Al Ewing,Gerry Duggan,Nick Spencer | 416 pages | 12 Jul 2016 | | 9781302901479 | English | New York, United States Avengers: Standoff! Reading Order

I buy exclusively trades. Issues like Uncanny Avengers are missing, and Captain Marvel has been completely omitted! You could include Steve Rogers: 2 i think. It fills in a lot of holes in standoff. Maybe you should add New Avengers Even New Avengers 12, which is included in the Civil War 2 timeline, is heavily influenced by the events of Standoff. Your email address will not be published. DC Where to Start? Reading Order. Heroically Support Comic Book Herald! Comments I think you need to tweak it a little bit because Thunderbolts vol 1 contains Thunderbolts 5 and Thunderbolts 5 is part of civil war II. You could fast track through it that way, yeah, not unreasonable. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer New to Comic Book Herald? Hey there - my name's Dave and this is my comic book blog. It's my way of sharing my borderline obsessive addiction to the comic book medium, and I hope you like some of what's going on here. Most people that come here are looking for my WIP Marvel reading order guide. One day while walking on the park, Jim encountered the eerie girl, who was taken away by an adult after seemingly bringing a bird back to life. Thirty-six days into Pleasant Hill, Jim attended to a house fire. The arsonist confronted Jim inside the house, revealed to him that his life in Pleasant Hill had been a lie, and requested a meet up in case Jim wanted to uncover the truth. On day forty, Jim met up with the mysterious man, a mechanic named Phil who had subconsciously created a device that allowed people to return to their normal selves. Director gave a tour around Pleasant Hill, describing it as the future of super villain incarceration, where its prisoners were turned into mild mannered individuals using reality-warping technology derived from the called "Kobik. After using Phil's device on themselves, the true forms of Jim and Phil were revealed, those of and the , now swearing to use the device to free more prisoners and turn Pleasant Hill into dust. On board S. Iliad , Commander Steve Rogers followed the trail of the Winter Soldier, after he had assaulted the flying headquarters of the organization, as part of several other attacks. He was left a message in the form of a napkin of a diner they used to frequent. Both had a lead, of a town in Connecticut. left Steve as he was being picked up by S. Maria Hill presented the town to Steve, and revealed its secret, that most of its inhabitants were reformed super villains. When Rogers demanded to know where the fragments of Cosmic Cubes used for Kobik were, she directed him to the eerie little girl, who was the fragments of the Cosmic Cube having taken the form of a near-omnipotent child. In secret, several of Pleasant Hill's inhabitants had already had their memories returned by the Fixer, including Moonstone and the . The villains, led by Zemo, soon unleashed a co-ordinated assault, revealing their true forms and attacking the S. Together they rescued Agent Kincaid from the Blood Brothers , unaware that she wanted to be taken hostage so she could infiltrate the town hall, which had been turned by Zemo into a lock-up to hold numerous staff members and citizens hostage. The two heroes offered to help her in a plan to retrieve a powerful item from the Pleasant Hill Museum to use against the villains, disabling the security from a remote station so she could access it. Unbeknown to anybody at all, Father Patrick was actually the in disguise, and the person responsible for having ignited the situation at Pleasant Hill. With the objective of finding Kobik in mind, Rogers was given by Selvig the suggestion of looking for Kobik in her favorite location, the bowling alley. Unfortunately, after getting hold of the small girl, Steve was brutally attacked by Crossbones. On the brink of Steve's death, Kobik used her power to restore him to his prime, granting him the power necessary to gain the upper hand against Crossbones. With Kobik having disappeared after restoring Steve, the three heroes set out to find her again, but they were not alone in the search for her. Baron Zemo had the Fixer create a device capable of containing Kobik and stripping her of her sentience, planning to defeat the Avengers with its power. Under the orders of Zemo, Kraven the Hunter led a group of villains to find her. With the search for Kobik bearing no results, Steve decided to change the plan and take the fight directly to Zemo before he could find her, rallying all of the heroes in the town. Meanwhile, Kraven the Hunter managed to successfully lure Kobik into a device created by the Fixer to contain her. While they were bringing her to the town hall, Agent Kincaid had managed to get to the museum, where its curator revealed himself to be the retired hero Wendell Vaughn , a. Quasar , and gave her the items of power she was looking for, his former Quantum Bands. Back in the town hall, Zemo was about negotiate with the Avengers the safety of the hostages when Quicksilver , and Doctor Voodoo sneakily rescued them. With the civilians and S. His army of villains held the line to buy the Fixer's device enough time to turn Kobik into a proper Cosmic Cube. Using Graviton 's powers, Zemo created a virtually impenetrable , and the heroes began to run out of time to stop Fixer's device. Agent Kincaid stepped in, empowered by the Quantum Bands, and used their power to destroy the shield, disrupting Fixer's device in the process, and freeing Kobik. Both Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig tried to convince Kobik to join their respective sides, but the small child showed her dissatisfaction with the events transpiring in the town due to Zemo's actions, and her disillusion with her experience among humans due to the way S. She blasted away the Winter Soldier , who had tried to put her down for considering her too dangerous, and teleported both Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig away to the Himalayas before disappearing herself. With their leader gone, the villains tried to escape from the town. With the airborne support blocking the villains, the Avengers proceeded to finish them off. After the dust settled, Maria Hill was scolded by her superiors in the World Security Council , with her position as director of S. They followed him to the Morlock Tunnels and apprehended him. During an interrogation aboard S. Battlecarrier Pericles , A. The New Avengers confronted the agents of S. In retaliation for A. American Kaiju began to attack the island, forcing Sunspot to deploy their biggest weapon, the Avenger Five. In the middle of the evacuation, Songbird revealed herself to be a deep-undercover S. D agent, and attacked her fellow New Avenger Hawkeye who had also recently abandoned S. Hawkeye was scolded by his superior, Dum-Dum Dugan , for having helped A. In New York City, the recently reassembled Avengers had just defeated an escapee from Pleasant Hill when none other than Maria Hill appeared on the scene on behalf of S. However, they received an emergency call from Captain America and were informed about Pleasant Hill. With the Avengers aware of the situation, Maria Hill reluctantly agreed to with them to Connecticut. The Avengers' Maria Hill opened fire on them, leading to a brief scuffle between the two teams before they were trapped by Kobik and turned into inhabitants of the small town. Avengers Standoff Reading Order & Checklist

It fills in a lot of holes in standoff. Maybe you should add New Avengers Even New Avengers 12, which is included in the Civil War 2 timeline, is heavily influenced by the events of Standoff. Your email address will not be published. DC Where to Start? Reading Order. Heroically Support Comic Book Herald! Comments I think you need to tweak it a little bit because Thunderbolts vol 1 contains Thunderbolts 5 and Thunderbolts 5 is part of civil war II. You could fast track through it that way, yeah, not unreasonable. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer New to Comic Book Herald? Jailors who want to stay. Set against those for tearing it down. But no. It's all set in one mode. Destroy it. And that's rather dull. Aug 21, Gerry Sacco rated it really liked it. Really, really fun. Some super good highs, a few lows though. I wanted to give this a 5, I really did, because Falcon really shined. Lots of good, fun moments. Interesting plot. Just a bit too scattered. Good collection though, must own. Also, good questions asked. Marvel has this great way of asking bigger questions and hiding them within their stories. Just because you can, should you? Jul 17, LauraJade rated it liked it. Not a bad event, fixes some fractured relationships that really needed fixing, but proved there are far too many 'Avengers' teams - to the point one character jokes about 'Adjective-less Avengers'. But the balance of humour and action was great, the core characters were great, issues of certain titles slowed it down a bit. Jul 11, Relstuart rated it it was ok Shelves: marvel-comics. A bit of a mess but I had to get it so I could read how Cap got his mojo back. View 2 comments. Dec 31, Brian Poole rated it liked it. The town of Pleasant Hill, Connecticut has a secret. Using shards of a reality-altering Cosmic Cube that has taken the form of a little girl named Kobik, S. But when the strong-willed Baron Zemo is sent to Pleasant Hill, he shakes off the conditioning and sparks a revolt that threatens to deal S. Alerted to the prison by internet hacktivist The Whisperer, three Captains America Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and arrive in the town, calling in two different Avengers teams; all get swept up in the chaos en route to a big showdown. Meanwhile, The Whisperer lands in S. As an event, Standoff is somewhat schizoid. Its central premise is rather clever and the various creators involved make good use of it in several different ways. But in collected format, it feels disjointed. The collection basically runs in chronological release order, which means the reader keeps getting pulled away from the more engaging action in Pleasant Hill. As has become the norm with these sorts of crossovers, several different creative teams contribute to the action, often with wildly different tones and visual approaches. Standoff might be more notable for what it set up following its run. More puzzling was the decision to create a new Quasar in the form of S. Still, Avengers: Standoff does a lot of things right. It features strong characterizations, makes inventive use of its central premise, features some great action sequences and displays a welcome sense of humor. Mar 11, Alex E rated it liked it. I realize that many, if not all, of these events are a case of one person doing what they think is absolutely necessary, and fuck everyone else. In this case, its Maria Hill doing the doing. They then convince her to build this idyllic town where anyone who lives there gets happy happy lives and everyone smiles and hangs out all day. Turns out that Hill starts bringing in super villains, who a I realize that many, if not all, of these events are a case of one person doing what they think is absolutely necessary, and fuck everyone else. Turns out that Hill starts bringing in super villains, who are then turned into idyllic members of this town. In other words, completely brainwashed and almost erased - in a weird way. This of course goes all to hell when the villains wake up, are understandably pissed, and calamity ensues. Cue the Avengers. So the premise is a bit forced and contrived, but the story actually holds up. We get two teams of Avengers, All New All Different and Uncanny, who of course fight when they first see each other, then come together to stop the villains and put the kibosh on Hill's weird mind wipe camp. Kobik, the cosmic cube girl hybrid thing, ends up saying "Screw this, I'm out. Ultimately, this event was a big excuse to view spoiler [turn Steve Rogers young again. Nick Spencer does a good job of not making it obvious that the whole story line is really about that, but once it happened I was like "ohhhhh I get it now". I did have some problems with the pacing sometimes, and the forced choices made, especially at the end, as far as plot. But overall this was pretty enjoyable and a good Marvel tale. I liked this, it was good. Probably more of a 3. I would recommend this for Marvel fans, but probably not the best for new readers as it relies heavily on a lot of stuff that came before it. Jul 08, Omar Chilla rated it liked it. It's a meh tier comic. Isnt really good. Story was fine but it barely hangs on to a 3. Not a good avengers book but an ok comic. Expected much more than what I got from this. Jun 07, Sheng rated it liked it Shelves: library , comics. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Fresh from watching Avengers: Endgame , I was suddenly motivated to read a comic book again since it has been a pretty long time since I last did so. What better way than to read an Avengers comic too? Avengers: Standoff is centred around the Pleasant Hill storyline. With supervillains, it's always the same old story: they are caught, they are released and then they are caught again. Presented with such an everlasting problem, S. Agent Maria Hill comes up with her own solution. Using th Fresh from watching Avengers: Endgame , I was suddenly motivated to read a comic book again since it has been a pretty long time since I last did so. Using the Cosmic Cube which has gained sentience and takes the form of a little girl , Maria creates a small town in Pleasant Hill where villains are implanted with false identities to keep them from returning to their previous lives and instead feel satisfaction at the small-town living they are doing now. When some of the Avengers gets wind of this top secret facility like the three men who have previously held the mantle of Captain America Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier and Falcon , they embark on a mission to shut this programme down based on the ethics of it. Of course, their job gets a whole lot more difficult when the villains themselves start to regain their memory and see Pleasant Hill as the prison it really is. Avengers: Standoff definitely taps on an unique storyline about reforming villains by totally reforming their identities. It is actually bittersweet for some of them when they wake up to their true selves, such as when realises the happiness he felt in his fake life as an ice cream parlour owner was simply based off lies. The exploration of the perspective from 'the other side' does make some of the villains sympathetic given the ordeal they have experienced and awaken from. From the heroes' side however, things get pretty messy given the large number of splinter teams there are from the Avengers which all have their own agendas but eventually come together to team up. There's also the complications with S. D Agents whom you can't really say whether are on the good side or the bad side given their whole role in creating this mess in the first place. Along with the whole subplot revolving around the Whisperer a. Jul 30, J'aime rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novel , marvel-dc. I only follow a couple of Marvel series, but usually buy all the event compilations. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed it so much! Elsewhere, I young man with amnesia is taken to the small community of Pleasant Hill. Where he repeatedly tries to escape from the Stepford-like town. Everyone here is happy. Too happy. Maria Hill has been using something known as Kobik, derived from Cosmic Cube fragments, to brainwipe supervillains and imprison them in Pleasant Hill. When several of them wake up, they launch an assault that brings multiple teams of Avengers with several tongue in cheek jokes about how many there are , three erstwhile Captain Americas, and SHIELD into a showdown over control of Kobik. The story was self-contained enough that anyone could dive right in. The concept of the prison was really cool, albeit completely unethical. Jun 05, L. This collection is like a sampler platter, allowing you to try different franchises in the Marvel Universe. Some of them work, others I'm looking at you, don't. There are more Avengers in this book than you can shake a Tesseract at. It' This collection is like a sampler platter, allowing you to try different franchises in the Marvel Universe. It's in there. What's with the mask? Everyone knows who he is already because of the friggin' metal arm with the big red star on it. The mask is kind of useless. Aug 10, Quentin Wallace rated it really liked it. The basic premise is SHIELD is using a sentient cosmic cube a little girl to transform a bunch of supervillians into everday citizens and create a town where they can live a normal everyday life. It's really just a new type of prison, of course. When the villiains start to figure out what's going on, things get bad. Most heroes don't agree with the concept either, so that adds another level of drama. Then when it comes out some 3. Then when it comes out some of the "villains" in the "prison" are really "good guys", it really "hits the fan". I need to stop using " " so I'll try to abstain for the rest of the review. To me the core story was pretty cool, with the whole Twlight Zone prison deal. But the sentient cosmic cube girl was weird, and also, a lot of the crossover issues just seem tacked on. That is a problem with many of these big crossovers, but in this case it really stood out. Overall though, we get some major plot developments that will continue on from here, so it least it wasn't one of those big events where nothing changes. The art was good, and really the story wasn't bad for the most part. One of the better crossover events in my opinion. Jul 29, JM S rated it really liked it. Avengers: Standoff! Review: Avengers: Standoff is a comic book storyline from Marvel back in The story is about a mysterious place called Pleasant Hill and it is up to the different Marvel heroes to find out what it is. Tbh, I wasn't really expecting anything much from this book at all. It was also around this time is the all-new all-different Marvel era. Again, I don't know what to expect from this. But I gotta say, I was relly surprised by this book. I actually ended up really enjoying Avengers: Standoff!. The story has a good mystery to it regarding the place and especially the first few issues. There are a lot of surprises and the action scenes were entertaining and some good humor in there as well. Which are the main focused of this book. The artwork here is also good as well. Sure the book is a little long, which drags the pacing a little bit. It does also meander quite a bit from time to time, but I still really enjoyed reading this book for the most part. It isn't anything memorable or not even one of the best Avengers stories out there, but it was still really entertaining imo. Not a good event. The actual event plays out over way too many issues, and the story is so disjointed and scattered because it doesn't really have anything at its core. The best Marvel events have a strong core series, and talented writers use that event as a backdrop to explore new ideas in their tie-in issues. In this event, the tie ins don't have much to build off of. I quickly got bored of reading issues that were more about the ongoing series they were a part of which I have not been follo Not a good event. I quickly got bored of reading issues that were more about the ongoing series they were a part of which I have not been following than the event, and when the finale finally described the heroes epic battle to save the day, it felt It took me almost a year to read this story because I could quickly tell that I wasn't going to enjoy this, but I wanted to get through it to see how Captain America got his youth back. Turns out even that was a pretty boring development. Dec 27, Juan rated it really liked it. I would say I have two problems to which otherwise was a good volume. I get that the long time ongoing theme is that all Agents wear the traditional uniform. The Howling Commandos as a whole was just too much to bare. After attempting to reason with Kobik, Steve Rogers is then attacked by Crossbones. Just as Crossbones was on the brink of finishing off Steve Rogers, Kobik uses her powers to restore him back to his younger self putting him back in his physical prime. Declaring that "It's good to be back," Steve Rogers defeats Crossbones. By this time, Captain America and Winter Soldier catch up with him. Nobody knows it, but Father Patrick is actually the clone of Red Skull in disguise and was the one who orchestrated the villain uprising. Despite having been converted to a simple life as "Claire," Rogue is eventually able to overcome Kobik's brainwashing thanks to a series of lessons she received from about how to overcome psychic attacks, her mind "planting'"various clues that would lead her to the truth, such as glimpsing Professor X out of the corner of her eye or noting Xs everywhere. With her memory restored, Rogue gathers some of the other Avengers and Avengers Unity Division only for the reassembled team to be attacked by Kobik who is determined to put them "back to sleep. Project Troubleshooter was the latest facility that would develop human soldiers as well as an attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that Abraham Erskine created. This formula transformed Todd Ziller into a reptilian kaiju called the American Kaiju. During the earlier days of Pleasant Hill, Absorbing Man had been transformed into a man named Harold who runs his own ice cream parlor and was in love with Sheriff Eva. After Baron Zemo and Fixer restored everyone's memories, Absorbing Man was among the villains that went on a rampage as he went on the attack with who was previously transformed into a teenager named Scottie until they were persuaded by Sheriff Eva's true form of Elektra to spare the innocent lives. Illuminati members Hood and Titania arrived to retrieve Absorbing Man. Although still shaken for being put into a S. After Quicksilver saved the Avengers from Kobik's grasp and spread them out throughout Pleasant Hill, they discovered that the two Maria Hills that the Avengers and the Avengers Unity Division were actually the Femme Fatales members Mindblast and Bloodlust comics , who had been used by S. When the inmates started noticing the two Avengers teams and started attacking them, Deadpool reached out to Kobik where he used their shared past of being controlled to get empathy from her. Kobik brought both teams back to good health just in time for them to answer Steve Rogers' call to assist him. Songbird is revealed to by a double-agent for S. Steve Rogers, Captain America, and Winter Soldier begin looking for Kobik again only to discover that Baron Zemo had Fixer invent a device that would help find Kobik as Kraven the Hunter rallies the villains to help with their goals. Upon not being able to successfully locate Kobik, Steve Rogers decides to rally the heroes so that they can take the fight to Baron Zemo. Thanks to a trick by Kraven the Hunter, Kobik ends up captured and placed into Fixter's device. Meanwhile, Avril Kincaid manages to get to the Pleasant Hill Museum where she meets it's curator Wendell Vaughn where he gives here his Quantum Bands which served as a contingency in case S. As both Avengers teams negotiate with Baron Zemo to let the civilian hostages go, Doctor Voodoo , Quicksilver , and Vision rescue the civilians when nobody was looking. As Fixer's device began to turn Kobik back into the Cosmic Cube, Baron Zemo had Graviton use his powers to create an impenetrable shield to keep both Avengers teams at bay. With help from Avril Kincaid, both Avengers teams got through where they destroyed Fixer's device and free Kobik who then blasted Winter Soldier. As a result of this, the other villains try to escape only to be thwarted by a blockade as the result of MACH-VII sending a distress signal. Both Avengers teams proceed to defeat the villains. Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig have been teleported to an unknown part of the Himalayas making their way back to civilization as Baron Zemo plans to use Erik Selvig in his next plan. is offered by Steve Rogers to join up with S. Avengers: Standoff! - Wikipedia

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Avengers by Nick Spencer. Al Ewing Writer ,. Gerry Duggan Goodreads Author Writer ,. Mark Waid Writer ,. Paul Mounts Illustrator ,. Jesus Saiz Illustrations ,. Edgar Delgado Illustrator ,. Mark Bagley Illustrations ,. Ryan Stegman Illustrations ,. Romulo Fajardo Jr. Illustrator ,. Sonia Oback Illustrator ,. Mike Norton Illustrations ,. Dono Almara Illustrator ,. Richard Isanove Illustrator ,. Matt Yackey Illustrator ,. Scott Hanna Illustrator ,. Adam Kubert Illustrator ,. Mark Morales Illustrator ,. Guillermo Ortego Illustrator ,. Paul Renaud Illustrator ,. Matthew Wilson Illustrator ,. Israel Silva Illustrator ,. David Meikis Illustrator ,. On his 75th anniversary, Captain America is about to face a challenge unlike any other. Prepare for an assault on Pleasant Hill! Three shield-wielders past and present - Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson - find themselves in a standoff, with high and very personal stakes. And this tense conflict quickly escalates out of control, drawing in several Avengers teams! But it all begins in the small town of Pleasant Hill. An idyllic community with friendly neighbors What is going on behind Pleasant Hill's closed doors, and how will Captain America react? Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. Published July 12th by Marvel first published June 29th More Details Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Avengers , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Avengers: Standoff. Nov 02, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: comics , graphic-novels , read-in The first issue wasn't bad, but it was sort of hit-or-miss from there on out. Warning: Spoilers So one of my first reactions to this was just this mindless rage that Secret Wars hadn't cured Captain America of his oldness. I mean, I just assumed that was the entire reason they were rebooting the Marvel universe! You know, to fix the egregious error made when whatever asshat decided it was a good idea to have Steve Rogers lose the Super Soldier serum Fix it! And then I see that he's still OLD! If this hadn't been a loaner from the library, I probably would have tossed it out the window. And it's a good thing I didn't! Ok, so for those of you like me who come slightly unhinged when your favorite superheroes get fucked with, then there's at least one thing about Standoff that'll make you happy: CAP IS BACK! And, really, that's sort of the main thing that comes out of this one. Well, besides the cosmic cube girl, Kobik, who was apparently used later to futz with Captain America And we all know how well that went over with fans, don't we? Maria Hill has overstepped her bounds as S. Then she stuck them all in a fake town, changed their physical appearances see above cosmic cube , and gave them cutsie jobs. Shockingly, it worked out well! Everyone was thrilled with their new lives, nothing went wrong, and they all grew fat and old together. Or something like that I thought this was a bit on the long-winded side. The story sort of meandered around, and the only thing of real interest to me was the part where the Cosmic Kid ironed out Cap's wrinkles. Not horrible, not great. Kinda sorta ok. View all 20 comments. Sep 18, Terence rated it liked it. What is the biggest problem facing law enforcement in the Marvel Universe? It's certainly not capturing villains because that seems to happen every issue. It's not having a place to put them, because Marvel has all kinds of prisons with cool names like The Raft. The biggest problem is keeping villains in prison. Marvel's jails are pretty much a turnstile as offending villains are back on the streets in an instant. My solution would be super hero prison guards or even anti-hero prison guards. Knowing The Punisher is sitting at a crazy vantage point with a sniper rifle and a missile launcher might dissuade people from escaping. Maria Hill had another thought altogether. These plans were leaked to the public and the Kobik project was shut down It was supposed to be at least. Bucky Barnes the current man on the wall, a role inherited from Sr. Of course nothing could ever go wrong with that plan Avengers Standoff is a strange mixture for a volume. The premise makes sense as supervillains always break out of jail so transforming them into non violent members of a small town makes a lot of sense The oddest part to me was the weak attempt at humor. The author pushed hard for some laughs, but it fell short. Another strange part is that the sentient cosmic cube assumed the form of a four year old girl which should of been an immediate flag. I have a daughter who is past the age of four and relying on her to handle all the bad guys would be a mistake. Four can be an emotionally volatile age Anyway things have to go wrong which they spectacularly do. On a positive I did eventually enjoy seeing all the Avengers teams cooperating. I was surprised seeing that remained basically silent throughout since he's become a major figure head largely due to his prominence in the MCU. Avengers Standoff was solid, but far from being overly memorable. I'm glad I read it, but I'm sure I won't read it again. Sep 24, Sam Quixote rated it did not like it. I originally reviewed Avengers Standoff as two volumes because in Brit-land the publisher decided to cut the event in half for artistic reasons. Just kidding, it was for the filthy lucre! Anyways, both reviews, which cover the complete stinky event, are below — enjoy! The people here are friendly, Mayor Maria Hill is organising fun events like th I originally reviewed Avengers Standoff as two volumes because in Brit- land the publisher decided to cut the event in half for artistic reasons. The people here are friendly, Mayor Maria Hill is organising fun events like the forthcoming air show, Dr Erik Selvig keeps everyone healthy, and nothing bad ever seems to happen. But the community seems a little too idyllic for some Cap and the others see Pleasant Hill as a kind of Guantanamo Bay which is just ridiculous. Real subtle, Al! The mystery at the start is sort of intriguing before it ends up becoming the usual dreary slug-fest between dull characters. Sigh… Avengers Standoff ends as poorly as it started! There are way, way too many issues in this event for such a weak story. A garbage ending for a garbage event — Marvel have done it again! Sam Wilson and Bucky found out about it and decide to do something about it. Things spiral out of control from there. This felt really disjointed. Things would happen in one issue, then it would jump to another book and there would be huge jumps in plot in between. Editorial really needed to sit down with the writers to create a more cohesive story. Plus one of the issues in the collected volume is out of order chronologicall S. Plus one of the issues in the collected volume is out of order chronologically. Events in the book occurred like 5 issues before in another book. It had potential but felt bungled. May 08, Gianfranco Mancini rated it liked it Shelves: marvel-comics , comics-and-graphic-novels , superheroes- and-supervillains. Absolutely not the best Marvel crossover ever, but still not the worst one. You can't believe it? At the end this event is just another great "battle royale" and the return of old good Steve Rogers as a young Cap was phoned since the previous page with the introduc 3,5 stars read as individual issues. At the end this event is just another great "battle royale" and the return of old good Steve Rogers as a young Cap was phoned since the previous page with the introduction of Kobik, but the execution and Acuna's drawings were so good that they gave me chills! And the references to old Marvel stories Thing armour and Chemistro's gunning away his foot! Kraven's kid trap and the groundskeeper Willie "Simpsons" reference made me laugh to tears!!! At last we have a new Quasar and she seems an interesting character. Let's see. Last but not least.. The American Kaiju! I'll give them a try for sure. View 1 comment. Picking on some threads from the opening arc of Sam Wilson: Captain America, the all-new, all-different Marvel Comics launches its first big crossover event only a few months after the conclusion of its previous big crossover event, Secret Wars. The hack leads Wilson, as well previous Captain Ame Picking on some threads from the opening arc of Sam Wilson: Captain America, the all-new, all-different Marvel Comics launches its first big crossover event only a few months after the conclusion of its previous big crossover event, Secret Wars. Following the relaunch of Marvel Comics post-Secret Wars, this event lands a whopping six issues into the current status quo. Some, like Agents of SHIELD, are in the middle of their opening story arc with writers forced to contend with a crossover event shoehorned into issues three and four of their big, new launch. That said, this was a lot of fun to read. While they were bringing her to the town hall, Agent Kincaid had managed to get to the museum, where its curator revealed himself to be the retired hero Wendell Vaughn , a. Quasar , and gave her the items of power she was looking for, his former Quantum Bands. Back in the town hall, Zemo was about negotiate with the Avengers the safety of the hostages when Quicksilver , Vision and Doctor Voodoo sneakily rescued them. With the civilians and S. His army of villains held the line to buy the Fixer's device enough time to turn Kobik into a proper Cosmic Cube. Using Graviton 's powers, Zemo created a virtually impenetrable shield, and the heroes began to run out of time to stop Fixer's device. Agent Kincaid stepped in, empowered by the Quantum Bands, and used their power to destroy the shield, disrupting Fixer's device in the process, and freeing Kobik. Both Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig tried to convince Kobik to join their respective sides, but the small child showed her dissatisfaction with the events transpiring in the town due to Zemo's actions, and her disillusion with her experience among humans due to the way S. She blasted away the Winter Soldier , who had tried to put her down for considering her too dangerous, and teleported both Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig away to the Himalayas before disappearing herself. With their leader gone, the villains tried to escape from the town. With the airborne support blocking the villains, the Avengers proceeded to finish them off. After the dust settled, Maria Hill was scolded by her superiors in the World Security Council , with her position as director of S. They followed him to the Morlock Tunnels and apprehended him. During an interrogation aboard S. Battlecarrier Pericles , A. The New Avengers confronted the agents of S. In retaliation for A. American Kaiju began to attack the island, forcing Sunspot to deploy their biggest weapon, the Avenger Five. In the middle of the evacuation, Songbird revealed herself to be a deep-undercover S. D agent, and attacked her fellow New Avenger Hawkeye who had also recently abandoned S. Hawkeye was scolded by his superior, Dum-Dum Dugan , for having helped A. In New York City, the recently reassembled Avengers had just defeated an escapee from Pleasant Hill when none other than Maria Hill appeared on the scene on behalf of S. However, they received an emergency call from Captain America and were informed about Pleasant Hill. With the Avengers aware of the situation, Maria Hill reluctantly agreed to fly with them to Connecticut. The Avengers' Maria Hill opened fire on them, leading to a brief scuffle between the two teams before they were trapped by Kobik and turned into inhabitants of the small town. The Avengers and the Avengers Unity Division eventually broke from Kobik's influence due to psychic safeguards in Rogue 's mind that she had acquired from her training with Professor X several years ago. After snapping out of the illusion Kobik made her believe, Anna Marie began to recruit the members of both Avengers teams. However, after Vision , the final hero, was recruited, Kobik caught up with the Avengers' actions and confronted them. Quicksilver rescued the Avengers from Kobik's grasp by spreading them in small groups throughout the city at super speed. It was also revealed that the duplicate Maria Hills encountered by the Avengers were actually prisoners Mindblast and Bloodlust , who had been turned into Maria Hill duplicates to attempt to keep the Avengers out of the conflict. While the Maria Hill encountered by the main Avengers team was acting accordingly, the one encountered by the Unity Squad had tried to use her appearance as a means to escape. The villains soon noticed the presence of the mostly depowered Avengers teams and attacked them mercilessly, heavily injuring and even killing some of them. Deadpool managed to reach out to Kobik and get her to empathize with him based on their shared past of being manipulated beyond their control. Kobik proceeded to do right by the heroes, reviving and healing them, returning them to their prime just in time to heed Steve Roger's call to arms. Project Troubleshooter was the latest facility that would develop human soldiers as well as an attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that Abraham Erskine created. This formula transformed Todd Ziller into a reptilian kaiju called the American Kaiju. During the earlier days of Pleasant Hill, Absorbing Man had been transformed into a man named Harold who runs his own ice cream parlor and was in love with Sheriff Eva. After Baron Zemo and Fixer restored everyone's memories, Absorbing Man was among the villains that went on a rampage as he went on the attack with Whirlwind who was previously transformed into a teenager named Scottie until they were persuaded by Sheriff Eva's true form of Elektra to spare the innocent lives. Illuminati members Hood and Titania arrived to retrieve Absorbing Man. Although still shaken for being put into a S. After Quicksilver saved the Avengers from Kobik's grasp and spread them out throughout Pleasant Hill, they discovered that the two Maria Hills that the Avengers and the Avengers Unity Division were actually the Femme Fatales members Mindblast and Bloodlust comics , who had been used by S. When the inmates started noticing the two Avengers teams and started attacking them, Deadpool reached out to Kobik where he used their shared past of being controlled to get empathy from her. Kobik brought both teams back to good health just in time for them to answer Steve Rogers' call to assist him. Songbird is revealed to by a double-agent for S. Steve Rogers, Captain America, and Winter Soldier begin looking for Kobik again only to discover that Baron Zemo had Fixer invent a device that would help find Kobik as Kraven the Hunter rallies the villains to help with their goals. Upon not being able to successfully locate Kobik, Steve Rogers decides to rally the heroes so that they can take the fight to Baron Zemo. Thanks to a trick by Kraven the Hunter, Kobik ends up captured and placed into Fixter's device. Meanwhile, Avril Kincaid manages to get to the Pleasant Hill Museum where she meets it's curator Wendell Vaughn where he gives here his Quantum Bands which served as a contingency in case S. As both Avengers teams negotiate with Baron Zemo to let the civilian hostages go, Doctor Voodoo , Quicksilver , and Vision rescue the civilians when nobody was looking. As Fixer's device began to turn Kobik back into the Cosmic Cube, Baron Zemo had Graviton use his powers to create an impenetrable shield to keep both Avengers teams at bay. With help from Avril Kincaid, both Avengers teams got through where they destroyed Fixer's device and free Kobik who then blasted Winter Soldier. As a result of this, the other villains try to escape only to be thwarted by a blockade as the result of MACH-VII sending a distress signal. Both Avengers teams proceed to defeat the villains. Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig have been teleported to an unknown part of the Himalayas making their way back to civilization as Baron Zemo plans to use Erik Selvig in his next plan. Rick Jones is offered by Steve Rogers to join up with S. Wendell Vaughn is training Avril Kincaid to become the new Quasar. As for Kobik, she approaches Winter Soldier and offers to help him do good. Winter Soldier agrees to the terms as Kobik suggests that she brings some "friends" she made in Pleasant Hill with them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article consists almost entirely of a plot summary. It should be expanded to provide more balanced coverage that includes real-world context. Please edit the article to focus on discussing the work rather than merely reiterating the plot.

Avengers Standoff: Welcome To Pleasant Hill Digital Comics - Comics by comiXology

It should make you want to go read New Avengers though, because that's awesome. Illuminati 6 This issue looks more at the fall-out of Pleasant Hill than the actual goings on, as Absorbing Man deals with the fact he fell in love with another character instead of his wife Titania. I expect this plays out better in the main series, so this little snippet doesn't really work on its own. Some nice sketchy art from Mike Henderson though. Instead, it was kind of a non-starter of a series with the blandest 1 I'd read in a while, so I didn't bother reading the rest, despite the potential. The fact that this issue is both a Standoff tie-in and the finale of the series means it has a lot to do in terms of story, tying in and wrapping up at the same time. The focus on Orrgo is different, but it's an ultimately unsatisfying issue since you're not invested in any of the characters reading just one issue, and knowing that the cliffhanger ending is never followed up just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. So Standoff is, of course, a mixed bag. The Standoff story itself is great, but some of the tie-ins are poor or unnecessary. Your mileage may vary. Standoff does resurrect the original Thunderbolts concept however, so that's a point in its favour. Sep 03, Judah Radd rated it it was ok Shelves: marvel-comics. Mostly a mess. The story is fundamentally stupid. Maria Hill used the cosmic cube to turn the cosmic cube into girl with godlike but oddly limited powers that turn all the badguys into goodguys AXIS again, seriously? All the Avengers have to go fight them in a town. Also, Godzilla shows up, Something very spoilery happens to Steve Rogers. Nobody acts like they normally act. This is one of the worst crossover ev Mostly a mess. This is one of the worst crossover events. The best parts and I use best loosely are the Alpha and Omega issues. The rest is exhausting, boring and stupid filler. A lot of what is happening in the current Secret Empire storyline had its foundation in this mini series. I wanted some more background to enjoy the current event. Apr 19, James rated it liked it. After being told not to and saying that she destroyed them, Maria Hill in secret goes forth with her plan with the cosmic cube fragments anyway. They fuse them together and they become sentient in the form of a 4 year old girl. They take this town and turn it into a prison by using the girls power over reality to make the super villains believe they are different people living peacefully in this small town. But of course one villain breaks free of the falsehood and frees others. Shit 3. Shit goes down after that. The stuff by Spencer, Welcome to pleasant hill, the alpha, the omega and the Captain America issues is the heart of the plot and the best parts of this story. The tie ins are hit or miss. But I did think it was bad and lacked imagination how in the one issue forgot which one exacty it was a direct bite off the Pacific Rim movie. I was like really?? They even pilot the giant robot the exact same way they do in the movie. All in all it was entertaining enough just to get a slight edge over 3 stars to get the 3. Not the best but solid. Feb 20, Rick rated it liked it Shelves: individual-issues , graphic-books , captain-america , avengers , iron-man , , marvel-now. I have to admit that I've not been very impressed with Marvel's track record on their crossover events. But having said that, I'd did enjoy Jonathan Hickman 's Secret Wars DC has, in my opinion, an even worse track record, but that's a whole other tangent. So I thought I'd give this new crossover event a swing and see what happens. It is exactly what I expected it would be: a mess. Granted it's a well done mess Marvel's has had there fair share of real whoppers of steaming dren piles: Secret W I have to admit that I've not been very impressed with Marvel's track record on their crossover events. But this one has some interesting subject matter beyond just the usual let's-throw-all-our-characters-into-a-insanely-poorly- developed-excuse-for-a-crossover-just-to-make-more-money. What is so interesting is that the use of a dealing with criminals as presented here. This methodology is not new, in fact it is fascinatingly similar to the methods developed by and employed so effectively by the character Doc Savage all the way back in the s. Sure, this method has been updated and modernized for comic book readers as much as it has been reworked to function within the context of Marvel's pseudo-science. Nothing wrong there, it just makes the implications of the story that much more disturbing. So there was lot's of potential in the opening chapters - unfortunately the wrap-up is little more than a loosely thrown together package that only leaves as much teasing about the next big threat read: crossover as it does tying narrative threads together. This was a good effort, and a solid if predictable read for fans of the Marvel Now Universe , but there isn't much of interest for outside readers to get excited about. Oct 03, David rated it liked it Shelves: comic-books. The cosmic cube. Villains mindwiped, brainwashed behind a bar-less prison. Villains transformed into new lives as happy carefree workaday Villeins. The Captain America issues contained in the book seem to explore the ideas inherent with real gusto and relevance. The other intervening Avengers chapters are much less thoughtful to downright dumb and are all about moving around masses of characters - mostly who have no clue what to do. Or anything interesting to add to the "conversation". And an interesting conversation it could have been but all totally one-sided. Everyone seems to be against the prison. Even Maria Hill, who has set it up. It would have made a much more fascinating book to have had factions. Clear cut. For and against. Prisoners who want to remain. Jailors who want to stay. Set against those for tearing it down. But no. It's all set in one mode. Destroy it. And that's rather dull. Aug 21, Gerry Sacco rated it really liked it. Really, really fun. Some super good highs, a few lows though. I wanted to give this a 5, I really did, because Falcon really shined. Lots of good, fun moments. Interesting plot. Just a bit too scattered. Good collection though, must own. Also, good questions asked. Marvel has this great way of asking bigger questions and hiding them within their stories. Just because you can, should you? Jul 17, LauraJade rated it liked it. Not a bad event, fixes some fractured relationships that really needed fixing, but proved there are far too many 'Avengers' teams - to the point one character jokes about 'Adjective-less Avengers'. But the balance of humour and action was great, the core characters were great, issues of certain titles slowed it down a bit. Jul 11, Relstuart rated it it was ok Shelves: marvel-comics. A bit of a mess but I had to get it so I could read how Cap got his mojo back. View 2 comments. Dec 31, Brian Poole rated it liked it. The town of Pleasant Hill, Connecticut has a secret. Using shards of a reality-altering Cosmic Cube that has taken the form of a little girl named Kobik, S. But when the strong-willed Baron Zemo is sent to Pleasant Hill, he shakes off the conditioning and sparks a revolt that threatens to deal S. Alerted to the prison by internet hacktivist The Whisperer, three Captains America Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes arrive in the town, calling in two different Avengers teams; all get swept up in the chaos en route to a big showdown. Meanwhile, The Whisperer lands in S. As an event, Standoff is somewhat schizoid. Its central premise is rather clever and the various creators involved make good use of it in several different ways. But in collected format, it feels disjointed. The collection basically runs in chronological release order, which means the reader keeps getting pulled away from the more engaging action in Pleasant Hill. As has become the norm with these sorts of crossovers, several different creative teams contribute to the action, often with wildly different tones and visual approaches. Standoff might be more notable for what it set up following its run. More puzzling was the decision to create a new Quasar in the form of S. Still, Avengers: Standoff does a lot of things right. It features strong characterizations, makes inventive use of its central premise, features some great action sequences and displays a welcome sense of humor. Mar 11, Alex E rated it liked it. I realize that many, if not all, of these events are a case of one person doing what they think is absolutely necessary, and fuck everyone else. In this case, its Maria Hill doing the doing. They then convince her to build this idyllic town where anyone who lives there gets happy happy lives and everyone smiles and hangs out all day. Turns out that Hill starts bringing in super villains, who a I realize that many, if not all, of these events are a case of one person doing what they think is absolutely necessary, and fuck everyone else. Turns out that Hill starts bringing in super villains, who are then turned into idyllic members of this town. In other words, completely brainwashed and almost erased - in a weird way. This of course goes all to hell when the villains wake up, are understandably pissed, and calamity ensues. Cue the Avengers. So the premise is a bit forced and contrived, but the story actually holds up. We get two teams of Avengers, All New All Different and Uncanny, who of course fight when they first see each other, then come together to stop the villains and put the kibosh on Hill's weird mind wipe camp. Kobik, the cosmic cube girl hybrid thing, ends up saying "Screw this, I'm out. Ultimately, this event was a big excuse to view spoiler [turn Steve Rogers young again. Nick Spencer does a good job of not making it obvious that the whole story line is really about that, but once it happened I was like "ohhhhh I get it now". I did have some problems with the pacing sometimes, and the forced choices made, especially at the end, as far as plot. But overall this was pretty enjoyable and a good Marvel tale. I liked this, it was good. Probably more of a 3. I would recommend this for Marvel fans, but probably not the best for new readers as it relies heavily on a lot of stuff that came before it. Jul 08, Omar Chilla rated it liked it. It's a meh tier comic. Isnt really good. Story was fine but it barely hangs on to a 3. Not a good avengers book but an ok comic. Expected much more than what I got from this. Jun 07, Sheng rated it liked it Shelves: library , comics. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Fresh from watching Avengers: Endgame , I was suddenly motivated to read a comic book again since it has been a pretty long time since I last did so. What better way than to read an Avengers comic too? Avengers: Standoff is centred around the Pleasant Hill storyline. With supervillains, it's always the same old story: they are caught, they are released and then they are caught again. Presented with such an everlasting problem, S. Agent Maria Hill comes up with her own solution. Using th Fresh from watching Avengers: Endgame , I was suddenly motivated to read a comic book again since it has been a pretty long time since I last did so. Using the Cosmic Cube which has gained sentience and takes the form of a little girl , Maria creates a small town in Pleasant Hill where villains are implanted with false identities to keep them from returning to their previous lives and instead feel satisfaction at the small-town living they are doing now. When some of the Avengers gets wind of this top secret facility like the three men who have previously held the mantle of Captain America Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier and Falcon , they embark on a mission to shut this programme down based on the ethics of it. Of course, their job gets a whole lot more difficult when the villains themselves start to regain their memory and see Pleasant Hill as the prison it really is. Avengers: Standoff definitely taps on an unique storyline about reforming villains by totally reforming their identities. It is actually bittersweet for some of them when they wake up to their true selves, such as when Absorbing Man realises the happiness he felt in his fake life as an ice cream parlour owner was simply based off lies. The exploration of the perspective from 'the other side' does make some of the villains sympathetic given the ordeal they have experienced and awaken from. From the heroes' side however, things get pretty messy given the large number of splinter teams there are from the Avengers which all have their own agendas but eventually come together to team up. There's also the complications with S. D Agents whom you can't really say whether are on the good side or the bad side given their whole role in creating this mess in the first place. Along with the whole subplot revolving around the Whisperer a. Jul 30, J'aime rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novel , marvel-dc. I only follow a couple of Marvel series, but usually buy all the event compilations. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed it so much! Elsewhere, I young man with amnesia is taken to the small community of Pleasant Hill. Where he repeatedly tries to escape from the Stepford-like town. Everyone here is happy. Too happy. Maria Hill has been using something known as Kobik, derived from Cosmic Cube fragments, to brainwipe supervillains and imprison them in Pleasant Hill. When several of them wake up, they launch an assault that brings multiple teams of Avengers with several tongue in cheek jokes about how many there are , three erstwhile Captain Americas, and SHIELD into a showdown over control of Kobik. The story was self- contained enough that anyone could dive right in. The concept of the prison was really cool, albeit completely unethical. Jun 05, L. This collection is like a sampler platter, allowing you to try different franchises in the Marvel Universe. Some of them work, others I'm looking at you, Howling Commandos don't. There are more Avengers in this book than you can shake a Tesseract at. It' This collection is like a sampler platter, allowing you to try different franchises in the Marvel Universe. It's in there. What's with the mask? Everyone knows who he is already because of the friggin' metal arm with the big red star on it. The mask is kind of useless. Aug 10, Quentin Wallace rated it really liked it. The basic premise is SHIELD is using a sentient cosmic cube a little girl to transform a bunch of supervillians into everday citizens and create a town where they can live a normal everyday life. It's really just a new type of prison, of course. When the villiains start to figure out what's going on, things get bad. Most heroes don't agree with the concept either, so that adds another level of drama. Then when it comes out some 3. Then when it comes out some of the "villains" in the "prison" are really "good guys", it really "hits the fan". I need to stop using " " so I'll try to abstain for the rest of the review. To me the core story was pretty cool, with the whole Twlight Zone prison deal. But the sentient cosmic cube girl was weird, and also, a lot of the crossover issues just seem tacked on. That is a problem with many of these big crossovers, but in this case it really stood out. Overall though, we get some major plot developments that will continue on from here, so it least it wasn't one of those big events where nothing changes. The art was good, and really the story wasn't bad for the most part. One of the better crossover events in my opinion. Jul 29, JM S rated it really liked it. Avengers: Standoff! Review: Avengers: Standoff is a comic book storyline from Marvel back in The story is about a mysterious place called Pleasant Hill and it is up to the different Marvel heroes to find out what it is. Tbh, I wasn't really expecting anything much from this book at all. It was also around this time is the all-new all-different Marvel era. Again, I don't know what to expect from this. But I gotta say, I was relly surprised by this book. I actually ended up really enjoying Avengers: Standoff!. The story has a good mystery to it regarding the place and especially the first few issues. There are a lot of surprises and the action scenes were entertaining and some good humor in there as well. Which are the main focused of this book. The artwork here is also good as well. Sure the book is a little long, which drags the pacing a little bit. It does also meander quite a bit from time to time, but I still really enjoyed reading this book for the most part. It isn't anything memorable or not even one of the best Avengers stories out there, but it was still really entertaining imo. Not a good event. The actual event plays out over way too many issues, and the story is so disjointed and scattered because it doesn't really have anything at its core. The best Marvel events have a strong core series, and talented writers use that event as a backdrop to explore new ideas in their tie-in issues. In this event, the tie ins don't have much to build off of. I quickly got bored of reading issues that were more about the ongoing series they were a part of which I have not been follo Not a good event. I quickly got bored of reading issues that were more about the ongoing series they were a part of which I have not been following than the event, and when the finale finally described the heroes epic battle to save the day, it felt It took me almost a year to read this story because I could quickly tell that I wasn't going to enjoy this, but I wanted to get through it to see how Captain America got his youth back. Turns out even that was a pretty boring development. Dec 27, Juan rated it really liked it. I would say I have two problems to which otherwise was a good volume. I get that the long time ongoing theme is that all Agents wear the traditional uniform. The Howling Commandos as a whole was just too much to bare. My problem the Agents is that while the series was based on the Marvel TV show, it remixes some of the characters to include someone like Garrat who was previously killed and evil. I digress. The overall story was told as linear as they could but there was some inconsistencies, specifically with the Wreaking Crew members. Aside from these issues, I think it was still fun as hell to see the return of Steve Rogers to his prime. So sets the stage for Secret Empire. Oct 13, Sleepseeker rated it liked it Shelves: comics , graphic-novels. As far as Marvel events go, this was an enjoyable read. Under the orders of Zemo, Kraven the Hunter led a group of villains to find her. With the search for Kobik bearing no results, Steve decided to change the plan and take the fight directly to Zemo before he could find her, rallying all of the heroes in the town. Meanwhile, Kraven the Hunter managed to successfully lure Kobik into a device created by the Fixer to contain her. While they were bringing her to the town hall, Agent Kincaid had managed to get to the museum, where its curator revealed himself to be the retired hero Wendell Vaughn , a. Quasar , and gave her the items of power she was looking for, his former Quantum Bands. Back in the town hall, Zemo was about negotiate with the Avengers the safety of the hostages when Quicksilver , Vision and Doctor Voodoo sneakily rescued them. With the civilians and S. His army of villains held the line to buy the Fixer's device enough time to turn Kobik into a proper Cosmic Cube. Using Graviton 's powers, Zemo created a virtually impenetrable shield, and the heroes began to run out of time to stop Fixer's device. Agent Kincaid stepped in, empowered by the Quantum Bands, and used their power to destroy the shield, disrupting Fixer's device in the process, and freeing Kobik. Both Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig tried to convince Kobik to join their respective sides, but the small child showed her dissatisfaction with the events transpiring in the town due to Zemo's actions, and her disillusion with her experience among humans due to the way S. She blasted away the Winter Soldier , who had tried to put her down for considering her too dangerous, and teleported both Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig away to the Himalayas before disappearing herself. With their leader gone, the villains tried to escape from the town. With the airborne support blocking the villains, the Avengers proceeded to finish them off. After the dust settled, Maria Hill was scolded by her superiors in the World Security Council , with her position as director of S. They followed him to the Morlock Tunnels and apprehended him. During an interrogation aboard S. Battlecarrier Pericles , A. The New Avengers confronted the agents of S. In retaliation for A. American Kaiju began to attack the island, forcing Sunspot to deploy their biggest weapon, the Avenger Five. In the middle of the evacuation, Songbird revealed herself to be a deep-undercover S. D agent, and attacked her fellow New Avenger Hawkeye who had also recently abandoned S. Hawkeye was scolded by his superior, Dum-Dum Dugan , for having helped A. In New York City, the recently reassembled Avengers had just defeated an escapee from Pleasant Hill when none other than Maria Hill appeared on the scene on behalf of S. However, they received an emergency call from Captain America and were informed about Pleasant Hill. With the Avengers aware of the situation, Maria Hill reluctantly agreed to fly with them to Connecticut. The Avengers' Maria Hill opened fire on them, leading to a brief scuffle between the two teams before they were trapped by Kobik and turned into inhabitants of the small town. The Avengers and the Avengers Unity Division eventually broke from Kobik's influence due to psychic safeguards in Rogue 's mind that she had acquired from her training with Professor X several years ago. After snapping out of the illusion Kobik made her believe, Anna Marie began to recruit the members of both Avengers teams. However, after Vision , the final hero, was recruited, Kobik caught up with the Avengers' actions and confronted them. Quicksilver rescued the Avengers from Kobik's grasp by spreading them in small groups throughout the city at super speed. It was also revealed that the duplicate Maria Hills encountered by the Avengers were actually prisoners Mindblast and Bloodlust , who had been turned into Maria Hill duplicates to attempt to keep the Avengers out of the conflict. While the Maria Hill encountered by the main Avengers team was acting accordingly, the one encountered by the Unity Squad had tried to use her appearance as a means to escape. The villains soon noticed the presence of the mostly depowered Avengers teams and attacked them mercilessly, heavily injuring and even killing some of them. Deadpool managed to reach out to Kobik and get her to empathize with him based on their shared past of being manipulated beyond their control. Kobik proceeded to do right by the heroes, reviving and healing them, returning them to their prime just in time to heed Steve Roger's call to arms. In the middle of the chaos, the super villains wreaked havoc across the small town endangering lives. The Howling Commandos of S. The Commandos also engaged Kobik in combat, but she proved to be too powerful, and teleported them back to their HQs in New Jersey. One of the numerous immates of Pleasant Hill was the Absorbing Man , who had been turned into an ice cream vendor named Harold. When Zemo assaulted the small town and the prisoners regained their memories and powers, Absorbing Man began to wreak havoc together with fellow immate Whirlwind. He was convinced by Elektra to spare innocent lives, and Titania and her partner Hood soon appeared to retrieve him, after having learned of his whereabouts. Creel was deeply affected by his experience in Pleasant Hill, mainly emerging with the desire to live a normal life, noting that he had never been as happy as he was when being Harold. However, he decided to assemble any and every one of the former immates from Pleasant Hill and get revenge on S. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Avengers: Standoff! Official Name. 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