1 — t 1 a a. na aaa f vv A ry ■ mi ■■ ■ bt r» v\ r. n IB n I «t«t to approve the appropriation » * against the two men. Burke tried lines from LEGISLATIVE THE WEATHER. lor ‘‘special facilities on trunk uuu Hi twain NOTICES._ shoot the officers wh took them into GOLD OR “LAWFUL MOm” ’’ a STEEL POOL COLLAPSE. Boiton to.Naw Orleana It was pure Financial custody. The Committee on jratuity. Z a Boston, Feb. 11.— The committee rose and the House ad- Affairs, for LOOKS DARK FOI THE TREATY. forecast 1 journed. in its room at the ,Looal will give a public hearing Increasing State House in Augusta, _ Friday: IN THE SENATE. Bird’s Name for Tow Path at 2 o clock P. M. Followed Steel Territorial Bill Thursday. Feb. 18.1897. cloudiness followed By Big Sale of Wording Refunding and con- Lawyer aid of Little Samaritan Aid Socie- Senator Sherman Liable to Secnre In the Senate the diplomatic on a resolve, to ty of Portland. by snow turning mlar appropriation bill was taken up. Railway Concern. McINTlRE. Secretary. easter- Rails. Agreement br Yote, Questioned to jan2ldtd rain; warmer, Inquiry was made by Mr. Morgan as ly winds. the item of *10,000 for envoy extraordi- Committee on Judiciary Came Ott for the to The Washington, Feb. Senator Tnrpie Strongly nary and minister pleuipotenitary in its room at the a hearing — aud and Salvndor. He PLEA will give public 11. Forecast for WORK FOR MILLS MONTHS Convention—Mr. Mjrgan Replies AND A DISCUSSION IS PRECIPI- Nicaragua, Cosea Rica NORTHERN CUMBERLAND’S State House in Augusta, Tuesday, February FOR An Act to an Ameudnent. to the in ar- 16 1897, at 2 o’clock p. in. author- Friday: For Maine, Proposes referred, obange diplomatic Falls Lumber to TO TATED IN THE HOUSE. FOR A RAILROAD. ize the Rumtord company increasing COME PROMISED. rangements in Central America, through hold stock and bonds of other corporations, New Hampshire and Vermont, Washington, hebriary 11.—Senator J. followed snow the formation of the diet by Honduras, janaotdW. KMOWLTON, Sec’y. cloudiness Friday, by Sherman who is in obirge of the treaty toward evening; slowly rising tempera- Salvador and Nicaragua, so the sending The Committee on Judiciary of arbitration, now mder secret discus- winds becoming northeasterly. of a minister to the three states men- Bnt the ture, is to show McMillla Understands Bill to Mean That rhe Town Meeting Adjourns will a in its room at the Cloth Market Also Show Improvements— sion in the Senate beginning give public hearing in the item would be State House in Gold tioned inappropri- Leaders Still on the Grounds at Augus- Augusta, Tuesday, February Purchase of Wool Abroad—Move- some uneasiness. Jot before adjourn- Refunding Bonds Must Be Paid in at 2 o’clock p. m. An Act to amend Big 16, 1897, Local Weather Report, ate. and B«- nine of 142 of Revised ment this afternoon, h notified the Sen- of New York Thinks They ta—Attorneys for Petitioners section chapter the ment of Prices on the Whole Favor- —Payne He understood the foreign offices of Statutes in relation to the Reform School. local weather was time ai was Portland, Feb. 1L—The ate that it agreement Should Be—Words ‘‘Lawful Money” monstrants Argue Before Committee. jan30tdW. J. KNOWLTON, Sec’y. able—Railroad Earnings. Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador had office reoords as to the weather final yote should be bureau reaobed, when.a Substituted. been closed and an American minister New 11.—Bradstreet [SPECIAL to the press.] The Committee on Railroads, are the following: York, February takeD. Mr. Sherman aked if unanimous there could have uo offlolal communica- House thermom- on will sey: Tbe more favor- some Washington, February 11.—The tion with those That The railroad coramit- and Expresses 8 a. m.—Barometer. 30.239; Saturday oonsent could not be lad for day governments. Augusta,Feb.|ll.— Telegraphs humidity, 08; on the whole about a awkward compli- eter, 9; dew point, 1; able foaturas of the business week in- next week. Mr. Mogan the most per- today went Into oommittee brought very ;ee hearing on the not to charter the West- Will give a public hearing in Railroad Com- N weather clear. cation. He would like to know what wind, ; velooity, 7; clude sales of tons of on of to oonsider ths fortifications appropri- Windham and Harrison railway missioner’s office at Augusta. Wednesday, 300,000 steel^rails sistent opponent thetreaty, demurred. the on thought brook, ; 8 30.230; thermom- committee appropriations February 17.1897. at 2 o’clock p. m„ p. ro.—Barometer. the of tbe which ations bill. The bill was explained by was afternoon. The 8: collapse pool, promises A followed fetween these two about it. It all arose.from the fact that continued this regi- On an act in addition to and to amend Chap. eter, 16.0; dew point, humidity, ooiloquoy work for tbe mills for mouths to ooroe; M. Republican of Nebraska, af- the President of the United States had of witnesses from the of Se- 684 Private and Special of 1893, as amended 68; wind, NW; velocity,6; weather, clear. Seuators, on whloh ltwas apparent that Hainer, ment region Laws of 1896, maxi- rose not it worth while to inform by Chap. 60.Private and Special Mean daily thermometer, 15; the advance in tbe price of print oloths Mr. Sherman would b unable to secure ter which the oommittee temporarily thought bago Lake has been seDt to the rear, but to the Hampden and Winterport Elec- minimum ther- the Senate of the diplomatio changes relating mum thermometer. 22: sale of 760.000 pieces from the and Mr. Cannon. Republican of Illinois, are here and tbe went tric Railway and Light Co. of following any kind of an agree nent and be there- that bad taken place in Control Ameri- the generals fight M. KALER, Sec. mometer, 8; maximum velocity JOHN accumulated stooks and tbe starting up reported the sundry ciril appropriation chosen to the matters ln.his Ml. feb3td 15; total 0. fore gave up the effort ca, but keep wind, precipitation, and ordered and of a number of Important metal Beginning with next week, Mr. Sher- bill, which was printed own hands. John C. Hoatee.the only corporator who The Senate would either ignore the The Committee on Judiciary other Industrial establishments through- his from to placed on the calendar. had not said that he Weather Observation. man will repeat rquest day of the President on the sub- previously testified, of re- operation* _1,1 _— L.n.inn in to rOOTTi fit thft out the Eastern and Middle States. iction be taken be- Mr. Bartlett. Demoorat Georgia, or snd bis associates intended in good laith The agricultural depaitment weather day, and Insist that ject and pass them “as Idle wind,’’ as follows: of unanimous conclusion of with some State House In Augusta, bureau foi February 11, taken Tbe reoent reduction in the price fore the week is over. ported the else proceed in conformity to build the road if tbe charter is Wednesday, Feb. 17. 1897, at 2 o’clock p. m. yesterday, if the Presi- the observation steal billets nf IK n. tnn. while rails were eleotions committee Ho. upon the con- suggestion of the President a section 24, of the at 8 p. m. meridian time, 1 wo were uautf uu t>uv moot; 1, granted. He said that competent engl- An act to amend one, chapter SpeeCucB dent would condescend to make a sug- to for eaod station in this order: wbo*e oaie of Thomas E. Wat- R. 8. relating paupers .. being given reduced only to foreshadowed another today. Sir. Tnrpie o: Indiana, tested election Deer imu utseii uver me ruuto oim mo of the R. state ot $3, Bill to amend section 44, chapter 27, Temperature, direction of wind, has hitherto rot been known by the 10th dis- out in the rail prices or breaking up of position son vs. J. C. Black from Mr. in otaarge of the bill, said had settled as to about where they 8. relating to Intoxicating Liquors. weather: came for tbe Hale, people at 2 m. bis associates, oit strongly it better to Wednesday, Feb. 24. 1897, o’clock p. clear: New the The latter finds the from trict of that Blaok was entitled the committee had thought Mr. Hoates a Boston, 20 degrees, N. pool. prices convention as and took the Georgia, wanted it. produced map An act to for Homeopathic treatment negoteted recommend the item and leave the mat- provide York. 28 p. oloudy; Philadel- 18 to 19 lower than last week. One efleot of the com- to retain his seat. attentiju to the loca- in all General Hospitals receiving aid from the degrees,NE, ground that the anienlments The and vailed proposed nhla. 32 decrees. E. clear; ter theQ to the State Department. State of Maine. Washington, will be to stimulate the of rails mittee were wholly unnecessary, and The consideration of the fortifications it) de- exports bill was with a tew amendments tion. ^ j KNOWLTON, 8ec’y. 32 degrees, E. snow: Albany, tended to oonfuse aad encum- passed 20 aud the demand for domestio beasemer, tbepublic appropriation bill was resumed and the which will have to be aoted on bj tbe When Gen. feb4 grees. N. cloudy; Buffalo, degree*, ber the instrument itielf. questioned by Mattooks, _dtd of bill read for amendment. The bill was House. Tbe to have a vote E, cloudy: Detroit. 22, EE, snow; pig iron aud ore. and the consumption Mr. Mr. and proposition Mr. Soates mid ;that the estimate of the The Committee on Affairs Morgan replledto Turpie, taken on?the conference report (o the im- Legal 30 degrees. E. snow: St. iron and steel There is a he had not to the House without amend- Chicago. generally. when tbe Senate adjourned reported bill at 4 m., oost of building the road made by the 26. SE. snow: Huron, Dak., 14 the migration Wednesday p. a in Its room at the Paul, demand for concluded. He weit over much of will give public hearing 22 moderate increase in the pig ment and passed. was made by Mr. Lodge and agreed to. Westinghouse oompany was made with- tn degrees, NE, clear: Bismarck, degrees, be had covered and State House Augusta, Thursday, Feb’y 18, iron at Pittsburg and purchases have ground prevbusly Mr. Republican of Massachu- The Senate then went into executive ses- on an Act to amend Section Jacksonville, SO degrees, NE, for a Knox, out a and was based on what at 2 o’clock, p. m., cloudy, been made the St. Louis stove makers. again emphasized tin necessity At 4.45 profile, Public Laws of rela- by enlled the bill the sion on the arbitration treaty. 16 of Chapter 269, 1893, rain. Considerable is in declaration in this triaty of the abroga- setts, up authorizing Judge Toltuan and the corporators could vendors. activity reported nand methods of 11.—The There was to be no change in the Will a hearing in its room at the necessary precaution, Biddeford, February legisla- ductive of no reault. The Greek govern- ing. Oregon's Latest Sensation. give public and of tbe disease. Old bonds were to State House in as follows: prevention suppression was referred form of the bonds. Augusta Iebl2dtd 1. M tive committee to whom ment will not recall the flotilla and fur- 11.—The adher- Thursday. February 25, 1897, at 2 o’clock _Gx.O jTCHELL, Sec’y. be replaced by gold bonds; lawful money Salem, Ore., February the bill limiting the hours of work of a second flotilla will bonds. States Senator Mitohell, p, m. An act to provide for the retirement of thermore, shortly bonds by lawful money ents of United and ten police officers of the city of Portlahd on women and children in textile manu- start for Crete. The troubles in the consisting of 38 representatives half pay. to 54 hours a visited the assembled in joint sessions factories week, caused residents to flee of am- senators, An act to extend the rights and privileges of island have many Mr. Hartman, Silver Montana, After the roll oall Senator Penperell, Laconia and York cotton Walker’s yesterday. the Underwood Company, to Greece for safety. Since the outbreak plified his denial of Mr. state- member of the W. J. mills today. Carter, a vensrablo up- KNOWLTON, Sec’y. began, fully 8000 Cretans have arrived at ment that obligations in the Sil- Senator Mitchell febPtd money per house, ststed that __ Piraeus. Many of the refuges are Unable ver States were made payable in gohi. that 46 With fhe Corona in Tow. had assured him legis- to oare for themselves and the govern- cashiers of 15 of the lead- personally Committee on He quoted the lators would be present jesterday and The Judiciary Brit- ment will be to aid them. Montana, all of whom Halifax, N. S., February 11.—The compelled ing banks of that his attendance was all that was a in its room at the knowledge no notes Will give publlo hearing ish steamer from wrote that to their to insure a quorum. Ho in Knight Commander, necessary State House Augusta, for is were made in gold. Senator Mitchell with Feb. 26. 1897, at 2 o’clock m., Norfolk, February 4, Antwerp, Christians the payable openly charged On Fridav, p. Doing Killing. Mr. of North Caro- witndrew from the pip; to the Maine Eye and Ear In- into with the German steam- Skillings, Fopullst falsehood and then an act relating coming port any one W. J. KNOWLTON, See’y. Corona sailed Canea, Crate, February 11.—The en- lina, protested agaiust permitting He was loudly cheered. The firmary.* er G'orona in tow. The which could not- be seision. febecd tire Moslem about the olty to make a contract then adjourned until from January 20, for population of joined convention Charleston, of Herakllon have entered that plaoe, iu lawful money the Bremen. discharged today. and _ The Committee on Judiciary where they attaoked the Christians United States.4 of Mr. Walker said he accepted Mr. Hart- Declines. in its room at the pillaged their ahops. The protect Secretary Olney will give a public hearing Lost Tbeir Clothes. Tuesday Feo. 16, GueBtg Sltia reports that S00 Moslems have been man’s statement. state House In Augusta. to make Washington, February 11.— Secretary m.. An act granting a new 11.—The Rilled in that distrlot the Christians. Mr. McMillins’ amendment 1897, at 2 O’clock p. Waltham, Mass., February by the Ari- has decided to decline the invita- of Portland. that Christians are mas- the bonds, except Olney charter to the City Riverside owned by Timothy It is reported refunding of Harvard to be- 1| hotel, m lawful of President Eliot \V. J. KNOWLTON, Sec’y. by Are sacreing Moslems in the villages. zona gold bonds, payable tion feblldtd Buckley, was damaged 10,000 was of international law, and lb0 occu- money of the United States, agreed come professor 7 this morning, e about o’clock Greece’s Action Troubles Fngland. will so notifv him In a few days. Ti building were to, 149 to 7. ... Affairs pants of the adjoining a committee of President Eliot carried with it The Committeeon Legal water. Women London, February 11.—The Pall Mall The House then went into letter more or'less damaged by of a hut Mr. Cretan of the on the office appropri- the offer large salary, Will give a in its room in the State the hotel and lady guests Gazette, commenting upon the whole post hearing conneoted with a total ap- returning actively to House in as follows: says that there is abundant ations bill. The bill carries Olney proposes Augusta were unable to save any clothing except- situation law on the &akikG increase of the leaving On Feb. 23.1897. at 3 o’olock p. m.. for the sand- of an the praotico Tuesday, wore. foundation belief that the propriation $95,611,714, to be an aot the what they for the current oabinet and does not wish hampered regulating the use of bicycles by ing ef the Greek flotilla to Greta is over the appropriations municipal officers of towns. Worse. of Mr. Loud said there by other engagements. His Old Tricks and looked upon by the British government year $8,040,150. HENRY BOYNTON, Sec’y. oon- many avenues, The Wise Retailer as a matter so serious as to threaten were, in bis opinion, POWDER Legal Affairs Committee. 11.—Michael or the No Divorce In His Family. feD6td Providence, R. 1., of the in through which the expenditures Gov- sequenoeo greatest import. notably Absolutely Pure. sells what his customer knows to be the McElrov, ; recently pardoned by view of the fuct that action of Gree e was department could be reduced, Galeeburg, 111., February 11.—At Lon- old after serv- in fenond class mail Celebrated for its great leavening Committee on Financial Affairs best. That keeps customers, and erner Lowndes of Maryland, entirely independent and taken without the distribution of don Mills, 18 miles south of here yester- sentence for in- rates and healthtulness. Assures the makes new ones. QUALITY and reason- one of a 10-years eouvoyiog the slightest notion of her matter and in the paid railroads Loren shot his wife and strength Will give a in its room at the ing year day, Thurman, public hearing hold and increase his trade. arrest for robbing the tentions to the the Gazette says, for the of mail few food against alum ana all forms of adul- State House In Augusta, Feb. 23, able price robbery, is under Powers, transportation matter. then killed himself. A days ago Tuesday, in to Mr. of Illinois, brands. at 2 o’clock P. M. on a iesol've in favor of Mrs. G. H. Alien this Lord Hallsbnry mny be relied upon Bromwf 11, Republican for a teration common to the cheap 1897. This has been the case with Pills, residence the committee Mrs. Thurman began proceedings the Portland School for the Deaf. Burke. The take and measures to f«id that as a member of NEW of Best Flour. All Awake Feb. 5, with Joseph prompt deoisire not Mrs. Thurman is still alive. ROY AL BAKING POWDER CO YORK. C. Sec. bury'’. Wide city, which the he could divorce. | E. MCINTIRE. have evidence neutra lize its effects. prepared bid, a j febll’dtd Grocer* sell it. police say they positive REFEREE IN MEMORY OF LINCOLN. said he would ike to know wlaat the THE OF COURSE. because HAD REST OF TIME TO HIMSELF- NATURAL FAT. icoc road has not been built is money was to h used for, and moved towns which sent THE HOUSE APPROVES. Camp. Sons of Veterans, Observes some of the delegates that tho resolve he laid on the table. Augusta Doesn’t Seem to Know When It Shepley refused to the com- Slityok Hands With Eighty Poli- TAT IS ONLY here yesterday help McKinley Mr. Alurehte caled for a yea and nay Birthday of the Great President. GETTING «A QUESTION said that after con- Is Beaten. pany. The speuker Wrote Letters and Talked With vots on the motioi to table. The motion PROPER FOOD. the said ticians, OF EATING siderable hestitntion petitioners WHS lost by a pte rf 108 to 25 and Che for n act because they Several Old Friends Yesterday. The members of Shepley Camp, S. of they asked special Dili put on its pgsage and passed to be Augusta, February 11.—Portland and to use compressed ait. Bosworth and who want to get fat should wanted permission engrossed. a V., and those of Thatoher Thin'people for Augusta plnyed wildly exciting game He said that was being provided by Resolve in Favor of New The resolve b favor of Brunswick aod their Relief sat proper food and digest it. Canton, Ohio, February 11.—McKinley Building the former a Post, G. A. R., Corps the law now before the legisla- been table was this evening beating by That, is the natural geueral with foresoore or more having take from the number of the only way. for Geu shook band* 5 to a fourth and a goodly general pub- ture. As keeping hotels, opposed by Mr. -Himilton of Biddeford, score of 4, period being The trouble with most thin people is that said that a law charter office seekers today, and found time to Corliaw Normal School. last evening at Sons of Mattocks general who said that r Brunswick was reim- necessary to decide. Dr. Saul’s decisions lic, gathered suffer from tnat and emi- talk to they indigestion. oould give right, regarding dictate a number of letters and bursed for a years ago Veterans’ hall to participate in the exer- not see suppoting person iD two critical instances were obviously don’t digest their food. They don’t nent domain the oould as- They speaker or two, W. H. a the gates woud lie for an of the life of all the an old friend Klliott, opened cises in commemoration the nourishment. are the could not get ou virtually losing Augusta the ?et enough They slowly why petitioners Ind.. sault the treaury for similar claims unjust, needed a law man from Newcastle, President Abraham Lincoln. starved. are the right ot way by general newspaper of other towns. game. Augusta outplayed its opponents martyred being They poisoned by and is ENGEL RAILROAD BILL HAS ITS charter, but admitted that the special who was formerly In the navy Mr. Holbrook of tor about the platform were products of fermented and putrid food. the Brunswick spoke in team work and keDt Allen busy with Arranged law under discussion did not debar naval Shaker a natural a of the United States READING. the resolve. of palms donated for Digestive Cordial, gentle, a man’s graduate' FIRST 54 stop”, many of them brilliant ones. jardinieres potted from taking Mr. been to in- the food in corporators to his applica- Hamilton'emotion had Son and vegetable digestive, attacks a for whioh the -academy, called present Broadbent a good the occasion by Hooper, Leigh- dwnlling house, thing deiinitely action and ou a played game, making stomach like the juices, of assistant Secre- postpeied the and lsft of the altar your just digestive general law does not provide. tion for the position rising vote it wascarriod 57 to 32. his tlrst appearance for Tur- ton. At right should Augusta. and turns it into healthful nourishment. It He asked why this company of Mr. Klliott is endorsed The rairoud hill was taken on the stand the national tary Navy. Engel ner, Dawson and a were arranged stomach It makett have that which the Perry, put up good helps yeur naturally. special privilege men of his own and Passage of First General Appropriatiot from the table aid given a first reading and at the other side upon a stand law companies are denied. Re- by many prominent game. Lee, taking Barlow’s place was odors, thin dyspeptics fat. it makes poisonous general Bill—Brunswick’s Claim State on motion of Mr. San born of Sanford. Gen. Mattocks other states. The President-elect gave Against a bust of Lincoln. blood cures the stom- garding aid from town*, The first generil appropriation bill car- strong in defensive work. For Portland, was pure. It tones up and legislature had wisely provided a careful and requested Turned Down—Portland Puts in Claim at 8 o’clock. Capt. ach. said the him hearing rying a million and a quarter dollais Allen’s stops and Jordan's work were The exercises began extrava- ex-Governor John II. a safeguard agninst municipal him to confer with Docks. was passed to bo inacted. called the assembly to ordor, will like Shaker Mattocks matter for Dry the features. Line up and summary: C. S. Berry Nothing eure'indigestion gance in that direction. Gen. Long of Massachusetts about tho after a few words of welcome intro- Digestive Cordial, because nothing else goes that if the road was going to get whioh seems to conclusively tliHt and argued prove TSPECIAL TO THE TRESS.) Air. Talbot of Iewistou pre eiited, out A U DUST of so naturally about it. it there should he lias been settled A.__PORTLAND. duced Hon. W. H. Looney as a member the business expected Mr. Long definitely of order, a bill section 33 of This is towns to build of 11.—When the amending W. Dawson first rush Whipple why it has been so successful in re- no need of asking the help upon for tbe position of Secretary 3 Augusta, February pre- R. will read. the who acted as presiding officer. chapter 6, S.,so that it Turner second rush J. Dawson camp, lieving weak- it. tbe Navy. It was learned by Mr. Klliott business of the has nausea, vomiting, dizziness, liminary House The collector ola town to whom centre Mr. Looney in opening the meeting bad that Theodore Hoosevelt is a candidate of Perry Hadley ness, taste, fever, flatulence, constipa- bad been attended to this morning and been committed)) tax upon the stock half hnck Jordan tion, loss of Mr. Bird thanked Geu. Mattooxs for for the of assistant seoretary Barlow, Lee spoke as follows: appetite. Headache, neuralgia, position any banks or otler corporation, except Allen rheumatism, etc., the disorder be had him in no had been the new bills, resolves and petition! Broadbent goal that in the Greek schools the by curing the compliments paid of the navy, and promises a shall with- “It is said which causes the him mannfncturingiorporatioD, symptoms. his arguments and congratulated made him. were called for, Speaker Larraboe called in 30 of assessment OPALS. WON BY. MIN. BEG. were made to commit to memory A few doses will prove its but ‘cast days afterthe hills oliildreii value, yon on coining a now term, namely, W. F. KockWell of Meriden, Conn., Bath to written won’t get fat on one bottle. on Mr. Sewall of the chair, ami are delivered, ti him, oause a 2 name of the battles and leaders, Mr. Bird considered 1 Portland, Wlilpple, 10 the All druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle. iion sympathy.” was one of Major, McKinley’s callers, to he the cashier or that the in- unties delivered to S 20 of the Write for book on the to whether his company He had some kind words to say gentleman precided during 3 Portland, Whipple, “So on this natal day martyred Food and Fat to The question^as today. president thereof, 30 Keade New and and of new business. stating ^he’description 8 Turner, 37 on Shakers, Street, York. should be dismissed compelled about. James A. Gary of baltirnore troduction of if stat- Augusta, President Abraham Lincoln, Union stock taxed, tcwliom assessed, foul in 3 51 to ask for a charter under the general is of the he would make an ex- of Ellsworth 4 Augusta, goal, the opinion Mr. Saunders presented ed in tho bills aid the tax thereon. No 80 Defender Day we commemorate laws. He said he had no doubt that cellent oy 5 Portland, Whipple, of Abraham Lincoln in the postmaster general secretary the Beach dividend shall Ly ou such stock af- spoko presence air bill had been in- an act to Incorporate Luinoiue paid 6 Augusta, Turner, 1 66 battles that were fought and the victories the oompressed of the navy. Gen. Andrew Hickenlooper ter such tax and cost of a soldier he Westbrook notice until the 7 8 11 the life and always regretted having stigated as a result of the of Cincinnati, was a caller at the MoKin- water company. Augusta, Perry, won. We commemorate pub- thereon are paid. ^ 2 16 done it provided that word was not a residence ths evening. He Is of the Mr. of Orono a bill 8 Portland, Hadley, that ieadei of plan. iey -Burg-in presented The Cashier nay pay such tax and 9 41 lio services of great He protested to making further ex- that a friendly conference among 9 Portland, Whipple, good one, as the soldier was Lincoln’s opinion to amend section 43 of chapter 40, R. payment shall onstitme a charge in 1 52 the nreat battle for tLe rights of roau- pense for his company by ’compelling those confined will practioallj settle the 10 Augusta, Perry, friend. Those took arms aDtl to a close time foi olfset against an; dividend tberoon. 2 67 young boys stek a law charter and of Mr. Sherman’s successor in 8., relating weekly 11 Portland, J. Dawson, kind. it to general question Should suoh tix remain unpaid for said they would shoot down those who the in the West- the Senate. taking salmon in the rivers of the state. with to his fidelity to regarding provision 90 doys after suoi notice the oolleoror Score—Portland, 5; Augusta, 4; each We point pride he brook to eminent domain be is fired upon the flag. In his good time; relating The word “Peuobscot,: sMioken oui msy sell such stosk In the manner sped- losing one goal on fouls. Rushes—W. and to his lofty and noble asked that it be amended so that this UtrUOl I ^UUjUUU-a, principle set the slaves free and we baoked him _MUSI of the 19th and 20th lines. UCU XU BCUI1UUB AO UiUI X' ux piuip O Dawson. 11: Whipple, a Stops—Allen, t>n rritrnn eiihlnnt to thfi patriotism. He it was that conducted the es of collecting taces on bank stock, col- 54; Broadoent, 21. Fouls—Augusta, 4; up. ”4 law. Mr. Pierce of Frankfort presented a of state the billows of strife general An Illinoig Decision of Interest to Trust lectors may act ir town. Portland, 4. Timer—Richards. Attend- ship through The other speakers expected for the oo- that no laws any Mr. Bird stated emphatioally remonstrance against changing the out of of and free- ousion were unable to be and tie to Business in the State. Mr. Moore of Deriug preeeuted, ance—650. Beferea—Saul. safe into the harbors safety present, general law gave a company 4 right Companies Doing from the Penobscot on taking salmon order, « remonstrtnce against annexing dom. He It was that lifted the shackles audience arose and sang “America,” aid from towns. He called attention Gardiner. get river. any part of Ueeriig to Portland. Lewiston Defeats after which the benediction was pro- to tbe fact that the Bridgton company of from 4,000,000 slaves. Chicago, February 11.—The appellate Mr. of JHbckland presented, out 11.—Gardiner slavery nounced Dr. Woroester. xuvmxuxu hu Folger Lewiston, February by had many years about extend- juauiuiu ul poecuuuu name of he delayed of Illnois has affirmed of an act 'elating to limitations “By the great emancipator He said that the court {of the state order, suffered a terrible defeat by Lewiston at The Lincoln Day Celebration. ing its road. act establishing the salary of the judge cf found a race in their the court of real actions and rgbts entry. was known. He slavery Westbrook people had advertised the decree ot Superior polo tonight. Cashman’s work in goal celebration at of probate of Piscataquis county at he left it free. Time will not The Lincoln Birthday intention to apply for a charter Decem- Cook removing the Farmers’ his removal and ohain, county, IN THE was very poor, necessitating Hall on afternoon at half ber 2d and that activity on the part' $500 a year. SENATE. me to of his antuteness as a City Saturday Loan and Trait from the po- did a permit speak in for Company When the House documents had been in the second period. Jason good two will interest the the Bridgton company applying Mr. Noble of Lewiston presented pe- of his tact and good judgment past o’clock public. sition of trustee of the Lake carried off the lawyer, a a looatlon of an extension followed. oompany of ask- of in the President Day job in bis place. Tarrant The music will be rendered by chorus titions homeopathic physicians, disposed senate, as a statesman. Neither have, I time to the Presumpscot oompany Street Blevated railroad first mortgage, Gardiner took a of one hundred voioes from our Regardiug tbat treatment be al- called Senator Clison of Kennebec tc goal and rush honors. pieked tho also asked who was the ing homeopathic speak of his eloquence, which equalled school*. Two young ladies and two speaker and in doing so it has ordered a decis- brace in the last second period, making the man or coterie of men lowed in the Eastern Maine Insane hos- the o hair. The tew business if the and others, from the School speculator, both to looal the eloquence of Burke young gentlemen High In 1876 and then went ion of greatest importance three Lewiston lost one will recite selections. Bev. who got a oharter day was very light Senator Savage pre- straight goals. be en- appropriate for pital. “Abraham Lincoln will always to the legislature at least 12 times trust companies and the trust compa- sented three new sets. on fouls. Line up and summary: l)r. Blanchard will deliver a brief ad- Mr. Talbot of Lewiston presented a goal hearts of Americans be- extended rights, or the people who nies of other states business in One related to £ppeals from decisions shrined in the dress. The Women’s Council, under doing to authorize tbe insurance commis- showed intention of building a road. bill of court in case if Excessive LEWISTON.GARDINER. cause of his love of and true whose the celebration will be this state. damages. humanity auspices old inactive flrst rush with tak He asked if an corpora- sioner to revoke the license of an insur- damages must be ihowu to this bill be- Tarrant Jason,Houghti>n devotion to patriotism and liberty.” held, join the young people ing be allowed to diotate to 1. The Superior court, some time ago, re- Tbe in the attendance of all tion should ance agent or broker for oause. fore an appeal cm he granted. T. Murphy, Jason, part iuviting young, vigorous, well meaning compa- moved the Farmers’ Loan & Trust oom- next one is to amerd section 65 of chap- Walton second rush Skofleld who honor Abraham Lincoln. Mr. of Dover a re- Dr. Worcester of the New Jerusalem He termed the old company the dog Guernsey presented ter ft. to tbe forms to center Smith ny. pany os trustee under tbe Lake Street 67, S., relating Conley then introduced tbe They say, continued solve to $250 for the state be in of children and Furbush half-back ohuioh of this city was in manger. mortgage, and the New York Trust Com- appropriate used tbe adoption Dougherty FOUGHT ENTIRE JAPANESE NAVY. Mr. that they have spent a large the last as a bill to Scanlon Cashman, Jason as the first Dr. Worcester said: Bird, pany, appealed tbe case. The deoislon library. additional chapter goal speaker. amount of money on a survey and that an H. ssleotmeu GOAL WON BY.MIN. SEC. of tbe appellate court holds that Mr.gaunders of Ellsworth presented an 167, S., giving greater pow- “It is indeed well that men should have an excellent location for a ers in nut A Brave Naval Committed Sait they outside trust j; company must deposit laying hljbways. 1 Lewiston, Tarrant, 1 17 time to time to talk of the Captain want ns to run to unde- not to extend tbe charter of the Ells- of Cumberland meet from railroad. They $200,000 with the Illinois state auditor Senator Drummtnd 2 Gardiner, Jason. 1 3 olde. water on this canal worth street an ordei the com- men of our republio; to study veloped powers in the same manner as Illinois trnst railway company. introduced requesting 3 Lewiston, Tnrrant, 8 26 great we would rather to 11 water into when go companies are compelled to do and fail- mittee on taxatioo to inquire the 4 Lewiston, Tarrant, 1 65 carefully the influences that have formed nine of which are already de- the statutes New York, February 11.—Captain pow ers, ure to do that makes them liable to re- expedience of amending 6 Lewiston, Tarrant, 28 their lives; to fix them in our minds, and which seeks an outlet for Mr. Wilson of Gorham a re- so Philo M. a former officer of veloped moval. presented exempting church's from taxation 6 1 00 MaGlffen, have paid in five Lswistou, Murphy, that by their example we may become their products. They The eastern trust companies are not monstrance against abolishing school the exemption maj extend to all church Limit the Chinese navy who was in command of their stook. That is $8500, better men and better citizens. per cent to with this ruling. They 1 In Gorham. property. 7 14 at the battle attention to the fact likely comply distrlot No. Lewiston, Tarrant, of the battleship Chen Yuen The speaker called declare that, if should A dozen petitions for a change in the 43 “We of men. one they deposit Brookton a 8 Lewiston, Murphy, speak great Every that the tow path water powers were Mrs. Dudley of presented Kennebec smelt law and remon- of the Yalu, committed suicide this $200,000 with with the state auditor of many 9 LswistOD, Tarrant, 04 desires to hsoome Suoh an am- near the Mountain division of the Maine for an inorease of tolls great. 1 o’clock in tlie Illinois half the other states in the Union petition asking strances were jresented. 10 Gardiner, Honghton, 1 12 morning at post graduate of Lincoln bition is right. If we bnve no desire to Central. would pass legislation them for Bnaitahegan dam company. Senator Chamberlain pre- 11 6 02 in East 20th street by shooting that the Pol tland Rail- compelling Gardiner, Houghton, hospital Mr. Bird said to make similar deposits and that would sented a petition diking for aid in build- 3 20 progress we have uot a right ambition. had notified his people Mr. Noble of, Lewiston presented an 12 Gardiner, Honghton, himself through the head. He was 34 read company be impracticable. ing a bridge at Wfecasset bridge. 1- Limit He sbould strive to make the very best of that they would be opposed by the form- net to establish a homeopathic depart- Senator Drummond also introduced years old. 13 LewLton, Tarrant, 04 himself. He should strive to make the In the memorable engagement of the er oompany if they did not ohange ment In tbe Eastern Maine Insane Hos- a act to the oi RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA. private legalize meeting 14 Gardiner, Houghton, 3 00 bo his vessel oharter so that it should st iM world hotter than when he came into it. Yalu river, fought against specifically the Mew York maritime company. 15 24 to run pital. Lewiston, Tarrant, the oombiued attack of the entire Japan- whnt streets it proposed through Senator Stearns «f Aroostook present- 2 13 Our paths life may he different, lines Commissioners from Ottawa Parliament Mr. Burrill of Corinna a 16 Lewieton, Tarrant, through ese fleet. The tsrrible strain to whloh h* in Westbrook and specify that its presented pe- ed a bill to extend the charter of the 17 Tarrant. 1 66 but should all lead the was at- not into the streets ocoupied Their tbe of Lewiston, they upward. was subjected during fight should go to Washington' Satisfied With tition for n law to stop hunting Bangor people’s water company for 1 1 12 interfere 18 Lewiston, Tarrant, “In of suoh a man as Lincoln tributed as the cause of bis mental by the Portland company or with two years. speaking The Port- Vi sit. partridges dogs, accompanied by breakdown. In that battle both of his with It rights in any wny. Senator Weeks of penobsoot presented Soore—Lewiston, 12; Gardiner, 6. we are speaking of a man whose life has insisted that it should a bill. The.bill says:] “No person shall ear drums were ruptured, his eyes per- land company a petition asking for an aet to incorpo- Rushes—Tarrant, 14; Jason, 3; Hough- on reoord. Those who have known com- a gone manently affected and his head and body be provided! that the car3 of tbe 11.—Sir Kich- in any manner use dog in hunting rate the Penobscot East Branch Driv- 3. 9; Cashman, 5; Washington, February ton, Stops—SoanlBD, man have told me that the sight of of wood work and should not be allowed to use its the 18. Fouls—Lewiston, 1; Gardiner, the filled with splinters pany the Hon. L. H. Da- or killing partridges." Penalty $10, ing association, giving company Jasqn. tracks. These amendments were off- ard Cartwright and lost one fouls. the man them as a man of steel. and for each bird killed. control of driving, all logs above Med- 2. Lewiston goal by impressed the one $5 Captain MoGiffin was removed to ered together with the providing Davies, the Canadian ministers of com- way. Referee—Long. Attendance—700. Hodlike attributes. shall not Mr. Burton of Union a bill about the middle of last month that the Portland oompany presented Senator Simpson, who went home on Salems Here hospital merce and trade and marine and fisheries Play Tonight. “The world has alwayB looked up to from a bouse on West 23d St. use the tracks of tbe new compauy. to the Union and ■ Warren death his not boarding incopornte account of the of son, will insane and the executive session which followed who have spent the past- The Salem team of the National such an one. Your opinion perhaps of a At that time he was violently in respectively elBotrlo and power return until Monday. polo and there light company. it was only with great difficulty that he the oharter was not taken up week in Washington conferring with the Judge Emery cf the Supreme Court is to here tonight. They great man differs from mine. Too often of the committee Mr. Straw of Saco presented an net League play was persuaded to go. He brought with is no regular meeting was In the Senate chamber. we a man because of his of botli of the finest consider great a box to wbioh he had acosss until next week. leading representatives political to amend tbe act relative to contagious are composed polo players him strong with reference to more extended wealth. Those who are ever before the and whiob it is contained the The committee on railroads and tele- parties It out the FOR PORTLAND HARBOR, $400,000 in this and the game will be a supposed the Dominion diseases among cattle. strikes country himself with. graphs voted to report ought to pass on trade relations between publio are great men. This does not con- revolver be used to kill return to that pedigreed cattle cannot most interesting one to see. Some fine the net authorizing the Auburn and Tur- and the United States, will provisions He who is The Sundry Civil’ Appropriation Bill Bo. stitute greatness. truly great ] Maine Died Abroa d. ner Raihoad company to make a loan Ottawa at noon tomorrow. be appraised when killed at more than reserve seats still remain for sale at Captain la the one who does the mo9t for his com- act relating to the Atlantic Shore Line Both gentlemen today expressed entire $200 and unpedigreed at more than $50, ported in llie House. Chandler’s and this morning there will Boston, February 11.— Sohooner Jose Railroad the act to the of their visit. munity, |and for his oountry and not the on board Electrio oompany; satisfaction with result and substitutes a that no Olaverri, arrived today having of tho Castlne Rail- provision be a rush for them. extend the charter The Canadian government will ask the 11.—Tbe com- ones that are for themselves. We not only the remains of Captain Seth C. Arey, can be appraised at more than Washington, February road and Navigation company. to in the formation of equine than who was formerly master of the schooner United States join mittee on reoognize him as greater ourselves, The oominittee on legal affairs voted to $150 and no bovine more than $50. appropriations today completed STERLING ELLIOT DEFEATED- and who died of fever in November, 1885, an international commission, consisting but we him as a as a to on tho aot to amend the sundry civil appropriations bill and recognize comrade, vessels was on the West report ought pass of two representatives on the part of Mr. Hill of Portland presented a re- while the loading sections three anil eight of chapter 86, it friend. of Afrioa. The remains weie in- each who shall the solve tbe BeDatore and directed Mr. Cannon to report to the coast and section l7 of 81, Revised country, investigate requesting repre- B. Potter of New York Chosen President but were exhumed chapter bill ovei I, to know the terred at Bathurst, tbfe of and report. in from Maine to House. The carries $50,664,743 “He constantly sought Statutes, to services of trustee writs; subject reciprocity sentatives Congress ex- and in a zinc lined, hermetically below tbe estimate* and L. A. W. of the In its placed net in relation to division fences: the aot ert their influence to secure an $6,000,000 $17,. will people highest aspeots, sealed and sent home by the DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE. appro- oasket, to oreate a lien on spool lumber and in excess of the foi to their will. which sailed from Bathurst priation for a dry dock at Portland. 000,000 appropriation always trying respect Yes, Olaverri, and the act to incorporate the Port- for Turks island. bars; the current yenr. N. Y., February 11.—At the Abraham Lincoln was a great man be- January 1 land Female Provident association. Albany, Curtain was a native of Owls The estimates include 617.569.063 for cause he after his Arey committee in oteuuuib Mr. Chosen Chairman at the patterned Heavenly lbe yuclioiary Hughes Meeting On a motion of Mn Whelden of Port- L. A. W. convention today transpor- Head, Me., and a resident of Malden, voted to to on river and harbor contraots and tbe com- Father. Let us be faithful, session report ought pass at Bath Yesterday. lioense bill was tation committee that it had energetic, Mass. He was father of the late Captain author- land, tbe guide taken reported the following measures: Act to mittee allow ior such obedient to that Ernest ot the schooner Nabum table. Mr. Palmer of $18,615,996 pur- railroads had decided to fix truthful, every duty Arey, ize the of to issue bonds; act from the Bangor, found the drowned with the en- city Westport for build- oomes into our To sacrifice self for Chapin, who was in- tne oi uie poses. Appropriations public path. to authorize the Lincoln company to uaui, neD.jll.—At meeting presented an amendment providing the for efforts tire crew of his vessel at inlude: Boston, two story money charges carrying bikes,but in onr by wrecking crease its net to authorize the ings duty, great devotion to our of capital; Democratic state committee in this city tbat the game commissioners shall pre- vault in had been made in states to secure Quogie, L. I., on the night January Doxter and Kailroail company sub-treasury, flOOO; Brockton, many Newport members conditions a Towards the construction oi country.’’ Maine Central this afternoon the following scribe under wliat guide's $60,000. me oi a diu similar 10 me Arm- to issue bonds and the passage At the conclusion of Dr. Worcester’s oiaverri, at this port and sent to Owls and also works on harbors and rivers under con- railroad company to guarantee the pay- were present: Hon. D. J. HcGillicudy. badge sbnll be worn that the bill in this and the com- for final Interment. tract heretofore made are tbe following strong state, Head, Ms., ment of the said bonds; act to authorize be returned when n Androscoggin; Llewellyn Barton, Cum- badge shall person items: Portland, Me,, $400,000; Boston, mittee had hopes of it being adopted in the Manufacturing company to plause, Messrs R. L. Whitcomb and W. Pepparell Charles B. censes to become a licensed guide. Mass., $400,000, Narragansett Bay, K. I,, all the states except Vermont and Geor- Evidence in the Holt Case. increase its stock; an act to berland; Morton, Kennebec; favored the audience a capita! Point Judith, B. I, harbor ol where it had been defeated. L. Delano with amend the charter of the Waldoboro and H. Thomas S. The resolve appropriating $33,000, for e. $126,000; gia, Lewiston, February 11.—The evidence George Coombs, Lincoln; refuge to complete, $300,009; Hudsot At the afternoon session President cornet duet, the acoompaniment for the Electric and Power company; and the new building for the Gorbam normal murder trial in the E. New Elliott surrendered the chair to the In the Holt Supreme act to amend the charter of the Inter- Brigham, Oxford; George Hughes, river, York, *400,000. First same bsing played by Dr. H. M. Nioker- school, was taken from the table, and court in Auburn whs all in tbis after- national North and couth American Sagadahoc; Wr. R. Hunnewell, Somerset; Vice President Cossum of Poughkepsie. son. Mr. Wheldon of Portland said there Wool Growers aud the Tariff. noon. The arguments of counsel will be Transportation and Express com pany. F. W. Saw- Nominations for president were decided George C, Kilgore, Waldo; A. C. Dresser, Esq., was then intro- made Friday. The testimony today was was once'a dormitory at this.sohool, but Washington, February 11,—Tbe com to be in order. W. E. Connolly of Illi- Tristain duced and in substance as follows: of iu insantly. yer, Washington; Goldtliwaite, Two raittee appointed by the American Na nois in nomination Isaac B. Pot- spoke experts Public Buildings in Ottawa Burning, it was burned. years ago $15,000 placed tional Wool growers and AmeriOHn Woo) ter of New York. William “In these days I am free to confess that York. was for another. No one Kempton, Dale Marine News. appropriated a foi Ottawa. Ont., February 11.—At 4.30 Manufacturers, to hold conference chief consul of nominated we nre too prone to the view that we are S. of this was this was but it Ohio, Sterling afternoon a fire started in the George Hnghcs city expected that enough, the of a schedule or schoon- this pack- purpose arranging Elliott of Boston. born of a nation. There is no BostoD, February 11.—Arrived, chosen chairman. The in the wool and wool manufacturers that wil) dogenerate iag room of the public works depart- unanimously deHned the state’s policy matter. A secret ballot was taken and the sec- ers Joe Olaverrie of Rockland, Mills, be satisfactory to the ways and moans better ways ,to disprove this than to ment, in the upper story of the western other officers elected are, Fred E. Beane, Mr.; Wbelden made a,i argument in announced the vote: I. B. Turks Island via Vineyard Haven; continued tbe sessions be retary Potter, read thoss which record our N. block of the Parliament buildings. Ow- and his motion committee, 115. pages past Grace, Garland, St. Andrews, B.; secretary and L. Barton, treasurer. The far or of the resolve, that hind closed doors today. The commit- 155; Sterling Elliott, to ineffectual work on part of fire- Elliott moved to make Mr. and present history. We should make Rebecca F. Lamdin, Raye, Apalaohioola; ing committees were left in the hands of the it rass to be engrossed was seconded by tee adjourned this afternoon. Nothing Sterling via men for lack of water the most of our of Willie L. Child, Giles, Apalachicola pressure, interest was Potter’s election unanimous. This was the important characters, Without the transaction of Mr. Burns of Westbook, who spoke at of particular accomplished, Vinevard Haven; Laura L. Sprague, flames spread over, almost the entire chairman. that the carried. The ballot for first vice each of the battles and battlefields. Such mnntter. Ifcjia learned most of existing presi- Jaoksonville via Now York and roof and at 10 were still in progress. the some length on the Major resulted: Wlxon, further business, meeting adjourned, difficulties have been overoome and the dent A. Cressey Morrison, 140; is the work that this organization Vinevard Annie L. Henderson, have been burned but Kent in favor of good Haven; Some old records call of Dickey of Fort spoke ways and means committee Is Thomas J. 128. subject to the the chairman. espeotec Kernan, Pittsburg, Pa., of the Sons of Veterans is doing in com- Henderson. Savannah, Ha,; Spartan, most of the valuable papers were re- the resolve, and Mr. King of Caribou to report the schedule which will be sat For second vice president the secretary Baltimore; Gen. S. E. Msrwin, the life of its great men and Coombs, moved. There is no insurance. The iefactory to all concerned. was instructed to cost one vote for memorating Smeed, Norfolk; Childe Harold, Sweeney, Edmunds is Apprehensive. loss is estimated at $100,000. Frank C. Kirker, N. and he of the battles of the rebellion. It is a Philadelphia; Lizzie Smith, Benson, Bennion at Willard Casino. Paterson, J., At 11 the fire had destroyed the fish- New York, February II.—Senator Ed- was declared elected. common saying that if a person would Frovlncetown ; tug Carboneero, Haley, offices. All that now an with Btookside. for ery department munds of Vermont, In Interview last There was a pleasant reunion of thi For treasurer, BI. Kostomlatsky of be great he must be ot truly good parent- Philadelphia, barge remains is the mounted police offices and night., ssid: “I hope for a speedy return Iowa, reoelved 124 votss, and J. W. Portland. Cleared, steamer Portland, oottagers of the West End of Long Islam age. It has heen your good fortune to be those are certain to go. The tire will of prosperity, but am still apprehensive. Clendeuning, CoviugtoD, Ky., 141. Portland; schooner Win. H. Olor. Balti- at Willard Casino last Thi children of men who were lu the burn itself out. If there is to be nny relief from the pre- evening. Clendening was Elliot’s candidate. J. the more; barkentine Bruce, Hawkins, Roci- vailing business depression and general party, about one hundred in all, lef Fred Adams of Massachusetts, J. Van struggles for human liberty and were the port, Maine, and Charleston, S. C. come Thomas distress, it mast through Congress. Monument square about eight o'clock it Ortho of Pennsylvania, and C. ii Mc- nation’s . Sailed, schooners N. Stone, sup- The Pacifio Railroad Question. It is the intention of Mr. McKinley, I Carthy of New York wore elected audit- posed ooalport; K. F. Pettigrew, Buenos three special cars chartered for the oooa “Among the great historic men of understand, to lose not a day nor an ing committee without opposition. Ayres. Feb. 11.—At the had a3 Washington, meeting hour in having a new tariff bill passed. sion. They guests Captaii America, Abraham Lincoln stands 11.—Arrived, of the house committee ou Pacific rail- Norfolk, Va., February I think that a passage of a judicious of the Scotsman am He is American. New Haven. Mattocks steamship Fourth Class Postmasters Must prominent. the typical sohooners George E. Dudley, roads today it was developed that the measure of this character would restore Go, Croskoy of Philadelphia. Upot Countless numbers of men have told his Cleared, schooners H. and T. Hargraves, expected support for the propositions But the political complexion Captain February 11.— Postmaster Provi- prosperity. the Casino Washington, New Haven; W. Wallace Ward, to have been made Mr. leads me to arrival at dancing was in life. From those who have been his as- reported by of the Senate have the General Wilson stated this evening that denoe; Lydia M. Doering, Portsmouth, to the set- of its in by the and thosi come. Hubbard (Missouri) relating gravest doubts enactment. dulged young people, the President has never oousidered the sociates words of praise have Of N. H. tlement of the deDt have did not wish to dance sat ant of extending the oivil service government’s who subjsot him James Russell Lowsll has said the Baltimore, February 11.—Arrived, not been secured and could not to embrace fourth-class postmas- John they Marion, the youngest daughter of listened to the pleasing music of thi system homeliness ot his genius was his schooners Henry Peokham, Salem; considered within ters. There are over over 60,000 post- very therefore, be longer President Cleveland, was christened at Portland; Won R. Huston, Fall orchestrion, played whist, or chattec masters of this olass who will be subject consplcuousness. Twohy, the category of possibilities. the White Hotise yesterday afternoon. Rivov. Cleared, sohooners Katherine D. about the good times they had in theii to after Maroh 4th. The committee ordered a favorable The ceremony was performed by Rev. appointment Perry, Portsmouth, N. Mr. Harrison’s Dr. who performed island homes, and laid planB tor tbe com report upon nil!, pro- Sunderipnd, tho A vocal solo was then acceptably viding for the settlement of the roads marriage ceremony for the distinguished summer. It was a jolly party and al Work on Steel Schedule. ing rendered by Dr. H. M. Nickerson, after How’s This ! indehtness by a cabinet commission. parents. No false promises. themselves to their utmost. A 11.—A enjoyed Washington, February further A. A. Niokerson was Mr. Harrison later submitted the The Keadville track has No tedious treatment. which Major intro- One Hundred Dollars Reward report (Mass. ) been Intermission Caterer Dana Robinsot consideration of the iron and steel Ve offer the house. admitted into tho No methods. duced and as follows: that cannot be cured on the bill to grand circuit, the quack was had today by the Repub- spoke for any case of Catarrh to convince you. served one of his choicest sunpers ant schedule meet there being scheduled August 31 to No trouble of the and means “I have never with Lincoln or Cure. the lican members ways spoken by Hall’s Catarrh 4. No charge for knowledge. the way the good things vanished woult lead the Walthnm Watch factory will run September committee. Od the ores containing shaken him the hand, bnt I feel to- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. No mere temporary relief. by but fire a week until further notice. The coirospondent at Athens of the make a dyspeptio envious. After suppoi the was fixed at one and one-half have known F. .T. days No fear <31 complications. duty night as though he were an old friend We the undersigned, London that a Grecian was a The committee next News, telegraphs RELIEF. dancing resumed until a late hour cents pound. Cheney for the last It years, and believe him circular to the deolaies it IMMEDIATE to a number of minor gone to his rest. He was the embodi- and child powers iucura- took turned attention honorable in all business transac- Every man, womBn who has recovery, permanent when the party the oars for home which perfectly beut upon Greence to prevent at all costs it matters in the schedule ment of all that was true all that was once tried that speclflo, Dr. Bull's Cough ELECTRICITY aiVES UB all declaring one of tho most enjoy upon tions and financially able to carry out any the landing of Turkish reinloroements ■ advalorem Is now levied. can Dot say enough in its IT SOOTHES reunions ever held by this o duty great. I remember him again and again, made their firm. Syrup, praise. on the Island of Crete. HEALTH. able colony obligations by CURES YOU WHILE ASLEEP. cottagers. and the only regret that ) have is beoauae & TKUAX, Wholesale Tole- _ ; WEST Druggists, An incendiary Are at Plano, Tex., CALL AND IF POSSIBLE EXAM- but he did not live to see us ns we marched do. O. turned Hives are not dangerous to life, H. E. Thursday morning, nearly 30 INE MY FAMOUS BODY BATTERY. Anlieuser Ass’ll, WADDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Whole- MILLS, the Busch-Brewing breeder of misery and baok to the at buildings, including business part IN OF A BELT, OR ADDRESS they are a proliflo Capitol Washington. sale Druggists, Toledo, O. FORM the use of the o 1 ln- of the oity. The I06S is upwards of $100,- “THREE recommends greatest profanity. Doan’s Ointment gives “Men In have taken back Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, FOR PAMPHLET, CLASS- ■ high position Piano Tuner, 000: no Insurance. all tonics, “Malt-Kutrine,” and guaran stant even in the worst oases of acting directly upon Hie blood and mncuous practically The ES OF relief, have ever said about him MEN." the merit claimed for For sal > diseases everything they surfaces of the system. Price, 7Se per bottle. Order slate at Chandler's Music 431 post office was destroyed but the malls 82S tees it. tblijand other exasperating .of Store, DR. SANDEN. BROADWAY, N.Y. of an adverse nature. Whenever a man Sold by all Druggists, Testimonials free. Congress street, were saved. by all druggists. the skin. GOLD DUST. inaccessible of tbe earth's sur- 1 HE CASE OF DR. DODGE- EXPLORATIONS WRING THE YEAR regions REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. faoo has fallen submissive before man s determination and Various Lftt" daring. of tempt* to penetrate to tbe interior This is the He Will Be Given a Hearing on Saturday Feats The Republicans of Portland are here- Daring BjLnnd and Sea. New Guinea have from time to time been Package-_ Morning, made but to the hostile character to meet in caucus in their re- owing by notified of the native tribes the deuse vegetable remember it. It contains Recent ofthe end ward on Feb- Conquest* Uuknown growth and the insignlfi- spective rooms Monday, Dr. L. whose arrest comparative Rudolph Dodge, What ounoe of the water courses tending to in the eve- was StillRemainl. ruary 15, 1897, at 7.30 o’clock on a charge of criminal malpraotioe, make avenues of travel these efforts have the seven was ar- (From Wasingcon Star.) met with but while in some ning, for the purpose of selecting reported in yesterday’s PRESS, litile success before In briefly surveyiajthe work chat has instances tbe extermination of the per- ward to nominate raigned in the municipal court, delegates from each been b travelars during sonnel of the has leen the only Robinson morning. neoonipllsbed expedition also to nominate Judge yesterday THK WASHINGTON COUNTY KOA1I. achievement of a well directed purpose. a candidate for Mayor after the the past 13 or 18 and the field The arraignment took place moth*, The ret ion on ite border land .has The visit of a and except one Alderman, three party of New York of exploration thatjle left unfinished by thus a terra in- candidates for drunks hadjbeen disposed of and taken long remained virtually to within that of its most salient Clerk and two was accom- Philadelphia capitalists Bangor these laborers. It is lade manifest cognita; indeed many Councilmea, Warden, from the room. Dr. Dodge features before tbe a week past, and their trip whioh not yet we^e hardly known also to select his Carroll W. Mor- subsequent the planet we.nhabit is Powder Constables in each ward; panied by counsel, Into with earlier explorations of MacGiegor in.1889. Washing a Washington county in company fully It is true that the rill, Esq. Tie respondent was given £oonquered. Of the explorations that are at this five members of the Republican City Contractor dames wno is build- be witnesses, Mitchell, souroes of the Nile hae no longer to moment being the first place is seat on the benoh reserved for planned that cleans Committee from eaeb ward, and in ing the Shore line road, may turn out to searched and tht the northwest taken by those which look to the Ant- everything in answer to Attorney Libby’s after, County be one of the arctic regions the field for most 6 and 7 a candidate for mem- most important things and northeast passage, even if their dis- [as Wards 2, i, motion that Dr. Dodge be arraigned, research. It Is almost certain and which has of the promising happened in this seotion oovery has not led to that oommerolal that at be in quickly, cheaply ber of the School Committee. Mr. Morrill entered a of not guilty least two expeditions will plea world for a was long time. The visit suocess which the Tenures of a bundled service the present year—those of be open until 9 asked for Then Mr, during The polls will kept and hearing. Lieut. under the Bel- until oouducted with the greatest care and years'ago possibly anteipated, And .their Gerlache (sailing perfectly. and for such further Libby requested a postponement gian and of Borchgrevlnk; and it o’olock p. m., even the newspapers of the country were records of nchlevemeit in history; flag) For economy buy 41b. package. that a material witness past is by no means that the Ameri- Saturday, stating not unlikely time as any caucus may vote. she aware that any great deal wni going but remains t to the can much the same THE 5. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, State was ill in bed but that enough add.luster flag may be sent at for the is for check the on, now, bnt there is a possibility that title of an w ioh need not be tim« Co compete in friendly rivalry Bt> Louis, Now York, A list, prepared by Republi- would be able to appear Satur- explorer Chicago, probably the stakes that the far south efifers. Wbat futinuwjiu*-. — will be he had startling. dimmed by the roolleotion of the JbOSlOa, can City Committee, used in each morning. Mr. Morrill said will or may be by these ex- day It appears that Mr. Mitchell took this accomplished and it triumph o'f a Ross, Kane, D'Urville, can he The ward, and any person whose name had 10 objection to a postponement peditions hardly premised. party of rich men into the oonntry, that Burtor renewed in work was The county attorney asked Livingstone, Barth, Speeke, aotivity exploratory not been marked thereon as a granted. and few of Republi- they might look over the country, Baker or Stanley. A’rloa still thus its makes it almost certain that parts that ball be liked at and Judge of 12,000 see the unknown will esoapo the attention will not be allowed too vote or take what progress has been made upon terra and s have Aus- can, Robinson named that amount, stating inoognita, Asia, tbe the and the the travelerjof immediateifuture 1 construction of Washington MANY GOOD BARGAINS In said oaucus. Errors in the hear- tralia and South Ameioa theirs, and If to him we now look for the eftaceinent f any part that if bail was required after oonnty railway line. The mem ben of tbs these “unknown land?’ ate re- of those blanks which still disfigure said lists will be corrected by and it was found that J2.000 is an rapidly large marking ing form the foundation of one of the the map of the world. the re- party ceding from the gaze f the pure geog- will amount which would preclude The exercise our store the week and f she several ward committees, who most railway syndicates in the healthy land exhilarating # Have been taken from during past that fact powerful rapher, they yet hold ip service to the a from getting sureties of mountaineering still holds promi- who want Ulsters and Overcoats be in session for this purpose at Republi- spondent and will take hold of the 0 many others are left for those the oourt. This country, they scientist who follows ii the path.of the nent position in tbs work of exploration J would be considered by in or less. i can and the line if the and It lost little of its earlier zeal f at two-thirds ganiiniinflarn. Rnnm 7. Brown Block. Mor- enterprise oomplete and to wmm the world is has # prioe was in to a statement by Mr. geographer, reply turns out to be whut have a searoh for uew worlds to conquer. Our annual sale of Winter Clothing always brings rare Y to 9 »me county the/ for class of in- 537 1-2 Congress street, from 7.30 rill ibat the defendant mignc hod today looking theilghsit The remarkable success whioh has at- heard it is. to our but never more so than this year. a an amount formation that la to h obtained. of the ^ bargains patrons on the of the to furnish bonds for so great tended Mr. Jfitzgerald'a orossing o’clock evenings 8th, 9tb, definite feel like one 2 The/ have not yet made an/ The most brilliant deoe of recent ex- Now hastsmpted this daring ? You’ll find some suits that’ll make you buying as ZealandjAlps lOtb, 11th, 12th and 13th ef February, $2,000. mountaineer to maks the ascent of what winter. proposition, as it is understood, except- ploration is unquetionabiy Nansen’s oven if you don’t want to wear it before another f 6 ie most generally assumed (although per- 2 Inclusive, also at any time prior t« DRIFT. ing that, if the representation of the beroio effort to roch the “farthest 0 odd lots of Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery and other 4 HARBOR haps wrongly) to be tbe loftiest moun- Many on situation and of the oonditlon of Wash- Me. cent, discount from # o’olock in the afternoon Monday, norm, n ne nas alien to reacn me tain summit of the uew world, 2 goods are going at 85 to 50 per regular -- l- mill In Chill but now lu 15. but no corrections of ultima tbnle of the aporer, to plant bis Aconcagua formerly 0 February 1897, Or the as deter- price. 5 Items of Interest Picked Along the road at once and build It to Argentfnajwlth an altitude 1 in this sale. You’ll lind some # through flag upon the inuoh orated north pole, 0 Don’t forget the Odd Pants any kind will be made after the hour mined iu she earlr '80’s by Admiral Water Front. Ellsworth ai soon as frost is out of IPS*._.« _n.ixt.i. ...« ha OQ Qtft the be has at least suocioded in arriving # bargains if you find your size. Come early. # above mentioned. the next ground spring. nearer,to It by some 90 miles then any feet Litter measurements by the Spnn- ”Tho is rich. ish Pissl have re- All Republicans are earnestly request- syndicate Immensely voyager of tie Arotio seas. How engineer seemingly Seavey which has previous duced this elevation to feet, but The schooner Panl Whether or uot it will hold the road after 22,423 names are the record of 86 14 minntes, ed to see that their correctly wharf long legrees, whether one way or the other, tbe extlnot Street. been hauled up at Onion during its completion is not stated. It is 4 & GO. 500 Congress # given will stand cannot be 'oretol but there volcano still a sufficiently bold A- Fa HILL A this also to be d, presents feb6dlw marked upon list, present the winter has been purchased by Capt. out that no and endurance 2 authoritatively, however, is reason to hope andto believe, with the front tojtax capabilities in their ward Tattershall of Belfast. This vessel local If the of the hardiest of and take part respective capital will be asked for. advances that have litterly been made In raountginaers. tons and is a flue 'J'he German traveler, Gnssfeldt. at- registers about ISO representations are true the road will be caucuses. polar work and knovledge and the ac- lt'ln 1888, but up the effort schooner. tempted gave completed witbout any more demands tivity which Is beingmanlfested |ln this after reaching *21,019 feet—an elevation To accommodate those residing within smack Edith R. sailed The lobster upon the State of Maine or its people and field^of inquiry, that it will be chal- exceeding the highest shown of Chim- the of Island Ward 1 and N. morn- and lefore borazo. What tbe chances are for the votlDg precint for West Island, B., yesterday will at onoe be put Into running condi- lenged passed many years hauled Nansen’s greatest omtrlbution to geo- successful aooomplishment of this work Island Ward 2, the caucus for Island ing where she will be up during tion.—Bangor Commercial. graphical knowledgeia not the attaining cannot be foretold, but If full credence is the rest of the winter. She will run to Ward 1 will be held at Long Island, and of his northers but the to a brief dispatch from Mendonza, The Ice Crop. high position, given Portland from Nova Sootia next year. a It seem that tbe at determination of theaxlstence of pro- Argentina, [[would for Island Ward 2 at Peak’s Island, 'it 1s an- She is of the piukey style, built in The harvesting of ice by the dealers on foundly aeen sea (ofiome 18,000 to 16,000 problem ban been solved, for on tbe com- in the far north for it had been al- nounced that Lurbrlggen, the famous 7.80 p. m., day appointed. probably the only vessel construct- the Penobsoot river has been about feet) 1885, most universally assimed by geographers Alpine guide and associate ofjFitzgerald, A of the votes cast in any the last 40 pleted, a short season, which has plurality ed like that during years. making that the Arotic basin was a comparative- reached the summit of ;the|mountain on have lasted until nearly or to month. cauous will be required to nomiuate can- The Dominion Coal company generally quite ly shallow one. the 14th of last contracted to famish coal to the Grand Maroh. Only six oompaniss were at work In the continent olAfrioa the band of didates for office. the explorer has not been idle; another Trunk for the coming season. The tbis winter and the quantity of ice ROCKLAND FINANCES. Ballots to be used at cne several cau- of its main features las been sketched harvested was rather small. ooal comes from Cape Breton. Fifty out aud the problemof the Niger solved. will be and the Treasurer’s Report Shows Balance In cuses prepared printed by Schooner Clara Goodwin, which ar- thousand or 60,000 tens of ice was oarried It Is just 100 jeais ago that Mungo City of the raosi of modern City Committee, and will contain the rived here Wednesday afternoon, with over from last year in the various bouses Park, one intrepid Treasury. travelers, then In his26th year, set outjto on the rail- ou the river. Those who have harvested names of candidates for delegates to no- her rudder iron gone,will go explore the oonrse of what at that time to have them reset. 'The acoident a crop have obtained a spledid quality of was assumed to be tie second river of [SrHCIAL TO THE PRESS.] minate a Mayor and all other ward offi- way her at Bath ice from IS to 17 inches in thickness, and Afrioa. little or nothing was then wbiob disabled happened Rookland, February 11.—That portion cers. Names of candidates for said dele- excellent order. known of the Congo, and soaroely more, she was at a wharf. Several it has been housed iu while lying except in the immediate region of its of tbs city treasurer’s report relating to gates .'and ward officers will be plnced. ice 15 inches thiok The work has given employment to many acres of floating multitudinous ivouih, of the Niger the standing of tbe seTeral funds, was the written re- the men but not as many as in some itself. Whether tblsriver had a main upon these ballots upon came down the river, and striking years completed today and much to the grati- past. Most of the has been course from the east, or Zone fiom the of twelve voters in the schooner broke her up considerably. harvesting and his sub- quest residing was still to be determined. After fication of Mayor Lovejoy a finished but there will be soma west, offices are to be The steamer Ben Hur took down cutting ward In which SBid trnversing various kingdoms, and under- ordinates, an unexpended balance of of contractors to Diamond Island for a short time yet. numerous and torments, filled, said request to be filed with the party going hardships 1573. Following arc the figures: looked over The which will represent the not the least of whiol was enforced cap- Wednesday aftornon. They quantity $10,176; ap- chairman of the city committee on or tivity with the natlvi tribes, Park suc- Pauper found—Expended, the government property tbere with a Penobscot river harvest for 1897 will be propriations and reoelpts, $9,088; over- Febru- ceeded in rrachiug a portion of the upper before 12 o’clock noon, Saturday, a oontract for build- about 117,000 tons, divided about as fol- drawn balance, $1187. view to biddingon oonrse of this great African river to LOVELL W. & Highway fund—Expended, $11,881; ap- 13th. the new battery in contemplation lows: Dirlgo, 20,000; F. Ayer Co., whiob(be was directing bis .explorations. HOT ary ing and receipts, $11,678; over- C. G. Sterns Nine years later, in command of.'ajseoond propriation Chairman and Secretary of each on that island. S0,0GO; Company, 25,000; $807. JJThe expedition, ha penetrated to the impor- drawn balance, Arrival came in last night with Arotio, 16,000; Orrlngton, 25,000; D. Fire $1788; ap- CHuoas will make a record of the names Sloop tant commercial town of Bammako, but department—Expended, There is no boom and reoelps, $1901; unex- a big load of hay from one of the Islands Sargent’s Sons, 12,000. the full measure of his researches was propriations whom ballots are $112. “DIAMOND” of all for oast, balance, persons down the in ice this year as the oondltions away outTsbort by an untimely death by pended bay. Street fnnd—Expended, $8,- of votes cast for eaoh drowning, which took in jthe king- lighting and the number The steamship State of Nebraska, Capt. have been favorable for obtaining an loe place and receipts, $6100; dom of Hokoto, Is an snort to escaps hos- 096; appropriations candidate, and certify and deliver the Barrett of the Allan line,sailed yesterday crop. unexpended balance, $1. tile'puisuers. $3900 CYCLES. had a The on the Hudsoc are al- Water fund—Expended, ap- WATER Room afternoon for Liverpool. She oargo prospeots From that time to this Niger geography supply same at Rspublican headquarters, and received, $3900. tons. The American caiefully watched the Maine has been one of ihe problems of At'lcan propriated the of about 3000 ship- ways by $448; appro- 8, Brown Block, immediately after and if H hns not, perhaps, Sewer fund—Expended, ments nre: 418 boxes meats, 20 barrels dealers, and with a light crop there, as exploration, and $1737; unexpend- attracted as much attention on the part priations reoelps, A FEW OF OUR 1897 IMPROVEMENTS. nment of the caucus. there of djonr meats, 1839 sacks oil oake, 5 sacks flour sometimes happens, would, of travelers as did the main of ed balance, $1288. question $24,010; Lovell “Diamond” Frame. The delegate s selected to attend the and bnshela of wheat. The Cana- course, be a rush in this state to put up the Nile—the rihcovery of Its ultimate Interest account—Expended, 23,983 and un- —It is because the of ex- appropriations receipts, $24,831; convention are requested to dian shipments comprise 733 boxes meats, ice, ns there is n demand for just about region Lovell Flush Joints. mayoralty in Wait Afiioa is a inuoh more expended balance, $820. 128 so muob each and must ploration BOTTLES 160 tierces 250 cheese, year somebody Free text book fund—Expended, $1303; meet at Reception ball. City Building, meats, pounds difficult one. fet it Is in connection Lovell Two Piece Crank Shaft. 6 cases 6 has been on that names of Lan- received and appropriated, $1303 at 4 splints, packages Implements, supply. Harvesting going with this work the on Wednesday, February 17, 1897, Public library fund—Expended, $1500; Lovell Fork Crown. 920 lumber, 110 logs, 91 tubs bat- the Hudson tbis winter and the outlook der, Clappertoi, Laird, Overweg and Triple pieces reoeived and appropriated, $1600. o’clock in the afternoon, for the pur- be no Barth have Been rendered famous. ter, 1 chest clothing, 6 cases leather, 100 is that there will espeoial shortage. Police 1323; Lovell Barrel Hubs. Every successive quarter of a century has fa'cd—Expendei, appropri- of a candidate for May- and 4353 barrels The ice on the Hudion is to ations and $1250; overdrawn pose nominating sacks flour, apples. reported added'somethitg to our knowledge of the receipts, Lovell Frame Braces. $73. Her only live stock ooDsistea or ou steers. have attained a thickness of twelve or general roime of thla river, but, singu- balances, or. Salary fund—Ejtpended, $13,839; appro- more inches and the larly ud to the present year, the Lovell Oiling Device, Com- The State of Nebraska will toucb at experts say they enough, overdrawn Per order of the Republican City work of exploration has not been suoh as priations and receipts, $1,800; Halifax for tbe malls and passengers. don’t want it any thioker for expeditious $89. Wheel Axles. to make a continuous study, and sections balance, ...... TiOvell mittee. reform and industrial 3 37c JVlr. Larrabee, 38 Portland Pier, is and profitable gathering, nor for handling of the “intermediate” conrse of the river Insane hospital, Lovell Wheels. H. Chairman. sobooli $3018; appro* Sprocket GEORGE ALLAN, bnllding a 25-foot ball for a gasoline and marketing. The quality at most have remained as unknown as thongh no fund—Expanded* A. work had heir conducted in the region oritttion sad ■ reoeipts, $26y2;,overdtawn Lovell Handle Bar. THOMAS BOWEN, Secretary. launch for a Portland gentleman. points is said to be exoellent. Nearly Adjustable before. balance, $495. house is and about - - 39c Ball Washers. Portland, February 1, 1897. Mr. Wm. E. Carter has bad his yacht every empty 4,000,000 annoaunoament is now made that Contingent fund—Expended, $11,723; 3 Lovell Retaining The un- Qt., on and receipts, $13,454; Caro retlmbered and replanked, and a tons will be gathered that river tbis the full exploration of the river has been appropriation Post Deering Republican Caucuses. $1732; total expedi- Lovell Seat Clamp. board iu Griffin season if the weather President brought to asuccsssfnl by expended belano*, new centre put by Mr. permits. completion total and of are hereby the French who tofes, $»0.9®8: appropriations Lovell Three Point Tbe Republicans IJeering of South Portland. Morse of the Consolidated oompany, traveler, Capt. Hourst, Bearing. in oaucus in their re- inZbonts descended the stream from Bam- receipts, $09,572. notified to meet now Patent Wool Dnst-Proof / whioh controls nearly every store- mako and Timbnctoo to the actual month This is especially to the ad- Lovell ward rooms on evening. gratifying spective Monday The Greatest Of AH Gifts. house ou the his has begun in had river, says oornnany The journey was January, 1880, ministration, as the appropriations Bearings. February 15, 1897, at 8 o'clock, lor tne a total storage capsritr of 8,600,000 tons and terminated In the early days of Oc- There is no gift to be compared with been cut down to a lower notch than Chain of selecting three delegates from in about eighty different houses. tober with the arrival at Okassa. Of Lovell Interchangeable purpose an increase in the tax health. None realize this like the suf- On the Kennebeo a considerable the long section between Tirnbnotoo and for yeara to uvoid each ward to nominate a candidate for quanti- Lovell Barrel Pedals. or «| Ui IUI W1- UAVV1X"U« ao uuiug hardly any trustworthy information and it had not been deemed pos- also to nominate candidates for ferer from some chronic long-standing Say rate, mayor; harvested. It Is from 14 to 17 inolies in haa heretofore existed, and Barth him- balance. Lorell Colored Enamels. disease. To such the of renewed sible to have a favorable warden, clerk and a constable gift thickness. Most of the houses along the self knew bat scattered parts of both aldermen, G. FRYE New Axle Nuts. are than GEO. Lovell select four mem- health is And yet it is within Kennebeo more half filled with banks. The of Capt. Hourst in each ward; also to priceless. journey Pavamlta’a From Hong Kong. Ice now. fh.ia innkR* a memorable addition to Trip bers of the city committee the reach of all such sufferers. The Lovell Frame Re-Enforcement. HepublicaD African knowledge and it closes ll.—The ship nearly New York, February at //Tv*_.1st iff_ each and in wards three and in the cure of all forms from ward, great specialist Sons of the American Revolution. tbe last important problem connected Pnrnmlta of Portland, Me., Cspt. Soule, UUTtll l/irtiuuuu mimciiairt six candidates for members of tbe school nervous and chronic Dr. with tbe of the “dark conti- arrived this from Hong Kong, of diseases. of the board of geography morning APOTHECARY, A^meetlng managers of a of ill* The above are used ex- committee. 34 nent.” it has moreover, great commer- after a remarkably f.st pauage improvement* Greene, Temple Place, Boston, Mass., Sons on board the Maine Soolsty, of the Amerioan cial signiflonnce since it establishes the 'J'bore was no slokcess us on our 1897 Lovell “Dia- ward one are to days. clusively by Voters in requested famous the world over for his wonderful that tbe here and bnt owing to the Revolution, was held yesterday at the fact despite presence during the voyage, mond” meet at the Lunt’s Corner school house there of the rirer is at Hong Cycles. cures, has decided to give consultation office of the in Portland. The Impending rapids, prevalence of the plague Kong, CONGRESS ST. secretary to hold the 320 nAvlidti instead of at the ward room. prnotically navigable throughout its en- Health Officer Doty decided and advice hereafter free. Remember, were elected members of the following tire course. a disinfection. The Wheel is Now od Exhibition at Our Store. Delegates selected to attend the mayor- vessel for thorough sufferer, that you can write him a de- society: William Henry Mains, Bath; The heart of Asia in the remarkable are to meet at alty convention requested of St. George Littledale— Year scription of your case and he will return Hudson T. Friable, Honlton; James Gray explorations Your Newspaper for the Coming Wednesday evening, Bebruary his traverse of the Kuenlun range nnd of City hall, ex- a carefully considered letter, fully Garland, Blddeford; William ChesmaB of tbe The Portland Times may be 17th, 1897, at 8 o’clock and nominate a the great eastern plateau Tih6t, Sunday etc., Nelson, Portland; Henry Irving Nalson, go-oalled Chang—adds a chapter to the with the PRESS JOHN pTlOVELL for plaining your disease, giving advice, obtained in connection candidate mayor. which stand side of kind. Write to- Woodfords; Albion Cumberland; traveler's[veoorrt will by or for without charge auy Hersey, a In advanoe, 65 Per order of city committee. sidelwith those of Yonnghuaband,Ronva- or $7.50 year 3 ARMS CO. health will be William Gerry Mann, Cumberland Mills; mall- I Are you N?wAEnfl.nd^dfut5Nil C. W. SMALL, Secretary. day and yours. lot Przevalski, Pundit Krishna nnd cents a month, for both papers, by NIQHT betwean Boston and I Frederick Hankerso Costello, Bangor; Rookhlll. It is the beginning toward Andrew Hawes, Chairman. or delivered carrier. to Middle St. Thorndike tilling in the great blank by somg njfaB«.otofflr» 180-182 They Don’t Know Anything about the George Hnrkness, Rookport; oartographloal wbloh begins with the northern Hima Tariff. Sumner John Chadbournt, Augusta; Florida? Driven Back by Wind. larn chain and ends with the Altai and Beal Estate Transfers. FIRST CLASS Philip Quincy Lonng, Portland; Frauds are associated If so, you and all A venerable gun manufacturer from with which thejbendwaters of real estate Vineyard Haven, Ivlnss., February 11.— Frederick Sturdl- The following transfers others in New Fessenden, Portland; of some of thelmighty rivers of tbe globe know & Bark Carrie Winslow from Turks Island Mr. Payne’s distriot created a mild laugh to this have been recorded 1® England JF» I A. O Kdward Ward —Irrauadi, Yang-Tza and Mekong. This oounty best via for Portland, which passed here yester- the and vant-Vaill, Portland; the way, at a recent meeting of ways Tibetan plateau, as has been properly the Registry of Deeds: day, returned last night because of ad- Corey. Portland; John hilncoln Corey, v means committee.hearing,says the Wash- pointed out byJGen. ‘Walker chief of the to Helen Southern Railway Company. ALSO verse winds. Portland. E. Vinion Karle of Deerlng FOR SALE OR RENT; of the trigonometrical surrey of India, i* the consideration of (Piedmont Air Line.) I ington Post. He^was compainingj M. Ross of Decii g, in via line mav select Additional papers were accepted from largest protuberance of the earth's snr- lot From Boston any passenger Colored Women's Clubs. In s of the II and other valuable consiuerations, with Penn. K.R., Southern Railway importation separate cargos faoe ana its features Sure connecting Charles Freeman Libby, Portland; physlographioal of the builidngs thereon, and F. 0. A P. Ry. The heat ofPuUmaii ORO ANS and so- of a the land with all Company with luxu- An active, earnest interesting various parts gun, whereby ap- among the most unique nnd imposing sido or Alba Palace Car service, vesti buled trams Frederic Linooln Tower, Portland; situated on the northeast and cars, ho Women’s Club of fooled and the on that this globe presents. Toward its ex- rious dining, observation sleeping or Plain at <• ciety Is tbe Colored praisers wero duty In offers better attractions, better service Very Fancy Augustus Frauklin Gerrisb, Portland. will doubtless be directed much street. Deerlng. other route made of no effect. ploration Peaks is and to or time than the Southern Railway coM Atlanta, Georgia. Itjwas organized.only guns of next Elizabeth H. biottof quicker ST. The annual of the society will of tbe energy travel during the In con- and gives the through sarvtce from Jfevr NO. 1(4 1-2 EXCHANCE has a in meeting of Portl md. only a abort time ago, but it alreHdy Have you made any suggestions of a Tennys BlDfllng to Asheville and Hot Springs. N. C. room of the Maine quarter century of land on Peaks England asked Mr. “for a be held at the Library sideration of $160, a lot desire information eitnetobout Flor- membership. It is believed that it. your brief,” Hopkins, In a brief dispatch nddressod to the Should you large Feb- island. ida, Western North better classification of the component Historical soolety, , governor of Sir C&roHuA.orlO/ac1will be a”yP2S,t#cheerftiily will have a most beneficial influence Qeensland, Australia, throughout the South, same of f” annual on parts guns ruary at 10 o'clock a. m. The William MacGregor the administrator of given either in person or by letter application. colored cl At- “that would 22, upon the large population “No,” said the old man; British New Guinea annonnoes that THE COURT. Gcn’l. Eastern Agt., F. C.&P. useful- dinner will occur at the Preble bouse at MUNICIPAL J. L. ADAMS, HASTINGS’. lanta. is one ot Y. W. P. Its plan practical renuire n lawyer.” ‘‘without loss of life or limb” he ban R. R., 353 Broadway. N. to tbe same day. President ness, the central idea being fcteach “Have yon no lawyers in youroounty?” 3.30 p. m. on the made the of John M. Traffic Manager. W. A. Turk. and to successfully first crossing Culp, women of tbe race to earn money asked looking will and there Gen’lPass. Agt., 1800 Penn. *ve., Washington, Hopkins, significantly Butler of Ruokland preside New Guinea. Through this venture BEFORE JUDGE ROBINSON. save it. toward the have Payne. will be after dinner addresses by therefore another one of the presumably “waldo A. Pearca, N. E. A«. 0«o C. Daniels, Among the subjects tbe women said the old man, “but they St., Bolton, “Yes,” F. Libby and Rev. Thursday—John Conley. Intoxication; Tray. Pass. Agt., M8 Washington discussed keep the houiejclean about the tariff. Mayor, Hon. Charles Southern is£“how5to don’t know anything ten days in the county jail. Mass., Railway. and healthful; how to care fur the slot; Jenkins. Dr. J. L. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS John Sullivan. Intoxication; thirty how to and cook economically, Hnil flocia codam buy iu the how to among our days oounty jail. promote morulity Tho Person Tucker’s Crew. Henry Intoxication; ten girls,” while gardening and farming 3ir. Chas. H. Sherman, Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease Cummings. 11.—Among the in six hours the -‘NEW GREAT days in the oounty jail. .. will soon be taken up. Mental improve- River 1884 said; New York, February lreieved by Common CYCLE PARTY. Fall Mass, Sept. 3rd, steamer Fontarells SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." The Thomas J. Flaherty* ELWELL EUROPEAN ment, the platform is one of tbe arriving by states, “I had a terrible cough with passengers new remedy is a great on account iu the county jail. of tho reason frequent Indian were the mate surprise drunkard; sixty days objaots olub, but its ital from West ports, its exceeding in relieving on S. S. bleeding from the lungs. I heard of of the Dark Payson of promptness Suspended during good behavior. Leaves Portland, April 29, of being Is the promotion of industry, and eight seamen in the and every STEPHEN which went pain bladder,kidneys,baok fe- Vancouver. BERRY, morality and right homo living. Tucker of Portland, Me., part of the urinary passages in male or Pine Tree Tar became a total and First class Party lim- “Wishart’s Cordial” ashore at Barbude and male. It relieves retenfcn of water little ones owe throughout. of Oates it almost if Hundreds of precious for ladles. and and bought a bottle it. The good ef- as before reported. Captain pain in passing immediately, Electric Oil, ited. Special arrangements (gald Persons afflicted with chilblains, so loss, relief and is your their lives to Dr. Thomas’ ffloolc) ffiundetp were the behind in Barbndoet to attend you want quick cure tills and all Address. Job a fects surprising, bleeding remained the for croup troublesome to msny, will find pleas- The Tuokor was remedy, bold by C. H. GUPPY CO., Drug- sovereign cure No. 37 Plum Street. and the left and I be- to the vessel’s business. F. 11. ELWELL, Wolfords, Me. ant and permanent cure in Salvation OIL ceased cough me, gist. *63 Congress St. Portland, Me. other throat or lung diseases. Insured. afioto. gan to ieel like a new man." _ __^mmmmmm——■■ FINANCIAL. AMUSEMENTS. MXSCELANEOCS. MISCELLANEOUS. “Bonnie Prince Charge” is the ro- | PORTLAND DAILY PRESS government, will he regard our interests mantic title given to the translation oS — AND os to those of tho city when paramount “lea into collision? on Eranoois Coppce’s Jrcobitcs,” MAINE STATE PRESS. they come Apathy ~CASH AND GIVEN FREE which Joiia Marlowe and her huslmud the part of tho mass of the voters gener- Subscription Rates. have just produced. It ;s said to be a resuits In the selection of snob a EACH MONTH National common Bank ally far above the modern order PRIZES Casco I'aily (In advance) *6 per year; $3 for six jjlfiy ns this r.t the caucus. Interest with little of its flavor lost in the -OF- a month. candidate poetic & follows: ii ontlis; $1.60 a quarter; 60 cents and on their part produce the making i nto English. C. C. TUKESBURT, Manager. The Daily is delivered every morning by activity 4 first Prizes, each! $100 Cash -$ 400.00 of the other kiud. The Tho Sooth Congregational church, “ " * PORTLAND, MAINE, carrier anywhere within the city limits and a) selection of one Second Rev. Edward Everett Hale, 1). D.. pas- 20 $1G0spicfALBicjcies*2,000.00 FEB. 13 Woodfords without extra charge. people therefore havo the matter Lln their 40 Third .$ 25 Sold Watohes, 1,000.00 SATURDAY, at th is one of the very few Frctavtant Daily (Not in advance), Invariably own hands. If they do not care whether tor, 1824. Special Matinee at 2 p. m. churches in Boston that are kept open ants Prizes month Incorporated late of $7 a year. the men who manage their municipal Cash givsieach $3,400,00 j wru in the week. The Roman 2 _ AND SURPLUS The Farce Comedy Event Maine State Press, (Weekly) published servants of the people or every day CAPITAL affairs are tho their Thursday, $2 per year; $1 for six months; Catholics can enter sanctuaries at every of Interests or individuals they for trial subscrip- speoial any time, on any day in tho week, and of the Season. Co cents a quarter; 26 ceDts Total 12 mes. $40,800.00 will slay away from the polls and let the remain as long as they plraso far wor- given k\\% 1887, WRAPPERS tion of six weeks. run the cau- ship. RULES. town for long or bosses and their retainers HOW TO mT&m THEW. Persons wishing to leave 1. Rvery month during 1897 iu each of the 4 district# MILLION Mrs. Martin has a cur and to snv as raanyoUNUCHT ONE who ious Competitors have the addresses of their cuses. But if want officials Bradley tyUi prizes will be o*w&rded ns follows: 6liort periods may they KOAP Vi rappers atliey can collect. ipU/. < /v.mTiB*i*nr mhn cnnnK in the as welfare to the expensive collection of watches. Among ol! cue usp ywrun 01 from O’HOOLIGAN’S as often desired. will look after the P0RT10M Number of coupons papers changed public that porion contain- Largest will the gems is diamond coronet with a wrapper, Oj^SckJDTTWTOP the district in which he or she resides Kates. exclusion of interests they ing the beading ‘SUNLIGHT Cash* Advertising special These wiUreceive#lOO watch which at one «ime be- SOAP.” (ailed “Con- The 5 Competitors who send in the for one turn out and select their own candidates. pennant, nr© to be cou- eOLLSfiS. PRESS per square, nous”) snt, postage Next Number* °f IN DAILY $1.60 longed to a member of a royal home. A eneloed with a Largest Three inser- fully paid, iPOUB from tne dietriot in which they for one month. a sheet of paper statng Compet- receive at winners WEDDING! week; $4.00 TO HAR- gold-enamelled apricot containing .residewill Each other PROPOSED ELECTRIC ROAD itor’s full name lid address or Fierce tions or less, $1.00 per square. Every watch is another of her chief treasures. option a lady’s gentleman’s and tlio number if Coupons ttuecial bicycle, price $100,00. third less than these to Cever g^^ggagrvffll'i The Latest Success. day advertisements, one RISON. It is stated that on tbo occasion of the sent in, jlros., Ltd., The 10 Competitors who send in the Sterling Exchange. Lauhging for a char- hart wil.lt N U.TlnLli mexc ijargew numiierHw “1“’ on National Provincial The bearing on the petition celebration of the Queen’s the Wrapper (top left corner) in which rise reaid* will Each receive at winner s Drafts drawn PRETTT NEW for one !nmn«titor lives In. trict y In or GIRLS, MUSIC, j advertisements *1.00 of the DISTRICT a or Gold Watch, prioe $25. Bank of England, London, largo Half square ter for the Westbrook and Har- of will he raised to a option lady’a gentleman’s BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES. i proposed Marquis Salisbury 2. The will Close the Last Day ot amounts, for sale at current rates. week or for one month. WSTot NAME OF DISTRICT. Competitions small $2.60 rison electric road disclosed that there Dukedom, which honor has several times | Each Month during 1837, received toolste Current Accounts received on favorable of the width of a col- Cons: Coupons the next. Price*—26c. 76c. “A Square” is a space been offered him and declined. District^ N-„. Yorkilitv, Brooklyn, for one month’s competition will be pnfc into 60e, was some to the of and Statq Islands, New Jersey* from unsold Matinee 50c. inch opposition granting 3. Competitors who obtain wrappew allowed on Time Deposits. prioes—10c, 26c, umn and one long. William Tell stuffs birds for a living of'N. Y,Cily% will be disqualified. Employees ^Interest Seats now on sale at Box Office. ad- the chiefly from tho New York tute (outside soap in dealer’s atock solicited from Individ- on first page, one-third charter, ooming and Staten Islands). of Ltd., and their families, are de- Correspondence Special Notices, now in Berlin; Taunhauser is a butler, Brooklyn, Lng Lever Brotbras, Banks and others River Railroad and the Mary- barred from ...... uals, Corporations, Bridgton & Saco Pennsyl'v Delaware, competing. as well as for ditional. ala, Die- A Lat of Winners in Competitors distnct desiring to open accounts, ONE ENTIRE WEEK ! Goethe a barter, Kant keeps au employ- land, Wat Virginia and 4. printed busi- Anu&cments and Auction Scries, $2.00 per Presurapsoot River Railroad. The for- will be forwardeclto Competitors in about 21 days after those wishing to transact Banking ment bureau, and Richard Lovveuherz trict of folmnhfn.___ this _] each closes. ... of description through Three insertions or less, competition ... ness any COMMENCING each week. mer has a certain extent of is a I The New Ingland States#_ the I J P square company (Coour de Lion) chemist. 4 Lever Brothers, Ltd., will endeavor to.award Bank. f* L are theccebrated Pierce Spectaty rizes to best of their ability and judgment, $1.60 per square. narrow gauge railroad in operation, and, Care does not seem to shorten the lives *Tiie Bicycles of Buf- fairly and 1897 Pattern, m’f’d by

with tbe Diamond Matoh in and blood. $1.60. _ should march. Confidence seems to be Company stomach each, regular price ... l —stxffSk# the Western and Southern not a few ti the we have in this recorn®0 m READER. need of the hour. States, Remember, Sagwa only cures by These are only many bargains Department. the one great Nature to Senator Dubois, of Idaho, who was re- aiding dispel poisonous secretions —\ _Assisted by— from the system through tbe natural channels, Bertha C. Smith.Zither Soloist, r+. ia pnmnporl thnt flhannf’ftv M T)n- cently defeated re-election to the Senate, taken at the first bnt, if premonition of VALENTINES. _\ .,..and— will be chairman of tbe Nation- a pew tins positively deolined tbe ambas- probably troubles, acts as r B. Solist, al Bimetallic League, witb headquarters tonic, and its Clarence Shirley.Tenor sadorial mission to England, and the by line. Price from 1 cent Don’t fail to see them. in Washington. curative, blood puri- We have an elegant up. Kotzschmar Hah. Wednesday Evening, latest of course to revision at slate, subject It is estimated that the milk from fying, cleansing, February 17, 1897, Doors open from time to time, names John Hay, of and 1 It is beautiful. 25 cent .,«TT«»*\ 7.30; concert at 8 o'clock. Tickets at Crsssy, 5,000,0000 oows Ib annually consumed in invigorating Have you tried our Vielet Sonp Regular Soap. or a llan-o RA otirl 'JR ota atnh fahAiTAH will ward for 45 cents. Washington, D. C. Horace Porter is tbe United an ot qualities Our 18 cents a cake, 8 takes States, average 25% off disease, and price mentioned very favorably as ambassa- gallons per year to ench person. just Cor. Middle and Sts. this is what every Exchange dor to France, and ex-Congressman John Mylohreest of Middletown, Conn., man should bear in WRITING PAPER. dec* d*.f LITTLE WOMEN’S Draper, of Massachusetts, may be sent to bowls in the Y. M. ,C. A. alley with mind, if you have such He bag no symptoms as Italy. his feet. arms, but still has House in the have sleeplessness, loss of We are the largest Retail Writing Paper State. We Writing ANNUAL acquired considerable ability in rolling of all kinds and There is something anomalous in the appetite, irritability, Paper and Envelopes prices. the heavy balls. Young Mylohreest can coated tongue, bad Paper from 13 cents to 73 oents a pound. of a bill through the Teunessee hrAftt.h. b 1 n t. a Ti o /I passage drive, dress himself, feed himself, make Envelopes from 25 cents to $1.00 a box, 250 in a box. & CHARITY legislature to prevent bribery and intim- change, write, and has painted several skin, etc. Some in- SWAN BARRETT, BALL, idation at elections. This sudden creditable pictures, and his toes ate as ternal poison is at See Us This Week. BANKIEXIS, facile as any one’s lingers. work; a break-down Come and of conscience is remarkable, 186 middle awakening 6ure to Street, Dr. Nansen is a iover of oolors. is come. CITY HALL it is remembered that this bright when Slate Better a few dollars now and get Portland, maine. His ship, the Fram, was painted green, spend on Feb. 22nd. has just accepted an admistration elected than 6ee your family suffer for the Monday Eve., scarlet and out health, grny, white, picked with want of the money you will miss earning by the worst kind of ballot box staffing dash of color Accounts of Banks, Floor Tickets 50c, Children, 35, gold—a blight among the a long sickness. Corporations, ever known in the Soath and that is during Individuals and Trusts say- everlasting white of the Arctic seas. Sagwa contains no mineral or other poi- Firms, received, Gallery 25. to and interest allowed on ing a great deal. In some of the farming districts of sonous ingredients• It is endorsed by the FRANK B. subject check, Reserved Seat* at Chandler’s Music Store- CLARK, in Hall. Outside the China are harnessed to small highest medical authorities of day. deposits. Refreshments Reception pigs wagons not allowed in the dance. It is that Tom Watson Sold brail druggists; $1.00 per bottle; six Investment Securities, suitable for Sa- wraps reported politely and made to draw them. Baxter BlOols.. Music by Gilbert’s Ochestra. bottles' for $5.00. If you wish advice as to Banks, and other Trust Funds, deolined to furnish a line for Bryan's febio vings febll dtd The female brain commences to decline your symptoms, write us, and same will be _d3t constantly on hand. book, detailing his part of the story, free one of our staff of in weight after the age of SO. the male given you by phy- , Foreign money bought and sold. Indian Medicine New ~ and gave as his reason that it was rather not till 10 yeRrs later. sicians.—Kickapoo Co., Collections made on all parts of this CITY HAIrlr Haven, Conn. late iu the day for the presidential can- The cries of sea birds, especially sea- Country and Europe. Drafts issued all Euro- didate to beoome aware of his existence, gulls, are very valuable as fog signals. Foreign upon AUCTION SALES. countries. when he had not heard a word from him The birds cluster on the cliffs and coast, IN OOR SALE pean WE HAVE I of Credit and Letters the late Justice trav- and their cries warn boatmen that every facility during campaign. they to travelers for are near land. -OF- furnished obtaining a polo els with leaden foot, but is apt to Funds in of the world. FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 13. A Canadian brida has introduced re- allparts an iron j strike with hand. F, O. BAILEY & CO. cently a new fatnre in weddin g cere- SECOND-HAND PIANOS ! CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Salem vs, Portland. voter who wants to monies. She appeared in ohurch with Game at 8.30. Admission 25 cents. Re- Every Hepuhlioan 1 her fastened to her and Commission Merchants this some of the we have ever offered before. served seats at Chandler’s. see capable men iu charge of our munici- pet oanary shoulder Anetioneers week, greatest bargains _ j a chain, and the moment the Some of the best are in Square Pianos that we have taken in < affairs should to the cauoua next by golden bargains pal go sounded the bird burst into and are fine condition and of modern 4 round corners & organ song. Salesroom 40 Exchange Street. exchange they in style; SWAN BARRETT, HOTELS. and make his rote tell 1 a of the Monday night in The little town cf in carved legs, top and in splendid condition, few prices are \ Nasso, Sweden, F. O. BAILEY. C. W. ALLEN dampers Rufus H- Hinkley, George H* that direction. Apathy on the of as follows: i Richardson, part has a feminine 160 marh4 dtf department, strong, one voters is for the se- One fine one $165, one Emerson, $lo0, Arthur K. Hunt. generally responsible in its tire The water works of Knabe, $200, Steinway. Tried the brigade. » & one Have You candidates. Wesser Bros., $100, one Hallett & Davis, $100, oneJPond Frith, $75, i Jam4tt lection of poor There are al- consist of four the village simply great Hallett & Davis, $40, etc., also some remarkable bargains in uprights which ways a certain few with axes to grind tubs, and it is the duty of the women have been used as renting pianos for a fow months only, prices are $160, i “Business Men’s Dinner” and selfish purposes to subserve who are “firemen” to keep these full in oass of $186. " $165, $176, — in two — sure to take au interest in tbe caucus, fire. They stand continuous lines Do not forget that we have the finest line of new pianos to be found in \ AT THE from the tubs to the lake, about three Blasius & : and those men almost nlways have re- the state, including Chickering & Sons, Kranich & Bach, Sons, WHITE’S SALE streets one line the WM. M. away, passing full MARKS, Sterling, etc. tainers whom theyjcan order to go there bncknts and the other sending them Huntington, etc., OF Be sure and hear the Angelus if you have not already done so. The I and vote the way they want them to. baok. “WINDSOR,” Symphony still the favorite of musicians, you have doubtless already heard, With on the part of the voters or the New 1 apathy but you can afford to call again. It plays music of all the old masters any Under Management who have no interest in Card of Send for municipal Book, other styles composition that you may wish to hear. catalogues 1 Odd Lots. 26 Cents is the Price. affairs but to see them well -AND- and of of our our we managed Of Interest to Insurance Men. prices any goods. ^ Following usual custom, shall sell feb4 dtf these people will snrely have their during this month, all our odd lots and odd own The whioh they sizes at less than cost. As our customers well £way. questions Mutual The Massachusetts Accident know this le a bona fide the cut In the^ITtXm'onte; ask in regard to a candidate are not, Is JOB sole, prices Association desires another active can- PRINTER, tftkingjplaoe on all lines. Call early and secure he capable, is he honest, will he dis- PRINTERS’ EXCHANGE, Altamonte Springs, Fla. ol the we are vasser in Portland. Here is a fine op- I some great bargains offering. the duties of the offioe with an JONES & charge eye ALLEN, Healthful Location and best in 07 1*3 Exchange St., Portland CRESSEY, Most water for a competent and reliable single to the public welfare, but they are portunity the state, all nothern help and everything first man on Can to make money. Address C. P. 566 CONGRESS ST.. BAXTER BLOCK. ! the'otber hand, we.oontrol :him, FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. WHITE’S BOOTS"SHOE STORE, olaas. For book, write toC. IV. GRAY, of can we count on his support w hen we LYFORD, Superintendent OPPOSITE HOUSE. Gray’s Inn,Jackson, N. H., Frop. Agencies, Ail orders mail or telephone FEEBLE by promptly j ■ Jaiuleodtj fan25 have a sohetne to get through tbe city Falmouth Hotel. ieb!2d2t 4thp attended to. s«pt22eodtf NEW APVERTISEKBlfTS.

James ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ i-HE CUNKERS RISE HarveyS. Murray, C. H. Tolman, _NEW Millet. G. E. Raymond, George W. Way, M. F. Hicks, A. S. Hinds, W. H.Stevens, Ten Days’ stock- As tLe Guests of Ex-Commissar) Dr. C. G. Adams, George A. Thomas, C. Fer- Leander W. Fobes. E. B. Winslow, F. H. Cloyes, S. reducing sale. nald, Christopher Way, Charles Walker, T. Fred Tolman, E. C. Mitchell. A Delightful Evening at the Riverton Second day. Park Cafe—Mr. J. L. Shaw Wins Prize MUSIC AND DRAMA for Cargos! Catch of Fish in *96. Mr. Leander W. Fobes nevor does any- in the TOLD YOU YESTERDAY of some of the stock-reducing happenings thing by halves and the Venerable Cun- Katherine Rober. his last even- Dress Goods Seotion. ner Club who were guests to Portland people are no strangers WE have to 25c and the other half- abundantly testify thereto. The Of the 50c and 69c Novelties which dropped ing that pleasing little aoiresa, Katherine Cunners always hold a raid-winter meet- Dress Fabrics. Bober, who has aohieveil sucoeSH price doings in and Mr. Fobes transformed the meet- other we trust to memory ing throughout Maiue as well as the That entire is well worth telSing again, but may your an telling last night into entertainment and is l— ing states and New England Oausda, 1 that we devote LADIES’ AND MISSES’ OUTSIDE as host which will be re- forthat, so may today’sltellingto •with himself now one of the roost popular aolresses on the fortunate membered, by partici- the boards in the eastern circuit. Miss GARMENTS? of the most pators as one delightful of Bober will appear at Poitland theatre Mon- their lives. for a week’s engagement beginning Sale of day next in “Man and Wife.” She is Ladies’ This stock-reclucing Rain Proofs. These too get the Flannelette Saturday and her ROCKER by a strong company, Flannelette supported us to “Grand Bounce'’ Under- New orchestra. Jackets frenzy has impelled own oapital brass band and and sev- lot for fault in themselves but wear. Skirts Night There will be matinees daily beginning at Half, take a great lSss on any for Women Wednesday, and the prices are popular eral broken lots of choice Gowns ones. There will be a rush to welcome and Children. This is the wind up - - new 1897 Garments. In fact we in tbeir Miss Rober. our Under Sale. cut the price accurately in twain. of January O'Hoollgan’s Wedding. SALE other Half a dozen lots which are lack- Give you half and keep the numbers, O’Hooli- The assortment not The great laughing suocess, half ourselves. ing some sizes. attraction at gan’s Wedding, will be the there are complete. Therefore the prices go Portland theatre on Feb. 13th, matinee Jackets o! Boucle as follows: and evening. This is said to be one of ever sea- too the funniest > farce oomedies pro- made for this many strong, each Skirts. Some are duced, and the oompany f son’s wearing. Children’s Flannelette others are colored. £ach is at- member selected for his white, being especially of them, a Waist. Jackets of Beaver, tached to Muslin or her individual reputation as a farce comedy artist, rue comeuy is smu uu re also new. that’s why at a mirth causiag a contin- These Skirts Saturday 9 cts. great, provoker, Kersey and Scotch go nous roar of laughter from the rise to the Mixture. fall of the curtaiD. Tho cast includes this cut John Flynn, the Irish character actor, Shape of body and German dinleot come- Larry Tooley, the sleeves correct. in price. Mr. Sliaw’s “Foal Catch.” dian, Nellie Franklyn petite soubrette, Diok- Mostly black; a the Bijou Comedy quartette, May Better Several lots Children’s Mr. Fobes invited the club to be his J. son, Alice Wren, Mrs. Larry Tooley, few are colored. and dine with him at Riverton. At Grade. Gowns and Skirts. guests Shodrick, George Winfelder, Belle Par- Night Ladies’ Mackintoshes, two Capes, % Velvet 6.10 p. m. the beautiful parlor car Bram- Nora P. Clark, Prof. Guide and $5.00) For children from 1 to 8 sons, at Collar, full sweep. Fancy linings, Black Serge hall left Monument with an ex- on sale at the box $6.00 > Jackets $2.98 Square others. Seats now Cloth. Bain proof. of age. Well made garments. and $1.98. ) years ceedingly happy expectant party. office. $7.00 A $6,00 Garment for $3.98 Good cloth. The run to the handsome Casino was style Treble Clef Club Concert. $7.50 ) Inverness Blue and Black Serge Mackintosh, Price to close, 21c quickly made and the company warmly Double texture. $9.00 >- Jackets at $4.98 welcomed by Mr. Smith, the genial The Treble Clef olub, connected with $3.75 and $4.00 at $2.98 and efficient manager who throughout the Congress Squure church, gave its $12.00 ) quality the was in his efforts to first conoert at the church last evening. of evening untiring These are only two instances make at home. There was a very large audience in at- everybody perfectly down. There are others 8 and its interest and enthusiasm the mark Children's Flannelette Gowns, Dinner was served almost immediately tendance, Half Price. A broken lot of enoores. as radical as these but and a better cooked or more was manifested by many not Turnover collar. delicately perhaps texture colorings. The Treble Clef club is composed of New Single served banquet has not been known in Great Assortment, Stylei. as reductions. 50 cent at 39c ladies under the direc- sharp goods Portland. some thirty young Mackintoshes at Half price. of the soprano, Mies over from last themselves tion popular young Out of We carried The tables radiant with $2.50 kind at *1.25 S. Marcia Craft. They presented a most beautiful flowers, and 3.98, 6.98. summer more than a hun- $3.00 kind at *l.SO shining cutlery ar- 4.98, Season pleasing spectacle in the chancel, $1.49, 1.69, 1.98, 2.87, 2.98, $5.00 kind at *2.50 linens were to whet the Percale Shirt Waists. kind at S3.00 snowy enough in their oostumes. They Goods. dred $6.o0 was and ranged light appetite. Following the^tempting and and dark colors. sang with good taste expression and ones from to satisfying Light Better $5.00 $12.00 _ showed the efifeot of careful drill. They Ladies’ Made of choice, selected Fine and nicely laundered MENU. in the rollicking LEATHER SEATS, goods particularly pleased them Flannelette. Several and were com- collars and cuffs. We open Night Blue Points, Half Shell. “Song of the ,” Sizes 14, 15, 16, Julienne Soup. to it. Miss Craft showed for an out-of-the-season five Gowns. styles. Celery. Queen Olives. pelled repeat out today Men’s Twenty the baton. Mother Hubbard Fried Smelts, Tartar Sauce. herself an adept in handling $1.57, 1.98, 2.25, 3.D0. double texture yoke. Curled Potatoes. sale. Mackintoshes, Radishes. Miss Craft sang Delibes’ “Song of the sleeve. Turnover collar'. Roast Vermont Turkey, Oyster Dressing, not care for them. Mackintosh Bishop Cranberry Savce. Almee” with muoh of the coloring that You may KoaBt Sirloin of Beef. Brown Gravy. 61c to the air, and Harris’ we will some Velvet Collar. Pearl buttons, New Bermuda Potatoes, Hubbard Squash, pertains However put palata- Coats, Beans. in the breezy manner that is Siring “Madrigal” **lush rockers, on them. cloth is Tricot. Plaid ble The value in each Lobster Salad. It was in her prices lining. We think there’s a Dollar its chief characteristic. 25c Baked Macaroni with Cheese. 50 cent Wants at this stock sale Hot Rolls. however that she at 45c inducing Take encore songs gave 89c and 75c Waists During 8ain Muslirf^Underwear department. Roman Punch (Special) $1.00 Waists at 0?c especial pleasure. 2,98, 3.27. "JC these $6.00 coats go at $3.98 elevator. Roast Quail. Chilled Tomatoes. $1.98, $2,19, $1.25 Waists at Riverton Jelly with Whipped Cream. ^Mr. U. S. Kerr of Boston, has a capital Othellos. Assorted Cake. Lady Fingers. bass especially pleasing in its np- orqi Vanillaj Ice Cream. voice, i Florida Oranges. Malaga Granes. Bananas. pet notes. He sang hiS encoies much Coffee. J. R. LIBBY. Black tCunner'Club Cigars. BB better than his regular numbers,although J. R. LIBBY. J. B. LIBBY. he pleaeed markedly in those. He sang When were reached Funeral oi Charles O. Balter. cigars Commissary “Lust Night I Was Dreaming,” and the Mr. Baxter'* Administration. Tin writer is oognlzant of the fact that for order and the of Charles O. Baker took Murry rapped past encore song that followed his spirited a. m. Baxter’s efforts, aotlvlty The funeral SALE TO-DAY, AT 9. To the Editor of the Press: Mr. personal RUG resi- at his late exercises were most enjoyable. of “The Two Grenadiers,” were most advan- rooming praudial rendering in ana influence displayed place yesterday As a citizen ol Portland interested street. On account of Messrs Dicks, Cloyes, Mitchell, Leach, with much artistio finish. Owing to the tageously, iu conjunction with the Board dence on Dantorth its welfare, and observing for the past Baker and Mr. Shaw and others contributed and Mr. low water Mr. F. L. Hank in the the Illness of Mrs. pressure administration of Trade, in seouring appropriation and ex- four years, or daring the the son of the de- Fobes spoke briefly gracefully was unable to give his two organ num- from the general government of $810,000, Charles E. Baker, cf Baxter, the important improve- The brief his pleasure that solmany of the and Mr. Kerr kindly volunteered a Alayor for the purpose of deepening and broad- ceased the funeral was private. pressing bers, material Had educa- ments made in tho our harbor. Such effort on bis part oonduoted by Hev. Mr. club had honored him with their pres- sea song that drew a storm of applauso. ening services were interests of our city, as well as the was in line with his comprehensive polioy was In Ever- water later increased tional Hack and the Interment ence. The pressure, m relation to our city’s welfare. Every gradual development of his comprehen- The a fire made sufficiently to allow Mr. Rankin to play dollar of that great appropjiatiou will be green cemetery. I banquet over, roaring for tha extension of our park to Handel’s sive plan spent within the limits of Portland, and cheerful welcome in the assembly room the organ, accompaniment Case in Oxford Connty. I desire to make a few comments will be disbursed to labor. Bene, Peculiar stairs where the rest of the beautiful admirably sung by system, largely up evening “Largo,” men should him their 11.—A in relation to his worn, although the ol- laboring give Scuth Paris, February peculiar was spent in cards, music and social en- the olub. and make his election 81 iflonsimeiit Square. mneft nnniiimnrs axnresslon of approval strong support .nit at the Oxford Supreme Judiolnl joyments generally. The accompaniments were played very sure. Indus- court. Addison Monk of Hebron, brought One of the events of the mid-winter Misses Alice L. Pbll- from the business, professional, Bis suggestion that the materials taken satisfactorily by of 10 dnnoea will follow with and ELECTRICS- An order and flnanoial representatives of our from out front harbor be need for tbe a farm of 8. Davee, paid part Sown, meeting was the awarding of the annual brook and Elvira J. Caswell. YARMOUTH trial, a menu at intermission, to be served by that of construction of docks, etc., for the pro- the balanoe tbe next week, the catch of fish were city is an Indication appreciation promised prize for largest during After the concert the performers Union nnval station, whioh he is very He The First Section of Six and a Half Miles Elmer Woodbury, the well-known of his work thus far performed posed when the writings should be done. to the member of the Annex in the the resuits much intsrosled in bringing to '96. The prize goes the guests vestry. car connection Portland, To Be by July. station cateter. Street Vet it may be well he is in his usual bis mind on aocoant of siokness «Vtnnrin/V +1>« lorffOOt (TVOCC /V Completed is recognized. and for which working changed mimhop f ficll Miss Carter’s Recital. fully have been from the hall at he or, if not used for that return of his money. Ihto arranged for us to contemplate what nas, done, persistent manner, and aaked the the Mr. John L. for between caught during year. Miss Harriet Evelyn Carter, the well these facts concern- the olose of the ball. to do, if he is con- purpose, filling Pomeroy’s refused, and he brought suit to re- E. G. Harris giTes and what he proposes of was stood at the head far the Kotzsch- Rock and the extension Congress street Shaw having by known reader, will appear at electric road: ohief A verdict for the defendant was ing the Yarmouth TRUE HUMANITY. tinued as our magistrate. at the toot of the Eastern promenade, as cover. number to his credit. A mar hall February 17tb, assisted by his administra- largest protest “Jt is tho intention of the management the first year of a basis for a grand series of piers for our given. During _ his was made Bertha 0. zither soloist and con- that as island summer lesort steamers, is against winning by Foreign Smith, to commence work at onoe upon the to a Trav- in fact, prior to time, andfl Kindness Shown Paralyzed tion, and, of his restless interest in Big Sunday School Meeting. William Ross of Phila- Clarence B. Shirley, tenor. The New to Baxter had laid an indication Correspondent of the road. It is proposed a citizen, Mr. struction eller. private our welfare. 11.—Tbe Little evi- Fork Tribune says: “The zither solos for Norway, February delphia who said he had positive do all necessary work on Martin’s Point out a broad and comprehensive plan The secuiiug, through his most efficient were a Sunday School association, dence that Shaw had been to bis nf Mia. Kerthn Smith most nieas- thiB month and next. The of our park system. aid of the mom-y sufficient to build the Androscoggin adding bridge during When Conductor Ered Sanborn’s traiu the development schools from Oxford aud feature of the entertain- has mammoth elevator, now near completion, comprising Sunday score the ice in close ing unique has raooived from the county that date to the present he by fishing through company arrivod at Yarmouth Wednesday morning From evidence of his held a double encore on is another commanding to Berlin along the Grand Trunk, of ment. She received the in re- to bring about tho re- time. The evidence was in the shape commissioners specifications was there who wanted to go labored incessantly Influence. The building of the beautiful The Salem News a passenger the attended meeting In Its ha* last number.” work to be doBe on tbe now so near consumma- and Auditorium annex on tbe lnrgest a snap shot photo showing Shaw in the gard, to the station. He was paralyzed in sults whioh are Armory It was devoted entirely to a to the nest history today. “Mr. Shirley sang tenor solo iu on road bed to franchises City Market lot, is and he forwarded the says: Work will begin the into the in so far as they relate previous unsightly and addresses on various phases very act, photo. bridge. his legs and had to bo carried tion, monument to bis and papers a manner that made the company hold of to the another enterprise school work. The next meet- as soon as the frost is out the ground. it and to he secured, city of Sunday Shaw confessed to the facts as stated in train. After he was gotten on board secured, forethought in behalf of our citizens hill. their breath, so as not to lose a note. A it is to ing will be at Parle Mr. Harris states that expeoted he bad from for park purposes. soldiery, who surety can appreciate the the The committee went into was learned that started now protest. prettier song is seldom heard, and the first section of six and one- Hia of the property which are now, and oomplete tbe for in Aroos- acquisition great advantages executive session and considered the Kent, N. Y.. Monticello, was most derived from suoh a MARRIAGES. delioate execution could not have been froai Monument by Fort Allen paik will continue to be half miles, square, He arrived at Portland and constituting matter. It was found that nobody else Tickets at took county. citizens will admit home for the National Guard, inspiring, improved upon.” Cressey, first of Contracts have been as all of our Feb. Rev. E. M. the July. to to Yarmouth. timely, ns it the of ranch more In Oakdale. Deerlng, 10, by bad fish at all and Shaw had had money enough get in will, development Emma W. caught any Jones & Allen’s. for the construction o£ the road without question. Later, continuing interest in tbe school of the Cousins. Fred A. Burnell and Leigh- signed his name as Walter Davidson. enthusiastic evidence that one fislx of the 1348 be He gave be nnd effort in ton, both of Westbrook. Notes. and also for a amount of the conceived, acquired soldier. His influence bring- Feb. 10. Alma F. Rus- bed large was most and it plan originally In Cumberland Centre, His condition pitable and retaining the New England F. of claimed was caught legitimately in sum- It is to have the by on very reasonable terms, ing to, sell of Yarmouth and Carrie Eaton Cum- Muoh Johnson” is said to have materials. proposed hearts of all the piece piooe, was most effective. In “Too touohed the passengers. toward Fair in our city berland Cenre. mer, so the committee wore forced to for us soon as Tukey all of the foregouud whioh Pearl J. netted Charles Froliman and William road ready operation In he did not substantially nothing escapes his mind Ill South Washington, Feb. 1, Levep- He was poorly clad, fact, to the short, and Miss Leola award him first prize; a barrel of salt. bridge is completed. Tho remaining sec- tho water front adjaoeut drlvoway will forward Portland’s Interest. His seller of South Washington nnd is still making wear to him warm. Gillette $150,000, clothes enough keep In addition anil ellicient aid in the develop- Jones of nazorville. Mr. Shaw will preserve his catch with it. tion of the road will be finished as soon on tho Eastern promenado. persistent Jan. 31, Avery Pifield and money. Evidently, theatre-goers can- Elias Thomas, the well known Portland Industrial In West Deer Isle, The deeds of land ment of the Training school, Mattie C. of Machlasport. following were present: L. W. as to Its terminus in Yarmouth- lie lias secured Miss Thompson “Too Much possible thereto, as his advooacy of the establish- of not get too much Johnson,” merohant, and Warren Wheeler, travelling the Deev- as well In Brewer. Fel). 8, Oscar M. Nickerson J. D. J. A. C. O. a distauoe of miles.- It will be from holders owning Dumb are Fobes, Shaw, Merrill, Rich & the ville, 12>£ for Swift & around property ment of the Deaf and school, Bangor and Miss Linule B. Powers. Messrs. Harris, proprietors salesman Co., passed without cost to H. Graves ana F. A. E. P. class suburban road and shore to Back Bay tee well known to bo repeated. Xu Skowhegan, Feb. 8. Lewis Leach, Leavitt, Staples, Hollis street theatre, a first equipped and in minutes they ing both of Bartland. of the Boston, their hats twenty drive-way con- his business like comprehen- Miss Mabel S. Robbins, Charles Cook, A. L. William with the latest devices in its eleotrical the city, for the proposed Finally, Millett, are to build a new and man- had money enough to buy him a tloket sion of the requirements of onr city in its planning Eastern and Western prome- C. L. Jerome 1 aud all other departments. necting tho as it Chenery, Tewksbury, nificont theatre in New York city. Mr. to Monticello and give him 133 besides. municipal government, leading, DEATHS. a revision of the city charter by New York was so those who has, to Harris was in Wednesday go- Maine Central Relief Ball. The man giateful to for the entire slope of the carried forward thus His exchange amendment thereto, A. with his an him that he In this city. Feb. 11. James Facey, aged ing over the project partner. of for the bad made effort to help of a small piece of a most persistent and The committee arrangements Western promenade far against 23 years. been a such in- The dfsigus have not yet drawn, Maine Central Belief Association's died like child. oompleted conditionally factitious opposition, opposition Fuueral Saturday morning at 8.30 o’clock city property, in men who street. high hut will be on shortly. Very When the trniu arrived in Bangor he spired and participated by irom No. 641 Commercial Requiem put paper whiob is to take at City hull, and long desired acquisitions to defeat bis at 9 o'clock. ball, place 'these great are doing all in their power mass at St Dominies Cburcn a Boston arohiteot will be invited was carried into the room and which Feb 11. Emma L.. daughter of likely Tuesday evening, February 16th, have baggage to the system of our city, nomination for another (erm, ought to in Woodford, park and the lata Charles F. Teague, aged 6 to draw them up. of the made comfortable. Conductor Sanborn from if thinking citizen to action, Alice G. now completed the engagement will be 25 years now, arouse every fi months 6 days. Guilbert returned appreciated rn-nomination sere. years ... Yvette yesterday and his master, Sewail Peterson, cost of these thereby making his forenoon at 11 o’clock. talent which will The Ameri- baggage are not today. The [Funeral Saturday Stout People to Europe, and it is not probable that appear. they citizen of Portland should de- went town and the man a oonsiifcml as Every Private. come back to this can orchestra of one of the finest up bought will be of his Know the due to excessive she will ever country Lowell, gross acquisitions mand a continuance present policy In Gorham. Feb. 11, Edward W„ youngest agonies, some and left in- in the of a singer. to furnish the musio, reefer ami underwear when tho property of our city. It is son of Edward W. and Nellie A. Guptlil, aged will occur under capacity in tho conntry, is infinitesimal almost in the development that It is un- 1 6 months 19 perspiration, over structions to have him sent to Aroostook and liberal and business-inducing. year days. Mason which insures on improvement pre- thus secured has become developed casco. Mary A. Chuet. aged flesh but Oldest Dying. to mention Mr. Baxter’s gifts In South Mrs.. folds of fatty tissue; you and con- county on the train. Portland one necessary night 81 years. _, vious years. The entertainment thereby making or of the great in- 11.—Johr he beautified, to our municipality, In South Feb. 9, Dominicus Dlngley, Amesbury, Mass., February acro- Davidson told the railroad men that in the world Casco, can cert include Caswell & Arnold, of the most attractive cities in our taxable property because of Kelley Sargent, the oldest Free Mason in with crease aged TO years. Leslie, the had money enough to got home seekers. building constructed by him tills Friday forenoon at 11 o’clock, the United States, lies at death’s door to- batic comedians; Charles as a resort tor rest and pleasure the grand [Funaral Cease to left New was taken adding materially from late residence. Worry home near Merrimao. Hie an entertain- when he York but ho will then be con- during the past yenr, night at his eccentrician, who will give Such “extravagance” Ill 0, Eldridge Plummer, aged 79 all to our resources and taxable properly. Saco, Feb. would your skin sweet, wife died today. As he is about 95, he over- aiok on the way, and had to out wisdom when keep ment made of local hits; medley pay sidered as the economy of we have tout few years. Ifjyou from the up Such men build cities T. irritation, can hardly recover shook. He five the funds that he had. far distant In Lewiston, Feb. 10. S. Thompson, aged clean, free from chafes, ture tiie orchestra with solos; ward from a not of them. Mayor Baxter is the leader. has been a Mason 71 years, joining War- by looking took 7G 3rears. novelty dancers; to our city Let’s keep him in command ns long as In Feb. 7, Nicholas Hatch, aged SO disagreeable odors, clear, healthy, ren lodge, Amesbury, in 1826. Terry and Elmer, Seveteenth Anniversary. future. All such additions Lovell, — to he years. and the well-known Port- not only attract its and beautiful, use constantly, Tommy Glinn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ronan cele- park system serveaossowen.^1^ goddy In Stowe. Jan. 20, Langdon Kilgore. conceded to be the but In North Baldwin. Feb. 2 Mrs. Ruth Pierce, — No Time to Effect Reforms, land boy, who is now anni- borders tourists and summer visitors, once will prove its efficacy, brated Tuesday the 17th 00 in the world. The evening because of Hsdyn Association. aged years. finest banjo player resi- they will tarry with us longer In East Feb. 7, Wilton H. Simpson, February 11.—Prime Minister versary of tbeir wedding at their Sullivan, Madrid, of the programme is a in addition to whioh of the as- aged S9 years. number such The annual meeting Haydn _ Caiiovas Del Castillo bas Issued has is- closing dence on Danforth street. A very large attractiveness, the orchestra descrip- to our laboring to have been held sued a statement in which ho says that it graud fantasia by of their friends tho material benefits sociation which was number relatives and of worsa not be to Great Britain. This be lost eight of, A cough is a danger signal dwnfort will incompatible apply the re- tive of a trip to to should not at the of Jolm W. Bowers, M. 9

# FOB SALE. WANT JED—SITUATIONS. OF Miacn avrni’S. events and mingling with the active THE POLITICS AN EMPRE9S- | _ MTSCEtXAjrEOFS.__ HAINE TOWNS. worrti this head members of has for a of Forty inserted under society, period Forty words inserted udn this head than 35 bren almost one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. more years wholly William II.'s Wife and the Influence She •na week for 23 cent*, cash in advance. of those privileges so much Items of Interest Gathered by PRESS deprived to a a situation as because of hor infirmities, im- Is Supposed Exert, mao. age 24, enjoyed, BALE—Farming for profit in southern WANTED—Byteamster: can drive two or four horse Correspondents. to overcome. 'fhus to possible obliged FOBCalifornia; where from one to six crops team: has had five years’ experience. Can come remain an inmate of her home, aided, can be yearly. Free passage to each well to B. A book published four weeks ago In Ger- grown recommended. Apply F. DUNLAP, assisted and tenderly cared for by a purchaser of ten acres of land. Refer to lead- Employment Agency, Gardiner, Maine. 12-1 that the jjresent German Empress of For full SC ARBOllO. most devoted huabaud and affectionate many says ing banks California. information In LAND River- has in her leebleness and takes a nand occasionally Cabinet poli- address HEMET CO., Hemet, by a young man grad- Mr. son, she 12-1 Eight Corners, February 9.—As von side Co., Cal. WANTED—Situationuate or Portland Business College. with an ever sharp and active ties. When Chancellor Caprivl resigned Say! Gray’s suffering, People true—that our old Business be 12-1 and Mrs. George Bearing were return- her home one of the author asserts with And—what says must family AdressAL, Gray’s College. mind, made oomfort, in 1892, authority, verybody SALE—Sleigh, phaeton and double car- to Portland after a visit at Mrs. and so far him a note him to re- is We have very many ing neatness, peace pleasantness she wrote beseeching remedy ‘‘th soothing, healing Anodyne.” FORriage atalowjmice^STJNUDDLEjVRJM. American woman would like The last year of home in this On turn- as was in her power. main In office. She spoke of the and who have a situation as nurse; the best of refer- Beering’s plaue. great strong testimnials from reliable people physicians, SALE—A brick house, 11 rooms, first NURSE—An her life was one of extreme suffering ences. Call or address NURSE, 218 Oxford corner of the church were of care on the Emperor’s shoulders, decorated, ing the they and faith weight used and for over half a century. Every letter of the FORfloor hondsomely sleeping No to out of town. 9-1 such as would tax the patieDoe endrsed it arranged, hot air and hot street. objection both snnfts of the Yet she of his agitation and worry over the existing rooms conveniently upset, breaking sleigh. of most worthy people. some ailment of mankind which sunny exposure, many his retirement Hubeo- the name of water heating apparatus, good with- of fortitude beyond Cabinet crisis, and to alphabet begps between and position as housekeeper by Fortunately Mrs. Bearing escaped bore it with a degree or cure. sized yard near Congress, High ex- state affairs and re- will relieve on a woman who can furnish tho wbat her strength would be tusstouk to consider this Univers£ Household Remedy positively State streets. The above is offered the mar- WANTED—Ayoung out serious injury. physical BENJAMIN best of references. Address H., 11 Becketts to never loosing her cuperate. at once consented to re- ket for a limited period only. pected allow, Cuplivi It is a il toothache, every 11-1 street. 9-1 in one of our district schools _ El Sv St. A teaoher nor clearness of main Tlie last time he he fact,that SHAW, Exchange quickness of perception, in office. resigned ulcer, every varicose asked a little “Wbat before her death. every ache, eery one day lately boy mind unitl a few weeks received a letter from the Empress and lie wife and veln> every wound, TO LET. south of “Fat,” She was ever a most devoted The did not Bismarck bruise, every :old, S V/.J p T« _ country Turkey?" and went. Empress urge every as well as sister every xeroderma, the obild You mother, daughter, to retain Ills office wiien he resigned at the dislocaion, / / V^fj I Hi quickly responded own interests ■ every yellow skin “Torjsale. words inserted under this head neighbor and friend. Her every eruption, very C/ " Perty the author. / IM |> \ Stock in trade and the good will of ♦no mean Greece, don’t you?" said the teach- and the of oocupied her young Emperor’s request, says \ every zoster, and The woek for 25 cents oasli in advance. good society fracture, every puty i A I of the late T. B. Hawley and she was to see him go,as lor g\ the business he “that and and she found Apparenly glad and on North Corner er. “Why yes,” answered, thought attention, foot, horse- V rtU » ev?ry sorenes! the land and buildings before he he had been every / 1 neither time nor Inclination to gossip months resigned every where, Boring and Clark street* are offered for LET—Upper rent of five rooms, number said. It’s all the same." _ _ Pala was what I Fat, ness,every lrriteion, * T. B. rpo 27 and scandal. It can be said of her with- non to this Princess of f jU Terms cash. Apply to MBS. Dow street, §12.00. at 213 Mrs. J. W. persona grata 1 accompanied by in- sal" Apply The Ladies’ Aid met with she every joint fi on the or to H. W. Brackett St., between 10 a. ra. 12-1 out cavil, she hath done what Schleswig-Holstein. ahe,| VMJP1 | LiftJ HAWLEY, premises, 9, last week They re- on every treble, Is h.e SVVASEY. 30 Exchange St. Johnson Thursday. could. Her funeral was attended Not was the eager to see Bis- kidney MS* Ml I llllll fla,‘nma,tlOD’ only Empress relieved, soothed, Portland, Feb. 9. 1897. feblOdlW RENT-Desirable room corner Middle and elected Mrs. Lillian John- the 5th inst. Ruv. Mr. Welch every lameness, very It, k I ™I Luflunl I organized Friday, marck go, but she was muoh averse to seeing FOft Streets. 2d floor, words of comfort and consolation muscle °‘! View Cottage with complete aDout4.ao^?earl 3000 containing son voted to have an spoke for a as the unoffi- soreuss, f " ^ ?ale<* 5Ui5e<* SALE-Sea square feet; also large room 3a president. They and him return*merely day °f of house, the electrics will run floor to the bereaved family and friends, every nervous feadl ViJ - J?h.nsona FORfurnishings containing 6000 square feet, steam heat, and ohose and of her husband. She IT* / .he T* the which means entertainment before long, remains were in the tomb at cial friend guest Anodyne bvjthe place in spring large if of her placed ovrian _ Liniment, l^JSJprt»an«TP^er required. Enquire ache, every jk| ^ g K| hard to find a more beautiful STORER or committee to make arrangements. A. C. worked as persistently to hold book the the Kreat vital ner- advance iu price, BROS., B. F. HARRIS, 48 Ex- Shapleigh. of 2 acres, with full view of the ocean change from the formal reconciliation as pain, every pitple, XlNfinYr* / is grove jl_2 was a and onr Emperor vine. It safe, sooth- at a if Streets._ Sunday very rainy day every very V S This property is offered great bargain In Memorlam. Bismarck worked to hold baok his quinsy" 1. F. BUTLER, « 1-2 »x TO 464 Fore fine is Wheels ate most- Herbert rheumatic *nS’ satisfying. For purchased soon. LET—No. street. Pos- sleighing gone. twiige, session March 1. at No fi New 1897. father, and she Is said to be more gratified ^*l»a Internal as much as change St,_°~z STORE Apply Tem- in but a Gloucester, January 22, m street. E. H. DAYElS. 9-1 ly use, occasionally sleigh at court every sprain, viry ple New Gloucester Grange, No. 28, P. of than some more sagacious persons confidence of the SALE—Cheap, to close aD estate at drags along while frequently the driver External use. ■lot a medicine iu use today possesses the 10 loom house with with the latest outburst of lllf oellng between once, a 2 1-2 story ONEY TO LOAN—On first or second resolutions: time has endorsed. FOR on Panforth walks. H.,bas adopted tliefollowing to so an extent. Be not afraid to trust what large lot of land, located mortgages on real estate the Old Castle and Friedrlchsruh. public gret has personal Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly street. The house Is insured for $1500; property, stocks, bonds, or any good col- the was an enthusiastic as Price RAYMOND. Father to from us in a un- At first Empress been assessed as high $2500. only lateral securities. Inquire of A. C. LIBBY St remove very to real estate office, friend of the new Chancellor, Prince Hoben- fltifioo ADDly at once CO., 42J Exchange street. ffl)-4 Mabel Plum- expected manner our beloved brother FREDERICK S. Raymond, Feb. 11—Miss 1st National bank building, and Worthy Master, Levi W. Reed. iohe, but afterward her fondness abated, mer is the of Mr. and Mrs. Charles VAILL. _9~1 mo LET—To a single gentleman, a very large, guest Therefore this is not mentioned by the writer Liniment J- although Johnsons Anoffyne desirable front room, in a a fine lot of German private family, H. Skinner of Portland. That it is a fitting and just referred to. Just SALE-Received Resolved, of the book already why the late Dr. A. a old Afri- hot water heat and use of bath room. Refer- m L ^nilanoil nnm m 1 tfan fpnni It was in Johnson, good canaries; also tribute to bis memory tuat we should this orighated 1810, by FORmale and female gray ences at 34 PINK ST. she has had a change of heart regarding one tall required. Inquire our for what his own to relieve can and Cuban parrots, ring inonkey thus express Borrow this, but the for use in private practice, ail janUtf Raymond are O. B. Lane, Levi Jordan Bavarian statesman Is not known, Family PhysUan, (tame and very playful,) cages of kinds, seems to be an li reparable loss. He on band. FRED in Berlin is his and cure form of inflammation. Every Mother should have seeds and sundries steady comfortable winter roomg and Henry Harmon. was in worth of our reason given occasionally pain very LET—Very every way respeot 460 Congress with board at 74 St,25-4 a and exhibited at on children love to take it. BBOMBY, street,_8-1 tO Spring A severs rain storm Sunday made tbe and esteem, and whose whole life and creed. He is Catholic, it in the house Dropped sugar suffering and the l?OE BALE—Elegaut 3 storied brick res! dence almost a few of contract reflected the teaohings one o! his Parliamentary receptions roads Impassable. Only Sick I' 12 rooms and bath, with every modern principle of our order. saints’ relics and other sacred articles col- for our Bok “Treatment for Diseases” and Care of Room, Free. desirable teams are at work at Send improvement, one of the most looa- STORES TO RENT. the logging present. That we shall miss him as is said six Resolved, lected by his family. This exhibition The Doctor’s Sraature and Directions are on every bottle. Price 35 cents; $j.oo. tions In western part of tho city, first time offer- a Sohool.closed at the village Friday, a loyal citizen, as a kind and loving the whose I. S. & CO.. « Custom Hoasc Street, Boston, Mass, ed must examined to be appreciated, price to have given offence to Empress, Sold by all Druggets. JOHNSON be Stores Nos. 1 to 4 Central wharf re- Mrs. father and brother, and shall W H. WALDBON & CO„ 180 Middle after a successful term taught by husband, Protestantism Is of the rockrlbbed and un- 47UOO. cently occupied by C. A. Weston & hold in fond remembrance his many the chief street,_6-1 Co., suitable for grocery or other business, Addje F. Winter. bending kind. Count Mlrbaeh, »f a Story. ELY’8 virtues, nohle principles and love for Origin OB SALK—A grocery business in a Maine In fine order and have an eleotrio elevator Oharles R. Belle her oourt Is credited CATARRH Mrs. Knight (nee bis fellow men. man of establishment, The late Mr». fkrriet Beecher Stowe town, established 60 years; finely located, and heated with hot water: have good rail- Kacnlrari Thftt, hftHrtiffllf, flVmilA- uw trad* in connection with village road track and dock faculties. at Harmon) has returned to Boston. wiin mcruffttmig iwigiuue to Mrs Junes T. Fields how CREAM BALM large farming Enquire related clean stock and best of goods, No. 10 Central Wharf. WM. R. WOOD. sister-in- thies of this grange he extended to his all events, he exercises a strong Influence trade, good Mrs. Ida Hayden is with her of Sorrentc was conceived, and lg quickly absorbed. best of reasons for '•eUlng. For terms and par- novSOdtt and nil his friends and relatives return “Agnes family over her in church matters and in Cleanses tbe Nasal address BUSINESS, box 881 Bruns- law, Mrs. K. L. Colley, of Portland. Mrs. Fields tells it In In her remi- ticulars. in their affliotions and especially hei, himself to her turn, be lends many religious plans, Passages, Allays Paiii wick, Me. The man; friends of Mrs. Dolley will who was his watchful companion, and niscent sketoh of tie authoress in FTANTED. such, ror instance, as the building of some great and Inflammation, hear that improv- for whose welfare we cherish a deep in- the Atlantic ns folliwa: pleased.to shejis slowly new churches in Berlin at an expense Protects WATCHES ON INSTALLMENTS and would commend them thirty oonoeved on Heals and interest, we ‘Agnes of Sorrmto’ wav watches Forty words Inserted under this heed ing. of about $0,000,000. As a and an Agra- the Membrane from I will sell you Waltham and Elgin onn one and ail for consolation to our Fath- Tory the One evenng, as I was entering week fer M oents. cash in advance. rela- has spot. lower than any installment dealer on earth, and Miss Nellie Plummer is visiting er has that He rian and a btmetalist Mlrbach gone a beautful Cold. Re-tores the in Hearen who promised the old gateway, I saw girl make toe terms to suit you if you are honest and tives at Casoc. will not have Bis ehlldren with his own into the political camp opposed oranges. Senses of Taste and Monm sorrowing sitting In its sbadiw selling square. MoKENNEY the Jeweler, buy, bouse suitable for two A number are suffering from tbe without a oomforter. to the Chancellor, who refuses to encourage She was my Ague. Walking through Smell. Gives Relief—n .y iiran inept Square. WANTED—Tosmall families; price not to exceed he _]an.8qtf Resolved, That these resolutions demands for a Gov- the somber | once one and «Dd some clothes |n|e|a|t| 1” enjoyable occasion, bis governor'* measure fir pantry giri Chancellor’s shoes, tha t her husband could at Riverton warmest praises for the hostess. versed In educational matters, having back for him. 10-1 WANTED—Attwo table girls park cafe. no middle but bring to D. B. Tbe raiu of Sunday caused the of the adopt ooniwo, boldly ignored Americans preferred. Apply heavy served as supervisor of the school ■ciOR tohooper W)lr roads to be almost Colder her in every matter of state 0ALE—-Coasting fizzle SMITH, Mgr. impassable. prejudices PRINTING a Uaint, Slow ready for sea. Price. *260 _9-1 to town of Soarboio two years. weather will be appreciated bring policy. cash. 70 ft. long. 20 ft, wide, 1H. hold and competent second girl. Must bnoh good sleighing. DEERING CENTRE. In a way, the present Empress is better is 68 tons. For fufl borttoulart address, WANTED—Ahave good refeiences. 191 Fine 9-1 « Wednesday evening ocoura the “Harfle an occasional SCHOONER LIZZIE WILLI AMS, street. is from calculated to gain point with P s Kepue- Times Soshul” in Academy Hall. Pro Mrs. S. S. Lowe recovering a|y bunkport, Ms, e-1 the present Emperor than a woman of the to the to oeeds will be devoted to Aoaderay uses. her severe soald about her arm, face and TTf ANTED—Woman to go country or I? OR tanks; ail the Empress Frederick’s the Empress Augus- SALE—Cisterns, ftiiU drum;, Yr do general house Work. Address II. Next Monday the spring term of chest. a 10 buckets; 10.16, 20 be. She is and kjdd; 8, barrels, B. this office. 2S-tf Sohool under the emoient ta’s nature would strong Work erf dll Bind made to High opens, on DO IT gal.; molasses kegs, Work is rapidly the new as did WE luanagoment^of Mr. Whitman, of South progressing sensible, she never gashes the old Otder. KA WSONTLOMBARD 6 CO., Coolers, Central aod 9 Central Portland. feftS-4 Paris, a graduate of Hebron Aoademy Bradstreet Honse on avenue, Emperor’s wife, and she has no sympathy No. street, MISCELLANEOUS. and Colby University. The prospects it will probahly lie oompleted by the with anybody who doubts that Germany’s is for a term. As ere very flattering larger first of the honor, the power, and the glory of all TlH E words or less inserted under this at April Forty tbe assistant has not been appointed Nor is she Head far one week fer 25 eta. iu advance. Mrs. Dr. Cbas. Perkins we are latter day civilization. strong F, Junking* uo pleased Geo. UIJIB unvo uu uniuu vou minded and stiff necked, as is the Empress tosee out again after a brief illness. TATEW SEORE—Clothing out to measure er NORTH BERWICK. Frederick. She would ; not be openly mas- Miss Danetta Lowe is necessarily de- REAL ESTATE BULLETIN- In readymade, a'so watches and Jewelry. We have and her husband in the thu[rston North Berwick, Feb. 11. terful degrade On credit, $1.00 per week. Dyeing, cleaning tamed at nome during ner rootner b ill- at snort notioe. BOSTON SUP- a number of octogenarians, and' nation’s eyes, after her mother-in-law’s ex- and repairing quite mo LET—Over twenty pleasant, desirable. PLY CO.. 410 Congress street, opposite Chest- one or more in the nineties, most of ness. for several of her own. But A ample, empires well located rents, prices from *10 to *26 nut. H-1 some are but _ whom are aotive, and Mrs. G. G. Lane is gradually improv- backbone and and a I per month, if In want of a good rent call and she has prejudice |p|r|i|n|t infirm. see us. or see complete list in our offleo window. UR0PEAN TRAVEL—A Wellesley graduate slightly ing, and will soon regain her usual healthy woman’s will, all of which combined U' The brief season of sledding thus far GEO. F. JUNKINS, under (778. Hotel. Ij who has traveled abroad is organizing a to her mark on the has been somewhat broken by the late health. help her put imperial Monument Square.10-1 private party for the summer of ’97. Number when the choice of officials limited. Address Box Woodfords. but teams are still at work oouvey- Miss Josie Perkins is assisting in the policy, notably 100, thaw, mo LET-The first class, pleasantly located, feblo-4 timber to the mill. in the immediate vicinity of the throne is ing care of Mrs. A. Houston, who has been a house 467 Cumberland street, 12 rooms Parties have been arraigned and bound concerned.—New York Sun. set bowls, and combination seriously ill, but is now tetter. and bath, laundry, TO LOAN—On 1st and 2d mort- fiver for at court on charge The modern music box. convenient, and in appearance beater, very sumiy, thorough MONEY of real estate, notes discounted on cars at Mrs. Bennett, who dislocated her about Interchangeable time sheets* Under 1J. B. gages of larceny from freight North | Something Drinking. repair. GEO. F. JUNKINS, term*. N. S. Room 10-1 favorable GARDINER, a O^LXiXj Hotel, Monument Square. Berwick station. knee by fall on the iee near Dr. (Medio; 1 Times.) 4. Oxford Building, 186 Middle street. 10-1 AND SEE HARRISON. Goodhue's house, is improviug very fast, ■mTm’Tfir_T 11ova a nloa IaI of ruoa whifth T According to Prof. Allen, we should AND HEATt TO LOAN-On first class real estate and will soon be out. MONEY at from 6 to 6 per cent. I'M will exchange for cast off clothing, be- Bolster’s Mill, Feb. 10. The officers drink from one-third to two-flfths as mortgages Apply them. to GEO. E. JUNKINS. Real Estate and IiTsur- ladies’ dresses, gentlemen’s clothing and of Crooked Kiver Lodge F. and A. M. NORTH DEERING, ing Stock uuuci I for them If many ounces as we weigh in pounds. Send us your order (or time sheets. aiivo xxguuv, cnlldren’s clothing. pay cash at this were installed on or the place Tuesday, But somehow other Alphonse got constantly on hand. Send for catalogues. It is preferred. Send letters or postals to Geo. W. F. H. Knight has returned to Orono for a man weighing 168 Square.__10-1 the 9th, by District Deputy Therefore, chest and takltff measures mixed.—Truth. MR. or MRS. D’, 78 Middle street. as follows: 68 9-1 Holmes, of Norway, to resume his studies at the State Col- pounds, there would be required to 64 SALE—Bear building lot on Cumber- & ALLEN'S FOR street fine and Master—Geo. A. Haskell. ounces or from one and one-half CRESSEY, JONES land (near Mellen) view, lege. daily, about 6000 feet. GEO. F. Senior Warden—Edward A. PIANO AND MUSIC BOUSE, very desirable, E. B. REED, scientific, botanic and Wight. Maple Lodge held a very interesting to four This the “Journal of JUNK INS. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, rmoved Junior Warden—J. B. Soribner. pints. 566 CONGRESS ST., BAXTER BL’K. DR.magnetic healer, from 113 Free Four new a definite an- under XJ. S. Hotel, Monument Square. lO-l to 42 Brown street, Me. Treasurer—G. W. Bicknell. meeting Wednesday evening. Hygiene” regards as very Saturday Evenings. Street Portland, Open Treats all diseases that flesh Is heir to. Dorman. mem hers were initiated. The amount of water de- era* we her Castoria. Secretary—L. wer. required When Baby sick, gave __febBeodlw SALE—A nice building lot In western Office hours from 9 a/m., to 12 m. ; 1 to 9 p. Senior Deacon—A. D. Pike. the FOR of the city, and 26 cents mu' foot, 9-1 The “Busy Bees” met with Mrs. E. pends on the season ot year, the When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. part only m. Junior Deacon—W. B. Mills. and only *400 required down, about 3600 feet. L. Cobb done and the kind o French snd German Lessons. Senior Steward—O. B. Lamb. Thursday. amount of work When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. GKO. F. JtJNKINB. Real Estate and Insur- TOILOAN—On 1st and 2d mortgages, The Columbian Circle met with Mrs. food In hot weather we ance Agent, under U. S. Hotel, Monument MONEYreal estate, old line life insurance com- Junior Steward—Leon Wardwell. eaten. require When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. CUARENCE HACK GIFFORD Square. 10-1 panies and good collateral security. Notes dis- Chaplain—J. L. Greene. M. L. Goodridge Wednesday. more than in because of the cold, greater 1*111 continue his evening instructions in counted, favorable terms, w. P. CASH, Room Marshall—A. M, Hancock. loss the skin, though this in and German,ana lie also nns some nours 6, Oxford Bldg. 185 Middle St. tebS-4 Turner. OF through French Tyler—Elisha .•TATETOPICS INTEREST, for day pupils. part is made up by the lesser amount left At the close of the installation ser- The New Kosenthal Meistersohatt System, 4. /TORE-The of coke will be advanced through the kidneys. If a be learn NOTICE TO VOTERS OF WARD price of South passed away which for all practical purposes may v a vices Mr, A. E. Morse, Paris, hard he from this date, one cent bushel, maktyg The farmers of Smyrna, Oakfield, Dyer man labors very requires more ThA fit/tna an/4 »V. fat ten Is recommended elocutionist, entertained the audience for ed in weeks, especially This Is to notify the voters of Word it eight cents at the works, and ten cent* deliv- Brook, Horsey, Moro and Merrill Plan- if his labor is A man work- to those going abroad. Apply at 42 Fine St., drea. this advance is to ettack the nn hour with some very fine selections than light. 5 0 of location of ward necessary in Aroostook oounty, have long the “De gtone what does de roamln,” said between I and 2 or and p. m. febaeodlm 4 of the change which exoeeds the handsomely rendered. Then followed tation, ing in a foundry, where temperature to consumption praduetlpo- the need of a starch in their not room from 288 Federal street GAS LIGHT COMPANV, beans, brown bread felt factory is and the not Uncle Bben, “may gadder any moss, PORTLAND the supper of baked high perspiration profuse, Bondholders May Compromise. near the corner of Feb, 6-1 vicinity and they have decided to ereot drinks three or four but de cat what agitates de neighborhood SOUTH street, 6,1897, etc., which was both good and bounti- infrequently gallons Per one themselves. They have obtained the If the food is and miles aroun has de of 11.—At a meet- Spring street. Order, ful, and of which about one hundred dally. stimulating fap opportunity pick- Farmington, February SUSIE C. HUGHES of South Portland, assistance of M. A. Maloney who will a COMMITTEE OS PUBLIC BUILDINGS The was enjoyed by salty, more water is required than if it in up quite little in de way of dona- Farmington village coipora- MRS.teacher of Vocal music. Post Office ad- partook. evening begin at onoe So sell shares for the enter- and ing of the feblldtd the danoers. Music was furnished by is bland. Vegetarians those who shuns. "—Adams Freeman. dress Cash’s Corner. South -J’K' The is that the tlon Wednesday evening It vras voted to Po'flS5‘f-Ml'- w. m. Boblnson’s orchestra, of Harrison, and prise. supposition use much fruit require less water than Hughes refers by permission to will be located on Robert Ander- fish the famous bond Issue of Iff an order of 15 dances gave enjoyment plant those who eat salt and*pork,and often compromise Stock bridge.___ son's land in Merrill Plantation. What it of so ooncen- until the small hours. A get along on none except lb their Chess Player Stelultz 111. 1870 that has besn the source much Harp. The sublime thoroughly Appollo KMslbib- and success and food. In most cases our instincts tell eg tration of musical effect, with good time, may prosper- 11.—A from trouble, ostention and litigation. Un THE attend Crooked Biver in how mu oh water to drink fftr better than Berlin, February despatch REMOVAL. tlC8 unsurpassed by any atrin‘ ity Lodge. Word was received Ellsworth Wed- state* that the well proposed the bond- the old Doxol- or fixed rule. For Moscow Steinist, der the compromise to render music from grand nesday that the sobooner Helen G. Motley any hard ages (bey Don t You Cry for NEWFIELD. » of known odoss player was taken suddenly be offered 50 per oent of the oev” to Oh Susanna, had oeen run into and so that have been acquiring knowledge hbw holders will For injured ill with uervtfas disease ana removed to Offices of the Me,” easily played by any person. a much to and transroittffikg that their bonds. Intimations The Real Estate street. 23-4 February 10.—Died at her the filled with water, but having cargo drink, s face value of sale HAWES, 414 Congress Nowfleld, and it we Dr. Morcsoff institute. by on of barrels she did not sink. She knowledge to descendants, fol- received that the have been home In NewfleW February 3, Mrs. empty are said to have been undersigned rtsinoved low them we shall not go far oat of wife of James bad heeu towed by the steamer that run the Hard on the Men. HELP. Fanuie (Ohallls) Smith, to us to natlier Married may be now willing to ac- to 48 St. BENJAMIN WANTED—MALE aged 63 This into her to where she will way. It is of more use know bondholders Exchange Hervoy Smith, years. Cadiz, Spain, 11.—A of a G. that pure water is essential, and that Vienna, February story the compromise. The plan estimable woman, although iu her be repaired. The Helen Mosley left murrtsr from cept proposed F. HARRIS. Inserted wider this bead water is one of the most wholesale rezohes h«re a that the daw* Forty words and the earlier years of her Philadelphia In December with Captain impure danger- of contemplates leblO for 2» cents. eash In advance, girlhood than to know how village in Hungary. There were a large compromise one week married life interested in the passing Arthur Holt, son of Alien C. Holt of ous of drinks, much their bonds with If one lives number of unfaithful wives in the village bondholders deposit Larornne as oaptain with oil for of it is requited daily. in a Cutter; also an Lisbon, water is it who were desirous of ridding themselves Trust Company of Farm- ANTED—rfid experienced and there she chartered for a region where the Had, should the People’s Cutter. 8HAW-G0DING Portugal, in husband*, in order that they and Trimming to with be boiled and put away bottles well of their the first day of June next, CO,, 100 Middle Sheet, 12-1 trip Valencis, Spain, "empty in more carry on thslr llaslons ington by SHOE wm corked in an ice chest, and, might easily the barrels and from there she to take Addition the bonds deposited corpora- Iasters on ladies’ kid all the fruit one with their lovers. Uighteen administered that for vC. fc, *n fl/ANTilD—several one eat C. A. of to Rio Janerio. should if for a ORrgo wine This oan, their re- tion issue 50 note*. TT shoes to pull over hand method ma- Fruits contain not poison to husbands with fatal il«B8ter will prolong her trip and neces- fruit agrees. only chine. Good Jobs for experienced hands. CASTORIA salts which are The murders have caused the sarily be an one for her pure wfltw, but needed mits. SHAW, GODING SHOE CO., 160 Middle unprofitable tbe excitement among the peasants, ewners who are Boston and Ellsworth zo carry on healthfully functions of greatest SOUTH PORTLAND. street.10-1 For Infants and Children. to which olass the women aud their vio- MISS A. L. SAWYER’S parties, life. WANTED AT ONCE— As fore- 6 ims belonged. a moot- _ will hold SCHOOL Of SHORTHAHO AND TYPEWRITING man newspaper and lob office. Must be a of Life’* Universalist society PRINTER When You’re "A-Weary Also. Be ad quarters for Shorthand Work printer and competent to manage blood and a good ere an Friday evening at first-class The Central Congregational churob and Pure digestion ing at Union Big inducement to right party willing to it’s liver’s fault. against disease and the help. parish of Banger have adopted refill, your Anbeuser-Bnsoh’s insurance suffering. 7.30 in the circle rooms to incoporate SentJS^n^ll^Look. ©a exchange rr an interact. Send references, t. Y- trine will enlighten your Blood Bitters the blood 8-1 tions favoring the ratification of the Malt-Nau speed. Burdock keeps llXtMdf PurchaseL, caw Press, arbitration treaty. At all druggists, s pmw, **• Indigestion perfeot. parish. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. STEAME.R& Leather Nutmegs.65®?® Lambs, 7®S. MJ MARINE SEWS _ i New York— | Pepper.ffStlG Hoes, cltydresscd, evic^ibicountry^hif^YaC. COMMERCIAL Light.23®241 Clowes.. Turkejs.Northern, young, @c. Boston Maine R. R. MAINE CENTRAL ft. R. POET OF & Mlu weight.... S3®24| Ginger.X7SJ81 Turkeys, Western, 13&15C. PORTLAND. Cbiokens, North, fresh. In 1896. Heawy.23»2* ; Starch, lSgiec. Effect October 4, In Effect Oct, 4th. 1898. Good Chickens. Western,9*i0c. THURSDAY, Feb H- ALLAN LINE d’mg.21§231 Laundry.4%Sg Fowls. Trains leave Portland, Uu'or. station, Hallway oacks.. .3l«34lGloss.e%@7% Northern,11*130. W ESTER. jTl>I . Union Fowls, Arrived. Square, for stations named below and inter- ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Am. calf.... BOgl.OOl Tohaeeo. Western. s®Be. Trains leave Union Station, for Sell C'bas P Nottman, Jewett, Norfolk—coal to Portland, mediate points as follows; Lead. I Best brands-6(%60 FHOD0CK. Scarboro lO.OOa. m., 5.15, 6.20 p. Halifax ami Portland. Call- of Products in the Randall * McAllister. Crossing. 7.00 a. m. For Brunswick, Bach. Liverpool, (juetatMS SUofe Sheet.6%@7 I Medium.30*40 m.; Scarboro Pine Point, 7.00, 10.00 Rockland, Butter. Northern cre&iu.cholce, 22g|23e, Sell Glenullen, Boston—cement to Beach, Augusta, Waterviile Skowbegan, Lisbon ing at Pine.6%i0S (Common.26*80 Mitchell, a. ID., 3.30, 5.16 6.20 p. m,; Old Orchard, Londonderry.___ ...601370 Butter, crm. Western Choice 00*21. Lord Bros. Falls, Lewiston via Brunswick, Bangor, Bucks- Markets. Zinc. 7% ®8Natur«ial Butter. tor Saoo, Biddeford, 7.C0, 8.40. 10.00 a. m., 3 2.45 From From From leading Dairy.North,best, 17 cl8e, Sell Flheman, Knowiton, Greens Landing port, Vanceboro, St. Stephen, Houltou, Wood- Butter, do good. I5®l6c. 3.30. 5.15, 6.20 p. m. ; Kennebunk, 7.00, 8,40 Liverpool Steamship Portland Halifax New York. a. in., 6.20 Wells stock and St. John. Gram Quotation*. Butter, do common. 12.45, 3.30, 6.15, p. m.; Jo. (Poland Kumldian 28 Jan. 30 Jan. Iigl3. Cleared. 6.15 8.80 a. 1U. For Danvillo Springs) 7 Jan. Butter, unit, crm 1 4ffli B. Beach, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 3.30, p. m.; Fails. Lev/, of Nebraska 11 Feb. 13 Feb. CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE North 8.40 Mechanic Falls, Eumford 21 Jan State Ladle packed 11® 12. Steamship State of Nebraska, (Br) Brown, Berwick, +4.06, 7.00, a.m., 12.45, iston, Winthron. Watervllle. Livermorj Falls, 4 Fob. 26 Feb. 27 Tnursdav’s 3.30. 6.15 Kennebunkport, Somers- Mongolian SevTorb Stocband Money Markst quotations. Cheese. Northorn choice at 12c; West choico Liverpool—H * A Allan. p. m.; Phillips and Kangaley. 38 Feb. Numuiian 11 Meb. 13 Meh. York— worth, 8.40 a, m., 12.45. 3.30, Farmington, WHEAT. luVa®llJ/BC. Steamship John Eoglis, Bragg. New Dover, 7.00, 10.80 in. For Brunswick, Bath. Lisbon 4 Meh. Laurentian 25 Meh. 27 Meh. 5. 15 p. Rochester, Farmington, Alton a. (By Teleerapn.1 Feb. May. Eggs, ueunery choice. 20: East 16®17o. J B Coyle. m,; F’alls, Lewiston. Augusta and Waterviile. 76 V. Bay, 8. 40 a. m., 12.45, 3.30 p. m., Lakeport, are In the cen- NEW YC'RK, Feb. 11. Opening. Eggs. Mich, choice,16 c. 13.50 p. ai. Express for Brunswick. Lisbon The Saloons and Staterooms 76/4 Laconia, Plymouth, 8.40 a. m. 12.46 p. m.; Watervllle. Mooseheiui luike tral where least motion Is felt. Elec- last loan 0 losing. Western, good 18c.; Sell Paul of 225 tons, built Wolf Falls. Augusta, part, easy iy>«2 percent: iy» Seavey, Bangor, boro, 3.30 p. m.; AVorcester, (via Som- Bar Uarbo is used for the Money TORN Jobs, t^ijaic higher. tills via. oldtown, Bangor. Bucksport. tricity lighting ships through- Prime mercantile in 186(1, now at port, bus been purchased ersworth and Rochester), 7.00 a. m.; Man- of the per 1% percent. Beans. North, small oea.l 207*1 25. and Oldtown, Bangor Sc Aroostook to Houlton. out;. the lights being at the command cent,dosing Feb. May. by Capt Pattershall of Belfast. chester, 7.00 a. m., 3.30 m.; Fea, 00. Concord, p. 1.15 m.. For Danville J«„ Poland at any hour of the night. Music 8 per cent. Sterling Exchange strong, 24 marrow, 96c@i Law- p. Springs passengers paper Med. New and Vt 00. Rockingham Junction, Haverhill, Mechanics Falls, Kumford Falls, Bemis Booms and Smoking Rooms on the promenade bangers hills 4 Opening.. York 95c®l which station, actual business in 84% 23% 46. Ship Paramita. of Portland. Cant Soule, rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.45, 3.30 deck, l'he Saloons and staterooms are heated with Closing.. Beans, yei. evos, 1 15g;i 25:red kid.l 30&1 the Lewiston. Farmington, Kingfleld, Carrabasset, ana arrived at New York llth. made p. m.; Fveter, Boston, $4.05. $7.00, $8.40 n. or 60-day bills 4 8G%@4 86% OATS. Hay—Fancy, *10 00**16 50. Thursday, Fnillips and Haugeley, Wtuthrop, Oakland. bv steam. S4I8B in 98 from m., 3.30 m. Arrive in Boston, re- 4 Feb May. Good 60. passage days Hong Kong. §12.45, p. $7.26, Bingham, Watervllle, Skowhegan and Matta- Bates of passage $62.00 and $60.00' A lor demand; posted rates SCVi®4 87ya, S14;50®*15 10.16 7.20 Leave Bos- 77’/4 Lower a am., 12.30, 4.22, p. m, warakeag. duction is made on Bound Trip Tickets. at 4 Govern- Opening. grades *11 ?14. ton for 8.30 a. 4.15 Cominer.ial bills 83y>£i,4 84ys. 4' build- Portland, 7,30, 111., 1.00, p, m. For Freeport, Brunswlok, Au- Second Cabin—To Liverpool, London and Closing.. ... Rye straw—$18 00*19 00. Bath, Feb 11—Tbe big four-masted sebr 1.30 Railroads easier. p. m. gusta, Bath. Kocklaud and all stations on return, $66.76 ment Bonds firm. TORS. Oat straw ing by N T Palmer, is approaching completou Londonderry. $34; fCHgSO 00. SUNDAY TRAINS. Knox dt Lincoln division. Watervillo, Skow- Liverpool, London. Glasgow, Bar sliver 64%. May. Potatoes—Ar Co Hebrons. choice, bush 4S£45. and will be afloat earlv in the eoraiug spring. Steerage—To 14 Palmer For Boston, 4 05, a. m. Boston hegan, Belfast. Dover and Foxcroft Green- Belfast or Londonderry, including every re- choice rose Sue is 10 feet longer than tile Wm express, Mexican dollars 60%S51%. 01 entng. Potatoes, 40i*4oo. of and 4.30 m. Arrive iu ville, Bangor, Oldtown and iUatUwamkeag. lor he voyage $24.60. bbl 00. and will exceed 1900 tons. Capt Gardiner, way stations, 12.55, p. quisite to oar silver was Closing.... Sweets,Norfolk %) OOcSO is to Boston 7.25 a. 8.45 m. Boston for 6.05 p. no. For Brunswick. Batn, LISDon For tickets or further information At (London day quoted 1 Portland, formerly of sclir Luis G Rahel, m., 6.25, p. Thursday’s Jersey. 60, 3.45 a. m. Falls. Augusta and Watervllle. to T. P. McUOWAN. 418 Congress St. 29 ll-16d oz. quotations, command her. As soon as the ways are cleared, Portland, apply at IF quiet. L bl 6.10 For New Gloucester, Danville J.B. KEATING, 61V, Exchange St WHEAT. Apples. Baldwins 75cS$l. Mr Palmer will commence oil a live masted sclir p. m.. Tolman sweets 1 76. EASTERN DIVISION. Junction, Folaiid station, Aleshaulo H. & A. 1 Montreal May 26(gl of 2,000 tons, the keel of which will be 271 feet Springs ALLAN, Exports. Feb. From Union for Junc- Falla Auburn and Lewiston. and 92 State 76% Kings *1 o ai 75. The frame is now being cut. Station Saco, Conway [ St., Ne- long. Wolf 9.00 11.00 p. m. Night Express, for Bath nov4dtf1 Boston. LIVERPOOL,ENG. Steamship State of Opening.74 75% tion, boro, a. m.; Biddeford, bush Closing. 74 Sa- LewistoD, Watervillo, Bangor, Bar braska— 28,983 wheat 8666 do peas 9785 FROM OCR CORRESPONDENTS. Portsmouth, Amesbury, Newburyport, Augusta, do oats 6666 bbls apples 1368 pkgs meats 1832 CORK Chicago Live Stook Market. lem, Lvnn, Boston, $2.00, $9.00, a. ni., §1.00, Harbor. Bucksport. Vanceboro, St. Stephens, Feb 10—Ar, schsEdw E Briery, St John and all HaPtax sacks oil cake 26o boxes cheese 1120 cs splints Feb. May. ROCKPORT. $6.00 p. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.58 a. m., 12-51, Aroostook County. (By Teiagrapni Messer, Studley, do: Mat- *111 /) tha Pvmrlnnnn Tlio kin bno/l u V llifrilt train 110 log4 7246 maple blocks 920 pcs lumber4Sl 123% Ross. Boston; Iiarry 4.16, 9.20 p. m. Leave Boston, for Portland, CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO.' Opening.2‘% 1897.—Cattle — receipts Annie E Kranz, does not run and Fox- butter 6 do J chst 23% Chicago, Feh, 11, tie A Franklin, McDonald, do; 7.30. 9.00 a. m.. 12.30, 7.00, 7.45 p. m. toBoifast, Darter, Dover pkgs implements clothing Closing.21*,s to extra steers at 3 60® 50 10.000: firm: common Brown, do. croft oi beyond Bangor. clothing 109 sacks flour cattle. cows SUNDAY TRAINS. OATS. 6 40; stookers and feeders at 2 80g4 26; BOOTHBAY HARBOR, Feb 11—In port, sells White Mountain Division, and bulls 1 80®8 90; calves 3 00@6 26 .Texans R For Biddeford, Partsmontli, Newbury- IN EFFECT Nov. 29, 1896. Feb. May. Fortune. Chase. Boston, to load ice; Edwin 8.45 a. aa. For Railroad rteaoipc. 2 Salem, Boston, 2.00 a. m., 1.00 Bridgton, Fabyaus, Burling 10(6,4 30. Hunt. Crowell, and Lizzie Babcock. Higbee. for port, Lynn, For Forest City Peaks’ Island at PORTLAND. Feb. 11. Opening. 6c lower: heavy m. Arrive in Boston, 5.68 a. m., 4.15 p. m. ton, Lancaster, 8i. Jolmsburv, Sherbrooke, Landing-, Closing. Hogs—receipts 37,060; easy. Washington ; Myra W Spear. HineiUey. for and 5.45, 6.40, 8.00. A. M., 2.15, 6.10 JP. M. & lots at 3 47Vs : com- £.eave Boston for Portland, *9.00 a. m., 7.00 Montreal, Chicago, St. l'aul MinneaDolu Recelnte Maine Central H. R.—For Port- packing shipping 26@3 New York. and For Ponce’s Long Island, Tre- by POKE- choice assort- m. all colnta west. Landing, mon to choioe mixed 3 30*3 69: At ffaccetts Cove, sells Monhegan. Murphy. p. fptlimi’ Landing.Peaks Island.Little and end 226 merchandise; for may. 3.30 p. m For Sebago Lake, Coldish. Bridg- cars miscellaneous ed at 3 3 65; pigs at 3 30 iur $Does not run Mondays. 45*3 56; light 35®3 lor Baltimore: Agnes Ai Aianson, rsaouni, North Conway, and Bart ett, Great Diamond Islands, 8,00, A. SI,. 4.15 cars. Opening....‘ Tuounecis wirn rtau roues iui non mris., ton, Fryeburg, connecting roads 168 @3 55. M. ... Norfolk. Faoyane, Lancaster, Lime 8t. Johus- P. Closing. Sheep—receipts 12.000: steady; inferior to South and West. liiilge, 00. SConaects with Sound Lines tor New York. bury, Montreal, Quebec and Torouto. C. W. T. GODING, General Manager. Retail Grocer* siis«r Rate*. choice 2 50®4 10; lambs 3 60*6 EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. Portland Daily Press Stock Quotations ‘Western Division from No. Berwick Sundays SUiNiUS’ TiUiXS. xoriiHim niainei—uub iutw oj vwtunuuwuuii PR, Jan 8. barque Nellie M Corrected by Swan & Barrett, Brokers, 186 Arat Arroyo, only. '.so a. m., paper tram for Brunswick Au- 6 e: 7«; powered, 7c; granulated Portland. in the pulverised Middle street. IJOlKeBUt) 1UB1BDUB. Slade, Montgomery, Through tickets to all points Florida, gusta, Watsiville and Bangor. 6c corfee eruBlied 644c: yellow 444 c. steamer Etciia, lor j dXOCAF. Sld fm Bristol, E, lltb, South and West, for sale at Ticket Office, union 12.50 p. m. For Brunswick. Lisbon Falli, ■ Description. far Value. Bid. Asked By Telegraph.' Portland, Station. Lewiston, Bath, Augusta. Watery! He. Bangor. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO. 1897 Sld fm Fob 11, steamer Labrador, Lew- Portland Wholesale Market, ( anal National Bank..100 115 118 FEBRUAY 11. Liverpool D. J. FLANDKftS. G. P. & T. A.. Boston. 11.00 p. m.. Night Express to Bath, _ for Halifax and Portland. 1897. 95 NEW YCEK—The Flour market receipts iston, Bangor and points east with sleeping PORTLAND.Feb 11, Casoo National Bank.100 ;96 19- Ar prev to Feb 10, barque Jo Beginning October 5th. 1896. the steamer 40 33 36 15,715 packages; exports 768b bbls, and at.Montevideo cars for 8t. John. ,wnoiesaio prices o Cumberland National Bank.. Boston. MERRYCO S EAG will leave Portland Pier, The lalfowing ara to-day's 90 636 sacks; sales 9,800 packages; unchanged, Emery. Wooster, AKK1VALS IN PORTLAND. Chapman National Bank.100 196 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Portland, daily, Sunday excepted, aa follows: Previsions. Groceries; eta First National Bank.10* 9< >98 dull and weak. From Montreal ar.d Fabyaus, Bartlett ouotaiions—winter wheat low grades Memoranda For Long Is.. Chebeague, Uarpswell, Flour. Grain- Merchant*’ National Bank.. 76 110 112 jsiour; and 8.25 a m.; Lewiston and and Orr’s 2.00 m. at lair to at 3 60; Oakes and 8 men of Bridgton. Bailey’s Is., p. & Corn car 32 N ational Traders’ Bank.... 100 97 99 230*330; do tanoy S05g4 New York. Feb 11—Capt Mechanics Falls, 8.30 a. m.; WaterviHe, Superfine clear at 3 00 of Port- Warren‘Line Service. Return for Portland, leave Orr’s Island via. 60 do lots.. 33 100 do patents 4 76®6 00;: Minnesota the wrecked barque Payson Tucker, a. m. low grades.3 2503 bag 0 Portland National Bank....100 102 and Augusta,8.35 jSlcowhegan, Lewiston, all landings, 7.00 a.m. Arrive Portland, 9.30 Meal Dan lots.. 11* 116 ©400; do straight at 4 00*4 46: do patents arrived here to-day by steamer from Bar- find Kurina Wneat ben- 033 Portland Trust Co.100 land, 8. S. “CANADA,”(New) Kiugfield, Phillips, Farmington, Bemis, a. m. car lots 60 96 at(4 10®4 96: low extras 2 30®3 30; city mills badoes. ers ci ana st416@436 Oats, 2E@28 Paxtland Gas Company...,. lOu 9000 Tons, Is intended to sail from Boston a Kumlord Falls,12.30 p.m.;Mattawamkeag,Han- For Cliff island, Mondays. Wednesdays 100 extra at 4 cltv mills 6 0u« Feb 10—Sch Golden Rule, Means, fm m. mixed Patent hprnr Gate, bag lots 30032 Portland Railroad Company 116 120 00*6 00; patents Boston, for Oueenstown and and Rockland 12.25 p, and leave 2.00 p. m. at was towed in here to- follows Liverpool: Fridays, Portland, Wneat... 6 0036 16 Cotton seec. Water Co...100 1U2 104 6)26: rye mixtures 3 00®3 60; superfine Portland, with lumber, rom North Conway, 4.40; Skowhegon, PortSnd in Feb. 13th. at 6.30 a. m, ?:or ISAIAH DANIELS, Gen’t Manager. car 2 00*2 SO, fine at 1 80@2 86. Southern flour day full of water, having sprang aleak rough Saturday, 6.25 St, nJicb.str’gm lots.00 00®21 60 HON DS Saturday. March 20th, at 12 noon, Wa erytlle, Rockland, p. m. John, oc5t dtf 10 lets dull, common to fair extra at 3 80® seas off Boon Island, the leak was caused by Ashland and Moosehoad roller... 6 0006 baa 0000*23 00 steady; Saturday, April £4th, at 6 p. m. Bar Harboi, Caribou, Portland *s. 1897 „.160% >101 3 to choice do 3 761:4 00. Eye flour the of the deckloak, which started the clear do.. .4 86*4 90 Sacked Br’r City 60; good working This new twin screw steamer has magnificent ac- Lake viaB. & A.. Bangor.5.35 p. m.; Range lay, d Os. 1807...... 120 steady. and a ’-tLouis si’Ei car lot*. 12 00® IS uO Portlaii 122 quiet, steady 2 60*3 00, Cornmeal dull, waterways. The captain boy comprise commodations for cabin passengers (equal to the Farming'on, Rumford Fails, Lewiston, 6.45 Funding 102 104 were exhausted roller... 6 C0»6 10 bag lots.. »13©14 0<> Portland 4a. 1902—1912 ; Wheat—receipts 24,976 bush; exports 148,178 the crew, and they completely best New York liners) and is the largest and fastest m.; Chicago and Montreal and alt White MAINE STEAMSHIP €0. 1913, 017 2 Hed vessel was up, vessel from Boston. live dear 86@4 90 Middlings. .S14®16 00 Portland 4S. Funding.me busli,sales 64,000 busli;dull, weaker;No when the picked passenger sailing (No £.lountain points. 8.10 p. in.: Mattawamkeag. do..4 stock carried. R nv York Direct L.ue. wheal ots. 00 Bangor «e. 189*. R. R. aid.103 104 f o b 91V*e; No 1 Northern at 86Vic. Coin—re- Vineyard-Haven, Feb 10—Barge Brookside, Bar Harbor, Rockland, 1.40 a. in. ; daily ex- Vi nt’r Dag .S15@17 £55 and round 6 40 Bangor 6s. 1906. Water.115 117 136,626 bush: exports 166,738 busli; which was run into by sch Sagamore, has been Saloon uassengers upwards; pas- St, John. Vanocboro. Bar Har- ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT patents • 2552.5 ceipts and to location. press, Halifax, LON!! Bath 6s. 1898. R. S. aid.102 103 tales busli: fairlv active, firm; No 2 at over and left in tow of tug Car- sage #100 upwards, according ana a. Fish. Coffee. 98,000 patched to-day Second cabin (very .superior accommodations) bor, Watervllle Augusta, 3.50 m. daily 1897. MunloipaL.100 101 afloat. Oats— bunero for Portland. and Sea selling price) Rlo.roasted 16019 Rath 5s. 28V4®>2s!,/*c elev, 29V*@29»/sc round passage #76. Steel to the old except Monday. Delightful Invigorating Trip. (Buylng& Municipal.100 102 saved from the wrecked #40; age Cod—Largo Java&Mocha do2603O Bath 4%s, 1907. receipts 84,000 bush: exports 92,760 bush; The materials barque country #25.50. GEORGE F. EVANS. General Manager. The superb new Iron steamship John Bath 102 sales 46.000 No 2 at 21V4 c: Isaac Jackson were sold to-day for $600. etc., local or Shore .... 4 603500 Molasses. 4s, 1621, Refunding.loo bush; dull, easier; For passage, plans, apply to agts.. F. E. BOOTHBY. G. P. & X. A. Knglis and the fast steamship Cottage City c: Carrie Wiuslow, do.. 1 5002 76 Porto Rioo.27033 Belfast 6s. 1888.if. R. aid.102 103 do White at 23Vsc: No 2 Chicago 22V* No 3 Chatham. Feb 10—Barque JOHN FARLEY €OUAN. i. W. PETERS, SupL son. French, Pert Spain. Buleu d«.18 gl8Vk ,Hemlock.$1X012 Mexloa Central. 9 9 usy rejegrapn.i 1e21_ «f_ * @7 Clapboard*— Central. 89 89 PASCAGOULA—Ar 10th, sch Bertha Louise, Write for Catalogue if you cannot call. B'SM...... 1 Michigan FEBBUAY 1897. bran and Dyes. X.$32035 & St Louis. 19 19 11, -James, Kingston. Ja. ISpruce, Minn Cotton market mi Acid Oxalic_12014 78 73 NEW YORK—The to-day PHILADELPHIA—Old 10th. tug Wrestler, jClear.$28030 Minn* St Louis pf. sales 786 Acid tart.?8®S012d clear.$25027 easy, unchanged; bales; middling with barge for Portland; schs Maynard Simmer Missour Pacific. 21% 22 do 7 7-16c. for TRUNK Ammonia.i6*20{ No 1.$i6®20 uplands at 7 3-16c; gull Dobbin. Boston; Anhle F Con Ion. Sawyer, & SONS GRAND New Jersev Central.I 98Vs 83% Reman- M. STEINERT CO, ABBS*, Fine.$26050 NEW ORLEANS—The Coton market to-day Portsmouth; Harry B Bitter, Daliing, pat-6503 00 Ar llth. sch Prank T Stinson. Providenc. THK NEW AND PALATIAL STKAMJCKt Beeswax.870421X Northwestern.103% 194 CHARLESTON—The Cotton market to-day T. C. McCQULDRIC, Bleb powaers... 7®9 Clear cedar.2 60-02 76 Cld llth, schs Clias A Campbell, Robinson, On aad alter MONDAY.September 21th, 1898 KAY STATE AND PORTLAND, do 153% was steady iMiddling 6 11-16C. No 1.1 86®2 00 pfd.153 WmC Tanner, Providence. Manaeer. trams will r 1i as iouows. alternately leave Franklin Portland, Borax.9®lolx 93 Portsmouth; Wharf, New York Central. 93% SAVANNAH—The Gotten market to-day Cld sch John F Randall. Crocker, for at 7 In season .. N o l eeaar. .1 26®l 75 llth, every evening o'clock, arriving Brimstone. 2 ©2 V*! New York, Chicago&St Louis 11 11 6 11-16C. Wotlce. LEAVE. Cooblneai.*o®48 i Sprues.1 2S@1 60 was quiet; middling Portland. Messenger’s for connection? with earliest trains for nolnts Old Colony...178% 176% PERTH AMBOY—Ar 6th, sch Abigail Haynes a. 21 Laths.spoe. .1 80<»a 00 MOBILE—The Cotton market to-day was For Auburn aud Lewiston 7.05, 8.00 a. ra.; beyon Copperas.1V4® Ont & Western.... 14% 16 New York, (and slu 8th for Vineyard- Office of the Sheriff of Cumberland County, rickets for Providence. Lowell, Creamtartgr _..i6®29i Lime—Cement. quiet; middling 6 ll-16c I ! Segebath, l. 30. 4.00 aud <5.00 m. Through Pacific Map... 28 25 p. Woreamter, New York, etc. Ex LI me. 19 csk. 90® Cotton For Gorham and Berlin 8.00 a. m„ 1.30 and loewood_12®lb Puimaa Palace.>63% 195 MEMPHIS—The market to-day was 9tb, sch Waehusett, 4th. A. D., 1807.' Returning, leave India Wharf. Boston, 1221 Cement... ■ .126© ^SAN JfRANCIScO—Ar rn. Gumarabto...70® Heading.—. 34% 2p quiet; middlings 6 13-16c. 6,00 p. at 7 o’clock. 0761 Match**. Hogan. Seatle. APHIS Is to notice, that on the 4th day and 1.30 aud over' Evening Glycerine ,23 Rack Island...67% 67% F give For Island Pond 8.00 a. m.; B. 65 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 19tli, schs Mary a Warrant in J, COYLE, Manager. Aioesicane.16*261 Star,gross 76% 76 A of Feb. A. 1).. 1897, 6.00 p. m. oo St. Paul. New York for Eastport; James A Brown, J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. AgL. Camphor.44047 iDlrleo. ® European Markets. Pike. Insolvency was issued out of the Court of In- For Montreal and Chicago 8.00 a. m.; and do»fd. .132% 133 Thomaston for do; Richard Hill, and.) R Bod- Oct* 1. 1805. Mytrh....32®55: Forest City.60 solvency for said County of Cumberland, 6 00 m. St.Paul * Omaha. 47% 47% Rockland for New York. p. OPtpm.. b 2.60*3 601 Metals. (By Telegraph. well. against’tlie estate of For 6.00 p. ra. 129 schs Nellie F Hoboken ior Quebec do prfd.132 Feb. 11,1887.—Consols closed at Ar llth, Sawyer, of Portland, For Berlin 7.30 a. m. Mann...... 114 LONDON. GEORGE H. FOGG, Sundays only, I 8t Paul. Mlttn,|« 114 aud account. Portland. InSteeil for money 112Va 112s/»d Insolvent on ARRIVALS. lomne.4@$4 26 Polished copper. 23 Sugar eoaiEBoa.111% 11? Returned llth, barque Carrie Winslow. adjudged to bean Debtor, peti- MAINE COAST NAVIGATION CO LIVERPOOL,Feb. 11. 1897—Cotton market Jas A J R Bodweli, Rich- tion of said debtor, which petition Ipecac.17d«2 OOiBolie. i!16V4 Texas Pacific. 9% 9% Sailed, schs Brown, From Lewiston and Auburn 8.25, and 11.30 12 6Ys weak, American middling 3 27-32 ;sales 10,000 ard Hill, ami u. was hied on the 4!h day of Feb.. A. D.1897, Licorice, rt_16©2C|YM sbeatn- Unleu Pacific,new. 7% Lextugt- a. m.; and 6.40 p. m. .12 87 and export 000 bales. NC—Cld sch Robert A to date interest on claims is to be MOrphme... 1 7n*2 00lYM Bolts..... U. 8. Kxoress. 36 oaios, speculation WILMINGTON, 10th, which From Berlin and Gorham 8.25 and 11.30 a. 2® •• For t»a Harbor and Oil berAmotk 760.8 201 Bottoms.2 2 4 Waoash.... §.% Snow, Jacmel. computed. in. I), Boolbbay g% m, ; and 6.40 p. .... That of any debts to or by said Nor.Co4!iver2 60@276l Ingot.... 11@12 do prfd. 56% 16% the payment From Chicago and Montreal 11.oO a. nx.;anu Foreisrn Port*. Debtor, ami the transfer and delivery of any Wiscassett. American do $1©1 251 Tin— Western Cuisn.. 82% 82% 5 40 m. OCEAN STEAMER ara forbidden by law. p. Lemon.1 762 866lStraats.... ldysBlB1^ Rlcnmona & West Paint. MOVKMKM8. Jan Peterson. property bv him 11.30 n. in. Sid fm Hiogo 81, ship Eclipse, creditors of From Quebec 60i ao That a meeting of the said Olive.100©2 fingUsa... nrfd. FROM FOR San Francisco. runs to Montreal Co.. °0 to their debts and choose one or The 6.00 u. m. train through Feppt.80C®3 26 Char. L @5 Aurania.New Y ork. Liverpool... Feb 13 Ar at Manila Jan 2oth, Jeuma Hark- Debtor, prove Attached to this STEAMER SALACIA. 26 barque more of his estate, will be held at daily, Sundays 1,minded. 76®2 1. X.. ©7 ... New York. assignees Wlntorgreenl oolchar. »Hx-div Venezuela .New York.. Laguayra .. Feb 13 ness, Amesbnry. Saigon, to load for for Montreal. Potass 0008 60 _ a of to he holden at Probate tram is a Pullman Dr’inde. BOKnU'Terne.6 York. ... Court Insolvency Fgrnesia.New .Glasgow Feb 13 Sid fm Manila Feb 5, barque Edw May, John- until 12014 Stocks. Court in said Portland, in said. County of Pullman Palaoe Sleeping Cars on Night /COMMENCING MONDAY. Oct. 12th, Chlorate.24*281 Antimony... Mining Obdam.New York.. Rotterdam .Feb 13 son, United States. Room, 00 on the 15th day of trains and cars on day trains. V' further notice, will leave Franklin wharf, Iodide.2 88k-.4 7606 Feb. Normaudie... .New Y'ork. 13 Feb 9. John A Cumberland, Pebruary, parlor _ NJCP' YOKE. 11. 1897.—Tba fallowing .Havre.F'eb At Plymouth, E, ship Briggs, forenoon. MIDDLE and Satur- .. 4 60®4o6 A. D„ 1897. at 10 o'olocK in the T1CKKT OFFICE NO. 177 Portland, Tuesdays. Thursdays Quicksilver. .70gi30l8pelter.... 10 closing quotations ot miHimr siocks: Columbia.New York. .Genoa.Feb 13 Baich. for Baltimore. Quinine.. .24 12 era Jay’s hand the date first above AND DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA at 7.30 a. rh. Popham Beach 9.45 a. m. ®27 iteoldorVix^ ©14 Manitoba.New York..London.Feb 13 Cld at Savnnng-la-Mar Jan sell Golden Given under my STREET, days Neil*. Col. Coal...-. 29, Bath 11.If. a. m. Boothbay Harbor 1.30 p. m. Eheubarb, rt.76c®l 50 Coal. 3% Athos.New York.. Honduras ..F’eb 13 Sheaf. Chandler. Flushing. Wntt0U‘ 6XRKRT Cask.ct.basel 70S1 80 Ettcist C.L. BUCKNAM, CHAS. M. HAYS, Gen’l Mauiger. Arriving at Wiseasset about 3 p. m. Et snake.Bo®40 34 Yucatan.NewYork. Hav&Mex ..F’eb 13 Ar at Barbadoe Jan 20, brig Harry Smith, wire.-180a 1 90 Homestake, Portland. Sept. 7th. 189o. je22tf Returning, leave Wiseasset on Mondays, Saltpetre.8 ©12 10% Palatia.New Y'ork. .F’eb 16 Costa. Western Islands. Sheriff, as McssengeV of the Court of Navel Store:,. Ontario... Hamburg.. Deputy Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m. Booth- 8esaa.25®30 1 Havel.New York. .Bremen.Febl6 Sid Jan 21, sch Fred A Small, Thompson for for said County of Cumberland. Tar 4* bhi.. .2 75a3 00 Quicksilver. Insolvency bay Harbor 8.30 .in. Bath 10.30 a. m. Pep- Canary seed..4©6 do 11 Chaucer.NewYork. .Montevideo Feb 16 Pcnsficolft. fei)5&12 Cardamons 1 q0®2 25 Coal tar... .6 O0i«5 25 pfd. __ ham Beach 11.30 a. m. Arriving at Portland Gqrmame ... .New York. .Liverpool ...Feb 17 Ar at Cieufuegos 1st inst, sch R W Hopkins, Pitch.2 76*3 00 VTerican..... Notice. about 2 p. m. Soda. by-carb8% ©8% 1 .New York. .F'eb 17 Baltimore. Messenger’s m Wil. Pitcn. 3 75*3 00 Portland. Westeruiand .Antwerp.. Hlcbborn, O. C. OLIVER, President. Sal ..2l* Louis.New So’amoton ..Feb 17 at St sch Long- of Cumberland County, Rosin.3 00®400 St. Y'ork. Cld John, NB, 10th. Georgia, Office of the Sheriff SI. Stevens&Co. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Treasurer. octSdtf Bup’hur.27*@2V, 17 York. ss. Tupectme. gai.. 34*44 Boston Produce Market, Dalecarila_New York..PernambucoF’eb mire, New State of Maine. Cumberland February Y'ork..Demerara..F'eb IS A. D., 1897. wax *.50©65 Oakum.... 7 ©d B08T0N, Feb. 11, 1897.—The following are Tjomo.New 4th, Wjead.20®22 Scotsman.Portland ... Liverpool. ..Feb 18 Spoken. the 4th DEALERS IN Vitrol.blitb.... 0 ®8 Gil. is to give notice that on day quotations of Provisions, etc,: Chaucer.New York. .Montevideo F'eb 18 a to-day’s peb B, S5 miles ENE from No Point, ship St THISof February, A. D. 1897, Warrant in Portland and Steamboat Go K.Wilhelm II..New York. .Genoa .F’eb 20 ol the Com t of Insol- Boothbay v“mai«X- •13®18!b“::: ::: iliill FLOPS. Francis, lrom Buenos Ayres for New Y'ork. Insolvency was issued out 56®05 Hevelius.New Y'ork.. Itio Janeiro F’eb 20 of Cumberland, against and No 1 .,.S2|Pperm. 75. .Feb 20 vency for ’said County Stationery £ .‘1.28! Whale.4SW55 Spring patents.,4 60®4 8 olCalifornia..New York. .Glasgow... the estate of FURTHER NOTICE Spring, clear ana straight, 3 60@4 35. Etruria.New York. .Liverpool ...Feb 20 Oiiice Stit‘5»ties, UNTIL No 10::.20 Bank.30035 MICHAEL M. COOK, of Portland, Shore.25©3S Winter, clear and straight, 4 40®4 70. York. Havre;.F’eb 20 *8 or.13 Bourgogne.New on Engraving Winter 4 00. — -Flavre.Feb 20 an Insolvent Debtor petition 10 Porgie. patents. 88®5 Champagne New York. adjudged to he or.16 and .Feb of was Steamer Lara.. 46®«0 Seconds 00. Amsterdam ... NewYork. .Rotterdam. 20 DO VCD KM'S said debtor, which petition Litiiograplilng, Enterprise Gunpowder—Shot. .. A. Ine and —. York..Hamburg Feb 20 LAPSES filed on the ol February. p. 1897. B astinz ...» 6004 00 Castor. ....$- 10*4 20 fxtra Supers Patria ...New 4th day 25c .Rotterdam. .Feb 20 DEf. to on claims is to ue Printing, Will leave East Boothbay every Monday at S 4 50 Neatsfoot ... 46o®66 Jobbing price higher. Maasdam_New York. FELIX LE ERlffUS which date interest orhug. 60©6 London .—Feb 20 7.16 a, m. for Portland, touching at South 20 Flame...... (fll KEATS. York.. computed. ,. Binding. Drop shot.25 fits.. 1 Mississippi.New FEMALE to or said Bristol. Harbor. 1 Paint*. Y'ork.. Liverpool... Fee 20 REGULATORS That the of any debts by Boothbay Buck. B. BB. short 10 25. Servia.New payment Port- Pork, long and cut, s' barrel, .Bremen .... Feb 23 transfer and Tuesdays will leave Franklin Wbarf, 461 Lead- Spree .New York. is the FRENCH, Debtor. aiid the 151 A Ml/ DOOl/O of every description on 1 T.TT. P.1 Pork, and hVy Baok.3 *9 60®10 25, original and only 1dm are for- land, at 7 a. m. for Pemaquid, touching at Pure 60.&6 00 light .Portland .. .Liverpool .Feb26 the mar- delivery of anv by hand or made to order. Hay. 1 grouad.5 mess 11 50. Mongolian... safe and reliable core on property uLftrjft KUlmO South Bristol and East 76 Pork, prime York.. Cienfuegos.. Feb 26 mail. bidden Boothbay Harbor, 26®6 Niagara.New ket. Price. sea* by bylaw. ... I’ressea.$lugl7|Ued.•$ Pork, lean lends 12 00. .Feb 24 $1.00; the creditors of said Boo 1/bay. noose Hay 6lEneYenitea3 *5% Philadelphia ..New York, .l.aguayra. Genuine Bold by That a meeting of $i4®$5 Tongues pork $0 00: do beef $23 bbL Fhb 24 only their debts and Wednesdays will leave Pemaquid at * a. as. Straw, car lots Am Zinc-0 OOfe-7 00 Adriatic..New York. Liverpool,.. debtor, to prove $10*12 Peei. trickled, $9 O0&1O 00. Cor. atree. of his estate, will A specialty. for Portland ana above landings. Iron. ■ 21,* Southwark.New York. .Antwerp....Feb24 J. H. Hammond. Free and Centre choose one or more assignees {Rochelle.. 811011 laerscorned and fresh 6%o. he to be hoiaen at CHECK BOOKS Thursdays will leave Portland at 7 a. ». IpT Common_1%©2 ! Bioe StPmu.New York. .So ampton .Feb-4 held at a Court of Insolvency shoulders, smoked. 7. ..Feb 27 1 ortlanti, in said East Boothbay, touching at Boothbay Har- Eeiinea -1I/*®2V11 Domestic .... * ®7 Andes .New York..Honduras Probate Court room in said Ribs, fresh, 7c. ..Feb the loth day of bor. South Bristol. Norway.8tA&4 I Salt. Curacoa...... New York- .Maracaibo 2; County of Cumberland on flams, large and small, 9%®10%e. 10 o’clock in the Fridays will leave East Boothbay at 7.15 Cast steel. ... f>*loiTks Is.lb hd! 00 York. .Louuon.Feb27 February, A. 1897, at 60^(2 Mohawk.New D., a. m. for Portland, touching at South Bristol, German I ..l 60® 1 80 Bacon.8%@10c. .... HERBERT A. MERRILL, forenoon. _ steel.©8Vs Liverpool hrst above Harbor. bbl 2 26 Pork.‘salt 6%c.< Given under hand the Boothbay Shoestcel.@2ViiDia’md Cry*, my Jj^to will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for sner* iron— galcratut. salt 6. written. C. L. BUCKNAM. Saturdays BrlskeSs, ALMANAC.FEB 12. East at Boothbay H.C.4% *6 Saieratus-500% 7%c. MINIATURE Doctor of Dental Surgery, the Court of Boothbay. touching Harbor, | Sausages, (-6 45 as Meesenger of and South Bristol. Geu. Rursial 3 Vex 14 Spice*. Sausage meat. 6Vi®7c. Sun rises. 6 watcr Deputy Sheriff, 44|Hlgh 16 Monument Portland, Me- Insolvency for said County of dec8oodtt ALFRED AACE, Manager, Aniei1'culiua»tal 1®12 {Cassia, pure.... 18,819 Lard, tcs, 4%c:pnjls, 7% *7%. Square, TELEPHONE 536-2- 6%®«’!4c; If, 3 30IHeight.. 00- 0 0 jau7 j Galy. .. .r..6»Aa7 I Mace. 100 Beef steers, 5%®8. Moonlets

/ new advertisements. mev advertisements. WBW AJPVMtTMannawm PERSONAL ^ THE PBESS. | p. E. Hines bus been promoted to head NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TODAY. checker in the Boston & Maine freight shed in place of tho late H. F. Thomp- J. R. Libby. son. Furnishing Co. Atkinson and Mrs. Oren of Bowdoin Eastman Bros. & Baucrott. Mr. Hooper Of Interest to Iusuraee Men. street, are at Aliken, South Carolina, Ira F. Clark & Co. MISS the winter. Legislative Notice—6 for Wednesday the marriage of two of New Wants, To Let, For Bale,Lost, Found SkoWbegan’s prominent young people, advertisements wiilbe found under and Similar Bertha Salford and John White heir appropriate neads on Page 6. Agnes Steward took place. The wedding cere- "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup’ mony was performed In the handsome = of the bride’s G. B. over millions of residence father, IS Has been used Fifty Years by the being mothers for their children while Teething Saflord, officiating clergyman Con- with perfect success. It soothes the child, Rev. H. W.Kimball, pastor of the toftens the gums, allays Pain, cures Wind gregational church. The bridesmaid is the best Colic, regulates the bowels, and Was Miss Margaret Libby of Melrose, remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from Mass, whila Hoy L. Marston acted as causes. For sale Drug- leethlng or other by best man. in of the world. Be sure and ^llllllllllllllllliriii!lllllllllllllliliilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllNllll!llllllllllllillllllil!llHlllllll!llllillllllllllllllllllHlllllllllll^ lists every part Governor Powers dined last evening isk for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 25 ets with a party of Portland gentlemen at i bottle. the residence of Hon. Fred E. Richards. Mrs. Dr. Lamb and have re- BRIEF JOTTINGS. daughter turned from New York, where they have been the guests of John M. Stearns, A of the A. P. will t special meeting LL.D., and wife. to consider the be held this evening city Among the arrivals at the Preble yes- ilection. terday were tbe following: C. W. Sweet- IfsurF aleI business of the W. The regular meeting land, F. B. Bowdoin, J. H. Blanchard, D. T. U. will be held this afternoon at ^ilN!lllllllllllllll!!ll!!il!S!llll!IIIIIIIII!llll!l!SilllllIllllllillil!!llin!llllli!9illlllllllllll!!lli!lllillllllillllllllllllllll!llllllllllllll!Slinr, W. G. Mathews, BostoD ; W. H. Fisher, ¥ Oak at 2.30 o’olock. All meet- 16 street, St. Albans, Vt.; M. S. Mayer, Hugo of W. O’. T. C. are to all ings the open Morill, J. F. Hallott, New York; F. L. who desire to attend and a cordial invi- Mack, Fryeburg; E. C. Walker, Bridg- tation is extended. —-- ton; H. K. Simpson, Jersey City; W. H. The for this week at the Current paper Burnham, Arlan, Mich.; F. L. Ricker, Events club will be upon scientific Newburyport; John Huke, Dresden, by Miss Mary P. Brown. events, Eng. ; B. <$. White, Damarisootta. twelve candidates assem- Tbare were “Eli Perkins.” the well-known corre- bled in the Common Council room spondent, was in tbe city yesterday on for examination as pharma- Wednesday Ills way to Watervllle where he has an cists. engagement to lecture, and oalled at the the steam HIS Charles A. BIRTHDAY Mr. Plummer, PRESS office. 111 will; erect a largo building on ‘•■*l ■"■■■ 1 11 .1 fitter, Capt. and Mrs. George W. Crabb have Island avenue, Peaks Island, as soon as Lincoln Club will cele- that it ensures a party that will ful y Tonight the sent out cards announcing the marriage the season onens. It will be two stories tax the of (lining hall brate the birthday of the great martyr capacity the^large of their daughter Bessie Walton, to be IRA bouse. Chairman John F. CLARK The floor will occupied of the Prebla high. ground —whose speaking likeness is (here pre- Lieutenant George Grant Hatley, 5th and the second by a large num D. Prindable has received letters from by stores, sented—after whom the organization U. S. at Fort Hamilton, Feb- | Artillery &1~1 ber of lodging rooms, to be used by takes its name. The celebration of the the of the evening and speakers thej ruary 10th. vari- will be _ people wbo taka their meals at the club in past years have been marked Will all be present. The speakers ous hotels. events in tbe politioal life of the state Governor Powers, Hon. Curtis Guild of Bax- J. J. Revol & Company have organized ae well as of.the city for the guests of Boston,ex-Governor Cleaves, Mayor manufac- Harold M. Sewall of Both, at Portland for the pnrpose of the club have Included men pi-eminent ter, Hon. Charles H. Randall, Esq., and Hon. H. Biliousness turing and dealing in fur, fur goods, etc. in every county. Tonight’s banquet Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- M. Heath of Augusta. There*will be in of which $75 is to tbe fes- tion and food to ferment and putrif y Capitaljrtock $10,000 paid will prove no. exception great fireworks in Monument square from 7 permits of Port- Then follow dizziness, in. President, Louis M. Revol tival oooasions that have preceded it. to 8 o’clock. Music will ce furnished the stomach. headachj, band at the hall. land ; treasurer, Jean J. Revol of Port- The sale of tickets lias been so large by Chandler’s banquet land. Guides to Go to New York. The ^Ladies’ Veteran Firemen’s Aid A FEMALE FIGHT. 11.—Miss Cordelia Sooiety will oelebrate their first anni- Foxcroft, February met at Mystic street, F. Crosby, “ Hod,” of Phillips, versary hall, Congress Carter Uses a Polcer for An Hood’s Argu- Mary O. A. Dennen of the Kineo lnsomina, nervousness, and, Wednesday evening. February 17 by a Landlord ■ ■ ■ ment to Mrs Sorrow. if not relieved, bilious fever _ I 8 Brady’* house at Greenville today and chose Sam supper and entertainment. Snpper will Hood’s Cole and Granville Gray of Greenville or blood poisoning. III served at 6.80. Member’s tickets can ■ ■ ■ ■ be and Frank Smith of Chesunook to repre- Pills stimulate the stomach, All Suits a In Stafford’s Wool without from the There was lively time at the cure headache, dizziness, con- Men's be obtained charge sent the Moosehead guides sports- rouse the liver, first etc. 25 cents. Sold all druggists. President at 167 Newbury street. block last evening. A number oi ladies men's exposition in New York the stipation, by The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Yesterday was bright and muob oold- were having a sort of neighborhood of Maroh. liberal of re. The meroury indicated 4 degrees party. A supply whiskey social func- at 7.80 a. m. added to the liviness of the William R. Bohanon of Portland met tions and zest to the arguments. Sold for and One Price at This What Mrs. Carter lacked in oratori- That Have Formerly $10.00 $12.00, Sale, with a severe aocldent In New York Mary made with liberal some two weeks ago. He fell with an cal powers she up elevator 65 feet and received a bad fraot- use of a poker and clinched her argu- her Mrs. nre of the leg. He la at Bellevue hospi- ment by laying opon friend, tal for treatment. Brady’s bead. Canton Kldgeley, P. M., will celebrate During the progress of the argument, eMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMg its anniversary next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Brady urtistically closed both of There will be an entertainment and sup- Mrs. Carter’s eyes. Both ladies are now at the Dr. Han- per. boarding city’s expense. In the case of the Blograptioal Pub- bod spent a long time after midnight in lishing View Company of Boston va. Ly- trying to restore tbe various parts of a whtoh mixed Suit, man.J Pratt of Yarmouth, wfaloh was Mrs. Brady’s anatomy got shuffle. f in the $5.98 beard in the Municipal court Wednes- up WE ARE f day, a decision was rendertd in favor Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom* of the defendant. BRIEFLY TOLD. The adjourned annual meeting of the Commercial Union Telegraph Compa- Dan Staart has announced that the RUSHING THINGS. ny of Maine, will comb off Saturday. fight between Corbett and Fitzsimmons take in Carson valuation of the ex- will place Cltr. The aggregate is with a Tbe deolsion in the petition for a new Everybody who has to do with this store's doings working SEE THEM IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. the to Europe this ports by steamships trial for Mate Bram will be at 11 given the start of another season’s the same wide-awake store- season Is $5,388,041. o’clock today. will. With selling Alliance will The Unitarian Women’* now that the loss us to the head. It is learned through keeping again takes -(O)- meet'thls afternoon at 3 o’clook. of the British cargo steamer Oyanus, tbe The Woman’s Foreign Missionary So- from Bitbao for Glasgow, near Island of off tbe coast of State street church, Ushant, Brittany, ciety conneoted.with Franoe, twenty of her crew were drowned. hold a this aftrnoon at 8 will meeting Fire damp in>a potato pit at North see the new ? A cordial Will o’clock in the cburoh parlor. Branch, Minn., was tbe cause of the you styles Invitation Is extended to all interested death of John Goodman, a farmer, his wife and two grown sons. Tbe father latest in fabrics and fashions in these summer dress goods— in missions. The & went first and and in the CLARK dead, F. dropped IRA The members of the St Luke’s Ca- out of the cases—are here for An hour spent among these CO., attempt to resoue him the others perished. just your approval. thedral branch of the Girls’ Firendly The mother lived to warn long enough beautiful stuffs will help you to plan that new summer dress. Society, have enjoyed * course of enter- away a fourteen year old, eon. * A bill has been introduced in the Ne- Won’t come while the new is on these fabric beauties ? gency lectures by Dr. A. S. GilBon. you vada to allow the people to The Pine Tree club wfil meet this eve- legislature vote on the prize fight law. with Mrs, 773 Congress ning Legrow, Charles .1. Pierce or iuas»., aprlngneld, hit Cash are The manufacturers evidently One Price, street. charged with burglarizing the cottages These goods selling very rapidly. Spot Beaoh was a in The 13.45 train will stop at Scarboro at Grand given hearing for this season’s struck the fancy as never before. the Saco Municipal court and the mark, styles public’s today to accommodate those who wish Thursday, bound ovei to the grand jury. Be to attend the funeral of the late John couldn’t furnish ball. Handsome French Organdies—white, black and navy grounds, A. Libby. I Charles Young, cock at tbe American new and a and designs, 2oC 29c O. W. Lombard, the fish dealer, has house in Rockford, 111., in fit of jealousy with beautiful printed figures stripes—all Hatters and Furnishers, the week Wednesday, fatally shot Mrs. Edward E. Clothiers, given away to the public past Everett, wife of the proprietor, wounded shells. and 30,000 aoallop Mrs. Anna Weindahl In the breast, and Linen Batistes—Satin Stripes in fancy colors, 50c 65c Firemen’s aux- The Ladies’ Veteran fired a bullet at Night Clerk Thompson, iliary, Mo. 1, are requested to meet at which barely missed its mark. He ran out on the street his at in and texture—white and black dta 28 MOmTMSMT the oar station this afternoon at 1.40 discharging gun Tamborettes—beautiful design 26 SQ. several persons but was caught. to attend tbe funeral of Annetta with 23c ■harp United States Senator Woloott of Colo- grounds fancy figure, Huntress. Wear badges. rado, who is visiting Europe in tbe in- nt Tbe report of the death Representa- terest of bimetallism is still in Pnris, but white and delicate colored with work or failure of his mission Lawn—in grounds open tive W. L. Littlefield of Belfast was of the success Bishop nothing is definitely known. blue, buff and linen 18c erroneous. It arose from the fact that stripes of pink, lavender, green, yellow, colors, After six weoks of wrangling and Mr. Littlefield is oritloally ill with an fighting the Lawrence oity government attaok of heart disease at his home in has elected municipal officers for the en- Lappette Mull—white and black grounds with fancy colored figures, Belfast. suing year. 18c It was said Wednesday that. Mme. sprays and vines, Calve was ill of rheumatism and that the Association Amended By-Laws. attaok was so severe that she was con- new fabrics this M Nov, ix, x8go, June 93,1891. Trade Mark registered Jan. «, 1893. of the Portland Fire- fined to her room. She had suffered from Organdie Alixe and Clairette—all At a meeting Mimosa, Ilf/^V(T*X PEB~PECT Made In Cotton or 811k Caiings and A VVAT BB.EAX ailment before. men’s Belief Associntion held lust eve- the season—all similar in style. Come In light, navy and black, with pretty ssss*. tAJNINur It men in imu i muisiei MOST ^.rSsaas&M-. sssP™3 ning the association voted to amend tbe is reported among shipping Michigan, that in case the Cor- and raised open work stripes. 13c For Sale by BINES BBOXHEBS COMPANY. Portland. Me. two Windsor, figures by laws In important particulars. liss immigration bill becomes a law the The members of this association have Canadian government will compel every and checks of never before been obliged to pay any as- American ship passing through any Dimities and Organdies—raised stripes white, Canadian canal to land its crew at the sessments, but hereafter they will be as- vines, 8sc., on white Also entrance of the canal, wire a Canadian covered with handsome figures, scrolls, ground. COAL. other amendment sessed |3 a year. The crow to take the vessel through, and blacks in several size checks, 8c included all regularly appointed sub- oblige the American orew to travel over- plain land to the other end of the canal. A Full Assortment o? Lehigh and Free- stitute firemen as eligible to benefits HAY'S Ohio river at from tbt association if they should be The Evansville, Ind., Coals ter Domestic Use. registered 84 feet Wednesday night and Burning 10 I at a fire. injured ie rising at the rate of two inohes an Pocahontas (Seml-Bltumlnous) and hour. The Wolf Creek gorge moved SPECIAL. COCOANOT-OIL SHAMPOO. Wednesday and piled up below the city. Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are BUNDLES The gorge now extends seyen miles above In one of our large show win- As a leader for a few special days for steam and Cleanger for this oity. unsurpassed general A Superior dows will notice a few styles of we shall sell Ladies’ Cotton Hose -OF- the Hair aud Scalp. The situation In tbe sieel rail business you forge use* Do You Read \ morning showed the cutting fast and in the yesterday New and Flannelettes —ribbed top—in black has lesoived into a bitter war for pretty Outings Genuine Lykens Valley Franklin, A cure for Dandruff. It the lines? prices of : DRIED being Between It is learned that the Car- latest shades tan—40 gauge—nar- KILN alkaline, has none of the supremacy. which will you a hint of what we English and American Canuel. mildly negie Steel oompany Is meeting all com- give effects of borax, ammonia or Steel rowed ankle—high spliced heel and drying Welcome ! petition of the Illinois oompany. these We common soap. As a substitnte Tor Soap carry in stock in lines, are Above Coals Constant- Mr. Balfour In the House of Commons toe toilet soap it will be found effectual “Under the counter” denied that the government yesterday, without doubt headquarters for these 4 Pairs for 50c. On Hand. in preTenting chapped hands. had beeD aeked to compensate Edward J. ly WOOD “Inferior brands the for his ar- pay Ivory alleged dynamiter 10c yard be seen in one of our ... IOO-S rest. goods, May Congress TELEPHONE windows. Larger profits.” George M. Mason of Orland, an exten- St. show FOB aud »1.85. Insist on sive lumber dealer manufacturer, OFFICE: having and ex-member of the legislature, died H. H. HAY & SON, Thursday, aged lifty-two years. Welcome 70 Sts. PHARMACISTS. Soap. Hon. William L. W'lson, postmaster 7b Commercial & Exchange You will it general, was yesterday unanimously *pr3 M.WAFtf BRUNS & JOHNSON, get elected president of Washington and Lee PORTLAN D, {VIE. He will assume bis duties as & BANCROFT. 109 Wilmot St. If are plucky. / university. EASTMAN BROS. janl5 eodSm you p resident July 1.