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Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-20-1906 T University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-20-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-20-1906 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-20-1906." (1906). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a . V0L0M1 15 ALBUQUBRQUE. NBW MBXIOO. SATURDAY, OCTOBER IOCS many report depart mem. baaing kw fWiaaat embalmed In court and "APACHE" WOOL GROWERS SYNOPSIS OF JUDGE oar of them at leaat ha bnaume cie "NAVAJO" AND th Banm wwrw cemfiad bp Um m braird In llteratnre. It could hardly ofhc bmidHML ytt aom perns. a4 CITY COUNCIL TRANSACTED bp othirwle. There probably never tbo two-tor-y htekk aad mimt4 OF COLFAX MEET wa a legtateture anywhere without Navaho wa orlalnally wrlit'n IRA ABBOTT'S imi r fHtr tin reeteenoo nja. and I u word of Hpanlab otlin. Te oa la atlmnled betwaen W Kir ihwii mko pan In making an ay Anthropo Aorordltm to the aad tea thoaaand dollar, partly n ADJOURNED THKMMLVIS ipp rtloniin'iii to luirMtKH at mi' late lr W Mattbrwa, that, nam i r4 by insuraar, . MUCH BUSINESS LAST NIGHT NTS AN ASSOCIATION A MB thr rtlwiiii'in!' )' of ijrong fi.'nrmllr Huppoaed tn mefl "rlaaplng Tne Bre w first no tried by OPftORRS KLICTnW. inteiv!. Tin- - dtBin- - for partv auc knlft- - or raaor,' and to hav tea nigkt biaokaajntb aad Wa ax i a anil for I ral n Ivantagp aUo op given by ;he Ppanlard beoauae th engineer PI me were ha - Imi Satardar afternion, erate Ma'nm tho m.iklng of fair ap- i Navah warrlora carried great atone uraash the roof of aba new nownrad in thaa knlvek about pereoo. it aa butldtac. tboorv Is Umt troulr H. - ...... I try' T n hwi.ot, ni n. their and tb the wool gtowera of Colfajg ajwaty Ill tno mailOrOI KOUlSingiinQ deed agalnm tbelr readily agreilag also been auggeeted that lb nam bvJIalBg wa htatied by eteetrta wliaS. Gas, Electric Light mat at the opera houee In thla any for any ho- - nmjr come from a hmuunymoM word Tha alarm of waa given and all The Albuquerque . on apporiionmeni wnniaver. Ita tha purpoaa of organlalng arHaaatla-tHm- the Territory and it Up- aldea. the length of tno legteiatlvo maaiilng pool or amall tab. Ptaally mea draroand heiatod ta th n Company Came in for A fair number wert praaaWaj any aeealoa la tbl territory la by law HornUo tlalo, a prominent. Amerteaa Atao. vrns BWhaU and trtt tha and Power the Rprtager tloekman. holds Gov. Hagarmen. Sxcd within thp limit ao aarro that othaologt:1. reeorgod the met that mtmtm attaefcad tha Smn whhHTnn, Jenmie Troy waa iwleete akalrmen It would be almoai or aultx Imnrarll onto take it to abjMlfy Corn a Id Hea-pl- e. from tb oaWa bslbittnx M tha of Animated of the meeting and Taodoam tcmmtM foi any legtetature to commote la the light of the lataet rad bop aaaMfBj. It wv a Large Share aeereury. On of )l. Abbott IntarpretnUon not aooa (Imt aavo motion d tn th mm nt Mm mIbIau MM--1 w aBBort lonmoat at any MMMIna in thla doe abpareiit all aflaets to It wfca nropoeed that the imw aatmoM mining Oawrtmr hddMww to Ita uanal neeaary bnal mm devoid of approprtnlenaew. the butt4fcga wonld be MUIe an4 purpose m view, the action of iwrntf own explanation, wa put t novo Discussion. km wetk with three man in fhe rMHrmnmmani ot um PUiher IHmold' erery enrt fortii tfto vie: for the enactment of a. htw by the territory for Icgtetativa enrpenea, tail "On the other hand, the governor however, hi Mill more phMtalble. A or Uu which by thm Umo k1 ho- mpar-vhw- r Ignited. legUlalnre providing for rami brOujatt territory, name la evidently nanlah. the es Atta a hot Itnht wMh the injunction auit ij llon.lof the fm mth nnture and mbnrionAr- - In eteti precinct ot a eeaalry; T. 11. ron AbafCt held I (Mara of hU la In a no I Uon record f the old Apnlb the Aama Um Are wa rtftixlh4 WAY FOR SALARY 1ECREASES. F. H, atamp among aheap Cat Judae that oftee. cen FIXING A to out aoab and It waa a political nmK tnat um m mano aa apportmament mu la and spmrfs mut nawraiiy at the or bfna. w4M niter tea meaning, rraw. APPOINTED HEALTH COMMISSIONER. tae octermiaaMfttt of animaH. plaintiff waa aeektaK to protect, I iHreetloatton and doHberntlOM, nnhi- - talh Utn ky ta MITCHELL Thara waa eonaMerabHt ubt dwotM jtttlr would not aKord blm relief. I aaod bp oMmMernllOM anah na It baa In n memorial to the km of Ipaln NEW FOUND Indulped In a to rnrfcwa aubjeota 1N0 liy Ahmao de tian The court then aald: baeit anaajaalad would be Ilkety to written at Pm DEAD IN TEXAS tending Inward the advancement and HaamrMOB, O. P. M , the writer, af- "IP my view, there for, ife pmlntlatand In the way of like fair and well Lewie, I TW WHO llHfillt prateettea amJ danarlMag (Mia Apaehee, aaya Jim brother of Ja Lowk. ef Uutf takUr. stul lb , of tha wdttatry for tha iff not in court on tuaPuN grow. conmaorM notion oy tne lettnwHur ter tha iai..i M-- tm m goad organlaatlon. ii -- laagwm ot Ports km, aad of It , . mmZm strlaflRtt HSfwss w ot the but aa I well aaar frean the Tb fact ear oueeaortlhaT la that more than Ifty north lUjkUW, iMumia. that T both of wham neo In u7'',m. !-- , On motion the ahalne appplnfd a high profvaeaalMj etaapttng I gwlattve aaaemMy could repeal- - then "on eacountera the provlaee ho.1 of .metric, and ability and have L losBlatlo Njra WUlMfMH, Haaley. Lmtward ot to i ntact mre mam th Aapchea of Nhvujo Although well, waa fuwd dead mmr Sap th Bamrlai i of committee inree hot too :aw in queeuon, ! 'iuw nnon () wlm, tHcrtrtnx aa to of the ort.ail and aaaaetawiea thry am Apache nntkm aa toalo, Teaaa amtt t kre wesim asa. ! id nirriiw. beta an meeutive rotnuiltte t h- - my ccaem-lbn- e faHed to ao, no an are the I he rhiet Of poller, patrolmen, taw will regular year, couaael in re. mat do and that Tbe aewa haa Jeat r seabed PmBgBl. .i..l - MMKIMtaMMMr 1. ordinance take lu aerr for the nrat aa Mtowa: alog may not be aound, ami bene v lag Ip rtummoat. aa It appeara. in bib he roregclng. thy are aulijort and courw Amador M on H. ('. Abbott and tht euborMinat to naother chief raptaln. He had acroa the oaunmr nVgd ths etty j toy, that th public Intereet may be aerv- - tory of the territory nn been Mrt4 with minor wnllwi Mooeado tloaaale. Thla committee and hav a dlatlnrt mod of livlna anc was not found until lags tur until tot hour Umt night, ed Uy a Judlc: ' examumtlon of th dinr-u- ny tne legtaiaiure, hm.uim after hi death. The bodyrriwa Bp elected aa executive - Por thoae of back yaoder did not repon of Um city aKornoy wnn The Pay ef PflemM. the vaiidltr of th aoDortloaaaeai of hod- I a ceeerr.i KBtiaiaetion witk in ;aw The (Hear H. C Abbott . plant, bwt by badly decomposed that IntSrHMmt hn ! Troy, Amador . In t umauted themaelve i . r (o eotnpmtnt ot In in matter H Increasing Um tember I have ntorwawtl not to and aognlecence working ppot. ron'c aiienen M on lora, Sevrrlno MarUne and Ko- the rhaee, and today wr have broken o b made Immedwvlolr m tha or nun doclalon of aauae wholly wfeleh, a baa already uoen ugget w--a ' charges lor metalling mv aries omenti in im poiwe, rir do (roftentea. base mr thla land to It I tboucht that hla ttanftt city department upon Uw rea on the wattem of form procedure 1, I rr.tltled to weigbt In favor of for them nad tafcibt them and.ivfor certain kind of mtm. atrt The new awmelatton la to be known and plant. Uut Uior of tfavajo are very ennaed by pnnlysl. report nlno rsvtswod uon or mayor two wMka ago, tb already to, to kaaalra in-i-n validity. wa tutrl tko Wool aaaocMllon referred but great for in Nava- Tt oomnany's gnuac committee mad Um following a tb fJrowera' of to tne menta of the caae a If rne court men Miarueee ine propo htrmera. that what ih complaints about the offl-cer- c 'he jo " supply Msbt to Colmx omnty. Maw Mexico. Tha were ttnaoeatlonablv tor oantld- - ltlon whether the gorernor had oom- - algMlflea i,real plnnteJ fllda MININS MAN SUDOGNUY reported refusal to roommndU0M: (be Aral year were: ohm rrom Ion Apacbea . fHrnlslwd all tb 1'oUc per month. eleetad for oration on ploadlmm. plhal with the term of the taw In the axpie "the STRICKRN WITH PARALYSIS uatomer anl It chief of ?IH the It S80 .Krone Troy, preeldent; Taodoalo Oon maaing me quae- - of N'nvaln" It evwlant that tb laat I,. K. l HI i cht the customer use lntrolman nr mouth 1). "Th validity of the anttartloamont nimortiaameni la IHaer ha retnraad t'aso com-Nam- alee, aeeretary, and J.
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