aboarld ships other than auxiliaries. The admiral chuckled as he said, “It may have a traumatic im- pact on the Navy if it is allowed, but, if it comes, it will be worked out just as so many other changes have been. “Now,” he said, “women are serving in nearly every rat- Rear Admiral Albert M. Sackett,accompanied hy his wife Putt, ing specialty in the Navy, including machinist’s mate, en- is “piped over theside” at the conclusion of his forty-year gineman,boiler technician and evenavionics technician. naval career.Admiral Sackett retiredat Great Lakes where he commencedhis careerin 1937 as a seaman recruit. His terminal One factor which will greatly determine where and to what assignment was as Commandant Ninth Naval District extent women will serve aboard combatant ships will be the and Commander Naval Base Great Lakes. September, 1977 39 1

Engineman Fireman Apprentice Michael Sperry’s nervoushands twist the screwdriver against the governor bufferscrew to smooth out the erratic idle of the G-71 GMC diesel engine. dl


The starter whirred the diesel engine practice laboratories. Everything from into a throaty erratic growl and imme- simple nuts and bolts (called metal diately the learning supervisor, Engine- fasteners by t h e professionals) to man 1st Class Joseph Strafford, shout- pumps, purifiers, compressors, heat ex- ed, “Check the oil pressure.’’ Assuring changers and of course oil pollution. his supervisor the pressure was up, En- The tools of the trade are reviewed gineman Fireman Apprentice Michael and used in laboratories full of globe Sperry m’oved to adjust the governor valves, centrifugal pumps and metal buffer screw; nervous hands twisted fasteners. the screwdriver against the screw until The oommon core classes are self- the growl became a smooth, consistent paced with each individual demonstrat- idle. ing satisfactory performance of every Smiles came quickly to the faces of skill objective before progressing to the Sperry’s classmates-it ran, it actually next lesson. ran! For the past fewdays they had After approximately 20 days of the labored over, under and inthe 6-71 common core classes, the students GMC diesel, adding tothe sheen of complete Module 13 andbegin to go wearwith their hands andwrenches. their separate paths of learning. En- Strafford shut the enginedown and ginemen, like Sperry, go on to study turned the screw back out of adjust- the intricacies of controllable pitch ment for the next man. propellors, fire mains, reduction gears Acr’oss the way, in another building, and the diesel engine. Machinist’s Mate Fireman Apprentice The dieselengine receives most of Steven Dahl traced a white,lagged their attention. Lube oil systems, air in- pipe throughout a maze of valves and take systems, fresh and salt water cool- piping, looking down only to check his ing systems-every nut, bolt, bearing footing. Spotting the elusive valve, he and component is studied to ensure the strode confidently to it, checked the proper function of each is understood number and made the entry in his by the student. book. Each group of four to six work to- . Dahl was finished tracing the circui- gether disassembling one of the’labora- tous route of the 150 pounds per tory’s 6-71 diesel engines. Once the square inch (psi) steam line. engine is apart, the students use meas- Both Sperry and Dahl are attending uring ldevices to check for wear on the the Propulsion Engineering School, main bearings, pistons andcylinder Service School Command, at Naval sleeves. The resultant measurements Training Center, Great Lakes. Each are compared to the past findings of started in common core classes learn- other students to ensure accuracy. The ing theory, then applying itin job- measurements are necessary to help 41 ginerooms. Master ChiefMachinist’s Mate (SS) John Woods puts it, “PQS gives the total picture of what is hap- pening onboth sides of the bulk- head.” Learning what goes on in both the fireroom and the engineroom is vi- tal inorder to operate a propulsion plant efficiently and safely. Once the systemsand components are known, the student is ready for the operation of the plant. Operation ‘of a propulsion plant has a beginning, a middleand an end which translates into the Engineering “Most of the students have been back- yard mechanics. 77 the student learn the signs of wear and on working diesels, Boiler Technicians predict possible future breakdowns. and Machinist‘sMates train on func- Operational Sequencing S y s t e m Given the go-ahead from the learning tioningpower plants. BTsand MMs (EOSS). Much like the pilot’s check- supervisor, the group then reassembles are classified according to fleet needs, list before a takeoff, EOSS gives the -the engine, When the first growl of the eitheras 600-psi or 1200-psi opera- MMs and BTs the proper sequence of engine is heard, the smiles come quick- tors, leading the learning supervisors to operating a plant from start to finish. ly along with a few pats on the back. speak of their men in terms of “He’s a “Opening a valve or bringing a “Most of the students havebeen 600-lb. MM’ or “he’s a 1200-lb. BT” pumpon the line at the wrongtime backyard mechanics. Some have even -no connection w it h their body could cause damage to the plant or the heldjobs as mechanics, but we had weight. personnel operating it. That’s why some that didn’tknow the intake Each BT or MM begins by learning EOSS is important toboth the plant from the exhaust,” me learning super- the functions of the boiler and its com- and its operators,” according to Ma- vis or remarked. “After they are ponents in the generation phase of the chinist’s Mate 1st Class Richard De- through here, each knows.the basics of main steam cycle. Tracing the various Coster, one of the TomichFacilities’ the diesel engine.” pipes, pinpointing different indicators learning supervisors. Learning the basics of maintenance andfinding the rightvalves are all a Operation of machinery takes its toll and operation is a prerequisite .to the part of the learning pr’ocessin both inwear and tear. Spotting the wear use of the diesel as a means of propul- plants. and preventing the tear is accom- sion. Every engineman is indoctrinated The learningprocess is formulated plished thr’ough the Preventive Mainte- as Engineman Messenger of the Watch by three sources, the foremostbeing ance System (PMS) . and Engineman Petty Officer of the the Personnel Qualification Standards Each student is taught to perform Watch. The watchesconsist of more (PQS). preventive maintenance actions on the than watching the engines run. Simu- ‘PQS outlines the areas of knowledge E-3/E-4 level using the various main- lated casualties of the engine’s various and skills required to operate propul- tenance requirement cards for the wm- systems keep the watch standers on sion engineering components andsys- mon types of propulsionengineering their toes. The casualties and the tems. In addition, it outlines the watch machinery.Essentially every moving watchesgive the student a taste of standing tasks for both rates. PQS part and the vast majority of immobile what a watch may be like in the fleet. takes the student to virtuallyevery parts must be checked for signs of Much like the Enginemen training nook and cranny of the boiler and en- wear or possible breakdown. 42 ALL HANDS Knowledgeand performanceare brought together when the MM or BT goes through his watch indoctrination. Watch indoctrination of the 600-lb. plant for the BT means eight hours of watch standing as the checkman at the upperlevel fireroom, eight hours as blowerman, eight hours as burnerman at the lowerlevel fireroom and eight hours as the fireroom messenger of the The more complicated 1200-lb. sys- ger of the watch in the 600-lb. plant. watch. tem requires more indoctrination and As with the 1200-lb. BT, the 1200-1b. “These watches are intended to give watchstanding. 1200-lb. BTs spend MM also stands more watches in order the student the basics of thevarious three 8-htour watches in the fireroom’s to learn the more oomplicated 1200-lb. watch stations,” saidChief Woods. upper level acting as checkman, blow- system. In addition to two8-hour “Most of our graduates must stand ermanand feedsystems operator in watches as messenger, students stand more indoctrination watches once they addition to three 8-hourwatches on 8-hour indoctrination watches on the get to their ship just to learn the idio- the lower level as burnerman, port and lowerlevel, upper level, throttleman syncracies o f that particular ship’s starboard systems. Twomore 8-hour and ship’s service turbogenerator. plant.” watches as the fireroommessenger of Watch standing atthe schoolis made to approximate, as closely as “PQS gives possible, standing underwaywatches on a ship. Both plants use huge water the total picture brakes to transmit the feeling of the of what is happening screws in the waterand the various loadings at the different shaft speeds. on both sides The inherent heat of the spaces match- of the bulkhead.” es that found aboardship. “We try to duplicate everything here the watch and the student is graduated that wosuld befound aboard a ship,’’ to his assignment inthe fleet. DeCoster concludes. “But we fall short The MM must complete a combined on two things-wedon’t getunder 40 hours of watch standing in the en- way and we don’t have the rocking of ginenoom lower level, atthe throttleman the ship.” Plenty of time for pitching, position, with the ship’s service turbo- rolling and yawingafter these gradu- generatorand as engineroom messen- ates join the fleet. 9,

Opposite page: Using the lower level fireroom as a classroom, Chief Boiler Technician Jerry Rutter talks to his students about the Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) systemused for fighting fires at this watchstation. Atleft: Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Dan Newman conducts a lecture on thethrottle watch in the console booth of main control.Above: As new students receive their introductory tour from their learning supervisor, two otherstudents work toward completion of their watch indoctrination lessons beside the main reductiongear. I September, 1977 43 Groundbound Pilots

44 ALL HANDS The airspace above the airstrip is he began looking for someone to teach size of planes and engines which could crowdedwith looping, diving and him the fine points of flying his plane. be used. banking airplanes. A wrongmove or During his search for such an expert, Cedergreen said: “Thehobby can awkwardmaneuver can send one of Cedergreen found others interested in get expensive and this turns many peo- the small aircraft plummeting out of thehobby and formed the Whidbey ple off, Kits start at $19 but can run control toward earth and certain de- Island Radio Control Society.Mem- as much as $200. Still, it’s a one-time struction. The pilotis concerned for bers drafted by-laws and instituted cost.’’ the safety of his airplane. He doesn’t rules for club competition, limiting the The hobbyists spend their weekends worry about his own welfare, however, working on, testing and flyingmodel as he puts hismachine through its planes in preparation for upcoming paces . . . from the ground using re- races. The Whidbey Island club mem- mote control. bers compete with other clubs through- Thegroundbound pilotis Aviation out the year. A point system,similar Structural Mechanic 1st ClassScott to auto racing, is used and the member Cedergreen, assigned to VA-128 at with the most points at the year’s end NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. is ranked number one. When Cedergreen became interested Although still a novice, Cedergreen in radio-controlled flight two years ago, said, “I’ve learned many of the dos and don’ts by talking to other club mem- bers.” With the planes flying at 75 or 80 miles per hour, any wrongmove can cause the planes to crash. Before a race, Cedergreenflies the plane to get out the bugs. Then it’s pure competition until the horn at the end of the race. &

September, 1977 45 Mail Buoy

About LittleRock mercenaries,and riot, rape and revolu- daydo involve the assistance of com- tion.” Recently out of print,the book puters from theproduction of manage- SIR: I would like toput the record should still be in the Navylibrary sys- ment reports to theissuance of orders. straight.Your article “Busy Ship Right tem for those who would like to delve TheChief of Naval Personneldecided to theEnd,” (January, ’77) stated USS deeperinto the lives of the Old River to employ members of all ratings as de- LittleRock was theonly foreign war- Rats. It has also been putinto cassette tailers for members of their occupational ship to take part in the reopening cere- form by theLibrary of Congress for specialty since that system was considered monies of the Suez Canal in June 1975. country-wide distributionin libraries of to besuperior to animpersonal auto- How did your correspondent miss HMS talking books for the blind and physi- matedprocess. The annualdetailer Abdiel, HMS Hubberston and HMS cally handicapped.-RADM KempTol- trips to theNavy’s many homeports Sheraton who were in theCanal doing ley, USN (RET) throughout the world where enlisted per- the final clearance from April 17th, 1975, RearAdmiral Tolley shouldcer- sonnelcan discuss their future assign- toJune 6th? HMS Abdiel, theRoyal tainly know. He is not only historian of ment face-to-face with their detailer have NavySupport Ship wasalso there for theYangtze River PatrolAssociation beenan outgrowth of thisdecision to 7 months in 1974 along with USS Barn- but alsowrote YangtzePatrol and the make enlisteddetailing a more person- stable County and USS Boulder County. U. S. Navyin , published bythe alized procedure.”ED. The French Navy also had at least one S. Naval Znstitute.-ED. mine sweeper presentin Lake Timsah U. on opening day.-MAA J.S.P., RN. You are correct in citingthe other Marines at Tangier foreignships which took part inthe Computerized Detailing SIR: Referringto arecent TV net- openingceremonies. Unfortunately, the Why can’t detailing of personnel work show, “The Wind andthe Lion,” erroneous information was provided ALL SIR: be computerized? The Navyhas the they had one scene showing the landing HANDSby an outsidesource and not computer capability of computerized de- of the Marines in Morocco with a squad challenged.-ED. tailing. In today’s Navy everyone has of Navy personnel withmachine guns. his name and different items alreadyin Supposedly, this took place in 1908. I thecomputer. The computerized select- want to know why the squad was with Screening Films tion would be fairerand would save the Marines, and if they were corpsmen, why the machine guns?-CM2 C.J.Q. SIR:In the March 1977 issue of ALL manpowerand expense to the Navy. It would also eliminate guesswork and per- We havebeen informed by the HANDS, theInformation Exchange fea- NavalHistory Division that the event sonal feelings in the detailing of person- tureon page 40 failed to mention one referred toin your letter actually OC- very important fact regarding selection of nel. The Bureau could still have some curred in 1904. On June 8thof that films for the Navy MotionPicture Ser- detailersfor special programs,and re- year,Marines were landed at Tangier, vice. Being a member assigned in BuPers, enlistments and assign the other detailers Morocco, to protect the Belgian legation I have had the opportunity to “preview” to other billets.-PN1 A.D.D. from attack by tribesmen. At thesame BuPers tells us that from 1966 to movies pending input. I thinkit is of time, an Americancitizen, Ion Per- 1973the Navy did research and proto- interest to Navy personnel that Navy dicaris, was being held captive by a Mor- men and women (officer andenlisted) typedevelopment to test thefeasibility occanbandit. There was no mentionin of fully automatingthe enlisted person- preview every movie before approval for the accolint of sailors being in this land- neldetailing process. TheComputer purchase. Comments, good and bad, with ingparty. However, it was not uncom- appropriate ratings, are made by each AssistedDistribution and Assignment (CADA) System wasdesigned tomatch mon for sailors to be used in landing member viewing them. Movies are very parties.”ED. expensive andthis method of screening availablepersonnel withrequirements affords a general consensus of interest or (by rate, rating and NEC) in accordance with policyguidance (BuPers Manual, acceptability for theirNavy-wide distribu- Norton Sound tion.-DPC A. Howe Enlisted TransferManual, instructions/ USS C. notices, etc.) resulting in a set of enlisted SIR: In reviewing your June, 1976 orders.Problems were encountered with issue (“ForThe Navy Buff’), I came the excessivecomputer time required across aninteresting article onpage 53 River Patrol and thesignificant numbers of matches concerning “floating missiletest launch- SIR: “Grains of Salt,”in the March thecomputer could not resolve. Besides ers,” or as we preferto say, RDT&E issue, appearsto be a competentbook the dificult cases with complex variables, ships. As commanding officer of USS review without naming the title: Yangtze many others required decisions regarding Norton Sound (AVM 1 ), I was ex- Patrol and the U. S. Navyin China, personalsituations of individualswhich tremely pleased to see hermentioned; which described onthe dust jacket, only a human beingcould make.The however, sad to note that reference was “. . . covers a century of Chinese history, combination of these factors resulted in in the past tense. replete with warlordsand mandarins, theelimination of the CADA System. As oldas NortonSound is (she was bandits and kidnappers, missionaries and Many facets of centralizeddetailing to- originally commissioned in 1945) she is 46 ALL HANDS still very active in the Research, Develop- square miles.-LCDR A. E. Corcoran warrant officeris placed on the retired ment, Test and Evaluation community. On thesurface, it looks as though list in the grade in which serving unless Currently, she isinvolved in conducting youwin by some 33,000 square miles. he has served in a highertemporary operational tests of the Aegis system. White Sands Missile Range will have to grade. In thatinstance, he is retired in NortonSound not only “was” but still bow to you on this one.“ED. his permanent warrant grade and ad- “is” in the forefront of the RDT&E Pro- vanced on the retired list to the highest gram.4DR D. B. Dickmann. grade satisfactorilyheld, as determined Sincewe inadvertently spoke of Ye OleFrocking bythe Secretary of theNavy under Norton Sound inthe past tense we’ve IO USC,Sec. 6151.-E~. learned that sheis very much alive and SIR: As a history buff of the U.S. and well. As a matter of fact, Norton Sound Britishnavies during 1775-1850, I think Grade at Retirement figured prominently in our ongoing cov- I may have a plausible explanation for theterm “frocking” mentioned in a re- erage of the AEGIS system development SIR: Is there a rule or regulation that as readers of theNovember ’76 ALL cent “For The Navy Buff” article: I have found that when a ship lost an says if a man is determined not medically HANDSand Chinfo Newsgram are aware. qualified as a result of an advancement In addition we’ve madenote of Norton officer, either through death, injury or as prizeofficers of captured vessels, com- physical exam, then he would be retired Sound‘s continuingcontribution in our in the pay grade to which he was sched- “Backgrounders” that are sent to retired manding officers usually would fill these voidswith midshipmen who had passed uled to be advanced? and Reserveflag officers each month. Yes. In cases of thenature de- ED. the lieutenant’s exam. These midshipmen were appointed “acting lieutenants,” wore scribed above,Title 10 USC, Section thefrock (coat) of a lieutenant, were 1372, is applied: “Unlessentitled to a called lieutenant andhad a lieutenant’s higher retired grade under some other Visit to Alexandria authority. However, their commissions provision of law,any member of an armed force who is retired for physical SIR:The January1977 issue of ALL were pending the approval of the Ad- miralty or Congress. disability under section 1201 or 1204 of HANDScontained an article stating the re- this title, or whose name is placed on the nowned USS Little Rock (CG4) was Since a midshipman usually wore a short jacket, it seems he was thus temporary disability retired list under “the first US. warship to visit Alexandria, section 1202 or 1205 of this title, is en- Egypt, since World War I1 (See “You “frocked” to lieutenant but without the pay until authorized.-J01 M.J.K. titled to the grade equivalent to the high- Know It’s TheEnd of a Ship When est of the following: . . . (3) The perma- ...’)) . Anyone else out there got any idem? -ED. nent regular or reserve grade to which he If my memory serves me right, USS should have beenpromoted had it not Soley (DD 707), now with the mothball been for the physical disability for which fleet,was the first U.S. warship to visit WarrantRetirement he is retired and which was found toexist Alexandria, sometime in early 1962. I as a result of his physical examination was then attached to Soley when we tied for promotion.”“ED. alongside a pier at Alexandria, to pick up SIR:I enlisted in the Navy on 21 Aug. needed US. AID supplies bound for the 1963and was appointed a W-1in June stricken people of Kenya, Africa.-DK1 1972. In June of 1974, I was appointed F. C. D. V. a WO-2 and in April 1975 I was ap- Fireman to P02? We throw your counterclaim out to pointed a LTJG (Temporary) under the LDO program with a permanent grade SIR: Would you pleasetell me when our readers from Little Rock orany the Navy changed its rating system to othership that thinks they may have of w-2. (a) Must I have 10 years as an officer include P03? I understand thatat one been the first to reach Alexandria, Egypt, time the ratings went from Fireman or afterWorld War 11. Any other claims? to retire as an officer? -ED. (b) What will I be retired as if I re- Seaman to P02-H. F. Shaffer. tire after 20 years of service? The engineering ratings once went (c)Under current law, when can I from Fireman to second class petty of- Largest Reservation? retire as an officer if not (a)or (b) ficer. These ratings were re-evaluated in above.4WO G. E. LeB. 1926 and the third class petty officer rate SIR: Your April 1977 issueclaims Naval officers must serve at least 10 was established at that time.-ED. that the White Sands Missile Range is the years as a commissioned officer in order “largest land-area militaryreservation in to retire under 10 USC, Sec. 6323, in a DesertNavy the United States.” Depending on your commissioned officer grade. Underthe definition of “military reservation,” the provisions of 10 USC, Sec. 1292, a tem- SIR: After reading your April 1977 largest could be Naval Petroleum Reserve porary or permanent warrant officer may article, “The Desert Navy,” we of the NumberFour on the North Slope of retire after completing 20 years of active Navy Technical Assistance Field Team Alaska which encompasses some 37,000 service.Under 10 USC, Sec. 1293, a (TAFT), Bushehr, Iran, would like to September, 1977 47 L

placeourselves on the list of “Desert Navy”organizati0ns. With teams through- outIran insome of the world’smost desolate regions, the Navy TAFT pro- 1 videsvital advisory services tothe Im- perial Iranian Navy and Air Force on the technical application of many aviation and ships’ systems.-LT J.H.K. U Proper Title SIR: Is the proper title for warrant officerdesignator 714X: Repair Techni- cian or Ship Repair Technician? 0 The proper title for the warrant ofi- cer designator 714Xis: Repair Technician (Surface), as outlined in Volume I, page B-13 of the Manual of Navy Officer Manpower and Personnel Classification (NavPers15839C), as approved by Sec- Nav in 1975.-E~. Reunions USS Vincennes (CL64)”Planned reunion, contact Peter H. Capp, 29 Myrtle Ave., No. Plainfield, N. J. 07060.

0 USS Diphdu (AKA 59) - Re- union in April 1978 at New Orleans, La. Contact Tom Coogan, 121 85 Ford Line, Southgate, Mich. 48 195.

USN & MCR TrainingCenter Stationkeepers,Huntington, N. Y.- Re- unionplanned for October 1978. Con- tact Ross E. Driscoll, 8 W. Maple Rd., Greenlawn. N. Y.11740.

0 USS (CL 41 ) - Re- union October 10-15 in Clearwater, Fla. Contact Frank Amorson, 93 Dunbar St., Somerset, N. J. 08873.

NavalEnlisted Reserve Associati -National conference October 26-30 “Gin Pittsburgh, Pa. ContactJoe Wasson at 6703 Farragut Ave., Falls Church, Va. 22042; Phone: (.303) 534-1329 or D. Brock at(915) 332-7682.

0 VPB216-PBM Mariners - Reunion I October 17, San Diego, Calif., incon- junction with Assoc. of NavalAvia- tors October 28-30 reunion. Contact Bob Smith, 6468 W 85 pl., Los Angeles, Calif. , 90045. I

48 ALL HANDS Stern Shots Through the years, Navy people have developed a lingo of their own to describe daily occurrences. These illustrations suggest some of the more popular terms and phrases. How many can you identify? *