Connecticut History, One Good Story After Another. in THIS ISSUE: Love

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Connecticut History, One Good Story After Another. in THIS ISSUE: Love Co nnecticut Explored Connecticut history, one good story after another. VOLUME 16/NUMBER 1/WINTER 2017-2018 $6.25 IN THIS ISSUE: Love, Hate & Rivalry 2 Benedict Arnold by Nathaniel Philbrick 2 Valentines from Litchfield 2 Innovating in Lingerie 2 Weddings Through the Ages 2 Municipal Rose Gardens to Love 15 years! Min e & You rs. e c O n o a v r e s e r P c i r o t s i H e t a Archit ect ural Rema ins t S : o Old N ew-Gate P rison & C opp er M ine, E ast G ranby t o h Re- Open ing in May 2018 P An i so lated place where p risoners r an u nchecked in an abandoned c opper mi ne, t he s tory of Old New-Gate ma kes it one of the state’s mos t compelling cul tur al si tes. The propert y, wh ich is d esig nated as a Naonal His toric Lan dmar k an dState A rchae ologic al Preserve, is one of four public m use ums operated by t he S tate Hi storic P rese rvao n O ce ( SHPO). For m ore informao n o n u pcoming events at Ol d New-Gate, o r S HPO’s th ree o ther h istoric s ites, p lease v isi t www.cul tureandtou ris m.or g an d f ollow u s on F aceb ook. HHOLIDAYOLIDAY EE XPRESSXPRESS TT RRAAININ SSHHOO WW P On View thr oug h Janua ry 7 , 2 018 Spo nsored b y P eople ’s U nited B ank Broadw ay C ostume s from the Goodspeed Win ter Wond er la nd Musica ls Co lle ctio n On Vi ew thr ou gh Exh ibi tio n on View at Hill-St ea d Mu se um February 18, 2018 Se pt emb er 21 , 2017 – Janu ary 1, 2018 In pa rtn er shi p wit h Pres ent ed by On V iew t hr ough ELIZAB ETH FERRY SPE ER FOUN DATION Ja nu ary 21, 2018 From G oodsp eed’s Kiss Me, Kat e. Design b y M artin P akle dinaz. Phot ograph b y Diane S obolewski. Fa ir e ld Mu se um E the past, I the future 37 0 Beac h Roa d, Fai rfi eld, CT | 203-259-1598 35 Mo un ta in Road, Farmington | hillstea Op en Daily 10a m - 4pm | Weddings, Parties & Corporate Events! Hoþ your next event at a Conneüicut Landmarks ’Properÿ . From 18 th -century elegance to ruþic barns, each exquisýe sýe cr eates the perfeü backdrop for your unforgetable event! www .ü Thr ee Centuries of Christmas Cele brate t he h oli day s at the at t he H otch kiss -Fyler House Museu m Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum Me ticulou sly r esto red h istor ic h ou ses demon str ate i n c har mi ng d etai l how th e h ol iday e vol ve d i n C on necti cut Previ ew Part y: F ri., Dec. 8, 5-8 p m Ch ri st mas Candlelight Tours : Fri. an d S at, D ec. 15 an d 16, 5-8 p m Dayl ight Ho liday Tours: Dec. 9 - Jan . 7, 2018 Our sh op is wel lstockedwith holid ay gifts! De cember 9th-30th ursday t hru S unday 1 2-4pm Tor rington Histor ical Society 192 M ain S treet, T orrington, C T 21 1 Main Stree t, Wet he rsel d CT (86 0)482-8260 . tor ringto nhistor icalsociety.or g 860. 52 9. 0612 ww w.web b- deane-stev en s.or g Joi n us for ou r upcomin g pro gram s: Sat ur da y, Febr ua ry 17, 201 8 1: 30 - 3: 00 p. m. Web ina r "Hid ing Beh ind Th ei r Ski rts : Fi nd ing Women in Recor ds " with El issa Sca lise Po we ll Pl ac e: CS G Libr ar y, Ea st Ha rtfo rd Sat ur da y, Mar ch 17, 201 8 1: 30 -3: 00 p. m. "Us ing Family Sea rch .org" Pl ac e: Godfr ey Libr ar y, Mi dd letown For more inf or mation or to re gi ster: ww w. csgi nc.o rg or call the CSG of fice at 860 -569 -0002 TH E C ON NEC TI CUT SOCI ET Y OF GE NEA LOGI STS, INC. FOR THOSE WH O PU RSUE THEIR FAM ILY HE RITAG E AN AMERICAN ODYSSEY: 8PSET THE JE WIS H EXPERIENCE IN GREENWICH DID YOU KNOW that there were Jewish property owners BOE in Greenwich in Colonial times? Explore the history of the Jewish community in Greenwich, CT within the broader context of the hist ory of th e to wn an d th e nat io n. .VTJD NO VEMB ER 15, 2017 APRIL 15, 2018 O PENIN G .B SD I 201 | AMI STADCENTE R.ORG E. A. Bur bank, American Beauty, 1906, chromolithograph FREE ADMISSIO N Mar tin Lut her Kin g Da y January 15, 2018 10 am – 4 pm St ow e Hou se Tou rs•Rin gBells for Pe ace•Craft &Writ in gActivit ie s 77 For es tStreet , Ha rtfor d, CT Ha rriet Beec her Stow e. or g 860. 522. 9258 x317 D D D D D D D DD DD D DD D GRANT HOUSE HERITAGE SERVICES MARY M. DONOHUE HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY CONSULTANTS NATI ONA LAND STATE REGISTE R NOMI NA TI ONS HISTOR IC RESOU RCE SURVE YS MUSEUM EXHIBI TI ONS GRANT WRITI NG AND MANA GEME NT 89 South Qu aker Lane West Hartford, CT 06119 860-523-5158 ma ryd onohue@c omc ast .net Vis it St oningt on’ s Old L ighth ous e Mu seum Wa lking To urs, Exhib its, P rogr ams, a nd M ore ww w. st oni ngt onh ist BOTSP EC ITAL L EXHIBIT:ING IN NEW BRIT AIN November 2017 to February 2018 59WestMainSt.,NewBritain VIS IT OUR NEW LOCATIO N: 2‐5 Tue, Thur, Fri, 12‐5 Wed, 10‐4 Sat www .nbi ndustr co ura ge is pa rt of our st ory a ship of salv ation One El iza beth Street Har tfor d, CT 06105 860. 236. 5621 | mystic se apo rt .org/stories 1 1 9:49 A WADS WOR TH ATHENEUM MU SE UM OF AR T 600 Main Str eet, Hartf ord, Connecticut 06 103 www .thewadswor th .or g Wonde ring who ’s in yo ur fami ly tr ee? “Th e Founders of K ent” Our 2017 history exhibit w ill b ri ng t o l ife th e Fir st Famili es who settled Kent in the 1730s, an d examin e th eir traces stil l exis tin g to day . God frey ’s lib ra ry of gen ea logy res ou rces and ex pert res ea rch Vis it our web site for details : staff wi ll he lp yo u fi nd out. www.kent historica lsociet Find us on Facebook at Godf rey Mem orial Library Kent Historica l S ociet y 134 Newfield St. ,Mid dleto wn ,CT860- 346- 4375 • www .Godfrey .org T\ he Paston T reasure \ microcosm of the known world February 15– May 27, 2018 Free a nd o pen t o t he p ublic C hapel S treet, N ew H aven br @y alebr itish art Past onTreasure Unknown artist (Dutch Sc hool), The Past on Treasur e ( detail), ca. , oil on canvas, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, No rw ic h, UK , courtesy of Norf ol k Mus eum s Ser vi ce VOLUME 16/NUMBER 1/WINTER 2017-2018 2 Connecticut Explored Contents pg 9 Hog River Journal 14 pg 10 Letters, etc. “First Comes Love, pg 13 From the State Historian: Then Comes Marriage” From Afar, They Still Loved Connecticut Wedding portraits and By Walter W. Woodward the custom of marriage. By Christina Keyser Vida pg 14 “First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage” By Christina Keyser Vida pg 20 Benedict Arnold and the Battle of Ridgefield By Nathaniel Philbrick pg 26 Connecticut Shapes the Intimate-Apparel Industry 20 By Elizabeth Pratt Fox Benedict Arnold and pg 32 Divorce, Connecticut Style the Battle of Ridgefield By Henry S. Cohn Frustrated in love and war. By Nathaniel Philbrick pg 38 Sam & Livy Clemens’s Love Story By Mallory Howard pg 40 Site Lines: Love/Hate for Connecticut’s Brutalist Buildings By Christopher Wigren pg 42 We’re Coming Up Roses 26 By Lea Anne Moran Connecticut Shapes pg 46 Say It With a Card the Intimate-Apparel By Linda Hocking Industry Union suits, corsets, and pg 48 The Ridiculous and Pernicious Custom of Bundling brassieres made right here. By Elizabeth J. Normen By Elizabeth Pratt Fox pg 50 “Then Comes Baby in a Baby Carriage” By Elizabeth J. Normen pg 51 Spotlight: Events & News from Partner Organizations 32 pg 58 Afterword Divorce, Connecticut Style On the Cover: Keeping things civil Trade card, scrapbook of when a marriage fails. Warner Brothers material, By Henry S.
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