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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-20-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-20-1906 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-20-1906." (1906).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a . . V0L0M1 15 ALBUQUBRQUE. NBW MBXIOO. SATURDAY, OCTOBER IOCS many report depart mem. baaing kw fWiaaat embalmed In court and "APACHE" WOOL GROWERS SYNOPSIS OF JUDGE oar of them at leaat ha bnaume cie "NAVAJO" AND th Banm wwrw cemfiad bp Um m braird In llteratnre. It could hardly ofhc bmidHML ytt aom perns. a4 CITY COUNCIL TRANSACTED bp othirwle. There probably never tbo two-tor-y htekk aad mimt4 OF COLFAX MEET wa a legtateture anywhere without Navaho wa orlalnally wrlit'n IRA ABBOTT'S imi r fHtr tin reeteenoo nja. and I u word of Hpanlab otlin. Te oa la atlmnled betwaen W Kir ihwii mko pan In making an ay Anthropo Aorordltm to the aad tea thoaaand dollar, partly n ADJOURNED THKMMLVIS ipp rtloniin'iii to luirMtKH at mi' late lr W Mattbrwa, that, nam i r4 by insuraar, . MUCH BUSINESS LAST NIGHT NTS AN ASSOCIATION A MB thr rtlwiiii'in!' )' of ijrong fi.'nrmllr Huppoaed tn mefl "rlaaplng Tne Bre w first no tried by OPftORRS KLICTnW. . inteiv!. Tin- - dtBin- - for partv auc knlft- - or raaor,' and to hav tea nigkt biaokaajntb aad Wa ax i a anil for I ral n Ivantagp aUo op given by ;he Ppanlard beoauae th engineer PI me were ha - Imi Satardar afternion, erate Ma'nm tho m.iklng of fair ap- i Navah warrlora carried great atone uraash the roof of aba new nownrad in thaa knlvek about pereoo. it aa butldtac. tboorv Is Umt troulr H. - ...... I try' T n hwi.ot, ni n. their and tb the wool gtowera of Colfajg ajwaty Ill tno mailOrOI KOUlSingiinQ deed agalnm tbelr readily agreilag also been auggeeted that lb nam bvJIalBg wa htatied by eteetrta wliaS. Gas, Electric Light mat at the opera houee In thla any for any ho- - nmjr come from a hmuunymoM word Tha alarm of waa given and all The Albuquerque . on apporiionmeni wnniaver. Ita tha purpoaa of organlalng arHaaatla-tHm- the Territory and it Up- aldea. the length of tno legteiatlvo maaiilng pool or amall tab. Ptaally mea draroand heiatod ta th n Company Came in for A fair number wert praaaWaj any aeealoa la tbl territory la by law HornUo tlalo, a prominent. Amerteaa Atao. vrns BWhaU and trtt tha and Power the Rprtager tloekman. holds Gov. Hagarmen. Sxcd within thp limit ao aarro that othaologt:1. reeorgod the met that mtmtm attaefcad tha Smn whhHTnn, Jenmie Troy waa iwleete akalrmen It would be almoai or aultx Imnrarll onto take it to abjMlfy Corn a Id Hea-pl- e. from tb oaWa bslbittnx M tha of Animated of the meeting and Taodoam tcmmtM foi any legtetature to commote la the light of the lataet rad bop aaaMfBj. It wv a Large Share aeereury. On of )l. Abbott IntarpretnUon not aooa (Imt aavo motion d tn th mm nt Mm mIbIau MM--1 w aBBort lonmoat at any MMMIna in thla doe abpareiit all aflaets to It wfca nropoeed that the imw aatmoM mining Oawrtmr hddMww to Ita uanal neeaary bnal mm devoid of approprtnlenaew. the butt4fcga wonld be MUIe an4 purpose m view, the action of iwrntf own explanation, wa put t novo Discussion. km wetk with three man in fhe rMHrmnmmani ot um PUiher IHmold' erery enrt fortii tfto vie: for the enactment of a. htw by the territory for Icgtetativa enrpenea, tail "On the other hand, the governor however, hi Mill more phMtalble. A or Uu which by thm Umo k1 ho- mpar-vhw- r Ignited. legUlalnre providing for rami brOujatt territory, name la evidently nanlah. the es Atta a hot Itnht wMh the injunction auit ij llon.lof the fm mth nnture and mbnrionAr- - In eteti precinct ot a eeaalry; T. 11. ron AbafCt held I (Mara of hU la In a no I Uon record f the old Apnlb the Aama Um Are wa rtftixlh4 WAY FOR SALARY 1ECREASES. F. H, atamp among aheap Cat Judae that oftee. cen FIXING A to out aoab and It waa a political nmK tnat um m mano aa apportmament mu la and spmrfs mut nawraiiy at the or bfna. w4M niter tea meaning, rraw. APPOINTED HEALTH COMMISSIONER. tae octermiaaMfttt of animaH. plaintiff waa aeektaK to protect, I iHreetloatton and doHberntlOM, nnhi- - talh Utn ky ta MITCHELL Thara waa eonaMerabHt ubt dwotM jtttlr would not aKord blm relief. I aaod bp oMmMernllOM anah na It baa In n memorial to the km of Ipaln NEW FOUND Indulped In a to rnrfcwa aubjeota 1N0 liy Ahmao de tian The court then aald: baeit anaajaalad would be Ilkety to written at Pm DEAD IN TEXAS tending Inward the advancement and HaamrMOB, O. P. M , the writer, af- "IP my view, there for, ife pmlntlatand In the way of like fair and well Lewie, I TW WHO llHfillt prateettea amJ danarlMag (Mia Apaehee, aaya Jim brother of Ja Lowk. ef Uutf takUr. stul lb , of tha wdttatry for tha iff not in court on tuaPuN grow. conmaorM notion oy tne lettnwHur ter tha iai..i M-- tm m goad organlaatlon. ii -- laagwm ot Ports km, aad of It , . mmZm strlaflRtt HSfwss w ot the but aa I well aaar frean the Tb fact ear oueeaortlhaT la that more than Ifty north lUjkUW, iMumia. that T both of wham neo In u7'',m. !-- , On motion the ahalne appplnfd a high profvaeaalMj etaapttng I gwlattve aaaemMy could repeal- - then "on eacountera the provlaee ho.1 of .metric, and ability and have L losBlatlo Njra WUlMfMH, Haaley. Lmtward ot to i ntact mre mam th Aapchea of Nhvujo Although well, waa fuwd dead mmr Sap th Bamrlai i of committee inree hot too :aw in queeuon, ! 'iuw nnon () wlm, tHcrtrtnx aa to of the ort.ail and aaaaetawiea thry am Apache nntkm aa toalo, Teaaa amtt t kre wesim asa. ! id nirriiw. beta an meeutive rotnuiltte t h- - my ccaem-lbn- e faHed to ao, no an are the I he rhiet Of poller, patrolmen, taw will regular year, couaael in re. mat do and that Tbe aewa haa Jeat r seabed PmBgBl. .i..l - MMKIMtaMMMr 1. ordinance take lu aerr for the nrat aa Mtowa: alog may not be aound, ami bene v lag Ip rtummoat. aa It appeara. in bib he roregclng. thy are aulijort and courw Amador M on H. ('. Abbott and tht euborMinat to naother chief raptaln. He had acroa the oaunmr nVgd ths etty j toy, that th public Intereet may be aerv- - tory of the territory nn been Mrt4 with minor wnllwi Mooeado tloaaale. Thla committee and hav a dlatlnrt mod of livlna anc was not found until lags tur until tot hour Umt night, ed Uy a Judlc: ' examumtlon of th dinr-u- ny tne legtaiaiure, hm.uim after hi death. The bodyrriwa Bp elected aa executive - Por thoae of back yaoder did not repon of Um city aKornoy wnn The Pay ef PflemM. the vaiidltr of th aoDortloaaaeai of hod- I a ceeerr.i KBtiaiaetion witk in ;aw The (Hear H. C Abbott . plant, bwt by badly decomposed that IntSrHMmt hn ! Troy, Amador . In t umauted themaelve i . r (o eotnpmtnt ot In in matter H Increasing Um tember I have ntorwawtl not to and aognlecence working ppot. ron'c aiienen M on lora, Sevrrlno MarUne and Ko- the rhaee, and today wr have broken o b made Immedwvlolr m tha or nun doclalon of aauae wholly wfeleh, a baa already uoen ugget w--a ' charges lor metalling mv aries omenti in im poiwe, rir do (roftentea. base mr thla land to It I tboucht that hla ttanftt city department upon Uw rea on the wattem of form procedure 1, I rr.tltled to weigbt In favor of for them nad tafcibt them and.ivfor certain kind of mtm. atrt The new awmelatton la to be known and plant. Uut Uior of tfavajo are very ennaed by pnnlysl. report nlno rsvtswod uon or mayor two wMka ago, tb already to, to kaaalra in-i-n validity. wa tutrl tko Wool aaaocMllon referred but great for in Nava- Tt oomnany's gnuac committee mad Um following a tb fJrowera' of to tne menta of the caae a If rne court men Miarueee ine propo htrmera. that what ih complaints about the offl-cer- c 'he jo " supply Msbt to Colmx omnty. Maw Mexico. Tha were ttnaoeatlonablv tor oantld- - ltlon whether the gorernor had oom- - algMlflea i,real plnnteJ fllda MININS MAN SUDOGNUY reported refusal to roommndU0M: (be Aral year were: ohm rrom Ion Apacbea . fHrnlslwd all tb 1'oUc per month. eleetad for oration on ploadlmm. plhal with the term of the taw In the axpie "the STRICKRN WITH PARALYSIS uatomer anl It chief of ?IH the It S80 .Krone Troy, preeldent; Taodoalo Oon maaing me quae- - of N'nvaln" It evwlant that tb laat I,. K. l HI i cht the customer use lntrolman nr mouth 1). "Th validity of the anttartloamont nimortiaameni la IHaer ha retnraad t'aso com-Nam- alee, aeeretary, and J. Devlne. word did at Arm represent, not the The. city rvlce light chars Kir Chltf per month, In ii'ieailon la cbjtllanjpwl on two gen- - tton. Mr Oatron contemted that the from a mining trip to tbe Unrro ntflun-totln- list trananrar. It Mm iigreed a mem-tenhl- native now called by It, bat tb "f la that tha eompany lire Department Captainflow par that oral around: Plret. tliat the atatHie apportionment waa bv law renHlrad Hew Mexico, in a vary bad tm-ilitlo- moon-ngh- fee of I and annual due of country they Inhabited. The south- k. b night for i month. which purport to HHtirarlaj aa ap-lt- o be made witnln thirty day attar says tha News. tjn ilix uargea all ml so eama required. Auo ap- ern Dene war to the Spaniard sim- Wills irmen--ST- 6 par month, i be that portionmant b the noventDr the e legiawtive naaambly or The a stroke of paratyirin mrviee nehediiled al ft. i plication mamberahlp to of iwi. ply who for tbe aah of trip he unred annum. Commissioner par fw be made territory under certain elreninatancea court held that that provtaton of the Apache, and hla lag I enUrtly lioJ-r- lasMng uMn the questions Slnmt W th praablant or aeeretary or any mem- were at Aral qnullnvd by lfl yt ,1 euy auor- - month, la void aa kolaa an attamm to deut-- 1 law waa iirectory man mnn so h to aae oruiftlioa. ft r.y the eomtflltte. tn rather fre-nua- nt that ha 1 10 ber of the executive committee, it ggte power Malory. plaintiff alao alleged tholr trtloNlr hnbttaU, until ncy iecir it U hi opinion that If in each Instance th hrsron la which by the organic act The - I,Ill apeu U ahto apenad. Mr. I'limr a alao agreed that the prteldent - repetltton and kvn of eonela- lixtit cotppnny put a woon monUt over tho salarl M WtttfJl An tlim leglautlTe na- "mi me ppirtwniheni waa not mao la aanrly so years of ago and so hm t;u' mtr prHt and tKrretary l exo ncio membera nreeedlHg neaa OAttned th name of tbe Indiana - cannot olfloss. of!Mmb,r the "hnala of th laat I regarded a more Hi- prcmlcc of a customer ha 'which attach to tha ,on(. Ml. m. .VM n Ih of condition tha wag to iae executive oommiiiee. If the la valid, It ee-- United Stale eenaua." The court to lie discarded favor of that However, reports l,o compelled to pay deposit for the Tha raport referred bark autut aoino of -- critical. he that h Ktgntean were a- their bind, aa It often hnppena even eompany j to member receive a. provlilon were aaya: The population Itself la tb - now much ha waa & Bimo nnleaa he raquaata the tue Mttamlttaa vlik tha oilnnnea tmta .Harrdd in our dnya. better than - eharga regular emraa. hbeyd In the apportionment eentlal thin nad not 'b eeaiu," and week ago, wken hi anttr W wa to ilai- It thara whan the take tha ton; Abbott, S. 'ilTlfaJilZ Aa to the word Apache Itaelf, i n m one. The tmy-- ! uhairman l.aarwini of the Snanca un plwtlbr hold that th wmUwiUon of th paralysed. If wa tortundistjr In aom vnn a raaaonahla tor Martin, Amador Montoya. P. A. !( name mlaawnary props aa a poaai-- lor the meter la optional with enramittoe raporttx) that the Incraaaed plaintiff waa not watt uxeat pony of a M extra whoa Its wn sud- Mni -i irujtiio. Auraiio Tnijuio. nooando etymoMgy the Spanish verb ohooaea to j of la expected to off- Jiitlitn Ahbatt natinliirt kla nnlalA denly who aaltad Imip. hn , uatomor whathar he revenue the city Uonanloa. Taodoalo I). to to naatur; trlckB and prorlilad ly the In and that Oommlee. J. mmmim inw U4iaieu wwnn i nuiawi: drive herds Mr IMper at wPH ha Ui HUM a by Hie flat m et Inereaae Rlrla o th tlm rsie Dii ran, tiprlnger; David Am-d- enn not be but mnat be ex- - M and hla BHppoaltlon darlve eoior from :,,. ordmanee or by the meter rata, line Hmtnee committee la aowalderlng llerrern. d4wtUd eonclualon that the aotiorUao pros peril as He waa rsatt) Mt R - Oaaado. Mmnel flonMleg. DavPI ereiaed br t aaraon or body on moat In Question bald the fact that A. r. nandeuar. aimk ' i ' onlnton of the city aAtOfRey a, to Inoreaae the eJty'a 8an- ahottu be xalld. Mxtoan boua aHitu IM IMbbbbtP R" i, tiu. ifMlf" Uernal, R CJIty ; von- - I lag of Urn ApaahjM uaaaml, call rompnny muat (Hralaa railing eertaln llcenaaa and Juan tap, Maxwell woum n w oonferr, wnssa li in whinh i. nnimr. Brat mim i imy until hnr th VittfeJiM J. It. Kemandeg, Oolmor; Doaetao a, ed la favor of the oanten- - oocaaaiomtlir AMen- - vnequtir rl . Ibef oommlttea would report on plamtir aton of the matter, dative oHte ad IM to vtnture on hi retura VMrfc thm m th. etwtomer demand!. tfptilP,Witt thm, come down from common oa or cowwardja." peraonally conelndaal hla report B1 ahoHly. lolw. tb ditlonal auoport from Um met Umt wit ehy. luino Wf mottr UprtMfer wa tb hea4a,aart-e- mn worn away wonld fool mare Inclined to accept . iimiik t eompany muat fumlah m4 iMuina nn bim the apporthmnMnM of 1IP1 waa maj of the to IkmMm, In ita jmJkv Um aaoe law wblok It hi Mm-- Dr. Ale llrdllcka' augajastmn that iiai.i up iMMMllRfct ratta at the Dlaaevwy. netatti4ajiBaBbUblAaBBBBB ao0m mj&tu,, AtrtMlng kVattadaV bvbl1 aBanwanRnsannnaB! winmuv n wmm m imMM UJBU Marm uv piwbabtr a oorrNpUon ot ' "r "eama aiewriw mm h.,4p:j '"r , . . , Wien the aMewnlk ordlnane MtQOll t444aatatt o4l4m RWIWtBbJbI totMitha nraaeut dev. If U wiu crarlu ihmH tr h . tz .1 Opaka. wwMh fs fhe dialect of the OFFICIAL MATTERS Adjournment waa taken until tha utmm Hterally la that connection It nullity for that reaeo. tb on of Ptmaa. th southern Don' neighbor. call of president. lOMg ago lll maaaa or aliens, ilk tb . the eed lo have that force , alao a nullity ualea It baa anla. m.M. R,t waa time apacled ban Mnvaboes' THE CAPITAL 1. ta.iMI,!I inere not acteat , either tn Bnglnnd or the United by milequMt aaaambUe made law: Aaa'e and the northern FROM H.rt.d thatHnhe oomwMt" WM,in the ordinance, H wa mored to ra-- SUU where legislative Denea' Anna a. for moonlight aervlre. powr baa and nn Invalid atmartlonmont should .n l conelder tb aide walk ordinance wnich CONVOCATION OF by Mgmlfttlv hodle. habitually not. it baa beau held, be aet aside in "Ore i planted Said" wa l DUbllabed and there-Ben- e bo. fore originally meaat by Navajo, ni already been leiegntect to municipalities for tb fevor of uuotber which I Invalid and NOTARIBS PUBLIC NEW q&MPA- - ef Oantentlan. AMerman Wllklnaon I Interpretation la explain-- torr purpoaa of local government, and to pMlr v. Hrayton Ind.. S 1.. K tbl farther NIBS ORSANIMPaONVIOrr i rman Intrnduetloa f aatonlUMlng dlacovery that ROYAL ARCH MASONS Haaven'i mnd tno poni.ine oi ine people irremselvec In I A 871 ed by Ike fact that whan Nrat PArtDoNEO. iiumded ordinance preeertbiNC , waa Illegal recone!d-- r an ordl-o- by tSar to tn annp of permission to accept orl I further th" con countered the Spaniard rie pub-t- ! 'Them prc:ici miff Khali be atrung on elect nanrt which ha been paeaed and reject local option laws, ... I wr tn possession of an I lR- - LODQE IN SESSION SINCE 10 O'- alderaUon that If tho noitt logtalallve i mid telephone pole and tha Uahed aa la provided by law. The 1 territory. ome of whtel following CLOCK THIS MORNING VOT- , V. T?7.?r !"'p ,n auUe aaaemhly I dlaaatlaSad with tb law The have been asMsi ii.i ion of them In aneh a manner Naipouncil got around thla by paaalng an ngiM nave awn so that part of it which waa first mm aotsrto public by Oovanmr llbmxr- - - - ING NEW OFFIOBRS. mniuptmu M It now stands. It can rapeal or ' . i. peraonal danaer to n mini- amendment to the ordlwinae inrreaa- ..iethrough Inermum pstmlntlou ty lh whit lllruder was pikSMW '''. g tbe of modify It. and, If with th apportion . ,, fraught with much dlca-!ln- tD0 dnya In to thirty and (he much greater Inrrcna In thv Umr 1 strong an with corn. "Mava" mesa la Spaauw John L. Toole. Kaowlas. HMK afinn tn 118 Klo tlrund Chapter No. 1. 6 mont ltlt. th mo iNv nmended ordl'iaHc give whicb to aerr notlee on the nr-- 1 a sat. even pwoe of lead, a plain or a .lam S. PltahagH. Hoy l will omnr omnpiesion or moiiern tltortty of omnmei ty; PnhWTfk m a year within whltth ownera who required to Arch Maaons give a iin dMtinmiMd tmulv- - rKratloti propprly are t Uila lair, that It hna beoomc more and both aid of tbl ease adduced la BM. and the aufSx aw. th Roosevelt county; rstsr PhWsff, In l smoker at Manoelc Tempi - t. naTx all their wire roaming put down wnlka. more tn practio of congress, the le- - nower to ahHtt of th modarn acho. la not only buuneraue. terpattllo eoonty; uatf - vonlng, tn which ail itoyal Arch the armiment for their tu i ..!.i.ui- with tha preaerlutlon of, The cottnall will take up the city Hiomciirni 01 me ami even an amtrasHMUv. hut alao a daproot c. smith. M oirose, noosstmn. ... Masona are Invited, eight o'clook e ties "iimakc another ..'iinanco but provide that all building bond with the mayor i qem-iegiiaii- nrancne gov atlve mneh, I bouhl think podro lUon I hour. Uy High of the damns, arants. AinniiBewac. i . ahall Im atrung aa I aet a railed maetlng aometime In the I tb ordr of erntng nee a Uw Pre oil amllmc In eounty; Oinrie II. Mclvnl wirii n J. C. Verier, secret hit. wmie in large cltlea, to "sill" fr in Ui ordinance. near future when matter or tne regie lrtt, outSHkS ngotmma In doing much of CASE ralll. Mangoalll." which signify Carlabad, Bddy eouaty. ni rnmn llanley Alod obleoUott to board and polling place will 'S 10 Iron and food of little ao- - tratlou T,n,' annum onu vocationi of t what they former lv dd tbetnserVMi. . iu uur on th groond that it did b placed In the bill after which It Tbe the Thus are cohbL Therefore, by writing "the OanvtaL Urnnd Arch Chapter, It. P. and A. M., there board of health, with 0vrrtr Pardn in.' hp In roanmr form and naked will be rejubtr1 brought hefor th power uen- - of Mnvajo" Msnavlde mnat Moore, aged thirty tb morn-ni- g. to make rule and enforce AT F Apchs Clrrenc abont . - t-- opened at Masonic Temple thla JOSV roferrad back to tlie rom- (outwit. The urdlnanc with rganl AltH agn I have intmnt "Uw indtana who live on years, who was eawuwifed to om xtmr where an election of officer wa nst thoa who break them: '.ii a now report. apeeml hoard emotriM iirovlda '': coraml totters 1 tha largo, mor or lass worth! pasMtogtktry whm a railroad with vast is th for aaaanlt i r.Moanro nlrefldr ! n da- - It b held November bold. who Sa wttb baa that ahall on II. gtebttlve powers; license com mission - (1 charged Held." Thoas ar miliar liy womss. by ib dim rut awwi .. olHcer who presided m the case of W. Mo her, (o-da- y month," ra)omied tna, The ers; nolle Tbe tb oharnaUr of thoir Mnd will not for Ohavos county, wa pnrdaauil are: High Ar- harbor iommlaatoura. with obttOalNf money under fule r th iiKwanr In retort, "and Miner mrtAg Orsud l'rlet - gainsay of the by MergTb Matters. Deputy rommlssKmers which with other aim- two Indict moats nuo lb anptoprmnes Oovernor Massamaa. ::ng Is u roaataat menace to' H Mitchell waa appointed hoalth thur fverltt, Albwiuenttto; la appellation. wife la daapsrstaly III xaaat t Ita-to- n; Hnr tiodle ton numerous to mention XL!,,!,.. imuatuiw of and I Urnnd High Prleat C. I). Btevetw, ,h umnw on who the towphoa and tb rommlaawner without par and Jaok now do a very largr part of what wa. ewaoa waa orrgo a sorgWal oBsrsuoa us . ui Urand King J. (I. Plteh, Boeorra; i' of the rompnny aa Ue strawmcr. patrolman, to serve In th formerly don. directly l.y ,h. leg- dorto, in attendnne autod Umt - D. l- Seart m thVll.trTcrrrT this morn x x x z- x - !)nr.. con hi ant ly becoming croaa- plac of William Wagner, realgnwl. arand Scribe C. Hoehor, m Vg; x - busbaad ought to be with bar Urnnd A. Mntoy, Albu- - ing. The evidence of four wlta sr i i i aid! the urrent from live wlraa The appointments ware eon nrmed. Treasurer J. given Uw ordeal. The .governor alas , A. the uahed Stat eaneclslly Is was by eounaul and after the :h- - r-- KeUI II. ouemue. Oraad aWrtry A. Keen, adduced pnraoa upoa ir,(.. lines." ti A communication from Plld to seeking bv exercising It argument c will go to tb Jury. TERRITORIAL TOPICS is im r to a ri accident. relatlgg Ui telephone rate was re--1 AiDtMuro.ue; urnnn iecturer J. pewr roughrilf agencies. It the tkm of prominent people of fnt Vt roth, Albuquerque; Ornnd Chaplain, i outside It I thought the matu-- r win o resoy M.iorrn.uiit Wllklnaon made n'rong frrred to the grlevaare committee hna long governed tbe chy of Wnah - eounty tt. S. tovr. Albuatwrqaa; Ornnd f.r ih- Jury i i flob ttl aftur- X- - X X X X X X X- - x i. lion to the measure on tb without reading. Ington through a commission, aad has tX Mo-.ii- faplnm of tb Iloat J. J. Kelly. Stiver Minimi thai tbi iiropoaed change a la Of $St) paid Uy John K. and aadowed with grant pow MAN - ; Among was K RSMAINS OF OLD ArtieI ef - (Uncharging City urand rruicipai sojewrnar crtod the wltnsss r lnrprttw. rout ib- public- utilities rom pin well for Bring a revolver er th Interstate commerce com- - pun operator, who POUND IN OABIN The following art If la of IntnjpaBW. um h would not nrvarm within the dty limit will Praak Hwaniug. Katon: Orand PiOfai Ihi ven telegraph a lar and that mlsaioa. It habftually. when In har was formerly em playact by the Postal of an old maa, Hon hav. been Sled In the oSrSB Bf onaider the matter until the outer' b returned to him not aa ft refund but Arab Captnlu J W. Donovan. Maton; mony Tbe remains RayVsiSs: Veil J. T. BoKoa. with the preeldent. commits to Telegraph company here. He told 7a or SO of age. suppntwd to Territorial Secretary J W. - had ronsulted with regard j at. a relmburaemeua, slnoe K waa Urand Master Third yr hern Vail him. by law, port huts of its own pow how Mosher aaoawy bim &av Rotmn Uollander, s miser Masonic Hulldtng aMoclatlon. Pffsv u h,- - possibly nown wa dvllrloua Carlsbad; Ornnd Master Third Heard Iron i.i Also intimated that that he with ere for temporary purposes Aad such loaal ofCam on a weitahMBj bn cipal ptac of bttsineas at nosyasM. wa indirectly io m h fvrnot J. W. Wilson. Rmtwell: Orand Master i th were found oa October u la eahm ih lull fathervd the time Srd tha hot and traaamr of power have been recog' 1& Chaves - Veil R. H. Clayton; Orano cheek and Bookkeeper Plekard of ibo on t Upper mtlos county Terrltortal SfSSd. .'1 i von with somebody. in iMMnessltM) of hi mental facul- Plrat Ueaa. Yro rlvr, Ml A Albuur-que- . nlsed aa valid by the court hank, rnoen Joroaae, body wa Robert Kellshln. at Roewell f)Sgskl Hoavf-- asaer- - M. Whttcomb. Plrat Na.Umal other from Artsoaa. The raniu bark with ihr 'tles of th I'nlted SUte and lending state Isii.tmu. Into (I hsjM-dre- - were i'asbed at tbeftraham' aalaon ttadlr decomposed it Is ihotignt tack, divided Colorado Telephone rom- The Sue was collected from Bos well In aad mi ihai the ofgeers will courta numberl laataaca. Ahrahaw's ewpMymaat aseasy. the old maa had baas dead some week shares of tbe par vara of ftt i'ttn was rebuilding Ita Haee and that in police court. He made application The new be Installed Clark, 113 l s. Rport and Um meeting. Voting on can- "Pleld v. All of them wore drawa on tbe Klrat or tea day Whoa fonnd. la his pockets aa Object, acaatrtag Io or lots i nr. i h,. light rompnny to . for refund of tbe Sao upon hi recov-.- .t at next i..oioe wa In Drogre Cltl- - 6, National bank war foaud reeolpts from tbe K night tor rectlng bulldfais for lodge SBt riiaul Its service, the i ropose'l iriy. producing expert taatltBOBy to didate as The Klnipleinan, 3 pre lodge baa "Kinney v. Texas Moaner waa brought to Albuquerque of Pythla Untg, No 15. of Plasatat, business purpose Duratkm. Shr - iiarxfit ould not work so much xnow that he waa aot reaponalble tor Bant want to and the 5TB. PPaJ In this from Carlabad by Sharif Armljo who mad out to Rooort (kit lander, show- - years Incorporator, John Shaw. i ,ir.ihH' upon the an Mr. the art The- - council ha no power ta been session since in o'clock vs. 3 (1. mont'.ng. "Territory Scott. Dak, 367. was npprlaed of hi betas then lag due paid br blm to P. Chlaum. Clamwee T. Uastf. Will.nir.nn imlinated. He by refund a line but voted Boawell ISO Kaynold f Olllmnn 1 ftr Dcmbr tr rload n fa- "Peopl v. having Jumpod bh bond her Attor- irtm. imath la thought to re William S Prager. John W Po. ii ir of to him. Th above ofBcers will relli 1 bare til aiienilon to the Importance relmburae liwls' Sttlherlaad Hut Cons B. def. ndlag oM Jaffa. William M. A'ktneoa. i who will ney W. Chllder is sulted from general debility aad Hi. iiKi in pronrtlnx iioil(. from O N. Marron addressed lb counoll vor of th new Incumbent, T. l 8 b Sec. st. and Moanar. Aa nad B3Br A. Ciboon. tladph M Parson. oii-iii- int dangers and staled the with a request that the aleetrtc light announced tomorrow. vs. Hurdge aa. uadrtabr Dpty Iodge eloeed In Slat Wis. the MulKy. Wa Oweas went to ike aad Robert Kellabte, WlUkun T JoftrBr mi. paaaag j from corner of Before tb Orand Poumf If rlvr iwd the immediate of moved the Mlfbth aad court any oa thla aueatlon Rltr im W. WlUaas. all tf RosvlSH. - afternoon three handaoo'i. uieO hroaght th remalna. which aad Jaaae ;.. ..n.iiisnre as a duty to the public. Kekher avenue be replaced. The mat- " 'The true last and distinction It did set take tb jsry la tb Hit Th Ste Horn Minis rmwsaair i opl-.te- ale. containing Orand Maater'a - earlad la the Cltiaea' cemetery i rman I.earnard wan of tbe r wrut to the i.gbt committee for tbo s uowar la- strictly leetslat- - ter eas more Uuw a Srw hsmr m t- Jew!, war to Orand whether PasoBtt. New Moxieo CarttSeate of agnnil- umt tb ordlnanee hoald take Ita a raport. u?atd Matr Ue. iW h is adntinkMratlv Sad tb noemmd solttjr of graad nV' Slaw, U. W. I swat to shorter maktag total a re-i- . Jamas Pitch of Socorro. Hon. m Im two IndiBtmenl rourA The oommlttea The street com mission er waa order- ..a tt... miim tha apita) stock IfSB.eoo rrtjv-- '.nir meri- B. ChlMjor of this city ami to Oot. - PATRON OSJEOTBD TO ttorwed i' adopted and thn Alderman ed to place a at on to mark in the statut htwk.U batwoen ta tet- cnmi mm r im psm ir.r' of bumaaas at tirgaa. g Albu-duerq- ue Maxmllllon I dae II. a n moved the rales be dian tin to be toeated through Proat of Santa Pe. The ih-- law ca want to tbe Jury Bhortly bator TORN BILL POR CHAN6E that SO' mad,! waa nt to Col. Proat by apo- BMtlo of to mab caaaty Terrttoriei agent. C j omi.M. that ordlnane be plaead by the aohmtoal asrvay at and aoout ..ctoca Beexsa g Chinaman him . tha depot H wa unabla to make which lavolve yetrdy ta4ere4 S. MeKetb. at Organ r 'n passag. th of Andrews dal thm aaarlliIt ahall be dliooacob-- - waa convict o. but m hair of torn $10 b.,1 la mmMt Iaiala saeoeaarn. arrapgement he al- to what aad nmr to in fortrlag authority discretion a to caaas Walter Ruble took offoaa aad meatlaga. Col. and Robert Morgan, a cripple, afafc-e- d iendanoe at th Prast Us be oxerelaad under took the aaa tato court, say tb wis i of Mow extHhn ta upoa Third Mhar-soo- a pat grand master tk to htw. OFFICIAL HATTERS Olob Tslasram. street yesurdajr of the meeting are Kev. IJr. Wtllmm Mexico has roenhad aad bunut nee of the Tbe by Patrolman Knap. OF NEW uni- Orand Idge and enn be atom, the ao The InetMat occurred at tk Lucky xssBP. ITIIODISIS Plohlor. president of Port Worth the hlgaaat degree of Maaonry. W. Srat not to latter who waa under th laSueas of llawar. ; Hev. Ur. iwohtal. rvotaaraat hspt by a Chink namad versity Henry M. Ohllders was a grand of was uetag profan bjuJ of university and mtr ib aoastlon la Mmbr f Buroavi f InmlfratbM Oa., Kuble with a friend bad mafurwa ehaBtellor Dearer tweaty-thm- e years ago aad "Th. aaaotlmtmt ro lag psopt acworwtsg to Uw sawsr. ROSWELL th lodge in not I Appoint taken n mast la th rea aurant. and republican oaadbial tor aovarnor of I mr aatnlan that teat. It Mor-ga- a MEXICOJT st Thm Bwralag In psitos ssart therefore tbe oldest active maa Bvw done In I HBBSrmiia appotatsd A at btti amstaslad to S la pay-mo- Colorado; Kev Dr. J. c. Ratlin anu grand sa a a nainathlna Oovernor reU. eatorod a gasarsl dealal I a - mntr. BxomtUa ac hvr-- " M PnrmmgUm, Saa Joan a $S0 ptese, aad Kv.- Thorn Norwood a Kdwarda of hs loaaamd sold camrg of drunk disorderly. JJ UARtie QATHKRINO OP PAITHPUU mm. Miunty. a member of Uw bureau of im la hla ahng he waa give what he and Th Pint MaiaodlMa Kplscopai OOL. J. W. FLEMINO ir. .mi inn. was remanded to jail and hi ess will VALLEY ME 1 migration, vie Oraavlll Paadlotoa of thossht was a 110 bill. Later oa be IN THR PB0O8 hareh In Haawatl will be dedicated MAS TWO RIBS BROKEN juleaoene by the aanplr tb exnt-- bs tried this aftemooe, wh nth Sstulny. lv lagdamtur I tb law ua-- 1 Aster, Saa Jeaa county, removod from uiatmverod that k bad bat th half TROPOLI8. at noon gait lltlc W. Plmnlng ran with an ac- aad th way I. will aper ajpUaat bis. will evening t'ol j. uus aasmrtioBmeat nd of th Mil. Plsariag on mlg..t serrlo b held rb which reanltad la Jr wblrb b Morgan was vMatly agifartas e cident laat Tuday said that he waa but t out. bat duriag tie ronfrn-- says nrooaiUaa oa wor m4 waa atildisr.RaMaoaMen of Am Oimvm, from laaomotlve lUxl or sonw farm vi i loiilst from all over ta tb braaklag of two ribs, th Sgwriag another way. he waa out ta to great weight, and cite authorttl Hon A ma do Chaves, madstaat of narlysls la addtttaa to a dfonatty par-iiin- i. Oily Independent. Aa be and whol bill So he had I h Chinaman .i) nave at HoweH to s oilvr aapport of thai proposition and rrlrd Saturday. October 2. the republi-oan- Job war driving out to Leo- Is of pubttc laMrueUutt Of bis wn M Oay or arrested. in the twanty-wcoa- d aaanai will bold pold they tbe to pass has tendered al raissatloa to Oov-ru- N year of ; Mexico of Dona Ana count,t tursed oh road Uw seaaion of ibe New A s freight teams, "Ha what ha bona ald la favoi of Hagermaa to take eSset laat j "A tr Ass ertppl Is shawl their convention at I .as Cruoes and one of W Tnney MINERS PlttHT FIRS tt mlitxior. of the Metkod'et church. when buggy came In eostsst It valhtrtr may wll be added that f this month. Mr. Ohav will las . .it With ad tbe coun lblr IN MINE S i.i. l. lam evenlaa nominate candidate for all wHh a stamp which was eoaeealad lis anUor enhlbiled great sagaetty Saa i a r' for Albaqaerqa afur the SltrtEE to seal with." Chtef MaMiiUa ,lre.e. I.v Hev Dr. O S ty orSoea In the svenlng th mvn-tlii- - baatt, throwing Col Plomlag in lmpoalng upoa the govvrnor the Srat of November aad will mah his A despatch from Mabee, AHsoaa. BMvamg after peliae owur - Btl.- a Ke I M. rinae- and Rev K. A Mor- Melegat duty of malt lag an apportion men; In headquarters In thla city tor Uw dated Oct. I , says Plr brok oat at "They to tkhtk vholraisM.fSItifwt Utah-i- , will be addressed by out ovr the dash iioard with th axt i.- ti a reception io ma it should fall to do few I' has baeama sjassaaary th tuck A Ariacux min and for covsrs muiilnde of ataa Uw pa-I- ii.low.i H 'H H O Uuraum, shoe He was cosSned to hi months. that aad H Moore, ho will prostd W. H Andrew. rult Mr. gtv asislr at Mat tbe satire Inclined b wtth !a tld - aotta for a f day, but was able to The blckerlBS. IrlcXS lor Chares to his aurfac eqajpswat ar to laleat 111., buslnea Colcme- O. W. IMIehard nd othor. latoul. .1 roni. l' llif The irst come down town yestrda for tae ad outlm fraud of legislatures ication hi prlvat bttataaaa for wa la danger of daetractloa. By ta them on aoeoant ef their mlafortapw. . ."Mm waa hakl tbl moraM; Mtsars. Aonrw. mnm - Mr. wMoh ramm h haa to rr up hu of- - wrote Sort yf Uw m;.-wr- aistslBd Sons tfaxwa w hardly Iummv aat ta de- - Albuquerque for Us Oru- Irst time sine the assMeat. la making apperlnmau of tb Wad tha naahr who will will leave itlPer-,- of Union, are Brlal posNloa. by sever! sjosther of tb toeal Or do with tham." ees tomorrow (Prlday) nlgbt Casey eacnped naburt. li stales the , i.ieei duriug the four day tooe Into hletory wblle all now bv with a henry flourish found that he beetle and activity In the new oamp nnd need three-tent- h of n grain of GRANT which Is Jen behind the Utile Chnreh ENGLISH na; another who waa more sparing, NEW YORK IS 1mm th Around tne Oomer. iW of a grata. By a Hfce celeubttJoN the sealea abowed ttmt n The BILST ftefieel ef teeeekt. permy an The inepegtors neon Madrid baa lu school for SMroblsts. bnndrMUR of a gmlN Heavier than g ARE NOT New York ba He gnulnatrng attMlemy WOMEN WAGE whom Uttt toiling work fells are y PLACE OF NO Willi tor pickpocket. Tbe huter mm hi nat masters In the art of jLimments Mulberry pant, off tae Bowery, in exectttrjde. of all tbe eenter of "IJtUe Jlaly," where tbe itsiian youth ie Initiated njaf eerefelly Five MiiHen DMIars an Asr. DESIRABLE coecbed in the Intrktlta of the light WAR The extra vsgances of mantel pel Ingered srt. The embryo meeaiB csaorohip in tbe beMsjgb of Pnlbaja Liny: news hi pieced t work on a aebreet, UM TB nave aroused the rftTorm sany v ie In Use For Over 60 Years victim naeaihr Mot a well dreseed crone estertu to bring a eking nnd n man, alnmberlag on tbe perk bewebeb. spirited campaign la on for control Mtandlog hy era two post grade or Vot- of the borousb oouncil. The Inenn will Now York Catches tlie Worst after-war- DnmnU iho Privilege Gossip and Scandal Seem' (o who superiatand hla work, and be decided it the coming election, ana 5 When Thdy Land Prom In fegttllke tehhm point out ing on. Persecute Asqullhe be napn'"' nvTenee Aasocinnon Run Wot There With Ease IT IS A Ot'ICK HBALBR ihf mistake ha made end Inetniot ingogsd in mnhing comparison an ov a esBBsyaj w am un agas sw nn w want APPLiao to cots uy Million. hint how they are to be remedied. Por His Reluctance. nf enumditiirc whk i present on AMD ALL OPBK WOUND Europe the When tbe etndeat baa somewhat tbe face n d showing for a party In and freedom. feeb-lonab- I he la taben to some more te power. Thi Attoo of money has been MUSTANG For DBstPSBATBD PAI.fR gnartsr of the dty and H to Increnstng t.y leap nnd boundo, most APPLY THIS UMmSKT when operating on a vtettoa ly nt rar w none HOT MUCH pIsiNG OR iters tint PERRY BELMOKTS SPEND tn pnymi wnet we YOUNG WOMAN GIVES FOR P AND RUB HARD. the poet gradue'ea art aa stwdenta frtthi of mutiu ipi owuvrantn, not the LINIMENT raBLY rally gradnete before severing; n gnmtest scnmlal has been the pejring with the college for the po- of more thnn hundred thonnsnd PROFITABLE BROUGHT OUT fiOTTEN MILLIONS three PRIZE BUUJOG $5,000 lice arrest, on an evertge, sis of tbem WM ttollsrs for i e setting bock of n pub- I CURBS OJtJICK BBCAURB a day. In feet, the Tombs, is nnoem lic houae form ,,i0 street a row not. MEXICAN IT PBNBTRATBB fJUICK. fortably overcrowded tbewi new et with The amount iald for the line - mil-Ho- n DeHfihUM- WeMjMiNj frontage works oot at over Ive Railroad MMnale's ClvKtoiUon Has Its Ore Under Setvetien Army Trevble. Man's SigruiUire Is dollarK an acre, groat - and the MUSTANG i?S3SS?J?Blo The srbiam In tbe ranks of tb Rl- nod of rate payers arc groaning Flnds Time For Works of Chgrftr BY Good tneur-geni- Now All ilw in nnd ROUTBO TBTBOLD world Mti ths Happy Ad vat inn Army grows apwee. Tbe s tif cordlgly. The council, however, no far Sal- tud Humans IniereK. TIMB-TRIB- RBMBDY. Stioukl Know aboui it. who alyte thewaelve "the London. from being n bashed by the storm of vation Army of A avarice" have enfnr disapproval, la minded to add atlil led are daily their banner and furtner to iu Isvtobness by provldlnc senn- their ranba. The commeaid-c- r vnper New York, Oct. 15. Thst a OOOI) FOR WIVT JOINTS Bgecal CorrespvuSeftee. Kr William True e system of etnbornte baths for it chief loyal amy ed will derein from the aottou of WOOfDt, AMD ALL OUT-wis- n Mew Oct. A tender-Ut- o in of the bM Special Correepoejdohce. the greet unwashed. tech. II Menifee to calling on lmmi Mr, neribn K. Oreshsm, a WbsWng-- Atr vitM-a.- r slgh-roil- Henry Alfred hongta a tbe Inrson, Aug- - mob apiru rvnai gems le.Te - ton aoeiety woman, m bovine him ar eflamriM UWIMM to return to their allotJnaoo that hae characterised the eatrnordln- A Much Traveled Infant. MhOUl the of a wrthotrt effect unee&ytMc Phlpiia baby, though on rested tn tuts city on n nornrne SVl JUST WHAT YOU MRBD XMM Otoe hWUUflMltUrer, una bAd and the nry cempetgn wucm gn xr. as The still lb IJiAlgiO speeteebj was reeeatlv witnessed ef gWitb and other member of the min sunny side or hi smt year, nne mat charge, to the declaration of Dr. Kn- titer iiwioanc oareer. 4el-dlc- r imwniwv two contewdlng bettalions of tbe r istry mx armpwby pm the Atlantic ror tae ronrtn eel Amador, arm of the president ot tod, and toTtoh la mi expenditure of in with the okm 90c., BO. atten- of the cross belaboring eeek wwg or the woman ranrragiats, is ee- - lime In hla tender career, nedes, the PsHatna republic. audinlKrrrLB. money uc sUracted oonsiderablo prVlbM Dr. to a erect Id- - pMyni- - LINIMENT glamour other for the poestsslrm ef a lag rooeed In the pt-v- by ag ho bna been ns far aa Ptttsberg sever- Amnaor tion,TW nlss, tb iHttet and " filgh-land- overcome Ma etreei "pitch An uHimetMm to tntora from Persuing tbetr al time, as far north as tha a dan tn into city and atao enfoyn the of eeerloht life kwb eipeeted general and !ndon. dtotinottoH of beimf pnJmma consul HBALt OLD SORBB AMD for no reduced hla existence to sbortly from the "arch enemy" Mr. Aaeuitb, tMto hie ot aVntiand. and a far south a It Is opinion brigadier geM-r- el present I general. Mi wttta. women I the of the own eenatitnencr. Mies rnrkburet nnd tbe Pyrenees. At be in I'l.CBMS PBKMAMMNTLY rwrtl and mi, .at" officers of ttrnt ntntty out ot suppers In fashionable hotels, the and the tebj stnff ber followlnr are drawing n cordon London with hla nnrent. Mr. nnd Mrs His wrf Mines htm WUKN ALL RLBR 1AILS. tae If tbe lnasrgeiits do not net on It and S. who, being prtoon soon uMer hto upon ftMfHUHHIHM or MRMrilH MM about hie homo In east rife that em J. Pnipp. Antertenna. arrest - toy down tkenr arm or banners ind bodies) tke nature of both the boycott claim the for their young Irape- - hbthly sosnnrt tonal cHnrge. CURBS SPA YIN, AND IS efthar asnvHStve Bit to luxuries evident- Tt path of rectitude Hlblea. war will be deelared and the siege. ful a tbe most traveled baby. They Is alhnged by tho doctor that Mrs. BQUALLY OOOO for RINC.. if rW him from the recently new York, wan Hd In to replenish Mi fMt dim-- Rarely be a high government ottt si rived from arsnham tho author of tbo anon BOMB HARM BBS SORBS. Bitot eer - eon-ceru- ft um American Languege. elal been subjected to auch a "rag and on th- voyage were much ymous totter whtoh canned Mrs. Itoh LINIMENT mMWmc cram b resorted to w Advociry of the American Lan- ' mobe-mo- n ging we in dur-i- n about the health of their son. unniop joraan, now mm. j. u. fi silent usosly sdopted by swell guage as witnessed lndoei uuie league la coming to tke front, the recent session or pnrrbunent, Pbey bavc odea taken him on auto wearthy widow of Macon, (la., to of "erseslnx a erlb." After a tbe spokesmen of the Irish citiaeaahlp SOAKS INTO TUB PLBSII TtoR bo paid Mouqln and which culminated in hla being mobile jourtioya, but aa his condition break ber ensjageenent wrth Sonar which to Mnnri. or thf metropolis, the Daily Newe. be- some Is important In street, chased through the streets and pelleo still caui' anxiety he to lila Corea. Nlcaraguan mlatator at MEXICAN CURB AHARP ACHRS, iwotbtra. wilt am ing pronounced In urging upon the lit tarn-sor- ed wit a missile by mol of women, un stay with grandpa rent at Battle Washington, last winter. Though KI LL ACHES, Alt It mm locad that lb cafe was Amer-ic.s- n a ACHES. public Hiibstltutlon of ib word t with Bd f 1.S00 doll: r abatrsrt-- der the lend of Mian Park-hurs- and ADimy during his parents' aioeuee in tenor Core disproved tke charge PAINS OK URtilSBSOF wherever the word KngJIeh Is Mr Phlppa Is Sehultx cam from (he "vader-land- " ber precious lletrensnts This waa Scotianu. tbe eldest thai he bad negro blood la hi tna. MUSTANG od. used. I! wants the president's EngMeb son of Henry Phlpps. Pittsburg MAN OR BRAST. to see what America waa Ilka. ngttah. followed hy besieging the chancellor's the the widow rensnod to return to htm. to sapnlant tbe King's It night a period, steel magna i e. Mrs. la of M eeeo what a portion of New Is spelling but put ridence day and for Oreeham the dauethter 1 AKE NO Hl ltBTTTUTK. kn not a reform, the being HI led years pace LINIMENT i the air at all hours with Wn. Konnard. for a In York Ilk and bow rotcctlve Sergt. ting of the American In. front, and tbe Sanitation ef the Oath. JHramMty would fa thankful for bta feminine cries of deprecstlun and rlt tbe senate. Her trat husband wn HMawn in mf I wmf wvpvm, in The nice nuoet ton of keeping tbo present h(tires. pledge uperntlon. Rear Admiral Prtobee. Soon after ORBATBBT BMBROBNCY. which singer themselves to Already pursued In Had hi ole in sanittry condition tor tag' always say inngunge tbe tsctica tng hto death she married Lieut. Wm. LINfMBNT KNOWN. Amerlean instead Fife bavc rcnuHed in tbe women the oath In rmtRtotnite' court Orosnam, U. 8. A. Buffalo' New Shi. of ttftgllen ere printed dally lu eMftld- - would seem noueeko. f Uacymark demanding has not bean nettlml. It waa acting aa correattendeHt, NOOTHRK 1SAS0O0D. WiilfitRl J. Connors, political boas erthle numbers. An immense petition. trs by providing wainunie coverings tor she h -n- an wltn Mr. AmhIUi on the an ngy-finer up Interview after Lieutenant Qroabam' death, QUICKLY HB.M.S 1IUKNS H!hrio. better Known made of these names aa pledged, autfrage Miss the gospelK. Indeed, It Is doubtful dnalr-- Is question, and I'arbhurst a with a Junket party to Panama, when who has bom alerted to be settt to tbe White Home, well, will be there to see that the chancellor wnetber "kissing the book" la now AND SCALnS. tart at the dswuerntlc committee of the American has come to be n nmn of safe from the germ theory point of she met Or. Amador. He denies her of the exchequer does not eswpe. A charges. She allege, among other MA.N-- S Now state, a man or many eonsldernblc conseousnce In this view na it was leather-boun-d The POOR DOCTOR rerK is organlser-In-chle-f Mies when pariii though sorely lacking In educa- world, and la doing about as he please, i'arkhurtt are things, that he lived with ber for came back to London the other day volunes were used. The Iilblec yenrn nay tion, huL as be himself, aaya, lie made bat the Atigh8ion language Is a now bound In polished white cover, two as her husband. She and called n mass meetiHg In Hyde S1U0.-00- 0 POR up (or this little dlnerepency by mar tough proposition for him in taekle. on whteh fin iter prints and Up print he Qcintemiitries aulng him for ALL INBHCT 1IITBB. school teacher. "I alnt no HngiiRn are now rark to eoueet funds wnerewim to anil that she bail him arrested tjIuk a More Americans than army In nre lttU by nearly every WPnees, and r h kten her the field until wtrlla isxnnnnD MoboHr and I aim going to make no speaking It to be sure, but the Hng-Ha- diceaeieden print are therefore aa that be could not leave the coun- it cuts, "Klngy" when " language very raant convene sherlly, when the try. FROBBN L1MIV8. CIIIL. speeoa" said elected Is precious In tbe sceno will more easily transferred to the finger you mo on yes people. It of last seeelori be 11LAIN,0RACCID8NTS but will always find the of the la an heirloom, bore. or rip or tbe next wilnees. Job" on they certainly eommon posseaeion, Miss L. D Great, a young society and tbe lob a in which are in Mr. Aequltk from tbe OP ANY KIND. will And him. Like most great eelf volved all tbe aid heroes of the lan Invited attack woman, who recently paid !6,ew for tulfraKtste for the reneon that he Is, Death of a Former Court Favorite Mahomet, prite bnttdeg: watfs men "rlngy" a of very bumbte guage, the Shakespeare. Chaueer, Camnbell-lUnnermn- a deelare Cures PILES run a email uen nest to the The dowernge Marchioness of Iaih that she to greatly ptoaeed with her origin, Itla mother baring JonnsoM. John Mlllons, and that spokesman, or party. A ot alien In Buffalo. From a army who the Liberal dot idem a "grand dame" of the bargain." oandv menial wondrous of worthies a master felicitous phraseology wne hesktna en a lake steamer he became wiin uieKen at their need, nave made of and den time, whose death announced Mahomet ha Just token another HAS BBBN THE STAND- amglieh felleltou speech he la easily firs la the other (lay. was a keen poiiticnn blue swot! Itryn the largost stevedore or the likes and the language the Janguage etear-oH- ribbon at the Msmr ARD LINIMENT mrOYBK greet part tbe house of commons Hit t and took an active part In several dog show. This, MEXICAN then start! a number of saloon In that has conauerel a of every In added w tke prise SIXTY YBAKS. Dm vtotnlty wotM, ami Is reaching sentences, word tbe right famowa eiucUona. The marchbmes wore a hto belt, of tbe dock, lie made the out for the plaoe. In he makes hint the ewry statement lad most was the laughter and heiress of Sir I k a condition, however, that tbe men remainder, it .t rather edd that aa srosiest Imlldog In tho wirld. MUSTANG OOBB TO TUB VBRY CIT- part Hngileb Inngunge is appropriate language, mabe him a John seaward a, h liberal stalwart, but ewptaged by him should apend the meking an ad prime reporters who eympa The dog wn recently brought to ADEL OF PAIN AND TUTS wages in saloons to vance In diplomatic world, favorite with the she was s stanch Tory. Her country disposed Mies rt their hla and tbe and so much front halting fneb thine, this nnd of to ALL ACHES TO Utla paid pertly I slowly but surely puehlng endure tbe heweeor, were always with the Qroot. to ex- - FLIGHT stake sure of be tbem the Ion of the average parllnmentary ore lie He broad breasted, in cmccs. which were rrewcti langwage out of polite and peopi a Brilliant converts uoeausi Irtmelv wlr'e spread of forelegs, braes hmw' tor. Mr. AshauKh further established a was many year a favorite ha Me Mi the Ooaooia' bara only. He la public rirsles, this movement aUrtf he for at tow like a stone crusher, ami is himself .he good opinion poe-seeii- fi new tbe trrtoetiMl etoettholder In the here. Well, whether we enll It the in of the the court of Queen Victoria. She brlndle while NOTHING ha BYBR BBBN reporters by boldly discarding a vene- aotne of the Snout diamond around the head and ItrterttrbMi Htllwar eompaay. owm American or the JBaglteb, language, It around tbe body. ! FOUND SO OOOD POU' - rable tradition In bis luidnwt apeeeh. in the world, among them the superb (w newKpapera In Betfalo and l retmt- win imi tne same it win always he Miss Da Oroot out fS.OSn FROBT-BITB- He made no Joke about cocca, tee, or "Antrim' games, coneisting or an an hss token ITOIYBS d tc be worth conaiderably over tba nervy, strong bMgwage, in whteh life tui'iiraiiCt- - on thi Ma-- ' rum. aa "comb; relief of soma pte- - round crown with an atian ,tnLul HURB AND PBRMANBNT mllUoH lollars. It akoald be eUted men of force will a duress ttatioM dlnmond hotitei bat i apart- - the vioms cut neeMora mado the press gal dent necklgoe and stomacher. Sixty he run oi her In "Ohnek" Cobmom of the Uowery and each other, tbe Iftagwme of power, Wast Twenty-secon- d KBLIBr WORTH TKYINO tkt i cry groan and squirm. years ago abe married nfth Mar meats at HS and "rtnxy" bekx.g to different with the two moat powerful mhiom tbe So In- quis of Indondery, who died In 1SS4 treat. that he would not be KEEP ITWiriHN REACH. branebeN or the Connors family behind It. Belmenls gblns In Pert. jured, hto mistress removed nil arti- OM) TIMItK. Isbes are reaching tendon society cles of furniture that bad dangerous Kre of Many Dueli. nd shop the purchases by proJcctiHa pctiU I ila ef made BOWIE'S SUCCESSOR MHBt Auguelua N. Sullivan, hero et He Thlal Wtc Perry Uetmonts In Many mn aiATIC PAINS. ike We effer One I Pari. red Deitars Itewerd nci-r- INFLAMMATION, STIFF it dUMe, wbo. it uu memory eerrei for kith, thst eannet be American Millionaire and their wives Ml Mar llnrrtman, er of him, has alaln seventeen men, la at cured br Hall's arrn cnr. r. j. have surcunbed to the fascinating IS NOT ANNOUNCED K. 11. Ilarrlman. the Pacific railroad JOINTS, LI'MIIAQO. Etc Brtuent on tita honeymoon In thli elty unto. ware displayed by the Jeweler, drees king, who a few woetui nno waa r a. the undersMis ve knewn K. A FEW DKOln! with Ul dark eyed bride. "Fighting a J. titenay for 1Kb Isat U vaam. sad makers, and merchants of the Hue de puted to have made llSBJPjeoo for MUSTANG dbeL" gulllvan deemrea." m like eat believe Rim petfeeiiy nonemBta la IHtU this season, but K nppeara himself friends In n A PBW RITOS la all J. U realgnetl hie po- ami stock eotip, ihK your breakMnt. All you have to bMinees tnuMMettons snd Amiftstwiy from gossip going a Downey has AXD .o oerry any se tae round that has hew steeled president of the THE PAIN IHOONB. d(j Is io keep cnal you are aure of cut obllallea made by hfa the Belmoau easily sition an sMnaior of the Albuquerque league side. and nrm ntueiHS. ninn & Marvin. eeliiHied all the una. power com Jnlor of the teeming Beet your man." When sueh an authority WlMilMMie IrueKteta. Tnlati o.ers. As Mrs. already pea-se- e Mectrio i.ishi ami Is debu- 3. Ileimont pany and uopart yeeterdny tMn Miss llnrriman a soeiety aa HUlllvtn make tbla statement few Hall 'r dntrrh i'ure ft taken miemally. Jewels worth a king' ransom, M for tante, but not find sector a(lng illreatty uiiun tbe teed and mu- - u. R. Durbln, secretary for she does the YOt: COULD' NT nUY A will oe laollned htm. fancy took in re. Tv to contradlet 8ul ceus turfaees of the syatem. Testli 1 their them elsewhere fer blrl too engrossing to pet mil of her hl JSu the ooinpatiy, has taken charge of the IIBTrBR LINIMENT IP Jlyan who It an Atutrlau, though aent free. Price per bottle. articles of personal adornment andJ company donning plain clothes two or three MEXICAN name settnut preeuimriy killed all OruteUl: domestic iwtnttlng Among the s affair here. Mr. Diirbiiri YOU TRIED IT'S TII tt iruti, Take Mall's f&mlly Pills for eenettpa borne la in Dosver. Interviewed this time a week and taking Iter stand a superior omeer of lila in tite trophies of their shopping tours were n the settlement lHMtee, min- BST, AXD NEVER FAILS. tlen morning regard! nz Mr. Oownay's sue-eeeso- there to trlan army and aa he did not feel like several valuable llenuvals tapestrle, ister 10 tbe miseries of New York' MUSTANG a eonrtmarttai he tbe eoun a rare collection of old Sevrea china, Mr, DurblH stntod that the pour GOOD FOR MAN. II BAST inane fl' - company would children. try. In I'aHe one morning. befc- VARSITY WIN GAME and hftmttts nnd sOAtb beautiful sculp- not be ready hi an - AND FOULTBT. mtunce tho new incumbent ror The Junto- league has aa Its prin- breabfbet be fought and hilled two ture for their Fifth avenue mansion, cipal object the relief of the poverty LINIMENT men, RHri flnlebed kht morning's exer- - tne outat lined month yt. ntrihermore. Belmonu Mr, DwwtHay.enme nbout a year stricken and the edHositon of poor H& bjr aw Tleumc BEGfStVELY TO other dlspenslHg bed-pltall- here ' uuiiy wmadlsg 27 5 Americans Is - children to domestic economy. There SORE THROAT. - ago from Pn4M0. Onkt.. and ha I Han- CURBS eeftmH. ffttlllvtM's bride ! from lUn- In Paris and the dinner given to also an appeal to the soula of the , can mm folia. When. xy them Kit aged the eernpany's lateresta bore MEXICAN PUT A TBA8PO0NFUL IN evnf Sbe ieo the st tbe was one of the come In re- tne thst time. 1I b not given out ntfnrtunale tote who for A abe bad ber right band New ush- moat notable of the season. All this HALF GLASSFUL OF Ifcsisadsi ffd The Unlveraity of Kesleo what hu futBre ptont are, exetpt thnt lief. ted oovertag three tltght wound In hi eccepted here a becoming to the WAT8R tVAKOLB Ofern. "Elf ered the weal footbHll season Sat- no ooas not aspect w iwomiu in Ainu The Junior league Is a wealthy or- IVJUsMd w a feaelng match with urday afternoon by defeating the Uni- representative of tbe KotbecntMs lb ganisation, g ohar- - MUSTANG KWfr com- qwercue it the favorite ALSO RI'B TM15 OITSIDB IN. "Mr bnaband has nrowltod ted Mtate Indian school on the In- America, even though It does not Hy of Now York's society On W8t engage In more duels," she port with tke economical Impulse boss. WITH LINIMENT. M t dians gridiron by the decisive score of A Yenns Metber at 76. afternoons the daughter tbe THE I nrm ram-tt-y Sunday LINIMENT swten. "iimuga wont iwe to of IT to 8. aoea ef the member of the great I peopH to hospital. llaelf. "M mother ana suddenly been daughters of wealth and fash km aeata ta The Varsity showed good form In made )"neg at ft. Twenty years of gather within the dingy portals of: Yetn Klwter Betekretlew. its play with the Indian A number intense Hugmnsg from dynpenaM had the settlement house sad labor with TRY IT ON A HPRAInEP or ly Oars en Victoria Kmbanhmsnb "Free leaek for tbe Jews." "Jews more or less Intricate play entirely JhwMod her, until six tbe cares and seeds of tbe children LEO IN YO'.BSBLF OK iN for-wai-'d MEXICAN sprung, involving the The let wid- i nre respeeifnlly to a oris embankment, tke months igo. when she began uhlng of "the other ahto." ANY OF V OUR STOCK larlted free pas nsrw thoroughfare tn imwek." Tbaee urlnted InvbatbMM in accordance with the est Central London, eteoiri. uittera which have complete- develorjed that tbo team ha presents a torn-u- p appearance tknt tlMMgh appeerlnt hospitable eaoNfk rtik. ly rur i her nnd restored the TOBACCO HARVIST WILL MUSTANG PENRTR TES the FI.BMI. good iitatertr.l and showed the effect makes It took as If It had been In- UMIAK ALL REOORDg wee tke eaeee of s aerlous Hot b tie of process Mrength sod activity she had In the i.lVKSUt ICK RHUUF early ani competent coaching. The cluded in tbe reconatruvi Ion or Madison. Wis.. Oct. It to ly ftet alee during tbe celebration of tbe I prime tips," writes Mrs W. L. Oil it. AND A PORITIYR CUBE. Indians were long but ey through which Piccadilly met Tew Klptier by the jews Tbe on material and tbe Patrick of Dan forth Me. Qrcatost expected that tbe tobacco were not In so gwd n form as the Var-ally- . Strand are passing. The ptlee of de- LINIMENT denbltrliailBa was prtmarly censed by rest orat .(I medk-ln- e on the globe, harvest In Wisconsin tbla year will bris are. however, only Incident to the et sssssHwa and anareBist wno inter' Nets "i"mach. liver and kidaeys break all prevtau record. The knr-ve- MECHANIC NEED IT UN aosne on way Nest Saturday ihu Vt rally meet construct lot. of electric car line along is wall under way gad on ceeled Hebrews rbelr be Manual school roauway right, .Hiiiaoa the blood and curve all TUUIM WOKK BENCH aysasmgn. (led tesni. Other games the and across Westminster aides It is l to tb two of their on Varilty bridge. The laying malaria idllenanees and weaknesses admitted that tbe atnnd MEXICAN whlekere tesyerber and stutfed a frank the schedule Include tbe work of the track of Oner quality than ever before Ow POK PAINS ACHRS AND School of Mine or Socorro, which I being on rapidly, be- Wonderful nerve tonic. Price foe. i carried and lag tartar ktto tha month of ons. and gam Ouuran i hy all druggist. to tobacco growing being more J .'III B I US will played here a wek from fore Christ tnH tUe gong will be profitable dairying needwlteb into the mouth of another Saturday. ringing, for csrrlagex than the MUSTANG A 1 o'etoest. and tabs and IRON AND COMPANY clover gelds year l MOTIUNli SO Wt however .the tab line up of motor cars u way SfML the of a ago are 1IIKSI1 wbea VMthful to the The the two teams Satur- clear the over REOftttANIZCD IN PITTSSURS now besting a heavy crop of wee temed tbe day waa us follow which they have bad no un- tobacco I tXM)D. HUB IT IN WELL umber of aboat bAM thronged m until PlitHW .iK, Oct.. It. The committee plants. In this tobacco thrives LINIMENT VsTSl') disputed away. II Irnpo-t....- f stale BfwMiwejr and , t'enlei. Mauisberry right Though Is appoiiii.,1 be reorganisation of well, and with lticks stones guard, Hnumiiia, right to avoid for aad expert oniturtots have renin piled wttfe a will, eomptetcly wrecked 0 'sckli, interference with tbe the HiiNtineiuinna Iron snd tool com thnt they ess produce g batter leaf left guard captain. Craw- lowei branches of the beautiful shade a the bocmUsi keadenariera. 8 great and pany, smnh was placed la tba recetv-er'- tknn tknt of the east, and thnt by cer- ford: tackle, Albright left end, treea on of the embank-tiii'ti- t. was) Ub nMslauawt freethlah the river side Iihiku in December, IMS, hare de shading plants tt will, lu that the Unites, tight nd, C Heald, full back, it U not thought thnt (be ax of tain of the (railed, Oed cided I., u new corporation to -- fi, as the socialist arc woodman form a few yeers. be superior io the Stoma (lontala. left naif, knnetb Heald; the will be permitted to do .i sueeuenannn Pro- for their not besyever before 11 ba csii' tho Iron trn product. llvs rlsht half, Peavy; back. Selva. linn havoc, la any case, it was only LINIMENT about forty of their were very iunrtr duct Miuiuaav to have a f!.oeOiMM The of our Manor 1 he adiy ten, pnllec Indiana Center. Toledo; right on understanding that the tram- common Htoch $760,000 T par OROW8 ban The a nsnal ar John, way was one canllal. PRISBYTKRIANISM rived when the distarkftaaa waa an suard, rlehl !sklc, Smllh; left to bo laid on side of the cent preferred stock. The APAOB IN NSW YORK at Amlla, Iff tackle. Iiemun; rosd thai parliament gave pormsialon ciiiiniutlve end and made thirty-tw- o arrests. uarl preferri' i stock will n ogered for New York, Oct. 18 With the com- !eii .nd. TooiMBiia H ii Kan; rlgbl end, for Ma construction. m thst the respon- , par with one akar ot pletion of three churches, which are ltu)lii l, li-k- sibility subscriinia at Anson Comae Ahudawed. lull Kranolsco, Mt half ties nut at Spring Hardens, but me cominon atoog given a a boon to be dedicated In two or three week, n Forefathers. NapnbiK-a- i aptatn, Dtmsy, ilghi hull, h beadqnnner lu this city and st Westminster with eai u two share of preferred the Presbyterian of New York will le , have been mow.t from the Klftb Ave )ii.ii tii nach, I'sdde Yaxxa. There v...i Ik In treasury have spent. In one year, IS,500,000 on Your retained the nue getei so tbe hlMorlr "Ameu Oat Sienafurs Weinkes. new church building and their sites MOWM) for London new to be tuo.oo,' r.isnaMa stock, and the o the amount of shares, nnd bw to the ton In fact a mad trading ner" k) aw more rar upwards of bleed Pelaonlng hss s distinction mainlng ,toV000 I to be eichnaged a record which has nover been psssed - proud in Hie (hat I tjio only In several other cases bares have n mines hns set In. thirty yeaW these old rooms have results from dirotil- constips'lon, of fsci It share foi abgye for the capital stock to the history of the Preebytsrtan been Um meeting place of political whlob la quickly cured by Or. King's plbce whete oho can have hi algna oi, by any been oversubacribod largely. Three ' - of the o church or other denomination. nabob freen all parts of 'be state end New Ufa Pills. They remove all tun- weighed At tbe opening of the bnve build- new claims in the district have been TSXAg STATE PAIR IS onlce, Sites heea pureaaatd aad YatAR It wne te these rooms that famous poison oas germs f i out Hie system and nee city weights snd meaaurea bisk Heath ha Oured. ing for seven (liferent con- Incorporated as the OoldSeld Bllror! BIO AFFAIR THIS erected Oot. 18 ehMialasM were planned, launched infuse new Mfc and vigor, euro aonr during s testing of the deileete lostru Biok le caused by gregations from Madison Square to Peak Mining company and have boon aila. Texas, Is tso stnte menu, or asowr-ealne- Saturday tho Toxaa mm nacsiht out It waa bare mat Hae siomach, nausea, headaohe, dtnsiwees several tbe visitors rsngam i.t of tho Konsssk aoeV lav Wear Contributing most to proepeclad euBtolontly to dbvetoee a fair gronnd of kf farms. weU both from hatVe Chester A, Arthur, Tbo and colic, without griping or diseonv the luaci avoirdupois their dlgostio: Chalortog "JtnfiSstr tha cost Is tho Madison Square church defined ledge la a forntntlon of! atate fair took place, and drug-glu- names, wno adorned nls nsme dig-ord- er , polot of and number and roobj leid estd other vster-- fort tic Ouamnteed by all t. tine and U- - TaMota oi7neilfcao. Dr. Parfchurat. matte, eheot and porphyry. Value attnuanaB Lgi f-- IsaVM-M- knee found no high tuallty of eshibebt by fsr surpassed with their ncTOet a cure. H? anWng been as from ; at4 aMW and hold In tne state trerireNsmta. The edict OMU abolished thoos lahiuts as soon, ns tbo srst in NSVADA HAS SIB MININB to $aW ton. Tbe shaft on tha lead anything of Hs kind PENNYROYAL PILLS la meto.-mlnln- g the old landmark waa reeeaUv Issaeu la ib ortWe of Terrltoiial mm dtontloti of dhMNUM appear tbo BOOM NOW STRI0TLY ON vein down leu foot tso tongs la all donertmonto entries the g by Tbnotky L. Wooirwt, ssthfrmaii of tsry J. W. Heynolda a blue print ha may on. a virjlnln City. Nevada, Oct. II. it width of two foot. The shewed as Increase over the nrovl-o- attack tit warded Oct free bbjaory assays year, whito Um gnsJtty was tbe repuMfcaa atate oawmHte, who re boon filed by the Atchison, Tonekw A sample mid try thorn. For sal by all Probably never before In tke ore Tt par vast toadabout far mm. new mlalag etate name as any prortotts standard. Since moved aeausammvrs to Ji aeet Santa fV lull way company anon big teeMiat uMlaiiiu. srnfgieta of this has there above but tbo sllrer vsioes above venutwi il eitcrU-nten- t. many Thlrtwtb street. Many nu old uolltlc the additional laud necessary tor r rftMitai ! nfii anJir S Qui bean o much booming and have Increased to M osnoss to last fair a great bjnportant kaaee r. r m'MM kin elghed be Al ren I D1 New are daily opening ton. On another sow otolw a shaft boon In the fair aa looked mortgjUy at yard and aid tiuck 0419000 at ISrw. Alt .1, l.,m-ll- f ha. After mhmu1S fw kr mines ebenfec bare Mee um rng rtera mi J, now umee bsMnernue. The map bears the sig- supeHnMaMmil John gum of sp. The Oveesvaiar Rod Bay Oannor Sown II ftcan foot In a sold bearing grounds. Nvorythlng passed off to new HMtbodg. new faces, new mac nature of K P Ripley, president, snd the I arviy sfetMS returned to his com puny, which ojfered MoN trese-ur- y ledge has opened a vein several feet the entire sattofaotlon of the direct- o the fbmous "Amen Corner has W S feVoicv. Jr., chief engineer. FOR SAJ.M BY . ANN ft RON .iiadipiait .) t Las vtgaa last nignt snares, had ihem oversubscribed wide with sssays running ss high as ors and all concorned. or the state depart meat. The season gronad aad Increaaiag proper for the dtetoauits does not be-- I tha deager of toreat tree, if t. tree Is eat aa-d- r gin it January l, with the aanaal dowa CIETY AT imi IRRIGATION WITH A VENGEANCE goverameat regulations lha Itmba i rottion at the White mast abut be JAMESTOWN wtwn all representative rvmoved aad the lha be Hiut, these aloae ranaot be cut leaving tho, dead or, I 19, republics kinadoms aad trunk Permits may )e wcured apoa al in rtitr nrwa the nresldent.. pre-antin- appllcatloa spectacle at the ldral laud oee the moat brilliant WHEN BIG RIVER BREAKS LOOSE aad tomplyiag with rnlee laid CAPITAL OF sea- - the In Washington In the entire loan b the goveramem. EXPOSITION Thirty seven aatioaa now maintain A Badly Swmset o)lrt diplomatic relations with the United WATKR TSARS ITS WAV THHOURH or boy. maa or womaa, la aulekiy THE NATION State, nine of them supporting em- NEW 0OUR8C AND SUSMSRQSS mit or pain If Bookleu's Arnica Salve bassies, which differ from the more TOWNS AND PROPBRTY WORTH la appthMl ProeupUy. a. J. Waleb of WILL GIVE general legations la the rank of their AT- - Teaaneba, says "I aaa R la cnlefs, aa ambassador being the per- MILLIONS DKFIE8 ALL Mh.. OHEQK my family far eat, cores aad an sonal repfeeeatative of hla eovertga TEMPTS TO THE FLOOD iMa lajurlea, or president, white n snd tad R perfect," Ollmpsos Into the minister at tee PINAL STRUSSLE IS NOW ON. pile car heal- Pleasant tagaUoa. rearaeeata-liv- e Wheat kaow. Beat neea of a la the sjeSSsxfSffBSxeBBBB ing aalve made, Urga Sjmkjb and AUwiUon to only pf the nation by which ha i tie at all dm aglets. Homa Life of tho White dSBBBBuZISjiaBnBxcnK wanKi&a&-!x- 0 .sajngjsnjaaay ''ftmSxsH accredited and tMt that nation's ruler. OovQrnmont lixlilbiu of Oermaay, Capturing a runaway river a third ilouso and Other Great Britain. France. geae OFFICIAL MATTERS Aastria-Hangar- Russia aad Italy of a mile wide, oa a mm page, tho Um6 For have KMig bean represented by cutting new channels, submerging usually men of rank and railroads, wiping out towns aad mak- title, while more recent additions hare Artielce ef I HOMES IX WHICH RESIDE ing a great Inland ea mile eta e- Tho roiiiiwlag artieb-- a - been Mexico, Ratal I and Japan, the of htcoruora- DENATURED AICOHOL BOTH tatter baring only takca on this dig- xtentIs the tick. tlon have beea Sled In the ease of ago, Territorial Secretary J. W. RayncM: MANY DEPARTMENT HEADS nity a few month when the Via Ranchers on the desert of south- The count Mtmto Aokl iu receded the accom- ern California wanted wnter. An ir- Rrawrll aad sssatera ItaJlwag IX ARTS MID ON FARMS company. ajat-aee- s plished Mr. Takahlra, whose great rigation enthusiast volunteered. He Principal otvte of In Ms at Roawell, Chaves couaCy Tar country's welfare has tapped the Colorado river and the agent. rewarded by aa Important poet floods came him. rttotUI Charle W. Defreest. n Does Not UsHslIy and tvercame The I t Rusweil CapHsl Social basso in Toklo. river lore lie way through a new 1 tXeSxaanaf stoek, flee,e Acre of FMcttots will ItMU divided iato one thoasaad shares of Soffit Btgtn Till Tht nksglvlng Day courae. Six times during the pact par Quit equal In socuU importance year maa to value of $on each. Object, oper- UvNi Ml Powsr Orb YtrSr has attempted cheek the ating a Ha beginning Roe Ushers It Into Active Llfo. with the cabinet and diplomat lc corps torrent aad aia limes bee the fiver retimed at ta the supreme court, whlah, with wen ana running now genet to a amel For Of Ptrm. woa. Aa often aa the l!U)e dikes of SKSxeBBaaBBBBBBBHK ' vrillSBxeBaBaaBnBasBBB boundary Ime its nine members appelated for lire, HunBSBnBBBBBBnBBEBnn2k elAlaaaBrQflBBBSxeBBBBan ocir the betweea Text atieke aad stones and dirt have beea and New Mexico. Duraikm By Ohrtctine WhIw(. ooaatitnlaa a permanent aristocracy built, ao often have the Sonde buy ieree VBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmti yearn, incorporators. Kiray a. wood-ru- P. (By Jamea Hlaee.) which face admiatatraUoaa come and hurled tkesn away like mad and chips go with iNdlffereaee Charicu W. DaPreeat, Oeorge T. Ncrnak. Va, Oat. ISr-T- ha MH-ctan-ey ro-lr- a an that some a Mtd'a play We)lflHea, Oct. IS. WRh thfl ot dam. Veal, Rirfcvd p. Bamatt and Wflliam of clcatrlaiiy aa a BSBig aaaat Roose- times Is described as dbsaity aad. d awHa, nwCtc'Sgift Swl swSWj Haw H SSJ of ike Pieetdent aad Me. ex- T. Wells, all of HosweU. wan dceaoactressd at the velt, to early lent sometimes aa dlsatln. W4th the the snal straggle to raehilm 1M mile mffaia Ibe White llowt cept loa of the who la a expoeitioa, aad In Bfdar ta wwti, Waahlagtou may be W te chief Justice, of railway track, the tve,66 of Brariita, widower, all fhe members ot the proa-e- m m Pcoaiena Boatarut to tha nlna that rna axhRaHN have shaken off lu NMNMr siumber irrigated land, lo cava a dicu IRtle Tag fottawiRK acaWmic hava beea rtv-VI- at JaMcetown court are married, thus making ir- 1 L1''..0 hrlvlng town many ml from the Colorado rl the and a new mm lad us Icalunlng, towaa and to prevent a fa0MtS -- dlaplay Wbteh nine iMportent households to eoasMar a. lMerging railway beW only that rea. aven Uteuith tora-i- l duties and rigation dam frem booamlwg wortk-lea- rtrf, a station near Moaloa- Sl- ths In making up a so- ueiagaia Andrews: rim enta the greatact aohlerureata at- calendar of olaelal at " lwer way by the river - of the iwawlly lnellntl de ciety. About lUjmjm warUt Wr1mrt2l ,"r1 Maria Miguel Archuleta ae Archlbe- la ovary Una, ltwribeg! Much MsembllnK lu atake, que tained aa ovbriaal and net a before the The of young In projMrty at of Wtmn Mauad, IS per moalli fuaturw will be Uw of eengrefw. or before Thanks- number people this will maa or river win unHue arblblt at least particular oonslder-ni- y the June izf ahawlag giving bay, whleh long an circle has been im. the twee of deaalurad iilaohal ha been reduced since Inat aoasen, ao Ataraltts 0. Laekett of Port Bayard far ItgM. heat, pawar and fuel. opening dale far poiite society la THE WHIM OF A RIVER. at peKslaa to SIT per It leas than four supreme court girls lacrnafe moarh will abw Include tacts ot applies-Ba- a washhasten. Qllscn frem September 11 ISM. lu bavlag been married early (By Gardner,) pur-poa- ca, since the aikert A. Starr, ta domestic and leduetriat Mr. RoecereH, like lew exalted iprlHg, The laet this quartet waa e3pftC4el CeSfewWIdlMl CHMa'A AM, additional in a bulltHag designed st peaataa of 118 per April ami Ii net without trouble to youngest ! meatk from beetfpera. lot rannie rullf, of tha Yuma. Art., Oot. Par twenty 4, ISM. ooaetruetioa far that attrpceo. la her annual homuBomlng and bealns caret Justice's serea daujltlarc. waa It The cicpetlmeMa and lsets will ba with small army ot moat ha the Cieorado river aaa bean Jnaa M. Lajan. of Wagon Mound, the beacon a surprised her friends by a hasty re- a from Ha proper enema to under the dlreetlos. of Dr. Charlea X. Mill truant the t ot paswloa to flS par month at work la the executive turn to town laat July, when her y Maaree. of chemictry manctoa sea. At a poiai jaw over laa ooeae-ar- from September 1. 1SN. jirsfsccar at where the relay summer has marriage to Dr. Robert Mason, a Oeorge Waahtagtoa university, Waeb-lagto- a, wrought damage line between Arlsona aad Magiaa John 0. Bnaiey of Rosednlc. paackM not a Irttle to wife, young payaician of Wasalagtoa, took D. C , and chief of the special pteater and wall paper, Just aa la aa place it turns aalde and Iowa through a of IS par moath from August IT, ltaS. at the Puller home. In F street. new de- denatured alcohol eahlbtt at tha tea-roo- channel Into a great natural Howard Lovett, Port Bayard, pea-eh- ordiaary dwelling. lUe state without the formality of any cards of Jameetown eapocRlaa. wjo la now apartments hare all beea renovated pression which used to be called Sol- at S from Angnet St. iavltatioa and without the presence of um now betMHae lHi tiavallng to secure as exhibit tint wttl without aay change In the jr sink and whleh has Mrs. Lu Sa aches de Hlaoioa of seaeral ine brtue dietiacuiabed lamer. If. part be one of the attractive Mid laatres- of the a I way beautiful eaat aa has beta hinted, this last Fuller ro Salto ace or lake. The lowest Puerta de Luna, peaetoa at $g per ot this dopreeeloa la 287 feet aad the month tram Pebruary S, tive features of tit axhtbitiOM. room, where the marriage of MlM mance waa against the wish of fhe IMS. Ma Is making exienciva ptaaa Long-wort- h present level of the waters la SIS Roosevelt aad Representative calef Justice, who finds It easier to laat far the die play of Ike many III below the sea level. The area ot this Poitofflee ue took place laat winter; the ne preside over the highest tribunal of News. la which aaa npuMed. room, where the preeldeBt new freeb water lake la SMoo acre Pmnk Peet has beea nppolnted post, it ba and ha aad wife the land than to direct a Itousetiold iB and It may double unless the river is matter at Ouchllla, Slorrr. county: Jkm oampiatad a aertea of tucta receive on all formal occasions, aad of daughters, all has been forgiven tha nppllcaUfta of Ihm ngcRt the Green aad lied parlors, which the youthful bride, who Is radiantly turned. The water la now rising at Henry h. itvuNtree at Orfroaa. Lincoln servo purpoee the rate of three Inches a week. oounior, ami, Waker reap- In cevarat branches ef the varied tho ot ordinary draw nappy in a modest flat on Nlateenth 0 lielden Thla aahlbit tuta reaetveU lag-roast-e to the president's family street, Im- The Hal tun sink is now an uncan- pointed at Ollff, 0 rant eounlv. where ahe eajoya eotnpleto the efldersmflt nnd ot Mra. Itoocevelt returns greatly munity frem the duties as well aa ny lake with Ha creeping shore tine Tho nostomoc at Hurley, Socorro strewn with flotsam of ties tele- county, has been moved elaht ml tea the NaUondl Aicobol ftceeclatlan, In health by her eulet aurnrcer honors that were hers la Iter fathera and which hoe apixHpted a apeatal eom at Oyster May. and will be funy able heme. Or. Mason la a Virginian of graph poles and the oooasional float seuthweet of lia former loestloH Thetv lag ahnnk phllua W. Medley has beea reappoint- mteatoflur vn as k Dr. MearM In tha to join with the president In the In the VU(HbI&. a grandncphew of ties. of tho evicted settler. work. A feol man trouble, ed pestmaeter. formal and graceful hoepltallty whlah Itobert Is. lee, and extremely popular started the tin DlecueciHg the reeuR nUnlnM they ao in society, any wanted a larger flow of water for tho A potomte han been established at la hare practiced continuously but not wees! with o at Imperial, private irrigation Haneenberg, Botor.-- county, to be hie experiments and Ieats Dr. Mon- atnee their first coming to the White fortune beyond hla professional lands a gap roe said: IfOtMre enterprise, and he got It. The deeds tervad from Antonio, 36 miles to laat apring were unusually violent, the went. Luciano Tafava baa been "It baa beea found by iwtlefaetery The oixettce of Mra. Loaf worth from appaintad peet lentil that deaatured ntaahal Is an The nret of this fashloa-abt- e and with no gutee or ouiHraUlHR master. tho homo circle will, of coarse, matte season' age when Im rued tor aaaer-atla- g weddings took pteea last Wed- works to check tha flew, Mr. Heifer it tut appreciable difference In the Mineral Surveys Approved. heat and light, aag whan ex- White lloute where, from her debut nesday afternoon, when Mica Carolyn little cut attracted the frellMtme daughter river, tor The ftdkiwtsjr mlHcral aurvaya have ploded In ap Internal asatlruetfan to her marriage, Alice Ilootevelt rostlethwalte. of the late which started on a gallop predtic-vlo- n Her. William II. been approved by Surveyor fJenaral equally effective for Uw reigned one of the really great beltwi I'ostiethwalle, United the Salton. M. power. army, onoe chaplain Wwet 0. LiwweUya: ot It lc the lalent km te la American history Ktbrl Hoeee-vI- tftaies at There are neither bottom nor tuues brina; ricMara I'olNt. Henry Cobb, Jr., ot ftowa through Mtnaral survey No. ISttS, Treaeure before tha ta lha the only remaining daughter of and Ires to the river. It botbtnv Stwup comnrtirtHg'thc Jamaatawn afpeattloa maay deticea (he prtetdeat. la New York, were married at St. John's lace doposlla of silt earth aa soluble Treaaare, I. C, Just fifteen, aad, BMiin. Ottea-Saimt- in whleh can mwccMfwiiy charm, Liayette Square. aa sugar. R M&l Hawk. Portuaa, aieohoi be notwithstanding the occasional uae of Tha water touches aad BMoa Irish Orey HUllaad. her oa the top line of The bridgrooRr'a sister, Miss Ign- It is gone. and ladea. afl the eUmtfed an the Burro Mountain mia-In- g "Already a largo number of btmpc roll, ahe returned to aehool on ore Cobb, the maid of honor, who Ptlea drives la this al't popped up Waan-tagto- u tttetrtct. Oraat county. Murro nave been Invested for bouJimchl Monday. Mbw Mthel, who poceeaeec speat most of her ok! Id Hood In aad Koated down the stream. Dama mmMmmmaummmammmati' x ue g Maantatn Copaer company, la which inoandaceeat mantle re- maay of the attractive qualities of when her lather waa aupervts-In- built on it ware undermined and claimant - MAP SHOW1NQ mm CULTOK LA KM AMD MaTW R. L. Powel. deputy mineral surveyor. place the wick ot tha ordinary lamp mm- atater. aad the aaato marhed architect jt the treasury, enjoys There waa nothing ta tie THW ROUTS Of etdr I Mtnaral survey No. by cubatRating for kotuamio the dint act km of beiag the flrit of to; on get grip. Tin COLORADO KirBn. itsT. New York aieohoi roeembMaee to their father, la not no rock which to a group comprising the New and prodticcc a soft aad brilliant tight. likely to be reckoned upoa la aay ao the long Hue of friends who shared tha The structure waa alwayx built upon York. afraction aad eoaldence Mra. Nich- Peoearlruata, Brie and ChauUcqua Tula teat atone proves that the farm tftl happening more than a Mrthday of the nande, and when th wlada blew leree: In the Imperial laHac olas lungwort b, when that young ma- IrrinaUea "We aim air had to wla said Oorr lodcii, situated in tha Antelope P&us er aad otbera, who are uaaaie to avail r Curletnaa party. Mrs. Roaaerelt and the Hoods came, t:. y sustained aad than gave orders to "an to aa ha anaad yellow waters mlnteg gag too tron waa Alice Roosevelt. Mr. and It" at tha tear d'atrlct, Oraat ooaaty. Harry themselves of aad efeouteMy can in that wla bat all small the same fate aa the on of whleh the They picked oat an pro- ing mm HUH race Wood, claimant. R. Powel, of mothera holding the Mrs. Henry Ivea Cobb, parents of tha a at the barriers u. deputy have a aaaerlor light at tin oast at 4m bridegroom, Scriptures tell. fessor to furnlch the aasjaeariag which u labor had pat la their path mineral surveyor. r'l. Moreover, aa a aouraa at pawar, Idea that a flfteeuyuar-oh-l girt then occupied a hand- So thla was the task that confront real-deao- e brains, combined with the ability ta "There la too to Mineral surrey No. 113S. It la possible acjpayaltariat HtaHtbt Nad her chief intereet some home on N street, near the much at stake lose amended for tha la life ed the men who reaolved to .make a So oa ground get la our If wn aurvey of OUtord lode fjlf-tor- d Urn tn hooka of the thea Civil gerrice tha aad ramtlu. and Tale laat ebaaaa. linn the of tha ta mil aieohoi for pumping water, her aad bar home. mat ngnt tor e that slake. they told It. J. Cory to draw on the win now we iota for goM. Thaw what group, situated la the Oepper ihreeking wheat or far traatma par-pose- Th vice President and Mr. Pair and Mra. Roosevelt, with The Southern Paaine railway waa Mining Miguel comity. tha aouuiem i seine ror money, rolling f of the towaa of India. Mac dletrlet. Ban in plowing or cuHrratiHg nanW. who hem oa K street, the residence of Mrs. Poetlathwalte ageaey Anally - Meatealce. tha lust around the corner. Wednesday that moved. Mr. liar- clock or anything else he needed. oa. Therms and ail tha others trtbu 0. A. Aieaaader, riaimaat. H. K soil. Paragm Square, was second riman and Randolph, of Arl- DuVal, surveyor. only crremony waa consequently the culmi- Kea the with no limit. That waa about three ,tary to thai IrtiamtiON couwtry? We're doattty Mineral "vary phase of its uMtaey will ba to the White Howe laat aeaaon sona lines, took over a oontroillng In- - .Miner) currey Ko, IMS, tn tha number and brllllaney of lta nation of u romance begun In the '""""" " mmpiy aat to win." Doaaid demBnatratad by exhibit aawing lta school day of the bride and bride- ledc In Central mining d'atriat, Orant operatlOM of household eaareuteneea uniaaa called to Wash- opuuty. Ucrmoaa Copper company, ington by an extra aeeelon nf eongres, groom, although their engagement and dertaea aad the metal ncag W claimant, M. MclCee, iuih-er- will pane th was only announced In the past cum- J. deputy whlati it can be appHed m the mtoua next alx weeka at their mer aurvayor, .tome. All fam-ille- a from Paris, where the bride and braacbea ot the ttwral arta." Indiana the enblaat Survayar (lea em I W. O. are already In their Washington ier mother spent several weeka, nnd WOMAN BLACKSMITH Ijawallyn Tacta have been made, said Prof. where bridegroom la UKES IT ha received Authority to award the Munroe, chawing greater Horn with the exception of the ceo-- the a student of - that a itoree architecture at tha Beaux Aria. After eaa tract tha raanrvey of lac Part power emut be avatoped St araperiy rpiary oi we ircasiry ana Mrs. snnw, Bayard wlH'nry raacrratcon ho are la Iowa. n short honeymoon near New York, and lincc eowatrueted eagineg with alecaol lima Mr. Cobb nnd will nail mWe surrey tn be eonaetad wtH Bkaty Th Secretary of Wat a and Mrs. his bride for swewtUi. with gasotina, and that R Ko' are now occupying their sixth lfcirope. where the former will con- BETTER THAN TEACHING SCHOOL auccccd the latter agaat tor autaMic-bB- a wtsublngton reeideaee, having just tinue hla studies. parpocea. It lu inaak prctwfaMa, tanen tue large Itoute on itIKKH island IS ha antd, aad not atlended by tha at. avenue Ireal-Urn- t IN. RMS odors ot imactlna. owned by former Vloe CAPTURE OE STOCK A NEBRASKA VILLAGE SMITHY' Jacticnsble Lerl I. Mortoa, bot more recent- THIEF Aeoordiag to tha aaaae aathorRr It ly occupied by the former Russian HAS A WHITE OURTAINED A waa eoodudvely saowa daring the BOUDOIR MRS, WILOOX T Oount CaaalaU and under the ifi NORTHERN NEW MEXICO HAS oewgrecctonal bearing oa tam bW to rrian of hla daughter, the brilliant HER THREE BIRLS POLLOWINa remove tha tax an aieohoi that R sold t'nunteas Marguerite, the merriest TRADE. ) tor ISJO tor each proof galioa. while i THE THE BXTBNSIVE BATTLE RAISER oilso In Washington. Blnoe the Oaa-in- l R could be majiufactarad aad sotd tor , IN NBW MEXIdB AND ARI- oceuuaav)-- tha houee baa beea News from Lau Vegas la to the ef- 'anSxaw' betweea SO, aad sa cants per gajtoa. ZONA IS GREATLY IN- completely refuralaaed, so that Mra. fect that Santiago Patttlfe, ailaa San- jjEKnjKK the tax of prevent lag Ha I Uneatn, Hob., Oct. IS. VOLVED, Hoot wilt the mlstraaa ot praetlaal-l- y tiago Pane, aa alleged notorious The aaa p. heratoforc In tha artK a aew home, a luxury aha hereto- Mock lb let, was captured at Rated. where Mra. Phillip Wlloojc. tke Taklar tkhj gg a beats. Mr. Muaroc Union omtaty, ews comes fore has not aaioyed la Washington, al- Now Mexico, by Wil- womaa blaeaamltk of OtBlage View, from Iac Vcaaa inat bdievjc that Its general use ah a sac-- liam Boy law, Ranter, well though the house ahe had laet year oa and was Wrought ta Nob., wing- iu J. known In tkie city Daacnr to gaollae will be shortly spends tho working day a aad owaer of "The mm liteeath street had been pat In ex- that city Monday. Padllla had bean tr" naiu adoptod, not only because of lis by It ing heavy sledgau nnd shoeing horses glaaewsre store oa cellent rrir owner. Hon. employed by Itoylau oa hla ranch, Railroad aveaue a aad ecoaowy, but becauaa K Bourk- - par-tra- It or- tow year, ago, whleh wee rochrkn. whose lifelike and la charged, borrowed a horse shows at a glimpse that k la no uader tha ato-meat-c TMM W'& ELt HBH auuMgement or a. does aot poaaeaa the daugeroas oror the drawing room mantel ostensibly to go to a deuce. When dinary amlthy. two-clar- y build-- 1 t B. McOsawr and J. The IHW W. hemkedUMr. of gaeoltne h sky-blu- e. sswW Mallatte. has boh iain lent rnthnr an unusual air to the did not return an Investlgatloa Ing lc painted a pretty Tha V !m Itc Importaaee aa a soure of rev- atmosphere of the Root wax inaoe It waa found Chang' - The followlag arttcla oa the subject is and he upper atory la tha home ot the Wll- j enue lc at preceat the chief eoaaiger-atto- a home, la fact, Mra. Root d iraas use obmbb: has beea horses at aacther laaoh. Boylaa, cox family. Tha smithy snows the Judge of the United States tiepan meat by i Mills lata Pride aft overshadowed family ortralt tn with frlonds, followed him for over touch of the womaa la Ha orderly ar mom of agriculture, which moac of her Washington houses, a aigaag aa order ta tha Ramer bank-- has taken head the wek. aad anally overtook htm raagemeat. lta clean wladewa, y. lu tlai rupwy - of the work with energy. Dr (tret reaidence ahe occupied, when her wnen discovered it is said he waa boudoir with looking giaaa, ease nxing uw time for the sa- waa towel. pearaaoe aad aaawer chief of tha turvau of plant haebaad secretary of war. being driving vleven i ef the defeadaat head of cattle, eight conn and a rug on the Boor. on Induct ry, has obarga of the work and that ot Mra. Albert Clifford Barney, oi wnica nave Dean Identified aa be- Mrs. Wilcox nowamiier II don not possess tha Talc ault la one has die patched anemia to Burope to knowa la the art world aa Alwe Bar- longing to a raachman near ftnrlucer. build geaerally associated with the' of considerable ia great ney, oa or the greatest amateur art- partaore Tha total value of Mr. Ba etady tha ataak pote' ' whtoh Tha Brieoner aUraed a mnfautnn village blacksmith. She la scarcely ia growa very amacrally there ists of America, a portrait aalater of uaauago Pagllla da Pena. man nwrs new Mexico, Arlsona aad Maa lta the five root tau aad weighs little xtorw loo uroperty food value Is assail, but Its yl-- ld par national lame, who Had no lees than by Will MRB. I ia said ta hit shout saob.. arrested Boylan and brought than 100 pcaadc. Tha eoavsraajiiaa W IX' OX 8HOB8 A HOR8K two. aare la bamaeaac, being aufScieat ftfteea pictures of herself aad daugh- 10 vegaa, The Phoenix reach at Watroua, u enarawa with Wa than and mannar of the uttia uroaaaa ia produce MO gaJloaa of at- - ters about her art let to rooms. Later of ietwo horses ene or the Snact la tho territory, waa the bent aad sieves bead of Sutie and reined, aad ot course aaa a aa the sabbath, entiy eesigMcd Tim nveaac that one acre of oa. the secretary and Mra. Rant oauie, appeared before aaver aad then to the Baa Miguel Uatrlct At ttiakn of swearing, when WSm the ahem, war clan--1 nk. The wwald supply bant. moved to the residence of Paymaater toraey 8. B. Davis, Jr., la everyUaag gaaa CURING OF TIMBER bank has a martaaea oa hla ofSea wraag. Ida Is well did war at our awu In the prouert-- . and aa aaa H. Uffai and power to a houaeaoM Oeaerai and Mra. Hates, where Batca Monday afternoon g)aa "0 anvil if rWw fam aad admitted the and taught in district has yard. h?o made $ of Dearer. J. S. Rayaoids tor oaa year, if tale variety of potato portraits were not so mnek In art awaiing or the horses a aaaoie aad ta is there ia said ia deuce, naly finish their ft cabi- MUST have claims eeearod br eaa be grown ssacsaafuliy hero, nad to ret bridle, bat Implicated others la the Mr. WILm Ig a swarthy maa CEASE iaotaaaa tlnara reedy-fur-amh- ed with Mra. ameemUsg to upwardc C (SO04 aaccM to ba no aaabl of tBat. net residence la aaotner aattie steallnf. a Wfiaae: stopped to look at tha bewe on lfayetto Sausre, uhtek woaataebe and a hearty. wood which g farmer Arteawa property. aWdee it Will rapidly become one of the Sight baad of the stolen cattle, ohorfm Htttsn. lta neither drlnke, had brought far, tr1"!rwaaaag tmportaat where the ancestors and deecMuania wsm ha repairs this VERNMENT aire. aaa okas. iiceM who aas most demeaUs todnatrlea. branded "P. L" on the right side, chews gar swears. He la rmr, LAN Da wiru. hrinaina aha . The department experi- walla -- You beak ranter win saw of the owner lined the at all Imtoag to -- torr aha naked. want to P8HMIT SPKOIAi. Nalaoa Krit rg, a ranch very prood of this fact and he It datt iaiMT taera are said to be several other ment wttl com atalha. aoaa. heat the living roams. man reaMIng near M. Mattel that wagon i,i with cypress, BZBNDQRF SECURES TWO rotary Treasury Snrinaar. V. prouder ot hi wife. Daring the win- no youT" ereaitara wnoae rialma are not so- - Ulfca had various root crape, la ha The Bee of the and Mo owaer has yet beea found INBIBTMENTS. Mrs. Shaw do not expect to keep of tha ter ha does as much of the work In cured. meantime several at ika slat utt otuar three head of cattle, two of the shop aa Mra. Wilcox, but when he "Aiat that all light?" askod the piece A Davis and a ward caJtaral depart meatc are at work sioag house this winter, but will remain tor which are branded farmer. Prederiek C. rjcaecuinrf thief iau aa murk of the seaaou ae they spend "li ia away tor weeks at a time ahe eue-tl- arc ra atltiraera for Urn aeiitioainc iae acme naec. TBe CJStlRatioa of lt Is said that a posea from Raton carries oa the business. Wall. haNly. was the reply And I 'tZTZZL!? cradltora, wtlle the Miguel from nrota news has already In town at the Arlington hotel. The soon gat n!"? f Sea baak la ring Colfax county for two not looking for anv notoriety," jouff. a two by fear aof, pUwraT VLHftZ J!Z!. m reprcccntcg ay wm a. Haybm bcaa undertaken bp sere mi lane wa- - Meoretary of War ana Mra. Taft, tha more man belonging aayaib Hleoe to the ------laat Craaas Secretary the .or Mra. to the name Mra. WHooa. "I took p thla eik. - eeras. of Inter and band of 0. B. aV I, Hltaneeek, aad Attorney Oeaerai stock thhmw. oaaee I like It. ft waa my Bd Jajry SET ASIBE In View of the grant iatnraat nit- - aoody ail etaaa to each other oa huaoaad's aaaaparlaa twenty years to of llleaail iN KIN 8 PUNO SOHOS facted ia thla near industry every ef- are Danaer Pram the Plague It won't ; TC." ""mm m Qateay. 111.. Oat. IB. fibimbso moat fashionable part of X street, WHaa we ware married aad I laat." tne organ moanu Tha fort hi being exerted to make ta at-kh- tha Tawrera grave danger from the The Sargser, - ra Ac u rccoR Baribigtoa Quinsy coca-pna-y near rice president 'e, while lb learned it from him. I scon became after t few weak re- of hla vlek ladleimecU were and railroad at tha exBoettwa ta be bald next the plague of eougba and colds that arc tranoen, picked up returaed laving cat aatae SSS,M raeeiv-- d Postmaster Oeaerai aad Mra. Cartel- - expert a: R that I heat tha aha the timber against two xeaa whr waan f year aa Uw ahorca of Hamptoe Boca co prevaleat ualeca yon take Dr. It back nt sealad prnpeaclg today for the pur- running during the summer whan totk to be exchaaged. I ear leanoiH, va., ao nom paste as to you wi the loeretary of Commerce King's New Disoovcry Coasump- - be f1 navlag cut Umber oa goverameat hud chase for waa awav. I fonail I mala m Wilcox graeped a ten Bound, mmA t - - 1 . of alaklag fuad boads of tha (umeiaarveiy caew beat aae Uabor and Mrs. Metealf are living voogas sulu Iowa the cad iiou, aaa uoiea. aire. oeo. money that way I could teach- - hammer and began strabjatenlug aalgulliy arrnlmTd dlvlsloa. The tenders weie call- met bed tar to aortbweet. one on Bancroft Walls, of Me., thaa whn they ware te ed price, nf arooaeina te Porect City, writes: lag school, aad I liked the work bet- - iron rod. at the knvect cot to esoeea arad aloahoi toawther Ms cppll- - the otter oa New Hampshire a Qodaaad court Mr Deaeadorf statad thai ika par with "lt a to people livtag in ror. "If same of poor, i and with ace rood lateroat for My hnanaad waa working la Ike those uvsr wurkad declcdlonBUston par lar nan tn the aria climates where oaagfce aad colas pre- raiiroao saaaa ia unawa. xaa.. at laaafcarg waaid try tils lejtfee tfeay totC rcuttraTof neat bonds or 101 aad accrued vail. I Sad it ualsxuy U m tor per coat boedc CANADA NOftTHWSSTTiAg at the foreign embassies and enda thaw. that time. He rectgacd there bsmaaae .C aad hereafter it win not be g leejtthsa opened la Washing- prevents pneumonia, la grippe, - 2Li? my glrle BUMPER WHEAT CHOP wfll be they wanted ham to work on the Bah- ns Msstos a M!nnlowed ualespa iMrrmeV nac been graaA-- t. B. H. Bsakford and J. B tteespa ton before November l, Spout of the gives wonderful relief in aattuas and nau The Wi leasee are The ohfaat lc an ex-- ed ef Vlcterta. a a. Oct. It -- After racc seveatb aad gacmgcMK Lake Valley, are aanang tfu. gk&m. fni B. p. envoys, of whatever rank, prefer ring hay fever and makes weak iaaga Stw adventlats. Saturday Is tnetr pert Mcysie ,k ttcairader hbaatry Prcealii Rabfta at !L .olh,r ' leetloa to taate. f-- Btekford la tha manager of Oka ragaalg fcn aamater quartsrt or almag enough to ward off eoaaumlh I wo are asm good at Maaltcaav, hag eetiamed that the ta their sabbath law basinees. dlccrtsntaata cuttteg of UMbcr hi that urtiej rwBey Ktolag company aad Mr. igarthvecwt take trips abroad before resuming tlott. coughs aad colda. Mc aad ft. We had a aaa la oar own yard The otdaat girt baa a baas acrouat thoaa who nave bean doing baa ralesd a wheat It la the Nelcoa hi bis aaalataat. The latter rop that yea of bush etc. heir couAden Uat aad earnest, if not Guaranteed b all drusgiats Trial there ia Ottawa." joallnaed Mia. Wll-- (hat ahe earned from reealrlatt i.i- - pact hate beea la Urn SnMtfaf bmrrag neatwmaa waa Ujmjm with White Hoitee bottle fraa. ' laUiated Iato the Mys- meanag iaa aaaatap swgnuy aaove arduous duties the ror awhile the railroad est my e'MM. dead trunks aad braah nllee aa tha tic Shrine tbic afternoon the average. - jamwakrt .- Dyspepsia ant TRUE LOVE TRIALS TERRITORIALJREPUBLIGANS WAY, COLFAX AND LINCOLN j Happenings MUHTIR8 NOMINATE RF.PUB. Local , tlOAN CANDIDATES. Stomach OF THE GOULD Animal alum mamiiiii-a- i wienajmrar KKmmmrnmrnmaaemmimaiminuimnmMvi The republican county convention ef (TueMley, Oeteber 16.) lery KtMdetn, KM hie experience in quay a eouaty 1 Korea Jap tbe Wibop . t . county to nomiaate Andrew ttekter, a erawHieui ner-- aad Mr. W. rouch, rf debet waa hold M Ttewmeerl. It wm a good convention and every preeteet af dliC0 at the rltie.' of th South is.f:?.:m. county waa represented. The I. ... ,Lh1ilTiw houae with a in the ,JL V5!veme wbo are ' mWUMWH left the Mas., vI uTfereti . - following tteaet wa netnlaatetf: moM ,lll(ltrUBrtBg of tl Hbertt. John Aiaedea : tremaarer ootmirlea. and peoplee whom he dl vareiy from complicated oil ootleeior. J j. Harrim; Mr. and Mr. I. J. Bonaall have re- - cummhI than tbey bad la moat jstomach troubles, say prulmta clerk, A. H. lhnilr; aeaeaesr, turned to the elty from Mlaeonrl and pr. posaewed fYnnW Omlrre; amierlntmileat o UiiMta. 1 that jcrsst tonic Invljf- - puiillr laaiructlon. Milnor Rudulah; fti. R. William of Mi Vega, at (Wee)n.cday. October 17.) iritut judRf. V. H Mnatoya; com-l- - Mved last night to take In the Ma c M Spellntan I In town from Ala orator. Duffy's Purs art-on- ttirni, Peflro Va Male meeting!. nmuoi . iiuei; roainilaaloner. third dlalrlel. Httadi, w II known eontrae- - V It uregg from Magdalen t. h:ts nv , . Whiskey, Mor-aim- Malt I noniat Davla; aurvey-ir- W. V. of the Meadow i:ii). la aWHig tbe (n Alhuqaerqne vialior yeet'rlit) const limlunal I stored him to vigorous loleaa the tuni a the AIarado. Penny, St. i .. (lallenca; for ment Bdwartt O. frot.i 1. .'iitcniirm, Crtu A regular Alamo wee atoMrtng Alvarado. IiMtlth. He writes or Iht ronnrll frtun the) !latrlrl review of Hive at the tT ,d Bt Odd KrtlOWi' imll l l:S0 O la a gueat of Attn For Mine cn' I i ' i... i otiipoHvU (if (tun Miguel, Quay anU Martin Hnrt the , rrom ivwi-ji- ,b get. He registers mand ,.l 1 1 1 ll)In'lM.llj rininiit'H, m. (ii weir fromlypr,a l. to) V . 8. Hopewell, nf'or complct Itu membi r . f the houao nf L. L. Stowell of Amarilln a mi stomach trouble I t i I .1 m..-- hrr 'ing Important bualn. In Chicago N. V. Uallegoa. s. Alhuqiiernue vlaltni yesterday of medicine and visit ! ,,..(..t,-- ha returned to this City. i. Lea Major W. H. H. Llewellyn '"i pennant-u- : rr J Murphy csbm down from ri'r hoprd to secure County n u- Cetfsx Tlekst. Vegas Ibh- night for a business nnd to hi borne nt l.ns t'ruces laat but to no avail. I leant' d oi i .ullv'b The republiran rounty convention pleasure In Albugnercjuc. nfler n short visit here. In visit Malt Whwkrv, and for son.r of Colfax county nut the court W. ni wife Mnrahsl Porak t, was rtniith nnd of Trinidad United States past I have born tnituiK it rc t.lurly nuuse at Haton. ihe couventbm are registered at the Alvarado. Mr. ass been on a Ihii-Ii- trip .i:v i well attended and every tuoclnct ex miih la connected with the Santa Pe City, reiuraed yesterday. at directed, and I find that it rives cept two waa repreaeated by dew- - railway. ' ' absolute relief from ilyjwr-.!- (i and gates, me roiiowmg waa nom- mt nnd Mrs. D. W. Johnson tieatt Mrs. Mason, the actress, daughter ( I suf- representative, Horace C. ia rut, Cnllfornla, are vlsltiiii: ' stomach troubles, iroin wl u it inated: For Mrs. Meyers, arrived today on the ' Abbott of Springer; commissioner, of querque. They are guests fered. A a tonic stirrr.ilanf it it flyer from Colorado, and will remain Alvarado. first district. S. N. lllrch, of Boll post- - apeer'-W.W.CROU- CII, n without Met, short time James JO. McNary, editor of th. m office; commissioner, second diet Mrs Martin Ttemey aad son, John, H So. Framingham, Mast, June 20, '06. crow, tic. wbo visited in the Duke City MR. W. W. i kuu ihivid of oreehtct It; treasurer ser-em-l returned last sight from n visit at home ' and oolteeor, Oeorge J. Paoe, Mr. terday, has returned to his pro-- weeks with sad Mrs. Jamat IdM Vegas. of Haton, present Incumbent; sr Tieraey at Mm ngaleg. Duffy's Malt Whiskey bete enrrk nnd eiorncm reooruer, B. The Midland Opera Quintette from Rev. h hV Whitfield, genu . Pure doputy i U. Twltty, of Raton, present Dei M olaas. row, arrived tab) Morn alonary of the colored Baptist chnn baft earn lor tnititrttlon. fl ilnln, r. n. rrouuwa and ti, ty (mm el aroaaaeh probate clerk; for probate judge. preached st tbe Mt. Olive lti.iti-- i , I'toliil'-l- r drtTlnll ami build np Irw ing on tho OaMtorntn Umi ted nnd are 'it ttM pur" ii and lmhr"r"nf Bi.nmlanl lonlr imtm Daniel Sandoval, preeent incumbent; city. night, up fKrwrf prim .in-tia- ana church, this Isst MPS lit" in in - oint'inivirtHi registered at the Iturgea hotel. lettM ll I.linn, into a Una ill lr- n il (nr. It mat.' dlcnttori and aaa ior superintendent of schools, C, O. Kagtea will John Belknap, superintendent f ii 4 Iron. ln I'kui rut Hi" 11 c it . inTa.uat'M lot The tTatemul order of " nmincimrrt humum of Rnton; for surveyor, David i wntnm aod u klr i liiWrrn r it a lore. iA load already dlamlod II Mrrnctlnei Itta meet tonight Irt Red Men's Hall for American Lumber company's timiw a acoai'riomi Padilla. tbe tmnsacilon of Important business. camps In the Xunl mountains snd '" i aw touaa trva iw loan .irons. No nofntnatlona ior esndldates for All members are requeued to be pree- - was here yesterday on bustnesa ISm Ml Whttkr mat tint olawl oil I eonrUM-tto-a easy aa deiogate to the com national iiirneu went Isst night. nniatar recoeairos a eyoieiea. were made, tbe county oantml CNt. James MeNary, of Las t empowered name 0. editor tbe Dr. Stewart Culln, one of the CAUTION There Is butane Duffj'trate Cbaavm committee being to Vegas Optic, will spead the day In ethnologists In the eountrv umi CjiJtrjuuANX enndldates for these poslrtans st tho the met polls. He In tbe city HH Whiskey. SeM in teat! beflhweulyi proper time The county central ri arrived resident of New York City. lent night, and will return north tbla Albuquergue on one of bis fr i In . Insist having tt Ben RTB ma- - go I com to con-fu- r m. war oh Married rest uneasily on a aronn the world alone. His wife mlHe was also authorised evwnrng. trips to the southwest. ntue and refuse suhsrltule awl with the republican county com-mute- e No. 31B larieus 1?iL?J Lii!?""!? "' irt ,kr ' 'or dlvnree. but tart, Montague St'veua, at ' of Union county for tbe pur- III A.I Knlgbta Templnr sre re.iu tmUsHoni, whkh arc cheap snly In O-- rge liCd avenue, who has beea nm. ertuVcien nVfae. "and " and He, Oould pose or rlect ins candidate for mem Wii to he present nt their nhn: past weeks, la convalescing, ' Leek tor tbe "IMCtwnM" trsds mark h'i the two stret-- i full Kn have only any or two ulnae made up. ntnxl haneea of settling tbla row. ber of the council and for member of wm full health again. It le North Third in tw tbe label and be the Mat tbe t and be la Templar uniform. Thursdhy him ertr Frank, tbe baby of the family, who Anna timiwt. who aanrrled tha Count Uie bouse of representatives la lite hoped oy friends, In a few days. ertr. and hag chit- - i inirty-aeven- neeemmy at 9 o'clock. J W lOOer. E C H tMbrekt. DrugfMg grnetrt, married Hok Kelly and two t'aiielhui. . now awnttlng a Jtvoree legislative Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hail, who have i. Artel, $t ,oe a betlm. emr drtec d ret , has gone away angry and will decree In I'rence. tor the Corns, county legislative dis been visiting friends sad relatives In There will be a regular meet., missionary society of the c t. medical feeekwt free JMifty Matt trict. Minnesota and Wisconsin retured on the iu a4 go gathmsl church In tbe church pi r I.. is WJniicr Co RecbeMefr M. Y, the limited eaterday sad will to i Lincoln Oeuniy TtskeL their some nt Hollywood, Cal.. la a tbto evening at 7:30 o'clock at " Dr. J. A. Jewett, of CspMnn, was few days. Miss Ijimaon, of dan Wte "DISARMAMENT" eiacted permnneMt cnalrman and I. L. Hon. McboUa Oalles, the banker of apeak Anays, of Anaya permanent secretary Ijib t roots, nt In the city, slopping lion aVriomon Luum. aooompaii'' i MOUNT TAYLOR STATEHOOD EXCITES were IE Tne mm wing nmiaainns over from a business visit to eastern by Mrs. I.wh and ihetr gussts. Mi- - thati maiIC: Cnmmlenloner first dis cities, nnd m upending the dy with A. M. Iiorgare and R. M. Otero trict. Homualdo Dnran, of uncoln, L. W. Onllec. will Santa Pe, are In from t FOREST RESERVE! INTEREST - nis brotiier, He the city second district, no nomlna'hm; pro- continue Miilh to Las Crucea tonlgnt. Lunne. They are registered i' bale judge, Augiwtin crmvos, of mo Hon. Charles P. Hasley. a big rum In Alvurndo. It Hide Oonrne PROCLAMATION OF so: nrobate clerk. Sena. the dsmocrattc campatgn. Is here from W. P. contmetor :. OFFICIAL "WE ARE RIGHT ON IT," JUDQE of l.meoln, A. llHrt, at Sund. and therlff. Robert Santa Pe. nltontllng the scmIosb of the Lns Vegas, who was ; THE PRESIDENT ESTABi.-SH-IN- col- here PENNINGTON DECLARES IN Unpltnn. treasnrer and Ureml Jidge of Mbbom. H. Y. 8te- - day msking arrnnKemoHta to LOCATED IN VA- of as-- IT lector, T. W. Watson, Lincoln: vens and It. II. Hsnnn, from San carpenters t AN INTERVIEW. seeeor, alto and bricklayers LENCIA COUNTY. William lirady, of Unawn; ta re, are In attendance. in the Meadow City, went home u K. lltan-char- v ' suptrlntendent of sckoola, W. Utst night at the parsonage or tbe 8 last night. .. . ' "UettttaK hi rtaht." refilled JHdgaj rt' Lincoln; surveyor, '. P. all Avenue Methodlat Hplfcopnl t Uad W. U Trimble, limm s.-i.- .,:"..irH,r',s. ? m?a,zz: mm niHto. t tNancunrd of Uncoln. etturrh. Key. IIoIIIbs Joined In mar- - lirady, of (lontln, waa elect- Clarence Ilmlson, Arthur Henry i Detail, thhi Horning to The OWim Robert rtngu John wall and Miss 1 lassie Fish- H,i M U e Pollee Judge A. J. Crawford, l.uv. .ta.'MonittVk.r ed rnatrman or the county commit-ie- er. Tbe bride had Just arrived from Hf-r?- NnI"mJ coubUi lH!in way. We turned trow the foot hills, when n. !r" Mmwnl down Me Tne btOHe endorse tho administration t nlcngo. Mr ali la an employe nf of Preeldeat Koosevelt. spent yenterdny shooting quail i the American (umber mills -- Mount Taylor Fereet Reerve, Newi(M cbHt7, with a of naming camlldaws report bagging sixty three blni- - p((s,Htr In the mstier Betmnwees Cesser Field . son of for delegates to the canstltutHNtal Mr. aad Mrs. I. B. la,ne ha v. Charles Field, caterer for tbe Albu the city. Mr. Payne waa connect ' convention a resolution was passed querque lodge No. AM, II. P. O. B.. or Atrterien A rnwtaRwtwn. giving the democratic convention tbe with the Albuquerque Traction puMIe landa In i, and l.ela Field, died this morning. pauy, ' Whemr. the the any Denting privilege ol naming one delegate; ut- nnd his friends report that uMMkn, .j y.. umu. ata "We Iwvon't boom In BLct eleven months. The funeral wna geatlemun failed to bid a numbo .kik ter this resolution was passed Oeorge held this afternoon at I o'clock under hereinafter Indleated. are'ln part eov 'hiurflTI,i W. of Oaks, the oaly them "good-bye- " before bin ili;m ii . growing J!" 'T".w Prlichard Whlto e niitM'rvleton of A. A. Borders ' ihi before waa urv. buildlNga being the candidate the convention A In city give f au. un i ..auiiad ere erected, and - letter received 'he the H Mclkiugal of r.imendorf. N awi elected aa the candidate for dele- information Mr. Mrs. W. II Harmony thst snd urr.viHl here yenterdny In rutnin'i Kate to said convention. Rsfaol, county, - Hume of San Valencia with an engineer whom h- ut prevailed In 'he convention and a In bounc "i And wnerena, it la provided by aee- - "The country around the town Is si revelling the smiles of a placed In St. Joseph's hospl si 1' strong county tick." has been placed noy, appear-stic- e r apnrov-- 1 iielng np rapidly and by a ing bany who put in nis Hon St of the net eongreaa, aottlnd line In the field. engineer was suffering with tytil ed March 1. 1M1. uutKlnd "An act to class of people. the other evening This Is Ihe snd was with difficulty tranm- rnpeni timber culture laws, and for "tvlthln the pa( io or three not American nnuy to nave been , . lh , , .,, , ithor tbe president , montha more land haa been located i..rn in ao itnraei Hoy Helfrlrh. agent for the W nwmueea." "that HEW rangTs'S sheep MNs BilurHge nt tne United Sttteu may. from time nd settled on than during the tweive dessl. ba. returned K.rgo By.prM11 ,.limMany at ld Wg.. 4m tliu aat aiamtt awl reserve. In any years trreeeedtlMt. A big Irrigation 1." tlLl"? UZ ,"r..u,h Alderman J K Mirtln. wb.. b.n bj In Mot ,'SSB-Hn?- . tmi nr tenttor having public land Ueh being pet three miles The forest sirvloe has derided to al "T ? ll" " Bitondim tb iih. ii,,, J. , , Dlf benrlmc rorentn. In any part of tne or Homing. ternMing mts rrom tne low k' head of sheep to be grased c haa lieou fl! of ,4. at.nA A c HMbtw mirna wholly or In part ovv Mlmbrea river tind the lend on beiii In townships 27, St. 1 and to north, 'oiM'Sl!;r,.V',r,"TnL Accepted Masons, which Com.,! v past two . mil wllh limber or uadergtrowth. ldes of tbla rtttc and below It la Mil ranges 1,1,1 nnd west, in tne urtnu ' rteraoon, hsve depur -- ilWUQiai of enenmerelai vain or not. taken UP. Canyon (S) reserve, saanins. mim fMnuriage repuns ',,,vaau forest an area , Ui tat hmMIo renervellnna. and the nreel- - "Tbe new and cheap methods of covering twelve township and one ia,m--- i iuiMvrifSi rtffMij nun hiv Major H. A. Hey it wna 5.1 - ahalL by iiroelanMitlon. pawning wnler are proving sucoeesfMl il r ol along enuth bound win return heme In about two weemi. yesterday nnd a number of tvxn tlW imbllc sections the Mr. and Mrs. Joeenh Price of Socor- his stieli . ami as there !a an InexbatMtniMe siin-- nry reserve, during last night n deUr tho ontnbllshmMi of of the the winter ro authored at his home reMrVHiltimt ami thereof." ply of water fifty or sixty below moans, mmw aneon men announce ''e eujrigement of their gnve lilHi a tegular rnsnt 't the limits in order in dnughter. M' to old Knw therefore I, Theodore Keose-- 1 'lie snrfneo, the que I Ion offtIrrigntlen suWcleat time to move In the spring or s l.etm. Alexander Oermun birthday party. About til !hy pumping ! settled satlawetorily com The young lady la wsll known present.!. vttil, Hroahlent of tbe United States rail the xraaiog season will Mm. were letters of r by in ,aa to ejuenuiy ana ooei. men November I, in this city, and is a sister of Intlon were received relutu.-- Amarien. vlrtne of the wiwer re 1M. and end I. eon il. attorn, with whom line from i w by 34 afore-- 1 "We have had to double the capae-pai-d May IB. 1M7. . charge grafting she In Pennsylvania, I vontetl sostton of tho The for on many Mr. Davis friend KansuH. My or pttWIe school buudlng this & visited occasions. aa, set of congress, do roctliu iwr will be a git rule of reuts per head. young gentleman Oallfontla, . Colorado nnd Rial thore are hereliy from ynnr. shows bow wo are growing Annual Meeting of Olub Weneti. graalug grounds opened Is a popular af So of Kew Mexico reserved tbtt The thus corro county, and now holds the piris oteJry or aettlemenl and set apart na in nopniation. FOR THE Chicago, fjet. IS. The twentieth sre covered wllh splondld feed, hut The bowling alley on Wi-- 18.- - ait-nu- position of superintendent n iiHhlle reeervalhin, for tlte uee and i "How about polities down yonr Oct. The twelfth ran be only during the winter avenue, owned by the Ilnin-- . , . g utLd of the Kelly mines. bontiHt of the neoiiki. nil tlie trneta of way," Mr. I'OHiiington waa aeHftil. UNITED of the Illinois Pedsriuloo months when there Is snow upon tbe imlke company of Denver, hat. hinil In tli Naw Maxieu. "Oeosx onr neople are too VtlaV JlMt STATES uf Women's elubs commenced In the on or The funeral of (be wte Ana a, closed want lorrilorv of ground account of tne scarcity 11- - for of patrona. the year old daughter of Mr. and gffown aa the Mount Taylor forest r- - now polltka. We are tehlng n of Chicago today when hun- water, llowover. there Is nu reason alleys paid quite well tinder ! fr wag morn- In hhss-hopen- r. of dealing with wo- Mrs. Victor Sits, held this on the dtugrum rormlng a iwrt lively Interust tbe statehood COVERNMENT RECOVERS FROM dred problems why wster csnnot be devemped In but hbi uoddes ileparture, ertv and will be found right on men's luha wee discussed Members grasp many ing at o'clock from tho church of many unpaid, put tion all P. J, OALAN ON AC00UNT OF time atiMirlent to more Concept Ion. Much bills a bind, ef-'t- all pKrts of tho Immaculate ' This tiroalamallon will not taha nrapoMtion. FT. BAYARD CONTRACT. from women's clubs in the sheep than aiy M allowed on the on the place, and Carl Holman. syniiwtny Is manifested tnrouflheut - 3m upon any landa withdrawn or re i 'Dnth pottttoal parties have put good Mte ai'snoed and the gathering was area, nnd by an doing reclaim valuable was pni in io run n uy in.- ihiiiih HlrvpK, nt this date from settlement, tickets up lor county omeatt, the re-en- lrt a mo.. i snccenaful one. Mandvl llsH lends for maxtaj are now a J."" w!ml!"it'r icmiW net make It win out In at Ml that w,Ja atiprotHitMHW. any publloane having the beet of . the federal court Paso last Is the neadausrtera of the convention waste. ,7 Him.'. r other for naturaay oasa uirWouloela Th. Pwrr Jsaw am Ih.n tAMal umj nr BDI DUr DDBBIT BBBtira WIU Ba WBHI the of tbe United Status and n large numlier of club women The number of cattle sud horses st !t.ML,atl. w" leave today for Sabiuel whi r., h HUr I . I - vs. J. oainn, contractor, ana mar be oovered bv any nrlor admlnietered, whichever tltwet Is sue- the have made Hyde Park their raeoea for lowed on the restrve has been te exm-c- l to nursue tha feat it,. . I AMh.l his surethM, W. 8. McCutoheon and Be n.-v- i daya. A numnet oi Ainnqueroue - i few to io,ioo for coming e f0Wl said to Tlm ocaim,il t iwg st. wiMHiraw- H Radnor, lury. nsed head the to PPof fluent tlmse narti ie J. waa tried by a sum nranarlna laka u-- tiserrirtlop or claim mclsta. - winter season. There Is splendid 7il oiered nimToA Mw,l ' ", - the Times. The verdict of ly. la t RITMUg Is herehy given to all ner- grnslag for to I0,00fl bead of ."IfLj?.1.'" ' nd their friends are whetting rn nivn i was in ravor or CITY DITCH W.. . !J?!lar . . . . Pile not to make settlement upon tbe hhl I II A tt cittle nnd horses this year, only n imy r ArtooVm. In of th 111illI 11 aunt of 11,41.1 gggiust Cslsn celiorVtmnt WlnaiS;, tsnns reserved by this proclamation. , I LLL U small i an of which . un be utilised of Me The affair begins tomorrow and con-- , in wnnees wnereor. i nave norenn- - favor the defendant sureties.Wm owing to s lack of stock water. The it,,.,,,.. u,.. xf,,i., f urr nr lillfir Cutoheou Badger KILLS OLD SETTLER ,uu m i t.i my hand :nd etuaod the seal RM and forest service has adopted a very lib iBinfl uiiiii biiuiui; sker Iht '..ornlnc receive I i. . set' r HlKr Tbe suit grew out of s contract en mie is uruiuiavu uy of tbe United Mtatea lo he aMeed. "LI Ul mill. eral policy relative to tbe develop ia fine Porto Ktcan clsnrs from l'i i manager who ha provided an lsbor-at- e Dene Washington, j tered lalo between the United StstM Mmtm nrroya ment of In M. Kodey, goternor f ponn st the eftr of The street in Sliver stork water and dnstre to program sports and amuse- nnd Contraetor Cslan for noaatruetlng of New , Jn City pi ved a death trap to one of the tercet stockmen. ex- Outer nor Rodev Is in 2 2 5tl LAY ABOVE uTRSST FOR soma additions to the government y ment The celebration has licen Lh.?!r r'lMAH ootini) h owes l cnisena mat nniur-da- All applications for araslng on the humor haa Ii that he wll lu a, h a HSAHUY AN HOUR BSPORE sanitarium at Pt. Bayard. N. M. Af- tensively sdvortl'ed and orThVTndeid.e., SuMHWl Wei a, a well known lirand Canyon IS) reserve should be quorque In the noar future .tn.i ter Calaa had completed his work , Hlahop David H. Moore, who pre- ii wno employed at nied wi'h ihe supervisor Bo later aume an active pari In the aad had been paid by tho government hnd iieen than sided over the Spanish mission con- match SJM thirtv Smt Soecbjl OwreepodenH. ' '; bad been atopping November I oust. Blnnbs may be se ngbL It was claimed that the plaat , ference of tbe Melbodlst Episcopal 1 1 hating wUk was Judge B. F. Admin, THSOOOMK ROOSUVKLT Milwaukee. Wis., Oei. . -J- f, io the town, cured of sll rsnger or of tbe forest of .llutn. ohn Installed rch here lust week, '"fi this mora l In . Am -- . ... , Sv tbe nreeMent RMH1' BOOT. ' atoulam a nlerb In the new Inauruaee last aeon on the atipcrvlttir st Ptagataff. ' ttk.." according to contract Tbe govern ing for Hoawell, where he will preside " , of state building, did a slsck wire stunt re street - ,it gbont 3 o'clock In tho morn ",.1. of I " '" Stops Itching Instantly Cures cently ihnt for Injecting thrills into mrul7nr.7. ..-Th- an "W ' ' rheum, Itch " ' u" Vu"; ' Mrt'Bonn of the ('ommrrln: . tbe apoctutore who witnessed hM piles, ecteiiiK. ssit totior. "7. ti ny pastor or me , , ... o - pani' rov. rtmiins uJ.. JUQOE ADAMS WANTS loop to-lo- i a and letp-the-ga- faded hlvee. herKS, senblea- Doan'a Oint l.' way into ine dim nermon. f bwj?5.!n. T?" lu7 uith. wenty nve feet Uilow the ment At any drug store. street Phortly afterword 5'I their support for kVnilHn'B ontre l4 on the top 8oor ..." .u"rS,"T' ."rw. """"'" Via t? Morrison,LT..",I?""!I.--the mlsetonary A securlnK the DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE or the building and he performed his Ii to tho Ladles' hospHal. Oa expmzss en lh,...h'""wV,rn".,B ZJZ5rto vi U prepaid by ruinng rrom n on ? aanmatlea was found that his left H-- , set window law. re.uro-- n . rourr quarts nnnue to wC. on n baadrud . .,,,, ,. brokm, tw b0k Of his full theomo-- Sour Into luneh of about a , . pom verdirirTetaS. hnmA , ,mAt1 ,,, Hta hi. riant Double Star Whiskey $3.20 une nraia. tAm-m- wlrea that ran from a into tbe Kl Ls Thai a strong fight is bciug utsdu t'alan resides at Paso and one lammm A recently aunounoud organisation Is W. tS f- - company, oou- - ail kl. u(. ri.v.ih ""lII. Wolff wb a ouicos of n telephone a Imported - esenre the uest Uwnninl mmiilng oi the lHi4t known cuntrnctors In the ' , and Mateh Safe of tbe "White Sweaters." It om- . i ple of uoora below There he lay d ensued xhorlly .ei, his arrival at the Premium the' Wa the suceeesiiii owner r the Kulghte of rythiMi for southwest hospital. at ists of a number of selrct spirit , rr nahi plum si tmllup Slty feet above the pavement. DOUBI.K i AR la a pure Kentucky any hmn. aiMtrqwe wss Rfglu manifested ibis nVmleo'e waa not voluntary, tie Mr Wvles was St years of age whose aim It la to murder time la (0v. and aoln t, Ikdhari morning whs teeretary P. P. a m old whlskiy direct from our agreeable manner which may from simply lust he doesn't, OPIN MSKTINS OF veiornn of war and leaves a wife ' where he now an . 4 his Usleurc and the Kentucky distillery you get of mcelv-- and oeanot day today suggest Itaelt oWcers , the Owimerctal elub care to perform the feat again. He ILLINOIS LOAN ASSOCIATION nnd . crsl ohlldrea The BI( ,a 0(. u a aooond telegram rrout Judge belter Roods for the i uney. We arc arc W. 11. president; Charlie , ,,!. t the flimsy wires for three Peoria, III., Oct is.- - The general Prati. business with the Monte...., him more rluns I . 'mm aelllng thla brand at a very close mar Adams reguestlug to send while a huge public attended nti iiieettug the hln.llk.M mliUM n Iiu I Uenjanun. vice presldont, Archie Mc company nnd Mutnurd l.n. dear'lpilvu literature of Allniguortiue. of o boor, mien St gathered beneath thrilled aanual convention of the i . tools uu.-d- hotel la Las Vojas aad family xtn. inn sre willing 10 make corquedale iecretary and liMaurer w.ilff has been nt Hoawell ,, Or-le- e crowd aad ap- Judge Adanix. wu la In New The following committee been - Dg , aper atom shouted numerous Idiotic League of Hulldlng and Uwn expect u, leave thai city neil Monday auiell irogts and he naeareo has the electric IIkI" plain , US aocia prepare nt the mttluga if the Kulgbts xtiggesilona him. tonlgh iho ittuiidanci van un to tipcni weeks visiting la New of your ateady patronage pointed to a constituting nnd (he Trust company' nnd M. i, PythbUk l Duke il bn thre hon- Slegel, of .iitiinlailr of the auniebody go- n si of ttsuill) lame. Th. t.rinrlulee of loan fork .ty. Mr. BSWMrs will be re lonest methods deserve Fred Warier Dtekayiand for the Inner may hat. ., I bl- When miner city's tihngui - BSMH-lttito- t Albright. si ciiiu ho nest sense and called the fire department, and biilldlna w rk were lleve.l j. A. Mgdky, who Is already est i utronsge. If you don and Klwood W. Breen and ,rp u, Oallup on the sain, ii,,.. r tin- - lodge - It v Qulokel been as floor dun I'reas wnrh plekd him off in a Jiffy. esnlalned sad ReureaMtativa Urak at La Vegas wMk his wife. Mr Had- and tt sll right ship hack have selected Mr w.lff is .., ,,,. the rrow, at New aspense, ,n rector, will officiate at rM stai. aad Junte sterns of Chlcano anoke on ley foi 'u, uaat senson haa been man at our and th light plants, and l.u old friei, , euiiit.iotia w muKtlag orgaslsntlon (rloans h umi How's nupropriati to the theme of ager ihe Pouatala Perry Park of W Will Refund Yeur Money function of the. which pjvenlng Cl.lie,, u pieHs.,! t of the loigi- - here would bring niaay Thlst autiett the convent ion wotilst iiie. Kentucky, and for several V. ne is prosperlnK at, a, pesaplo to Alhuqueniue. Hut whether r offer One Itundred Uollars Reward All guoda shipped In plain Tont". gh;,, ,r""x tiarrn tnat cannot so (talvea'on. Teias. tici. H iving rears u vlous had beea manager of Mrs. Francisco Garcia, s v. It. box with no marks to Indl H .! or by Bishop , aJbasiaeeans' ewuros the uiiina s JJaUrrh cure. r. j. he Ihe l' club of (hat city. He The lecture David rvaiiiaai or .,1 1.. ado Ohio had Ideal cot tun wenthor durinv ndenala i sle contents. iisieiss. lei I,., east. K Is S cortalnty that thi (hike Tat - Moore last night at the Lead Avepu. In uadaraajaafl, K. most tninorta.nt unit of the sen- n in will ikmUv now remain la the ser only of that place Inst night t; otty w.-l- t New W. tha have known Double Star la oau will be advertised at . sir-coltu- Methodist church wag llsleaed to by was In elxhl-flrM- J iMitey roe Uka last u years, and growing distrbta m his vice ,.' tie great Hervcy ttag house our many brands Write for her t t,.i, , Ortaaaa among uouple from all over t it large appreciative audience. The peneve mm BSiimntW awure.uM . " .an systrt,, una) wan snow a Ref-An- aad the mother of nnanewny aaw aisle, ike croji ihls year catimaud nr icy is ,iew 26ti-mt- g catalogue aevernl cblldi. tho UnMed sVatei. tiusinans ire aassHsps ga - gs enisrtalament waa more la tha uatare ,, out any amass mnee ay nm to be (he largeet ighe btstory of cot- throughout th middle west a hotel bank or express com runreal win skr piR1. tuiai , a pt Bishop ton growing la TtdMaT and clu maasger and steward. of desert ion oi Moore's morning, the siU.iiU ia the Orleat tags g set H W. i. l4d. a well knewu Meadow atell iSjiananMJfiv. eimrlenses tk grnddenc. at i oy)1(. ,. Mall a ,. Imw-- lecture, the subject aa agaogaasd i Mm OHy rontrnctor, who has been here In anting directly upas M A See boy ayrtvod yesterday at tbe Poi mild easy action of the ' gM gM ssi In ihe cb.iii'h of the the nKsflmsnKfai PJ - - reslly occupying a small paiUaa s. aonrea o. prtokhyera and carpenters reus suicaeee of the avetem. home of ties Ouatsfson Baby moth- - els h . ngle deee of Doaa's negulcta i f " - fl vey nenn ai wo clock interniain , , I sr-- frea rYln lit- uer Iwltle Sew by I of letalk In deallag with 'he Uow g, , reterned to bis as Vegas home last er tind father ars dalan nicely, though !. emmah Trea'ment cures habitual aea$utfir$' Whaletait ana neiert 1, "II OrugpMB. m nali la China, together Ms , night. Me WM suoceseful in finding PamMy the latter is somi'whu iuia handing const !.i.i hoi 3t rente u box a Mall Ordar Hetita t with raagements b. - Take rfoJTs PtHe fa capettpa J hit . Inferior Plow- - the hau ere nmiriopes required. ISMI. out cigars. your fm hen. 913 Mlaka SI. DiftVtR.a0L0. ihe of the nasal Dlroclor A BioyI' - the Kglsi i nasi MtiMi ssrveil aa the temporary the awvernnr. retlrlnn tho tm of the tecrf nry of state and laonfahrnt Cleric, I t,u, ) ABOUT IDE Mr. Hoot. Mr. an i Mra. Henry making tba race for a PhlPi . formerly of llttsbnrg, but now "SWEET MA RIE," GREAT TROTTER, nuoos Mr. Tawnay also predicted t). thai f London, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. 0ff. of Cincinnati. Mr. Jennings h tepiii.iicans would brci into ti -- .ne of the growing colony of South Af- sas iy seadlag nae rei'ihll-a- i m rican mine owners In WMhlngton, that state to tba bona. Juu in at WASHINGTON t wliero he was preceded by Henry CAN TE LL WHEN district he egpaeto to mude i ie TO RAGE IKVt Cleveland Prhlns and OerdiHi s, SHE'S marnabie gaisj Mr. Tawnov .n whose fortunes are also largely say, aad his ready lo laercii-J- . . ea-- nag I nCRHTAMTCQi i mm this same sottd source PH prosstoaa over ptVOMUOr. ' be - Injunction to "wall nMsl see.' other of the winter's golden airls "Sweat Maria seam to know wbaX Is Miss Btsnaor Slater, diughter of IS ACTIVE In Pewnsylvsnln. Mr, Tua . ad-- Is espected of bar," says bar Rraiasr. ULUUIHIilLU , Mr. ana Mrs. William A. Slater of mltted the probable loM of t or , rVirirtenee, R. i , and the granddawgh-- "Wfaett the day floatse for bar to rftsa four districts, three te O&lo and "H t r of the well known priUnthropiat or to go out for eshlhitlon. she knows i few" In Illinois In tow be com- - Whij Thoy Are. Wliero Tlioy who established the Slater Kduration- - it just us well as I ao, sad she showi OOded nue rfnuhirul asaSetat We edaca-Itlo- n ' Ifouf WMhlrujUxi Going tswtiey al fund, tor the benefit of ne;iro that s.'u- - la i leased, i dont think shf at aal.l the cnnreea4eu)e sftun- - in mmili, Mr tloa wsa hava Lioon ond Wliero the and Mra. Stater heara the moo ' ''Vtng smmi the rae aaaaiaaaBaaBB alioariher slsvattwy, aud n ten year ago bnurht the former but Hlit- - unowx it from way w ratt 01 Hoot while It ws never r seated that Iha ' the gaWgaaassnlBBBr Thay Will Live. home cl cxPecrciiry Whltd'y. on I Ked h n. She Is illei"J th day be- '"TV preeem overwhelming maJorMy woahl street, which ssmaaaaaasBBaBaaRaam.. .JPnam j ' n m a i Talks Atxul Cuba. he 1st has been the scene of as fore 'ilie races." BBBBBBHBBIBBBSHv lBBw ' returaed. the wnrhlaa mainrtt many notable entertainments sa any the house he declsred. troald he an nest private house In Wsshlngton, ao that !h Iter In I Correspondence Isrget than many anticipated SEASON IS EXPECTED TO Mlrs Sinter will make debut In Lexington. Ky.. Oct. hr CHAIRMAN TAWNEY SEES Presleent Still PewvrfktJ tbe ivslirnom wherein Mra .lame H. .Muri' the trotting mare sur-litU- that has , Mr Tawuey talk . very t with President foil er. nt the opening of her the o! ting l.orae world by her I dramatic career noost'vell,. tin, couh! not BE UNUSUALLY BRILLIANT ahnrhed all Wteh featn in the sulky, has her peculiar help hut thins "ilam. Ington Uy her recltn'ina of ike oncr-f- a of OVERWHELMING VICTORY around the 'italic chamfer Juk like human BBBamf3iBmm&$Mmi!&$ aaw jHssaeama. White House rosy moua Osier lo " t genluaea. ha, taken oa a master hue WTien chairman (lenrrsl Wsrmmsker orennied the When your uVrmaa. of com.pondoat visttad the nnaTinasligsal eam-palg- n house durlrg the Harrison arimlnln'ro-Ho- Foriy Gowns and Twenty lists her stall he found the great mar c.immlttee relbtdj gt tfte Wh(t later selling It to S. S. Mowland asleep. She wleeps standing up. She Even Mlaowrl Will Hemaln In Ute House shortly the Very Least VflUi WMc One of New York, Whose xeXtu a a Miss after rnejJeWtttrr rf d Her head otoee up in a corner of RmhsV-llMr- at Mr. Tawaey. Melrpoa'. a leader of Washington's Is OrvlrHj he fouad She preside at Van Mass Her DeiiuL her heavily blanketed stali and bar serene sad smlllag Tnure were ao mareat anrlrty until her drath eyes went shut. When spoken v, she Arosi rnmsrs. clouda on polftleni Tlx MlMea Theodora Margaret tne the lertaon risible and started with a Jump, Just aa a human to 'he preslesatlal eye Cerktng care Shonu. daughter of tbe chairman of would do if was busy (By Christine WsuiamJ. wakened from a dw. st Mr. ffrbnnusig s t luis the Psnams canal commission, will be Turning around she same to the door (By Skeleton iwtaln, hut r, cc s t.orrespondenes. In the ranks, although! Si Cllae.) be enmo' forth a etMageel debutante they with signs of pleasure, at tbe sight Special Correitpondenee nu. As amaaed repovter ls.-i'- i njoyed ashes Mr. Washington. D. ( . uctoher lte have the imuanal distinction of bar driver, P. McDonald, Al- k. of Wnshsngton. D. IS.- - chief Interest of Wssblogtwu's of a ir anntatlon at court and nil tbe bany. M. Y. C, October - delight JsObal It waa to be that 5lTOai;n- mrt society lor the nest weeks if a lindon aeasen without Harry eseeeled lis any William Hwt Marie's resident Roosevelt fank ..ho v. ill he found In I he launching of tha American debut. Mrs. Moats and hostlor, staeps with wr every nlftltt returned to the it,'' mason's debutante to whom will be daughters are expected la Washlcgto White House there would be "things and WHtahas avar her. When sIm o bar - prerod-in- s during coming pos- - fead. giving evioance of the line.- olng" but the most optlnletlo had t"?U,k ow vtrhiua the week to take dedicated the "little season" waala bat- brawkfnet she shakes her gresteat eftynyment rzT tho con great ffl- - session of a handsome home on Nww ts bar travels." Her Ally vaa a not looked for such a of opening of nnd KTOom to srouse him. Sbo doss not aVrunge Is dne one snd was i entertainments gt tbe White Hampshire avenue, which they have the tsrly history ai trained by a negro own- streauosity it must be true that Ilka strsitgars Snd will show her Sweet Marie Mhn friend of the Mr. Mouse. U anyone leased for tbe season, and what Mr. who foaled the er year-old- . Roosevelt has taken some time Aud tblnka tha by thitrwlng back her ears, property as a J She showed speed launching of a girl in Washington and Mrs. Shouts ex pact to twlartaln at a negro aajfaar. In tba and Mllo M. Potter, to sal. aad the chasers sre that be he wnnln lo he klaan, ln the blsck-smR- h fntbarbs a member of the baa slept now nuclei y I matter of little Import-nm- very ettensively. The Mimas SttmU of iM AngehM. CaJlf. Her Angvlss Driving aad then, but there has t shop she Is quiet only while , La club, bought bar lug as Immeaitelv nil 1 were educated at Mount Vsmen semi- Udy BWera, a daughter of been no outward evidence thnt I be la "bww. lbl would like that Individual to Harry or MeDonnld are with her. for $109. When Sweet Marie ass 5 onuatry." J nay nary, in tbla city, so wMt and tome Carr'a Mambrino, objected to being fires under the holler have been bank- im one with the rnotusr hav-lu- g old Potter start.; num- ind wast Marie travels In style, driven, asu on rt ... . mra her a ed. ron do not tklnk thou, pis m- - nl even the least ambition of tbla acaualntaaewa already In Washington. kioa .n. ber of times getting a that The naming Mhw a retinue of servants and the heat the marktrt wagon record of Wen Washington rrom Its Wm ,h" gaiitxy of bud. Forty gowna aud of Btbel Roosevelt of Jers of her owner. 2:U With Potte- - awoke waatr " Noeen. aosowmodstlons. She Is given a her old his summer siesta It waa not wHh i.uly limn constitutes the major snd Rltaebeth diughter of he hill rmuK Bloemaker who ran a little stable of horses at s "Not Russlsn amhaseador, among section in tne ct.r. which Is wall hotaL He sold on William yawp of (usurious stretching of a hit of It. Oa' the contrary, iHntioo o( one coming out outfit, with thla year's paddad her the pot Her Oarland, a railway m- the I am I aad bedded. "Sweet Mario, t,r and in receipt dally of m i . MKorlfn of lace nd In hud suite without authority and purebaaer. the negro, paid f.'i'i in oahb arm, ine awakening waa aa If soma evldeaeea that linen you capltallat of Uia Angeb pre-e- at I na know, take more room than r one had V. "s tne campaign: liovirtloii, while i hi' girl who baa not raiised some annoyance to the aad contracted to haul the garbage Pouted 'Fire"' and the Sre some stars." said Harry in fact, abe owner, bought 8we rle for origans stimulates activity in the .it lfii! twenty-fiv- e gown to mart her friends of these youthful maldena, away from the hotel for one year. Tba has been Susy ever mlnuts rank aad require lota of "room I 1(1 fs.t5n He drove her natlnees. fUe ss effectually laday koi ihI campaign may an well make, up who are still in 'he Krhnolroom Mlas She mare had been bred to McKinney, since Cuba, Panama politics, and aa It ever did. Mayor 15-- She best all comers. u The people, l hand Delmar was She hut included, whnt not have particularly the plain tier in ml not i atari. Roosevelt having celebrated her thla made no difference to her Mr been touched by the Is not only Oarlaad glvlag u inprofee-"ion- sl people, have con-ridsn-ee i year In tsll, hut broad. "She Is owner He her magic waad of Roosevelt, the same Implicit in .ip ease of tit twenty or the pirn aummer. while nilsht have given her and have thai the ambassador' dattshtei has but steady on her feet, with the beat set away if the negro reoord of l.m 14 rib was gotten a nuatm tin them. There ma they have always bad la ;i)iii) candidate for norlal honors of you bad not purchased. now the talk nt CallfnrwU hla course .m-a- dy two year nerve ever sew." Mr. sa. be. In snwe dark corner, snd sincerity." In the nelil. one hair have additional to her credit. The said After she had been hair starved nnd something "lr latter, MclJoaald "She la not excited flrst campaiamed la the fa. northwest. yet nioernntiag, Mtt president thai la ao. then there carrao he m en ontfltted from Paris, with nearly however, will probably com eislli bached about a while. Lady Rivera Mr. the much room i nud scarea at nothing. trav- W aarmad being importuned al- win sooa gad root to doubt tbe result every large rlty In America out neat year, as she an extrentely Sbo bus so tlc that tbe old negro's to nasi it net He Is advanced young ner eled much this year, and was never low hrr to enter prnfasaloaal racing, we "Mr. weaftvely" 0f the govern- - Noae la the least" WV shall fcarrr to tbe box and boies of Ann, charmingly wife drove her to market "wl. one the htmso by g educated In the foreign finally did ao la ISM. new ewe oarnee ror tua a sulean nthtj mttjerttf, iciuinery arriving by every train. Of fnahlon, and laggard I WMnT-ev- - or and sm quite willing to risk er i lie girl who will wear tbe etatliM already taking a Hart? ring- Interest In sties eiceeding sharpness American society. reputation I may bare as ft 'here la literally an Infinite variety. Rstnarksbls Ruet Utters ne. priMlmt upon that predletloa tth the result that the aareet ds-- . "flow IXplmanta, atataemen . and plain about Hew Torlr uruantB sensim of many yearn It up-h- i MILK AND HO HollticlaHs are still dlscuaalag Mr. Htisjae will bw notwithstanding Ike nrtrolnls-- 1 NET .?4,h' in, NEW COMPANIES FOR THE - Heated. He has Ike s Knot's "ultltflatHm" to the Cuban nan- sdvaMagc mion circle will have m repre-.-ntatlre- a. aa . a . m . Oflly taowas twee in a peHtlHil Ile-llwsw-ha In the krutin of helle to ee. immfiett in tne torni nt a sere d statement Mr. is a . lie Urn n u . FILE THEIR to PAPERS Nlcolaa Htyero, or llavsna, edllor ot ksngtteUe Hersotmllty h BtHtrvnUna; The mlrent of MIm Marlon l.eutze. the Dtttrhi its in Mkrlila, who came 10 Is a aptemlhi spas bar, ami it laughter of eommandani of the NE rrotoa. ImTuWu the WITH W NAPOLEONS OF Washington for the avowed nurriese miter. And the people ouvy ynrtl Mlie Helen Hale-tl- TERRITORIAL SEORETARY CUBA oonrage ami i "t learning tua Httitude or mis gar-e- m the probe aai Utt itl, dnucnter of the commanding of-(li- RAYNOLDS TO 00 BUSINESS wem genlua to retuedr whatever ts or IN TERRITORY. towRrl the fiUure of the wrtfhf Port Myer, will bring tit see Cuban republic. This Is what the sec- In aalatlHg eoHdltltme. I osnnet see i REBELS NOW THREE wo iMMitu ery much to the fore In HEROES OF THE STAGES OF PATRIOTISM IN CUBA. retary ot state teid Mtlltor Rivera: how any combination can best bint. K Tbe folio win; it laosrnora-llo- a OAFES AND 'Tutsi society and Introduce a large nicies of ARE MUPH EM- "You can be certain thnt the Onil-e- ti i umber of young officers of army and have been Sled In the office of BRACEDTHAT WOUND OF Sutea will not permit chaos nnd Hearst Oaugsg Anxlsty. navy Command-- Tarrftortal Secretary J. W. It Is not only Into resident circles. ' KarnoMs: SEN. CASTILLO'S THREE disorder to rule In Cuba. The means fair lo say that Mr. ,md Mr. Leutae are delightfully The UHkm County Trust and Sav- to prevent It H al- Sherman does not apeak for the en- 8TACE8 OF THE CUBAN PA- the future must it tinted in the large, old fasktoned ings association. Principal place of ways lie determined by the esisilHC tire republican mtrtv In his eneM. iicirt'itiariers of the navy yard, which imsl.ieaa, Cliylon, Union county. Tsr TRIOT. dence that Mr. Hughe will be oosnJHIons nnd with reference to our governor the the renter or ho mucli tutertuin-ii- u rttorlsl agent. H. J. Hnmmond at sot tan otiigationa to the people of nett of Use Rhnplre state. Clayton. Capital IM.OOC, divid- "Willie" they t ,tl nt under Hear Admiral aud Mra. stock By Jasee Wad leak. Cuba." Ilesrsl. as ueed terry when tbelr daughter. Mlka ed into Ave bnndrtd aharea of the par htm In the dsys liefore the Hon. W1I- - Havana, Oct. IS. Heroes The diplomat r, the atateamen. the Klcanor Terry, made her dehui a few ssliie or titm each. Object, getters. of tbe plain politicians, and the ubnn peo- itam nandoiph Hearst srrlvod. m Dars-uoi- i, war have come to Thoy tears ago, and won immediate r Usuklng snd brokerage business. their reward. ple, no doubt, were awfully glad to causing republican lenders inure ua are loote of the cafes. Saeh emhrac-las- ; ognition aa the handsomest girl In rlfiy years. Incorporators, If. J. hear from Mr. Root. If they but had fsslnesa just now titan all the rent of i aad smiles aad gesticulation hi' navy, fort Myer. which, although Hammond. Clayton; Resior C. de the slightest Idea what Mr. Rent In- the democratic peer combined. were never seen before. h-- , geographically In Virginia, Is aorially liars, lineyero. and William H. Bloat' It is full tended tbey should understand hs Called Ihe cilMetteitM of tkm rxt-- i compensation for the hardships of par: r Wmltlngtnn, and a very Im--i inn. nn fence, Knatas. the meant, the only In cashm forth rrom the dignified pre- oe- - campaign. Rome of would oven their ointment a it'. nut part at (hat, hia not had any Moms Society of New them would be removed. Hut Mr. Root cinct of the atate depariment. SV . people In th family of lt i snu Arlaona. PrlnclMl plaoi-- have been wtlltag to shod a little ritary Root I to take slusnp fining blood lo loom won't tell. Having spoken, the or- tbe and chief lor many yeara, which given ad 'i Roswell, Cnnves county, thus In the limelight. relapses noae at teaat one speech in uxin, Battle were few between acle Into silence: and not Ne? i n lonai Interest to Ml Ilstflclds loiii'ilal agent. Rev. Churle K. and far only In Washington, but In the chan- York Strenuous pra are maklest I. ami not very dangerous during ' lull Other from the nt.. Roewell. No capital stock. thU celleries of hhirope ard letln Ameri lo secure the presldeal hltnattlf aa R . war for tbe or osTices im circle will be Miss Margaret's oi.Jeci. luring for orphaa children coutRatlon ca tne cryptic egperta are at work hnstlngs ult rant Ion Ski far thev haa I or something, but m mon. r ! ilur'','M' of Major and an plar'ng them In childless homes. that ihtasaH dim trying to solve riddle. been iinsncreaeftil, but Mr Roosevelt tbe glory of the Nspoleoas. the may Mm . id Minn Juliette Wll Outatlon nfty years. Incorromtors, tropical It will be decide to write s letter li wll They have been sailing la with tba observed that nowhere la it ma, daughter ot Col. and Mrs. John Jam j. Hagerman, II Irs in lUdley, Mr H it's stat ewtat hi there g de- be rememberrd that he wrote on ut WHIilam Pope. Al- military swagger of conquerors arid Congressman II willlama. II. J. s. Raaterday, claration that aanesattou to Impew-slbl- e. Watson of Indiana, at .1. the glittering of wne-ler- s. The latter, who Is one of the hand- exander Nisbtt, Charles R. J.ukaas, raiment band Reading between the Unas, one the tssgfalag of tbe congie sat.mai J. It happens to be the ease that some! of the Heaaon'a buda, has Barclay Reeves, C. R. Mason, Marie Hafts mny rand Unost saythlhg thnt etrtW campaign, and the precedent wonM M. lr you are a revolutionary ganernl seen something of aoelty In Holt, Mrs. Coals, Rear .Masoo, bis fshcy, Cubans mny take li ne a not him from doing as is0h nr Mra. Oeorgln Viva I.nUens, you dsalgn yetir own uniform. While hla homelr .Manila, where her father la now John hhaw, yon threat, or a promise of brighter stale. where, In aptte Anns 0. llagermwn, (Mw'ard A. are In tbe field any sort of duda I IX THK HUrili IN THK CAFIC. In the meantime, reso hiltsn and of her will do. you AS A V MKT MRA N. things If Talleyrand waa riant hs his K. Rey- When coins to receive d in all parts of country youth, she iwrtlclpnteri In mnny of Joba Krsiiklln. JslTeraon theory tlmt tbe of diptomtter eon-silte- the are you art -- Hie post gnyeflee two season ago. nolds, William J. MIHs and Xapoleon the plaudits fix up wmis. A spick Ins up Mt Ilea rat as ra - span new Strang, was one of tUv first iM from within In velllag the msanhag of one's In psst atmiiner she enjoyed quite II. MttgkllH. and uniform of rough ser- machete reach. Oa the sel- worus. the) Mr. for the puruoSg Of the vice brown or wimp, nnd he received morn atten- dom occasions when fleet Is a past meeter a vogue n N'ltrrsgnnsett Pier, and In The First Presbytcrtau Church 'of tires parad white is tion or It has been used, of dlpUHtHtey. It Is true thnt ws have keeping timid voters awake o'uIcMk. umbra-goon- s than moat the others. He liagermnu, New a good liegtmilnK. Then an the results have bloody: B .lamtri'd a partner for the three large ihxleo. Situated nt embraoed sb'wt u thousand fellow single leu rn braahfliig a aeod deal of late 'itiluniiH of the winter. Mlea Ryrnons, llHgvrmnn, Chaves county. Territo- straw hat and tan ahoas w combat with the weapons se- riding A citlwns n night. Uuerrs, who la nrob-nW- y vere won about the "Amerioan aoltaol" of on other hand, comes direct from rial agent. W. Fremont Osbnrns ot boots. boll, itmylm n sash, mis have been iMfHcted. which WILL ERECT A SMELTER the revolve) from 14 the chief military hpra, did n These have went straight to Ute but Ir n remarkably clever lUgormnn. No capital sloek. Object, caliber tin, in leath- rnak na bean extended in some been of thlRjg did net equivocate er Iwlster. tfrofeubly a a much as the others H the cass from Ute lop of ami nil accomplished girl, whose mother preaching the gospel o Jesus Christ stlato and smiles of the skull trifct but If Mr nsei hai ft ItkUur for maeheie-alw- ays a A the populace town the eblH. A the wan one of the in Flea of Washington and the education of thp people In MorbeU. stars io few days asm a msthottg ul AjT&wm or a Metter- - FOR TREATING OF IRON ORB look, an eagle eye, rWHtw musts am. CnssRJfl hntad the UN, dark. iRsWawlar iHstirgeat L. THOMAS generation ago, Christian dofttrlne and duty. Dura eh ulandlts mat aa ntea leere arejaj mw esgiRlitg ntm to 00 FOR STAfB Mlty If any and large clinking Afrit re. All sure enough. He stood aumh or tba fiMMy beaky guard for whom HOOD AND DEUEWATtl Mlia nign Converse, third daughter tlrta, years. . Innorpomtara, w. rural imeerve Amertoaa tradltsoas. Da-ga- this Is time with liared heud he fremout Osborne, Parry l ready than for the bright while bis entertained no friendly legarc ANDREWS. at Hear Admiral Converse; Mis Rnth Crlsler. light countrymen gasad tht And tbere Is ever hweut. of course; daughter of Comnvsnder R. Mulls, Oliver S. Vlner. Josoph and the kaiaabs. si sear of thv "What, you alive yetr egelaimed and As machete wound on loft the poeaieiRty that Wo may be doing R. Wlmberly, a usual thing the demons! ra- the side of the insctrgent dla-sus- t, Col. R. R. Thomas, who Is iinsisVhsa Mra 7 i. Tanner, and Miss Joanna all of llaaarmaa. with surptsf aad Mr. Root grant iujwsUoe. If sMte-me- at tion Is loudest sol- bis head. A broad stresk his xahrr ciier. daugbier of Captain and Preach and Porter. Principal place for the private of hair hao when be saw tbe guard lo. waa tur- Immense deposits in casters Saoerro diers, of whom been shave 1 along tbe ' Inteaded to oelet the Mr Kenton Hehroeder. form a trio of business at Las Cruees, Dana Ana there ure some. After cssirsa of the "Somjfldret! which sounds worse patriots us. It couaty, Is in the city oa Mtenees. Mr. the era of peace we opened, wound, which thereby was msde bulent to the south of nr naty girls wno nmc-ncnil- county Territorial agent, Prank T. i saaed in Spanish, wss the answer (be Thomas itntes thst bis com pasty wttl have traveled of Quern's men quite coBspiclou. Tbv of prrdsably will serve tbv purpose, They an ov. r the world In the Inst French. Capital stock, 1X5,060, di- cams to town. Cuba general rural guard. wttl he busy trying-- soon begta aettva operatloa aad wttl Is for fine the injury at tho onv kept so to figure a yeara, It being eon-onie- vided into two hundred noted horses, and tho aeaaa of The fought skillfully eeraeet-ly- . nuiid rauroad to traaapart the iron, ton found as and 8fty of bis own men. ana out what Mr. Moot Intended they and economical for the share of lbs par value of UH) each. mounts of those warriors were of tho The latter la the with the result that the guard ahould to connect elrh.r with the imaU Fe boot. darkness or think he assent that they will n nyerage officer a family to lie educat- - Duration flfty years. CertinaNte glad Harrowed horse of eourse, In the night, mistook his auetalaed a urge aperture in his forget or the Rock Island roads, at wbh-- the name beloved chieftain for tbelr personal differences. We I chsnglng name Pro- of tbe constitution. a hated minion which point of ooanecrtion will erect a rnroid as at home, and much more from Las Cruees of tho govemneat. shnll. for he retaliated by oom all have beard nf adventurers who es- iher Hilng. Mlns like her duce Richaage company nnd Increas- Crowds of young man aad lioys and banded him pletely severing tbe insurgent's head hundred and Sftytoa smolter r tbe uiter t'onvrae, followed them through the sharp edge or caped Slllng eaanlhalkHir stomuebs e der nai.ra, ha spent moat ot her ing c ipltal stock rrom fl.50t. tbe streets th national from bla body. Tbe guardlo also died I'ecauaa of Ihe mystery their watches iDsnufactur of pig iron. Tbe capital At some of the knife. The wonder Is Hint gen-or- wuiih f.i Italy. Is an accomplished cafes the berase were tho When tho fates and Juldllation or of smelling presented hss all heea raised aad the work will '""ally dragged from lived to receive the now bottles salts begin iiiku'h and musician, and In special tba confiscat- salvos have been egbanaiad tbe valiant de- to the heathen mind. Muy It not be shortly aad tbe llgHtlM at iron ed horses aad nathustastlcally In- coming to htm. furnaces n Now .tt iiiii it i for the popular fancy dances PEACEMAKER GABLE fender of the constitution will be true that Mr. Root In hla wisdom de-tl- d southern Xeaiee io vited to drink, stvery kind liquid In r m u mil wltn smart society Since of They say heir that white the gin making Inquiries aa to pay. So ibis pusxle lo amuse the an assured fact tbe near fuiare. nourishment was Col Clti-sen- 's ii r re urn to Washington two yeara st their disposal, fame of the deadly machete a wide they flit lightly from the tragic to Thomas was ssksd by The STABBED IN from ooeoaunt milk to white rum. child rather Ibsu sppiy the rspreseatatlvu Ukaught u to. when hc presented her soooad HAND spread, them have been, la fact com the fantastic to the the praettcal ebSHtenlng rod Let us accept tbe what be Aa officer of some rank, dressed paratlvly few It of the psstUeal iaughter to society. Mrs. Uonvecae details credited to Is From the brush to the rnfe to th. Btgsbae . slusUsm. He stated like s with advice which gave whea handsome apartment at tbe horse his multitude of battle. The combatants rarely get window. In that he waa sot la patties, but that ha had a tbe Maine Mew up Havana harbor was Connecticut but will shortly take n WHILK TRYING TO RK8CUC COM- aad suspend Judgment, at leant until be eathastaeUeally Is favor of of a new borne on Connecticut BATANT PROM ENEMIES Af-PAI- tbe language vlvlseeUoalsts bsve statehood, believing it to be tbe only WAS AN road to true snd asrmsssnt prosperity. n venue to bring out this last of the ACCIDENT. FIRST NATIONAL WHY SO WSAKf done with .he Rant pronuneemcnto family Miss Tanner also been MUST CROSS BALLOT He also ataled that during sll of bis has Congressman Taemsy Predicts. tbroughout educated lp Rnrope, snd I a really While attempting to play the I'wo yours ago the lloa "Jim" travels the territory be role Kidney Trcublea May S Sapping found was proof Ic line violinist, not of the average of peacemaker Saturday night. Thom-- a lawn. of Minaesida, now chairman that tbe sentlmeut ESTANCIA ON STATEHOOD VOTE Year Lite Away Alttwewsrau Peo slly In miiitieur elans, liu. with a altlll and P. Usble, one ot the proprietors of tin- Ii .iik. cunimlttee on uppropria uaaulmous favor of supportlag BANKJF ple Hsv Learned this Pact. 'f Delegate for H i hurm. ihst. were aoe jmhji' girl the ci ire hotel, Santa Fe, waa aael-ilenmi- tlonn nnd Htieaker Cannon's leg'.nla- - Andrews Mte-sou- ssld. "We stksuld lbs etectlaa or uoiild mike her for'uini on the ilt atabbed la the palm of bis ATTORNEY QiNKRAL n ite r'isht hand, predicted that mk by OHSANIZ AT THE COUNTY SIAT 8AVl"YtS" '''n a healthy man or woman be- (legate Andrew unanlmoua and roll rum Ml loanns nrhro.dor, the hand one of the belligerents, who SIONl-PIS- wotil.l go republican They OP OR "NO" MUST BS gins to run down without apparent up an majority tor Miungeat of three slsttrs, was born had drawn s pocketkalfe protst-tlo- n TORRANCK CAPITAL taugbetl at Ta ney, poked all Immense statehood. for BY MARK. cu uae, ivpomns weak, languid, and If ws I gm New In Waahlngton, waa her mother be-loi-r Mr Oable STOCK sorts of fun t his iiroguosilcatutg do this euualseat ttat is heard loud ttlh St wjm. uffer backache. Mexico will be to her, and claims by Inheritance a he Kan Francisco street side of tba hmdacb. optimlaai lliit .MlKmutri went repub- admitted Ihe salon in certain anti-Joi- tai.boMi iliny ieg and uriaary disorders, within a vary short period of time, li g placo in the social world, being hotel mill aw that a light was In pro-gre- lican. The First National hank htetsu-cl- a of territory an .n took to the kldnnye for the canae it ocMoe. n inn great great grnnddaugbtt r of Several men were following a of the presierti of Well Ta ney la lu town again, aad of whet the Arizona was orgaalaad In Wad-neada- y sil. kidney Itenjamln Krinkllo, as well the well knowu young man that town prevails that a bell witnoit rt ciuea Kep the well and they has brought his optimism him. may be." ui and nil wars William sgaluat - m will keep you well. Doan's Kidney with of most i v Idem ly hut. Mcintosh, the v.tbor the t.," we cegt we laughtur one of the under the Innuoace of Hqnor. ).' 'I believe will hold every (Hi tix-b- r He well known sbaep raiser is tba presi- the statehood proposition la i be Pills cure mlck kidney and keep thorn "Dr Thomas' hVleelrtc is officers of the American openod : have the house now from Mis- the side iloof ao that the dent John ( lauaiM itt as a against well. la t remedy for that Often fatal 'I s navy Miss Ucbroe.ler, when a child young fellow who was getting tbe Uiuia counted vote stsienood souri,'' said Mr. Tawuey, "aud we is asmed as vice president, rand The following is the opinion of the Juan A. Ortega, police tnai of ease croup. Has beea uset with of twitve arcompanlfNl her parent to worat of the encounter against may gala one. It la practically cer- ' odds Hurst of Rslancis attorney street. asUtta Fe. M. U-- . ssys: success In our family for sight years 1 1 - has been selected general on the subject i.'us nam. where as the daughter of the could on into the hotel as did ium that we frill got lose more than - aad he as oasnur. The rVII-ila- If all trosbled pals i i. Mr. L Whlleacre RuffsJo, M. V governor, she learned at a very nny so the knife was plunged directors are October If, IfMM with la the sw seat Kayhftw, the chances sre Into his Molntoab of Cblllll; Aagaa Hon C V. Safforil, Repuh-- nsv that aasoyagce ended a qui. H. snd ii ge all the chirm of official society hand I he combatant whom he tried Hecrelary mighty good that we will make a of staaala; WllllaaT , a the ua of Kidney Oitass. licsn Central Committee Ban's Fe, Doss's nn. pi Repre-eutativ- e mid saw her oltfer slsteia reign as io ieciii. had swung back the band of fluted IrelsafVg iala of oar fnnll thst state. a Kstsacls; J. W. Brahseera, of New Meal jo. at Pkarmary, oude In I lie corterle of officers al- with ihe knife unconscious 0f his De ArSfttmd, one of the INTERNALLY INJURED IN (leorge H. Van Stoae, af Sir I have your letter of lath mine, then becsaehs due to kida ways to be found In that far away presence and It struck the would-b- e . ihe tlnclpal demoersts In tbe may John F Lassatar of WVUuAt-- Inat.. la which you loniiilulnt would ceas to have ai hone. and Itiealty faclnatlng land. peseeinsker. Mr. Oable has the In- - ask. "la the event 'ot he a member of the no bouse." Perfecto JaramlHo. of Psima; W- - M. a voter neg(Sets terrors for users of -- treagthsi. it One of (ho greatest helrerai of the Jurl hand iMuaaged nod says he will to cross either tbe this Mr. De Arusoad bad a bard fight FALL FROM ENQINE Hut at Breed refer-onc- e lag snd curat v . on winter, well a one of Its beauties, not eaaay u snd Hurst of ssstastcla. 'yes' or 'no' on bis ballot with preparat! No nr his seat two years ago aad was is mediating s'unt again. rhe mpltsl Is A in Ssnta Fe be In t will be Miss Katharine Jennings, stock Hm ebar to 'be statehood proaosllJoB, evsd least du by lean than 1.10 votes I - ier for the bank beea plxase uiou aimut using Dosn'a t ney - if - I baa applied for advise If tb ballot (bat P!'o - ;.- . daushter of Mr. and Mra. Hmntn Jen- n II....- IWWWIII,luliMl.. WVII K MOW n oa '!- republicans have for some time Huii.'i Ii,. Injuuea I . k. . . . , , to. the comptroller of tbe currency at question should be If they reejulre a medlclnt th- of New Orleans am' London, ...i,m.n...,, - mm I. counted either for strea .netly es pressed tbe belief k sustained by " i tdutuat fall frout nings iu ni, lag una nwga Washington. or against " en tbe.r kidneys." thst members of the winter ulony of .trrangemtnia to give an I lie possible this year to retire hi engine ai ,., Allert Fall, a exhibition You For sale by nil i id. Washington, where they ar building ascanalon Jump sre advtaeri ths In such an dealer I'rlc who contlnuoiia Haii'a Fe rtt. reached Albnquer illoon and parachute cents, Mllhuru Co w iiiian. un of palatial homes going up in at park Suastoy even' the ballot ahould not be count rdster sio, lnre 'beb' ) run-- .. que this mernlug oa Mo. f en rout" one the Trautoa at t:M vork, sole sgents I ii. ft ctd very o'clock p. m, E. B. BURLINOAMB & CO., "it for nr agntast on the elate boot! for Unite De ArSMSMl de- Vegas, will section of the fsbloani.: la ooanctlon there will States. Re at em her -- Should sir. be to Lea where be be taken north weal. In the nteiutlme Mr. and he horse aad burro rsoes, question Reepeetfullv stihatHted. the Oestu led. Champ Clark, who hag heea lato the ootupaay haspital. aad other ASSAY fnOE-?A- Hv W. C RBat) aad tahe ae other. H. Mr. Jennings have leased Mrs, A. interesting outdoor feat urea See ad- - re slneo tbe Fifty 4hlrd easgrese. Fall was In charge of Dr B H iw Attorney (lcneral -- o- C Harney's artistic uom on Rhode vertlBanMat nlaewsiera in TTi.. i.ra.ti MtsPJSJaaWiliiiiii 1MB H be the last rseaannt of the sette, the coaapauy's surgeos at hm island avenue, from which thy will CltlSOB. Hd dyspepals or '. 'tOa I i uoerstlc old guard of obUaaanat Tag Uofdesat hap.teneu st ai 'HMen smi wir hate ar.lved yttars. No sppetlta. . cteaeeraiag T:S0 introduce their daughter. This party ' and it I Mluaesota. u'tulaek km useeksg. Hie lajui " e ft mo Mr I er.-to- ulnr settee, which brings one or the June Beluar nf I lie mm. t ...... ! '' CliclniiBii ft sat iiutreeaetl me terribly 'tnrd He Mr. Taweev said: lea sre guaslsrs hut pre MathU i hs- - po-- r BImn) (argent rantals la Waatittsgtun, an in serhmsiy ill st his home. I'oine weHi (o take s Hitters cured me J ect a solid repuWicaa rtslssjstlon, ably act lata', lie t a freight fi i I7JS-IT3- S LawrcSt..Fvi fl'-- with kUncst Meyers Co. Wstker, Sen barf. Ohio. sad the repuhl'eaas, also, will elect man - ELECTION LAWS LomwnsH- ATTORNEY F1ELI LO BRICK MEN GUTS OF IbIbv,.Mi CO-L- IMGTON MINE CASE, innrii rn Tiir HyiSCUSSION 1 i TH RIVINB IN TO HOLD Years1 uUUuLLU IllL MS uuottfon of Twolvt tMpubllcnn aivd DomocraUC For Ememencies at Home atfliHitng i orouatit to j OTATIOTIPO Cdntral Commitloo Clifiirmon I For the Stock on the Farm LONDON TIaT cm. OlAlldllUO Moot ana Consldar I 00 OD NEWS FOR BLAND FLAWS IN THE STATUTE tn Ills Talk atttto Elk's Opora Joaots Liivimeit Nmv Variation or Old Swindle At Elks' Opora House, In This House Saturday Ptika? FntBetralftd Priwi on tlm Lasi InsflfttsUntj Afjreefrrcnl HaocHoti fraotiood by Amorloans City, on Sunday. PaoM WMo Grub- - j Night, and AkioUMi QtKttUons Is tk whole medicine chest WlUt Soma Success. Octobor 21. staked Htm. Amkhij? Attf,6Ttr1i. Prlo Attorney Field made ejnlte a splurge 25c 50o 6 i.00 The experience of two people who All srrangements have incn r m the other night at the opera bonee on nerruwlv eecaoed betiia itrtim of ptet'd for tne Kntcuta of t'ftittni'.n. A ago Booklet on Ho &PWtry. Aftr iweive ..ih ol relentless atatimlce. Hta compilation of statis- few days a ;ottfereae of the Snd for fr Hor.CiH. on of the American "gold brick" In It 1st Ion which takes ft'"' n H" filling Henry l.'k!iri baa hi hitt tics i altogether racomptete and mw leaders of the repoblioaa nad demo bands la related tn hi s Truth. silks' lodge room Sunday, Ortoix r . i won Washington mine , pa- partiee, Bnrnnm Dtt Ectrl wk -- out in the lending, as will be nbown In this cratic wttb Cheirmaa AddY!i S 5Ion, Boston, Ma. uajrs a cablegram from Uwdon. Wttb characteristic wcfK-r- pit probably h litigation evr per Desiring to be aocarata In tbr aad Cbnlmnn Joaee, met In this city. peraona on point of the local council will give n t mxtnuting imuti LA These were the tram tb territory. Judge preeeniation of the nets In the oeae, ami dlseoaaed the several taws tn the going back to the United Stales with d moesirstlon of tvilumbisnimu N" Irn A ronotu-M- r -- v Abbott mad" known bis thla paper will pnbllsb the fact as elect inn law which waa passed by the 7.000 pounds sterling,, in bard expense, or labor has been spared matter evening, after re- years ago, 1 in the last they are and will show where the leejisMture two nad, after cash. 'i be paid over to one of the the entfrtetlc committee tn ortsi Mvtug a had the ce under advisement sponsibility for Increased Uses Is: consMerabM dlseeesioM, pro mid con. swindler when their bankers' cau make the day a rud surt-mi- T more man two mouth Having agree i- - tar nnd Mr. Field's stowed Ignomneo of the fottowtac most was reachtd, tion and a paragraph in Truth con- - number of knighta will htm borer the courts of tho territory certain rareronee ropy At- material facts with of which has been mailed to corning the self-sa- rogue with renter than ever before In the hutorv a dosen ytmrt twin t Um MeKtnley county e far and to Ihc bonds will torney Owi era! Bold, who will scrept whom they had been In of thn tocel council A highly s'ic'-- snorem cxmrt of the United States, also be shown. For Instance, he triad and afix hie doreesneat to the the vwv. of erecting n monument to fu teem from Chicago will mah- - HltnSPt Mon-toy- a deterred them. of New Mexico are to mab It appear that Nestor aareemeat: Roos-eveit- 's special trip Albuquerque to confer familiar tho memory of tbe members of Tbe onentaK act of the swindle is to aa with rbe dotal! of th eolbMtod If 1.000 for whleh no Hough Riders who tell In the the major degree. owe aa fcfttt, NERAL STRIKE to address from America letters to are parties to th The aosowttlng has been made. He fireta- - ASREBMENT OF UriAIRMKN MpsmUb American wsr and whose prottrnm day a - Involved Um Chv some man recently deceased nnd Tbe for the "' properly la losntsd in 0r jrnor Otero and thanks Ood for OF CENTRAL COMMITTERS bottle In Arlington cemetery, by committee on armng. okttl gM mining dhttriet. whtoh a St sot ton. forgets to itst whoso win nae been proved. The let- lined the but he tell the. Agreement between the remtMlenH Va. Mr Cnpron stated Umt the meats wii negin nt a. m . wni a tow yours ago -- ters are deetxtued to 'mpty that the t wa to seeae of muek audience that C V. Ralford, lb r rav- and democratic territorial committees reoelveri cordiai high and trained boi nativity ami mm are Um tola movement he the dead man had been, uaknewn to kia solemn mM tale elins; nndttor nader aovomor Otero, aa to the eortlfylng and endorsing of apnrenti of Preehienl Kooevlt. The y at whtoh ntftbop Pltovel of Bsnta of fobuloua there- - llager-man-, OF family, affording financial aettanee wealth stored The and still iweh under Governor tmketa nominated by the respective pro pes In Ver- N. MM will n appropru wmlaUig um d mi monument to be of to nome unknown In far west, fa deliver abort of districts are mpt-e- made a fall and complete Inves pnrties In Um different eoontlea nnd mont granlto. twelve feet high and the sermon on the day. All the nierat" ' a Ml of hole n a palrle dor town tlgntloD nnd In miliarly known as "Thomas,' who leport renard to this proper dhribtlon of the ballou to Sve feet square at the base. It I W and candidate will receive holy was engaged gold. and from avoir kite la brought geM matter, whleh The Kvenlng Oltlsea be at the oomlRif election to be in nrosneetlRK for munlon In n body nt thla mass. Tb values. At mm n I wad proposed to Jjtve the name of all announce "Thomas' " time 1b sit the will imbllsh In its next leeoe, and la held November 8, OH. ragt-- , The letter that proper will earns dslly bsariniM or gold members of tho Rough Itlder operation by Initiation exercise inatn w to whleh Mr. Safterd finds there was coun- CLERKS have been rewarded 1 p. tn. roiiouri :x First The nominees for the ment on the shaft, .and the estimated , promptly nt The Um railroad to he shlpaed tn the taints. nothing wrong In the matter. Bat It ty nfflees congress the discovery of a mine of surpass- to ex That finding and deleaate to cost H740ti. The fuu4 are to ing local team ha been selected mn the remit et the ol there was, what bad Tom Ilnbhell to shall be certified to the dl Cerent pro- wealth and that he has decided emnllfv first two decrees T K WMtHMt ly n man by name segotlatkm be raised by popular snbserlpttea. to convey a half share of prea-- the the et do with the and sale el bate eterkn of the eonnty In whtoh ibe Caproft widow Cap- the Oargan. O. K.; J. I). McManun, I) H Peimqr, wno bad been grub-Miike- d by Mr. the of erty to In Rctnmnd. these bends? These bonds were sold eonventiona nre held by the ehalrman Cnpron, waa A general strike of railway omtIm hie benefactor K.: J. II. oirpuant, c.; it j. Artn. ' HsHly Loch hart and Ben JoHneon. C. K. tain Jr., who m charge present nnder the administration on Ih the luetnnoe Mr. 8. and , I i of and seeretary of the convuntmna. Of troop Rownh the AtknUe dlrielon of the BeuUr W.; It. B. Wallonhorst, I. U beia vMfl known resident of tMa cKy. NftwhaU. U of the Itlder. brother-in-la- w were tempted to fteeoml Where membera of the regiment net- nt Paalle, embraslcK all ef that her Delaney. F. 8. The Knights of, .auwur to any, amon (1m vary On When the entered the ho Mew York "Q. r M mi the attention of taxes, Mr Field legtebttore are to be voted for by the on ISM. company's bwwens from Mew Orle- to ami meet Jams bus choir, under the direction Um Demoerat-JOMra- al tle of Ias anaalmnn June It. fw of Many who save bad to and tne try to ans to Rt Paeo, laolttslve, wont Into Cromwell." who wrote the letters. P. Kelly, will render the muslrai r do wit the mine and too still electors of more than one county, tbe Captain Cnpron ashed permission to make k appear that the taxes have candidate of the pert lea respectively effect etotorday morning, saya the W II showed them n sample of what turns of the axerolse. Mv, lead bis troops, nnd wns killed short- Mows. looked gold, as big been Increased and that that Increase for sock districts shall be oertlfled Pneo like as a tennis Owing very largo nun.!.. , Wfcllo Mvlnf on bacon, ionr, sugar Is eomty ly nfter the opening of the batiie. baH. Mild, sev to tbe due to the administration of by the chairman secretary of hilled about! It Is est Imated that the men on "Thomas." he "had applications for membership into and onto furnished by Johnson and affairs by the county oommbMloners and the Hamilton Flab. Jr.. waa enty Hoeka of atuff, - will three similar val Loehhart. Pstkey discovered some conventions nominating the same to the sarin- time. It was oae of toe strike number several hundred, ordr It has bee decided to tiruir n during the past three or four years. and If the strike m a general re- ued at 11. MO.000 It then appeared fifty vary rich ore In Bland oaoyoa. Hav- neg- the probate clerks of each county in first ennsgements with the Bnanmrne, a number of the class to As " Both the Journal and Mr. Field ported will tm-u- n thai t' .i vein of geld encroached on ing bad considerable experience in which imM candidates nre to ih cciirrins about n week liefore the ' result u a of the number has tlready been o lect to point oat to the bmMm that fjfuee tbe adjoining property, but the own- h- ntiulue; PeJbey voted for, and In the absence of i uch bat tip of San Juan. work of the HkHdkern Past He number of applications will i - : knew nt a glance that the Increase la taxec baa been doe to to Mteh running er wae unaware of It, so they had to be bad made no ordinary dleoovery. certlnente either the chairman d Major A. K. Qaprtm, Br., was near an extent that the of over until the regular spring Inlilanon the Increase of sefioel taxes, city tax- an trnina win no serwusiy nrreeteo. go eaHtlouety to work anf purchase following ot iw nod unknown to the men who were es taxes, which secretary of the convention, or the the seem of tbe same battle, but was The Is a list those and territorial haven't county chairman of any polHleal nml ft may be that Um frotgkl bust-noe- s the land from him. The man only have already qualified for member-- if feeding feint. he bad two assays made anything to do with ominty taxes ngagort m HntoadlHjt hut artillery at SajDoa the party In county In whtoh said may be brought to a standstill wanted a modeet sum of for la the order: or the era, One revealed a value of or the ndmlHletrAllen of county af- the the the time He conlrneieil fever while It, a be voted may for some time. and sfier numerous Istorview M $,fi40 to the ton and the other SJW fairs. All this will be shown In due eundkiates are to lor, In tbe nervleo nnd tiled seen after re- Mrs. nnd came William Draucbnmp, Patrick J tho, make mi eh certificate, whleh abnll be Bo far the strike Is confined to the 8. her relative back Wilson, w. T. Dobcrty. to ton. It waa quite n find too time. turn! n to the United Wales. Ileth to HoMland to get this sum. Shane. Marl ffee fW IHikJiart o according to anthorltnllve to govern the nrtloti of bodies ore Intorrad In Artlnaton eem-stw- r, clerks iu the varies freight depart- Frenk Kruake. Patrick O'drndy, ('has nnUIoM or tbe probate clerk In the printing of ments of tne system, but It hi assert- Their banker, however, asked thsm F. McDermott, Charles J. IJcrgcr, the th court, be made .ILLINOIS CENTRAL READY The Cnpron family has been the reason for drawing such a large ! ed that h Is liable to spread to all the W. Kane, a deal with one Levi Waiker to FOR BIQ ETENSION NORTH ballot. oaHeetl with army Uatory since sum. The. 0. Lnbarge, Owen ffnu-- Third The chairman seeretary clerks In the employer tbe company. and hla suspicions saved thsm Herman Olostctter, Rmll OkixteHcr. ' IOflkhsrt and Johnson out of i Milwaukee, Wis., Oe. II. If, as Is and the HevolnUonary war. from being duped. the lnlorost they were justly Of eh territorial ooavonUon shall It Is understood that was Truth state that 11. AsmIIr, J. J Fogarty, Larry entitled mated, the Illinois Control railroad Is the strike this swindle m being tried on some- Jo. to aoMruing to the grubstake contract back of the projected Superior certify to the probate efctfk of the brought about by tbe refusal of the MoOonshl, A. ff. Johnson, Martin they bad take county In which suah con- DAUGHTER OF STANDARD railroad company to reoognltion body In Orent llrllaln almost every Ktopf, James Peters, John Hlld brand, entered Into with klra. The & Southern railway, whtoh Is to be territorial grant day wRh n auffislent percentages of ebeme waa simple, Indeed. built Madison, vention has been held the name of to tne nrotuernood of Hallway Clerks. P. M. Maloney. W. It. Zenr. O II. from the Central's suaccuses io make it profitable. t'hau-vln- , i.oekbart and Johnson had lmplleit most northern terminus In WJoon-fri- n the oamlktiMe nominated for delegate i Is also said that beektec the con Pntrhlge, Henry J. Harrison, A Mini OIL MAN conndonsn In Pel bey and Isrt It to to Huron bay, the Illinois Cen to eongrees by susji con vent ton, MARRIED tention on th part of the clerk to Herman nelknap, Thos Mlllcll, him to have eUlm, whleh It shall be the duly of (he probate have their union reaogulxod by Jr ilermtrd O'Mughlm. It. J OJIcr-on- . the had been tral will have a ill root line from the the QUICK RISE IN SILVER orlginaHy ehrkKened the Samson, ciernn or an otuer oohhuhh in the ter- rnurond ofHemis there nre mevers I J. 8. Hrangte, Martin J Uyrn s, Kelt of Mexico to the lakes 1 1-. M , . . I 1 ... . i- .It... properly filed Hpon and the neeeeeary ritory to take orfloial notice of suoh BECOMES WIFE OF FORMER OFFI- other grievances of more or lees im- - j. innavn, vteo. 11. n7ir. iigvn work done on the property nortante. William Chlaholm. M Aiphon to make Seme Havana Streets, nomlnntloB. CER OF THE NORWEGIAN IS Butt. their boldinx jhkkI. Inflead of doing O'lUelly street, one of big - Fourth In eountles whore either There an- employed In Um various mm Bkees. T. A- - O'llrtctt, T. 3. Ijiwicr. the NAVY. tula, Pelkey, aeeordlnK to t0 t, oughfare of Havana, gets its name potitienl party may not nominate freight otAees and yards of the South- J. II. A ml Jo, P. O. Sandier. A R did not do tbw neeeeeary from Oen. Alex. O'ftlelly. who named candidates for oomty ofSees. it shall ern Pactnc nt Ki Paso about thirty-fiv- e Tosaier. Tho. M. Danahy. P. K. - work nail let the original the ntreeta In 17H, nnd this street b the dnty of the probata ewrk to IlrUUeport Onaa, Oct. IS. The men, all of whom are out on denver banking institution dl. MStu. 1. -- go ns an I - elalm by default. When the ninety ntter himself. As the name Isdlentes, cause ballots to be priutod of the nwrrlnge of Johannes Bchlott. for- strike. says amount of bar me- mm l.UAUaan i wmiMTn in xisei si tr u.Sasitiuin day bad etaOMd. Pelkeya friend he wae of Irish descent. Ills fore- proper also, scMlntr forth the nam merly an ofnoer la the Norwegian Troublo along thla line ha been tal AVAILABLE IS a lecture ot tnu year doings, win filed en the nronerty oaIUhk It the fathers emigrated to Benin from Ire-bu- d of the enndMale for delegate and navjr, then a sailor nnd subsequently brewing for quite a while, but there SMALL. mmwfrm shjwsk ever siwrnif'-- uj WSnablngtoa. Thlg took idaoe In lMf, alter the battle of the Boyne in candidates for legislature. If any, n cbnuffeHr, to Miss May Bather Bel-for- were hopes that the matter eonld be mis 4ieilMOTiinv WVHII, i l HUUIHUU and the litigation whleb baa Jnat leJO. Many of the O'Mellys have nominated by such party. In any easjfebter of a multi-mllllonnl- arranged without a strike. Iu fact, A Denver dlepatoh says thnt , vartla tw iMsithur tn xoval nurnlc rardl- - kieed, was bocnn abortly after that lived In Cub and the family bad an eoHOty, In snoh iegtabMlve district, Standard Oil man, again verlSee the up to yesterday It was bel'oved by formation received from one of the time, bet not until after the mine bad nbbattolr monopoly In Itavnna, which and tbe various offlow to be tiled nt old adage, "!ove ooaqeers all " Mr. many wno were rammer with the no- - moat prominent 'and trust worthy expert decorator, will completely tov-,- ' en oeoned up by a atwft 1M foot waa terminated when the Americana Behiott waa a In the Nor- gotlathiaa which were being conduct- banking brokerage In Den- i oe wans o um nnnuuec nan snob elections abnll be designated on lleutennat nad flrmi ino- deep and about Moo foot of develop-moo- t took poaseasioR In left. said ballot. A place wegian nnvy, whe.i, two years ago, ed that a rupture might be averted; ver le to tbe effect the supply same color eneet will be nrrio.j ou- for the names that - work, and Vtijm worth et ore Other s whose names of candidates for unHlled offices shall be came to tbe United States on but i hi- - railway officials stood Arm In of bur stiver available for export. Is with the electric light. Tlw- numr roos taken from It before an IhJ notion are Identlned with ttnba's history nre be left In bunk. leave of absence While unending a tln'lr refusal to recognise toe clerks' reduced to some 6000,000 ounce, nnd emblems of tbe order win bo ar'tstu etonood the work. the o'Lawiers and OTJonaells. Fifth The Joint statehood quest iou concHrl by his brother, Christian organisation, so a.i order was given (bat a rapid rise In the price of sil- ally shown la draped designs aout At one time the United Mniea the names of cftftdsdatos the Behiott, a distinguished pianist, iu for a Knra wulk imt ver Is expected snoh a rise a should the tables and walls. A raised tand RIDUOTION OF TARIFF and for Oil platform oourt decided that Loekbart. coast itnUowai convention shall be Brooklyn, tbe lieutenant met Miss Frelnb! Anient Porter of the have very largo offoot on the dtetriets will seat on of the best BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC Red-for- O H A 8 following mow who had tmrahneod Johneon'e lt.toreet submitted on the same ballots on Bedford. Maying called at th d A. pn the directly Interested In mining the orenoMra tolly uniformed T o Angeles. Cil . Oct. IB. n l be mine, bad loot the log! title to Tie li which appear tbo names of candi- home n few time he went back statement to :i u .ireaeutstlve of the while metal. the swmtt muat of the orrhemra a per sent in Its on eom the N w - th nronertjr, the defendant to the rednetlon tariff date delegate to Norway ami commis- rtgardiiiK clerks In bis di Manufacturers of silverware have ttosen come waiters win an modules dipped under refrigeration far nnd the eonnty resinned his vision who every caoh ria'c nilt (Milns WMMred n patent to It, but sion In UM nnvy. Mr Radford nnd out this morning recently tnereneed their purttbnaM, wish of Indlvhlunl kntpht. which tb 8oanem Parlle commenced "All that ih.- - ofDrtala uf the O. II. The committee, who are f r the oonrt IMfmnted in It's dfteltton We advise that the order of Min- his family went to their summer The United States nnd Mnxioo are carins on Wednesday win have the of' know Is thnt ut in . m. today some renture of tne day oxerctn - Uiat be mtght eennre nn etinltablt isi ing randldMtee on ' all ballots shall home nt Oreen Farm, six miles from both in the market buyIhc silver for utix s (t. feet of mueh shipments of of the clerks Iu this offloe in Is: J. m. Johnson, V. Comeau. J A iltlo to Tble waa then sotigbt larr conform to order In whleh they this city, early this summer to re- and the manufacturing at email coins, fruit from Can rui ana cheaper tbe Mast or Mechun'c 1). Wl ntamorald'a Prostwl, M. 8. .1 8 Htm a Tim defendants or own- appear on poll In main In full. Mr. Behi- nnd adrlose roceived Mexico Tlruy. loeaters and prices In the i.'-r- stale. Larger the books now the until late the .ffle u letter lo re- from T. F. innkert. er or tenderd their Mexl-en- n the Washington wore Levi a bands protmte ott cam to llridgoport obtained state thnt the flnene of the - anipmome of .;. pertahHble of tbe cterks of the and spective employers advising that they Vriie aisiy nioii- n, WWker. Frank Kagl&y. OImw. respective a position aa mechanic and obauf-fou- r dollar la to be reduced from iwHna Pelker. will a no be oneouraged b eountles. mmxt quit work so tor. They gave ...... itniVt V. Leotls, J. A. Jobneou Q. garage pay, last to soo discourage expert T...-..- and J. ib inouthera I'sclttc Btxth The law nukes It tho duty la n at small bat no reaeott for their action oilier than to from that and WUIa. Fngtey, Ieeda. Johnson and of the eonnty rocoraer of eaeh coun- tills dkl not appear to matter much country to China and other silver-usin- g Wills vrore they had been ordered to do so. Uie fraternal order, known ns tbr token Into party of the K. Cnae, manegor ty to to Mies nations, where tho Mexican - , the II. asatetant for to provide all printed ballots at the him; he wanted be near "All uf tho vacant poeiUon are be- - Knight of CotumbH. Tin- r m! t. n tt after WuhfRMten riling aitHienmi-nene- lied was satmfled. Is now - dfoHdsu the in oanswldated expense of the county, am) under the ford nnd he While Ins Slled rapidly nnd b next Mendny dollar standard. principles of this order hm- ban'v bad been made. The eonrt In de- woman de- it MlnlHg romprny. onemilnK In the Or snirerrleten of tne chairmen of tlw much devoted to the young It In ttiGtitfhl that every desk will he Wednesday Inst the treasury unity, brotherly love and m cision deereee the filltiK wns gan nesjU ct partment SOOMO itatrm tlwt a mountains, Dona Ana aon, county eoMmltlee of the pontic! the former Nontenant did not oiled by com p lent hmh who are wir- bought ounces of There is nothing new In un or u fntnd on LoaHbert and that the pres- etty hi m an In Kew York delivery waned tniounh the tills morn rrthts ef the county in whleh the work and a short time ing from every dlreeUon for mnploy-mee- t. silver for at principles. Their necessity m io ent owners shall deed the iwoperty tag an rente to aUtmd the eleottott pleased ws Denver the price paid being Oetw to la to be beM. The printing his ampMyors that he Bom if the clerks who nt the mint, readily acknowledged by tio i ver to Iuekhart. The court also de wnuu : Mtnlkg nonfrreea. whldh eon-von- of sHeh bnllota shall be done by the appointed neereury to the eomnnn) went SS.I1 cent, compared with 08.76 careless human creed Mat right or property Srst out have retnrnod to work. observer of iu un.i the the there tody. eonnty prtHtor, HRlees tbe county Considerable opposition wns offered explaining that nt first they dkl net centa the Wednesday preceding. It may bo said with some tun is' or tbta patent shall be transferred to . and tbe chairmen of the po- by Mlua iMuford's parents, hut fur understand the proposKlon. It Is erne Jn the eight months ending wiUi the principles sre trite anil. t Uoekbart and with all the deeielen RESULTS TELL. litical part lee, respectively, sbMl Snally gar In, with the remi't as August Ijmtlon 1st ported 211420.000 selves, U vtetory understood tost thla trouble has to devoid of InsplraM.j.i a ureal for the etointlfi end agree otherwise. The time above atotad. Mes I led ford Is a some degree New ounce ot silver, most of It from rfew under peculiar clrcumstanocA Us attorney, H. n. PergttMon. ; There Can Be fJo Doubt Abeut the of the affeetod nomtton. Orir printing of the ballet shall be under blondo, very pretty, end ns plucky ormans n York. Tbl cum pares with an Impact Yet these principle havt- - nity, bowvrer. tlio wns pnmaed Results In Albuquerque. and uaivaston, aiuwuuh hum mlt the control of the chairmen of the re- as she la pretty. telegram from Um latter pwot Just of 1ST.S16.MM ounces in Um like per- the foundaUon of the Knliiiit oi i br Wsrrea & Fergnseoo. . wm J4g Keaults spective committees, and snoh ballots reeeived by CI. 11. ofScmw ndvlmm iod of ISM, showing an iniwense In lumbn, and continue to scrv i Vfarren died the suit pursiwd by tall the tale. 1,000 I when printed shall inax American purnhass of MA Ironies dona success of order an tssrmisson. All doubt la removed. be delivered at INDIAN HELP WANTED yesterday aapiaiors ino to tbr I onee to distribu- au on noes from New York slone una not bo due simply to woitn or t .,i . The testimony of sn Albuquerque such chairmen for certain members of a clerks' the The ires ant owners of the WaaHing-ton- cuuwn tion, and not lens than eight dftt soolatlon to go an a strike, but that been St.IIS.000 anno' per month up urlRINc themselves, for other nrtr--r wMst Otie Is nfJMtod by the prior to lotton. of tb clerks, res Using that they to August II, the S.000JB00 ounces bars had principles equally as wort in Can be easily Inveetbjatod. such Tbe number AT LAGUNA DAMSITE had ho coert's deeision. are M. P. IMmsm baHoto to be printed for one poHt-le-al grievance, immediately wired their now available are apt to be bkt for yet bare perished or have Iiivomk h the vlrviimtoglon OoM Wlver What better proof can be had? - and and Mr. J. party in each county shall be not withdrawn,! from the ssld aasocla- with Increased avidity nnd a rapid famous. hihmic toMwrnr, eorporetio, Um Hall of Bit Booth First In evident, street, Albuquerque says: "One of leu than Ave (() nor more than ton advance In quotation. It therefore, iimi vttin owning and the (10) for each voter In such county, RANSACKINO THE RESERVATION It is said by local offlclals of tbe distinguished tbo Knights r t ; n, Iftoea-Nlsteeath- my daughters suffered backache for latter not ding the remaining s. 1.7 H. A. will be bus n powerful, growing society, t, u, eight or a year. Some- as shown by the number of votes oast FOR LABORERS AT 0. 8. that the trouble about months PAINTERS FALL decadent or noo growing w times it was so bad that she wns at tbe last election for delagate to A DAY. of short duration, aa clerks are plen oncu II Ac to the value of th property, na congress; provided, however, that If tiful aad anxious for work. equally worthy fundamentals is tt i. completely prom fur n day o so . Cer for aa option on It by rated George hV Brown, custodian of the A representative of the local rho application of the principle., made at a time. I read about Dean's Kid- any chairman of uny political party THIRTY William A. Indians on the reecrvation south of Railway stated FEET toe memttsrs or the presentation ti- Farrtab. the ceMbratod ney Pills in onr AlbuqnerqtM news- should desire more ballots, aa above Brotherhood of Clerks (telorado mining expert, after a oare-fo-l I Phoen . received notion that the to s New reporter that the strike the principles to the members, 'inat papers and thoagbt if they only per- spec Sod, he may ouUIn same of said will - contra tor on the Laguuu dam work wns outcome of a meeting of continued success must b tin. tr esaasbMttua. probably beUer forated half what they promised they printers, upon payment of the cost the tn etmbxta U then snythlag else. Mr. of waa to enter Into con- clerks' board of adjustment, whins) oonaldernble measure, to both pri-no- might help my daughter, we pro-enr- samtt The nixes uf all ballots shall irpard SAM SQALRS SUSTAINS FRAO fMTtnVs offer was llM,Ooo. It bj Mid aad tract for lad Ian labor up to the num- met at Houston some Ume last month tatmn aud application la n a bos. In n remarkably snort be uniform in each county. Tickets TURK OF BOTH LNS AND The proaenlstlon that there la an indication of tellurium mny be more than eight (I) Inches In ber or 300. pays the Republican. The to make an adjustment In the work WlLL:Ard KOCH HAS of the prlnrlpb In mtoe, time the medlohte took effect nad a A la achieved t Mm the which la a very rare and length, aad should be of suoh width pay u g day of eight hours, to leg hours. telegraphic communl BA0K INJURED. broils: niihod ion rieb rwhtemtkon ..f gold continuation of the treatmMt a little government morning It is od degrees. Here, i.y nppmpri.ti. and stiver - aa to enable aeososary whlri aoetractors on cation arrived this and longer stopped the bachncbe. We are- all the matter ,. ore. to apeear work .ir hM down. aid to be followed bv s letter of ex rbcturic. ssllful division of dutt. pleased to recommend Down's Kidney thereon In each form aa Bum BoaMs, a , sustained a. careful selection accessories, The mtoM baa lieen idle for more snail be convenient for the use of the Thrrn sr h few of the Indians of planation which ban not yet been re of ,4T PIHB." by local fracture of Um right hnoe and loft elly end force of Illustration .on ban ten yearn Beading the tormina-i- voter. Bnoh ballot snail boar aa Im- Mr. it town's Jurisdiction nt the dam ceived the clerks. and For sale by all dealers. Prtee 10. . snkje nnd William Keek, on of the seientloua effort on part iffl. . i of the NUpMM sad now this no-v- imt be thinks be can And a th of that eetite. Foster-M- il barn Co., Buffalo, print of the emblem adopted by the Buperintendont W. K. Enter of tbe Royal proprHtora, had bht back the presentation hi way. prae-ih- h Is aa cafe made dinman. is oni af the the - political parties, It great many more The Indian "UH N Y . sole agents for tbt- United respective nad Hie Omade dlrkdou passed through whtoh occur- stirring, uplifting; mitgitivir. are (hat ttt opara-ikt- n as hi white Injsrvi in aa aoeidont and i. it be put in Stntes. shall be the dnty of Um probate cxnmomleni of hours the efty hMl night en route to bis wor tb The armlR Utmalsisly. This Is prob- brother, so that he prefers to work red while they painting beauty of the Srst degre,. tlit- - clerks to take official notice of any Murclal ssys Knlghu ably the beat oould Remember name Doan's and for the for th same per headdunrtors at San from Royal restaursMt, the Blab of Oommbi la beyond nil MrWf that be lake no other 3 such mnbloMM. jtjmrHHMnt Topehn, Kns.. where he ui:snded a Miner. question. There la slven the llttl bewet of patient peo-n- Jem of the In- absolute ucam A- - A. JOK MB, Thar are several meeting the ofSaMt of mlty on thla point. l Pa-cl- Sr time sard of At tbe tlmr the aaeWent occurred The wonderful that hare bean waittng nt Blend (hatrmsn Democratic Committee. dians working for tbe Sou hern UM fur things tb western grand division of the men were working on a scaffold entHUBlasw productni qualities r.f hy something to start going II. O. on MM Ootorado river project, H - 8UK1UM, Santa. Fe. The purpose of tbe meet- more than thirty foot above the third degree, lllumlnatlag op i ih.- Coehftt dmtrict namln. It has EoLsTheCOBJCH Oommwtes). but i hy hare to put In ten hours. and - Chalrroau Republican ing was to nrmnse the winter sched ground, when nefeeUvo hooh which vlnelag damonatmtion of the bee etatod that the Washing- Trn ii sport ttoH m furnished the In- a worth ''U anb CURK LUNGS The purpose was evidently ac- In let- and necessity for brotherly i the nret mine opened up In ths nmwey as tar as Yuma, ule. held the seeifold place broke, oVo nro dians iy the complished Mm change will not be- mucn Of dam-sit- e, but ting the men fail to the ground "eposwioie ior the growth nf nirUt. and to this may be added MONUMENT TO ROUGH and front UMtw to the Iwaguna . 1. .i .. m.... x " distiuctla WITH be inane pnbue until tn etnsuti card low wttb a crash. Roth men landed mw wruer. two oegrovs. reiirj-sen- t tint It la probably the nrtean hUhw, It costs them K ' It la noon anon au practicalimi most bluahU In the district, nfthongh Dr.Kine's Issued. stated oh tbeir feet, but In some way swales perfection In b .il centa i.rr ntog fare. To eon tract' thority, however, thnt to card will teaohlng and thought compulsion Its rial vain Is not known by the If enught both hw legs under the scaf- IS on prefer unmarried ludtaaa, btit shew the trains running the same as respon- Tlie remarkable outcome r m,, WWe. The reopening of the Wash-mato- n HIS they sr married they are allowed to fold, whleh It Is believed was n winter planUng Um will nx-s- Niw Discoviry wet winter. Juat when the sible for the seriousness of his Injur- of Kulgbts of Coiumi iw the reopening the bring their wives and ohlMreu. The go Is In many parts biMh) tNIUMPTItN schedule will Into effect also ies. of the country has ,, i. ctMr mines of the district, the frlee SOT ONE IN women are fnimifthad employioent in an Navajo, wtdeh . MOVEMSNT TO BR kept n secret by tbe oisctais A of people sitting on Increased torvor ot religiou i.e has recently Mien Into OMHIniMl 60 AT tn cook houses and eisew here about e e number the lief, speomlly. DS NATIONAL CEMETERY piaaan the Oopper Queen hotol wit- nnd WMntrton of actual chanty '"'tr hatis. f Free Trhd. UM ramp. Flagstaff Sun says W. D of a uplfttlag attorney - ARLINGTON. The Kin to moral of the members a.,ti The representing the do- s?s!r?"ZTwr7iii7nv!arirffi7r There hi curious nrrnngement by They nessed the accident and rushed tec-am- e a ttey and family have returned. MfHt of chivalry, a tendency t Miaata, wh, liy the way, de--i project erecting the which, thoexfji Indian Is com- - where the men lay, covered with i ami While the for the hnve been touring tbe northern anJ kgtojilly ondeavot for the l.:ats by dftds of eonveyano aad mrsniT r.inia tntotil. Me Tuma to paint from bead to foot, and carried i BAOX. Rough Rider memorial in Preseott, to pay fare from the past two months. Thla has been so .uli. were W H. (mllders sad B. W. UB, or MOlOCr Siled pnpooses mn'ern stales them Into the house. Dr. Bailey of pronounced u to I Is going along nicely, It Is bin and t li JM tl Arts.. afunw rlsllltuc all the larger itles inriud pan the order of the Knights or C. A. dispensary Dr. Miner 1 ft, learned tint another movement ha sr rsrried CM. Ir the Indbin works 'ng a two weeks' visit In New York the ft nnd u be studied by thirty days tho eontract- of the Copper Queen staff were sum- - friend and foe Ir. wiilluu' lmiul been started far Um erection of a as lonx a tnd Brooklyn. Mr. Finney has re- alike to discover the eeeentlsl of i. Tarvnents ef Tetter and At- - bar-le- u. d It leasms i(iMsMtwilluriH moeument to tk Rough Riders d or Psvk his fare haek to the resva-tJo- lumed hla duties as Oruud Canyon Isyed, mm sua iu thai Beste had snetotaoj frscture mum m m a.it11ns. ItsBsattuiiJmuB la the HMtotwl oemtery at Ar- ttopateher si the Williams ucnot. ulobe-Drmocr- to tne Hi. iiuunse Itching ekarac ertstM WBm B .sOklis the WbMSeiiMuw.i lington. Coneernlng It thr Formerly all the employes on the V of both 18. He was taken Majqr W. II H. .Llewellyn nrrlvi.i ma. tetter aad Mill sum ree toft town but 0. ft A hospital, where hla Injuries thl morning trow kkj IW. JHTWliH. ssys: work vtere eMrBod a sosfitni m Conductor Bbafor bant at u 'sees u instantly allayed by Hf I IBHtllilS ssr T. FhilmH of lb United (State tl a mnath. takes uut of his nret tbjbt on Ms vacation muoh f wbleb BMtor has been dm,,. mm . " . rneparsii sjmi ssa iwe Im Injur!ea by t. are CnMm Om smnwi'isin s taivc, and amn aa m iae senrei service ofBea received n let- week That I slightly t expeeU to spesn wUh old friends The aueudned sooMhsmUuK In southern pa.t f ' wnfeo e. nature, It will re ClUvti hsvu bean mf rrfsMiL iru3mm7mw ter yestsrdnjr from Mrs. Allyn K. eharot. i now. The same hospital fa 'a Ohio. Mr. Bhafer. who now lives not of serious but Us um- - Vegas, out-B- be leant two months before Scales -- -- 'red Mf For mnTlrrsll'i Csprou. president or a monument ' 1 oust god. but it Is paid weoU?, M 'tt I As expects after his at m.Vl'' - - m nvrvr mw tin n i rmsyvw t AWN ft octetkm t net has been farmed wttb the mi,, of N souls to move to ATb,usrsuo, wttl Um ne of htt Mmb mart renUrui than now. vasffsaaajuui I Page j ii Local Happenings Our Fashion for Women iwiiaawiMiwwwijiam'iissBasaariaUBi Roberto j. Caere, a well fceowu Mtsa Miasm 3taJ4tvra, alter qui yoanc llesaaa of li Lanas, Is In a atlge with tyreW favor, la able to SILK GOAT the ntylttoday on bustaess teanme aer duties m tae ing afterhooh gown Mrs. ' MarrtNi. wife or Attorney I'harmaey. Ml Matthews was ron-Idet- Marron, wn wa back in the east one of tbe MOM eon- - ( nt on a visit hi relative snu mraes, prescription rierks tn rievsatad, Ohio, New YorK Fashion Letter haa returned to the city. her former home l -,-, ., Ingalls. attorney Kingman Miner says: F. II -I,- - .... Bllsworth sperisi The J. - Tf Fmmmmt ...,! to rih- - depeMmont of Justice, Indian ! 'i'hv or Albuquerque in look lag after Mew fork, Out. 11 t nut toil of heavy, fine law, some of whloh llk and over II w bolero depredation claims depsrment. Is In m. mining Intereeta la the fait thing Itself, m lit newest b aleevea roproeeata a fortune la of BroaVrtr Aacielse. Tb Ui that Las Vogaa oa bualaoea. i Hprlna eeHkm. The mhaeu are gexd tint baa Juat oom oat; h la nailed Then there are the bm.... ny waa worn with this dree wax of an Taoma Hudson, a brother of Col 'tarlng aad are noaaidered aplendid the "sling sleeve," which chmi from sled or Jeweled button that ara nacl, olive hade, that sjl'- - Hat Rtahard Htid'on, came In from Denver prosertM by inlnsra that have aeea the wumr of Ita draping, for when aad theae ouet another pretty penay. that goea ao wall wttii eer-U- la tbl niomlng, and I tKlnr part In ' i hem taw ana la slipped through H, It dm Altogether the drees coat la a rather Idee aad Ha tyuanlnx waa, the Bnrluers meetln his afternoon. Ai a luncheon given In aosor of her the appearance at a alias; a alias, of wipeasive stair and la eidom eaay a btg chou of bmin at la the tarn- - H. I) ftovenson snd wife have re ni.-.e- . Mi. Rarbara llubhan. by Mrs. four, that la graceful and atti to make for the home dressmaker. ad up back about I ha krla waa a turned from s vlit of w' K' I r.iik A tiobbell. SI5 Went OmI av-;'- !! Ive. which though It may suggest Indeed, coats ur even narder I baa wreath of aututun rose art leaves, duration In Ohio Mr dtovenson l on uaturdsy of last week, tbe "first aid," la ao pretty aad novel (ha drf-- for tb Anger of tit" ama- allowing dull ahadea of r- - and or.o of the nroprletor ot the wonurrh ii'oat of Mlf Barbara's estgage-- i that It promises to bo a favorite with teur, aad nearly alwaya aliuw bar hrown and yellow, aad ow from i lro-er- rompaay. nent to Caarle Ooodwln was ntaoe th woman who la looking for novel- - trade mark. among (hem aroee a blue ostrich J 11 Mayo, candidate on the repir. rhr we.idlag artii tah pmcc la Ibc iHttor part inde- plume, fairing from the rhht aide (Iran tleket for oonuty enmmlsaloner. of the month. There la juat now a deal of W t) The deairl.lloa given ma by one ntion about tho moat fashionable front over the left aad bank Brown nso sone to hi mine In the Oolden Konalaawr. reeeellv of Tb ' a- - expeet to In ' Manlon wprinaa-- of our dealaser ta '"tehtag "'!' lenglli of coale. Tb abort coat and glove, a brown card aaja .md illitrrlct and be hark hotel at f'olnrado nan . . la either plain or fohleil. rut Eton ara favorites with the major- hrella were worn with taw otume. two or three days. foii'ciHMied J Hubaa as atua-- siv K A r of tbe Harvey hou Xfaceu circular, pu' lain tu arm without ity ol womea, and aa they may he Although la the telling It IjSv aound Cahoon, prominent amona hi at - I Mi HiiI.Imi, who atty ruiieeen aad drawn toward! tbe cn- warm la MMav.Yhat crude, if one he n mind Masoea of Neawell. in the rlty for ia la tho today, made aa aa yett Ilk", there purpose Is on hi wsy to Colorada Savtags to lot uTta &u2 eSlsrittty caunbt uu there . .k ii.. m not be a the usual shade of taac colors, ao tho of attending the oaralval ; lodge will take charge of Harvey there. to give the alia eW. There la no i--.. A.. .finr. ,. much cara, akllt and tag had bean of grand meetings which the hotel After a taupte of latere Mr. underarm aeam. The edgo, ara left er,h.n.s.nnrailv are trylng to kMp the epended In the oombtMMIan of this orrur during the neat week. weeks . Uiie-ouart- a. - The management Hubba will make a pleasure trip to but by coatume one dla of the Teat rink upait Joined handa of velvet er coat thai there wm at - r braid or siltobed atraaa of the iZl. "... Il oordant not, and Um waarr with had made arrangement to have sn cx . .T. t It fea - CiMMfta hi Id of moving pictures tonight la miaeta.' tUal al r'oth. In ltt&latit It llaW lit Vi1ffA,1 wvtlf Ttkaua Javafc aas wamaaaii t her fair hair and oqwalaaJkni waa a ln init on account of an accident to t he meeting of the city rouewll to beheld .bow ll oorrectaleevaa tor a.a waTlook too well in the kwg or bait kk MHMt. ahould very oppoeltlon to Urutd will ti n. hlne the pictures will not be "niani i mm win n auiuonasai winter do. The ben la lengtha not to be conaldorad. Thare 'y laaue prorlaaiathvaeaiw open looaa. witaowt tb" W,H nhown. to a calllag far a and lartag. , one tateg to be aaM for the ahart P la flntahad with a band of vetvoi or nB4 Pentdoaieal" aa It evHB'ia, they Mr, flargeld K asites ta here from spccisi eteciioN ta e Raid about it lieaay ta put on It ta leaa i November I sutd 'l"th Ueuaily the aaga ot thla la ' mL wlt 00 worn toffcthor, aad often the hlcago on a coaat of the lilaeas of Ita, etswtlm to be for eumboraoma aad leavea tho aklrta! M-- . thalh nurnoae nt laaatlalua ik trimmed with frille of plaited laee or! la moat harmouton Whn aome her mother. Mrs. Yott. Tott Is aad walking. eaet better, however, on Issue of Hy bwids) mr the easaMrur- - ribbon or baad ewbrolder. Thla TM wl f" aad the road to , Z Tv, M.!of .tb' reoovwry. This will be cueerful avwa o musui nseusn ssty siimtsng. thw triMMMg ufrad j Jl-?!- araamy trolder-- a aplally html of J Jig..Jr ? ? the white t win be remambeeed tliati ir. jT I to her many friends. uwlu uraat deal o arary kind of aleevu, IV ."TLVlL .f. lea.4aThla la aem on aawa of the Irregularities ta particularly r moat artletlc aeon ta xhl J. Toco, ta auudls mountain snln tbe last hmue lae sale thoae that have thelTUm J.w" J" Z..l. JT hata the or the bonds proved Imaeessbto. allk of whlah they were made. mil-1ta- er, aad bla sister Miss I. Toreo, who flHkm." bttwn room of our faaMgojahle i. French make aad to left Albuquerque two sir uuv Oatchel aad of - There aeataa be a great llklttg for One of tbeea aata had a about utoaths ealldren If thla aleeve la eoualdarad too un- with ago vlglt Burope partleal-arl- 1 a Vegas have Joined Mr tbeae ooaia of allk trimnMd j for a to and Oatchel crown of ane Rroderle Aaglalae and A haaSmiM I a bandaama proteotlve for the cold weather, cloth banda, aad a few ultra taah lett- la to old Italian friends, returned to here He eaahler at tbe loaat of-de- e vr the arat chilly daya by the way must Min of Ita oiiawweaa at the back til embroideries be 01 DBinoa vetval of U.m . of Well rom-pea- y r Tka able women are havtag aulta made, oft eat 'be city last night the Prx ttxpreae nk coat haa boan Imported. the tiere wrtat. maur women ov of the aacie soft flue variation Tho paaUl shade of aahoi-o- f r . cwialettag of cloth aklrta decorated blgb The nr. Oarlle Valle, for years s praeiir "t.iiTtr l heavy aad luatroui aad tho ercome objection by brim waa of velvet, bine, and about corselet aklrt Is gi.-an- Rev. Hugh A thla putting la oaly with machine etttehing and ly rculsr 1ng phrlnan of Ban ttafsel, VnleneU pastor of the ant-i- n fancy the eruwn waa a tall of far, thn head much plaited - omter black la relieved by wart a colored linlna. and If the laid plalta. Invert od to give sua at kHiunty, I In the city and thl morn- Ptrt Hrevhyterlaa hereb. aad Dr la bos lylag on the foot. , aleeve material la vory thin, aueh the left from oa a hunch of ing Palmer, formerly a realdeat Waab-lagtoa- and dHlrate embraMary. plait t or luck, while the eoat la of Japanese iris, A Inforsned this office that he and of aa laee, llngerea, , the faauteMbl flower hmad fold of the D. C ., e thin allk. etr two Ii the family moved In atarled thw moratag mi or ateapaa allk ot the name ahade aa the aklrt itnlv aVWl . .1 1 had here, order that 'Hie the .this winter. Hks t u. f are ueeu. uie um or - - i- -j. Underueatk lft side a. ta the can public a ten nut fug They wltl spend minn- wnu niaaiii. ... . :: the children attend the daa' (or iitrrvt in the cutaway, and ioiu.w nifl!. mini.i.i. wae another email ahmvaag of fur, saouidara iii.- - m- - rati " of theae are of the ...... uj eam ine school of the crty. Bjoat of the time on a roaek aome M la I'olli upoa tbeae Uaae. ZFZnt3LWSl ""LZ??,. Iris aad velvet, held with a I twenty (Jur- jacket I "oug a m taalar Dr. K N. Wilson havlag about miles beyond Jetaea, and . T . . nip lengin; n were clone large aoid buckle The owetNin worn I he autaway hglat at the buat and la wwivw Mm iu twinnmv wiui in ling, but many othera were of the new cottage coaatrueted oa the High- ist; the interval tbe Kev. Mr. Oosq own. over with thla bat waa a bliM atoll), con- will oonduot DirtMHtuaMara lNffUi. and thla ia draped Ute pony ety lea. allghtly modifted to ault land at a eaat of about SIMM. Seven tbe Servians of tka altog aleeve. Suea aleevea are re- stating of a cloth empire skirt wHh thetn ara one hi frame. ahHroa. After the servlee yeeierday of-- f h the agtire of the wearer. bdfllee of brick and The whM aatlH la Introdttcad lief to aaotkerwte plain fur trlinmetl dawn the frent panel, nad oulTs ar made f hsayy morning Mr. fUmper ftoun. and ' IHall UMllHtra 1 vT. t.72? The doeter is showing bis fella in Al anMwaesd ibat tWelr in th short undatarm Itlaoc Uiey have the The abort eoata of the winter while the bolero waa of velvet trim- Am. buauerque by putting money ho would be absent Bundey, reeoramefidutlon of he atylaa off or his lulo next ft vihlch Is toHshad with a heavy eord. Ing new and very atyllah, whlah will are not rut aa tho tho med with fur tails, over a llroderte reeidtnee property. being bin InteHlton to aad terns teat Make It popular re- aHmmer miim wre, ttMl are a little AngJalse browe, lined with yellow A will delivered tomor- before the tail work, during i he pointed rovara are alee of the for theater and below wnlat line, aome lecture be whleJTM ception wear. the of them silk. Brown gloves the agart shade row Might In the OoNRreanttenal expects to !teronariy aenduat An white eattn, but nra deHenteiy em-- i helled In large bone buttons or fancl- - of the fur carried out the beautiful AUTUMN GOWN rh evangeiiatle campaign. roldorej mauve allver while There baa been a good deal ot dis- nureli on timely and Important Twenty new with and er ones tor ureasy coats are used to oolor aohemn. tepte "Capital conafcl-ere- d were glvo n deolded pute over the empire ilrewt and coal, of and Labor," members rreetved yesterday blnnk frofia fasten these jaunty little garments A great vocue la nrovnlsed for the from the standpoint ot the work mernlng by letter nnd on profession. touch to the eoat. Thtt aleevea are but At lam the deetgneni have come whloh are altiKle breasted, hut many pony to the eenoluaiun ittay Itttsslan skin that made so aood Ing man. All workmen are especially m vvaus AiHson. who win oxeta- - long and roomy. thai It shall have a itolntetl lap over to the left an Impression season IHlrta Af tho Mannla wnrlr with ns for thla aeasori, Cer- last and for tho and oordlally Invltml. am nt least aide from the right, or tatm, or alee regulation larlea 11 RnorUalur n wall tainly there are motllneatlons street costume, traveling, Clarence Haver, residing t No. Ill bnawn the atrnlRbt atrapa down the front, eta, It very stylish: ac- ptoked shoe ileeler Meadow OtkVl ladles ot the Krench would k but ns an North Walnut, up on Rest Hall of the lo SERGE SUIT eeurl the belt ahotild he narrow, cessory to n dress stilt to be worn nt road avenue, near High street this ro Helfrloh, agjnt for the WelTs pur- - never reeegnlte and probably would three Inohea go deem lieliin eonMhlered tho n high function It has too maab the morning a small gold ring nnd a sranll Kspree company; 0. IV. Word a detraction from that elaselo limit for the widest, aome whloh appearance steward New hcwelUi mode so much of of tho "rough ready." ttiriHole stone. Property evidently of the Mexlen affected by them, but are of leather, which gtvea n yMa belongs some girl, who cms for the Insane; J. K. the aiylea suitable foi OATHHIUNH MANN PAYZAMT. to little Alderman Mar a Prenoli natty appearance to a atreet ooat time have same by wiling at thla offiae. tin, a suceeasfNl eontraeter nnd Mttla oourt are not adapted for the hust- er, C. ling but la not editable for those Intend- Wounds, Bruises and Burns. Well known ftoswell gentlemen who and I. )louaer, a creaer and life of tb modern Aate?ioan ed for dreaay wear. All eoata By In eoutMHjHsnoe Myetle representative eillsen. woman, who the applying; nn antiieptle dreaeing are here of the 0. L Clremry seldom idaya the doll, eeen ao far fasten In front with but to wounds. bruhMB. burna and Ilka In. work are John W. l'tie of the OlUsen's Hud M. IL Williams era whose life la spent j mrentious nf. Msad tone etoae to mo throat and ituleed i Juries before lnflRmmstlou sets In, National bank of that ntaoe, James W. lA v ralra of life and living whlah keeps mill-- ytlWMr. torn. there are some that are quite ; they may be healed wltfcOHt mattira-lar- y vlllson of tbe New Meslao Military Williams Is mfHNlniendMt e? her even mora bway Hobert-Kellfhl- thau the moat In d popu- bridge construct loti the style nt eollar. but are not thw and In about one-thir- Institute, and a and ea ardent "little diplomat" of thoee old tbe Um die Santa daya. popular for wear with the faaey required by tbe old treAtniwit. TWs lar Inanranee man. P railroad and Mr. Ofe. -, ory Is n bhHiae or oae that has a pretty not- the greatest discovery and triumph A rare opportunity la offered tbe popular etgar man af the Some of the cbangea are the tight lar. Of course It Is better tits with of modem surgery. CHemtxrtalH'g peopb of this city to ''ear oae of the Meadow City. Ml lag llalag. which curve great preacher ot Met bod 1st letria-sop- OmjRty Surveyor D. at the such a Jacket to wear a tailor hkwse. !aln lialm acts on thla same prlnej-Broder- the J Kaakia walet line like the prlNosaa draea and ' pie. chnreh tomorrow morning when leavea In the morning tor Puna Btan-o- a, really gets Anghtlae Ii to be worn It is an anUaeptlc and when ft I- lt name from the bolero lia la winter on coats, ot course. Ita plied to such Injuries, causes tlwta to tflaaop David H. Moore apeak at the Sandoval county, to make a sur- that hanaa Hwaely Mhoni. 1st vey dta-trle- t, about the use la old hut need tm cloth and vel- - ueal very quickly. It also allay the First Method jepicofl ehurob. for tbe Pens Maura acbool aera buat. Bishop Moore I people la-te- and And the newest mod vet aad In large quautltlea Is new. pala aad soreness aad prevegda nny one of the foremost The of the district IScat Ion la men In plseopaey I widely making a spueial tax the alia ahmve nud yet It la moat effective as a danger of blood poteor.!ng. Kent a the and a levy to ecrlhed above, for draaav wear in reaowned pr acker. raise moaey to build a aew aaboat trimming, and It hi likely be very , battle of Halm In your carriage, lu Pala kerne M to MeCloshey, 41 years, bones, at a reoeution. the thea popular for tboae uaed for theater. and It will save you time bale aged aad the llaea of the areelnet ter, or any pktee where dlgMlty. aad MftHer, died at kla abode on tbe Highland of are to be loss ted that the nsaasser stylo reception, calling and the long opera , not la mentiM and long graceful the IneMveeteftan and morning 1 o'fuoek. will know what property la to be lev-le- d Unas are needed. It cloaks, in many caees It Is dyed to wfterlng such Injatles enlaR. Vor tubercutoale thla at y mo Ke ago Sti- upoa. Under kHiW wruim i ureas u wear, If the match the color of the gown nud la sale by all druggists, oame here ten daya from the pfeeant tb womau ia not too Raaby. ver City, and waa In robust health un- railroads pay no saaeot tax, but where The tall then aued aa panels oa the aklrt, bo- - n woman of good form, til ha was attested by hsnflrrimgoiL n apeeial levy is made, like the doe even tbu khort leroa. collars euffs. A pre-- 1 woman wide and 'i be new switch boards of th (Jow- A llaasnisiaaiai .. ...a.., to be In If ittn too stout may wear II. ly wcauiple aueh waa seen eewuHiu, whleh oaused his demise. Friends of mari Sandoval esamtr, the hut neeh of a ault mdo Telephone oompHny will ae ready """""a fresh ap- railroad property will be never. It waa deetgned made of heavy Mho ekrth. i1.7.tae haMk of a mart the deceased miner have been nsiesaeu ike m rather llalit for wiring this week and this will tallsf, it of same aa fur wwimn of the IHana type, In Mhatle, - . prised of bis death by wire and the anr other properlr. and the sHIrt was laid In plalls msrh the oempleilon of the lm-o- vrwi emuruiHer-J- l On proiwrtlon Is Ita It rat renulelte nit panne The bj body ht being held at tbe undertak- Sauirdar nflerneoa Mrs. Harry the back and sides, while In 'l.e poriam part or com pan y anclen-fnm- t vjjm skirt P. TIip oonta of the euiHim tbe ing establishment of O. V. Strong's tee aav a tin shower Ir henor at .via. am was a ahaited panel of the slve Imprevemenls In Albimuefntie. and HHlueky nHmWr of Miss certainly very beautiful when - Sons for til position. Ilia home is In Darbsra Hubbell nt her home on made Itrvlerle ARgmhie; the empire beH I'alnterg ara at rmtk puttlaK fin-wa- s W Marquette In aome htMUtiful elltialHa uno.1. aueii lae ladvlile, Colo. avenue and Twelfth sir&ei. of soft allk, whleh fastened us- - isalng touelfe to the Interior of the weair- The InelHded as aome of tka .11110, eMMe-fllUH- g Tho Friday night olub was Mi entertainment eard pkr heavv uhtee thttt tier a wide bitokle ami bow of the I new building expeet to ..Til" f81. at the ing, and have this eeswaa, euirU uaM lea home" at Hlka' night the prise for whleh waa won by '""tr iHaee, watle the bolero la ewbraldery. hhwHe wne eamplettd by liinil lav aiA a.,a tho rink last to The of while ( the end of the week. twenty-tw- o Mise Wiley. The mteeta optnlBR over an elaborate walstaeat. Invited ouples. gasting Brlty Indlui rn mtrmlt tbu ... furnished diveraton from 8 o'clock un- ed Miss Undr, Miss Leila Armtje, t. midnight Mies Xelger. Mls Llaslft Wttay, M1m HeaHiee mw ws i over til wuen the invited paid Camp-bel- l, nmiy .Mamie Oie oomerjt of ll and out upon the their respeeta to Messrs. i I). vey, miss uuttefx, Dyintf shouhlers h nn Jinluge Ollffertl Haydea and Wtl II. tm iaih iiaateui a, hms mien Bauer Pee!iabo0 Waist Mania is Miss Irene Saint , MkM Anna Thomas of Uin broadeloth. 'rLht apparentTy I'rott, who initiated the party. The la T "if IQit. hare stopped In the middle of their terge affair was dellnatfutly Informal and and Mlaa MaLal Hunt Um smoked Uughlm. Mrs. Porrest IHtrhar aermoBg to raue their hands to heav- J" whtefi fuetan the guests expressed weir pleasure ta ssii 3maul 'w,of OtV. the boats of the evening. Orgaalsa xrs. d. It. earns were also en lu disgust uuut.. at what they termed the tton of the Prieajr night club will be "Immodesty pcek-a-k- e wo- J with a vs. of the "etyZ2TJ eokwed allk.!IlBt made permanent and the club pur- man. la Morsl design. A KILL OF SIXTY President Kooeevelt atoo had The sleeves ar, tog aHd half It- - poses to eatortalg en two Friday ev ea- hl aay about the muchly diecuaaed rngs aeh meath hereafter. R, Me Mr B. Aaatln and family, ot ga even threw la tka often-wor- An Awful Psao were la tae city Saturday. US ONE BAY stockings a ' oeugh Oureo. as skoeklgf exam Two raera aim our iimi k...i Hev. V. i. Petawr of Saa Marclal Is Pie of the American woman's moral a touch of paeumoala, tbe day la Albuquerque. eeeay. whleh left her H Bat Just so long aa bar desire with aa awful sough. Mm had spells Spits, the Baata Pe Jeweler, P II Rhodes, superlatssMseat fer for I a by hi daughter, arrived th Pullama eosspsay oa pretty talaga waa sat fled hue wo-am- of coughing, Just like oae with the Wo wectern wheotdaat mma--h ami ..n. Here last sight, liae of the aaoU Pe, aad a eesaaaa bereair dhlut (tare what the maa-cull- Mism abe would not gat well Ktnel Ptukc, acbool teacher Si ton, peat yeeteraay kuntlag quail in part of humanity waa aaytng. at nil. We Alameda, spent Sunday tn elty aw a oouie at cuamberlaln'a Cough the lae vlotalty of Klaeuat. Tka aport was Nuddsmy, however, she oeoaata tired Kenwdv. whleh IIW. . visiting her parents. a aad at ahtbl tae game seek run urtaJ k.T J H. Bearrup, president Rio A A aad waated change Bbe of the talned atsty birds. mi i rt little iiilt nt ui... a and the mannish stopped ooughlag aad got stoat V..i. tailor-mad- e tlrande ttodlen mills, has gone to (iall are more pleatUul ta Mew hiirep serge hbs a amall aurplloe shirt wal at was brought ra iai. wniee mra. ura Muaeara, Brnbaker. III. Thla Ueuver on bustaess. Mesieo tata year than at ay ttma ta roat which vanish under a high gir- forth aad taw teahkmable waleUemlrera ai. i. Theiw will be regulsr meeting of tbe Bteaaory oldesd. dle aH the way aale by all drugftlota. of the lettlsrs. Mr around. Tka aklrt has ar markiag down their fit Umrerie Ammo hive No I at Odd Kellowx hall tbode and bis wmpaajaa yaglet day alue panels, heavily stitched. The tomorrow al'.eiuooD. at which only 'Stead not lees than fifty titioj on the tabs re waiaia to aaythtug yott want to pey "U1L ORE WILL MIAM envies, aad cf old silver, MUCH IN mesabvr will be admiMed. as masw foot raeea pMibWea. aad in ach holding a large dark blue r them Juat la gat rid of taesa, SMALL MINIS stone. for Denver, , -- M. C Weet brook, from Saa Aatoato. some of them quail sum oat. la The large twme Kasokm ta Ooki Out. IS. At many tbe aleevea era pun's wttk abroad with new ttiiaea and aaselllag plants partieamr N. ,.. waa In tbe city yesterday Mr. others tbe birds ware ton aaaail to uir to the elbows . rrom theae decree and egfertoace has taught Weal brook Is a well eoMraeV that ly those which are ituaM'd at dls-ae- e known shoot, the covlsm cooskstlag of a 'nil small circular cape pieces over the she la not to hit trilled wlh. or. eouple of old a fore arms from a coal supply or where atroa aad desea or two traaaportailoa of seal l ditaealt aad Mr. and Mrs H P. Huit retu.ed of very taase yaoag eaes. expsHslve the fuel pnsblem. whleh was borne today ua the flyer from a visit The Bras, shoottaf the hauler VELVET HAT one of the most digtault that eoe le old home folk In Minnesota aad woe betweea Baaley aad the operator, le now est a fair WYeooaslfi. Nut staMoxja oa tbe Silver City biaaeh. way of Ming solved As fuel ore can Msv. J p. Moog of Sablaal pasaed Ua laactaf la Itiaeoa, the haater be used with great advantage aad east through tbe city ibis morning aa were told S asaay Ulen of quail so always be at head, etrwriweau are route to Man '.a Yr to visit Archbishop thick taat One could knock them down ttxlng tried with M, wltk such resulU, Bnurgarde. etta a atlda, (bat they ware ta asdle that already n Is the genera! opialoa Udwerd tiruaafeld, a former real- - a aaajMlarr aa ' wUeh way te ge. that l( will b made avaiwkte for all dent of Albuquerque, and aow regee The Nut bill grade oa the Silver City mining operation. It I not only well scaling a New York clothing house, is braaea waa taatlv ehoses, kove. sdafted to eteam raising and smelting pending s 'ew days la town. aad so better Qboice could havo been I III j liatll ll mfMsHaaV purpoeeo but It la especially elective Mr. and Mr. Oeorge DverUl are re- - made. Tae hunter left the tral.. at n assaying furnace, ntnall asMltiag joiciag in the birth of a bey Bale and walked to Nut. Tbe dim II' riirnacoa, who made bla ar appaaraaee In tbe i acre i a little over three miles. After aneallaf and hardealag rurnaces or la fact in any ruraae In family tdrei- - Uat eight. usblng tb Srst covey, Um aaeotttu The peek-a-bo- o waist is dead, m.i hieh quick aad easily regulstod hat Irred Porous, oaptaln of the territor- bad little trouble heeaiag laeir gaas from It ashes rise tho nevore tailor Of vsrylng eontrolhUtte degree lr ial ttouated police, pept awtaraay la hot. Quail wer fOuad uaaer aearly .. returulag every Bsosqslt they ntaoa lined shirtwaist of . iruaMeraMr. to aia bead bunch of braah iatalc oui niarter at Sauia Pe last night mmH In mnmm tit ISeia an IttBu (kat Una. And now mlnlM-- the and mor- SBOONO ANNUAL HOfttg A special tueating of Albuqevtque i hey would take wlag oaly after beiag alists waa have made themaelvsa HOW AT HALT I MOM t leumpmeut No. 4. I O O. K win ur. at At least tsilrty sovies were hoarse praaahlag against the flamy Baltimore. Md Oct. U At ta held lut-ada- r evening. t. U It ifituad between ashy aad Mat and ! short-sleeve- d Green ileriag Importaat be after aaYOOtlseL peak may fold thfii VaUer keanets hsrs that all member to sud a half hours today the second b - O S. Plllsbury. crib I the hunter trampled over Nwt kill bands peaes for wo annual eho ivaeat is the American utas bold, i be very valua la pruea Mrs. B lewlaaoa aad daughter into the iation with the bag babjlaa iuaa with her capricious desire tor ostored lu nil rlasees attra" :ag rw Is Nstelle Lewlttsoe. of tt West with u ktli of lo ' i br' It waa Juat tbaage la sjutous to demouat rate to era eatrlei in the ladi hunt r pper uvmun, afler speadlag "everal I noon aim iu : t. lu.i.h the huai ekisa and pon driving eta ntb lu aouthara Callfurnla, liave Hers returned Kukoii Two heaira the world tka aature gave here a ' cially the were SO' 4 i d to the lty evtaiag aaauttii ijig Utp lsaljM pair of bread. perfeoUy aaaped aamUd- - tyle and Mr Them J re or that Ute Jsagsi, Can Ct.n Systfalpt Sfcle era, the atfeet which caaaot be mar- Jr. of Awaaadrla aad B. It it to Albuquerque yesterday altar eanuaotuJMfJ eSBar red by tka asaaaiek shirt waist that f Wurreatoa, Va had 9 ir spaat as Mew Tork Cley. TaeP domba. The birds are iiawan, awVaswe a aow considered the preeer thing. dlfflculty la aaaklac their ii rooms at the Aivaraoo sad ex- ao taato whatever of sa. urMeh is i to rewata bare during the winter. oft an tbe rase wltk waaatala avail. A new blue velvet has a tow, There has no femia-in- e bat been article of S R We4U has eased ) ts oM e regular meeting ot Mineral Tea haateva returned iO the city oa rouad rw, short la frost. Massed l te for several deeedea that , Hlon No. Knights Pythias, wilt la x. Saaaal aua aasaJat wtlllaat attire ha of eteAloa moeter here :g, t, of tae meruluf tram. eiwivejHaaxil Asrwsvs w gaaeaaa erneew vffej fa rw oreated siiesi a furore aa b Hutrr, ijwt sight go returned from La Jui ietd la their castle ball toalgk at eurilag lazartaSkUy at the back aad . VMaer Muse )aeeV--trlmme- t He Mr. h clock. Work Uurd rank wilt be of ltrdsburc rmay, fuaey, d peak win awoeaed Orur. wh' la sldos are four large feathers m deep a. Ail are urged to be wen haowa Mason vIsttiM ai lbs sv ' j o Knlfisu gold aad gray. waist. Mlaleterc from the aMar 8. H. Newcomer, K. K 8. llon of ihe Or aad Lodge. OR TRAITORS NOTIOK 01 SALK. PATRIOTS Tarrttory of Mew Mnioo, County nf HEW MEXICO Weekly Gilizen Theodore RoosevaR ta knew to eeery voter lbs Bemalitlo, In tka Wat riot Court. J. Baldrtfiga. Halted State an tbe chief votary af fitfStra rafmMtau-hn- "My Fifty Year in the Ministry." C. ttalatig. KNIGHT TEMPLARS SuVsertpUen Rate. than a ajonlh ago ha oaaraaesd ktmaalt la atttaeu, par your LM Wtn. Lldke, at al, DafMtfinHta. tM suvsg iamw aa to Um iwceeaHy a a alroag republican BY TM0MA9 H0WANB K. J Peat A Co.. PlatatlNk. ORANO OOMMANDKRY 0PKN8 (T6 im.t ciww. mt ntr M ra. CONVOCA- majority la tba next aauJouol kae Janteamagaat awl mm SIXTH ANNUAL Wm. Udke. H al, Dwfendanta. TION KOYAI. . AtCH roarkwa la notion. b la a parafaWHt and eetwieient Motif la hereby given that I. the OHAPTKN (ttKCTB many , thlrty-aaa- n SOLAR PLEXUS BLOW t A vary pi atant faatata of tka war and In Haw Maalao. apaotnl by vir- president bag evar kald more -- ttttdarattned maatrr, party man. awl bo 'ittaraattac happaataca which took thim making IIfly one yean. H that Ropubileea has beea tue of a decree of tka dlatrlct court t evident th nwtaia cloudy tn tba tenet of hla party Umu h pUea gnriuf ihe recant rlalt to thla it might be asked which of nil tkoaa nf in ! tha roaaty of Bernalillo entered a Kogaktr commnnlcntlon of T m o mm Um product lone of tbo AIM vary wall ntormed cJtlaea tbat u send at Btanop David H. Moore and place made (bo greatost Impraaaloa litttl IUI of imnBrtoM aw dty the above entiled raaaa, on the 33rd pi" MMtge. No A. A M gnat aaaalon would nuwlnii f the gaaalak MathodlKt ' npan itiT I anawer Army Itfa. $ , r. smevtyt paper. Reomtty Pbopnlit paper deosooratlc ooagress to Waaataftea iha ' day of inae A. U.. tnpfl. wherein J p. m VlalHtt; morning th - preachlDg In army waa no dtffwr-iaa- t ii.ia evromg at t plans ami pawpsaea of President uafrenc- win the ddrate allvered tba ('. . waa plaintfir Wm. t gSM: maaa disaster to the At- - t anywbarw atae f:il lit and brethren cnrdlally invited to at a way, notably Holiday aalg In tba Und ant from Army Hfa I Hh nt a alen t RooseveR, aad lo hla projoeta aiMtcy nader by It long aklrmUmlMg, Were defendant, aad 'end. Work In the P. C diRr 4 , "A tfc toWttorfal reaubllcai. ' L nua Matkodlat rhumb A.bfer-- ' with amrakaa. hv In .o.ntln which wHI aftatt tha deatlay of the - rlituv of anotsier decree ihe to? of W. M. J. K tho Panama eaaal. tjii- riersymen, - ngttlea ronetant dangfra, had t.talr f order t.ic i : - of ret-es- Tm'rame bv- " a ilil illetrtrt of he county of iVrt, Jettrturo rnwfttttoM were vol- titulua. It ta equally obtlous that Mm queatlea uf t Hla waa. "Xy laaama and were mqrt8'lve. rourt C eecretapy. d i.arwood, on. aubJol ttjt Mernallllo. wherein K. .1. at A V ar e, who keow poop at tww bteilco during hp ar-m- l' flOl Mttlfi tMN Hum two to one Those Import before the fifty ftari In the Mialatry." I'ba The roftectlve mind found much to ware plalutlga, Wm. i.ldhe al eta-die- and Itxtatiiixittlttti will daead I tbat wf atuMkood. tnd that rwnultn in tor eurh It rally waa, waa think of and many lexaona ware d ggjlllas about potKiral method, in New Mestoo nwt were defendantc, entered on the 3rd . larawly by the pnlitiml liaiore tba ronterenc. la tka aad 'earned without book, inch The Oraad eommandery. Kn.tihi voto necessarily represented Waablairioa will bo oatonnl ttay of July. A. n taoe. win, fur the kow little ikat for Inatanco, patience, N-.- Uilijl complexion of tho territory. iireaaoaa of the blakop nnd alao before aa eonldesn purpoae of paying th ailri 'ti.lgemants Tom pin r of Mexico. oi''tl I' i wnrren in tka rlgbteouaneaa of our cause the r aaufrfe seatlmont la tho turrtlor. bat eoaveetlou in oollitaloa with tba, daraoortt tb rvpuhllnan Inilt- - lou member of toe u. K. and coata attending thin aale, otfrr sixth annual coucXcatl n In Ali'iigo It foot No. 6. l. A. It., of which nr. nar-- motiven that load ua out and the hope romr notrrlou than any of it predecessors of Homalillo manty hava aomaaati"! n 'pipiea - for sale, and aell to the hlcheet bid qtic thla morning when It romi'ix'.l eettt I chaplain. The largo audience of victory the ronfldrnrt- wp had In fedi-rs- I wood for cash, area cuwpuMd by delegates moetly selected by l tlckat." Altbouaii tbin holt vm tb rfthk mmutr tbraajA-- nra aa der at the front door f tb at th' Maaoalc templr. after u ttln foilowd the aMakW ' .mr loa Prealdent l.lnfnln. PT-naltt- lo not llkaty to aBact the roitcomu irecnt a court house, of thi county of In tintformod In 'y at the AUarn-i- otnee-boldc- ts political cortuplloalsts who had hoc mivaly lasliitilflcaat aad nut witn mnrked attootton nnd at ttfe rteneral Oram. Kherman, Mbertdaa aad and territory nf Nw Mexico, i of oleotloa of county officers, the trend of mngjr took occa Howard a noat nf aa mei, wnere tne Manino hum I offices for proved th fomlim cloae of thf acrvice and and othera. In on thy assshli im rrats and influ-mi- ad-iirt- t tea o'clock the forenoon, wfre'sreeted marrhed with llll'll. la dtarubtlon of party him np M veil aa confidence In our omradaa. , and dJehoueaty." unh nioroment toward loti to ronaraiuiate nay or novi-ni'wr- , ' or suspected na- relan-Io- for aa aoon look uineroemn a u in thv temnl toaa power In territorial ami and upon hta remarkalile we would for tka i . from the Phoenix paper. aad conaequMt of ISoC, all the right, title and Intercut waa hih-- Cocamontrh? this cxirsct of etrtngtb and vigor. A tynopia noon to Ml lo the earth aa for a eild-Ir- r The jantoc an Inaolrlna ikm Kaw tf Saturday mM, wttb equal force and tional ooaaella. Orald thia auraiatlow of the nKrun of Ac aald defcadanta Wm. I.UUti, i,ri.. the eunltaht rMtMlua from t h Mttliu atngw ticket of Lr. Hareoud a rwmerka toltowa: to deaert hla rainrude In the face iDdlvWually, Hopubltciin knowingly tat a mbmhoon tied minority point to a oaan la their r battle. Jf auch eonlMeoce or faith and Wm Mdke doing brlsht accoutre menti. of tho u tfttttr. "The Mwrnlaee on Arm name Vagaa convention the Joint which itHMMta any aapa'torltir wr tha tha Oc- - In eaay carry bnalaoes uadr the and .i. mm une when It aaya that hi She les - twvmitv nrvM veoM ano today. all theae how lo the style a eomw awlmwd In the of the Southwestern Ltauor At 10: t'cloch np! nimtln ,eaot-tion- were adopted by a vote of two to n jniUr tirket rlrtoe gkt kt t iwM, my mother ami led aad thought to faith aad confidence In our th ' utBhood otter if. Crgar Co.. 1,. V. Albcra end Roderick 1 . of I lat8MM of sueh a tiekwt, hut uaataaad eomiairtaoB win . wnm was adjourned until look this at i. ih.i .hA m adoatod br a vote aid. a boy. and rather lanajnou nenveaiy ratacr ' " prenop Stover, In to following de- I natara, to It'a tkoogkU In army life tUnd- - and the teraoon. New offeors of the cou t. tn not only refula any ehUm of tkla but aatabltah It'a a boy." aad ka who tkeea and scribed real, aetata. Ituated In Old writoTthU ommmmmmI lag aa H were In the mluet of the II v-- maadory will be etsgteri. Ik tke Mttafactlon of tk aketcb tbn Albaouorooe. In the county of i Sm - lag wltk afore-- Par Tke preaent offiaars of the (Iran ISmtU .m. NMta. with tba rumlar nattv waktadk lw Ik not oaly uphold (k rtiwui. of m. He la laai mw and tka dead all Ike fiAttlM, of New Mexico. t aeveotyeigHiH mentioned thotwkta before you now nnd territory commaiidery lactuda: tiZiM wZlim. wpukllnanwiw at 9kouora HaoatruH eatortOK kla rear. io-wr-t. i m militant mm rdaat-t- h a veta of aa tka - pnracu. A. M. Uarllaa, Rllvor aty. rinl. yearn Ago thkt jmai Ann- n wa io I aaaaaa t tl aaja l tka parly r Uk bnt la bl. mxtr.flv j A Pfeee of laad on what Is known VISVHsgfiit, m vita o ikTZ! ol tha U aante boy wot aogrcrta and Alao work la New Mexico ban bean ?JJUnillMITVfis X alballot for Uta man bat Mtati to men tk IklofMta ol net, tknt aa Albera Dairy ranch, cow men el nc nt Artkar RvorHt, Albutiuornue. ery Wannhmam" Matkodlat ahttreJi, very Impreaalve. OoldemRk In hi tnirty-Rv- e K united with the - a potat feet from tke north- Ha Xaw XmAmn Naw Munian aa wail kt of U patty KM araaldait. Hpaakn won- eminent deputy grand commander (jawttitrtag oommafXH. tk dau: wklak haa ever Maee boon tka ohiirok "Animated Nsiiir" of the aa- - 1 ' - east corner, near the Gold Star J. 0. Stank. Clayton, eminent grun "Tkk M4U)R MUa akblkar damMbk) if km anowe. kej- warming thouiaelvea by tka Area hiM, taoace running forty feet In a goaoraUselma. Majcleo ntty-Oi- ie yoara ago Inftt, laty a Urn In the kiuy of Mw PfAI TV TO PARTS' in April the travellers made, bat tka Boatkerly direction Tlgkt Ancles L. (IreaWr)". Vagac. tu kMr ntiaglied flret w tnlnga never own at 0. Las cmlccc: he hla Mmon. It oould build their with lw north line of said ranch along grand oaptaiH gOHordl. at Wk RowUtfHi, Rerrien mwnly. Area, (to when wa eama to Now M ot- tko street known Railroad avenue, tos we found apltltual Area burn- M J. II. Wroth, AlbwiHeroue, cmlucr. Uwa, I or wwartiig kfakd f Ilwbball," it Mlehlpn. Text, John 3:1: "Fr no to nee weoterty thirty-fiv- e feet, thence grand to Um mtum ef U narty aa at tki Tha Wt etna "tb work! he gave ing ami we have been kindling flree soatar warden. - to Hmd tha Ur.t north forty feat to Knilrond nvenHe, VA DonnvaH. Raton, Imva tatraat the matter mm tuair owh hahwi ami r om i K M(iiiiua ami in, wnian w wm- 0d mm. In New Mexico alnee, by kelp J. emimn intauaai ale emijr begottan that wfooewrar ever the tkenee easterly Ihlrty-gv- e foot along grand wajracn. U aampakln 'vhinugh thalr ebowm asmta, l periahi Your speaker trnv-eta- l Jankif tltttlrHS . to Ihi h lie wkn h paaaM tha worda. ballevalk in Him heufd net of the Lord. had Railroad avaaue to tko ptacu of Kmnk Kaknlmc, Raton, emi. " but rfftmg eveflaaUBg Ufa." At thai thirty tkoueand mllea In New grand pratata. of ontuo-Abon- t tim I had no hooka eorotona and Mexico before the rnllroadn The said Judgment aad decree, ren- A. J. Malay, Allfuawerquc. omi! t aam-lan- d a e etxty tbou-- o( atata-atah- mambara. !r the ratmllnan antral k bwrim tor nniw " not HMMy on theology and watbere-tor- three hundred and dered In tbe ease of J. C, nalandge. Qnutd traasuror. nar to my for the by I found but few IMMee oewiuae botk raaarai ana lerniormi nwn i Miicvwff wai ronuoiioan pTimapwa left own rourcec and rail. plaintiff vs. Wm. Udae. et al, defen- A. A. AJkatiaarque, emm- - mlituM ef t fol-,o- f nay 18T0 illiteracy Kaaa. by tori alan of th eermon. which waa aa Mad. la tke dants, together with Interest and keMam are eonaplcww tkair akttmaa.' by ramiblMna party aipHmUo. Oould tka i tbe grand recorder. aair I . stood at about U degrees; there were coata, will, I on tbe date of said sale. C. D. Stevens, Ratoa, eminent gt " rd of the retMiblkMK pdHf. by which tkla nation but vary few Americans la the country - Smount to the earn of four hundred Standard hearer. vary MmHk groatneaa and aao waa oxooaaiagiy aw- -- - RESTORING HUBBBLl. TO POWER baa km brought to tka of too ontMok seventy seven sad twenty one one- C. D Boucher. Vevtia emln" prtMparttroottld tkla racord kava baw poaalkle with coawagtag. Ia my firat trip of four hundredth, dollars, ($477.11) nnd the. la elea- - mllea, I grand sword hesrer. The air ringa with tka nwmnatng cry that tko malaUMMnce of part arganiaausii iarena nou. hundred four weeks travel. costs of this sale: and Judgment W. P. Fox. w tka alxty-etg- M tke Alltnaaemue, cnim reonbtiean ttafwt moaoa tae ronmauea w r. atatea, attlaa, tka ammtMa and tb preached eleven times to aad decree rendered In tke oaae of ran of the tka Matkm. tka tka people. Tom may see nt a gkinee hew I J warder. Mttkkurfi ranear panee ntr a were tnc K J. Post & Co., plalntlKs, vs. Win. A. M. ir. a a Kowor. vmi tko ar ...niiinT Hut h hMta tba nraaMaa or it dtaaoHraatng was at time with Wblteomb. AlbHaueroue. la moant by ttila I hap- - It that Udk4 et al, defendants, together with Inent grand captain the guaro MMl and aak Mwetf aorteuely what tbat whenever a few office aeeera IpAHlMt yet to learn-d- a. of tke ktagaage be tbe interest nnd costs will, on the Aa goes to press tin trwjMOMUy MM vlef , mm to want office tkey cohM get togotbeor, eombine Oar mlaalonary work In Now Tke cttlaon dale or aald sale amount to the aum Qrand la In n-i'- If Mr lluhboo wato a oanoMHue tor any onte. iw HUh iiatMierete. not out a made iMKet ann Mexico baa not gone forward with eommandery atlll tk. feadr of one tin ml rod sixty seven nnd five no I etaetvon otfleo might It oonuldOTOH I ...... ,r rfMiHMieflna aay and officora have been elcto lr aiiull Ue ta thai th. .nnnr lu their Inaurrec leaps ami bounds as some theirs one handratha d(titan, (1167.0) and was given out that the session wta ruMoratfcm itowwr. llHt Uew enn praotiee. could baa, has moved gradually. In 1870 1 to t)mt extant n la Lion and Irtognlarlty hnd tbw born Ike bat coats tkis sale. probably be over at 4 So In 18S0 we had the of with o'clock ole9Rm of W U. tlilWam to the torrnortni council i ruuHoan pnrty ever nave Haen to nathmal or wo had members; TllOfJ. K. D. MADISON, Marts, I - kHHdrwd. more or leas; In 1834 baiisrn aur inMiibui af Mr tlubUell to nowar? What ptwer ,,M AMd WH)mmI Mrl oontrnS eonbl rcnub- five Special Master. Tke Omnd Onler of the Bmitcrn I was divided Inlo Itngllsli nnd Mow Dm'l the work Wm. lit OHIUfHns, eonvenos Masonic temph- - t. weanW Wiers oxwolawl? manifuBtajIT jloan prtBOl,hlB haVe miliiMl tkla country lo tku head we gave off About two Star at ' Ipaalsk, and Attorney for J. a. IMatntlff. marrow moraiag yt k thai when you awwipi r 'MttH,lT httad.'ftl American tHeftibers to the OalilrMse, at t o'clock tint even shadow of ana"afio"""'mZIdan In UT Oh. but I trultaa lu eetlmaUon KieuiX II. IjHBTHII, of town visitors and delegates have 4brii la haI the am fidnmntitl the ttMKlbth work, and several chureti - I ruui Attorn y for IB. J. PeM & Co., rktlnt- nlroady begun to ririMer haa linau IlubbeU'a lawyer. Yea, and he ha ,,,., Ur ,hHlrt tiju mtUoa atanda. and lu ac buildings, nnd In Uno we bad about arrive. I i u u of the world IRb. Mrs. Minnie Miller of Albtimioraur good many other people. Then why Intenda low: fifteen gpanfeh-apeaktn- g boa tko kiwjer for a th thorn The ClUaon Ima aatei and when tb raa made, fallen, am- - hundred 0' m grand matron ol the auxllisrv or territorial oounell ralae eoo. It alft members; we had about twen mm tuti hla oVoattan lo the alii. aM (ua.afnr auBiorta the ofmtnlaRlltm of fall. rebolUoua, yet He ao lorad the it N0TI0E TO SUIT. i which ty-tw- o sundrcd ami nt our Met oonfer-- hla allenta to po"'orT uat tiie wmwiwn part)', believing that riublloanlam la tba solrit of lh ' people In tke nMtrtet Oatirt In nnd for tko Among those from a dlstanm uier world IhS iov2 -- w f'o-- the statletlos show I v ek'tv the republican party la the body, and that the aplrlt can treat tf hih. J" ' County of Haraaillto, Territory of are registered at oan hoteia arc Mrs iil office of h?rty.oe hundred. Wa th i.Aeiion of lirofAMier Millar to the be malnutlHed only by tko malntOHnnoa of the body. er fL (tLild It was innaiie, w. -, uuiMiiuia. New Mexico. J. It. Reed of Haat La Vegas an la In every iuj,.- .bamh Kaon Marie Umb, Plaintiff, Mm. D. ubnat mnerlnUndenL for whlth he wear or brana uHmoatairable, laexpreaeabie, ror "it $78-oa- a. 0. Siovana of Itnton, who "i Mot that The Oitiron tko w the wenty-nln- paraoiiagos valued nt vs. way ewHtenujr mim ue pmrwn, to any man or clktae of men ao loved tke world." Third, The stopping with her husband at or tke mark of aorvltude out- Bogottoa fiunday ackcol scholars UM. and John a. Lamb. Defendant. No. 7M7. Airs. Road ia aaner. beOaUOB HO me very won Uroat - "HI Son." wtJI also a irui?' iimIu t'". Mionaeu retnmienn w an himmoua lie. aa tkla commiMlty nkould naqulrod. lu all thla vou sea wo have bad to You. tko above mtihed dofoaannt. at StHrgee. eonnly oommiiiee, i rimrtli, The Coodltlofii ! tka Liariea, ealM by tha chairman of the kMW Any me can recall tka fact tknt tko morning build our own fives and kae bad to A. Lamb, are hereby notlfiod Miller re-- 'Whoaoever liettevcth." Fifth. Till John Officers ef flayal Arab Chsptrr, olaethm of Piofaoaor woM meieMiy out roaontty Ht n mattw of grant - Mrt tkoraforo Uc 1 .old "Should not for- that that Is an action pending In toe . r . I. . 1 1 a. Ma Im It Willi Mil ft I . .T . . I . H Daaaar Braroaaad. At the efaalna; sosston or ore u - - - Ufl- ..... ao 4. ORoroti, whn with any other like District court against you, whereby tba llojal iiuuiwi Itatareot to toe city, wntie in ewunif lah. aixth, The Promlae yea-terd- ny ftrik liven, crtoa the morn-- 1 wnri mlnalon In the world, eoneldering tke Arab chapter, a. F. aad A. M , M tko reiwWIeuR ttehet. On yor It hM )1m liw )HOet pewkJiniH onemy the repuhltran Bvrrlaating l.ifc" on the condlUoa the said Man Ms tie l.arah Is plaintiff; aftarnoon, tke following mw a wngiu ue HinlK'd minslonarv fund we have bad wblcb cause ia now pending In ssld lag par-- r, don't vote for I party baa known In Hew Mftxlao. of fnttk. wo nro not nahamed to compare It ly elected ofnoern were ou . miviUi,0" Mince tknt rmon wae preached Court; that tke object of aald aallon loatOfa Frnan nuooeii 10 pjnm. with H't cihrr mission. Oraad higat prtJr-'IT- . Rtepln a m. 11 much timidity, world haa movod Is to ootaln a dlean) ot ton of tae bonds may ecrvo to mgnien l I lu the Ik-M-i ,1 onnre. the full, clear nnd ognUolt ahowlng by Auditor re-- old Grand Army men am of matrmony pi Intin and Raton, deputy RTHnd btga priest. J or - Out tnar loxt la too at me ant yet between aftncBce people I juirarii. made three yearn ago to fjovoraor Otero rat! re- you. tke defendant nnd for tko eus-- 0. Mich, Socorro; grand klug, ) on iiiw lloucher Laa Veaaa; oranil arrltir J . . I aoWtoked In Tko CHiaon mat OTiwlnc, the morning paper .....i- - i ,u.. uM,k already ptken a utile armr tody ot your child. Floyd lamb, - . ...J!7T. . fa, information ' " - I I.V. ... . t.u, lwla J. hHy, Silver City; trcaa'ur He Ikat Koator onwya got were waging ....k .Mil and for prrmaaent alimony for fifty srand republlah. toouf that .Id m elotaoma er, A. Maloy. ; to .S"office A. TLLZ. for M. dollar a month, and tnat muses saw J. Albue.ttere.ui' ktati'l itTjmnm urnoo from tko eale of the MWtlaier Maty boada. am-p- a f. U secretary. A. A. Kaon. ka. mitt been iMBaTWIO HOWtvror, H iwwiwiob I - Vet waa always opposed I ouapuitH attend me national defendant entern his appearance In Albuiurq,.i u. neoan .aMuiuiivit-- - tke uornlnx "7 mmlZrZr- k.. r t ih.- the iv. aabiie tboi tko rooubliCBa ticket la whivh money ta alavesy. Hla rents worThevor camptuj-n- of )M Am aT the above entitled cause, on or be- Tko appoiallve otAoera installed in. lumn-ea- rt know that Mr Maateym recoivud tke ! prlvlloga to .Izirj,, hJuMee aarM or ttrofetttr inaot of U and whaci RepMbllt' I' ss i.roat fore Decern Iwr Mb A D . Itafi, Jttd the seealon yesterday of Itoyai Arc tutt ta aaateoee for tttnotoen ejataeanta. whaee bltla agalnat hi.le i.kZt march lth over tuuaaand of chapter are: Qrand . tko ticket nttaadMl tko :3Hbbelt pri-- l...r ami. AS5t time h.'..;b ment will w rendered In saM cause lecturer, noucr' ZHZL.u the rmutv bad aUowod tur the eommtMloRora or ,1mm ' out -i- u-r, i thatandiag tke by XeUafcta, K swell; chaplain. ) u- - aa Bbairmaa of tko roPHbHonn leu It rnimtmm mrM nt tke " against aaid defeadsat default. graad iukiell oourt judgiuonu. aad enca one "i lat. ' li waa a woMertai attorney Is H V. 8. Stovor, Albwinoraue; grand nr nrtmarwa. nnd tkero waa no satabllahod by that as the iMttor trnfiU now is. 1 I'lalntlu Ckaves coaatr aommlUo. onllel tke cbtlmanta awt kla part K tko aum lout, amoiiot .A .i nu. urlv leac tu aoi it rour ana nvu and his poatonlce addreaa Is Albn tnln of tke IhwI, rtnnk Hennlng. lu tbfH iui fill-'i:- 1' tw called, flood rooHb a i. war In whlolt they oauitl oaae, ! clvllhinn In Mmnanpolkt. New Mexico ton: grand principal sojourner. J t othor gaffoni-- reoori only akowotl thw to be the but rilliVteaarvrVrrnV ! huqtterue. pHmarlea and prevented tbem from Ht U?f- - v7.I!r.fiV5J7?; ib""dthe i rout yaraa. doors Slack, Clayton; grand Royal Uoaaa aitomled tko it u.w tbo naam of the whaHam elaltnaaU and tke ldewli.. JOHN VBtNAHLR. akIi tba Perfaete-Jeaoi-Jour- oombtne. ii,l window-- hu to Ike Clerk of the District Court aforesaid. captain J. T. ftafton, f'arlslmd. pratu ji melted br im-.'n- of of eaak olalm. VftMi can tka reader think tho I I t h to the county etHiveu our ; storto; al private First publication Oct. to. 19(H) nmator of third valt h. Hpitg, Hamt Theae yrlmarle aleototl detaoaten m'-- troubled to know what to do with " jwt; l lack of honor, iioaeaty aa rucaatiy uiepiayw v BWUIIC o Fo; gnuid l nominated the rojHibUean tieb - wnrk In Kui MAvlOA. "HO .Hliuiua mw maatcr of second udi 4iom and tbat convention I document- rl..ln., """ mornlrg pit per when. In the fare of tola i haadkerchlefs. shoots sad ebeera over mnmgton, Demlpg: . aSroty alt ory about Hnbb. ,.,i k with arnnd niastr ot. one kaowa that tkla toatlmoHy. It tills morning: "It yon V. old on bio maroh that day ABOUT Unit M. Wllflanw. il and ofnetal aald .r. the soldier SOME FACTS vail. R. Ijis Wm Xi quIniaMtence ot ohlkHilinaaa, a twrrot-l- r' ....T" ..i lL" tlakat la tba id not Mr. MuflfovH to tell you what lie did with that ""J: J2lr' X l".kT.'t There were only three of from New graad aoaunai. A. x. wlilicomi x kJwta. f lagoiittott of worda wUkout ,l.oae of tho MoKinloye county bend money, for whtek MHiiiemiie: iwunaaH tir finmmii i . . ' --YL' honor of carrying tho New Mexico ELECTION BETS foreign eurroetModeace, Wiuiii - ho received a p4reeo! oheok, it mta)kt ua worth wane to 5!2S!BffrSSA if J. If - inHJorlUot that nro botng a- M king. AlbnQHortiue, v.U' uasiAan- The i rounty tiMTfeMi d thrworTwooetllngly "" ' pragnoitloat- - rt him dark but I he tuoat Intereetlng of It. however. mnnI out for Antlrowa by polttltml T bt To Meet at Carlsaad. rMni in IOjMO. and ao far ito nne at all were hTth. HeanUwe now- - the roualon of kla tdd regiment, AND THE REASON FOR MISREP JCl Twenty-flfl- Volun-2"?:- MORN-JOURNA- oxttraoaed deelre at tho boglnnlag of h .' L m. in pollUoal oondlttana In the larrtlory nai The Cltlaon Its Calhol le Wlaeanstn RESENTATION BY THE It was given out at ta clos ot acaalHlotIth Delegate I the campaign to oomlaet n oktaH, decent ennvnaa, ami It CTcetlcd where be m.t will, about fl.tty CLAP-TRA- mooting yartvrday aftarnoon that That wa ' J."-'w its. - figared lew me mrnw naif? - .a h- Twenty-fift- 1 taa ao whllo It kao condemned l i old soldi, rx of tbe lodge, A. r. nnd A. M . Uran kj la true, and that kla major-- haa eodaavorad to do: far lato our lesion and was nkllRg the Andrew aura of election eharaatoriatng In Many of them had tkair Wives tke Utile tklngs skow the Royal onaptcr, tlrand coni e metkoaa unmeroifHlly. tltem unmla work ia Vfaw Mexico. Ua called pud AJt tke It) l WrMW la very prowthio. inaeeo, i .td daughters nu I slaters and rain prejudice utter disregard of mandory Knlgbts Templar will mc i mar imr takabU languaiie. It baa nvohtad poraonalltlea ao far aa froqucntly far a auportateMent. Dr. - ofvuH war laainriTT on w ami the was stMMr won truth la tbe Morning journal cian- at tke city of on I?'' uoui Knmi hii the candidate theawetvotr have been onaoorned. That Durbtn la writing Hboat It. wrote the reunion Carlsbad th '' . i. ... iui koeauao tho trtroaawr be la anowii At that reunion the major of trap. In an effort to create a false Monday In October, 10T. neowiaity tt somewhat In tko form ot a and h good will ttik haa been n matter vf cholee and not of prHfr Mto Twe-ity-nrt- was mere faailng of security amoHg Ra followers, o be with m aeaele of How Mwaiao tha more and cxproMSod the Nfipo toot the llefora adJouraJHeat rum iirand part The ortixon, la won rntown to en wno nave .itadv him of tka mofnlng imbltcaUon stated that a . ihe of up aoam oaa to go to tbat chairman tba " High Priest M. A. Oaboon prH-nt- In Albugtternue for nay bwgttt of time. In the would ralso In my a (Wires oM sotarfiitaa 1 hat of nra linn urea dollar on tae eiec- - 2L7mS atltt be ajrealdatl field Hsaka kla life work: t.i su- to tho i rothinaT grsnd kigh prlem. At tho It patience haa and chair, sag' tkMt of Taut llubboll was pulled down, nwaatrme. moat be coafoeeed that mtr perintend ftngllsa Span did Here sits la tbat tha ' orttt, on behalf of Rovgi ,,u - Z In h aad or aobbi TwejWy.ftfta, 1 a "promiNent man appeared a uTZTrLu laifc. Umm ...a.J irlA hi. tk. lunnilMe UUif IU ish nasi sekoola. Oao who would J'V our rods ebantor, with tho Jewel or iu work ith him In. tke army, hwiulpafii and a takar. . . noaiutv i peraoaal abuse of tko ropawkoan caadklntoa. uving it keep out worldly speculations aad - graad high priest. v,i.. n. aim at ot l might sav. thouaaaas of The "oromineat man," who is an T In a gbtaa aetwe. aad bavin candidate. on Ua make hla (tMmbMtJag mark apoa the lrT-aalae- d ajU aawaotiajt only to give a Mg .Hi' l am glad to say today that be never terseted party to tag election of one . who li... looorda. there may come a Hue whoa territory and future state of that man on people's ticket, want-a-d tuMiuefee AMdrowi. am aiao 10 oleot tkeUebot - spoke to me aa unkind word I would kmc the far Sena tor I Swoto a work would be war- ...... a iiuuiuMuiiii forbaaeanrii will oeaao to bo a virtue aad The Cietoe aouair. HT to bet hla money oa tke decision MARKET LETTER thy of area I soul," llhc to aaytae same of Col. Rusk be . ' ;ul--. I kaH find itaeir eoaotmlaod to draw eompariaoua it werb yet living. I t any of tko county commlsskmors, and irr JZ:'ZZZ: .r Now aot mean to Intimate, wish ooaM twoen tn pcraonai -- wwna too oppwiac i ia same of all ray brethren la tha mubdoji moaey waa up on tbe aaai rofbrendom mw. Wa batleva in the firat part I it at too maa prayed for. but. it tb' live and that ministry, i tonight on aev result, aa should be finally determined believe tlato kafi 1 am not. prayer haa not yet been stand tha BprHal Corraapaaooaoc. v of the inggaillnn bat do not that the tko cniyatvoalh round of a long ladder by tho courts. If there was a conteat. Lordaburu Liberal: Tae nomination of W. It An snawen-- aW whoa I call to miad City Mo., A coma waa Nw Monioo aaoaig aaopt wo inuwuve The sreaa of tbe ladder have heea on The Hubbell moaey la still p and Kansas Oct is approved lu al) parts of tbe ter narwooo waa a guna ii .referendum with all ita oamploaluoa drew for delegalo was mat Mr, ward aad upward aad from thla top' vainly await takare. pectsd Isat ween rattle n r groat schoUi a fiac teacher and that I my th- - Hit ritory. Mr. Andrews baa soon pushed a deal for atop 1 Tke willlagaeaa of those on the In heaviest of ih seasou at h of eiperl most shall soon step upward Chicago Speaker Oaanon of the ns the good of New Tdeairo since he was elected ueieaaie self id butl several unvela will eomo side of the working of tho gnag back- point. tn run waa l,M in In hi speech at , and like laarua the toaoaer, as proacoer. ana - ." .w" eluding II.ihiii calvea. numl-- i aay: "In all eras two years ago. and. will be in a position to do much more :."., -- uvar 111 . ing the people' party to bet on i:e largr lloagl legislative bouse, aaid tbe other u.H li nk,ll9M In - M. in .oil w n.nj ine u"w wt-r-e daltta- - term. It would be foolish for tko action of tka county aommlsalout rs, of country buyers here and th' tke dfeaSaer the durina the comlaa ' eaucaw, I 41'M P .UUB. .HU VHW. B .MaitlikmHi - our Wisconsin lo ') murk-- t advanced V. rout t they arc! people Now Maalao to elect a democrat to a repao- "My latent run Is sinking fast. with two of tho three recognised icneral to jyZTk, utr uukw kmv triad i tka naat. as of perils p. might Indulge tho thougnt republican during the week. Run today fa 23,0"" ... SZa I Mean tkov want mack, aad a demjcret by My Journey s afmoMt run; enemies ot the regular ik. iMiMtiant ik. iMoram and the coaareaa. for wo wmm tbe ones prayed for the ; bead, includlna :i,o(M 1vei. ti.. big- My strongest trlnla now are pest party oao a oanildate oa tka people's msrkf patriotic tnlstakea, oould get little By ruturnlng Mr. Andrew with a groat doctor. stnmg, except on i osMa, as wall as tboae who are but My begun ticket, and Uta other ruaklag hla near tm cowa So position to do Bt-fo- I I had triumph Is awa.v from tke basic prlnelplea of axmtM. egoetive gov ger majority than ever he will be in a came u New Mxtco relative oa the same ticket, creates ney cstves It ih Hi lata In Hi territory, do more for statehood than prea h. ,i th years and a naif in n, come aagel band, season nnd coumry ramsart mto tke realm of theoretical reform, mysticism much for the and Come me stand! a suspicion, even in tka minds of tke iuoi buyer of atnte- - Mtchiusn. one year ta xiaBoaota, ahd around ready o lay In cattle for and oould anybody. With the cooooded defeat Joint O. me away on yoor snowy disinterested. i'i Uurox gad halt In Wlscoasln, bear la-i- d la probable that some aon .ra a Wky akoukt tkoaa knowing wmtcr'a operations, ao that a im.-- i In Arlsoua it extreauriy - army wings, tka kefok- tka war. tarae yearn ih working demand from thnt aourcc ia Oak elections ia New kTgig-4a- of a deal will bo made far tko boaoMt of Now Mexico, tke To my Immortal home of tka trade aad deals tin at tba recent life an. i three in Wlscoasln nftor raapaattble for people's ttoket be for awhile. There la n ahortage of lm recently said "Local laaoea were and with Mr. Andrews there to watch for oar Interests the the Boston Oloke ao rAy with money to bat oa the In som localities, but aa the com i n ss tbe east of republican defection, but local H Is certain we will got all that la duo us. aad proba Is good nesrly all over the feeding stam4 will count MMda by tkair jndaa of elaation (Musi era iBevttakfv tbe taltUl nseaaee for wavering bly more. Mail) democrats coBcedc tbia and aad their county oom m las tons rsT tlon, Special pain I being tak. n t ah v to every arga Kited power." Tboae In this com- - fur hint TO DRIVE BACK MIS- - JACK CRAWFORD prosfrv the fodder wherever the 'tav lor orop I mnolty who are beta lad away from their duty to their This Mernlng's pssttd Bu. short. Continued high prior i ory of Issues.' will Tbe Cltisen has nothing lo aay against A. E. Mark on aaotkar pais of today'a Cttlsea for hogs will Insuro a profit In recdmc nartv b ke snecloas bat fakw "local LECTURES IH COSTOM even if cattle prices prove of warn- - er personally. He is a good ettltaa aad an ornoteoni SING UVERY T00RH00T, H 4a published the beta posted late yes do not eat do weU to remstaWor tka foregoing atietnnce oeoupy. enn terday aftarnoon. iter are the beta Isfaetory. Stuff Is coming from .in tke Booton Olobe. man in any place be way But The Oltlsea range freely now, stem, very good aaa us posted tkla morning: stockers and feeder aot sapport him for probata for tae liofi 8. mainly at 3 0o to UM, killing ana-dlda- le Captain Jack Crawford, the poet that T. ITakoeli will be sleet- st'Hr . one forcot tnat the peonies usaet wo nevei sufficient reason that tko reaablleaa party has a RoloM, on Anal to LSI. Colorado cowa $2 fir, MoB- - II. V Ilyers. a livery man of j t4tomt of rew Mexico, addreaaed a ed roeblts. 8.4 to )y pooale. Tke peoftia ot town aao for the same office la the person of Neetor V. y Montoya will panhandle cow tt.IS (o selected the tnis eat a maa lo Albuguoiauo to drift audleuee at Trinity Method tat file that Iicero iif ooaadv bad nothtaa to do with Its select kw. outside of toy a a man as well quntiled for tke poaRloa aa Mr. iyg, be elected. esnner and bulls 1100 to St.r. iigi, to tbat tka horse aad buggy Denver, Tuesday .? , mm oo tlckot of a few of their friends Walker can possibly be. Mr. Moatoyn la the candidate plat gpitootnl church, ikat . RX Walker will be calves to MIS, heavy n'v. tkofO Wku are tka and Me- - pie-luty- r. m - poawawlnii He was In tka to $1.00. leaaiher bv maas meet by dclogatad oonveatlon not of th- republican party, regularly nominated, wormy found in tka of James nighn dressed elected. 8.M ins. Nuppe nmoolaatlon waa that ticket MUM. All me and well aualifieJ. Mr. Walker la the MaeVaate Of the tnmmarty known a Wackm.'' fit) that oarrie praelaot Sheep run waa snwllvr last w. . l !Z.WroVdMwefl No. S7.000 bead, ZSmlZ.,. tk eiu-- around the I dstaocratic eosabiae. whiok la aow worktMO aad h It. market higher on knii:.. i. . ; - mi ui at I , . . nwMM.t.aMM. Millllllllflllll.MI waa ?M that R. Spring, will b Inmba and on couRtry grades nil. , foregsslng (not. Ihn Ntroin.sB Swau M M WRk n of sleeted. muttoas uneven. Demand for w-- , If Mr Walker la a republican, It must be confessed that' UrlvlnK that of filbert I buggy delivery aot aailke fa tkat . M. Walker will tng ewes l so gret very poor way showing It; though apart man u horse aad tm .ujgpMiion tost ifickctH Nogabm, ArU . ()sls Ten years from now that lan he haa a of ao1 J"'!"" Hubb it, of the - nvnnaaiy outbid oa ewes,, lit- - tkla morning. . RaoW Is u i htM oarti affl lat Ions a nice man himself, otr- "ego" which admits aad $M will mm ttaan ine (tuinacnii ic eeuirai ouauaniei vwii ' - that Romero bo thig or fat. Run I 11,000 today t, certainly is not (arefui as lo the oompaay be keeps. Th- - puttee dpcrtfiMfill reoulvod proad ot It. This is not eailrely fa- oactsd. a ' tam aouaty easting the largest vote against statehood will --y-- ulelag large share of feeder u,., fH-.- i j nsaralac lo voralile to speaker at firat. but or dewtroyed aad the people will be aa uaUb the 1100 that J. Beavim will bo koi strong to to higher. Horn, i,:, dafljbla fay be on bfetkaat nvr Vataiyro, who ko dlpa down lato kla poetical ananVstV of U aa are now ikeae who aismad tae it Is evident that Nail B. Field, la preparing hla the wba Utah lamb sold at $7.56 today, m atkhfimed i Roto has oojge ta rtagiug loaosi 11.- - Saturday algal, departed bis cos will tatm baok to Ha creations ami m that Andrews wilt sot kave top on tke general niarku, altl.o Toatkatoao roll af Isoaor la ItM. aaoeek for from usual itaigod tke city JsU kara from aomo of kla mora raaootive wm-tar- e ooo more aomo .,k, esamtaaajtefi Uta correct aeaa kla keen la vote than Irrasolo. akow lamli old at i.6o tod tcun ol peraoaal fata of his arrest. logs, tka au4teaoa fiaou kirn a good to good no rnlr Ismba range from $7 ui Mow asigaoa kavc bora comatlrted In the data. Mia statistlea kave been shown to be thorough . . w entertainer. maav ..... Harry T. Patckin. who be been for wards, yearling U w.-th- iLO Kie, wuu w ...jmum lu umww .i.iwra to U 6. , stany voters have boon duped iaaeonrate but oa oaaataalon is possible. He . waa In iiiui of charity Haw lr that rnnHi.-ni,- .tAvlea Ma t bow bawiomol "ia lecture lunaoay aigat (sometime ooftdnotlag tbe orchestra at WW, ewe lodav nt U.eo. , r the Morning Journal poems of f,,,,,, ory, "rafQHiLH and learned too lata that tkair took litem at second hand from iu..LZkwTf m1o with auiferous the Nik' akatlag rink, has reoetred breeding ewe t Sfi sO . us httn turnout Is " red of ton la.t w hall lot down tba bars to fireea paeturas for Mr Ktold will do well la tbe future, when In Hiewt of Itoal u Ba mouat ,B amlstmeut la the railway postal bulk of breedlog wo I.7B roilthlltty wauixi aTta to i m Vnrk while to f. : lHOompOttU wbl-.- a little taveetlgatlon accurate fluuri nd real facta, lo appK to Tlir (1tltn "wvt service. He will lonv tka latter part Wrllng $t v,.r.dla sad rtos--''"'v f" of this week for his first raa suath. tSftO. feeding iambi 6 ii. .OAOti re Sect Ion would nvc prevented for them fuLZr wrin tn J