United States Patent (19) (11 3,712,308 Herbener (45) Jan
United States Patent (19) (11 3,712,308 Herbener (45) Jan. 23, 1973 (54) GARMENTS FOR WOMEN 2,045,401 6/1936 Mowry................................. 128143 3,040,751 6/1962 Mastenbrook....................... 1281529 76 Inventor: Henry M. Herbener, 803 N. Dawson 3,224,448 12/1965 Diebold................................ 1281.529 St., P. O. Box 977, Thomasville, Ga. 2,224,684 12/1940 Jacobs et al.......................... 1281528 3 1792 2,476,585 7/1949 Cohen.................................. 1281.529 3,449,932 6/1969 Fillmore et al....................... 2/224 X (22 Filed: March 13, 1970 2,493,357 / 1950 Miller................................... 2/224 A (21) Appl. No.: 19,204 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 1 sheet-page 175 of Sears-Roebuck Catalog, 52 U.S. C. ............................. 128/519, 2/224, 2/67 Fall-Winter 1969-Phil. Cat. 239F. (5) Int. Cl................................................. A41c 1100 (58. Field of Search.............. 128/58,519, 528-530, Primary Examiner-Jordan Franklin 128/43, 168, 19, 99, 159 X; 2/224, 226, 78 Assistant Examiner-G. V. Larkin R, 78 A., 78 B, 238, 67,240, 71 Attorney-B. P. Fishburne, Jr. 56 References Cited 57 ABSTRACT UNITED STATES PATENTS A garment formed at least in part of elastic material 522,366 711894 Golding................................ 2/338 X has an opening provided in the crotch thereof. A 2,477,353 711949 Strait..... ... 128/529 cover element in the form of a panty also formed at 3,023,49 31 l962 Strahle ................................... 2167 X least in part of elastic material is worm over the main 3,466,667 9/1969 Rosner...... ...2/240 garment to cover the crotch opening and to restore 2,062,596 l2/1936 Monette....................................
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