U.S. Chetrses Rebels V Iolating Laos T Ruce
PRIDAY, MAY 28. 1961 PAG^ TWENTY ^ . r lEmnins ii^rald ATcraw Dslly Nat Pm e Ron For tho Week Ended Tha Waethar STOM W IU IE CLOSED May «, Ifdl F o r e w t of V. S. Weathyr Bareaff SUPERVISED FREE PARKING AboutTown TUESDAY, MEMORIAL DAY Bala eadiBg, elaariag, «eld REAR OF STORE 13,326 nig^t. I.ew la SOe. dhaaea ad Anivwon 'Shea Auxiliarj-, VFW. Member of the Audit Mattered freet. SaddaF gmtianBg will ipansor a public card party HOUSE Butmui of Otrenlutle. fair, mild. Rtglf near dde. tcnlKht at 8 at the VTW Poit MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER M anchester^A City of Village Charm Hama Army Specialist 4 Samuel J. t VOL. LXXX, NO. 202 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1961 (Claeelfled Advertielog on Pace 10) Haugh, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Listen to PRICE FIVE CENTS uel J. Haugh Jr.. 71 Garden St., Kathv Gndfrev participated in a mass parachute wixr-cBs.' jump during Bbtercise Channel Manchester, 7h Reef, a five-day field training ex- lOHMI .%.M. K- erciae recently at Ft. Jackson. Monday thru 27 ‘Riders’ State News S. C. S p ^ aliat Haugh is in Co. B .Saturday, 5F of the 82nd Airborne Divisions Contest yh S25th Infantry, located at Ft. Eveiy Day Roundup Bragg, N. C. He la a 1958 graduate 3F Stay in Jail U.S. Chetrses Rebels etf Jtonchester High School, and entered the Army in July 1958. Voluntarily Mlaa Joann B. Morrison, daugh-. Todsy^ Sstiirdsy snd Miondsy Woman Killed ter of Mr. and Mrs.
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